#xray laser
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Looking for the best dental clinics in Kanakapura, Bangalore?
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With a team of highly skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Beyond Smiles ensures you receive the best treatment for all your dental needs.
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beyondsmilesbanglore · 3 months
Finding a Good Dentist in Bangalore: Your Path to Superior Oral Health
Choosing the right dentist is critical when it comes to your oral health. A good dentist can make or break your dental experience and overall health. So, how do you know if your dentist is good?
Your Path to Superior Oral Health
Choosing the right dentist is critical when it comes to your oral health. A good dentist can make or break your dental experience and overall health. So, how do you know if your dentist is good?
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Let’s explore some essential qualities to consider when searching for a trusted dental professional in Bangalore.
Active Listening: A good dentist in Bangalore actively listens to your concerns and questions. They take the time to understand your dental history, any issues you’re facing, and your goals for your oral health. This patient-centered approach ensures that your dentist provides personalized care tailored to your needs.
Education: Dentistry is a dynamic field, with advancements and new techniques continually emerging. A good dentist in Bangalore stays updated with the latest developments and takes the initiative to educate patients about their dental health. Whether it’s explaining treatment options or providing tips for maintaining oral hygiene, they empower you to make informed decisions.
Clean and Comfortable Setting: The environment in which you receive dental care matters. A good dental clinic in Bangalore maintains a clean and comfortable setting that puts patients at ease. A hygienic clinic not only ensures your safety but also reflects the dentist’s commitment to providing quality care.
Understanding Your Needs: Every patient is unique, and a good dentist acknowledges this fact. They take the time to understand your specific needs, fears, and preferences. Whether you have dental anxiety or require special accommodations, they are dedicated to making your visits as stress-free as possible.
Follow-Up Care: Dental treatments often require follow-up and maintenance. A good dentist in Bangalore doesn’t stop caring for you once the procedure is complete. They follow up with you, monitor your progress, and address any concerns that may arise after treatment. This ongoing commitment to your oral health ensures long-term success.
When on the hunt for an excellent dental doctor in Bangalore, it’s crucial to consider these essential qualities. Your dental health is a fundamental component of your overall well-being, and selecting the right dental professional can have a profound impact on your life.
Connect with our dedicated dental doctors in Bangalore at Beyond Smiles today, either by visiting our clinic or booking an appointment.
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
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I'm Graham and Bonding - Paper
(plaintext under cut)
Slender Jesus is here to assign you an RPG
First Name
Last Name
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anelespyrodrawings · 8 months
¡Alastor overpowers Vox!
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I am currently studying for one of the final exams in February , for my Licenciatura of Kinesiología y Physiotherapy and involves underextending electromagnetic waves for using electronic machines for therapeutic use
seen that I am also a Fan of Having Hotel made this more fun to study
why? Because Alastor and Vox uses electromagnetic radiación to trasmite their voices and in case of Vox , well the Tv , Wifi and and phone.
and also, it Explain that Alastor is above Vox
How is this?
¡well, first we have to know that electromagnetic radiación is!
in consists of waves of the electromagnetic (EM) field, which propagate through space and carry momentum and electromagnetic radiant energy.[1] 
Types of EMR include radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, all of which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.[2]
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you did't undestad ? don't worry , I was confuse also ( I am form Argentina so the English terminology is new D)
to simplify , they are invisible ways of energy that go through the sky and any space, the earth, you and I, have energy that its acumulated and tranforme , becuse al goese way back to the Big Bang. the sun radiates this type of ways, that why in the other paragraft you have that it says.
RADIO waves ( Alastor , AM, and FM radio , ) microwaves (yes the one artifact that helps you heat you favorite warm drink), ifrared (LASER!!!) Xrays and Gamma ( the worst ones for your body or any beging)
the radio waves can ve hear! (sound) but not before or when they get too thin.
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Take this picture , this the way the electomagnetic ways are repesent for undestanding them ( purple Adove , red and blue in the other) in matematic ( don't panik or stop, it easy I promise) way to represent it it whit this curve, the more frecuent, more taller (Amplitud) less long is the wave and the more it penetrates in objects ,the objects can absorve this wayvs (yes our bodys too) and that why we have more or less tan skin on summer !
¿what the hell ? what are you saing Anele? how the radio of my TV, favorite music or my warm drink has to do whit how tan is my skin?
well that becauseeeeeee ,¡the sun itself radiates this waves! all of them , but some becuse of the mantel of Ozone prevent us to die, yea imagine if All the Ulta violet rays, the C ones that are the most dangerose ones go to earth.... we will die burning as the core of the earth or hell is!!!
Now ultraviolets are really not al bad news, it helps our bodys whit our Vitamine D and to have calsium and stronger bones! (yes tan that body beatiful human, whit Verosica in consert perhaps jejeje...just in the not so agressive for our body Hours, plese
now you have to know there a space between the ifraRED and ULTRAViolet , that ivolves what we can see , the color of the specturm , that it were the TV of color comes ! (go again up to the second picture.
you see the rainbow!
So clearly Alastor is adove Vox in terms of power and also you an see it clearly in the colors pallet , Vox has blue and red , and Alastor only red,
sooo still even of FM and TV are in the same, Alastor controls Am And Adove!
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Cigarettes don't kill people. Smoking cooks the lungs which reduces stamina and lung capacity but only after 5+ years of smoking nonstop. Cancer and COPD and emphysema are given to smokers by a combo of technology (xrays & lasers & probably another thing not mentioned in books or on Google) used by either "the elite" humans or extra terrestrials...and medicines taken orally or injected...and food & drink poisoned by the aforementioned elites and/or e.t. What's your perspective on that?
You're wrong. It's all being done by tamed Bigfoots at secret weather facilities. I already figured this out hours ago. Catch up.
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ting-sweet10 · 3 months
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Jumblerune Revamped - Berdly
cold, serious, responsible and a teacher's pet
low IRL social life, but online is more active (not as much as regular Berdly)
fantesises of being the vilain of a story, thinking they are much better written (and having a crush on a villainess from a video game)
equipment: Prickly Feathers and Garbled Homework
becomes a weilder of launchable spears, dealing range damage
has xray lenses, with one eyepatch to both look cool and "give the arch nemesis a fair advantage"
at the end of the day, him and Noelle will become friends
weapon: Laser Harpoon = it launches spears burning hot to the touch, cutting through circuits like paper
armor: Neon Feathers = glow in the dark extension for dramatic effect and a thin layer of protection
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Finally got to making a sprite for Angus, my Yuusona
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Profile and Info
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(Name: Angus Tempest. Also: Angus Draconia. Dormitory: Ramshackle. School Year: First/One. Message for Students: "Please don't overblot. Get therapy." Notes: Anger issues, from another world, copies accents, hunted ghosts back home. Personality: Sassy, quiet, sleepy, hyper with friends, chaotic. Voice: Natalie Van Sistine. Hobbies: Art, Writing, Reading. Nickname: Prefect, Shrimpy. Height and Physical: 5'7, fit body, bad posture. Abilities and Skill: Same as Ghostbuster tools. Author: Ace Of Hearts)
Angus is a magicless human from an alternate world that is barren of any magic and fantasy creatures, a world that is the opposite to Twisted Wonderland. Though over time of being exposed to the intense magic of this fantasy world, they have begun developing their own abilities, their body mutating as it absorbs the magic surrounding them.
Before being brought to Twisted Wonderland, Angus worked day and night to keep their home safe from the only fantasy thing in their home world. Ghosts. Ghosts that the public were skeptical on, Angus was apart of a small business made from themselves and their friends, and they hunted these Ghosts to keep this world safe. They called themselves The Ghostbusters.
Ever since they got teleported to Twst, Angus' body had been mutating and morphing, their appearance slowly changing. Soon enough, they realized that their arms were mechanical feeling and their back had small lumps. Didn't take long for Angus to realize that their Ghost hunting equipment had merged into their skin and body. The proton pack fused into their back and can be activated to give Angus more energy, but it'll burn them out quickly and may sometimes faint, the proton pack in their back is a main source of power for them.
Ecto Goggles - another set of eyelids, like the secondary eyelids that cats have. These eyelids, when closed, let Angus have xray vision, thermalvision and can see any invisible Ghosts. Their eyes start to hurt and water if used too often.
Proton Pack - Located inside of their back, attached to their spine. Angus doesn't exactly need this for day to day stuff, but without it, they wouldn't be able to use magic or any abilities they gained from the mutation. It's the main power source for their abilities, and is a very sensitive spot, and if overused it will cause Angus to faint.
Neutrona Wand/Proton Gun - The iconic gun in the Ghostbuster franchise, the thing itself that neutralizes ghosts. It's abilities and powers got transferred to Angus' hands, and they can shoot out those silly laser beams at Ghosts, weakening them. If shot at a living person, the target will experience a light stinging feeling, and a quick moment of paralysis. The way this works, think of the finger guns from Cuphead and Mugman.
Trap - The other iconic tool of the Ghostbusters, the Trap. Located on the arms, going from the wrist to the elbows, the following area has pale and dark striping. The area is pretty mechanic and metal like, and the arm opens up its shields/hatches just like the trap does. There isn't much difference, it's just if you shoved the trap into someone's arm. It has no button or anything exterior, internally it has wrapped these wires around the veins and connects to the Proton Pack.
P.K.E - The sensor and tracker for Ghosts. This is quite a bit different from the actual tool. Located on the collarbone, near the neck, are two little metal dot-like things, these will make noise and get gradually louder as Angus gets closer to Ghosts, alerting them if any apparitions are nearby. The sound it makes is akin to a siren cover of the Ghostbusters theme.
These things started developing around the start of Book 4, and when Angus was mutating, they were significantly more grumpy and irritable. Before Book 4, they were normal and without any abilities.
Questions are welcomed :〕
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gotyouanyway · 1 year
can’t wait for next wednesday i’ve got huge plans. phone appointment with my doctor to ask why everything is getting worse every day forever. then i go get shot in the face with lasers. probably stop in for a quick xray omw home. booked
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uranium · 9 months
I heard you know things, I am not that familiar with radiation, so I'm not sure, I got a lutetium aluminum garnet, since they are made to glow when exposed to gamma radiation or x rays, and I've noticed they seem to also glow in the presence of ultraviolet radiation, do you think it might respond to the alpha radiation emitted by a uranium bearing mineral? Sorry if this may seem like a silly question
ooh good question! it seems like that garnet is mainly used for lasers, which i dont work with a lot, but from what i can tell, its fluorescent, which means that it works by absorbing high frequency wavelengths and emitting lower energy/frequency wavelengths in response.
gamma/xray/UV are all photons and thus can be absorbed by the garnet, but alpha radiation is dispensed through massive particles and i dont know if it would work the exact same way in this case. (i know alpha radiation can cause fluorescence in a few other materials, so its definitely possible, but i cant say for sure)
it might be difficult to tell at home because its much easier to blast your garnet with a bunch of UV photons at once than to get a similar flux with alpha particles, so itll be a little tricky to compare even if you do have some alpha source...but maybe you can make something out if you have a hot enough source in a dark room! lemme know if you can figure it out >:D
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thatstormygeek · 9 months
Starbuck's Christmas List
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Eye Lubricant ($4.00) Endotracheal Intubation ($10.50) Clipping/Surgical Prep ($12.50) Anesthetic Biohazard Waste Fee ($17.50) Vital Sign Monitoring ($19.50) Drape Pack ($22.00) CONE OF SHAME ($23.00) Major Surgery Pack ($30.50) Anesthetic Induction ($33.50) EZ Lift Sling ($36.50) INJ: Pain medication ($44.50) Suture Material ($45.50) DISP: Tramadol pain meds ($48.00) DISP: Additional pain meds for dogs over 50 lbs ($56.50) Anesthesia : Isoflurane Additional 30 minutes ($65.00) INJ: Antibiotic ($67.50) IV Catheter and Fluids with Anesthesia ($71.50) DISP: Pain medication ($82.00) Skin Staples/Suture Material ($83.50) DISP: Antibiotics ($89.00) Meniscus Surgery ($126.50) Laser Surgery ($129.50) Epidural ($132.00) Exam Recheck x2 ($138.00) Radiograph (digital xrays) postop/Recheck x2 ($150.00) Pre-Anesthetic Blood Screen ($169.00) Hospitalization - Day of Discharge ($176.50) General Gas Anesthesia ($190.00) Hospitalization Level 0 - Post Op ($384.00) Bone Plates And Screws Hardware Fee ($618.00) TPLO Surgery ($671.50) Bone Plating Surgical Fee ($1,061.00)
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 2 years
Episode 1.6 Dalek
holy fuck. holy fuck it's my favorite nuwho episode. I'm so excited let's DO THIS
eyyyy OLD cyberman!
Nine looks almost wistful while looking back at the Cyberman. Like maybe remembering his past? Oh. :<
He still smiles at the soliders pointing guns at him. :)
I really like the scene with the alien musical instrument
"She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her a "she"!" Rose I adore you
Van Statten is an absolute ASSHOLE but God he makes a good semi antagonist
CHRISTOPHER. MY GOOD SIR. HOLY FUCK HIS ACTING IS ON POINT. He goes from shocked, to absolutely terrified! Then to sadistic glee.
Also I just love the Daleks. So damn much.
"I had no choice" I want to hug the sad boy
uuughhhhhh adddaaammm
Rose pretending to be surprised when Adam is explaining that there's alien life is amazing
"We're just friends." Yeaaaah okayyyy
Okay so the Doctor comparing Henry to Davros....ouch.
And the scene with Rose and the Dalek. She cares so.much about this awful, awful creature.
The Dalek downloaded the entire internet. Like everything...on the internet??
I love how this episode understood that the Daleks being defeated by stairs was kinda silly and was like "nah they fly"
honestly the soldiers not taking the Doctor's orders seriously isn't even a stretch.
"Kill yourself."
"You would make a good Dalek." best line. Chills.
Rose reassuring the Doctor when she doesn't reach the bulkhead in time...stooooppp
the way his face lights up when he sees she's still alive!!!
"What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?" A DALEK FUCKING SAYS THIS AND WE NEVER BRING IT UP AGAIN
Nine looks so awkward with a gun. Perfect.
Rose actually reasoning with a Dalek. QUEEN BEHAVIOR
The scene with Rose, Nine and the Dalek. It's too much. It's so good but it's too much.
Something that sticks with me. Nine mentions that he could hear in his head whether there was anyone left after the war. Imagine living your life with the voices of your people in your head and after a massacre (that you ended), there's nothing but silence. That's. wow.
"Adam said he's always wanted to see the stars." "Tell him to go stand outside then." SIR.
"Plus, he's a bit pretty!" Sir you are handsome and beautiful and I will hear no arguement
uggjhjj ADAM
Episode Conclusion
but I will.never forgive them for cutting out the hug scene :<
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lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 16th The people under the stairs
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This is a classic horror some might say a black classic that I missed growing up I didn't miss it I was aware of it but I never saw it
It is was craven
I knew my man's was a main character which is another weird reason why I never watched it
This Lil man was a legend
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Long tarot reading
Triple 3 days late Wild kill that landlord mf right now
Damn why they mean to the child too
Heavy on the drama with the evil landlord but I feel it
Dang Ving being abusive ass
Lol treasure map
This is hilarious
Gold lol
Abusive mom
Not the girl feeding zombies
Not the n word
Omg boyscoout lolz not a whole costume
This is already so extra
Cerebral palsy omg
Another disguise
Lol legal right to come in
Xray eyeballs
Voo doo dolls?
Too old to get tit too young to get ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rot!! The bad doggie of the day
Lol audio recording esque how can I help you
Interesting effect
I ain't stupid
I appreciate them stating flat out this may be a horror movie but I'm not white I'm outta hear
Locked in na
I'm clearly supposed to know what that film is but I don't
Already got
Got it
Not too worried about spence
Who you calling a theif? You young man are the theif
Who are you avid TV watcher
They all look white
She back already
They parked in the drive???
2 adults
Just because a man is lying on the floor doesn't mean he is dead 😂
Size of Detroit 🤣🤣🤣
Kid just got FRIGGIN zapped
Dog did not want the kid
Bruh fool is bleeding
Everything on auto these people rich AF
With a laser scope
Damn what year is this???
Run fool
At least he gave a shit about the kid in the end
WTF puppets and candles
Casper the friendly zombies??
That's outside not in here
Lol fair point
He said nah I'm a whole other thing
Not a gimp suit
A very on the nose police assuring the safety of white mass murders while ignoring black children screams
He got dressed so fast to see the police
Just the assumption that the black child is after alice
FULL home alone hijinks
I recognize roach as well
He's still actually working at lot still
Full crackpot
Boil bath
Death sluge pit
It is all white dudes failed boy child's
Not magical white boy, that's first time in a horror movie ever seen a white kid die for a black kid might be the first time ever
Lol dick punch
More Christian imagery
They are so unstable it's a wonder they run anything
What the fuck murder house
Is that a hit wall of the tenants
This man have a beyonette?
They really have a child wrestling a dog
Is this a Jim Carrey impression
How could he get down stairs so fast
Brother and sister
Bruh you going back just call the police
Set it on fire so they have to come out
Why would the whole damn department
That's an obvs kids room
Bruh they are clearly suspect, that's the white supremacy angle that's Jeffrey dhamer
They're he is,
I thought he would have tried to get her out While the police were there due to the commotion like... They had to entertain the cops, that was the moment
Very home alone
Was that a blooper they left in?
Only direct reference to sexual assault
Broken glass and rocks??? Unhinged
Fool is on a mission now
I thought the girl could get out I thought that was the point
Oooo I was right
They did mention the flash lights
Lol that's gramps
"there's no community here"
Not dropping from the ceiling
Pobrecito keep getting dragged
They changed their minds about fool?
Kid said look I'm a professional
That's scrooge mcduck status
What about the entire community
That was dumb they should have come up with a better way to do that
People finally came out from under the stairs
Where daddy
That's an old camera tirck but a excellent one
Not a whole skellington, 🤣🤣
Don't be crazy now isn't the thing to say
I don't like you much any way
F bomb
Bruh the lost boys in the house you in the house
He didn't actually know his sister was in the house and he assumed she got out
Money parade for the hood
Lol lost boys dipped they need medical attention
instant classic
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freshdental011 · 18 days
Dental Clinic Saskatoon
Our team believes in using innovative technology like 3D Xray’s and Laser, combined with a welcoming environment and gentle care to ensure your experience is exceptional.
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alexanderrogge · 1 year
Ali Sundermier - SLAC fires up the world's most powerful X-ray laser: LCLS-II ushers in a new era of science:
Linac #LCLS #SLAC #USDoE #XRayLaser #XRay #LASER #Accelerator #Cryoplant #Physics
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relto · 1 year
the other day i had this hyperspecific stress dream about being stuck in a certain place at work while the xray laser turns on (complete with alarm, light dimming, and yellow flash lights) and the emergency off switches all being comically high up on the wall so i couldnt reach them
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