edosianorchids901 · 6 years
From Fancy to Truth
Finished this fic request! Thank you for the prompt, @xlostlenore!
On previous trips, Garak found Bajor tolerable. Perhaps the sun shined a bit too bright, but he’d enjoyed the luscious vegetation and occasional warm breeze.
This time, on the other hand, the landing site immediately assaulted him with biting wind and an icy drizzle that set his teeth on edge. Rivulets of water traveled down the flat scales of his neck and followed the curve of his spine. So much for his illusions of days spent basking in the fresh air. This downpour eliminated any chance of leisurely outdoor walks.
“That’s a bit brisk, isn’t it?” Dr. Bashir hopped out of the runabout, luggage slung over his shoulder. “Do you think it rains here often? Not quite the place I’d have picked for a conference.”
“Nor I.” Garak hefted his own bag higher and dashed for the covered walkway. The shelter wasn’t much of an improvement—high gusts of wind caught the downpour and drove rain into his face. He gave a sharp, irritated sigh and raised a hand to shield his eyes, at least.
Bashir skidded to a halt under the cover, somehow managing not to slip. He shook his head and then his entire body like a hound who’d just taken a swim. “Brrr. That’s more than brisk.”
“I’m afraid I must concur with that assessment, Doctor.” Garak’s teeth chattered. With a long breath, he forced himself to release the tension in his neck and shoulders. He’d give himself another headache if he wasn’t careful. “Shall we get out of this dreadful environment?”
“Probably, yes.”
Water wound between slate grey stepping stones and poured off into the neighboring garden beds. The sight of greenery filled Garak with a wistful joy. Oh, how he missed growing orchids on Cardassia.
Although regret tugged at his heart, he tore his attention away from the gardens. Other conference attendees milled around on the path ahead. Apparently, none of them minded the hypothermia-inducing rain, or that they had to shout to hear each other over the raging storm.
“This is more people than I was expecting.” Dr. Bashir ran a hand through his hair, and water droplets splattered across Garak’s face.
Garak yelped. “Doctor, I’m quite wet enough without your help.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry. Here, let me get that,” Bashir said.
Warm fingers brushed across Garak’s cheek. For a moment, he accepted the contact, the closeness. A welcome antidote to the weather—and to loneliness.
And then alarms went off in his head, and he waved a dismissive hand. Sentiment once again, his eternal bane. “Nonsense, I’m perfectly all right. Don’t trouble yourself.”
Bashir frowned, cocking his head. “Okay, if you’re sure.”
Continue reading on AO3
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michaelssw0rd · 7 years
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Nishi Munshi in Pretty Little Liars 4x10, for @xlostlenore
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Your blog is still my favorite and I love your Gia with all my heart. ♥
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Hi, I love you @xlostlenore
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bliphany · 8 years
Me too btw! :3
yay let’s also be Janto shipping pals <3<3
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adder24 · 4 years
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“Love, love is a verb. Love is a doing word Fearless on my breath”
Pine and Reese both looked across the ocean to see each other. As the sun set for one of them, it rose for the other. Pine’s phone vibrated as the sun peeked it’s head above the horizon. It was a message from Reese. “The sun graced her beauty for me today, hope she returns the favour for you”
Pine smiled, even though Reese was on the other side of the ocean, it was nice to know that he still thought about him.
“She’s just waking up for me and she’s looking beautiful, must have been down to you”
A smirk spread across his lips as he sent the message, already sensing that Reese was probably feeling awkward about the compliment. It was another five minutes before he finally put a message together for Pine.
“No. Not me. She’s just happy to see you”
Which roughly translated to Pine as “Seeing you makes me happy” So to make Reese end the day on a good note, he positioned himself in front of the sun and took a picture of himself pointing at the sun and grinning before he sent it with a message that said “Look how happy she is!”
This was then followed by Reese sending over a picture of himself, standing on a balcony watching the glow of the sun slowly disappear over the horizon. There was no message with it but Pine was just happy to see that face again. It also said a lot about Reese and how far he had come. When they first met, the guy was more interested in ripping his head off rather than his clothes but as time drew on, things got interesting and Pine was starting to see a softer side to Reese.
Reese’s messages had fallen silent after the picture he sent. Pine put it down to the man going to bed or taking a nap. Pine watched the rest of the sunrise in silence, listening to the waves crash against the rocks as the sun took her place in the sky, he was about to turn on his heels and head home when his phone vibrated again with another message.
“Wish you was here”
It caused Pine’s heart to jump and he reacted on impulse
“I can be.” He message read
He then panicked after he sent it, fearing the response would cause Reese to back off completely but it seemed to have quite the opposite effect as another message buzzed through.
“How fast can you pack a bag?”
@vegetarianvampireduck @detective-rileynypd @detective-fiasco @plinkitee @dementedfurbie @james-caviezel @izhunny @savhcaro @lionsassy @fil60 @heike-251 @aragarna @sunrise68 @bonnie131313 @eyesofwitt @imo126 @imelopsittacus @nuggsmum @monniex @blogajworld @caviezeldaily @kenobiwcn @jimcaviezelfan @suesskatz @dontgetfunny @xlostlenore @purpleshield1548 @lionsassy @merionees @pedeka @managerie76 @myfriendtheurbanlegend @reeselivesforeverinmyheart @untilthe12ofnever
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zaan-zaan · 5 years
He swept Garak into his arms.  "Really, doctor," Garak admonished - but he locked hands with Julian and followed him into the dance.
For xLostLenore, who wanted to see the boys dancing
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Reanimated Philanthropist
“What if you miss?”
“I wouldn’t know, never have”
Thank @adder24 for the title, it fits Reese so well. It’s good to be painting again, I was drowning in work and had very little time for it. I had a taste for scary cyborgs. 
Uni work is finished now for real and I have lots of free time so I have decided to open commissions. If you wanna get something drawn and you like my art, drop me an email.
Full info here: https://artiemuchart.tumblr.com/info
@follow-voice @merionees @xlostlenore @savhcaro
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gayharoldfinch · 8 years
@xlostlenore replied to your photo: trimmed my beard
You look great! and i agree with annie!
thanks :D
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A random disaster lizard tableflip for @xlostlenore
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ao3feed-reesefinch · 7 years
At Death's Door.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vI04IR
by Michaelssw0rd, xLostLenore
"Sometimes we say things we don’t mean, at the brink of death. Anything to make those last few moments count. A happy memory for the road.” John looked up at Harold, earnest, and saw him jerk back at the words, as if slapped.
“Yes. Yes, perhaps you are right about that.” Harold’s voice was calm, controlled. John hated it.
Words: 8225, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sameen Shaw
Relationships: Harold Finch/John Reese
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Misunderstandings, Pining, Mutual Pining, John's POV, Shaw being awesome, Near Death Experiences, I mean not really but they are seriously injured and think they are dying
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vI04IR
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michaelssw0rd · 7 years
Comfortable Silences.
This is a gift-fic for @xlostlenore because she asked for their comfortable silences to be addressed and acknowledged! And also because she is a darling who inspires me everyday. I hope you enjoy this dear <3. Thank you for nudging me out of my writers block.
There’s something to be said about the implicit language of silence.
John was rather adept at understanding it, deciphering it. Sometimes, his very life had depended on it. It was prudent to know the difference between what a tentative silence sounded like, compared to a threatening one. The air felt different in the quiet that preceded moments of sudden attack, the tang of blood identifiable in every breath. The stillness that followed someone’s threat can tell you how likely it was that they will follow it through… if you knew how to listen.
And the violent silences weren’t the only ones John was accustomed to.
Kara had taught him what a disappointed silence was like; Mark made him proficient at reading a scornful one; Jessica was full of frustrated quiet moments, ones tinged with sadness. He knew of the other kinds as well, with the life he had led. There were times with the hush meant boredom and times when it meant desire. It could be happy, ominous, hopeful, terrified, anticipatory, irritated, and any number of other things.
John had not known it could be ever be comfortable.
For how less he spoke, John was a man who was accustomed to constant noise around him. The lack of it, set his teeth on edge. Because the quiet had always meant he was supposed to do something, he was always meant to fix it somehow, make the silence stop being so terribly loud.
He could never, in his live, have guessed that one day, he would rejoice in it; find it peaceful. But here, in the library, with Harold busy with his coding, he found that, unexpected as it was, he was grateful for it. There was something about Harold’s presence that brought out the sentiment. When he was quiet, his expressions didn’t make John worry that he had somehow messed up, that he should be apologizing for something. Instead, it felt like contentment.
Noticing his scrutiny, Harold looked up at him, a slight raise of eyebrow conveying his question better than words ever could. John smiled unconsciously, helplessly, and shook his head. Harold’s gaze was considering, and then he nodded and immersed himself in his work again, leaving John to his reading and contemplation.
And that was it… wasn’t it?
Words were unnecessary, because that’s how they talked: with the shifts in the air, minute movements of their expressions, and the tilts of their mouths. Better yet, that’s how they understood each other. Spoken words left so many things to desire, so many chances of misinterpretation, but you couldn’t read the silence wrong. The affection in it had a distinct aura, a taste, and it was impossible to mistake it for anything else.
So that’s what John always did: he kept his mouth closed, let the hush of the library, of Harold’s barely audible breaths permeate the air, and basked in it.
Once, after they finished their dinner and were cuddling on the couch, he told Harold about it. Told him how much their comfortable silences meant to him. Harold got oddly flustered at that, his cheek tinging pink.
“It used to grate on Nathan,” he explained, “especially when I got buried in coding and didn’t speak for days. I tried to get rid of the habit, but words have never been my strong suit. Despite being quite verbose, and knowing what the individual word means, I have the unfortunate tendency to say exactly the wrong thing.”
“Harold… you don’t have to explain anything to me.”
“Grace used to find my fumbling amusing, and dare I say, adorable. But it is exhausting to try and choose the correct words, pretend to like dialogue when I would much rather… not.”
“You are adorable Harold, but as I just said, I am glad we don’t feel compelled to fill every moment with meaningless chatter.”
“I suppose there is something to be said about understanding each other without using language as a crutch.”
Warmed to the core, John realized there were times when speaking had its advantages. But still, “I like it.” John nuzzled into his neck, breathing him in.
“I know you do.” Harold kissed his hair fondly, his arm curling around him, wrapping him in his protective embrace. John didn’t need to be an expert in deciphering silences to know this one was suffused with tenderness, that it whispered the words of love.
(on ao3)
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1-1 Part 13
@adder24 @jimcaviezelfan @johnreeses @ @omg-phoenixrising @savhcaro @sylvaine6ball @suesskatz @earthangelcaviezel @irrelevant @douce @handsomemeninasuit @mamahub @imo126 @mollusktwo  @aragarna @al12mn15 @bliphany @caviezeldaily @dxfinch @eyesofwitt  @fil60 @follow-voice  @heike-251 @jcjrfan @jreese2011 @lionsassy @lostris23 @managerie76 @maninthesuit @mollusk4 @myfriendtheurbanlegend @nightwolfslair  @poioriginal @rainiejanie @xlostlenore @75mar
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follow-voice · 8 years
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request @xlostlenore and @plink42
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adder24 · 4 years
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Every year, on the anniversary of John's passing, Harold visits his grave, tidies it up, remissness and lays some flowers. It never gets any easier for him but this time around, he's not the only one paying his respects to a fallen hero @dida1978​ @reeselivesforeverinmyheart​ @untilthe12ofnever​ @purpleshield1548​ @bliphany​ @detective-fiasco​ @detective-rileynypd​ @dementedfurbie​ @bonnie131313​ @myfriendtheurbanlegend​ @jimcaviezelfan​ @james-caviezel​ @savhcaro​ @sylvaine6ball​ @izhunny​ @plinkitee​ @vegetarianvampireduck​ @aragarna​ @caviezeldaily​ @sunrise68​ @dontgetfunny​ @eyesofwitt​ @imo126​ @imelopsittacus​ @fil60​ @heike-251​ @managerie76​ @nathaningrams​ @nuggsmum​ @xlostlenore​
Please feel free to tag on
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bliphany · 7 years
Tagged by @tounknowndestinations​ thanks for having me dear.
Tag nine people you want to get to know better:
Relationship status: Single.
Favourite colour: I love teal, too!
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick.
Last songs I listened to: Since it's plural I'm gonna leave my latest personal playlist here lol:
Howl by Florence And The Machine.
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys.
Because the Night by Patti Smith.
I Love You by Woodkid.
Dance for Me Wallis from W./E. Soundtrack.
Amongster by Polica.
Angel by Massive Attack.
Crown of Love by Arcade Fire.
Graffiti on the Train by Stereophonics.
In the Backseat by Arcade Fire.
Last movie I watched: Rogue One. (Yeah I haven't watched many movies this year so far.)
Top three tv shows: There are so many I love, so I'll list three of them that mean something to me here; in no particular order: Doctor Who, Person of Interest, and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (aka the show that bent every cliche rule of heterosexual romantic/sexual relationship scripts in mass media and it surprised you when you expected the plot to develop in a way but it bent beautifully and that made you happy and reflect on how the society influenced you really I love it so SO much.)
Top three characters: I am so happy that I can have three of them here yay: Clara Oswald from Doctor Who, Harold Finch from Person of Interest, and I’ll say Trish Walker from Jessica Jones because I’m thinking about her these couple of days and still feel wow she is amazing.
Top three ships: Hey please allow me to present you my blog description, you can see it under the whouffaldi holding hands photo lol. Okay, seriously, they're: Whouffaldi (You probably already knew,) Rinch (You probably also already knew,) and Jessikara (Yeah the rarest of rare pairing which is Jessica Arndt and Kara Stanton from Person of Interest. I'm a self-made Jessikara shipper since Feb this year Yay.)
I’d like to tag @nervouscupcakestudent​​, @xlostlenore​, @potcpoi​, @theragnarokd​, @elloette​, @the-emef only if you want to, and tag anyone who is interested in these questions, too :)))
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The Devil’s Share study #1
I initially grabbed 10 screencaps from 3x10 and planned to do studies of them and post them all together but I’m growing increasingly frustrated with how little time I have for drawing so I decided to just post this. I have another painting sitting in my drafts but I’d like to complete its tie-in painting before posting it. 
The Devil’s Share is my absolute favourite of the entire series in regards to pure aesthetics and visuals. Also as sad as it was, Reese’s destructive grief was so well portrayed and it’s something that stuck with me. 
@follow-voice @adder24 @xlostlenore @savhcaro
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