#xl is correct always
yumaisbored · 11 days
when it comes to supporting Xie Lian’s actions, i literally don’t care. he’s right, and he should do whatever he wants.
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aliamor · 3 months
THE SPIDERMAN PJ THING REMINDED ME OF AN IDEA I HAD!!!! so basically, yk the matching batman and hello kitty pjamas you'll see on tiktok? ok, great, so case and reader are on streamdoing fan mail, and he opens a package from the reader that she ordered, and it's the matching pjamas. Plot twist. The batman pjamas are for reader, and the hello kitty ones are for Case. I can just imagine the moment of realization when he notices the size of the batman pj's.
(I really hope this makes sense <3 thx sm)
🐈‍⬛ on stream case was doing a PO box opening of fanmail, which was perfect for you to add your own package into it without case knowing.
🐈‍⬛ you decided to order matching pjs for the both of you. Normally you would get the hello kitty ones and he would have the batman ones because he refuses to wear spiderman pjs..
🐈‍⬛about an hour into opening packages, yours landed into cases hand.
“Yo chat, this box sounds like cloths..” absolutely correct sir.
As he opens the package, the plastic covering the item, he knew it was clothing but not sure of the exact item.
🐈‍⬛ when it’s ripped apart, he grabs the hello kitty pair out first, the legs dropping to his lap and a bit past his knees.
“Is that hello kitty?? Hun you can wear these, you like hello kitty” he says so innocently, little does he know that pair is for him.
🐈‍⬛ but you take them and he continues on to the next pair, revealing batman himself. The legs on the pjs hit down to his legs but not as far as the hello kitty ones. (All depends on your height too)
🐈‍⬛ “chat, what size did yall give me for my pjs?!”
(Your size in pants/ pjs. I like mine baggy)
He reads that it is an XL, “chat! You know im a medium im on a cut”
🐈‍⬛ he looks over at you and asks what size is yours, which you tell him that it is his size.
“Dont play with me, lemme see”
🐈‍⬛ “these are for you case, the batman ones are for me” you giggle out. “Did they leave a note?” You say to him
“Hold up lemme look…”
🐈‍⬛yes you left a note saying ‘hi caseypoo, i knew youve always wanted to match with me. I know hello kitty is your favorite, love your girlfriend🤍’
All he does is look up at you with his mouth open, pure disbelief.
🐈‍⬛case doesn’t complain at all though, he finds it extremely funny and before any other packages get opened he requests to change into the pjs and show chat.
I love this idea sooo much, its very cute<3 yall be safe
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ruan566 · 8 months
I don't understand the Shi Wudu hate....
Like really, we all always forgive or sweep under the rug all the stuff Hc's done for XL that act as a direct parallel to Shi Wudu's actions in saving sqq (ofc shi wudu's is platonic and almost parental while hc's actions have a more devout and romantic nature behind them.) I think we're forgetting those 33 gods.
Sure those gods were assholes to xl but just coz they were assholes to this one guy did they deserve to die? (Not exactly sure if that's what happened but I'm assuming that if you don't have believers then you fade away or at least something like that.)
Not only that hc would most definitely do what shi wudu did if XL was in the same position as sqq and like as scared and desparate as sqq must've been.
And look for someone who is a older sibling shi wudu's actions have always made sense to me. Sure they weren't correct but the point isn't in them being morally right or wrong.
The point is saving your younger sibling. If my younger sibling had to suffer from what sqq as a child suffered through the whole mental torture that the venerable of empty words (I think that's the demons name correct me if I'm wrong) puts it's victims through I would definitely do what shi wudu does.
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freewilllife · 10 months
Mu Qing and Hua Cheng and that old tale of classism
It is one of MQ´s sins that he upholds classism in regard to HC
I am always amazed how burthurt some people act, because they cannot accept that Xie Lian used to be pretty superficial.
Yes, both FX and MQ were not keen that HC stayed, but nobody can prevent XL from doing something he wants. If he had desperately wanted HC to stay with him in the palace after he had rescued him, HC would have stayed. But he was uninteresting to XL, therefore he was handed to FX in order to get rid of him.
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People just hate to be reminded of it and therefore, they ask actually...who was worse of...the one who had not to know-tow to others, but was bloody poor with no person to care for or the one who had a blind mother, who was relentlessly bullied and hated due to classism and was living in a not exactly secure position from whom he could have removed at any moment, if XL had just desired it?
Yes, MQ was maybe from a similar background, even though it is also possible that HC had lived in a better house before he left his family.
And when has XL ever listened to Mu Qing? MQ´s opinion was mostly ignored by XL throughout the whole flash-backs. MQ was neither overly kind to HC, but he also was not cruel to him either. He showed even a little more empathy in regard to the child, than the other two.
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(Just because HC is not able to realize that it was most likely more kindness to throw him - a 15 year old teenager that has had hardly any kind of training- out of the army in a bloody war where people died like flies, doesn´t mean that his version is indeed correct. Enlisting a person that is not yet an adult would be usually criticized, but because XL thinks it is alright, then it is alright, I guess. )
So to make it bloody obvious: XL was not interested in Hong that used to be HC...He used to always forget that he had even met him before...He is the crown prince of Xianle, who could have easily changed HC´s fate but he kept forgetting him, because to him, he was not important enough to even remember him.
But no..it is of course MQ´s fault, who was still bullied due to classism and was still dependent on XL´s goodwill for quite some time in the past.
By the way HC is not bound by his upbringing anymore, because nobody knows, who the heck he even is (apart of a few selected people who looked at his glorious paintings), while everybody knows MC´s origin even after 800 years. Even after so much time people make fun of him and keep reminding him with a broom, what his standing used to be...a servant. So he is still a victim of classism in a world that is full to the brim with generals and princes.
HC has created a marvelous new system or ends classism
He is the ghost king in whose city human beings are chopped and he has subordinates like any of the gods who shut up, if he wants to...heck he even benefits from the same source (the believers) like the gods...
So what glorious society are you talking about? He is obviously upholding a caste system with him at the top...as he is a king...
MQ regards HC as suspicious, just because...
If you think like that, then you must have overread the part, where it is stated that HC clearly attacked FX and MQ several times without mercy...I mean, Pei Ming literally called these both gods that they should testify if Eming the weapon of HC was involved and they both testified...
With other words MQ and FX are treated like experts regarding the involvement of HC...so they must have battled with him quite often. And both are very afraid of HC...MQ was literally so afraid of HC that his first reaction when he heard of the silver butterflies is running away (in the form of Fu Yao).
I guess nearly dying could be a reason MQ considers HC to be suspicious, above else for XL who was fucked over by a previous calamity...Anybody remembers...white-no-face?
People even from similar backgrounds can have quite literally different living conditions
People are different and they do react differently. Further people love to blame MQ, who used to have clearly less power than XL, because they are not able to understand that all three people have their faults, even the glorious MC Xie Lian, who used to be pretty superficial...and who could have changed HC´s fate easily, but he did not, because HC was not interesting enough to him back them.
HC and MQ are two different sides of the same coin. HC had not the possibilities of MQ, since XL was not interested in him early on and kept forgetting him. MQ has suffered from classism even after he became a god.
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taihua · 3 months
Responding to these two replies from my other FX post!
@delilahhatesyou: Tbh what triggers below the belt comment for me was him reminding to never forget where he came from or his place. Again, I remember it’s only after mq being rude to xl so it’s understandable but also still leaving me some kind of way? Correct me if I’m wrong of course.
(Took me a while to find the right chapter for the line about MQ knowing his place, but there's nothing about where he came from in this section--if you have the quote, I'd love to know which one it is!)
& @vimai I think the main reason why people think FX has classist beliefs is his constant reminders towards MQ to know his place and “dont forget who the FUCK you are” moment in book 2. Plus, his belief that because XL was once a prince and has a "body of gold" they couldn’t possibly do things like busking, and MQ was silly for suggesting so. I think the view that FX holds classist beliefs is fair tbh.
So here's the problem with the "know your place" comment--Feng Xin isn't talking about Mu Qing's social class or background. What he says is this:
“...You’re nothing but a deputy general; without His Highness’ appointment who knows where you’d be, so why do you always act like you’re smarter, sharper, and stronger than him? If you’re really that amazing, why did His Highness ascend and not you? .... Don’t you be pointing fingers and forget who the fuck you are!”
Feng Xin isn't talking about Mu Qing's family or social class here. The context of the argument is purely about Mu Qing's role as a deputy official of heaven, a role that he has because of Xie Lian--and yet he's perfectly happy insulting Xie Lian to his face and implying he's a failure of a god. Mu Qing calls him annoying, difficult to even look at, "Your worshippers must've collected bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes!"
It's a shitty thing to say, so why is Feng Xin blamed for snapping at him? The only reason Mu Qing is in a position to criticize Xie Lian's work as a god is because Xie Lian asked him to help him as his deputy. No, he doesn't owe Xie Lian, but being a dick to him isn't the move either. Feng Xin's just saying "if you're so great, you do it."
Also, uh, the context? Mu Qing is advocating for slaughtering innocent refugees and blaming Xie Lian for being unwilling to take that step. Feng Xin should have been meaner actually because what the fuck
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mdzs-fanon-exposed · 3 months
Not really an ask or a correction, but I was reading the "Xingchen can't cook" fanon and I think I know the source of it lol. I've often seen people conflate traits of Xiao Xingchen with TGCF's Xie Lian. I assumed it's because of how similar their character designs are but that's just my pure conjecture lol. Personally it's not a fanon that appeals to me (I think that Xiao Xingchen and Xie Lian are very different characters with very distinct personalities) so it always sticks out to me when I notice someone gave Xiao Xingchen one of Xie Lian's traits.
Ooh, that's so interesting! I was kind of wondering why I even got that ask in the first place, since I've never seen something like that before, but I don't interact with a lot of Yi City fanworks lol. It's neat to see how people have created such specific/elaborate fanon for these characters who are pretty insulated in canon!
I definitely think XXC and XL are pretty different characters too, but I guess I can see the resemblance? They definitely have similar morals, and XXC being horrible at cooking is really funny.
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blusilurus · 7 months
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A wee bit my fursona for funsies!!! 2024 Update edition notes on top (The eye markings updated to be more like my older designs + the necklace)! The bottom is a drawing made before the top update that shows my fursona at all stages of design over the course of my life thus far! More rambling under the cut!
Healing really is just circling back to that funky little fursona you made in your youth boi howdy!!! Top is some doodle note's of my sona and surprise we are going back to the old eye markings (but added a slight flair more similar to the newer markings)! As well as a (optional) silver circle necklace (originally a yinyang back in the day)! The bottom drawing features all versions of my sona from the very first to the most recent right before top images version! My fursona has always kinda grown with me and I think somewhere midway between highschool till now I sidelined it a bit. I really do love my fursona though and have found a lot of joy in kinda bringing it more "back" in a sense! Hence why you'll notice my icon and whatnot features it again instead of human! Just for clarity this is very much "me" but just as some goofy sparkle cat LMAO. Honestly I've been finding a lot of joy in getting back in touch with things I used to love but in the chaos of life kinda left behind one being my old 3DS XL (I homebrewed it now hell ya)!!! I'm hoping to update my ref soon with the correct design. I also want to take my ref down a notch/simplify since I mainly just use it anyway. Alt forms of my sona are still valid (Ex. the dragon and bunny versions) but I'll prob just pop the cat form only on the ref like ol times! But yea howdy!
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absolutesilly · 23 days
Thank you so much for the fast response. I really could just read about your thoughts and opinions about anything! They’re always well thought out and constructed, it’s so pleasing to read 🫡. And that answer, I absolutely agree 100%! I do feel like with the undeserving hate mq gets, it also brings out people who romanticize him a lot and it’s like…wait that’s not our mean but kind mq we all know. But I get why that happens though.
Mq “selfishness” has always fascinated me. Because like you said, he really isn’t imo. I see him as someone who is big on saving himself FIRST, because then he can save others easily. Everything he does is very calculated with weighing out what’s the best outcome for everyone AND with the most minimal damage. Which is what I managed to interpret during the 33 gods scene. We even see that during the fire breakout and him knocking out fx head LOOOOOL. Speaking of feng xin…. Fengqing is…. Mxtx greatest potential of what if. That’s all I got to say ….
ah, i’m so happy you enjoyed reading my many many thoughts!!! :’) i love talking about this stuff.
i also agree that a lot of people tend to over-correct due to the mq hate! i have the same amount of side eye for people who try to act like he’s perfect as i do for the people who try to act like he’s evil. let him be mean but kind!!! let him be self-interested!!! let that little weirdo keep his complexity!
i also absolutely agree with your take on him saving himself first, to help others later. considering his background, i think he’s well aware that you can’t help anybody long-term if your own basic needs aren’t being met. and yessssss, that’s my take on the 33 gods incident too!
it’s a terrible moment for the both of them, but i think his behavior in that scene completely reflects his pragmatism! while xie lian’s hurt at mq not sticking up for him is completely understandable, let’s look at it realistically: he stands up for him… and then what? mu qing potentially loses all the progress he’s made trying to climb the ranks in heaven, and he’s right back where he started with nothing to show for it and no way to help xl, fx, or the royal family. there’s sooooo much more that i could say on this moment (maybe i’ll make a post??) but the point is! pragmatic choices are sometimes the best but ouch. they can really hurt you and the people you love!
i also agree that fengqing are such a delicious what if! the novel leaves them on SUCH an interesting note—finally so much of the misunderstanding between them has finally been cleared. what now! they’re on the precipice of great change! i think that’s why i love writing post-canon fengqing so much, there’s so much to explore now that they’re not completely at each other’s throats anymore! i sooooo wish they’d had an extra written about them. but alas! here we are
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Ahhhhhhhh my dream dog client has come!!! Two mini schnauzers!!!!! They are my absolute favorite dog breed.
Other updates: I have my bun buns! Mel (my pup) is very interested, but I’m not sure in a good way. So I have them separated in different parts of the apartment while I work on her training.
A family member of mine was attacked by their large breed family dogs this week 😞 she’s had a couple surgeries which will be ongoing to try to save her arm.
Unfortunately this is not the first large breed dog attack that’s happened in my circle. Never the same breed, always dogs that were well trained. I’m playing with the idea of redirecting my services to small/medium breeds. Unfortunately that cuts out a lot of what I was marketing toward (the working breeds).
While I’d love to say dog attacks are rare, they haven’t been in my experience. I do these visits and overnights alone and if a big dog decided to turn, I’d be by myself with zero help. It’s taken me years to overcome my fear of big dogs (because of the attacks to friends/family) and I had been feeling confident with them and silly about being so afraid in the past. I honestly never 100% trust any dog and I’m very big on watching body language and catching things/correcting quickly. In the end tho, it’s not worth the risk I don’t think.
I have an upcoming sit with a couple GSDs, one who is reactive. This was before I got the news (the meet and greet happened literally the same day). I already accepted the job so I will follow through, but if I see any signs of aggression toward me, I won’t be taking the sit again.
I don’t know. I’m so conflicted because I just made this my main source of income and now I’m feeling really hesitant and guarded about large and/or powerful dogs 😞
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I’m on the hunt for a big playpen. They’re so focused on that crown molding so I don’t think I can free roam like I wanted. For now, when unsupervised they’ll be in the XL crate and relearning the litter box. But once I get a pen, I saw one set up where they connected it to the dog pen and it’ll give them a lotttt of space when I’m not home supervising.
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solo-uso · 6 months
For Wrestlemania Night 1, 6/8 of my predictions were correct. 8 because the Tag Titles were split.
Wrestlemania Night 2, 6/6 were correct.
In total, 12/14. First time I share my complete predictions online! It's always a blast to follow the stories and try to see where it leads next.
The storytelling and emotion were truly the backbone of this Wrestlemania. It was beautiful. I'm relieved the stories are respected enough to see them through to their conclusions, even if not always perfectly. and Cody finished his story!
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
I had a few people ask where I got the stuff for my David cosplay (though forgive me I can't remember everyone who asked) so I figured I'd make a little post.
The coat:
I got the coat from Shein. I bought the XL version and had to do a lot of edits. I wanted the length that the XL offered but it was 2 sizes too big. The most important edits were the sleeve length and collar adjustments to make it look more like his coat. I did also tailor the size down to have a cleaner and less baggy look to it.
The vest:
Originally an old pleather jacket I had. I cut off the sleeves and used that material to create the flaps on the collar. I added a bit of fabric paint onto it to make it look more worn out along the edges.
Watches/medal on jacket:
The watches I got off FB marketplace. Cut them free from bands and 2 are sewn on, one is actually super glued because there was no way to sew it. The "medal" is just something I found at Michael's Craft Store. I added a 12 gauge wire as a loop and sewed that to the jacket.
Found these bad boys thrifting. The pants are skinny jeans that have the fronts a little faded, they aren't leather. And the boots took several months of weekly trips to Goodwill until something my size popped up. I had to get the boots from the women's section since the men's didn't have any.
Ball spurs off Facebook marketplace. I added baling twine as a bottom strap. I painted the original brown straps it came with.
Another thrift store find in the winter. I found some much nicer new pairs at Tractor Supply Co but unfortunately they did not have the right sizes. But next winter I may check in earlier for a better looking pair
A friend welded me a bracelet and I painted it silver. Bracelets are easy to come by though so anything works
It's actually my natural hair. I spent $20 on the cutting and then $130 to get it the correct color. My hair had to be bleached and then we added a silver color on top of the bleach. Pros is it looks awesome, con is I'll always have to spend $150 just for it 🙄
If y'all have any more questions feel free to reach out to me! 💙 The hardest part was definitely the vest since I had to completely cut it apart and resew to get the look I wanted. The coat took a lot of work as well but it is definitely doable without needing a sewing machine (though a machine helps a lot!).
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mqfx · 8 months
i think i would need to see mqfx in an entirely different light before i would believe they would enjoy being humiliated. possibly because its also just not my thing although i have thought about what must be appealing about it (the joy, the release of understanding that someone sees you as imperfect but is still interested in a relationship with you? the realization that even if someone does believe these things they're saying they still want to at the very least have sex? feel free to correct me if this isnt actually the appeal ive just come to this conclusion on my own)
ANYWAY. i think i'd have to view their squabbling in an entirely different light, like one or both of them doesn't have their heart really in it and are keeping up their side of the argument for pride's sake or! maybe everyday life behaviors have absolutely no connection whatsoever to what one enjoys sexually (<- totally possible, what do i know)
tldr im on your side the fighting might be homoerotic but perhaps not in that flavor exactly
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good morning anon <3 i'm awake now (kinda) and my lawyer can't do shit to meeeeeee so let's talk about it
ok for everyone who didn't see the post i deleted, the tldr of what i said was: "i don't think any of the xianle 4 would be into degradation. hc bc he'd kill himself before being mean to xl, xl bc he wouldn't keep a straight face, and mq/fx would literally just argue. on the other hand i think if either mq or fx were somehow sincere enough to tell the other person "you are good" they'd finish too fast (crass! my lawyer disapproved!!) so. can't praise each other bc they'd both like it too much, can't insult each other bc then they'd have to pause sex for a fistfight break. sad!" <- paraphrasing but it was funnier last night
i'm not qualified to address the first thing bc i didn't take kink studies in college (we DID have one, hashtag liberal arts!! but i was busy doing REAL work pestering my old man and drinking in stats class) but that's probably true at least for some people bc everyone always has a different reason for these things. it's subversive, it's pain under control in a safe environment, it's reaffirming, it's addressing trauma, sometimes even self harm so watch out! (sex, like any action, can be detrimental if you're not careful, but that is not the action's fault)
the second thing i CAN address (points to my nametag) SO: i don't think either mq or fx are the type to do anything by halves they're both passionate (fx obviously, mq within the many layers of his artichoke* heart) so i do think every argument they have is real and not just for pride's sake. if either of them didn't wanna argue they just wouldn't and the other guy would be like "um......what's wrong w u 🤨 (concern disguised as suspicion)"
i Wouldn't say that daily life has no connection at all to kinks but that's a discussion i'm not having on my sideblog (tldr: these european fuckos have been arguing about sublimation** and libido longer than i've been alive. Scholar Charlie assumes that whatever doesn't get sublimated finds its way into one's sex life and vice versa but don't quote me on thiiiiiisss i should've taken that damn class fr)
as a sidenote: what we might find hot is not necessarily what the characters might find hot. not to lend personhood to the narrative devices (especially when fanfiction is literally the "play with them like paper dolls" genre of writing) but it's an important distinction to make as readers and writers. like do i think for example that mq's emotional repression and torment is hot? very. do you think He's enjoying it??? jury's out (though with melancholic types one Must assume they derive some relief, even if harmful, from flagellation)
back to the important matter of mqfx's hypothetical sex life: in canon they insult each other in equal measure and there's no one in that situation who is actively/consistently made to feel lower than the other (whether they actually do is incidental). it's not that their squabbles Wouldn't make it to the bed but it simply doesn't count as degradation. argument (equal) ≠ degradation (power dynamic). am i saying it's impossible for them to have ANY S/M thing going on?? also no bc as mentioned before i think mq views Everything as a power struggle, but fx also strikes me as the type of guy who would really really like getting called good boy but he doesn't know this about himself. for that matter mq would probably like some praise too he's just way more roundabout with it
this is aaaaaaallllll a very convoluted way of saying "yes the fighting is still homoerotic, not on the basis of unequal standing but because they're equals. i don't think they specifically find the insult aspect of fighting hot, and in fact some mutual kindess would be nice. would they do it that way though? idk"
ok gotta get ready for smth this took me 2 hours to think. byeeeee
*here i got distracted looking for artichoke facts bc i saw on my gramma's cooking show that it's basically a thistle and it's got a spiny center you gotta scoop out before eating. anyway it's from the mediterranean! so don't use it in canon-compliant fic lol
**death in venice is in that wiki article :( why did my ex-mutual leave meeeeeeeee (<- divorced)
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llycaons · 9 months
ep5 - this is really good! it's really good finally!!
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xl's face when they return to the manor after sneaking through the tunnels and rescuing hc's captive and hc is RIGHT there. lmao
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THIS ASSHOLE. okay but I'm laughing
this fight scene is a lot of fun and it's so silly that xl is so apologetic to hc because hc is the one who has a guy chained in his basement
DID LQQ HAVE A MAGNETIC SWORD IN THE BOOK....that is so fucking cool
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yeah it was in the novel. that rules actually. I'd forgotten about it! lqq felt like kind of a nothing character when I read the book, but he has a lot of passion and charm in the donghua. giving his character so much time helps.
see what happens when you don't rush character moments, LIVE ACTION YU YU HAKUSHO
ohhh xl intervening in the fight in that milisecond is SO good. and then he doesn't reveal he's been injured until later! what drama! what excitement!
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he's such a rich kid
the lqq backstory came a little out of nowhere, but it's so juicy I never really minded
I really love how jw calls xl 'xianle', it's both formal and unique enough to feel like an almost fond paternal relationship. and it's therefore a little creepy
making another story a flashback is a nice visual way to capitalize on the medium
it's neat how deflecting both attacks is xl's hallmark. xl who always wants people to stay together, who wants happy endings, who looks for the third option when given two cruel choices
anyway lqq is again. correct. he deserves to have someone answer for his family's murders. it's not easy to explain but I wish xl would at least try
AHHHH but next episode we get 'SO WHAT I WON!!!!'
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kaz3313 · 2 years
For the shipping manifesto - 1, 6, 7, 8 :)
1: /The/ Ship: So my “the” ship always depends on my fandom I’m currently in love with. So at the moment it’s Amber Park/Ricky “Jupe” Park (from Nope 2022)
6. Exs/Divorced Ship: Chengyao (Jiang Cheng/Jin Guangyao) and Wei Wuxian/Wen Qing. I think they’re just so divorced <33 Also I’d read one with Wen Ruohan/Lan Qiren but I enjoy that ship otherwise as well (and the other two I can get behind a bunch of diff dynamics I just love the divorced/exs for them).
7:Non-Con/Taboo: Okay… so I enjoy fucking up my favs in any way (with few exceptions) BUT… Jadecest,, I want dark LXC or dark LWJ (one or at the same time). Niecest as well for taboo… But Jadecest hits (and, honorable mention, XL/QR~ I want them to make each other worse).
8: Rarepair/Crack Ship: OKAY- so firstly I’d like to say you got me shipping NHS/Jin Zixun completely seriously so I’m not sure if Crackship is correct to say but DEFINITELY rarepair. When I was first in Dangan Shinsai was practically only for Noncon reasons (one of the few times I can’t read it) but it started to pick up in popularity so I’m not sure if rarepair is quite the correct term.
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williamsonjace · 2 years
10 Must-Have Modern Kitchenware Appliance 2023 Every House Needs - JMeta Home
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You've come to the correct spot at JMETA HOME, if you enjoy cooking but need more time or if you're frightened of cooking yet need to start but need to know how. The presence of a variety of helpful modern kitchen home tools is the first step toward a simplified and practical cooking experience. The correct kitchen gadgets and devices may make cooking enjoyable and straightforward. The modern kitchenware home appliance may cut your prep time in half, simplify little culinary activities, and support you with time-consuming and complex procedures.
I have the ideal suggestions for must-have home modern kitchen gadgets and products, whether it's time for a complete kitchen equipment update or you're searching for the perfect present-giving idea for a home cook, a new aspiring chef, or yourself, just because you deserve a treat!
What are the Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets You Must Have in 2023?
1. Cosori Air Fryer Max XL 5.8 Quart:
This air fryer, also on the top selection for 2022, is once more on the list for 2023! There is a solid reason why air fryers have become so popular over the past few years. They quickly prepare fried items without adding extra calories from oil or igniting your kitchen with hot fat. But the main issue that most air fryer users have is that the capacity is almost always inadequate.
Your prayers have been answered with the Cosori Air Fryer Max XL 5.8 Quart, available in several colors. Your favorite fried meals will cook up quickly in this enormous air fryer.
2. Mercer Culinary Genesis 5 Piece Kitchen Knives:
These knives are built to last! From the experts of all things cutlery, it features incredibly superior blade durability, a nonslip Santoprene comfort grip, NSF certification, and is backed by an incredible warranty. Almost all of the knives you'll need for cooking at home are included in this essential 5-piece set a paring knife, a utility knife, a bread knife, and a chef's knife.
Your good kitchen knives will last the longest if you wash them in hot water with non-abrasive dish soap and towel dry them. If you take these two simple measures, a decent pair of knives will last a lifetime. Never put your kitchen knives in the dishwasher, and get them frequently sharpened by a reliable cutlery sharpening firm at least once or twice a year.
3. Master Plus Wireless Bluetooth Instant Read Smart Thermometer:
A reliable, quick-read thermometer is a must in every domestic kitchen electronic device on Earth. With the connected smartphone app, you can unwind while keeping an eye on the progress of your cooking. The Master Plus Bluetooth Smart Thermometer from Traeger Grills has two thermometers in one and a 165-foot wireless Bluetooth range. The cordless, battery-operated probe measures the internal cooking temperature of the meat or food you're preparing and the surrounding air temperature. The days of needing to "guess" if an item you are cooking is done or at a temperature that is safe to ingest are long gone.
The Meater+ smartphone app allows you to remotely monitor the probe from the comfort of your couch as your meals cook to perfection. It is compatible with iOS, Apple, and Android-powered devices. The app also has a sophisticated algorithm to predict when it will do your dish cooking so you can schedule the rest of your dinner around that time.
4. Four Pieces Bamboo Cutting Board Set:
Every kitchenware appliance in the world has to have a set of cutting boards that are safe for knives. All the most popular sizes are included in this 4-piece bamboo cutting board set from Royal Craft Wood. Using the proper cutting surface is essential to maintaining the edge of your blades and preventing damage to your kitchen surfaces and your knives. Cutting boards made of bamboo are food-safe, ecological, and naturally antibacterial. These cutting boards made of natural bamboo wood can last a very long time if you take good care of them.
5. Rollup Silicone Dish Rack:
When cleaning the dishes, who likes a mess? Do your countertops and the floor have water dripping all over them? Rollup Silicone Dish Racks are available in various sizes to accommodate almost every kitchen sink. Roll out the dish rack over the sink once you've finished washing the dishes to let them drip dry without worrying about contamination from a dishtowel. 304 stainless steel is a rigid material that can support up to 33 lbs. BPA-free and easily washable if necessary for sanitizing reasons in your dishwasher.
6. Multi-Tier Lid, Pot & Pans Organizer:
We all need help keeping our kitchens organized. Particularly with our pots and pans and their annoying lids, which perpetually vanish or relocate to the back of the cupboard where you can't readily find them.
You can effortlessly arrange all your pots, pans, and lids in the 88-TierPot and Pan Organizer so that they are neatly stored and easy to find in your cabinet. This utterly adjustable pot and pan tower, designed with heavy-duty use in mind, enables you to modify it to accommodate almost any cookware you may have, no matter how big or tiny.
7. Douro High-Temperature Silicone Cooking Utensil Set:
Made in the USA from sturdy, high heat-resistant silicone is the DiOro High-Temperature Cooking Utensil Set. Most other silicone utensil manufacturers can only tolerate heat up to 400 degrees. To enable safer cooking at greater temperatures, the DiOro Utensils are heat resistant up to 600 degrees.
Your family and food will be secure from toxins that could seep into your food from other offshore-manufactured cutlery because these are constructed of BPA-free, food-friendly material. Use silicone utensils without concern for scratching or gouging your cooking surfaces since they are safe on all types of cookware, including non-stick.
8. Anova Culinary AN500 Professional Sous Vide Precision Cooker:
Professional Sous Vide Precision Cooker is always left out on every kitchen counter. You can cook almost anything perfectly at home using sous vide or a precise water bath since the food will never grow hotter than the water temperature you set. Whether you're cooking eggs, chicken, meat, pig, vegan or vegetarian dishes, or any other cuisine, it makes no difference.
9. Stainless Steel Mandolins Slicer:
The VEKAYA Stainless Steel Mandoline Slicer is made of attractive stainless steel and is simple to store. It offers razor-sharp cutting precision without the fatigue of using a knife. Perfect for people who value consistency in their cuts, slices, or shreds. With simply a turn of the dial, the integrated, ultra-sharp blade does both standard and julienne slicing. Pieces can range in thickness from paper-thin to 9 mm.
This stainless steel mandoline slicer is smooth and steady, allowing you to quickly complete extensive slicing or shredding jobs. It also comes with safety gloves and blade protection of kitchenware appliance.
10. Silicone Ice Block & Ice Ball Mold Set:
All things whisky has gained enormous appeal in recent years. These silicone ice molds are perfect if you enjoy, adore, or admire whisky. For cooling down your favorite bourbon, whisky, brandy, or cocktail spirits without the immediate dilution that you get with small standard ice cubes, use these sturdy silicone ice molds to create six of the ideal substantial single cubes and six 2-inch spherical ice balls that it can fill the ice ball mold quickly and easily thanks to the supplied micro funnel. Both silicone ice molds may be stacked to further assist you in conserving crucial freezer space. Modern kitchenware manufacturers and appliance exporters ensure high-quality products to meet customers' requirements.
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kaurharleen · 1 day
Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants: The Ultimate Comfort and Protection for Active Toddlers
As your toddler becomes more mobile and active, their diaper needs evolve. A diaper that can keep up with their energetic lifestyle, provide superior absorbency, and offer maximum comfort is essential. Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants are designed to meet these specific requirements, making them the ideal choice for parents of active toddlers.
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Why Choose Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants?
Superior Absorbency: Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants are engineered with extra absorbent pores that quickly lock in moisture, ensuring your toddler stays dry for up to 12 hours. This exceptional absorbency is crucial for active toddlers who tend to produce more urine throughout the day.
Soft and Stretchable Fit: The soft, elastic waistband and stretchable leg openings provide a comfortable and snug fit, allowing your toddler to move freely without feeling restricted. This flexibility is essential for preventing skin irritation and ensuring maximum comfort during playtime or naptime.
Breathable Material: To protect your toddler's delicate skin, Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants are made from a breathable, cotton-like material that allows air to circulate. This helps prevent diaper rash and keeps your child comfortable throughout the day.
Easy to Use Pull-Up Design: The pull-up style of Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants makes them incredibly easy to put on and take off, even for busy parents and active toddlers. This design also encourages independence as your child begins potty training.
Leak Protection: The snug fit around the waist and thighs, combined with the stretchable leg openings, provides excellent leak protection, keeping your toddler dry and comfortable even during extended wear.
Key Features of Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants
Extra Absorb Pores: For superior absorbency and up to 12 hours of dryness.
Soft and Stretchable Waistband: Ensures a comfortable and snug fit without restricting movement.
Breathable Cotton-Like Material: Helps prevent diaper rash and keeps your toddler's skin comfortable.
Easy to Use Pull-Up Design: Convenient for quick diaper changes and encourages independence.
Stretchable Leg Openings: Provides excellent leak protection and prevents skin irritation.
Benefits of Choosing Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants
Extended Dryness: Keeps your toddler dry and comfortable for up to 12 hours.
Leak Protection: Prevents leaks, even during active play or extended wear.
Maximum Comfort: The soft and stretchy fit ensures your toddler stays comfortable throughout the day.
Ideal for Potty Training: The pull-up design is perfect for potty training as it encourages independence.
Choosing the Right Size
To ensure the best fit and comfort for your toddler, it's essential to choose the correct size. Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants are designed for babies weighing between 12 and 17 kilograms. Always refer to the weight range on the packaging to select the appropriate size.
The Benefits of Using Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants
In addition to the features mentioned earlier, Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants offer several other benefits that make them a popular choice among parents:
Skin-Friendly: The diapers are made from gentle, breathable materials that are kind to your toddler's delicate skin, helping to prevent diaper rash and irritation.
Odor Control: Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants incorporate odor control technology to neutralize unpleasant smells, keeping your baby feeling fresh and clean.
Eco-Friendly: Mamypoko is committed to sustainability and offers eco-friendly options, such as diapers made with plant-based materials.
Tips for Using Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants
Check for Wetness: Regularly check your toddler's diaper for wetness to ensure they remain comfortable and dry.
Change Frequently: For optimal comfort and hygiene, change your toddler's diaper frequently, especially after meals, naps, or extended playtime.
Consider Overnight Protection: For overnight sleep, you may want to use a larger size or extra-absorbent diaper to provide added protection against leaks.
Dispose Properly: Always dispose of used diapers in a sealed garbage bag to prevent odors and the spread of bacteria.
Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants offer a comprehensive solution for parents of active toddlers. With their superior absorbency, comfortable fit, and skin-friendly materials, these diapers provide the ultimate in comfort, protection, and convenience. By choosing Mamypoko XL Diaper Pants, you can ensure your toddler stays happy, healthy, and dry throughout the day and night.
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