#xie lian would love to do this with chickens if he could
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mespinozart · 1 month ago
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Little drawing I made for my last prompt for the TGCF Congo event on twitter.
It's just Xie Lian being carried by a bunch of little chickens. I kept thinking about Penguin Highway and had to do a Xie Lian version of it.
If you haven't seen Penguin Highway, I highly recommend, it's sweet and funny and has penguins!
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le-tea-nerd · 6 months ago
✨️TGCF Head-Canon✨️
We both know Hua Cheng has the most absolute sorry excuse for chicken scratch hand writing that Xie Lian has ever laid eyes upon. Xie Lian would have known from book 1 the Hua Cheng was down bad if he was able to read the scribbles on that man's arm the firs time he saw the tattoo.
THAT BEING SAID, we also know Xie Lian is God awful cook. Let's not judge baby boy too hard, he got it from his mama, and I'm assuming cooking this way could be a means to keeping her close. Especially after his punk ass cousin desecrated her resting place.
What if these two wrongs made a right?
One day Xie Lian realizes he has been name dropping a lot of recipes lately and he wants to keep track of them. So he decides it's high time he start making a recipe card or books. And since he loves his husband so much and wants to ensure he keeps practicing his writing, he suggests Hua Cheng scribe for him.
Nervous about his atrocious writing, he hesitantly agrees and sits down with Xie Lian to write down ingredients and instructions.
Fast forward to a week later. Feng Xin and Mu Qing have arrived just in time for dinner. Much to their dismay Hua Cheng was the one who greeted them so they couldn't run away once he told them "Ah you two....actually perfect timing, Gege made extra."
The two generals looks as though they were being shipped off to war as they waiting for their bowls to be served. "Ah Mu Qing, Feng Xin! I wasn't expecting you two to stop by today! Good thing dinner was prepared. Its a recipe I'vebmade before so, its nothing new." Xie Lian said with a soft smile.
The two generals steeled themselves as they thought back to all the past 'receipes' they have been subjected to in the past.
"You think he heard about our fight yesterday?" Mu Qing whispered.
"He must have...he's punishing us, I know it..." Feng Xin whispered back.
Xie Lian approached the table with a hot pot and placed it in the center. "I apologize in advance, the flavor seems to be a little different." He said softly. He had actually struggled to read the recipe cards Hua Cheng had dutifully wrote out for him.
"Make sure to eat up well good generals." Hua Cheng quipped as he served Xie Lian, himself, and the other two.
Full of reluctance they begin to eat. They suddenly freeze. Xie takes their frozen expressions and worries, "Oh no! I'm sorry it's ba-" "DELICIOUS!" The generals announce in unison, as they down their bowls together.
"Your highness, we thank you for this meal!" Mu Qing speaks between slurps.
"I will find strength in your cooking Your highness!" Feng Xin says as he's helping himself to seconds.
Bonus: Xie Lian ended up making all the recipes the Hua Cheng made recipe cards for, and all of them were absolutely edible. Though he didn't know what he was doing differently, he decided to prepare buns, as a delicious offering to his mother and father then next time he went to visit.
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heavensturtle · 4 years ago
Day 7: Free Day
A short fic for Day 7 of Xie Lian’s Birthday Week!
- - -
Note: So, I realize I’m posting this on day 9, I could just not keep a schedule this week.
Also, if you know me at all you know I need rules, free days are not good for me. So, my self-imposed prompt for today is writing about Xie Lian’s fears in a modern AU.
Also, this is again unedited. Good luck!
Spoiler alert: This is an AU, so technically no spoilers today!
- - -
It begins, as it always does, with the sound of rain on the roof.
Xie Lian rises from the futon where he’s been napping and races to the front closet to pull out the buckets he keeps expressly for this purpose. His hands are already shaking.
“Should have…” he scolds himself, should have fixed this weeks ago.
The small, dilapidated house on the edge of town was barely habitable when Xie Lian moved in a few months ago, but even so, it had been a vast improvement over where he’d been before.
Xie Lian hadn’t exactly minded sleeping in cars or in doorways or on the couches of friends who weren’t his friends any more. He hadn’t exactly minded the looks or the way people would turn and walk the other way when they saw him taking a rest from collecting bottles for the recycling center.
He hadn’t exactly minded, but he hadn’t exactly not minded, either.
Xie Lian runs to the guest bedroom, which is currently furnished with a bed, a nightstand, and a slowly growing wet spot on the wooden floor. Xie Lian places a cracked bucket underneath the drip.
For a long time the bed had just been a mattress placed directly on the floor, until one day Hua Cheng had turned up with a hammer and nails and proceeded to turn some scrap wood Xie Lian had been collecting for unspecified projects into a bedframe that looked like it belonged in a catalog. He’d built the nightstand almost as an aside. And suddenly, the room was transformed from poor to tastefully spare.  
Xie Lian has more drips to catch, so he rushes to the hallway to place his second bucket, and as he does so he catches sight of the painting Hua Cheng gifted him (Hua Cheng claims to have found it at a thrift store, but the signature in the corner, when Xie Lian had removed it from its frame one day, looked suspiciously like Hua Cheng’s name). He rushes to his bedroom to catch another drip, then to the kitchen, where the table Hua Cheng built out of more scraps fills the empty space by the oven, making the room feel cozy.
He’s just placing the last bucket under the drip by the back door when he hears the sound of the front door unlocking.
“Gege, are you home?” Hua Cheng calls. Hua Cheng has a key to the house; Xie Lian had insisted on giving him the spare when Hua Cheng had installed the lock only days after meeting Xie Lian. Hua Cheng had refused for several more days, saying Xie Lian should give it to someone he trusted, not seeming to realize that that person was him.
Hua Cheng should just let himself in, but instead he waits by the open door. Once, Xie Lian had pretended not to be home, just to see what would happen. Hua Cheng had closed the door, locked it again, and left, and Xie Lian had been left with an odd sense of bereavement.
“San Lang!” he calls, emerging from the little room by the back door to greet Hua Cheng. He runs across the main room and skids to a stop in his stockinged feet just in front of Hua Cheng, unable to contain his smile. Hua Cheng smiles back and holds up his hand as though to steady Xie Lian. When he sees Xie Lian isn’t going to fall over, he drops it. Xie Lian feels a little bereft.
Then he remembers the leaks.
“Ah, San Lang, maybe you could come back tomorrow? Now’s not a good time…” but he has nowhere to be, and can think of no reason why Hua Cheng shouldn’t also be here.
“Ah, but gege, I found something I wanted to try to cook with you?” Hua Cheng holds out a bag of groceries, and Xie Lian’s throat tightens.
Xie Lian spent years eating food picked out, or thrown out, by others, but when Hua Cheng brings him food it’s a categorically different experience. Hua Cheng asks him what he likes and dislikes, and doesn’t seem at all impatient when Xie Lian doesn’t know how to chop onions or peel a tomato or any of the rest of it. He simply puts his hands over Xie Lian’s and shows him.
“Oh! Uh-” Xie Lian stops talking, because a new drip has just begun, right over his head. A drop hits his forehead and rolls down to the tip of his nose.
“San Lang…” he feels his face grow hot. This is too much, Hua Cheng is going to see the buckets and realize just how poor of a caretaker Xie Lian is. With anyone else, Xie Lian wouldn’t spare it a thought. But Hua Cheng isn’t anyone else.
“Gege,” Hua Cheng chuckles, reaching out and wiping the drop from Xie Lian’s nose. For a terrible second Xie Lian thinks he’s about to lick it from his finger, but then Hua Cheng wipes it on his shirt and Xie Lian lets out a sigh.
“San Lang, this is just-”
“Your roof giving you trouble?” Hua Cheng finishes.
Xie Lian hangs his head. He really can’t look at Hua Cheng.
“I’m sorry, my house isn’t really suitable for company right now,” he admits.
Hua Cheng makes a small noise, and Xie Lian looks up. Hua Cheng is giving him an inscrutable look.
“Gege. If you want me to leave I will, but if this is about your roof, it’s really no problem at all, we can just fix it tomorrow.”
Xie Lian shifts uncomfortably, but it’s still raining hard, and he’s sure that Hua Cheng is getting cold in the doorway. Xie Lian is.
He moves to the side. “San Lang, please come inside.”
Hua Cheng beams, steps inside, and opens his arms. His coat is open and Xie Lian slips his arms inside when he goes to hug Hua Cheng, avoiding the wet exterior of his red peacoat.
Hua Cheng makes a soft choking noise.
“San L-” Xie Lian starts to pull back, but then Hua Cheng is pulling the edges of his coat around Xie Lian and Xie Lian’s house isn’t that cold but being cocooned inside Hua Cheng’s coat feels better. He lets out another sigh.
“It’s warm in here,” he mutters, and Hua Cheng wraps his arms around him.
“Gege, what’s this about?” Hua Cheng asks.
“I’m just glad you’re here,” he says.
Hua Cheng tightens his hold.
“Oh! San Lang! Your dinner,” Xie Lian extracts himself from Hua Cheng. Then he  picks up the bag of groceries that’s been discarded by Hua Cheng’s feet and takes it to the kitchen. Hua Cheng comes in a bit later, coatless, as Xie Lian is unloading everything onto the kitchen table. Xie Lian notices that Hua Cheng is wearing a black shirt that looks very good on him.
Hua Cheng has brought ingredients for at least three different meals, but tonight he wants to make the Korean version some sort of chicken dish. As they’re about to start putting things into the frying pan, another drip starts, just above the stove. The raindrop sizzles on the hot pan.
“Oh no,” Xie Lian buries his face in his hands. This really is too embarrassing.
Hua Cheng, who is standing next to Xie Lian ready to pass over ingredients, laughs delightedly.
“Gege, it seems we need another bucket to protect the food.”
“San Lang, please,” Xie Lian begs, the sound muffled.
“It’s fine, we can use a lid, and after tomorrow you won’t have to worry about it.” Hua Cheng pulls out a lid that’s much too large. “A little rain-hat,” he explains, holding it above the pan. He’s smiling at Xie Lian like he’s immensely pleased with himself.
Xie Lian stares at that smile for a long, quiet moment. Then: “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” Hua Cheng sets the lid on the pan. A drop hits it and rolls off the side.
Xie Lian watches the drips landing on the lid, avoiding Hua Cheng’s face.
“San Lang, you’ve been so kind, but I can’t let you keep helping me.”
“Why not?” Hua Cheng’s voice sounds tinny, but maybe that’s just from the blood pounding behind Xie Lian’s ears.
“Because I don’t live here,” he admits, letting out a shaky breath.
Hua Cheng puts a hand on Xie Lian’s wrist, and Xie Lian turns to meet his eyes.
Hua Cheng is staring at him intently, focused. He can see Hua Cheng’s throat bob as he swallows.
“Gege, you do live here,” he says, “This is your home.”
Xie Lian shakes his head. He’s trembling now, and he knows Hua Cheng feels it because Hua Cheng takes hold of his hand and holds it, tightly.
“Actually, I’m homeless.”
Xie Lian doesn’t remember ever feeling afraid before, but in this moment, with Hua Cheng holding his hand and the frying pan gently smoking on the stove, he’s terrified.
He has something to lose, now.
“It’s not my house,” he goes on, “I found it. I, well, I moved in shortly before I met you. And I’ve just been waiting this whole time for someone to come take it away.”
He braces for the moment when Hua Cheng lets go of his hand. For when he asks what, exactly, Xie Lian was doing before he broke into someone’s house. For when he gets up and walks away.
None of that happens. Instead, Hua Cheng starts rubbing Xie Lian’s palm with his thumb. “They won’t take it away,” he says quietly.
The warmth radiating from Hua Cheng’s hand competes with the cold gripping Xie Lian’s heart. “How do you know?” he asks.
“I checked.”
“You- what?” Xie Lian’s mind is tripping over itself, trying to understand.
“I knew you were squatting when I met you, gege. You didn’t even have a lock on your door. So I checked the laws. You have squatter’s rights. You can stay in this house as long as you want to. You just have to take care of it, and after five years it’s yours if you want it.”
“You knew?” Xie Lian feels limp, all the nervous energy drained out of him.
Hua Cheng smiles brightly and tugs on Xie Lian’s hand until Xie Lian moves closer. Then he wraps his arms around Xie Lian, holding him close. Xie Lian presses himself against Hua Cheng, feeling Hua Cheng’s heart beating rapidly like it’s his own.
“Of course I knew. So I installed a lock. And helped you level the floors. And tomorrow we’ll fix the roof, and then we can start building your garden beds. And then, we can start filling this house with whatever you love most.”
Xie Lian swallows hard. The words slip out before he can stop them:
“With you, then?”
Hua Cheng laughs, a deep rumble that Xie Lian wants to never stop.
“This is your home, gege. But I’d be honored to be a part of it.”
Xie Lian smiles, hiding his face in Hua Cheng’s shirt.
“You already are.”
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sunmaylight · 4 years ago
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt. 6 - We are going to Mt. Tonglu!
hahaha. So, funny thing. I got impatient and just breezed though the last two books and consumed all of the post-canon content I could find. But, even though I have finished TGCF, that doesn’t mean I didn’t leave notes that I want in big chunks like this. So I will continue working on this
Even though I read the novel, I will stay true to my notes to the best of my abilities.
Ch 138: Xie Lian remembering that he threw his meatballs like bullets without any spiritual strength, like how he went about the past 800 years
- Me: Why do people not realize that Xie Lian is buff. Buff Xie Lian art, where?
Qi Rong turns out to be a better chef than Xie Lian. Like possible House Husband material
- Me: Yo. WTF. I call hack! How did- *remembering Qi Rong’s backstory*... Okay, but how did he learn and hone his skills?
Heaven’s Eye cultivator group about to chow down on some hair when Xie Lian steps in with the pebble toss
- Me: Xie Lian saving cultivators from committing c*nn*bal*sm
Ch 139: Hua Cheng builds a little golden palace outside and then kicks it. The shady inn illusion crashes as well.
- Me: Can this get animated? 
Feng Xin mentioning of an ascension acceleration method with dead babies
- Me: Wait! What if Feng Xin’s ascension is the suspicious one instead of Mu Qing
Ch 140: Xie Lian finds Guzi to be sick and dehydrated. 
Mama Bear Xie Lian - Awaken
- Me: Oh shit. Xie Lian is pissed at his cousin.
Ch 141: Learning about who the father to the fetus spirit is. Learning that the fetus spirit is named Cuo Cuo. Secrets around Cuo Cuo’s birth abundant
Xie Lian reassuring Hua Cheng, but Hua Cheng turning it around to saying that his actions are up to him. Xie Lian feels something.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had a moment when suddenly they see someone sitting at the table making tea
- Me: No! Is it Jun Wu?
Jun Wu is pouring three cups of tea
- Me: He saw the intimate scene between the two
Red flower that slips on the edge of the flower pot is about to fall when Xie Lian caught it like it’s the most precious thing in the world
- Me: Foreshadowing???
Xie Lian basically saying that Heaven will fall if the Heavenly Emperor is dead. Xie Lian basically saying that Heaven is floating in the sky because of the Heavenly Emperor
- Me: Man, I really hope that the Heavenly Emperor doesn’t die and make Heaven crash onto the ground, only to be upheld by the power of Xie Lian and then create a parallel of that scene in book 2, or Atlus holding up the world.
Ch 143: Heaven and the Ghost Kings have a mutual beneficial relationship
Hua Cheng using this fact to exploit Heaven singing him praises for a year.
- Me: Cunning bastard. I would have asked for praises sung to me and Xie Lian if I was in his shoes
Mt. Tonglu has the Klin and both places is that one poisonous jar where the last poisonous creature that is alive after x amount of time is emerged as the victor. 
- Me: Battle Royale to the death.
Xie Lian sneaks with Ghost as a Puppet Master
- Me: Oh, nice disguise
Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade says he can find if a ghost is suspicious
- Me: Okay, but what if you are the suspicious one?
Xie Lian crouches down to hid behind the 8-12 year old looking Hua Cheng
Hua Cheng as the “Puppet Master” disguise: “No one shall touch what I love except for me”
- Me: Impressive acting there
There is a cloaked figure that Hua Cheng says they are wearing a fake face
- Me: Is it Pei Ming?
Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade dies from one slash. Xie Lian making an observation that sounds like a joke 
- Me: lol
Ch 14-Mt. Tonglu gate
Some ghost ladies get hurt and the cloaked stranger immediately asks: “Are my ladies alright?”
- Me: I was right. It was Pei Ming
Pei Ming about to tease Hua Cheng when Ruoye whips out to hit Pei Ming
- Me: I don’t know if that was all Ruoye or influence from Mt. Tonglue, but go Ruoye. 
Pei Ming’s mysterious candy he got to disguise his spiritual powers is revealed to be shady candy made form Ghost City. Consuming the candy is the equivalent to rubbing skunk spray all over yourself.
- lol
E-Ming has been affected like Hua Cheng. It is now a small sword
- me: Cute
Pei Ming can sense the atmosphere around Hua Cheng and Xie Lian
The Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade turns out to be alive still. Both halves are moving freely
- Me: It’s still alive. how?!
Pei Ming is revealed to be the “General Who Snapped His Sword”
- Me: *Four Tales of Heaven Background Understanding Update*
Wine: 100% Understanding & Truth of Creation
Flower Crown: 100 50% Understanding of Creation & History -Second Ascension & Third Ascension are Unknown-
Princess: 15% Understanding of Identity & History
Sword: 25% & Growing...Processing backstory now
A giant savage, dark skinned burly man in broken armour appears
- Me: Wait. Do I know this character?
It is revealed to be Ke-Mo
Xie Lian pulls a trick on Swift Life-Extinguishing Blade/Ming’Guang and Pei Ming saw it work. The trick was actually the most vile swear word of the Banyue kingdom that is the most disrespectful insult ever.
- Me: What did the army teach you Xie Lian?
Xie Lian calls out for Banyue & Pei Su knowing that they are not at Mt. Tonglu as a tactic to distract Ke Mo
- Me: lol. What if they actually come after Xie Lian called them.
When things start to look good, Xie Lian calls out on it. It is immediately changes into a bad thing
Tiny E-Ming grows with praises from Xie Lian.
Pei Ming does a big brain and smashes E-Ming’s hit to Xie Lian’s lips. E-Ming grows to a very long scimar 
- Me: Pei Ming caught on what Xie Lian didn’t. Also E-Ming reflect’s Hua Cheng, so, affection makes E-Ming grow. Hua Cheng
As Ke Mo and Ming’Guang are abotu to beat Xie Lian and Pei Ming, Banyu and Pei Su do that badass entry of jumping down a cliff and kicking the opponents.
- Me: lol, Banyue and Pei Su actually appeared. 
Banyue throws a scorpion-snake at Ke Mo fully knowing what she is doing and the 200 years of mutual dislike is behind it.
- Me: Ultimate betrayal.
Banyue: We came here with Rain Master
- Me: Wait. Rain Master is here?
Ch 148: Xie Lian thinks that if he does the same things he did to E-Ming to help him grow, it will help Hua Cheng grow
- Me: Awe. So cute.
Ke Mo vs. Banyue & Pei Su - Round 2: Banyue is too embarrassed to throw her snakes again at Ke Mo. Pei Su swoops in and yeets a basket full at Ke Mo who screams at them
- Me: For some reason I find this scene really funny.\
Xie Lian: Moves into kiss Hua Cheng. He kisses the forehead and is sad about it. 
Pei Ming learns that Banyue is that Banyue while she backs away from Banyue as Pei Ming comes close to her
- Me: Oh wait. Does Pei Ming still smell of those Ghost Candies?
It is revealed that Banyue is weary of Pei Ming because of the candy scent
- Me: Lol, it was the candy
Rain Master is brought up
- Me: *random thought* Does Rain Master & Pei Ming have some history together?
Rain Master is at Mt. Tonglu because Qi Rong stole some of her farmers.
Pei Ming is revealed to be the opposing General of the Rain Master
- Me: Oh, they do have some history together.
Xie Lian & Readers learn about the ‘Tale of the General Who Snapped His Sword’
- Me: LORE! 
Sword: 75% Understanding
Ch 149: Pei Ming insults Banyue for not knowing how to cook like other females
- Me: General Pei, I understand that in your time that might have been a norm. But modern times that is different.
Xie Lian says he will teach Banyue how to cook
- Me: Oh no. Someone please stop them.
Banyue is holding a pot of food
- Me: Oh shoit. Did Banyue?
Ch 150: Banyue’s chicken meal is a black mass of questionable origins
- Me: *sob* it’s over. Banyue is now added to the list. But at least she took up her cooking skills after her adopted dad.
Pei Su takes the dubious food and eats it after watching Hua Cheng try some.
- Me: RIP Pei Su
Hua Cheng telling Xie Lian about the history of Mt. Tonglu while Pei Su is dying in the background. Banyue’s cooking somehow turned into a spirit or eldrich horror
- Me: *sob* please. You two are so adorable together, but someone (Pei Su) is literally dying from food poisoning. You are like that one pool meme
Pei Ming has given up on Pei Su to hang with the oblivious couple
Xie Lian has heard of Wuyoung before from his past while training to Ascension.
- Me: Oh. Interesting. 
Little Xie Lian learned how to recite the Ethic Sutras like nothing because he was a curious child about a forgotten kingdom and the Guoshi made him shut up through sutras.
- Guoshi, how are you real?
Xie Lian: Pei Su is talking weird. Is it because of the Scorpion-Snake?
Banyue: Pei Su has immunity from them
-Me: God you two are so oblivious.
Ch 151: What if Jun Wu is from Wuyoung? Nah. He has a 500 year difference from then.
- Me: *Remembers Qi Rong calling Jun Wu a faker and thinks there is some truth in those words* What if he became an immortal 500 years before his ascension and just loitered around for 500 years until he achieved ascension status.?
The group is Scooby-Doo investigation with Ace Attorney observation skills on the temples. of the Kingdom of Wuyoung to learn why it fell
- Me: intersting. I hope they find something interesting.
Alright. Going to stop there cause the actual journey to the Klin starts and it is a long journey where there is actually more than what I commented on. Man, I just really picked and choose what to highlight while reading
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adventures-in-asexuality · 4 years ago
4, 5, and 20!
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
THIS IS DIFFICULT because a) I’m very much still ‘augh’ at everything I have previously written because it could be better and b) I write far too many sentences...
one that I like right now, from current fic, is ‘His longest-buried and most shameful fears and wishes crawled up his throat, bubbling up into his mouth and clawing at his firmly shut jaw.’ because I really wanted to convey the almost physical pain of trying to restrain yourself from saying the things that feel the most important and (simultaneously? as a consequence?) the most awful and shameful and revealing.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
you’re really trying to call me out in public here, hm? :P I know you’d know these!
but, well, as no surprise to anyone who has perused my Ao3, the standout candidates here would be Johnny Joestar and Hua Cheng; in a very chicken-and-egg way, those fics are very much the ones that came most from me vomiting up specific clusters of feelings into a document and making a fic about it.
Johnny is an obvious identification always - angry, disabled, intensely frustrated with all the ways that that affects his life and intensely distrustful of people trying to befriend him and dealing with his trauma pretty badly! but also incredibly determined to get where he’s going, and to give up his most prized goal for Gyro. [a pause here where I’m almost tearing up thinking about Sugar Mountain]
Hua Cheng is... also pretty obvious, honestly; someone with consistently scintillating and incisive takes on characterisation once said that he was simultaneously wildly aspirational and wildly relatable. :P I can only hope to love those I love with such sincerity while avoiding wielding that love as a demand or a subtle pressure - and without burying my own feelings out of shame and embarrassment. (That’s not actually at all the maze of feelings that led to the current fic, incidentally; those are something of a spoiler and also probably not related to this post. poke me again in four weeks or something. :P) 20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
This is slightly ahead of actually publishing the chapters, but I know you’ve read them anyway, so... my favourite current meta that just does not fit into the fic is that somewhere between Song Min arriving at proto-Ghost City and Hua Cheng actually paying attention to what’s going on, they become a queer mentor figure for Li Lanfan, and Li Lanfan realises that they’re also nonbinary. (That’s why their pronouns change between one chapter and another! But it just really does not fit. Maybe I’ll write a side-story about it when I’m done... I also want to poke at Li Jing & Xie Lian as a relationship, because I think that they would get on very well after the end of canon.)
Another one is the parallel between Li Qieyue’s relationship with Hua Cheng and Hua Cheng’s relationship with Xie Lian! This is one I hope that later chapters will nail slightly more, but - they both start with a miraculous rescue, they both continue with the rescuer being the local figure of moderate power and respect, they both develop into some sort of relationship... and Hua Cheng’s realisation that this is a replicable pattern, that Li Qieyue can look at him and feel even one hundredth of the respect and admiration that he felt for Xie Lian at that very first moment... well, that would make anyone stop and think, surely.
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