#xidaer answers
xidaer · 2 years
oh my god the antisemitism aita. what: the fuck. good grief
Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m a non-kosher Jew, and *I* would cut ties for that shit. The boundary breaking, consent violating, assault on another’s body and choices when their choices don’t hurt or impose on others is fucking awful (I put the caveat about hurt or impose because fucking punch your local nazis today. Those motherfuckers)
I’ve has vegan partners in the past and people *asked me* to do something similar to them- which could make them really sick because of the lack of certain digestive enzymes. People can be sanctimonious ASSHOLES!
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rionsanura · 8 years
Tagged by that Most Excellent Dealer of Takarazuka and Enabler of Shakespearean Nonsense, @rootingformephistopheles!
Whoever gets tagged answer my 11 questions, tag 11 people and write 11 questions for them.
1. What’s the last really hella good fanfic you read, any fandom any ship
You know what? It’s actually, somewhat to my cracky-crossover-loving shame, the charmingly G-rated Bridget Jones-Kingsman crossover, Bespoke Suit Chivalry by obfuscatress.
2. What’s a talent or skill you wish you had?
I have always wanted to be good at catching things people throw at or to me, but 9/10 times whatever it is bounces right off my hand.
3. Do you want more friends than you currently have?
Not necessarily. I’d rather have more consistent and frequent access to the ones I have.
4. Have you ever gotten something as a present that you really DIDN’T want?
The 2014 U2 album fiasco still looms large in my mind, but I guess that wasn’t exactly a present. I can’t really think of anything else.
5. Did you sleep with a stuffed animal growing up, and how old were you when you stopped? If you STILL sleep with one, how old are you? (this isn’t a shame thing, bc I’m 24 and I sleep with one his name is William and I love him, I’m just curious about other people’s experience I promise)
Not that I remember? I think I had warm cats instead of stuffed animals. I guess I technically sleep with one now, but it’s more that my mom gave me a few huge big-cat plushes and they work pretty well as pillows, so they’re on my bed in rotation. They don’t have names or anything.
6. What one band you wish was waaaaay more popular than it currently is?
This is always a conundrum, because while they deserve popularity and the commercial success that comes with it, once they’re popular they’re harder to hang out with and nerd out together. But that’s selfish, so I’ll go with.... WAIT. YOU GUYS. MY BAND. I WISH MY BAND WERE MORE POPULAR THAN IT CURRENTLY IS.
7. What’s your favorite Shakespeare play? (if you don’t have one, what’s your favorite play in general?)
Henry IV Part 1, because it both introduced me to the Globe and my favorite actor doing Shakespeare and really how great Shakespeare could be when done with heart, and it’s also full of excellent characters and rly gr9 jokes but also v sincere parental relationship drama in which everyone means well and things still go badly and I just dig the hell out of it.
8. If you could paint your room any way you liked, how would you do it? (e.g. like not necessarily just a solid color though that’s cool if that’s ur answer but like one wall a different color? stripes? wallpaper? a mural of some sort? go wild~)
I can. I do. It’s hard to explain? Mostly circles. Out of nail polish. Here are some photographs.
9. What’s the tastiest thing you know how to make and can I have the recipe please <3
Probably a tie between valencye and chocolate chip cookies (the secret is to get your vanilla from Mexico and also use like twice as much as the recipe says, and like 3/4 of the sugar), though I did like the sort of turmeric onion fry-up I invented in grad school.
10. How much caffeine do you drink every day, on average?
Quite a lot of coffee and chai, actually. Like 8 cups? It’s something to do that gets me up from my dayjob desk.
11. What’s your favorite interesting story to bust out at parties/when meeting new people? and/or What’s your favorite humble-brag story?
I don’t really like or go to parties outside of post-show theatrical situations, but if people are talking about their remarkable pets I can chime in that a cat I had in elementary school could catch hummingbirds. She taught all her kittens very sharp hunting skills as well; one time she got a rat as big as herself, so my mom shut her (and it) hastily in the bathroom with the kittens, and in the morning all that was left was a streak of blood on the floor. Her brother, on the other hand, could only catch the baby avocados that fell off the tree in the backyard.
I guess my fave humblebrag is that I did an arrangement of a Queen song that made my grad school teachers cry. You don’t know, is it because it was so bad? Or good? ([/humble] it was good. they cried about Queen. and me. )
1. Who is your favorite non-nuclear family member, and why? (Family doesn’t have to be blood.)
2. Variety or consistency?
3. What’s your favorite language to listen to that you don’t understand?
4. What’s the best kind of dragon?
5. What do you take for granted? (Not judging, just interested.)
6. Favorite action movie? Even if you don’t like action?
7. Is there a particular historical figure you think goes underappreciated? Who?
8. Favorite 3-shade color combination? (Be specific.)
9. Where would you prefer to live? (City, dwelling type, climate, any kind of answer is cool.)
10. Are you scared of blood? In real life, I mean, not in film. I hear stories about people fainting at the sight of it all the time, but I’ve never met anyone with that issue.
11. What’s your favorite minor TV character?
The eleven people I tag:
@sir-radcakes @enjolraslover  @anneofpembroke @aberorca @levynite  @delirieuse @asexualscripps @xidaer @wolvensnothere @fira211 @nehirose
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xidaer · 2 years
:') thank u.
here are the meanings of the numbers:
3 characters (of the og movie)
20 fake quotes (to spice up the dialogue)
2 prompts (to give a basic outline to work off from)
13(k) words (this isn't much btw my stories that i blurt out on pages are 7k on average and i'm already 3k into my first draft of your fic bdbdjbd
OMG- the numbers deciphered!!! I had to manually go back to last months posts (because mobile search is bleh) and I screenshot the original ranges.
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… whenever you’re comfy I’d love to know the full list of 10 prompts you were pulling from! And also are you going for EXACTLY 13333 words? (Please don’t feel obligated to do so, I’m just amused by the idea) and did you have a list of fake quotes you’re using?
You are totally awesome and also feel free to reveal yourself if you’d like (although answering publicly is a lot of fun)
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