#xenophilius lovegood bio
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blorger · 1 month ago
Good evening team, thank you all for being here. We are gathered here today to discuss the unadulterated delight that is Luna Lovegood.
Luna is hands down one of my favorite characters: not only does she march by the beat of her own drum but she's endlessly kind and understanding in a way that JKR's other characters just aren't. In a book series that permeates meanness, Luna is a much-needed breath of fresh air.
I hardly think I'm alone in feeling like this; in orbiting around the fandom for years, I've gathered the impression that Luna is universally beloved. There's no anti-Luna factions of the fandom, no one is writing Luna-critical meta and I've yet to see a negative depiction of her in fics (this is not a request to be proved wrong btw).
Come, dear reader, and join me in appreciating what is perhaps one of jkr's best characters (no doubt unintentionally); let us take a journey through canon in this,
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pt.1 : WHO IS LUNA?
Luna Lovegood is introduced to us on the train ride to Hogwarts in book 5; this is how she is first described:
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This is the first (and last) time we are given a detailed physical description of Luna: she has long, unkept dirty-blond hair, very pale eyebrows and protruding eyes.
The only part of that description that gets regularly mentioned from this moment on is her eyes, no doubt to constantly remind us that she's supposed to be a bit of a nutter (the phrase "crazy eyes" is common for a reason):
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You get the jist. JKR loves to point out Luna's eyes, with strangely disturbing words to boot (is it just me or do the descriptors used for her eyes sound weirdly disgusting?); Luna's strangeness is so in-your-face it physically manifests in her appearance.
Like I previously noted with Neville, as the story's tone shifts with the advent of the second wizarding war Luna's character is treated less and less cartoonishly; in tandem with that, the eye mentions gradually dwindle down. So long weirdly evocative eye descriptions, a Good Guy apparently can't be Good and look goofy at the same time.
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Walking is for the common folk, Luna glides and drifts; she appears suddenly and she ambles away just as mysteriously. Her movement's nature contributes to our general impression of Luna: she is less like a schoolgirl and more like a mystifying force of nature.
Through a very rigid study (I kept a tally of all the descriptors used for Luna's voice) I have come up with the 5 most Luna-ish tones:
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Luna's speech provides a succint summary of her character: she's easygoing and imperturbable, a dreamer who lives in her own world.
A notable exception to this occurs whenever she talks to Hermione. Most of the two's conversations involve a clash about Luna's beliefs of some sort (something I will go into more detail on later), therefore her speech fittingly changes from dreamy to stern: in these instances Luna speaks coldly, witheringly, solemnly and angrily. It seems that there are limits to what Luna is willing to overlook and Hermione runs into every single one of them.
Luna's tone also changes in dangerous (and somber) situations; in these instances she speaks hopelessly and sadly and she whispers in the Department of Mysteries and the Malfoy Manor dungeons (this is notable because no-one else around her is whispering).
Luna Lovegood (provisionally named Lily Moon and intended to be a yearmate of Harry's in early drafts) is the only child of wizard conspiracy theorist and Quibbler editor Xenophilius Lovegood and the late Pandora Lovegood, mad scientist extraordinaire.
Luna lost her mother at an early age, something that has undoubtedly had a profound effect on her, but she appears to have a very close relationship with her father. This is something that can be observed not only from just how distraught Xenophilius is at his daughter's kidnapping in DH
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but also by how they address eachother: Luna is the only person in the books who regularly calls their father "daddy" and, in their only scene together, Xenophilius openly displays affection for his daughter by calling her "my love".
The Lovegoods reside in or near Ottery St. Catchpole; we know this through their very first mention in the books, when their neighbours Arthur Weasley and Amos Diggory discuss their whereabouts at the beginning of GoF:
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"there", in this instance, is Dartmoor, host of the 1994 Quidditch World Cup (yes, apparently Luna was at the world cup final).
Luna is a year younger than Harry, she's is a Ravenclaw student and a known eccentric who is perhaps best known among her classmates for her eclectic sense of style and her many bizarre convictions.
Luna is shown to believe unquestioningly in her father and the stories he publishes on the Quibbler, a newspaper of dubious veracity that seems to mix serious investigative journalism with far fetched conspiracy theories. Many of Luna's beliefs seem to center around the existence of various magical creatures and, though they are often hotly challenged by Hermione Granger, we are given no conclusive proof of their veracity... though we can hazard a guess, since Hermione is one of jkr's designated truth tellers and all around exposition machines (together with Dumbledore).
Luna believes in the existence of:
the Blibbering Humdinger
the Crumple- Horned Snorkack (possibly reside in Sweden, have self-mending horns that can be mistaken for an Erumpent's and also explode)
Heliopaths (spirits of fire, "great tall flaming creatures the gallop across the ground burning everything")
Nargles (often infest mistletoe)
the Umgubular Slashkilter (implied to be dangerous, Fudge is said to own one)
Aquavirus maggots (apparently bred by the ministry)
Wrackspurts (invisible, "they float in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy", their presence can somehow be sensed)
Gulping Plimpies (can be warded off by gurdyroots, the radish-like bulbs Luna often wears as earrings)
an unnamed creature (purple and hairy, has tiny little ears like a hippo, can be summoned by humming, preferably a waltz)
Conspiracy theories backed by Luna:
Cornelius Fudge has had several goblins assassinated in order to gain control of Gringotts
Cornelius Fudge uses the Department of Mysteries to develop terrible poisons that he uses to off anyone who disagrees with him
Sirius Black is secretly innocent and also actually Stubby Boardman, lead singer of the Hobgoblins
Rufus Scrimegour is secretly a vampire
the Aurors and other unnamed ministry insiders are working to take down the Ministry of Magic from within "with a combination of dark magic and gum disease"; this is known as the Rotfang Conspiracy
Miscellaneous beliefs held by Luna:
the existence of an illness called Loser's Lurgy; Zacharias Smith appears to suffer from it during the quidditch match Luna commentates
garden gnomes's bites have many benefits and can gift you unexpected talents. Xenophilius informs Luna of this at Bill's wedding and we can assume that Luna believs him.
This concludes part 1, join me next time as we examine other people's opinion of Luna and her relationship with her friends.
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andi-is-bored · 2 years ago
so in fanfiction, one of the best things to me is seeing relationships (both platonic and romantic) that never happened in the original material. i think it’s very fun coming up with those characters dynamics and banter and just imagining how they would talk with each other. the argument that since the characters never met in canon, it’s unrealistic for them to have a relationship in a fic is one i don’t really get. why would you want to limit yourself like that writing wise? personally for me, coming up with character dynamics and interactions is my favorite part of writing, so i don’t really understand why you wouldn’t want to explore those unknown relationships. (that’s just my opinion though, i mean no disrespect.)
ok i started rambling there for a minute but the point of this was to talk about one of my favorites of these kind of relationships, which is Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood.
Draco and Luna’s friendship, in any fic that i’ve read with them, is always fantastic, whether or not i actually liked the story, their friendship is always the best part. the way they interact and somehow just understand each other is so weirdly sweet and heartwarming, their personalities are incredibly different but, and i know this sounds cheesy, they kind of bring out the best of each other and i think that’s what makes them work.
Draco is a character that’s gone through a lot of shit and has a lot of repressed pain and anguish that he hasn’t dealt with properly, pain that he hides behind snarky attitude and Luna is a comforting and calm presence that he can open up to about his trauma. and Luna, to a lot of people, is a nut, people don’t take her seriously, she talks about creatures supposedly only she can see, she wears outlandish clothes, she’s a very eccentric person so people tend to write her off as just the crazy girl. but Draco listens to her, he knows Luna is smarter then people think she is (she’s in fucking Ravenclaw for a reason people). he doesn’t just shove away all of her ideas and claims, he actually listens and considers what she’s saying, and even if he doesn’t always believe it, he respects her for her opinion.
also i wasn’t aware of this until recently and i’m still not completely sure if it’s real, but i’m pretty sure Draco and Luna are canonically cousins. Xenophilius Lovegood is Lucius Malfoy’s brother, and he was disowned from the family for marrying Luna’s mother, Pandora Lovegood, who came from a family of “blood traitors” and wasn’t the idle wife for a Malfoy son, but he married her anyways and changed his name to Lovegood to get away from his bio family. again i don’t know if it’s actually canon but it makes the most sense of any theory i’ve heard about the Lovegood’s.
but yeah, if they are canonically cousins, don’t you think they’d have had more of a relationship? Luna and Draco’s friendship dynamic could have been so interesting, and it’s something i really want to explore more in writing (you know, when i actually start writing and not just saying i’m going to).
anywho, hope you enjoyed my whatever this was, this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile and i wanted to get it out and i appreciate you all who had it all the way through <3 i have more of these kind of relationships but Draco and Luna were the ones i had the most to say about.
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nobodyssoldier · 3 months ago
hi when is the next batch of bios dropping (and who can we expect to see 👀)
hi,  anon  !  we'll  be  starting  to  work  on  batch  two  right  away,  and  we  hope  to  continue  at  our  current  pace.  this  list  is  malleable  and  may  be  added  to  or  cut  down,  especially  if  any  of  these  characters  are  applied  for  as  wildcards  (  which  you  are  more  than  welcome  to  do, especially because it would save us from writing a skeleton ! ) that  being  said,  you  will  most  likely  see  the  following:
marauders  era:  peter  pettigrew,  edgar  bones,  emmeline  vance,  pandora  lovegood,  xenophilius  lovegood,  lucius  malfoy,  ted  tonks,  frank  longbottom,  gideon  prewett,  fabian  prewett,  rodolphus  lestrange,�� rabastan  lestrange,  barty  crouch  jr,  evan  rosier,  alecto  carrow,  amycus  carrow,  arthur  weasley,  molly  weasley  i,  sybill  trelawney,  alastor  moody  &  kingsley  shacklebolt
trio  era:  parvati  patil,  padma  patil,  blaise  zabini,  hannah  abbott,  angelina  johnson,  fleur  demura  (  surname  changed  from  delacour  to  fit  her  japanese  heritage  in  this  roleplay  ),  gabrielle  demura  (  same  as  fleur  ),  daphne  greengrass,  astoria  greengrass,  pansy  parkinson,  colin  creevey,  cedric  diggory,  viktor  krum,  oliver  wood,  susan  bones,  dean  thomas,  alicia  spinnet,  katie  bell,  lee  jordan  &  theodore  nott
next  gen  era:  louis  weasley,  lysander  scamander,  lorcan  scamander,  roxanne  weasley,  freddie  weasley,  molly  weasley  ii  &  lucy  weasley,  along  with  some  next  gen  ocs and semi canons
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episkey-rpg · 6 months ago
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Luna Lovegood
Luna is the daughter of Xenophillius Lovegood and Pandora Lovegood. She is known to be Eccentric, Aloof, Intelligent, gullible, Stoic, and Naive. She was sorted into Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
SHORT BIO: Luna Lovegood is a witch and the only daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. Her mother almost accidentally died while experimenting with spells when Luna was nine. Thus Luna’s father, editor of the magazine The Quibbler, moved them to the middle of nowhere in a rook-like house near the village of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon. Luna attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. Luna joined Dumbledore's Army and participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and co-led the reconstituted Dumbledore's Army when Hogwarts fell under the control of Lord Voldemort with Severus Snape as Headmaster. Because of her father's political dissidence at the time, Luna was abducted by Death Eaters to be held ransom, and imprisoned in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor for months. She was freed by Dobby along with several other prisoners and stayed at Shell Cottage until she returned to Hogwarts to participate in the final battle of the Second Wizarding War.
Luna's face claim is Evanna Lynch. This role has been closed.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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NAME. Xenophilius Reginaldus Caligula Lovegood AGE. 31 ALUMNI HOUSE. Hufflepuff BLOOD STATUS. Half-blood FACECLAIM. Calin Sitar
Xenophilius Lovegood was named after his mother's beloved family dog, and the rest of his life was colored by that choice. His mother, Sotiria Palaioakos, came from a curious family of Greek Muggles. Located in Laconia, the family was rumored to believe in the most intriguing of things from the fantastical to the quizzical. There were rumors, once, of a great-great-grandmother having been a witch long ago in Sotiria’s family tree, but the information passed down was only stories. No record ever existed of yahyah Deianira’s life outside her birth, marriage, and death. That information was all lost during Sotiria’s immigration to the United Kingdom. But, we shall get to that in a moment. 
When she was in her late twenties, Sotiria met the man who would become her husband: Eustratius Lovegood. A quirky, intriguing young man from the small, provincial island of Mytilene, Eustratius moved between this world and the wizarding world like water rolled off a duck’s back. Few in the small community cared whether or not he and his family were magical, as most of the island itself was filled to the brim with magic. Eustratius believed that Sotiria, being from a different place, would not be happy with such information but, when he told her, as all the Lovegood’s told their spouses of their magic, wiping memories if the reaction was…less than positive and hiding in plain sight, Sotiria was utterly delighted. She and Eustratius existed in their own little world, one where magic, the weird and whimsical, were beloved, and so their child came to grow into this world, too. 
Xenophilius was an inquisitive child, always underfoot, watching his mother’s handcrafting – a variety of Muggle seamstress work that Xenophilius would also take on as they aged – and his father’s catalogue of creatures, which he cared for through his job with the Ministry's Beast Division. Though there was always an inquisitive mind, there was a kindness and quietness there that prevented Xenophilius from being sorted into Ravenclaw. Though it was a hatstall, Xenophilius would find their home in the Hufflepuff common room, a quiet, humble existence with few, true friends beyond the kitchen staff and the castle ghosts. This was not, as it were, due to Xeno’s unlikeableness. No, far from it. But Xeno was strange, was peculiar, and that prevented even the most openminded of wix from befriending the child. 
This existence meant that Xeno was often in their own little world, flitting about between Muggle and wizarding practices and customs with ease. As Xenophilius aged, they came to recognize this not as a hindrance, but as a boon, something to be used and utilized for their chosen profession - editor and author of The Quibbler - and supporter of the Order, initially only on the sidelines but, soon, a full-fledged member of their own.
REGINALD CATTERMOLE & MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER. Xenophilius is delighted by Reggie! Always a helpful person, even if it is for his own gains, and Xeno has gotten some of their most useful information filtered in from him and his sources. Nate is wherever Reggie goes and, thus, they are connected in Xenophilius's mind. Where one goes, the other follows. They hope the boys remove what blinds them soon, for their own sake. REGULUS BLACK. Ever since Regulus Black arrived, Xenophilius has been curious about him. His leg pains him, just as Xeno's whole body pains them, and Xeno hopes that they can at least ease some of that burden with the alternative tonics, potions, and medicines they've acquired (Muggle and magical). Additionally, Regulus's perseverance and his prickly, brittle pride are traits that can be understood in themself, and Xenophilius empathizes with it.  NICOLA EDGECOMBE. Quite the spitfire, this one! Xenophilius thinks it’s lovely. Never one to outwardly judge just because someone is different, Xenophilius enjoys listening to Nicky rant about whatever is on her mind - whether it’s the war or Muggle fashion or that fascinating game she has set up with Cresswell and their friends. Xenophilius isn’t sure they’d call themself close with Nicky per say, but they’re taken with the young girl and would like to talk more. 
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whoisleft-rp · 8 years ago
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X E N O P H I L I U S    L O V E G O O D
If there was ever a working example of someone who saw the world in their own special way, it’s Xenophilius Lovegood. Throughout his life, Xeno has heard a lot of words to describe him thrown around by passerby: strange, crazy, outside-the-box. It isn’t hard to see why people would judge this book by his cover. There is no cap on the things he believes in, and no filter on his mouth when it comes to sharing these beliefs. For someone who goes to a school populated by teens who can perform magic at the drop of a hat, he wasn’t expecting so much scrutiny when he first arrived at the tender age of eleven. His childhood had been lonely, and he was ostracized by the children in his muggle village. 
Even his parents, a pair of conservative and soft-spoken types, were as supportive as they could be…but it was clear that they didn’t quite understand their unique son. The confirmation that magic was real was something he took to easily; he spent so much time playing in his own head or thinking about the world around him that he wasn’t all that surprised to learn he was as different as he felt. 
There is a beautiful, rare confidence in the way that Xeno approaches the world. In his mind, there is always a reason things are the way they are–– so when he’s met with a rude remark or someone who is unable to open their mind to the ideas he is suggesting, he is happy to calmly chalk it up to their childhood or their fears or the state of the world. Xeno has always loved reading and, despite the fact that many of his peers regard him with side-eyed suspicion, he truly did find a niche within Ravenclaw tower itself. Even those who can’t believe in the things he does are quick to talk about fiction with him–– his mind is wired to give the best introspective views into the characters and their motivations. 
Therefore, even when he doesn’t have a solid group of friends to share his beliefs with, he knows that a literary discussion is a way to surround himself with both the comfort of the characters from the pages and the people around him in Ravenclaw who feel similarly connected to the book in question. Care of Magical Creatures is another subject he excels in. Xeno has an uncanny capacity for listening to things that are unsaid, and is therefore more capable than many of his impatient peers when it comes to seeking out the source of fear or distress in an animal.
Xeno has been spending all of his free time writing. He’s been a notebook around with him wherever he goes: hiking, his own bedroom, the market to pick up a dozen eggs. He documented every thought that floated his way and made sense of it in his own way. After all, he knows that the world is in a certain state of disarray and that he just may not be around long enough to pass his beliefs on. He wants to make sure he leaves a legacy of his work and theories behind, and so he’s taken to putting it all on the page–– and looking for a way he can get those pages into the hands of others.
Xeno may be disconnected from those around him at times, but he certainly isn’t stupid. He knows that the castle and the world beyond it are both filled with people who do not like the ideas he has and won’t take kindly to the fact that he is trying to publish them. However, he sees his writing and his unique way of thinking as a necessary force in the world. His parents didn’t believe in magic until it was proved to them; how many other things in the world exist but just haven’t been seen yet? Xeno believes that knowledge is the true solution to halt the oncoming war, and so he has decided to branch out a bit from his corner of isolation and do something about it. 
He’s begun putting his written work into a chronicle: a self-produced magazine called The Quibbler. The name comes from the verb ‘to quibble’, meaning ‘to argue or raise objections about a trivial matter’. With so many of the elite telling the general public that their safety is just that ––a trivial matter–– Xeno has decided to openly publish criticisms about how they operate and what he believes happens behind their closed doors. He’s hoping it’s for everyone’s good…even if it doesn’t end up being safe for him.
Now that Xeno has graduated, he’s just got his eyes set on getting The Quibbler published on a larger scale and delivered to more eager eyes. He’s sick of the Daily Prophet’s monopoly on news, and he knows his voice needs to be heard. 
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asacredwar-rp · 7 years ago
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Welcome back, Mene! You have been accepted for the character Xenophilius Lovegood!
We absolutely adored your representation of Xenophilius from the name seer down to them being thrown out of the window by their cousins. We can tell you put a lot of thought into them, and can practically feel the muse beat through each line concocted. We look forward to seeing this oddball on the dash soon! -J
Welcome to the Sacred War RP family. Please send in your blog URL within 48 hours & follow the instructions found here.
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doodatapp · 4 years ago
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Part 2/2 Of the Harry Potter Series . 
Join @doodatapp community ! Download The App Now 📲  Link In Bio 🚀🚀 • • INTJ - Dementor ENTJ - Oliver Wood ISTJ - Minerva McGonagall ESTJ - Lucius Malfoy INTP - Garrick Ollivander ENTP - George Weasley ISTP  -Aberforth Dumbledore ESTP - James Potter INFP - Dobby ENFP - Xenophilius Lovegood ISFP - Rubeus Hagrid ESFP - Bellatrix Lestrange INFJ -  Remus Lupin ENFJ - Cedric Diggory ISFJ - Neville Longbottom ESFJ -Fleur Delacour
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dreadart · 4 years ago
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🖤 Happy Thursday fellow Potterheads! Today I am bringing you a recent addition to the Harry Potter card series! Xenophilius Lovegood! Inspired by the scene where he talks about the deathly hallows - hence the sadness in his face :( I just adore this character so much!... I think I identify with his style LOL! 🖤🖤🖤 “DreaDFully Ravenclaw: Xenophilius Lovegood” is available as an LE print available RIGHT NOW in my Etsy shop! (ONLY A FEW LEFT!) Link in bio! Just type “lovegood” in my shop search bar and you’ll see it! Or check my stories for the direct link! 🖤🖤🖤 - #xenophiliuslovegood #lovegood #harrypotter #deathlyhallows #father #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CTDHKUyJKyE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sleepingdragon-rp · 4 years ago
who are you current MW characters?
I'm going to deviate a bit as I answer this because none of these characters have bios currently posted, but from the group's recent requests:
A first year little brother for Xenophilius Lovegood (our Xeno’s FC is Booboo Stewart, so please keep this in mind when choosing a FC!)
Markus Scarrs (bonus points if he is the official Dark Mark tattoo giver of the Dark Lord on the low)
Dolores Umbridge (FC suggestion: Naomi Watanabe I mean just look at her!!!)
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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Welcome to Marauders 1979, Matty! You have been accepted for your character  Xenophilius Anton Lovegood (Hayden Christensen)  .  Please send us your characters account within 48 hours. You will receive a message to our discord page soon!
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ofpsychedelics · 4 years ago
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leave all your love and your longing behind you
╰ °✧ that’s XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD and THEY seem/seems to look a lot like JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER. according to ministry files, the PUREBLOOD used to attend HOGWARTS and be in RAVENCLAW. now, they’re TWENTY-THREE and is JOURNALIST. blonde locks cascading around pillows of smoke, contagious laughs bellowing around the room, sunflowers decorating their hair in a sort of haphazardly way, passionate conversations laced with love, a friend when you need one are the best ways to describe them. it doesn’t say in their file, but word around the street is that they’re a NEUTRAL (with order leanings).
can't carry it with you if you want to survive
it’s me, bean let me have another character. also it took me too long to write this.
pinterest. character playlist.
full name: xenophilius lovegood
nickname: xeno, xen, lovegood
gender / pronouns: non-binary / any
age: 23
birthday: november 13th
blood status: pure-blood
health: exceptional
sexuality: demisexual  pan(dora)sexual
occupation: editor for the quibbler
patronus: white rabbit
wand: 11¼", hazel, dragon heartstring
boggart: ????
affiliation: neutral
fc: jamie campbell bower
bio bullet points
okay so, we been knew this flowerchild was on their way to pitch a fit on the dash.
xeno is non-binary and they were raised feeling as if they never truly belonged.
their parents supported them, because it wasn’t ever really a coming out type of thing. xeno’s parents loved them no matter what and the need to openly tell their parents about their gender orientation was never a thing they thought about. they already knew.
over the years, xeno never minded what pronouns were used for him. he preferred they/them-- but rejoiced in being called she/her on the days he felt more feminine. 
he has always kind of been aloof. though, in the sort of way where he often times found more comfort in being in his head rather than in the reality of everything.
drugs, mainly hallucinogens were heavily dabbled in during his days at hogwarts. it helped him notice the world in such a different light. his bright eyes fell in love with the beauty of the earth so much so that he often spent his free time out by the great lake.
with paint covering their pants and a old paint brush tucked behind his ear, xeno was known for being late. there was so much going on. so little time to do anything. they often get caught up in the small things, paying most attention to the little details.
after hogwarts, he spent time in scotland, they chased down mythical creatures and crypids. making friends with nessie and being captivated in the idea of something much more magical than the gift he was born with.
usually found with a pen in his hand, xeno finds himself writing down all of his research and publishing it in a homemade magazine he coined the quibbler.
random tidbits
xeno is known for having slept around quite a bit, but it’s more or less one of those situations where he just loves to love someone.
the only person they’ve ever had romantic attraction to is pandora.
xeno is usually high.
he thinks muggles are missing out bc magic is so fucking cool
not really violent at all, but is quite good at dueling
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phoenixnetworkblogroll · 4 years ago
do you have a masterlist of characters?
Hi! Great question-when we have the bios posted they’ll be visible through the tags here
But, in the meantime, we’ll post one below. Let us know if you have any other questions!
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Alastor Moody-Open
Alecto Carrow-Open
Alice Rosier-Taken
Amelia Bones-Taken
Amos Diggory-Open
Amycus Carrow-Open
Andromeda Tonks-Taken
Antonin Dolohov-Open
Arthur Weasley-Taken
Barty Crouch Jr.-Open
Bellatrix Lestrange-Open
Benjy Fenwick-Taken
Caradoc Dearborn-Open
Cassiel Avery-Taken
Daisy Hookum-Open
Dorcas Meadowes-Open
Edgar Bones-Taken
Elias Boot-Taken
Emma Vanity-Open
Emmeline Vance-Taken
Evan Rosier-Open
Fabian Prewett-Open
Frank Longbottom-Taken
Gideon Prewett-Open
Hestia Jones-Open
James Potter-Open
John Dawlish-Open
Kingsley Shacklebolt-Taken
Lily Evans-Taken
Lucinda Talkalot-Open
Lucius Malfoy-Taken
Ludovic Bagman-Open
Marlene McKinnon-Open
Marlowe Morgan-Taken
Maya Zabini-Taken
Mary MacDonald-Open
Molly Weasley-Taken
Narcissa Malfoy-Taken
Pandora Flourish-Taken
Peter Pettigrew-Open
Regulus Black-Taken
Remus Lupin-Open
Rodolphus Lestrange-Open
Rosmerta Johnson-Open
Sawyer Scamander-Taken
Severus Snape-Taken
Sirius Black-Taken
Sturgis Podmore-Open
Sybil Trelawney-Open
Ted Tonks-Taken
Xenophilius Lovegood-Taken
Zoe Scamander-Taken
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hollowedrpg · 6 years ago
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CONGRATULATIONS, ROMAN! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Xenophilius Lovegood, with a face claim change to Cody Fern. I was a little worried people would struggle with the vagueness of Xeno’s affliction and how he’s been affected since he was attacked during school, but you wrote it beautifully. I also really enjoyed reading your head canons about his relationship with Pandora, and everything else about Xeno. You really brought his character to life outside of the bio, which is exactly what I’m looking for in an application.
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
name: Roman
age: 26
preferred pronouns: they/them
timezone: EST
activity: medium to high; I’m around to answer messages and plot every day, and am usually able to do at least some replies every other day or so depending on how work is going!
are you applying for more than one character?: not at this time!
how do you feel about your character dying?: I would be comfortable with it as long as it’s discussed and I’d have a chance to pick up another character! The possibility of the death is cool to think about; having a grand ending would be satisfying, especially if it was something that was a long time coming, and contributed to the plot in a big way, which I feel it actually could with Xeno. I’m a sucker for a good slow burn with some angst!
anything else?: (questions, concerns, etc.) I did some assuming on some bits about Pandora and Xeno’s relationship that I’m definitely open to changing or revising if accepted! Also, this has nothing to do with the app, but if missing characters make an appearance later on, I would love to express my enthusiastic interest in seeing Ted Tonks!! I wrote Ted in Port Montrose and I’d LOVE to see what he’s like in this other beautiful AU!!!
ic details.
(cw throughout for ableism, vague mental illness discussion)
full name: Xenophilius Prometheus Lovegood
Xenophilius: from the Greek xenos and philia, respectively meaning strange and love; together, the love of the strange. Klaus and Else Lovegood were never going to choose an average sort of name for their child. Believing in many old practices of the wixen world, upon learning they were pregnant, they sought out a Naming Seer to learn the future of their child, and, therefore, what sort of moniker they would fit. They used what little of their savings they had left from the move for the appointment, as it was an important tradition in Else’s family. The Naming Seer projected a strange life for the child, full of wonder and mysticism, a longing for knowledge and a mind open to the belief of the other that most would reject easily. The Naming Seer suggested Edmund, for the prosperity they saw the child could achieve if encouraged, through academic success. The two laughed, thanked them, and left to do their own research. They came across the word xenophile in one of their very old muggle books about cultures of the world and knew immediately that was the name for their child. If they were going to have an open mind, their name was going to let all who heard it know so.
Prometheus: Greek mythological figure, a titan known for creating man from clay, as well as stealing fire from the gods and gifting it to humanity, starting civilization. Xeno’s parents made this choice very soon after landing on his first name. Klaus had a certain fascination with mythology, and what better than to give her child a name to encourage intelligence and creation at any cost?
Lovegood: As it sounds, a combination of the two English words love and good. This was a surname of the Lovegoods’ own creation upon their immigration to the United Kingdom during the muggle’s World War II. They had no shame in their former surnames, but wanted a blank slate to start over with good fortune. They settled on something to show the simple and true quality of their affections, that their intentions, while some might find them strange, were always good.
date of birth: January 20, 1952
Capricorn-Aquarius cusp
The definition of this contrasting cusp, Xeno is a combination of both signs, hardworking and idealistic, with the ability to view the world in strange ways that few others can, and the intention of opening the minds of those around them. The mind is constantly working, creating brilliant, exciting thoughts and ideas, but the constant flow at times makes him come off as distant or uninterested in the ordinary people and things around him. Speaking with someone born on this cusp can be jarring and intimidating, although intriguing, always prepared to discuss the most outlandish of concepts, but rarely able to stop and process the more mundane, often times forgetting about thinking of what others are feeling.
former hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
There was a brief debate, as Xenophilius approached his eleventh birthday, of whether it would be best to send him to Durmstrang, as that was where both Else and Klaus went, and consequently met each other, but that thought was quickly silenced with a visit from Dumbledore himself, offering a place at Hogwarts for the young prodigy. Xeno researched the schools obsessively during the months this debate was going on, and insisted that he had to be at Hogwarts, because he was clearly a Ravenclaw student. Upon his entrance, the hat barely touched his little blonde head before shouting just that, a self-satisfied grin on the child’s face as he joined his new classmates.
sexuality: demisexual panromantic
For all of his youth, he was much too preoccupied with researching anything that was able to hold his attention for longer than a few minutes to worry about things such as dating and sex. People are not what he truly cares about, as harsh as that sounds, and it takes a great deal for him to feel that sort of attraction to someone. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he is fairly certain part of it has to do with what he saw his parents go through as a child. He can’t remember them ever truly seeming to love each other, despite the stories of their own youths they told him. All he remembers is the shouting and the pain they caused each other, all because of the most mundane problems, as if they had forgotten who they truly were once they had a family. That made him wary of that sort of very human connection, not wanting to lose himself more than he already had. Until things changed, of course…
gender/pronouns: agender + any pronouns (primarily he/him & they/them)
He has no great attachment to any gender at large, and therefore feels the label of something closer to nothing, defying any sort of binary or spectrum, fits him better than anything else could. His being feels unexplainable and it’s something he accepted from an early age. As such, though, he doesn’t truly care what anyone calls him. In fact, a lot of the time he’d rather people just wouldn’t refer to him at all, but that has very little to do with gender.
face claim change: Cody Fern, Jason Ralph, Boyd Holbrook  (If for some reason, Cody Fern isn’t approved anymore and I get accepted, I’d love to brainstorm other alternatives with you before settling on one, as Cody is very much how I envision Xeno!)
1. how do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths.
+ determined, idealistic, brilliant
- aloof, selfish, erratic
Perhaps if life had treated him differently, Xenophilius would be considered one of the greatest minds of his time already. If life had not beaten him into the furthest recess of his mind from the moment he was old enough to understand and question what was going on around him, perhaps that person could have existed, already fully formed, by the ripe age of thirty. But life was not so kind, and even now he can say with certainty that it comes as no real surprise, having studied so much of the world obsessively, researching what he can get his hands on of every possibility that the human mind can dream up to understand the world at large.
At an early age, he retreated into his mind as a form of coping with the outside world, even as the thunderous voices, first of his parents, then of the bullies and naysayers at school, then of everyone, tried to infiltrate his thoughts. Single-minded to the core, focused and determined to solve any question proposed, any long lost mystery left unsolved, it is still so easy for him to fall into weeks at a time of researching furiously, even disappearing for days at a time on his quests for knowledge, once an idea comes to him. Because of this, he was never quite as adept as interpersonal relationships as he might’ve been otherwise, and this only worsened after his accident, when the sounds of the voices became nearly deafening in his mind.
He would much rather spend his time researching whatever concept has caught his interest than interact with his peers, causing him to come off as distant and aloof to many. When he does deign to talk to others for an extended period of time, though, his brilliance does become clear, although so does his erraticism. Enchanted with long lost mysteries, and ideas thought only to be legend and rumor, his speech rambles and raves through dozens of topics by the you’ve caught up with the first. If landing on something he truly does care about, he could speak for hours with supreme eloquence on the matter, although what he cares about and believes in rarely lines up with those around him, and thus is often dismissed as nonsense. He believes wholeheartedly, after all, that consciousness creates and therefore nothing the human mind is able to dream up should be ruled as wholly impossible.
People have always been cruel to him, and he has long ago accepted this as a fact of his life, even if he does do his best to spread good in the form of knowledge. When faced with the negativity, the cruelty, he used to do anything he could to defend himself, including the less refined solutions. He still possesses very little respect for traditional authority, but some of his light, some of the mischief has left him in the years since the fight that left him as he is. Now, it is often times easier to accept that others’ minds aren’t nearly as expanded as his, and they do not wish to be, than to try to argue his correctness. An unwilling audience will not learn, no matter how brilliant of a teacher he might be.
Do not mistake that for him thinking the worst of the world, though. Despite it all, he truly does believe in good, and hopes that one day he can bring the hope that he does feel to others as well by expanding their minds beyond the limitations of the mundane. But he’s convinced himself that he won’t be able to do so as he is now, broken and bent, a shadow of what he could be if not plagued with such a curse.
2. how has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise?
Upon waking up in the hospital wing all of those years ago, his mind had become a much darker place. The war was never his, never will be, at least fully, thanks in part to his own blood status, but mostly because of how he feels. It took a long, long time until he realized, truly, what was going on, and then it was only thanks to Pandora that he began to grasp the reality, the gravity of the situation surrounding them.
In the beginning, with only whispers and quiet fights taking place as two sides divided over beliefs, he was unaware, too completely wrapped up in his own quests to set them aside and worry about another battle to fight. After all, in the beginning, he was utterly devoted to finding his own cure, whatever it might take. In a way, Xeno’s selfishness kept him blinded to what was happening, or how he might’ve helped for far longer than it should have.
But then he truly met Pandora, and he fell in love as quickly as he had fallen in love with the pursuit of knowledge to calm his mind. Even without a cure, being with her cleared some of the noise, and he could begin to understand the gravity of what was going on around him. He saw how much the carnage of the war hurt her, saw how deeply and thoroughly she cared for all of these people she didn’t even know, and that is what made him begin thinking more deeply on things.
That is when it began to hurt.
The voices seemed only to grow in volume, overlapping each other, begging for his attention at every turn as he watched his wife become more and more entrenched in a fight that should not have been happening in the first place, in his mind. As the war ragged on, and things grew worse, so did his affliction, as if whatever it was that had caused this was somehow tied to the war itself. That explanation made it feel easier, for him, anyway, even if it made everyone believe he was that much further gone, tying himself to something of such importance.
He retreated further and further into himself, his research falling by the wayside, only Pandora allowed into the true depths of his madness, witnesses the oftentimes nonsensical spurts of morbid inspiration burst from the voices of war in his mind. Among it all, there was, and still is, the underlying desire to do what his wife does, to be able to care so deeply about so many others, but his mind makes it so difficult. He cares about Pandora’s safety above all others’, and those she loves, too, now, but widely is still more concerned about the personal matters first. Still, he tries to help her when he can, would do anything in the world for her if it meant she was happy and at peace, just as she tries to do for him. And perhaps, once he finds his cure, he can do the same for others.
But how could he help now, after all, when he’s so far from whole himself?
3. Where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? why?
This, all of this, it was not a choice of his own.
He could feel Pandora’s desire to fight, even before the question of what came next was out in the world. And just as it came, so did offer of retreat, of refuge. It was never an offer they could have passed up, no matter how it was spun. Pandora wished to help, to do what she could for those suffering, and prevent any more death from blooming in their midst, and he has always wanted what she wants. His own involvement with the Order had been selfish from the start, anyway, and it was clear that retreating with the Order held the most potential for the expansion of knowledge, the potential of finding a cure, even after all of these years, or even just finding a moment of peace. Just as it was clear that the longer they spent out in the world, amongst the hatred and violence, the worse his condition became, descending further and further from reason.
And so it was not a choice in the first place, and now, here they are, without much choice again.
Stuck in a village full of the memory of death, without a say.
With no personal attachment to the war, and as only an affiliate of the Order, it is hard for him to form a true feeling on what is right for all of them. He has very little desire to stay here for an extended period of time, feels trapped and static without access to the world at large for his research, but the thought of rebuilding to fight is one he’s not certain of either, when the war was never his to start and he feels in no way ready to truly help yet.
When it comes down to it, he would do whatever it is that Pandora believes is for the best for both of them, trusting her more than anyone else in the world, especially as the voices become clearer and he feels himself slipping from sense, even if that meant staying until the war ends.
But he doesn’t feel good here.
It stinks of death, of vile hatred, of curses perhaps even worse than his own. And for the first time, he’s afraid.
It’s strange, in a way, that he hasn’t felt fear like this before, after the countless fights, after waking up and learning he was missing weeks of his life, after being changed beyond his own will because of some sinister magic. Not once before has he felt this fear, but it’s settled square between his shoulders now, twisting a terrible knot of tension, keeping him from finding any true peace here. He’s convinced there’s something here that he’s been searching for. But now that he’s closer, he’s terrified of what he might find, that the answer might be there will never be a cure. That maybe he is mad after all.
4. The voices in Xenophilius’ head have only gotten louder since the war began. How are they now that he’s in Godric’s Hollow? Has anything he heard made sense, or is it just a bunch of gibberish?
There were always voices in his mind, although he had never truly considered them anything to worry about until after the that fateful night when they changed. There were always whispers of unknown sources helping him along with his research, encouraging him to expand his thinking, search out new creatures and potions. Those voices helped create new spells, craft potions no one had dreamt up before, study beasts only thought of in fairy tales.
They’re different now, though, darker, jumbled. It’s rarer that there’s anything clear, so many different voices speaking at once, constantly, but when there is, it’s not as it was, inspiring thoughts and breakthroughs. And they’re all familiar; sometimes he’ll hear his parents, sometimes he’ll hear old schoolmates, Order members.
When he became truly aware of the war, something changed. The voices seemed louder, more persistent, as if determined to hold his attention because of what was going on in the world.
Coming to here, Xeno believed that perhaps being in a place of peace would change that, that it may quiet some of the voices, take the constant dull roar down to a whisper once again, allow him to feel more like himself, allow him to focus on searching for a cure. He was wrong, though.
The voices changed upon his entrance into Godric’s Hollow.
There’s something new there, in the corner of his mind, hidden amongst all of the confusion, the hundreds of voices mixed floating around his mind. It used to be so rare to have a moment of clarity, the voices only working to a crescendo so often. It happens often now, one thought or another winning out, coming to the forefront of his mind in complete clarity and bursting forth into a shock of inspiration.
These bursts of inspiration feel almost close to violent since coming to Godric’s Hollow, taking him over completely, frenzied. He finds himself scribbling in notebook upon notebook madly, frantically flipping through pages of the books they’d brought to their tent from home, muttering to himself as if he may lose the thread of inspiration if he cannot get it out into the world fast enough. It’s exhausting, feeling so much, feeling so out of his own control at times, and he’s certain it has to do with this place.
When they calm again, when he stops from exhaustion, quill drooping in hand, and glances at the pages and pages, it scares him even more. Rarely, now, does what he writes seem to be related to his own research. It seems to be what these voices want, the thoughts made concrete.
He hears them saying names, names of those lost, those gone forever. Hears them telling him to go, then another telling him he must stay, that he is oh, so close to what he needs. He tries his hardest to keep going, but it gets so hard when in the din of voices something so clear rings out, something that seems to mean more.
The most terrifying thing was the first moment he heard Pandora’s voice in his mind, clear as day, the familiar wavering whisper as beautiful as a bird’s song to his ears, one of the first days they had come to Godric’s Hollow. She told him to stay. It shook him to his core, but he hasn’t heard her since, hopes he doesn’t. He hates the thought of his curse touching the most pure thing in his life.
So Xenophilius searches for what they’re trying to lead him to, hoping it is what he needs, that the cure might be at his fingertips, if only he opens his eyes.
pinterest board!
character tag!
if i were…
if i were a season, i’d be autumn.
if i were a time of day, i’d be dusk.
if i were a place, i’d be a hidden library of forgotten knowledge.
if i were a type of weather, i’d be a thunderstorm.
if i were a scent, i’d be patchouli.
if i were a plant, i’d be a Dirigible plum.
if i were an element, i’d be water.
if i were a color, i’d be bright, warm yellow.
if i were a song, i’d be River by Joni Mitchell
if i were an item of clothing, it’d be a worn, grey duster.
if i were an object, i’d be a moleskin notebook.
if i were one of the seven deadly sins, i’d be pride.
if i were one of the seven heavenly virtues, i’d be diligence.
if i were a god/goddess, i’d be Athena.
on pandora:
He knew. The moment she first treated him in Mungo’s, he knew that he would follow her to the ends of the earth, if she would allow him. It was a strange feeling, not entirely a pleasant one when considering that all his life he had expected never to feel that way about another human being. He wonders how he had missed her at Hogwarts, but then, he had been so entangled in himself, so focused on collecting all the knowledge that he could, that he had hardly made any friends in his own house and year, yet alone others. What mattered is that he had found her now, just in time to keep him from giving up.
After truly meeting Pandora, his single-minded obsession became learning to sign as quickly and proficiently as he could. He wasn’t as fast as he wished he would’ve been, but he learned as best he could, and kept going back to Mungo’s as he learned, an excuse to see her again and talk to her more, especially as he realized that the other healers believed him mad.
She was the first person who truly believed him when he insisted it was the boys’ attack with the dark objects that had caused this, and not a dormant mental illness whose symptoms only appeared after the event. As such, his trust and belief in her was enormous from the beginning, and has not once faltered in the years since.
One of the initial reasons he was so attracted to her was for her pure dedication to a singular cause and the pursuit of knowledge, something he believes in himself. He could see how passionate she was about healing, and how willing she was to do anything to help her patients, not limited to the confines of average healing. He admires her determination and creativity greatly.
The way she cares for people stands in stark contrast to his own ability to do so, which is another reason he loves her so much. He can hardly imagine being so open in caring about others, but he likes to think that she has helped him grow in that regard even slightly. He hopes that she’ll help him grow in that even more, once they’ve found a cure.
If it were not for Pandora, Xeno wholeheartedly believes he would have given up hope of finding a cure, or even peace, years ago. She was able to show him the light in the darkness, and she continues to be that beam of sunlight coming through the clouds of a storm with each passing moment, reminding him that there’s always reason for hope left.
The only times he finds even brief moments of something close to silence is with her. Lying in bed together as they both try to drift into troubled sleep, listening to the steady sound of her breathing, feeling her heat pressed against his, it’s nearly enough to calm the war constantly raging in his mind.
His proposal to her was neither truly romantic or at all dramatic, instead a sort of passing question in the midst of the ever rambling road of his words, his fingers moving just as fast as his lips could, by that time. A question phrased in a way that made it seem more for practicality than it truly was, because he does love her, more greatly than he thought he could ever love one person. A simple it would be easier if we were married, and then the nonchalant production of a ring from his pocket, set on the table in front of her. An amethyst and celestite woven together within a bronze band, charmed to emit a sense of pease and focus, as well as ward off Wrackspurts.
His parents met at Durmstang, and then moved to Berlin, Germany after graduating, working as researchers, of sorts, for a company of like-minded wizards interested in what many would call nontraditional magic. When things began to fall apart in the non-magical world, they made the decision to move to start a family of their own in safety. They settled in London, using up most of their savings to make it there and rent a small flat in Camden.
Despite being a pureblood, Xeno holds none of the beliefs of British pureblood society, in part thanks to be raised by non-British purebloods, but mostly because he can hardly fathom how it is possible to see other humans so darkly. He appreciates what muggles have accomplished without magic, and has even studied much of muggle science and technology out of interest, as well as being interested in proving for them the existence of several of their so-called cryptids.
He has never been able to hold a full time job for long, and stopped trying to do so after years spent in his early twenties trying unsuccessfully in various fields that didn’t truly keep his interest anyway. He would miss days of work without mentioning it, was perpetually late, and rarely actually helped customers with what they actually wanted when in customer service fields. Instead, he earned his money by penning essays and articles sold to various magazines and newspapers on his strange beliefs, as well as selling his research to those who would benefit from it. He dreams of starting his own magazine, if things ever return to normal, if heever finds a cure for his affliction, but right now that task feels impossible given how full his mind is.
He’s started a small garden of strange flora for his and Pandora’s use in Godric’s Hollow. Not much of it is useful to the more ordinary needs of the residents, unless they believe in the oftentimes wild properties Xeno attributes to many of the plants, but he and his wife use many of them for potions and infusions of their own needs, and gladly share if anyone has a desire.
Xenophilius is unable to produce a corporeal Patronus at this time, and has not been able to since waking up in the hospital wing those years ago. Before that, though, his Patronus was an eagle owl.
He didn’t actually seek any healing for what the other students had done to him outside of his own attempts at healing until he was well out of school. As confident as ever, he believed that he could find a cure and do so by himself. When it started interfering not only with his life, but his work, though, he sought out help at Mungo’s. Although most of the healers believed he had gone insane, and most people still do, it was the best decision he made, as it lead him to Pandora.
He hasn’t had any contact with his parents since he graduated from Hogwarts and isn’t certain where they are now, or even if they’re still living. It isn’t that he doesn’t love them, but the childhood that they gave him took too much from him even as they fought to offer him opportunity. He still hears their voices amongst all the others, hears them arguing, only now the anger feels directed at him, not each other.
As well as now being fluent in sign language, Xeno also speaks fluent German, although most of what comes to mind easily now has to do with the cursing that his parents used to do at each other during his childhood.
Not concerned with outward appearances, Xeno very often looks like he rolled directly out of bed and walked into public. While that isn’t usually the case, he could not care less if anyone thinks it is. If he owns a brush for his hair, it has long ago been lost, and many of his clothes are either entirely inappropriate for the occasion at hand, or completely mismatched. There is a method to some of what he wears, of course; the necklaces he always wears, one with a butterbeer cork dangling from it, the other with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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Xenophilius Lovegood - non-bio character [+1] (Sunday June 26th @7pm cst)
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falsedestiniesrp · 3 years ago
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26-32 who works as a EDITOR AT THE QUIBBLER. They are a HALFBLOOD who currently sides with the NEUTRAL.  Their pronouns are UP TO PLAYER and look like FC UP TO PLAYER.
Up to player.
They went to HOGWARTS and belong in RAVENCLAW. School life up to player.
Up to player.
Connection: Description up to player.
Xenophilius Lovegood is described as an eccentric-looking wizard.
Xenophilius Lovegood created the Quibbler.
Xenophilius is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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