70 posts
Everyone knows their stories, and everyone knows their endings. We’ve heard of their school days and their desires to fight. We’ve heard of their struggles and demise — but what about the in-between? Sure, it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns, but they had lives, love, happiness, families … moments of peace in a world feeling the flames of war.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
marauders79 · 6 years ago
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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Welcome to Marauders 1979, Sheila You have been accepted for your character Dorcas Meadowes (FC: Alona Tal ). Please send us your characters accounts within 48 hours.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
How often do you do acceptances? What FCs could you see for Dorcas?
We accept daily! And as for faceclaims we can see Abgail Cowen, Summer Bishil, Melissa O’Neil, Crystal Reed, Danielle Rose Russell, Sofia Carson & Lily Collins! 
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
I was curious if this rp was still active? I was wanting to apply, but I wasn't sure.
We are! Currently some of our members are busy with school but Nomi and I are around :)
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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Please unfollow:
Amelia Bones
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
Hey, lovies! Admin K here -- if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I’ll be around all night :) 
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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The following characters have 48 hours to post the required amount (3 threads) or to contact the main for an extension or hiatus before their roles are reopened:
Amelia Bones ( played by Carrie )
Xenophilius Lovegood (played by Matty )
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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It started with the flickering of the lights for a few seconds until the entire ballroom was dark. That was all it took for a widespread panic to set in, fear triggering the heightened mood. There was already an uneasy feeling in the air at the sight of some well-known Death Eaters in attendance so it didn’t take long for people to guess this wasn’t an unintended move. In a matter of minutes, screams were heard, voices bouncing off the walls as most tried to gather their things and rush out. Others who were braver attempted to figure out the cause, lightening their wands only to be met with fire. Soon the ballroom became a battlefield, Death Eaters throwing hexes and curses at those who decided to stay and fight back. 
The fight itself did not last long. As soon as the fire was put out, many of the Death Eaters had vanished with smirks on their faces. They were up to something and those who hadn’t fallen watched carefully for a return though it never happened. When the lights came back on, the remaining guests were left to question what was going on? 
When Laertes Belby came running towards the Ministry employees, who had all gathered together to sort out an action plan, he told them that his date, Nicholas Karev, had gone missing. Something that was most of the workers didn’t find important, believing the man’s date had most likely snuck out. But when another person claimed to have seen someone grab Aspen Burbage, the Ministry quickly realized the attack had been staged. 
The Gala has been attacked! The cloaked Death Eaters had succeeded in their plan, kidnapping Nicholas Karev & Aspen Burbage. It is unknown why these two were chosen. You may continue with your event threads up until Tuesday, April 2nd. As far as the plot drop goes, you are free to do as you wish. You may write out the battle scene or the aftermath. You may have your characters be injured or rushed out before the attack happened.  Whatever you choose will set the path for not only your character’s storyline but the roleplay’s plot as well. We will have a discord discussion on what should happen next shortly. Enjoy! :) 
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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                                     James Potter is played by Nyx
Full Name: James Reuben Potter
FC: beau mirchoff
DOB: 3/27/1960
Age: 19
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Hogwarts House?: gryffindor
Blood Status: pure blood
Wand: 11 inch mahogany
Patronus: stag
2 Positive Traits: loyal and dexterous
2 Negative Traits: arrogant and impulsive
Side: the order
Job: unemployed
Anything else?: As of right now, James has joined the Order and is living off his inheritance and doesn’t feel the need for a job yet. He’s an animagi.
After years of complications, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter finally gave birth to a son who was named James Reuben Potter. James was born on the outskirts of London in a wealthy home on March 27th, 1960. Being the only child, his retired parents spoiled their only child to death, giving him only the finest toys and clothing. This followed him to Hogwarts, as he got the best of the best in terms of school supplies. With his father being an inventor, James became quite fond of building things and figuring out how to make potions as a kid, often making potions to make vegetables taste better or even changing his pet’s fur colour bright pink once, something his mother never let him live down. When he wasn’t causing a ruckus James could be found rescuing hurt animals, refusing to let them go until the animal was all healed. He grew confident in his household, never letting his voice go unheard.
Despite being a boastful and confident child, James was quite nervous getting onto the Hogwarts Express. Yes, he was friends with a few other pureblooded children, but he had never seen so many wizards his age all in one place before. And entering Hogwarts was eye opening to him too, wanting to make friends with everyone.
With his mother being a Ravenclaw and his father being a Gryffindor, they tried to instill traits both houses valued into James. They never pressured him to choose one house over the other, though his father did feel quite prideful when James did get sorted into Gryffindor. Once he got sorted into Gryffindor, he met many people he had become friends with. James was a social butterfly and wanted to be friends with everyone.
As the years went by, James excelled in just about all his courses. One of his favourites being dueling, which was the class where he’d take out any anger and frustration out of him. His popularity rose within the school and quickly. His love for Quidditch really started to show after third year, finally getting serious about the sport and rapidly rose to be one of the best chasers Hogwarts had ever seen. His ego quickly boosted as being became jealous of him, slightly feared him, wanted to be him, or wanted to be with him. The boy felt like a king and rightfully so.  
Seventh year was when James really started to take things seriously after a long conversation with his father. His pranks and hexes quickly simmered down and focused more on his studies, and Quidditch. Despite his wide range of interests, James never really knew what he wanted to do.
James stepped out into the real world with no idea of how bloody and brutal the war would be.  He was grateful for having friends there by his side, especially after his parents died, otherwise he would have quickly unraveled and destroyed himself from witnessing the horrors the young man was exposed to. James found his footing and rose from the ashes. He fought against the dark lord and made names for himself.  
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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                                 Amelia Bones is played by Carrie
Full Name: Amelia Susan Bones
FC: Haley Lu Richardson
DOB: January 3rd, 1960
Age: (characters must be 17+ ) : 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning
Hogwarts House?: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Wand: Alder wood , dragon heartstring , 10 ½ inches.
Patronus: Crow
2 Positive Traits: Intuitive , rational
2 Negative Traits: Obsessive ,  bossy
Side: The Order
Job:  Auror
Born the youngest of three, and the only girl, Amelia Susan Bones was constantly trying to prove herself. Her elder brothers, Edgar and Octavius, both a few years older than she, had been sorted into Ravenclaw in their first year at Hogwarts, and now years on, were both at the top of their class. The young girl was determined to do the same. From the very first moment she laid eyes on the grand old castle, the eleven year old was desperate to don blue and bronze. Hufflepuff came out of left field. Hufflepuff felt like a letdown. Hufflepuff was not where the great Bones family belonged. Sure, it had been her mother’s house, but Amelia still felt it was not good enough. For months, the child avoided her brothers in the halls, avoided the letters her parents would send, avoided anyone who might call her out for being a let down. Amelia wouldn’t hear it. Instead, the first year planned to prove herself, to show her strength and unshakeable intelligence as a wizard despite being nothing like Edgar and Octavius. As time passed, Amelia did just that. The young witch, now barreling towards her OWLs,  was amply skilled in divination, transfiguration, arithmacy — almost anything she set her mind to.  By her final year, not only had Amelia been able to prove herself as an exceptional witch, but she had mastered the art of non-verbal spells.
When Amelia left Hogwarts. she did so as her parents pride and joy. She was bright, helpful, considerate, determined — everything they could ever ask for in a daughter. They were even prouder to hear when Amelia announced that she wanted to follow in her eldest brother’s footsteps, becoming one of the youngest female Aurors in the ministry’s history. It was unbelievably good timing, too, as darkness had been clouding over the wizarding world for years now. Amelia knew she needed to help. So she did. For a year, Amelia worked tirelessly to try and bring down dark-magic, to help lightness reign across the world. It became almost impossible, though, as the losses began to stack up and darkness penetrated the systems she’d trusted her whole life. Amelia continued to work as an Auror despite the fear she felt being led by someone as corrupt as Bartemius Crouch. The woman felt she could be a force for good, that her and Edgar could save the world, one wizard at a time. It was a naive assumption. No one got away from the war unscathed. No one. After the young Auror managed to take down a ring of particularly aggressive Death Eaters, Amelia learned that lesson tenfold. Her parents were murdered in retaliation.
Amelia was angry. While her family mourned, the woman fumed. She couldn’t sit still. Couldn’t stomach the outdated, treacherous idea of eye-for-an-eye justice that had been ruling both sides of the war. Death wouldn’t take over her life. Amelia wouldn’t let it. The woman dove headfirst into her work with The Order, abandoning all relationships — family, friends, people who cared for her — to dive headfirst into bringing down dark magic and, hopefully, the once decent people who had been influenced by its power.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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                            Charlotte Scamander is played by Brooke
Full Name: Charlotte Scamander Barnes
FC: Lily James
DOB: March 20th 1960
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House?:  Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Wand: Hawthorn wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ¾" and Unbending flexibility
Patronus: Fox
2 Positive Traits: compassionate & humble
2 Negative Traits: impulsive & stubborn 
Job: Former Ministry Employee/ Currently working at an inn.
Charlotte Barnes is the oldest of Three in her family, growing up in a fairly normal wizard home. But, going to Hogwarts was the most thrilling thing anyone could have dreamed up. Her young years were the best of her life, one of the top students in her year, had great friends and lived for the Quidditch pitch. As she grew up into her teen years, she turned many heads but only ever paid notice to one of her best friends, Caspian Scamander. She was happy, it sounds simple, but that’s how it was.
By Charlie’s final year of Hogwarts, the war was starting to ignite. As things started to progress, she was fearful for the lives of her loved ones-especially those born from non-magical friends- but she wasn’t afraid to fight for them. So, she joined The Order of the Phoenix, Newlywed to her longtime boyfriend.
Present day, The war has left Charlotte widowed and is under the protection of The Order along with newly finding out the news of her unexpected pregnancy. The whole situation is difficult to process as she struggles to figure out how she’s going to take care of a new baby alone in the middle of a war.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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                               Bellatrix Black is played by Theodora 
Full Name: Bellatrix Druella Black
FC: Emma Greenwell
DOB:  Aug 13 1960
Age: 19
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House?: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure blood
Wand: 12¾", Walnut, dragon heartstring
Patronus: None
2 Positive Traits: Passionate, Loyal
2 Negative Traits: Cruel, Malicious
Side: Death Eaters
Job: Death Eater
Bellatrix is the oldest of the Black girls and grew up surrounded by power and wealth. It was only the best for her and her sisters, but that meant that they also had to be the best. Prior to the war she was a top student at Hogwarts and, like her family, has been a devout follower of Voldemort since her early years. So devoted in fact that she fell in love with him at 14 and the two had a sexual relationship until her official engagement to Rodolphus Lestrange.
Now one of the top death eaters, Bellatrix is fuelled by the chaos and depravity. Torturing and murdering have become an even bigger part of her life than before and she is high on the power and fame that come with her position. If her name weren’t Black she’d have been locked long ago.
When she’s not fighting for Voldemort, Bellatrix spends her time in the seediest of clubs, partying as much as possible. She’s made a name for herself, but she’s still trying to navigate life outside of Hogwarts
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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                                   Nicholas Karev is played by Erica
Full Name: Nicholas Karev
FC: Liam Hensworth
DOB: July 23rd, 1961
Age: (characters must be 17+ ) 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hogwarts House?: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Half blood
Wand: Holly
Patronus: Dog
2 Positive Traits: Caring, loyal, intelligent, protective
2 Negative Traits: Introvert, defensive, sensitive, insecure, quick-tempered
Side: Order
Job: Professional Quidditch Player for Montrose Magpies
Nicholas is a far cry from the scared boy he used to be back in Hogwarts. Although, it’s only been three years since he left Hogwarts, a lot has changed in his life and the way he viewed things. After his muggleborn mother died by the hands of Death Eaters in his sixth year, something in him seemed to switch. Nicholas never really gave thought to the upcoming war at that time, never picked a side though he knew which one was the obvious choice. When the killing of his mother reached his ears, it was like something in him broke. Out of all the bad things in Nicholas’ life, his mother was the only thing left that he could call home. They were a family and now Nicholas had nothing.
 After going off the deep end for a bit, Nicholas eventually picked himself up and decided to channel all his grief and anger into something more important - fighting in this war. He didn’t come back for his seventh year and instead focused on helping the Order and trying to find the Death Eaters that killed his mother. Nicholas gained a new confidence for himself, no longer letting the past control him for he was done feeling sorry for himself all the time. He finally embraced the monster he was and changed his attitude about life, accepting everything that tried to bring him down. Besides helping the Order, Nicholas made a dream of his come true by becoming a professional Quidditch player. Quidditch had always been a passion for him, it was something that helped him escape from his life and relax and maybe get rid of all the pent up anger he had for a little while.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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Welcome to Marauders 1979, Nyx! You have been accepted for your character James Potter (FC: Beau Mirchoff ). Please send us your characters accounts within 48 hours.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
here's amelia!
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
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Welcome to Marauders 1979, Carie! You have been accepted for your character Amelia Bones (FC: Haley Lu Richardson ). Please send us your characters accounts within 48 hours.
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marauders79 · 6 years ago
alice fortescue or amelia bones??
I would love to see either of those ladies here, but if I had to choose Amelia Bones.
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