#xbox one repair
erepaircenter · 1 year
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neververy4 · 2 years
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Nothing quite like a good ‘o cap session :)
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electricpurrs · 1 year
oh also i talked a while ago about how my cat pissed on our videogame consoles and i was scared it broke them forever, but it didnt! we let them off for several days hoping it would dry and scared to try to turn it on and learn that it was broken, but everything is working perfectly :-)
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Unsolicited invitation to imagine a rainbow. In the perfect moment when the rainstorm has passed over and beyond where you are, the sun shines from the west and refracts in the retreating rain. The starlight scatters and bends, creating an arc across the sky. The air is comfortably warm and easy to breathe. I hope that things get better for you soon.
Thank you. It's been a rough year thus far, and I need good things to happen.
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Where's that post comparing the different drug subreddits
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edireviews · 14 days
Call of Duty 2 - "Not One Step Backwards!": Repairing the Wire
Soldado Vasili Ivanovich Koslov
Stalingrado, U.R.S.S. - 1942
Captura feita a partir do XBox 360 utilizando a placa de captura EZCAP 333 Gamelink Raw
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lucitech · 3 months
(cleaning an OG Xbox and noticing intact stickers) ooh, this one hasn't been opened before!
...oh, this one hasn't been opened before 😬
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asterroses · 5 months
the two consoles i wish to own in the future are a gamecube and a psp . that is all
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kulvefaggoth · 7 months
I've been having the worst luck with game controllers these last few years e.e
It's true neither the one i bought or the one i got from my friend were brand name ones but damn it sucks to feel twice now the damn things just stop working little by little😭😭😭
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havegaysex · 7 months
A while ago my dad went with me and I was going to buy some video games and handed up buying them for me. And I'm really mad because I went with the cheaper version without the little booklet in the disc case and I wish I went with the more expensive versions since he was buying it anyway. My father has caused so much destruction in my mom and i's lives that I feel like he owes me financial compensation and I wish I had gotten the version of Halo with the little booklet. Very sad about not having for Halo 3 when I had the option I just chose not to get it because I thought it was going to be my money buying that. I should have just bought it.
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skywolfhd20 · 2 years
so would anyone happen to know how to fix an xbox one controller that stopped working after falling on the floor one too many times?
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erepaircenter · 1 year
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Have you ever used a thermal camera? It's one of those cool diagnostic tools that lets you see with your lame human eyes just how hot something is. And it costs like a thousand stupid dollars. So unfair. Cats get that for free, probably, and they don't have to go to work either.
Life is full of all kinds of great industrial tools like that. Stuff the professionals use every day, to solve real problems. And if you could just get your hands on it for thirty, forty seconds, while their backs are turned, you could finally get this stupid hobby project back on track. It's not like you were using it 24/7, there, Stanislaw Lem.
There is some good news. AliExpress has been great at democratizing this, because giving weirdos access to industrial-grade equipment at home that they have to finish building and repairing first is a good way to make some quick cash. For three hundred bucks, you can buy either a used Xbox, or a pretty good binocular microscope for doing your own microbiology at home. At this rate, I fully expect to be able to 3D-print an entire living raccoon for about seventy-five dollars in 2040.
Will you be able to identify the brand? Absolutely not, and that worries some people. Here's the thing: I have no idea what "brand" the sidewalk outside my house is. I just trust it to be there when I have to drive on it during the winter because my tires are getting a little bald from all these burnouts. Think I'm getting a little off-topic here.
What I'm trying to say is, when someone offers you a chance to set up your own stellarator at home, you take it. What is a stellarator, you ask? I have no idea either, but it says here that I can get one ordered for about $1800, and I will probably need it eventually, right?
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With Love For Dragon Age
When I say Dragon Age saved my life, I'm not exaggerating. It's not hyperbole. It's 100% factual. When I was at my lowest, I made a list in my head of things I would not be able to enjoy if I ended my life. This game was number one. 
I won't be able to play the next Dragon Age game.
I won't be able to feel my husband's hugs.
I won't be able to hear my cat purring.
That was the order ever single time.
I haven't felt that way for about...four years now. When I got sick with covid in 2022, Dragon Age gave me more motivation to fight the disease (bed rest, lots of soup, neti pot, pneumonia breathing exercises), and I know it helped.
Between the three games, I have around 40k hours (or 4.56 years) of game time invested in it. I have all the books and graphic novels, the tarot deck, and more. This game is on a short list of things I'm well and truly passionate about.
Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to play until next year. Why?
Pay off Cacoa's vet bill from earlier this year - 50% there
Pay off at least half of another debt - $1619.20 left to pay on it right now, and it starts collecting interest in spring 2025.
Purchase a game console - XBox Series X, $500 - I have an XBox One, and it can't play this game.
Purchase the game - around $70, and I'm not pre-ordering. 
With your assistance, I can reach those goals. Selling two of my original paintings would take care of both the first and second goals. I have quilt listings starting at $20. There's also the option to commission me for a quilt, become a monthly supporter, or make a donation. I'm rather fond of having space for making new things, and my space is very limited, and the shop has many listings with more added almost every week right now, when I'm not working on commissions.
If I'm able to play this year, I will be ecstatic. Ideally, playing as part of my celebration for have less debt. We have another debt to pay off after this, but it's collecting no interest. Selling everything in my shop, however, would pay off everything on this list, plus that debt, and enough left to make home repairs (like replacing the plumbing).
If I reach goals one and two, totaling nearly $2k with the two combined, by October 1st, I'm having a massive giveaway. One when I reach my current goal, one when I reach the next one, and as celebration for reaching both by October 1st, a third giveaway.
Listen, my love for Dragon Age runs deep as the marrow in my bones. It was one of the very things that kept me from ending my life during the darker times of my life. I will be genuinely upset if I'm unable to play when the game is released, but I will be happy just to be able to play this year. My love for Dragon Age is incentive enough to offer free quilts.
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I am i the asshole for being a solo player? (obligatory emoji for future reference: 🍧 ) TW: dead by daylight
So I'm playing dead by day light. (A 4 V 1 game where its 4 survivors (teams are optional) V one killer) i'm playing on my own at 4am and i end up on a match where my other 3 team mates are acting super weird, not healing me when i'm hurt, generally kind of avoiding me and over all, acting like solo players, which i get. The first person to die, died quite quickly, second person died while i was doing objectives (repairing gens) and i kept my distance from the killer who always stayed quite close to the person who was "on hook (dying)" because i was injured and didn't know if i could trust my 'team' to save me since they weren't healing me when or helping me do the objectives at all (powering up generators. did at least one or two on my own by the time it was down to two people)
it wasn't till it was a 2 V 1. we were both injured and they were on hook about to die. i'm half way across the map and injured. i know if i try and go for the save i die, or rather, we both die. So i let her die and opt to go for the last person emergency exit: Formally known as hatch and by the sheer grace of god i get it. Only person to get out of four people. yeah i'm mad we couldn't get the gens done and more than one of us get out but at this point it was: The first dead seeming to give up because they died less than 2 minutes into a match, the second one dying because they hit strike 3 and thats what happens and yeah third person died because it was either them or both of us. So i tried being a good team mate and messaged them all saying 'good game well played' because it was a good game. we got most the gens done even if all but one person died.
AND THIS IS WHEN I LEARN THEY WERE A FUCKING TRIO: and they start giving me so much shit "YoU leT uS dIe" "EdGe MaP-" "you could have taken a hit!" (ignoring the fact i was one hit to be downed most that match) that means they were all talking and in full communication when i was clueless about what they had planned? because with they way they played i thought they were 3 separate solo players because what how would i have known they were a team.
Here's the thing, before a match starts you get a whole minute, minute and a half to prep before a match starts. we were all on xbox, they could have easily added me in to a party and said "Hey, we're a trio, we have a plan" or even "hey we're a trio, you wanna join us and make a team?" because how the hell was i meant to know you were a team with a plan otherwise? I feel like its not my fault they wanted to risk it and leave it to chance for a 4th member to not know what was going on but with the way they ignored me most the match makes me think i was going to be their spare person at least or their sacrificial Meg at most which does happen a lot. So how was i meant to know any of what they had planned and AITA for whatever they're mad about?
What are these acronyms?
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ettawritesnstudies · 8 months
Unrelated to writing but I'd appreciate boosts because this is the nerd website and I'm sure there's interested people outside of my immediate circle:
My boyfriend does retro gaming console modifications and repair! He's been working really hard recently to get a bunch of N64s, Xboxes, and PS2s up for sale on eBay and he's got more to post once this batch sells. I help him clean and test and pack them all so I can vouch for the refurbished ones.
It's been an interest of his for a while, so I'm really excited he's finally getting the chance to work on this. If you're interested in retro gaming or you know someone who is, please share the link!
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