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That moment when you realize you've adopted a new son
In the days and weeks following an incident in which a group of celestials put a stop to a catastrophic ritual that could have threatened the Prime Material, Xanthanel was tasked with figuring out the details of what had occurred there. They had been slowly and gently interrogating Zerrias, one of the only survivors of the incident, a tiefling boy who they had rescued the day of after mistaking his aura for that of a true celestial. His family had played key roles in the ritual, before they were slain by Xanthanel themself. The act of performing the rituals themselves traumatized Zerrias, who eventually refused to participate in them. Feeling guilt for being the one who separated Zerrias from his family, Xan took it upon themself to work with the kid to not only pull what information they needed, but make sure he was settled in a safe space before he'd depart permanently.
Xan learned that Zerrias was a bright kid, liked to read, and had a good sense for right and wrong, but was shy and didn't talk much. Pulling information out of him without upsetting him took patience and care, but Xan had the time. He was guarded, and slow to trust, but once Xan proved that they were not a danger the kid was more willing to give up pieces of information in and amongst other conversation and activities. Over a period of time, Zerrias' personality began to shine through, and Xan found himself more and more invested with each trip they made.
Needless to say, there was no permanent departure.
#tiefling#solar#dungeons and dragons#asharts#aiben#zeal#xanthanel#sketches#hi i havent drawn anything in weeks#and pumped this out the other night in a feverish state#work was HELL#its calmed down and im coming up on a much anticipated 2 week staycation#but dear god that one episode was a doozy to work on#and a big headache#hopefully its the last time we have a prod hiccup that bad#but i mean im stuck here till december so anything can happen lol#anyway!!! ive had this image in my head for a long time!#the moment that Xan decided oh no this is my child now#had to be the realization that zeal/zerrias didnt really have parental figures he trusted growing up#please enjoy my scribbles#i cant be bothered to clean anything up#i am simply a tired potato#who is head empty OCs only
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Having a kid is a lot of work it turns out
#dungeons and dragons#solar#tiefling#cactus#asharts#xanthanel#zeal#prickles#ah yes the awakened cactus makes a return#some of these drawings are pretty old actually I just forget to upload them#im pretty sure I havent put them on tumblr at least#i tend to share things on discord and then not put them online sdfjkgdf#but anyway nothing special just father son vibes#zeals gonna get wings soon so I felt like I could include the wings in the MEME#more on that later#aiben#also hi glad yall like the zelda art but dont expect much of it for a hot minute skjgfd#i am still in dnd hell#*smooches my dnd children on the foreheads*
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Boy some stuff has happened to Zeal.
We were very stupid and made camp next to an Ancient Green Dragon lair, to make a very long story short. Xanthanel came and saved our asses because it WAS going to be a TPK otherwise. Xan came in and casted Enlarge on themselves (putting them at 18ft tall) so they could go toe to toe with this 30ft tall dragon - it was full on a KAIJU BATTLE.
We teleported away with a scroll we found and managed to also teleport Xan to us, after Zeal realized his magic wasn't working. They were unconscious (and the DM had ME ROLL THEIR DEATH SAVES) so our paladin put one of his last Lay On Hands into him to wake him up. Sooooo Xan took a long rest with us after that sdjkgfdgd they were super weak and Z was very panicky the whole time.
This has created some problems because Xan is meant to not be seen, and their actions has basically given some other entities permission to cross boundaries that were not meant to be crossed. I don't know for sure but I don't imagine Io/Tiamat/Bahamut are very happy about what's occurred. Lathander has given Z and Xan an ultimatum that if Z doesn't bring them the big magic item we're looking for, they're going to cut off the connection they have. STAKES
#dungeons and dragons#tiefling#solar#character design#digital art#asharts#zeal#xanthanel#makera#dragons#drogmore#im so stressed for todays session tho#its unrelated to these events but Z could DIE#the DM said that hed be surprised if we made it all out alive#so pray for us#im not ready to lose my twink dsjkfgfd
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"Whats this?" "It allows you to call on me, and I can physically arrive. It's kind of like we fuse together for a little bit - but it'll bring my presence in your physical location." "Would it be a problem if I learned how to do this all the time? 'Cuz it's a lot... a lot a lot." "I would love to be there anytime."
Zeal got a spell scroll from Xan that allows him to call on Xan for help! It's a homebrew spell from a sourcebook my DM is writing, so I can't give the details away. But the long and short of it is Zeal exchanges having their powers melded into a really OP creature for a certain number of exhaustion levels equal to how long it sticks around. It's essentially a panic button. Zeal cant cast it quite yet but at our next level up he'll take it!
The DM had me describe what it looks like with Zeal and Xan combined into one and so you know I had to draw it. ;) Zeal's wings have turned white recently, but I thought I'd include how it looked when he first casted it (black) and how it'll eventually look (gold tipped)
#dungeons and dragons#tiefling#solar#celestial#character design#zeal#xanthanel#aiben#IT WAS PRETTY FUCKING SICK I GOTTA BE HONEST#He was very scary looking#also Xan attacked Lilith while in this form and Z was like HEY STOP THAT#I like to think they're sharing a space#and depending on who's more in control at a given time kinda determines how something goes#anyway big stuff has happened in the campaign recently#im too tired to draw it sigh#but enjoy tidbits#im really into this combined Z and Xan look#idk how the campaign is gonna turn out but in my mind someday Z ascends to being a proper celestial#and tbh he's probs gonna look SOMETHING like this#asharts
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Zeal had a very short telepathic conversation with Xan that felt like a phone call and I had to manifest that very specific energy.
Xan's been VERY busy doing, who knows what, for Lathander, and hasn't been able to sit down for a real chat with Zeal in a hot minute. Z had some questions before we went to the desert (which Xan lived a good chunk of his mortal life in) so we got a little check-in. There is a promise of a longer conversation later because, lots has happened and Z needs to run a full interrogation on things Xan has been more vague about.
Anyway life's hard when you're a higher celestial who doesn't need to sleep and has a v important job, coupled with having a son on an adventure you can't actively babysit.
#dungeons and dragons#solar#celestial#aiben#asharts#xanthanel#'be very careful if anyone tries to talk in your head' yeah xan youre doing this right now dsjkgfd#Zeal learned from The Ephemeral Candle of Time (long story we'll get there) that Xan is particularly territorial over their connection to Z#which like - fair my dude#but poor xan is exhausted#let this man rest#i also did promise myself id draw xan in a diff outfit every time BUT#the DM and I sorta decided that xan def has a 'work uniform' of some kind and this is probs it#v shiny much armor#wanted it to be very similar to zeals because zeal would chomp on that flavor#next time I draw them itll be in something more casual granted xan has a moment to rest
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Xanthanel!!! In all their armored and ready to fight glory. They don't really fight often at all, they're much more of an investigative "look and observe" sort of person, but I wanted to draw them looking a bit intimidating for once. They're a CR21 creature after all.
Slowly sort of meandering my way through understanding how I want the gold on both Xan and Zeal look, which is a daunting task considering gold can be colored SO many ways. Xan's wings obviously aren't solid gold, but they sure as hell shine like they are. It's also a bit hard to tell here but their skin is an alabaster texture with a very subtle sort of goldish sheen, and their hair is meant to mimic bronze. Things I'm not super great at.
#solar#dungeons and dragons#celestial#digitalart#character design#asharts#xanthanel#been pretty head empty xan only for a little bit#theyre a gentle soul#but like dont fuck around with a solar like thats a bad idea sjdkgfd#ive been humming and hawing over Xan's 'standard outfit' for ages now and I decided recently that they dont have one#because whos to say xan doesnt have many clothes#like every other person in this world#so ive pledged that every time I draw them Imma change it up a bit#but keep to certain themes
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Zeal went and made himself an arcanely charged camera!
When he went to the fancy party they had cameras there for guests to use, and Zeal become obsessed. Cameras are expensive, and so Zeal figured he'd just make his own, using Arcana to substitute mechanical components he doesn't understand/have ready access to. The result is he has to use spell slots to create photographs, but now he can take selfies to his hearts content granted he has the slots for it.
He wanted a photo with Xan very badly, but since Xan really can't be known to the general public and is in the business of keeping secret, Zeal wasn't allowed to keep this photograph. It sits on Xan's desk at home though in a nice frame where they will promptly show it off to their coworkers and brag about how smart their son is for making his own camera. :]
The camera takes photos in sepia/gold (per Z's magic), but I had done the image in color originally, so ya'll can have it even if its non canon.
#dungeons and dragons#tiefling#solar#illustration#character design#zeal#xanthanel#aiben#asharts#yeah sorry yall we're doing watermarks now#the rise of AI and other art theft got me a bit paranoid#good news is I made a really slick PS action so now I get a watermark with one click#anyway ZEAL HAS A CAMERA HES UNSTOPABLE#the DM made it very hard to craft because hes afraid we'll use it against him somehow#literally I just want an excuse to draw photos Z will take#and print them out#i have no fucking clue what id use this camera for in game#for evidence?? evidence of what???#i guess the opportunity will present itself if it becomes useful#but its literally just to fuel art#also because i think its cute if Z gives pictures to his friends and family#he sent the very first photo he ever took to Terrance cuz he bought the magic components that made this camera possible#its of Makera :>
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More Zeal sketches! First is a pretty early iteration of his patron, Xanthanel. Turns out Solars are massive, so they should be about 9ft tall instead of whats here. Zeal stands at about 6ft. Second is a joke I keep making based on this vine and I dunno it just tickles me jskdgfg. Third is a scene from an AL game that we played - Zeal’s nuclear family used to participate in fiendish rituals, so when they walked in on one and weren’t able to save the victim, Zeal was really distraught.
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A smattering of sketches to prove I'm still drawing, the holidays are so busy for me and work is a lot
The tldr of this session that occurred is we met an alternate version of Makera from a different timeline that was SUPER EVIL and had zombie/undead/necrotic versions of everyone to do her bidding. I do want to still write up those campaign summaries but it may have to wait until next week when I finally have some time off.
Zeal is also on his way to having a new ref sheet/image since the introduction of his wings.
#asharts#aiben#sketches#zeal#eddisar#atache#makera#peanut#xanthanel#ursa#it was brutal and really fun#tough tough fight#i promise Ill elaborate sometime#im just so tired rn#spent my entire weekend aside from dnd doing christmas prep#which is just inescapable because of how huge my family is#and my moms feral need to host parties#and then I get roped in cuz she needs help#its a mess every year#and then compounded with work and trying to keep my mental health in check and NOT do anything that would overwhelmingly stress me out#idk its many things#dnd the highlight of my week#for now I return to retake hell and I promise Ill summarize the campaign events soon
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Zeal lives with his aunt and uncle because his parents uh, fucked around and found out (summoning fiends isnt a good idea near a Lathandrian temple). Bulana and Azstin essentially act as his parents, and to a great extent so does Xanthanel, tho Xan can’t really visit Z in person these days. They communicate in dreams.
Bulana was once a fighting ring/boxing champion so she STRONK and very overbearing. Azstin is an alchemist (and is Zeal’s father’s brother) and probs had to help Z with some chemistry homework at some point who knows. Xanthanel was once a botanist, way back when they were a mortal, and so there was def a day where Z learned WAY more about lichen than he ever needed to know.
I dont love these drawings theres problems but I enjoy what the interactions represent so ~I shall share~
#dungeons and dragons#sketches#tiefling#solar#dnd#asharts#zeal#bulana#azstin#xanthanel#i love them all tbh#xan especially makes me laugh because me and the DM agreed they went full on lecture mode#because they are passionate about plants#and Z is nothing if not a sponge#he will absorb so much information cuz he just love to LEARN#reasons Xan sticks around tbh#easy for a former scientist to become attached to a smol child who simply wishes to learn#and will listen to your meandering thoughts about plant physiology#also hi yes I did post this to the wrong blog originally shhhh
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Xanthanel was human at some point! Something like close to 2000 years ago... maybe, there's some conflicting information that Zeal has access too and it's making for this weird mini mystery that he's determined to solve. They should be closer to like 2500-2700 years old is the tldr of it.
Anyway, Xan was a botanist in life and an expert in the desert plants of the Fulric Desert. Spent most of their life there, eventually happened upon an awakened cactus, eventually adopted the awakened cactus, and now the so dubbed "Mr Prickles" takes permanent residence in Xan's home in Elysium where it still chooses violence.
#dungeons and dragons#solar#sketches#asharts#xanthanel#mr prickles#for the record xan is he/they pronouns#because what does gender matter to a solar#but also probs used he pronouns in life#the dm has implied that xan had a beard at some point which is a hilarious thought that I may draw someday#but i have many other things to get through first#point being xan has a cactus that they love#that damn cactus is older than most mortals will ever dream of becoming#aiben
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"You know, Zerrias, father really would be proud of the kind of chaos you're doing here, I've gotta say."
That feeling when your sister who's meant to be long dead appears fully grown out of a portal during a weird timespace event and absolutely eviscerates an Empyrean and a Couatl.
There's a lot to unpack here and I'm too tired to draw actual scenes but the long and short of it is Zeal's family fucked around and found out a bit too hard and were trying to summon some massive fiendish creature in Mammon's name into the Prime Material. It's when he met Xanthanel, who had to take out his family to prevent an absolute disaster from occurring. Zeal had long stopped participating in rituals by then, the big event happened when he was 9, putting his sister Lilith at 13.
Above game the DM told me she was true resurrected and sent to do, many things, including the slaying of some celestials... because our actions have consequences. She's absolutely on the opposite side of things and that amulet she's wearing includes Mammon's symbol.
Also, Zeal's birth name is Zerrias - named after his late grandmother Zarrianna (wife of Eddisar!). He took Zeal as a virtue name when he was 21 because he wanted a bit of a fresh start, and he's got complicated feelings about his nuclear family. The last pic in order you have Zeal/Zerrias, Lilith, Darius, and Jezabeth.
#dunegons and dragons#dnd#tiefling#digital art#character design#asharts#zeal#lilith#darius#jezabeth#aiben#so much has OCCURED#lil also has left a letter for Zeal which ill probs draw more of#Ursa had a big fuck around and find out moment with a very dangerous antagonist#Makera saw her FUTURE SELF#lots of other wild and wacky things#the spacetime event was called The Convergence#and basically anyone who had or would time travel appeared there all at once#and we just happened to walk into that shit#except theres an NPC named Terrance who I WILL DRAW eventually who kinda knew this was occuring because hes a time traveler sorta#custom class stuff our DM made#Terrance neat hes dating Makera basically#point being it was a crazy fucking encounter with like a bunch of random shit#Zeal was given a Couatl Egg#Lilith delivered it's head to Zeal later#Zeal gave the head to Xanthanel so they could show it to their superiors and examine the wounds#The Blank which is the big NPC that Ursa saw was THANKFULLY SLAYED by Alikeri#and is going to get yelled at by Malotz later#lots of things!#its hard to sum up campaigns yall
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Aiben: The Great Hunt (Context)
HELLO and welcome to the segment where I summarize the D&D campaign I play in on Saturdays to the best of my ability. Actually, after this post, I plan on posting my PC Zeal's journal instead, since it's already written out and it'll be less work for me.
It's worth noting that the DM aims to create a sourcebook for the setting! Our campaign is heavily modified to suit our PCs needs and so the final sourcebook will be pretty different, but I've got his blessing to share a certain amount of info. Some information will be left vague our out entirely to keep the ~mystery~ of the campaign's "answers"
The wall of text is below the cut - this first one is gonna be mostly PC descriptions so we can get that context out of the way. Enjoy!
Also, if you'd like to see all content relating to this campaign/world, including art, be sure to look at my Aiben tag.
The adventure starts in the continent of Aiben in the capitol of Averias, where a hunt for an ancient and powerful metal known as Morphirium is being sponsored by the current king, Swesdon Wolfram. The Morphirium, once on display as an "art piece" 499 years ago, is the largest singular piece of the element currently known to humanoid kind, and is absolutely filled to the brim with arcane power and magical potential. The event is huge, requiring prior registration and paperwork, for a total of 100 teams participating in this hunt. The winners of this event take home 1 million gold pieces.
The last team to slip into registration, Team 100, consists of Eddisar of the Long Sight, his two grandchildren Makera Flintbreaker and Zeal Eddison, their friend Peanut, and two employees of some of Edd's old friends - Ursa Ironsand and Traverse. Later in the adventure, Atache, Slythe, and one other secret (for now) PC joins the party.
Player Characters
Eddisar of the Long Sight - Tiefling, M, ?? (Lore Bard)
A kind old man, an archeologist and historian. Long winded, gets lost in himself and his thoughts fairly often. Has seen most of the world and has an infinite number of stories to tell. He dresses plainly with no armor or weapons. His most peculiar feature is his right arm, which is clearly replaced by a branch he can control like a normal hand.
Edd is the de facto leader of the group, having signed everyone up for the contest, but takes a very relaxed approach to directing the group. He's keen on being more a resource to the party than being a hard and fast leader.
Makera Flintbreaker - Tiefling, F, 22 (Champion Fighter)
A tough young woman who's hard to impress. She is blunt and doesn't like to get caught up in details, opting for simpler solutions to complex problems. She is a boxer in a local league, and is hoping to go nationally pro someday like her mother, Bulana, was. She has an insane sweet tooth, an addiction to puzzles, and is inseparable from her cousin, Zeal.
Zeal Eddison - Tiefling, M, 23 (Celestial Warlock)
A bright-eyed enthusiastic young man with a headlong, heart-first sort of personality. He's a school teacher, but wants to go to university to study Planar Physics. In the absence of money to go to school, he consumes just about every book he can get his hands on. He endured an intense tragedy as a child where he met Xanthanel, a Solar that looks after him like a son. He's inseparable from his cousin, Makera.
Peanut - Tabaxi, M, 50s (Open Sea Paladin)
A HUGE, gruff, well built Tabaxi sailor. He is a gentle soul trapped in a war tank of a body. Spent a lot of his life in the Collesian Islands working as a boatswain, where some of the best sailors in the world exist. He's a tank and a force to be reckoned with, but also gives the best big kitty hugs. He has a taste for cheese, and collects/consumes wheels at an alarming rate. He is looking for his uncle, Sherbert, who went missing recently and left behind a puzzle box Peanut believes will lead them to him.
Ursa Ironsand - Desert Stormfolk, F, 16 (Sanity Cleric)
A short, kind and mellow elemental. Always stressed, but wears it well, keeps a level head and exudes "mom energy." She comes from a long family line of smiths, but isn't a very skilled one herself. She used to work at the "Forbidden Pit" in the middle of the desert, where nothing really happened, until one day she started having crazy dreams. Her boss suggested going on this this trip as a 'working vacation.' She is, well and truly, a disaster lesbian.
*Stormfolk are a custom race and Sanity Clerics are a custom class, making Ursa 100% homebrew material. Stormfolk commonly only live to be about 35, maxing out at about 45, making Ursa well and firmly an adult.
Traverse - Half Elf, M, 30s (Battle Master Fighter)
A slightly unkempt half elf, with chains around his wrist dressed in ratted armor. Once a guard for Agaras, became disenchanted with the world and realized he really only liked being a guard for the thrill of the fight. He's since gotten himself in a myriad of trouble and was sentenced to prison, but on his mentor's good word he's been given one last chance to redeem himself - help Eddisar on this quest, and he can go free on good behavior.
Atache - Warforged, NB/M, ??? (Eloquence Bard)
A flamboyant as FUCK warforged, a bit thin and gangly, absolutely not built for battle. Always ready to meet with the upper crust even though they've been long removed from their previous station. Enjoys fashion, but cant afford the newest things, so he makes do and calls it ~vintage~. They enjoy the finer things in life, and is a phenomenal cook. The party met up with them when they first visit the Wintering Isles.
Slythe - Yuan-Ti, M, 20s?? (Armorer Artificer)
Sassy as hell and not one for niceties, Slythe is a no-nonsense fashion designer. He aims to create articles of clothing that are both highly fashionable and highly functional for adventurers. He takes incredible pride in his work and is always looking for new sources of inspiration, and new people to model his designs. An NPC named Elana stole a dress he was working on with her, and in a fit of rage joined our party to get it back, take revenge, and also field test some fashionable armor he made for the party.
Mystery Character - COMING SOON
#aiben#campaign summaries#Zs Journal#dnd#THERE YOU ARE ITS PART ONE!!!!!#been sitting on this for a while#was deciding how Iwanted to do this#and I decided imma just publish Z's journals#but I had already gone ahead and written this so#yall can have it#but yeah I gotta be super vague about some stuff with the campaign like bbeg locations#and some other mechanics#wanna respect the DMs wishes to make a sourcebook#but he has given me a list of things I can and cant talk about SO#expect Z's journal to have [redacted] areas l o l#but yall should get the point#id love to include images but it's... exhausting
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Thoughts are milling about and I know I promised I'd do campaign summaries for the game I'm playing in on Saturdays but honestly, I'm thinking about just sharing Zeal's journal? He's a Tome warlock who's writing in a book he got from Xanthanel - it's got all his spells and a campaign log. I may just post that instead - it's already written. Writing campaign summaries is a lot otherwise.
Unrelated, but yhanks yall for well wishes regarding Sandi, I'll be okay. She had a really good day yesterday of being fairly active and curious (I think the heavy LA rains piqued her curiosity). Unless something big changes I probably wont post updates about it all too frequently. I spend my whole day around her, my time online is a tactical distraction.
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Being a warlock with limited spell slots is a rough gig
Xanthanel primarily communicates with Zeal in dreams, so purchasing a Divination spell to talk to them during the day and ask for advice really isn’t that much of a stretch...
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One of my D&D characters, Zeal, with his Solar Patron, Xanthanel!
#dungons and dragons#dnd#tiefling#warlock#celestial#original character#asharts#zeal#ive been playing a lot of dnd lately! its been nice#zeal is one of my absolute favorites#ive got a lot of art I can share of him#its just been so long since ive posted here that i need to wrap my head around whats worth sharing l o l
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