#i guess the opportunity will present itself if it becomes useful
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flimsy-roost · 1 year ago
I realized the other day that the reason I didn't watch much TV as a teenager (and why I'm only now catching up on late aughts/early teens media that I missed), is because I literally didn't understand how to use our TV. My parents got a new system, and it had three remotes with a Venn diagram of functions. If someone left the TV on an unfamiliar mode, I didn't know how to get back to where I wanted to be, so I just stopped watching TV on my own altogether.
I explained all this to my therapist, because I didn't know if this was more related to my then-unnoticed autism, or to my relationship with my parents at the time (we had issues less/unrelated to neurodivergency). She told me something interesting.
In children's autism assessments, a common test is to give them a straightforward task that they cannot reasonably perform, like opening an overtight jar. The "real" test is to see, when they realize that they cannot do it on their own, if they approach a caregiver for help. Children that do not seek help are more likely to be autistic than those that do.
This aligns with the compulsory independence I've noticed to be common in autistic adults, particularly articulated by those with lower support needs and/or who were evaluated later in life. It just genuinely does not occur to us to ask for help, to the point that we abandon many tasks that we could easily perform with minor assistance. I had assumed it was due to a shared common social trauma (ie bad experiences with asking for help in the past), but the fact that this trait is a childhood test metric hints at something deeper.
My therapist told me that the extremely pathologizing main theory is that this has something to do with theory of mind, that is doesn't occur to us that other people may have skills that we do not. I can't speak for my early childhood self, or for all autistic people, but I don't buy this. Even if I'm aware that someone else has knowledge that I do not (as with my parents understanding of our TV), asking for help still doesn't present itself as an option. Why?
My best guess, using only myself as a model, is due to the static wall of a communication barrier. I struggle a lot to make myself understood, to articulate the thing in my brain well enough that it will appear identically (or at least close enough) in somebody else's brain. I need to be actively aware of myself and my audience. I need to know the correct words, the correct sentence structure, and a close-enough tone, cadence, and body language. I need draft scripts to react to possible responses, because if I get caught too off guard, I may need several minutes to construct an appropriate response. In simple day-to-day interactions, I can get by okay. In a few very specific situations, I can excel. When given the opportunity, I can write more clearly than I am ever capable of speaking.
When I'm in a situation where I need help, I don't have many of my components of communication. I don't always know what my audience knows. I don't have sufficient vocabulary to explain what I need. I don't know what information is relevant to convey, and the order in which I should convey it. I don't often understand the degree of help I need, so I can come across inappropriately urgent or overly relaxed. I have no ability to preplan scripts because I don't even know the basic plot of the situation.
I can stumble though with one or two deficiencies, but if I'm missing too much, me and the potential helper become mutually unintelligible. I have learned the limits of what I can expect from myself, and it is conceptualized as a real and physical barrier. I am not a runner, so running a 5k tomorrow does not present itself as an option to me. In the same way, if I have subconscious knowledge that an interaction is beyond my capability, it does not present itself as an option to me. It's the minimum communication requirements that prevent me from asking for help, not anything to do with the concept of help itself.
Maybe. This is the theory of one person. I'm curious if anyone else vibes with this at all.
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ahszoebns · 2 years ago
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Not just a one night stand. Colby Brock
Y/n's POV:
I sigh as I look myself over in the mirror of my best friend's, Kat’s, house before I call out to her.
"Kat I don't know about this, I feel stupid..." I confess feeling completely unsure about the costume she got me for her Halloween party that will start any minute now. Unamused that I told her I didn't feel like dressing up she told me she'd buy the perfect costume and if I didn't wear it I would not be allowed to come. Reluctantly I agreed, however, seeing myself in the slightly skimpy fallen angel outfit I wish I would have just stayed home. At least she didn't make me wear the fake blood on my face I guess.
Dressed as Morticia from the Addams family she pokes her head into the doorway and her eyes light up instantly. "What?! Why not it's perfect! You look so hot and you love the color black!"
"It's just a little much for me, Kat," I say, sighing trying not to disappoint her but also not understanding why on earth, besides for my love of the color black and darkness, she'd pick something like this for me.
"Exactly! Try something new, get out there, mingle!" She smiles and winks at me and now I suddenly know what all this is about.
I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. "Is this about my love life again?" I ask her seriously and knowing she loves to try to set me up with anyone she deems fit the moment the opportunity presents itself as I have horrible luck in the dating world.
"What? No!" She lies trying to cover it with a laugh awkwardly. I glare at her again already knowing the truth. "Ugh, okay yes! But it's different this time I think you two will really hit it off!"
I groan running a hand through my hair. "Katrina girl, I love you, but you have to stop trying to set me up okay? I barely ever even get a first date out of them, I'm not like you, boys just don't fall at my feet."
She rolls her eyes. "Was is that suppose to mean? She asks.
"It means I'm not famous, I'm not talented, I'm not a youtube icon, I don't have a hair and makeup team on call, I'm just me," I say exasperatedly at the fact that Katrina doesn't see how different dating is for the two of us. You may be wondering how in fact we even become friends but that's a long story that includes a horrendously embarrassing spilled coffee episode.
"Yeah but your kind and funny and interesting, and beautiful! There is nothing wrong with being you and I know for a fact this guy will absolutely fall head over heels for you." She says confidently crossing her arms to mirror mine trying to convince me. Sighing in defeat I sit down on the closed toilet that is clad with a slightly tacky but admittedly comfy lavender fuzzy cover. "And if we are so perfect for each other why haven't you introduced us before?"
I ask skeptically.
She comes closer so she can fix the hair I slightly messed up by running my hand through it before explaining. "Well he has been in a relationship until recently plus I haven't seen him in a while but he's finally on the market again!"
I look at her in complete surprise. "Kat! I don't want to be some sad and lonely guy's rebound!" I protest, causing her to purse her lips and glares at me.
"He's not like that!" She insists before going over to the mirror to touch up her make up one more time.
"He's a great guy, you'll love him." She says and I sigh. "Oh and not to mention he's a great kisser." She smirks before winking walking out of the room when the sound of the doorbell rings through the house.
"Wait how do you know he's a great kisser?!" I call out to her as I see her head down the stairs. She just giggles without an answer casually turning on the music. Oh god, what am I in for tonight?
Colby’s POV:
"How do I look?" I ask my best friend Sam as we approach the house of my friend Kat. She is throwing a huge Halloween / costume party tonight but that's not all. After being single for almost two months after my long-term relationship I'm finally ready to get back out there and Katrina said she wanted to set me up with one of her good friends. Although I was a little reluctant at first I agreed and well, here I am.
"Yes dude, don't be so nervous." Sam chuckles, nudging me.
I roll my eyes at him. "I actually want this to go well please excuse me for caring," I say sarcastically as I straighten my black devil costume out. My last relationship ended because it simply wasn't going anywhere. It had lost its spark and just became a game of who was willing to cave first. I'm ready to have something real again and to be with someone I truly care about and who truly cares about me.
"I'm telling you, you don't have to worry, you guys are seriously perfect for each other." He says trying to convince me not to get too worked up.
I nod and we walk inside the house booming with music and the smell of liquor around every corner.
Katrina sure does know how to throw a party. We start making our way to the bar passing a few people we know casually saying hi and waving but I know if I'm going to make it through the night I'm going to need a drink.
"Can I get a beer?" I ask the bartender quickly paying him.
Sam orders a drink too and then starts to look for Kat and whoever this mystery girl is. I down about half of my drink immediately before Sam sighs. "Ugh." He groans. "She said they'd meet us at the bar but I don't see them."
"She probably bailed," I mumble slightly irritated by the situation wishing that they'd just let me do this on my own.
"Stop being so negative, I'll text Kat now," Sam grumbles pulling out his phone as I down half my beer down trying to get loosened up a little. "She's calling me now, hold on."
Sam answers the phone plugging the ear he isn't using to listen to his call so there isn't so much noise to distract him. "Yeah, we're here where are you!?" Sam says smiling as he talks into his phone.
"Okay, okay yeah, see you in a few."
"So?" I ask him curiously as he shoves the phone back into his back pocket.
"Kat wants to meet them outside by the pool, and said people are out there but it's not as loud." Sam shrugs and points towards the back door.
I nod and we start walking in that direction. I look around for any possible signs of Kat and her friend. We went outside and as we turned the corner Kat was standing there waiting for us.
"Hey! So look don't tell her I told you this but she's kind of nervous, she really doesn't do this stuff, and she might be shy but you'll love her I promise." Katrina immediately begins to ramble at us. We give her a hug seeing that she seems a little frazzled by everything happening right now.
"Don't worry Colby asked me if he looked okay like 20 times on the way here, he's just as flustered as she is," Sam says patting me on the back. I glare at him mumbling how it's just because I haven't done this in a while but they both ignore me. "Where is she anyway?"
Kat smiles widely, turns to look behind her and motions over to the table area. "See the cute Y/H/C one in the Fallen Angel costume? That's your girl." A
As my eyes fall on the girl matching the description my jaw slacks, she's absolutely gorgeous. She's sitting at one of the tables with a drink in her hand as she looks around at the people in the pool. I take notice right away of everything from the pink of her lips to the way the fabric of the costume hugs her curves.
"Like what you see buddy?" Sam asks with a laugh snapping me out of my gaze. I nod blushing slightly as I look back at him and Katrina who turns back to us. "I picked out her costume so it would match yours. You both love dark things and I figured it would be a great way to break the ice!"
I nod again trying to form sentences and not have my eyes wander back to her. "W-What's her name?" I ask softly.
"Y/F/N," Kat replies.
Sam groans as he nudges me. "Come on guys, are we just going to stand here gawking at her for the entire night or what?"
"Sam’s right, let's go!" Kat starts to laugh as he grabs my arm and begins pulling me over to the beautiful girl across the yard.
Y/n's POV:
As I look up from the pool I lock eyes with Kat who is heading straight towards me. Behind her are two guys and I instantly recognize them. Sam Golbach and Colby Brock. You have to be joking, it all makes sense now. She's setting me up with Colby who’s one of her and her boyfriends best friends.
She smiles at me and I flash her a look of I can't believe you. Narrowing her eyes she mouths the word "behave" to me like my mother would when I was a kid. I roll my eyes and stand up awkwardly as they get closer and closer.
"Y/n! There you are, I have someone for you to meet!" She says as if our little exchange didn't happen. "This is Sam and Colby, Colby was the one I was telling you about."
My whole face turns red at her last phrase and I look up forcing myself to smile and make eye contact with them. "H-hi." I manage to say.
Colby is looking down at me with a slight blush to his cheeks as well. He can't possibly be nervous to meet me, can he? "Hey, uh nice uh costume." He smiles trying his best to sound put together.
I look down at his costume and finally realizing why Kat choose this for me. Dylan and I match and our characters just happen to be in love.
Coincidence? I think not. I shoot her a look but laugh a little to cover it up. "You too."
"Well, Sam and I are going to leave you two be!
Have a good night you guys!" Katrina claps before grabbing Sam's arm and pulling him away.
Colby and I both instantly turn to our friends calling after them and then awkwardly meeting our eyes back to one another. I look away from him shyly. What was she thinking? I can't do this, I can't talk to him, let alone like he'd have any interest in me.
"Uh, can I get you a drink?" Colby asks me, snapping my attention back up to him.
I raise my hand up with my drink in it. "I uh already have one." I smile a little at him trying to be nice. "But thanks."
He chuckles. "Sorry I just, I haven't done this whole thing in a long time..." He says getting a little redder and reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
"It's okay, I understand, I'm not the best at this either," I say laughing a little and trying to lighten the mood a bit by confessing to him.
He rolls his eyes laughing. "Oh come on, yeah like I'm supposed to believe a beautiful girl like you has such a hard time finding someone to go out with."
His words cause my entire body to heat up. Does he think I'm beautiful? "Oh, I oh..." I giggle a little embarrassed.
He looks at me after taking a sip of his drink. "Oh sorry was that too creepy, fuck see, I'm not good at this!"
"No, no it's okay, it was nice, I'm just not used to being called that," I say immediately not trying to make him feel bad. "Well I think you're gorgeous and whoever says differently need to get their damn eyes checked."
He says recovering from closing up a bit to me.
I giggle taking a sip of my drink before answering.
"Well, you're not too bad yourself," I tell him blushing still. He smirks a little and I guess I helped boosts his confidence. I can't believe he's actually nervous just around me.
"Do wanna sit a while a talk? You know, get to know each other a little more?" He asks a glint of hope in his eyes as he smiles.
The same warm feeling spreads through me again and I nod. "I'd love that."
Colby’s POV:
An hour and a half, as well as three beers later Y/n and I haven't moved from our spot since. It turns out Kat may have been right when she said we have a lot in common. We are both complete tv and movie addicts, we listen to the same kind of music, and we are both super sarcastic.
I swear I could listen to her talk forever.
Occasionally she goes on these little side tangents where she begins to talk faster and her eyebrows move creating the cutest little creases on her forehead.
Oh and that's the other thing. She's probably the downright most beautiful girl I've ever seen. While we've been talking I realized how alluring her eyes are making me never want to look away. The way her hair falls so effortlessly drives me crazy thinking about how soft it must be. And then her smile, god, every time I make her smile my whole body heats up.
Fuck I really like her. I really really like her. I already know she'll be the death of me, that is if she likes me but I think she might. The way she leans a little when she laughs and how over the short amount of time we've spent together, she's already began to loosen up around me. However, that may also have to do with the fact she's on her second mixed drink.
Suddenly she stops talking and I worry that I got lost in my thoughts so much that I missed a question but thankfully she quickly sighs and smiles. "I love this song." She says nodding towards the house where the music is blaring and people are dancing.
I listen closely and chuckle a little. "Me too." She smiles and blushes having to look away from me and then I realize what she's doing. She wants me to ask her to dance. Right? Maybe not I could be miss-reading this but I think that's what's happening. I would really like to dance with her maybe I should just ask. I clear my throat a little.
"D-do you want to uh... dance? With me? I mean like in there... You don't have to but, if you like that song - I like the song - and I like uh, well I feel like we are getting along and-" I say stumbling a tad to find the wording I want.
She looks back up at me, her smile bright and her cheeks rosy as she cuts me off, saving myself from further embarrassment. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot
I smile trying to contain my excitement by biting my bottom lip a little. "Great." We stand up and leave our empty drinks behind as we make our way towards the house. I look down at her without her noticing she begins to look a little nervous. "You okay?" I ask her worried.
Y/n nods a little and looks up at me. "I just, uh, I'm not very good at this." She giggles. "I said yes because I want to but I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm not really a dancer."
I smile at her being shy, similar to how she was when we first met. I look out at the crowd watching people move to the beat and I look back at her. "I could teach you?" I offer.
"Y-you don't have to Colbs we can just go talk more I don't want to embarrass myself or you." She says the blush on her face growing stronger.
When she called me Colbs my heart nearly skipped a beat. "Oh stop, I know you want to, and I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to." I remind her as I slowly brush my hand against her's. "You could never embarrass me." "Okay." She says with a deep breath giving in to me while moving her hand to brush back over mine.
I decide to take a leap of faith and lace my fingers with hers gently. She smiles shyly at me as we give each other's palms a small squeeze. "Let's go." I pull her into the crowd with a spin making her giggle.
We begin to dance together and at first, we keep it friendly and silly always keeping our hands held tight but as one song turns to two, two to three, three to four, and four to five we have pressed up close to each other swaying again one another to the beat. Somehow along the way both of our awkwardness subsided and has now been replaced with undeniable sexual tension. I hold her hips firmly keeping her close to me as she has her on hand on my shoulder and the other slung over my shoulder. Her cheeks are flushed due to the heat of the dance floor and the heat between us. Hell, we are so close together I can feel her heart racing just like mine.
I look at her, looking back at me. I like her more with every passing second and I decide to take a shot in the dark. "I really want to kiss you right now." I mummer softly and breathy hoping my want for her doesn't ruin what we have.
She looks at my lips before her eyes flicker up to mine. "Nothing's stopping you." She whispers and smiles bashfully. Surprised but completely ecstatic I smirk before leaning in and pressing my lips to hers.
Y/N's POV:
Colby crashes his lips on mine as soon as I give him the okay. Somehow he seems to pull me closer to him than we were before. The kiss is long and passionate and I kiss him back. Our lips move together beautifully as he moves one of his hands up to my face cupping it and keeping my lips close.
I run my fingers through the hair on the back of his head in response.
After a few more moments we pull away. I let out a small gasp for air, my head feeling slightly dizzy from the intense kiss.
"I'm so fucking glad I met you..." Colby breaths out, his hot breath fanning across my face.
I blush and nod. "Agreed," I said giggling a little trying to make myself less nervous about this whole situation and how fast we seem to be moving.
He smiles and tucks some hair behind my ear. "I'm glad you think so too because I'd really love to take you out sometime... that is if you'd let me?" He asks again mirroring my nerves with his own uncertainty.
"I'd love that," I say softly and decided to be brave by going on my tippy toes to kiss him once again.
Colby smiles against my lips and kisses me back. When we pull back, movement catches my eye from behind him. Confused, I look over to see Kat waving her arms spastically. When we lock eyes she motions me over quickly.
"Everything okay?" Colby asks his grip loosening on my sides and looking over his shoulder at
Kat who tries to trick him into thinking she's calm and collected.
I roll my eyes and giggle a bit. "Yeah, I think Kat needs me for a moment," I say casually before his face falls into worry. Quickly I place a hand on his arm. "I'll be back."
He smiles again and nods happily. "I'll be here."
Smiling, I turn and walk over to Colby quickly and excitedly.
"Did I really just see what I think I saw?!" She asks with a huge smile plastered on her face.
I blush and nod as she squeals excitedly. "Kat!
Shhhhh!" I say turning and trying to make sure Colby isn't watching us. He's talking to some guy I don't know and I sigh thankfully.
"Oh my god! You like him so much!" She says not caring if he hears or not.
I laugh and pull her off to the side a little more.
"Yes, okay I like him," I admit to her and myself. "I like him a lot actually.." I can't help but smile at the thought of how our lips fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, and how much we had in common, and how overall he's just honestly blown me away.
"Awwww!" She smiles. "See I told you! And don't be mad but I've been keeping my eyes on you tonight, things are getting pretty heated out there, what are you going to do?" She asks me and I already know what she's referring to.
I sigh and scratch at my arm a tad anxiously. "I don't know Kat...."
She rolls her eyes at me crossing her arms firmly.
"Y/n I can see it in your eyes that you want him, and trust me girlie, he wants you. For once don't overthink this babe."
"What if he thinks I'm being easy and then nothing actually happens between us. As much as I hate to admit it, you were right, and now I really want things to work out with him. I never do things this quickly in a relationship." I explain conflicted on whether to give him to my desire or do guard my heart.
"I told you, he's not a one night stand kind of guy.
She tries to reason with me. Again I steal a quick look at him over my shoulder. I must have caught his eye because he smiles at me with a little wave.
"And look he obviously likes you too." I give him a small wave back before looking at her again without an answer. "Fine so don't fuck him right away, but at least get out of here. Go back to your place, have some wine, put in a movie, and see what happens?"
I decide she's right. I need to live a little more, try new things, and take some risks. I like Colby a lot, and well Kat does know about this stuff more than I do. "Fine." I sigh.
"Yes! Oh my god, go get 'em girlie!" She squeals again forcefully grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards the direction I came in and pushing me away.
I laugh at her and she winks at me before I disappear out of her sight to go catch up with Colby.
Walking back over him he grins widely once he sees me. "Everything okay?" He asks thoughtfully making my heart jump a little.
"Yeah everything is perfect," I say smiling. I think about what Kat said, and how right now here this seemingly perfect guy is standing here in front of me just waiting for me to say something else. I take a subtle deep breath. "D-do you maybe want to go somewhere?" I ask.
"Like where?" He asks chuckling a little bit.
I blush realizing I should have clarified more. "Well I didn't know if you wanted to go back to my place, maybe watch The Kissing Booth?" I ask him knowing we talked about the movie trailer and that he has been dying to see it.
His smile grows and he nods. "I'd love to, that sounds great."
My heart flutters at his words and the fact that I thankfully didn't just make a fool out of myself. We then head out of the house and Colby orders an uber considering we've both already had a few drinks.
On the drive over we make small talk about the party but he slowly moves his hand over to mine and laces our fingers back together. We keep them together as we get to my apartment building.
I unlock my door and let us into my apartment.
"Welcome to my humble abode," I say flicking the lights on and closing the door behind us.
We share a chuckle and Colby looks around, surveying the area. "Why thank you, madame." He teases me, making me blush for some reason.
"The movie is on the rack, do you want some wine or something?" I ask him as we walk further into the living room and I point over to my rack of movies.
He walks over to the rack pursuing it carefully. "Wine would be great." He says.
"Coming right up, make yourself at home," I say quickly before going into my kitchen to get us both a drink.
When I come back into the room Colby is sitting on the couch reading the back of the DVD case. I smile and set the wine glasses down on my coffee table.
"Here ya go, I'll put that in," I say as he hands me the DVD.
"Thank you." He says happily taking a sip from his glass. "Wow, good wine."
I laugh a little. "Thanks, honestly I just got was on sale last time I was at the store."
He chuckles and shrugs as I come to sit down next to him. "Well, I like it." I giggle back taking a sip myself.
The movie starts and we mutter remarks about the actors and plot and so on and as the sweet liquid starts to disappear from our glasses we subtly move closer and closer on the couch.
At one point as he scoots a little closer he looks down at me and smiles. "W-would it be okay if I put my arm around you?" He asks a little softly as he blushes.
I nod and blush back at him. "Sure..." I say turning back to the screen to hide the fact that I find myself nervously biting at my bottom lip.
I feel his arm move upwards and then gently wrap around my shoulder. Moving a little closer to him to make the position more comfortable I sigh a bit feeling surprisingly relaxed in his arms.
A while passes and the scene where Elle and Noah have their first kiss comes on. As finally, their lips touch a slight tension fills the air.
Colby clears his throat a little and to my surprise, he breaks the silence. "You know I bet they dated in real life.."
I look up at him slightly confused. "What makes you say that?" I ask him.
He shrugs a little looking down at me. "Well it's hard to fake something like that."
Well, how can you tell they just didn't fake it really well?" I ask with a small smirk playfully egging him on a little.
Smiling he shrugs again. "You can't fake something like that, you can't fake that kind of... of passion..." He looks me in the eyes and with the movie, and our proximity, and him just being him, I find myself wanting to kiss him again.
"Passion huh?" I giggle a little trying to cover up the fact that my heart is picking up a little speed as we now seem to be leaning in closer together.
He chuckles briefly and then looks at me for a moment. "What something wrong with a little passion?" He asks me softly while seemingly studying my eyes.
"Not at all, just seems like I don't come by it a lot these days," I say quietly as our faces have become so close that our noses are almost brushing.
"Me neither....'
." He whispers. "B-but I... I think I
felt it tonight... with you."
That smooth bastard, I swear it's like he knows exactly how to make me melt. "I think I did to..." I respond looking at his lips and then back up at his eyes.
He smiles and closes the gap between us. We share a long passionate kiss, just like at Kat’s, but then suddenly it's like a switch flips inside us both and it turns a little more electric. Colby's hand that was wrapped around my shoulder moves down to my waist, pulling me in closer to him. I move slightly to be able to face him more before moving one of my hands to the side of his head and rests the other on his chest.
The kiss intensifies even as Colby runs his one hand through my hair and I pull him closer by his shirt that my hand is now gripping. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I immediately allow. He then slowly slips his tongue into my mouth exploring it excitedly. I do the same to him and we find ourselves in a slight battle for dominance. I give into him willingly, letting him set the pace.
He moves away from my mouth and kisses my cheek, my jaw, and to my neck where he whispers softly. "I-I really like you, and I really really like this, but I don't want to push you too far or too fast."
I pull away to look at him for a moment my heart overflowing with happiness of how sweet he's being. "D-do you think we're moving too fast?" I ask gently.
He smiles shyly. "Well, I usually don't even kiss on the first date, but this feels right to me.."
"I usually don't either... I think so too." I nod kissing him soft and sweet. "And for the record, I really like you too." I giggle a bit.
He chuckles and kisses me before answering. "God, you are so amazing." I roll my eyes at him playfully before kissing him once again.
His lips quickly find my neck again. He leaves open-mouthed kissing all along my neck before biting into my sensitive spot making me gasp as he sucks a mark onto my skin. "Cole..." I sigh in lust. "I love it when you call me that baby." He mumbles leaving my skin.
I don't really respond, although when he called me baby I about exploded. Instead, I just pull him back up to my lips kissing him desperately. He smiles against my lips before tightening his grip on my sides to pull me onto his lap.
Colby pulls me against him as I grip the hair on the back of his head and give it a tug. He groans under his breath and I feel his one hand move under my shirt setting my skin on fire. Slowly I move my hips grinding against him. We both breathe out subtle moans at the feeling of being that close together.
"Bedroom?" I ask pulling away breathlessly. He opens his eyes and nods with a huge grin coming over his face. I giggle a little at his reaction before climbing off of him and pulling him by his hand down the hallway.
I open the door and pull him in quickly but before I get the chance to do anything else he pushes me up against the door, shutting it in the process. He kisses me immediately taking me by surprise at first but then I fall right back under his spell.
Deciding to take things a step further I reach for his shirt and begin to tug it upwards. He takes the hint and moves only to take it off and throw it to the side but before I can do anything else he grabs my shirt pulling it off my body. Then he finally returns to my lips allowing us to pull each other close again. trail my hands down his chest and abdomen admiring the tattoos, ripples, and divets as I go while he moves his hands down to undo my pants. They fall to the ground and I kick them off before he decides to swing me around and push us back onto my bed.
We share a few more increasingly sloppy kisses before I move to kiss at his birthmark on his jaw. He moves his hands down to his pants to start getting them off of himself as I move down to his neck.
Once they're off he kicks them somewhere and flips us over so that I'm straddling him once again.
He begins to kiss at my shoulder as I focus on his neck but as he moves his hands to remove my bra he adds another mark to my collarbone. Between his lips and his hands now cupping both my bare breasts, Ilet out a moan. My moan causes him to jerk his hips a little and grind against me. I can feel how hard he is against my core and moan again.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful baby, I want to see the rest of you, okay?" Colby whispers huskily. I nod running my fingers through his hair.
Colby carefully begins to kiss down my body. All over my skin from the valley of my breasts to the dips of my pelvis occasionally nibbling as he goes.
"That feels so good," I mumble through a sigh.
He chuckles a little and after pressing a kiss to one of my hips he smiles up at me. I blush slightly embarrassed but he begins to pull down my panties. "Don't be embarrassed, I've got you." I nod again sitting up on my elbows to see him better. When he gets my panties off he licks his lips before moving my thighs apart and kissing up them. With each inch, my heartbeat increases and my body gets hotter and hotter. "May I?" He asks allowing his breath to fan over my throbbing center.
"Please Cole," I whine slightly tugging at his hair again and biting my bottom lip. Slowly he leans in and gently begins to tease me with his tongue. "Oh, fuck." I let out instantly.
"You taste fucking amazing baby." He mumbles continuing his movements that are beginning to make me moan.
Colby grips the top of my thighs with his hands keeping them apart and down for them as he feels me slightly squirm under his touch. And the more and more he teases me the more and more desperate I become for him. "C-colby, please, it feels so good but I need you, I can't wait anymore.
He pulls up from me and smirks. "No problem baby." He says sitting up and pulling down his boxers. His hard cock slaps against his skin and he groans at the feeling of his restrains finally being gone. "Do you have a condom?" He asks suddenly snapping me from the daze of staring at his impressive size.
"Yeah, one second," I say rolling over to get one from the bedside drawer. Once I've got it I rip it open and sit up on my knees. Blushing I look up at down at him. "D-do you want me to put it on?" I ask him shyly.
"Definitely, but only if you want to." he smiles caressing the curve of my hip gently. I lean forward and tenderly pick up his hard cock by its base.
"Fuck..." He mutters under his breath, obviously suppressing a moan.
Carefully I roll the rubber sleeve down over him making sure it's on properly. "That okay?" I ask to make sure.
He sits up on his knees as well, so that he can kiss me passionately and pull me close once again.
"Perfect..." He smiles pulling back just enough to speak. "A-and you're sure about this?"
I nod kissing him again before speaking. "I'm sure, are you?"
"A million percent sure." He chuckles before leaning down to sweep me up and throw be on my back so that he can hover over me.
We kiss passionately and desperately, our lips and occasionally our teeth crashing together. I tangle my hands in his hair as he grabs my hip with one hand and his cock with the other. He then begins to line up with me, the sensation of his tip slightly poking at my entrance causing me to shiver with anticipation.
"Colby, please don't tease." I whimper against his
lips. He smiles and whispers back. "I'm sorry." And with that, he carefully pushes into me. I gasp and he groans as he bottoms out inside me. His hand that was guiding him gripping my other hip. I swear he's holding me so tight bruises will be in the place of his fingertips in the morning. "T-tell me when you're ready princess." He stutters out probably trying his best not to just begin fucking the living hell out of me.
I quickly adjust to the way he fills me up and how it makes me have prolonged butterflies in my lower stomach. "Go ahead, you don't have to be careful," I whisper.
He smirks again as he moves his hips. It doesn't take long for him to pick up speed and begin pounding in and out of me.
"You feel so fucking good." He groans pressing his forehead against mine.
I moan, squeezing my eyes shut at the feeling of the blissful pleasure. "Fuck, Cole! More please, I need you." I gasp letting a moan follow.
He grunts focusing on thrusting inside of respond as well as moving his one hand to rub at my clit.
Another moan rips through me making me buck my hips up to him making him groan and grunt again.
Every little move he makes sends waves of pleasure all throughout my body as the sound of my slapping skin and desperate noises fill the room.
Then with one particularly hard thrust, he begins to hit a spot deep inside me that makes my pleasure spike and my inner walls clench around him.
"Shit I'm so close," I whine to him moving one of my hands to grip his shoulder.
"Just let go for me, Cum for me, I'm close too, just let go." He rambles pressing a sloppy and quick kiss against my lips. "But open those pretty eyes princess, I want to look in your eyes."
Through the pleasure and edging closer and closer to my peak, I force my eyes open to look up at him.
His eyes are dark with lust, his cheeks are flushed, his forehead has these wrinkles in the skin from his facial expression, and there is a thin layer of sweat forming all over him. Something about seeing him this way and feeling him absolutely wrecks me in the best possible way makes me spiral into my orgasm. My mind goes into a hot white state, blocking everything out except what's happening right now in front (well inside) of me.
I moan out for him loudly, my thighs shaking, my fingers raking down his back, and my body clenching around him. His hips stutter in there pace before he twitches inside me before he lets out a disgruntled moan. I then feel him fill up the condom and experience his own high.
After we both come down we work on regaining our breath's as he pulls out of me. Colby rolls off of me immediately waddling to the trashcan to dispose of the condom. He then uses a tissue to make sure he's clean before laying back on the bed with me.
"That was so fucking good." He chuckles tiredly before pulling me into his grasp.
"I very much agree." I giggle allowing myself to cuddle into him.
I let out a large yawn as he presses his lips to my forehead. "Get some rest babe.." He whispers. The tiredness takes over me and I nod in return before allowing myself to cuddle into his grasp and drift asleep.
Softly shifting in the warmth of the covers I begin to suddenly awaken from my sleep. I smile to myself as the memories of last night flood into my mind immediately. Last night was the best night I've had in a long time, and one of the best night I've in general. Colby was amazing just as a person and in bed.
I take a deep breath allowing my eyes to flutter open as I rollover. I give my eyes a moment to adjust to the light coming through the curtains but when they do my heart breaks. Colby's gone.
Sitting up I push away the tears. I can't believe I actually thought this would work.
Echoes of him telling me how much he liked me and Kat assuring me this would be different echo in my head. I'm not mad at her, I kind of want to be but I know I can't be. She was just trying to help and for a brief moment last night she did.
With Colby, I was the happiest I've been in a long time. He really got to me with that whole nice guy act, god I feel so stupid.
I wipe my eyes pathetically as I go over to my closet tripping over some of my clothes on the way. I don't even bother to pick them up, I don't know if I can take any more reminders of last night. Pulling a long shirt over my head I grab some underwear to slip on and decide to go make some coffee.
When I go over and open my bedroom door the light blinds me for a moment. I rub my eyes and when I open them again I stop dead in my tracks.
"Hey gorgeous, did I wake you? I'm so sorry, I was going to bring it to you.
There standing in front of me is Colby, smiling brightly at me as he flips the pancake that he has in a pan on my stove. My heart jumps to life in shock and happiness. "Y-you're here?" I ask with a gasp and a smile coming over my face.
He gives me a confused look before it sinks in. "Oh, did you think I-?" He cuts himself as I nod a little embarrassed. He immediately turns off the stove and comes over to me. "No, no, no, I'd never! I'm so sorry." He says grabbing my hands. I sniffle a little and let out a small laugh. "Do be sorry! I- I just really like you and I thought you left... you know..."
He smiles. "I meant everything I said last night
Y/n. I really like you, I really liked what happened last night, and I really want to take you out sometime."
Happiness fills up my entire body and I grab him kissing him. "I really like you, I really liked what happened last night, and I'd really like that Colbs."
He smiles picking me up and spinning me around giving me kisses all over my face. I giggle kissing him tenderly as he puts me down. "Remind me to thank Kat later." He chuckles.
"Ditto," I reply as he kisses once again and then returns to breakfast before spending the rest of the morning cuddled up on the couch, fantasizing about what's the come.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 3 months ago
I have a question.
What was Silco's objective? I understand that it was to intimidate Piltover without the need for a war and having their power removed from the underground city.
If this was so, why don't we see him mobilize in his plan to scare those above? Zaun's plot is advanced by Jinx's rash actions rather than by Silco's.
Was he waiting for a “moment”? Most argue that Silco became almost the same as those at the top when he assumed power, caring more for himself than for the nation of Zaun itself.
I don't agree with the last part, I feel like it disagrees with the character I remember from the first season. I guess I'll have to see it again.
The way I intetpreted it, Silco's objective is for the Undercity to have the same respect and opportunity as those above, rather than their chances snuffed out by Piltover's boot from the beginning. He believes that the only way this can be achieved is through severing ties with Piltover by any means necessary. Unlike Jinx he definitely does not desire vengeance like some say, but he is willing to destroy Piltover if that's what it comes to.
Silco and Vander tried fighting Piltover but the Zaunites were outmatched and massacred. So Silco knows that the Undercity is too weak on its own- but as we see with the cat and rat in the first episode, shimmer can give the weaker opponent the edge it needs to flip the tables. The issue is that shimmer is still in it's experimental stages and unbeknownst to Silco, Piltover is experimenting with hextech at the same time.
It takes time for him to settle down as Zaun's leader, build shimmer factories, produce shimmer, and create weapons. Then Piltover creates the atlas gauntlets and hexgates, and controls the flow of goods, once again giving them the edge before Zaun even has the chance to use shimmer against it.
We see in episode eight that the chemtanks are more than enough to destroy the enforcers, but it's too late. Piltover already has hex weapons that weren't even designed as weapons yet can decimate the chembarons, even when brandished by inexperienced fighters like Jayce. Jayce knows this too, and tells Silco that his people don't have a chance against topside, and he is probably right. Silco isn't willing to take the risk fighting against a superior enemy again because he already tried that in his youth and failed. If it weren't for the surprise invention of hextech that no one saw coming, the undercity would 100% be free by now. Even still, Silco never stopped trying to find ways to best Piltover, like Jinx's weapon and possibly Warwick.
I agree 100% with how you feel about the last part. Silco did not become like the councilors, the chembarons did. People just assume that because Silco works with them he must be like them, which is untrue. Silco shows obvious disdain towards them during the meeting because he senses their greed.
The chembarons tend to stay in the upper levels of Zaun, where things are brighter, the air is cleaner, and they can even grow many plant species. They also indulge in elaborate body modifications and worry more about saving their own skin (Finn wanting more trade, Smeech wanting to betray Jinx) than anything else
Compare this to Silco, who stays in the lower levels of Zaun and works in a modest office within the Last Drop, tolerating the noise for his employees. He doesn't have tattoos or prosthetics or fancy accessories, just presentable clothes he needs for meetings. He talks to Jinx and the chembarons, not about his own needs, but about his vision for Zaun's future.
Yes there are parallels between Silco and the council, such as how they view their citizens as expendable, but where were these people when Silco talked about how Finn had forgotten the cause? Or how he he has been softened by his decadent lifestyle? Or how, unlike Silco, the chembarons were so distanced from their people's suffering that they no longer had resistance to the grey?
If Silco cared more about himself than Zaun, he would not have fought tooth and claw for it, even when hextech came and all hope seemed lost. He definitely would not have been willing to give up shimmer, the source of his empire's revenue, in return for freedom. If he only cared for himself, he would have accepted the council seat Jayce offered and moved to Piltover for a better life.
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leletha-jann · 3 months ago
I have a new Wild Theory, just in case anyone thought it was safe to come out from behind the sofa (it's not):
If Klaus is indeed aboard Castle Wulfenbach, which I believe he is, and acting under wasp-enforced orders, the question becomes: "Who's giving those orders?"
We've been guided to think about Zola, which is a reasonable guess because we haven't seen her in a while, and she's not just going to conveniently vanish.
I suspect the involvement of Princess Terebithia, because she was last seen with Zola, because we were recently told that she's conveniently missing, and because she scares me.
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But that still leaves the question of "How are they giving Klaus orders?" Zola has a Lucrezia copy in her head, but she doesn't sound like Lucrezia as far as I know. She doesn't have the Command Voice.
...you know who did have the Command Voice? And who Terebithia in particular might have managed to get hold of?
And who would be a fantastically out-of-nowhere player to reenter the game at this point?
So here's my math:
Terebithia would have had access to Sturmhalten, where clank Anevka's head was stored. (It's controlled by the Empire, but it's her family's castle.)
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Anevka has the Command Voice and can command revenants (thanks, Tarvek).
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Anevka could give Klaus orders under her grandmother's instruction.
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Anevka sounds like the Other - because the version of the Other that Wulfenbach troops have encountered most is Agatha. Anevka has Agatha's voice. So that could be affecting the reports coming off of Castle Wulfenbach from the evacuees right now.
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This could be nothing more mysterious than a Valois power play...and I notice Martellus is oh-so-conveniently right here to take command if the opportunity presents itself. If his family has - without his knowledge, I think - set the stage for him to do so.
But. Yeah.
Who could be giving Klaus orders?
Zola to provide the information about useful pawns from her copy of Lucrezia. Terebithia to organize and plan. And Anevka to give the orders to all these wasped revenants who've been in motion lately...
Like I said, a Wild Theory, and I'm probably wrong. But I'm still not coming out from behind the sofa just yet.
(This post now has a self-reblog with me elaborating on this theory, check it out!)
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aziraphales-library · 8 months ago
hi <3 do you have any recs for long multichap fics that are NOT slow burns? thank so much!
Hello! There are not enough fics tagged "fast burn" so I also did a search for "established relationship". Enjoy...
its duty is to harm me, my duty is to know by natalunasans (T)
the title is from a cohen song about death, & also applies to life... whether in london or in tadfield; together, alone, or in (usually good) company; the ineffable partners talk out their fears, try to figure out what they are and what to do with themselves, now that they're not working for heaven and hell anymore. domestic softness > action, but there is some plot and angst (off and on)
Don't Drag Me Down by rowenablade (M)
Armageddon didn't happen, Heaven and Hell have agreed to leave them alone, and Aziraphale and Crowley are free to build a life together. But the forces of Hell aren't happy with losing, and even if they can't directly harm their wayward demon, they can try to drive a wedge between him and the angel that he loves. After all, Crowley had been encouraging them for centuries to get creative.
The Starting Hinge by lucky_spike (T)
When a rare book collector is mysteriously killed, DI Barnaby and DS Winter are on the case. Meanwhile, the question of what will become of the victim's extensive library stirs a small group of rare books collectors into a furor. Who can be trusted? - This is predominantly a Good Omens fanfic with some Midsomer Murders thrown in just because I could do it and I wanted to. Contains death of an OC and (obvs) murder and attempts thereof. Nothing gory, though, so party on.
Great Omens (The Big One) by falsepremise (M)
A narrative of certain events leading up to The Big One, in strict accordance, as shall be shown, with the nice and accurate prophesies of Agnes Nutter, witch. A Good Omens sequel, set thirty years in the future...   Thirty years after a failed Armageddon we must face The Big One, as Heaven and Hell, working together, enact a plan to fix the world or destroy it forever. Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley discover that truly being on their own side has more implications than they’d ever have guessed. Changes to the basic metaphysics of the universe. A second book of prophesies. Mysterious twins on a mission. Hijinks and shenanigans. Deep questions, laughs, ridiculous banter and sexy stuff. Welcome to my attempt at an epic Good Omens sequel.
Considerate Omens by OneofWebs (M)
Crowley is plagued by dreams of a life he lived long before time had even begun. It's two years after the Apocalypse-That-Didn't, and though he's got a healthy bit of fear of what may come next, choosing to ignore these dreams seems a much better use of his time. In those two years, Aziraphale had moved into his flat, and they may or may not be dating. They don't talk about it, but they do get along just fine with their play-pretend routine, which proves a bit rickety when neither of them age. To avoid suspicion, Aziraphale thinks it wise that he spend some time presenting as a woman. This, a catalyst to the end Crowley had feared before, because it's hard to resist the idea of children when the opportunity presents itself. - [The Continuation of Good Omens]
Bleating Hearts by HKBlack (E)
Meet Doctor Aziraphale Fell, university lecturer of English Literature, Shakespearian expert, and man with an unexpected goat in his office. When the handsome herder who comes to catch the unruly visitor asks some pointed questions, Aziraphale finds his life suddenly turned upside down and filled with both new challenges and opportunities. But is Crowley all that he says he is? And even if he isn’t–does it really matter when he’s clearly a piece of the puzzle missing in Aziraphale’s life? Trip on over to Devil Doe’s Dairy and Goat Scaping Farm, where the cheese is always smooth, the goats climb roofs, and true love might just be around the corner.
- Mod D
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vanrouchu · 2 months ago
sinner 000
in which the sinner gets her name from chief
zero x fem!chief
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Sinner 000; that's her name. At least that's what the file told her. Chief briefly remembered the opportunity that presented itself in front of her when she dived into the depths of the alternate universe. The opportunity granted her the capability to remodel Sinner 000 to anything she'd like—from her name to her tragedies, the possibilities were endless.
If Chief wanted it, she could easily create a brand new sinner that would help her fight the neverending battle against Mania. A powerful sinner who was willing to lend her their power without any hidden motives. It was no different from creating a puppet and the notion itself made her shiver.
Needless to say, the fact that Sinner 000 was in the Bureau’s confinement said everything that needed to be said. Perhaps it was Chief’s innate desire to protect sinners that came into play but is that really all? Turning against the system was no small feat, and to do it all for a sinner who was already presumed dead?
Ah, it was all too vexing. She still had so much paperwork to do even after risking her life so recklessly but it was almost a comfort to experience the normalcy of her daily life after such a bizarre experience. The sinner’s file was still in front of her, almost begging to be read.
She picked it up, and then—“Chief!”
Speak of the devil.
“You're here.” In contrast to the sinner's cheery tone, her tone sounded more like dread rather than surprise.
“Eh, what's with that? You sound disappointed. Boohoo, I'm hurt.” Chief was used to her dramatic antics, the crocodile tears did nothing to shake her. More often than not, these types of things were often traps she laid out; she was just waiting for Chief to bite.
“I'm not disappointed. I was just surprised.” Chief’s gaze fell on the file again. The sinner’s eyes followed and her eyes lit up, her hands were quick to grab them, ignoring the way it clearly said it was confidential.
“Ooh, so you were reading about me! How cute. If you want to know more about me, you can just ask me directly.” She shot her a wink.
Chief closed her eyes.
“I suppose you're right.” Her reply made the sinner grin in response but the next question turned her head blank. “Let's start with your name.”
“My name?”
“I can't keep calling you Sinner 000, can I?”
“No, I guess not.” She tilted her head, pondering. “I never had a use for an actual name. Nobody knows me enough to bother making one.”
“Then let's make one for you now. A nickname, perhaps?”
The sinner’s eyes widened. It was one of the rare moments where Chief can see the blatant surprise on her face—it made her seem a bit more vulnerable, maybe even childish.
“Sure, if that's what you want.”
“... Zero.” She tested out the name on her lips and giggled. “I like the sound of your voice calling me that. Sure, call me Zero.”
Chief sighed, a small smile decorating her face. “You say the strangest things. Other people are going to be calling you that too, you know?”
“Oh, but you're so special! It's my first name. A name I got from you. Is it so selfish of me to want you to be the only one who calls me that?”
“Don't be silly.” Zero stared at Chief when she let out a chuckle. “It'll become even more precious if more people use it. I won't be the only one who will know your name. I don't want your world to be so confined.”
There was a short silence. A few moments that made Chief slightly nervous at her silence. Zero would usually be laughing or barking back. She was greeted by a resigned sigh instead.
 you're so dense sometimes. But I knew that already
 although that doesn't make this feel any better.” She pressed her index finger against Chief’s lips and leaned closer. “It's fine, I’ll win again you next time. You can have this round.”
“I wasn't aware that we were playing a game.” Chief replied, her lips moved against her finger, and gazed into Zero’s eyes. “Zero.”
When Chief called her name, Zero withdrew her hand almost immediately.
“That's a cheat code.”
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 1 year ago
Tricks & Treats
A little Halloween blurb featuring Roy & Bucky! Takes place after the events of Something There, so spoilers for chapters 11 & 12 I guess? Thank you to @infinetlyforgotten for helping inspire the idea!
0.9k words Warnings: Flirting & teasing, language, some oral (f receiving)
Something There Masterlist
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“Come on, Bucky!”
I laughed and leaned down to link my arm with Pheobe’s. “I don’t remember Dorothy and the Wicked Witch skipping together in the movie,” I joked to the little green girl. I glanced over my shoulder. “Do you, Scarecrow?”
Roy scowled at me, his grim face nothing short of comical with the straw-filled pointy hat and painted face he’d let me put on him earlier that evening. But when I raised my eyebrows at him, he let out a heaving sigh and linked up on Phoebe’s other side. Together, the three of us strolled arm in arm to the next house, where Roy and I watched Phoebe hustle up to the door to get her candy.
I leaned close to Roy and wrapped an arm around his middle. “Having fun?”
His eyes trailed down my blue-and-white checkered dress. “Do we really have to go to the party after this?” he grumbled. “I just want to go home and wipe this shit off my face.”
“Roy,” I cooed mockingly, giving him a squeeze. “Don’t you want to see adorable Dorothy become grown-up Dorothy for the party tonight?” I wiggled my foot at him. “The ruby slippers are going to turn into red stilettos. Gonna need someone to carry me home once they kill my ankle.”
The corner of his mouth ticked upwards, mimicking his raised eyebrows. “One hour. Then it’s no fucking place like home, got it?”
Once Phoebe was satisfied with her haul and had been dropped off with her mom, we quickly stopped to freshen up before Keeley’s annual Halloween bash. I changed into the shoes I’d been teasing Roy about and switched out the knee-length pinafore I’d been wearing for one that stopped midway down my thighs.
Roy raised his eyebrows at me when I found him waiting in the living room. “That’s so fucking unfair, babe,” he groaned, brown eyes raking over my body. “You sure we have to go to this shit?”
Smirking at the exact reaction I’d been hoping for, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door. “Let’s go, Kent.”
To no one’s surprise, Keeley’s party was a real rager. The club she was hosting it at was packed with people- Greyhounds, Whippets, celebrities, friends. We wandered around, Roy’s hand on my lower back, greeting familiar faces over the pulsing music. Roy managed to grab us a couple of drinks, which I convinced him to bring to the dance floor; ever since our first date, there one where he took me back to the club we’d met at, I loved getting Roy to dance whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Despite his good-natured eyerolls, Roy leaned close to me as we danced, letting his hand wander a bit more than was appropriate in public. But, between the alcohol and the music and his warm touch, I didn’t care one bit. I pressed my back to him, closing my eyes with a smirk as we moved to the music. I knew by the way Roy grinded against me that he’d make me pay for all this torture.
Sure enough, exactly sixty minutes after our arrival, Roy interlocked his fingers with mine.
“Hour’s up, Coach,” he hummed.
Roy liked to drive fast in that big, stupid car of his. And it was especially true tonight as he nearly ran a few red lights and treated the speed limits like suggestions. The entire time, his hand gripped my thigh, fingers digging into my skin. His jaw was set, gaze straight ahead, looking more like he was preparing to enter a championship game than just driving home with his girlfriend.
“Roy!” I squeaked as he nearly yanked me out of the car once he’d parked.
With his hand firmly on my ass, he practically sprinted to the front door. He unlocked it in record time and slammed it behind him. Relief crossed his face for a fraction of a moment before being replaced with pure lust and desire.
“So fucking mean,” he growled, pressing my back to the wall by the front door. “Wearing that fucking dress, dancing with me the way you did.” His mouth found my neck. “What did I do to deserve that, Buck?”
Despite the fire that was starting to spread over my skin, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Don’t call me Buck, Kent.”
His breathy chuckle tickled my neck. “Sorry, darling.” His hands wandered up and down my sides, gripping the blue and white material. “Just looked so fucking good tonight. Forgot my fucking manners.”
When his fingertips grazed the bare skin of my thighs, I let out a deep sigh. “Bedroom?”
To my surprise, Roy shook his head. “Can’t fucking wait that long.”
In an instant, Roy was on his knees in front of me, tugging my already short skirt up to reveal the red lace I’d put on with him in mind. He groaned when he saw the material, reaching out to press one finger to the damp spot he’d caused. Without warning, he lifted my leg- the one with the shit ankle- over his shoulder, leaving me attempting to balance on one stiletto. As if he knew I needed help, he tightened his grip on my hips before pressing his mouth to my clothed heat.
“Fuck!” I gasped as my hips instantly jerked against his face. “Shit, Roy-” With a blissful sigh, I threw my head back, gripping his curly hair tight.
His tongue tugged the material aside, exposing my cunt to his hot breath. “Hello, gorgeous,” he hummed, planting a deep kiss to my pussy lips. “My little Halloween treat.”
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
this isnt as long as before but i just cannot stop thinking about this, why i dislike story and lore boils down to these main point
--the ending feels unsatisfying as hell even if i ignore everything i dont like about how the game treated zelda and ganondorf, the ending itself just feels, despite being presented as super epic an touching, incredibly empty to me and part of it is that it feels like an unearned return to status quo of course i didnt think zelda would stay a dragon and i actually wanted to help her, which is why i kept trying to hunt down impa since she said shes gonna search for a way for us to help zelda, bc i wanted to!! i was eager to help her!
i fully hoped and kinda expected that thered either be some kind of dragon dungeon (think, the water dragon from okami) tho that would be difficult since you can get items from her so i ended up thinking before going into the end thered be a mission with impa (or at least given to you from her) where she found answers in ancient scripts (that she told you she would look through) and that you need to find a special lil thing that will help zelda undragonfy, like some sort of ultra secret forbidden enigma stone able to reverse dragon transformations kinda deal (golden opportunity to make you go and talk to the yiga bc they might know or even own some ancient texts) that youd keep in your inventory until the very end and after you kill dragondorf (pretty mortal for becoming an immortal dragon huh) you take it out and use it, undragonfying zelda and ending in a similar epic falling and paralel to the beginning way
... and instead impa stays in the house and only has a few repeating dialog boxes and does nothing and you cant do anything bc in the end you just get randomly teleported (and stripped of your clothing AGAIN) into some weird ethereal plane somehow?? with the ghost of long ass dead sonia and apparently not as gone as i thought rauru (seriously i felt sad when he went poof at the end of the tutorial but i guess i shouldnt have) awkwardly blasting dragon zelda with some magic tm and its all reversed no problem (heck me for caring i guess) turns out helping her was killing an evil guy we never really knew and mineru just kinda says lol its bc time and light magic i guess lol as an explanation
like i really wanted to go and help zelda! i was motivated to do it and spent HOURS trying to find impa again but i wasnt allowed to do anything bc zelda gets saved by some deus ex machina bs in the end anyway, what a fool i was, of course killing the evil guy is the solution to everything >:( (and no i dont care if its meant as in uwu sonia and rauru wanted to help one last time uwu bc it doesnt change how unsatisfying it was to watch it all just kinda happen)
--point two is just how much totk feels like its trying to REPLACE botw instead of being a sequel, its not building on anything of it its ripping out the fundation and building its own thing in its place, like i was so excited to see what happened to the titans, and all the sheikah tech what they mabe had done in all that time now that theres a tech enthusiastic girl as the head of the monarchy, maybe even find out more about them and instead its just all ... gone with not explanation? theres isnt even a LAME explanation, its just gone?? you never find out what the ancient energy actually was, and why there were concentrations of it in the regions with the ancient furnace (well heck it didnt even have anything to do with ganondorf actualyl bc that would have been too interesting) bc that was so intrigueing?? like yeah where DID it come from and why is it there ?? and oh suddendly hey look theres an even MORE ancient and even MORE advanced civilization thats way COOLER and BETTER than the ancient sheikah now, they also built stuff everywhere and have been here ALL ALONG cant you see its everywhere!! and its the only thing everyone cares about all of the sudden, all evdidence of the ancient sheikah tech was scraped of the earth so there literally only being some guardian parts on top of the hateno lab feels like an oversight now bc everything lese was to thourohgly wiped of the map- for no reason even?? like im totalls fine with it being useless and not working anymore but .... why remove it like it was wiped from history?? and then they have the gall to mention the happenings of botw like, twice in the entire game but still just give you the most basic summary of it mentioned on a sidenote with again not even a hint what happened to all of it
wouldnt there have been the golden opportunity to use it to access the new parts and map points that changed?? like a shrine thats fallen into the underground, an access to caves and the underground in the broken and collapsed elevator tube of a sheikah srhine?? maybe even a broken interior of an old shrine, like the room you get put into with the puzzle and where the monk once were broken and half overgrown in the udnerground? some left over construction site where you can see oh thats how the ancient sheikah got all that tech underground, bc they all had access to it and built it there to then rise up when its needed? maybe even making use of the old sonau sites since they frequnetly built their srhines within those ruins?? that the ancient sheikah found em and put the ruins to use? to research it and built their own stuff from it? it wouldnt have to have any focus, literally just part of the enviroment even
really everything totk does is like -forget botw ever happend, look how much cooler and better i am, who cares about sheikah stuff sonau are the new cool guys that came out of nowhere but now apparently have been everywhere all along actually-
i LOVE botw and with it feeling much more like its attempting to replace botw instead of building its story and world further every reference to botw i found felt like a slap in the face instead, oh look where the shrine of life used to be isnt even a hint left of sheikah tech somehow, and also right under it is the lake of healing filled with sonau structure bc ACTUALLY they were here FIRST bc they are so cool omg you guys
dare i say it feel a little like they wanted to make an entirely different version of botw basically, but wanted to reuse the map and models so they just said yeah uhhhh its totally a sequel yeah yeha that makes sense, its not erasing botw and doing essentiall the same thing again but bigger cooler and better (tm) its just uuh a ...sequel ye.
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cherryfandoms · 8 months ago
Looking at all the leaks and changes that have been made, I'm actually pretty curious how Rook's Rest turned out and what motivated Aemond to betray Aegon.
I'm pretty sure it'll be related to the brothel scene from episode 3 but I honestly hope they're at least going to add some depth to it.
From Aemond's perspective, it does make sense that he's angry at Aegon. He's been his biggest bully, constantly making fun of him, abusing him. Aemond has spent almost all of his life quietly enduring whatever Aegon did to him, keeping his pain to himself because Viserys and Otto wouldn't care and Alicent relied on him being her only "normal" and properly functioning child. Instead of complaining, he used his pain to improve himself. He's a skilled fighter, smart and cunning and unlike his brother, he's actually fit and willing to become king.
And yet, Aegon becomes king and Aemond accepts it. He supports his brother's claim, goes and secures allies for him and they more or less get along for awhile. But then Aemond kills Luke, sets of the war and becomes partially responsible for the death of Jaehaerys. Honestly, I feel like there's a lot missing between Luke dying and the brothel scene because we actually don't know how Aegon and everyone else reacted to Luke or how Aemond feels about Jaehaerys. Since he went to the brothel in episode 1 (likely to find comfort), there is a chance he went there again for the same reason, maybe even because he heard what happened to Jaehaerys.
Either way, as fucked up as it might be, the brothel appears to be some kind of safe space for Aemond and suddenly there's his brother and makes fun of him, they're laughing at him again. He doesn't feel safe anymore and he's so angry. Maybe he doesn't actually plan to betray Aegon until Rook's Rest happens. Maybe an opportunity presents itself and Aemond realizes he can finally end it all, become king like he always deserved. He's still angry. So he goes for it.
This actually became far longer than I intended but Aemond is strangely fun to analyze.
To be honest, I don't even know if I'm actually on Aemond's side here (at least not fully) because Aegon also has his reasons to be angry and sadly he tends to drown his sorrows in alcohol and becomes mean. However I'm pretty sure the writers will stick to Aemond's perspective (considering Aegon's in "coma" anyway) and like I said above, I'm just hoping they're going to give us more than just "he was mean in the brothel and now I'm mad".
Anyway, thanks to everyone who read this far, I guess 💜
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phxntomhives · 11 months ago
Twst theory: the events are all canon, they just fit in a weird timeline for each character
WARNING: Spoilers for Book 7
This is because the events are happening in the dreams created by Malleus' unique magic.
This is just for fun but it always bugged me how much canon the events are. They are not mentioned in the main storyline and the main storyline doesn't really mention them.
Yesterday night I couldn't sleep so I started to thinking about the cards and remembered the groovy animation: there are the thorns covering the card. And there is the black fog (also used when Silver and the others are being trapped in the blot) when the character speaks their line. Then the thorns retract, "freeing" the character and you have the groovy.
An example of a groovy here in case you forgot/don't remember (but litteraly any card is fine): https://youtu.be/vp68GOQnE6w
It would be interesting if this was an hint that the events are just the wishes/desires of someone that became true in the reality that Malleus created. Thanks to Idia we have seen that the dream can reset itself and in general everything goes as intended by Malleus' idea of Happy Ending. It could be that the events happen when the owner is waking up/realizing something is wrong so Malleus uses a panick button and make a nice event for them in order to distract them. Or the person dreaming is just feeling silly and wants to do something different and Malleus just goes "I got you". Plus, if I am not wrong, most, if not all, event are just overall nice, there isn't too much trauma in them (but it is true I am EXTREMELY behind in reading them, I am lazy).
"But the player/us can make decision" my brother in christ, Yuu does barely anything, we are cheerleaders at best. ESPECIALLY in the events. I understand why, on a gameplay level, it is not possible for us to make decision that actively effect the story, but we at most get a line that is slightly different as a reaction. If Malleus can recreate a whole fake universe in a dream I don't see why he can't add a fake version of us to the events, he HAS created a fake Ortho for Idia, Baul and Maleanor for Lilia. He just uses the memories and/or the hopes of the dreamer to create the situation. So maybe the Yuu in the events is just how Malleus and the dreamer sees Yuu. Remember, in this theory everything is working as he intended, even "us". Yuu (player) can't affect the story because Yuu (player) is not living it, it's Malleus' version of Yuu, how HE sees Yuu. Most likely also influences by the dreamer's view. Probably more the dreamer's view of Yuu that Malleus' honestly.
I also like the idea that Malleus just add Yuu since Yuu is basically his favourite human (after Silver/right with Silver) so I can see him going "Yuu brings happyness, let's add them to the dream, it makes sense, they will help make the dream happier."
The I started to wonder: but then why doesn't he add himself to every event? Doesn't he want to be more present in everyone's life? Be invited to stuff and spend time with them? What better opportunity than this, since he is adding himself already to the entrance ceremony? My polite guess is that he knew it would become too weird for the dreamer if he suddently appeared everywhere when he was barely seen until that moment, so he decided to cast himself aside for most events to be less suspicious. Idia realizes almost immediately something is wrong thanks to the insane gatcha luck so imagine if he suddenly found Malleus everywhere? "Why are you here, you aren't supposed to be here????" it would immediately raise suspicious from everyone.
This being said, the theory is likely wrong but I had way too much fun trying to guess who would be the owner of each dream-event. So I tried to think about it and here is my results, feel free to share if you think it different! (Under the cut because it would become kilometric)
Part 1 because it has become SO MUCH LONGER than expected
Happy Beans Day - Seize the Golden Harp!
SSR Azul, SR Jade + Jack, R Cater.
Dreamer - I feel like this is easy: Azul's team won and he is free from the pain of P.E. (felt). So I feel it's pretty safe to assume it's his dream. I do believe this challange could happens also in the main story since it's a yearly tradition, but it would be fun if Azul dreamed of it and maybe changed the outcome. In the happy dream, his team won while in reality he is still stuck with the lessons (I feel your pain Azul).
Why the others are present - I wouldn't be surprised if this is just how the teams were in the main story, and Azul just changed the finale. I don't remember if the first event had the Malleus VS Lilia fight but I like to think that is the real Malleus and he was just training a little to see how much he can affects the dreams and just have a nice sparring session.
Fairy Gala ~Festival of the Spring-Calling Fairies~
SSR Leona, SR Jamil + Kalim, R Ruggie
Dreamer - This was already harder, because no I don't think being the SSR automatically means you are the dreamer. It's too easy and with event with multiple SSR it would be more complicated (plus, this game would become boring quickly). So I reread it quickly and since "Leona and Kalim were tasked by Crowley to infiltrate the Fairy Gala" I believe Kalim would be a nice fit. He is there, dancing, spending time with Jamil and getting to know Leona and Ruggie better, which I don't think he would mind!
Why the others are present - he goes everywhere with Jamil and deeply cares about him, so I can see him trying to add Jamil to the dream in any way possible to enjoy more things together. I feel he could see Leona and Ruggie as a "do not separate" situation so, of course they would come together in the dream too. The reason for "why Leona?", it's because of the "Exotic" (tho I deeply disagree with the term ofc) theme. Vil and Divus are there because they can easily be considered the best for the costumes and training in any situation.
Ghost Marriage ~Proposal of Destiny~
SSR Ace, SR Riddle + Epel, R Rook
Dreamer - well, I think we can all agree it is definitely not Idia lol. As my biggest kin, I can promise you that if I were to dream of being kidnapped I would also be also the one saving myself and I would not want to have a squad of people to come to dig my grave deeper help me. We can also all agree that, most likely, all the slapped boys are definitely not the one dreaming. I don't think Ortho would dream can he dream? of his brother being kidnapped. Sam also doesn't feel quite right. I think it is pretty safe to assume again one of the guys that got the card is the one dreaming (yes I don't feel safe assuming that this is true for all events). But then who? Riddle is off the chart because the rulesTM were almost broken and he was desperate to fix it. I guess he would dream something more peaceful that either follows the rules or completely ignore them. Rook is also off the chart, he can see beauty in everything so he would not make Eliza reject everyone if anything I see him going more for an harem ending. Also he would not let Vil's face be ruined by a slap, I think. Ace or Epel that is the question. My heart is screaming Epel just because he can let go of his frustration by fighting, and he could finally hit Vil (Eliza did it, but it would be his dream soooo). Buut my mind reminds me that Ace has dropped that he had a girlfriend that left him. Seems like a pretty big lore to drop if Epel is the one dreaming. I can't find a reason for Epel to dream about Ace telling of his romantic past. Plus if I am not wrong he is the one that in the end plays the major role of making Eliza realize her feelings. So, for as much as I would like to say Epel, I think the dreamer is Ace.
Why the others are present - for chaos. And the Drama.
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your-phantomfield · 11 months ago
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i .. ii .. iii circa 2198 for anonymous
Dating the Imperator...
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A relationship with the literal ruler of the entire world is, unsurprisingly, unbalanced. Your relationship exists entirely at her whims; whether you were the one who started things, falling for her and trying to get close, or if you simply caught her eye and she couldn’t get you out of her head.
The Imperator lives an isolated existence. Even among the highest ranking members of the Duodecim, opportunities to do anything more than see her from a distance are rare. To have a chance with Izanami, she must choose you. Likely as entertainment, first, finding herself amused by you, so much that she begins seeking you out when the mood strikes her.
Then, she chooses to keep you. She presents ‘asking you out’ as an order to become her servant- as if you aren’t already technically her servant just by living in the world she controls. She asks that you stay by her side until the moment of your death. Which is
 kind of like a marriage proposal? I guess? How sweet.
Being her ‘servant’ really is just fancy Imperator-speak for dating. You might be a little worried about what will become of you when you agree to the deal, but not much changes. You don’t have to do her laundry, you don’t have to clean anything, you don’t move in with her and live in a cage or whatever.
What she does demand is that you prioritize her, that you be available for her at all times. You are her possession now, and she will have you when she wishes to.
Get well acquainted with that strange
 creature (?) she calls Phantom, because you’ll be seeing it a lot. It acts as your intermediary, appearing when your lover wishes to summon you.
You're aware the life of the Imperator Librarius is a solitary one. She stands as a god, separate and above all others. In this world, that is a fact as natural as the air you breath. But being close to her like this, seeing more sides of her, grants you new perspective on what that really means for the one on the throne.
Izanami is a terribly lonely woman. Under all the arrogance and power, your lover is shockingly
 childlike. It’s evident that she has no friends, likely never has had any- the words she uses for you (servant, favorite, pet) expose the fact that she wouldn’t even know what to call an equal. You imagine that she never had much of a childhood. If only you knew.
Phantom is sent for you daily, generally. Izanami’s words are distant and lofty as always, but the more familiar these moments become to you, the more you start to see through her. She's thrilled to have a companion.
She loves toys. Jigsaw puzzles seem to be what she likes best. She’ll kindly allow you to select the edge pieces and build the frame- the simpler task, she promises, though for a puzzle with thousands of pieces you’re not sure any part of it could count as easy.
She's both willing and eager to try to play anything you bring her. She describes you like a jester, bringing her all these novelties in an attempt to keep her entertained. She presents it as if it just might be some kind of test. As if, if she isn't amused, you'll be punished somehow. You never are, though- it seems her bark may be worse than her bite.
She’s not too keen on video games, you'll learn, and she'll only try a few before she starts to refuse them. Puzzle toys, on the other hand, are consistently a hit. Slip a Rubiks Cube into your pocket and grandly present it as an ‘offering’ to her or a ‘symbol of your devotion,’ and she’ll adore it. You can't help but wonder if she's ever gotten a real gift before.
Another hobby of hers, one perhaps more in-line with her general image, is stargazing. Er, moongazing? She does know a plethora of constellations and can readily point them out if asked (your zodiac is one she likes to show you) but what she seems to like most about the night sky is the moon itself.
She doesn’t venture outside often, but there are nights when you are summoned to join her for a walk around a gated garden. The moon is always full, or just about, when she does this. She’ll walk with you for a time, enjoying chatter and teasing, until the winds hit the trees just right and she falls silent. She'll watch them dance, then turn her attention up to the sky, where she’ll watch the moon until the clouds hide it from her.
It’s one of those things that she doesn’t seem to notice she does. When you ask her what she likes, she’s unable to think of many things, and the night sky is never something she lists. But when you catch her staring up at it like this, if you ask, she’ll tell you she finds it nostalgic.
She's beautiful under the moonlight. Take your time admiring her before you speak. The moment she realizes you've caught her, the night's spell is broken, and she'll return to the walk, ending your opportunity to observe her unguarded.
Izanami says the strangest things sometimes. The way she speaks, you’d think she’s forgotten that she is as human as her subjects. She muses on the nature of humanity as if watching it all trapped in a little fishtank. She delights in the way it may amuse her, but seems to genuinely believe that we’re all ultimately just swimming around in circles until our hearts finally stop beating.
If you like to debate, and if you can do it respectfully, you can have a lot of fun here. You can spend hours arguing the purpose of human life, trying to get her to see something of inherent worth through the impermanence of it. The value of love, of connection, of fun, of creating something to pass on or simply finding something to share with others.
No matter what you highlight, her nihilism never wavers. She always has some reply to twist your words back around to tragedy.
Sometimes it feels surreal, as if you're up against a real angel or even a god, making a case for humanity at the cusp of the end times. And the way she dismisses your 'evidence'... with that innocent laugh and that smile full of pity.
She sometimes doesn't feel human at all.
Of course, she isn't. Hades Izanami has never been, could never be, human. Despite this, she does care for you. In her way.
She adores you. If she didn’t, she would not keep you so close. You may never be able to have a normal relationship with her, but her desire to have you near her through all her idle hours proves how badly she wants you- how much she needs you. Loves you. The one she has granted the honor of being her only companion in this world.
You are her amusement. You are her happiness. You are a spark of... something, something that her vessel seems to crave desperately. You make something in her core begin to ache, as if that girl’s heart still dwelled inside her chest.
But as was said at the start- to be her lover is not to be her equal. The Imperator Librarius has no equal. Death walks alongside everyone but must herself stand alone.
No matter how wonderful it feels to be with her, she was honest with you when she asked that you be her servant- not her lover. You have a purpose to fulfill in this relationship.
Your purpose is to be loyal and to love her. To bring her laughter when the world makes her sick.
And one day, you will have fulfilled your purpose. One day it will be time to end this world.
Shall she reward your loyalty with a vision of Doomsday? Shall she let you know, in your last moments, the true nature of that which loved you?
Or shall she spare you the death thralls and send you to sleep with sweet ignorance?
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chevelleneech · 10 months ago
All the Twitter drama between BuckTommy and Buddies shippers today is exactly as I said it was. Over confident fans vs scared fans, only now it’s been fueled by a video in which a likable actor is being paid by both the network and fans to say he supports his character and the relationship his character is in.
I can’t even fault Lou, because he’s a working actor (I don’t know his income despite who his father is), so I don’t think he’s automatically in the wrong for being paid to tell his fans/shippers what they want to hear. The problem is BuckTommy shippers taking what is a specifically paid viewpoint and using it as ship war fuel. Oliver is pro Buddie and people use that to their advantage, but Oliver has been vocal about being okay with Buck and Eddie dating for years and he doesn’t get paid by fans to say so. At the same time though, there also never been another ship with his character and a man for him to discuss outside of Buddie.
Which is why I’m not understanding the pedestal BuckTommy fans have put Lou on, nor why they’re ignoring the fact that Oliver hasn’t exactly said he’s in favor of BuckTommy lasting the remainder of the series. He’s been very open ended about it, which is fine, and I don’t think he’d be disappointed if that is what happens. But he also did just post about Buddie, and his interviews lately have continued to be about him saying he’s open to Buddie if it happens, as opposed to him saying something to focus on BuckTommy or how he hopes they will flesh out that relationship for a while.
Which again, I would imagine he does think. I genuinely believe Oliver cares about Buck’s journey as a bisexual man and wants to see that play out in the best way possible, but it does currently seem like he’s more inclined to Buddie than BuckTommy. Which is not a good or bad thing for either side. It’s an objective observation.
So I guess my reason for writing this post, is just
 why are BuckTommy fans putting more weight on how a guest star whose entire storyline will likely only ever focus on his sexuality and relationship with a man, than a lead actor who wants his character to explore his sexuality and is very vocal about being open to that exploration being with someone other than Tommy?
Because as soon as Buck and Tommy kissed, people began pushing Eddie and everything he means to Buck to the side. And now, the more we get to know Lou and the more he interacts with fans, the more those same shippers are pushing Oliver and everything he says and has said about Buddie, to the side. So it’s as if it’s not enough for BuckTommy to simply be canon. Because they are and at the end of the day, that trumps any other ship Buck could have in the future. Right now he’s with Tommy, period, but that’s not enough, I guess?
Y’all seem to want BuckTommy and confirmation that Buddie will never happen, but why? Buddie is a ship idea that has existed since season two. It is a ship that not only the fans like, but that the actors and show runner enjoy. It is a ship that if the opportunity presents itself, all the people who can make it happen, plan to make happen. That doesn’t mean it has to become canon, but paying an actor portraying a character of half the ship you prefer to say positive things about the ship, is not a gotcha.
Lou is being paid on and off screen to support Tommy, so why wouldn’t he do that? It is also good promo for the characters and the show, and there is no reason for him to not ship BuckTommy, seeing as their relationship is currently doing well. And I know fandom is going to fandom, but there is literally no reason for BuckTommys to be combative. The ship is canon, that’s a fact. Yes, it’s also a fact that Tommy was shitty in his past and that there is no solid foundation for him and Buck as a couple, but that can change come s8.
There is nothing but sunny skies in the BuckTommy forecast, so why are y’all searching for storm clouds? Buddie shippers are being insecure and crappy, but BuckTommy shippers aren’t innocent. Y’all are literally paying Lou to give you gas for the fire, then acting as if Buddie shippers are being rude for no reason. Let’s dial it back and remember this is a tv show, and Buck may not end up with neither Eddie nor Tommy.
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months ago
Marshal (Pathfinder Second Edition Archetype)
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(art by Llyncis on DeviantArt)
A long time ago on the blog, I covered the six mythic paths of the mythic adventures subsystem, and that was lots of fun to look at. Now, however, we’re looking at a second edition archetype that shares a name with one of those paths, the only one to make that jump in it’s own way.
I think the reason why that is probably has to do with what they original mythic paths were originally. Most were pretty much “class or collection of classes but better”, such as champion or archmage. However, the marshal, well, certainly tactical buffing characters that do so by giving orders isn’t really a thing beyond certain flavorings of the cavalier, so someone probably guessed it would be good as an archetype in Second Edition (rightfully so!).
Despite the name, this archetype can be used with any sort of character in a leadership role, not just military commanders, though perhaps those in such roles probably make the most sense.
Either way, with the right force of personality and leadership style, these leaders can give the right command at the right time, and inspire allies to fight past fear and pain.
For the base dedication, marshals improve their training in either diplomatic or fear-based social skills, and their presence in turn assuages the fears of those nearby.
Some associated with the Firebrands learn to inspire allies to be clever with their wit.
Those who prefer to strike fear can inspire allies to become more deadly and fearsome.
Meanwhile, those that focus on being more inspirational drive their allies to act with more dedication and steadfastness, making their attacks more accurate and steeling their minds against those that would undermine them.
Marshals from Lastwall might inspire allies to better resist the horror and tricks of the undead.
With a firm shout and an appeal to their better nature, these leaders can attempt to snap allies out of mental effects.
Others use their commands to help an ally brace, better resisting damage and attacks to their body.
With a cadence call, they can set the rhythm of their allies movements, letting them move with surprising speed for a few moments, but by doing so, they end up slowed later.
Striding into battle, many marshals inspire others to keep fighting with their own mighty charge.
With their focus on combat, it’s no surprise that many marshals learn to strike when gaps appear in their foe’s defenses, punishing them when an opportunity presents itself.
They even support their allies while surrounded, preventing them from being flanked by all but the most thorough surrounding forces.
With a rallying cry, marshals might be able to spur allies to battle, moving into position or striking.
Some even work with their allies to topple foes over, gaining a distinct tactical advantage.
Charging into combat can also inspire allies to move and attack as well.
More talented marshals can improve their cadence to quicken allies without exhausting them afterwards.
Finally, ranged marshals may learn to fire their weapon at gaps created by their allies’ offense, compounding pain and injury against their enemies.
This archetype offers a lot of different types of combat support buffs with the flavor of giving orders and commands, all of which can be quite fun. And the best part is, any character with a decent charisma can make use of the archetype, be they mighty champions or fighters leading the charge, or tactical genius mages leading from the back and supporting with covering fire and magical buffs.
Now obviously military roles are the most common reason for why someone might have this training, but consider other possibilities as well, such as bounty hunter groups, organized bandits, ninja clans, or anywhere else where a group would benefit from obeying a tactical leader without question. Additionally, while marshals no doubt have a major role in battle decisions, one has to ask if they also fulfill the role of team leader in other situations, and if not, who does?
They say that the dread pirate Shalan is as terrifying to her crew as she is to her foe, but while she is a harsh taskmaster, she cares deeply for those under her, and has always been fair to them both in terms of shares and in what she demands of them.
Those who have only ever faced orcs in battle might assume that they are brutish and fierce, but while they put on a fearsome display against their foes with their war chants, they are equally compassionate during times of peace. Nowhere is this more clear than Ubo Elkcall. While he may be named for how his voice carries on the battlefield, his preferred focus is on using his arts to heal and guide his people.
On the young world of Agur, only the longer-lived peoples like elves, serpentfolk, and dwarves have begun to develop civilization, but even the primitive humans are developing in their own ways, becoming master hunters and farmers. Hunting mammoth in particular is extremely dangerous, so they hunt leaders are expected to be obeyed without question when the hunt begins.
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inexplicablepeas · 7 months ago
Tale of the Body Thief Thoughts
I finally read Tale of the Body Thief, my long-ass thoughts under the cut (spoilers for the whole book of course):
Other than Pandora (and you'll have to excuse my weird reading order but after QotD I had to read TVA, and then I had to read B&G to get Marius' perspective and then it just made sense to read Pandora while that was fresh in my mind(!!)) this is the first new to me read in the series since I started my re-read - I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, which is also new because the previous three books I read are basically THE books for those characters, which is a lot of expectation and does lead to disappointment when certain things aren't covered, whereas I was putting a lot less pressure on this one, it's just more Lestat shenanigans! 
It was interesting to see that Anne is also kind of managing expectations in Lestat's in-character intro chapter when she kind of warns the reader that this isn't going to be an epic, millennia-spanning, multiple POV tale like Queen of the Damned was - I guess she had her concerns about how this one would be received in comparison! Speaking of the intro I really liked it, it was fun (Lestat intros usually are), very silly and meta with Lestat exorcising some writerly angst as he witheringly lists out a bunch of famous banger first lines and lets the critics know that the "sensual", "humid" style is here to stay. Other than this fun meta stuff it's pretty clear in the intro that Lestat is NOT DOING OK, he's in a dusty period, not really taking care of himself or spending time around any other vamps apart from Louis (who occasionally deigns to leave his rundown shack to watch his TV). It's not surprising after everything that went down with Akasha that he's not doing well (and I know I just said I wasn't putting a lot of expectations on this book but wow, it is really frustrating that he's sparse with the details of what went down at Night Island, although this does fit with his overall character journey in this book, he's just desperately trying to avoid dealing with his feelings about everything that went down by any means possible for most of it). I do wonder how this was received at the time, I can imagine a lot of fans being frustrated that the Night Island coven era just gets skipped here as there's so much promise for various character interactions and shenanigans that's just left to the imagination, I'm sure that people must have built up some expectations between QotD and this book.
Anyway, as for the story itself, I really enjoyed it! Lestat's time as a mortal is packed with so many darkly humorous moments and I just feel like Anne was having a lot of fun venting the frustrations of existing in a mortal body through this character who's become alienated from the inconveniences and humiliations of that particular reality over the past couple of hundred years. Lestat as a mortal is really pathetic, he's scared of everything, he's a whiny disaster and it just goes to show how much he's gotten used to living life with the cheat codes on as a vampire. He was chosen for this life by Magnus for his courage and now he's afraid of taking a shit.
Lestat is looking for an escape in this book from an existence he's come to find intolerable, he's suicidal at the start of this tale, attempting to end himself in the sun of the Gobi desert, then crawling back to David's English country manor to lick his wounds when that fails. A few days after recovering from that he's desperately pursuing the perceived opportunity that Raglan James, the Body Thief, presents him with - a holiday in a mortal body - while willfully ignoring all the red flags and alarm bells about how untrustworthy this guy is. He's reeeally in a bad place, desperate! Obviously Raglan has no intention of giving him his super vampire body back after the switch so finding himself stuck in a mortal body he's given the opportunity to make the choice that was taken from him by Magnus: this time he chooses a vampiric existence over mortality of his own free will, easily. Kind of a huge character moment! Going forward he has to face that he chose this over a chance for 'salvation' with Gretchen (a missionary nun/nurse he has a short love affair with after she nurses him back to health from the second sickness he suffers in his short time as a mortal due to neglecting his body).
Although most of the QotD cast are conspicuously absent (I'm most curious about how come Armand wasn't all up in his business as usual!) there are quite few good Louis/Lestat interactions that really add a lot to their relationship now that they're reconciled after the events of QotD. They're very slowly coming terms with their love for one another! The other major characters in this book, apart from Raglan, the body thief himself, are David, Gretchen and ofc Mojo. Along with Lestat we learn a lot about David in this one, about his youth prior to joining the Talamasca as a big game hunter turned Brazilian witchcraft adept. David turns out to be a pretty interesting character, he seems confident and wise, yet he's naive and too trusting where Lestat's concerned. His story fits in very well with the themes of the hunter becoming the hunted in this book. Gretchen's character symbolizes the choice Lestat has to make about living out a natural (and good and self-sacrificing) life in this mortal body he finds himself stuck in or getting his supernatural (but evil, petty and entirely self-serving) life back. She's another one of Anne's tortured creative genius characters, having given up a potentially very successful career as a pianist in what she believes was a bargain with God to save her mother's life. Except she's not actually all that tortured by the choice! Very interesting parallel with Nicki there (and she has a looot in common with Sybelle too, way past the point of coincidence). Mojo is a perfect addition to the cast, 10/10 no notes, goodest boy. His relationship with Lestat is the greatest love story told in this book!
Overall I found this to be a great read, the plot keeps you guessing and moves along at a good pace, we get a great insight into how Lestat's (not) coping after the events of QotD, some nice Loustat content (not a major ship for me but I vaguely want those crazy kids to figure it out)! The best part of it is really the dark and gross humor of Lestat having an absolute mental breakdown over basic human bodily functions and limitations. IDK why it took me so long to read this one!
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blaqcats-fics · 2 years ago
(He’s) Just a Phase — Part 1
Word Count: 3.1K
November 1993.
Steve cursed lowly as he tried to light his cigarette. The wind was not on his side today, and he was growing increasingly annoyed with every passing moment.
The day had begun with a literal pile of dog shit. He had woken up, sleeping past his alarm, and his service dog, Bowie, had left him a present. Steve stepped into it and thus set the mood for the rest of the day. From then on, Steve missed the bus, causing having to walk to the music store where he worked out with his guitar case heavy on his back and Bowie at his side. It also didn't help that it had rained the night before and a car passed by without slowing down and drenched him in cold water.
Thankfully he had arrived at work in one piece. He was in break now, letting Bowie take a moment to eat some food and to allow himself a smoke, even though that was becoming a failure itself.
‘Fuck it,’ Steve grunted, running his hand through his hair, grimacing as his hand tangled in his hair. It had grown out far longer than he was used to. It looked like his mother’s hair — long, unruly, and stuck between the questionable state of wavy and curly. He was sure that it rivaled Eddie’s almost, except he didn't have poorly chopped bangs.
He glanced down at Bowie, watching as he finished eating his kibble, before looking up at Steve with big brown eyes. Steve smiled, leaning down, gently petting him as he picked the bowl up. ‘Was it good, boy?’ he asked, chuckling as Bowie’s tail thumped against the ground. ‘Guess so. C’mon, back to work, bubby.’
Steve opened the door to the store, watching as Bowie trotted back inside. Steve followed in after Bowie, going behind the counter. ‘Back from break!’ he called out.
‘Gotcha!’ Sam called back.
Samuel ‘Sam’ Carter was a fifty-year-old retired drummer, and Steve’s boss. He was intimidating to look at, covered in tattoos from head to toe, and fitted into a biker-gang aesthetic, but despite the intimidating exterior, Sam was a sweetheart. He was also one of the few people Steve met in the past month that was helping him understand the current queer culture.
Sam, surprisingly, was an active member of the drag community in Seattle and was more than happy to take Steve under his wing, saying that Steve looked like a lost puppy begging for shelter.
Steve was a lost puppy looking for shelter when he came to Seattle. He had left Indianapolis on a whimand didn't stop to think of the consequences. Luckily, Sam was able to situate Steve with a job and a place to stay.
‘Oh, yeah, kid!’ Sam called, walking out from the back of the store, clipboard in hand from doing inventory. ‘Gale called and said she found something that you might be interested in.’
Steve glanced at him as he opened the cash register to count the cash for the third time. ‘What’d she say?’
‘Anthem, the bar down where Gale works, is having an open mic night. Gale says there may be a producer there, but she can't promise anything,’ Sam said, walking to the counter. He paused and made a scrunched face at Bowie, speaking in a baby voice at him.
Steve rolled his eyes at Sam’s actions, but was otherwise interested. This was an opportunity, even if it could be a failure. ‘She say what time it was?’
‘Around 9 tonight.’
‘Tonight?’ Steve exclaimed. ‘I don't gave anything to play! Fuck!’
Sam scoffed, ‘I’ve seen you scribble in that notebook of yours; you have something.’
Steve chewed on his lip anxiously, glancing down as Bowie nudged his leg. He took a shaky breath, fixing his glasses on his face that had gradually fallen down his face. ‘Those aren't lyrics. They, uh, I don't know, it's just venting.’
‘Sounds close enough to music for me,’ Sam said. ‘How about this, I’ll call Rachael to cover your shift, and you go figure your shit out for tonight. You ain't going to get anywhere without nipping opportunities by the ass. You aren't going to get your man back without working for it.’
Steve hummed, nodding. He didn't bother correcting Sam. This wasn't about getting Eddie back. He was sure Eddie was happier off without him lingering in his shadow. Life had just started to work out in Eddie’s favor. All Steve wanted to do was apologize and make up for hurting Eddie, even if hurting him had never been his intention.
‘Oh, before you head out, Paul can't do their routine Saturday night, do you want to fill in their spot?’ Sam asked. ‘I know you aren't familiar with the scene, but stepping out if your comfort zone can be fun sometimes.’
Paul (Monique on Saturdays and Mondays) was one of Sam’s liners at the club he owned. They were one of the more popular drag queens that worked there. Steve enjoyed their shows, finding them loud and exciting. However, Steve never found himself wondering what it was like to be a queen.
Steve shook his head, ‘If it was Minnie, maybe. Paul is too much of a star to fill in for.’
Sam snorted, ‘Ain’t that the damn truth. You’d make a pretty girl, Stevie.’ He sent Steve a wink.
‘I think I need to finish sorting out my internalized homophobia before I start examining gender and how I want to be perceived. I don't need to give myself a stroke,’ Steve grinned. He picked up his case, adjusting it comfortably on his back. ‘Plus, if I had a pair of tits, I don't think this world would survive.’
‘Christ, kid,’ Sam laughed. ‘Get out of here.’
Steve rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face. He called Bowie and left for home. He knew that if Eddie was still with him, he'd love to meet Sam.
That night, despite practicing for hours, Steve could feel his skin crawling. He was a bundle of nerves and he left as if someone had jump-started his heart with a faulty engine. For a brief moment, Steve wondered if Eddie always felt this way before going on to play a show. Maybe, but Eddie was always a bundle of nerves.
‘You good, ‘Evie?’ Gale asked, handing him a shot. ‘Look like you could use some liquid courage.’
Steve glanced down at the shot and hesitated. He started at it for a moment before shaking his head. ‘Best not. My nerves already make me sick to my stomach,’ he said.
Gale shrugged, taking the shot and downing it herself. ‘More for me,’ she winked. ‘You ready to play your little heart out?’
‘No,’ Steve said, raw honesty in his voice. ‘Performing was never my thing. I don't think it even is my thing. I was good at sports in high school like I was a full-on jock, but this? I wouldn't gave touched this with a twenty-foot pole.’
Gale hummed, her eyes fleeting over him, taking in his appearance. ‘Sure don't look like a jock now with that hair of yours, and that outfit. It screams homeless instead of jock,’ she joked.
‘I got it from Walmart,’ Steve frowned. ‘It was comfy and cheap.’
The woman sighed, ‘Baby, you look like the bastard child of Kurt Cobain, but with Tommy Lee’s stupidly sexy hair.’
Steve stared at her. ‘I know Cobain is from Nirvana, but who the hell is Tommy Lee?’
‘Some pretty boy from Mötley CrĂŒe,’ she explained. ‘They’re either a metal or rock band. Who knows the damn difference?’
Eddie does, Steve’s mind supplied.
He pulled his gaze away from Gale, looking at the stage, listening to, well, something. ‘Is that poetry?’
‘Kind of,’ she said with an uninterested shrug. ‘Spoken word, I think. You like it?’
Steve scrunched his nose, ‘Not my cup of tea.’
‘It’s powerful,’ Gale said. ‘It were louder, maybe I would like it, but eh.’
‘Eh,’ Steve agreed. He glanced around the bar before settling his gaze back on Gale. ‘Sam said something about a producer?’
Gale rose her brows, ‘Is that why're so worked up?’
Steve felt his cheek warm. ‘Possibly.’
‘I don't know kid. Boss told me that there could be one, but didn't give me a name or a face.’
‘Shit,’ Steve grunted. That made his anxiety even worse. Actually, Steve wasn't sure if it did make it worse. The dread had already been lingering, but now it felt more real.
‘You’ll be fine. I'd be more worried if you didn't know how to song,’ Gale joked. She glanced down towards the end of the bar where an older man was flagging her. ‘You’re on next, ‘Evie. Take a breath and focus on the reason you're even out here.’
Steve didn't say anything as she walked away. He glanced back at the stage, swallowing the lump in his throat. He pushed himself off of the stool, moving through the small crowd of people and he suddenly felt as if he was back in Indianapolis, pushing through the crowd, looking for Eddie. It was a familiar, but ghostly feeling that made the hairs on the back of his hair raise.
That had been the year's ago, and Eddie was far from his reach.
‘A round of applause for Kaitlynn and James for their wonderful performance!’ the announcer spoke loudly into the mic. Steve couldn't remember his name. It was Dave, Derek, or something. He knew it started with a D. ‘Next up in tonight’s roster is the mysterious ‘Evie!’
Steve licked at his front teeth, sucking in a breath. He went to the stage, passing by Kaitlynn and James. He took a moment to pull his guitar from his case, checking the tuning before sitting down on a bench in front if the microphone. He coughed slightly, the sound feeling the room. ‘A big thank you for anyone who came out here tonight. My name is ‘Evie and this is my song, uh, enjoy?’
‘Evie was a stage name. Gale and Sam suggested he used one, even if it wasn't far off from his actual name. It helped hide him for now, at least until photographs were involved, and Steve did whatever he could do to avoid his face being anywhere.
There was a small applause of encouragement and a loud whistle that most likely came from Gale. His lip switched and he adjusted the weight of his guitar in his hands.
‘I’m starting at the glass in front of me,’ he sang, voice loud in the room, the microphone and speakers filling the room with his voice. ‘Is it half empty? Have I ruined all you’ve given me?’
He strummed the guitar, his stomach twisting in knots as he sang. He didn't know if it came from the anxiety of performing or from how a giant lump of panic started to form in the back of his throat.
He took a deep breath, pushing the lump away, his eyes stinging. ‘Don’t tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight. This heart of stone will sink ‘til it does if you leave me alone,’ he sang, his voice cracking.
Steve remembered the long nights when sleep never plagued him. He remembered sitting up in bed, giving his attention to an unaware and sleeping Eddie. He used to watch him sleep and watched as all the stress lines were even out on his face, making him look younger. Eddie had looked so peaceful, and sometimes Steve would stare and count the light freckles that kissed his face. It was his form of counting sheep.
‘Don’t tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight. This heart of stone will sink ‘til it does if you leave me tonight. Don't leave me tonight,’ Steve sang, tears glued to his lashes as he played the last few notes.
He blinked away the tears, moving his eyes to rub them away. He could barely hear the applause over the loudness of his thoughts. He sent the crowd a weak smile before moving and heading off stage, not bothering to stop and put his guitar away. He merely grabbed the case and walked back to Gale.
‘Give me a Long Island,’ he mumbled, taking a moment to put the guitar up and leaning it against the bar.
Gale reached out and touched his shoulder. ‘Baby, you sure you don't want something lighter? We both know you're a lightweight.’
‘That’s the point,’ Steve mumbled. He knew better than to develop a co-dependency on alcohol. That was how you get addicted to it, but addiction runs in his veins and for once, Steve wanted to bury the voices.
The woman sighed, ‘I’ll get you a drink, but it's not going to be a Long Island. Go sit in one of the private rooms, I’ll get Frankie to bring you the drink.’
Steve nodded, getting off the bar and moving through the crowd again, heading towards the back.
‘Hey! Excuse me!’ someone called out. Steve ignored them, figuring that they were just trying to get through the crowd of people like he was. ‘Wait a second! ‘Evie!’
Steve paused, turning around, frowning as a smaller woman made her way to him. She couldn't be much older than he was, but she looked far more foot together then he did. ‘Sorry,’ he said. ‘What’d you need?’
‘Mind if I join you? I saw you were heading to the private rooms,’ she said.
Steve frowned, ‘Uh, if you're trying to like, um, you know...’
She must have caught on to what he was saying and flushed red. She waved her hands frantically. ‘No! No! Not at all. Happily married with two demons to prove,’ she said, wiggling her hand, showing off the simple silver band.
‘Oh, shit, sorry,’ Steve said, flushing in embarrassment. ‘You call your kids demons?’
The woman merely shrugged, ‘They sure the hell aren't angels. Either way, mind if I join you? Rather not have a conversation in the midst of chaos, ya’ know?’
Steve nodded. ‘Yeah, of course. What’s your name?’ he asked, leading her to the back.
‘Kacey Williams,’ she introduced. ‘I’m a talent agent from Los Angeles.’
Steve stumbled over his feet a bit. His hand froze above the doorknob, turning to look at her with a deer-caught-in-headlights look. ‘You’re a talent agent?’ his voice cracked.
‘Yes, sir,’ she beamed. ‘I’m technically on vacation, but talent waits for no one! Even if you were a bit nervous.’
‘Was it really that noticeable?’ he sighed. ‘I told Gale, the bartender, that I’m new on the scene, or whatever it’s called. Music wasn’t an interest until recently.’
Kacey hummed. ‘First time preforming then?’
Steve shrugged, opening the door and letting her go in first. He closed the door behind him, moving to set his case on one of the sofas. ‘In front of a lot of people, yeah.’
‘Well, it could have gone worse. Like you could have froze up or throw up on the front row,’ she said, sitting in a chair.
‘I doubt I would even have stage fright. I'm used to being looked at all the time. I justed to be on the swim team, and I played basketball for a while.’
‘Reformed jock. Who would have guessed?’ Kacey grinned. ‘Well, there's a bit to work on, but would you be interested in giving stardom a chance? You have something that I think a lot of people need to hear.’
Steve sighed, sitting next to the guitar case. He brushed his hair from his face. ‘I’m going to be honest with you,’ he said. ‘I only came tonight in hopes to meet an agent, and here you are, but what I’m doing with my music — it’s not what you probably want to deal with.’
Kacey hummed, ‘I think I'll decide that for myself. Tell me what I could be working with.’
Steve chewed on the inside of his mouth and picked at the hole in his jeans anxiously. ‘Back in ‘89, my ex and I broke up. Uh, I fucked ruined our relationship. I made a lot of mistakes. They were tired of being second to everything, and they wanted more. So, yeah.’
‘That doesn't tell me why your here, attached to your shitty guitar, looking for an agent.’
Steve snorted. ‘I couldn't get my head out of my ass for a while. At least not until recently. I want to apologize for the damage I did — the relationship I ruined with my unfair opinions. I just can't reach them right now, they're too far out of my reach. If I get my voice out there, then maybe they could hear me.’
‘So you want to get your ex back?’
‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘That’s too selfish and way to much to ask. They have a steady life. They seem happy. I'm not going to fuck it up by trying to win them back. I just want them to know that I'm sorry. Maybe its closure for myself.’
Kacey hummed, ‘And what's going to happen if you go big, get your voice out there? What are you going to do afterwards?’
‘Finish my contract up. Go home and go back to working the same nine-to-five job,’ he said.
‘That’s depressing, ‘Evie,’ she said.
‘It’s life,’ he said back. ‘There’s something else I want to do, if I were to get into the scene. It's my plan that you might not like.’
Kacey leaned back, pausing when Frankie walked in, handing Steve his drink. She spoke up after Frankie left. ‘What’s your plan?’
‘I want to be open about my sexuality,’ Steve said. He swallowed thickly. ‘I don't want to hide the fact that I’m bisexual, and I don't want to hide the fact that every song I have ever written is about a man that I would kill for.’
Kacey stared at him, eyes wide. ‘That’s asking for death threats.’
‘Bowie is out. Elton John is out. Freddie Mercury was out. It may not be accepted still, but why do I have to hide when they didn't?’
‘It’s more complicated than that, I think,’ Kacey breathed. ‘But you doing this, it might ruin your reputation and the offers you receive. It’ll be hard.’
‘I’m prepared to do whatever it takes,’ Steve said seriously.
Kacey nodded. She opened her purse, pulled out a card, handing it to him. ‘This is my business card. I don't give these to many people, so don't go sharing it around. Think about what you want to do, then give me a call Monday morning. If you still want this Monday, with the risk, then I’ll work on getting you a plane out to LA,’ she said.
Steve looked at the car, nodding. He already had his answer. Monday he would call her. That was his only option — risks included.
NOTE: thank you guys for reading and the reblogs! if you want to be on the tag list, just comment that you want to be! i’m not sure how frequent these updates are, but my mind is brewing a lot of ideas. at the top, there's a link to the series masterlist which also has a master list to my other works (which are on ao3)! the song attached is the one Steve sang for open mic :)
TAGLIST: @swimmingbirdrunningrock x @cinnamon-mushroomabomination x
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mikeysbride · 7 months ago
AJR Fever
I honestly don’t know where to begin. There’s so much to say. As I type this, I’m on a quick trip to Nashville. For perspective, Nashville is my hometown; it’s not strange to think I’d be here, except I was just here 4 months ago and don’t ever come back this soon and definitely not for just a couple of days. It’s a 10-hour drive to get here from Florida.
So, what brought me back so soon this time? In a (band) name, AJR. We saw them in Orlando in May after surprising my 16yo with tickets for her birthday in January, and my mind was completely blown - so much so that when the opportunity to see them again in Nashville presented itself these 4 months later, there was no way we weren’t taking advantage of it.
It’s probably been a couple of years since my kids first played me a couple of AJR songs in my car, and I didn’t think much about it. I figured they were just some new band I’d never hear from again. But the more I listened to them, the more I liked them, and they became a regular part of my car playlists. I have since become a huge fan of theirs, and I can’t seem to get enough of them, especially after seeing them in person twice this year. I am actually kind of bummed that I will likely have to wait until the next tour to see them again. Honestly, I have no idea how they can possibly top this tour (the stage production for The Maybe Man Tour is NEXT LEVEL), but I can’t wait to see what comes next from them.
As someone who is almost 50 years old and has seen more concerts than she can remember, I have to say AJR’s show is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. After seeing them the first time, I was actually quite speechless. After you’ve seen as many shows as I have, it’s easy to get to a point where you start to feel like maybe you’ve seen all there is to see and heard all there is to hear. Then one day your teenagers introduce you to AJR, and a few months later, you find yourself taking them to a concert that blows you away as much as it does the kids.
It’s hard to adequately put this into words because unless you’ve seen this tour, there’s really no way I can fully describe what we experienced in a way that you will completely comprehend. It is a full-on stage production visually and sonically from start to finish. From larger than life video screens to lasers, special effects, and live horns, there is never a dull moment
not to mention the brothers’ (Adam, Jack, and Ryan) humor and interactions with each other and the audience.
At one point, they even popped up in the upper level and sang a few songs while seated with the fans, and all I could think about was how fantastic it would be to be one of those fans at that moment. There was so much going on the entire show, and of course, they sounded fantastic. It’s clear that tons of strategic planning went into pulling off a show like that, and it absolutely paid off. Congratulations to the band and their crew for a job well done.
I have to give credit to my daughters for the monster AJR fan I’ve turned into because this band would not be on my radar at all if it weren’t for them. Kudos to my kids for having great taste in music. I feel like they got that naturally since their parents AND grandparents are all huge music fans, singers, and musicians. They have also turned us on to twenty one pilots and Alec Benjamin, who we will also be seeing soon, in the fall. I have no doubt I’ll have stars in my eyes after those as well, but man, what an act they have to follow now that I’ve seen AJR twice in 4 months. I have a feeling they’re up to the challenge. I guess we will soon find out!
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