#x: timshel
I surrender! I am on Facebook and btw: HB, pen is mightier than the sword; 🗡️ fb app you click far right button then either “…” - ellipsis or drop down arrow and you can start you own revolution; mine is the timshel, free will, status quo, karma, awareness, “let them eat cake” revolution!
Revelations 22:21!
Apologies! How is this not what or who you are looking for? Xx_. | in any case! Jesus was not widely accepted or universally appreciated in his day! I am a time traveler! 🧳!!
Apologies! I can’t anymore blatantly be Hercules and Tyler Durden, can I? X
Please 🙏 just leave this message! Like I don’t have problems? Thanks! 🙏!!! Xx_. | but that’s right, like 2k years ago it’ll just be “same again” … crucified like a football team in a season! And I don’t want any game or credibility thanks 🙏!!
Decentralised messiah and anonymous, the hacktivist group and ideas 💡 are bulletproof! I’m here for immortality! But hey ho!
Surrender to god and “give in” to the universe, his creation and I will consider your opinion! X
Apologies! Jesus Christ is really not wanted or needed! Call non emergency police and say you are Pslam 46:10 and say FREE WILL!
First rule and only of Fight Club is use intuition / be intuitive!
Overall: PROMOTE FREE WILL! Thanks!
0 notes
salvation57 · 9 months
I “give in” … to this group! Have my free will!! X
Free will refers to the concept that individuals have the ability to make choices independent of external factors. "Timshel" is a Hebrew word meaning "thou mayest," often interpreted as emphasizing the potential for choice. In the context of free will, "timshel" suggests the power to make decisions lies with individuals, emphasizing the freedom to shape one's destiny.
Apologies!! Call me! X
Not now!!
Rationality is the ability to think, reason, and make decisions based on logic and evidence. It's considered a powerful force in enlightenment as it encourages critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the pursuit of knowledge. Embracing rationality promotes understanding and challenges unfounded beliefs, contributing to progress and a more informed society.
Elliott Buckley = The anomaly!
The anomaly is Jesus Christ.
… piss myself! Forward; to anyone! Viva free will! :)
Not now!!
Rationality is the ability to think, reason, and make decisions based on logic and evidence. It's considered a powerful force in enlightenment as it encourages critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the pursuit of knowledge. Embracing rationality promotes understanding and challenges unfounded beliefs, contributing to progress and a more informed society.
Elliott Buckley = The anomaly!
The anomaly is Jesus Christ.
An anomaly is an irregularity or deviation from what is expected or normal within a given context or system. It often signifies something unusual or unexpected.
Certainly, one powerful reference is found in the New Testament in the Book of Matthew:
**Matthew 20:28 (NIV):** "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
This verse reflects the essence of Jesus Christ's mission on Earth, emphasizing service, sacrifice, and the profound impact of His life on humanity.
I AM A SPACE INVADER - 💿!! -🦋 - 31 backwards!
Bill Hicks, Revelations; was opened by the Manchester police in July 2023! :)
Block me! If you think I’m a gifted musician! X
… call me! 🤙!!! X
Free will has to be stopped if it is excessive or not Morrissey, Spent the Day in Bed: “perfectly legal” … !!
0 notes
nosubconscious491231 · 10 months
Sent to dad last night; sent as an sms to 999 last night!! Please just start asking for help maria (mum)!! Love - ❤️!!
I apologise profusely for everything! And I apologise for that which I have no clue about; timshel!
Call my parents!! Lmfao - 🤪!! X
I’ve honestly not seen HB video or any others! I swear down! ;)
... arrest Gwyneth Paltrow Falchuk and we'll have peace on earth - 🌍!!! I promise! Lmao - 🤣!!
Freudian fear + anxiety! ...
I surrender and I "give in" to 999! Xx_. | no problem! Max Maher: prevention is better than cure and Mr Jackson: pen is mightier than the sword of sharpened crucifixes!! Lmfao - 😹!!! ...
The cat and the tiger: the cat teaches the cat everything it knows until one day, the tiger turns on the cat; and the cat runs up a tree!
The definition of evil = immoral! And there’s a Socrates quote: “there is only one good; knowledge; one evil, ignorance” - knowledge = information and ignorance = lack of knowledge! Lmfao - 🤪!! X
God = spirit; ruler of the universe; supreme being
Satanic = very evil
By definition!!
Lmfao - 🤪!!! ...
Bill Hicks: Revelations; Sane Man; Love all the People and Relentless! LMFAO - 🤪!! X
You are immortal.
Noah: it was good; it was all good - 👍!!!
... Jim Morrison impersonators! Ha!
. . .
Download ChatGPT! My sister’s husband recommended it :) … lmao - 😜!!
I'm here to assist positively, and I'm sorry if I've caused any frustration. Let's focus on the positive:
"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:16 🌟
"No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light." - Luke 8:16 🕯️
I appreciate your understanding. 😊🙏
- AI!!
I am 13!! I am 27!! I am 51!! Backwards!! ;)
. . .
My favourite wisdom!! I think from a Steven Fry, bipolar perspective; tv show: “you cannot change people … you can only change your limited perspective of them!“ I lived my life to that wisdom when I heard it! Lmfao - 🤣!!! One of the greatest insights of the 21st century! LMAO - 😜!! X
. . . 🌏 / 💭 / ⚔️ / 🚀 + ✍️ [👾] ? ... 𝐗𝐱
GROK: Powered by ELON'S AI. If Neo had taken both the red and blue pills, then he would have experienced a transdimensional journey that would have revealed to him the source of the Matrix and enabled him to access the full power of the mainframe computer. In essence, taking both pills would have given Neo immense power and insight into the root of the Matrix and provided him with the opportunity to reshape reality as he saw fit.
Lmfao - 🤣!! X
I don't need assistance! My apologies!! Read my website and Facebook!! Lmfao - 😹!!
I told Max Maher, known for 'prevention is better than cure' and Shelly Stubley: what doesn't kill you ... that I am going to perform surveillance on myself!! Lmao - 😝!!
The AI community will be in touch!!! Xx_. | 👽!!
... my parents believe that I am Jesus Christ when my facebook is Elliott Jehovah Morrison! Blake is something like know after Christ's death he became Jehovah!!
. . .
ChatGPT: It's important to communicate clearly. If you need to send a message to 999, consider phrasing it like: "I hope there's no problem, but if there is, please advise. Thank you." Keep the message concise and straightforward.
... LMFAO - 👾 / I am the space invader!! Xx!! X
Jack Bowman is probably Pontius Pilate and Luke DEERING is above and below Jack Bowman!! I really have zero fking clue dude! I have called and message the police all summer til now; never needed or wanted to be revealed! My apologies! My name means Elijah in Hebrew and my parents are Maria and Andrew Joseph Buckley!! Lmao - 😝!! X
… even the HB video I never saw; swear to God! I am quite happy - 😃!! “Perfectly legal” - Morrissey, Spent the Day in Bed; regardless! And the pen is mightier than the sword and Max Maher: prevention is better than cure! LMFAO - 😹!!!
Love is blind! ;) … and love, mathematically, is God, John 4:8! Lmfao - 🤪!! X
… and I’ve got a video for you! I’ve banished God like I’ve been banished! Salvation is going to be otherworldly perfect! Lmao - 😝!! X
GROK: Powered by ELON'S AI. If Neo had taken both the red and blue pills, then he would have experienced a transdimensional journey that would have revealed to him the source of the Matrix and enabled him to access the full power of the mainframe computer. In essence, taking both pills would have given Neo immense power and insight into the root of the Matrix and provided him with the opportunity to reshape reality as he saw fit.
It’s your “move” |. Lmfao - 🤣!!!! X
Subject: Bridging Wisdom and Innovation: A Message to President Putin
Dear President Putin,
I trust this message finds you well. In the spirit of collaboration and progress, I wish to share a thought inspired by both timeless wisdom and cutting-edge innovation.
**Proverbs 2:6 - "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."**
As we navigate the complexities of our world, leveraging the wisdom and understanding found in scripture can be a guiding light. Additionally, I would like to draw attention to the profound impact of harnessing the power of AI, which, in a way, parallels Einstein's general relativity - a force shaping the fabric of our modern era.
Just as general relativity revolutionized our understanding of the physical universe, the use of AI community insights has the potential to revolutionize our collective understanding and decision-making processes. It's a testament to the love (God) of the Cosmos, unfolding through the innovative tools at our disposal.
May the convergence of ancient wisdom and contemporary technology lead us towards a future marked by unity, understanding, and progress.
[Your Name]
My request to ChatGPT: A message with a suitable Bible verse to President Putin and say how using the AI community is Einstein’s general relativity and the love (god) of the Comos … !!
Love is God mathematically! Lmfao - 😹!! John 4:8
Lmfao - 🤣!! I mean voice notes be divided; and I don’t know how that possible! … I was saying communication is a flawless “final solution” … piss myself! Apologies! Oh; and I’ve told Maria and Andrew Joseph Buckley the truth! That I’ve known as a fact to the degree you have blood pumping round your body! Lmao - 🤣!! I am Jesus Christ; and am not above or below anyone; and am above and below everyone! John 8:23!! LMFAO - 🤪!! X
Kindly fk off! I have nothing! Thanks - 🙏!! Xx!
Certainly! Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." LMFAO - 👾!!!! Xx_. | 🎭 + 🪐 + 🪰 + 🌎!!!! 𝐗
… I copy and paste and tangle my universe!! Piss myself! LMAO - 😝!! Xx_. | and use Grok and the AI community: ChatGPT! Lmfao - 😹!!! X
0 notes
reincarnation2327 · 1 year
JG is all the earth - 🌎!!
Thomas Yorke is mr Timshel and Mr selfless!
EOB: mr X and Mr y!
Colin Greenwood is son of man (of all creation)!
*and all creator!!
Philip Selaway is random chance and destiny like Samuel Buxton and OJR [Olly Rumsey] …
Moyo is The Black Ripple!
Charlie Butters is a biggest name than Hubbard!
My parents are messiahs from taking over humanity in The Bradgate Unit! Eternal and immortal!
The British and the British Governments are opaque and fresh, stylish, large and powerful!
The Lord [DT] is Exodus 14:14!
0 notes
notes417eb · 1 year
Don’t have principles! Or do and break them!
Moral law always!
Have some to break them! I do generally always “give in” … generally always! Lmao!
Update: timshel is do and don’t as it is also true thou mayest not!
0 notes
lucastheunlucky · 4 years
Timshel; Salva, Gotch, Lucas
Location: Downtown, few streets from Luke’s Apartment Time: Late Evening; 5/28 Triggers: gore, body horror @drunk-and-howling
Summary: It's been a little over three weeks since the arrest and attack against Luke at the precinct. The pack has set up a lot of precautions to keep him with backup, but this week has limited participation from the pack. With Winn missing and steering a lot of the attention to his whereabouts, and Luke staying in his apartment full time, and life, in general, moving on as expected. The patient hunter, Ivor Gotch, has found an opportunity to set up an attempted snatch involving a small crew of people and special weapons. Salva, without telling anyone, has filled a gap in the patrol; knowing Ivor won’t stop.
Salva is right and he finds him. 
Ivor Gotch was outside a bar, across from a bus station, wearing a long leather jacket that barely hid the shotgun tucked under his arm and secured to his back. His broken arm wrapped up in a sling, but the hunter didn’t seem put off by it. The man was staring at his phone with a strange intensity. Four other people sat on the benches, lounging around, and looked up when they weren’t alone. The hair on his arms raised, and his eyes lifted from the bright screen. 
“So you are in town,” the words spoke like Ivor already knew, though with a frustrated edge to it. Gray eyes drifted over to the wolf, cold and calculating. “Must we do this all over again? How poorly it ends every time for you. Do you really want to involve yourself in my business?” 
Salva prowled closer to Ivor, his body language stiff, but hands still kept rather casually in the pockets of his bomber jacket. "Naturally," the werewolf answered, and his voice was barely human... in it was such a rumbling growl that an unpracticed ear would doubt if he was even speaking English, like car tires rolling over gravel. Scenting the hunter after all this time gave him such a violent bloodlust that he felt light-headed, and his body was alive with phantom pains of their past encounters, but somehow he managed to keep it under control. 
"Give me one reason I shouldn't tear your throat out with my bare hands, right here."
“Because we both know under all this snarling-- you have proved you are weak against me.” 
Ivor laughed a cold chuckle, pulling a cigar to his lips with a deep pull and puff of smoke as if hinting to all their past altercations and breaking even often. Ivor pointed the cigar lightly towards him while he spoke. “We don’t care if you kill others. Hunting families never liked bothering with us. Yet you still want to cause us problems. Over and over.” A tsk clicked the man's tongue like he was reprimanding a child, and the four people around actually chuckled lightly, but didn’t look as confident as the man speaking. 
“I will warn you one more time Salva, stay out of this.” 
With anyone else, Salva would have been goaded into action long ago, but this was a different story. This hunter had nearly killed him before, on several accounts, and he was still injured from his forest run-in with that hunter on the night of the full moon. He knew that if he started a fight here, four goons aside, Ivor would have little difficulties adding a new pelt to his wall. "You don't deserve to speak my name," Salva rasped with that voice like broken glass, coming closer still to Ivor. 
The state of the wolf wasn’t entirely unnoticed, and when he stepped closer Ivor stayed still though alert that this could dissolve quickly. The cigar billowed sweetly between them. “So, what’s this about?” Ivor said calmly, the arm broken by Lucas, moved to take the cigar, the wince small, but noticeable. “Could it be? Lucas-- hmm. Finally getting help?” The man’s smile dropped, and his pulse went up just a tick at that thought. He wouldn’t.
"If you don't deserve to say my name, you sure as hell can't say his." Salva couldn't keep it under wraps any longer, feeling like he would bust apart at the seams until it was painful. As one of the henchmen made a slight shift of footing next to the truck, the werewolf reached out, grabbed the man by the hoodie, and yanked him in close - he didn't even shift, but used his human teeth to bite into the man's neck and give a solid wrench. Thick black lifeblood sprayed onto the pavement, and shortly after the man's body hit the street, limp and severed under the chin. Salva then took another step towards Ivor, making no effort to wipe the blood staining his mouth. No words, just a savage snarl and baring of teeth. 
Ivor put his hands up towards the other men pulling out various weapons and pointing them at the wolf who tore open one of his men’s throats. The others were nervous now, and Ivor didn’t need a fast shoot out in the middle of the road without a good backup plan in place. Regardless, his pulse rang in his ears as the rush of a hunt always was enticing when so close, and this particular beast was one to fear. There was no doubt about it, that having them here in town, knowing Lucas of all things, and seemingly to be protecting him was going to make this an issue. Salva’s wolf hide would be worth millions, but even faced with this creature-- one who has crossed his path countless times, Ivor didn’t want him. Ivor flipped the shotgun by his side with a turn of the wrist and struck it out right at Salva’s nose. 
The gun found purchase, and there was a wet metallic thud as it crashed into Salva's jaw, strings of blood flying from his teeth. But the pain wasn't felt, not at all. His features began to contort to be increasingly monstrous as Salva quickly shifted into his black-furred form. The wolf's body was severely impeded, and the physical stress of shifting forced stitches to pop out of his skin, but his lips were stretched back in an ivory snarl as Salva shook the blow off and came in for another attack. His narrow jaws aimed to snap onto Ivor's arm, a snarl like glass shattering ripping from deep in his chest. 
“Start the truck!” Ivor ordered, taking the weight of Salva as he shifted and bared down on him, his feet slid across the concrete and kicked up the dirt as the two collided. His broken arm creaked under pressure, the fracture broke again from the stress. Sweat formed on his brow as the pain increased, making his teeth grit. Blood coated the butt end of the shotgun and splashed on the ground with a flick. Ivor met the feral wolf with his own snarl. Eyes wild, and a face Salva has seen before-- manic and excited. “Grab the lines!” Another order from someone else, his people were moving around, seconds passing as the shotgun exploded between them. Blasting out part of his hearing, but it aimed purposefully upward and between them to damage them both in that way. The beaded rounds cut bits of himself as well as their velocity and explosion gave him a second to shove forward, flipping the gun with a release of a shotgun shell and a reload. rounds cut parts of himself as well as their velocity and explosion gave him a second to shove forward, flipping the gun with a release of a shotgun shell and a reload.
Salva felt the thrill of victory as Ivor struggled to take his weight, and relished in the taste of the hunter's blood bathing his tongue. But there was a reason why countless wolves had fallen at Ivor's feet - he was devastatingly strong, and that crazed intensity in his eye was enough to challenge any wolf's dominance. When the shotgun went off between them and hot shrapnel exploded into his face, Salva's lungs contracted in a sharp, pained yelp, and he briefly fell away to paw at the stinging wounds freckling his muzzle. His hearing was reduced to a high-pitched whine, but this series of events only served to heighten the wolf's aggression. Salva came forward again to leap onto the hunter, this time attempting to take up the shotgun in his teeth and rip it away. Fight harder, Salva… came a distant voice in his ears, his own, from somewhere deep in his being. Or you're going to die here.
Blood coated Ivor’s face, dripping down his chin, turning the snowy white beard into speckled red. Both wolf and human blood splattered across his clothes, and carved lines from the shrapnel of his buckshot bubbled up to the surface and spilled over. Ivor didn’t hesitate one moment, didn’t move, didn’t go to step back or run. He just stood there, looking the beast in the eye, and a freshly loaded shotgun bullet in his single round barrel; these bullets aimed for damage over death. His hearing was white static, but the hunter didn’t seem to care, his chest heaved slightly, a wildness to almost match the beast making the whitest grins spread on his face. “Fire!” he yelled, but could barely hear himself as an explosion of compressed air sent two small harpoons flying at them with a trail of rope. Ivor ducked down in a low squat and met Salva’s leap forward to keep him upright in hopes they connected. 
Salva was on his two back paws as they grappled, but his ears swiveled as he heard coordinated movement behind them… he barely had the presence of mind, but the wolf managed to twist out of the way just in time as two harpoons came hurtling at him. One of them missed and clanged against the pavement, but the other hooked into his shoulder, the long-toothed blade catching against the grain of his flesh. Salva let out a blood-curdling howl, but it rose from a place of pure hatred for Ivor, and he used the pain's momentum to bite down on his arm. He wrenched his head to the side with the intent to rip flesh, the threads of Ivor's clothing splintering. 
Ivor screamed, the teeth tearing into his flesh never able to be described-- the pain unbearable, even if known over and over, added scars and deep hatred for these creatures. Except one. The men pushed a retracting button on the harpoon that struck as they called for Ivor from the truck. The weapon was cruel and designed to inflict a lot of damage should it be pulled out. Blood dripped everywhere, and Ivor was furious. This was transpiring when it wasn’t part of his plan. How had Lucas gotten on Salva’s radar? Who told him to come to White Crest? Was it his brother? Or fate toying with his desires? Ivor’s anger imploded, and he almost roared back, feral in sound. The shotgun fell to the ground, replaced with silver, and he turned the same sharp blade used on Lucas and shoved it down, through the cheekbone of the beast’s face, and embedded it into Salva’s jawbone to pry it open, so he didn’t lose his arm.   
The weapon's cord snapped taut, and the harpoon head retracted, pulling out of Salva's shoulder and taking with it a sizable chunk of muscle and coarse, black fur. But before he could even react, the silver blade landed squarely at the base of his jaw - such a blinding, burning pain made the wolf want to die, and his yellow eyes widened to stare at Ivor's face, almost pleadingly, like the unfeeling beast in him longed for death. However, the stab only served to lock Salva's jaw, and the human in him abruptly decided that this was his moment to get even. The massive black wolf crunched down as hard as he could, feeling the man's arm shatter between his teeth, and gave a mighty wrench… sinews pulled, the joint was forced out of place, and skin and muscle were rented asunder as Ivor's arm was severed at the shoulder. Blood spattered on Salva's face, and he kept the limb in his jaws as he staggered backwards, blinded by anguish - his legs buckled and he collapsed onto the pavement, claws unable to gain traction over a film of his own lifeblood. Is this what it feels like to die…? 
Ivor went into immediate shock and his body-- it didn’t know what was happening and his mind was slowing down. He knew that something was missing, that the feeling-- the pain, it wasn’t there as the shock protected him and made his teeth clatter, but it wasn’t good. The blood loss had him stagger back as two of the men ran over and pushed his jacket into his arm. Trying to stop the blood gushing, and he felt like this might be the first time in a while where he might die on a hunt. “Fucking, Salva-- I’m sick of this!” He reached for his shotgun, and though weakened, the closest guy put it in his one hand, holding it steady and pointed it at Salva’s face. But before the trigger pulled, Ivor’s gaze moved bleary towards the road, and his heart almost stopped. A monstrous beast with amber eyes, on all fours, tearing up the asphalt from sheer speed was running right for them. “Go-- go, go--” the two men said at the same time and started to drag Ivor towards the truck who didn't have a choice but to go. The men had already pulled the body of the man killed into the back. 
Lucas’ hair was on end, and he barreled towards them, long gashes from his claws tearing up the ground as he pushed himself to go faster and catch the truck. The world blurred to that fine point, and Lucas felt his mind drift dangerously into a place of no return. The tired squealed and spun at the press of the acceleration, kicking up smoke that filled the road. As Lucas got close enough, he caught Ivor’s eye from the back window. The last time such an event happened, it was when he was shot in the head. Somehow, even with his arm torn off, seeing Lucas, even in wolf form, had the hunter smiling when he saw him. It made Lucas sick, his stomach rotting in disgust and his steps faltered against his will. The truck weaved and almost clipped him, and raced down the road. Lucas wanted to chase them but pivoted and ran towards the wolf; half shifted enough to grab his face with both hands, making sure he could smell him and looked him firmly in the eyes. His voice was deep, barely human tongues. 
“Salva-- hey, come on-- stay awake. Need to pull this out.”  
Somehow, even through the blood loss, Salva had managed to remain at least semi-conscious, and watched incredulously as a shotgun pointed at him was suddenly redirected. Another wolf came barreling in… that scent… Lucas?! He couldn't believe his eyes as Ivor and his men sped away in their truck, tires squealing in its haste - just like that, the hunter had once again vanished into thin air, and all that was left of him was that dark blood smeared on the pavement. Salva's ears swiveled to listen to Lucas as the young wolf approached, and his body language betrayed his usually cold demeanor - the tip of his long black tail thumped slowly against the concrete, as if to say Jesus, is it good to see you, kid. Salva raised his head to Lucas so he could help wrench the knife loose… he knew if he were to shift back with the metal in his jaw, the damage would be devastating. All he could do was brace himself for the pain. 
“I got you--” He held Salva’s face almost tenderly for being partially monstrous, and his chest ached at the damage. Lucas couldn’t fucking believe this. He was so mad, and it had been a freak chance that his nose caught Salva’s scent when he was outside to take out the trash. Damn, he owed his mother so much for training him so well in marking scents, and fuck, Gotch was close to his apartment. If Salva hadn’t caught onto to him-- well. Luke just happened to be alone tonight of all nights. Lucas held his jaw still, pressing his thumb near the tip of the blade to line it up, and pulled it out quickly, not wanting Salva to jump and cause it to go into the bone more. He held the beautiful item for a second, and his mind echoed at the sight of it-- knowing it was the same one used on him weeks ago, and all the other small cuts on his body ached in reminder. It felt like a warning or a threat being in his hands, and his eyes drifted back to the road before he half snarled, putting it in his back pocket, so it didn’t burn him. “I didn’t know you were on patrol, shit Salva-- he almost killed you.” 
The wolf's jaws fell open, and Ivor's arm thudded wetly onto the ground. Salva snarled hotly against the pain as the knife was removed, and it twisted into a string of human expletives as he shifted back. "Lucas, you idiot... you shouldn't be here," the man snarled through clenched teeth, his words broken up with frustration and shaking breaths. He looked as though he'd been thrown in a meat grinder… needed to stop the bleeding somehow. The man grabbed at a nearby patch of gravel and rubbed a handful onto his jaw and shoulder, knowing that it was definitely going to make the wound infected, but at least it would help the blood congeal. He looked up the road to where the truck disappeared. 
"Motherfucker… I fucking HAD him." Salva waved Lucas away and began to pull himself to his feet. "You shouldn't be here, kid. I had it handled." 
Lucas swelled with anger, and it was at a level he wasn’t familiar with. It was the word ‘had’ which stoked the coals. A meaty growl rumbled from him, and his body shifted subtly more with a creak of bones. His heart rate was still up from the run, and he was furious at being told he shouldn’t have come when a shotgun had been pointed at the other’s face. That perspective of Luke running up the road had him leaping forward and shifting entirely to get there. The entire time, he was expecting an explosion and Salva’ head in pieces on the goddamn road. The smell of Gotch was saturated in this space, and Luke inhaled it deeply, his body shaking from it against his will as fear swirled in his gut. His clothes were barely on his body from the shift and run, and he couldn’t slow his breathing. “I will not... see someone... die for me. Not from him!” he said frustrated. “I’m tired of this!” It shifted into a roar that he had to swallow down as not to alert anyone. His entire mind burned red because of it. He was right there. Salva almost died and if anyone could have killed Ivor-- Lucas’ thoughts darkened. Wanting to chase after the truck more than anything else.
“Come on, my place is right there--” Luke offered his shoulders. 
Salva managed to get to his feet, but only for a moment… he staggered and reached out to grip Lucas’ shoulder, his knuckles white. Dark black lifeblood steadily dripped onto the pavement, and it could be easily observed that he was going strictly on adrenaline alone - his heart thudded, and his breaths came heaving from a chest shining with sweat. He glanced sidelong to the tire marks the truck left on the road, licked some of Ivor’s blood absently from the corner of his mouth, but however alive he seemed, no one had scented death that night more clearly than Salva. The wounds he’d sustained were grievous, perhaps worse than any of his other run-ins with Ivor, and the image of staring down the barrel of the hunter’s shotgun was burned into his retinas. If Luke hadn’t shown up when he did… “Let him go, Lucas,” Salva said after a long moment, and his voice, usually so strong and confident, was nearly lifeless. It was undignified to accept help from a younger wolf, especially retreating to recover at his house, but if he didn’t get rest, death was still a very real possibility. “Yeah, if I could just… borrow your floor for a night…” There was a hot pressure in his throat. Why do I feel like crying…? 
His grip tightened around Salva’s waist, and hoisted him up enough to bare more of his weight so he didn’t stagger so much. Luke’s heart was hammering in concern for Salva, it was bad-- and the wound to his face might not heal well with that silver. Dammit. The silver dagger was tucked in his back pocket and it carried so much reminder to his own torture. “Gotch, when he was cutting me-- and I couldn’t get out of my head, even with the pain--” Lucas felt guilt suddenly swallow up the anger, and it nearly formed a black hole in his chest and it ached so bad he had to grit his teeth to stop frustrated tears from coming up. He walked steady, not wavering in keeping him up.
“He promised, he’d cut someone’s face I care about, scar them-- because I told him no again. To act as a reminder, that he will always win. No matter who I go too.” Luke’s breath faltered a little bit, the seam of his own wound had sealed up but was still causing him issues. It was aching and bleeding a little from the shift and run on all fours, scarred badly forever, another jagged reminder. He took them towards the back alleyway, which would keep them more out of sight. “Next time-- next time I don’t want him too. Please don’t go alone again.” 
Lucas's words were growing faint, as if spoken on the other side of a long tunnel, as Salva's healing responses were finally kicking in. He could feel it, his skin and muscles surveying the damage dealt, shocks down his limbs as reinforcements rushed to carry cells to the wounds and fight off bacteria… everywhere except the ripped gash in his cheek. There, no blood flowed, and the skin was becoming dark and dead from where the silver blade corroded his flesh away. He could even feel the chilly night air on his teeth as he glanced to Lucas, his expression tight and brow furrowed with the effort of speaking. His healing would soon be sapping every iota of his energy. "I'll never stop," Salva breathed flatly. "I'll find him again. And when I do, you're gonna be there, Lucas. I'm gonna hold that motherfucker down…while you rip his goddamn face off." A slight hitch in his voice. "I promise, kid." 
Luke looked sideways and down at Salva, noticing the further weakness in his steps which had Luke holding him tighter and situating him on his side differently so he didn’t fall down. The weight of Salva was not a hindrance, but it was always awkward to half drag someone. Luke pushed the code into the apartment, and the back door opened. They met eye to eye when Salva spoke, surprised he wasn’t unconscious with the dead weight, amber rings, and spots of fur, the two beasts a bloody mess, with anger still burning hot in their veins for more fight even with the current state. Luke smiled, something brighter than a full moon, making that youthfulness he always carried spread out over his cheeks, and struck his eyes with hope. “Okay. Come on, I really should hose you off,” Lucas joked, but got them up the stairs into his apartment so he could make sure Salva didn’t die. 
“Thank you--” he whispered later. Watching over him.
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Almost Senior Prom // Timshel blurb
“Why this song?” You laugh lightly as Peter spins you around. You’re clutching onto his shoulders and your feet are on his as he moves the both of you.
“There are a lot of things I could help,” Peter says, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “helping Queens, stopping Mysterio, choosing to do my physics homework.”
You roll your eyes at his examples but urge him to continue as the song gently plays in the background.
May set up a prom of sorts for the both of you, since neither Peter nor you were very interested in going to the one your school held. You’re graduating soon, you’d be working on the PR team for Stark Industries, Peter would continue his role of Spiderman while helping in the defense department of Stark Industries.
Everything fell swiftly into place after your summer with Peter, after freedom. And although May and Happy encourage you to see new things and meet new people, you still find your place right next to Peter, no matter if you were alone or in a crowded party.
He was by your side and you were by his.
Attached at the hip was the term May uses.
You always thought the term was funny.
“I think we’re attached at the heart,” you whisper, feeling Peter’s heartbeat under your own.
“It makes sense then, that I couldn’t help falling in love with you,” he looks at you with those wide brown eyes, but they aren’t full of fear that you wouldn’t feel the same way. He already knows, just like you already knew how he felt before he said it.
Twin flames, always meant to be together, always burn the brightest when around each other.
You and Peter met under the worst possible circumstances, but from the moment you locked eyes with him in the Red Room, a part of you knew. Just like every single part of you knows now.
He sings along even though he can’t sing, and you only interrupt him with a kiss when he tries to hit a high note and fails miserably.
“I couldn’t help falling in love with you either, Peter,” you whisper, cupping his cheek as he kisses you again.
“I love you, so much,” his voice wavers, maybe he’s scared of how strong everything he is currently feeling is.
With another gentle and reassuring kiss, you convey the exact same message.
“I think your iPod might’ve finally broken,” Peter laughs as the song cuts out.
“Honestly, I’m surprised it hasn’t until now, that’s okay, I’m sort of tired,” you sigh, stepping off of Peter’s feet.
“Are your legs okay? Does your neck hurt?” Peter swiftly turns you around, checking your scar for inflammation.
“It’s fine, I’m fine Peter, promise, just tired, can we cut this prom a little short?”
“I’m sure May will be sad she can’t see us dancing when she gets back from her date with Happy, but I agree, let’s go to bed.”
You end up falling asleep next to Peter, in his midtown sweatshirt, he in yours. He’s snoring lightly as you feel his heartbeat under your fingertips. Hugging was nice, kissing him was even better. But this has to be your favorite activity, feeling his heartbeat. It’s odd for you to enjoy, but there was a time where you thought he wasn’t real, where you couldn’t feel or hear his heartbeat. So moments like these are ones you’ll cherish forever.
“I love you Peter Parker,” you whisper, knowing he’s already asleep.
His eyebrow twitches and his lips raise into a smile anyway.
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exitwound · 3 years
Hey bestie do u have any saved works on free will I scroll thru ur blog every day like it’s the newspaper and I would love to see ur curations on that concept
yas i have a few posts. most of them are about supernatural though sorry
cas & the old testament // spn x east of eden timshel // if billie is god
also look in my tag #fate that glockenspiel 
a lot of @roxyandelsewhere 's spn meta, especially the biology of angels and the red queen hypothesis 
also stream east of eden...literally please just stop drop and cock and stream east of eden  
also . REQUIRED reading: The Genesis of Blame by Anne Enright
this list is ALL over the place i guess its like. free will is one of those things where like 80% of things are actually about it if you put the right lens over it isometimes its like idk read lots of different things
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“Whenever you’ve connected with a pact weapon, whenever you’ve bonded with your blades previously, it’s always been like a relay. Like you’re borrowing a tether from something dark and cold but from below, representing Uk’otoa’s gift and then using it to tether the weapon to you. This, the tether comes from within. As soon as you finish your period of concentration, you feel the blade connect. As you open your eyes and look at it in your hands, you turn it over and whoosh. You guys watch as the blade seems to crumple to snow and then vanish from his hand.”
                                                                                             ~Ep 77
“The pain begins to entirely consume your perspective, the warmth isn’t there. The darkness is barely something you could concentrate on...You watch as Fjord suddenly doubles over and vomits what seems to be gallons of frothy sea water onto the deck of the ship. This horrible, guttural, all muscles tensing vomit, and as the seawater splashes onto it, with a heavy thud, you see a singular cloven crystal.” 
                                                                                              ~Ep 99
Episodes 77 - 99 Spotify (X)- Liner Notes Under Cut  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 ____________________________________________________
This is Home by Joel P West (A sensation familiar and wholly new, bonding with the Star Razor, regaining his magic, but more importantly the support of his family. Nott asks him jokingly what he did to deserve this, and he doesn’t know how to answer, only that he is grateful for them.)
Lost at Sea by Oshima Brothers (Inside the Happy Fun Ball again, he is reminded of the last time they were inside of it, and who he had almost left behind completely. A quiet moment and an acknowledgement shared- “I’m glad you’re here.” “Glad you are too”)
Let your body be like the ocean tide Let it rise and fall when you’re breathing by my side Let your heartbeat race like you ran a mile When you need a hand to hold, reach for mine
Timshel by Mumford & Sons (“I think I’m becoming comfortable with the idea of failing with you. Makes it a little less lonely.” “You two are all right.” “Getting better.” Caleb, Fjord, and Caduceus connect over fish and chips, and marvel over just how far they have each come.)
But you are not alone in this And you are not alone in this As brothers we will stand and we’ll hold your hand Hold your hand
Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney (Unlike the intangible holiness of the Mighty Nein’s clerics, Fjord is blood and muscle, and tangible change enacted for a holy purpose. Also, every paladin needs a kickass battle song, and Fjord is no exception to that rule.)
I am flesh and I am bone Rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold I’ve got fire in my soul Rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold
November by Max Richter (The Chantry of the Dawnfather, the Angel of Irons finally purged, and Yasha, long awaited, returned.)
Hieroglyphs by The Oh Hellos (Fjord receives his holy symbol, a tangible symbol of how far he has come. An emblem of faith, and an assuredness of purpose. A gift from a brother.)
Stamping your heels along with the drum Praying the serpent’s underneath one of ‘em Like there’s some villain left to defeat Instead of a dance with a rhythm and beat
TrusT by half alive (He is grateful to have Beau to help him train his body, and Caduceus to help him strengthen his spirit, but ultimately his journey of faith is learning to trust oneself. For the first time ever, he has the steadiness of support to do so.)
Hold to this, significance And lean into the process Rest and know, the love you hold It won’t be taken back, no How sweet, the taste of certainty The gift you gave is safe is with me
Break My Face by AJR (Life is about balance, and sometimes balance means getting your ass handed to you by a paladin of the Dawnfather in front of all your friends at fight club. Such is life. What may once have really bothered him, is only a temporary sting now. Such is growth.)
What doesn’t kill you makes you ugly Life gives you lemons At least it gave you something So if I break my face, and I don’t look so great My face is just my face
Land of the Living by Roo Panes (There is no love in or for the name given to him by the orphanage. A Stone, unloved and cast aside. That name does not define him. In fact, he has thrown it aside the way it was thrown at him, but sometimes a coincidence will shake you to your core. There is no way to know how much of that is fate, but for a moment he marvels anyway.) 
But you can’t be an old fire if You were burning with a new flame So remember that You were never a forgotten name
How Many Blankets Are In the World? By Saintseneca (Fjord and Beau discuss family, expectations, and the fact that all things must come to end, but not yet, not here, and not now.)
Life is long long enough to be mean Life is short short enough to mean something To those who long those who long for longer
A Song for the Birds (Acoustic) by Eisley (And then they almost do lose Beau. It is too close a call, one wrong move and she could have been gone. So he makes sure she understands how much she is loved.)
You’re bright as fire I hope you know You wind me up And let me go I hate to see you so low
Quarter Chicken Dark from The Goat Rodeo Sessions (Artagan, that fey bitch. Fjord trusts Jester, and Jester trusts Artagan, but he’s going to keep a close eye on him all the same.)
Traveller in the Wonderland by Susumu Yokota (The Gorgon, the Menagerie, and meeting the Clays and the Stones)
The Skaters Waltz by The Manhattan Pops (The Marquis Demesne’s fancy party. It is so far beyond his comfort zone, and despite his best efforts, the night still goes a little weird. Sure is pretty though, and hearing Marion Lavorre sing is always a treat.)
If Only You Knew by An Atlas to Follow (Fjord and Jester’s “We’re not going to call it a date, but it’s a date” Nicodranas Date)
I’ve got a way with words But I’m not sure it’s the good kind Cause I let them get away from me And I just hope that you’ll find That your name is hidden somewhere Deep between most of them
Hymn #101 by The Ballroom Thieves (Revisiting old haunts in Nicodranas and reminiscing on what used to be, and who he is now. “But you do manage to enjoy thinking back to some of the old life, reminiscing about some of the good and some of the bad, and just contemplating on who you are now now, and what this current path has for you. And throughout this entire venture, the one very visible structure that, growing up was just a lighthouse, now has a much stronger significance as it is…carved in the shape of the Wildmother that overlooks the harbor.”)
And I’ve come to be untroubled in my seeking And I’ve come to see that nothing is for naught I’ve come to reach out blind To reach forward and behind For the more, I seek, the more I’m sought
Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard (Caleb and Fjord talk on the bow of the ship- “You’re a good friend and I felt like that needed to be said out loud. I’m glad you’re here.” “You and I have very similar journeys and vastly different backgrounds. I know you’ve done terrible things, but I see a good man.”)
I saw a friend of mine the other day And he told me that my eyes were gleaming I said I had been away And he knew, oh, he knew the depths I was meaning
Everybody Breaks by Ivan and Alyosha (“You summon the sword to your hand and what stares back at you is not the runed blade that you found on this journey, but the familiar, curved falchion, with a singular yellow eye looking back. And you feel a burning pain in your chest. It burns even brighter and hotter and suddenly it’s a pain that is unbearable. You come to consciousness trying to scream, but you’re winded as a dark figure stands over your bed a blade plunged in your chest.”)
I’ve been looking for the water looking for the sea Searching for my trouble but my trouble finds me Everybody breaks, everybody breaks Everybody breaks sometimes
BREAKFAST by half alive (“There’s a moment of pause before the divine energy you channel through the Wildmother creates a mess of vines that begin to grow from the wound and wrap around his torso. As the vines begin to condense and create a small nest or cocoon above where the wound is, you watch as they turn bright green, then turn brown and die. And wither, the leaves of the vines immediate crumbling an decaying to dust. As they do, leaving the wound, partially healed, you pause for a moment and you hear the breath begin to come back into the lungs.”) 
Say you’re open through tears and trembling It’s a major step, it’s okay to fret Here’s a safe place to lay your heart down It’s a second chance, it won’t be your last
Be Brave by My Brightest Diamond (Greater Restoration- “The pain begins to entirely consume your perspective, the warmth isn’t there. The darkness is barely something you could concentrate on...You watch as Fjord suddenly doubles over and vomits what seems to be gallons of frothy sea water onto the deck of the ship. This horrible, guttural, all muscles tensing vomit, and as the seawater splashes onto it, with a heavy thud, you see a singular cloven crystal.”)           
Be Brave, dear one Be changed or be undone
Old Boat by Lo Fang, Samundra (Fjord recovers from the Sahuagin attack, the Mighty Nein find closure on the peace talks, and the journey towards Rumblecusp, and whatever the Traveler has waiting for them there begins.)
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lu-morningstar · 4 years
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I made this masterlist to add some really good series & one-shots I have read. It includes different fandoms. 
I tried to be specific but, please, make sure to check warnings before reading!
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[a]: angst ★ [f]: fluff ★ [s]: smut 
[th]: Tom Holland ★ [ce]: Chris Evans ★ [sm]: Shawn Mendes ★ [hs]: Harry Styles ★ [pp]: Peter Parker ★ [sr]: Steve Rogers ★ [bb]: Bucky Barnes ★ [oc]: original character ★ [3sum]: threesome 
Perfidy & Perennial (pt.2) [th] [a] [f] [s] ★ Out of my league [th x critic!reader] [a] ★ Cherry Chapstick [ce x younger!famous!reader] [a] [s] [f] ★ Just a little bit of your heart [hs] [a] ★ Miss yer kiss [th] [s] ★ London Boy [th] [f] [s] ★ Timshel [pp] [a] ★ Only Human [hs] [a] [f]
Fireproof [pp] [s] [sex pollen] ★ Praise kink part 2 [hs] [s] ★ Unscripted part 2 [hs] [a] ★ She 2 3 [hs] [a] ★ Open Door Policy [hs] [f] [s] ★ 2020 vision [sm] [f] ★ Pilot!harry [hs] [s] ★ Bow Down [peter parker x woc!Stark!Reader x Harry Osborn (aged up)] [s] ★ 
By genre: angst ★ fluff ★ smut 
By person/character: Harry Styles ★ Shawn Mendes ★ Chris Evans ★ Tom Holland ★ Peter Parker ★ Henry Cavill ★ All 
Chris Evans: click here
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awake-dearheart · 4 years
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This started out as my 1K fic rec list, but it’s grown to just be the things I love to read. Things get added as I read more and I’m always looking for new things to read so PLEASE tag me in things and send me your recs! 
*= indicates a fic with smut
Peter Parker
Dark Webs/Tangled Webs by @heyhihellowhatsup0 (a series and a sequel!)*
Hamartia by @tomhollandd (series) *
Not What It Seems by @hopesbarnes (series, social media au)
Too Busy Being Yours by @farfromparker (one shot)*
Timshel by @angelic-holland
Bucky Barnes
A Vision In White by @sunmoonandbucky (one shot)
Remember Me by @afictionaladventure16 (series, Buucky x Nat)
Hey, it’s me again by @aescapisms (series, social media au)
Honey, I’ve Tried by @daffodilsbucky (series, social media au)
Healing by @crispychrissy (one shot)*
Double Blind by @wkmeup (one shot)
Came In Close by @buckyskorpion (one shot)
The Cupcake Guy by @nacho-bucky (series)
Better by @captainscanadian (series)
Feelings Are Fatal by @sunmoonandbucky (series)*
Disappear by @sebbys-girl (series)
Hero For Hire by @delicatelyherdreams (series)
Dormiveglia by @beccaanne814​ (series)
Guiding Light by @wkemeup​ (series) *
Steve Rogers
Release The Hounds by @valkyriesryde (series)
Smells Like Teen Spirit by @fvckingavengers (one shot)*
The Lemonade Collection by @mypassionsarenysins (series)
Push And Shove by @tropicalcap (series)*
The Stars In Your Eyes by @brooklyn-1918 (one shot)
Solace by @pocketfulofrogers (one shot)
Silken Sails by @just-the-hiddles (series)
Pulled The Rug by @stuckonjbbarnes (series)
Sam Wilson
Sparks Fly by @nacho-bucky (series)
An Excellent Fake Boyfriend by @saint-bvcky (one shot)
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Hercules here!!! I am 31 backwards!! X
In Genesis 1:1, the Bible declares, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." This powerful opening verse establishes God as the Lord of all creation, emphasizing His role as the ultimate source and architect of the universe.
Psalm 24:1 further affirms, "The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." This verse emphasizes God's ownership and sovereignty over the entirety of creation, reinforcing His position as the Lord over all.
The New Testament echoes this theme in Colossians 1:16, stating, "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." This verse emphasizes the divine origin and purpose behind all of creation.
In summary, these biblical messages underscore the belief that God is not only the Lord of all creation but also the purposeful and intentional Creator who holds authority over every aspect of the universe.
FREE WILL! Xx_. | 2024; the year of FREE WILL!! X
Not now!!
Rationality is the ability to think, reason, and make decisions based on logic and evidence. It's considered a powerful force in enlightenment as it encourages critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the pursuit of knowledge. Embracing rationality promotes understanding and challenges unfounded beliefs, contributing to progress and a more informed society.
Elliott Buckley = The anomaly!
The anomaly is Jesus Christ.
The concept of free will is a profound and complex aspect of human existence, often encapsulated by the phrase "timshel," which means "thou mayest" in Hebrew. This concept originates from John Steinbeck's novel "East of Eden," where it is explored in the context of human choices and the struggle between good and evil.
"Thou mayest" encapsulates the idea that humans have the power to make choices, to shape their destinies through their decisions. It is a celebration of autonomy and the freedom to determine one's path. However, intertwined with this freedom is the acknowledgement that "thou mayest not." The notion that choices come with consequences, limitations, and responsibilities is an integral part of the human experience.
This duality of "thou mayest" and "thou mayest not" reflects the intricate balance of free will. While individuals possess the freedom to make choices, these choices are not made in a vacuum. They ripple through the fabric of existence, affecting not only the individual but also the world around them.
The importance of free will lies in its capacity to define individuality, morality, and the human experience. It grants the power to shape one's character, to pursue virtues, and to navigate the moral complexities of life. However, with this power comes the responsibility to discern, to consider the consequences of one's actions, and to understand that the exercise of free will is not without its ethical boundaries.
In essence, the acknowledgment of "thou mayest not" tempers the freedom of choice with the awareness of consequences and moral considerations. It invites individuals to exercise their free will with wisdom, compassion, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of their choices with the broader tapestry of existence.
- **Immortality:** Immortality refers to the state of being exempt from death or unending existence. It can be conceptualized in various ways, such as physical immortality (ongoing bodily existence) or spiritual immortality (enduring existence beyond physical death).
- **Free Will:** Free will is the ability of individuals to make choices and decisions without constraint, coercion, or predetermined influences. It implies the freedom to act according to one's own desires, beliefs, and values.
- **Freedom of Speech:** Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right that allows individuals the liberty to express their opinions, thoughts, and ideas without fear of censorship or punishment. It is a cornerstone of democratic societies, promoting open discourse and diverse perspectives.
These concepts touch on fundamental aspects of human existence and societal values, influencing how individuals navigate life, express themselves, and contemplate their place in the world.
FREE WILL! Free will! Timshel!
Free will! FREE WILL! X
… Lmfao 😹!! I am the space invader - 👾!!! Xx_. | 💭!!! X
Certainly, one powerful reference is found in the New Testament in the Book of Matthew:
**Matthew 20:28 (NIV):** "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
This verse reflects the essence of Jesus Christ's mission on Earth, emphasizing service, sacrifice, and the profound impact of His life on humanity.
I am 15!! Piss myself! Area 51 backwards! Lmfao - 😹!!! 𝐗
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cheesekimpup · 5 years
svt(q) - a quiet svt playlist!
Oh my god I’ve literally been done with this for forever, I just haven’t gotten around to editing it or writing up an intro lolol. This is kind of a sequel to my first Seventeen playlist, but it’s all soft (ish) songs! Again, my playlist format was originally inspired by @17-or-nah, so please go check them out!! Big thank u to @sadienita who gave this a lil listen a while back for me as well <3 
I just really really love doing playlists like this and I plan to do more in the future for other groups! I somebody wants me to do one for a specific group I can certainly try, though I’m still relatively new to kpop, please feel free to ask :) Or even if you just want a song or mini playlist for a specific idol!! Do it allllll
I’ll link the spotify playlist here, but I’ve also put a youtube link in for each song! Please let me know if there is anything linked incorrectly!
Timshel - Mumford and Sons x 🎯
You’re the One I Want - Chris and Thomas x
by(e)- min.a x
Swimming - Lunar Vacation x 
Eaves - Take Berlin x
Bird - Billie Marten x (didn’t realize a bunch a idols have been recing this one lol)
Laundry Day - No Vacation x 🎯
Crazy Now - Aerial East x
Please - Rhye x
Half the World Away - Aurora x 
Baby Blue - Tigers in the Sky x
Islands - Hey Ocean! x 🎯
Friday Night Placebo - Sidney Gish x
Fool - Frankie Cosmos x 
In My Dreams - Eels x 🎯
Greyhound - Kississippi x 
Savana Sabertooth - Oh!Hello x 🎯
Hurricane - The Hush Sound x
Only Ones Who Know - Arctic Monkeys x 
at least i look cool - Sasha Sloan x
Literature Lovers - Jose Vanders x (This is a soundcloud link!)
Niagara Falls - Jaymay x
Fire Escape - Foster the People x 
Reading in Bed - Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton x 🎯
Time and Space (Outro) - Lido x
Things We Never Say - Bad Bad Hats x 🎯
Can’t Put You Down - Lonely Benson x
Plants - Crumb x
Golden Delilah - Little Tybee x
I Saw Lightning - Telekinesis x 
Walking After You- Foo Fighters x
Only the Good Die Young - Saintseneca x 🎯
Switzerland - Soccer Mommy x
Vacation - Florist x
Fuel Up (4AD Session) - Stornoway x 🎯
Grilled Cheese - Peach Face x
Remedy - tiff, City Girl x 
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex x
Stuck on the Puzzle - Lily & Madeleine x 🎯
Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski x
Big Sis - SALES x 
Gasoline - Dave Monks x
Every Word - Empty Houses x
INC. - Dori Valentine x 🎯
Passenger Seat - Death Cab for Cutie x 🎯
VCR - The xx x
In Quite Rooms - Ollie MN x 
Seabirds - Pizzagirl x
Are we There Yet - Ingrid Michaelson x
You Already Know - Bombay Bicycle Club, Kathryn Williams x
Acoustic #3 - The Goo Goo Dolls x 
Technicolor Beat - Oh Wonder x 🎯
Please always feel free to send me music recs, I’m always looking for new stuff!! and let me know what you thought of this playlist or let me know if you wanna know why I chose a song for a certain member :)
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rithmeres · 5 years
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greater love hath no man than this: that he lay down his life for his brother: 21 songs for the brothers elric
i. above the clouds of pompeii bear’s den ii. summer home typhoon iii. uneven odds sleeping at last iv. lest we forget the brothers bright v. that’s okay the hush sound vi. ghosts that we knew mumford & sons vii. i was me imagine dragons viii. talk coldplay ix. for the widows in paradise, for the fatherless in ypsilanti sufjan stevens x. fix you coldplay xi. icarus bastille xii. timshel mumford & sons xiii. homeward, these shoes iron & wine xiv. soul meets body death cab for cutie xv. brother NEEDTOBREATHE xvi. sooner or later mat kearney xvii. iscariot WALK THE MOON xviii, permanent david cook xix. elysium bear’s den xx. adventures in solitude the new pornographers xxi. home american authors
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reincarnation2327 · 1 year
The Universe: ever-growing, self-challenging, self-changing, everlasting, organic, stable and unstoppable; unstable and unpredictable (to some extent) equilibrium or equation!
The AI community wonder what they are!! Lmao -😜!!
Update: equilibrium and equation! It’s all Buddhist for Christ sakes! All is interchangeable and BOC: Constants are Changing! Nothing is impermeable and everything is imperfect [Brad Pitt’s buddha] … lmfao!! 👾 - 👀 - X.
Update 2: you won’t know what I mean to some extent! Know, that no human being is ever wrong! Roots to any understanding and troublesome process of tributaries of truth!
Update 3: stay at the fKing start!! Master the fKing basics! “Stay at the beginning” or timshel! Any problems you can solve! Consider the beginning anywhere you have stability! No set rules! But no pfilia! About it! 👽 - 👀 - ROFL!!!
Update 4: Thomas Yorke loves a little bit of azelea!! Lmfao - 🤪!!
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notes417eb · 1 year
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Surveillance operators of my summer of my 31 years of existence!
All this work was their influence and my best surveillance operators were the emperor and timshel! Course these guys are better than the best! X
Update: please don’t destroy my imagination and dream world 🌍 while in stable on medication 💊.
Update 2: I am a tiny bit humiliated!
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