#x solar flare
natalievoncatte · 2 months
“Let her go,” said Lena.
“Not a chance, said the Atomizer. Or Atomo, or the Atomic Lad. Some idiot with a cheesy atom symbol on his jumpsuit and a beam projector strapped to his arm.
Lena knew why this guy hadn’t already been mopped up by Supergirl: he wasn’t worth her time.
This was, frankly, embarrassing. She wasn’t listening to his monologue, something about losing his job after Supergirl stopped a nuclear incident and he was found out to have violated safety protocols. He’d jury-rigged himself up some kind of particle beam, probably not enough to scratch the maid of might.
He was still giving it the old college try, so he’d kidnapped Lena Luthor on the logic that whenever Lena Luthor was in danger, Supergirl was quick to appear.
She’d been sitting here for four hours, tied to a chair at the docks on the west end in some dilapidated shithole warehouse. Supergirl was decidedly a no-show.
Lena could almost write this off as an inconvenience. This dipshit meant her no harm and she was, at least a first, sure that Supergirl would show up and this would turn into one of those heartwarming ones where she didn’t have to throw a punch and the bad guy ended up forgiving her.
He should. From the bits and pieces she heard, it was his fucking fault anyway.
There was a problem. It was making Lena’s heart race, her pulse pound, and a thin trickle of sweat run down the small of her back. Kara was in a chair just like hers, parked six inches away, and tied up.
She was also drifting in and out and had a knot on her head from where Captain Doofus here whacked her over the head with his arm beamer.
Her head perked up a little and she glanced at Lena, looked around.
“Whu… where am I?”
“You’re in the lair of DOCTOR ATOMOS!” he screamed. “I thought the Kryptonian would put in an appearance to save Miss Luthor, but she’s been a no-show, so I grabbed you. You’re her best friend, aren’t you?”
Kara shot Lena a furtive glance. “Not exactly.”
“Where is she? Why hasn’t she come? Do I need to grab that photographer, too? Jim Olden?”
“James Olsen,” Lena corrected.
“Shut up! I’ve broadcast to the city that if Supergirl doesn’t face me and admit what she did, I’m going to drop you two into the acid!”
“What acid?” said Kara.
Lena looked at her and looked down. They were both sitting on hinged grates positioned above a rather large vat of a nasty corrosive. Some toxic sludge that Lex probably had the company stockpiling here back in the back-when.
He was always ruining her day.
“I gave her an ultimatum,” he declared. “First one of you, then the other.”
Lena’s stomach dropped. Hard. She almost threw up her tuna wrap and kombucha. For some reason, the thought of her own shockingly horrific death -drowning in the acid, her lungs melting from the inside with no hope once she was submerged- was secondary.
Oh God. Oh God please not Kara.
“She’s not coming,” Lena said, firmly. “She’s busy or-“
“She wasn’t too busy to ruin my life!”
Kara looked frantic as she wriggled against the ropes holding her.
“Come on, come on come on come ON!” she thrashed. “Why now? Why now?”
The ‘villain’ paused. “Why now what?”
“Nothing. Just, listen. Don’t do this. You don’t want to add murder to your list of crimes.”
“Then don’t start a list of crimes!” Lena pleaded.
He rounded on her.
“Look,” said Lena. “I’m Lena Luthor, I’ll get you a new job. I’ll build you a fucking power plant if that’s what you want. Just,”
“What, let you go?”
Lena looked at Kara.
“Let us go. Please. I’ll stay if you let Kara go.”
He belly laughed at her. “So she can tell the cops where we are?”
“You already announced where we are!” Kara snapped.
“Don’t hurt her. Please. Just not her.”
Kara turned slowly and looked at her.
“What’s your real name?” Lena asked, looking at their captor. “You know mine.”
“Ha! That hostage negotiation crap won’t work on me.”
He turned and headed for a pair of levers.
“Eeenie meanie miney moe,” said… the guy. Lena was not giving this bastard the dignity of a trade name.
“Kara,” said Lena. She felt strangely calm, looking at her… her best friend. Like she knew she needed to do this right in whatever little time she had, and her nerves gave her the gift of tranquility.
“You mean so much to me,” Lena said. “I… I just want to… I wish I could…”
Oh, now she couldn’t get the words out. Perfect.
Kara looked at her wide-eyed, and terror flashed briefly in her eyes as the grate swung below her and she plummeted into empty air.
“KARA!” Lena wailed.
Lena screamed, a wordless, titanic cry of agony that tore her throat and burned her lungs. When it faded she wailed again, words lost to her. Oh God.
“You monster!” Lena screamed, “you miserable fucking monster, you’d better fucking kill me too, because if you let me live I’m going to-“
Lena went silent as a shape rose through the hole in the floor, rising gracefully into the air. Supergirl hovered in the air, a scowl of righteous fury carved on her lovely face.
“At last, there you are!” Professor Douchebag snarled, aiming his arm at her.
Her eyes flashed and he screamed, suddenly tugging at the red-hot ruin strapped to his arm. Supergirl landed, and dragged Lena’s chair, and Lena with it, away from the grate.
She turned and sucked in a breath, flash-freezing his ruined weapon with a concentrated blast. With a contentious smack he knocked his helmet off, revealing a doughy, middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and blood running down his nose.
Supergirl grabbed his collar and hauled him off his feet. She stalked over and held him above the opening in the floor, his feet dangling over the acid.
“Supergirl?” Lena said.
“How does it feel?” she said, coldly.
“Lena said please,” her voice was ice. “You didn’t listen to her.”
“Supergirl,” said Lena. “Don’t.”
Then it hit her.
Supergirl had her hair up. She never wore her hair up. It was exactly the same as…
Her mind raced though possibilities. None of them fit. There was only one conclusion.
“Kara,” Lena whispered. “Please.”
Her gaze snapped to Lena and a harrowing moment later, she tossed the wannabe villain aside, and wrapped a chain around him, binding him to an upright. Then she turned to Lena.
Kara tapped her ear.
“Alex, you have my location? There’s a wannabe here, he kidnapped Lena. She’s fine. He’s not. Get a cleanup crew and a bus down here please. No, I’m not staying.”
With a single smooth motion, she snapped the cords binding Lena and scooped her up against her powerful chest, tucking her in close before lifting off through skylight.
Lena pressed her eyes shut- she hated flying, even like this. She opened them when she felt the jolt as Kara’s boots touched down, and Kara set her down.
They’d come in through one of the tall windows in Kara’s loft.
“Oh my God,” Lena breathed. “I thought he… I thought you were…”
“I almost was,” Kara said softly. “I solar flared a few days ago. I burned out my powers fighting that Mondarian. It usually takes a few days, maybe a week, before I can use them again, but sometimes an adrenaline rush will make them kick in early.”
“Was it hitting the acid?”
Kara shook her head.
“No. It was what you said, and the way you screamed when I fell. I knew I had to live.”
Lena blinked a few times, surprised by the hot burn of her own tears, mirrored by those falling down Kara’s cheeks.
“What you said… what I think you were trying to say,” said Kara. “Me too.”
Lena stood frozen in shock for a second, before she launched herself at Kara. Their lips met in a dizzying soft crash and when Kara’s hands landed on her waist, Lena felt a pang of fear that she’d misjudged and ruined it all.
Then Kara’s hand snaked up her back as the other looped around her waist and pulled her in, using her height to tip Lena back just a touch as the kiss deepened and Lena felt her heart flutter in her throat as her tongue tasted the soft taste of Kara.
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assassin-artist · 4 months
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oc practice
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polaris-stuff · 6 months
For solarmoon prompts, pick ur fav!:
-both of them getting flustered by the slightest thing, like hand-holding
-Moon taking Solar to the bar he went to with Monty and the two of them getting tipsy and flirty
-Moon convincing Solar to relax and play some games with him. Eventually they end up snuggling and maybe he pets Solar’s rays. Solar falls asleep, and it turns out that was Moon’s plan all along. Putting those unused naptime protocols to good use.
-Moon feeling guilty about the things that Old Moon did and Solar reassuring him with kind words and maybe hand kisses
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I wanted to do all the requests but I'm tired right now 😭
· Moon feeling guilty about the things that Old Moon did and Solar reassuring him with kind words and maybe hand kisses
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Thank you very much for all the ideas! They are super adorable and cute 🥺💕
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lazyboy-baby · 9 months
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the man is back and y'all think i'm gonna be normal about it???? no way, that don't sound like me
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peachyfnaf · 4 months
Killcode Moon x Solar Flare?
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your wish is my command!!! also love how i said i'd doodle these but then. the full piece demons Took Over dsjfhdsf
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alexandraisyes · 4 months
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Midnight magma with @polaris-stuff ! Had a lot of fun chatting last night and introducing you to lemon stealing whores hehe
(Also happy birthday friend!)
♻️Please Reblog To Support The Artist♻️
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eggnogisyummy · 4 months
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Redemption AU doodles time! Enjoy!
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tsbs-shipfessions · 17 days
sun x solar flare? anyone?? is it just me?? okay 😞 they're cute together i guess... *kicks rock down street*
I know of exactly one other person who sees your vision. But for all I know, you could be them in disguise.
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dailygreenflare · 6 months
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[ art by me ]
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that-starry-freak · 20 days
We've got five of these this time chat
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Okay wooo I actually am struggling with this one. Like the pairing sounds interesting immediately, but I'm at a loss. Uhh-
I mean obviously it'd be toxic. Its giving enemies with benefits tbh. Hate. Lots of pain and trauma. Eccpecially after old moon was the reason SSun died.
If they don't try to kill each other though they'd growl a lot and be assholes and that just sounds like a lot of fun (if they got along they'd be a fucking asshole power couple)
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ECLIPSE AGAIN?? holy shit okay uhm
I mean I rant about this all the time I dont think im gonna here the point of this is for crackships
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Okay I'm about to take all the eclipses off this wheel I've got an eclipse every single time so far-
Anyway, uh- I actually have an au thats servant sun x v4 eclipse so I'm trying to figure out how their dynamic would be if it was v2
servant sun would be really anxious around him. V2 ecliose would just make snarky comments to him about his kittishness and how he wasn't the same eclipse. SSun would slowly warm up to him. I remember v2 ecliose was a lot more sparky and manipulative than v4's more cynical nature so thatd be fun. I think they'd be interesting together. Skittish x sassy, both very traumatized
Yeah I like that- omg if this was in the same au as the bm x lord eclipse one there's an added thing of v2's trauma with bm and how they tortured him- nauanshs
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(My first spin was lord eclipse and I said no fuck you and respinned)
Ohhhh- okay, so technically its another ecliose, augh, but idc cause its not a very eclipsy eclipse its solar, so its okay
And oh my god?? Their friendship already bro. The sass. They joking fighting. The figuring out relationships together. The awkwardness???? The nerdiness??? Bro, its like solarnexus but moon is a bit of an asshole and more awkward so its less soft and just fun
Fuck yeah i love this ship
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... im not going to say anything, im just gonna
the wheel ships it (it was the first one without any sort of Eclipse too-)
Okay I think that's enough that's a lot god I'm addicted this is a lot of fun
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sspadfoot · 3 months
There’s 7 days until my favorite fanfic updates guys!
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assassin-artist · 4 months
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My X-Men OC, "Solar Flare". Infodump and random info below the cut
so first things first, she was originally a Destiny 2 OC. In d2 she was an immortal warrior with fire powers and complete amnesia about her past... When I first decided to revamp her into an X-Men OC I thought I should change that bc, umm, immortal with amnesia, that sounds like a familiar xmen character lol... but then I decided fuck it, she's my OC I get to make her however I want.
So, as an xmen OC, she is a mutant with a very strong healing factor, and the power to control/manipulate solar radiation, which mainly comes off in the form of fire. Her body naturally runs at a higher temp than normal, and though people assume this means she's resistant to heat, that's not true at all. Her body might be able to handle more heat than a normal human could, but she's still at risk of burning herself with her own powers if she's not careful - which, when it comes to herself, she's usually not. She's doesn't worry about it because of her healing factor, willing to burn herself if needed, but she is very worried about burning others or doing too much damage to the area around her. She absolutely hates the summer because of this, and loves the cold. Will have the AC blasting in her bedroom at all times lol
She still has complete amnesia regarding her past. Her first memory is of waking up in a decimated library on the outskirts of a ruined village in France. She sought information about her past for years, but kept "getting distracted" with wanting to help the people she came across in her travels. During this period of wandering, she went by a lot of different names - none of them chosen by her, though, as she enjoyed letting other people pick a new name for her to go by. She would eventually wind up making her way into America, where she ran into the early X-Men for the first time. After explaining her situation and powers, she's invited to join them in Xavier's school, but she's too hesitant to commit to a group that she doesn't fully trust, so she turns them down. Thus, she went back to searching for her memories.
Though she was afraid to commit to being a full time member of their group, she was still willing to help them in combat if she was nearby, and she still formed bonds with some of the members. In general she was easy to get along with, as others found her to be very patient and easygoing, she didn't like to argue over things. She became very fast friends with Wolverine due to their similar amnesiac circumstances, and he liked to call her Red-Hot as a nickname. She also got along well with Hank McCoy and liked having philosophical and religious conversations with Kurt Wagner.
Her personality is very... calm. She likes to just 'go with the flow' of things in life, so she rarely gets angry or loses her temper. Insult her and she'll probably just laugh it off, or ask why you're in such a bad mood. She loves kids and animals, and she tries to always be patient with others, especially those who are difficult to get along with. She's of the belief that the people who are hardest to love are those who might need it the most, and she's always willing to extend a helping hand to others with little in return. Patience is her strongest virtue.
Her biggest flaw is her fear of commitment. She's afraid of joining the X-Men as a full time member because she's worried she won't want to stay, she didn't want to be in any relationships despite being in love with someone because she was afraid she'd get flighty and want to leave it, and she won't even pick a proper name for herself because she's worried it wouldn't be right for her.
Eventually, with a lot of time and soul searching (much of which was done in deep, hours long conversations she would have with Nightcrawler from time to time), she decided to leave the past behind and instead enjoy the present and look forward to the future. She made peace with not knowing who she used to be, and finally decided to settle on the name of "Claire", instead of hopping from name to name.
She also has a god-awful sense of humor. Very punny. Nobody ever laughs at her jokes. RIP Claire's pride
Cringe is dead, we love selfshipping and oc/canon on my art blog, so I like to ship her with Wolverine :3c (of course I give Wolverine a redhead girlfriend). Look I even filled out this silly ship chart for them lol (I put Logan down as "?bisexual?" bc apparently there are multiple comics where he's with men? I haven't read them but we love a bisexual short king).
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Logan the canonical truck freak fr... She liked him from the moment they met, but as they got to know each other, her feelings grew deeper. At the time she realized these feelings, she was still deeply afraid of commitment, and so she kept it to herself and tried to just be a good friend. Eventually, when she got over her fears and was a valued member of the X-Men for good, she finally asked him out on a date (right after a very tough mission, and she was still giddy with adrenaline and feeling bold lol). They've been together ever since 👍 Claire tries to be a calming influence on Wolverine, but honestly, sometimes she agrees with him when he loses his temper at awful people. She sees him as someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to get a job done, and he sees her as someone too kindhearted to be getting her hands dirty with the work he does. She only wishes he were kinder to himself, and chides him when he gets self-deprecating.
Now for a few random facts about her, hrm... Her favorite food is watermelon. She has a sweet tooth and likes to bake, she often drops by random classes at Xavier's with home-made goodies for the kids. She loves the idea of having children but is worried she won't be a good mother. The kids at Xavier's know that if they want something and Logan says no, they could probably go to Claire and beg her for it. She's a softie towards kids and can't say no when they get their puppy dog eyes out...
It's become a running joke to celebrate her birthday on a random day since they don't know when her real one is. They pick a new date every year. She's got a decent singing voice and is trying to learn the guitar from Hank McCoy. She jokes about Northstar having a messy love life, and calls Dr. Nemesis a crotchety old man even though she might be older than him.
Mmm... that's all off the top of my head. I'm the kind of person who likes to make a new OC every time I have a cool idea, so I have a ton of them... maybe I'll make posts about other ones as well some day.
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beetlesymphony · 4 months
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i miss greenflare, i miss it alot...
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lazyboy-baby · 10 months
I do have a question... what is your favorite ship as of now for your little fellas?
OG!Eclipse x strong big guy, i just love the idea of him being like an angry cat that all his bf's carry everywhere
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peachyfnaf · 4 months
More SolarFlare X Killcode pretty pleaseee 🙏🙏🙏
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it seems i pleased a Specific group of people with my first one lmao
anyways "couples where it's devotee x the devoted are sooo cute!!!" YES but hear me: couples where the devoted is just as obsessed/in love w their devotee as they are to them, but the devoted is too scared to say it to their devotees face, so they can only show it thru small things like chaste touches or acts of affection that can't be directly linked back to them. ty <3
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alexandraisyes · 24 days
kc x everyone
Honestly, like- almost everyone
(Kc x Sun, Kc x Nexus, and Kc x Moon experimentally
Kc x Solar flare, kc x ruin, and Kc x Solar like a dad and mom
Kc x Bm and kc x eclipse but its like he's reigning their asses in)
Also all of these are peak if you add solar flare with KC.
KC and Sun with KC being overly interested in this skittish, easily flustered prey. He just wants to push his buttons, see what reactions he can get, happy to tease and edge Sun (not necessarily sexually but like keep him on his toes) for days on end until he's startling at every light touch.
KC and Nexus bc basic curiosity. Love to think Nexus is really touch-starved and Killcode will just plop himself in their lap and start purring. And then Nexus is trapped. As he should be. Light touches and lots of cuddles.
And then a literal experiment for KC and Moon that my brain is not being sane about and I can't talk about it here 😭
AND YES PARENT DYNAMICS! I think KC and Earth would also have a parent dynamic. And ofc we all know about how I feel about mom flare and dadcode. I see KC and Ruin being more like old hippies together, maybe a little bit on the crazier side.
Me when my qpr bm and kc au exists. They can be feral cats together your honor.
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