#eaps francis
gayrathatata · 25 days
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harvestautumnmoon · 6 days
I drew my au of Francis because I roleplay as him so erm here’s my boy
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the-faketiccit0by · 7 days
The way my fuckin heart splintered into a thousand pieces when I heard Moon say Molten reminded him of KC....
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This was also my reaction when Francis told Eclipse he loved him
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 1 month
Frank and Francis in Dragon au
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They are the embodiment of fear and hope. Frank looks like the sea as Narvi (Moon) is scared of the water. Francis is based on Aelius's hope. Don't know what Fran will embody yet.
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milky-shea · 1 month
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Golden retriever character solidarity :3
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peachyfnaf · 1 month
This meme, but Frank
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I dunno I feel like it fits him :goofygator:
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the things i do for you, drew kjhfsdf
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seven-thewanderer · 1 month
Kinda EAPS spoilers? (wowzers my first Eclipse & Puppet show spoilers?) (don’t let me say wowzers again)
So another PAM Podcast, huh? That’s nice!! (Imma say PAM Podcast btw cus idk about calling it PAMP, it sounds like that one diaper brand. Pampers.)
But honestly that Podcast kinda confirmed the little thoughts I had while circling Francis & Frank in my mind?
Cus while I kinda classified Frank as the “negative side, but has his positive moments” like Ice Cream & their relationship with Ruin Monty (or Ronty as the other fans called him, and Click as I called him)…
…but I mentally imagined Francis (after I first heard them say “whatever makes you happy” which I think I first processed when they said it to Monty & FC about the leaving/staying predicament) as the positive person who tries to be a people person, and puts more focus on making others happy than themself happy
and I think the show just confirmed him as a People Pleaser?
Like everything they said, even when Monty basically threatened his life, as he said was whatever made them happy!!
no matter what they asked, as long as it made them happy, that was all he cared about!!
And sure, while he did say he can’t feel any bit of negative energy (or something along those lines) because he’s positive energy…
we’ve seen Frank be happy. At least I’m pretty sure. Like definitely about the Ice Cream thing
So Francis could probably feel negative. And it’s messed up, but I kinda want him to XD
Like I want him to have that breakdown, figuring out if what makes others happy - or even making others happy period - really makes himself happy
In short (or TL:DR): Francis is probably canonically a people pleasure as I mentally headcanon’d, and I now want more Francis angst XD
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tsams-and-co-memes · 5 months
List of characters and who they’re voiced by
I remembered Matt breaking character at one point and expressing that people keep crediting a different VA for one of the voices he does, so I figured I’d make something and share it to maybe help avoid any future confusion
If any of this is wrong or I forgot someone, feel free to let me know so I can correct it, and feel free to suggest additions for it, too!
Some of these are more obscure/gag/one time characters, but eh. I figured they were still worth mentioning
Sun/all Sun variants (except Cringe Sun)
Monty/all Monty variants (both their masculine and feminine forms)
Solar/Eclipse/all Eclipse variants
Trash Can Man
Solar Flare
One of the Bloodmoon twins/“Bloody”
Blue and Green (Rainbow Friends)
Wally Darling
Gordon Ramsay
Molten Freddy
Old Foxy
Henry Emily
Moon/all Moon variants (except Cringe Moon and EAPS Moon)
Lunar/all Lunar variants
One of the Bloodmoon twins/“Harvest”
The devil from the bible
The only Kmart employee
Earth/all Earth variants
Monty’s mom
Foxy/Cringe Foxy
Cringe Sun
Cringe Moon
Puppet/all Puppet variants
Stitchwraith (both Jake and Andrew)
Monty’s dad
EAPS Lefty
Circus Baby/all Circus Baby variants
Elizabeth Afton
Evan Afton
Toy Chica
Roxanne/all Roxanne variants
Old Ballora
Tiger Rock
Cassie’s dad
Glamrock Freddy
OG Freddy
Phantom Freddy
Shadow Freddy
Golden Freddy
Bon-Bon (?)
Spring Bonnie
Glamrock Bonnie
Funtime Freddy
Glamrock Ballora (?)
New Ballora
Glamrock Chica
OG Chica
Glamrock Mangle (?)
Michael Afton
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smolbonbon · 1 month
Gonna ramble about the recent EAPS episode so Spoiler ahead
I don't really like Francis. I thought I understood where they were going with this character, but after this recent episode, I don't anymore.
In my opinion, if Francis kept showing Eclipse nice/beautiful places like the first one with the spiritual tree (basically, Francis showing Eclipse the beauty in other dimensions even in their 'broken' condition.) then they could have ended it with Eclipse not seeing him so much as an annoyance.
Eclipse is like a feral cat. If you stress him, he will just show his claws and distance himself. He might tolerate you, but he surely won't like you until you prove yourself to be a trustworthy person. If that makes sense?
The reason Earth and Eclipse's friendship works so well is because Earth gave him time to process, didn't push him and told him it was okay if he didn't want to, accepting his "no" (Unlike Puppet and Francis).
But I mean, if Puppet were to start seeing how negatively being pushy toward Eclipse impacts her, and change her behaviour, then maybe she could have some character development.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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Guess who's back! Back again! Guess who's back! Tell a frie... okay enough, Eminem references. Nebula is back! It's been a good while since we last saw her. Seriously, when was the last time we saw her? So, apparently, she's been watching Lunar these past few weeks, keeping taps on him for the Astrals. She did calm some of my fears of when Taurus arrives, he won't IMMEDIATELY try and kill Lunar, he needs a reason to. If Lunar doesn't give him one, he's good. So, Lunar did kinda win the trial. Hopefully, Taurus will listen to the Astrals rules and not try anything sneaky. Still very weary of Taurus, tho and my dislike of the Astrals only grows cause apparently they have BANNED Nebula from talking to Earth! What the butt!? I mean I kinda get it, Earth is too close to this and Nebula talking with her especially during this time complicates things so I get it but still, it just unfair Earth can't hang out with her friend hopefully we can fix that soon also, Earth is singing open arms from Epic the musical! I LOVE EPIC!
Nebula, it was great seeing you again. I hope you can help us if poop hits the fan.
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Moon answers YOUR questions! Ya! I love this thumbnail, and also, giving Moon a turtle neck was just a genius idea! Seriously, this design is perfect! So, a lot of fun questions were asked here like apparently Moon really likes sea animals, hasn't tried ramen yet, and he says if him and Monty worked together constantly their is a likely chance one of them would kill the other or they would destroy the world... so good to know. Moon also says he hopes to take a LONG vacation with Sun when all this Star power/Dark Sun/Nexus/Wither shard business is done and over with, and honestly, they deserve it! I hope they take a vacation they could use it. Moon is still hating on Nexus and his name, which I loved that I need Moon and Nexus to hurl insults at each other. I need that so, BADLY! Again, you know I love these types of episodes and hope we may get one for Solar if he comes back and hopefully one for Eclipse... speaking of Eclipse..
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R.I.P Monty and Foxy show, Hello Eclipse and Puppet show! It's official Puppet, and the family are moving to that new dimension and Eclipse and Puppet are taking over the channel. So,guess Monty borrowed the retirement idea from Foxy and is just gonna chill and pop in the LAES and TSAMS good for them. The ending with Monty and Foxy was cute. They started the show HATING the other and only becoming friends cause Monty bashed Foxy's head in, but now they really are true friends, I'm gonna miss having them interact 🤧 I'm sorry... I need a minute. Monty even gave Foxy a USB sticks one with Foxy's old memories, and Foxy trashed it cause he's happy with the new him... I love that so stinkin MUCH! That's character development right there 👏
I feel bad for Eclipse, tho. Signed a contract he can't get out of. I honestly wouldn't blame Eclipse if he turned evil again cause of this little stunt Puppet pulled, but hey, at least Puppet hated having to do that, so that's something. Also, Francis is gonna follow Puppet and the others to that other dimension. 😃 I feel bad for them.
Wow, a lot of things happened today.. wow.
I thank God that these shows exist!
I'm serious. I really do love these shows, Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine THANK YOU for all you and the others do. I hope you guys know we all love these shows and you guys.
Goodbye MGAFS,and hello EAPS!
12/10 👏 🎊👏🎊👏
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the-faketiccit0by · 26 days
Just saw some people shipping the forkfaced Brothers w/ Eclipse lol
Tis a tad funny
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 26 days
Forkface does in fact still hate the name Frank. When EaPS Moon asked him his name, he said he doesn’t have one.
The Fran and Francis stuff is still weird tho
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EaPS Sun: You might press it on accident with your gaze! Francis: Oh, I’m straight. EaPS Sun: What?
Poor young naive other sun
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Hello ❤️ Book ask game!
1, 10, 11, 48 👀👀
1.what is the best book you have ever read? So listen. Listen to me. I have been plugging The Vampire Tapestry to literally anyone who will listen to me ever since I read it. And I will do it again. I cannot express how hard to put down this book was for me (and for someone who is primarily a film/television consumer and an adhd bitch to boot? that says a lot). There are so many things about this book that make my brain go brrr from the atypical vampire narrative (featuring a dilf vampire- and you don't see a lot of those-whose condition is more biological than fantastical, but is nonetheless a complicated mess of a creature), to a really clever drawing back of the curtain and critique of the very genre it's meant to portray, and I literally don't think I'll ever be over it. I almost wanted to kiss my professor on the mouth for assigning this book (but I didn't). I still think about it constantly and I will never stop.
10. what book are you reading right now? I'm... actually reading several in a very asynchronous way. Of course I'm about 100 pages deep into the terror rn, I'm also working my way through May We Be Spared to Meet On Earth (collection of correspondence from members of the franklin expedition- which I'm certain was study material for some of the actors bc I feel like a lot of the letters in that are so clearly reflected in the characters on the show moreso than they are in the book- and honestly every single fucking letter from Francis Crozier is a heartwarming delight deadass). I'm not reading so much this semester but I'll be reading throughout the semester Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art (and it's had some really fascinating little anecdotes so far).
11. what book do you want to read but haven't? I honestly want to read more stuff from Miss Charnas. She fucking understood the assignment on so many levels with Vampire Tapestry that I really want to look into more of her. Ofc I have a ton of Jane Austen and Jane Eyre that are burning a hole in my bookshelf, and a little volume of the Lais of Marie de France that I want to take a more proper gander at. These. And so. SO. Many more. OH AND I FORGOT I also have been dipping my toes into historical erotica like Fanny Hall and it’s been tons of fun (and if anyone has some specific victorian recommendations I would LOVE to receive them- it’s VERY important lady terror research 😉).
48. what book would you give someone if they wanted a glimpse into your psyche? I really do hate to answer Edgar Allan Poe again BUT!!! in specific- I think anyone who wants to understand me and my approach to my writing and stuff? Look no further than The Philosophy of Composition. You wouldn't expect EAP to be such a brilliant essayist as he is but jesus christ I still think it may be the most fascinating and engaging essay I've ever read in my life. He articulates his points so poetically and so well and honestly? There's not a word in that essay that doesn't ring true for me to a lot of how I process things myself in my own writing- and things that are generally just great writing practice- like when I read it for the first time a few years ago I literally went "he's just like me fr" and I've felt soul bonded to the thing ever since. I also gave a presentation on it in my Gothic Lit class last semester that everybody really really liked (and of course. because I really REALLY fucking love this essay and this dude). And honestly I'd love to give that lecture again and I hope I get to.
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
MGAFS spoilers: (sorry I wanted to say this but don’t read this if you haven’t watched the ep yet today & plan to)
So I guess this is the final MGAFS episode then? So, I guess it’s on the list of dead SBS channels now… (alongside the Glamrock Bonnie and Glitchtrap Show, Springtrap and Spring Bonnie Show, and Cassie and Helpi Show. I think that’s it idk if there’s another one I’m forgetting)
But I think we’re also getting the Eclipse and Puppet Show, which may be known as EAPS or TEAPS! (which just reminded me of a Roblox game I played in the past called Monsters of Etheria, there was a character named Teap it’s a little ghost teacup and it’s cute)
But also family moving for Foxy, Puppet, and FC!! …and Eclipse …and apparently also Francis XD
Which that part was also funny imo how Francis just comes over like “Imma go with em” no matter how much they don’t want Francis going with them XD
Also Frank was funny too XD with them saying they wouldn’t go and Monty said they would definitely visit and they were just like “Yeah you got me. Yeaaaah you got me” XD that made me laugh
(also Frank has a hat now that they found in the gift shop apparently that’s cool & cute :3)
but yeyeye I hope Monty & Foxy enjoy their retirement (though I feel like they both may still be dragged into stuff…) and that Eclipse & Puppet enjoy their new channel!! :3
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libertariantaoist · 7 years
We often hear the Russia-haters accuse Vladimir Putin of murdering journalists:  when Oliver Stone recently challenged the veracity of that unproved charge,  he was booed  by Stephen Colbert’s audience of trained seals hand-raisers. Yet we hear  almost nothing about the one country where journalists who report on official  corruption are routinely killed, and in such numbers that the death toll makes  Russia look like a utopian paradise – Mexico, where more than one-hundred  reporters have been slaughtered by the drug cartels and their collaborators  inside the Mexican government. The killers are rarely found, let alone punished:    as of 2012, 98%  of homicides in Mexico went unsolved. I doubt the impunity rate has improved  much since then.
On May 15, Javier Valdez was sitting in his car on a crowded street in Culiacan,  capitol of Sinaloa province, in broad daylight, when suddenly at least two gunmen  appeared, forced him out of his car, and pumped  at least thirteen bullets into him.  Valdez was an award-winning journalist  whose reporting on the intersection of the drug cartels and the Mexican government  had won him the Committee to Protect Journalists’s International Press Freedom  Award. He was a national correspondent for La Jornada, a major paper  out of Mexico City. He was also the founder of Riodice, a weekly newspaper  out of Mexico’s drug-ridden Sinaloa province, the home of “El Chapo,” and the  epicenter of the violent war between rival cartels that is threatening the stability  of the Mexican state.
The import of this latest assassination was underscored by Marcela Turati,  a journalist and friend of the deceased, who told  The Intercept:
“We thought Javier was untouchable. He was  one of the most internationally recognized journalist in the country. How do  we protect ourselves if they are able to kill the most visible with impunity?”
But who is doing the killing – is it just the  narcos? Valdez didn’t think so. Time and again he pointed to the politicians  who use the cartels as their bankers and hit squads. As Valdez told  Al Jazeera’s John Gibler:
“That’s why it is ‘organized crime,’ because  they have people inside the Mexican state – people inside the governmental apparatus – working  for them, because the police form a part of the criminal structure, because  they have an army of hired killers, because they have financial operatives and  business people – whom no one bothers, by the way –  also involved.”
The essence of the problem besetting our neighbor  to the south was succinctly summarized by Valdez in an interview with a Mexican  reporter:
“I fear the government more than  I fear the narco. There’s drug trafficking  because there is no government … the principal problem with practicing journalism is la autoridad [translated  as “the government”]. The political class is the child of drug trafficking.  Intolerant, dangerous, powerful, colluding with organized crime, every type  of criminal.”
Mexico is suffering  under the reign of what the paleoconservative writer Sam Francis dubbed “anarcho-tyranny.”  As he put it:
“What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure  of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny – the enforcement  of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding  and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion  of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions.”
Under anarcho-tyranny, ordinary citizens are victimized by both criminals and  their enablers in the political class. Francis was writing about the US, but  his analysis exactly describes the current agony of the Mexican people. I’ve  written  about that agony  in this  space repeatedly over  the years, making the point that the emerging crisis requires at least some  acknowledgment – to no avail. The Mexican mess is studiously ignored, both by  our own politicians and Mexico’s elites, and, as bad as things are getting,  luckily for them there’s a convenient diversion readily available to take the  focus away from the corruption and channel the anger of the Mexican people toward  an external enemy: Donald J. Trump.
While Mexicans are preyed on by the narcos, journalists are routinely  tortured and killed, and the grinding poverty of the nation’s working classes  drives them northward in search of sustenance, Trump is the  major issue in Mexican politics today. The leading candidate in Mexico’s  presidential election, the “progressive” Andres Manuel Obrador, has just written  a book, Oye Trump, detailing his recent anti-Trump tour of the United  States: he attacks Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto – whose poll numbers  are in the dumps – for not “standing up to Trump.” Rather than confront Mexico’s  actual problems, which have been driving its citizens to flee the country, it’s  much easier for Obrador to whip up Mexican nationalism and posture as the defender  of the nation’s ‘dignity.”
The US sends $3.6 billion to Mexico annually, ostensibly to help them fight  the “war on drugs.” But this money is going into the pockets of 1) the corrupt  Mexican political class, which makes the reign of the narcos possible,  and 2) our own corrupt political class, i.e. the numerous contractors who, as  The Intercept points out,
“[R]eap enormous profits from contracts on  everything from Black Hawk helicopters to armed vehicles, intelligence equipment,  computer software, night-vision goggles, surveillance aircrafts, satellites  systems, and more. Additionally, weapons companies benefit from direct sales  of arms and other equipment, which net another billion each year for the weapons  contractors.”
This is the swamp that Trump vowed to drain,  and yet still it bubbles and floods the land, spilling over the Rio Grande while  its denizens feed and multiply on both sides of the border.
So what’s the solution?
Libertarians would say: legalize drugs! Except it isn’t that simple. For this  would legalize the drug cartels themselves – born in criminality, and bathed  in blood – and legitimize the criminal networks they have established. While  I am in favor of legalizing drugs, I’ve got to admit that it is very far from  a panacea. The issue is separate from the question of the cartels: after all,  the Mafia in America didn’t disappear because alcohol prohibition was lifted.  Aside from that, the political reality is that drugs aren’t going to be legalized  – either here or in Mexico – any time soon.
Some problems don’t have solutions, and this may be one of them. The accumulated  stupidity and venality of the Mexican and US authorities over past decades has  created such a toxic brew of social decomposition and political dysfunction  that we can only await the coming explosion with a mixture of fear and hope  – hope that our leaders will force their gaze away from the far horizons of  the Middle East and focus on the rising crisis right here on our own southern  border.
So you think Russia is a threat? You’re worried that the borders of Afghanistan  are insecure? All this pales before the real threat that is growing south of  the Rio Grande, a gathering storm that will inevitably spill over the border  and impact life right here in the United States.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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