#x files season 6
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Honest Man (1/3)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic

Chapter One
He almost never goes out to bars in Alexandria, and when he does, he’s typically in some kind of despairing mood. But Mulder isn’t despairing tonight. He’s hopeful.
It’s hope tempered with some reservation, of course. He’s not stupid—the other shoe can always drop—but there’s definitely a feeling that there could be less troubled paths ahead. If all goes well.
The pub is crowded, so he stands in the entrance scanning the room for her, feeling strangely awkward, like an adolescent boy. He jogged a little to get here at the time they arranged, and Mulder’s uncomfortably sweating now in his work clothes. He loosens his collar and tie.
She’s sitting with stately posture at a side booth, a menu propped in front of her. She spots him and raises a single hand.
He eagerly makes his way across the room, ducking in between the people making their way to get a drink at the bar, and slips into the seat across from her. “Hi,” he says. “Sorry I’m late.”
“I’m used to it, Fox,” she says, coolly amused. Diana slides him a menu. “It’s given me plenty of time to look over the culinary options here at the Honest Man Pub.” She draws out the name of the bar in an affected way, a little mockingly.
He smirks at her. “Come on. Who doesn’t like an Honest Man, Diana?”
“Who indeed.” She smiles tightly. “As it happens, I remember your taste in restaurants, so I’m not surprised.”
“Mozzarella sticks,” he says, pointing a finger at the menu enthusiastically. “You want to share some? I’m starving.”
“No thanks. I ordered a negroni.”
“Look,” Mulder gestures towards a woodcut illustration of Abraham Lincoln on the cover of the menu. “It’s Honest Abe, Diana. Trustworthy. You sure you don’t want a burger or something?”
“I’m really not hungry,” she says. But she, too, flips the menu over to look at it. She traces Lincoln’s face with her fingertip. “You think it’s supposed to be a reference to that story about chopping down the cherry tree?”
“That was George Washington.” Mulder sets the menu down and gives her a mildly admonishing look.
“What? I’m no historian,” she says dismissively. “And what politician has the luxury of honesty anyway?”
Diana’s not wearing her work clothes, he notices in surprise. Unless she wears a form-fitting black dress to work, and he doesn’t think she does. He chews his lip, wondering why she bothered to go home to change, especially because he’s pretty sure she lives in DC.
After the server passes by, and Mulder orders his beer and mozzarella sticks, he turns his attention back to her. “Well? What’s up?” He folds his hands on the table. “You made it sound like good news.”
Her cocktail is placed directly in front of her, and she murmurs a polite thanks to the server. “Potentially it is,” she says. “I need your help on a case, and I think if you do well, it could be … a step in the right direction.”
He tries to play it cool, even though this is exactly what he hoped. “My help? Did Kersh have a personality transplant or something?”
“This would be outside of official channels,” she explains. “At first, anyway.”
There are several cardboard coasters on the table with quotes printed on them in homey, old-fashioned typeface. The one nearest Mulder reads: “An honest man is always a child. - Socrates.” He pushes the coaster around the table with his fingertip, nodding slowly. “I’m listening.”
“There have been a series of credible sightings of unusual crafts flying low outside of Groom Lake,” she says in a low voice. She sips her drink, meeting his eyes. “I know you’ve probably been following it. Kersh doesn’t want Jeffrey and I to spend too much time there. But you could go.”
“Under what auspices?”
“It would have to be extracurricular.” She shrugs, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly. “You’ve done this sort of thing before, Fox.”
“Shiner Bock,” the server says cheerfully, setting a bottle down in front of Mulder. “Your mozzarella sticks should be out soon.”
“Thanks,” says Mulder. As the server darts off, he takes a slow sip, mulling over Diana’s words. “How would this be a step in the right direction?”
Diana leans towards him, her glass resting against her cheek. “Jeffrey and I have received some information about experimental craft at Groom Lake,” she says softly. “If we could put that together with your field work—and what you already have in the files—then we could have a report they’d have to take seriously.”
Mulder can’t help but feel excited, but he takes pains to mask it, chuckling cynically. “I’ve been down this road before, Diana.” He shrugs. “It never amounts to much. Plus, Kersh is already looking for any reason to chuck me out of the Bureau. This could easily be it.”
She reaches across the table and clasps his hand tight. “Not if I have your back.”
He frowns a little, confused by her meaning. She’s much more open to this than he expected. Still, his whole soul cries out to get back to working on the X-files. It’s almost all he thinks about these days. If there is a way forward here, he needs to hear all of it.
“We’ve always made a good team,” Diana points out. “We could be again. And this is your life’s work. You’re wasted in the bullpen.”
“Yeah,” Mulder says uneasily, “but what would—”
“I knew it.” interrupts a booming voice startlingly close to their table.
Mulder looks up blankly, and it takes him a half second to place the tall, pink-faced man towering angrily over them.
He knows Bill Scully’s face very well—associates it with some of his most emotionally vulnerable moments, in fact—but seeing it here in this Virginia bar, out of context, gives him a moment’s pause.
“I just knew it,” repeats Bill, his eyes narrowing. He squints down at Mulder murderously. “You’re not even worth … one of her goddamn pinky toes, you no good son of a bitch.”
“Bill,” Mulder murmurs, staring back. The man seems to be swaying slightly from side to side as he spits words out, as though he’s insulting Mulder on rough seas. “I didn’t know you were in town.”
Bill leans over, placing a palm flat on the table, and Mulder can distinctly smell whiskey on his breath.
“You have some nerve,” Bill hisses. “This is how you treat her? After everything you’ve done? Now you’re just out … on some date?”
Diana gives him a significant, questioning look, and Mulder straightens in his seat, his eyes scanning behind Bill’s back for a sign of who might be accompanying him. “I think you‘ve had a few too many tonight,” Mulder attempts genially. “You’re not making much sense. Why don’t I—”
“Why don’t you shut your damn mouth for once in your life?” Bill bellows. The group of young people at the next table looks over, watching them now, their expressions half interested and half alarmed.
Bill turns his attention to Diana, pointing one of his large fingers at her like a scolding father, even though Mulder is pretty sure Diana is at least Bill’s age, if not older. “What do you know about this guy, miss?” His words are definitely slurring. “How much did he tell you? Did you know he’s a dangerous sonofabitch?”
Diana smiles stiffly. “I’m safe, thank you.”
“Well, when he asked you out,” Bill says to her, gesturing sloppily, “did he mention he’s been fucking my sister for years? Destroying her life? Breaking her heart?”
He knows Bill’s drunk, and he knows Bill doesn’t have his facts right, but Mulder can’t help feeling the sting of shame over what he’s being accused of. Part of it, anyway. He hears himself inhale sharply by reflex.
Diana’s eyebrows have arched in surprise. She looks pointedly at Mulder. “Oh? Is that right? Who’s your sister?”
“My sister Dana,” Bill spits out, slamming his hand on the table for emphasis. “My baby sister.”
“Ah,” Diana responds conversationally. “You’re Agent Scully’s brother.” She seems unfazed by this information. “We both work with her, actually. Why don’t you join us for a moment?”
She scoots over in her seat, gesturing calmly to the spot next to her. Mulder doesn’t move, paralyzed with horror at the way this is unfolding.
Bill looks at Diana a moment, his jaw clenched, and then, to Mulder’s shock, slides in next to her in the booth, turning to direct his glare at Mulder.
For a moment Mulder just stares, slack-jawed, back into the man’s furious face. Bill seems to be waiting for something—for Mulder to explain himself, probably.
“This … isn’t a date,” Mulder begins, pointing between Diana and himself. “It’s work. And you need to understand that your sister and I aren’t in a romantic relationship either. Or a, uh, sexual relationship.”
Bill chuckles, shaking his head slowly, then abruptly changes mood, pounding his fist loudly and suddenly on the table and causing both Diana and Mulder to startle.
“Then why?” he demands, meeting Mulder’s eyes intensely in a way that reminds him, unsettlingly, of Scully. “Why does she do it? Why does she put up with you?”
“I … really don’t know,” Mulder admits miserably. “You’d have to ask her.”
“I know my sister,” Bill says, his features softening a little. “There are only … a few reasons why she would do it.” His tone goes cold. “Does she know you’re on a date?”
“No,” Mulder answers quickly, “but it’s not a—”
“I hate you,” Bill leans forward to whisper to him. “I hate you for what you’ve put her through. Now you’re cheating. On a fucking date. Jesus.”
“Yo, Scully,” comes a masculine voice from the bar. “Where’d you go?” Mulder looks around nervously, half expecting to see his partner, but of course the voice is calling for Bill. A group of men in their 30s and 40s, all with square shoulders and military haircuts, seem to be looking in this direction. Bill doesn’t even look back at them.
“You don’t understand,” Mulder says. He feels panicky and anxious. “It’s not a date. And Scully’s my partner, not my—”
“Jesus, shut the fuck up,” Bill groans. He slides out of the booth. “Don’t you ever get tired of your annoying-ass voice?”
He does, actually, more often than one might think.
“Bill, wait, are you—” Mulder stops suddenly.
He realizes what he was about to ask—are you going to tell Scully that you saw us here?—sounds completely at odds with what he has been telling Bill, what he has been telling himself. That question doesn’t make him sound like a partner out talking about work with a colleague.
It makes him sound like he thinks he’s doing something wrong, something he needs to hide.
The truth is that he does think Scully would be angry to know he’d met Diana here. She would be angry for a whole snarl of tangled reasons—and yeah, hurt, like Bill says. He doesn’t especially want her to know.
“Am I what?” Bill sneers, turning back around jerkily.
“Are you … okay to get home?” Mulder mumbles. “You have a ride?”
Bill gives him a look of withering contempt. “That’s none of your fucking business.” He turns and staggers back towards the bar.
Mulder watches him go, trying to swallow back his self-loathing. He realizes after a second that his fists are clenched.
“Fox,” Diana says in concern. “Are you all right?”
He says nothing for a beat, making a game attempt to pull himself back together.
“Yeah,” he says to Diana. He takes a fast swig of beer. “That guy—he, uh, just really hates me.”
“I gathered,” Diana says. She looks at Mulder appraisingly. “You seem to be taking what he says awfully seriously.”
“Well,” Mulder says grimly into his beer, “it’s just he’s not entirely wrong.”
Diana leans back in the booth, lifts her glass to her beautiful lips, and takes a careful sip. “No,” she says coolly, “he’s not.”
Mulder exhales raggedly. “Gee, Diana,” he says, “don’t hold back how you feel on my account.”
“He’s wrong about plenty,” she breathes. “He underestimates you, like most people do. But he’s not wrong that your work has hurt Agent Scully.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” he snaps at her. He pauses to compose himself. “I don’t want Scully to be hurt,” he says in a more controlled voice. “I never have. Her choices are her own.”
“And your choices are your own,” Diana says. Her eyes are dark and shining. “You know, Fox, I hope that if all goes well with this initial foray at Groom Lake, we might all be a little more ambitious in our choices.”
Mulder shakes his head rapidly, still rattled by the encounter with Bill. “Ambitious in our choices how?”
“Well,” she says. “Thinking longer term, I don’t know if Jeffrey is working out on the X-files. I think he might prefer to be elsewhere at the Bureau. And if he does… then I’d be asked for my preference in a partner.”
Mulder looks up quickly. “And you’d … want to work with me?”
“Of course,” she says, giving him an inviting look. “Who else would I want?”
There’s an uncomfortable pause. Mulder toys with a coaster on the table idly.
“Do you think they’d even listen to you?” he wonders. “They’re really not my biggest fans right now. Kersh in particular.”
She fishes an ice cube out of her drink, sucks on it a little. Then she meets his eyes, and there is a dangerous spark. “I can be very persuasive, Fox.”
Mulder’s fingertip worries the corner of the cardboard coaster back and forth, back and forth. He hasn’t asked the biggest question. “And what about Scully?”
“What about her?”
“I couldn’t … leave Scully behind in the bullpen.”
“Without you,” Diana says, sipping her drink, “she wouldn’t be in the bullpen for very long. They would give her a better placement in no time. She’s only stuck there because of you.”
Mulder’s eyes remain on the scuffed tabletop as he considers the truth of this statement. Scully certainly is only being punished because of her links to the X-files. Were she cut free from him, she probably would be given a fresh start.
“I don’t know,” he says bleakly. “I don’t know if I could even do it without her.”
Diana makes an exasperated hiss. “Fox,” she says. “Of course you could. What is this codependency you’ve developed? You weren’t like this before.”
Mulder rubs the bridge of his nose. “Diana, I–”
“Mozzarella sticks,” announces their server, his voice surreally peppy as he places the basket on the table. Mulder nods and smiles miserably, his eyes down on the fried cheese.
As the server walks away, Diana reaches over and places her hand over his. It’s light and soft as silk. “I could be the partner you need, Fox,” she says softly. “If you give me a chance.”
Her fingers now are caressing his hand lightly. Mulder’s taken aback. “I remember … how to calm you down,” she adds, almost a whisper. “How to reduce your stress.” She runs her fingertip down the back of his hand, a subtle but effective gesture. “And I’m not someone who is easily hurt.”
As opposed to Scully? he wonders. Is that what Scully is? Easily hurt? Is that why I’ve hurt her so much?
Somewhere to Mulder’s left there is a loud discussion at the bar. Despite Diana’s surprising advances, Mulder finds his attention drifting over there. He recognizes Bill’s voice, speaking loudly to the bartender, and looks for him in the crowd.
“I’ll tell you what,” Diana adds, reaching out with her finger to gently direct his chin back towards her. “Come over tonight.” Under the table he feels her foot brush against his calf, ostensibly accidentally, and she’s successfully got his full attention back. “We can discuss your Groom Lake fieldwork more privately. I can … convince you of everything else.”
Mulder closely watches her face, every nuance of her expression. “Oh yeah?” he says guardedly.
“Hey folks, you doing all right here? Need ketchup or anything?” The energetic server is suddenly smiling broadly next to the table, hands on his hips, and Mulder can sense Diana’s annoyance from across the table.
“We’re fine,” Mulder says, still staring at Diana, “but I’m going to need to get these mozzarella sticks to go. And our checks, please.”
“Coming right up.” The server obligingly darts away.
Diana’s foot brushes up his calf again, this time with less pretense of accident. “Is that a yes, then?” she says, the barest hint of a smile.
In the background, Mulder is aware of a flurry of activity at the bar—the bartender’s voice firmly declaring something about someone not being served any more.
He looks back at Diana, who looks very beautiful, curvy and enticing in the dress he now realizes was strategically chosen to showcase her body for him.
Then his eyes fall down to one of the coasters on the table. He reads it, then reaches down and picks it up impulsively, sliding it in his pocket.
“Diana,” he says, suddenly sounding more certain than he expects, “I’m going to have to get back to you.”
#xfiles fanfic#the x files#x files fanfic#fox mulder#dana scully#xf fanfic#msr#my fic#honest man#diana fowley#bill scully#x files season 6#Diana angst#Bill Scully angst
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The random FBI guy who witnessed Scully kiss Skinner on the mouth just stood in the elevator like this🧍♂️
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once again my theory that the real answer is time travel is actually the only thing that makes any fucking sense. god. oh my god. i'm so angry about this actually.
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Made it to season 6 of my 194726284 rewatch 💚👽
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dana scully may be the girl of all time
#x files fanart#the x files#txf#txf fanart#dana scully#x files#my art#digital artwork#procreate#digital art#it’s only been months but I finally drew scully !!#I love how these turned out like… might render that background one later#poor queequeg (had to take a bath)#the hold this show has on my brain could be studied#on season 6 now and what is going on guys#but yay!!#the x-files#the x files fanart
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You saved the world, Scully.
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vote NOT for your favorite episode or your favorite trope, but your favorite EXECUTION of a trope
#the x files#the x-files#txf#polls#triangle#dreamland#monday#arcadia#three of a kind#field trip#dreamland ii#season 6#season six#tropes#s6 e3#s6 e4#s6 e5#s6 e14#s6 e15#s6 e20#s6 e21
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but you're holding me like water in your hands.
—moon song // phoebe bridgers
i am so normal about this show that definitely doesn't keep me awake at 4 am until i throw up my feelings all over my keyboard, voila.
#alex watches x files#the x files#txf#dana scully#fox mulder#msr#msredit#txfedit#txf meta#txf season 6#txf edit#but hey i have a fix it ficlet in my drafts that i might actually properly finish#after some sleep
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mailroom and pre mailroom sketch dump
#you can see i’ve no idea how to draw howard but. anyways.#also i finished season 6 of x files a week ago and i fucking love mckean so i wanted to draw him. yeah.#um.#better call saul#kim wexler#jimmy mcgill#saul goodman#mcwexler#chuck mcgill#and one (1)#howard hamlin#im sorry
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Field Trip Script: Scully deals with Mulder's death. "A woman lost."
#xfiles#xf bts#thexfiles#gillian anderson#mulder#david duchovny#dana scully#msr#the x files#fox mulder#field trip#season 6
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whos gonna tell him
#you graduated from oxford with a degree in psychology. who let this happen#the x files#fox mulder#the x files spoilers#live blog tag#season 6#6.07
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Happy Heart (-Shaped Hail) Day! Fic Recs for Rain King for Valentine's Day (or Any Time)
It's funny how in the fandom circles I tend to spend time in now, Rain King seems to be a pretty beloved episode: super shippy, romantic comedy, multiple fanfic tropes made canon.
When it aired, the online fandom's opinion of this episode was pretty mixed. There was a large contingent of fans who really hated it. (I remember this because I am 4,000 years old.) Season 6 had already been perceived as being too light in tone, and we'd already come off of a run of Triangle, Dreamland I and II, and How the Ghosts Stole Christmas. There was a lot of anxiety about the move to LA killing the show's dark and angsty feel.
Me, I always liked Rain King (and Triangle, and Dreamland I and II, and How the Ghosts Stole Christmas). And while I can identify the tone change in season 6, I don't hate it, nor do I think that the show really loses its darkness and angstiness (a lot comes back in the second half of the season). I'm also not someone who believes comedy is a de facto more stupid or less substantial genre than drama or suspense, so I think that's part of it.
Rain King has generated so, so much fanfic, and most specifically fanfic that zeroes in on this little fun fact: THEY CANONICALLY SHARE A MOTEL ROOM BECAUSE THERE'S ONLY ONE ROOM. Obviously many of the fics I'm recommending below are based on that premise. So here are my Valentine's Day recs based on Rain King. (Even though I think it's not actually set at Valentine's? Because the cold open happens months earlier? There's some kind of timeline hijinks, idk.) But anyway, it's the clearest Valentine's episode we have, so happy Valentine's Day.
Free Merlot at the Cool View Motor Court by Sarie_Fairy @sarie-fairy Scully tries a little experiment with Mulder after the reunion that gets rapidly out of hand. This is smutty fun—the kind of high end sexy times this author is really known for. Dating Kings and Queens - Baroness_Blixen @baronessblixen A pure romantic comedy style plot variation on the ending of Rain King. The agents discuss the last time they've been on a date. Turns out it HASN’T been so long for Scully. This is just so charming.
Kroner by DM When Mulder finds out about the “flicked switch speech,” he deals with it in a flirty, somewhat less sentimental way that feels very in character to me. I like a fic with dialogue that feels like it goes a little unexpected.
No Big Deal by dreamingofscully @dreamingofscully Scully offers to help Mulder sleep in the hotel. This is UST, but deliiiiiiightfully so, and heavy on the complex feelings.
Can’t Fight This Feeling by mldrgrl @mldrgrl A sweet and more subtle little feelings reveal after Rain King by an author who does this exact thing well. Also there is slow dancing to 80s music.
Time Enough At Last - baylorrific Absolute textbook classic one room trope, but it stands out for me because I like how it focuses on their mutual discomfort. They’re both so awkward here, even though it’s Mulder POV. I also like how the classic Twilight Zone episode Time Enough At Last is in conversation with what’s happening with the MSR.
There’s No Place Like Kroner - MonikaFileFan @monikafilefan You know what would make a “there’s only one room” Rain King fic extra fun? DIANA. Okay, okay, I admit I wrote this prompt for the exchange, lol, so of course I think it sounds fun. But Monika wrote the actual fic, and you don’t want to miss it.
Pillow Talk - Alelou This is a short piece about a chatty Mulder very carefully putting out feelers in the motel room after the reunion. Sweet and in character.
Land That I Heard Of Once in A Lullabye - leiascully @leiascully In Kroner’s tiny airport, Scully takes stock of where they’ve come from and where they’re going. I love this. It feels especially spot on character-wise for season 6.
All that Lights Upon Us - wonderland @amplifyme This is a very different kind of Rain King fic, part of a series, although it can be read alone. During the events of Rain King they share a first kiss, but this fic is about their conversations afterwards (Mulder and Scully, as well as Mulder and Maggie). Gentle affection, and the process of taking little steps towards one another.
On the Flicking of Switches - SisterSpooky1013 @sisterspooky1013 Mulder initiates an awkward conversation in the motel room after the reunion. SisterSpooky1013 always has her characterization shit together, but I think this is an especially compelling character sketch of season 6 Scully.
Break in the Weather - ATTHS_TWICE @atths--twice Mulder and Scully can’t fly out another night in Kroner, so they kill time by going to a drive-in movie. Honestly, this is just adorable.
Still Raining - Donna When Sheila sends them both a letter a few months later, she alludes to what Scully told her in the bathroom. This raises questions for Mulder.
Stop Me - Gina Rain A little seduction by Mulder in the Kroner motel room. It starts with her feet, if that’s your thing. But it’s not exclusively about feet, if that isn’t lol.
They're SOOOOO MANY great Rain King fics, so drop any I missed in the comments! And if you want to read my Valentine's Day recs last year based on Milagro, they're here.
#xfiles fanfic#x files fanfic#the x files#fox mulder#dana scully#xf fanfic#fic recs#xf season 6#rain king
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I'm so normal about them
#x-files#the x files#Dana scully#fox mulder#agent mulder#agent scully#x-files season 6#s6 e 8#txf#the x-files
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watching sanguinarium and DAMN do they look good in this episode

#the x files#txf#Sanguinarium#season 4#episode 6#s4e6#mulder#scully#fox mulder#dana scully#david duchovny#gillian anderson#the x-files#msr#they’re both so fucking beautiful#wowwww#i smoke a spliff before watching it this time#and it’s terrifying#so scary
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🥏 Fic Rec #59: "Normal Conversations" by Soronia
Mulder goes to mandatory therapy, which forces him to have real conversations with Scully.
As you can imagine, this fic is mostly dialogue—and it’s scintillating. The therapy sessions are so realistic and well-written that they read like actual good therapy sessions in real life.
It’s an incisive dive into Mulder’s psyche, nailing his character voice. Hell, the characterizations of both M&S are so on point that they demand admiration. The prose is sharp, filled with dry wit and lines meant to be savored.
And it all culminates in a devastatingly hot sex scene, the perfect cherry on top of all that dialogue porn.
🥏 on AO3
length: longer short, 10,000+ words season: season 6, post-6x13 Agua Mala, in a way post-FTF pairing(s): M/S UST to RST tags: talk fic, angst, smut, humor, Mulder-POV rating: explicit/NC-17
Tagging @today-in-fic
#x files#nephrit's fic rec#favorite#len: short#season: 6#6x13 Agua Mala#ship: m/s ust to rst#genre: talk!fic#genre: angst#genre: smut#genre: humor#mulder pov#rating: nc17#by: soronia
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this dude thinks the x files isnt the longest running hetero queerbait of all time LMAO
#x files#oh lawd how cute of this person#i couldnt resist#literally it took til the bloopers of the movies (set between season 5 and 6 i think) to get a noncanon kiss#scully#mulder
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