#wynonna earp fanfiction
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odaatlover · 1 year ago
The Grind will be posted TOMORROW (Monday) on ao3! I’ll post the first 4 chapters (85-88) and then the rest will be posted weekly on Mondays.
All of the chapters are currently available to read on my Patreon! There are options for $5-20/month, all with the same access, you choose what you pay. (Note $1 is just a tip jar, no access to fics). You can cancel at anytime, and there are over 100 exclusive WayHaught fics to read that’ll also give you your money’s worth! Some canon WayHaught, some non-binary, trans (FTM & MTF), college AU, etc.
I really hope you all enjoy how this story plays out ❤️
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takadasaiko · 2 years ago
Last Line Tag
Tagged by the fantastic @illegalcerebral
Rules: Share the last line you added to your WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
I actually have two that I've had open recently. Of course, A Flicker of Light:
If her Master already knew, then there was no reason to betray Luke’s trust, but if he didn’t… 
The other is a several year old neglected Wynonna Earp oneshot that I had forgotten about and started poking at again:
 “Now where were we?” she asked suggestively and Robert leaned up, catching her in a kiss and she squeaked a laugh as she fell back down to his pillow with him. 
So I'm just going to tag a random number of people lol
@exlibrisfangirl @jedimordsith @intrepidmare @seleneisrising @everythingremainsconnected @intricatecakes @strivia @paintedmagpie @farmboy1 @twinsoulvisionary @myevilmouse @alyblacklist @theherothechampiontheinquisitor and anyone else that would like to join in!
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dsalinaplays · 1 year ago
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Ngl I'd actually like to see how much I've read this year.
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blueraith · 2 months ago
What does fanfiction mean to you?
I'm asking this question because today I came across some ugly, mean-spirited, catty behavior towards a fic author that I haven't seen in a very, very long time, and I think it's important we discuss it as a community.
Y'all know how long I've been doing this? Fanfiction, that is.
Eighteen years.
I've posted across different platforms, on different handles, in different ways for a long, long time. More than half of my life at this point, from fourteen years old.
Fanfiction is how I personally engage with fandom the most. It's THE most important thing to me, frankly, because it is the common thread between each and every single fandom I have ever participated in.
It's self-expression to me. Folk art. Collaborative and fun. I truly hope that most people who engage in fanfiction learn what it is to beta for someone even if you don't write yourself. It can be a fantastic experience in and of itself. Being the backboard to someone else's ideas, watching as they take genuine joy out of spinning a story together to put onto the page, seeing it come to life before anyone else and feeling almost as proud as the author themselves after they finally post it.
It's ultimately why I decided to make this post far more positive and productive than the angry, grumpy, blood boiling rant that I initially was churning over in my mind after the horrible posts I saw earlier.
I'll detail them here purely for context because I think it's important to recognize toxic fandom behavior when we see it. And speak out when we stumble across it.
The first post lauded itself as an 'honest review' of a popular fanfiction in a community I am a part of. That honest review was nothing more than a pop-critique filled with a sort of catty, snarky write up that is so popular nowadays online purely to gain clout more than to act as actual, constructive criticism. It was unnecessary and acted as though the fanfiction author was a professional, New York Times Bestseller rather than someone devoting hours of their free time and effort into a hobby that is ultimately meant to be fun and pleasant.
The second post by the same person claimed that their friend had challenged them to write their own version of the premise of this fanfiction under a read more cut. It spent some time applying a thin veneer of so-called respect to the original author, but was merely nothing more than contempt really. I simply fail to see the need to ever do this while publicly attaching an author's name and work title and arrogantly parade your own work as superior to their own. Why tear down someone else?
I pushed back against them directly on this post, they took it down, but not before childishly trying to excuse their actions and claiming that 'if someone is publicly posting, then they should be able to handle vocal criticism.'
But you know what? One, what that person was doing was not constructive criticism. I think back to the beta session I had with a friend right after this incident and I think to myself, how sad must it be that this is what this person thinks is valuable criticism. That this is the way they chose to engage with the fanfiction community and thought they were in the right to do so.
Two, and perhaps even more importantly, people are accountable for the things that they post. The things that they say. It would have cost this person nothing to never make those posts in the first place. To never risk an author coming across a mean-spirited and malicious teardown of the work they put hours into and risk harming their self-esteem, mental health, or confidence in their own writing.
Because we do not know who these people are behind their handles. We do not know if they're new to writing. If they are experienced but going through a tough time. There are real people who write the content you choose to consume.
Fanfiction is a collaborative process. Writers provide the free content, and it is the reader's responsibility to know when their input would be valuable.
Is what you have to say helpful? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
If the feedback you want to provide does not hit at least two of those things, what you have to say does not matter. Period.
And I daresay that in the vast majority of cases, kindness should be considered mandatory out of the three.
In return, writers will often throw in ideas they've read out of reviews, they'll reach out to their most ardent followers for things like beta-ing or joining a discord server nowadays. There's always been a give and take in this community.
Fanfiction is a cornerstone of fandom for a reason. And it is particularly important in the queer community, going all the way back to actual physical magazines in which people mailed in their KirkxSpock fic decades ago. Over time we've experimented on the process, moved to countless different platforms, survived collapses of all sorts of communities, only to rally over and over again around each other to be able to tell the tales we wanted to see but were not getting as queer folk amongst mainstream media.
And in that time, it's been long agreed on in this space that you do not tear down another writer to build yourself up. Ever. Period. This has long been the only thing in fanfiction that has been aggressively policed, called out, and nipped in the bud when experienced members of this community come across it.
It will not be tolerated.
I shouldn't have to make this post, but I suppose this is the changing of the guard, so to speak. We have a new generation of fic writers and readers coming into the space daily and while so many of you are wonderful, creative, and welcomed members of this space that has been here long before me or anyone of my age, there are some who do not know how to act in the fanfiction community.
And it is up to us to make it clear in no uncertain terms that they will need to either get with program or be pushed out.
To become the best version of yourself as a writer requires hours of work, of posting again and again, of experimentation, of putting hints of your own life and experiences onto the page. The vast majority of us will never be published, and that's just fine for most of us. We engage in this hobby because of how joyful it can be to write something dear to our hearts, share it with the world, and be validated that others enjoyed the work that we put in.
Frankly, readers will always owe it to us to respect that process and work. To be respectful and kind when interacting with authors. Constructive criticism can be welcomed but perhaps ask if the author is open to it and do not take it personally if they are not. And if they are, then learn how to give it with the writer's best interest in mind rather than your own ego.
I don't ordinarily request reblogs to my posts, I rant into the void and it doesn't matter to me if anyone really interacts on an ordinary day lol. But today, I want to ask that people share this message out in your fandoms, because I will be tagging it in the fandoms I interacted in, both past and present. Because fanfiction is a common thread that unites so many of us, and I think this is an important reminder on how we need to be respectful and kind to one another in this space.
If you feel comfortable, I would also love to hear how fanfiction is important to you. How you got into it. Why you love to either read, write, or beta it.
This is hobby that is meant to be fun, so let's have fun.
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lonewolfwriter94 · 4 months ago
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything or even read fanfic. When the show ended, so didn’t my muse and it drove me crazy. Anything I wrote felt forced and I hated that. My readers deserved more than mediocre chapters that I myself, wasn’t proud of.
Now, after two years of blank pages and a spark to light my muse, I have started writing again!!
Here’s the idea that came to mind Sunday.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, my muse decided to have me write WayHaught letters. So far:
Waverly is a teacher who started a program in her school called ‘Pen-Pal a Soldier,’ and got suckered into writing a letter by her students.
Nicole is in the army serving overseas during a time of war, who just happens to be the lucky soldier whose name Ms.Earp picked out of a hat.
Here is a paragraph that I wrote this morning… just know, my muse is an ass and wanted pain and suffering.
P.S: to those who don’t know who I am, my AO3 handle is LoneWolfWriter.
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strangeearp · 2 months ago
What time is it? Time to drown out the world and read some fanfiction!
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theveganearper · 1 year ago
Wayhaught Sex Scenes
That got your attention didn’t it? Uh huh, yep! Let’s talk about it. When I’m reading older fics closer to when the show started and prior and to the season 3 halfway point, Waverly is mainly written as a bottom. Now, in a way this makes sense because Nicole was already comfortable in her sexuality when she met Waverly. I’d like to assume Nicole casually dated and kissed and didn’t tell. Waverly however, was inexperienced and had never been with a woman before. She had just found out that maybe she wasn’t only interested in men. In the show, Waverly’s inexperience showed and Nicole was “leading” a lot of the intimate scenes they had on screen. This dynamic changed massively in the last two seasons. Did anybody else also notice this?
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It went from Nicole initiating things between them, to that being Waverly. Specifically in the two right pictures. Nicole in the top right, was apologetic because nobody showed up to Waverly’s little meeting at the homestead for everyone to talk about what had been going on in Purgatory. Waverly on the other hand was like, “You’re sad we’re getting alone time?” And then she initiated their kiss (which I believe spiraled into sex on the floor). Then in the bottom right, Waverly also initiated their intimate time in the bed. Despite the fact that it was cut short due to Nicole being distracted. But watching the show back, their “power dynamic” shifted by seasons 3 and 4 and it was because Waverly had grown up and matured throughout their relationship and Nicole gave her room to do so. So, by the end of the last 2 seasons we were getting a lot more fics where Waverly wasn’t the bottom in their relationship or fics that showed a trajectory kinda like the show where it changes over time. Waverly really found her voice within the last 2 seasons which I think also attributed to this because we got to see more of her beyond just being you know, Wynonna’s sister or just seeing her with the Wayhaught stuff. Alright, that’s all I’ve got. Sound off if you have anything to add. It’s good to be back on this app haha.
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alterumsinealterononest · 1 month ago
I need an experienced beta reader for my ff please
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solarpunkblerd · 7 months ago
My obsession with Wynonna Earp is growing too strong...It's escaping containment.
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gargy1975 · 2 months ago
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islib · 3 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Alice Michelle & Waverly Earp, Alice Michelle & Nicole Haught Characters: Alice Michelle (Wynonna Earp), Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught, Rosita Bustillos, Gus McReady (mentioned) Additional Tags: Background WayHaught, mentioned WynDoc, MCD of canon characters for story set up, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Future Fic, Earp Curse (Wynonna Earp), Family History, Destiny Summary:
"A whiskey would be great," Alice replies, more than happy to move on from the topic. "And directions to the Earp homestead, if you know it?"
A canon divergence fic based on an what-if from the s2 finale. Alice arrives in Purgatory following her aunt Gus's death, hoping to learn something about her family. Too bad she arrives on the eve of her 27th birthday.
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odaatlover · 1 year ago
Is there anyone on here who still reads Wynonna Earp fanfics? …anyone still interest in The Grind? 😅 If so, this message is for you…
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roguetiger-ao3 · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Xavier Dolls, Randy Nedley, Jeremy Chetri, Jeannie Lucado, Rosita Bustillos, Shae Pressman Additional Tags: Musicians, Alternate Universe - Rock Band Summary:
After years of hard work, Posse of Dipshits had finally made it. They had gone from talented dropouts and rejects, to selling out arenas.
Life was good...
Until the moment it wasn't.
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dsalinaplays · 1 year ago
You ever get so obsessed with a fandom or ship that you can read no other fanfictions other than that one fandom? Even though you want to.
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absoluteham · 1 year ago
Welcome Home (Wynonna)
Alright, I couldn't resist-- new fic to celebrate the return of our beautiful shitshow!
After two weeks that felt an awful lot like two years, Waverly and Wynonna return to the Homestead.
Waverly has never been away from home for so long, and both she and Nicole have been eager for her homecoming... but also neither of them have been sleeping well, so both of them are completely exhausted. Nicole wants them to stay awake to reset their sleep schedules, but Waverly has other plans in mind. Who will win?
Technically a sequel to "Transatlanticism," though it can be read as a standalone. (But I mean, also, why not read "Transatlanticism" if you haven't already?)
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lonewolfwriter94 · 4 months ago
My brain is weird. I started typing chapter 1 of ‘Pen-Pal’ Wednesday. Yesterday I decided to hand write it versus staring at a screen all day. Now, the first paragraph is completely different (better) on paper than what I had originally written.
Make it make sense!
In black is what I wrote the other day. In green is what I handwritten. Which do you like better?
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