#wylan is just a miniature kaz at this point
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year ago
"What happened to your face?" Inej demanded, grasping Wylan's cheeks in her hands as she surveyed the deep purple bruise forming around his eye. She looked at Kaz as he passed by her, cane tapping against the ground. "Kaz?"
"He kicked Pekka Rollins in the balls."
"Totally worth it too," Wylan said with a shit-eating grin.
Inej closed her eyes and sighed. Sometimes she worried Kaz was rubbing off on Wylan a little too much.
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crowsvalentine · 7 years ago
Little Crow 2
A lot of different people show up to the Slat looking for a job or just for solitude. The slat offered a home to grown men in trouble with the law and teenagers who have too many debts to pay. When the dregs open the door one day and see a cradle, offering only a note for explanation will their leader take the baby in or throw her back to let Ketterdam have it’s way with her?
aka a baby shows up at the Slat and Kaz is Shook (probably making this into a series, maybe I’ll leave it as it is, idk)
Note: This is a super short chapter and I’m so sorry but I’ve been busy with school and this is the best I could come out with right now
Kaz Brekker was a monster, he killed for money and stole to prove a point.
     Kaz Brekker was a monster, he read stories to a baby and rocked her when she cried. No one knew of his Crow, only those residing in the Van Eck mansion and his most trusted dregs knew his relationship with the small girl they called Kaia. The extent of that relationship still a mystery to even them. Everything he did for her was behind closed doors, if someone was present he wouldn’t even go near the poor thing without having a valid reason. No one could know Kaz Brekker had feelings.
     They didn’t celebrate Kaia’s birthday, instead the day they found her at the Slat. Marya baked her a cake, there was too much icing a too little sugar but they had quickly found out that Kaia Rietveld ate anything that was put in front of her. She got presents from the dregs which consisted mostly of stolen blankets and toys. Jesper and Wylan wanted to be funny and had a miniature suit, cane and even gloves made for her to match Kaz, of course he didn’t find it funny but Jesper caught the look of fondness he gave Kaia after Marya put the outfit on her. The one thing Kaia seemed to love the most, however, was Marya’s present, she’d managed to craft a stuffed crow for her and with her son’s help, it sang when its beak was squeezed. Kaia didn’t let go of it and no one dared to try and take it from her, bleeding ears weren’t customary at parties.
     Kaz sat back through the entire event, just watching as his team fussed over their baby Crow, managing just a smirk when he saw Rotty get a piece of cookie smushed into his face and go into a corner to sulk about it. He watched as Kaia’s eyes lit up with every gift she received, she was just over a year old and already she seemed to understand that today was all about her. He wanted to laugh at how she seemed to be basking in it. It wasn’t until everyone left did he finally stand up, Jesper and Wylan watched silently as he pulled a small box out of his pocket and crouch down to Kaia’s level.
“They won’t fit yet,” he told her, she just stared at him with wide eyes and Kaz fought the urge to smile at her, “when you’re old enough hopefully your teacher will be back and she can show you what they’re for.” Out of the box came a pair of rubber slippers, Kaia took them in her hands and just held them, not even knowing what they were. Jesper and Wylan knew though and their eyes narrowed as Kaz stood.
“She is not your next Wraith, Kaz,” Wylan said.
“I didn’t say she was, I wouldn’t force her into that life,” he was quick to retort, never did he ever think about Crow working for him, he didn’t even want her to know of that life until she fully understood what it was. “It’s just if she wants to and if she gets a suitable teacher.”
“Inej would never go for it.”
“We’ll see.” With that he gave Kaia one last look and walked off towards the door.
     Kaia wouldn’t be the next Wraith, Kaia would fly like a crow over the rooftops of Kettterdam and if she wanted to, when she was old enough, she’d make the decision for herself to join the Dregs. It would be her decision and her’s alone, she won’t get to make the decision before she’s ready for it any how.
     The Slat was still buzzing when he returned, people just offering a nod and a wave as he passed as he headed up to his room. The thought of Kaia joining him still fresh in his mind. She’d have to join not as his successor but as an equal to all the other members. He would never let her bear the tattoo, not even if she wanted it.
Saints, he was sounding like her father.
     She could wear the tattoo if she made the choice to, not because she felt like she needed to but because she truly wanted it. No one could know who she was either, any relation to him and she’d have a target on her back instantly. Even if no one would mess with Kaz Brekker, they’d still be stupid enough to try.
     As he got ready for bed he shook his head of all those thoughts, he couldn’t believe he was really thinking of a one-year-old joining a gang. Have all those years of being on those streets corrupted him that much? Placing his gloves on the side table he finally laid down, sleep not coming to him instantly but arriving nonetheless.
     That night he dreamt of crows, flying high in the sky giving him a view of his world. However, what he saw wasn’t what Ketterdam, wasn’t the truth of its people. They all stood silently, staring up at his flock with a look that he knew all too well. The crows scattered as gun after gun was pointed up and shots rang out. He heard their cries, he recognized Jesper, Wylan and Nina, but he couldn’t stop to save them from falling to their deaths. Looking from side to side he was forced to watch everyone he ever trusted leave him. His eyes fell on a crow that was smaller than the rest, flying as if its wings were broken and making noises that weren’t far from the sound a baby would make when it cried for its father. He realized who it was just as it was hit, he couldn’t help but scream as it looked up at him with scared eyes. ______
“Kaz? It’s late, did you forget something?” Wylan asked making his way downstairs. Kaz didn’t even acknowledge him as he pushed past, making his way to where Wylan had just come. “Kaz what is it?”
     Kaz still didn’t say a word before he pushed open the door leading to Kaia’s room, he let out a long sigh of relief when he finally saw her looking back up at him, still clutching the crow in her tiny hands.
“What’s wrong?” Kaz quickly straightened and turned back to look at Wylan, who looked both worried and amused by his outburst of affection for the girl.
“Nothing, why isn’t she asleep?”
“Maybe the big bad crow barging into her room woke her up,” Jesper’s voice yawned from the door, “Come on, we have some leftover waffles if you’re hungry.”
     Looking back at Kaia he just shook his head, “I have work to do,” he stated, he could feel Jesper rolling his eyes behind him and did the same before turning to look at them. “Make sure she’s back to sleep.” Jesper and Wylan moved to let Kaz walk out, but before he did they noticed him grab his present from the table, making sure the slippers were inside before shutting the box again. He gave one final nod to the two before heading downstairs, not even offering a real good bye before leaving.
     Jesper sighed and walked fully into the room before lifting the girl out of her crib. With her on his lap he took a seat on the windowsill to look out at where Kaz was walking.
“He’s just acting like a podge, he loves you and will probably be back with a better present tomorrow.”
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