#wyatt burgess
solis-legacy · 1 year
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Spare Update:
Ivar: "Please tell me what happened."
Rayne: "Yesterday Wyatt decided to tell me that he didn't want to be a father anymore, but he still wanted to be with me. I proceeded to lose it on him."
R: "What do you mean you don't want to be a father?!? That's not something you can just stop being."
W: "Rayne..."
R: "No! You don't get to do this to our boys again! Not again!"
W: "Rayne please.."
R: "Just leave. I can't look at you right now."
Previous l Beginning l Gen. 18 l Next
Credit: @herecirmsims, @lime-laine
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screamiingsiilence · 3 months
I am very tentatively making a return to indie since I am finally feeling a bit better. I do owe a few drafts but this is going to be a one liner starter call for the muses listed below the cut! Please let me know which you'd prefer in the comments!
Elias Ward. 25-30. heterosexual. spicy content creator. jacob elordi fc.
Billie Dearden. 25-30. bisexual. bartender. ella purnell fc.
Harlow Webb. 40-45. heterosexual. architect. adam driver fc.
Dove Burgess. 25-30. bisexual. burlesque dancer. sydney sweeney fc.
Winston Booth. 25-30. heterosexual. artist. tom holland fc.
Caroline Danvers. 25-30. heterosexual. nurse. madelyn cline fc.
Wyatt Dearden. 30-35. heterosexual. author. logan lerman fc.
Alicia Cardenas. 20-25. bicurious. film student. jenna ortega fc.
Edmund Lee. 25-30. heterosexual. store clerk. christopher briney fc.
Clover Parrow. 20-25. bicurious. student. lola tung fc.
Kane Sutton. 25-30. heterosexual. photographer. nicholas galitzine fc.
Willow Tirel. 25-30. bisexual. sugar baby. madison beer fc.
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
Detective ᰔᩚ chapter eleven - higher rank
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"Watch your tone with me Burgess, I'm a higher rank than you" Chapter 11: higher rank Season 5 Episode 11: Confidential *Trigger Warning*
Isabella sat in the driver's seat watching Kim and her CI talking with each other. In a parking lot that had a view of the city and boats. She tapped her finger on the steering wheel watching as they walked towards her car.
"It's the new drug called Gray. Two people OD'd on it last week" she said.
"You know who's moving it?" Kim asked her as she wrote down the information on her notepad.
"No. Still working on it" She said.
She looked up from her notepad, "Sienna, I need something real or I have to file that drug possession charge"
"I keep telling you it wasn't mine" she argued, "This guy paid me to—"
She cut her off, "Yeah, I believe you. Which is why I gave you almost two months to work it off. So far nothing. Now you only have three days left" She said walking off.
"Wait, wait, wait, I've got something else. My friend, Isabel—she works at the club with me sometimes. Anyway, she has a new boyfriend. He hits her"
"That's horrible, but my unit doesn't do domestic abuse cases," She said as they continued walking.
"Um, how about murder?" She said which caused me to stop in my tracks and turn to look at her, "Murder?" Kim questioned looking at her confused.
"She said her boyfriend killed someone. An old girlfriend he beat her to death. That's why I'm so scared for Isabel"
"Did Isabel say anything else—a name?" She asked her as we continued walking towards my car where I  was waiting for her.
"She just said her boyfriend dumped the body near a factory. Wyatt, I think"
"Who's the boyfriend?"
"She calls him D," she said as I turned to look at her, "I didn't push for details. Look, I've got enough drama of my own"
"When's the last time you talked to Isabel?"
"Three weeks ago. I've been texting her, but she not answering. And I don't know where she lives" she said twitching and trying to stop herself from scratching.
"You're using again, I can see it," She said looking at her in disappointment.
"No, that's not true, I swear"
"You have three days to find me something real or I file those charges," She said walking towards the car.
"She have anything good?" Isabella asked Kim as she got into the car.
"No. But she does say her friend's boyfriend might be connected to a murder and hasn't been able to get in touch with her friend Isabel in three weeks" she said as Isabella drove away, "he supposedly dumped the body behind the Wyatt factory"
"Do you think maybe we should check it out?" Isabella asked stopping at the red light.
"I mean, I don't really believe her. I'm pretty sure she is using again and she is a great lair"
"Kim, sometimes it's worth checking out the information your CI gives you because you never know" Isabella shrugged stepping on the gas.
"Hey," Isabella said walking up to Trudy and Kim.
"Hello, here I got you some coffee. I didn't know what you liked so I took a guess" Kim said handing Isabella a coffee.
"Thank you, well let's hea- let me take this call," Isabell said, "Detective Park" The other person talked about a homicide, "Hey Kim, we gotta go," tapping her shoulder.
"Oh, where?" She asked as she followed behind Isabella.
The duo followed the officer to the crime scene which was covered with trees and rocks behind the building.
"Looks like she was beaten to death. It's pretty gruesome" the officer said as they followed him to where the body was.
"Yeah. Hey. Thanks for following up. Nice work" Isabella said.
"It cost me 50 bucks," he said.
"How's that?"
"Gave Winters over here ten-to-one odds you snitch was taking cap," he said.
"She isn't called a snitch officer, she is a CI," Isabella said sending him a fake smile, "Do me a favor and make the appropriate notification?"
"Thank you"
As they walked away Kim looked at her, "Well something in my gut told me to check it out. I didn't really care if I overstep" Isabella said shrugging her shoulders.
Kim glared at Isabella, "All you sure did overstep that's for sure" and she just looked at her with no emotion.
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"She's a Jane Doe. We ran her prints they're not in the system" Isabella said pointing at the picture of the body.
"My CI doesn't know her name either, but her friend's name is Isabela Perez. And she dating the same guy who looks good for this murder" Kim said pointing at the picture on the board.
"What do we know about her?" Adam asked.
"Latina, 21, used to work on and off at a strip club on the west side. A place called Alibi" Kim said answering Adam's question.
"Okay, so we think her boyfriend killed the Jane Doe?" Kevin said.
"Yeah, and maybe Isabel too,"  Isabella said looking at her picture, "she's been missing for three weeks. I've been trying to track her phone, it's dead"
"All right, well, talk to your CI again. Meanwhile, let's dig into this Jane Doe. What's her name What's her story" Hank said as he walked back to his office but was stopped by Jay.
Isabella watched them talk waving him he walked towards his office closing her door shut leaving Jay just looking at the door.
"So this guy Isabel is with really killed somebody?" Sienna said as she and Kim walked in the parking lot.
"Looks that way. We found the body behind the Wyatt factory, just like Isabel said"
"I'm glad I told you about it. I wasn't sure, you know, Izzy, she says a lot of wacky things. But this was crazy, even for her. I can't have no felony on my record. I'll never get a good job at a restaurant. I'm trying to be a chef" she said.
"That's great, so just stay focused. Do what I need you to do, and you'll be fine. Let's start at the beginning" Isabella said looking at her notepad, "Where was Isabel living before she met D?"
"A shelter. Like a charity thing. You know, beds, counselors, food. Izzy was trying to get her life right. She just never could" she said as Isabella wrote down everything she said.
"What's it called?" Kim asked ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
At the shelter, Isabella and Kim stood next to each other waiting for a worker and watching as women walked around the place talking with each other or just keeping to themselves. Soon an older man walked over to them wearing a light gray button-up and dark gray dress pants.
"No, she doesn't look familiar. We talk to many different women every day many of them are timid, or so scared they won't even tell us their real names. But we do let them in nonetheless" he said handing Isabella back her picture, "What's this about?"
"She was reported missing," Isabella said his eyes widened a bit, "Can we look through some of your files?
"Yeah, of course. I can help with that" he said.
"Great. Thanks" Kim said as he sat down at a computer.
"Okay, you're right. Isabel Perez, here she is" he said opening up her file, "Turns out she's been here several times"
"When was the last time she was here?" Kim questioned.
"Uh, two months ago. All right. Amanda. The police are asking about someone named Isabel Perez" he said turning around.
"Why, did something happen to her?" She asked as she walked up to us with a cup of coffee in hand.
"We're not sure. We just want to ask a few questions" Isabella said looking at her.
"Sure, truth is, I'm glad you're here. I've been worried about her. I've been calling and texting her—"
"When was the last time you heard from her?" Kim said cutting her off.
"About three weeks ago"
"Did she say anything unusual? Did she seem sad, happy, upset?" Isabella questioned.
"More like excited. She was on her way to get cosmetic surgery. An injection in her buttocks, I think. Made me sad. She's so young and pretty, but her boyfriend really wanted her to do it and she wants to make him happy" she with arms now crossed against her chest and shaking her head.
"Did Isabel tell you the name of her boyfriend?" Isabella asked they both shook their heads, "What about the doctor or the clinic?"
"No, sorry"
"Okay, well if you hear from her, you call me," Isabella said handing them both her card.
"Absolutely, and please call if you have any other questions," he said.
Snow was falling from the sky the once green grass was now white with footprints from animals and people who had walked in the part heading home or looking for a warm place to hide for the night.
"Good to see you, Raul. What's up?" Isabella asked him as they walked underneath the train tracks. Snow was covering up the ground slowly falling and winter was approaching.
"Maria made cheese tamales," he said as a small chuckle left her lips, "Oh, come on, don't tell me they're against the rules. I know you love them," he said.
"I do, thank you," Isabella said taking the container from him.
"I wish I had something to tell you, Herma, but business has been soft," he said, "Haven't installed a drug compartment in two months"
Isabella shook her head, "I came to talk to you about something else. There was a murder, a young woman, twenties"
"Oh, a murder? Hell no, that's not for me" he said, "Listen, I tell you about hidden compartments in narcos cars. That's our deal"
"I didn't come to talk to you about the murder. I just wanted to know if you know of any off-the-books medical clinics in Pilsen. Somewhere women go to get plastic surgery and injections. It's your hood. I figured you might know or heard of something" Isabella said patting his back.
"Yeah, that's easy. Let me ask around and I will get back to you as soon as I know something" he said.
"Thank you, Also make sure you Thank Maria for the tamales and give her a hug for me," Isabella said walking away from him towards her car where Kim was waiting for her.
They entered the apartment that Raul had given her the address where an off-the-books medical clinic was, the elevator was out of order so they 
"Are you sure this is it?" Kim asked as they walked down a yellow hallway.
"It's the address Raul gave me," Isabella said as they turned the hallway.
"Doesn't look like a medical clinic"
"I think that's the point," Isabella said rolling her eyes as she knocked on the door with no response she kicked down the door instead.
Waiting for something Isabella doesn't particularly appreciate it one bit.
"Chicago PD! Time to go, ma'am" Kim said walking in, "Give me that," she said taking the needle from him.
"Don't come back. This isn't a real doctor" Isabella said.
"No, no, I never said I was a real doctor. I don't operate I don't do surgery, I just—"
"You just inject women with motor oil," Kim said as Isabella pushed him onto the small bed, "We're trying to find one of your patients. Recognize her?" as she showed him a picture of Isabel.
"Yeah. Isabella, I think her last name is Perez" He said.
"Okay, what about her boyfriend? Do you know his name?"
"No," he said.
Kim looked at Isabella and she let out a deep breath knowing this was going nowhere, "What about her, you recognize her?"
"She was one of your patients," Isabella said as he looked disgusted when he saw the photo of her dead body, "Her name was Sylvia Castro, same boyfriend as Isabel"
"We want a name now."
"And given what's going on here, you're going to want to cooperate. Because you're going to need all the help you can get" Isabella said.
"Hey, Sarge, just talked to our DOA's sister. Right before she met this mysterious boyfriend, she was living in a shelter called Jenny's Haven" Antonio said.
Isabella looked up from the screen, "Wait. Did you say Jennys Haven?"
"That's the same place Isabel stayed at," Kim said.
"That's now two things. Isabel and our DOA have in common. They both got plastic surgery at the same underground clinic" Isabella said.
"Paid for by the same guy, Damien Soto," Kim said.
"Yeah, I got him right here. Two priors. One for assault and battery, one for pandering" Adam said from his desk as they all walked towards his desk.
"Oh, so he's a pimp?" Kim said.
"We got a photo of this prick?" Hank said as he stood behind me.
"All right, give me one second," he said as a photo showed up and it was Juan he worked at the shelter and they had talked with him.
"That's Juan. From Jenny's Haven," Kim said looking at Isabella.
"You're telling me this fuck works at the shelter?" Hank said.
"Yeah, we talked about Isabel. We only told him she had gone missing that's all. And he's the founder of the shelter" Isabella said.
"That's a fox guarding the house," Antonio said.
"Grab the son of a bitch now," Hank said looking at his team. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Kevin walked up the steps holding the ram in his hand as the rest followed behind him with their vests on and guns loaded. The house lights were off and nothing could be heard from inside, Kevin looked at Isabella who gave him a nod with that he swung the ram against the door.
"Chicago PD!" Isabella yelled walking into the house, "Burgess"
"Go forward," Isabella said as they searched the house.
"Clear!" Isabella yelled out.
"Three empty beds," Kevin said as they met in the living room.
"They left in a hurry," Kim said looking around.
"Someone must have tipped them off. Looks like Isabel wasn't his only girl" Isabella said looking at the three beds.
"You mean prisoners. He's locking them up"
"5021 Eddie, roll the crime lab to 540 Water Street We need a scene processed for prints" Kim said walking away from them.
Copy that, 5021 Eddie
"Park," Isabella said picking up her phone.
"So your friend saw Isabel on Racine Avenue last night?" Kim said looking at Sienna.
"Yeah. Around midnight. She was with some guy"
"Doing what?" She asked.
"Don't know, but I'm guessing looking for dope. She's got to have it, and I've been trying to help her, but—"
"She's still alive. That's something, right?" Isabella said looking at Kim.
"Right, now we just need to get her away from that awful boyfriend"
"Uh. You mean pimp. His name is Damien Soto. He's got six other girls, too"
"Makes me sick"
"You said Isabel has a drug habit. That means she'll be looking for a score sometime soon. Why don't you ask around to see who's selling to her? We'll track her down that way" Kim said.
"Walk around Pilsen taking to heroin dealers? Nah I'm clean. I don't like hanging out in that area" she said shaking her head.
"Yeah, that's dangerous, no doubt," Isabella said backing her up.
"Sienna, we had a deal. I said if you help find the killer, I wouldn't file charges. So far, you haven't done much" Kim said almost shouting at her.
"Wow. That's pretty hardcore" Sienna said hurt laced in her voice.
"Don't blow it. You're taking cooking classes. You're working hard. So you don't wanna blow it, do you? You're working hard to become a chef now?" Kim said using her dream of becoming a chef against her.
"Real hard. And I'm good too" she said.
"It doesn't matter. If you don't cooperate, the only place you will be cooking is Stateville" Kim threatened.
"Okay, okay. I will give it a shot" she said shaking her head.
"That's a good choice. Here's 500, grease the dealers. Tell them there more cash if they deliver a lead" she said handing her 500 dollars then Sienna walked away with tears in her eyes.
"Look— I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, but what just did was pretty hard, and using her dream against her was a low blow coming from you Kim," Isabella said shaking her head and opening the door to her car.
"She's a CI that's what she signed up for Isabella"
"She didn't sign to have a bitch of an officer, treat her with respect she has feelings" Isabella spat out glaring at her.
"I'm sorry what did you call me?" Kim said looking at Isabella with disbelief.
"You clearly heard me and I like I said before you don't always have to follow the book sometimes it's wrong," Isabella said getting into her car. 
"Any words from your CI?" Hank asked.
"Yeah, got word an hour ago. She found a dealer who sold Isabel heroin two days ago. Said he'd text her again when Isabel was looking to score" Kim said.
"Burgess," she said answering her phone. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Isabella followed Kim who was quiet her hands shaking and her mind was somewhere else like she was blocking out something she didn't wanna believe one bit.
"It's just down here. Shot twice in the chest. Found your number in her cell in the recently called list" the female officer said as we walked towards the body and lifted the yellow bag off her body to reveal her, "Her name is—"
"Sienna. I know she's my informant" she said looking at her body.
"Patrol found Sienna's phone at the scene. She had a text message from the drug dealer last night at 10:12, saying he was meeting up with Isabel in the park, the same place we found the body" Isabella said explaining everything to Hank as they stood in his office with Kim Adam, and Antonio.
"Could be a robbery?" Adam asked standing next to Kim.
"Nope, she had her wallet in her pocket she also had some cash in there, too," Isabella said answering his question.
"It was clearly a setup, it was my fault I pushed her too ha-" Kim said chipping the nail polish from her fingernail.
"Kim," Isabella said cutting her off from rumbling away.
"The dealer texted Damien, Damien killed her. He didn't want anyone getting in the way of his business" she said.
"Okay, what do we know about this dealer?" Hank asked as he leaned back against his chair.
"Eduardo Varela. Two priors, heroin distribution"
"We have his address as well, 134 Hoover Road" Antonio said.
"So pay Eduardo a visit and squeeze him. I want answers" Hank said as they walked out of his office.
Antonio and Isabella watched from his car as Kim and Adam walked Isabela into the house then two minutes later they watched them come out alone heading towards their vehicle.
"Have you talked to Halstead?" Antonio asked tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
"No, I don't need to like he told me he's a big boy and can handle it," Isabella said shrugging her shoulders.
"Still I think you should talk to him after that whole Camila thing"
"actions have consequences. So he's consequences right now."
"Isabel just made contact with Damien Soto. We have the number she dialed. I'm calling it in now. I need someone to ping it, ASAP" Kim said over the radio.
"Copy," Isabella said into her radio as Antonio turned the car.
"Pinging it" Jay's voice was heard over the radio.
Antonio parked the car near the meet-up, where they saw Isabel standing in the dark alleyway.
"That's a male Hispanic, approaching from the east," Antonio said into his radio "Let's go" 
They both got out of the car and headed towards them as Damiane warping a black jacket around her he had his back to the two detectives that were behind him with their weapons pointed at him.
"Chicago PD!" Antonio yelled out as they walked towards the suspect with Isabela and Damien.
"You set me up, you lying whore!" He said glaring at Isabel as he reached for a weapon hidden behind his jacket.
"No, no, don't shoot," Isabela said pleading with him as he moved to stand behind her pointing his gun at the two detectives
"Drop your weapon!" Isabella yelled at him as he pointed his gun at her.
He moved his finger slowly to the tigger but before he pulled it Isabella shot him right in the shoulder.
Kim and Adam pulled up as they rushed towards Isabel to push away from Damien's body "I didn't know they were here. I swear I didn't set you up. I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she said crying as Isabella grabbed the gun "What are you doing here? Why did you shoot him? Please don't die, I love you"
"1521, Frank emergency shots fired by the police. Offender down" Antonio said into his radio "4200 West Iring, we're in the alley" ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Back at the station, the team walked in from the back entrance that led up to the bullpen they were all quiet as they walked up the stairs even Kim and she always had something to say afterward but tonight she was quiet as a mouse.
"Damien took two to the shoulder," Isabella said walking in as Kim and Adam followed behind her.
"He's in surgery right now, Luckily Park shot him in places that wouldn't kill him," Adam said as stood by Jay's desk.
"All right, where's Isabel?" Hank asked looking at the three.
"Antonio took her to a clinic. She's in bad shape. Between the withdrawals and seeing Damien get shot, she's a mess" Kim said adjusting the grip of her jacket.
"Okay, well what about the phone call? We got a location?" Hank asked turning to look at Jay who sat at his desk.
"Yeah, pinged off a cell tower on the south side, near a bar named Vinnie's. The waitress there confirmed he was there from 10 to 11" Jay responded looking at Hank who just nodded.
"I dumped his phone, but I got nothing"
"Check his car too, no navigation system"
"So we still have nothing on where this bastard living? Well, Pilsen isn't that big. I want boots on the ground. Circulate photos of Damien and Isabel. I mean, you've got C.I.'s in the area, get on the phone. Call in a favor. We need to find these, girls, soon" Hank said looking at his team and then walking into his office. 
Isabella let out a sign and made her way towards the locker room. Jay had been meaning to talk to her so once he finished doing something on the computer he would talk to her hopefully still in the locker room with some privacy.
She leaned up against her locker and pulled out her phone since it's been blowing up since they arrested Damian. A message from her older brother wanting to meet up after work for some drinks she sent him a quick message agreeing and they texted back and forth for a minute before she turned off her phone putting it away in her back pocket.
she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and pushed herself off the locker only to bump into a hard body letting out a small gasp expecting to fall to the ground to the ground but she didn't, she opened her eyes slowly to see Jay staring at her as he held Isabella in his arms which saved her from falling onto the ground.
"Sorry, didn't see you there," Jay said lying, holding her shoulders he knew what he was doing.
Isabella stared at him as his touch brought shivers to her heart and jumped as he tightened his grip on her shoulders, she stared at his chest for what seemed like forever but it was only 5 seconds.
"It—it-its okay, uhh..." Isabella said taking a step back from his embrace she has never stuttered around him ever, "How's therapy?"
Isabella pull yourself together
"Not really my thing," he said shaking his head
Isabella shook her head to regain her composure, "All right, well, if you're not going to take it seriously or even attempt to take it seriously, please let me know" Isabella said staring at him as he sat down on the bench, "Really because I need to find a new partner cause I don't wanna work with someone who clearly isn't thinking straight and tries to run away with a murder suspect" and walked away from him leaving him alone in his thoughts. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Isabella was meeting with her C.I. at a bar she sat at a booth with him both having beers in front of them and Kim at the bar drinking her beer watching them from afar.
"This guy has a lot of houses," he said quietly.
Isabella sat across from him as he had a beer in his hand, "You got this guy's name?" She asked him.
"I know of him"
"There's six girls out there" Isabella whispered, "In trouble, locked up. You'd be doing a good thing"
"I ain't in this to be no hero," he said drinking his beer.
"I'm just saying, this isn't our typical deal," Isabella said.
"All right, look, I can get the guy's name. The problem is, that my connect is a Latin Cobra. So if you hit the house—"
"You could get burnt," Isabella said finishing his response.
"Or dead"
"Thank you, Raul," Isabella said smiling at him.
Once Raul left the bar Isabella sat at the booth for a bit longer finishing her beer up then heading over to where Kim was sitting at the bar and filling her in on what she got from him.
"So you're saying Raul has a lead, but you told him not to chase?" Kim said looking at her with anger.
Isabella nods her head, "Okay, think about it. Raul asks his Latin Cobra connect for the address. And then we hit the house five minutes later. It doesn't take a lot of math to connect the dots" Isabella said.
"So it's okay for my CI to take the hit but not yours. That's what you're saying?" She said.
Isabella scoffed at her, "Kim you pushed your CI knowing what was going to happen you threatened her dream about her being a chef against her telling her she would cook at Stateville. My CI has a wife and two kids, oh and not to mention I've known him for over five years, and he's given me over 20 cases. I can't afford to lose him"
"And let me be clear, it was your choice to push Sienna, not mine"
"I know, because there's six girls out there, probably locked up in some basement. And I'm not just going to sit here and let them die" she said.
"I wanna find them as badly as you do, and I will do everything in my power to make that happen"
"Yeah, everything but ask your informant," she said, "Raul's job, an informant's job, is to provide information. He's an asset of the Chicago Police Department"
"No, he is a person. And he is a friend. Hate me all you fucking want Kim, but he listens to me. I won't let him die while he is working for me" Isabella said getting off her seat but stopping to look at her "Watch your tone with me Burgess, I'm a higher rank than you" With that she walked out of the bar leaving her inside. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Antonio pulled up after following the suspect car parked a couple of cars away from him. Isabella looked through the side mirror to look back as Antonio spoke into his radio, "Ramos just stopped at the possible target location. Get ready to move," Antonio said on his radio.
Cesar held a pair of red bolt cutters in his hand as he opened the gate heading up the steps not noticing the two detectives getting out of the gray min van that had been following him for the past two hours.
"Let's go," Antonio said nodding at Isabella as they ran across the street with their guns out in front of them
"Cesar Ramos, Chicago PD. Turn around" Antonio said as a suspect was breaking into the house, "drop the bolt cutters. Drop them. Hands in the air, come down the stairs. That's it come on"
Antonio lowered his gun grabbed the suspect by his arm and pushed him up against the tree. Soon the rest of the team showed up when Antonio was putting Ceaser away in the back of one of the cop cars they waited at the top of the stairs Kevin holding the ram when he got to the rest of the team he swung the ram "Chicago PD!" he yelled out as Antonio went in first.
"Let me see your hands"
"It's okay, ladies"
"As long as we can see your hands, you're all good"
The team walked further into the house that was full of girls sitting on mattresses that were on the ground, and pills were on the tables the whole place smelled horrible and wasn't clean at all overall they were living in a horrible house and locked up. Isabella walked upstairs to the house while everyone cleared the main floor.
"Man, Cesar this just got much worse for you," he said cuffing him up.
Isabella and Hank were in the interrogation room with Isabel with her hands cuffed in front of her. She had been in the room alone for almost three hours staring at the same four gray walls and her reflection. 
"We found the other girls," Hank said as he sat across from Isabel, "One of them was dead. Because your friend Damien wouldn't tell us where they were. We need your help to convict him"
"Lydia, you know who that is. She's diabetic and needs insulin. But he didn't care if she lived or died. He couldn't care less about any of you guys whether you lived or died" Isabella said looking at her.
"That's not true," she said shaking her head in disbelief.
"Well it is, she is fucking dead so tell me does he honestly really care!" Isabella said.
"You're right, he does care about you. He cared so much about you" Hank said pushing the iPad towards her, "he wanted you all to live because he wanted to sell you. We recorded a call he made today"
It's me, Damian. Look, man, I'm in a situation, like for real. I need some cash, so.
What are you looking to do?
Sell some product
How many have you got?
How much?
90k, for all of them
Hank paused the voice recording, "I can keep playing the tape if you want, but it's not pretty"
"Tell us what you know, Isabel," Isabella said as she started shaking her head.
Isabella took a deep breath grabbed a chair and put it next to her, "He doesn't love you at all, he was going to sell you for 90k that's what you are to him, money maker. He pretended...he did it so he could control you, I know you wanna believe in this relationship you had with him. You wanna hold onto something that was never there at all, believe me, we all do that when we are in love, I did it" Isabella said looking at her.
 "I was in love with someone and almost married and they didn't love me at all, they loved the power my family had, the money. I loved him so much that I didn't care that he would sleep with other women and gaslight me into thinking it was okay, I kept pretending, and I kept holding onto him and then eventually I had enough. He wasn't worth the crying I did for him and the love I gave him. It hurt so much when I left him. But it got better and it's been five years since I left him and I have never been happier than I am now, I met a new guy and things are going great, you really deserve that second chance at life and love. So tell us Isabela what you know" Isabella said grabbing her hands.
"I know where Damian hid the tire iron that he used to kill Sylvia," she said crying.
"You're okay," Isabella said bringing her into a hug.
The shift had finally ended case closed everyone had already left for the night. Isabella closed her locker and tightened her grip on her bag and Kim was at her locker.
"Hey Kim," Isabella said stopping in front of her locker.
"I'm sorry okay," Isabella said taking a deep breath.
"It's okay," she said closing her bag up.
"Look— I don't regret protecting my CI, I learned how to shut my emotion off so the death of that girl or anyone didn't affect me one bit as it has to you. Thank if it is like a one-night stand you move on to the next case and don't look back"
"It's hard, we don't always know what to do, get the suspect, protect the victim, and save the CI," she said shaking her head.
Isabella nods, "Kim, sometimes you just gotta trust your gut. Your gut is sometimes always right"
"Right, you're telling me to follow my gut and not the book," she said confirming what Isabella had just said.
"Yeah, and Kim do you wanna have dinner this weekend?" Isabella asked her.
A small smile formed on her face, "Yeah, of course" she said. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Isabella entered her apartment threw everything onto the couch and rushed to the bathroom to get ready to meet Kai at some bar tonight.
After she showered and quickly changed into a brown long-sleeve bodysuit and light-washed jeans with my black and white Converse. She put her hair up with a clip and did a natural makeup look. Grabbing her coach shoulder bag purse and putting everything Isabella needed in it she exited her apartment and walked to her car.
Isabella entered the bar named Mike's Bar took a seat at a booth towards the back and sent Kai a quick message that she had arrived and where she was sitting.
Isabella spent a good hour sitting there waiting for her older brother only for him to just text her that he couldn't come since he was called in.
Isabella laughed at his message and started to grab her things to leave when someone slid a beer towards her.
Isabella looked up and saw Sebastian sitting in front of her with a big smile on his face.
"Holy shit! Sebastian I haven't seen you in so long!" Isabella said smiling.
He laughed, "Hello princess how you been?" He said drinking his beer.
"Great! How about you?" Isabella said taking a sip of her beer.
"Good you know, just got to promote to Sargent of my unit," he said with a smug smile on his face.
"Well, I know the swat team will have a great Sargent's," chucking looking around the bar, "Is Theo not coming tonight?"
His smile dropped from his face, "No. He was called in for a case you know how the gang unit is" he said shaking his head.
"But he said he had something important to tell me tonight," Isabella said a frown forming on her face.
"Yeah, we were coming in when he got the call actually so technically he was already here. It sounded like an emergency that he ran out of the bar" he said.
"But don't worry princess you have me to keep you company," he said laughing.
"Great!" Isabella said rolling her eyes playfully.
Sebastian had Isabella laughing the whole night she didn't think about the next day how she would have the worst hangover again from all the drinking they were drinking and how Isabella had to be up early tomorrow for work. Instead of sitting across from her he now sat next to her after he had gone to get them their third round of drinks.
Isabella honestly would have thought Kai would have shown up later even if he wasn't going to drink tonight.
Isabella didn't realize how close Sebastian was to her till he let out a small chuckle.
"You're really pretty did you know that?" He whispered Isabella could smell his breath it smelled just like alcohol he probably smelled hers as well.
"Yeah," Isabella said giggling leaning in her eyes moved from his eye to lips.
Isabella could also feel eyes on her but she had all her attention on Sebastian in front of her, This guy was the biggest wet dream walking. She had the biggest crush on him in high school he was the reason Isabella liked older guys.
"This is wrong you know," he said placing his hand on her chin and bringing her face closer.
Isabella took in a deep breath and smiled, "We only live once don't we"
That was all he needed for Sebastian to slam his lips against hers. The kiss started slow she parted her lips slowly to allow his tongue to enter. Sebastian pushed Isabella's body up against the wall of the booth. Their breaths were heavy as their lips pressed together, Isabella let out a small moan that he could only hear luckily the bar was dark so nobody could see them about to take off their clothes.
He pulled away slowly her lipstick was stained around his lips Isabella let out a small chuckle.
He grabbed her hand, "Let's get out of here" he said helping her out of the booth and kissing her neck. Intro Act One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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thegospelhighways2020 · 9 months
I gotta go to Church Sunday and Pray And Preach it's time to handle the War war is over so if you wanna go to war do it without any of your Children in the way and I Don’t Care about what they say whoever says they don't control #brothertonyghost2022 he can Preach he can Sing he can Pray he can Post he can party drink and celebrate Nobody runs someone else's page worry about yourself your own business we don't need children fighting battles that isn't theirs to fight they been through the Past we lost a few children along the way to 2023 stepping into 2024 soon I pray for the ones who passed away in over the past few years of 2023 rest in peace in heaven rest in peace to honor to spirituals to all rest in peace to Ronaldo Valdez
Camden Toy
Michael Lerner
Lance Reddick
Jimmy Buffett
Harry Belafonte
Andre Braugher
Jerry Springer
Tina Turner
Billy Graham
Fred White
Bob Barker
Terry Funk
Bray Wyatt
Ryan O'Neal
Kevin Lemons
Paul Beasley
Paul Reubens
Jack Axelrod
Jacklyn Zeman
Colin John Burgess
Jean Knight
Rosalynn Carter
Suzanne Shepherd
Tyler Christopher
Billy Miller
Matthew Perry
Lisa Loring
David McCallum
Bobby Caldwell
Bobby Charlton
Suzanne Somers
Piper Laurie
Michael Gambon
Richard Belzer
Nityadevi Ramroop
Russ Francis
Dianne Fienstein
Fred Flatow
Aubreigh Wyatt
Tom Sizemore
Caylee Marie Mastin
Tom Verlaine
Adriana Dukic
Adriana O Kuch
Riley Faith Steep
Lily Rose Diaz
Sadie Davila
And more Angels who Passed Away in 2023 years we're praying for you all up in Heaven rest in peace and God Bless them
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naturecoaster · 1 year
Ten Students Given Citizen Honors by East Pasco Chamber Foundation
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The students were honored as the Greater Zephyrhills Student Citizen of the Month for Month. Ten Students Given Citizen Honors by East Pasco Chamber Foundation The East Pasco Chamber Foundation in partnership with the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce recognized ten students from Academy of Spectrum Diversity, The Broach School, The Broach School Elementary Campus, Chester W. Taylor Elementary, East Pasco Adventist Academy, Heritage Academy, Raymond B. Stewart Middle School, West Zephyrhills Elementary, Woodland Elementary, Zephyrhills Christian Academy, and Zephyrhills High School. The ceremony took place at Venue Sponsor, Chick-fil-A in Zephyrhills on Month Date at 8:00 am. Students are chosen by the teachers and administration of their individual schools for exemplary effort,achievement and contribution to their school, family, and community. This is the 25th year in which theZephyrhills Chamber of Commerce has recognized students with this program each month during theacademic year. The students receiving honors were: - Jeremiah Andino (4 th grade, Academy of Spectrum Diversity) - Arianna Harris (6 th grade, The Broach School) - McKenzie LaHaye (2 nd grade, The Broach School Elementary Campus) - Violet Barton (3 rd grade, Chester W. Taylor Elementary School) - Odessa Benton (6 th grade, East Pasco Adventist Academy) - Jules Wright (4 th grade, Heritage Academy) - Vivianna Santos (7 th grade, Raymond B. Stewart Middle School) - Lillian Burton (3 rd grade, West Zephyrhills Elementary School) - Wyatt Cooner (3 rd grade, Woodland Elementary) - Yaxiel Nieves Natal (11 th grade, Zephyrhills High School). East Pasco Chamber Foundation Chair, Dr. Randy Stovall commented “Citizen of the Month is an upbeatevent that has been showcasing successful youth from our Zephyrhills schools for 25 years. The GreaterZephyrhills Chamber of Commerce and the East Pasco Chamber Foundation are very proud to continuethis wonderful event with the generous support of our sponsors.” Sponsors and supporters of this year’s program are as follows: - AdventHealth Zephyrhills - The City of Zephyrhills - Chick-fil-A of Zephyrhills - IR Staffing - San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union - Suncoast Credit Union - The event is supported by U.S. Congresswoman, Laurel Lee; Senator Danny Burgess, District - 23; Florida House of Representatives Randy Maggard, District 38; Pasco County Clerk of Court, Nikki - Alvarez; Zephyrhills Mayor, Gene Whitfield - Pasco County Sheriff - Chris Nocco - Bahr’s Propane Gas & AC - BGE, Inc - Culver’s - East Pasco YMCA - Faithful Friends Pet Cremation - Jarrett Ford of Dade City - Kona Ice - Pasco-Hernando State College - Pin Chasers Zephyrhills - Pioneer Florida Museum & Village - Sonny’s Bar-B-Q - SouthState Bank - The Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel Ministerial Association - Trax Credit Union - VITIS Realty If you are an area business and would like to support this impactful program, please contact Vicki Wiggins at the Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce at 813-782-1913. The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce advances economic growth and prosperity for the community. The Chamber of Commerce is incorporated in the State of Florida as a 501(c)6 nonprofitorganization. Membership is comprised of businesses, government agencies, public-private corporations, nonprofit organizations, and individuals with a shared interest in preserving and enhancing the quality oflife in Zephyrhills. The Chamber seeks to promote a vibrant and active business climate supportingeconomic growth through leadership and active involvement by the membership. The East Pasco Chamber Foundation is incorporated in the State of Florida as a 501(c)3 nonprofitorganization. The East Pasco Chamber Foundation is dedicated to advancing the quality of life in EastPasco through education, leadership, economic development, and community enhancement. Read the full article
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dousegablues · 6 years
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actuallysara · 3 years
I put together down below the most significant parts regarding future episodes and storylines from post ep. 11 interviews.
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sources: tvguide - tvinsider
You've pretty much planted the seeds throughout the season, but now that even Athena thinks Carlos could make a great detective, will we see Carlos take that next step in his career and become a detective?
Minear: Yeah, I'm not actually in a rush to do that. Maybe he, at some point, decides he wants to be a Texas Ranger. I think that it's a natural progression to promote, to expand, to grow. But just on a practical level, we're not really a detective show, and as soon as I take him out of the uniform and make him a detective, there's sort of less opportunities for him to have stories in the world. [...] So I think there are stories and trajectories for [Carlos] professionally, but I'm not in a giant rush to take them out of the uniform, because the uniforms on the show are the iconography of the show. Now, a Texas Ranger is a slightly different matter, right? Because there's sort of a combination of cop and detective, and they do have a uniform, even though it's the Stetson hats and the bolo ties or whatever, so that might be an interesting path for him to take. I haven't decided, which means he hasn't decided yet.
You've briefly touched on T.K.'s grief and the problems that are ahead for him and Carlos, but what can you preview about Episode 13? It seems like Carlos is going to see a side of T.K. that is going to completely throw him off, and they still have yet to discuss their initial break-up.
Minear: It's interesting because it's about T.K.'s recovery on some level, but it's more about Carlos' point of view and how living with an addict when you're not an addict means that you're always at a little bit of a distance. And that the addict has to do what the addict has to do in order to [get back to their partner]. I think there's a line in the episode where T.K. says to Carlos, "Sometimes, I might be late getting home because I'm trying to recover, but the only reason I'm late coming home is so that I can come home. It's to make sure that I'm doing the things that I need to do in order to get back to you." And that's sort of the theme of that episode. 
Meanwhile, Owen and his girlfriend Catherine grew closer in this episode [...]  But in terms of the current storyline, how will the bloody ending of this episode affect Owen going forward?
Minear: Well, obviously, it's the end of what we sneakily laid out as a part one. What it means for Owen just in terms of practically for the next episode is we'll continue that story (involving a dangerous stalker that is targeting him).  [...] And she's (Catherine) in more episodes than just the next one, and their chemistry together is really great. She's really been an additive element to the show in the second half of the season, and because we're in Austin, we actually finally visit the capital of Texas. It just felt like an organic, interesting element to add to the show. There's a lot of Austin we haven't really explored yet, and that was just a part of it.
Speaking of things that you haven't really explored yet, I know you're still a few episodes away from shooting the finale, but what can you preview for the last third of the season?
Minear: We're gonna do our best to service all of the characters. You're going to see Tommy returning to the world of dating, or at least trying to, in pretty short order. And after the fallout of part two, you'll see the fallout for T.K. and Carlos, for an adventure they're about to go through. We haven't forgotten that T.K. is still grieving, that he's still a recovering addict. Paul is on the mend; Marjan is gonna discover that she has a very personal stake in the next episode. We're gonna bring back Dave (Dominic Burgess) for an episode at least, and we're just trying to claw our way to the finish line. (In an email, a rep for 9-1-1: Lone Star said the plan is to also bring back Wyatt for another bigger Judd-centric story before the end of the season, and Nancy will be involved with a Do Not Resuscitate case in episode 312.
Is he (Carlos) going to take steps to being a detective or figure out if that’s even something he wants?
Silva: To be quite honest, I have no idea. Tim Minear and Rashad Raisani do such a beautiful job of bringing these characters to life and figuring out the puzzles within their own lives. And I think that’s something that has yet to be a conversation that I’m gonna have with them to see what it looks like. But I think what it speaks of Carlos is how eager Carlos is to just be good at his job, which is what this episode completely throws him off, is that even though you can do everything correctly, it doesn’t guarantee success. [...]
Speaking of his father (Carlos’), are we gonna see his parents again?
Silva: We already saw mama, but I love Benito and he might have been back. He might have not been. Maybe.
Are Carlos and T.K. past the issue with the loft?
Silva: I think both of them just wanna be very much past that because it was such a stab in the heart for Carlos. He just wanted to show love and affection in his commitment to T.K. and T.K. got scared, but that doesn’t really say anything about Carlos, that says everything about T.K., and his fear to commitment to Carlos because T.K. has been hurt before by somebody else. And that scared him. What we’re gonna focus more right now is if there is that fear, if there is that level of discomfort about commitment, about whatever the future looks like. We’re definitely gonna see more of that, by the way. We’re definitely gonna see more of that on the oncoming episodes about talking about future and talking about each other. Episode 313 is heavily Tarlos and there are some awesome conversations happening in that episode. It’s how do we work together now rather than focusing on the past.
Possibly related to that episode, who do you think needs to propose if that day comes?
Silva: Oh my God! [Laughs] This is a conversation that I’ve had with the showrunners, with Ronen. Honestly, I’m a bit confused as to who should, because I personally think that they should go through many other sort of situations together before we can get to a proposal. But I think at this point, either T.K. or Carlos could propose at any time, to be honest.
How is Carlos going to be involved in the investigation to who’s after Owen and Catherine? That was creepy at the end of the episode.
Silva: Carlos is gonna be very much involved. He’s gonna be deeply affected by it, and by that, I mean physically. There’s gonna be some unexpected things happening to both T.K. and Carlos, but Carlos is caught into this situation that he had no idea was coming… The end of Episode 312 is gonna lead us into the Tarlos heavy episode, 313. What happens at the end of 312 is gonna be the catalyst to how T.K. and Carlos deal with the conversations that they’re gonna have in 313.
So is Carlos gonna be the one in the hospital bed this time instead of T.K.?
Silva: I do not know. I do not know. I am oblivious to everything. [Laughs]
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020-21 Minnesota State University, Mankato Mavericks Roster
#5 Jake Jaremenko (Elk River, Minnesota)
#9 Tanner Edwards (Anchorage, Alaska)
#10 Shane McMahan (Irvine, California)
#11 Jared Spooner (Bismarck, North Dakota) A
#13 Brendan Furry (Toledo, Ohio)
#15 Julian Napravnik (Bad Nauheim, Germany)
#16 Reggie Lutz (Elk River, Minnesota)
#17 Walker Duehr (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
#19 Chris VanOs-Shaw (Regina, Saskatchewan)
#21 Lucas Sowder (New Port Richey, Florida)
#22 Dallas Gerads (Blaine, Minnesota) A
#28 Cade Borchardt (Burnsville, Minnesota)
#8 Nate Smith (New Port Richey, Florida)
#14 Ryan Sandelin (Hermantown, Minnesota)
#18 Ondřej Pavel (Prague, Czech Republic)
#20 Connor Gregga (Markham, Ontario)
#24 Todd Burgess (Phoenix, Arizona)
#2 Akito Hirose (Calgary, Alberta)
#3 Jack McNeely (Lakeville, Minnesota) A
#4 Andy Carroll (Northfield, Minnesota)
#6 Sam Morton (Lafayette, Colorado)
#7 Wyatt Aamodt (Hermantown, Minnesota)
#12 Colby Bukes (Littleton, Colorado)
#23 Jake Livingstone (Creston, British Columbia)
#25 Riese Zmolek (Rochester, Minnesota) C
#27 Tony Malinowski (Clarkston, Michigan)
#29 Dryden McKay (Downers Grove, Illinois)
#33 Evan Foss (White Bear Lake, Minnesota)
#35 Ryan Edquist (Lakeville, Minnesota)
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solis-legacy · 1 year
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Spare Update:
Ivar: "Rayne! What happened?"
Rayne: *quietly sobbing*
I: "Come here. I've got you."
R: "He's gone." *shuttering breath* "I lost him again."
Previous l Beginning l Gen. 18 l Next
Credit: @herecirmsims
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potterandpromises · 4 years
@princessamerigocreations replied to your post “Send me two fandoms and I’ll tell you how I would write their...”
Timeless and Peaky Blinders, please!
Well, I’ve never watched Peaky Blinders, just now I’ve read the wikipedia page, some of the wiki, and a couple recaps. So this should be bad interesting:
The first misson under her command, Emma and her marry band of forgetable faces jump to Birmingham, England, 1919. Lucy, Jiya, Flynn and Mason follow suit, much to Wyatt’s frustration, seeing as his judgement is under question.
The team struggle to figure out Emma’s angle as they’re quickly swep up in the place’s drama. Similar energy to Public Enemy No. 1.
Flynn and Mason end up posing as armsdealers and chatting up someone from the Shelby family. Mason does as well as you would expect. Somehow, they don’t get shot.
Knowing her her true employment is with the Birmingham Police, Lucy and Jiya try to convince Grace Burgess to help them. It does not take long. The differences in Jiya since Chinatown are emphasized during these interactions.
When the team meet up again, the police try and arrast them. Grace Burgess is Rittenhouse.
With an exchange of gun fire, they escape, having lost the misson. 
Bitter with each other and themselves, they return to the present and finally discover Emma’s plan for the Peaky Blinders: Thomas Shelby was elected as a member of Parliament in 1927. Maybe worse, they killed Inspector Campbell during the escape, which only served to help Rittenhouse.
They drink.
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lightscameramagicrp · 5 years
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Hi Zombies! As many of you already know, we will be having an Award Show Event in February. We will be announcing when the event will start and how to vote for each category in the upcoming weeks, so stay tune for that. But, for now, here is the full list of nominees. Feel free to have your characters post starters/react in character to the Nominees/being or not being Nominated:
Outstanding Television Series
Tales of Terror
Operation Unknown
Tale as Old As Time
Weather the Storm
True Devotion
Outstanding Production Design of a Series {A series is nominated for their props/set design}
Tales of Terror
Violent Delights
Tale as Old as Time
After the Storm
Outstanding Original Screenplay/Story of a Series
Tales of Terror 
True Devotion
Operation Unknown
Violent Delights
Outstanding Costume Design of a Series
Weather the Storm
Young Blood
Tales as Old as Time
Violent Delights
Outstanding Cinematography of a Series
Tales of Terror
Desire Island
Tale as Old as Time
Violent Delights
Outstanding Pre-Production in a Television Series {A series is nominated on their storyboarding, locations etc.}
Weather the Storm
Tale as Old as Time
Desire Island
Cheer Society
Outstanding Post-Production/Effects in a Television Series {A series is nominated for their editing, visual effects etc.}
Young Blood
True Devotion
Weather the Storm
Violent Delights
Best Director of a Television Series
Gigi King
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series
Rocky Roberts for “Jade Harris” on Weather the Storm
Natalia Riley-Burgess for “Juliette Cavanagh” on Violent Delights
Jennifer Scarrow for “Cindy Tremaine” on Tale As Old As Time
Dani Riley for “Ashton Reyes” on True Devotion
Hayden Scott for “Daisy Cooper” on Operation Unknown
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series
Grant Riley for “Sean Betts” on Operation Unknown
Iz Novak for “Channing Carpenter” on Weather the Storm
Damien Kent for “David Prince” on Tale As Old As Time
Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series
Dani Riley for “Tina O’Bryan” on Operation Unknown
Eliza Holmes for “Arianna Lawerence” on Tales of Terror
Natalia Riley-Burgess for “Alicia Beasley” on Operation Unknown
Isa Garcea for “Amelia Harper” on Desire Island
Roni Baker for “Ciara Saunders” on After the Storm
Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series
Alex Castle for “Andrew Cooper” on Operation Unknown
Iz Novak for “Cassidy Martin” on Tales of Terror
Noah St. Claire for “Charlie Graham” on Operation Unknown
Toni Garcea for “Justice Wyatt” on Desire Island
Damien Kent for “Mason Redbrook” on Desire Island
Best Breakout Actor of the Year
Noah St. Claire 
Damien Kent
Best Breakout Actress of the Year
Heather Presley
Hayden Scott
Makeup/SFX Artist of the Year
Connor Kent
Grace Garcea
Aurora Olsen
Elias Page
Composer of the Year
Rick Valentine
Camera Operator/Cinematographer of the Year
Luna Sinclaire
Jayden Todd
Choreographer/Coordinator of the Year {Can nominate dance choreographers, fight choreographers and stunt coordinators}
Roni Baker
Chloe Riley-Burgess
Mitchell Burgess
S. Reynolds Award {in honor of Sasha Reynolds, CEO & head of the innovative media company and studios that is LCM, this category is open to any cast/crew member who you believe has gone above and beyond in their chosen profession}
Astrid Todd
Dani Montez
Jordan Wyatt
Jackie Presley
Amara Devlin
Sabrina Knight
Thanks once again to everyone who participated in sending in nominations!
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secludedbrontemusic · 5 years
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Incoming gig: Cafe Oto - August 10th 2019. Here’s the blurb >
Formed in 2001, the group are Adam and Jonathan Bohman (The Bohman Brothers) and Richard Thomas, who has a fascinating musical history including collaborations with the likes of Squarepusher, Stereolab and Add N to X.
Secluded Bronte's music is hard to describe since it is so heterogenous and by extension inclusive. This is why artists as diverse as the Art Ensemble of Chicago, Iggy Pop, Stephen Mulhern, Bjork, David Byrne, Felix Kubin, Robert Wyatt, Goodiepal, and Ilan Volkov regard them so highly.
Critically their music has been compared to the works of Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, Harry Partch, Laurie Johnson, Jack Parnell, Bruno Nicolai, The Residents, Tristram S. Cary, Hans Weissgarten, and Weissgarten's contemporaries within the neo-immortalist school of composition such as Gordon Krumholz.
Secluded Bronte are also very active within cinema, theatre, TV and radio as writers, performers and composers. In the latter part of 2018 their critically acclaimed play about infinity, in Duat, ran for three months at Denmark's Kunsthus Teater af Bedrag Odense. A feature length experimental documentary film made with the filmmaker James Holcombe is currently in post-production. And the past six months have found Secluded Bronte resident in Napoli's legendary Studio Cazzate working on the soundtrack to the cult Colombian director A. Mentiroso's psychedelic sci-fi horror fantasy Poltergeist di Hazel.
Keen eyed fans will also spot them on the screen. Adam Bohman can be seen acting in Peter Strickland's In Fabric, Richard Thomas plays an enigmatic and dangerous property developer in Butler & Mirza's social cleansing horror short, Head of Shadows. Whilst Jonathan Bohman graces the small screen as an Oxford Don in the ITV produced Inspector Morse spin-off series Endeavour.
Winter 2019 will see them take to Germany's airwaves, c/o Berlin's Deutschlandfunk Kultur, with their epic six hour radiophonic treatise on interplanetary space travel and boredom, Die Hörner von Andromeda.
Secluded Bronte's latest album Music for Sound, an equally mammoth 80 minute double LP, will be released later this year on Tim Burgess' O Genesis label.
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queenmarytudor · 5 years
Incorporation was a matter of local pride and many of these charters were still being used as instruments of government right up till 1835. The charter incorporating the borough of Wycombe in Buckinghamshire is typical of the privileges [Mary] granted to others. In this case, the loyalty of the town during the succession crisis of 1553 and Wyatt's rebellion was noted. The mayor, two baliffs and burgesses would be a 'body corporate and politic... able to plead and be impleaded in all courts and places both spiritual and temporal'. They were empowered to hold a court at least once every three weeks, 'with full power to hear and determine all pleas of debt, account, covenant, contract, force and arms'. And to facilitate local trade and industry, a market was granted weekly, with major fairs twice a year.
Mary Tudor The First Queen by Linda Porter, 2007, page 374
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juarezesdeporte · 3 years
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Los Ángeles.-El receptor abierto de los Rams de Los Ángeles, Odell Beckham Jr, ingresó a la lista de Covid-19 este martes, un día en que la NFL reportó 28 pruebas positivas más entre jugadores
Así, el brote de los últimos dos días es el peor en la Liga desde que sobrevino la pandemia.
El pasado lunes hubo 37 jugadores positivos. Los Chiefs de Kansas City colocaron a un jugador clave en los protocolos de salubridad en cada jornada, a dos días de disputar un encuentro crucial de la División Oeste de la Liga Americana, ante los Chargers de Los Ángeles.
Beckham fue uno de nueve jugadores de los Rams que ingresaron a la lista de Covid-19 el martes, con lo que la lista de jugadores del equipo inhabilitados por este motivo subió a 13.
Cleveland está lidiando con su segundo brote de consideración en la temporada. El receptor abierto Jarvis Landry estaba entre los ocho jugadores agregados a la lista, con lo que el total llegó a 11. Cleveland recibirá el sábado a los Raiders de Las Vegas.
"Haremos el trabajo. Es lo que hacemos. Lo hemos hecho antes'', dijo el entrenador en jefe de los Browns Kevin Stefanski.
Los safeties de los Rams, Jordan Fuller, Terrell Burgess y Juju Hughes ingresaron a la lista con el ala cerrada Brycen Hopkins y los tackles Alaric Jackson y Sebastian Joseph-Day. Sólo Beckham y Fuller han jugado de manera regular con Los Ángeles esta temporada.
El tackle defensivo de Kansas City, Chris Jones, elegido dos veces al Pro Bowl, ingresó a los protocolos un día después de que el receptor abierto Josh Gordon dio positivo. El entrenador en jefe, Andy Reid, no sabe si contará con alguno de los jugadores el jueves, cuando enfrenten a los Chargers.
El peor brote ocurre en momentos en que la Liga ha distribuido a los equipos un memo del que The Associated Press obtuvo una copia y en el que les da como fecha límite el 27 de diciembre para que entrenadores y personal del equipo reciban el refuerzo de la vacuna. De lo contrario, esas personas no se considerarán como completamente vacunadas bajo los criterios de la NFL.
La exigencia no se aplica para los jugadores debido a que continúan las discusiones con el sindicato.
El ala cerrada de Cleveland, Austin Hopper, los integrantes de la línea ofensiva Wyatt Teller y Jedrick Wills Jr., así como el ala defensiva Takk McKinley ingresaron a la lista con el guardia Drew Forbes, quien está lesionado.
Los Vikings pusieron al receptor y pateador Dede Westbrook en la lista de Covid-19. El lunes juegan en Chicago. Los Bears agregaron al tackle Eddie Goldman y al esquinero Artie Burns a los protocolos. El ala defensiva de Minnesota, Danielle Hunter, pasó de la lista de lesionados a la de Covid-19.
Washington agregó al esquinero Kendall Fuller y al tackle defensivo Tim Settle a la lista de coronavirus, pero activó al esquinero Darryl Roberts.
El corredor de Carolina Christian McCaffrey, quien está fuera toda la temporada por una lesión en el tobillo, se une a la lista de Covid-19, así como el liniero ofensivo de Baltimore, Trystan Colon. El receptor abierto de Tennessee Dez Fitzpatrick también se unió a la lista. (Agencia Reforma)
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ksstradio · 3 years
Hopkins County Inmate Again Accused Of Assaulting A Public Servant
Hopkins County Inmate Again Accused Of Assaulting A Public Servant
An 29-year-old Hopkins County inmate has been accused again of assaulting a public servant, following an alleged altercation with jail staff, according to arrest reports. Jacob Wyatt Burgess (HCSO jail photo) Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded at approximately 7:25 a.m. April 14, 2021, to the jail area of Hopkins County Law Enforcement Center, where an assault against a jailer…
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school-in-london · 4 years
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 ■DJ: タイラダイスケ 
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 ■DJ: 村田タケル Tim Burgess - Empathy For The Devil black midi - Talking Heads Yard Act - Fixer Upper Idles - Well Done The Clash - Janie Jones Crack Cloud - Post Truth The Lounge Society - Generation Game Fontaines D.C. - Televised Mind Deerhunter - Disappearing Ink Melenas - Primer tiempo Pynch - Somebody Else Pet Shimmers - Mortal Sport Argonaut Hinds - Riding Solo Superorganism - Nobody Cares Good With Parents and Triple Stephens - I Understand You're Doubtful But I'm Most Content With Single Life Kevin Krauter - Surprise The Social Singing Choir - Paris (Friendly Fires Cover) girl in red - dead girl in the pool Fontaines D.C. - You Can't Realise (Darklands Versions) ■DJ: 片山翔太 
Whenyoung - Given Up Poptones - Escape Audiobaton - Wonder The Fax - Cool Me Jehnny Beth - I’m The Man Papaya & Friends - SADSADSAD the booyah! kids - idwtgbt boylife - church mmmonika - Don’t Do It Pom Poko - Praise Ize - This Is Not A Drill Cornelius - I Hate Hate Conteiner - Nozzle Model/Actriz - Suntan Boshi Boi - Goth Girls on My Xbox SAGOSAID - Little Heaven Purple - Target Jurassic Boys - Soul Train Ista - Spell It Low Hummer - The Real Thing The Gooms - Free Sweaters? Fantastic! YUNGBLUD - Strawberry Lipstick Peach Pit - Black Licorice Baby Queen - Buzzkill

 ■DJ: タイラダイスケ 
Mac Miller - Blue World Easy Life Feat. Arlo Parks - Sangria Mac Demarco - Just To Put Me Down PJ Morton - How Deep Is Your Love Amy Winehouse - Valerie (’68 Version) Homecomings - Great Escape Grimes - Delete Forever Dua Lipa - Good In Bed Dirty Projectors - Overlord The Clash - Pressure Drop Hinds - Burn The Lottery Winners - 18 To 30’s Sports Team - Kutcher Parquet Courts - Wide Awake Disclosure - ENERGY Kllo - Still Here The xx - On Hold HAIM - Don’t Wanna Wet - There's a Reason Anna of the North - Thank Me Later Fiona Apple - Under The Table ■Spotify
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