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historiesandmemories · 3 years ago
continued from here with @wxldchxld
The smile Blair gave was toothy and rather less a smile than a showing of teeth. “It’s funny,” she responded, “Watch!” She grabbed the fox too her again and blew gently in her ears.
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ruinouss-archived · 3 years ago
     Arranged marriages were nothing new within her family; for generations they were arranged to strengthen the bloodline as well as political game. As the only child left unmarried, Faye knew it was only a matter of time before her parents found the perfect match for her. So far, she’d scared off any possible suitors they had introduced her to prior to setting up any marriages. And perhaps that was why they waited so long before introducing her to Harper but as soon as she laid eyes on the other witch she felt an eagerness to learn more of her.
     Not only was she beautiful but she was also powerful and deadly in every sense of the word. She still didn’t know every detail about her but imagined they’d end up learning more about each other as time went on. What she did know was she was a powerful with who owned quite a few businesses, dealt with necromancy, and had a bit of bite. Of course, the last was only a bonus. She needed someone who could match her own attitude and perhaps put her into place.
          “I’ve got to admit, I never imagined I’d be paired up with someone of your good looks and high standing,” she admitted. Lips pulled back into a sincere grin with a subtle hint of mischief. Her own family practiced binding spells, particularly ones where a human soul was involved. Humans would come with them for one reason or another and either offer part of their soul or the entirety in exchange for their wildest wishes to come true for a period of time. When their time was up they were to pay their debt or offer a new deal that would require more of their soul or some other they were willing to sacrifice. If they didn’t, then they’d be visited by the witch herself or one of the monsters they created.
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Plotted starter for @wxldchxld​
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knowseverythingaboutyou · 3 years ago
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@wxldchxld asked: 🚘Sitting with a popped tired on the side of a long stretch of road, waiting (Beck)
This was how horror movies started.
Maria sighed, tightening her scarf around her neck. She glanced up and down the road, the wind whistling back at her. The chances of them actually encountering a passing motorist was… low. She checked her cellphone again.
One bar. Could be worse, she could have no signal. But — she still wasn’t sure that the text had gone through to Natasha. “This is just delightful,” she said dryly, eyeing the fox in front of her. “And you ran off and left me on my own for an hour. I could have been murdered.” Not that she would have been, because, after all, Maria had a gun. Two if she opened the trunk.
Beck laughed as she turned back to a human, shrugging easily. “You can take care of yourself, Hill.”
Maria scoffed, leveling her with an unimpressed stare. “Not exactly the point there, Beck.” She looked towards the horizon, her frown deepening when she noticed how fast the light was disappearing. A wolf howled in the distance and Maria looked back at Beck quickly. “—you didn’t smell any werewolves out there, right?”
eerie atmosphere || accepting
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graunblida · 3 years ago
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‘tol and smol’ prompts   //   Accepting @wxldchxld​ said: [INTERRUPT] bc Beck does that shit all the time
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Leksa simply looked on, hands on her hips, as the witch removed herself from their discussion to search for an item to stand on. Beck would randomly do this whenever she became hyper-aware of the height distance between the two. The commander could not make much sense of it. Did she feel more of an equal? Leksa never felt as though she were talking down to Beck, at least not FIGURATIVELY. Before she could stop the witch from going for the chair, the dreaded scrapping sound filled the immediate area of the tower once more. Leksa likened it to nails dragging across a coarse surface. “ Enlighten me....does this somehow enhance our conversation? ” 
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tribridkissed · 3 years ago
@wxldchxld​​ gets a random starter
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Sometimes, being here in the school rubbed Hope the wrong way, and it bothered her that it did. After all of the bullying, and the dependency, moments of actual SILENCE, ate aware at her until she was nothing but an agitated mess. Luckily, Beck’s appearance helped her to fill the silence with someone else’s breathing, and that at least calmed her down...for now. “I swear that not a day goes by that I don’t wish more people were loud and obnoxious.” For which she would definitely STILL complain about them to their face, but chaos to Hope, was infinitely better than the absence of it.
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stcriestcld · 3 years ago
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@wxldchxld​ said: 🧦 "I made you some socks to protect you from Jólakötturinn! And a sweater. And a hat. And gloves. Oh and a scarf. And yes you do have to wear them to work... For protection!"
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“What in Heaven’s name is Jóla---”  She knew a half-dozen languages, and none of them were Nordic; she opted for giving up before she mangled the word.  “What am I being protected against?  I can’t wear a jumper to work; it’s not in dress code.  And I certainly can’t wear a hat and gloves all day.”  The jumper part was a bit of a lie; Ros was just preparing to negotiate with the little knit-happy witch.
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imnobodysson · 3 years ago
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
Munday Meme || @wxldchxld
Okay – for Murphy, this one is a lot. Buckle up for the highlights of my childhood trauma. 
We both have a dad that would do anything for their kids/his family, but go about it via stealing. My dad went to jail for embezzlement. His dad got floated for stealing medicine.  Edit; MY DAD DIED TOO. 
Juvenile delinquency. I was arrested for shoplifting as a kid. 
Emotionally and verbally abusive moms. 
One time…in college, I wasn’t getting along with my roommates and had plans to move out with a friend. No one knew this. There is a lot of backstory drama I’m not going to explain, but the utilities were in my name, and I shut them off the same day that I moved – via my first floor window. It was a “bomb the dropship and escape” moment. I still don’t know how long it took them to get hot water & electricity back. 
We have lived an unfortunately long time with an ex. Plz tell Biden to cancel student loan debt so I can move out. 
I feel like there’s more but that’s probably enough sharing for one day. All but the last happened long before The 100 ever aired so...it’s kind of funny? but also not. 
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vyrulent · 4 years ago
starter call || @wxldchxld​
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Blood stained her lips while her victim remained near unconscious. Never could she bring herself to take the lives of those she had to drink from to sustain her life. Van Helsing’s words still rippled in the dark realms of her mind -- she’d be damned to Hell, which was why she kept death far from her. It would be one more sin added to the roster. 
“Stay away,” the vampiress was quick to say as she backed away, moving closer to her warmblooded meal, fangs momentarily shown in animalistic behavior to scare the other away from her and her meal. 
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historiesandmemories · 3 years ago
❛ i found this cool rock that made me think of you. ❜ Beck @ Blair
The vampire was as fond of knickknacks as any other, so as the rock was held out to her, her pale face brightened. A vaguely clawed hand closed around the rock and Blair's smile told of wicked things to come.
"A weapon," she hummed, "Thank you."
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rulesxunbroken · 4 years ago
@wxldchxld continued
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She wants to laugh because it's so damned charming, but this is serious. "Beck--" She let out a sigh before she took the younger woman's hands in her own. "Look at me." She smiled softly. "I'm not some pretty mermaid or an extremely patient lion." Agatha is being selfish- afraid that it will actually be Beck that would hurt her. Everyone left in her life, rather it being they got tired of her, or... they died. It was one of the cons of being immortal. "I just don't want you to get in way over your head."
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coerulus · 3 years ago
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"Brienne! Guess what I made?!"
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imxthexhandler · 3 years ago
🧦 "Newly knitted socks to ward off Jólakötturinn! Happy Yule and may the coming year bring uh---metal and leather and all the other things you make shields out of."
(no Beck that's not what being a SHIELD agent means ...)
( @wxldchxld )
"Oh, Beck! These are wonderful, thank you!" Amelia exclaimed with a smile, looking over them before giving the blonde an one-armed hug. "I have something for you, too!" She placed the socks back into the bag and picked up a wrapped orange bundle, tied up with green ribbon. She held out the fox scarf to Beck. "It won't ward off mystical creatures, but...well, I saw this and thought of you."
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graunblida · 3 years ago
She had worked all through the night, and had even recruited several of her friends to help her with her little heist.
The first step had been to gather enough eggs to feed a small army. The second was to paint each one and enchant them all with little surprises. The third step was to paint her paws in pastels and leave colorful prints all over the training grounds where she and Dori hid each egg. The fourth step was to help Cora whip up a feast of delectable foods like honeyed pheasants, tender and spicy roasted goat, and more fruit pies and jam cookies than she could count. The fifth, and last, step was to bolt into Lexa's room and leap onto the bed.
"Lexa! Lexa wake up! The hunt is on!" The little fox proclaimed, bouncing higher and higher on the bed each time. "Hurry! Hurry! Come outside!"
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It was a beautiful morning in Polis. Leaves were slowly returning to the limbs of trees. The landscape began to look more full opposed to the barren and BLEAK appearance during the colder months. Soon, the sun would shine just so in the commander’s chambers, and if she had not already risen, the rays would ensure she get out of bed.  
The commander grumbled when the sounds of a certain quadrupedal mammal reached her eardrums. Little paws scampering against the floor ( and soon springing off the bed ) marked the start of ‘feck’s’ reign of terror for the day. With a dramatic sigh, Leksa rolled over, took one of her pillows and held it tightly against the back of her head as if that would somehow drown out the witch’s excitement. 
“ The hunt is...what? ” Dark tresses were peeled away from her face as the warrior begrudgingly lifted her head from under the pillow. Before she went anywhere, her braids would need to be redone. Green eyes were half open one moment, and then the next, they were big, round circles upon noticing the remnants of paint on the foxes paws. “ Hey, you’re going to get that everywhere- ” The commander swiped her arm out in an attempt to catch Beck, but she simply bounced out of the way. “ What could be so important at this hour? ” She would most likely have to HUMOR the witch in order to receive an answer. 
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knowseverythingaboutyou · 4 years ago
🔥 + location
nsfw headcanons || accepting
location: well maria’s a bit of a traditionalist — beds, couches, tub — indoors ranks extremely high on her list of places to have sex. she has gone camping before, so there’s been a tent. she basically needs a place that’s got a roof and zero bugs. call her boring, but she makes up for it in different ways.
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stcriestcld · 3 years ago
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Ros is not a woman prone to open displays of emotion - or, as she refers to crying in one episode, “emotional incontinence”.  
But one day, without a word spoken about it, this suncatcher is hanging in a window.  Not just a window - one of the ones facing the street, where it can be seen by anyone passing by.
Ros doesn’t say a word about it, though she may have subtly  encouraged Beck to notice it.
It’s hardly a wedding ring, or vows exchanged in front of friends and family.  Ros, at least, is a long way from that.  But it’s absolutely Ros’ silent statement that her heart’s been captured by a certain shapeshifting witch, and that her home is absolutely Beck’s home.
(credit to SunArtGlassGallery on Etsy)
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years ago
@wxldchxld​ said: i have an idea, it’s very uncool. it’s not illegal, technically. but it is a dick move.’ From Parks and Rec Starters.
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“Whatever it is, I’m in. I’m all for a little revenge as long as it’s legal... Or barely legal. Maybe with a couple of drinks a little illegal but yeah.”
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