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Emetophobia Comfort
Emetophobic reader x Schlatt
Fem/gn reader
Self insert bc I've been struggling with my phobia lately. I may have been a little too parasocial with this one but it's helping me cope, what can I say?
Content Warning: If you're sensitive to words and descriptions related to emetophobia (v*mit, *tu, *n), then please skip this fic!
The dull ache in your stomach was pretty normal - an everyday occurrence, really. Typically you could just ignore it and drink some water with a couple tums, but you didn't have any meds on you tonight. The pain slowly turned into nausea, making you anxious and -shocker- more nauseous because of it. You brushed it off as just your nerves getting in the way, blaming it on the heavy dinner you had at that fancy restaurant with Schlatt. You tried to hide your aches and pains from him on the car ride home, convincing yourself that a movie and cuddles with your boyfriend would do just the trick.
At home, Schlatt kept glancing from the TV screen to you on the sofa, pressing a gentle hand into your thigh as your face scrunched up from pain in your belly. “You alright, toots?” He asked gently, his warm breath fanning over your face as his hand ran along your pajama pants. “Your stomach actin’ up again?”
You slowly nodded and swallowed. He really read you like a book, didn't he? Sometimes you hated this about him, but tonight, you were grateful for it. You felt like your throat was closing up at your stomach tightening. He continued his slow caresses on your leg, leaning into your side and kissing the top of your head.
It was just past midnight now. You had slogged through the entire movie and got ready for bed, faking your recovery to your boyfriend just before he had fallen asleep.
And now you were stuck in agonizing hell.
There was nothing you could do except anticipate the inevitable. The nausea never let up, even after having taken medicine and drank what seemed like gallons of water. The violent flips and turns your stomach performed made your heart race to no end. You clung your knees to your chest, gripping your white knuckles as you rocked back and forth on the cold tile floor. You pleaded to every god in the universe for tonight not to be the night, but you knew that it was gonna be different this time.
Like you knew you were going to throw up.
You sob and shake, letting out silent gasps while trying not to wake your boyfriend a few feet away from you. As much as you'd love to crawl back under the covers with Schlatt and forget all about this, your body just wouldn't allow it. The door to your bedroom was still wide open in your haste to get to the bathroom. The first wave of nausea had sent you mentally spiralling, sending you into hyperventilation and making you so nervous to even just lie awake in bed. So you rushed to the bathroom in an attempt to make yourself feel better, just in case you were actually going to vomit.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you battle with your intrusive thoughts. This was it. What if you die? No, don't be ridiculous. You'll be fine. But right now, it doesn't feel like it. You were in survival mode. Everything in your body felt like it was shutting down. But unfortunately, your brain was working on overdrive, running at a million miles per hour with all these awful thoughts. What if Schlatt is mad at you? Will he find you disgusting? Will he hate you forever? What if you miss the toilet and he’ll have have to clean up after you? This could fucking ruin you. It surely won't be the end of the world, you knew that. But why does it feel like it?
Your insides practically burned now, making you cry even harder. Everything started to spin and blur, so much so that you barely even noticed when Schlatt got out of bed and joined you on the bathroom floor. He sat beside you and pressed a cool hand on your lower back, skirting it gently under your shirt. You flinch, his touch making your head spin widely.
“Hey, hey, doll.” He coos groggily, lowering his voice to a whisper. “It's just me. You're okay.” he rubs his eye with his other hand, yawning. His hair stood up on his head in messy tufts.
He knows not to raise his voice when you're like this. The last thing he wants is to make you feel worse.
“Jay, I don't feel good.” You whimper, clutching your stomach and ripping your eyes away from the wall to his concerned face. He leans his head down and kisses your forehead briefly before searching your eyes. “I know, sweetheart.” He mumbles.” But you'll get through this, just like all those other times.”
You shake your head, completely unconvinced at his words.
“It's not like those other times. I feel like I’m gonna be sick.” you sob, wiping a trembling hand over your cheeks. “What do I do?”
“Well, if you do get sick, then it'll be over before you know it.” he reassures you calmly.
“How do you know?” you question, desperation seeping through your voice.
“Toots. I'm a fuckin’ alcoholic online.” he smirks slightly, trying to joke as he laughs under his breath.
“I can handle a few sick moments. And you can too. I know you can.”
You cry-laugh at his poor attempt of a joke, and smile through your sobs.
“That's my girl.” He praises, kissing your forehead again and giggling into your hair. “You’ll be alright.” He adds, curling his arm around your shoulder and rubbing your arm.
You relax into him, peeling your hands away from your knees and resting them on his chest. He brings you closer, breathing in the scent of your hair. His hands come up to cup yours on his chest, rubbing them slowly.
Suddenly, you feel a piercing pain shoot through the pit of your stomach and you sit up abruptly with wide eyes. Your mouth gathers saliva and your senses go numb. Twisting your body towards the toilet, you empty your stomach into it. Schlatt quickly steps into action and leans over you to hold your hair back.
After you're done, you lean back against the sink cabinet, panting and wiping your mouth in shock.
Woah. That was intense.
Your boyfriend quickly flushes the toilet and sets the lid down. He pats your head soothingly.
“You done?” He asks, studying your face carefully and pushing a few loose strands of hair out of your face.
You nod, giving him a small smile. “Yeah, I think so. I feel a little better.” You laugh softly, closing your eyes and leaning your head against the wood grain, taking in a couple deep breaths.
You did it.
You actually threw up.
And you didn't die.
Schlatt's hand sifts through your hair softly, and he sits down in front of you now, spreading his long legs out between your curled up frame.
“Mmmm.” He hums, smiling at the way your shoulders ease up slightly. “I'm so proud of you, toots. You did so well.”
He sits with you for a couple of minutes, just breathing with you and kneading your hands. His eyelids droop sleepily and he tries to sit up straight to keep himself awake, keeping his tired gaze on you. You smile at him as he squeezes your hands in sitting rhythms.
Finally, after observing your relaxed state, Schlatt rubs his fingers through his chops sleepily.
“M’kay, doll. Ready to go back to bed?” He asks, a hint of hope in his voice as he inhales and holds onto your pinky.
You nod and he stands up, helping you up off the floor. He guides you gently to the sink.
“Brush your teeth.” He orders. “As pretty as that mouth is, I don’t wanna be kissin’ that pukey mouth of yours.” You laugh and pick up your toothbrush as he lazily runs a hand along the small of your back. He kisses your neck slowly, smiling against your skin. You giggle and set your toothbrush down.
He didn't leave when you threw up, or make some mean comment about how disgusting you were.
You chew your bottom lip, debating on asking him the question that's been on your mind.
“You don't find me gross, baby? Or ” You ask, your voice trembling.
He shakes his head and kisses your neck some more.
“Fuck no, angel. Why would I? It's just vomit. No big deal.” He states with a smile, eyes squinting at you. “It's normal. I still love you, anyways, whether you're sick or not. You know that, right?” He gazes softly at your eyes in the mirror, resting his chin on your temple. You blush and feel his mutton chops, the roughness of his stubble comforting you deeply. He sighs and kisses your palm, murmuring an “I love you” into it.
“Love you too.” You whisper back with equal admiration, kissing his forehead. “Thank you.”
He grumbles with a smirk, leading you back to the comfy bed sheets and tucking you in.
For the first time in hours, you felt a world better than you did before. As much as it sucked, you faced your fear and made it through. And through it all, Schlatt was by your side, loving you no matter what.
As you drifted off to sleep, you're reminded that nothing is as scary as your mind made it out to be, and that you have a loving partner to help you get through anything.
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Can you do Schlatt imagine or hcs if his gf/so got in a car crash? Got in a minor one today and am looking for some big guy comfort
⁷ knee deep in the passenger seat
praying for you rose. <3

your friends thought schlatt's weird rule about always driving was a toxic masculinity thing, but it was a little deeper than that.
schlatt wasn't a frightful man. he wasn't afraid of spiders or the dark or anything of the sort, no sir. he just had one fear, and one fear only – that one day, you wouldn't come home. you said that was irrational, that you'd always come back to him, so there was nothing to worry about.
but he worried.
he never worried more, though, than a dark thursday night. the roads were covered with sleet from the snow the night before, and his texts had gone mysteriously unanswered. and it made him insane. for such a collected young man, schlatt was flipping his fucking lid. texting you incessantly– your friends, your office, places you could've been.
but he got a call from an unknown number, the local hospital. they said you'd been in a "minor" car accident, and he yelled at them. he barked at them, "the fuck's a minor car accident?! a car fuckin' hit 'er, no? so get your asses off your chairs and make sure she's not hurt– or or has a concussion, or–" he stammered, trying to muster up any terminology he remembered from those times you forced him to watch grey's anatomy with you.
the hospital almost had to call security because he was so distraught, yelling and screaming for you, even though the doctors insisted you were fine with almost no injuries, besides the fact you were a little startled.
the minute he saw you wobbling down the linoleum hallways in your little hospital gown getup, he visibly relaxed. he drowned out the front desk lady insisting she was going to call the authorities and focused just on you as he wrapped you in such a tight hug it was more likely to break your bones than the impact of that other car was. "oh, you're alive. fuck, i tore down this whole place looking for your silly self. you alright? breathin', i see. looking as cute as ever, toots, yesirre."
you smiled. "i'm fine. i'm a trooper."
"that you are," he grinned, kissing your face all over. "my rose."
dividers credit: @issysh3ll
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god he’s beautiful
this will be in our wedding montage
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i need to see schlatt shirtless i need to see his tummy and chest and i need to kiss and let my hands explore his body…
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thinking abt how schlatt said he could be a stay at home dad on stream last night….
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Connor: [Reading chat] "Tumblr loves you, by the way." That's great to hear. Shoutout to the girls.
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baby fever is hitting so hard and all i’m thinking about is dad!schlatt ;( he’d be so gentle with his baby and i just KNOW the dad bod would hit so hard
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watched new sdp video, did not expect to hear schlatt talking about inflation…
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Going to the full image from the tweet though Schlatt looks hella nice like …. The turtleneck jacket combo??? Him downing the bottle like that??? I feel a little romantical
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