cottoncandysprite · 2 years
Ok yeah there's like zero discussion breaking down Nadja and any of her characterization so I haven't really thought much about it but I was rewatching s1 with a friend the other day and this one part in particular stood out for me. It's in episode 4 when we meet Simon, and he starts to talk to Nadja about how he's been worried about her, what with all these vampires becoming "complacent" and "wasting away".
Now I know there's no obvious connection, but the way it's framed and the way Nadja reacts to it leads me to believe that THAT'S at least one of her main motivations: not becoming irrelevant. She desperately wants to stay powerful, cool, and modern, and we see that time and time again, especially recently. In her excitement to join the vampiric council. In her drive to keep up appearances during the dinner party. ESPECIALLY with the night club. But of course, it's also shown that that may not be who she really is, as things inevitably go wrong for the sake of comedy. She's fashionable, but not in the same modern sense as other vampires. She's powerful, but in a messy, violent, sometimes over-the-top way. Her pitch for the night club was intentionally kinda cringe and failed so hard she left the WWVC altogether.
She's kind of a loser by vampire standards- but that's why she works so well with the rest of the family- they're all outsiders to the vampire world in their own ways (weirdos have to stick together etc etc)- and also why we love her so much. She's at her best not when she's trying to fit in and stay relevant, but when she's just being her kooky, badass, ridiculous self. And I hope she'll figure that out soon.
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watwudbuffydo · 2 years
Earning Nadja’s Trust: A WWDITS Meta
So I realized that Nadja doesn’t get the same treatment of fan analysis as say Nandor and Guillermo and I wanted to make my own contribution. I was driven to write “Earning Nadja’s Trust” because as we heard Laszlo tell baby Colin in 4.03, he learned to trust others again through his relationship with Nadja. I found that statement to be interesting because, of all the Staten Island roommates, she’s the most mistrustful of others, and even seems to still not completely trust Guillermo in the way Nandor and Laszlo have grown to trust him. If 4.03 is any indication, she sure regards familiars as below her at best and duplicitous at worst, has no respect for werewolves and her thoughts on witches need no elaboration. It is still not 100% clear the extent to which she regards the Guide either at this point.
We have seen that even in all her bouts of fury she deeply loves Laszlo and more or less fell in love with him at first sight and that she also cares about Nandor and sees him as part of her makeshift family. Even for all her issues with Colin Robinson, she was also saddened by the first incarnation’s death and was excited to meet the rebirthed one, even in her constant mistaking him for a raccoon.
Guillermo however, continues to be the outlier. Sure she does not talk down to him the way she did in the beginning of the series, but if their interaction where he demands to be the night club accountant is any indication, quite a bit of coldness still remains between them even after a year of being in London. However, I think it’s safe to say that Nadja spent so much time with the WWVC that Guillermo was barely needed.
So why is she still so as frosty as she is with Guillermo where her husband has grown to respect him and Nandor shows more affection?
Based on what we know of the respective backstories of Nadja and Guillermo, I believe that Nadja’s continued mistrust of Guillermo stems from that fact that, subconsciously or otherwise, she sees parts of herself in Guillermo.
But wait wouldn’t she then be more trusting of him?
First let’s break down the broad strokes of what Nadja and Guillermo have in common.
1. While Laszlo and Nandor were both born into lives of social (and to an extent economic) privilege, neither Nadja nor Guillermo were born into lives that would grant them those same social privileges and were outsiders.
We know Nadja was born into abject poverty some time in the sixteenth century in Greece. Not only was she born into poverty, but she’s also Romani, a European ethnic minority group that were (and continue to be) regarded as un-Godly; as more Romani people fell under Ottoman rule, they were considered the bottom of the social pyramid (no wonder her village fell into the path of Nandor the Relentless’s conquests over two centuries before her birth!)
In her interviews she even describes being mistreated because of her background and likely had to try to survive on her own at times with her sixteen other siblings dying and her mother getting eaten by a bear. When she was by the water and was turned by Baron Afanas, she was, for the first time in her existence, not powerless as she had been made to feel. (More will be elaborated on this in point 2)
Guillermo is a Mexican-American queer man who grew up with a single working mom being the most present. While we do not know of his father, he did refer to “parents” in 3.04 so imagine at some point his father was in the picture. Even if he wasn’t living in poverty like Nadja was, the small apartment where his Mom lives and the fact that he had to get a job at Panera Bread at 18-19 indicates that he might have been AT MOST on the cusp of lower-middle or high-lower class (and as anyone in the US knows, the stability of an American middle class has continued shrinking since the eighties.) His Mom, if 2.10 is any indication does not speak English with the same fluency he does (she might understand enough that she was able to express to the camera crew that she was happy to have Memo home; there are plenty of people who can understand other languages better than they can speak in those same languages so it’s completely possible that there’s that discrepancy in her English language skills) which likely indicates that she immigrated to the United States with her at some point in her life and raised Guillermo in the Bronx. As Guillermo reveals in 4.01 he was on his own for quite a bit of his childhood and probably felt some sort of isolation growing up queer and Catholic too. Even in being a familiar he is still kept at a distance and is very much the de facto odd one out in the household for the first ten years. That starts to change when he accidentally kills the Baron and later sees the ancestry report.
2. Both characters seek/use power as a means to command respect from others.
When Nadja joins the VC she ends up being the ruthless one, going so far as to rip out the heart of the leader of a rebellious vampire, forcing the rest of the coven to submit. She is even talked into showing mercy at times by Nandor in the chamber of judgment, while she doles out the more severe consequences. Finally when she returns to Staten Island, she very much approaches the night club as an inevitability despite The Guide’s protests and basically has to march over to get Richie Suck to perform at her club, showing that she has does not take no for an answer. While running a club is very different from bureaucracy, its still a means by which Nadja is able to have control. Her quest for power stems from a desire to give herself control in her afterlife as she was subjected to the whims of others when she was a human. Vampirism, for Nadja is empowerment and liberation; having visible high status in the vampire community strengthens that empowerment and perhaps even feeds her need to have control.
As Guillermo comes into his own as a slayer, his confidence grows and by season three is more willing to step outside the boundaries of being a familiar as he becomes the bodyguard. His full defiance of those boundaries culminates in his fight with Nandor in 3.10 where, for the first time, any of the vampires fully recognize that Guillermo isn’t the same meek nineteen year old who started as a familiar, but a force to be reckoned with. He still uses that power in season four to help Nandor in wish logistics and in putting his foot down to Nadja that he’ll only help if she gives him what he wants (the accountant job).
So with all that in mind, with them having a shared history of coming out higher than their humble origins, why hasn’t Nadja “warmed up to” Guillermo as the others have?
I believe the answer to this question lies partly in 4.03 as revealed by how Nadja saw the relationship between Richie Suck and Dr. Tom.
She already has a low opinion of familiars to begin with, but seeing the abusive dynamic between those guys probably won’t improve that opinion. One can argue that even if Nadja doesn’t see Guillermo as a familiar in name, she still looks down on him all the same. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if she believes the four way hypnosis is the only reason he hasn’t killed any of the coven yet (assuming she knows of neither the fight nor the hypnosis immunity) and that she would trust him less if that hypnosis hadn’t been performed. Given her propensity to use murder in her anger or even threaten it, I think that (at least subconsciously) she knows if she were in Guillermo’s position she would not hesitate to retaliate against the people who hurt her.
This part goes more into speculation territory but I wouldn’t be shocked if one of the first things Nadja did as a vampire was go after the people who wronged her when she was human. And honestly, I don’t blame her.
While Guillermo was lucky to still have a loving mother in his life, Nadja- as far as we know canonically- was mistreated and lost many people close to her when she was a human. Being human for Nadja was all about surviving, making it to the next day. Ironically enough it’s as a vampire that she’s been able to live and enjoy life. And that little familiar her dear friend has grown oddly attached to now has the capacity to kill her and her coven in an instant? My girl will not let anything get in the way of destroying everything she loves again, let alone threaten her power and security. Honestly, I’d say from Nadja’s point of view I can absolutely see how she’ll probably be the last of the coven to fully embrace Guillermo as part of the family.
To fully, finally earn that trust, she would need to be proven that Guillermo is nothing like Dr. Tom and that he actually cares about Nandor beyond wanting to be made into a vampire. In addition, she would need to understand that Guillermo was always going to protect them without the hypnosis. While her finding out about his hypnosis immunity could spell trouble, her having confirmation that Guillermo would never hurt them regardless would also allow her to feel more inclined to fully see him as one of the team.
That is not to say I think Guillermo has to prove himself, he doesn’t have to prove shit to anyone and he clearly doesn’t care about doing that so much anymore.
What I am saying is that they would need to be put in a specific situation/circumstances that would make her reconsider any remaining mistrust she has in him. Clearly being in London didn’t do that. In fact it sounds like they more or less avoided each other in London if she spent the majority of her time in a room with the WWVC, likely leaving Guillermo plenty of chances to go off on his own once it was clear that Nadja wasn’t in any danger.
For what that change might look like, I’m going into some speculation/theorizing territory here for the season so DO NOT TAKE THIS AS SOMETHING THAT WILL HAPPEN. This is just a possible scenario I could see playing out in Nadja and Guillermo’s relationship.
There is one notable instance where Nadja seemed to genuinely show interest in Guillermo as a person. In 3.04 when she and Laszlo awkwardly attempt to engage in a conversation with him it starts out feeling forced (which it is) until Laszlo asks if his interests involve the “fairer sex.” While her asking if he has a “chubby little girlfriend” was still rather demeaning, the way in which she asked displayed genuine interest on her end. When Laszlo brought up “maybe a boyfriend” she, along with Laszlo and Colin are genuinely intrigued and actually wants to know about his private life, much to his chagrin.
If the episode titles are anything to go by, it seems like the vampires will meet Freddie at some point, and you can’t tell me Nadja won’t suddenly want to know EVERYTHING that has been going on with that (likely after yelling “You had a boyfriend in London this whole time and never told me?!?! I’ll fucking kill you!!!” for about a few hours). And if the Freddie being a troublemaker metas are anything to go by, I wouldn’t be shocked if somehow Nadja learned Freddie was up to something sleazy and goes after him for it in a “you don’t get to hurt Gizmo, only we get to do that!” sort of way since she would still be reticent about being warm to him. Though that scenario is more based on the fact that if there’s anything Nadja truly despises, it’s men who go out of their way to be horrible.
I welcome any and all feedback and or criticism and do not take my speculations as givens as they are just that- in fact, as I’ve said many times before I’ll be shocked if I’m on point about any of the above.
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boylikeanangel · 3 years
making this a separate post cuz it's kinda unrelated but that bit in gail where nadja asks for guillermo's help talking sense into nandor also makes me rly excited to see these two work together in s4. nadja is proud but she clearly values guillermo's input n I can imagine a lot of the vampires on the wwvc are gonna be the stuffy old aristo types that think humans are beneath notice and try to ignore guillermo and she's gonna be like "EXCUSE ME, MY BODYGUARD IS SPEAKING 😡" she's gonna fight soooo hard for guillermo's place at the table and he's gonna be the little voice whispering in her ear again except this time they are both on the same page about being evil and manipulative it's gonna be soooooooo good 🤭🤭🤭
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lesbian-in-leather · 3 years
It's that time again, and we're back with another unlikely wwdits theory!!
I think at the end of this series, Nadja will be asked to join the Worldwide Vampiric Council (WWVC), and here's why!
She's had a recurring issue this series of actually being a good leader (by vampiric standards) and as of yet it hasn't been recognised by anyone (apart from very briefly by Nandor in episode 7)
Morally, she is of a very similar standard to the WWVC (from what we saw in The Trial) - she gets people to fall in line by making an example when she's disrespected, and isn't held up by unneccessary morals (like Nandor)
Her biggest drawback is the fact that Nandor wants power but is far kinder and more merciful, cheapening her leadership and forcing her to spend her days undoing his decisions (no hate to Nandor, I love him, but also every suggestion we heard her talk to the Guide about was objectively terrible)
They released a promo that was a 'Nadja for Vampiric Council Leader' campaign. As far as I am aware, there is no comparable video for Nandor, implying that Nadja is a more suitable/likely candidate (foreshadowing future events?)
We were told we will say goodbye to a vampire this season - what if this series ends with Nadja leaving, then the first episode of season 4 is like a reverse 'On the Run' style ep with Laszlo trying to be supportive and cope without his wife (in this case I do think she's return by episode two)
Her outfits have changed from matching Laszlo to matching her doll, showing a new level of independence and an acceptance of herself as a whole, which could be indicitive of her leaving
Even if she doesn't actually leave, there's still the possibility of her being asked to leave, and that episode is based around them all preparing for her departure before she finally decides not to go
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cryptidom · 3 years
I can't imagine the kind of condition Laszlo is going to be in come season 4... oh dear. Maybe he'll surprise us all and become competent?
Other predictions:
I have a weird feeling Guillermo is going to escape while on the boat, or something. Let the hijinks ensue. Nadja will get to England and feel like the odd one out in the WWVC and be all alone with her little mini-me. Maybe that will get resolved?
Nandor will hate traveling.
I can't wait to see what goes down, honestly.
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drdiva65 · 4 years
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Who’s in? Join team - “Travelin D’Vas” https://racinemultisports.com/wwvc/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJRNawgswys/?igshid=1c1he0dn12n3r
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Post di Nunzio Ciccone su VERO https://vero.co/nunziociccone/WwVC-5LvZ55mSNPbXVKxssDb
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limitlessmod · 7 years
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This limitless #armsraceboxmod setup is fire Repost @cmc_vaper Loving this arms race mod from @limitlessmodco 👌👌😃💨💨 ----------------------- Team: @w.w.v.c Sponsors: @majorleaguedripclub 💦 @lifted_liquids💦 @thekandykollection 💦 -------------------------------- W.W.V.C ------------------ @skepii @cmc_vaper @claptonkirk_drakoprospect @jennifercourtney @vapeladytoronto @yungxtsunami @eastcoastvape_709 @da_bank1 -------------------------------------- #wwvc #vapestagram #vapers #vapes #vapepics #vapelove  #guyswhovape #vapenation #vapehooligans #vapesociety #vapeallday #vapedaily #vapetricks #vapefamily #vapecommunity #instavape #vapeaddict #vapeworld #cloudsbroclouds #vapefamous #vapedudes #vapemail #vapelife #vapeon #driplife #instavapers #vapeart #cloudchase #canadianvaper #vapeedia ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Retail❌www.vapor-hub.com Wholesale ❌ [email protected] Call for wholesale❌ 805-309-0533 Follow us on FB❌ /limitlessmod 📺YouTube❌ /limitlessmodco 📲Instagram ❌ @limitlessmodco
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vaperbeard · 10 years
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Goodnight vape family! Have a great night while you enjoy this line up by @samin_azfar that's dripping in gold 🔱🌙✨💥 #VAPERBEARD #mechanicalmod #vapeporn #instavape #coilporn #vapedaily #wwvc #ohms #vapegram #vapershouts #vapenation #vapemiami #miamivapelyfe
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lesbian-in-leather · 3 years
Okay I have a lot of feelings but first of all, I FUCKING CALLED NADJA BEING INVITED TO THE WWVC
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cevstore-blog · 7 years
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#Reposting @jayjaymc with @instarepost_app -- Use Coupon code "shotsfired" for 12% off. @vapestrong.ca Get your hand on this Kodiak line.👌 . . . . #vapesocial #vapemedia #vapeon #madeincanada #drip #vapenation #vaping #bottles #like4like #vancouvervape #bcvapes #vapegirls #wwvc #discount #vapun #shotsfiredphotography #follow #veapenation #vapeporn #vapenotsmoke #vapelyfe #vapefam #headintheclouds (at Vapestrong)
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from @claptonkirk_tvl - Splash X Splash on Ice Ether way 🔥❄ @thevapelounge760 shotgun @ariabuilt sleeper @vapeevasion splash/on ice W.W.V.C @skepii @cmc_vaper @claptonkirk @jennifercourtney @vapeladytoronto @yungxtsunami @eastcoastvape_709 @da_bank1 #ejuice #eliquid #🍁 #eastcoastvapers #handcheck #vapefeed #vapecommunity #instavape #vape #vapenation #vapehooligans #android #vapelife #vapelove #vapedaily #vapefamily #vapefam #worldwidevapors #canadainvapers #wwvc #driplife #certifiedvapers #vapemodel #vape #vapes #vappix #vapefeature #vape4you Doc Pheelgood TVL Army (at The Vape Lounge)
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A lot of our boys are Cat 3,2, and 1.  They are phenomenal.  And they are this way because a lot of them come from really supportive teams who help them rise through the ranks.
I want to give a quick shout out to the Whole Wheel Velo Club.  In addition to other awesome teams that our guys are on, this team has really been a breeding ground for stellar cyclists who are not only fast, but as mentioned in the article, people you want to hang out and have a beer with.
WWVC is MABRA Cyling Widows Approved.
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from @claptonkirk - That work flow @rock_vapor check out the ohmies @yungxtsunami @ninemilemafia & @butchit_up Huge shout out to @ccmcustommods_tvl & @marlow_tvlsquad W.W.V.C @skepii @cmc_vaper @claptonkirk @jennifercourtney @vapeladytoronto @yungxtsunami @eastcoastvape_709 @da_bank1 #ejuice #eliquid #🍁 #eastcoastvapers #handcheck #vapefeed #vapecommunity #instavape #vape #vapenation #android #vapelife #vapelove #vapedaily #vapefamily #vapefam #canadavapers #canadainvapers #wwvc #DRIPGRAM #v8pstgram #driplife #cloudsbroclouds #certifiedvapers #vapemodel #vape #vapes #vappix #tvl #tvlsquad #tvlarmy (at The Vape Lounge)
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from @claptonkirk - I could snap a million pics and never get sick of this beauty 😍😍💖 W.W.V.C @skepii @cmc_vaper @claptonkirk @jennifercourtney @vapeladytoronto @yungxtsunami @eastcoastvape_709 @da_bank1 #ejuice #eliquid #🍁 #eastcoastvapers #handcheck #vapefeed #vapecommunity #instavape #vape #vapenation #android #vapelife #vapelove #vapedaily #vapefamily #vapefam #canadavapers #canadainvapers #wwvc #DRIPGRAM #v8pstgram #driplife #cloudsbroclouds #certifiedvapers #vape #vapes #vappix #tvlsquad #tvlarmy #vangovapes Doc Pheelgood TVL Army (at Irving, Texas)
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from @yungxtsunami - 4 beauts W.W.V.C @skepii @cmc_vaper @claptonkirk_drakoprospect @jennifercourtney @vapeladytoronto @yungxtsunami @eastcoastvape_709 @da_bank1 #ejuice #eliquid #🍁 #eastcoastvapers #handcheck #vapefeed #vapecommunity #instavape #vape #vapenation #android #vapelife #vapelove #vapedaily #vapefamily #vapefam #canadavapers #canadainvapers #wwvc #DRIPGRAM #v8pstgram #driplife #cloudsbroclouds #certifiedvapers #tvl #tvlsquad #kennedy #boker #wartoad Doc Pheelgood TVL Army (at The Vape Lounge)
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