#wv ink
astraphel · 2 years
The EPA announced three additional carcinogenic chemicals have been detected in the Ohio trail derailment.
Vinyl chloride: a colorless gas that is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics and is highly flammable and decomposes to make toxic fumes. According to the National Library of Medicine, it is also carcinogenic and can cause other health issues.
Butyl acrylate: a clear liquid that is used for making paints, sealants and adhesives. It is flammable and can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation.
Ethylhexyl acrylate: a colorless liquid used to make paints and plastics. It can cause skin and respiratory irritation and, under moderate heat, can produce hazardous vapor.
Ethylene glycol monobutyl: a colorless liquid used as a solvent for paint and inks, as well as some dry cleaning solutions. It is classed as acutely toxic, able to cause serious or permanent injury, and highly flammable. Vapors can irritate the eyes and nose, and ingestion can cause headaches and vomiting.
Vinyl chloride turns into hydrogen chloride when burned (which is what Norfolk did). When hydrogen chloride mixes with water (think the upper atmosphere), it turns into hydrochloric acid. This was the primary chemical in this spill.
The chemicals have, at this point, on February 13th, 2023, reached the Ohio River, which then flows into the Mississippi. Wildlife everywhere in Ohio and Pennsylvania are dying, and people are being told that it's okay to go home.
This tragedy happened because Norfolk Southern Railway has been cutting operation costs to a dangerous level. This is one of the things, in addition to NO SICK LEAVE for rail workers, that was being brought up when the rail unions were threatening to strike before Joe Blow busted it.
The Carmen, who have their own union and are responsible for safety checks, have had their inspection times reduced from the industry standard of three minutes per car to 90 seconds. Going over that time risks termination.
There was another derailment on December 2022 ALSO in East Ohio and ALSO with Norfolk Southern Railway, only that was just candle wax. 7 weeks later and this happens.
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ofenigmas · 10 days
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(Ana de Armas) [THE RETICENT]. Please welcome [MIRANA DIAZ (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [33]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [ASSISTANT EDITOR AT HUNTSVILLE DAILY]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
NAME: mirana isabel diaz
BIRTH DATE + AGE: april 1, 1991
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ORIENTATION: bisexual heteroromantic?  
OCCUPATION: assistant editor at huntsville daily
BIRTHPLACE: new york city 
FAMILY: amara diaz née reyes - mother (alive??), martez diaz - father (alive??), julian diaz - older brother (presumed dead)
FACE CLAIM: ana de armas
EYE COLOR: hazel (golden)
HAIR: dark brown/copper.
HEIGHT: 5′6″
TATTOOS: a black cat (lower back, a drunken dare) sun and moon tattoo on left wrist (x).
SCARS/BIRTH MARKS: jagged line diagonally across her right forearm (from barbed wire fence), scar on upper right thigh from skiing accident
ZODIAC: aries sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising
MBTI: estp, the entrepreneur.
ENNEAGRAM: 7w8, the realist. sexual/self preservation subtype
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good/neutral
ARCHETYPE: the reticent / the defiant
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS: april ludgate, megara from hercules, flynn rider, ron swanson, lois lane, han solo, georgia miller, cassandra gothel, rosa diaz.
AESTHETIC: crumpled newspapers, crimson, muffled laughter, ash- or ink- covered hands, rebellion, ruined dreams, the desire to stargaze on the roof, old history books, messy handwriting, irritatingly smug smiles, denim jackets, vodka, tight black dresses, broken champagne glasses, holding you an arm’s length away.
BIOGRAPHY TW: death (sibling and best friend), mention of skiing accident, illness (vague and in one line)
born in new york city, youngest of two children, daughter of a software developer and a history professor. 
always wanted to be an investigative journalist (a perfect outlet for someone with a penchant for never minding her own business) 
an extrovert, but her friendships seemed to follow her since birth. her family was incredibly close to the XXX and XXX families and she formed a tight-knit circle with their children, especially XXX and XXX. she’d never felt the need for more friends. 
despite an intense sibling rivalry, was very close to her brother Julian. 
got accepted into Columbia for Journalism, but soon after graduation her mother fell ill. after deferring a year mirana spent the first few years with only partial credit enrollment in order to stay at home until her mother recovered.
nearly twenty-one by the time she could go to university full time, mirana was forced to take a semester entirely off from a skiing accident. after all of that and a year-long internship, she graduated at twenty-six.
after a year of working her ass off at investmentnews, she finally got her life back on track for her original plan, landing a position at the new york times.
to make up for the college experience she felt she missed out on, mirana planned a week long ‘spring break’ trip in key west, florida to celebrate. the caravan ended up being her, her two best friends, her boyfriend, her brother julian, and julian's best friend.
after a particularly long night of drinks and fight over something so trivial she barely remembers, a drunken mirana broke up with her boyfriend. god, what a horrible start to spring break. it was fine. she’d sleep it off and they’d either make up or she could avoid him the rest of the trip. except... the trip never ended, as they never made it to florida, instead detouring into huntsville, west virginia. 
she tried every single day for a year to find a way to leave or communicate with the outside world. didn’t take it seriously at first, avoided any sort of relationship with anyone because ‘we’ll be back to our normal lives soon’ unless interrogating them on if they knew anything. 
after a year, julian (her brother who had agreed to be a hunter) never returned from his trip. that was the first time her resolve started to shatter. 
for two years, mirana lived in some sort of haze. maybe this wasn’t real, some sort of hallucination. what if she’d been in a coma from her skiing accident and never woke up? any absurd excuse to not accept her life falling apart, she was even more brash and impulsive than usual, only her best friends and now-roommates grounding her. except... then they watched soulless monsters destroy her best friend with their own eyes. 
since then (2 years ago), mirana has somewhat accepted that her life is ruined and she’s stuck in this living nightmare for the rest of time, and it’s all her fault. since she never wanted to make new friends before, she’s not been any better now. quite chatty and curious, but makes no effort to get close to anyone. 
works at the local newspaper as some sort of sick joke to herself. she's qualified, after all. 
math attempt tldr: 2019: arrived in huntsville on accident. 2020: julian presumably killed. 2022: best friend killed. early 2023: started working at the paper, got new roommates.
top 5 theme songs:
make it up as i go - mike shinoda, k.flay i keep on running backwards. i keep on losing faith. i thought i had the answers. i thought i knew the way. my brother said be patient. i don't know what i'm chasing. i don't know who i am. waking in the dead of night, i can't sleep. sleeping in the light of day for like weeks, reality was out of focus, i could be hopeless. instead i gritted my teeth.
we won’t - jaymes young, phoebe ryandon't go to war for me. i'm not the one that you want me to be. -- are we just gonna stay like this forever? floating, i'm serious, my heart is furious. -- don't waste your time convincing me that maybe someday we'll get it right.
when you break - bear’s den spoiled, selfish little child went out to play out in the wild. i found you shaking like a leaf underneath your family tree. you could never live out in the open, regretting every word you've spoken. when you break, it's too late for you to fall apart, and the blame that you claim is all your own fault.
crossroads - timefliesyou ever just go through the motions? it's like i'm stuck in a game, thinking it'll be different, then it just come up the same. man how the hell did i get here? not like i knew the way. just take me back to the start again, just one more time on the stage.
long story short - taylor swiftfatefully, i tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me. -- i was in the alley, surrounded on all sides. the knife cuts both ways. if the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break. -- and i fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole. long story short, it was a bad time.
Her Pinterest board is here.
Her Spotify playlist is here.
N/A (unless there’s a future way her brother could have survived in the woods for 4 years LMAO)
ROOMMATES - { 0 / 3 } - A BROKEN TRIO - { 0 / 1 } - - the one person mirana remains close to of the remaining survivors of their road trip and trio of best friends. only person she lets herself be vulnerable with. 
FRENEMIES - { 2 / 3 } - samuel ahn, rhys bennett - mirana is generally snarky to everyone, but especially to these few. the bad part ?? she actually misses days when they aren’t around to tease. not that she would admit that. 
BAD INFLUENCEE - { 0 / ? } - - mirana is far from ‘innocent’/’lawful good’, someone that she has no qualms about corrupting, perhaps even finds a small joy in dragging them to the bar or approving of what people would normally consider bad decisions.
GOOD INFLUENCE - { 1 / 2 } - wesley rivers - someone who has never given up on trying to befriend mirana. sort of a friendly “opposites attract” vibe in that they are more optimistic/sunshine-y/sillier than her in a way she begrudgingly finds she wants to be around. 
ACQUAINTANCES - { 0 / ? } - - maybe they frequent the bar together, are always at the diner for lunch at the same time and ended up sharing a table, etc. she often frequents the daily grind, bucky’s diner, the sasquatch, and the library.
CO-WORKERS - { 8 / 9 } - evelyn montgomery, stephanie barboza, samuel ahn, prudence wheaton, narcissa sakamoto, hudson cerulli, parker russo, [printer], katia lima - other people who work at huntsville daily - is probably generally friendly to them and likes them more than other people in town unless plotted otherwise 
NEIGHBORS - { 0 / idk 6? } - - people who live next door to her TRAINING PARTNERS - { 1 / 1 } - oakley muller - someone she went to for help learning to fight / defend herself after losing her best friend two years ago.
PROTECTIVE - { 1 / 1 } - elise byrne - someone younger than her that she has sort of accidentally adopted and is very protective over but acts like she isn't.
FORMER FRIENDLIES - { 0 / ? } - people who were warm and welcoming to her in the first year or so who did not receive the same treatment in return and eventually gave up on befriending her.
ENEMIES - { 0 / 3 } - a lawful good who can’t stand her chaotic good/neutral nature, someone who just can’t stand her snarky attitude, maybe she hates them simply bc they have a sunny disposition and don’t despise living in huntsville 
ALWAYS AVOIDANT - { 0 / 3 } -  • (roughly 2020) after losing her brother she decided to go after him in case he was alive and snuck out while her roommates were asleep to “monster hunt”, unsure if she had much intent to return without him. she nearly died and has a nice scar on her arm from getting caught on a barbed wire fence trying to escape one, but someone saved her and dragged her back to town. she generally avoids them and pretends it didn’t happen bc not good at saying thank you or acknowledging vulnerability.
• one of the people on the road trip was her brother julian's best friend. in their old lives, she didn’t like him for some mundane and probably immature reason: he wasn’t from her tight knit families or he and julian tried to do things without her as kids, etc. since julian's death 4 years ago, she’s generally cut him off, worried he’ll blame her for being stuck in huntsville (she didn’t even want him on the trip!!!) or for julian and bc he reminds her of the past. must be a “visitor” who arrived around 5 years ago on their road trip. lived in nyc anywhere from just for a master’s/new job for a few years up to his entire life. age: 30-40 • best friend's sibling - Her other best friend who was killed 2 years ago - their sibling has been looking for them for 5 years since they and their friends never returned from their trip - mira would avoid them, not wanting to dwell on the past long enough to explain what happened -  must be a “visitor” who just arrived. lived in nyc at least for their childhood. age: any (alt: this could also be the alive best friend's sibling if approved, her brother's significant other, her brother's best friend's sibling or significant other, etc!)
* ✨  i do not plot out ships so none of these are meant to lead to an actual “romantic” ship unless it does on accident from chemistry! ✨ 
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN - { 0 / 3 } -  - people who are maybe antagonistic-leaning as a connection that she’s accidentally had a one night stand with due to poor impulse control. any gender. 
“THIS WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN” - { 0 / 1 } - - same as above except definitely antagonistic connection + she keeps reminding them that this will “absolutely never happen again” and would deny having any connection with them if anyone asked.  inspo: (x) (x) “WE CAN BE CASUAL” - { 0 / 1 } - they’re both attracted to each other, and get along quite well,  but whatever this is at least originated after a drunken/sleep-deprived conversation abt how they have no interest in a romantic future with anyone. maybe seem kind of romantic to others. 0-3 years. male. inspo: (x) (x) (x)
UNREQUITED - { 0 / 1 } - whether they’ve not actually indicated this interest/did and were turned down and are still trying or agreed to be friends, he has a romantic interest in mirana, which is rather difficult since she... pretends she doesn’t have feelings. anything from acquaintances to fwbs. probably deserves better than her.  inspo: (x) (x)
EX-BOYFRIEND - { 0 / 1 } - they dated anywhere from 6 months - 5 years and his feelings can be anywhere from was cheating on her/using her for family connections to was abt to propose, sky’s the limit. she broke up with him the night before they got stuck in huntsville (probably a silly drunken fight hiding general panic over starting a new life chapter) and even if one or both of them would have wanted to make up, they never got the chance. it’s been over 5 years now so it could be a he despises her for dumping and then trapping him here, exes w jealousy, a will they won’t they where they always back out last minute, he wants her back when he rly shouldn’t, only she has unresolved feelings, he just wants to be friends again, etc etc!  must be a “visitor” who arrived around 5 years ago on their road trip. lived in nyc anywhere from just for a master’s/new job for a few years up to his entire life. age: 30-40 inspo: (x) (x)
OTHER - feel free to hit me up with any other ideas you have as well ! please feel free to mix or match any of these from any category ! 
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
There’s like. Very little resemblance between either maximoff in the comic at literally any time and their live action counterparts and mcu fans only take issue with things NOW that they’re being drawn more consistently as visable poc?
I wish they weren’t so transparent with their racism. Nevermind that for a significant portion of the maximoff’s existence there WERE no inks at marvel for very realistic nonwhite skin tones (not an excuse, but something that should be considered for context imo—Black characters came out looking greenish as often as not and Asian/Indigenous characters were Unrealistic Stereotype Color simply because people of color/the color brown itself weren’t a priority)
That is actually a great point. Personally, I would have happily taken Wanda and Pietro being magenta or bright yellow in the 80s if it would help circumvent the last thirty-odd years of whitewashing and erasure, but maybe that's not for me to say.
I will say though, to your point, the M C U characters are, like, unrecognizable as Wanda and Pietro. They're objectively poor adaptations and they don't look like the characters, race issues aside. They do nothing to make Ols*n look like any version of Wanda up until the ass-end of WV, and even then she's blonde, which to be honest just makes her and the people styling her look lazy. Are you not committed enough to this job to have brown hair for a few weeks every couple years?
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backmaskcd · 11 months
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(Andy Bean) [THE LOST]. Please welcome [KENNEDY ROY (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [38]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [MANAGER AT THE DAILY GRIND]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Full Name: Kennedy James Roy Birthday: October 7 Age: 38 Hunter or Gatherer: Hunter Sexuality: straight Height: 5'10 Relationship Status: widowed, taken (dating Sare Holmes)
An only child, Kennedy was born and raised on the East Coast, spending summers at the beach and doing fairly well in school when he decided to go, managing to pass on his grades alone - he'd skipped so many days it was questionable if he should or not, but he hadn't cheated to pass exams so what else could you do?
Moving to West Virginia for college had been impulsive, but admittedly it was because he had been talking to a girl online for a few years now and that's where she lived. The pair fell madly in love and got married shortly after he moved there. It was nothing fancy - and almost as soon as the ink had dried, Kennedy found out he was going to be a dad.
Trying to maintain his studies with a wife and a kid at home wasn't as easy as he thought it would be; he tried his hardest, but wound up having to drop out because he just couldn't afford to keep doing both. This is when the birth of their second kid came into play, and Kennedy felt stretched thin.
It was around this time he started seeing someone else on the side - she was married too, and was one of the girls that was in his classes. They'd kept in touch after he dropped out, and the affair started up almost immediately after the birth of Kennedy's second kid; his wife had fallen into a post partum depression and Kennedy felt neglected and overworked at home, but with his affair partner, he felt sexy and interesting, and managed to talk his way into why it was fine that they continued doing this despite knowing deep down it was wrong.
The paradox changed everything for the worse - but not right away. Sneaking around did get considerably harder with the whole town on lockdown at night, but Kennedy still managed to find time to get around it for the first year - but then deep tragedy struck.
Kennedy had went out to meet up with his affair partner, and it had gotten too late for him to leave. He decided he'd just stay there and explain things to his wife when he got home. However when he got home the next day, the door was wide open and despite the dread he felt, he went inside, only to find the remains of his wife and children. Absolutely stricken with guilt, he called off his affair and moved to a different house that wouldn't haunt his dreams the same way the old one did.
Kennedy still carries a lot of guilt for what happened to his family; while he'll never know for sure what happened, he does know if he had just stayed home and ended the affair, or not even started it, he wouldn't be here. He's been a widow for nine years and hasn't really tried to pursue any sort of romantic relationship since he's still (in his mind) atoning for his past sins.
He's very pleasant to be around despite his tragedy; he tries to spend as much time as possible out of the house and around other people, enjoying just sitting around and talking as well as attending every event the town throws. He doesn't have any reminders of his family up in his house or talk about them out loud, but he'll never forget them, either.
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Homestuck, page 3,138
WV: Search for power source.
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Oh yeah, there's another thing you forgot about! You ate that delicious green nuclear rock earlier in the day, even though it feels like it was more than a year ago. Guess there's nothing to do but wait it out.
Author commentary: Intermittently reminding people about the uranium WV ate is important. Also reminding people the station is out of power and needs that uranium is important. Both so that when [S] Cascade happens, you understand what's actually going on (maybe). It's important to remind people of things so they understand stuff. Then I go on to laboriously explain some more shit that's probably unnecessary, involving some ramblings about Jade's associations with snow and Christmas, and also more garbage about Jesus. I wonder if maybe I can stop talking about Jesus for more than two seconds in this book? My guy has gotten more than his share of free ink over the years. Next time I feel the need to mention him, I'll switch things up and call him Shmesus. He's the bumbling philosopher who instead of getting nailed to a cross was shoved into a barrel and rolled down a hill, never to be seen again. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Actually, now that I think about it, all that text up there just sounds like one of my author notes that leaked into the body of the story. You could even make the case that all such narrative text is essentially me making author notes about what's going on inside the story, and pawning it off on you as the story itself. Holy shit, did we just have an epiphany together? Try not to look so smug. I'm the one who just made this stunning breakthrough, not you. Honestly, when was the last time you contributed ANYTHING to this discussion we're having? You've quite honestly been worse than useless.
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tabrownwv · 2 years
Another fountain pen and some WV inspired ink
Ok! I might be starting to develop an addiction to fountain pens 😆 I got a gift card for Christmas and decided to order a new Kaweco sport pen in iridescent pearl, plus a WV inspired ink from Colorverse Ink in Country Roads. I did an ink swatch and writing sample on a page in my hobonichi weeks. ❤️🖋️ I bought both the ink and pen from Gold Spot and you can check out the ink here – Colorverse…
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Premium MaxLight West Virginia Corporate Seal Inked Stamp
Need an official seal for your West Virginia business? The Premium MaxLight WV Corporate Seal Inked Stamp is the perfect solution! Personalize it for your corporation, with a 1-5/8" imprint size and 5 ink color options. Easy press and print design ensures professional results every time. Durable and re-inkable, this stamp is a must-have for efficient and seamless document stamping.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
The comfort character letters at my shop are now available as a physical letter instead of a digital download! And, along with every other item, it includes free shipping in the US:)
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francescogiamblanco · 2 years
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Filling some empty spots. Thanks @niccologiustozziii!!! You are amazing 💪🏻 . . . #traditionaltattoo #tattoo #tattoos #traditional #ink #oldschooltattoo #inked #tattooed #tattooflash #art #tattooartist #traditionaltattoos #tattooer #tattooart #blackwork #oldlines #tattooing #boldwillhold #oldschool #tradworkers #colortattoo #neotraditionaltattoo #tattoolife #bold #neotraditional #tattoodesign #flashtattoo #trad (presso Black Horse tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhiY4pr-wv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chocol8tman · 2 years
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Let’s count my inks now 🖊🩸🎨 #jaysonisaac #tattooed (at Makati) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci9we-Wv-RZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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faemytho · 5 years
Warriorverse Dream x Blue x Ink "I saw that, you just checked us out" Feel better soon Mae
ok i know u sent this after i was like “yo im sick and feel like shit”
well im actually still sick over a week later lm a o,
anyways, warriorverse dream is named rior, wv blue and wv ink have yet to be named (tbh idk if im gonna name them. depends on what i do w this story’s development in the future uwu)
warriorverse // me
    “I saw that,” Blue declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Ink. “You just checked us out, I saw it!”
    Sitting beside him on the couch, Rior looked up for a moment, eyes narrowed. Ink, who sat across from them in a single, plush armchair, gasped in mock offense and raised a hand to his mouth. He was pointedly ignoring Rior’s scrutiny, instead gazing only at Blue, and Rior rolled his eyes and returned his gaze down at his hands, where he was attempting to braid three straps of leather.
    “I was not, how dare you accuse me of such things,” Ink scoffed, throwing an arm across his eyes with a dramatic flourish. Blue crossed his arms and glared at Ink. Rior tuned them out as they began to argue, focusing instead on his hands.
    “… Look, I’m just saying, I’m well within my right to check you both out,” Ink was saying, a smug, shit-eating grin on his face. “You’re both cute, what’s a gay supposed to do?”
    Rior’s fingers froze. Blue, oblivious to Rior’s sudden internal crisis, stood and argued back, albeit the blue flush that crept across his cheeks.
    “It’s rude,” Blue insisted, hands on his hips. Rior lifted his head from the braid he was working on, staring at Ink.
    Ink, who was now comfortably lounging in his armchair, raised a smug brow and glanced over at Rior. When his eyes met the warrior’s gaze, they widened in shock for a moment. He obviously hadn’t expected Rior to actually be listening in, if his expression was anything to go by.
    Blue paused, before following Ink’s shocked look down to Rior. He stayed quiet, watching Rior’s reaction with careful apprehension. Rior set the half finished braid down without breaking eye contact with Ink. He didn’t look upset, though, and Ink gave a risky wink.
    To Blue’s surprise, (and Ink’s, though he didn’t show it and would never admit it), Rior flushed a soft golden color and looked back down at the braid. As they stared, he hurriedly grabbed the braid and walked quickly out of the room. Ink and Blue gaped after him.
    “Was he-?” Blue whispered, and Ink grinned.
    “He was,” Ink confirmed, sitting up in his seat to better stare at the doorway Rior had disappeared through.
    For all their little attempts, subtle flirts, and hint dropping, Rior had been flustered at such a blunt and blatant mention that Ink might be interested in him.
    They were making progress on their effort to confess to the seemingly stone hearted warrior.
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wolfieamwhitevoid · 4 years
Some drawings of my boi White. The character with the bandages on their head is my sister's Undertale AU Broketale! Sans.(Also known as Shard) There is also classic sans and ink sans in these drawings. Shards design has changed since then but oh well. Also these drawings were made a couple of months ago.
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ofenigmas · 1 year
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(Chloe Bennet) [THE DETACHED]. Please welcome [MARLANA ZHAO (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [29]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [ASSISTANT EDITOR AT HUNTSVILLE DAILY]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
NAME: marlana ingrid zhao
BIRTH DATE + AGE: april 16, 1994 – 00:00
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ORIENTATION: heterosexual biromantic ? 
OCCUPATION: assistant editor at huntsville daily
BIRTHPLACE: new york city 
FAMILY: gisela zhao née schneider - mother (alive??), zhao haoyu - father (alive??), luca zhao - older brother (presumed dead)
FACE CLAIM: chloe bennet
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR: naturally medium brown. frequently dyed. currently dark brown.
HEIGHT: 5′6″
TATTOOS: a bluebird (lower back, a drunken dare) sun and moon tattoo on left wrist (x).
SCARS/BIRTH MARKS: jagged line diagonally across her right forearm (from barbed wire fence)
ZODIAC: aries sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising
MBTI: estp, the entrepreneur.
ENNEAGRAM: 7w8, the realist. sexual/self preservation subtype
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good/neutral
ARCHETYPE: the detached / the defiant
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS: april ludgate, megara from hercules, flynn rider, ron swanson, lois lane, han solo, georgia miller (according to mbti/enneagram still need to watch lmao)
AESTHETIC: crumpled newspapers, crimson, muffled laughter, ash- or ink- covered hands, rebellion, ruined dreams, the desire to stargaze on the roof, old history books, messy handwriting, irritatingly smug smiles, denim jackets, vodka, tight black dresses, broken champagne glasses, holding you an arm’s length away.
BIOGRAPHY TW: death, mention of skiing accident (not the gwyneth paltrow one)
born in new york city, youngest of two children, daughter of a software developer and a history professor. 
hates her name, always introduces herself as lana.
always wanted to be an investigative journalist (a perfect outlet for someone with a penchant for never minding her own business) 
an extrovert, but her friendships seemed to follow her since birth. her family was incredibly close to the Vargas and XXX families and she formed a tight knit circle with their children, especially Nina and Dante. she’d never felt the need for more friends. 
despite an intense sibling rivalry, was very close to her brother Luca. 
got accepted into Columbia for Journalism. spent six years there due to being forced to take a semester off from a skiing accident and having a year long internship. 
planned a week long ‘spring break’ trip in key west, florida to celebrate finally graduating and landing a position at the new york times. the caravan ended up being her, her best friends nina and dante, her boyfriend, her brother luca, and luca’s best friend.
after a particularly long night of drinks and fight over something so trivial she barely remembers, a drunken lana broke up with her boyfriend. god, what a horrible start to spring break. it was fine. she’d sleep it off and they’d either make up or she could avoid him the rest of the trip. except... the trip never ended, as they never made it to florida, instead detouring into huntsville, west virginia. 
she tried every single day for a year to find a way to leave or communicate with the outside world. didn’t take it seriously at first, avoided any sort of relationship with anyone because ‘we’ll be back to our normal lives soon’ unless interrogating them on if they knew anything. 
after a year, luca (her brother who had agreed to be a hunter) never returned from his trip. that was the first time her resolve started to shatter. 
for two years, lana lived in some sort of haze. maybe this wasn’t real, some sort of hallucination. what if she’d been in a coma from her skiing accident and never woke up? any absurd excuse to not accept her life falling apart, she was even more brash and impulsive than usual, only her best friends and now-roommates dante and nina grounding her. except... then they watched soulless monsters destroy dante with their own eyes. 
since then (2 years ago), lana has somewhat accepted that her life is ruined and she’s stuck in this living nightmare for the rest of time, and it’s all her fault. since she never wanted to make new friends before, she’s not been any better now. quite chatty and curious, but makes no effort to get close to anyone. 
works at the local newspaper as some sort of sick joke to herself. she was qualified, after all. 
top 5 theme songs:
make it up as i go - mike shinoda, k.flay  i keep on running backwards. i keep on losing faith. i thought i had the answers. i thought i knew the way. my brother said be patient. i don't know what i'm chasing. i don't know who i am. waking in the dead of night, i can't sleep. sleeping in the light of day for like weeks, reality was out of focus, i could be hopeless. instead i gritted my teeth.
we won’t - jaymes young, phoebe ryan don't go to war for me. i'm not the one that you want me to be. -- are we just gonna stay like this forever? floating, i'm serious, my heart is furious. -- don't waste your time convincing me that maybe someday we'll get it right.
when you break - bear’s den  spoiled, selfish little child went out to play out in the wild. i found you shaking like a leaf underneath your family tree. you could never live out in the open, regretting every word you've spoken. when you break, it's too late for you to fall apart, and the blame that you claim is all your own fault.
crossroads - timeflies you ever just go through the motions? it's like i'm stuck in a game, thinking it'll be different, then it just come up the same. man how the hell did i get here? not like i knew the way. just take me back to the start again, just one more time on the stage.
long story short - taylor swift fatefully, i tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me. -- i was in the alley, surrounded on all sides. the knife cuts both ways. if the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break. -- and i fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole. long story short, it was a bad time.
Her Pinterest board is here.
Her Spotify playlist is here.
N/A (unless there’s a future way her brother could have survived in the woods for 4 years LMAO)
ROOMMATES - { 1 / 1 } - nina vargas A BROKEN TRIO - { 1 / 1 } - nina vargas - the one person marlana remains close to of the remaining survivors of their road trip and trio of best friends. only person she lets herself be vulnerable with. 
FRENEMIES - { 3 / 3 } - clara jones, morgan vovk, jace sinclair - marlana is generally snarky to everyone, but especially to these few. the bad part ?? she actually misses days when they aren’t around to tease. not that she would admit that. 
BAD INFLUENCEE - { 1 / ? } - calloway de la luna - marlana is far from ‘innocent’/’lawful good’, someone that she has no qualms about corrupting, perhaps even finds a small joy in dragging them to the bar or approving of what people would normally consider bad decisions.
GOOD INFLUENCE - { 1 / 2 } - mylene karimi - someone who has never given up on trying to befriend marlana. sort of a friendly “opposites attract” vibe in that they are more optimistic/sunshine-y/sillier than her in a way she begrudgingly finds she wants to be around. 
ACQUAINTANCES - { 1 / ? } - conrad greene - maybe they frequent the bar together, are always at the diner for lunch at the same time and ended up sharing a table, etc. she often frequents the daily grind, bucky’s diner, the sasquatch, and the library.
CO-WORKERS - { 3 / 4 } - evora kaplan, prudence wheaton, parker russo - other people who work at huntsville daily - is probably generally friendly to them and likes them more than other people in town unless plotted otherwise 
NEIGHBORS - { 4 / idk 6? } - tari park, avery cowling, rusty craven, genesis boone - people who live next door to her and nina TRAINING PARTNERS - { 1 / 1 } - morgan vovk - someone she went to for help learning to fight / defend herself after losing dante two years ago .
PROTECTIVE - { 1 / 1 } - parker russo - someone younger than her that she has sort of accidentally adopted and is very protective over. 25 or younger. 
FORMER FRIENDLIES - { 0 / ? } - people who were warm and welcoming to her in the first year or so who did not receive the same treatment in return and eventually gave up on befriending her.
ENEMIES - { 1 / 3 } -  zoë clark - a lawful good who can’t stand her chaotic good/neutral nature, someone who just can’t stand her snarky attitude, maybe she hates them simply bc they have a sunny disposition and don’t despise living in huntsville 
ALWAYS AVOIDANT - { 1 / 3 } -  • after losing her brother she decided to go after him in case he was alive and snuck out while nina was asleep to “monster hunt”, unsure if she had much intent to return without him. she nearly died and has a nice scar on her arm from getting caught on a barbed wire fence trying to escape one, but someone saved her and dragged her back to town. she generally avoids them and pretends it didn’t happen bc not good at saying thank you or acknowledging vulnerability. - eddie romero
• one of the people on the road trip was her brother luca’s best friend. in their old lives, she didn’t like him for some mundane and probably immature reason: he wasn’t from her tight knit families or he and luca tried to do things without her as kids, etc. since luca’s death 4 years ago, she’s generally cut him off, worried he’ll blame her for being stuck in huntsville (she didn’t even want him on the trip!!!) or for luca and bc he reminds her of the past. must be a “visitor” who arrived around 5 years ago on their road trip. lived in nyc anywhere from just for a master’s/new job for a few years up to his entire life. age: probably early 30s? • dante’s twin brother - dante was her other best friend who was killed 2 years ago - his twin has been looking for him for over 5 years since dante and his friends never returned from their trip - lana would avoid him, not wanting to dwell on the past long enough to explain what happened -  must be a “visitor” who just arrived. lived in nyc at least for his childhood. age: around 30
* ✨  i do not plot out ships so none of these are meant to lead to an actual “romantic” ship unless it does on accident from chemistry! ✨ 
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN - { 3 / 3 } -  fletcher cole, cyan canne, riley saunders - people who are maybe antagonistic-leaning as a connection that she’s accidentally had a one night stand with due to poor impulse control. male/nonbinary. 
“THIS WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN” - { 1 / 1 } - duck romero - same as above except definitely antagonistic connection + she keeps reminding him that this will “absolutely never happen again” and would deny having any connection with him if anyone asked.  inspo: (x) (x) “WE CAN BE CASUAL” - { 0 / 1 } - they’re both attracted to each other, and get along quite well,  but whatever this is at least originated after a drunken/sleep-deprived conversation abt how they have no interest in a romantic future with anyone. maybe seem kind of romantic to others. 0-3 years. inspo: (x) (x) (x)
UNREQUITED - { 0 / 1 } - whether they’ve not actually indicated this interest/did and were turned down and are still trying or agreed to be friends, he has a romantic interest in marlana, which is rather difficult since she... pretends she doesn’t have feelings. anything from acquaintances to fwbs. probably deserves better than her.  inspo: (x) (x)
EX-BOYFRIEND - { 0 / 1 } - they dated anywhere from 6 months - 5 years and his feelings can be anywhere from was cheating on her/using her for family connections to was abt to propose, sky’s the limit. she broke up with him the night before they got stuck in huntsville (probably a silly drunken fight or general panic over starting a new life chapter) and even if one or both of them would have wanted to make up, they never got the chance. it’s been over 5 years now so it could be a he despises her for dumping and then trapping him here, exes w jealousy, a will they won’t they where they always back out last minute, he wants her back when he rly shouldn’t, only she has unresolved feelings, he just wants to be friends again, etc etc!  must be a “visitor” who arrived around 5 years ago on their road trip. lived in nyc anywhere from just for a master’s/new job for a few years up to his entire life. age: probably early 30s? inspo: (x) (x)
OTHER - feel free to hit me up with any other ideas you have as well ! please feel free to mix or match any of these from any category ! 
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omelevateart · 4 years
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the90sfreshestdude · 5 years
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inktober day 22: fave carapace
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tabrownwv · 2 years
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After having my #brothersgrimm journal for over 3 years and not knowing what I wanted to do with it, I decided that I wanted to practice my penmanship using my new fountain pens and inks. To practice, I’m writing out the opening quotes that were used in the @grimmpeacock TV show 😁 Here’s my 1st page. I made a couple mistakes and it’s not the greatest but that’s what practice is for. The pen is a caligraphy pen from @speedball_calligraphy and the ink is Country Roads, WV from @colorverse.ink #fountainpen #calligraphypen #colorverseink #fountainpenink #handwriting #penmanship #rockyourhandwriting #handwritingcommunity #grimm #grimmtvshow https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyvctpuIrH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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