#mae writes utmv
faemytho · 4 years
Totally not sending in another request-
“Forget it.”
“Aw, come on! I know you’re having fun-“
Send me a sentence and I'll answer with the next five (or so)
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bc ink doesn't understand most social cues, this strains his relationships with others. cross, who has absolutely zero patience, snaps.
Ink recoiled as though struck, and Cross couldn't help but revel in the curl of satisfaction he felt.
"Cross, buddy, of course I listen to you! That's what friends do," Ink laughed, though it sounded nervous. Almost like he was unsure.
"Yeah, you're right. That's what friends do, so I don't know why you call yourself mine." The satisfaction of finally snapping felt fantastic, and he let himself sink into the feeling, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
"Cross," Ink spoke, the brows on his face creased and worried and horribly confused, and he looked, for once, like he was actually upset. "I-I didn't, I don't-"
"You know what, just forget it. That's what you're best at."
Cross turned, walked away, and pretended as though he couldn't hear Ink desperately calling after him for an explanation.
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faemytho · 4 years
“But... you promised.”
“Sometimes... a promise is made of a thousand lies.”
Send me a sentence and I'll answer with the next five (or so)
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Death looked cheated, and wasn't that a funny thought? Nightmare had to laugh. In the face of a god, even he was more powerful. He just had to find the right buttons to push.
"You really thought I would chain myself to something as fleeting as a promise?" He sneered. "For an all-powerful immortal being, you don't quite live up to the expectations I had of you. How disappointing."
Death huffed, lowering his head. "Fine then," the god muttered wetly, and Nightmare watched him lift a hand to his face, hiding the tears Nightmare knew were there from view. "Fuck off. See if I care."
The god turned, and with a whirl, dissipated into the fabric of the multiverse.
Death's negative feelings didn't taste quite as good as Nightmare thought they would.
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faemytho · 4 years
"If stars were wishes, I wonder how bright mine would be."
Send me a sentence and I'll answer with the next five (or so)
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they/them for blue, he/him for geno. they gayyy
"Bright. Brighter than anything else in the sky."
Blue looked down at Geno, who had his head rested on their shoulder. The other monster wasn't looking at him, and there was surely a red flush across his cheeks.
"Well of course mine would be bright!" They boasted, and Geno chuckled, snuggling closer. He pointed up at the night sky, and Blue followed his gaze.
"That one's yours then," Geno said, pointing at the brightest star in the sky. Blue squinted at it for a moment, before smiling and leaning their cheek on the top of Geno's head.
"No, silly. That's us. You and me." Blue reached out towards Geno's hand and gently interlocked their fingers, pulling it back closer to rest between them. "That's a twin star system. I wouldn't be able to shine so brightly if you weren't here with me, because all I wish for is to be with you."
Thoroughly flustered, Geno let out an embarrassed wheeze and buried his face in Blue's shoulder. Letting out a laugh, they dropped a kiss to the top of Geno's head and sat back, watching the night sky.
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faemytho · 4 years
One: how was I not following you earlier his is a crime Two: Oh yes what a shame it would be if I sent you a Dreammare prompt. Which is why I’m not gonna request some bittersweet modern au Dreammare right now. Definitely not.
👊😔 damn. what a shame. oh no. ive written it.
Pairing: Dream/Nightmare
Word Count: 1,369
Fandom: UTMV
nightmare uses they/them and identifies as male! dream uses he/him and identifies as nonbinary!
dreammare prompts taken: 1/3
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Dream smoothed down the creases of his shirt, smiling nervously at his own reflection. Around his neck, the thin golden chain of his necklace shimmered in the light, the moon charm resting on his collarbone. Taking a deep breath, he sighed it out slowly, trying to calm his fraying nerves. Blind dates weren't something to be so nervous about. At least, he didn't think they were.
Grabbing his keys, he shut the lights off and left his apartment. It was no use denying it to himself, especially as he found himself fiddling with his unruly curls in the mirror at every stoplight. He was nervous, and he knew it. Blue had assured him that he'd been set up with someone nice, and though he never doubted his friend before, he couldn't help but frantically fantasize about everything that could go wrong.
The second he stepped inside the restaurant, he was escorted to a table with only a mentioned of his name. Sighing, he let his fingers dance over the top of the polished wood. Blue's family probably owned this restaurant. He should've known.
Sighing, Dream leaned back in his seat and stared around the restaurant; or rather, what he could see of it. He knew he'd probably beat whoever his date was here, but the waiting was making him even more anxious than before.
The restaurant wasn't crowded, but it certainly wasn't empty either. The dull sound of soft chatter and utensils hitting dishes as restaurant patrons ate did nothing to still his nerves. Taking a deep breath, he put on a smile for the waiter who came over.
"I'm waiting for someone," he told them before they could open their mouth. They looked familiar, but Dream couldn't place them until they spoke.
"I see," Nightmare drawled, sweeping their black hair out of their face so they could look down at Dream with those piercing blue eyes they'd always had. Dream felt his breath catch in his throat. "Regardless, I'll be your waiter tonight."
Nightmare turned and left, and Dream stared after them, sinking down in his seat. He hadn't seen Nightmare in years, and the last time they had talked, it hadn't exactly been on good terms. What was Nightmare even thinking of him now, seeing him in this restaurant and clearly waiting on his date for the night?
Ten minutes passed, and then another fifteen. An hour after Dream had shown up, he had miserably made his way through the entire basket of breadsticks and now had his head down on the table.
"Hey, that's not very good restaurant etiquette." A gentle tap to his shoulder made him look up, and Nightmare stood there, crossing their arms. They were in casual clothes rather than their waiter clothes, and Dream bit back a pitiful sniffle.
"Why are you-?" Unable to find the proper words, Dream gestured to Nightmare. They looked down at themself, then shrugged.
"My shift ended ten minutes ago." Nightmare looked down at Dream, and something in their eyes softened. After a minute, Nightmare sighed, offering a hand to Dream. "Come on. I'm going to get shitty fast food and you're coming with, since all you've eaten tonight are breadsticks."
Perplexed, Dream stared at the hand. Nightmare wiggled their fingers impatiently, and Dream found his hand in theirs. He let Nightmare pull him up and tug him out of the restaurant, and for the first time in a long time, he felt complete.
... If not hopefully apprehensive for what lay ahead.
Nightmare rode a motorbike, and since they hadn't thought they'd be needing another helmet, they hadn't brought one. So instead, Dream and Nightmare drove side by side, together and apart at the same time. It was impossible to describe the emotions roiling through him, but Dream didn't think he wanted to.
"Sorry your date stood you up," Nightmare mumbled into their pancakes. It was the first thing they'd said to Dream since they'd left the restaurant, and Dream felt his heart stutter in his chest.
"It- It's fine," he assured Nightmare, reaching for another fry on his plate. It was almost midnight, and Dream had early morning classes to attend tomorrow, but he didn't care. This was more important right now. "I psyched myself out over meeting them, and then they didn't even show up. So, no loss there, really."
Nightmare gave a soft huff, stabbing their fork into their eggs a little too harshly. "Still," they grumbled. "Asshole."
Dream let himself laugh, and by the gods, it felt good to laugh at something Nightmare had said again. It felt like greeting an old friend. As Dream's little giggle fit died down, he reached across the table to rest his hand atop Nightmare's pale one. They looked up from their plate, blinking at Dream with a raised brow.
"Thank you for thinking about me," Dream spoke, a gentle smile on his face. It didn't stay for long, dropping into a little frown. He sighed, and decided to address the elephant in the room. "Nightmare, I'm sorry. About what happened last time we-"
"No." Nightmare pulled their hand away, and Dream looked up at them in shock. They looked furious. "No, don't you dare apologize. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. You shouldn't be apologizing to me, I should be apologizing to you."
Dream couldn't breathe. Nightmare pushed their empty plate aside and stood, staring down at Dream with upset eyes.
"I'm sorry, Dream," they said with all the force of the world. Dream's eyes felt prickly and wet. "I shouldn't have done that to you. I shouldn't have said those things. It was my fault you felt that way, because I knew what would hurt you the most, and I knew you'd just forgive me right away, and I'm sorry."
Dream stood. Nightmare faltered, looking away.
"You shouldn't forgive me for that," they muttered. "I know you're probably going to, but you shouldn't. What I said, what I did... It wasn't-"
Dream reached out to cup Nightmare's cheeks, and Nightmare choked on their words. Their blue eyes were wide and shimmery, and Dream was almost certain his eyes were the same.
"Who are you," he started, his voice wet and wavering with a laugh. "And what did you do with Nightmare?"
"I went to therapy!" Nightmare exclaimed, sounding all the world as though they were offended, but tears slid from their eyes and they worried their bottom lip on their teeth the same way they always had when they were kids. For the first time since he'd seen Nightmare again, he noticed the thin golden chain around their neck, the golden sun charm gently resting on their collarbone, and his breath caught in his throat. With his hands on Nightmare's soft cheeks and thumbing away their tears, Dream couldn't stand it anymore.
Dream pressed his mouth to Nightmare's, pushing all his relief and apprehension into the movement. He needed Nightmare to know, to understand the tight feeling in his chest in a way that words could never encapsulate. He heard Nightmare's gasp as much as felt it, and after a moment, he pulled away.
"I'm not forgiving you just because," he said, voice crackling with emotion. He cleared his throat and continued. "I'm forgiving you because the Nightmare I knew would have never apologized for doing something wrong. Certainly not for what happened. And I love you. I still love you. I always have loved you. Seeing you make this progress, I'm... I'm proud of you."
"Dream," Nightmare mumbled, hands coming up to grip his shoulders. They gently pushed him away. "I love you too. But I can't. I need... I need time to think." Nightmare looked away, their voice softening. "And I want to be better for you."
After a moment, Dream nodded, wiping his own tears away. "Okay," he said. "I'll be here for you. Whenever you're ready."
Nightmare gave a scoff, though it sounded wet with tears and there was a sad smile on their face. In what was clearly a nervous movement, they pressed a kiss to Dream's forehead, and it felt like a promise.
"Okay," they agreed, and Dream beamed up at them with tears in his eyes. "Okay."
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faemytho · 4 years
How about some dreammare with something ike "promise me we'll do that again" and those two just being feral idiots in love
oooh yes, we do love two feral idiots in love
Fandom: UTMV
Pairing: Dream/Nightmare
Word Count: 510
they're lesbians this time! dream uses ae/aer, and nightmare uses the traditional she/her, but they're both female!!
dreammare prompts taken: 2/3
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Nightmare rushed into the alleyway and ducked herself behind the dumpster. With her hands firmly over her ears and her eyes squeezed shut, she only barely registered Dream sliding down next to her. Dream's eyes were clenched shut, aer hands over aer ears, and a moment later, a large boom shook the streets, vibrating up into their chests and shaking them both to their cores. With only one glance at each other, they burst out laughing.
"Did you use the cannon?!" Nightmare shouted over the screaming, and grinned as her partner in crime nodded vigorously. Dream's green eyes were shining with glee, giggles wracking aer body. Aer blonde hair was a mess, frayed from its braid and sticking up everywhere, but ae'd never looked happier than ae did at that moment.
"Of course I used the cannon!" Ae shouted back, grabbing Nightmare by the wrist and tugging her back out into the streets. They wove through the panicking crowd with graceful ease, not even touching a single person.
The streets of their town were in chaos. With winter well upon them, it had soon become time to put on the annual winter celebrations festival. Nightmare had had the ingenious idea of offering their own services to the festivities this year. Beyond excited at the idea, Dream had agreed.
"You set them up last night, right?" Dream asked as they came to a stop in the center of town. Nightmare nodded with a grin, and Dream swept her up into a hug. Laughing, Nightmare had only a second to prepare before ae kissed her hard, excitement and passion reflecting aer very self even in the way ae kissed.
"Come on, set them off set them off!" Dream pulled away and cupped her face, and there was bright excitement in aer eyes. Dazed from the kiss, and dazed from Dream aerself, Nightmare could only stammer and nod and fumble around in her pockets with a stupid smile.
Dream's excitement was contagious. As soon as Nightmare had the remote in her hand, she wiggled it in Dream's direction and watched as her partner in crime burst into giggles. She made a show out of pushing the button, much to Dream's impatient anticipation, but once it had been pushed, ae grabbed Nightmare by the shoulders, shoved aer face cheek to cheek with hers, and looked up at the sky.
Streaking and screaming up from all over the city, rockets whistled into the stars and burst into color. The fireworks were loud and bright, not unlike Dream aerself, and Nightmare couldn't help but cackle out the sheer joy rushing through her.
The new explosions brought more screams, people scattering and ducking for cover. Slowly though, as the fireworks continued to streak across the sky, the panic of the town began to dwindle, people retreating into their homes. In the center of the city, Nightmare cupped Dream's face and kissed aer.
"Promise me we'll do this again sometime," Dream murmured against her lips with a giggle, and Nightmare gave a laugh of her own.
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faemytho · 4 years
Aaaa Mercy with Error and Dream?
Tumblr media
Prompt: Mercy
Pairing: insomnia (error/dream)
Word Count: 770
When he opened his eyes, the world was dark. His head was pounding, and his mouth twisted up into a frown as he tried to remember what had happened before he passed out, before ultimately shutting his eyes and giving up.
The thought of sitting up made his stomach swim, so he stayed laying down where he was. With everything aching the way it was, he almost wished he just hadn't woken up. It was hard to focus on anything but the aching pain, and so for several moments, he drifted just on the edge of consciousness.
What brought him back was the unmistakable sound of space time being ripped open, a portal to another universe tearing its way through the air. He knew the sound well enough.
He must be in Blue's house, he reasoned. It was the logical place, after all. Blue was his friend, and he'd stayed over so often that Blue had practically given him the guest room. It would also explain the soft surface he lay on, and the cloth covering his eyes. He was sick, or had been injured during their last spat with Nightmare, and Blue was taking care of him.
… That didn't sound right.
Despite his aches and pains, Dream sat up, the cloth over his eyes falling down and pooling in his lap. It had been a blanket after all, but he wasn't focused on that, the white nothingness of the anti-void greeting him and making him nauseous.
"Hey, dumbass, lay back down," a gruff voice snapped at him, and even though his head was spinning, he turned and met the mismatched eyes of Error, the outcode being and symbol of destruction.
And instead of laying back down, he passed out.
When Dream woke again, it was to the blanket covering his eyes and the irritated grumbling of a certain outcode he couldn't say he knew all that well. As compared to the other outcodes he knew. At least his headache was gone.
With his head no longer pounding, he recalled his last memories. There had been a battle, of that much he was certain. Ink had reported a sighting of Cross and Killer, from Nightmare's little band of misfits. They were clearly up to no good, so he had taken Blue with him to see what they were up to. He couldn't quite recall what had happened, but he knew at some point, he had been shoving Blue out of the way of an attack.
"What happened?" He groaned, keeping his eyes closed and himself under the blanket. In his state, the white of the anti-void was sure to irritate him rather than anything else. A huff of breath sounded from his left, and Error's skipping voice spoke up.
"Building collapsed on you."
He said nothing else, and Dream pushed aside the blanket just a bit to sneak a look up at Error. Golden eyes fell to mismatched hands, which were busy weaving blue string together in some kind of braid. Error wasn't paying attention to him, so he took another moment to look around, assessing where exactly he was.
He knew he was in the anti-void, of course, but he didn't remember the anti-void having blankets to lay on or pillows to prop his head up. Nor did he remember it having beanbags or little boxes of knickknacks strewn about. He definitely didn't remember the ceiling, which extended into darkness, woven over with webs of blue string.
"You and that swap incode interrupted Cross and Killer's date," Error spoke up again, and Dream turned to look at him. The other outcode wasn't meeting his eyes, gaze firmly fixed on his hands, which were still weaving away. "You're wondering, I can tell. They called Nightmare, Nightmare called me. Blue made it out okay. You didn't."
"Oh," Dream said eloquently. He lay back down again, suddenly feeling the urge to either disappear from the world or throw up. "Why save me?" He finally asked.
"Dunno," Error muttered, and turned away. It was silent for a long time after that, and Dream could sense that that was all he was going to get from Error on the subject.
Sighing, he gave up and dropped it, closing his eyes and covering his face with the blanket again. He'd take Error's unexpected mercy without any more questions.
(Though when he thought back on the details of it later, when he returned to Blue's house and allowed the sprightly incode to fret and worry over him, he couldn't help but wonder if he was making up the blue flush of magic on Error's face.)
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faemytho · 4 years
“This is NOT how you’re supposed to play.” “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Send me a sentence starter and I'll answer with the next five,,, or so
Nightmare stared over the top of his hands, and Ink stared defiantly back, a white piece held in his outstretched hand.
"The queen can't move like a knight, Ink," Nightmare spoke flatly, watching irately as Ink put the piece down anyways.
"Maybe in your version of chess," Ink huffed, sitting back in his chair with a grin. "I say let the queen move like a knight. She deserves it."
"'She' is a chess piece," Nightmare seethed quietly, and Ink shrugged.
"Maybe you're just bad at chess," he had the audacity to suggest, and promptly lost his shit laughing as Nightmare upended the chess board in an attempt to strangle him.
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faemytho · 4 years
"Are you ready for this?" "No..." "Me neither! Let's go!" Or the equally chaotic "Are you sure about this?" "Nope! Let's go!" With Ink. It doesn't matter who's with him, but...Ink.
Send me a sentence starter and I'll answer with the next five,,, or so
yall get inklust h e h
"Are you ready for this?"
"Me neither! Let's go!"
Ink grabbed onto Hearts' hand, dragging the other behind himself as he charged forward. Hearts yelped at the tug, screaming as Ink jumped off of Mount Ebott and pulled him along with a wild cackle.
For a heart-stopping moment, they were falling through the air, Ink's hand warm in Hearts' as he whooped and the wind whipped around them.
"THIS WAS A BAD IDEA," Hearts screamed over the wind. Ink just scoffed and turned in midair to face him.
"Relax! We'll be fine! After all, I've got broomy, he'll save us," Ink reassured him, rolling his eyes and turning back towards the rapidly approaching ground with a grin. He held out his free hand, and with a spark of magic, his paintbrush appeared. Hearts held onto Ink's hand, pulling himself closer and shutting his eyes.
Ink swung broomy down across the mountain face, and a slide of black ink appeared to catch them, letting them surf down the rest of the mountain as Ink directed. When they finally tumbled to the ground, safe and unhurt, Hearts was heaving for breath, staring up at the sky. He closed his eyes and lay an arm across them, groaning pitifully.
"So? So? What'd'ya think? Fun, right?" Ink asked, on his knees beside him and leaning over to smile down at him. Hearts elbowed him in his non-existent gut, watching as Ink dramatically flopped down next to him.
"Next time," he said, rolling over to Ink's side and leaving a kiss on his cheek. "I'm choosing what we do for date night."
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faemytho · 4 years
hey guys, im still working on those sanscest requests yall sent in when 0.5 dropped (they're closed now), but in the meantime, here's this!
i've been compiling all the sanscest things i've written on tumblr and posting them here, so if you're only interested in that from me, they're all right here!
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faemytho · 4 years
Did he mean what he said? (Dreammare) [for the ask meme!]
Send me a sentence starter and I'll answer with the next five,,, or so
They were alone. Awash with the dark colors of waterfall, Nightmare was almost invisible.
Dream stayed silent, a strange look on his face. Nightmare felt what could have been cold terror creep down his spine. Maybe it was apprehension. Relief. Longing.
"Well? Tell me!" He demanded. His tendrils lashed angrily behind him. "Did you mean it or not?"
"I did," Dream said, so softly that Nightmare had to strain to hear it. "I meant it. I never stopped meaning it."
Dream turned and walked away. Nightmare let him.
Three words hung unspoken in the air.
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faemytho · 5 years
i once plot dumped an entire "how would errink get together" thing in discord so im gonna post it here after like. a year lmao
ink doesnt "create" universes, we do, so error doesn't really have a reason to actively seek ink out and destroy him
he figures he'll kill ink when he gets around to it but DAMN is he annoying
until he catches ink laughing at a genocide run in a fellswapverse or something
and suddenly ink is intriguing. very intriguing
ink notices that error's destruction of universes has slowed down, and then one day, error joins ink in spectating a genocide run in another universe and they hang out and it's great; ink insults him and he insults ink back, but it's almost friendly, and they both kinda like it
so they do it again. they keep meeting up and by now error's destruction has almost completely stopped because he’s focused on “More Important Things”
and they become closer and closer until they can just literally speak their minds without being on edge or so tense around each other
(also during this period ink has learned of Error's haphephobia and is respectfully keeping his distance)
but one day error reaches over and punches ink's shoulder in playful banter and ink realizes that error's gotten comfortable with him, so they start getting a little more touchy-feely with each other - brushing shoulders, flicking each other's foreheads, patting each other's backs when they're venting to each other
until one day error reaches over and grabs ink's hand, and interlaces their fingers together AND NEITHER OF THEM FUCKING NOTICE OR CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE T H A T COMFORTABLE WITH EACH OTHER
and so one day, error has a really fucken shitty day. voices screaming louder than they have in a year (when he and ink started hanging out) and he crashed too so he goes to ink and just lets it all out. and ink doesn't say anything
he just turns error towards him and pulls him into a hug
(he only does this because he actually has no fucken idea what to say other than "shit sorry man lmao")
and error just starts crying silently and ink's hugging him and error gets hit with the gay frisbee "congrats, you're gay"
but no error doesn't tell ink right away, error lets it sit, until he literally can't hold himself back bc hes an impulsive man baby
so one day, while they're talking, error blurts it out like "I think I should tell you something" and then proceeds to tell ink he's gay for him and has been for a while
ink stares at him, and he slowly goes "you do realize I don't have a soul, right" and error isn't flustered or embarrassed actually, he's saying all this calmly, like how you would talk about a normal day or some shit
like "hey, I made pasta for dinner tonight, that okay with you?" except its "hey, ink im probably in love with you, that okay with you?"
so anyways
ink goes "dude I dont have a soul" and error goes "yah I know just thought you should know im gay for you and shit - anyways, have you caught up on undernovella yet?"
"yeah I have, fucken finale is dead to me - also hey, im down to date you or whatever"
and so error goes "yo fuck that'd be cool but why" and ink shrugs
"idk you're pretty cool i mean, I wouldn't have let you hang around with me unless I didn't think you weren't. also, you're literally my best friend. im cool with whatever man"
and error shrugs too
"aight cool. i'd love to date you too"
so now they're dating
bUT their first kiss doesn't happen until a year the fuck later
their first kiss happens literally the fuck outta nowhere but they dont even notice it happened until like five minutes later bc theyre so close and comfortable with each other
and then ink jokingly says some sappy shit like "hurrdurr ur the only star I'm interested in seeing"
theyre probably in a fucken outertale or some shit bc thats the go-to au
for romantic shit and they probably cuddling up on a hill in stardin forest starwatching
and error cackles and rolls his eyes and leans up and kisses ink right on the mouth
and when he pulls away he goes "the stars in your eyes are the only ones I can ever see"
and they go back to cuddling and shit and then like five minutes later
"ink did I just kiss you?"
"idk, do it again I missed it"
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faemytho · 5 years
Warriorverse Dream x Blue x Ink "I saw that, you just checked us out" Feel better soon Mae
ok i know u sent this after i was like “yo im sick and feel like shit”
well im actually still sick over a week later lm a o,
anyways, warriorverse dream is named rior, wv blue and wv ink have yet to be named (tbh idk if im gonna name them. depends on what i do w this story’s development in the future uwu)
warriorverse // me
    “I saw that,” Blue declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Ink. “You just checked us out, I saw it!”
    Sitting beside him on the couch, Rior looked up for a moment, eyes narrowed. Ink, who sat across from them in a single, plush armchair, gasped in mock offense and raised a hand to his mouth. He was pointedly ignoring Rior’s scrutiny, instead gazing only at Blue, and Rior rolled his eyes and returned his gaze down at his hands, where he was attempting to braid three straps of leather.
    “I was not, how dare you accuse me of such things,” Ink scoffed, throwing an arm across his eyes with a dramatic flourish. Blue crossed his arms and glared at Ink. Rior tuned them out as they began to argue, focusing instead on his hands.
    “… Look, I’m just saying, I’m well within my right to check you both out,” Ink was saying, a smug, shit-eating grin on his face. “You’re both cute, what’s a gay supposed to do?”
    Rior’s fingers froze. Blue, oblivious to Rior’s sudden internal crisis, stood and argued back, albeit the blue flush that crept across his cheeks.
    “It’s rude,” Blue insisted, hands on his hips. Rior lifted his head from the braid he was working on, staring at Ink.
    Ink, who was now comfortably lounging in his armchair, raised a smug brow and glanced over at Rior. When his eyes met the warrior’s gaze, they widened in shock for a moment. He obviously hadn’t expected Rior to actually be listening in, if his expression was anything to go by.
    Blue paused, before following Ink’s shocked look down to Rior. He stayed quiet, watching Rior’s reaction with careful apprehension. Rior set the half finished braid down without breaking eye contact with Ink. He didn’t look upset, though, and Ink gave a risky wink.
    To Blue’s surprise, (and Ink’s, though he didn’t show it and would never admit it), Rior flushed a soft golden color and looked back down at the braid. As they stared, he hurriedly grabbed the braid and walked quickly out of the room. Ink and Blue gaped after him.
    “Was he-?” Blue whispered, and Ink grinned.
    “He was,” Ink confirmed, sitting up in his seat to better stare at the doorway Rior had disappeared through.
    For all their little attempts, subtle flirts, and hint dropping, Rior had been flustered at such a blunt and blatant mention that Ink might be interested in him.
    They were making progress on their effort to confess to the seemingly stone hearted warrior.
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faemytho · 5 years
SciFresh!! Fluff please. "Maybe you could try staying still?"
oh gosh its been a while since ive done some good old utmv, huh?
i was about to clarify that this was og, not dreamswap, but then i realized sci and fresh don't really have ds forms - so i guess all that's to be learned from this is that the dreamswap mv is becoming my default lmao
not that i mind it
sci and fresh are both autistic in this because its my fic and i get to make the rules
can be read as platonic, queerplatonic, alterous, romantic, whatever, its just these two dorks hanging out
"Maybe you could try staying still," Fresh remarked, watching the scientist move around the room as though possessed. He was muttering under his breath, running halfway through calculations and fully though his own, raw unfiltered thoughts.
Fresh himself, meanwhile, was perched on top of one of Sci's tables, laying stomach down with his head propped up on one of his arms as he watched Sci scurry to and fro.
He never quite understood Sci's insistent tendency to ramble outloud, but his voice was enough of an anchor to keep Fresh above the surface of his own subconscious. It was nice to listen to, and he could focus on it with ease without slipping away into the surreal world of thought his mind had always supplied him with.
"No, no, staying still will most definitely not work. I have to focus and to focus I've got to be moving," Sci answered his comment from just a few seconds ago, doing exactly as he'd just told Fresh he would be doing.
Fresh watched him pace around the room once more, raising a brow behind his host's glasses. It was after this that he spoke again.
"Y'know, Sci, I think you're making it more complicated than it has to be," he spoke easily, having found a break in the scientist's continuous ramblings and taking the little opportunity. Sci stopped and looked at him, blinking incredulously.
"What do you mean?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. "I've run through everything, every calculation, every number and every outcome, and none of it matched the work I had done beforehand."
"Didya try doing 'em together?"
Sci stopped. Blinked. Opened his mouth and closed it again. Fresh watched the metaphorical gears turning, and then, click into place as Sci suddenly turned and rushed to the other side of the room. Papers rustled as the scientist shoved them aside, digging for a specific one and scanning through it once he'd found it.
"Oh of course! Concurrently, rather than separately, would have made much more sense," he began to ramble once more, slowly turning on his heel and walking slowly back towards Fresh. His eyes were fixed on the paper, and his voice became Fresh's anchor again.
Fresh gave a soft, content sigh, listening to Sci ramble on. He even reached up a moment later to slide his glasses off his face, revealing his parasitic form, though Fresh knew Sci didn't mind it, just as Fresh knew Sci knew that Fresh didn't make himself this vulnerable for just anyone.
It was a simple, regular, routine day, and Fresh loved every second of it.
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faemytho · 5 years
any sans x nightmare headcanons????
FUCK yeah man
ok so bear with me here im about to plot dump instead of headcanon but ill put headcanons of my own in i promise- for example, the entirety of nightmare's character
classic/nightmare ùwú
nightmare only visits the classic timeline three times before hes absolutely smitten with classic: the story
the first time was out of curiosity, when he was around 100 years old, because, c'mon, THE classic timeline? he wanted to see for himself what it was like - so he visits a timeline, picks a point in that timeline, and whoosh
he hasn't met killer, cross, dust, horror, or error yet, hes mostly just been on his own after the apple incident happened. and what ends up happening is he finds classic - or rather, classic finds him as hes wandering around the timeline
classic sneaks up on him, like how he does to frisk in the game - and nightmare, 100 years old, impulsive, and its definitely not because classic scared him, turns around and attacks
one of my hcs: classic is the best sans at dodging - which means he can easily dodge nightmares attacks
nightmare attacks, classic dodges, nightmare stops bc he sees classic and hes like "oh shit, a sans"
classic is totally chill as he starts talking to nightmare (asking who he is, buddy, and where he's from, "dont think ive seen you around before") but nightmare can sense how tense he is, and then points it out like a dumbass ("you feel awfully apprehensive for someone with such a clear calm look on his face. wonder how you got so good at hiding your emotions")
classic shrugs and just "you get a feel for it when everything keeps happening over and over again" except he totally jokes about it with this dumb grin and probably slips a pun in there too but i cant do that bc im absolute shit at puns
anyways nightmare digs a little deeper into classics feelings and he has to step back a little bit bc 'yo what' - classic feels something close to... admiration for him, towards him
nightmare squints and asks "have we met?"
and classic grins "i think we have."
bigger squint from nightmare "i havent met you."
and classic nods "you haven't met me before, but you're meeting me now."
nightmares so confused
but he ends up hanging around the timeline because classic is kinda very much really interesting - and classic treats nightmare as though he weren't a pseudo-god of negativity
classic is so nonchalant and even almost friendly towards him, which is something hes never really had before, so of course he wants to stay and drink in that feeling, but while he stays, he starts getting to know classic
and all the while, even when he gets upset or angry or snaps at classic over the smallest things, classic just smiles at him, that little persistent buzz of admiration or something still underneath that carefree smile
nightmare leaves one day, not rlly able to understand the feeling classics got, so he leaves to clear his head and just think about how classic feels about him, and what's even going on there (fellas, is it gay to analyze the innermost thoughts and feelings of your best(?) friend(???) nightmare doesnt even know)
so he tries to go back to the timeline, but he picks the wrong time, drawn in accidentally by negative energy now that he's actively thinking about emotional stuff - and he ends up standing behind a much younger classic, who just witnessed gaster fall into the core
this is classics first time meeting nightmare, but its nightmares second time meeting classic (this is also the second time hes entered this classic's timeline) - everyone keeping up?
so anyways nightmares tempted to just leave, but past classic has all those delicious negative emotions, so he ultimately has no choice but to stay and hang out with this (to him) younger (by not very much) version of classic
hes used to being around classic so past classic is of course, intrigued by how well nightmare knows his shticks, his favorites, and how nightmare even successfully puns back and forth with him and wins
nightmare accidentally succeeds in being a pillar of support for past classic and helps him through his grieving process (bc gaster got YOTE into the void man)
anyways after this, nightmare ends up saying goodbye to past classic and leaving again, bc as nice as this was, hes so fucking confused about how he feels about classic in general and things are all confusing still
and when he comes back (his third visit), he comes back at the correct point this time - not the first point, but just after the second point
keep up w me here
so nightmare kinda awkwardly talks to classic about his Feelings tm and how he originally met an older version of him later on in this timeline and all this fun timeline junk
and classic just takes this all in stride like "ok if it already happened in the timeline and you remember it, its fine if you tell me bc time works weird man"
anyways theyre not quite to the level i want them to be at yet BUT ill get them there bc
eventually time does move forward
and nightmare leaves and comes back after a while, to a classic who just had past nightmare meet him for the first time
and this is when nightmare lowkey confesses gay feelings for classic and they snuggle together maybe
and maybe just maybe they smooch a tinie lil bit
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faemytho · 5 years
my half of a trade with @mutantalientrash!! i love u
marti asked for crightmoss based on their female human nightmare and human cross designs
Cross sighed softly to herself, resting the bar she was lifting with across her shoulders. She stared across the room at the queen of nightmares, who sat on a bench there, simply watching.
Cross was fucked. She was absolutely, unequivocally fucked.
Nightmare only smiled, her lips curling so sweetly that Cross lost her train of thought for a solid moment. Just why was Nightmare here watching her?
Her eyes trailed over Nightmare's legs, the way they were crossed, neatly, one over the other. Up to her torso, her shirt almost wide open and showing off her bare chest, the golden moon charm of her necklace neatly placed between- Cross immediately pulled her eyes further up, an uninvited blush spreading across her cheeks.
Nightmare's painted lips turned up in a smirk, and she lifted a hand to brush her hair out of her eyes. The queen's cyan eyes stared into her heterochromic ones, and Cross turned her head away, lifting the bar off her shoulders.
It wasn't fair, she thought to herself, that Nightmare had invited herself to come watch Cross work out. It wasn't fair that she had to sit there staring Cross down that smug little smile on her lips and that teasing look in her eyes, and-
She was doing this on purpose.
Cross stared at Nightmare, who shifted in her seat just so, so that her shirt fell open a bit more. She tore her gaze away, heat burning in her cheeks.
Nightmare was definitely doing this on purpose. The queen's eyes bored into her, taunting, teasing, asking silently what she was going to do about it.
Cross had never been the type to hold back an impulse.
She dropped the weight, ignoring the loud clang of the bar hitting the ground and she stumbled in her haste forward towards Nightmare. Nightmare blinked in surprise, those painted lips falling open in barely concealed shock as Cross leaned down kissed them.
Cross slowly pulled away, resting a hand on the bench and leaning over Nightmare, who looked voluptuously delighted. She stiffened at the hand that cupped her cheek, Nightmare leaning in just a bit closer.
"I was wondering how long I would have to sit here," she almost purred, pressing a kiss of her own to Cross's mouth, and trailing kisses across the other woman's jaw.
"Nightmaaare," Cross whined childishly, but smiled all the same, a blush spread across her cheeks. The queen, her lover, simply grinned against her skin.
"It's so much fun to tease you, my love," she murmured, and Cross made another indignant noise.
"You don't play fair," she argued, her eyes fluttering closed as Nightmare pressed soft lips all the way up to her ear.
"Since when have I ever played fair, my dear?" The queen whispered, and Cross forced down a shiver.
She was absolutely fucked, but she was more than fine with that.
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faemytho · 5 years
being put under a cut because, uh. well
this is set in my warriorverse - but we get to see wv horror, and how he met wv nightmare
its not pretty; read at your own risk
(cw: mentions of cannibalism, vague self cannibalism, hallucinations)
austere - horror
arir - nightmare
    The world was empty and cold, and he was the only one left. His brother, the queen, all his once friends and even the pitiful human girl that had fallen, the ninth to have done so, had all been eaten, eaten themselves alive, or succumbed to hunger. His brother was there, though. His brother whispered to him, screamed at him, begged him while he slept, and it was often that he woke with what might have been tears on his face. He thought they were tears. He couldn’t tell anymore, but they left him thirsty when he licked them off his fingers.
    The sky was grey and dark, if one could even call it a sky at all. The demon gnawed at his stomach, at his mind, and Austere nibbled on his fingers in an attempt to fool himself into thinking he had food. The hunger persisted, and yet, the motion of chewing was so calming to him, so utterly freeing, that he hardly noticed when he broke skin and blood flooded his mouth. More, more, the demon screamed, and he obliged.
    “Isn’t that a pretty sight?” A voice cooed, and he whipped his head up, a finger coming loose. He hardly registered the pain in his hand, staring at the newcomer. A man, well dressed and yet, messy in appearance, stood over him. He stared, chewing faster on his own finger. He thought he was the only one left.
    Without a moment’s hesitation, he lunged forward, mouth open and bloody hands extended. There was food, and Papyrus screeched at him, begging him. There was food right there. He’d kill it and finally he and his brother could eat again.
    The stranger sidestepped, and Austere landed in the snow, easily turning on his heel and lunging again. Black flooded his vision, and suddenly, he couldn’t breathe, his feet lifted off the ground and bloody hands slipping and shivering on the appendage around his neck. The stranger smiled, and he growled, unhinging his jaw and biting down on the tendril. Sickly sweet tar and blood flooded into his mouth, and his eyes rolled back in his head. Food, food, there was food in his mouth and he bit down harder, choking on the blood as the tendril tightened around his neck. Papyrus’s voice faded away and he went limp.
    “Pitiful,” the voice mused, tsking. He hit the snowy ground with a crunch, gasping for breath and licking all the blood in his mouth away. He opened his eyes, his vision swimming, and stared up at the stranger. They were studying their bleeding tendril, three more extending from their back and hovering over their shoulders. The stranger turned their gaze on him, and he narrowed his eyes, his tongue working to try and find his voice.
    “Who are you?” He managed to rasp, voice raw and wet with the blood he’d just swallowed. His throat shifted, and he groaned, the demon in his stomach returning to gnawing at his insides, screaming and demanding to be fed. Papyrus hadn’t returned.
    The stranger turned an unamused smile on him, and he recoiled. “Your worst nightmare. Oh, but you’re already living that, aren’t you? I suppose you can call me Arir instead.”
    Austere stared, his vision beginning to sharpen once more. Hunger screamed at him, and Papyrus screeched at him, and he pulled himself to his feet. But as he lunged at the man again, Hunger lent none of its strength, and he tripped, falling face first into the snow.
    The snow crunched as Arir approached, and a hand fit itself around his throat, lifting him up like a ragdoll. Arir’s cyan eye dug into his crimson one, and the nightmare had the audacity to keep smiling at him.
    “You’re cute. You want food, don’t you?” He cooed, fingers tightening around Austere’s neck. Hunger screamed. Papyrus screamed.
    “Y-es,” he gasped out, hands scrabbling weakly at Arir’s. His ring finger was gone. Where had it gone?
    Arir didn’t seem to care about his finger, that one cyan eye burning intensely with glee. Austere’s world, for the first time since Hunger had manifested, went silent. Fear shot through him.
    “How about we make a deal?”
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