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siegerabbit · 2 years ago
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 1 year ago
cult leaders pass around the Dalai Lama like a twink at a circuit party
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year ago
ahaha you're so sexy please don't buy into ccp rhetoric
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apas-95 · 1 year ago
while i personally am being paid to post tankie shit online by the MSS, most of my mutuals in our communist league of evil aren't - they're being paid by their respective sinister global south intelligence agencies. so while we may not all be wumao, we are all getting that
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peonycats · 1 year ago
So I was recently informed that my latest post caused someone to accuse me of posting Chinese imperialism apologia, specifically for my tag comment that says: "If you accuse me of being hypocritical because I'm so anal about tying the nations to their states when it comes to the West but shy away when it comes to China, 1) you clearly don't know how Sinophobia works and 2) I ain't no coward."
Now, it may perplex you how people can accuse me of being a CCP apologist for a post where I called China a slut and specifically noted China's poor treatment of Uyghurs, but unfortunately, it's not the first time I've received accusations of being pro-CCP despite no supporting evidence.
I know I don't talk a lot about my personal life or internal goings-on on this blog, but I want to say this- I'm not completely unaffected by these frequent accusations. It hurts to see me being reduced to my Chineseness. My Chineseness being weaponized to discredit me as a wumao feels incredibly dehumanizing, and it hurts even more to see people believe those accusations. 
To give you my background, I was raised in a fairly nationalist household; my grandfather was born as an illiterate peasant and consequently came to hold very pro-Mao beliefs. From an early age, I often came to verbal blows with my parents (and my extended family) over these beliefs and argued frequently with them over Taiwan, Tibet's annexation, and China's policies towards minorities. I remember representing Kazakhstan for Model United Nations and was assigned to write a paper on the Kazakh reaction towards China’s unlawful detention of Uyghurs. Just mentioning this simple fact to my parents sparked a heated “debate” where they accused me of being brainwashed by Western propaganda, and that I was incapable of understanding China’s actions because I was born in the US.
I haven’t brought up any of this because I’m a private person by nature, and I felt that my posts should speak for themselves about my political beliefs. And yet, I find myself in the position of where I need to bring this up in order to defend myself from accusations of supporting Chinese imperialism, for disagreeing with another person, or calling something sinophobic/promoting sinophobia.
Sinophobia overlaps with other forms of racism, especially anti-Asian racism when other Asians are mistaken to be Chinese. However, we have to recognize that the specificity of China itself in "mistaken to be Chinese" is also what distinguishes Sinophobia from the more general anti-Asian racism. It indicates a designation of China as a prominent actor on the world stage, and most importantly- an inherently antagonistic one. The symbolism of China being inherently antagonistic is what justifies the conflation of Chinese people with the Chinese state; if China is by nature antagonistic then Chinese people must subsequently be extensions of the Chinese government, and every action they do must be politicized.
What are the implications when the fandom gives the okay to depictions of America hanging out with countries that the actual USA has fraught history with, but as soon as China does the same, questions and concerns arise about “making light” of China’s irl actions? That China can’t be disassociated with his state the same way other imperialist powers are in the fandom?
Bear in mind, I am saying this as someone who personally interprets all the nations as inherently political entities. China is no exception to this- my most recent post was parodying an Onion article about Biden and Xi, where Alfred and Yao literally take on the roles of their heads of state. I am the last person who shies away from politicizing all the nations. 
Rather, I am pointing out how China is being exceptionalized from wider fandom trends of depoliticizing the characters; I find this pattern troubling, as over-politicizing a Western nation (like America) does not have the same implications as over-politicizing China. 
The latter reflects dangerous trends on how Chinese people, especially Chinese communities abroad, are perceived, how we’re expected to answer for and answer to the Chinese government and its actions, and how, at best, we’re dismissed as being simply brainwashed, and how at worst, we’re seen as enemies of the populace, threats to national integrity. When we are seen to be “acting out of line,” we are viewed as perpetual outsiders, agents of a foreign regime. The same judgment is not levied towards white Americans, even those who live in America, vote in America, and benefit from American imperialism. 
I witnessed the dramatic rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and Sinophobic rhetoric during the COVID-19 pandemic: I was living in Atlanta during the 2020 spa shootings and I didn’t leave my dorm room for a week afterward. I worried over my mother, who every week, went to shop at local Chinese grocery stores in the area. I heard people spread conspiracy theories about how the virus was engineered by the Chinese government and spread by Chinese in the West as part of some grand conspiracy to ensure Chinese global dominance. All of this, led me to become conscious (in a way I hadn’t been before) of how conflating Chinese people with the Chinese government was frequently employed by bigots to mask their violent prejudice under the guise of “being anti-CCP.”
As a result, being Chinese diaspora is an emotionally fraught experience. Not only are we under constant scrutiny by others, but Chinese Mainlander diaspora specifically like myself face rejection when we choose to go against our families’ beliefs. But despite that, despite me being born and raised in the United States and living with this sort of bigotry all my life, it still cuts me deeply to see someone so quickly accuse me of supporting Chinese imperialist actions, despite me never posting in favor of the CCP in the past, simply because I pointed out how sinophobia manifests. It cuts even deeper to see people, people I know, agree with that assessment, and how I have to go out and publicly reveal details of my personal life to try and exonerate myself. 
It really does hurt.
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grecoromanyaoi · 5 months ago
looking at the for you page is so weird bc on one side there's the stupid zionists (deadass saw one of them say siam changed its name to thailand after their colonizers left as if they weren't the only seasian country to avoid colonization) and the stupid wumaos who don't realize they're wumaos ("unlike the west's imperialistic governments, the north korean government is made by the people for the people") like why is tumblr recommending me these and why can't people be normal and have brains
right kpfods[jaf[posadjfopasd[fds truly a webbed site
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crystalsuicune · 22 days ago
Tiktok addicts: XHS is okay actually any criticism is just Sinophobia
HKers/Taiwanese dealing with CCP/wumao bullshit for years:
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carriershoukaku · 7 months ago
I wonder if people realize Russians/Chinese people do the same shit we do and not every video of some Chinese person going to the mall is CCP PROPAGANDA WE MUST COUNTERACT THIS WUMAO ATTACK
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mcnjushcge · 2 years ago
starting political discourse in the fandom by espousing all of my opinions on the people’s republic of china through the lens of hetalia (people are calling me a wumao imperialist who supports human rights violations in my DMs) (they do not know what actual imperialism is) (they get all their news from twitter and tiktok and use anecdotes as evidence)
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One potential perpetrator is a foreign government. The most well known among such groups are the Wumao, also known as the “50 Cent Party” or “50 Cent Army,” a term used to describe Chinese state-sponsored online trolls. These trolls are paid by the Chinese government to post comments and engage in online discussions that promote the government’s interests and policies, manipulate public opinion, and discredit critics or opposing views. The term “wumao” (五毛) literally translates to “50 cents” in Chinese, which is believed to be the amount these trolls receive for each post they make. However, it’s worth noting that the actual payment structure may vary and some may not be paid at all(..)
P.S. However, it is possible that this disinformation campaign against Electrify America is also organized by some major oil exporters controlled by dictatorial regimes…
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aorish · 5 days ago
[tumblr] girl dont tell me the fucking wumaos are "in my orbit" or that i "might be interested"
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leyfin · 3 months ago
wumaoing as a lifestyle on anglophone sites for wee communists forever
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spotlightstory · 1 year ago
The attack on YouTuber Brendan Kavanagh is showing the world how the CCP operate in foreign countries and online.
On Feb 2, YouTube sent Kavanagh an email about complaints (CCP) and telling him to alter his Livestream to blur faces and change their voices. Brendan is asking everyone to download the video and share it. All of the YouTubers, like this channel, using Kavanagh's livestream to create their own content helps to preserve what happened that day.
Once you see, you can't unsee. I've learned about:
50 Cent Party aka 50 Cent Army: or wumao (/ˈwuːmaʊ/), are Internet commenters who are paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread the propaganda of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP). These commenters show up on any video or article which are critical of the CCP to derail, deflect and spread misinformation.
Little Pinks: xiao fenhong, is the name given to the young, hypersensitive, hyper-nationalist keyboard commandos of the People’s Republic of China. Xiao means “little” or “young” and fenhong means pink, but the expression can also mean “little fans of the Red.”  Originally the younger sisters of the predominantly male “Wolf Warriors” (who, unlike Little Pinks, have a significant offline presence, including in the Chinese foreign ministry), Little Pinks are primarily an online phenomenon, and now both male and female.  Little Pinks And Their Achy Breaky Hearts
Wolf Warriors: Chinese government's wolf warrior diplomacy in the 21st century is characterized by the use of confrontational rhetoric by Chinese diplomats, coercive behavior, as well their increased willingness to openly and stridently rebuff criticism of the government and its policies, and court controversy in press conferences, interviews with the foreign press and on social media.  It is a departure from former Chinese foreign policy, which focused on working behind the scenes, avoiding controversy and favoring a rhetoric of international cooperation, exemplified by the maxim that China "must hide its strength" in international diplomacy. This change reflects an abrupt shift and larger change in how the Chinese government and the CCP relate and interact with the larger world. Source
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ball88n · 8 months ago
These are not just "men", these are wumao - state funded bad actors whose job it is to demoralize and negatively affect westerners' psyche.
It is becoming normal for these mend to 'remind'women of xyz because they will 'remind' ANYBODY of their worthlessness, dependence, ineptitude in order to promote division and instability.
One of their favorite avenues is demoralizing women and using sexism as a fear based manipulation tactic and means of power/control.
These PARTICULAR provacateurs are not dangerous on the basis that they are MEN, but on the basis that they are HOSTILE IDEOLOGUES trying to normalize violent and callous hatred for women as a means of psychological warfare. Intentionally.
Here are some examples of wumao rhetoric using duck eggs as posted on Weibo.
“What’s the point of only complaining? Why don’t you go work hard and make money?”
“How dare you say the chickens we raise make bad eggs? From what standpoint are you saying this?”
“This is incitement with an ulterior motive. What are you trying to do?”
Wumao always personal attack ,always use worth/value based judgements and shaming. Keep your eyes peeled, look at the accounts COMMENTING this shit. You'll be surprised how many are foreign agitants.
Have you noticed how common it is becoming for men to remind women of how much we don't matter compared to anything else, and we should be grateful for our existence? I see this every time a woman does something that gets her any amount of attention, immediately it will be "who cares" and in any news story where something bad happens to a woman, men will immediately come in the with their "cry me a river" comments.
An example is a story I recently saw of two sisters, one had saved the others life when she was attacked by a crocodile. She had punched the crocodile in the face and it went away. I think that is incredible, that she had such a strong instinct to protect her sister even by risking her own life. But there was virtually no praise in any comment. It was all men saying the "felt sorry for the crocodile" and "just punched an innocent creature in the face" I love animals sure, but a woman's life comes first and I thought that was a given. It so clearly indicated how much they under value our lives. It doesn't matter if a woman is brutally killed, as along as she doesn't interfere with the existence of anything else.
Another example is a story of a disabled woman with spinal muscular atrophy, so she could not go anywhere without a wheelchair, complained that AirCanada had failed to provide a exit tunnel to get of an airplane and she had been carried down the stairs by staff who were not trained with dealing with someone is her very fragile condition and she was scared she would be hurt. Not only were there a few negative comments, but people, mostly men, (and all fully able to walk on two legs) absolutely piled on her. There were hundreds of them, they commented on the news site then went on her Instagram for the sole purpose of commenting more hate. Most of the comments I noticed were decrying her for being "ungrateful. " someone said "thank you to all the nice men who carried me" is what you should have said. "" why didn't she make a video where she thanked every one of the staff" horrible abelist comments like "why didn't you walk down the stairs" got 12000 likes, one was "in China, born disabled, get killed, be lucky you are breathing." which got over a 1000 likes. Most of the people who commented also mentioned how the men who had to carry her down the stairs were all working class. It's just so stupid how people can be empathetic toward specific categories of men who are disadvantaged but not a woman who literally can't walk or have any privacy. Some people also said they "felt sorry for the airline company" I thought that all the woke anti capitalist generation realised how much major coorperations suck? Well apparently they elicit more sympathy than a disabled woman.
Their obsession with us having to be silently grateful is the key thing. Men don't see this world is being for women, especially women who need extra help, it's for them and we should be grateful we are even allowed to exist.
It's not their world. Be as loud as you want to be. Your life does actually matter.
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peonycats · 2 years ago
Anon are you aware that people can have parent's from different places/cultures? And are you aware that your grandparents can also be from different places/cultures? And are you also aware that no one on the internet needs to give you a breakdown of their entire family history and their ethnicity just to please you?
Anyways hope these jerks leave you alone and your inbox is just full of only love and fun little hetalia jokes soon
inshallah soon 🙏🙏
but yeah, i find it sucky that me being public about being Chinese means that any points or arguments i make can be swept aside to call me a wumao, or a race-faker :/// i mean, it’s unfortunately part of the modern landscape of being visibly a minority online, but it sucks to encounter it nevertheless.
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So I just got a long-ass comment on YT telling me that resisting the Communists is futile and that the only thing we can do is to obey or risk suffering.
Great. My first Wumao comment. Although I was this close to telling them I can't be bothered to read their entire paragraph
(fyi: a Wumao is a Chinese nationalist troll)
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