#wtfock druck and nl can stay but...
jonas-augustin · 4 years
me, vibing the quarantine, re-reading all of percy jackson for days, my skam account long dead, randomly checking tumblr for the first time:
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fudgetunblr · 3 years
Skam + Remakes - Their Best Seasons
because I'm bored, here's which season(s) I think are the best for each version :)) (you’re allowed to disagree btw)
Skam - Season 3
*pretends to be shocked* it's the best one, what can I say? It develops pre-existing characters well, make use of the different perspectives of the show and makes previously disliked characters likable. Cinematography and music is nice (it always was tho). (also shoutout to season 1, because it's important and I actually really, really love it. So many iconic moments.)
Skam France - Season 3 & 6
I think we let Skam France get away with having like ,, one good season, and two half good seasons. Season 3 was great, but that is a lot because of Axel. And season 6 was great, but a huge part of that is because of Flavie. They both were good mains I think, when it really comes down to it. 
Skam Italia - Season 4
Yeah. Despite controversy it's the most well-written season. I also have a soft spot for season 3, but season 4 as a whole, despite Malik being a bit bland, was made with love and way more consideration and had way more precautions be taken than most Skam season 4 writers have ever taken. That being said, it sucks that they put all that effort in but still didn't hire an actual Muslim actress. 
Skam NL - Season 1
I don't have a lot to say. I do think season 1 is the superior season though. Isa is a great Eva version, and I liked how she held her own. Especially during the fight. Like, good for you queen, not just taking the punch, but fighting back. GOOD FOR YOU! Kes sucked though, I'm sorry but I never liked him, and without a season 3, it was inevitable to stay that way. Also, the girl squad is so fucking cute. Jana  my favourite Chris !!1! Engel the cutest thing to walk this earth !!1! Liv 11!1 Imane !!1! ugh I just love them all. + the piercing scene ??? God Tier 
Druck - Season 5 & 6
I really love season 3, and Matteo is one of my all time favourite Skam mains. That being said, season 5 & 6 are well written, has complex characters + great representation with a diverse cast, and they use said diverse cast to discuss racial issues, which is so damn important. Plus, great lgbtq+ rep. And we love a main with a MI, who gets support from her family and has a LI who is there for her, not to save her, but to support her. All good about the first 4 seasons got even better. As a whole I think every season of Druck has a lot of good to offer, it's a solid TV show. But I do think they've really gone off with the new gen, and I wanna give them props for that. 
Skam España - Season 3
I kind of found this season a bit bland whilst it was going, but looking back it is one of the most important seasons in the entire Skamverse, because abusive relationships are real, and a lot of young women watch Skam, and to not romanticize abusive behavior like they do with William in OG, but rather showcase how harmful guys like these are, is so fucking important. + the girls assuring Nora it wasn't her fault and supporting her, we love that. Love women. Also, having Alejandro not judge Nora but telling her that he's glad she's out of that was so refreshing after so many William versions blamed their Noora. Circling back, watching it live felt a bit anti-climactic and uneventful, but the impact. Well that's unmatched. 
Skam Austin - Season 1
I like Marlon, fight me. I like Shay. I actually wanted Megan and Shay together, oops. Tyler was also so damn great. Such a cool gang, Idgaf. It's a chill season, and it's actually really funny. So yeah. Don't really have that much to say about this either. I like Skam Austin, and both seasons are good, but season 1 is just slightly better imo. Because of Julie ??? who knows. Season 2 gets mad props for "what happened with your brother sucked... for me" though.
WtFock - WtFockDown
It's not a season per say, but looking back, it's one of the most consistent things with that show, addressing prior mistakes and making unlikable characters likable. No, it's probably the best thing the show has done. Minus the cybersex of course, fuck that clip. If I had to pick a season though, I'd probs say season 2 I guess.  
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grvywaren · 4 years
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Hello friends! I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe during this weird and scary times. As we all know, the last couple of weeks (or longer for some one us) have been hard for everyone. We’re facing uncertain times and sometimes it’s hard to remember to stay positive and take care of ourselves as well as others.
That being said, after seeing a post going around in the One Direction fandom, I thought it appropriate to try and bring a little bit of fun and positivity to these times, with this SKAM Appreciation Week! You can participate by posting gifs/edits/art/fics, or whatever your heart desires about the remake of the day. It can be your favorite scene, character, ship, etc., feel free to let your imagination roam!
The tags for this occasion are #SKAMWeek and #SKAMPositivity, as well as my user tag, #grvywaren. I will do my best to share every post with those tags and I hope you to do the same!
Lastly, as an effort to show solidarity to those most affected by this crisis (such as Spain or Italy), I invite everyone who participates to please add one or more links to any of the charities under the cut, or to any local ones you might know about. The SKAM fandom has always been diverse, and as such, I believe now it’s the perfect time to show some love and support to each other!
Stay home, stay safe, stay positive, we’ll get through this together!
(more info about the schedule and the charities here)
Feel free to message me with any doubts or concerns :)
As you can see in the image above, the week will go like this:
Friday (April 10) - SKAM France
Saturday (April 11) - SKAM Italia
Sunday (April 12) - SKAM NL
Monday (April 13) - DRUCK
Tuesday (April 14) - SKAM Austin
Wednesday (April 15) - SKAM España
Thursday (April 16) - WTFock
Friday (April 17) - SKAM
Some of the charities you can link to will be in my profile, since otherwise this won’t show up in the tags 🙃 (gotta love tumblr)
This is, of course, a very short list, but I urge you to add your local initiatives or any other you might know. And if there’s one you want me to add to the list, message me and let me know!
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toneelspeelster · 5 years
portraying trauma, a skam and remakes comparison
disclaimer: i’ll start this by saying this meta will be critical of the way wtfock portrayed their version of a traumatic experience (the gay bashing). if you do not want to engage with criticism on this, i’d advise you not to read. this will also discuss only a few versions (skam, druck, skam nl and wtfock) in particular because i didn’t want to make it too long and because i feel these versions deal with trauma in an interesting way. 
common reactions
in any case, i’d like to start with common reactions after experiencing a traumatic event, be it a sexual assault, emotional assault, physical assault etc.
1. anxiety and fear 2. re-experiencing of the trauma. 3. increased vigilance 4. avoidance 5. anger 6. guilt/shame 7. grief/depression 8. self image and view of the world is negative, trust is difficult. 9. difficulty with sexual relationships 10. substance abuse (i’d include negative coping mechanisms here too).  source
now, i mention this not because i think every remake hits these but rather because i want people to see what commonly happens after traumatic events to people and how wtfock in one instance (robbe/sander) misses the mark completely while in another (zoe) it actually sort of works. and how other remakes have dealt with the subject matter. 
first off: skam
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to start with even’s traumatic experience and his response. i’m starting with even mostly because it’s the original series, not necessarily bc i think it’s the most elegant portrayal (bc it’s definitely not). but in essence, what it does show is the effect of a traumatic event in the long run. even’s experience at bakka, where he kissed one of his friends he had a crush on; who rejected him; even being in a manic episode; resulting in a suicide attempt and his self inforced isolation from his best friends by going to another school and ignoring their messages - it’s touched upon in his initial season but expanded in season 4. and still at least one year later, still even freezes up in fear immediately after seeing his friends. even is incredibly anxious; it’s clear he’s recalling past memories he’s been trying to avoid for forever; he feels immensely guilty (he wants to see elias, he really does, he just doesn’t know how) and even though i think even’s self image is not necessarily the result of this experience, it does have an even more negative effect on his self-image. even has difficulties liking himself, seeing worth in himself, even in season 4. after reconciling w him (however that even went we don’t know) he appears in one of their vlogs and still you can see how uncomfortable it makes him to talk about it. but, this is what it ends on: you see the strength of even reaching out to those he loves and for them being able to reach out to him too. in the end, it’s healing. it is discussed throughout the season.
 then, numbers two: druck and skam nl
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i’m combining these two in one entry bc i feel like these two portrayals deal with the repercussions of traumatic experiences to the life of these two very well. 
first off, we have david, who came out as transgender at a previous school and was met with intense transphobic reactions; deadnaming, invasive personal questions and just generally awful treatment by people - it resulted in david feeling very unsafe, difficulties sleeping and hiding and running away in the hopes of avoiding these situations. it affects his world view of the world as unkind, and him forcing himself to be okay with being alone bc the only one he trusts is himself. he doesn’t let people too close (wanting to stay anonymous) and when matteo breaks up with sarah he runs bc matteo is getting too close. and then, it happens again. he’s outed on social media in his new school, having difficulties even doing his exams bc his teacher is being a transphobic dick and he’s scared of both him and the kids at school. he then, after staying with his godmother, hides himself away at an unsafe, abandoned pool and even staying there for a night. 
then, we have liv. earlier in her life, she’s implied to have had an eating disorder - a traumatic experience in itself. and although she seems very aware of her needing to be careful not to fall into those patterns again, it unfortunately does come to the front again when faced with the fact that she’s been sexually assaulted in her sleep and it’s been filmed without consent. as an eating disorder survivor, i’d say her body is already something she might have difficulties with. to combine that with sexual assault.. it results in liv isolating herself at home, resorting to doing her white(!) laundry multiple times in one week and her stress baking cookies only for her to give them to her roommates. her mum even asks her if she’s eating well - for a mother who seems emotionally and physically distant otherwise, liv must’ve not sounded well. even when she seems a little bit better, engel still comes over to check up on liv and cook for her. engel has similar ed experiences so she knows it’s not something that’s just gone one second to the next. 
these portrayals work well bc it is clear that their experiences have become a detriment to their view of the world and result in them resorting to very unhealthy coping mechanisms. they both clearly feel the loss of control, the triggering of (past) experiences; the avoidance and the isolation. liv feels immense shame, david feels immense anger and fear - they both have difficulties trusting people, even the ones they care about the most. 
but, in the end? 
david does let matteo subtly know where he is, bc he knows matteo will see him and find him. matteo calls him even out on it: you are not a damned vampire who needs to hide away, he says - something that david didn’t even see about himself until matteo told him. he finds support in matteo and all of his friends and his sister. he doesn’t need to be alone anymore. 
and liv? she tells her friends about her troubles eventually, and they support her wholeheartedly, telling her it’s not her fault and flashing boobs while doing so. liv finds the strength to confront her attacker and blackmailing him, and eventually her boyfriend tells her she needs to go to the police to report his brother. 
these are both david’s season-long storyline and liv’s multiple episode storyline (all her clips for the first week after her experience focus solely on this). it’s healing to see this happen to survivors of these experiences. 
as a ender: wtfock
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i think it’s important to establish first that this is first and foremost about robbe/sander’s gay bashing. robbe and sander have been dating approximately three days when they are violently and verbally assaulted and seemingly left for dead in antwerp’s streets. the next episode makes a point of robbe and sander being hurt badly with bruises and cuts and black eyes, robbe doesn’t sleep much and is irritated quickly and sander has a very weird reaction to violence in general and doesn’t want to go to the police. later, robbe is scared that sander was put off by the idea of going to the police, that he felt forced. within that same first episode, robbe tells milan the true story and zoe a little off story and they react sympathetically, zoe even offering her doctor. robbe’s mum’s psych also refers him to a therapist and he calls her. 
but then the storyline, after episode 6? it ends? milan seems to weirdly reference it sometimes but it doesn’t come to any conclusion in the end. after reconciling sander and robbe have no trouble kissing in front of everyone. there’s no sense of robbe or sander having internalised a different world view after this experience. they even never discuss it ever again after that first week. robbe going to a therapist is not even shown or referenced at all, even with the opportunity being there with social media updates. there’s no real repercussions, except for loss of sleep and sander maybe sort of seeing it as a way of destroying something time and again but that’s more his world view bc of his mental illness i’d say. it’s a storyline for one episode, that’s it. and with how irresponsibly they portrayed it by not immediately showing them being alright or together or taken care off but waiting hours for an update, it triggered a hella lot of audience members instead. as a bisexual woman myself, i felt scared watching that. 
zoe’s storyline of having to testify even got more of an appropriate portrayal as she’s scared to testify and also feels pushed by the people who love her the most (milan and senne). her breaking up w senne feels more an actual genuine decision bc of messed up feelings about the whole situation (senne being quite... aggressive with how he approaches her about it sometimes.. it felt like he wanted it for himself mostly, not for her). her not being able to sleep and feeling exhausted, months after the actual traumatic experience happened. it has an effect on her and how she responds and how she makes decisions.
experiences like these have repercussions. but apparently in belgium only sexual assault results in trauma. gay bashing doesn’t. it had no true purpose except to educate straight people about the plight of lgbt people being attacked violently. but, as people far more eloquent than i have said, why? homophobes will not watch this series and suddenly turn around. and the world is damned if people just don’t realise that beating up people is bad and shouldn’t happen. 
the true purpose of skam is to teach people of all kinds, and to show people of a certain minority, community or with same/different life experiences that there is hope, and a lot more to them than just what they have experienced. now even the good portrayals could have all benefitted from telling the audience that it’s good and okay to go to therapy about this... but at least they didn’t shy away from a storyline that shows how deep this runs for people. they devoted time to it.
and that’s all wtfock really needed to do if wanting to make a point by including this. they didn’t. it’s sensational fodder at best. and i think that the characters as well as the audience?
they deserved better than that. 
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jorgecrespo · 4 years
Rank skams on emotional whipsplash they cause.
Wtfock. You know that tiktok audio (trying to appeal to the youths rn) "Stop this madness, what do you want from me AHH what do you want PLEASE". That's this fucking show
France. Never sleep, never close your eyes, she's coming, she's around the corner, she's ready to pounce
España. Constant "what? what the fuck? huh? por qué?"
Druck. False sense of security. You'll be fine, having a good time, and then BAM. SHOULD OF STAYED ON YOUR TOES YOU STUPID BITCH
Italia. Super drama but doesn't have huge whiplash moments
NL. Has her whiplash moments but is usually pretty calm. You can relax (kinda)
Austin. She's definitely had her moments but I feel most at ease with Austin. I can rest
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norgestan · 4 years
Hi!! I am new to tumblr as in the skam fandom and my fav is eskam but I don’t understand why there is so much of less activity in the tag? like i know that show is not going on but every skam+ remake tag is alive (france, wtfock, italia, druck,nl) except eskam?any reason why?
i'm probably the worst person to be asked about this bc i'm pretty new to the tag too, i only joined when s3 was going on - but from my experience i can tell you that skames is not that popular in tumblr in general. i didn't even knew that a spanish remake existed until s2 came around, and it trended on tumblr almost everyday until the end. i think that there are two things in particular that drove most people away from the remake, on tumblr at least:
the whole drama about pansexuality that happened with the actors during/near the end of s2
the plot change and the introduction of miquel as the og s2 william in s3 that let a lot of norandro and noorhelm stans down
i think other major point would be the lack of mlm couples in the show, because fans latch very hard onto them for obvious reasons lol. crisana are very popular on their own but i still think it's not enough to rival the impact that other mlm couples and ships have had in other remakes: just think about the bizarre existence of the jens (wtfock) x lucas (skam nl) ship. NO wlw cross-remake ship would ever be that popular.
lastly, i think that skam is not a show that does a lot of fan service and s3 is a great example of that. most remakes have doubled down in the evak drama after their season to have them making recurring appearances on the show (skamit, wtfock, skamfr), but skames is carefully planned and refuses to include scenes that are only catering to the fans and do nothing to develop the story or their characters. the crisana drama in s3 was used to show nora's narrow mind and to later draw parallels with her relationship with miquel and the whole plot about emotional abuse, at the cost of people (unjustly) criticising cris for "treating joana like shit" bc of her MI and comparing it to the much more fan-catering inclusion of elu in skamfr s4. generally, crisana never had their own plotlines in s3, just enough to tie back into nora's story and show their willingness to communicate with each other. they also missed the chance to capitalize on a fan favorite ship, norandro, because they wanted to make a season about emotionally abusive relationships. while i firmly think that the risk paid off, most people left mid season bc they wanted to see norandro and not miquel, and while i think the pacing was a problem, most s2s suffer from the same issue and people only stay because they like noorhelm.
in general, skam fans love their male characters the most: the popularity of lot of remake versions of isak, even, jonas and william are testament of that. skames made sure to revolve every story around the girl squad, and fix problems that other remakes have barely made any effort of addressing (noora and william's toxic relationship, oversexualization of mlm couples, ignoring the jonases' toxicity, just to name a few). lol anon i wish you would've seen how many people bent in every direction to villanize and VICTIM BLAME nora and glorify alejandro in HER SEASON, when that was the entire point that skames wanted to make with their season.
these are my two cents, though - if anyone else wants to hop in and add more reasons please feel welcome to do so!
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peterjakes · 4 years
rank skam remakes?
for the record, i don’t hate any of the remakes really and each season of a remake can be completely different for me. so i might prefer s2 to s1 in one remake and vice versa! 
7. skam austin: i couldn’t get into this remake AT ALL. s1 wasn’t the most interesting and although s2 was better i just didn’t really enjoy it and i’m really sad about that!!
6. skam italia: a really beautiful remake - although i do have some issues with the slur being used and i’m not a fan of this version’s sana.
5. skam france: i think the fact that the first two seasons were very very similar to the og didn’t make them the most interesting to watch?  I still enjoyed them but obviously any remake of s3 is always v popular and i did really enjoy it! s4 was not so fun:/ but i’m v v excited for arthur’s season although i know its gonna break my heart
4. skam españa: i really liked this remake! The girl squad is great and i love the changes being made. although s3 sounds a bit different, i’m rlly excited!
3. druck: again, loved the changes! I think that’s what makes a good remake; staying loyal to the og but still feeling different and almost telling its own story. I really loved this version of noorhelm as well goshh
2. skam nl: ugh i’m so sad about this remake. Honestly one of my faves, so aesthetically pleasing, ICONIC isak and girl squad. I still have hope!! I also loved how different liv and noah felt to other noorhelms which was a really nice surprise
1. wtfock: so i really love how different this remake feels? Like s1 and s2 stayed pretty loyal to the og with some changes but for me s3 changed the game. senne and Zoë are deffo my fave noorhelm and i was SO grateful for them. s3 did have its issues but god i loved how unique it felt and i am never getting over this season. The chemistry and acting of both willems was truly brilliant and i can’t fucking wait for yasmina’s season!
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tirpse · 4 years
Would you rank the Isaks? 😊
I’ll take any opportunity to gush about my favorite Skam related character so yes. 
1. Matteo (Druck) 
To me Matteo doesn’t feel like an Isak remake. He feels like his own character. Partially because DRUCK took elements of Even and Isak and put them into Matteo. That alone makes him special to me but on top of that I just relate to him so much. I can’t put it into words, not like I want to, but his introverted vibe is just so strong which I can truly identify with. 
2. Isak (Skam)
He’s the OG, he is so important to so many people for different reasons. He (and Even) are a big reason why SKAM (and its remakes) is what it is, why it’s so popular internationally. Why a lot of countries heard of SKAM and decided to adapt the story for their countries. Just like Michi I think Tarjei are the two best actors who got to play Isak. In my opinion they are similiar as actors and their approach appeals to me the most.
3. Cris (Skam España)
I know technically she isn’t an Isak, she’s a Chris, but since I’ve only seen her season of SkamEs so far she feels like an Isak to me. I just think it’s bomb that Spain took Isak’s story and gave it to a girl and I think they did a good job with her season. I like Joana even more than Cris but I like Cris quite a bit. I know there is controversy about the actress but I don’t care enough to stay up to date and stuff.
4. Lucas (Skam France)
He’s a nice guy who cares deeply. I have to admit I enjoy him much better in smaller doses. Lucas became quite exhausting for me in the second half of his own season. Axel did a wonderful job though so he’s 4th in my ranking.
5. Shay (Skam Austin), Lucas (Skam NL), Martino (Skam Italia)
These are the Isaks I don’t truly feel much about since I didn’t truly watch any of these remakes. I think it’s cool that Shay’s a lesbian woman of color. She truly should get her own season. Lucas and Martino seem nice enough? 
6. Robbe (wtfock)
I am sorry but I don’t like him. At all. Partially due to the messy writing that was season 3 but the actor also just isn’t doing it for me. Maybe part of it is the language barrier but I just never got warm with the character. I cared for Sander much much more than him and that shouldn’t happen when the season is actually about Robbe. 
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flodaya · 5 years
What is your (so far) favorite season of each version of skam you've seen?
oh this might be boring and predictable, but i’m gay so dont judge me 
skam season 3, the first thing i ever watched of skam was isak and even’s first kiss, and oh wow i loved that scene, so i quickly found out what show it was from (i vaguely remembered seeing it all over tumblr in 2016) and binged all four seasons, and season 3 is just phenomenal, the symbolisms, the storytelling, the characters, it all fit so well together
skam france season 3, imane and lucas are pretty much the only two characters i really care about in skamfr, and i really love lucas as a character, and i enjoyed watching skamfr s3 a lot in the beginning, not so much the second half, but it was still far far better than season 1 and 2, and don’t get me started on season 4, imane deserves better
druck season 3, yeah so how many paragraphs am i allowed i gush about matteo’s season? i could probably fill a 500 page book. matteo alone is so so special to me, he is one of those very few characters that will stay in my heart forever, i don’t think i have ever seen a main character be as introverted and quiet as matteo, clearly depressed and canonically has anxiety attacks, what good rep to have!! i’m also so in awe of michi’s portrayal of matteo. and then we have the boy squad which is just my favorite boy squad ever, i love their dynamic, they are hilarious andnd supportive in every way, and they are all close with one other, not just jonas and matteo, they all have a special relationship with each other. david obviously is another absolute highlight, and another character that just is iconic and will go down not just in skam but in television history. and i haven’t even started to talk about matteo and david’s relationship. it’s just the pure soulmate trope but not in a cheesy way, but in a “idiot soulmates” way, i loved every second of it. there is so much more i could say, and go more into detail, i really really love this season a lot, but i think you all know that
skam españa season 2, another really special season for me, i’m actually constantly rewatching it, seriously, i don’t think i have rewatched any other skam season more times than skam españa (at least as a as a season from beginning to the end), cris and joana are wonderful characters, the girl squad is the most supportive and loving group of friends, i love the background development of viri, and also nora/alejandro, and can we talk about the iconic move of giving the isak season to one of the girls and making isak the gay guru?? just think about that, in skam isak needed a guru and a few universes away he IS the guru. i also love how they combined the jonas/isak sana/isak and chris/sana relationship into one beautiful childhood friendship between cris and amira, i love those two. and i really love that cris has a brother, give me more sibling rep in the skam universe
skam nl season 1, such a beautiful season, i wasnt the biggest fan of the second half of s2, but s1 was so so beautiful, i need to rewatch it asap, since the first season focuses a lot on the girl squad i wasnt too bothered that i didnt like kes and isa together because the girl squad was working so well together since the very first moment, it’s also just in general so aesthetically pleasing to me, and isa is my favorite skam nl character, and in my top 10 skam characters of all time 
skam austin season 1, i couldnt really decide, in both cases i’m not a fan of the love story but the girl squad is what i really love in skam austin, i guess i chose s1 because i low-key shipped megan and shay, and they had some really cute moments in s1, and rather awkward and just plain saddening moments in s2 
wtfock season 2, one word: senne! that dude really did something to me, and I’m not even into guys. every scene he was in in season 2 was such a joy to watch, and again s1 is so focused on the girl squad and I don’t really feel their dynamic as friends
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sublimelibra · 4 years
for @classypicklepatrolroad who also wanted me to rank the skam girl squads so here’s my ranking of the skamverse girl squads :)
1. skam nl: can we talk about that perfect friendship dynamic between all of them??!?! dude i love them so much and the writing between the girls in this remake was soooo good i swear this girl squad stays unmatched fucking renew skam nl cowards
2. skam og: feels wrong putting them at number two and not number one because they are legit the foundation of all other girl squads but skam nl was a bit better chemistry wise i guess? don’t get me wrong i loooove their dynamic like s4 sana and noora friendship and s1 eva and noora friendship and the los losers scene!?$&@&#!?! the losers scene duudeee IS SO GOD UGHH that was perfect. i have nothing bad to say i lovelovelove them :)
3. druck: i loveeeeeeee them so much. my heart is just🥰🥰🥰 but like seriously the way they all interact with each other throughout s1-3 (i haven’t seen season 4 yet don’t kill me i know i’m doing that soon i’m sry) its sosososo perfect and sam and amira and mia are like my fav characters in all of the skamverse so that’s definitely a bonus.
4. skam españa: like i said in my last ranking this remake is quite problematic but imma forget about all that stuff rn ok. sooo i really do love them so much. they are super supportive and u can really tell how much they love each other which is cute :) they also have gotten quite a bit more screen time than the others because of season 2 but i really love them so much and the way in which the girl squad in s3 was so amazing my heart won’t ever get over them in s3 i really do love them so much and they wouldn’t be number 4 tbh if the cast wasn’t so problematic (i’m saying that a lot i know) but this girl squad has my whole heart and i need season 4 asap plz (still pressed it got delayed)
5. wtfock: i’m honestly not really sure what to say because i definitely have nothing too negative to say about them and i really do love this girl squad but they are a bit awkward at times (like most teenagers are) so that’s why they are this low but i also really don’t like amber that much.... but other than that i love this girl squad and i dont have a problem with them but i’m also not really sure what to say about them. tbh they are kinda just there. i do love them so much though and zoë and yasmina are so amazing.
6. skam austin: it’s weird watching a skam in my language and i was really hoping they were gonna be good and trust me they were but it just felt weird at times. the dynamic was a bit off at times and i really didn’t like the skam austin vilde(i forgot her name srry) i don’t really know what to say but they did have some really good moments that i liked a lot especially in season two but sometimes some of the girl squad characters would do some questionable things and it would kinda throw off the overall girl squad feeling but nonetheless i do really like them and i love love love this remake a lot (GIVE US THE SHAY SEASON)
7. skam italia: forgettable tbh like i don’t know what to say cause i was bored and forgot everything but i’m sure they had some good scenes i just don’t remember
8. skam france: this girl squad isssss.... ok so they had so much potential. the chemistry was good but i didn’t help that they were under such a strict contract in the first two seasons so the first two seasons are basically just carbon copies of the og. i don’t have a problem with the first two seasons though i thought they were great. i reallyyyy had faith in them though after season 3 but ofc they had to come in here with that mess of a season 4 and ruin them like that. i mean seriously what was that it was so fucking sad and over dramatic. the whole time i was legit just waiting for something good to happen with them and nothing did, i was more than disappointed. i felt so bad for imane she deserved sososososos much better and honestly her and alexia are the only skam france girls i like. the way the girl squad treated imane was legit so gross i hated it so much it made me so mad and just typing this rn it’s making me mad. all that drama and for what!?!@&# for them to make up a couple episodes later without any REAL apology to imane?? i can’t with this girl squad just talking about them makes me mad. i’m nervous for season 6 because of s4 (and s5 but that’s a whole other rant in itself) like i said though they had potential and they WERE good but oh well
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isakvaltersnake · 5 years
I keep seeing skam stuff and can you explain skam?
(pulled from a previous ask and updated)
I’ll try to give you a high level break down of SKAM and its various iterations. For more information on where to watch, please feel free to reach out with a specific remake and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.
SKAM is a show that originated in Norway. Its format follows the day to day life of a teenager by providing real time daily updates which are generally comprised of clips, instagram posts or texts. The clips are compiled at the end of each week to create an episode. The original had 4 seasons, each season following the POV of a different character: Eva, Noora, Isak, and Sana. It deals with incredibly complex subjects like: bullying, social isolation, cheating, sexual abuse, violence, eating disorders, homosexuality, mental illness, prejudice and religion.
There are 7 remakes in production and airing to date: SKAM France, SKAM Italia, SKAM Spain, SKAM NL, Druck, WTFock, SKAM Austin
SKAM France
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Emma) Season 2 (Manon) Season 3 (Lucas) and Season 4 (Imane) are finished, the show has been renewed for Season 5 (Arthur) and Season 6 (TBD) which have recently finished filming and are set to begin airing in Jan 2020 (probably).
Strengths: everyone is stunningly beautiful, brand new content coming for season 5 and 6 so you will feel the way you did watching the OG, some of the characterization and acting is very well done, more POC than the original.
Opportunities: the most direct shot by shot remake of the original so far,  some characters look significantly older than anyone else to the point of unbelievability, it can sometimes lack the genuine vulnerability that was a hallmark of the original
SKAM Italia
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Eva) Season 2 (Martino) and Season 3 (Elenora) are finished and it has been renewed by NETFLIX (ALL PREVIOUS SEASONS WILL BE ON NETFLIX AS WELL STARTING JAN 1 2020!!!!) for Season 4 (Sana) the announcement was unclear as to the timeline for S4 but hopefully it’ll be in Jan? idk
Strengths: CINEMATOGRAPHY, the only remake to change the order of the seasons/storylines so far which has served the story very well,  most of the acting and characterization is very strong, the chemistry between characters is excellent.
Opportunities: not enough POC representation and in some cases outright POC erasure, their strongest season to date features a white character using a racial slur which is distasteful and a poor choice at best, the cast is slightly older which is noticeable
SKAM Spain
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Eva) and Season 2 (Cris) are finished and Season 3 (Nora) will begin airing in January. It has also been renewed for Season 4 (TBD)
Strengths: A longer first season and many changes to the original storyline kept everyone on their toes, delivers hugely in realism and vulnerability, cute friendships, characters realistically look their ages
Opportunities: I found myself at times either completely apathetic or actively disliking some of the main characters as a result of either storyline choices or underdeveloped characterization/acting, the suffering portion of the season went on too long, the pacing felt odd at times, I find the chemistry off at times
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Isa) and Season 2 (Liv) are finished. The show was cancelled by the network after this. Cast and crew are currently trying to appeal to Netflix for a pick up (and I want it so badly)
Strengths: My personal favourite, very strong characterization and acting, stays close to the original but has its own vibe, the only POC Noora and William characters, feels realistic, beautiful scenery
Opportunities: some characters have been spotty in the timeline which is likely due to scheduling but it can be confusing at times, predictable, clips felt rushed at times, CANCELLED (pls respect my privacy)
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Hanna) Season 2 (Mia) Season 3 (Matteo) and Season 4 (Amira) are finished. No further news. 
Strengths/Opportunities: Druck is a difficult one for me to break down, it’s a complete dichotomy – the acting/characterization is either very strong or very poor, it contains both some of the most loveable character versions and some of the most unbearable, it’s very close to the original in terms of storyline but also feels much more authentic than some other remakes
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Jana) Season 2 (Zoe) and Season 3 (Robbe) have all finished airing. They have been casting for Season 4 (TBD - likely Yasmina) and we have no airing dates or information
Strengths: New scenes and lots of differentiation from the original, frequent updates, some excellent characterization choices, some of the best and most emotionally impactful choices
Opportunities: Some weaker acting/characterization for more minor characters, spotty character appearances due to scheduling, odd chemistry feels at times, few text updates, nightmarish pacing
SKAM Austin
Current Timeline: Season 1 (Megan) and Season 2 (Grace) have finished. No clue what else is going on. 
Strengths: the introduction of a WLW central character made the dynamics and storyline of season 1 which did follow very closely to the OG that much more powerful, likeable girl squad
Opportunities: some weak acting and characterization, predictable, some poor cinematography choices at times, feels the most disjointed
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chlouais · 5 years
Skam (+ Remakes) Faves
i’ve been thinking about this for a while and i wanna know who/what people love!! (this is NOT a ‘who/what is the superior character/clip’ it’s just a ‘i wanna know who/what you vibe with’ post) so fill in your faaaaaves and say where they’re from
First, which remakes you watch: i do everything except wtfock and skam us, so OG, france, italia, druck, españa, and netherlands
season overall: this is a toss up for me between druck s3 and s4. druck s3 blew me out of the water and druck s4 definitely did the best job with the sana season (out of three total though rip) and i love amira mahmood. but they only gave her seven (7) episodes and that’s a crime so s3 is gonna come out on top
pool scene (isak/even first kiss): it’s gotta be france y’all. doing it in the setting for polaris? fucking galaxy brain. druck also comes so fucking close because wow :’)
Eva character: oh FUCK THERE IS NO CONTEST it’s isa keijser <3 (NL)
Noora character: ele (italia). i am in love with her and i’ve honestly loved few characters as much as ele (also since there’s no s4 she hasn’t been a dick to sana so i can love her guilt-free)
Vilde character: engel!! (NL) REALLY closely followed by viri (españa). both these girls have OG lesbian vibes and i’m so proud
Sana character: amira mahmood (druck) and amira naybet (españa) are my whole world like damn,,, who let them be Like That
Chris character: i feel like it’s lowkey cheating to say cris from españa since she actually gets the isak season. but honestly all the chrises are so good??? like shit, alexia (france), sam (druck), janna (NL), fede (italia) and of course OG chris???? like fuck give me a girl squad made up of every chris character????
girl squad as a whole: that’s a tough call for me between españa and OG. like OG is OG but wowowow i think españa really nailed it with their girl squad. honorary mention for NL girl squad which is really magical but i never really got filled in on why imaan left and esra came in??
Jonas character: GIOVANNI GARAU (italia). i may be a lesbian but i would marry that boy
Isak character: i think i may actually need to not choose here. i know i made up this ask thing but i really don’t know. grandpa-sweater gay martino (italia)?? intense gay lucas (france)?? depressed-gremlin gay matteo (druck)?? freakin’ WLW cris (españa)?? fuck, y’all. i don’t know.
Mahdi character: both carlos and abdi!! druck mixed things up and they definitely represent those two members of OG boy squad in some sense but they don’t directly map on. regardless, i think they’re Good :) also special shoutout to my sweet boy hugo (españa) and my bi icon elia (italia)
Magnus character: still that carlos and abdi magic because getting rid of an actual magnus character was a stroke of genius also callout for basile (france) who is the literal worst character and drives me up the fuckin wall :)
boy squad as a whole: i gotta say either the italia boy squad or druck boy squad. they both have PEAK friendship chemistry
Even character: DAVID it’s david (druck) i love him he’s my everything (sorry eliott ((france)) ilysm and joana ((españa)) it’s just,,, david)
William character: edo (italia) :’) like wow i’m not gonna get into it but edo did everything so right (except for the things he has to do wrong cause plot, obvs)
Yousef character: s o f i a n e (france) like wow that boy is pure sunshine, followed really closely by mohammed (druck)
Elias character: idriss (france) makes me laugh all the time but omar and essam (druck) are TWO whole brothers? and the trio of mahmoodis is :’)
Penetrator Chris character: alex (france) because i love how they did more with his character (like in OG) and actually may have the eva character stay together with him?? would love
Eskild character: philippo (italia) is just. fantastic. and i love him as the noora character’s brother :’) and also ralph (NL)!! is so important to me!! plus when he met eskild i died?????????
Sonja character: as a character probably sonja (OG) but i am very in love with lucille (france) so,,, yeah im gay don’t judge me
Emma character: lmao well my url is literally based on chloé (france) SO y’all know where my allegiances lie (again im GAY)--that said i have so many big feelings for sara (druck)
Character special to a certain remake or someone i’ve forgotten! : special shoutout to LAURA (druck) and MAMA RAMETTA (italia) like wowowowow i love family members being present :)
y’all can do this too if you want!! most of my friends only do one remake so i’m not really sure who to tag but literally anyone who watches multiple remakes please tell me who/what you love and tag me
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walkingandpanicking · 5 years
11 questions asked and answered (SKAM)
I was tagged by the lovely @sttrawberries. Thank u so much!
1. Always repost the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
3. Give 11 questions
4. Tag 11 people
1.  To which character do you feel most related to?
I have to say either Amira from Skam España or Eleonora from Skam Italia. Amira since I feel like we both have a very similar outlook on life. I’m not religious like she is but a lot of the things she does and a lot of the things she respects are things I value as well. I’m also very protective of the people that I love like she is. I relate to Ele because I feel like we both approach certain situations the same way and are both quite closed off and private, introverted people. 
2. Do you watch all of the remakes?
No, I do not. Yet. I’m currently watching Druck s2 for the first time and once I finish Druck I will jump onto my last remake: WTFock.
3. Did you see the og while it was airing?  
No, I didn’t. I knew about it but I thought it was just another unrealistic teen drama (which it isn’t) so I didn’t watch it. At the time I was also very into superhero shows so I think I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I do now.
4. Name 3 facts you like about every remake (or the ones you’ve seen)
How they have give the spotlight to a muslim character, how they made a realistic coming out story for the Isak character and finally always the scene where the Eva character finds out about the date between the Noora character and the William character (I love those scenes way too much, my fave is Skam France’s version).
5. Have you tried to convince some of your friends (or anyone) to watch skam? Did you succeed? 
Well I’ve tried multiple times. I even made a keynote presentation to one of my friends about Skam (I’m extra okay). Only one of my friends has watched it so far. She watched Skam Italia (duh since it’s the one I recommended) and she really enjoyed it. She watched it in one day as well and snapped her whole experience which had me dying laughing.
6. How did you find about out skam?
I can’t remember really but I think someone I knew was watching the Isak season and was talking about it.
7. First impression and what do you think about it after watching it? (it can be about any character, season or remake, you choose)
Well my first impression of SKAM was ‘’Oh, it’s another teen show where they party too much, look perfect and still stay in school somehow.’’ But then I actually watched it and realized it was not that at all. The characters look like normal teenagers and yes the drama is a bit much sometimes since most of us don’t go through those things but in the end this is the most realistic/amazing teen drama I have ever seen. It’s also very addicting.
8. What did you think when you found out that there were going to make remakes of skam?
Cool, more skam.
9. Favourite speech?
Imane’s Eid speech in the final ep of Skam France s4. Enough said. I cried. She’s perfect.
10. Favourite version of every character from all of the remakes? (or pick three if you don’t want to write much)
Eva- OG Eva, Noora- Eleonora (Skam Italia), Sana- Amira (Skam España), Chris- Cris (Skam España), Vilde- Engel (Skam NL), Jonas- Gio (Skam Italia), Isak- OG Isak, William- Edoardo (Skam Italia), PChris- OG PChris, Eskild- Filippo (Skam Italia), Even- OG Even, Mahdi- Arthur (Skam France) (sry Elia), Can’t choose a Yousef yet. Also Chicco Rodi but he doesn’t have a counterpart since he is the one and only.
11. Favourite room from all of the one’s we’ve seen?
I have a hard time remembering all the rooms but I really liked Manon’s room in Skam France. I thought it was very nice and minimalistic. It wasn’t very big either, which I like.
1. Favorite member of the boy squad (doesn’t matter which remake)
2. Who are the best actors across all the Skams in your opinion?
3. Which countries should also have remakes?
4. If you could change one thing about all the versions, what would it be?
5. Who is the hottest character?
6. Which character has the best style?
7. Which scene with a Billie Eilish song was the best?
8. Which couple do you think has the actual chance of making it (getting married, kids etc.)?
9. Which character without a love interest deserves one the most? What would that love interest be like?
10. Pick a favorite version of skam and tell us what it’s characters will do after high school. What would they study, what’s their occupation etc. 
11. Why do you love skam?
I tag (sorry if you’ve already been tagged): @eliasantinni, @awkwarianne, @ertisaland, @kachoobu, @aelingalathyniux, @kalagangschemistry, @teamnick, @incantavaxoxo, @fangirl-daydreamer97, @ilsuosorrisoilmiopreferito, @incantieleonora
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tarjeisandvikmoe · 5 years
hey there! quick question: I'm interested in watching SKAM as it seems like a really good show, but I think there are three versions? which one should I watch/which one is the best? also, are they all the same story, or is each one different. I'm really sorry for bothering you but I have no idea where to even start. thank you so much!!
not to completely and totally overwhelm you anon, but there are 8 total versions of skam including the original. i’d start with the original norwegian version of the show if i were you, which is the version titled skam. 
everyone has their own preferences to which remake is the best, so i’d just suggest watching the first episode of every remake to see which one you vibe with the most! 
if you’re asking me personally and i know i’m biased, but i truly love skam france. it does stay pretty close to the source material for the first 2 seasons, but s3 has been absolutely killer so far. i think it was good even when they were required to stick to the original for the first two seasons because of how good the characters are. 
i guess a low down on the other remakes: druck is also incredible, and i highly highly recommend that one. skam italia switched things up by switching the seasons of two of the main characters so that was interesting. a lot of people enjoy how skam nl feels like the original version so if you love og skam, you’ll probably love nl! skam españa is the one remake that uh – completely deviates from the source material and feels like a new show completely to the point where their s2 that is about to begin is about a character who’s never been a main on skam before. skam austin has the only wlw isak character which is incredible although i’ll say it’s not my favorite of the remakes (but we watch for shay.) the only remake i can’t comment on is wtfock because i’ve never seen it. 
i love this little show so much, and it honestly makes me so emotional that people are still discovering it and wanting to watch it nearly 2 years after the original version ended. good luck watching it! i promise it is completely and 100% worth your time and effort to binge through. it changed my life and continues to make it better every day honestly. it’s everything to me.
you can find all the versions with english subtitles here.
good luck! ❤️
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peterjonesparker · 5 years
what do you think of noorhelm and the noorhelm remakes?
this got super long so I'll put it under the cut lol.
hmm, I wasn’t soooo into og n*orhelm? I think part of it was just...not liking Thomas h*yes version of the character as much? and idk, I just didn’t particularly like the dynamic between them? I liked some aspects of them and liked some of the parts where they were both happy, but it felt kinda dissatisfying the way the story was handled when the actor left and then rushed back in for sana’s season when the actor came back. so idk. I think the fourth season left a bitter taste in my mouth for them honestly just bc I felt like sana’s season had /so/ many amazing elements that just didn't get explored bc there was no time. and fucking...yousef kissing noora is still unrealistic but that’s another point. but yeah. like I understand the whole point being that like...people are fighting a battle you know nothing about be kind always. and I agree that noora is a very flawed character and she rushes to conclusions and thinks she has to take care of everyone even though they can take care of themselves. like...her trying to protect vilde is a large issue that always backfires. but it also just kinda felt like another one of those... “broody asshole guy is actually deep and kind when you get to know him” which like...okay I guess. but it also just didn’t feel like he changed all that much either? idk...it felt like noora kinda reevaluates everything and he stayed the same. but idk, I can also be remembering incorrectly because it’s been two years. and so yeah...same kinda goes for Manon and ch*rles I guess? he’s definitely being an asshole this season and idk why they kept the London storyline when the actor didn’t leave??? like the remakes are a great opportunity to explore new aspects or whatever and that’s a major thing they could have changed but whatever. I liked Mia and Alex’s storyline for the most part, especially in the middle and at the end. I liked the changes they made to the storyline a lot. but am also confused what their plan is for this season and it’s like...are we gonna send Alex to London?? again? really? but we’ll see. I like that it isn’t that they both went to London together. I'm also kinda into skam nl and skam italia’s versions of them? never really thought I'd be so into them but I think incantava has a super cool dynamic thus far? edoardo seems? super sweet? and adorable? I just? and I really like skam nl and am in love with liv and I like the changes they’ve made this season and liv and Noah have a cool dynamic sometimes and sometimes it’s weird but I think for the most part I like them? and then for skam Austin idk. I think...grace is kind of...annoying me? but so is Kelsey? a lot of the characters have been grating on me this season where I liked them last season. skam Austin is rly just...wilding out right now and I'm confused what happened. but idk...we’ll see with grace and Daniel. I like that it’s very obvious that grace is into him for the viewer, so that feels more like...oh I get it she really does like him and is fighting it as opposed to the whole “wear her down” kinda storyline but it’s also like...hmmm...he does some wild things. but so do all the other w*lliams. so idk. and I don’t know enough about skam España or wtfock to say anything about those remakes bc I didn’t watch season 1 of either lol. but I'll get that. but yeah. that’s probably the relationship for all the shows that I'm most undecided about. but so far I like skam nl, skam it, and druck’s versions. am also open to hearing other opinions!
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jorgecrespo · 4 years
Could you rank the way the shows handled the assault storyline in s2 according to realism?
1. Wtfock. Handled with care. She actually went to the police. Senne was very supportive. The acting was fantastic as well, it really sold it.
2. Druck. Very different situation then the rest. However they showed a really good setup for the assault. The aftermath was a bit lacking but I'm glad they abandoned the whole "nah he's a pretty good guy" thing.
3. Austin. Acting really elevated this one. Loved the conversation with the girls after Grace told them. That was powerful
4. Og. Needs some work, but they did pretty well. Some remakes improved on certain aspects but it had some good moments.
5. Italia. Loved how they got rid of the "he's a pretty good guy" conversation. Hated how Eduardo walked away even after finding out exactly what happened
6. NL. Threw in the "let's go to the cops" at the very end, which was something. But they dropped the ball. What was the point of the video if everything else is going to stay exactly the same?
7. France. Look, I'm trying to focus just on s2. And France was basically the same as the og. But if you think I can get past Charles' behavior in s3 and 4 about the assault and the fact they had her get back together with him, you're very mistaken.
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