jonas-augustin · 4 years
me, vibing the quarantine, re-reading all of percy jackson for days, my skam account long dead, randomly checking tumblr for the first time:
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jonas-augustin · 4 years
S5 Review pt 2 : the Bad
So in my last meta I listed a lot of reasons to like this season…but then why did it not (at least to me) all add up together ?  Looking back, I can think of so many clips that I thought were incredible. But looking back at the season in general, I just feel a big ‘meh’ and it’s sort of puzzling - why exactly ?  Here is where I thought the season could have been a lot better :
I loathe love triangles : I hate the trope in itself. Is S5 the worst example of it ever ? No, it served somewhat of a thematic purpose and the resolution was interesting. But I can’t help it, when I feel a love triangle coming on, I generally disconnect emotionally because I have been annoyed to hell and back by it before - one big offender being Skam France s4, in which the love triangle/quadrangle marked the beginning of the season going down in flames, with it overshadowing everything else and making the characters behave in completely obnoxious and puzzling ways. S5 isn’t quite as bad, it feels more respectful of the characters, but I find it weird that the writers chose a love triangle again on the heels of the reception of s4. 
The problem with this trope is not ‘oh we don’t want drama ever’ it’s just so bloody annoying, so trite and overused. It rests on centuries of sexist tropes : either a wishy washy girl in the middle who doesn’t know what’s good for her/her own heart ; or two girls competing for a man’s attentions. It often ends in the fandom villifying the women involved no matter the shape of the triangle, comparing them against each other, which definitely happened this time (Twitter was just so annoying this season), and this whole ‘team x’ thing gives me hives, as the assumption that this is what young women viewers care most about. 
Also it generally involves the characters showing that they have very little self respect, letting themselves be walked over, bad communication, implications about what the ‘better woman/man’ should be like, cheating, etc…it’s very rarely fun or interesting to watch because we’ve seen it a thousand times before in teenage soap operas. Again, the s5 ending avoided the total trainwreck but this is a show you watch in real time, and for weeks I was afraid it was going to be absolutely terrible, and it ruined a big part of my experience of the season. When they introduced Noée I started being scared, and when it became clear Arthur was developing feelings for her, I basically noped out emotionally. I started following it in a much more detached manner, I wasn’t looking forward to the clips anymore, I stopped writing meta so much. And it sucks. I wanted to love the season. But this was just not a ride I really wanted to be on. 
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jonas-augustin · 4 years
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THE JONAS’ (brothers)
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jonas-augustin · 4 years
so apparently coline wrote a song for this season... alexia considers becoming a singer... don't make me say it
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jonas-augustin · 4 years
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Lundi 23:12
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
Jens : Are the guys allowed to know that you're...
Robbe : That I'm single?
Jens :
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
!!!! skam nl is not completely lost yet !!!!
the dutch broadcaster is still trying to get the show back on. we have to make this happen!! please, sign this petition and share it as much as you can.
also, please message the npo and the ntr on instagram/twitter as much as you can to let them know WE WANT SKAM NL BACK.
please guys, reblog this to let as many people fight for skam nl as possible.
it’s now or never for lucas van der heijden. 
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
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the tea for this fine wednesday afternoon
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
It’s probably not going to happen but the idea of Yann, Chloe, Emma and Lucas (+Eliott) going on vacation all together is absolutely hilarious to me. Like how many levels of uncomfortable stacked on top of each other ?
Lucas who sabotaged Emma and Yann’s relationship because he had feelings for Yann, and used Chloe, who used to have feelings for Lucas while he was pretending not to have feelings for Eliott. Emma knows what Lucas did but now she has to see Yann and Chloe in a couple and ohhh wouldn’t she understand Lucas now because she might be tempted to do the very same thing. Eliott not being annoyed at Chloe anymore because she isn’t after his man any longer but it’s still very awkward. Emma asking Lucas advice on how to snake and him feeling torn because he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Chloe again but Emma threatening to tell Yann and Eliott what he did. Like the levels of…and that’s not even getting into the girl squad drama and Eliott’s past. If they actually went to that vacation like. The levels of EPIC MESS it would turn into. Honestly that’s what s5 should be. Summer time, multi POV, everyone trying to deal with the bullshit they’ve pulled while pretending to have a super fun time. I know they’re probably going to solve it all before the end of the season but just imagine, the shenanigans.
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
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Who would’ve thought? The party girl. Are you hiding anything else? 
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
Sorry for reblogging this here, but. I'm crying actual tears. History is crumbling apart in front of our very eyes. I have no words.
Nothing lasts forever, but losing Notre Dame is an absolute tragedy. It’s like seeing the Library of Alexandria being burned in real time.
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
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started from the bottom now we’re here
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
when eliott and sofiane finally have a scene together, where they are both smiling, im gonna need a warning cause there’s gonna be so much big sunshine energy in that clip imma have to grab my sunglasses
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
Thank you for tagging me @liisateige !! This is Late but anyway here we go
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Uhhh tagging @jonasmatteo and @matteosflorenzi ??? I literally don't know anyone on tumblr
I was tagged by @srodvlv to share my lock screen and the last song I listen to. Here it is… Thank you for tagging me 💓
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I am tagging @hitorizu @commandersewife @alexintheshadow @valtersvn @theopenbook-baringoursouls .
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
matteo broke up with sara: :) 
matteo broke up with sara via text: 😬
matteo broke up with sara via text before her exam: there’s no emoji for that, matteo how could you be so dumb 
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
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Druck Season 3 screenshots edited with Wes Anderson aesthetics.
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jonas-augustin · 5 years
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