ellmick · 3 years
"Prendi appunto sempre"
Questo è il primo e fondamentale comandamento di uno scrittore. E si potrebbe pensare che sia una cosa abbastanza facile da eseguire, da mettere in pratica.
Ma uno scrittore non vuole scrivere di tutto.
Uno scrittore non vuole scoprirsi troppo.
La maggior parte delle cose che evitò di scrivere sono quelle più importanti. Come se, se le scrivessi, il grande segreto che è in me potesse essere svelato, come se raccontarle alla carta bianca le rendesse più vere.
Nonostante abbia sempre affermato che la scrittura è per me la pratica più terapeutica per esorcizzare e vincere le mie ansie, ci sono certe cose che non posso e non voglio mettete giù. Cose di cui mi vergogno, cose troppo private perché io possa renderle pubbliche.
Ma ho un'alternativa e credo che mi muoverò in quella direzione.
Ho la possibilità di far passare per fantasia ciò che la mia mente ed il mio cuore si sono impegnati a trasformare in realtà.
E d'altronde, uno scrittore mette sempre un po' di se stesso in ciò che scrive.
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I'm here full of life
Waiting for you to be my man
But I don't see your smile
Walking down the school stairs
I thought you were mine
But You left me alone
With an empty mind
And a lonely soul
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evecreathion · 3 years
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🌷 𝕌𝕟 𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕦𝕟 𝕣𝕖̂𝕧𝕖𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕥 ... 🌷 " L'artiste est par nature un grand rêveur ; un rêveur conscient et inconscient à la fois, qui vit dans son monde secret, remplie de fantaisies et de magie. C'est ainsi qu'il vous fait rêver en retour; en s'inspirant de ses rêves pour créer des choses réelles qui sort tout droit de son imagination, qui quelques fois se voit brisée par le monde et la vie réelle " (Mes propres mots, écris par moi !) 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉ℯ́, 𝒫ℯ𝒶𝒸ℯ & ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 🕉🌸✌☮🤟❤🖤🤘🎸💀🖖👽 - ℒ𝓎𝓃ℯ𝒜𝒟ℯ𝓈𝓈𝒞𝓇ℯ́𝒜𝓉𝒽𝒾ℴ𝓃 💋 #citationdujour#instquotes #artiste #reveur #mondesecret #fantaisie #magie #creation #inspirations #imagination #brisée #monde #vie #réalité #mespropremots #wrotebyme #ecrisparmoi #selfieme #myeverydaylife #ateliercreation #marielyneadesscreathion #mlyneadesscreathion #creatricebijoux #bijouxcrochet #accessoiresartisanal #creationunique #creationartisanal #creationfaitmains #madeinfrance #madeintoulon (à Toulon, France) https://www.instagram.com/marielyneadesscreathion/p/CYlZlG5NpNd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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"These Days" Poem By Ayla Gilbert
These days she wonders if you ever think about her. She thinks about you more often than she would like, she must admit. She thinks about how she hung on every word you said like it was vital to her well being, like food or water. When she thinks about it now, did anything she said to you really matter? She thinks about how much she tried to be your world. She thinks about how she tried so hard to be like the other girl. How often she would look in the mirror and gaze at herself in disdain. Oh love, did you really think she was so vain? She tore her own identity apart for you to love her a little harder. But to you she was always just a place holder and it was easy to forget her. The FIRST day you left her for your ex lover she cried her eyes out and wondered why it was impossible to love her. She critiqued every inch of her skin like it was a mid term paper, underlining all the parts that didn't add up to your expectations and circling all the parts that didn't look like the girl you left her for. You used to tell her she was beautiful and she was already perfect. But why did you make her feel like such a reject? You put her on a pedestal that wasn't hers and let her believe in your false declarations of love as you kissed along her neck and left a trail of empty promises and apologies in hopes she would take you back for the second time. And she took you back. Her heart a little more weary with every painful absence and razor sharp remark. She took it all to heart until it turned her head dark. She got left behind in the shadows of those more gifted, more spontaneous than she. Left with an empty hole and a longing to be something she wasn't so that he might look at her with the same sparkle in his eyes when he looked at his ex, leaving her to think, "why can't that be me?" He finally left her heart an empty shell. She hated what she saw in the mirror because she only longed to see the girl who so effortlessly gained his affections like it was born for her. And oh god. How much she tried. How many tears she cried. How many sleepless nights she painfully spent blaming herself and watching as her confidence died. But one day after months of self blame and watching you move one and the constant and crippling comparisons she made to EVERYONE ELSE she saw she started thinking about you less. Soon she stopped being reminded of you in everything she saw. She stopped feeling the knot in her chest when she looked at your old ukulele you gave her for Christmas. Suddenly she realized you were no longer as important and that your words didn't hold the same weight these days. Because these days.. You don't have the key. And these days.. She's slammed the door. These days she wonders if you think about her. She thinks about you more often than she would like, she must admit. She wonders what you would think if you saw her now, with her confidence built up almost as tall as the high horse you sit on. Would you recognize her now that she's grown out of chasing the string you dangled in front of her? Calling, "Kitty, Kitty" and awaiting her purrs. Oh, how you thrived for her adoration but always took it for granted. Now that she's grown tired, more aware, she's taken back what's hers. The confidence and precious time you stole away, You were never worth it anyway. So fuck your pedestal and the damage you've wrought. It's not like you gave her a second thought. You're love was a lie so there's nothing to miss or mourn. So if you wonder how she is these days, just keep this in mind. She's doing pretty good so she'll toot her own horn.
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rainyorcloudy · 3 years
My soul is tired
My soul needs peace
My soul needs a better spring,
beautiful rains.
My soul is alone
My soul is alone
It's ready to give love
But in this world of 7 billion people
Nobody is here .
In it's funeral
Everyone will love it.
My soul could be soaked by love.
But nobody is here
My soul will be missed by the people,
who weren't ready to love
My soul will be missed
My soul will find it's peace in heaven.
My soul needs a better spring or,
A beautiful summer day.
-Sara Jaman
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hh-1507-hh-blog · 8 years
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Mưa rả tích suốt... Thiệt là.. Nhưng hôm nay tâm trạng rất tốt. Đăng ảnh mà chả liên quan luôn 😂😂
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dpfagency · 4 years
He was a muse she was using.. . . . . #poetry #poetryworld #poetryofindia #poetr...
He was a muse she was using.. . . . . #poetry #poetryworld #poetryofindia #poetr…
He was a muse she was using.. . . . . #poetry #poetryworld #poetryofindia #poetryporn #poetscommunity #poetsofinstagram #writerscommunity #poems #poetrylovers #poemporm #poetryislife #poetrygram #writing #wrotebyme #mywriteups #quotes #ilovewriting #quoteoftheday #poemoftheday #loveyourself #bookofpoems #artoflove #art #writerslife #selflove #quotesaboutlife #writersofig #muse #love #soul .
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ellmick · 6 years
Se oggi fosse il mio ultimo giorno, correrei da te. Prenderei il primo pullman e arriverei da te. Passerei l’intera giornata tra le tue braccia cercando di guardarti e osservarti il più possibile. Ma non ti osserverei solo con gli occhi, lo farei con le mani. Cercherei di apprendere il più possibile su di te. Molto più di come ho fatto in tutto questo tempo passato insieme. Non mi stancherei nemmeno un secondo di analizzarti e scrutarti. Percepirei ogni piccola sfumatura della tua pelle, del tuo volto, del tuo sguardo. Le annoterei nella mia mente, marchierei il mio tessuto cerebrale a fuoco pur di non dimenticare nulla di te.
E poi ti direi tutto, tutto quello che non ho saputo dirti, perché troppo spaventata. Ti parlerei di quando mi hai fatta innamorare. Ti racconterei tutti i battiti del mio cuore, quelli che già conosci così bene. Continuerei a raccontartelo perché tu possa non avere mai dubbi sul mio amore. Ti spiegherei tutte le mie decisioni, tutte le scelte sbagliate. 
O forse no.
Forse, se fosse il mio ultimo giorno litigherei con te. Ti lascerei nel modo più brutale possibile. Ti renderei così furioso nei miei riguardi da fare in modo che tu non possa mai sentire la mia mancanza. Ti ferirei al punto di costringerti a cancellarmi dalla tua vita. Modificherei tutti i bei ricordi che hai, ti farei credere che tutte le mie manifestazioni d’amore non erano altro che menzogna. Ti costringerei a chiamarmi pazza, per aver architettato un piano tanto malvagio solo per averti al mio fianco. Perché in realtà sarei stata per te solamente una sventura evitata.
Sì. Probabilmente ti allontanerei da me.
Perché ti amo, come non avrei mai immaginato di poter fare.
Lo sai, te l’ho detto tante volte. Ma è vero.
Perché ti amo più di me stessa.
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ladym8291-blog · 8 years
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#nocaptionneeded #poemforhim💙 #wrotebyme the original photo of #faz3 credits to @fazza3_m 😊 #ladym #loveconfessions💕 #ladympreciousman💕 #fazza #sheikhhamdanbinmohammedbinrashidalmaktoum #cpofdubai👑
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meryeloy-blog · 11 years
"Hablando nunca se entenderían. La música les enseñó que estaban hechos el uno para el otro."
María Céspedes.
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ladym8291-blog · 8 years
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#nocaptionneeded #loveconfessions💕 #potd❤ #qotd💬 #quoteforhim #wrotebyme #love💙 #ladympreciousman💕 #fazza #faz3💕 #f3 #sheikhhamdanbinmohammedbinrashidalmaktoum #cpofdubai👑
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hard-to-predict · 11 years
Nothing really does have any sense.
It’s so crazy how nothing really has sense in this world, everything was made for the human for complicating their own lives. But the human invented things for putting a sense to the things..
Problems are in your mind. Life it’s pretty easy, people are the ones who complicate it. The human ways to life are the reason we are what we are.
Everyone see life in a very different way,
I think eyes are the reflection of soul because we can testify the things because of them. We can see all in a different way with the physical eyes and with the eyes of the soul. Nothing really does have any sense..
A test? It’s just a f*cking paper made for human, invented just for checking if you truly learned something. People get so nervous while they take them, but it’s just a paper. That paper means nothing.. Some people learn.. and get nervous to go wrong in that paper, that’s why they fail.. they even stress too much for a simple paper where you just have to write things.. Isn’t a paper of death! Problems? They’re caused because of mistakes.. Mistakes? We make mistakes for being human and there IS NOT SCAPE. Trying to not make mistakes, you make mistakes.
Happiness?: Happiness are just moments and then they become in beautiful memories.. Yeah, the ones that makes you feel nostalgic.
The moments you didn’t value while you was living them.
Your apparence?: That’s something you’ll lose pretty easily. You’ll get old someday.
Pleasure?: It’s just for a moment or a time. People just focus in that. But the pleasure it’s just for a moment.
And this one..
Whats money? Ask yourself!
Think a second.. What's money?
Easy!.. A paper. Human invented it.. And even people kills for that But it’s just a piece of paper.
Take a normal piece of some empty paper and give it to anyone.. it does have any value? NO.
The things have the value we give them, we waste so much time worrying for stupid things. Don’t take the things too serious.. Anyway, someday you’ll die and that’s when everything will have just a sense and is this one:
Nothing really had sense, when you’re finally death nothing will have sense for you, just the things you left in this world.. the things you made, the love you shared.. 
That’s all what matters. 
That’s the only sense I see for life: To be you, to do whatever you want, to be happy for your own (not depending of anyone), to do the things you love because life it’s too long, but time it’s too short, time goes fast.
It’s like.. you close your eyes and then.. you open it.. and everything changes instantly. It’s really incredible how time flies when you don’t notice.. and everything changes.
Life changes so much..
You change.
People change.
Everything changes..
Positively or negative..
That’s LIFE.
By: Saile Nathalia <3
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16. oktober 2013
She is the girl all the boys think is weird, her best friend is the girl all the boys dream about. She knows that something is special about him, but she also knows that se is the kind of person no one will ever love back. When she looks at herself in a mirror, she doesn’t see what she want to see. She wants a pretty and fit body, but she always gives up on fitness routines. She wishes to be pretty like all the other girls. Though not everybody is that pretty on the outside, they always have something people likes about them or a talent. BUt not her. She doesn’t have anything special. The only special thing about her is her ironic, rare and mean personality, who actually no one likes. Most people tries to stay away from her and ignores her. She is that weird girl. Why shouldn’t they ignore her? When people sees her scars, they look at her like she just killed somebody. She cant understand how her scars can change someones thoughts about her so much. Just because she prefer the pain on the outside of her body instead of the pain her filings pushes on her. She isnt a normal human being. How long will this take? Before they stop? How long will she barrie this pain on her shoulders? Do you know why I know all this things about that ugly little freak? Because that ugly and weird girl.. is me. - Unknown
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