#wrote this way too late sorry y'all
callinskiiscalling88 · 3 months
"Prefect-san, is this....really necessary?" Azul queried as he stared at the shimmering blue car parked in the empty bank's parking lot. The streets were empty, so right now was the perfect time.
"Get in the car." They pointed at it.
"Ah yes, right away!"
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Word count:b2,557
Idea by: @r3dr3ality
Warnings: None
Extra: proofread this without sleep and it's been 18 hours at least so no promises
Azul hopped in the car and scowled at the twins' chuckles. Why did he let himself get dragged here by Yuu? Sure, he'd need to learn how to drive eventually, but he planned to hold it off at least a few more years, perhaps after graduation. But no! They were so insistent.
They hopped in the passenger seat and handed over the jingling keys. On the keyring was an angry octopus plushie, which he could heavily relate to right now (though he was more annoyed if anything).
"Insert it in the-"
"I know I know!" He thrusted the key in the hole and turned it until it revved on. The gauges adjusted to their proper points and the radio started playing Ozzy Osbourne's Mr.Crowley. Oh if only Dire Crowley was here! Actually he'd only care if he was liable. So it wouldn't matter. Unless it was his car. Where did Yuu get this from anyways?
"Hey be gentle with it!" They exclaimed. The sea creature turned his head to look at his comrade.
"Where'd you get this from?" He asked.
"Oh I got the keychain from an arcade game, it reminded me of you." They explained and flicked the purple plush. It made a little jangle the prefect was quite fond of.
"Reminds you of me?- No nevermind that. This car. Who's is it?"
"Oh don't worry about that. Come on start driving."
"I will worry it's im- PORTANT!" He yelped as Yuu put it in drive and it started moving...very slowly. A lot less climactic then he expected.
"Chill dude. It's barely moving." They said with an unimpressed look. He glared at them.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" He scolded. "Don't do that!" But he wasn't taken seriously, in fact Yuu was moving their hand and lip syncing. "Hey! I'm not playing!"
They stopped and pointed at the road in front of them.
"Yeah yeah whatever. You're going to take this until the stop sign. Then turn around." They directed their finger past some trees. Great, he couldn't even see it.
"Alright." He replied with a sigh. Being a fish out of water was hard, now he has to be a fish in a car? Ridiculous!
He got in his zone and was actually doing it. He was doing it! Driving a car!
"You can go faster than the snails you know." They stated sarcastically. Ashengrotto looked down at the speedometer and it didn't even pass the average broomstick speeds. And those averages were short.
"I am going my preferred speed, thank you very much! Driver makes the rules!" He announced. "And shut this foul tune off!"
He looked away from the road to shut the radio off. It made a little click.
"AZUL!" They screamed. In a panic he slammed on the breaks. The sudden force rocked them in their seats.
"What?!" He exclaimed. Yuu could see his chest moving up and down and his face didn't hide how terrified he was. They started laughing, which only irritated the driver.
"Hahahaha! Oh my 7 your reaction is priceless! Dude I was kidding around!"
But the latter didn't find it funny. He murmured some gibberish Yuu didn't understand and continued driving. He tried his best to calm his heart rate, but the poor guy was still horrified. They noticed him tensed up as close to the wheel as possible, which definitely wasn't comfortable. He attempted to anxiously tap the wheel, but when he caught himself he stopped and tightened his grip. They sighed.
"Thank you."
"Sitting like that won't help you. You need to be comfortable. Move back. And loosen your grip or you'll hurt your hands." They crossed their arms but pointed to his palms as they directed. Azul tried to take their advice and loosen up. He changed his position but he couldn't help his intense hold of the wheel.
"Good. That's a start. Now keep your eyes on the road, you're doing great."
"When's the stop sign?" He seemed to be starting to settle down.
"Just up here. You'll have to make a U-turn."
The car instantly stopped. Scratch that.
"A U-turn!?"
"Don't worry. It sounds a lot harder then it actually is. Plus you'll have a lot of room."
"Oh 7..."
The car ride was probably the slowest in their life. They knew he couldn't help it, but they almost fell asleep for Pete's sake.
They looked out their window and saw a shaggy man with a sign doing a dance. The sign read, "I am Pete! :D" with a stick figure drawing. Yeah not that Pete's sake. That one's obviously too far gone.
They were approaching the stop sign and they could see Azul mentally prepare himself. His eyes narrowed and- oh it was a lot more room than he thought.
"See, I told you." They reassured.
"I wasn't nervous."
"Whatever you want to tell yourself Octoboy."
"Don't call me that."
Finally the ride was over! Azul made it back to the starting point successfully, where the twins were waiting. Floyd looked bored out of his mind, but he had to wait a little longer for his turn. Right now it was...
Jade's! He got in right when his octopus companion got out. Yuu took it as him being a lot less patient than he put on.
"Okay so I kind of forgot to explain this to Az-" They pointed but were cut off.
"This is the speed gauge and this one tells me how much gas we have. I believe that's all I'll have to worry about."
"Yep. Dang you actually knew it."
"I studied up on it one time for a deal. " Yuu was about to speak but got cut off again. "No, I cannot elaborate. "
"Alright. Anyways good luck."
"Thank you, Prefect-san." He said as he put the radio on and turned it to the calm classical track. He got the car out of park and started driving. He even buckled and kept his steady pace.
Seems like he didn't need it, he did swimmingly! (Pun intended) They approached the roundabout quickly and he already started adjusting the car for the turn.
"You're going to make a turn around right here. Yep just like that." They stated as he turned. They didn't realize how good of a driver Jade oddly was. That's cool, fish can drive!
Their monologued congrats was interrupted with a sudden stop. Yuu put their hand on the glove box compartment and shot their head in his direction.
"What's wrong!?" They queried. The Leech unbuckled and left the car.
"One moment, Prefect-san. " It was almost like he was in a trance. He walked to a group of trees and kneeled down. Yuu couldn't see what he was looking at. They assumed he wouldn't be long and waited for him. However one minute soon became 5 which became 30 and they grew impatient. They hopped out the car to check out what was so interested.
"Yo Jade, we need to get back."
Of course...Mushrooms. The mushrooms were bright red. Wouldn't the vibrant hues mean they're poisonous? He didn't seem to care. He pulled them out the ground and scooped them into a large plastic bag he brought with him. Did he know these would be here? Or did he always carry the band around with him? They couldn't see his face but they imagined him practically beaming with a smile so wide it'd be long enough (if it physically could) to pull something out of a trench if it had fallen off a cliff. He didn't notice Yuu until he rose and turned around.
"Oh my apologies, I didn't mean to take that long. I couldn't miss up the chance of these Amanita muscaria." He apologized as he held the bag up proudly.
"Yeah... Okay come on." They started walking back to the car. They could care less about the mushrooms.
"You know these are considered Psilocybin mushrooms, or in other words they're like magic mushrooms. They affect the mind in-"
They blocked the rest out. He made it back to the car and finished the turn. But the way back was full of mushroom facts.
They finally made it back. They couldn't tell which ride felt longer, Azul's with his slow driving or Jade's with his boring rant. Oh well now it was
Floyd's turn. Yuu didn't feel like making the pitstop so they had the others ride in the back seat. Of course once they had to get on main roads they'd have to stop to switch drivers but they didn't think about it when they made the others get in.
"I did better than Azul." Jade remarked as the two buckled. Azul complained about it but the ones in the front seat ignored it.
"Which one is the gas?" He asked. Oh 7... This was going to be something.
"That one." They pointed.
He was an unpredictable one, so they didn't know how this would go. He could stop half way and make Yuu finish the drive, he could crash into a tree, or he could-
Zoom off with a trail of dust. They made it past the stop sign in an instant, but of course didn't bother to stop.
"WOOO!! NOW THIS IS MY KIND OF RIDE!!" Yuu exclaimed and put their hands in the air. Although the octopus in the back had a different opinion on the matter.
"Slow down Floyd!'" Azul demanded as he instinctively clung to Jade for dear life. "You're going to make us cra-AASH!"
A small bump made him yelp, which made Jade chuckle. Ashengrotto realized what he was doing and let go of the eel. Floyd didn't listen to his orders, and continued cruising. The scenery all blurred together, so they failed to notice the car on the side of the road with two officers inside.
"Hey Pete, what you got there?" The cop behind the wheel asked his comrade, who was a shaggy guy with a sign. He handed the sign to his friend. "Oh a sign. With your name on it. Is this why you disappeared? To make this?"
He responded with a thumbs up and hopped in the car. He slammed the door shut and grabbed one of the donuts from their cafe box. The two ate their donuts in peace until s blue car bolted past them.
"That's not the speed limit. Get the lights on."
Pete flicked a switch and the sirens turned on, along with blinding top lights. Then they were in pursuit.
Despite Floyd's illegal speeds he did great. He hit all the turns and- well nothing else. He didn't stop at any sign, who knew if they physically could stop in time at this speed. Azul was absolutely horrified in the back, and Jade was enjoying the nice breeze.
"Ugh change this horrible station." The driver said and switched the song to a heavy metal one. "There, much better."
The (for mostly everyone) peaceful ride was turned sour then he looked out the back windows.
"Kufufu, it seems like we have company."
Yuu and Azul turned their heads and gasped. Then screamed in unison.
Azul shouted fish curses but no one seemed surprised by it. Yuu didn't even understand it and the twins probably heard it all before. Floyd stayed focused on the road.
"Lame. How can I shake em?" He questioned.
"By stopping?!"
"Make a right then a left then a couple rights then a left. Should confuse them."
Floyd listened to the latter and made a sharp right. Azul slammed into the door with a loud thump, and Jade couldn't help but topple over him.
"FLOYD!" Ashengrotto shouted. He didn't even care about the tall fellow on him, he was more focused on the crime he was in the middle of. Jade watched merrily.
Floyd followed his instructions, which seemed to have chased off the cops. Yuu changed the station back to the classical hits for Azul's sake, even if it wouldn't do much.
"Okay you lost them now we have to return back to Night Raven." Yuu explained.
"Yes, but which way is that?" Jade queried as he rose off of the octopus. Said octopus dusted himself off, like it'd rid him of the diseases he was just given. Once he looked up he hollered.
Yuu turned their head.
"CLIFF!!" Screamed Floyd but he was much happier about it. He tried stopping but at this rate they would still fall. Jade quickly noticed their predicament and unbuckled Azul. This was it, they'd plummet to their deaths and their bodies would never be found. They'd be splatted all over and be undefinable. They'd die listening to dramatic classical opera.
Everything seemed to slow down. Like time specifically wanted this moment to last.
"Guys, I love you. All of you" Yuu needed to get something out before their demise.
"Love you too, Koebi-chan." Floyd was chill about it, like he just accepted his fate.
"I love you all so much!" Azul was sobbing.
"I appreciate the sentiments and you all are dear to me but I have more mushrooms to gather before I die. So, goodbye." Jade announced as he opened the door and pushed the octopus out. He followed suit.
"OH THANK THE 7S I'M NOT BUCKLED!" Yuu shouted as they pushed the door open and hopped out.
"Oh." The ex-driver said dully and copied the prefect. Just in time too.
The shimmering blue car flew off the cliff. It stayed in the air for what felt like a comedic suspense while, then plummeted. The 4 walked over to the edge, and watched it fall down the trench. It landed with a loud crash and combusted.
"We don't-." Azul sniffled. "Tell anyone about this."
"Deal." Everyone said in unison. It's a shame Azul didn't write it on a contract, he had everyone so willing! Jokes aside, everyone was thankfully safe and they could start their long journey back home. The group turned around and began walking in silence. It was the prefect who broke it.
"Well Crud, Crewel-Sensei just lost his car."
"The car was his!?""
*Insert ending sfx here*
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Final Thoughts
Sooo...I wrote this at like 2am and it's 530 now
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This is the post I got the idea from. Diasomnia is next on my agenda if I get another random burst of motivation. It'll probably be another latey! 👍
Anyways have a wonderhoytastic day!!
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moonlight-prose · 3 months
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a/n: guess who is back on her joel miller shit again. i had the image of young joel possibly in love and just starting out and had to run with it. after not writing for him for some time, i really did miss this grumpy man. i do have a few fics in the works for him so hopefully this fixation lasts some time. this is an unedited jumble of words so enjoy! divider by the incredible @saradika-graphics.
summary: in the late spring air with summer setting like the sun, life with joel suddenly becomes clear.
word count: 1.6k+
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
warnings: not explicit, fluff, domesticity, she wrote something without angst y'all, allusions to possibly an apocalypse but not really, mentions of pregnancy (don't worry), joel miller being a fucking softie, they're just so in love it's sick.
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His sheets clung to your already warm body, molding to the bare skin that scratched along the wrinkled cheap cotton. You asked why he never bought something better, he claimed he didn’t mind how it felt. Of course, that’s how it usually went. Your questions, answered with sarcasm layered in anguish. He never bought more because he never thought he deserved it.
You ignored it for his sake—never pushing further than necessary; he felt like a stone wall at times, and you were the person searching for his cracks. A place to set your hammer into place and swing.
The sun cast shadows in the darkened room, his curtains pulled away to expose the already open window. He was helping his mom fix the air conditioner; you were sweating beneath his covers. The dichotomy felt wrong—too domestic for you to swallow. Yet you drank it down like cold water straight from the tap, already addicted to the way it chilled your insides and pooled in your stomach.
It never occurred to you that the things you did for love would feel silly in ten years time.
But that was in ten years. And this was now.
“I can feel you,” he mumbled into his crushed pillow squished between his arm and cheek. 
You’d been scooting away from him for the past ten minutes. Not because you desired distance—quite the opposite—you couldn’t fathom the way his skin gave off heat. He was a fire waiting to burn you, singe the hair on your arm and beg for more to consume. You were merely asking for reprieve from the suffocating way he felt atop you in the middle of the night.
Spring in Texas was promised to be cool. Sunny air, bright dispositions, and weather you’d find in a luxury brand’s catalog. The kind his mother kept around for you when they arrived in the mail. Yet as soon as May set in, welcoming humanity with open arms and blooming flowers, the heat shoved its way forward. Settling into the air with a vengeance. A promise that you’d suffer through the next few months until you felt defeated enough to beg for winter.
“It’s hot,” you whined, shoving the thin gray sheet off your body. “I need a cold shower.”
“Mm.” His arm slid beneath the covers, tanned skin and already rough fingers reaching out to find you. “Sounds like a good idea.”
You bit back your smile and scooched even closer to the edge of the mattress—your leg halfway off and nearly to the floor. “I meant for me.”
The mess of rumpled brown hair shot up from his pillow, hazy brown eyes catching you in the snare of their web. “You’d leave me outta that?”
“Cold water and you naked?” He shook his head, flipping onto his back and sitting up before you could get both feet on the floor. “Sorry darlin’. Ain’t happenin’.”
“You’ll distract me.”
He smiled all lazy and warm. Enough to have you considering your chances of braving the overheated bed sheets that still clung to your thigh. Joel in the morning wasn’t a sight to forget so quickly. He looked like he’d been dragged from sleep roughly, as if he’d rather spend hours more in the unconscious state than out with the real world. But when he gazed at you like this—eyes glassy with sleep and lips curled into a soft smile—you finally understood why people died for the ones they love.
“That’s the point.”
How could you argue? When he practically pleaded with you through his gaze alone. His hand grabbed ahold of your upper thigh, fingers digging into the warm flesh in order to yank you closer. Fighting his strength was no use when you were lazy with sleep yourself. Still halfway past the waking point and a dreamland that housed an image of a man who looked oddly like Joel.
Just a few years older.
“What time do you work today?”
He grunted. Awake enough to comprehend you naked, but still far too delirious to realize he’d have to be up in an hour to make it on time. He slept less than he wanted, but on days where the sun was warm and spring beckoned life forward, he didn’t mind so much.
Tommy being away didn’t help the loneliness that had settled on his shoulders within the past few months. His younger brother—the troublemaker. More fuckin’ trouble than he’s worth. Were words Joel was spouting two months ago the night before Tommy’s leave; you caught the pain in his eyes, the dull emptiness that chewed away in his chest.
Despite the multiple jests and bickered words that never quite stuck like they used to—now that they both knew there’d be no time to make up with cheap beer snuck into the backyard and cigarettes Joel claimed weren’t his—Joel would miss his brother.
“Two hours,” he mumbled, rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye.
“Then go back to sleep.”
His gaze narrowed. “You’re gonna have to get back in.”
“Why?” You rolled your eyes, already reaching for his t-shirt tossed to the side last night when silence gave way to heady looks and soft promises beneath the light of the moon.
“Can’t sleep when you’re not here,” he huffed, falling back into the mess of sheets. “Need to feel you.”
An ache pricked at your heart, barely a nick in the fleshy organ, but you knew you’d feel it in a year's time. When life looked different. When life shined a bit brighter and Joel finally started up his business. When those promises came with a feasible future.
Wordlessly, you climbed back underneath the too warm sheet that immediately settled over you like a muggy cloud. But Joel’s hands sliding around your waist, tugging you closer, appeased whatever discomfort that attempted to push through. As if his touch was a promise of protection against the weather’s strange antics. A warning to be careful not to fall in too deeply. Lest you wind up left with a broken barely beating heart and a hollow space where he once occupied.
“What are you doin’ today?” he breathed, his leg sliding between yours, ankle hooking around the back of your calf.
Your hands found their way into the tendrils of his hair that stuck up in the back—curling with the heat. “The diner opens at ten.”
He hummed. “I’ll be there for breakfast.”
“Mr. Miller, what on Earth will people think of us?”
“That you’re my fuckin’ girl.” His eyes fluttered open, lashes longer than yours yet still dainty against his face. “Besides. We always have breakfast together.”
You hummed, bliss soaring in your heart as you shifted closer. Life with Joel must resemble this. Simplicity in such a small bubble of privacy you already created together. Mornings filled with coffee over a shared newspaper, lunch on the phone, dinner in a kitchen that always needed cleaning. Nights on the couch until one (or both) of you fell asleep, until Joel eventually woke, leading you to the mattress that would engulf your hopes and dreams with open arms.
The promise of domesticity with the knowledge that it would always be more.
“I have a question,” you whispered.
“Uh oh.”
An audible groan echoed in the room when your elbow met his stomach lightly. “It’s not a bad one.”
“Then shoot darlin’.”
“Romantic. Cowboy,” you scoffed. “What’s our life gonna be like in five years?”
He stilled. The hand sliding gently along your hip in soothing motions suddenly a heavy press against your waist. And you could feel the weight in your chest begin to sink like an anchor, settling in your stomach with force. Lead, cannonballs, the pain of intestines twisting and twining. It all hit you like a hurricane rushing to the shore, wiping clean every bit of life in its path. There was no swimming away from it, no catching the path of the torrential waves that sucked you under.
You could only wait, breaths measured and heart racing, as he processed your words.
“Got somethin’ to tell me honey?”
The gravity in his eyes nearly floored you—his meaning slamming into you with enough fervor to make you lose your breath. “No! Fuck. No, no, no, no—”
The solemn way he watched you never wavered, even as you breathed a laugh in the hopes of moving on quickly. “Definitely not that.” You sucked in a breath, lighter than before. “I just meant…what will we be in five years?”
His lips twitched, hand sliding even lower in order to cup your ass. “Hopefully that.”
“I love you darlin’.” Something familiar—warm like the soothing balm of the sun caressing your skin in the afternoon—bloomed in your chest. Enough to make you nearly tear up. “That ain’t gonna change in one year or five or ten or even twenty.”
“Yeah?” you murmured, curling in so close your lips brushed his. “You sure you won’t get sick of me?”
He huffed, lips capturing yours briefly as his eyes slid closed. “Can’t get sick of somethin’ I’m addicted to.”
You laughed into the kiss, eyes daring a glimpse at his serene expression. “I’ll hold you to that in twenty years Miller.”
“Good.” His face dug into the crook of your neck, body wrapped around yours. “Means you’ll be around.”
The sheet lay above your heads, forming a haven you had no desire to leave. A space that breathed whispers of a future you could finally form a picture of. What once existed in a dreamscape you often habited on nights spent grasping for more than simply one spring and summer, now turned physical. Slowly shaping that malleable past that led you to right here.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: When you wake up to find your house quiet, your first reaction is panic. But after you find Javi and learn what he has planned for you this morning, your mood becomes a whole lot better.
Pairing: Dad!Javi x Wife!reader (Reader's nickname is Osita, no use of y/n)
Word Count: 4.1K (Y'all I wrote this in like a few hours I was feeling some typa way)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (don't do this pls but also they want another baby), vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving) creampie, cum play (ig??), praise kink, the biggest, fattest, nastiest breeding kink (... Don't look at me), ass slapping (but affectionately), mentions of body insecurity post pregnancy, Javi being the biggest menace of all time (this man has a MOUTH on him, lawd have mercy), Javi being the best husband and literally being so in love, it's honestly sickening, Chucho patiently waiting for his next grandchild 9 months from now LMAO
A/N: ... Hey... I'm gonna need all of you to not look at me for the next 7-10 business days after this one.... I'm not sure what's in the water over here, but uh... Yeah. I'll leave it at that. Thanks to @endlessthxxghts for letting me share my horny thots about our favorite dad, sorry for waking up on the feral side of the bed this morning 🥴
Part of the Forever and Always Series!
It was quiet. 
Way too quiet. 
You couldn’t remember a time in the past 5 years where you had woken up to the house being so silent. 
No TV, no commotion, no little squeals and giggles from your girls waiting impatiently for you to get up and out of bed, and if you weren’t already confused enough, you rolled over to be greeted by the empty space where your husband should have been, the usual warmth left radiating after he had gotten out of bed before you long gone. 
But the real kicker was that when you turned back over again to peek at the flashing numbers of your alarm clock, your eyes went wide at a number that you hadn’t seen since well before kids. 
10:39 A.M. 
“Jesus Christ…” You whispered to yourself, frantically rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and tossing the comforter off of your body before scrambling out of bed in distress, as your brain pieced together the worst sort of panicked puzzle as to why it was so late, so quiet, and Javi was nowhere to be found. 
You pushed open the bedroom door, peeking into the hallway, just as ghostly and empty as you had suspected, each of your daughter’s bedroom doors wide open with neither of them in sight.  Rushing back down the hall towards your stairs before stopping in front of Javi’s office, you paused your search at the sound of familiar, muffled humming coming from behind the door. 
Pushing it open, you were shocked to see the image of your husband sitting at his desk, leaning back in his seat with a book in his hand and feet propped up against the wooden surface, quietly humming to himself as he turned a page, seeming completely unbothered by his solitude. As the door creaked open further, it caught Javi’s attention, peeking up from over his book with a smile on his face as he dogeared his current page, pushing himself out of his chair to walk towards you. 
“Wow, look who’s up! I was gonna give you ‘til 11:00 before I really started to get worried. How’d you sleep, Hermosa?” He cooed, wrapping his arms around you to pull you in for a hug, pressing a soft kiss into the sleepy tangles of your hair, gently cupping your face and forcing your worried gaze up towards him. 
“Javi, what’s- what’s going on? Where are the girls? Is everything ok-” Before you could finish the rest of your thought, Javi’s lips were pressed against yours, the familiar bitterness of black coffee and minty gum still lingering in his mouth as he caught the rest of your sentence with his kiss, the hand cupping your cheek now letting his thumb swipe gently across your soft skin. 
“Relájete, mi amor (relax, my love)” Javi laughed, pressing another kiss onto your forehead, smiling down at you, “I know how tired you’ve been the past couple of weeks, and rightfully so. You take such good care of our girls- you are the most incredible mom to them, but it’s only fair that you deserve a break every once and a while, too. So,” he smirked, tightening his grip around your waist, letting his hand creep slowly towards your ass, “I asked my dad last night if I could drop Lucy and Elliot off with him this morning so we could have a day just the two of us. He’s more than happy to keep ‘em for as long as we want, so I figured I'd take him up on the offer and I can get some time alone with my beautiful wife to help her relax and show her how much I appreciate her.” 
You could the anxiety and worry instantly wash away from your body, the fear that had been consuming you since you had woken up now replaced by excited butterflies swirling in your stomach, heat creeping through your cheeks as you smiled back up at him, tears welling in your eyes in appreciation for how goddamn lucky you were to have someone who cared about you as much as Javi did. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, biting at the inside of your lip to try and keep yourself from crying, Javi immediately tilting your chin up towards him in response, softly swiping away the wetness pooling in your eyes. 
“Hermosa…” He cooed, looking you up and down with an empathetic smirk, brushing a stray piece of hair from your bed head out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, “It’s the least I could do. Now, why don’t you go get back into bed. I picked up a breakfast sandwich and coffee for you from Leo’s on the way back from Pop’s place, figured you might be hungry, considering you slept until almost lunch time. And after you finish eating,” He rasped, leaning his head down to nip at your neck, the hot words of his breath dancing against your skin, the shift in his tone instantly sparking a fire in your core, “I think I might be feeling hungry, too.” 
“You are a menace, I hope you know that.” You sighed, trying with every ounce in you to keep your composure, the tickle from Javi’s mustache at least providing some relief from the tension as you burst out into giggles, Javi playing along by digging his fingers into your hips, running his hands along your sides until you had exploded into a fit of laughter, flailing and squirming in his broad grasp. “Stop it, you meanie! You can’t just promise me food and sex and then hold me hostage like this!” 
Finally releasing you, Javi grabbed your face to pull you in for another kiss, this one slow and tender, an electric energy pulsing between the two of you as your lips brushed against one another, only pulling away after Javi’s hand planted a loving smack on your ass, making you squeal in surprise. 
“Go get your ass back in bed, Osita. I’ll be back in a second with breakfast.” 
“Okay.” You giggled, turning back on your heels out the door, but not before turning back around to peek your head through the doorway with a sneaky grin on your face. “And you’ll also be back with sex?” 
“Baby, you have no fucking idea.” 
As you jumped back into bed, tucking yourself back into your sheets, it wasn’t long before Javi was back in your room with the first part of his promised bargain- Your favorite breakfast sandwich and an extra large coffee, grinning in delight as he passed both over to you before settling next to you, wrapping your arm around your shoulder as you demolished the better part of your food. 
“Oh my god, I haven’t had one of these in so long. God, I love you so much.” You sighed, taking another bite of your breakfast as Javi laughed at the ferocity at which your sandwich had disappeared. “I bet the image of this is really doing a lot turn you on for the second half of your promise. If I would have known, I would have at least put on cuter pajamas.” You snickered, gesturing down to your nearly finished food and Javi’s worn, oversized shirt and boxers you still had draped over your body. 
“Shut up. You know I think you look sexy in anything. I love seeing you in my clothes. Drives me fucking crazy. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.” Javi smirked, rubbing his hand along your thigh, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your skin. 
“You just like it when I don’t wear a bra.” You snorted, rolling your eyes at Javi as you crumpled up the wrapper of your finished sandwich, setting it on your nightstand before rolling over to rest your head on Javi’s chest, draping one of your arms across his stomach. “You’re sweet, Jav. Sexy in anything seems like a bit of a stretch, there’s about half my closest I refuse to make eye contact with after having Elliot.”
You let out a quiet sigh, trying to hide the frown pursed between your lips, thinking about how much your body had changed since the first time you had ever worn Javi’s clothes all those years ago. Two kids and lots of time later, you couldn’t help feel a little self conscious about how different you looked from when the two of you had first met. And even though Javi said it to you all the time, it was much easier said than done to always believe it yourself. 
“Hey…” Javi replied softly, looking down at you with a frown on his own face, “Osita, you know I’m being serious, right?” 
“Well, you’re my husband, you kind of have to be.” You huffed, half forcing your laughter as you immediately began to feel yourself become more and more conscious of your weight laying on top of him, almost trying to shift yourself away before Javi’s hand was wrapped around your back, pulling you over to lay completely on top of him and forcing you to look at his serious expression. 
“Out of all the women in the world, you are the only one I ever want. You are just as beautiful, if not even more beautiful than the day I first met you, you know why? Because your beautiful body that I love every fucking inch of has grown and carried our daughters. You’ve made me a dad, you’ve given us a family, you are the most incredible wife and mom I could ever imagine. Baby, if that’s not the fucking sexiest thing, then I don’t know what to tell you.” You could feel the warmth blooming in your chest as Javi looked up at you with his sweet brown eyes, his hands roaming down the sides of your body until his fingers were digging into your hips and ass, kneading the soft flesh in his grasp. “Promise me.” 
“Promise you what?” You whispered, an ache beginning to grow between your legs as you could feel Javi’s bulge hardening beneath you, his hands roaming relentlessly around your body, making it hard for you to even think straight. 
“Promise me,” He paused, nipping at your neck, the bridge of his nose dragging along the side of your face until his mouth was ghosting over your ear, his words dancing against your skin, “Promise me that you believe me. That I think that you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. That I know you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. That I love your body so fucking much, that I wanna put another baby into it.”  
His last sentence had your heart literally skipping a beat, a quiet moan escaping from your lips as Javi carefully rolled your body off of his, flipping you onto your back and caging you under his broadness, planting hot, wet kisses down your neck as his fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt, his hands creeping below the fabric to palm at your breasts, rolling your pebbled nipples between his fingers as he waited for your response. Unfortunately, the best you could muster was a soft gasp of his name. 
“Fuck… Javi.” 
“That what you want, Hermosa? For me to fuck another baby into you, huh?” 
Javi knew it was exactly what you wanted, the two of you agreeing you were going to try for a third a few weeks ago, considering he was almost more ecstatic at the thought of growing your family than you were, and that the thought of knocking you up was something that made both of you absolutely insatiable. 
With the wet patch in your underwear growing damper and damper by the second, you barely had enough power in your brain to respond, especially now that Javi had pulled your shirt over your head, letting his kisses travel down your collarbone, chest, and now to your breasts, taking the nipples that he had been toying with between his fingers into his mouth, his tongue flicking and sucking at the harden buds as your moans began to grow like the fire in your belly. 
“Yes, oh fuck- yes. I want you to fuck another baby into me, Javi. Please.” You whimpered, your body squirming under his touch as he let his kisses drift down your stomach and hips, his fingers hooking over your shorts to pull them down off your legs, gently nudging them to fall open for him as he nestled himself between, admiring the wet, aching mess you had already become. 
“Then you have to promise me,” He smirked, draping each of your legs over his shoulders as he brought his face to your soaking heat, gently kissing your clit and letting the strong bridge of his nose ghost over your folds, “You have to promise me that you believe me. That you believe that you’re the most fucking beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Then, I’ll fuck another baby into you, okay? Can you do that for me, Momma?” 
“I- I- pr-promise.” Your voice trembled, ragged with want and desperation as Javi’s mouth hovered painstakingly still over your cunt, waiting for you to fulfill your promise so he could fill you with his. 
“There’s my good girl.” He cooed, feeling his smug smile bury itself into your pussy, letting a long, broad stroke of his tongue drag through your folds, the satisfying sensation making you shutter, your hips instinctively bucking towards Javi’s face as his grip around your legs tightened to hold you in place. His tongue languidly dragged across your cunt, slowly circling around your clit, soaking up the juices of your arousal that had been pooling between your legs, drinking up every single last drop. 
He let the presses of his tongue become firmer and more focused as he unhooked one of his arms, snaking his arm between your legs to gently press two fingers into your soaking entrance, easily sliding through your slick to curl against the soft spot inside you that had you relentlessly crying out his name. 
You couldn’t help but feel your bottom half squirm against your sheets, reaching down to tug at the dark curls of Javi’s hair, trying to find any sort of relief to keep from being a loud, moaning and whimpering mess as his tongue worked along your cunt, lapping you up like a man starved. His mouth latched along your clit, sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves as his fingers pumped inside you, making the tingle at the base of your spine already begin to build in a needy desperation. 
“Javi, holy fuck- oh my god baby, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” You whimpered, somehow managing to keep your voice just above a whisper as Javi pulled away to respond, still holding a steady pace with his hand as he felt your pussy start to flutter around his fingers. 
“I’ve got you, Hermosa. Want you to soak my face before I feel you cum again around my cock. Give it to me, baby. Cum all over me before I fucking fill you up.”
With that, he was back between your legs, relentlessly working along your heat with his mouth as the coil in your belly wound so tightly, you were on the brink of snapping. 
“Javi, Javi, Javi, oh shit- Fuck, fuck, I’m gonnaahhhhhhhhh.” 
It was barely seconds before your orgasm flooded through your body, pleasure spreading through every inch of you as you clenched around Javi’s fingers, soaking his hand and face with your arousal as you came, screaming out his name as you reached your high. 
That’s it, Hermosa.” Javi smirked, squeezing his hand into the meat of your thigh as you rode out your orgasm, still slowly fucking you with his fingers as you came undone around them, your cunt clamping down on the delicious curve of his digits. Javi peeked his head back up as your breathing began to even out, your chest rising and falling in satisfaction as his kisses began to travel back up your body, stopping at your neck to take extra time to nip along your jawline, his teeth tugging at your earlobe as his voice rasped against your skin. 
“Such a good girl for me, Osita. So fucking wet. Fuck, I need to feel you, baby.” 
Before you even had time to catch your breath, Javi had his arms wrapped around your waist, flipping you over on to your stomach, dragging his hands down your back, stopping at your ass to grab a handful of the plump flesh and smack it, nudging your legs to spread open for him wider, pushing them out with his own. 
Javi worked behind you quickly and methodically, shedding himself of all of his clothes to free his painfully hard cock from his boxers, leaking with precum from the minute he had thought of the prospect of putting another baby in you. 
He stroked himself a few times, using his other hand to swipe through your folds, coating his fingers in your slick before wrapping them around his cock, now shiny with your arousal as he lined up with your entrance, filling you up inch by inch, almost painfully slowly, until he had bottomed out inside you, his hips flushed against your ass, letting you adjust to the sweet sting of his stretch. 
“Javi… Move, baby, please. I need to feel yo- Oh fuck!” You whimpered, your words drowned out by your moans as Javi had pulled himself out, only to thrust his whole length back into, gritting his teeth while a groan rumbled deep in his chest, draping his body over yours, burying one of his hands in your hair, gently tugging at the ends as he whispered into your ear, keeping his slow and meticulous pace. 
“You wanna feel me too, sweet girl? Wanna feel me fill you up when I fuck every last drop into you? Fuck myself so deep inside you it’ll fucking take? That what you want, baby?” 
“Yes, fuck, fuck, yes, please. Fuck, I want you fuck a baby into me, Javi. I wanna make you a Daddy again.” 
Another deep moan feel from Javi’s lips, scooping his hand under you to sit in his lap, your back flushed against his chest, one hand palming at your breast, the other wrapped around your waist, holding you in place as his pace began to increase, just enough to hear the wetness between the two of you with each thrust of his hips. 
You couldn’t help but let your bottom half grind deeper into each stroke, pushing yourself further and further down onto his cock, the sweet stretch of his fullness making your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head, the wanton moans and whimpers babbling from your mouth almost as lewd as the sounds your bodies made as they melded into one another as you let him take everything you had to give. 
“Fuck me- That’s what you want, Momma? Fuck, I can’t wait to get you pregnant. See how beautiful you look carrying our baby again. Let everyone know you’re fucking mine with our baby growning inside you.” Letting his hand shift from your breast, he began sliding it up your chest, wrapping it around your jaw to tilt your head over your shoulder towards him, staring into his deep brown eyes before engulfing your lips in a long, wet kiss, your mouths becoming a tangled mess of tongue and teeth without ever relenting his pace. 
His other hand dipped between your legs to circle your clit, still sensitive and swollen from your first orgasm, now throbbing even harder from his touch and feeling the heat beginning to bloom in  your belly as you felt your second high begin to approach. 
Javi knew just as well as you did that you were close to cumming again, feeling your pussy begin to flutter around his cock as his hips slapped against yours, breaking from your kiss to tug your earlobe between his teeth.
“Give me one more, Osita. Cum all over my cock and I’ll fill you up. Fill up this pretty little pussy ‘til she’s fucking stuffed and it’s got no choice but to fucking take and I knock you up.” 
“You promise?” You whispered, your breath shaky and legs trembling as Javi rubbed tighter, faster circles around your clit, still cradling your jaw to force your gaze on him. 
“I promise, baby. I fucking promise.” 
Almost instantly, you could feel the coil that had been winding tighter and tighter in your core suddenly began to snap, screaming out Javi’s name as you felt your second orgasm crash through you, consuming every inch of your body in euphoria, feeling like you had turned to Jello, the only thing keeping you up being Javi’s firm grasp around you. 
“That’s it, sweet girl. That’s it. Fuck, I’m close too, baby.” He mewled, his pace becoming frantic and sloppy as he held you up, fucking you through your high with reckless abandon, wanting to, no needing, to make sure he made good on his promise- that in 9 months from now, you’d have one more member in your family. 
Even though you were barely hanging on by a thread, you could feel Javi’s grip tightening around your jaw, tilting it back towards him, the firm pressure cupping your face enough to force your eyes open to meet the wrecked and ragged expression plastered across his face. 
“Eyes on me, Hermosa. Fuck, I need to- mierda- need to see that pretty face when I fuck you full of me. God, I love you so much, I love you so-ahhhhhhh, fuck.” It was then Javi’s turn to follow suit, only needing a few more pumps before he thrusted up once more, keeping himself buried deep inside your cunt as hot ropes of his spend covered your walls, making sure to milk himself of every last drop before even thinking of pulling out. 
Holding you in place still sitting on his cock, you could feel the mixture of the two of you beginning to drip down your thighs, prompting Javi to gently ease you off of him, letting your back hit the bed as carefully lifted your hips to slip one of the pillows underneath your bottom half, briefly admiring the wet mess between your legs before taking two fingers and collecting the arousal that had leaked from your cunt, attentively dragging it up your thighs and pushing it back into your heat, making you gasp at the sensation. 
“Gonna keep you full of me all day, sweet girl. Gotta make good on my promise.” He smirked, leaning down to pepper soft kisses to the inside of your thighs before slowly making his way back up your body, stopping at your lips for another tender kiss. 
“Given what just happened, I think you’re trying to kill me before you can make good on that promise, Jav. Jesus Christ.” You sighed, your voice riddled with breathy giggles as you playfully nudged your husband, now lying next to you, pulling you in to rest against the warmth of his bare chest. “You think Peña number 3 is gonna make an appearance soon?” 
“Like I said, mi amor, promise is a promise.” He smirked, boyish grin plastered across his face as he laid your hand across your stomach, gently rubbing it back and forth across your skin. “Plus, I think the girls will be thrilled to have another sister.” 
“Sister, huh? We don’t even know if there’s a baby in there yet you dork, let alone what it’s gonna be.” You snickered, rolling your eyes at Javi. 
“Been right about the other two. I’ll bet you all the breakfast sandwiches you want that it is.” 
“You’re absolutely ridiculous, I hope you know that. Thank you for this morning, Jav. The girls and I are so lucky to have you. I love you so much.” You sighed contently, smiling into Javi’s soft skin. 
“I love you too, Hermosa. All of you are the best things that have ever happened to me. All of my girls.” He winked, gently squeezing the curves of your belly, gesturing towards the daughter he proudly assumed he would be meeting in 9 months. 
“Well, all of us, or your new son and my unlimited amount of breakfast sandwiches.” you snickered, “When did your dad need us to go pick up the girls? We probably owe him a few breakfast sandwiches for watching the gremlins on such short notice.” 
“He said any time later today. Which means…” He smiled, caging his body over yours once again, as much time as we need to make sure that I win our bet.” 
“Game on, Peña.”
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Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @mandoisapunk @msmorningstaarr @amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem @picketniffler @burningnerdchild @copperhalfcent @pedr0swh0r3
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ilovechuuy4 · 2 months
Hey! Idrk if ur active but I would like to request sub!Kunikida x m!reader smut :)
I have not been able to find smut BSD writers that will do m!reader and I'm desperate lol-
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And when I'm taking your innocence I'll be corrupting your mind.
Sub!Kunikida x m!reader
warnings; sub!kuni, m!reader, !AMAB, s3xual intercourse, intense descriptions of the male sex, mlm intercourse, rimjob, n1ppleplay, pure smut small hints of angst, possibly OOC, aftercare wasn't wrote but was indeed given, unprotected intercourse, Cumming inside, etc etc.
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A/N: Im so so so so sorry this was so delayed, nothing haz been going my way man Ive been feeling so sick lately and no motivation but I hope you enjoy😣(I'LL REQUEST SOME MLM BSD WRITERS AT THE END!! ) p.s e/c = eyecolor
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"Can I top you?" The question ran through Kunikida's mind ever since his boyfriend asked. You had been talking with some friend recently about how uptight Kunikida was and maybe if he wasn't so focused on his ideals he'd be less tense. So of course, that's what led you to asking the question. But that's also what led him to be under you right now in the bed y'all shared together. Your hands slidding up and under the other man's shirt cause him to let out a soft gasp.
This was all so new to him he didn't really know how to react this wasn't "apart of his ideals" he wasn't supposed to be with another of the same gender. He'd always imagine himself with a beautiful woman and yet, here he stares up at a handsome man. One that he'd knew he'd marry one day. "Are you sure.? You know, about this?" Kunikida asked in a hushed tone which made you pause everything you were doing before looking at him, your deep e/c eyes looking lovingly into his moss green ones.
"Of course I am, Kuni. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't sure. Just relax and I'll do all the work, okay?" You reassured, hand gently cupping the blonde man's face your thumb rubbing his cheek. "Alright, I believe you." Kunikida hummed before he leaned in, kissing the man that sit on top of him. The kiss was slow and gentle, you smiled into it kissing him back. Your hands trailed down, fingers unbuttoning the tight pants that cover the other's pale legs. This was the first time that the ideal striken man ever went against those ideals that literally dictatated his life so you could completely understand why he was so nervous.
You slowly slip off his pants, pushing them down all the way until they were throw into a small pile on the hardwood flooring of the bedroom. You then allow a finger to hook under the waistband of Kunikida's boxers slowly pulling them down before his smooth cock springs to life leaving the man to gasp softly as the cold air touching his now exposed lower half. He looks at you from were he lay on the bed, his face painted with lust. "Are you alright?" You ask, you yourself wanted to continue but you wanted to make sure the other party wanted to as well.
"I'm sure, I'm just you know. Nervous." He said under his breath. You nod softly, grabbing the hem of your shirt before slipping it over your head. It was regarded before going down, taking one of the blonde's nipples into your mouth nipping at it slightly with your teeth before sucking on it. Soft whimpers were coming from deep within Kunikida's throat. Noises he wasn't sure how he made but here he was, squirming under your pleasurable acts of love.
"Be.. mhm~ be careful." Whined Kunikida, his breath coming in soft labored pants as you pull away. You swiftly pull off your shorts leaving you in only your boxers now. "Would if be fine if I were to..give you a rim job? I don't want you to be uncomfortable with anything I do." You asked, you wanted to make sure he wanted to do this. It was about his pleasure and comfort too. The room had fallen silent for a moment as you looked at your love, his face riddled with embarrassment yet he nodded. His entire trust in you was now as he slowly turned over and lay on his stomach.
A sly smirk played on your face, you lived how much trust he put into your though you've only did this once or twice in past relationships. You reach over, grabbing a pillow before slipping it right under his hips before diving down. Your hand gently squeezing one of the others asscheeks before spreading it. Dipping in your tongue pressed softly against his entrance, tasting him. You watch as he squirmed, back dipping into the mattress. You reach up, allowing your hand to trail along his pale skin that his spin pokes out of. Fingers slowly rubbing along his spine.
You allow yourself to lap at his hole, feeling as your lover slowly relaxed and let the pleasure take control. Moans from the opposing side filled the room as ever so slowly, you slipped your tongue inside him causing him to gasp, his back arching. "Wait, hold on a minute.." He gasped out, his legs trembling he wasn't sure how to react to this it was an odd feeling of tightness in him. You allowed yourself to wait for a moment before slowly pumping your tongue in and out of him before you slowly press a finger in as well, stretching him slowly.
"Relax for me, kuni. It feels weird but relax, your really tight." You said, pulling your tongue away allowing your finger to pump in and out of him slowly before adding another digit. "Fuck.." Kunikida cursed before speaking once more. "My mind is like a blur. Like you just scrambled my very last thought." He groaned, the two digits inside him still thrusting, stretching him open for you. "We don't have any condoms." You abruptly say which caused the blonde to choke on his spit before swallowing it down. "It's.. That's fine." He hummed with a nod soft whimpers escaping his mouth.
You couldn't help but worry for him, what if when yoy do penetrate he hurts. Well of course it will hurt, it's his first time but, you're just scared. You shake your head, swallowing down the uneasiness before withdrawing your fingers. You help kunikida turn over and you couldn't help but smile at his beet red face. You plaster feather light kisses all up his neck and to his jaw line before kissing him slowly. You felt the heaviness over the others arms wrapped around your shoulders as your tongue slips inside his mouth, exploring his sweetness.
You take this time to lube your member up and apply some to Kunikida's hole. You slowly position your cock to his entrance before rolling your hips slowly. Your tip pushes past the tight ring of muscle cause the other to moan into your mouth. Your free hand, which wasn't gripping the blonde's hips was softly wrapped around his cock, pumping it slowly so he didn't pay much mind to the slight pain of you entering him. Finally, you were have way in before the pain was gone as Kunikida was moaning, his back arched like a cat.
You can't handle it anymore, soft grunts escaping your throat before you swiftly push all the way in with a deep groan. You could feel how he tightly he squeezed around your cock which made you want to take him roughly. But you knew you shouldn't. You keep your pace steady, slowly thrusting in and out. Kunikida's moans were surprisingly loud as they filled the room. His short nails digging into your shoulders as your pace picked up. Your eyes widen a bit as you heard the other gasp, you thought you hurt him which made you stop.
"Are you okay?" You said, gently cupping your lover's face. He was panting heavily, his cock leaking pre before he spoke, his voice trembling. "It was just that spot you hit..it felt like no other." Kunikida mutters to him, his face red with embarrassment. You laugh softly before you press a kiss to his forehead, slowly rolling your hips back into motion as you pump your cock in and out of him. "Your prostate. That's what it was." You said reassuringly, letting him know it was totally normal.
You increase the pace, the tip of your member constantly hitting his prostate, causing his eyes to roll back in ecstasy. His loud moans echo off the wall, they were truely music to your ears. Kunikida's thoughts were jumbled and clouded he could only souly focus on how amazing this felt and how he'd never thought of reversing the rules like this with you. "Ahh~ fuck.. Wait!~ honey, keep hitting right there..~" He groaned, his eyes closing shut as he felt his orgasm build inside of him and bubble up.
"You're close, aren't you?" You asked, thrusting deeply inside him, hitting all the right places. You watch as he moans, his being trembling under yours. Pre was oozing from the tip of his cock as he whined and whimperer uncontrollably. He felt it all building up at once before he came,his eyes shut tightly as he rode out his orgasm. The way he tightened around you made you spill. Your seed shooting deep within his core.
You collapse onto him, panting heavily. "God, I love you. So so much." You say to him, pulling him on top of you when you turn on your back. You held him close, not wanting to leave him for a while. "I love you too. I adore you actually." He said, head rested on your chest. "Though, I could say you took more than my will to think. You took my ideals." He said softly, he was spent. His sentence made your heart swell up. You knew how much his ideals were to him and it was amazing how he'd give it up just for you.
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A/N; Recommended BSD MLM writers; @melonn-soda @prettyrainsstuff @zzprompto @sleep-0-deprived @queer-n-here @kissatoru @kisakis-boyfriend @hunn1e-bunn1e @nishikiace
193 notes · View notes
bitemybutt · 11 months
Law x Reader NSFW!
Y'all, I wrote this at work, in between work, and in bed all on my phone so it is NOT proofread. But I just had to get this out of my head. Also this is pure smut, so no plot really. Hope yall enjoy!! Let me know what you think! MDNI!
WARNINGS: Female reader, dominate Law, female and male receiving oral, mentions of masterbation, saliva, vaginal penatration, fingering, light choking, hand necklace, aftercare, cuddling, SMUT, PURE FILTHY SMUT
Law had been desperate for a few things in his life, but a woman in any sort of romantic capacity was not one of them.
He may have enjoyed the touch of a woman every now and then...but he was never desperate for it.
That was, until you came along.
He wasn't sure when his need for you began, but it was slow, building over the two years you had been with the crew. He tried dismissing it, but soon his quick glances turned into lingering gazes, and innocent thoughts became blurred with visions of you bare before him.
Law knew that if he got his hands on you now, he would ruin you, and he would enjoy every last minute of it.
And that's where he found himself tonight: sat at his desk mind wandering to you. His paperwork was nearly finished and yet he couldn't focus anymore. You were always there, in the front of his mind. Law closed his eyes and leaned his head back against his chair. Your image was burned into his eyelids. And the thoughts came rushing in. He imagined what your nails would feel like digging into his skin, and what you would look like with disheveled hair and blown pupils, tears staining those pretty little cheeks as you beg to be fucked again.
Goddammit, he was losing his mind.
He wanted you...needed you, and yet he hadn't made any indication of such for fear of scaring you away.
He needed release and he found himself reaching for the button of his suddenly tight jeans. It would have to do, and had for some time now. Law nearly had himself free when a knock came at his door.
He gritted his teeth and redid the button and zipper. Who was coming to his door at this hour? He made his way to the door and opened it.
"What is it?" he grumbled before looking down. And then his eyes met yours. His breath nearly hitched at the sight before him. There you stood, hair tumbling around your face and cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment.
His eyes trailed down and saw that you were only wearing an oversized t-shirt, accentuating your plush thighs.
"Captain, I'm really sorry to bother you. I know it's late but I...I can't sleep. I've tried everything but my mind won't quiet. Do you have any medicine I could take? Or a tea? Anything really so long as I can sleep."
Law considered for a moment and opened the door more. He certainly could think of some ways to help you sleep...
"Come in," he gestured into the room.
As you slipped inside Law made his way to a bookshelf in the corner of his room where he kept specific medicines for sleep.
"Is this a normal occurance, y/n-ya?"
You didn't want to admit it, but it had been and you knew exactly what...or rather who the problem was. He was standing in the room with you.
"Yes. But tonight has been unbearable. I--" you stopped for a moment to consider your next words, "I feel like I'm losing it, Law..."
He stopped at the sound of his name spilling from your lips. You never called him that and he was in part glad for it, because he knew it would only add fuel to his burning desire for you. How many times had he imagined what his name would sound like as you cried it out?
When he turned around he saw you leaning against his closed door, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. When had the door shut? The room suddenly felt too small. Too hot. Focus Law, he told himself as he made his way back to you with two pills in hand. He held his hand out and dropped them into you open palm.
"Take these with a glass of water and you should fall asleep within thirty minutes." He tried sounding professional to cover for the fact that his heart was beginning to beat wildly in his chest.
You should have said "thank you" and left, but instead the words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop them, "Law...do you...have you ever had thoughts about someone that has...kept you up at night?" Your cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink and in that moment he knew exactly what you meant.
"What exactly is this about, y/n?" He played dumb but found himself stepping closer to you.
You looked up at him, forcing yourself to face the man that had been causing you so many sleepless nights. So many nights of feeling the warm slickness pool between your thighs. But then you lost your courage only to mumble, "it's stupid, nevermind."
But Law wasn't having it. He was moving closer still and you could feel your cheeks begin to burn hotter. "Law...?"
"Who's been keeping you so bothered?" his voice came out low and husky. He had tunnel vision. You were all he could see now and he was losing himself to you.
He placed a tattooed hand on the door beside your head and gazed down into those big doe eyes.
Your breath caught and you could feel heat beginning to build in your lower stomach. He was so close. So close now that if you leaned in you could kiss him. But instead, he moved in so that his lips were by your ear. "Who?" he whispered, and you inhaled sharply at the sensation that rolled through your body, the pills in your hand falling to the floor.
"You..." you choked out and now your whole body felt flush with embarrassment. But it was short lived because Law's lips were now on yours and his body moved to press you fully against the door.
He had finally snapped the moment it left your lips and without truly thinking, for once in his life, he acted on instinct. His lips moved against yours, soft but hungry and when he felt you reciprocate he ran his tongue along your bottom lip so that you would part for him. His tongue dancing with yours sent a heat through your core and your knees felt weak. The hand that had been on the door moved to cup your face and his other hand moved to your waist feeling the curve of your hip. His hand made its way down to the hem of your shirt where he then slipped under and gripped at your bare skin.
You were melting in his hands and you could feel your head begin to swim, your arousal apparent by the wetness you felt growing between your legs. You pulled away and looked up at him seeing nothing but hunger in his eyes. Oh, he would be your undoing. You would give him anything he asked of you. It took him no time to press his lips against the sensitive part of your neck and he trailed his tongue up to your ear.
"The things I want to do to you, y/n-ya."
A small moan escaped your lips and the heavenly sound was met with a low growl.
Your legs felt like jello. You were sure you soaked through your panties at this point.
"Then do them..." you were breathless as you looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. And then you were being picked up, your legs wrapping around his waist so naturally as if you had done this a million times. He moved you to his bed and laid you down, your shirt riding up exposing your stomach.
"Are you sure about that?" he asked as he hovered just above you. His hand was on your stomach and sliding further up until he reached your breast. His fingers moved to your stiff nipple where he gently pinched at it.
"Y-yes, Law..." you moaned softly.
He was so hard he could barely stand it. His cock was going to look so good shoved in that pretty mouth.
He moved to slide your shirt over your head and when he looked down at your bare chest he felt his cock twitch. Perfect peaks met him and he moved to grasp them, but then he felt your hands grasping at the buttons on his shirt. He let you work through them and when you got it off, you slid your hands over his tattooed chest.
You admired how beautiful his tattoos were and traced them for a moment. But then he grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head. His head dipped down to one of your breasts and he took your nipple in his mouth, sucking and rolling his tongue over it. You arched your back and a louder moan escaped your lips.
Law was starting to come undone with each moan that met his ears. He needed more. He needed to see that perfect pussy. He leaned back, releasing your hands and wasted no time in finding the elastic of your panties. He ran his finger teasingly along the band and watched you squirm.
"Tell me what you thought about when you touched yourself at night, y/n-ya"
Again your cheeks warmed and you looked to the side. Had he really known you played with yourself almost every night or was it a lucky guess?
"You, Law..."
His free hand grabbed your chin gently making you look at him.
"What exactly about me?" He wanted to hear the dirty details about your need for him. He pulled your panties down a little, trailing a finger further inside.
You supposed now was not the time to be shy, though it took you a few seconds to get it out.
"...Your hands...roaming my body, touching every inch of me. I-I thought about you slipping those pretty tattooed fingers inside of me." You felt your panties begin to slide down your thighs.
"And? I know there's more." Law was going to draw this out for as long as he could. His fantasies were coming to life before him.
"And your cock...filling me up. Pounding into me until I cant take anymore." The words coming from your mouth was pure exstasy to him. Your panties were now off and Law admired you for a moment before running a finger just above your folds.
"And do you think you deserve it?" he teased you as you moved your hips hoping his finger would slide further down. You were dripping onto his bedsheets.
One breathy "yes" from you and he ran two fingers along your slit and then inserted them into your warm and waiting cunt.
"Ah!" your eyes snapped shut and you arched into him. Was this really happening? You laying beneath Law, his fingers deep inside of you? He started slow, methodically pumping his fingers in and out but then he picked up speed and you let out a small gasp. Goddamn you were beautiful.
You grasped at the bedsheets and you tilted your head back when you felt him hit your sweet spot.
"L-law! Just like that" you cried out as he continued to hit it. If he kept going you were going to explode and cum all over his hand. Almost there.
But just before you could climax he abruptly pulled out his fingers and smirked. You collapsed and whined, your body shivering from the crash.
"Oh no, not yet," he purred as he put his soaked fingers up to your mouth. You opened obediently and he shoved them in, slickness met with saliva. Your lips closed around his fingers and you suckled at your own juices.
"Good girl," he crooned as he shoved them just a but further into your mouth causing you to drool. You made small whimpering noises and he pulled his fingers out. "Show me how you played with yourself," his mouth upturned into a wicked smile.
"Just like this..." your fingers moved to touch your clit, rubbing small circles and you let out a small moan as your other hand played with your nipples. He watched intently as he moved off of you and began working on getting his jeans off. He pulled them off with his briefs in one motion and your breath caught at the sight of his cock springing free.
Your mouth watered, and you stopped touching yourself to sit up. You needed him in your mouth now. You reached a hand out to grab it and ran it along the length of him admiring the softness of it. He let out a hiss at the touch and grabbed your chin and pulled your face forward. The tip of his cock coaxed your lips open and then your mouth. You flicked your tongue out and licked at the precum pooling at the tip and then put him in slowly, meeting his eyes.
Law stared into those big beautiful eyes full of lust and then in one motion shoved himself into your mouth. The size of him made you choke and he let out a moan at the sound. His moaning was music to you and encouraged you to begin bobbing and sucking at him. Your head moved slowly at first but the more you sucked the faster you got wanting to mouth fuck him until he came down your throat.
Law tilted his head back moving his hand from your chin and grabbing the hair at the back of your head. He pulled on it using it as leverage to shove himself into you.
"Greedy little thing, aren't you?" he teased, your chin glistening with drool. You answered by sucking harder, and he groaned. If you kept this up he was going to cum. You grew more fervent as he pulled your head back and pushed you back onto him. Your little noises were sending him to the edge.
"Mmm, you want me to cum in that naughty little mouth of yours?" his voice came out slightly shaky and you could tell he was going to bust.
"Mhmm," you nodded, your sucking becoming sloppy. He was covered in your spit the sight of which made you even wetter.
But then he pulled out of your mouth and let out a heavy sigh. Oh he was playing with you. You groaned and grabbed at him again, but he pushed you back onto your back his fingers back in your pussy, pumping hard and fast. You grabbed at his arms, your nails digging in. You were already close just from sucking him off, so it didn't take much to build to your climax.
You felt yourself peaking as your hips moves erratically against his hand.
"That's it, y/n-ya, cum for me" he whispered, hooking the tips of his fingers inside you and wiggling them back and forth. It was your undoing as your walls constricted and you cried out.
"Ahhh, Law! Yes, ah yes!"
The aftershock went through your entire body but he wasn't pulling out. Instead, he began wiggling his fingers again and dipped his head down, his tongue meeting your clit.
"Oh I'm not done with you," he said in between licks. Your legs began to shake and you grasped at his hair as he built you back up. Your clit was so sensitive now that each lick and suckle made you jolt and coupled with his fingers you felt yourself peaking again.
"Oh fuck!" You were almost there.
One more suckle against your clit and you were crashing around him again. Your fingers grasped his hair harder as you rode out your climax.
"That's my good girl," he said against your soaked cunt. When he pulled his fingers out he ran his tongue in between his fingers, cleaning up the grool and cum that covered them. The very sight was erotic to you.
Law still wasn't done with you though. He was going to stuff you to brim with his swollen cock. He wanted to feel your overstimulated pussy clenching around him.
He positioned himself at your entrance, his tip just brushing your clit which made you cry out. It was so sensitive now that it almost hurt.
"Fuck me, Law" you begged him, your body thrumming with the high of your climaxes. You weren't sure if you could make it through another one, but you were going to. You needed him inside of you.
"Begging for my cock?" he ran a finger down your cheek and smirked. His tip was poking at your entrance.
"Please...please fuck me," you begged again, spreading your legs wider for him.
"Since you've been so good, I'll let you have it." And then he pushed into you, going all the way to the hilt.
"Fuck Law!"
He was in pure bliss finally feeling your walls squeezing around him. He thought he never would. And you crying out his name only made him thrust harder.
You were so overwhelmed with stimulation that you could feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes but you didn't want him to stop. You were almost in a trance.
Law had his one hand on your hip, his other hand made its way to your throat. He wrapped his fingers around your throat applying light pressure. You didn't even realize how good it would feel but you enjoyed every second of it as he pounded you.
Law looked into your eyes, and there it was. Just as he had imagined: lust-blown eyes, with tears beginning to streak your cheeks. It was better than he imagined actually. You completely fucked out and spent.
The sight was going to make him cum. He wanted to fill you with his seed. He began pumping faster and his moans mingled with yours. You were going to cum again.
"Fuck, look how pretty you look with my cock buried in your pussy." His thrusts were hungry now, filled with need.
"Law...fuck Law, yes...yes" you could only whisper because you were so spent.
The hand Law had on your throat squeezed just a bit tighter as he reached the edge of his climax. "Fuck," he groaned, he was there. One more thrust and his head fell back.
"Fuck, y/n-ya!" At the same time, waves of pleasure hit you and your pussy spasmed around his cock. His orgasm was strong sending pulses to his cock and warm spurts of cum filled you up. When he pulled out he watched as his seed dripped out of you. What a sight.
The hand that had been on your throat moved to cup your cheek and you nuzzled into it. "Law..." you breathed. You reached up, covering his hand with your own.
"That was amazing," you rubbed his hand.
"You were perfect," he smiled and you thought you would do anything to see that smile more often.
He rolled off of you and went to the bathroom. When he returned he handed you a damp washcloth. You gave him a small smile and cleaned yourself up. When you were done, he took it from you and then crawled in the bed beside you. He laid his arm out, a request for you to move into closer. You snuggled into him, laying your head on his warm chest.
You felt the sleepiness begin the set in. And your eyes began to flutter closed. "Thank you," you managed to get out.
"For what?" he asked as he rubbed small circles across your shoulder.
"For helping me sleep."
He chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"The pleasure was all mine."
But you didn't hear him because sleep had taken you, so he snuggled into you and let sleep claim him too.
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wingedhallows · 7 months
i got my eye on you; marauders
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pairing: marauders (sirius black x reader) | 3.3k words plot: albus reaches out to you to keep the marauders save, to not have them die, so you join them in their seventh year. authors note: this is by far the longest fic i ever wrote and it'll have several parts. I hope you like it :) have a good weekend, y'all <3
navigation | part one ; part two
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“For some of you, this will be the last- '' The doors to the great hall opened with a loud squeak and all heads whipped to who had entered. It was uncomfortably quiet as a young woman, looking no older than twenty five, entered the hall.
Her appearance was unusual, to say the least. Students stared as they took in her appearance, the long hair, the loose jeans and the many many tattoos. Her face was adorned with make up, some jewelry graced her neck as well as her fingers and and her feet were plucked into beat up sneakers.
The students didn’t miss the pack of cigarettes which she had just shoved into the pocket of her pants or how her made-up eyes looked over the mass of teenagers. 
The way she walked was confident, relaxed. Her arms swung by her side in a comfortable manner, something the students hadn’t seen in the halls of Hogwarts ever. As she reached the podium where Dumbledore stood, he embraced her in a hug. 
“I’m late, sorry for that.” You said, Dumbledore swatted his hand and rubbed your upper arm. “No problem at all, Y/N. Life as a young Auror gets busy, does it not?” You gave him a small smile and turned around to walk up to the teachers, hand held out for them to take. As you came back to Albus, he had a hand on your shoulder. “They’re right there, just sit down with them.” He pointed his bony finger at the Gryffindor table, you couldn’t make out who he meant but followed suit.
Albus had contacted you a few weeks ago to give him a helping hand. A group of students, infamously titled the marauders were in grave danger, something about a prophecy and Voldemort. You didn’t need to know more when Albus had sounded so desperate.
You stepped off the podium and walked down the Gryffindor table, the gazes of students burning into your form. Just as you slowed down at a boy you had seen before, the older Black son, Sirius Orion Black, you stopped.
You looked back at Dumbledore and pointed at the bench. With a small nod you walked up to them. “Excuse me.” You spoke and within seconds the boys parted like Moses had the sea. You sat down and avoided their eyes when Albus started to talk again.
The teens looked at you, examining you. “As I was saying-” You weren’t listening as you looked at them. The boy on your right across the table had dark hair, not as long as the Black’s but it was neatly styled. His tie sat untidy in the center of his uniform and he looked your way a few times, too shy to actually keep eye contact. T
he one next to him looked tidier, his tie was neatly pulled together, his hand rested on a book which you couldn’t make the title out of. His face was graced with faint reddish scars and his eyes were glued to Dumbledore.
The table stayed faintly quiet as Albus stopped talking and breakfast was announced. “Relax.” You said, eyes now glued to your face. With a tap to the plate it vanished and a steaming cup of coffee emerged in its place. You fished the pack of cigarettes from your pocket and pushed one between your lips. Black, who was seated to your right, grabbed your arm, biscuit in his other hand.
“No smoking on grounds.” The tidy boy spoke, as Black retreated his hand. “Rules.” Sirius spoke, he shook his head, obviously thinking those to be absurd. You gave them a small smile before you lit the cigarette with a tip of your finger.
“The rules don’t count for me.” The dark haired boy furrowed his eyebrows and huffed before he spoke. “But-”I’m not a student.” You took a sip from your coffee and spoke again.
“I’d be a bit too old for that.” You took a drag from your cigarette, enjoying the way the smoke filled your lungs. You huffed the smoke over their heads and took another sip. “No fair.” Sirius crumbled next to you.
You looked to your right and held the cigarette out for him. With wide eyes he watched you, without a word you nodded your head at him. He hesitated but embraced the stick between his lips and took a drag. Without as much as a cough he blew out the smoke and gave you a small smile. “Thanks.” You didn’t answer before you took another drag.
“My name’s Y/N and I’m here to look out for you-”Look out for us?” You eyed him through your lashes with a glare. “James.” The boy next to him nudged his shoulder and he retreated with a quick sorry.
“You goin’ to interrupt me again, James?” James shook his head “No ma’am.” Your lips twisted into a grin “Good.”
You propped your arms onto the table and started to talk again. “I can’t tell you why, orders from way up.” You paused as you saw them frown.
“I wanna make one thing clear, I’m not here to keep you in check.” You paused “I’m simply here to not have you die, I couldn’t care less about what you do in school.” The boy to your left shuffled to look at you. “Look at me like a friend, you can come to me for help and whatever else you want, I kinda have a free pass here.” You pointed at the pack of cigarettes.
“So, you’re just here to keep us safe?” The boy next to James spoke and you nodded. “Exactly.” James wasn’t convinced, eyebrows still knitted together. “But that doesn’t make sense, we’re good at taking care of ourselves. Sirius has a mean right hook and I’m the best quidditch player in our school. We can take-”No you can’t.” You broke him off.
“Not during these times.” He eyed you some more before he returned to his breakfast.
Just as James opened his mouth again you caught Albus in the corner of your eyes. He had his hand raised, asking you to meet him up in his office. You understood and spoke after you had shoved the cigarettes back into your pocket.
“Excuse me.” You said, Sirius wanted to keep a hold on you, to not let you go but within a second the space next to him was empty. You had apparated away, on school grounds. Maybe you were right after all, you did have a free pass.
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Albus only wanted to remind you of your mission, keep them safe. He handed you their schedule and sent you on your merry way. You apparated into Minerva's classroom, startling two girls in the process. The lesson hadn’t started yet and the room was buzzing with voices.
James and Sirius were seated together, Remus sat with Peter. Albus had shown you pictures, pointed them out to you. There was a bench behind the four which was vacant, so you decided to place yourself there.
You had no business here, you knew. You had finished your school years at Mahoutokoro in Japan about three years ago, you were no longer a student and you didn’t desire to be one ever again but this mission, this task, which Albus put in your hands felt too important to act upon your dislikement of school.
“Oh, Y/N.” Remus said with a small smile on his face as he noticed you.
You gave him a small wave of your fingers and leaned back in your chair, Sirius and James now sat facing you. “You’ll join the lessons too?” You nodded and lit yourself a cigarette, they didn’t question it this time.
“Albus told me to feel free to join in if I wanted to.” Sirius brought a hand through his brown locks and gave you a flirty smile. “Should’ve sat behind you then, Snivellus’ an eyesore.” You gave him a grin and eyed the fellow student. He was hunched over his desk, gaze locked on his workbook.
“So, you’ll join-”You’re in my seat.” A blonde boy interrupted James, he stood right in front of you, his blonde hair framed his face like a helmet.
“I don’t see a name.” You smiled, taking a drag from your cigarette. “This seat is mine.” He said again, nose held high. You raised from your chair and placed yourself in front of the nuisance of a boy. His jaw was clenched and his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
“Well now it’s mine.” You almost whispered, the classroom had gotten awfully quiet, eager to catch a glimpse of your quarrel.
“I’ll say it one more time, this seat is mine, you mud-”I wouldn’t if I were you. I’m the furthest thing from a mudblood, not that I like the sound of that insult.” Your face contorted into a frown before you took another drag of your cigarette and blew the smoke right in his face. The blonde coughed violently as you looked down on him.
“Get away from me.” You said before you sat down and crossed your legs over each other. The boy took a step forward, fists clenched and face flushed.
Sirius and James were fast to stand up, square their shoulders and stare him down. You felt like there were two guard dogs standing right behind you.
“This isn’t finished.” He spat before he turned around and found himself and his buddy a seat. His eyes found yours again before you raised your hand to flip him off.
Sirius burst into laughter as he reached over the desk and patted you on the shoulder. “You’re growing on me, love.”
“Malfoy’s an arse, don’t fret it.” James laughed before you waved him off. “I think I can handle him just fine, James.”
Just as Minerva stepped into the room you had any evidence of a cigarette vanishing. McGonagall wrinkled her nose in displeasure as she placed her bag down.
“Who smoked in my classroom?” The boys didn’t move, you just raised your eyebrows, you’d get him for good. “No one?” You wiped the smirk off your face as you raised your hand.
“Minerva, can I call you that?” The woman faced you, her face didn’t change as she simply nodded.
“I’m not normally one to tell, but I believe that school rules are of utmost importance for students, it was like that for me when I visited Mahoutokoro.” You paused to flash her a small smile, a smile that said, I’m on your side, I’m here to support, not side with students.
“I believe I saw Mr. Malfoy over there enjoying a cigarette just a few moments ago. I’m not one to disdain smoking, as I enjoy it myself but as we all know, I’m no longer a student, but Mr. Malfoy is one and I believe that this should be addressed.”
You were amazed by yourself, you hadn’t been a two faced bitch since school. The boys turned around, faces painted with disbelief. Sirius had to hide the grin on his face. Peter stared at you in horror, how could you be so absolutely stellar at lying, without a stutter or a twitch of guiltiness. 
“Very well, Y/N. Do you have proof to reinforce those accusations?” She stepped a row closer to you, hands clasped together. Malfoy shot to his feet, face bright red with anger as he tried to speak.
“Professor, you couldn’t possibly believe-”I believe a quick whiff should be enough, cigarettes leave a rather strong smell on people who smoke.” 
Minerva gave you a nod and proceeded to where the blonde boy sat, his eyes widened in horror. You had blown the smoke at him, it would still linger. The teacher reached her head forward and smelled the boy's uniform, with a gasp she retreated.
“Mr. Malfoy, I’m truly disappointed, smoking on school grounds is bad enough but in my classroom of all places. 10 points from Slytherin and detention.” You sat down and gave the boys a smirk, they turned around with an amused expression on their faces.
“Thank you, Y/N. It’s nice to see someone acting their age.” You didn’t respond and just gave her a smile.
“I can’t believe you got Malfoy detention.” James laughed. “Not to mention the house points off Slytherin!” Sirius laughed before he threw an arm over your shoulder. You just shook your head and took the cigarette he had snatched from you back. His fingers played with your hair as you occupied your free hand with your lighter.
“So, you’re just going to spend your free period with me here?” You tried and Peter hummed, his arms snaked around his school bag. You’d told them that you’d like to go for a smoke, to get some peace but that apparently doesn’t exist without those four.
“So, how old are you actually?” James spoke, your eyes found his. Remus jabbed him in the side and you chuckled, taking another drag of the cigarette before Sirius grabbed your arm to take a drag himself.
“Not cool, man.” Sirius commented. You were so close, so intimate. It didn’t feel weird though, it didn’t bother you. Being with him felt so easy, so comfortable. Was that a bad thing? You felt as if you were letting your guard down, what if you were too distracted to keep them safe? All those thoughts disappeared when Sirius’ hand rested on your shoulder.
“24.” You simply answered. Remus finally sat down in front of you, his shoulders seemed less tense. “You went to school in Japan, why that?” You shifted your legs and put the cigarette out letting it once again disappear in the palm of your hand.
“I was originally going to spend my school years here at Hogwarts but when my parents saw my potential they decided to send me to a school which took more pride in their students power and skill than anything else.” You paused and lit yourself another cigarette.
“My parents insisted on my transfer to Mahoutokoro when I was barely twelve years old, I haven’t seen them since I was transferred.” Sirius retreated his arm to fully face you.
“What do you mean?” James spoke, eyebrows furrowed. “I never forgave them for ripping me away from everything I knew, my friends, my family, my mother tongue. Everything.” 
“So you never spoke to them again?” Peter leaned forward, intrigued by the conversation. You nodded your head, eyes on the ground you sat on. “Not one word.”
“What’s Maktokoro-”Mahoutokoro.” You interrupted Sirius, who just swatted your attempt of correcting him away. “Yes, that.”
You caught the boy looking at your hand and without a word you raised the cigarette to his mouth, his warm hand grasped yours gently and he clasped the stick in between his lips. The way he looked, the way he felt, did something to you. Heat spreads from your chest over your shoulder.
“I-It’s very disciplined, hence why I look how I look.” You paused to catch your breath and to rip your gaze from the delicious looking man next to you.
“No tattoos, no dying your hair, no casual clothes, no nothing. The only nice thing is the scenery.” Sirius held a drink for you to take and with a thankful smile you took it.
“Mahoutokoro is big in Qidditch, it wasn’t my cup of tea but the matches were a sight to see.” James leaned back with a smirk on his face.
“Well, Quidditch’s our expertise.” You raised your eyebrows at him. “I’m a seeker myself, Sirius’ a beater.” You smiled at him and nodded your head. “I guess I have to watch you play, then?” 
Sirius let out a chuckle and threw his arm over your shoulder once again. “Of course, love. I need something worth winning for.” You had to laugh yourself before you intertwined your fingers with his before he placed the cigarette in front of your mouth again. You took a drag and blew the smoke past him.
“You don’t play?” You addressed the other two boys.
“No, Peter and I are not so skilled regarding Quidditch.” Remus laughed, his book wandering to his other hand.
“Moony’s the one with the best grades though, Quidditch only gets you so far.” James threw in and Remus gave him a small smile. “Oh, so you’re the smartest?” Remus had to chuckle and shook his head.
“He’s only being modest.” Sirius whispered in your ear and you nodded before Sirius dropped the done cigarette into your palm and it vanished.
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Seated all the way in the back you were surprised to see one of your former teachers teach Defense Against Dark Arts here at Hogwarts. Hayato Fujimoto was one of your favorite teachers when you went to school, to see him here now fills you with comfort. 
He broke into a bright smile as he welcomed the students. “We have a guest here, as it seems.” He paused to lean on his desk. You waved at him before he waved you to the front of the class.
“Miss Y/N here was one of my most talented students, with excellent skills in wandless magic and dueling. I’m happy to have you here, so far from home. I hope you’re willing to show your skills to my students sometime.” You gave him a smile and tilted your head towards him.
“Of course, Professor.” He waved you off “Please, you’re no longer one of my students, call me Hayato.” You couldn’t do that, you knew and he knew as well.
“Alright students, get in line, find yourself a partner.” Fujimoto waved his hands to rush them along, his white hair jumped with the effort. You stayed behind, to stay out of their way.
These lessons, learning how to defend themselves, were important. Even if the professor was eager to show you off, you wanted them to train, to be able to wield those defensive spells, especially Sirius, James, Remus and Peter.
You made your way to them, watching them. James trained with Peter, Sirius with Remus. Spell after spell jumped between them, but you noticed right away, they were going easy on each other. They didn’t take it seriously.
Without a word you stepped in front of Remus, who retreated with wide eyes. “What?” He mumbled as Sirius lowered his wand with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Raise that wand, Black.” You paused before he stepped forward, following suit and raised his wand again.
“Hit me with the best you got.” He hesitated but nodded, wielding his wand.
“Stupefy!” He yelled and with a flick of your hand it dispersed, you looked bored. “Don’t go easy on me now, Sirius.” He took a breath and raised his wand again.
“Rictusempra!” He tried again, but you waved it off once again. With a nameless spell you sent him off his feet, he flew a feet meters and landed on his ass.
You frowned and walked over to him. Your hand reached to his head and your other one held his shoulder. His hair was fluffy, softer than you expected it to be. “You okay?” He huffed and sent you a pained grin, trying to play off the aching in his buttocks. 
“Fine.” He mumbled before he got to his feet again. You brushed his shirt off and rubbed his upper arm. He nodded and took his wand from your hand.
“I didn’t want to knock you off your feet, sorry about that.” You said before he grabbed your arm, warm hand grasping your flesh.
“That’s twice now, you owe me.” He said with a smirk on his face.
For once, you were speechless. You expected him to be mad, to dislike you but he flirted. Your cheeks felt hot and your heartbeat sped up. This wasn’t good, not good at all.
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penvisions · 6 months
wish i never met you {a garnish one shot}
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Pairing: Chef! Joel Miller x Professor! Reader (formally known as Bartender! Reader)
Summary: Fear of rejection and messing up so beyond comprehension makes you regret crossing the professional line and getting to know Joel as you do now.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: canon typical language, joel thinks he's the one in charge but we all know it's really reader, religious contemplation, mentions of past trauma, mentions of bad family dynamics, smoking, consumption of alcohol, menstruation, talk of menstruation, blood, cramps, muscle soreness, unorthodox pregnancy announcement, reader is a hot mess, allusions to adult content, allusions to smut, mentions of past p in v, might need to add more if i missed anything!
A/N: wrote this as part of a fun, silly fic title prompt game submission from a sweet anon. it totally inspired an angsty din piece at first that i have in my drafts but then these two slammed into my brain and hijacked the idea. i just love them, your honor. i have so much love for them. NOW I KNOW THIS SUBJECT MATTER ISN'T FOR EVERYONE, I REALLY DEBATED POSTING THIS OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS BC I KNOW IT'S NOT EVERYONE'S CUP OF TEA but i feel like this is a good trajectory for these two, truly. i'm so sorry if anyone disagrees with the direction i took this in and i hopei t doesn't take away from the original series for y'all
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“No, fuck off.” Was the quick response to a wide palm caressing over your back. You were hunched over your crossed legs on the couch, aware of how bad the position was for your posture. But it was the only way to find any relief on your aching back. You had thought it was cramps at first, really, but then you realized all the symptoms of your monthly cycle fell in line with something else when the bleeding never started.
“Excuse me, darlin’? You sure you wanna use that language with me?” Joel’s deep voice was tinged with an edge, giving you the chance to retract your expletives. You were never so outright with your denial, never wanting to deny the man a few feet away. But the way in which you had expressed it to an obviously exhausted Joel was maybe too bold for the late hour. But you didn’t take it, instead repeating yourself.
“Kindly, fuck off. Don’t touch me.” You pulled away from him, hunching lower under his hand to break the contact.
“That’s not much better, ya know.” Joel’s hands shifted to his waist, a thick brow raised as he took in the sight of you nearly balled up, the faint light of the screen lighting up your face as you ignored him.
A harsh contraction of your muscles had you groaning out, “I wish I never met you.”
“C’mon now, you don’t mean that.” Joel huffed, trying to keep his calm, but you knew it was hard for him even if you really didn’t feel all that good. You never took your pain or frustration out on him like this, it was always soft murmurs of ‘hold me’ or ‘can I borrow your warmth’. Never the way you were reacting now.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into y-“ His mouth snapped shut, eyes focusing on the screen. On the words you had typed into the search engine. Normally he would tease you over the typos, your fingers not working as quick as you mind for all the grace and focus you normally had to expertly wield a sharp knife.
 Your heart thumped at the sudden silence. The fizzling tension that had filled the room.
“Don’t!” You gasped out, slamming the laptop closed and shielding the device with your body completely.
“Darlin’…” You swore you could hear the cogs turning in his head. Thinking back on the depraved as desperate way you had been seeking him out when he returned home from a late shift at the restaurant even despite the haze of sleep, in the mornings before you had to peel yourself away to go to campus, the photos you had brazenly sent him without warning that had him shielding or turning his phone over throughout the day. Thinking back on the way you had been inhaling food at any occasion, none of your normal contemplation or silence after what you considered a binge. Thinking back on the way you had begun to complain of your work clothing feeling wrong and too tight on your aching body as you dressed in the morning.
When he moved to sit on the other side of the couch, far too close for comfort, you shied away and pressed your back into the arm on your end.
“Not gonna touch ya, you have my word.” He raised his hands placatingly, his expression so soft that the tears burst from you without warning.
“You do-don’t wanna touch me. Not anymo-more.” Hiccups jolted your body, making the skin you were already uncomfortable in tingle. “I ruined ev-everything.”
He regarded you with a small frown, his plush lips pulled down as he clasped his hands together in his lap. Just as he opened his mouth to speak the words flew from you.
“I remember what you said, on the line.” You narrowed your eyes at him as they echoed in your head.
‘It had been a slow day, prep and cleaning taking over most of the evening shift. It had been back before you had taken on a role in the kitchen. Sneaking fries from the bowl of them on the expo line. They hadn’t been hot or even salted, but they were better than snacking on the fruity garnishes at the bar.
He had been passing the time with who you hadn’t known at the time was his brother, Tommy. Who had driven into the city to help take a look at the empty lot beside the restaurant, both of them contemplating the construction of a patio. But they had ended up in the kitchen, hunger too strong a call.
While Joel was on the line, Tommy was beside you, sneaking fries with a wink in your direction. But you ignored him, focused on looking through the catalogue of one of your vendors. Trying to make a seasonal menu. But your ears caught the harsh grunt of the man your eyes trailed over in the midst of busy nights.
“Wouldn’t do it, no.”
“C’mon, you seriously tellin’ me you wouldn’t baby sit for me if I were to gift you with a niece or nephew.”
“No, ‘m too old. Hire a babysitter.”
“You’re full of it ‘n you know it.”
“Brother, a baby is a lot of work. Now, your baby? Even more so.” Joel leveled his brother with a look that silenced any other argument on the matter.’
The moment he realized what you were talking about, his brows flew up into his hairline and he breathed out a hearty chuckle.
“Darlin’, I was just givin’ him a hard time. You gotta know that.”
“I didn’t know you.” You stood up from the couch, body protesting the movement. Cupping a hand over your mouth, you breathed harshly as you tried to tamp down a bout of nausea. “And now that I do, I’m gonna have to consider literally everything on my own and I’m gonna hate how much it hurts to not know you any longer. I wish I-“
“No,” He sighed, brow furrowing before he pinned you with a serious expression. “You do know me now and I wouldn’t turn my back on you, on this. I’m in it, pretty girl, no matter what you decide to do.”
When you whipped away from him, shuddering breaths wracking your sore body, the crack of your voice on a sob spurred him into motion. His arms came around you slowly, giving you the chance to retreat if it wasn’t something you wanted. But you let him, the feel of his chest warm and soothing on your aching back. The push of his soft stomach comforting. His chin hooked over a shoulder, and he spoke in such a somber tone.
“Darlin’, I always thought I was too old to do this again. But I haven’t crossed fifty quite yet and the thought of you carrying my child, of loving me and my child. God, I would give anything for it to be our future. To see you blossom into yourself more, to show our baby the same devotion you give to everything in your life, you deserve somewhere to put all your love.”
One of his hands moved over the one you had on your middle. Holding you so secure, holding you both so secure.
“Joel…it’s a lot. It’s….we’re not even-“ You turned in his arms, facing him. His beautiful, open expression so full of love and adoration, all of it for you. Your heart melted in your chest, dripping low to flutter in your stomach. You weren’t even overtly religious, left over from the trauma of your childhood. Of being forced to attend mass and important holidays alongside your grandparents. The denial of your father never urging you to seek out a higher power in replacement. But the thought of technically being single and going through something like this. It made you afraid.
“There’s a ring in my sock drawer. Got it the day of our first do over date. ‘s why I was so close to the campus. It’s yours. I’m yours. This could be yours. But only if you want it.” Joel’s forehead lightly thumped against yours as he pressed in close. His breath a warm wash over your face, smelling faintly of cigarette smoke.
Looking between each of his eyes, searching for any hint of hesitancy from him it was quiet. When you didn’t find any, you felt a smile pull at your lips as you nodded your head in affirmation. Wet laughter bubbling up as his lips pressed to yours, a smile of his own for you to feel on them.
“But I still expect you to propose, can’t skip any steps with me. I know you think you’re hot shit with being crowned the city’s most prolific chef of the year but I swear to-“
He cut you off with another kiss, his moustache ticking your upper lip as he nipped at your bottom one.
“I don’t wanna miss any steps with ya, darlin’. I’m here for ‘em all.”
It was hard to ignore the stirring of other feelings in your body, drowning out the aches and pains. But when realization hit you, you pulled back with wide eyes.
“We’re gonna have to stop drinking and smoking!”
taglist: @tuquoquebrute @jessthebaker @littlemisspascal @76bookworm76 @hiddenbabynyc @clevergirl74 @anavatazes @samiamproductions @sarap-77 @honeyedmiller @undercoverpena
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cinewhore · 1 year
The Only Exception - extended cut
Pairing: Michael Berzatto x fem!reader - Carmen Berzatto & fem!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: mentions of drinking, toxic family dynamics, smut 18+ (groping, male receiving oral, penetration, unprotected sex, facial cumshot), canon death, angst and fluff. 
A/N: I wrote something a tad bit sadder and decided not to post it because the episode (s2 ep 6) was bad enough but why not? Dedicated to my lovely friend @spiderispunk​. No beta cause I don’t wanna. Ignore all spelling errors. Hope y'all enjoy. Credits to the gif creator. 
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Nothing ever goes smoothly with the Berzatto’s.
Why you thought this holiday dinner was going to be any different was beyond any rational comprehension.
Trying not to be a complete klutz and ruin the side dish you’ve been working on the entire day, you delicately balance it in your left hand while adjusting your scarf tighter around your neck with your right. Putting a pep in your step, you round the corner from where you parked, spotting the stoop instantly.
It was a rare sighting to see all three of the Berzatto siblings together. With Carmy being away at culinary school, Mikey doing his own thing with the restaurant and Natalie living her life, one person always missed the other. It warmed your heart to see just how much they cared about each other, even if they didn’t show it in a normal or healthy way.
“Is that who I think it is?” Mikey’s voice booms over the light traffic passing by, handing Carmy the cigarette he was puffing on.
You crack a smile, despite it feeling like your lips were stuck together due to the cold weather. “Sorry, I’m a bit late. Fuckin’ cat had my keys.”
“How many times did I tell you to get rid of the cat?” Mikey leans down to kiss you but you turn your head, forcing him to peck you on the cheek instead.
“C’mon, baby.” he drawls, throwing you a bashful smile.
You huff out a sigh, lowering your voice. “You know I hate the smoking.”
Mikey nods, face fading into something serious before vanishing. “I know you do. You didn’t bring fish, did you?”
Side-stepping the tall Berzatto, you get pulled into a hug by Natalie, followed by Carmen.
“Hello, gorgeous! It’s so good to see you!” Natalie kisses you on both cheeks before making the move to grab the dish out of your hands. You pull back, shooting her a look.
“Nat, please. I got it.”
“Are you sure?” you watch as her bottom lip quivers a bit. You steal a glance at Carmy, who just shakes his head..
“Fuck. How bad is it?” you gaze at the disheveled trio, awaiting an answer.
Finally, Mikey breaks the silence.
“It’s at a five. Six, at best.”
You lick your lips, rocking back and forth on your heels. “That’s not too bad, right?”
“Right.” Carmy agrees, with Natalie humming in agreement.
“Just don’t fucking ask if she’s doing ok.” Mikey glimpses at his sister, placing hand on your lower back to guide you into the house.
You take a deep breath and exhale through your nose, plastering a smile on your face before entering the shit show.
You’d only been there an hour and you were called the wrong name three times, objectified, cursed at and now Fak was trying to get you to put up five hundred dollars for baseball cards.
Listening with great intent, nodding at all the right times, twirling the wine in glass in your hands desperately wanting to get another refill had your social energy spent.
“We could make you a lot of money, cousin.” Fak goes on, nudging his brother for support.
“Yeah-yeah! Think about what you could do with fifteen hundred bucks! Cold hard cash!” Theodore chimes in.
“Wow, no, yeah this-this sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime.” you murmur. Don’t take it the wrong way, you loved Fak. His personality was infectious, you’ve never seen him get overly angry despite the other guys giving him shit and he genuinely goes out of his way to help everyone. Back when you first started dating Mikey and moved apartments in the city, Fak volunteered to make sure your place was in tiptoe shape and refused payment.
Just then Steve, Michelle’s husband, passes by and you seize your opportunity.
“Steve! How are you?” you beckon him over, scooting over on the tiny couch so he could sit beside you.
“Ah, yes. Mikey’s girl who we aren’t sure how he managed to snag. Good to see you again.”
You brush off his comment with a tired smile, gesturing to Fak and his brother. “So, these guys have a proposition for you, right?”
You nod enthusiastically with them, giving Fak a secret wink.
“Oh, yes! Yes! Do you like baseball cards, Steve?”
“On that note,” you stand up and maneuver yourself out the nook. “I’m gonna go get a refill. Leave you gentlemen to handle business.”
Mocking a military salute, you dash towards the kitchen bypassing other members of the family.
Donna flurries around the kitchen, shouting instructions to no one in particular. You didn’t greet her as soon as you came in, knowing how she gets around this time of the year. To be honest, you were sure that she didn’t exactly like you.
“Donna, my goodness! You look wonderful.” you lay the complement on sweetly, smiling brightly. If you don’t wilt in her presence, she wouldn’t be able to smell the fear on you.
Donna swivels her head to look at you, cigarette dangling from her lipstick smeared lips. Eyes lined in thick mascara, her disapproving expression ripples through you. You smile wider.
“I brought over a little casserole. I figured it would compliment the fish nicely.”
Shifting to face you fully, Donna crosses her arms. “Casserole? What casserole?”
You point to the tin foiled dish. “That one. Mikey brought in, did he not tell you?”
She scoffs. “Yeah, just like he told me about him breaking things off with what’s her name.”
“Anna.” you mutter, swallowing the lump that quietly made its way up your throat.
“Yeah, Anna.” Donna turns back to the task at hand, haphazardly swinging a knife about. “I liked her better.”
Forgoing your much desired glass of wine, you stalk out of the kitchen. On the outside looking in, the Berzatto’s appeared to be your average family. The warm glow of the lights shining out into the frost covered sidewalks invited you in all those years ago and once inside, you then realized why people were so hesitant to accept invites or why Mikey refused to bring up his past.
You didn’t have this growing up. Your family life was much quieter, mom and dad both kept to themselves. Distant cousins never visited for the holidays and you were an only child so there weren’t any siblings to fall back on.
It was boring.
Drove you crazy.
So when the Berzatto’s welcomed you in with open arms (well, some of them) you threw yourselves to the wolves willingly. It helped you grow a thick skin, talk over people and man handle the biggest guys in the room. For that, you were thankful.
A hand reaches out and grabs your wrist, dragging you away from everyone and up the stairs. Mikey is headstrong in his quest to get you alone, not caring to see if you were keeping up the pace. You both stagger inside his room, the door shut soundly behind you, followed by the lock turning.
Mikey doesn’t give you a second to react, mouth leaving open tongued kisses along your jaw and collarbone, hands working at tugging up your skirt.
“Mikey, baby, baby, wait-” you plead, backing up to create space between the two of you.
He flops onto the bed, hands on his knees, fingers raking through his hair again and again.
You’re careful as you sit next to him, scratching your own fingers along the center of his back. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” is all he utters.
“Bullshit. Talk to me.”
He doesn’t have to say anything else, you get it. The party continues below you both, profanities and insults flying like it's nobody's business. It was too much. For Mikey, Camry, anyone. The more time you spent with his family, the more you realized why Carmen never came back to visit.
Why Mikey feels trapped.
“I know.” you whisper against his shoulder, mouthing pressing in tiny kisses. You lift his head up with both of your hands, cradling his face gingerly. The tiredness exudes for nearly every crevice, eye bags worn and solidified. You use your thumb to smooth out his forehead, laughing softly when he wrinkles it more.
“You’ll always have me, Berzatto.”
“I don’t deserve you. Never did.”
You tut. “That’s not true. You’ve always had me. From the moment you sold me that greasy, sloppy sandwich down at The Beef. I was a goner.”
Mikey chuckles, leaning into your hands more. “I got you something.”
Your eyes go wide, brows forming a skeptical look. “Is that so?”
Mikey flickers his eyes down to his pants and you scoff.
“Wow, Michael. Are you gifting me your penis? Again? I must’ve been too nice this year.” you gently slap his face is mock anger.
“Haha,” he deadpans. “Try my pockets, detective wiseass.”
You let go of his face and rummage through his pants pocket, producing a ball of torn tissue paper, kept together by a single piece of tape. Confused but curious, you unwrap the gift, facing dropping as your eyes find his.
The tissue tumbles to the ground, revealing a necklace. At the bottom of it dangled a charm of…cheese?
“I remember the first day you came into the shop. Like a goddamn bat outta hell. Never seen anything like it. You ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and asked for, um, what was it?”
That’s right! Fuckin’ havarti cheese! What the hell even is that?”
“How do you own a sandwich shop and not provide a variety of cheeses, I don’t understand it.”
Mikey gawks at you. “Babe, we’re called The Beef. Not the cheese. But you wanna know what I did?”
You encourage him to finish, as if you didn’t know the rest of the story.
“I told you to wait and-and I was gonna go check in the back. I booked it out of the back door, all the way down to Malik’s corner store and bought the most expensive cheese he had. I rush back to the shop and guess what?”
“You made the sandwich.”
Mikey’s face cracks into the biggest grin you’d ever seen, eyes crinkled at the corners. “I made the goddamn sandwich. Brought it out to you myself. Told you that we didn’t serve grilled cheese but for you, I’d make an exception.”
Your eyes well over in tears and you blink rapidly to keep them from falling. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me, ya know.”
“You’re telling me all I had to do was buy you some cheese to get in your pants? Hot damn.”
You playfully shove Mikey back against the bed, crawling over to straddle him. “Well, it worked after a while, didn’t it?”
Mikey thrusts upwards, growing erection sliding against your damp underwear.
“It sure did.”
He grabs the back of your neck, surging up to slot his mouth against yours. You aren’t delicate in the way you claw at him, nails digging into his tanned flesh. Pushing up your skirt, Mikey palms your ass, stroking it before landing a hard smack against it. You moan into his neck, biting down.
“Perkiest ass I’ve ever seen, baby, shit.” Mikey groans, voice an octave deeper.
“And it’s yours. All yours.”
Mikey secures the back of your head as he flips the two of you over, pushing you down on your stomach. You do the rest of the work for him, sticking your ass up, and curving your back into an arch.
Mikey readily pulls down the zipper of his pants, hands readjusting his briefs until he is able to free himself. Spitting obscenely in his palm, Mikeuy shoves your panties to the side and rubs his silvia across your slickness. You buck back into him, whimpering when he graces you with a lone finger to loosen you up. You whine, and wiggle your ass some more, ready to receive all that he was going to give you.
“Gonna give my baby what she wants, don’t you worry.” Mikey purrs, aligning himself to enter you. He slides in easily, the strained sigh as he fully situates him inside you never ceases to make you wetter.
You pull yourself up so that you were resting on your hands, peeking over your shoulder to catch a gaze at Mikey as you being to fuck him. He was enthralled at the sight of his cock pumping in and out of you, the way you were able to handle him without saying a single word.
He would love to take his time and thoroughly explore your cunt but time is of the essence. Wrapping his right hand around your neck once again, he yanks you up into a deeper arch, left hand on your hip in a deathgrip. He meets your thrusts with his own, dropping his left leg down on the floor to gain some balance.
Between the familial bickering creeping up the stairs, all that could be heard was the squelching of your pussy and the labored breathing of Mikey, muffled praises spurring you on further.
He slaps your ass again and you tighten around him, eyes rolling to the top of your head as you attempt to hold onto his arms for dear life.
“Mikey, oh fucking god, baby you’re gonna make me come so hard. Please, please, please!”
He answers you by sticking his fingers in your mouth and you automatically clamp down on them, sucking and gagging until spit dribbles down the side of your mouth.
Mikey picks up speed and the line breaks as you reach your peak, legs stiffening as you rear back against Mikey. He continues to fuck, albeit at a slower tempo, humming as you spasm against him.
“That’s my girl, my favorite fucking girl. Where do you want mine, huh? Tell me where you want it.”
He removes his fingers and lets them trail down to tease and pick at your hardened nipples that now poke through your shirt.
“I wanna taste. Want it in my mouth.”
“Fuck.” Mikey lets you go and you catch yourself before you fall completely face first into the bed.
“Get on your knees, now.”
You do as you're told, scurrying to position yourself on your knees in front of Mikey. Mouth open and head tilted back, you let a hand caress your breast as the other slithers up his thigh.
Mikey is affectionate as he goes to grab the back of your head, other hand tirelessly stroking his cock. A vein pops out of forehead as he grunts, a few milky droplets coating your face, before steady ropes accompany it. A few of them land in your mouth and you swallow them all eagerly.
Mikey tries to calm his breathing, watching you with hooded eyes as you lick at the tip of his cock, cleaning up the remnants of yourself off of him. You take him down all the way to the shaft for shits and giggles, pulling off of him with a low pop.
“Goddamn devil.”
You wink, swiping at the mess you could feel dripping on your face. Mikey helps to clean you up, both fixing each other’s clothes to appear less wrinkled. Seemingly ok with your appearance, you start to head downstairs but Mikey stops you.
He steps behind you, lifting up the necklace he got you. He fastens it, walking to your front to admire it.
You grab his hand and bring it to your mouth for a kiss.
“It’s you and me, Berzatto.”
“You and me.”
Inhaling heavily, you open the door to reenter the Berzatto family chaos, a new found confidence lighting your path.
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That was roughly four years ago.
Or maybe five.
You stopped counting.
You had been going about your day as usual, still getting settled into your new apartment. Boston was a whole new monster to wrangle with but you managed to get by so far. It didn’t feel like home but you figured over time, it would. A lie that spun around and around in your head until it sounded like a foreign language.
The invitation throws you off guard as you thumb through your mail, ignoring the pile of bills for the yellow envelope sealed with a stamp of a bear.
Your hands twitch a little as you instantly drop everything else you were holding onto the overly crowded dining table. You don’t think twice as you rip the stamp off, clawing to get the card out.
Missing you. The Bear opens soon, I’d love to have you come out for a pre-opening. Hoping that you’re doing well in Boston, we have so much to catch up on. My number is still the same.
See you soon - Sugar
P.s. - Fak says hi.
The bottom of the card details the information for the restaurant and the date of the opening. You bite at your lip, glancing around your apartment. It was a dream: your new job, the neighborhood, the coffee shop down the block with the best matcha latte. It was quiet, not complicated and yours. All yours.
Going home, back to the place you ran from seemed stupid. Everything would unravel and you’d fall to pieces again but this time no one would be there to put you back together.
Reaching across the mess, you fish out your laptop. This was a reunion worth unraveling for.
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You’re late. So fucking late. It wasn’t your fault though! The plane got delayed and then there was the traffic and you smelled like an airport and desperation so you rushed to the hotel to change. One thing always leads to another but it didn’t matter anymore because you were stepping out of the taxi, smoothing down your coat and anxiously fixing your hair.
You take powerful strides as you approach the restaurant, mouth agape. You couldn’t believe it. What used to be The Beef, the place you spent the majority of your time after work fucking with Richie until Mikey got off, was gone. It was now replaced with a groomed, streamlined, chic replica that stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the rest of the block.  
A car horn sounds and you’re brought back to reality, invitation gripped tightly in your hand. You mumble one last prep talk to yourself before pushing the door open.
A wave of amber and vanilla hit your nostrils first, eyes picking out the candles that were placed around the dining area. The place wasn’t packed but you knew this was because you were late and not because it wasn’t good. If you knew anything about Carmen and his career, it was that the fucker knew how to make good food. He just didn’t know that he did.
A woman clad in all black smiles as she walks up to you, a slight quizzical look on her face.
“Forgive me ma’am but I’m afraid that this is a private event. The restaurant will open to the public soon.”
You shake your head, waving the letter in front of her face. “Oh, I was, uh, invited. I’m so sorry I’m late, my plane-”
Richie strides out of the kitchen, stopping in his tracks once he sees you.
“Holy fucking shit.”
You couldn’t help the amused grin that crosses your face, taking in the new and improved Richie. You hate to admit it but he looks good. Tapered cut, fitted black suit, not too heavy on the cologne and simple accessories to match? What the hell did you miss?
“Holy fucking shit.” you whisper, voice morphing into a high pitched squeal as Richie hugs you, lifting you off the ground.
Upon putting you down, you stand back, motioning wildly at Richie’s figure.
“Oh my god! Are you in a cult? Did they brainwash you? Will the real Richie please stand up.” you clap in front of Richie’s face a few times, to which he swats away.
“A real fucking comedian, huh?” He pulls you into a hug again, inhaling your scent.
“How have you been, cousin?”
Richie pulls away, leading you to a fully set table. You thank him as he pulls out your seat, taking the one across from you. He shrugs at the question, gaze traveling around the restaurant.
“Been busy. Bustin’ my balls to keep this place in tiptop shape.”
You nod, momentarily distracted by a server filling up your wine glass. You pick it up and take a whiff, eyebrow raised. A classic white. Your favorite.
“This is really nice, like, I expected something but this,” you take a moment. “This is something else entirely.”
“Yeah, it is.”
Richie admires you as you sip your wine and continue to look around, getting washed over in nostalgia. He remembers the good days. The days were Mikey was happy, the two of you bantering while making dinner for him, Eva and Tiffany. You were making sure he stayed the course, keeping him sober. Then, for whatever reason he just couldn’t fucking understand, it collapsed. He lost everything he never really had in the first place.
Natalie barges from the back of the house a few seconds after, screaming at the top of her lungs the second she sees you. You both speak over each other, holding each other tightly and taking turns petting Natalie’s stomach.
“Oh my god, Nat! You’re going to be a mom!” you exclaim, hands pressed on the sides of your face.
Natalie sighs, tears falling. “I’m gonna be a mom!”
“I can’t fucking believe it.”
“Neither can I. It just sort of happened.”
You nod, plopping back down in your seat while Richie gets out of his, helping Natalie sit in it instead.
“Cousin, I’m gonna get your order sorted. I’ll be right back.” Richie announces, planting a kiss on Sugar’s head before disappearing to the kitchen.
“It’s been like four years?” you say, gauging Sugar’s expression. You didn’t mean for her to get caught up in your mess once you moved away but she was the only constant reminder of Chicago that you had and you were thankful. The eldest and only daughter syndrome really popped off with her.
It’s amazing how easy you’re able to flow back in conversation with her. You catch up with each other’s lives, tiny bits of gossip filling the cracks. You avoid bringing up Donna, not wanting to tamper Natalie’s mood as she happily chatters about the nursery. Dinner feels like old times and before you realize it, you were scraping your finger across the dessert plate to savor the sweet tanginess of the course.
“Where’s Carmy? I’d like to congratulate the man of the hour.” you wipe your hands with your napkin, polishing off your wine.
Sugar rocks her jaw, eyes cast downwards. You knew the two of them had a somewhat strained relationship but you figured since she decided to work with Carmy, things had settled between the two of them.
“He should be in the kitchen cleaning or probably out back smoking a cigarette. Filthy.”
You hum, sliding out from behind the table. You peck Sugar on the cheek and stroll through the kitchen, murmuring hello’s to those you haven’t seen in a while.
Sugar’s assumptions are true, Carmy perched on the concrete near the dumpster. He does a double take when he sees you but doesn’t get up from his spot.
You’re careful as you sit next to him and upon seeing that you’re wearing a dress underneath your coat he panics, trying to stop you before it’s too late.
“Hey, no, you don’t need to sit down here, we can go back inside-”
“Carmen, sit down. Please.”
Carmen nods and joins you. You dig around your coat pocket for your vape, taking a long drag before exhaling.
You two smoke in a comfortable silence for a while. Carmen was your favorite in this regard, knowing that around him you didn’t have to say anything. You could just shut the fuck up and enjoy each others presence.
Carmy nudges his knee alongside yours. “You think he would’ve liked this?”
You ponder on it a little, taking another hit from your pen. “You definitely would’ve fought over the menu. And where is the poster?”
“What poster?”
“The poster, Carmen.”
“What fucking poster? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“The goddamn baseball poster! You know the one. It was in the office before, I think.”
“Oh, that one. Yeah, Sydney fell through the wall, tore a hole in it.”
You scoff, taken aback by Carmy’s nonchalant response. “Fell through a wall?”
“Yes but don’t worry. Richie taped it back together.”
“Fuck the poster, Carmy, how is Sydney?”
Carmen shrugs. “She’s good. Makes a good partner.”
You nod, staring back at the restaurant. “She managed to pull this shit out of your ass, color me impressed.”
Another beat.
“Hey,” you move your legs so that you are leaning against Carmy, huddling against his shoulder. “I want to apologize.”
Carmy takes the bait. “For what?”
“For leaving. I just ran. Didn’t say goodbye, didn’t look back. You didn’t deserve that. None of you did. Mikey fucking ruined me. I felt selfish though, you know? Cause I was just someone he dated but you, Sugar, Richie..y’all were his blood.”
You feel Carmy take a deep breath, head drifting over to the side so that it rests on top of yours. “You don’t need to apologize for that. You were his fucking heart, he talked about you all the time it was annoying as shit. Plus, everybody runs.”
“You didn’t.”
Carmy glares at the restaurant. “Not sure I can agree with you on that.”
“After Mikey, I just felt like I failed, you know? I tried so hard. I did. I thought we made it over the rough parts but just like that, he slipped. I couldn’t pick him up anymore.” you pluck at your legs, getting stuck in your thoughts.
“You didn’t fail him.” Carmy mumbles.
“Neither did you.”
For once, Carmy lets the words settle in his chest, soothing the frightened side of him that constantly tells him he’s not good enough. It was temporary, he knew this, but it didn’t stop him from indulging in the sentiment.
“You could stay, you know. I could take care of you.”
Camry’s offer catches you off guard and you untangle yourself from him to look in his eyes. Behind them you could see the Carmy you once knew. It hurt, knowing that he was still torturing himself over the loss of Mikey, grappling with the opening of his restaurant. So much pressure on one person who swore that he couldn’t feel it and wouldn’t dare let anyone help him carry the load.
You smooth his hair back, giving him a sad smile.
“I think it’s time I took care of myself, Carmen. Boston is good. I’m gonna be ok. You need to take care of you, man. Someone’s gotta make sure Richie doesn’t strangle himself with his new ties.”
Carmen laughs and even flashes teeth.
“By the way, what is up with that? Fucker looks like he belongs with the secret service.”
“He was mad about the forks.”
You give a half shrug. “Forks. Yup, got it.”
You weren’t sure what was going to become of The Bear but you knew that if Carmy kept his head on straight, he’d get through all the shit life put him through.
He was a fucking Berzatto.
They never went down without a fight. And god help those who fucked with bears.
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cosymelody · 2 months
Can I request platonic yandere First with a reader who was wrongfully imprisoned too but kept him company and never let his hopes of freedom fall?
I have returned ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve wrote anything
Lots of drama been happening lately and dealing with moving and all sorts of other things ಥ_ಥ
ANYWAYS I come back with First fic requested by this lovely anon but i ain’t all too sure if this is what you wanted
Either way I hope y'all enjoy! ( ̄∇ ̄)
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.•♫•♬• 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒀𝒂𝒏!𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 •♬•♫•.
It had been years since either of you had seen each other, with Hylia herself tearing First away from you despite your desperate cries and his struggle to free himself in order to bring you back to him. He didn't want you to be hurt by the goddess's jealousy, but you were caught in a crossfire while trying to bring peace to Hyrule as you journeyed with him. The whole ordeal had caused you to be chained and imprisoned, bound in bright ethereal shackles that felt as if they were burned into your flesh from how tight they had been wrapped around you, while First was sealed away in the darkness by Hylia's command. Through some sort of blessing or curse, he couldn't be certain, but he could still hear your sweet voice in his mind, lifting his spirits and giving him hope through the dark times that lay ahead.
During the time he was trapped and kept from your warm embrace, he desperately prayed and wished to be freed from his confinements so he could only see that beautiful smile of yours once again, only being able to hear your voice being tantalizing for him. He was driven by the urge to be with you, wanting nothing more than to see you just one more time, even if he had to destroy anyone who got in his way or kill Hylia herself. All he knew was that he needed you more than life itself, and he would stop at nothing to make sure you were in his grasp once again. Despite the pain and everything the two of you had been through, the fact he could still hear you as you comforted him through night terrors and kept him company was the only thing keeping him from spiraling into the depths of his mind and keeping him from going insane. One day, though, your sweet voice seemed to disappear completely, leaving him to face the darkness alone as he lay in the prison he had been stuck in all while being trapped in his mind.
After what seemed to be an eternity, it felt as if his prayers had been answered as he felt the box he was sealed in tumble from somewhere high and break open, freeing him from his confines despite how weak and malnourished he had been due to being trapped for so long. He lay there for a moment, his eyes adjusting to the sudden light, before realizing he had been set free, though what used to be a temple he was locked in was now in ruins. As he lay there on the ground in an attempt to regain his bearings, the loud crashing that was caused by his prison breaking open seemed to alert someone or something nearby. The sound of multiple heavy footsteps was rapidly approaching as he made an attempt to get up and hide or fight back, his legs unfortunately giving out on him and leaving him on the ground to face whatever was coming towards him.
What he wasn't expecting to see, though, was a group of at least a dozen Hylians running around the corner, all of whom seemed eerily similar to him in some way. Although what caught his eye amongst the group of men was the only female in the group, she just happened to look exactly like his long lost guide, who had been painfully ripped away from him all those years ago but still stayed within his mind nonetheless. As he watched the group approach with urgency upon seeing his injured state, he couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that washed over him. As she drew closer, her eyes met his with a look of recognition and understanding that left him breathless as he realized it had to have been her, the sound of her voice being exactly like that of his guide.
"Oh dear, are you okay there? Here, let me help you. I don't want you to strain yourself anymore than you already have."
Her gentle words and caring touch instantly calmed his racing heart. He couldn't believe it was really her after all these years. As she helped him to his feet, he felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. She had always been there for him, even when he didn't realize it. And now, in his moment of need, she was by his side once again.
As he looked at her caring gaze, he couldn't wrap his head around how she was free and how she was here with him in the flesh now. In that instance, he could feel his eyes well up with tears of joy before he practically threw himself at her in a tight and possessive grip, never wanting to let her go again. She seemed surprised at first, a slight gasp escaping her before she gently wrapped her arms around him, holding him as if he were made of porcelain and any wrong move could break him as he sobbed into her shoulder. He didn't care at the moment about the other Hylian men that had stood back cautiously as he cried in her arms; he was only focused on the overwhelming happiness he was feeling as he was once again in her arms.
"Thank you… Thank you for coming back. I've missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again after she took you from me."
He whispered into her neck, tears streaming down his face and soaking into her shirt. The other men watched in silence, not sure of or completely understanding the depth of their bond but still feeling a sense of relief that they had found solace in each other's arms. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the two reunited friends, they knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always find their way back to each other, even if it meant freeing themselves from their chains. He promised himself he would never lose her again, even if it meant destroying all of the goddesses himself.
Is choccy milk time now YIPPPEEEEE
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linawritestwst · 1 year
𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚝𝚠𝚜𝚝'𝚜 𝚋𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚐𝚜 (𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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okay, so, i should probably explain how these headcanons work and how i chose characters for them.
each character gets a yandere!reader with a specific personality trait and there will be different yandere types too. you can read more about yandere types online, i personally used information from the dere wiki.
about the title.. i agree that most twst characters can be called red flags (btw i mean it in an affectionate way.. with some characters. some of them are red flags in a derogatory way to me sdhdkjsdks) since almost all characters are based on disney villains, however, i decided to go with the ones i personally consider to be a little bit less sane than others <3 also i just used those characters who i wanted to see in a relationship with a yandere!reader, so don't come at me, okay sdhjsksksk i know that i should have included some other characters too, like now i'm thinking that i probably should have added cater, azul and a few other characters too but. i'm tired, okay. if people will be interested in seeing a part 2, sure, i might write one, but for now, just take this.
characters: riddle rosehearts (listen, i know that he's not as bad as other characters, but hey. yandere!reader x riddle makes me 💞💓💗💖💕) , jade leech, floyd leech, jamil viper, rook hunt, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge (again, he's probably not that bad, but it's the vibe, okay) rollo flamme.
warnings: possible ooc, general yandere themes, themes of obsession, mentions of manipulation, murder and death, implications of suicide. if you're not comfortable with yandere/horror content (i think it has some angst too?), i suggest you skip these. stay safe, love y'all.
also i'm sorry if this has typos or anything like that it's kinda late and i wrote this instead of doing my hw
(divider link)
character: riddle rosehearts
yandere type: training type
personality trait: cheerful
♡ you remember meeting riddle for the first time like it was yesterday. of course you would remember it well, you knew that he was the one right when you saw him. riddle wasn't like most nrc students. he was responsible, hardworking, he followed the rules instead of breaking them. he definitely was your type. he was so cute too! it's so easy to make him blush and sweat and stutter, his reactions are always so fun and entertaining!..
♡ but there's this one small thing that annoys you a little. why do all other students say that riddle needs to chill and that there's no point in following all those rules? can't they see how amazing and talented he is? of course you're more loyal than all those traitors, you would never go against your queen's orders. in fact, you actually think that riddle should be even more strict. you remember hearing about his unique magic for the first time and being so excited to see it, "off with your head" means that he can easily cut anyone's head off, right?.. oh, so he just stops them from using magic.. man, and here you hoped that you will finally see those rulebreakers' heads on the floor.
♡ most people find it weird how even though you're always so cheerful and you love to have fun, you still think that riddle is right and you continue to support him. well, maybe your idea of fun is simply watching your classmates cry because they forgot to study for today's test and now it's too late to do anything! <3 actually, you're a bit scared that someone will try to change riddle's mind and make him become more relaxed and forgiving of those who break the queen's rules. you can't allow that to happen! you must make sure that riddle stays the same.. actually, what if you tried to help him become even more perfect than he already is? riddle will never forget about anything if he has someone like you by his side. he will study even more because you think that he's not working hard enough. he will try harder to impress you because you're the only person in this school who actually gets him.
character: jade leech
yandere type: obsession type
personality trait: shy
♡ jade is one of the few people in this school who actually understands you. he never judges you, he never forces you to socialize, of course, he does say that it would be nice for you to talk to others more, but he doesn't think that you being an introvert is a bad thing. he doesn't think you're weird, he listens to you when you talk to him about your interests and his face expression never changes. he always has a smile on his face no matter what you say, he never looks disappointed or confused or scared, he genuinely likes spending time with you and you know it.. or maybe that's just what he wants you to think.
♡ but even if he actually doesn't have feelings for you, you definitely are in love with him. anyone would fall in love with him if they were treated the same way. for someone as shy and quiet as you, meeting jade was the best thing that could ever happen to you. if it wasn't for him, you would be so.. lonely. actually, you just stopped caring about making more friends after meeting jade. jade is the only friend you need. you don't have to talk to anyone else. they will just laugh at you or call you weird and you're too tired from dealing with people like that. you think about jade so often, his own brother finds it concerning. you couldn't care less about what floyd thinks though.
♡ .. but what if jade actually finds it creepy too? no, no, that thought scares you so much, you can't stand it! jade loves you, right? he wants to be more than friends, right?.. but what if he doesn't even think of you as a friend? what if he just pretends to be nice, what if it's just him being polite? it's so scary to think about and you can feel your heart breaking, but.. what if it's true? you have to make sure that he loves you back. you have to talk to him about it. yes, you're shy, yes, you're quiet, yes, it's hard for you to talk about your feelings, but you have to know the truth. and if it turns out that jade is actually a huge liar.. haha.. at least one of you will die, that's for sure.
character: floyd leech
yandere type: self-sacrifice
personality trait: cold
♡ most people find it hard to talk to you. you're known for almost never showing your emotions and always looking like you want to kill someone even though you don't even look angry or anything like that, there's just something about your eyes and the way you look at people. so yeah, most people just ignore you or even run away every time they see you. it's not like you're mad at them, really. you don't mind spending most of your time alone. but it still.. hurts a little. haha.. so you actually can feel emotions after all. so when floyd suddenly started talking to you more and even gave you a cute nickname, you were surprised (though it was hard to tell from your face expression) but also.. maybe even happy?
��� floyd doesn't exactly have the best reputation either because of his.. uh.. interesting personality, so of course you two would get along so easily. honestly, you even start to feel like you're.. it's so weird to hear yourself say it, but it feels like you're actually in love with floyd. he's the only one who can make you feel something and react to things, he's the only one who can make you smile or cry or feel fear. and he gets excited when he finally sees your face expression change too. however.. his mood swings do scare you a little bit. sometimes, when you're not showing any emotions and his tricks aren't working, he suddenly says that he's bored and just leaves you. huh.. a-are you not interesting enough for him?
♡ you knew it. of course, you knew that someone like you isn't good enough for floyd. he's always so full of energy, he needs someone who can keep up with him and you're not like that at all. but you need his attention. you just want him to look at you one more time. you really hope he will stop ignoring you if you just.. start acting differently. what if you start acting more like riddle who he loves to annoy so much? what if you start acting more like kalim who's just as energetic as floyd? you don't care what other people think of you, you just want floyd back. you're so scared of disappointing him again, you'll be anything he wants you to be.
character: jamil viper
yandere type: protective
personality trait: soft
♡ you admire jamil so much. you have no idea how someone can be as perfect as him. he's so patient, so hardworking, so good at everything he does.. and he also has to deal with kalim all the time. you talk about jamil so often that some people start to think that you have a crush on him. whenever they make jokes about that, you blush and deny everything, but you know very well that you really are deeply in love with him. you really want him to love you just as much as you love him. but how are you gonna make him notice you? well.. maybe you should help him in some way?
♡ but how exactly can you help him? you doubt that you can help him with cooking or his vice dorm leader duties.. ah, it must be hard for him to be kalim's vice dorm leader. maybe you can tell kalim to be a little bit more responsible? you know, so that jamil won't be overworked. you try to have a conversation with kalim about it and he promises that he won't push jamil too hard and he will try to be a better dorm leader. you apologize in case you have said something rude, but he claims that it's fine and that you're actually right. he really should pay more attention to jamil's well-being. he thanks you for caring about jamil so much and you say that it's not a big deal while trying to hide just how red your face currently is.
♡ .. kalim is a good guy. he really is. but he's not good at keeping his promises. no matter how much he tries, he still forgets things and jamil has to do everything for him. and even if kalim tries to do something without anyone's help, jamil still ends up doing it for him because he doesn't trust kalim and he doesn't want him to accidentally ruin anything. it hurts seeing jamil work so much. despite your best efforts, his situation never changes. well.. you didn't want to do this, you really didn't. but if there's no other way to solve this problem, maybe you should.. you know.. remove the person who's making all of this happen? ah, and if any other scarabia students get in your way or try to make jamil's life miserable as well.. it's okay, you can take care of them too. it's all for his sake.
character: rook hunt
yandere type: monopoly + removal
personality trait: popular i know it's not really a personality trait but still
♡ you're loved and admired by many nrc students. they have many different reasons to love you: your beauty, your intelligence, your sense of humor, etc. and you enjoy being this popular, even though on the outside you look like a gentle and even kinda shy person. however, even though you have such a good reputation and you're loved by so many people.. you're still not satisfied with it. why? well, the thing is.. no matter how many nrc students love you and say you're the most beautiful person in twisted wonderland, you just want one specific person to call you that. but he's never gonna do it. because he thinks all people are beautiful in their own way and he never stops complimenting them.
♡ rook is an interesting person. you have to agree that he can be a little.. weird sometimes, but for some reason, his behavior and personality intrigues you and you can't help but find him fascinating. and of course, he's one of your many admirers. he's not immune to your charms and he certainly finds you beautiful. however.. it's not like he thinks you're the most beautiful person here. he changes his mind like every few seconds, you swear, if you could put him in the same room with you, vil and neige, he would probably explode or something. but you want more than that. you want him to call you the most beautiful person he has ever seen. i guess you could say you want him to call you the fairest one of all, haha.
♡ so how can you make this happen? how can you make rook look only at you and nobody else? this is gonna be hard. you can't exactly get rid of just one person or even two people, because rook finds everybody beautiful. but uh.. maybe you can just remove the strongest rivals first? and if that's not gonna make him pay more attention to you, you'll have to get rid of more people then. and more. and more. you will make sure rook has his eyes only on you in the end because there will be nobody else to look at. too bad, you don't know that rook thinks that when someone is covered in blood and their heart had already stopped beating, that person is still beautiful in some scary, twisted way. so even if you do kill all those people, his thoughts will still be about them.
character: malleus draconia
yandere type: loneliness induction
personality trait: manipulative yes i know most of them are manipulative shhh
♡ oh, poor malleus. everyone finds him so scary because of his intimidating aura, it's impossible for him to make friends or even simply talk to people without making them want to run away. he's so strong, so powerful, of course people would be scared of him. well.. it's their fault for being so weak then. no, it's just not possible for them to become stronger. even if they do, they will never be as amazing as malleus. you don't think that malleus not having any friends is a bad thing, really. those other students don't deserve to even breathe the same air as him. he's just better than them and that's why they don't want to talk to him. they can't accept the fact that they're weaker than him.
♡ it's okay though. you're more than happy to be malleus's only friend. yes, he doesn't need anyone else but you. you've told him that many, many times before. at first he wasn't sure about it, but now.. he doesn't even talk to other diasomnia students that much, including lilia, silver and sebek. actually, sebek acting like his usual self annoys him now. he'd much rather hear you saying that you're ready to do anything for him. sure, you will say that. it's not like you actually mean it though. you agree that malleus is better than others and that you're the only one who's allowed to talk to him, but you do have your limits. it's not like you're okay with dying for him. you won't let him die for you either.
♡ you just enjoy him being obsessed with you a little too much to die for him. maybe malleus could make more friends if it wasn't for you. maybe he could find someone to be in a more healthy relationship with if it wasn't for you. but the fact that a strong mage and a prince of briar valley depends on you so much that he refuses to talk to anyone else makes you too happy to let him form bonds with other students. you repeatedly tell him that other people don't deserve him and that he doesn't have to spend time with them if he doesn't want to. it's okay if you're his only friend. it's okay if you're the only person who cares about him. you will give him more love than all those people combined.
character: lilia vanrouge
yandere type: dependent
personality trait: innocent
♡ you know that most students find lilia a bit strange, but you think that he's one of the most reliable and trustworthy people here. sure, he loves to pull pranks and mess with people, but you actually do think he's funny. you always laugh at his jokes and even though you get scared after he suddenly appears right in front of you out of nowhere or you see him hanging upside down, you still enjoy his company. in fact, you enjoy it so much that it's a bit.. hard to imagine your life without him. it'd be so lonely without lilia by your side.
♡ lilia is always there when you need someone's help and he's always there to support you and cheer you up when you're feeling down. no matter what other people say you know that this man is one of the kindest people you've ever met. he often says that you should be more careful since it's not like he can always come to your aid, even though he wants to be your hero so much. from his tone it sounds like he's joking, but he actually really is worried about you. you often look like a lost child who has no idea what to do and who will trust anyone no matter how suspicious they look. sometimes he jokes about you acting like this to get more attention from him. little does he know that this actually might be true.
♡ you need lilia to watch over you. you need lilia to come to you when you're sad and lonely and tell you that everything is going to be okay. most of the time you're not pretending, you really are this pure and innocent, you still have no idea how you can act like this while attending a school full of villains. but sometimes you do pretend to be a little bit more naive than you really are. you just like it when lilia acts protective and you're so, so afraid of him leaving you one day because he thinks that you're gonna be fine on your own. if he thinks so, then he's wrong. you will do anything to make lilia stay. you will do anything to make him believe that it's impossible for you to do anything without his help. haha.. maybe you should start getting into more dangerous situations on purpose. maybe if he sees how you almost die, he will understand that he just can't leave you. he's not allowed to leave you.
character: rollo flamme
yandere type: worship
personality trait: flirty
♡ it's hard for other people to say if you actually do have a crush on rollo or you're just messing around. you don't act like this with others though, so maybe you actually do have feelings for him?.. but again, it's hard for both rollo and those people to take you seriously. also, other nbc students just don't understand how a person like you ended up falling for someone like rollo. like.. he's probably not your type, right? you're so outgoing, talkative and energetic, you're not like him at all. actually, shouldn't you find him annoying? you two are just so different.. well, in your case, opposites attract.
♡ you don't hate rollo. actually, it's hard for you to say that you have a crush on him either. what you feel for him is much stronger. it's like.. he's so different from all the other people. he's basically flawless to you. even when you find out how much he hates magic, you still agree with him. if you are a magic user, you will gladly die for him to show just how much you respect him and how far you're willing to go for him. if you are not a magic user, you will be more than okay with killing as many magic users as he wants you to kill. hm? he's a magic user as well? ah.. well, he's just different from them. he's just better. also, he would never use magic in the same way as all those other mages.
♡ it takes a lot of time for other people and even rollo himself to realize just how deep your obsession with him is. you always play it off as a joke and if rollo asks about it, you smile and wink at him while saying that you just love him so much, your feelings for him often make you say the weirdest things. it's so fun to see him react to your words too. haha, if he can't handle you simply saying that he's cute, then maybe you really should keep your obsession with him a secret for now.
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savnofilter · 1 year
In His Arms | h. sero (ver.)
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            Pro Hero!Hanta Sero x [GN]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sfw, angst, fluff, comforting!Sero, panick attack, mentions of nightmares, slight mentions of past emotional trauma but nothing serious, established relationship.
COUNT: .9k words.
I/B: in his arms by me.
READ MORE: masterlist + [students masterlist]
A/N: i love this picture. 🥹 was gonna use a different one but i decided to go digging to find more sero pics. sero is undoubtedly so underrated it's sickening... ALSO TJIS IS EO LATE I AM SO SORRY. didnt want to make a copycat of the ojiro one yet i hadnt even reviewed what i wrote for it haha. anyways, hope y'all like it! thank you, (crairo) anon!
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The room was too bright and it felt as though everything was caving in.
Laying in bed offered you no real comfort as your labored breaths made you feel suffocated, your eyes now starting to well with tears as anxiety rose within you. You wrapped your arms around yourself and curled into a ball, a small sob coming from you as you feebly attempted to soothe yourself. Usually, you had the comfort of your boyfriend next to you to ground you, but today you were by yourself.
The cool air taunting you synonymous with the cold sheets served as a reminder that you were all alone. That the fears and anxieties from your nightmare didn't stop once you woke up, it instead followed you as you awoke.
You felt an uncomfortable shiver rack through your body as your eyes desperately tried to adjust to the bright lights in the room. You would think waking up out of a nightmare during the daytime would ease you, but you were wrong. It felt overwhelmingly stimulating and your brain and body were desperately trying to find something to ease the panic that it was experiencing.
In your shivers you're able to peek at the clock on your nightstand, the digital tool letting you know that it is soon to be afternoon, hopefully in time for your boyfriend to come get you. You couldn't coax it out of yourself to physically reach out for your phone and shut your eyes in hopes that he would arrive sooner than later. As you closed your eyes, luckily the images of what you had experienced didn't stick but the interconnectedness of the dream clung to you deeply. There wasn't a moment where your body wasn't paralyzed in discomfort.
Heavy buzzing on your nightstand tickles the back of your brain, the static-like noise in your busy mind going completely ignored. It wasn't until you realized that it had been going on for a few minutes that you realized that it was your phone making that disturbance. You open back up your glossy eyes and curl further within yourself, not ready to confront anything that could mess with your already sensitive emotions.
After a while, the jittering had stopped and you were left with the silence of yourself. Still, as you came down from your breakdown tears left your eyes although dry. You refused to move from your spot to help anchor yourself. You no longer felt cold in the embrace of your sheets, now covered in a layer of sweat and feeling hotter than ever. The switch in sensations added on to your already difficult challenge of balancing your senses.
Distantly, you hear the front door to your apartment unlock and soon enough strong and hurried footsteps quickly pad their way to your shared bedroom door; it now opens with a wild swing.
"Y/N?!" Sero, your long-time boyfriend called out in fear.
You whimper at the sound of him and don't bother to move, a sniffle sounding from you alerting him of what state you were in.
Sero softly coos at the fetus positioned lump under the sheets and gently kneels next to your bed as he takes you in.
"Another bad dream?"
You nod looking away from him, feeling embarrassed at how susceptible you were to these things. He gives your forehead a comforting kiss before standing up and pulling you up for a hug, the manhandling you were used to since it was the only way you were able to move in moments like this. As you welcomed his warm and gentle embrace, another shocked sob ran through your body as you found immense comfort in his hold.
He whispered sweet reassurance in your ear, hand rubbing your arm soothingly as if handling a baby who was shaken up. At least that's what you felt like. You had always been like this as a child and only a few people understood that the only way you could come down from your awful night terrors was by coddling like this. In many relationships, you were left humiliated because of the lack of understanding but Sero never left you hanging. Whatever you needed, he was always ready to drop everything and take care of you.
"I thought something went wrong; I called your phone like a million times." Sero jokingly mumbles against your temple, his hands and arms giving you another squeeze before allowing you to slowly untangle yourself from his hold.
"Am sorry…" You pout and wipe your tears, his hands are more than happy to replace yours and wipe the excess himself.
"Don't worry about it, 'kay?" He gives you his signature, warm smile, and holds your hands in his as he places his forehead against yours. There's an urge to laugh at the comical angle he provides you. "You still up for that picnic? I was thinking of getting us boba on the way there."
If you were by yourself you would've stayed the whole day in your apartment, drained. But thanks to him, he always knew how to make your life easier.
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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alpineglow · 6 months
do you think you could write for Yelena Belova x reader Sharing their first kiss?
ofc!! I adore a cute little fluff fic like this, they are DELECTABLE!! also I hope y'all enjoy the fact that all my fic titles are Taylor lyrics, idk why I always love people who have super cohesive title themes. Also sorry if this is OOC or anything! I wrote this all in one go at like 10pm LMAO.
The First Kiss, It's Flawless
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Ship: Yelena Belova x Reader Word Count: ~1.8k Description: Yelena's got a crush on you. She wants it to be perfect. Who better to ask than her older sister? (Spoiler: Many people are better to ask) A/N: NOTHING BUT SILLY ROMANTIC FUN FOR MY GIRLS BC THEY DESERVE THE WORLD
11:30am, Manhattan
"Natasha, I'm being serious," Yelena groans, shoving her face into her hands. Her sister was sat next to her on the edge of her bed, awkwardly patting Yelena on the back. When her sister asked for help, and to come to her Brooklyn apartment as soon as possible, the last thing she expected it to be for was romantic struggles.
"And I'm being serious too! You just go with the flow," Natasha says, sighing softly as her free hand pinches her brow.
"That's easy for you to say! Maria asked YOU out!" Yelena was definitely growing more frustrated, owed to the way she flopped her body back onto her bed and pulled a pillow over her face. Natasha rolls her eyes, pulling the pillow away. She earned herself a few daggers glared in return.
"Yelena, Y/N is sweet. The worst they can say is no."
"That's what you and everyone else say! I can think of so many worse things that could-"
There it was, the list of reasons she couldn't take the leap about to tumble forth. Natasha knew it all too well. It was incredibly impressive how in every other aspect of their lives, Yelena led with her head held high. This was a vast departure from that. So, with a sigh, Natasha stood up, stretching, and grabbing her keys and phone from the bed.
"What are you doing?" Yelena asked hastily, pushing herself up onto her elbows.
"Going to play matchmaker." It was a simple plan, really. Feign confused sibling, apologise if it wasn't the case. Easy operation, in and out. To Yelena though, it wasn't.
"Are you out of your mind?" Thankfully, the door was shut, meaning Yelena's shout didn't have the chance to escape the room and echo down the hallways of the apartment building.
"No- Seriously, you have nothing to freak out about! I figure it out for you, and make the opening!"
Before Yelena could object, Natasha was out of the door.
Natasha had asked to meet you at some nondescript coffee shop by Central Park. It wasn't out of the ordinary, meeting an Avenger in some otherwise innocuous location. Unlike other times though, this did seem like a genuine encounter. When you arrived, Natasha was already sat outside, with two coffees on a wire table.
"Hey, Nat! It's been a while!"
You'd been friends with the redhead for nearing a decade now - working with the Avengers as an intelligence officer on several occasions. On the third or fourth time, Natasha had taken a shining to you, and the pair of you became close friends.
Being close friends, she had, of course, gotten your coffee order dead on. It was a welcomed warmth in the late winter in New York.
"How've you been, Y/N?" she asks, taking a swig of her coffee. From there, the conversation flowed naturally, as if you'd seen each other yesterday. It was nice, pleasant even. You felt yourself relax into it, smiling as the odd joke came to light.
"Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?"
You furrow your brow, nodding.
"Of course?"
"Forgive me, if I'm overstepping, but I couldn't help but notice- You and Yelena? Are you two-"
A blush blooms across your face, and up your neck. You try and hide it with a sip of your coffee, but you fail miserably, choking slightly.
"What? Oh- No! No, no, no. We're just friends." You laugh nervously, coughing a few times. When you finally meet Natasha's eyes, there's a good natured humour in them. And, obviously, she had seen right through you.
"Is it that obvious?" you say, a frown meeting your expression. You'd thought you had been subtle.
"Afraid so," Natasha replies. This was good news, great news for her sister. An idea sparked though. She'd have to beg Yelena for her forgiveness though.
"You know... Yelena's free this Friday night."
Your brow furrows.
"I don't follow?"
Natasha laughs, setting her empty coffee cup on the table.
"Ask her on a date. I promise it'll go well."
Things clicked into place for you, and you roll your eyes. This was a double agent case. But that meant Yelena liked you back... Oh my god. You reach into your pocket, pulling out your phone.
"You're an asshole, you know that?"
"Hey! I had to play it cool, in case you didn't like her. Would've been really awkward if I was straight up and you weren't into her."
You couldn't argue with that logic. Finally, you find Yelena's contact on your phone, and type up a quick message.
Are you free Friday?
There's a short delay, albeit a touch too short, before Yelena responds.
Yes. Are you suggesting something?
How about a movie at mine? 7pm. Keep it casual. Like a casual date.
Yelena takes a little longer to respond this time. You hear Natasha's phone ding, and look up in time to see her laugh.
"She just called me a motherfucker."
Friday came all too quickly, and you found your palms sweating. You're not sure why. Your intentions had been perfectly clear when you messaged Yelena and asked her out. She knew what this was, and you did too. And it wasn't like you didn't know her - you'd warmed up to each other quite quickly once Natasha had introduced you both. Being closer in age to the younger of the sisters would do that.
To top it all off, you already had Natasha's approval. So there was nothing to be afraid of, right?
It was just you and Yelena, in your living room, watching a film.
Not as friends. Very very not as friends.
The microwave beeped from your kitchen, yelling at you that the popcorn had finished.
God, what am I doing?
The microwave opens with a thud when you pull the handle, grabbing the popcorn by the very corner. Holding it over the sink, you shake it a few times to disperse the butter, and get the kernels out. Fondly, you remembered it was Yelena who'd actually taught you that trick.
Finally, you dump it into a large bowl, and take it over to the living room. Netflix was already pulled up. You hadn't yet settled on what film to watch, and you'd be damned if you picked it on your own. Risk her not liking it. On your first date. The very thought sent a shudder through you.
You couldn't linger on it for too long, because the doorbell rung.
"Fuck! 7pm already," you whisper-shout to yourself, carefully dodging around the couch to get to the front door. Habitually, you look through the peephole. You're greeted with a fisheye view of the blonde, and open the door.
"Yelena! Hey!"
Why the fuck are you saying that like you didn't expect to see her. You literally invited her here.
Thankfully, she looked as nervous as you felt. Yelena smiled though, holding up a bag of M&M's.
"Hi. I brought these! Makes popcorn better," she said. "Can I come in?"
"Oh! Yea, of course, sorry!" you jumble out, stepping out of her way. You lock the door behind her as you close it, and follow her as she's already made her was to the living room.
"I didn't know what you wanted to watch, but I made popcorn!"
You're nervously fidgeting with your hands, surveying the living room situation. There were plenty of blankets, and pillows. The coffee table was in reach, with popcorn, and the new bag of M&Ms. You're too busy worrying to catch the soft look Yelena sends your way.
"We can pick off of your Letterboxd, don't you have that watch list? Movies are more your thing," she jokes, settling down with a pillow and blanket in the corner.
You agree, pulling out your phone and settling on the lounge. You're a little too tense, and sitting an almost awkward distance away from her. Not quite in her space, but not quite in yours either. You rattle off a few titles, and don't notice her creeping nearer until a hand rests on your forearm. You look at her.
"How about that one?" she asks, pointing to a movie poster on your phone. You become aware of how close she is.
"Yea... That'll work."
It'd happened almost 20 minutes ago now, but your knee was touching Yelena's under the blanket. It felt like electricity arcing up your body when it first happened, but now it had settled to a soft warmth. A pleasant warmth.
When the end credits rolled, Yelena stayed still for a while. Wrapped up in a blanket, leant against the armrest of the sofa.
"Wow. That was a good movie. Good taste," she said, sitting up. You liked the way her accent wove the words together. It made such a simple statement feel like the highest praise.
"Yea!" you say, standing up to take the bowl to the kitchen. "I'm glad I got to watch it with you." It's a tad sappy, but you meant it. Couldn't hurt to say on a first date.
"Do you know what time it is?" she asks from the living room, where she'd rolling up the blanket she had used. Your eyes stray to the microwave, which reads 10:30pm. You relay that information to her.
"Your place is pretty far away... I have a guest room you can use?"
"My my! Getting me to stay the night on our first date, that's very bold."
If she were anyone else, and if you'd known her for any less time, you would've panicked. A faux pas, and you would've passed out. But you could spot the jest in her tone. When you come back to the living room, she's smiling.
"I'd actually really appreciate that," Yelena says. Her tone is lower than before; more authentic. More tender. Simply more.
"Thank you for coming tonight." She looks at you, regarding you with a warmth that went just a step beyond friendship. A new dash of vulnerability.
Her hand rests on your outer forearm that's by your side. It was a sweet touch, an innocent one, too. But it felt perfect. Everything in this moment felt right, and you felt at ease.
"Can I kiss you?" Yelena asks. If you listened closely enough, dissected it with the proverbial knife, there was a touch of fear in her tone. You hadn't heard it, though.
Rather than answering, you lean forward, capturing her lips in yours. Like everything else, it felt right. It was chaste, and didn't last long enough. But for now it would be enough. It was more a promise. A beckoning call forward, a waiting hand.
Yelena's smiling when you pull away. You find yourself smiling too.
You show her to her room for the evening, and before you go to return to your own, you call out behind you.
"Night, Yelena!
Hope y'all enjoyed! Like I said, I wrote this in one take at night, so forgive any mistakes! Requests are open!!
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Us Against the World
Tasm!Peter Parker x gn!reader
Word count- 4.4k
Dialogue prompt- “ hey! why don’t you try picking on someone your own size! “ Action prompt- [ DISTRACT ]: sender causes a distraction to draw the receiver’s attacker/s away from them.
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY), action, protective!Peter, food mention (reader makes salsa), Peter lifts reader, attempted harm to reader, the villain uses gas and chemistry to attack and reader is described as being trapped in a cloud at one point, reader interacts with kids briefly, no use of y/n
Notes- This month’s Year of Protectiveness is in honor of Andrew Garfield's birthday! I can't believe we're in August already! @yearofcreation2023 But this one was alot of fun to write so I hope y'all enjoy it! And I wrote it so that it could be read in the same timeline as Just Kiss Like Real People Do so if you liked that one, here is more with that pair but of course it could be read on its own! I"ll link it in the taglist rb if you want a refersher!
@flightlessangelwings-updatesis my update blog so feel free to also follow that and turn on post notifs!
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The city lights illuminated the way as Peter swung through the tall buildings of New York. The air was crisp so high up, and it felt refreshing after a long night of being Spider-Man. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but he knew it was late… well after midnight. And even though the villain he was chasing got away… again… all Peter looked forward to was coming home to you.
Peter expected you to be sound asleep in the tiny apartment, so he was surprised when the light from the widow shined like a beacon calling him back. His heart pounded in his chest and he hoped you were alright as he flipped his wrist to shoot a web towards the building and hurled himself into the window. Letting out a heavy breath, Peter ripped off the Spider-Man mask and closed the window behind him.
Just as he was about to call out your name, the sound of the blender filled the space. That combined with the intoxicating aroma of the spices and tomatoes told Peter exactly what you were doing. His stomach growled as he stepped out of the tiny bedroom and into the living space where you were occupied at the kitchen counter. 
He stood in the doorway for a moment and just watched you with a lovestruck expression on his face. Every time he saw you it was like the first time, and even dressed down in a t-shirt and shorts, you looked stunning to him. You were too consumed with putting the last touches on your salsa that you didn’t hear him come in. But, Peter enjoyed the view for the time being and his heart skipped a beat in his chest with the overwhelming emotions he felt towards you.
But, when you let out a startled yelp, Peter quickly jumped into action. 
You had turned around and were surprised when you saw him standing there. So surprised that you almost dropped the blender that held the salsa you had worked so hard on. But Peter was quick, and in a flash he jumped across the room and caught it before it hit the floor and splattered everywhere.
“Peter!” you exclaimed, “You scared the shit out of me! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry sweetheart,” he mumbled sheepishly as he set the blender on the counter, licking a drop that splashed onto his fingers after, “Wouldn’t want to waste any of your famous salsa,” he laughed softly, “But why are you up? It’s 3 in the morning.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged as you eyed him up and down. Ever since you found out that Peter Parker, your best friend, the person you had been in love with for years, was Spider-Man, it never got old seeing him in the suit. His long, toned arms, muscular body and especially the messy hair took your breath away every time.
“Everything alright?” Peter asked, concern lining his tone as he peeled the top half of the suit off and stepped closer towards you. 
“Fine,” you fidgeted as you felt your skin heat up under his gaze as your eyes dropped down to the floor, “Just thought you’d be hungry when you got back…” your voice sounded distant.
Peter looked at you with a softness and adoration in his eyes as he reached out and cupped your face, gently pulling you to look at him, “You know I know when you’re lying to me, right?” his voice was soft as his thumb brushed your cheek.
You let out a shaky breath as his eyes locked with yours, “I…” you trembled in under his hand, “I was worried…” you admitted.
“Baby,” Peter rested his free hand on your waist, holding you in his special way, “I’m fine, honestly. You know nothing would ever keep me from coming back to you, right?” he exhaled deeply, “I promise,” he took a breath, “You and me, remember?”
Tears filled the corners of your eyes at the sincerity in his voice and the confident look in his face. You knew he had been Spider-Man for a long time now, he had his powers and he knew what he was doing. Yet, you’d never loved anyone as much as you loved Peter, and sometimes you couldn’t help but worry as your mind went to the worst possible scenario. 
“I know,” you breathed. You opened your mouth to say more, but the words were caught in your throat as Peter reeled forward and kissed you deeply. Somehow, you were sure he knew what you were going to say, how much you worried for him. He said it in his kiss. 
“Sweetheart,” Peter mumbled between kisses as he backed you up against the counter, “As much as I love your salsa…” his voice dropped and his eyes darkened, “There’s something else I want right now…”
“Peter!” you couldn’t help but laugh at his insinuation, but you also felt a pulse of need through your body. You clung to his shoulders as your mind swam and your body warmed.
He let out a soft chuckle as his hands roamed up and down your sides, savoring the feeling of you under his touch. As much as it was a comfort to you to feel Peter’s hands on you, to feel his touch, it was just as much a comfort for him to know you were here and safe. Peter’s cock twitched as his hands dipped under the waistband of your shorts and in a flash he yanked them off of you, causing you to yelp in surprise.
But, before you could react to your shorts and underwear suddenly on the floor, you found yourself hoisted up onto the kitchen counter. Giggles erupted between you as Peter nestled himself between your legs… your bare legs. A low groan unlike anything you ever heard rumbled from deep in Peter’s throat as his eyes landed between your legs.
“Fuck…” he breathed heavily in a tone that made you shiver.
“Pete,” you sighed as you watched him drop down to his knees.
Immediately, you buried your hands in his hair as his hands ghosted along your inner thighs. Peter mumbled your name in a praise before he licked his lips and dove into you, causing you to scream loudly.
You saw stars as Peter worked you with his tongue, licking and slurping every sensitive spot with precision. You could tell even in your blissed out state that he was too desperate to tease you and take it slow tonight. Tonight was all about need; it was the need for both of you to know the other was here.
Tugging at his hair, you felt like your body was on fire from the way he worked you with his talented mouth. Every flick of his tongue sent waves of pleasure up your spine, and you were sure you weren’t going to last much longer. You arched your back as parted your legs more to give Peter more access to your body, an invitation that he immediately accepted. 
“Shit… Pete…” you moaned as you felt your body tingle.
Peter grabbed your inner thighs and squeezed hard as he intensified his motions, determined to push you over the edge in bliss. And from the way you screamed his name, he knew you were close.
It only took a few more licks of his tongue, a few more nibbles of his lips, one last nuzzle of his head before you came hard. Your head slammed against the cabinet as you screamed, your legs trembling under his strong grip as you gushed into his mouth. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as bursts of color clouded your vision.
As Peter coaxed you down from you high, you felt his movements slow before he reluctantly broke away from you. A trail of spit connected the two of you until he moved far enough for it to break, but in the corner of his mouth remained a shiny dribble of your release. Peter watched until you opened your eyes to lick it clean with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Delicious,” he chuckled as he rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around you, “But I’m not done with you yet,” he tone dropped as he easily picked you up and spun you around.
“Pete!” you yelped as you wrapped your arms and legs around his strong body. No matter how many times he lifted you up, you never quite got used to his super strength, and it caught you off guard in the most wonderful way every time.
He quickly made his way across the small apartment and gently lowered you down onto the bed, handing you with tender care as he did so. Peter stood for a moment and admired the sight of you, spread out on the bed, naked from the waist down and a look of pure bliss on your face. Hastily, he ripped off his Spider-Man suit so he was bare for you, and the way you eyed him hungrily made his cock stiffen even more.
“Like the view, sweetheart?” he asked with a cocky grin.
“Very much,” you purred as you bit your lip and extended your arms for him. You loved when he got like this.
“I do too,” his tone matched yours as he hovered over you, “But,” Peter grabbed your shirt, “You’re overdressed.”
You burst into laughter at his antics and allowed him to take off your shirt, the only barrier between your bodies. The two of you let out matching gasps at the sight of the other, as if it was the first time all over again. At times, it felt like that for both of you. The wonder, the passion, the desire never got old so matter how many times you slept together.
“I love you,” Peter broke the silence with a breathless voice as he cupped your face.
“I love you too,” you replied in a dreamy tone as you mirrored his action.
In a flash, Peter closed the gap between your bodies with a heated and desperate kiss. He swallowed the moan you let out as you parted your lips for him once more. The taste of yourself on Peter’s tongue was just as intoxicating for you as it was for him, and you bucked your hips against his hardened cock in a wordless plea.
Without breaking away, Peter muffled a moan as he positioned himself between your legs once more, this time with his cock poking at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself into you, past the first ring of muscle and into your warmth to connect your bodies together.
The moan you let out made you break away from the kiss, and your cry of pleasure echoed in the tiny room as Peter entered you inch by slow inch. You heard Peter’s own moans as he felt you engulf him, and he rested his forehead against yours as he slowly bottomed out inside of you.
Together, the two of you laid with Peter on top of you. Heavy breaths filled the room as you stayed with your sweaty foreheads pressed together. You wrapped your arms around him and dug your nails into his shoulders, clinging to him desperately.
“Move,” you pleaded softly.
He groaned your name and compiled without another word. He started slowly at first, rocking in and out of you, savoring the moans and groans you let out every time he was fully sheathed inside you. It wasn’t until you let out a higher pitched cry that Peter picked up his pace; he found what he was looking for.
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” Peter moaned, “Shit…”
The bed creaked as Peter thrust in and out of you faster and faster. As much as he wanted to keep his eyes open, to watch every expression you made when he was inside you, he couldn’t. He knew he would cum too fast if he watched the way your mouth hung open and your body bounced with his every move.
But luckily for him, you also weren’t far behind.
“Fuck!” you screamed as you dug your nails into Peter’s skin, “I’m gonna cum… Peter…”
“Me too baby,” Peter grunted, “Fuck…”
Peter’s thrusts became fast and erratic as he chased his climax as well as your own. He pounded into you with fervor as you screamed and your second climax hit suddenly. Your inner muscles clenched around him as you squeezed him inside and out. That and your beautiful screams were just the final push Peter needed for his own orgasm, and with a loud moan of your name, he came deep inside you. But, he kept going, wanting to savor every second of your shared climaxes together until he couldn’t hold himself up any longer. 
Peter let out a deep exhale as he collapsed down on top of you. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him as close as you could. Neither of you wanted to move, content to stay in the other’s embrace, safe and loved. For several long moments, no one spoke, and just the sound of slow, deep breaths filled the room as you felt the other’s heart pound against your bodies.
It was Peter who broke the silence first with your name in a low voice.
“Hmm?” you hummed as you ran your hand through his hair.
“You know I’ll always come back to you, right?” Peter said as he propped himself up on his elbows to look into your eyes.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, “I know,” you cupped his face the same way he did yours earlier, “I trust you… I just worry sometimes,” you admitted.
“I do too,” Peter breathed, “But I’ll always keep you safe, sweetheart.”
The truth was Peter always worried about you too. He was scared that someday someone would find out his superhero alter and use you against him. He was scared that one day you would get hurt because of him. He was scared that one day he might not get back to you in time… But, as much as you trusted him, Peter had to trust you too. Having no one else, it was just the two of you against the world.
“I’m gonna go shower then we can sleep in tomorrow,” Peter broke himself from his thoughts, “How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” you purred as you gave him a chaste kiss on the lips, “A day at home together sounds like just what we both need. But remember, the day after is that science museum day I wanted to go to.”
Peter let out a soft laugh as he tapped your face playfully, “I wouldn’t miss it, baby.”
“Looks like we came on a school field trip day,” you commented as you and Peter walked hand in hand into the science museum.
Children filled the space and chattered excitedly among themselves. The two of you followed close behind the class as you lost yourself in the exhibits. At one point, you broke away from Peter so you could play with one of the hands-on displays, and he couldn’t help but chuckle brightly at you as you were just as excited as the kids were.
As Peter watched you, a thought popped into his head: he was ready to marry you. He had never been more in love with you than he was at that moment as you laughed in fascination at the exhibit. He wanted to marry you for some time, but as he stared stupidly at you, Peter knew it was time for him to pop the question.
“Hey Pete…?” your voice broke him from his thoughts.
Peter suddenly found himself face to face with you, and he must have zoned out for a moment because you looked concerned, “Yeah?” he asked as he cleared his throat and tried not to look conspicuous. 
“Everything ok?” you asked as you tilted your head to the side a bit.
Peter just smiled back at you; you had no idea what he had in store for you, “Perfect,” he slid his hand in yours again, “Shall we check out that chemistry demonstration?” his tone was light, “You look like you’re having more fun than the kids are,” Peter joked.
“Shut up,” you giggled as you playfully nudged him.
Peter imagined that your hand would feel like with a ring on your finger as he fiddled with your knuckles. Yes, it was time, and everything was perfect. But, just as it felt like nothing could bring down his mood, a chill ran up Peter’s spine and he was suddenly filled with a sense of dread the moment the two of you crossed the threshold into the other room where the chemistry table was set up.
He stopped dead in his tracks as his heart sank and the hairs on his neck and arms stood up. The man behind the table was instantly recognizable to him; he was the one that kept slipping out of his grasp. And the feeling of dread was only made worse when the chemist looked up from his table and made direct eye contact with him.
It was like he knew.
“Peter?” you sounded even more worried than before as you tugged his arm.
Without a word, Peter dragged you out of the room and down the hallway towards the bathrooms. His heart pounded in his chest as his first thought was of keeping you safe and getting you out of harm’s way.
“Peter?!” you repeated more forcefully, “What’s going on?”
“Listen to me,” Peter grabbed your shoulders and spun you to look him in the eyes, “That guy… He’s…” he let out an exasperated sigh, “He’s the guy I haven’t been able to catch,” he finished in a hushed tone.
You gasped as your eyes went wide.
“I think he knows who I am too. Something just feels off,” Peter sounded more scared than you’d ever heard him before, “But I want you to get out of here, I’m going to stop him here and now.”
“What about those kids?” you asked as your breath came out fast and ragged, “We have to get everyone else out too,” you inhaled deeply, “Let me help you, Pete.”
His lips tightened as he paused for a moment before he spoke with a heavy exhale, “I’m going to create a distraction, and you help them out,” Peter’s grip on your shoulders tightend, “But you promise me you’ll get yourself out of here.”
You nodded, swallowing your fear, “What kind of distraction were you thinking?”
At the same time, both your heads turned and both your eyes landed on the fire alarm that stood out on the wall. You looked back at Peter and he nodded at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking.
“I love you.” Peter’s words sounded more like an assurance than a confession.
You knew what he meant too: Stay safe.
In a flash, Peter pulled the fire alarm before he rushed around the corner to rip his shirt off, revealing the spider suit underneath. At the same time, you ran towards the children, who you headed screaming and panicking before you even reached the room.
“Quickly!” you shouted, “Outside! Now!”
The kids scrambled as they rushed towards the door and you ushered them out. But, as you did that, a movement from the front of the room caught your attention.
The chemist dissolved into a fit of rage, and you heard his angry mumbles to himself even over the fire alarm. Smoke billowed out from either side of him as he mixed his viles together and for a brief moment, he looked up and caught your gaze.
Everything felt like it froze as you locked eyes with him, and suddenly you knew what Peter felt. It felt like this man looked into your soul and read your deepest secrets. Your blood ran cold and fear pulsed through your veins as he suddenly launched himself at you.
You yelped and covered your head, anticipating an impact, but it never came. Looking up, you saw Spider-Man clinging to the ceiling, a shot of web tangling with the chemist and stopping him in his tracks.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” Spider-Man quipped as he flung another web shot at him and flipped over to stand in front of you.
“Spider-Man…” the chemist growled as he threw a bottle towards him.
Peter quickly covered you, protecting you from the impact as well as the few kids who still hadn’t gotten out. 
“Spider-Man!” They cheered together as they kept for joy- and relief- at seeing their favorite hero.
“Get out of here kids!” Peter instructed before he glanced at you for a moment. The two of you nodded subtly before he turned back to the chemist and launched himself at him.
“Come on,” you breathed, “Hurry!”
You pushed the rest of the kids out of the room, but before you yourself exited, you couldn’t help but look back. Deep down, you knew Peter put himself in danger as Spider-Man, but to actually see him fight in person, and so close, was something else. You felt fear, but not for yourself. Watching him take and deliver hit after hit honestly scared you. 
But you suddenly had something else to worry about.
“You!” The chemist roared as he gathered his concoctions.
“No!” Peter sounded more scared than you had ever heard him before.
Clearly, it was obvious to the chemist how important you were to Spider-Man, to Peter, and he took advantage of the opportunity. Before either of you could react, he threw something at you, and you found yourself surrounded by a blinding gas. 
You gasped as you covered your mouth and dropped to the floor. Faintly, you heard the grunts of Peter fighting him still, but you couldn’t see anything. You were sure if it was from the gas or just from the adrenaline but you felt more and more dizzy the longer you stayed in the fog.
I’m another flash, you heard an explosion and the building shook. You struggled to keep from falling completely flat on the floor and you scrambled to stay on your hands and knees, ready for anything. 
You heard your name in Peter’s voice before you saw his silhouette appear in the fog. You tried to call out his name, but your voice croaked. Reaching out for him your hand trembled until it finally made contact with his.
“I’m here,” Peter murmured to you as he yanked you close, “Cover your mouth and hang on,” his voice trembled, “I’m getting you out of here.”
All you could do was nod as you felt yourself lifted into his arms with his super strength. You covered your mouth as you clung to him with your other arm. A gust of air hit your face as you found yourself flung through the air as Peter flipped and flung your bodies out of the museum. Faintly, you both heard the kids cheering for Spider-Man and shouting excitedly. Usually, Peter would have stopped for them, but right now his first priority was you and your safety.
You buried your head in the crook of his neck as you felt the air get fresher and fresher as he fwiped through the buildings and landed you both in an empty skyscraper far away from everyone.
The moment he sat you down, Peter ripped off his mask and looked you over, cupping your face as he did so. “Look at me,” he sounded breathless, “Are you hurt?”
You immediately saw the look of pure fear on his face, and it made your heart sink. You were sure you looked a mess, and you felt sore but you didn’t feel hurt. “I’m ok,” you whispered. 
Peter exhaled your name in relief as he gathered you in his arms. “You’re ok, sweetheart,” he cupped the back of your head as he held you as close and as tight as he could, “You’re ok…”
You weren’t sure if his words were for you or for himself. Perhaps both.
“I’m ok Pete,” you whispered softly in his ear as you clung to him, feeling safe in his arms. All the fear and adrenaline slowly faded away and you felt calm and safe the longer he held you. With one deep exhale, you felt better and you pulled away just enough to look into his eyes while still remaining secure in his arms, “Did you really have to wait and pull a dramatic rescue like that?” you smirked softly.
Peter rolled his eyes at you, but at the same time he was relieved to hear you say that; it meant you were back to normal with your wits about you, “Sweetheart…” he breathed. The truth was he had never been more scared, especially with the explosion. He opened his mouth to voice that, but the words were caught in his throat. Peter grimaced at the thought of losing you and a tear formed in the corner of his eye.
Sensing the change in tone, you tried to distract him, “Hey Pete?” you asked.
“What happened… To…?”
His grip on you tightened, “I think the mixtures he was using affected his mind… Made him so angry… He…Umm,” Peter trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud and upset you.
“Oh,” you whispered, unsure of what to say next. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for several moments as the breeze hit your faces. “Well, thank you,” you broke the silence, “For saving me.”
That brought a smile to Peter’s face. He leaned in and kissed you deeply, expressing all his emotions in the kiss instead of with his words, “You never have to thank me, honey,” he murmured against your lips as he placed a chaste kiss, “I’ll always protect you.”
You grinned against his cheek as your eyes fluttered closed, “And I’ll always take care of you too,” you hummed, “We made a good team back there though, didn’t we?”
“We did,” Peter chuffed, “You and me…”
“Against the world,” you finished the thought.
Silence fell over the two of you again, but before either of you could say anything, a growl from your stomach interrupted. You looked at Peter and both of you burst into laughter.
“I guess all that excitement made me hungry,” you chuckled.
“How about we get out of here then?” Peter said with a smirk, “I know a place that’s got the best salsa. We’ll pick up some tacos or something on the way too.”
You smiled brightly at him, “Sounds perfect…” you poked his chest, “Spider-Man.”
Peter felt his heart flutter in his chest. Oh yes, he definitely was going to find you the best ring he could and he was going to ask you to marry him as soon as possible. 
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devourers-of-god · 7 months
Hii :D
for first i wanted to say that i love your blog and the way you describe the characters!
can i request HC of the characters on valentine's day? if you don't want to do it to everyone, it could be just Travis and Sal. i'll let you decide there, take as much time as you want and if you don't want to do it, everything is fine. (i hope i wrote it well, it's a bit difficult for me to write in english)
HIII! thank you so much for the compliments it is very heart warming :( SOrry im late about your request HAHAH I will indeed do Sal and Travis only,,, you know me so well anon ,,, You wrote everything perfectly !! I couldn't have guessed if you didn't tell me :) ILY REQUESTS ARE OPEN PEOPLE! LOOK ALIVE! /ref but plz everyone, read my carrd In my bio before submitting.. its upsetting to see asks that doesn't meet my rules...
Type : Headcanons
Warnings: None! Mostly Fluff sorry y'all I don't write nsfw
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= Sal prepared some things for you by the gentle help of Ashley, because sal didn't know how to please you and Ash is your best friend.
= I think Sal would make you a valentines boo basket like the ones you see on TikTok. Filled with your favourite chocolates and CDS, cute slippers, horror movie blanket, jewelry and some surprises connected to your interests.
= He would come by your apartment/house and wear ''clean clothes'' ( Jeans he washed the night before and his favourite shirt lol), with his nails freshly painted of a beautiful black colour.
= He also brought movies to watch, romantic ones you say? Hell nah this Sal Fisher, he brought horror movies that you would enjoy.
= You were so happy by his gifts that you jumped right into his arms and dragged him into your room, he cuddled and kissed you A BUNCH because boy was he happy his partner liked what he bought them. He filled your entire face with kisses, when Sal started he couldn't stop.
= After all the affection was received, you two were stuck on the couch, under your new blanket, cuddling and watching movies. For the occasion Sal took off his mask, only if no one was there that day, which made you very happy and flustered to see your lover's face after a long day.
= Travis already struggles with showing affection, it was very hard to warp his mind around celebrating for the first time in his life Valentines day with his boyfriend.
= He also had to ask Ashley because she's your best friend after all, she recommended following his heart and doing something classic to not stress him too much. And that he did!
= My sweet boy put on a suit for you and bought flowers, not just any flowers tho, Travis believe in flower language. Which is that every single flower has a different meaning when given. He carefully chose Daisies (I truly love you), Red Carnation (My heart aches for you), Honey Suckles (Devoted affection) and lastly, Salvia Red (forever mine). Yes he could've chosen classic roses but he felt like you might think that he didn't put in any effort.
= This boy is an hopeless romantic and decided to write you a letter about his true feelings since he was so bad at expressing them in front of you, words couldn't leave his mouth but they were flowing with the help of his fountain pen.
= He then picked up gourmet chocolates, a bit expensive but he thought it would make you happy. Ashley suggested that he makes a mixtape of your favourite songs on a cassette since you had a walkman. He made 2 mixtapes, one of your favourites and the other one is songs that reminds him of you.
= He showed up to your door in the evening and your jaw dropped, seeing your boyfriend in a suit made you feel things you've never felt before. He felt super happy by your reaction and the letter was so profound it made you cry. You also knew flower language and you were basically bawling because of the effort (and money) he spent on you.
OKAY DONE ! you guys can see that I prefer travis over sal oops,,, I hope everyone still loved it! plz plz plz send me things because im desperate.... I love you all guys.......
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thesoleilla · 1 year
Sk8 the infinity x reader who doesn't take care of themselves (platonic)
A/N: Okay I know I have A LOT of other things to write but a friend needed to hear this, and I'm making it public in case anyone else needs to hear it as well <3 take care y'all
You hadn't been feeling well lately. Everything felt so distant, so meaningless that you just didn't wanna bother.
And so slowly, your sleeping became less and less long; you even ate less as well.
But you didn't wanna think too much about it. It was just regular stuff after all, nothing to worry about.
Or so you thought.
You probably should have noticed the signs already when you pulled an all-nighter without wanting to randomly.
Yet, that didn't even ring any particular alarm to you. Not even a sound, maybe a singular neuron in your brain was questioning wether or not something was going on, but that was all.
On the other side, your skater friends were getting more and more worried.
Why is that you ask? Well your lack of sleep was causing dark bags under your eyes, your attention span was getting shorter and shorter, so much that you barely answered to your name
"Y/N! Y/N! HELLOOO?" Reki was practically shouting as he waved his hand across your face to try and get you to answer.
"Oh- uh…what..sorry, I wasn't listening" You tried to laugh it off, but you noticed it clearly wasn't working when you saw reki's concerned look on his face.
"Are you okay Y/N? We were worried about you!" He grabbed your shoulders to make sure he kept your attention as the others nodded in agreement to his last statement, the whole gang surrounding you.
"I'm fine…jeez, what did you guys get so worked up for?" You fought back the urge to yamn as you felt it would be contradictory to your statement.
"How many hours of sleep did you even get last night? You're even more of a slime than usual!" Miya added from the side as he took a step closer to you.
Reki turned to Miya as he spoke, then quickly turning to you again, his worry-filled eyes looking straight at you as he grabbed onto your shoulders a bit more subconsciously.
You were internally panicking. You really didnt wanna bother them with your problems…you just really didn't think they'd care all that much, that's all.
"Do you mean last night as in the last time I slept or as in the last time I should've slept?" You tried to use humor to your advantage again, but the strategy still wasn't working, they only looked more concerned!
Fast forward a few hours, you found yourself in bed, the whole squad trying to manipulate you into sleep.
"Y/NNN come on you need sleep!" Reki kept nagging you as you were forcefully tucked into bed by Miya and Langa
"I'm fiiiine..you guys worry for nothing" You laughed it off again, looking up at them as you tried to get up, an attempt which they stopped immediately
"Just when did you last eat?!" Reki sighed as he felt how weak you were when he stopped you from getting up
"I mean I ate some air..." you laughed. They weren't taking it as lightheartely as you did though.
Reki looked away from you for a second, looking over at everyone.
"Langa! Go get some food!" Lana nodded in agreement
"Miya! Go learn how to perform hypnosis in order to make someone sleep! And Joe, Cherry... you two... put on a dramatic soap opera to entertain Y/N while the others prepare everything!"
Long story short, you never got to pull an all-nighter ever again
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A/N: Thank you for reading this! I hope this made you guys feel better! If this can comfort anyone then I'm more than happy I wrote this! Take care everyone, y'all are amazing<33
Also, this is the first time I write anything for sk8 the infinity, so it's my way to announce I now take requests for it! Though I'm really behind on my requests, so it might take a while to get to them
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bestbuddybobby · 4 months
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Okay hi, I wrote this baby fic a while ago, but I don't feel like putting it on ao3 because it takes place in the same universe as The Winner Takes It All, but with the same baby as Butterfly Kisses. It is a little confusing, but the story is still cute so I wanted to share it on here! I hope y'all will enjoy it. ♡
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: none
Rating: T
Read below the cut! ◡̈
Athena was sitting at her vanity table, applying the last licks of mascara to her lashes. Normally she had her team around to get her ready for these kinds of award shows, but she wasn’t feeling it today. Zuri had been extra clingy lately and Athena didn’t feel like having extra people around when her toddler wasn’t feeling like herself. Athena preferred to be by herself on these moments so she could take breaks whenever she wanted to give Zuri a little bit of extra love.
“Mama, up!” Zuri was standing next to her chair with her chubby little arms reaching up. She already tried climbing onto her mother’s lap, but hadn’t been successful yet so she tried another way to get Athena to pick her up. 
Athena put her mascara back on the vanity table and lifted her daughter into her lap where she started pressing kisses on Zuri’s cheeks. The toddler started giggling like crazy, kicking her feet out of excitement. 
“I am sorry baby. She seems to only want you these days.” 
His voice always had a calming effect on her, dissipating the last nerves in her stomach when he started talking. She wished she could bottle this feeling so she could use it whenever she was nervous on set or when she had to give a speech. 
“Da. Da.” Zuri was babbling while she started playing with a makeup brush Athena just gave her. The toddler was putting the brush on her face and giggled when the soft bristles hit a ticklish spot just below her jaw.
“You are fine. Next week she is only gonna want you.” Athena sounded amused. She met Bobby’s eyes in the mirror and she winked at him. 
Bobby walked up behind them and put his hands on her shoulders. “You look stunning. Absolutely stunning. I wish I could go with you tonight.” The couple had decided he needed to stay at home, because Zuri started freaking out when she wasn’t with one of her parents lately. Normally they would ask Hen and Karen to babysit, but even that wasn’t an option right now. Their daughter was very strong willed and wouldn’t calm down until one of her parents was back in her eyesight. 
It was starting to get on Athena’s nerves, because it also meant she hadn’t had much alone time with her husband. Something she desperately craved, but it just wasn’t in the cards for them. One of those sacrifices they had to make for being parents. 
“Me too, but maybe next time?” Athena turned her head and lifted her face in an invitation for a kiss. Bobby didn’t disappoint and immediately pressed his lips against hers, humming appreciatively against her mouth. Out of habit his hand slipped behind her neck to keep her right where she was. 
Bobby finally let her go after a minute and lifted the toddler from her lap. “Come on Zuzu, Mama has to change her clothes before she has to go.” He was eyeing Zuri’s hand suspiciously, because he had been hit before and he wasn’t feeling a brush to the face if he could help it. Zuri wrapped her free arm around his neck and dropped her head to his cheek. 
The toddler was fresh out of the bath, her brown curls still a bit wet, because the girl absolutely hated it when they tried to dry her hair. Her pajamas for tonight were a bunny themed footed sleeper, one of Zuri’s favorites. She liked to point out all the bunnies to her parents when they tucked her in, babbling incomprehensible stories about all of them.
Bobby sat down on his side of the bed against the headboard with Zuri on his chest, watching his wife walking around their bedroom in her silk robe. Any other day he would try to get her out of that same robe, but that was not in the cards for today. Bobby would have to be satisfied with just watching her, knowing she would come back to him later that evening. 
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Athena sounded amused when she caught him looking at her. She dropped her robe and got her dress from the hook on their door. The urge to tease him a bit more was strong but she remembered Zuri’s presence so she just got into her dress without a fuss. She zipped herself up, adjusting the dress a little before she turned around to them. 
“Mama pwetty.” Zuri mumbled around her thumb, her big chocolate brown eyes tracking her mother. She was lying comfortably on her dad, but she never lost Athena out of her sight.
“Mama is very pretty, Zuzu.” Bobby’s voice rumbled softly and he stroked her back gently. If he played his cards correctly she would be asleep before Athena put her heels on and applied her lipstick. He might be able to sneak another kiss, sending her off to her big award show.
Athena smiled softly and walked around the bed to sit next to Bobby’s hips. She put her hand on his and looked at their daughter who had closed her eyes by now. “Zuri is very pretty too.” Carefully, she bent over and pressed her lips gently against Zuri’s temple. The little girl didn’t move, indicating she was well on her way to a, hopefully, restful sleep. 
“You look good with a baby.” Athena shamelessly flirted with her husband over their sleeping daughter. Whenever she saw him with Zuri, her stomach flipped in a good way and she couldn’t wait to get him alone to show her appreciation for him being such a good dad.
After a few minutes Bobby moved a sleeping Zuri very slowly from his chest to their bed and put two pillows on both of her sides before he got up and could kiss Athena the way he wanted ever since he saw her in the bathroom. Once again Bobby put his hands on her neck to not mess up her hair, but still be able to keep her right where she was. Athena on the other hand could mess with his hair all she wanted so that is exactly what she did. Her fingers tugged softly on his strands while deepening their kiss, her tongue plunging into his mouth. 
They made out for a couple of minutes before Athena remembered what she was supposed to do and broke away from him, panting softly. Her legs felt weak but she had to move quickly to apply her red lipstick and put on her heels before her driver would be here. 
“You are making me so late.” Athena grumbled at her husband while she slipped on the second heel. She grabbed her purse from the bed, blew him another kiss before she rushed out of the house.
Bobby lifted Zuri from their bed to put into her own room down the hall. He started cleaning the house before he sat down to watch the award show. It didn’t take long for Zuri to wake again and cry loudly. Bobby got her out of her crib and brought her back to the living room to watch the show together. 
“You are okay, baby.” Bobby whispered in her ear and wiped her tears away. “Look, there is Mama.” He pointed to the tv where they showed Athena’s face when naming the nominees. She looked nervous and he wished he was right there to hold her hand, because there was no way she wasn’t winning this thing. Zuri laid against his chest, staring at the tv screen. 
Bobby shot up when they indeed called Athena the winner, jostling the toddler on his chest. Zuri got scared and started crying again when Bobby got way too loud in his enthusiasm. 
“I am sorry, Zuzu.” Bobby cradled the toddler to his chest and pressed his lips to her crown, gently bouncing up and down in an attempt to calm her down. It didn’t take long for the toddler to stop crying, wiping at her eyes to get rid of any tears before she looked up at her dad. 
“No loud.” Zuri furrowed her brows at him, which made her look so much like her mother when Athena was displeased. It made Bobby smile, pressing another kiss to her crown. They looked at the tv for a bit longer before Bobby turned it off and went back to their bedroom, getting ready for bed while Zuri laid on Athena’s side. He climbed into bed, pulling his daughter more to the middle of the mattress so he could put another pillow behind her. 
“Go to sleep, Zuzu. Mama will be home soon.” He whispered into her hair, laying down on his side and putting one arm around the toddler.
That was exactly how Athena found them sleeping a few hours later when she came home.
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