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vriskaenergy · 1 year ago
autistic wronggirl
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wronggirl · 5 years ago
Quanto vorrei tornare a quelle abitudini di un tempo, quelle abitudini che io prima odiavo, ora le rivoglio indietro. Quanto vorrei riaverti accanto in questo buio eterno....
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rangermusik · 4 years ago
Lirik Lagu Dane – Fariz RM
Lirik Lagu Dane – Fariz RM
Dane…those years are waitingFor you there with so many promisesAnd glittered chanceIt’s beautiful but you should bewareSacrifice between surviveThe way they feel today Dane… Your age will raceThe time of dayI can feel the happinessDeep down your light blue eyeOh…sweet daneYour parents loveWill always careThe way you feel today [reff]Sing me a songIt’s been too longAm i go wrongGirl i’ve been…
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exhaustedmilk · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
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whatthehelldidisay · 6 years ago
What about me has ever said, “I want to spend my weekend doing laundry?”
That’s just not me and never was. #WrongGirl
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beatmyaudio · 5 years ago
Angel Song Lyrics – Shaggy
Angel Song Lyrics
Angel Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Shaggy from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Shaggy ” in Year 2001.
Lyrics of Angel :
girl youre my angel youre my darling angel closer than my peeps you are to me baby shorty youre my angel youre my darling angel girl youre my friend when im in need ladylife is one big party when youre still young but whos gonna have your back when its all done its all good when youre little you have pure fun cant be a fool son what about the long runlooking back shorty always mention said me not giving her much attention she was there through my incarceration i wanna show the nation my appreciationgirl youre my angel youre my darling angel closer than my peeps you are to me baby shorty youre my angel youre my darling angel girl youre my friend when im in need ladyyoure a queen and so you should be treated though you never get the lovin that you needed could have left but i called and you heeded takin a beatin mission completedmama said that i and i dissed the program not the type to mess around with your emotion but the feeling that i have for you is so strong been together so long and this could never be wronggirl youre my angel youre my darling angel closer than my peeps you are to me baby shorty youre my angel youre my darling angel girl youre my friend when im in need ladygirl in spite of my behavior said im your savior you must be sent from up above and you appear to me so tender say girl i surrender thanks for giving me your lovegirl in spite of my behavior well you are my savior you must be sent from up above and you appear to me so tender well girl i surrender said thanks for giving me your lovenow life is one big party when youre still young and whos gonna have your back when its all done its all good when youre little you have pure fun cant be a fool son what about the long runlooking back shorty always mention said me not giving her much attention she was there through my incarceration i wanna show the nation my appreciationgirl youre my angel youre my darling angel closer than my peeps you are to me baby shorty youre my angel youre my darling angel girl youre my friend when im in need ladygirl youre my angel youre my darling angel closer than my peeps you are to me baby shorty youre my angel youre my darling angel girl youre my friend when im in need lady
Angel Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Angel, Edit, English, Hollywood, Shaggy from WordPress https://ift.tt/2VUuR5a via IFTTT
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ashleybenzoxoxo · 7 years ago
A sweet heart and an amazing mother, I miss you on PLL and will always look up to you.
Look up to me? I’m pretty sure you’ve got the wronggirl but thanks, it really does mean a world to me. I believe in karma so I try really hard to give others what I’d like to receive. Positive vibes bring the same back or so I think.
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wronggirl · 6 years ago
Ho scritto di stare bene mentre ero seduta sul banco e mi tremavano le mani dalla tristezza. Ho scritto di stare bene nella mia mente metre mi prendevano in giro e mi chiudevano in bagno. Ho scritto di stare bene sulla mia pelle mentre cercavo di voler dimenticare. Ho scritto di star bene quando camminavo sul marciapiede e io stavo sempre dietro. Ho scritto di star bene quando il ragazzo che amavo mi ha abbandonata. Ho scritto di star bene mentre davo i pugni al muro e segnavo le mie mani di bugie. Ho detto sopratutto di star bene sorridendo e guardando le persone in faccia per farmi credere. La pioggia mi ha scritto di star bene sulla mia pelle mentre correvo e mi bagnavo. Le lacrime pure hanno segnato le mie guance e finite sulle mie labbra diventando lacrime bugiarde. Sto bene, segno nella mia mente, sto bene scrivo sul foglio....sto bene solo che vorrei abbandonarmi un po'.
(via @wronggirl )
“Quante volte hai scritto “sto bene” con le dita che tremavano e gli occhi pieni di lacrime?”
— @arcobalenodidelusioni
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toppnatch · 7 years ago
#streetlivitypromo When you hook your friend up with the wrong girl. 😂#pressplay #funny #parody #wronggirl #moms lol #Toronto #streetlivityent #lol #jokes #streetlivity #streetlivitydotcom www.streetlivity.com
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wronggirl · 6 years ago
Vorrei anch'io sorridere a labbra leggere.
-wrong girl.
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itssimplyelle · 9 years ago
I saw him a while ago He saw me too He smiled at me I smile back too Then i realize it wasn't me It was the girl behing me
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bunhead12 · 12 years ago
Seeing you get hurt by other girls and then there's me, all alone... Don't you realize... I love you :/
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one1time · 12 years ago
One time I was en route to falling in love with a lesbian, and I needed a big clue to understand that she only wanted to be friends.
Todd, Chicago 1994
Many of my high school classmates went to UCLA. It was kind of the natural progression for those of us at West LA’s University High School—Westwood was just next door.  But I never had the grades or motivation for that path. Plus, I only had one AP class under my belt: AP art. No dreaded AP final exam; I just sent in my portfolio and some distant art teacher critiqued my talent and issued me a grade. But I made a duplicate portfolio and sent it off to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. They accepted me on a scholarship for their summer session, and since I had a family friend in Chicago, I went.
It was my first time away from the western United States alone. Sure, I had been to Florida for some family vacations when I was a kid, but I was now an adult and this was no bucolic Florida.
My family friends lived in a suburb just outside Chicago so I took the train in every morning. On the second day my train hit and killed an elderly man who had been riding his bicycle. It came to a stop and we were all briefly allowed to step off the train for some fresh air. I rubbernecked a bit and was able to see his pasty leg and some twisted remnants of the bicycle under the train. I didn’t see any blood, so I went back onto the train, took my seat and ran my hands through my matted, sweaty hair.
Chicago gets really hot and humid in the summer, and my hairstyle hated it. I had this grungy shag cut that I had dyed black before I left LA and since it was frizzing out too much, I just wore a beanie to keep it under control and maintain my alternative edge. But in art school you meet bigger freaks than yourself and so I blended in just fine, except for one thing: I was the kid who took the train in every morning, while everybody else just stayed in the campus dorms. But the suburbs had their singular charm: real fireflies at night in the summer.
Of the thirty students in the summer program, there were two of us from California—me and this gal from Orange County. I kept to myself and so did Laura, and as the classes and projects progressed, she and I seemed to emerge with work that called for extensive critiques from the instructor and the other students. Eventually Laura and I started staying late and skipped lunch breaks to work feverishly on our oil paintings. And we weren’t afraid to wipe our brushes and hands all over our clothing. It appeared we both wore thrift store rags anyway. She was a tomboy who wore men’s clothing but had curves for miles underneath. I liked an unconventional girl. Put a little eyeliner on me and have her in combat boots, making the first moves. Whatever.
One day Laura invited me to hang out with her outside of school—to go thrift store shopping in Wicker Park. I was looking forward to it as some low-key indie rock date. We took a train or two to get to this spot she had discovered. You were given a plastic garbage bag and you could fill it for $5. We got along fabulously and played stylists to each other the whole time in the shop. I didn’t pay attention to the subtle clues, but she stayed in the men’s aisles with me the whole time, with the exception of when we dipped into women’s shoes. We even found these matching his and hers 1970’s brown suede sneakers, and my clueless ass was thinking that these would be our promise rings, that all the other art school kids would know what was up the next day at school when we were rocking the same shoes…
I began walking her back to her dorm and hanging out with her. There appeared to be a disconnect to her sexuality, but I figured she was just playing it cool. A scrawny guy like me from LA with a stinky beanie full of sweaty hair just exuded mad sex appeal, and it was only a matter of time before we gelled.
One day we threw together an impromptu picnic and went to a city park to eat it, with the Sears Tower behind us. I was pining to kiss her.
We found a suitable shaded spot on the grass and dropped to sit and eat. However, we both recoiled when we discovered that the grass was soaked. My corduroy pants were saturated through to my chonies, and it seemed that Laura’s were too. We moved to a patch of dry grass and popped open our sodas.
Laura was still perturbed by her wet butt though and said, “It feels like the bacteria in the water is eating the leftover shit in my ass.”
That was awkward.
I got the clue loud and clear. It had taken a bold one, and maybe I deserved it after finding her tomboy nature attractive for so long and naively pursuing it.
Classes ended a week or two later, and we exchanged information. I dejectedly took all my paintings and thrift store clothing back to LA. Several months later Laura drove up from Dana Point and picked me up at my parents’ West Hollywood apartment. When I ducked into her car I was shocked by her transformation—she had shaved her head and gained fifty pounds. We went to lunch and hit some thrift stores, like old times.
Back in my parents’ driveway, she said, “I wanted to tell you that I am lesbian.”
“It’s cool, Laura. We’re friends, I get it. It’s good.”
We hugged goodbye and promised to stay in touch. Since this was before email, we did the penpal thing and for another year and then our correspondence faded for good.
Whenever I think of Chicago, I think of the fireflies in the suburbs at night, the man under the train, the fecund thrift stores, the family who took in my odd self, and the mysterious Laura before the bacteria ever found its way into her butt.
Todd Doty @todddoty
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wronggirl · 6 years ago
Ti voglio da così tanti anni che non so più come fartelo capire.
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wahmbahmbahmtickah · 13 years ago
This is something that i will pretend to be over, but truly never will be !
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wronggirl · 6 years ago
Da quando ho memoria io ho avuto sempre un carattere abbastanza strano. Mi faccio da parte in ogni situazione o momento. È sempre stato un fatto che io ho odiato, ma è più forte di me, prima di essere messa da parte mi metto io. Ho quella paura di infastidire le persone e sentirmi dire che mi devo levare un po' dai piedi. Automaticamente rientro in difesa, mi metto da parte e faccio la fredda con il primo che mi passa accanto. È una situazione un po' schifosa lo ammetto, ma so quando la mia presenza non può essere gradita in quel momento, è tipo una percezione. Mi sento fuori posto e mi sale automaticamente il nervoso perché non so come sentirmi integrata, allora faccio la cosa che mi riesce più bene di tutte, metto le cuffie e ignoro il mondo e quel fastidio che sento. Ecco perché non ho mai avuto tanti rapporti di amicizia con le persone, mi faccio sempre da parte e loro mi lasciano lì, magari insistono ma quando rispondo in quel modo freddo vanno via. Ma non mi fa alcun male in quel momento, so che sarebbe inutile integrarsi, parlare o altro. E mi viene sempre in mente che: una voce che urla accerchiata da mille persone nessuno la sente...troppo impegnati a parlare fra di loro. Una voce che urla davanti a poche persone nessuno nemmeno la sente e in fine una voce che urla dentro se stessa distrugge completamente tutto di te stessa.
(testo mio)
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