#wrong address
brian-in-finance · 3 months
Sam will never be a player. It’s all too weird to be real and all the exes are all married having babies ⚽️ and with real boyfriend this is really fake. You have to admit I think that you guys are in denial.
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You are lost, Anon. 📤
Best wishes on reaching your intended destination. 🧭
Remember… discourse is fleeting, but junk mail is forever. — Joe Bob Briggs
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chattier80 · 5 months
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Wrong Address main cast - Ravyn -
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There's this woman who keeps mistaking her email with mine (same name, one with a dot, one without) and now I'm expected to go to a dinner at a place called "Madison Dining" in London, where I have a reservation made for me.
I live several countries away.
Please, always make sure you type out your email address correctly anywhere you're asked for it, or this is what you'll be signing up for instead. This is just tedious so far--but imagine if I lived in London and showed up to a lunch with a total stranger, just because she keeps sending her shit to my address instead of her own.
Could be an adorable meet cute, though... Feel free to use it in a book, lol.
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thecozycuttlefish · 7 months
Had the most persistent delivery person today. Came while I was a mess, still in pajamas, no bra, in the middle of putting the sick baby down for a nap (which alone is a capital offense) and just kept ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door. Dogs going crazy, baby crying, and this guy just keeps going! He even went around the side of my house and knocked on the window.
After putting on a bra, setting the tired, cranky baby down, kenneling the dogs, and getting cheesehuman backup, I answered to see the package wasn't even for my address! It's for the next block over!
If someone doesn't answer their door, GO AWAY!
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qupritsuvwix · 5 months
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yamimichi · 1 year
Here! Have a Totally Random (not really) Rant!
My family has a problem with UPS. Their GPS is crap.
Let's say that we live at 123 A Ave. It's inside the apartment complex. A block over - on the outskirts of the apartment complex - is 123 B Blvd.
UPS, we can only assume it's because of their GPS, will not enter the apartment complex to deliver our items. They always leave our items at 123 B Blvd.
Once in a great full moon they'll get it right.
I bring this up because I got to order something for my birthday (which is in a few weeks). And it's being delivered via UPS. I am not happy about this.
The last time we ordered something that was via UPS we never received our order. We're still fighting to get our money back.
I wouldn't have ordered this via UPS but I've ordered from this company before and they always had shipped via USPS. I don't know why they switched.
Anyhow, enough of my ranting. I'm praying I get my order.
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yellowballoonx · 2 years
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inzuinzudesu · 27 days
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Translation: "Goodnight, Kakashi."
Another piece I drew from a while ago! Somewhere deep in my heart I kinda wish Obito'd won and just like put the world to sleep ya know, but then there'd be Kaguya and everything?? I'm actually not quite sure, that part is very blurry in my mind. Well point of this one is, I just wanted to draw something that looks sweet and sad and bitter and everything in between. Not sure if it really got across, I personally love this though 😭😭😭 Really went overboard with the effects but ummm I'm just extra okay spare me The original file is quite big, I had to compress it so the quality went down, you can't really zoom in all that much. Kinda sad that I can't share that, but oh well 😓 I feel like I can ramble on this site for some reason, and it's quite nice, even if nobody reads this haha
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bunny-j3st3r · 2 years
kept getting told for some reason I needed a carers bus pass and I want dishing out £30 for a letter to say I don’t need that so my mom filled it in instead and it approved for whatever reason except
:) she gave the wrong address 
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mummer · 3 months
jace being the first one to jump to call valyrian exceptionalism a farce ties so well into his bastard identity and the fact that he’s had to baldly lie about himself for his entire life to fit the image of the perfect heir…. like of course he would understand that better than anyone. people have died to protect that lie, his lie! rhaenyra telling him this garbled incoherent nonsense prophecy like it changes anything about what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. little normcore guy in targ family hell beating down his bad rebellious thoughts with a hammer every morning trying to reconvince himself of the lie, of the idea he could be the perfect shining promised prince but he knows something is Wrong. a totally mundane trivial death at the centre of the spiral. quentyn voice i must be the hero the hero never dies.
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chattier80 · 5 months
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Wrong Address main cast - Gabe -
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
Basically, most all my posts on this topic can be summed up as:
List of people responsible for antisemitism:
List of people NOT responsible for antisemitism:
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heavylittlepeople · 2 years
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allgremlinart · 2 years
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:] <333
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valewritessss · 4 months
How do I tell Annabeth haters that they’re not being more feminist for hating Annabeth instead of Rachel? Why do we always gotta hate someone? Can these two girls just exist and not be blamed for shit.
Because first it was “Rachel is getting in the way of Percabeth so she’s a bitch”
But now it’s “Annabeth was so mean to Rachel she had so much internalized misogyny”
Like why did y’all switch up??
I mean good for Rachel but like bad for society this just set us back because wtf
If you can’t blame one you have to blame the other? Honestly they think they’re being such a girls girl for that but it’s just getting worse. God forbid a girl has a crush on an attractive guy and god forbid the other girl who has severe trauma revolving anandonment hates her for it.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 6 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 25/∞
Rating: CANON
A nearly universal trope, especially in Moshang fics, is the fact that courtship is performed through violence in demon culture, and that the misunderstandings between the pair are because of cultural differences. The fact that demons mistreat the targets of their affection is canon, however, it is important for fans to note that this sort of characterization and worldbuilding is rooted in racial and ethnic stereotypes.
This is one of the most-requested topics I've ever written on this blog, and I took a long time to think about how best to approach the subject in a way that both keeps to the intention of this blog (referencing canon & providing quotes) as well as raising awareness to the very real problematic aspects of what is a well-loved and often-used trope in fanon that I don't think most western fans are aware of.
First, the canon analysis:
“If you hold unique feelings for a certain person, how can you make them understand your intentions?” Luo Binghe asked. Obviously, no one dared to tear down Luo Binghe’s facade and expose him directly, but this question was really very…unsuited to the demonic approach. After a long moment, not a single person had answered. In fact, the answer was so simple that any normal human could have given it to you. If you liked someone, you should just tell them. Unfortunately, there was not a single “normal” person on the scene—and aside from Shang Qinghua, there also were no “humans” either. Mobei-Jun thought about it. With the paths his mind was given to take, there was no telling how he had interpreted “unique” feelings. “Beat them up three times a day?” (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
Most of the fandom remembers this passage, and some may think that this is where the interpretation of violence as courtship comes from-- however, that is not the case. This passage might actually not refer to courtship at all-- while that is one possible interpretation, Mobei-jun could also be interpreting "unique feelings" to mean something different than "romantic feelings," since Luo Binghe didn't specify romance directly.
The "violent demonic courtship" idea actually originates much earlier in the novel, just after the invasion of Qiong Ding Peak:
In truth, Shen Qingqiu didn’t intend to tease; he thought himself very straightforward. The one who’d tampered with Luo Binghe’s dream realm was Sha Hualing. Though she did have some harmful intentions, her underlying motive was obvious. Naturally, she was driven by a young girl’s secret yearning for love. Otherwise, she would have directed her aggressions toward others, not specifically Luo Binghe. Demons were compelled to viciously bully the person they liked. Only if the object of their affections failed to die would the demon accept them. If their target died, that meant they were useless and not worth nursing any lingering affections for. (7 Seas, Ch. 3)
This, in fact, has somewhat more serious connotations than the way I have often seen it interpreted in fanworks-- it is not merely beating up a potential partner, but pushing them to their limits, nearly driving them to death, and it is certainly implied that it is not uncommon for the object of a demon's affections to actually die.
Now that the canonical basis of the idea has been established, let us move on to the second, and arguably more important part of this post: the racism.
I would like to add a disclaimer here-- I am going to discuss this in hopes of raising more awareness in the fandom, but I am not North/West/Central Asian myself, so I will only mention things in brief and somewhat generally-- if anyone who belongs to the affected cultures would like to make corrections, or more detailed explanations, or any other additions to this post on this topic, I greatly welcome that, as I feel it is an important issue that should be addressed.
In Chinese fiction, particularly fantasy genres like xianxia/xuanhuan/xiuzhen, but also in historical and wuxia fiction, there is a pervasive, prevalent tendency for authors to use racial and ethnic stereotypes against Central, Northern, and Western Asian cultures such as Mongolian & Arab cultures in their worldbuilding regarding the North, while stereotypes against Southeast Asian cultures are used in worldbuilding regarding the South. These stereotypes are most typically applied to villains and villainous groups, and are so widespread as to be ubiquitous within the genre. MXTX has used these tropes before-- notably with the Banyue people in TGCF, with adaptations of both TGCF and MDZS including design stereotypes, such as CQL's portrayal of the Qinghe Nie (combining their tendency toward violence and 'unnatural' cultivation method, with design traits typically associated with Northern/Central Asian cultures).
It is worth noting, though, that most authors do not intentionally use these traits as racist stereotypes in their worldbuilding, especially when regarding a non-human species-- in the same way that western fantasy authors use goblin and orc characters and tropes without realizing or acknowledging their racist origins and connotiations, these stereotypes have simply become genre tropes without that direct connection to their origins. Nonetheless, it is still worth noting-- and worth trying not to fall into the trap of leaning into stereotypical traits in fanworks' character portrayals.
Stereotypes include but are not limited to barbaric and brutish cultural traits, association with animals/having animal features, dark or corrupt magical/spiritual practices, certain types of braided hairstyles & other fashion choices, and originating from the far north or south.
Some of the prejudice and stereotyping of Northern Asian cultures likely originates from the fact that in the past, China was invaded and subjugated by peoples from the north (under Mongolian rule during the Yuan dynasty, and under Manchurian rule during the Qing dynasty) as well as having many conflicts with these peoples throughout history. In fact, the Qing dynasty only ended in the early 1900s, so some of this oppression is still in recent memory-- nonetheless, people belonging to ethnic minorities in China are still affected by this negative stereotyping today, so regardless of the origin, racism is still racism and should be addressed, and China today is a majority Han Chinese nation-- even if Han Chinese are considered a minority and affected by systemic racism in other places in the world.
Additionally, many tropes specifically applied to the southern demons, but also used for demon culture as a whole, are tied to stereotypical portrayals of Southeast Asian culture, which is rooted in a long history of Imperial China's invasion and oppression.
All of those stereotypes listed above apply to SVSSS' demon culture. Even in Mobei-jun's name-- 漠北 meaning "northern desert," which is the real-world name for a region in the north of the Gobi desert in Mongolia.
Therefore, it is important to remember that though violence-as-courtship in demon culture is canonical within SVSSS' setting, it nonetheless originates from harmful racial and ethnic stereotypes. It would be a good idea for fans to keep this in mind when creating their fanworks, and to treat the topic with sensitivity-- but I will leave any direct suggestions on how to handle this to those who are actually part of the affected groups.
(thanks to @flidgetjerome for additional notes regarding SEAsian stereotyping and author intent!)
Also, to be absolutely clear: I am not saying that svsss’ demons are specifically coded as any real ethnic group— it’s only that in many ways the portrayal is similar to the common portrayal of various ethnic groups in cmedia. I don’t believe they are specifically meant to parallel a real life group, unlike for example TGCF’s Banyue— but it’s worth questioning why these traits, why these characters.
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