#written in my bible ;; headcanons
poppytuft · 1 year
saw a post abt car guy mike and it made my brain crazy because car guy mike is one of if not my favorite college st hcs in which mike had such a beautiful lovely car in hawkins that he begged and pleaded for for his birthday and of course, its the wheelers, so he got it. and its like a good expensive cool car (girl idk shit abt 80s cars just run with me here) but when he went to college his parents sprung on him that he couldnt bring it with him because HOLLY needed a car and something to learn to drive in and he bitched and moaned about why couldnt NANCY give holly HER car and they said no you bitch nancy needs her car in new york. give holly the car. we payed for the damn thing and we need a second car here goddamnit. and he had a tearful delirious goodbye with the dumb thing before he moved and when he comes home he is REUNITED! AT LONG LAST! but he still needed something to drive at SCHOOL so he saved up and found a beat up piece of shit fuck ass toyota corolla or something (that im sure, again, the wheelers helped pay for because karen felt bad or whatever) and hes SO FUCKING MAD about it like absolutely fuming that he went from the HIGHEST HIGH to the LOWEST LOW and to cope he treats the thing like its his BABY and its the most disgusting horrible vehicle in the world everyone eats in the back seat and the previous owner stained the front seats with something weird and gross and sometimes you have to bang on the radio to get it to work and sometimes you have to stick your hand out the front window to flick the windshield wipers to get them to actually go. but hes SO STUCK ON TREATING IT LIKE SOMETHING PRECIOUS like "no guys seriously this is my fucking car you have to be nice to it. im not joking i PAYED FOR IT you have to be fucking clean in my fucking car shes my everything" and max mayfield is sitting in the passenger seat like "yeahhh man okay. anyway lucas just spilled his DQ blizzard in the back seat trying to prove to dustin that it would actually stay in the cup and not go everywhere if he turned it upside down so now dustin and your car are both covered in ice cream. also some got on the windows somehow" and he goes "you fucking WHAT"
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Hc: I THINK Kid Caleb would have liked classic "VeggieTales".
The vegetables are so cute and colorful!
He also would have loved the scriptures and songs.
As for Kid Philip... I think he would have liked the show too, BUT I also think he would have liked it if a giant rabbit or groundhog came in and tried eating one of the vegetables.
It would have been funny to him lol.
Pip if that were to happen: "Alright! :D This show is HARDCORE! >:D"
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
It’s mega weird to be that bsd TikTok will be so protective of gay headcanons and then turn around and find a way to hate on every popular lesbian headcanon. First it was Higuchi, then Kouyou, and now fucking Yosano of all characters??? I get that some ppl can be annoying and push their headcanons onto others but we rly don’t need to make a whole campaign against the headcanons themselves. And I never see callout posts of gay Chuuya/Ranpo headcanoners acting the exact same way
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sunhill-archive · 4 months
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"Honey, sugar, sweetpea, pigeon, cutie" - Boothill.
"Darling, dear, Hill, my love, my (any floral pet name)" - Sunday.
Sunday trills and makes other bird sounds when he and Boothill cuddle, at first Boothill thought Sunday had a pet bird or something. "Hey suga' what's that sound?" "what sound?" "Your bird, shut em' up. They're forkin annoyin." "I don't have a bird, dear." "oh!!"
Sunday listens to softer music, mostly classical. Boothill listens to hard metal
After Sunday heard about his daughter, he got Boothill a bunch of custom made dolls that tried its best to look like how Sunday thought of his daughter. He got it completely wrong but Boothill is VERY happy with said dolls.
Boothill ate a huge chunk of bros bible.
[🤠🪽] — Headcanons written by Anon. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Some people need to understand queer coding opens character identities and relationships up to a solid queer interpretation, but that doesn’t equal “this character 100% fits my headcanon and if you disagree you’re a [REDACTED]”
From a literary analysis perspective, as long as your interpretation is reasonably evidence-based it’s valid. As this is fandom, I’d add “sincere” to that since unlike an academic setting we get bad faith actors but that’s it.
So, to have a valid “interpretation” you have to do the work in good faith, and you have to be able point at the text to support your interpretation. If you can’t, or don’t want to, that’s a headcanon, and it’s totally fine.
“But this character is a lesbian she likes a girl!” There’s more to queerness than straight and gay. You could reasonably interpret a girl who likes another girl as plenty of different things:
Ace/aro and something else
Straight and closeted trans
Straight and lover is closeted trans
And so on.
So when you have an interpretation, someone might tell you, “I think this other thing.” The polite way to handle this if you don’t like it is to say “that’s so cool we can see different things in the ambiguity of art”. Maybe blocking each other if you dislike their interpretation that much.
That’s of course unless you both want a debate to further refine your understanding of the text or just like to argue or whatever. Which is fine! As long as it’s not overly bitter or whatever, it’s fun to discuss.
“So how do I know which interpretation is more canon than another?”
See, that’s the thing, you can’t. Canon is kind of shaky in the first place. The canon is just what’s written that’s recognized as true/correct text, not the way to understand it (and not what the author says is true, some people take Word of God as canon because it allows the following of one concrete interpretation instead of acknowledging multiple, but strictly speaking it is not). You can only interpret the canon.
For example, 4-komas bonuses of serialized manga are usually non-canon because they are jokes and not meant to be taken seriously as a part of the story’s text. That’s what canon actually is for, originally it’s to talk about which books are genuinely part of the Bible and which are to be deemed offshoots that shouldn’t be taken as a Catholic Church-endorsed religious text.
I guess that’s what gets people confused? That there’s no actual truth to imagined worlds, only what happens in the eyes of the beholder when they interact with art?
Because that’s what it means, canon often has nothing to do with who’s “actually a lesbian” short of them saying it directly. An onscreen wedding is said to “make a couple canon” precisely because there’s only so many ways you can interpret a wedding, but all that means is that the text says they’re together at a point in time. One way I can think of having a canon sexuality would be a canonical character sheet, or an omniscient narrator saying so, but everything less is basically an interpretation.
Note that interpretation obviousness can go from “that’s a stretch but I like it”, to “you only need eyes to see it”, they’re both still interpreting. Even a character talking sexuality technically only makes canon that they’re willing to say so, but that’s when critical thinking comes in.
If you hear a character say “I’m a married lesbian” and think “they’re just confused” with no evidence, you look like an idiot. You absolutely can argue which interpretation is more valid or likely by pointing out inconsistencies, stretched evidence, or that one interpretation has a higher volume of evidence/etc. This is how you avoid relativism and “nothing the text says matters” trolls.
Occam’s Razor is another way you might be tempted to try and determine whose thesis is stronger. This technique works through figuring out which interpretation requires the least amount of assumptions (saying something arbitrary is true as a basis) but it doesn’t make anything canon, or more interesting, it’s not a concrete sign of superiority. Just means it has stronger fondations.
However… your interpretation being stronger, more popular, better worded etc. or you thinking someone else’s is immoral, stupid, etc. doesn’t give you license to be a bully, to call people names, to dox them, dig up dirt to make them look worse, and so on and so forth. Thinking you’re right and they’re wrong does not make you above basic respect, politeness, or consequences. You’re not better than everyone else.
As a child, I used to think I was always right because I was logical, and I clearly made logical sense so there was no way for there to be a logical reasoning that arrived at a different conclusion. (Newsflash: Child me was very wrong! Sometimes multiple things can be equally valid! And even if they were not equal, that didn’t give me license to deride people publicly!)
Queer coding is by its nature interpretative. Coding is the author leaving hints about their characters by using a “code”. Some hints, almost everyone in your section of fandom might have the exact same interpretation about. Some hints might be dead obvious. Some hints might leave you overjoyed. Some hints you might ignore because they make you uncomfortable.
Some people will disagree with you about how they interpret the coding, or might even just state that they believe people have a right to interpret the canon however they want, even in ways you don’t like. That is normal. That is not a threat to your interpretation.
Don’t be a petty cunt about it.
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trekkiedean · 8 months
while I'm being earnest: the thing is, this show is not consistent about most things. I've talked in the past about how, for instance, there are arcs that just don't make sense when viewed through a purely watsonian lens, or episodes that are a lot more effective out of context. the writers' room was not particularly cohesive. continuity is a joke. characterization changes from one episode to the next. (I've heard that they didn't have a writers' bible, and I have no idea whether that's true, but frankly I think I'd be more surprised if it wasn't true.) and that's before we get into how actors' and directors' choices can bring new layers to the episodes as written, or even seem to say something completely different from the episodes as written!
I think that's a big reason why this fandom is so huge and rich and has lasted so long: there's room for so many interpretations. not only is it possible to pick and choose which parts of canon to keep, I'd argue that to some extent it's actually necessary to do so; there are so many inconsistencies and continuity errors and internal contradictions that you'll just never be able to come up with a grand unified theory of supernatural. fandom lives in the inconsistencies and the continuity errors and the internal contradictions! and with spn, there are so many of them, and so much of the show, that there are very few theories and headcanons and interpretations that can't be justified in some way. yes, there are some I like more than others, and yes, there are some I think are better justified than others! but in general, even if I completely disagree with someone's take, I can also see where they're getting it from. I may think, and point out, that there are things that contradict their take, but they'll have some examples of things that support it. which one of us is right? both of us! neither of us! two supernatural fans, three opinions, baby!
but the downside of the fact that there are very few interpretations that can't be justified is that…there are very few interpretations that can't be justified. like, I'm sorry to break this to everyone, but no voice is ever going to ring out from the heavens and declare conclusively that one of us is the winner of fandom. (and even if it did, my people don't generally put much stock in that kind of thing.) someone's interpretation being different from yours, even wildly different, even different in a way you don't like, is not necessarily a sign that they haven't watched the show, or that they don't enjoy it, or that they're stupid, or that you're coming from a place of cool logic and rationality and they're just making shit up and projecting, or that they want to spite you personally. I think all of us (and I totally include myself in this) could stand to get a little more comfortable with that. because at the end of the day what matters a lot more than whether you think someone is right or not is how the two of you treat each other. publicly mocking and belittling someone because you don't like their take on a fictional character is just not the way to keep a fandom going.
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thedevilsoftruth · 3 months
Tomorrow: Shane's Journal
I had this idea for a long time, and that idea was to write 5 journal entries going through important time stamps of Shane's life. These entries are written through the lens of Shane himself, almost as if he actually wrote them. Nothing stated in here is 100% cannon. These are all simply headcanons I have of Shane and his life, and i hope you all enjoy it!
For clarity, I think Stardew takes place in 2016, given that's when it was released, and i also hc Shane to be 35, so he was born in 1981 in this fic. A little bit random, but that's just something to chew on.
Tw: This fic goes over very sensitive topics such as suicide, mentions of self-harm, shootings, depression, alcohol addiction, childhood trauma, and a lot of Atheism.
September 8th, 1996
Hey god, if you're listening, why are you doing this to me? I've tried and tried and tried all I could, all day, every day. No matter what people threw at me, I still fucking took it because I didn't want to end up being a dead beat like my stupid fucking father. I'm sorry. I'm angry. What's the point of fucking living if everyday I'm in goddamn pain, and If all my nights are spent sleepless as I sob? I've prayed and prayed and prayed for things to get better, but nothing is getting better, and I want to die. The only thing good in my life right now is my gridball team. My parents don't fucking love me, I'm a failure to everyone I know. I'm starting to think this world would be better off without me.
God, please, help me. Guide me to a newfound happiness, please. I can't go on like this anymore. I want to have hope, I need to have hope. It's what Marnie tells me every day. But I can't if things continue to go to shit. Well, im going to lie down now. Tomorrow is a new day... right?
- Shane .H
September 10th, 1996
You're a liar, you're a fucking liar. Screwed up, fucked up, arrogant, selfish liar. I was blind to your lies, deceived by the promised hope of a good life, and yet you took my hope and smashed it against the wall. I hate you. I hate all of you. I want to cut myself and die as I bleed out.
Everyone is turning against me. Ethan wasn't there for me when I told him to stay outside my aunt's house last night. My mother tried to kill me last night, and my father wouldn't dare to bat an eye at me. I don't know what I fucking did to deserve this. Mom hurt Marnie. Everyone was screaming, I felt like my ears were going to bleed. I ran away. Mom tried to throw a knife at me, so I ran away. Ethan got me high before that and was supposed to stay outside of Marnies ranch for me incade anything happened, but he fled afterward.
They had told me they didn't want me at Marnies house anymore when they were gone. But I couldn't stop myself. They hadn't been home in a week, and I needed comfort. They are always fucking gone they are always never home or.... used to not always be home.
I stayed at Micheal's house last night. I went back to Marnie's this morning. My parents killed themselves an hour after I left. They did it in front of Marnie, and she couldn't do anything to stop them. They wouldn't listen to her. Marine is going to be my guardian. We're going to make frequent trips to Zuzu city for our therapy sessions.
I don't think I'll be going back to school. I hate myself. I hate my life. My parents died because of me. I wasn't a good son, I never was. Maybe if I had been better and didn't get high, sneak out, or get bad grades all the time, they would have loved me. But if there's anything I hate the most at the moment other than myself, it's you, God.
- Shane .H
November 27th, 2010
I thought I was getting better. I thought things were going to be okay. I haven't taken therapy since I was 20. I'm gonna need it after today because I'm having the biggest downward spiral since 1996. I started to believe again. I started to read the Bible and pray because things were getting better, but all of this shit coming back to me tells me that there is no God up in the sky. It's a joke. A stupid dumb lie that innocent people like myself get mind-fucked into believing is real. But it's not. It's a load of fucking shit.
God took away everything that I have ever loved in my entire life and hollowed out my soul until I was nothing, and left me with stupid fucking priorities that I can't fucking handle! I didn't want a child. Not now, not ever. This child isn't mine. How am I supposed to fucking provide for her, if I'm working 9 hours a godamn week at a fucking grocery store? Damn it. Damn it all to hell.
One second, I'm at a fair with my two best friends i haven't seen in years who are parents now, the other second they're killed in a shooting and I'm stuck with their fucking kid!
I don't want this, I don't fucking want this at all. Kill me, please, God. I can't even write this with how shaky my fucking hands are. I wish I never crossed paths with Micheal, even if it's been 12 years since I've seen him. I can't do this. I can't go on anymore. Tell me one reason why I shouldn't put a bullet in my head like my fucking parents did?! Fuck you, and fuck your stupid fucking cult, and fuck your beliefs, and fuck it all!!!
- Shane .H
December 23rd, 2016
I love you, Marnie. I love you, Jas. I love you, Michael and Alejandra. I love you, Mom and Dad. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm a failure. All I've ever done to you all was bring you pain. I'm a dead beat. I don't deserve your kindness or your patience. I'm a fat, alcohol addicted, low-life, dick face who's never made any achievement in life. I can't even get myself out of bed in the morning. I black out almost every night from drinking too much. I could never get a good job here in the fucking town.
My life has brought me nothing but pain. Nobody wants someone lin their life who can't even do something as simple as brushing their teeth.. I'm nothing but a mere parasite, eating away at people's lives.
I'm sorry, im sorry, I'm sorry, but today is the day.
You won't have to deal with me anymore, and I can finally be free from this never-ending hell.
Goodbye, world.
- Shane .H
December 23rd, 2018
2 years. I've been sober for 2 years now.
On this day, two years ago, I tried to end my life. I almost drank myself to death, but a farmer noticed me near the cliff and supported me. They brought me to a hospital, and I went back to Zuzu city to try therapy again. It's still embarrassing when I think about it. Those memories don't make me nearly as sad anymore, I just get... kind of embarrassed. It's like... wow, I was like that? What an asshole, hehe.
Well, my sobriety isn't the only thing I'm proud of.
Jas is eight years old now! I finally saved up enough to move out of Marnies and into the city. I got a new job, and I have a cousin here who is watching over Jas during the day after she comes home from school. She has a lot of friends now and is boy crazy... oh dear, I still don't like the thought of that. My hours aren't the best, but it makes me money and keeps a roof over our heads. I work on service tech. I didn't know I liked cars so much, haha! Everyone there is really cool and nice, and it's helped me with coming out of my shell a little bit.
On holidays, me and Jas go back to Stradew Valley to see Marnie. We have frequent calls with her, and I also make sure to pay the farmer a visit. Jas and I bake them cookies as a thanks for literally saving my life. Sometimes she eats them in the car...
Well, anyway, I start work in a little bit. Just wanted to let everything all out. Today is a new day, after all.
- Shane .H
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celtrist · 7 months
HC on How God Could Speak
This is such a random thought I've had for a while, but the idea of God still speaking ancient times like how things are written in the bible but what they actually say is more modern/casual fuels me.
Like, just imagine Charlie somehow meeting them and the only response they give is "What the fuckith?" or "Thou shant disith me". I realize if we ever do get to see them (which tbh, I'm going to assume we won't), they'll probably be speaking normally or akin to Adam, but I just find it so funny their dialect being unchanging and sounding like they're trying to be hip with the youths with their actual wording of things. Plus, low-key, could help a bit more with intimidation speaking like that, as well as humor. It's a small Swiss army knife of a headcanon in my book.
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thecruellestmonth · 5 months
I do think Jason should be religious. I think the way that he looks at the world is very religious. Or at the very least, he can be very dogmatic, in ways that could seem understated compared to the dogmatism of the people around him.
Bruce insists he doesn't believe in God—not because he rejects proof of God's existence, but because he's angry at God. I think Jason's belief in God comes easy—compared to his feelings about Bruce, which are similar to Bruce's feelings about God.
I'm putting Catholic guilt up on the shelf where you guys can't reach it. It's just an AO3 tag to you, is all it is. Out of the entire Bat brigade, Jason is probably the least attached to guilt—and it's refreshing! Most of these characters are drenched in scrupulosity! It's very noble and cultish and distressingly glorified! Bruce doesn't even practice Catholicism, and yet every damn week he's skulking around catherdral-esque architecture, and clinging to statues of angels and saints, and sticking really cliche Bible passages into his stupid internal monologues, and clutching his dead baby like the Virgin Mary held the Body—he couldn't be more Tumblr Aesthetic Catholic Guilty if he tried, okay, he already has that corner of the market covered, more than actually Catholic DC characters.
I do like Catholic Jason, I could do one of my clumsy trivia compilation posts for the evidence if you want it, although it's admittedly sparse. 🤷‍♀️ My own pet Jason headcanon is that he's Buddhist, in a way that is very sensical and theologically rigorous yet completely nuts in much the way that he'd be Catholic. ✌️ And IDK that could invite some uppity nerd to lecture me about stealing one of the world's most popular religions from stunning groundbreaking amazing canon Buddhist representation written by famed Asian religious scholar ✨CHUCK DIXON✨ but I can live with that.
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aliciavance4228 · 1 month
Quick Question: Why are there so many people who describe gods as "feminists"?
I remember myself writing last month at 2AM while drunk (romanians are just built different) an entire Bible about why Athena being labeled either as a Feminist or a Misogynist is wrong in both cases and that because we're talking here about a figure that was firstly mentioned hundreds of years ago when people had a completely different mentality than ours and blah blah blah. Yes, I'm the idiot who brought back the "Ovid is a faniction writer meme", but I'll let you beat the shit out of me later.
But I've discovered how a lot of greek gods are suddenly labeled as "feminists". And my genuine question is... how?
Ares: Many people claim that he was the protector of women and that he never raped any woman in his entire life just because he murdered his daughter's rapist. People forget the fact that just because there are few to no surviving written works in which he rapes women that doesn’t mean that he didn't do that at all; there are already two discovered myths in which he rapes a woman disguised as a shepard despite the fact that she was one of Artemis's huntress and one in which he sleeps with another woman in secret, respectively. Also, aside from his mother, lovers and daughters he doesn't protect any other woman that isn't close to him from being raped.
Apollo: Many people consider that just because he was a certified bisexual who deeply loved his mother and twin sister (and saved both of them from being raped in different myth versions) that makes him a feminist as well. Wrong: he raped Chione in her sleep and Dryone in the form of a snake.
Hermes: Hermes raped Chione in her sleep and Apemosyne after slipping on skinned hides that he placed on her path.
Dionysus: He raped Aura while she was drunk and Nicaea while she was unconscious. Also, people often forget that his own cult itself is the main reason why he cannot be a Feminist in the first place, and that because his priestesses usually had to get drunk during the festivals and rituals dedicated to him, which made them completely vulnerable to any man who wanted to take advantage of them.
Hades: On one hand, he lets his wife rule over the Underworld and have just as much authority as him. On the other hand, he still kidnapped her and then forced her to eat those pomegranate seeds. And because it's very uncertain wheter or not he actually raped her in Homeric Hymn to Demeter, some people may argue that the pomegranate seeds are supposed to symbolize his seed, and by extension him forcing Persephone to eat them is a metaphor for him forcing himself on her.
What is next: Telling me that Zeus was a feminist as well?
Now, I know that Greek Mythology is completely messed up and the desire to either change or erase some myths is justified. Also, it's really hard for a person who feels deeply connected to a certain deity to recognize that the respective deity has done some things that by modern standards would be considered immoral and/or completely disturbing. But that isn't an excuse for not admitting that yes, [Name] has done some horrible shit just like any other deity from the Pantheon. Save for Hestia, we all love her and she must be protected at all cost.
Now, I have absolutely no problem with your headcanons about the greek gods or depicting them in a better light in your fanfictions, comics, fanarts etc. etc.
However, claiming that your headcanons or retellings are mythologically accurate is a problem.
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the-converse-high-top · 6 months
Would love to hear about potential parallel stories/lore in judaism 👁👁👁👁💞
i realized that i actually havent thought very in depth about parallels and themes in the bible in a LONG time but let me think...
one that jumped to the forefront of my mind is something that idk if its a theme/parallel or not, but it has to do with moses. in the torah (really in the talmud i think which is a bunch of rabbi's headcanons about the torah that were then accepted as canon later on), when moses was taken in by pharaoh a test was performed to see whether moses would overthrow him, and by extension whether he was safe to keep and raise. that test was to show baby moses two pots: one of gold and riches and one of hot coals, and whichever he grabbed would be indicative as to what kind of son he'd be. so obviously, being a baby, moses starts to go for the shiny stuff. but (so the story goes) since moses has plot armor an angel (of death [?]) reached out and moved his hand to the hot coals. this is important because not only did it secure his safety to grow up under pharaoh's watch, but it burned his hand, which he then put in his mouth which permanantly burned his tongue and gave him a lisp. now the lisp isnt really talked about much more until later on, and its kind of minor so i get why its often left out, but it changes the whole feeling of the story! because of the lisp, moses gets nervous to speak in front of pharaoh's mages, and so it's aaron who does the talking when they turn their staffs into snakes. it's aaron (iirc) who speaks to the hebrews and tells them the word of god. moses is the one who speaks directly to god and does his bidding in the stories, but aaron is the one who conveys the information. and AND i just remembered this continues!! it continues to be true that moses doesnt always tell his own story!! in the scientific world it is generally accepted that there are a few different authors/compilers of the torah, but in judaism there is one main accepted truth of how it was written with two endings: moses wrote the whole thing up until the last chapter when he was on mount sinai, writing down word for word what god told him to. the ending, though, changes because at the end of the bible moses dies there is a debate over whether moses wrote his own death before it happened (since god is omnipresent blah blah blah) or whether joshua took over for him after he died. if the latter is true, that would be the second time someone tells moses' story for him!! first aaron tells the mages and the hebrews who moses is and why he was sent to save them, and then joshua tells the story of his death and his exile from the holy land! there are THEMES and MOTIFS i can SEE THEM
i have no idea if this is what you were asking for but thank you for inviting me to infodump XD <3
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hiorintruther · 1 year
A comprehensive not-PowerPoint presentation on why I ship hiorin even though they’ve only interacted twice… and that’s being liberal with the word “interact”
(For @zevacheiznekam coz they asked me to 😌)
Do bear in mind that Hiorin as a ship is quite largely based in headcanon. While shippers like myself use canon as a basis to scrape whatever details we can about Hiori and Rin, their (brief) interactions and their personalities, canon material is more of an anchor from which several generally accepted headcanons have sprouted which we all kinda sorta abide by, although different people might have slightly different interpretations. This is just my interpretation. Also, this did sort of start as a crackship for me but then I started actually thinking about it and, uh, I don’t think it’s a crackship anymore when I’ve written nearly 50k words of fanfic for it on my AO3…
For starters, I began shipping Hiorin based on one singular interaction. It also happens to be the only one of two times where they properly talk to each other at all. This interaction (below) comes from the U-20 match, right after Rin has been roundhouse kicked in the face by Shidou. It was a moment that surprised me because despite spending the match getting progressively more and more aggressive to everyone else, Rin here isn’t aggressive towards Hiori. He lets Hiori help him up and they even manage to engage in a very brief but mutual conversation.
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Now sure, Hiori is just being nice here and Rin is probably a bit stunned. They haven’t interacted since this moment in the manga and likely won’t again in any real capacity. Still, it was this interaction that got me trying to imagine what it might look like if they could be closer — mostly in the context of Rin actually being able to make a proper friend. He does seem to have a certain level of tolerance for Hiori that he doesn’t for the rest of Blue Lock (which I’ll explain later), plus Hiori is probably the only one patient, kind AND calm enough to be capable of being Rin’s friend without Rin despising it. Other kind characters like Nanase and Bachira are in my opinion too bubbly and talkative in canon for Rin’s more broody personality (although I do love a good sunshine x storm-cloud ship don’t get me wrong). Meanwhile, Hiori is equally as kind but calmer. More quiet. He’s also not got a drive to try and defeat Rin or devour him, which I think Rin would appreciate given he hates people who do try to go against him like Isagi and Shidou.
The only other substantial interaction we have for hiorin comes from the Third Selection tryouts match in which they’re placed on the same team. I’ve already made a post about it so go to that here for the relevant screenshots from the manga. I will copy over the conclusions from the post though. From this match I inferred that:
Hiori can keep up with Rin like it’s a regular day (speaking to Hiori’s adaptability)
This, for Rin, translates to “Hiori is reliable”
Rin can trust Hiori to definitely get the ball to where it needs to be if they cooperate, even though they’ve never played together before (and they didn’t even discuss a plan beforehand but were able to immediately link up without issue — see again Hiori being adaptable)
Rin doesn’t look down on Hiori the way he does with Isagi or Shidou, probably because he doesn’t see Hiori as a threat or insulting
This concludes all of their interactions in the manga. From here, me and other shippers use these small conclusions from canon as well as canon-adjacent information from things like the Egoist Bible Character Book to build a hypothetical situation in which they ARE able to start talking to each other more often and build a bond. Most of the fics about this pairing that take place in the canon universe will deal with overcoming the hurdle of ‘getting them to actually interact’. For us shippers, after that hurdle has been cleared it’s rather smooth sailing to imagine a relationship forming for a lot of reasons.
To begin, the obvious thing to focus on is their similar backstories. More specifically, the emotional responses they have to their backstories and how it could be a source of understanding between them (spoilers for the manga up to chapter 206). The resentment Rin holds towards Sae is incredibly similar to the resentment Hiori holds towards his parents. Both have canonically been shown wanting to hurt/kill their family members due to how these family members treated them, as well as the feelings of false love associated with these family members being a big part of why Rin and Hiori want to hurt them. Rin feels betrayed by Sae because he thinks Sae pretended to love him and care about him in their childhood to further his own ambition only to throw it all away like it was meaningless, meanwhile Hiori feels that his parents don’t actually love him and only want him to be the best because they never could be. This similarity is something that us shippers tend to use as way for Hiori to be able to understand Rin in a way that other characters can’t, as well as a way for Rin to be able to actually articulate his emotions surrounding Sae to someone who is able to understand him to a certain degree and won’t think he’s being “too edgy” or “over-reacting”. We can count in Hiori to not be judgemental of Rin.
Beyond their families though, the two of them just have similar interests and personalities. Rin likes horror games (Egoist Bible) and Hiori is a gamer. They’re both quiet, more reserved and Hiori’s ideal type in a romantic partner is someone who will leave him alone a lot (Blue Lock wiki). They’re ‘no-nonsense’ people who prefer to be blunt and to the point. It might seem a bit superficial but considering they basically never interact, it’s rather a lot to go on.
Overall, the completely made up dynamic that has been created by us shippers after taking all of this information into account goes something like this:
Rin doesn’t find Hiori as annoying or threatening as the rest of Blue Lock because Hiori is adaptable, no-nonsense and doesn’t try to come for Rin’s position as number 1
Hiori has an understanding of Rin’s trauma because he himself experienced something incredibly similar
They get over the ‘start talking’ hurdle and begin to realise that they actually have similar interests and can hold a conversation for longer than 2 seconds
The relationship builds from there, with Hiori being the ‘exception’ in Rin’s life and Rin being a safety where Hiori can talk about his true feelings without having to filter himself or be kind
In terms of other headcanons, these are a couple that I’ve seen floating around:
Neither of them like PDA very much. You might see them holding hands if you’re lucky
They play co-op together a lot, especially co-op horror games
They don’t pry into each other’s business. If one of them wants to talk about something, they will
They have the type of relationship where they’ll sit in silence not talking to each other for 30 minutes, then one nudges the other a bit and suddenly they’re cuddling (only in private, obviously)
They have had many long, depressing trauma-dump sessions with each other
It isn’t a depressing relationship though, mostly because Hiori is a light in Rin’s life and Rin feels like he can be more ‘the old him’ around Hiori (see: Rin’s light novel)
They both like striped clothing (see: Rin’s casual design and Hiori’s onesie, coaster design and child design)
And with that, I have finally finished my overly long, overly indulgent explanation into why I and others ship hiorin. It’s 3am for me rn so I might have missed smth so if any other hiorin shippers out there in the aether wanna drop in with their perspectives and/or stuff I forgot to mention, feel free! As for @zevacheiznekam, I hope this answered your question and you didn’t get too bored half way through 😅
(Also, if you wanna see some hiorin artwork, uh, shameless plug)
Sources used:
Blue Lock manga
Egoist Bible
Blue Lock light novels (we’re actually getting a Hiori one later this year which will hopefully add some fuel to the hcs!)
Nomura’s art
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spectres-fulcrum · 3 months
This whole they changed Ki-Adi's age!!! Outrage is so performative and you cannot change my mind on this.
This age is of a minor character with an estimated birth year on a trading card that's 20 years old and decidely non canon(And these TPM adjacent sources are also not at all remotely canon). And a man the vast majority of people has hated for decades? You want me to believe you care about that?
Like where was a fraction of this anger when Qui-Gon's birth year was changed? An actual main character? There was silence.
Where was the outcry when his earlier apprentices-namely Xanatos- were written out of ever being pulled to canon? Major character defining stories were ripped away. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon lost so much. Obi-Wan lost lineage brothers. The disaster lineage will never be complete and I loathe everyone who thinks it is(Not really).
My heart screamed. But no one heard a thing. But guess what. I don't really care what the fuck Disney does because they're canon in my heart. Disney can really do whatever the fuck they want and I can ignore them and retreat and I don't scream about it. I don't ruin it for the people who dare to just vibe. My followers will know if I'm not feeling something but that's it.
And this is not a slight against Ki-Adi. I like him. I knew his age. In my mind he grew up friends with Tahl, Qui-Gon, and Clee. In my mind his apprentice(an oc) had a youngling best friends to unspoken romantic relationship with Xanatos in true Jedi Apprentice style and grew up to be a healer at the Temple.
The fandom hates a queer woman in charge. They hate her decisions. The second they announced her, these people decided whatever she produced was going to be horrible and they were going to nitpick everything she did because she was a queer woman. This fandom never, for a second, was willing to give it a chance. And thus this temper tantrum.
BTW: If you don't know any of these names(Xanatos, Clee, Tahl, add in Bant, Siri, Garen, Didi and Astri Oddo), fuck off about Ki-Adi's birth year.
(And if you ask my opinion: Canon is fun, if I like it I might try to include it in my headcanons. But at the end of the day it doesn't mess with my headcanons. Qui-Gon and Ki-Adi-Mundi were both born ca. 90 BBY. Xan and Miria were their apprentices in the 50s. Jude Watson is my holy bible when it comes to Star Wars. In my head, Xan and Obi-Wan are dating during TPM and Xanatos met Anakin on the landing platform right before the Return to Naboo and had a vision of the purge and Qui-Gon asked him if the dark Jedi ever heard whispers of the Sith returning.
But I respect canon for what it is on paper. If this is worth keeping in my headcanon(Which might be good fuel for rumors Xanatos knows from his dark years...), that dude is some random guy of Ki-Adi's species and it. hurts. nothing)
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yukidragon · 1 year
Hey there, finally figured out how to edit my blog after all these years of inactivity! Anyway, your last ping about Jacktor evading his past as long as possible made me wondering whether there would be instances where our silly lil' guy would accidentally slip out of character. Aside from the canon implications of his "vices", I thought something about music trivia and instrument preferences for my OC route. What else do you think could make him remember his past self in a neutral/good way?
Unfortunately there's a lot about Joseph that we don't know yet. I've done a more thorough deep dive of his childhood and timeline in this previous post.
From what we've learned through his interview with the psyche consultant at the end of the demo, which I transcribed here, Joseph is a man who regrets his past. Things that he once liked - his tattoos - now bring him feelings of shame.
I suspect that the combination of rum syrup, coffee ice cream, and cashews might have been something he liked. Either that or it was associated with a particularly bad memory. If it was something he, as Joseph, enjoyed, it might have caused that negative reaction because of the fact that taste and smell are strongly associated with memory. That specific combination probably brought him back to the past for a moment, when he used to be Joseph. Sometimes certain foods do that, remind us of the times we had it before and for a moment we replay the memories where we experienced that same taste.
If the combination wasn't related to a particularly bad memory and was just the flavor combination Joseph preferred, then his reaction to tasting it is an unfortunate sign. A favorite flavor of food is a positive memory after all. If even positive memories associated with being Joseph cause such a trauma response, then anything that reminds Jack that he was ever Joseph is going to cause a similar reaction, with negative memories resulting in a far worse reaction.
I have a feeling that Jack has associated any sort of positive quality or desire he was capable of seeing in himself as Joseph as being part of the character of Sunny Day Jack. All the negative qualities then get attributed to Joseph. That is probably why remembering being Joseph is so horrifying to Jack. He's clean now. He's Sunny Day Jack, the beloved teacher and star of the SunnyTime Crew Show. Everyone loved him, unlike Joseph...
As an actor, Joseph would've studied his character. Given how Lambswork Productions was pretty rigid about him staying in character during interviews, I suspect that he had to know the character of Sunny Day Jack inside and out - all of the lore including his likes and dislikes.
Now, there would be gaps to this lore. Not every single detail about a character would be given. Actors are expected to bring a piece of themselves into the character to bring them to life. These gaps are where the positive traits about Joseph would go. As long as it doesn't contradict Sunny Day Jack lore, then he could justify it.
For example, ask Sunny Day Jack what his favorite food is, he'll say apples. Joseph, as Jack, better talk about the wonders and health benefits of apples if asked in an interview because that's in character. It doesn't matter if, say, Joseph can't stand apples - that's canon for Sunny Day Jack, so Jack loves apples.
Not that I'm saying that Joseph doesn't like apples of course. That isn't something we know for sure, but I've been thinking about that patreon interview with Jack and the answers he gave in this light lately, as well as the things he says in Sleepy Time Jack.
In a way, Jack has created this headcanon for who Sunny Day Jack is and adapted that persona, rather than whatever was written in the character bible for the show and the rules the studio strictly enforced. That's why we have some contradictions like his sex drive, when a character from a show aimed at little kids in the 80's wouldn't have one. A sex drive isn't something inherently negative, and Jack would know that, but it's not something that could ever be acknowledged publicly due to studio mandate and strict censorship laws when it comes to children's entertainment. Since sexuality is a positive thing, and since Jack experiences sexual attraction, he can come up with a justification for why it's okay that he has it to resolve the cognitive dissonance.
I think that anything positive from his memories that doesn't explicitly bring Jack back to moments where he was Joseph, without a way to deny that fact, will be attributed to Jack. He could even paint over those memories to "remember" them as if he was Jack when he did them if they're not particularly vivid. In a sense, he's gaslighting himself to remember things differently than they actually were.
The human mind is a funny thing. We have the capability of inventing memories that didn't really happen, and altering details in our memories. That's why millions of people remember going to Woodstock after hearing about it even though it's literally impossible for that many people to have gone.
As for specific things Jack would remember positively from his time as Joseph... While we don't know much canonically right now about his likes and dislikes as Joseph, he seems to have enjoyed roller skating, according to this art Sauce drew and posted on their old twitter. Jack seems to still enjoy it in the present day.
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Credit as always to Sauce, as well as a reminder to not repost anything posted privately on the Snaccpop Studios patreon.
Now, while development art like this can't be counted as canon until it appears on an official site like the SDJ tumblr or twitter, I can say as an 80's baby that back then skating was everywhere. All the kids did it and almost universally loved it, even if they sucked at it, myself included. I'm totally on board with headcanoning Jack with a love of skating.
I don't think skating brings Jack back to any one specific memory as Joseph like the yogurt flavor combination did. After all, Jack can eat rum syrup, coffee yogurt, and cashews by themselves or two of them together without much of a hassle. It's only that specific combination that I believe sparks a distinct memory where he is unquestionably Joseph. Since the skating doesn't bring him back to a specific vivid memory, he could mentally attribute his love of skating to Jack.
Why, Sunny Day Jack loves to skate! He skated all the time in CloudyTown.
What? There weren't any episodes where Jack skated? Oh, uh... he skated for live shows, yeah! And surely he skated in CloudyTown even if it wasn't in an episode. Not everything showed up in episodes, silly! CloudyTown was a real place where he lived as a real person. Where else would he, Sunny Day Jack, live otherwise?
Ultimately, while I don't think Jack ever directly tells lies to MC, that doesn't mean that he's necessarily telling the truth either. In many ways, Jack is an unreliable narrator. He believes in the lie that he's the character of Sunny Day Jack to the point that it has become his truth.
I think Jack needs time and a lot of positive association with stuff he enjoyed as Joseph that Sunny Day Jack didn't necessarily do to be a bit less defensive about ever being Joseph. In his eyes, Sunny Day Jack is superior to others, which includes his past self as Joseph.
In the "no" route he specifically sees MC's rejection of him as a boyfriend as a failing on his part. He thought he was doing everything right. He resolves himself to do better, to be better. He's desperate to be that ideal that he sees the character of Sunny Day Jack to be.
If Jack is able to see that he doesn't need to be as "perfect" as Sunny Day Jack to be loved and accepted, then I think he'll slowly start to accept the flawed person he truly is. Then and only then will he be able to accept Joseph, even if he won't necessarily choose to go by that name ever again. Maybe he's not that person anymore, and maybe he's grown to be a better person now, but he doesn't have to be ashamed that he used to be that person either.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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amethystunarmed · 9 months
so I saw the ask game you reblogged: Grace Chasity?
Ooh! Okay, this was a hard one! (From this ask meme)
Headcanon A (realistic): I tend to headcanon Grace as Aromantic. Like, she really doesn't get all the signs all the times she's being flirted with (both with Gabe and Max, before he really gets explicit) and finds the kiss with Jason disgusting, even though it's just a peck. Even during Dirty Girl, she says she won't care about Max, she is strictly into him physically. As someone who is also on the aro spectrum, I definitely see a bit of myself in that!
Headcanon B (while it may not be realistic it is hilarious): she absolutely has written fix-it veggie tales fanfic that makes it more pious and closer to the original bible stories
Headcanon C (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): Grace truly considers Steph to be one of her best and closest friends. She was so excited to see her at Abstinence Camp, and, despite the outcome, really believed she was trying to help Steph by telling on her and even went to stand up to the Jerries for her, despite how much she loved camp and believed in their doctrine! She didn't step in to save Peter at the end of NPMD, but because Max was going to kill Steph. Even if Steph hates Grace, Grace doesn't realize, she jumped in between her and Lumber Axe in Abstinence Camp and gave up what she cherished most for her in NPMD.
Headcanon D (unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.): the reason Kyle and Brenda aren't at the dance at the end of NPMD is because Grace saw them making out in the cafeteria and made her judgement of them well in advance. I mean, from the way she talks about Jason, it definitely doesn't sound like he was her first victim. I think Kyle and Brenda were her first kills, her trial runs. Jason was given a test to see if he was like them, and failed. (I know it's actually because Curt and Bryce needed to be Shapiro and Bailey, but what if???)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 18 days
Is Niko also actually a gamer? I thought he was only very much into manga and anime. But that’ll be so cool if he’s also a resident gamer in bllk along with Nagi and Hiori.
Also, I have this headcanon that the likelihood some of the boys like Yukimiya and (even) Karasu have girlfriends outside of Blue Lock. Or maybe Karasu is seeing someone? He just give me that vibe too AND— I guarantee this Otoya panel, he got the number of that chick and probably are seeing each other idk 🤣 OR he definitely broke it off before he entered the facility again.
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Dying and curious to know about Karasu and Marisa so bad (it’ll make and break me), there’s something about it that just pains me a little, not because Karasu is my fave but there’s something else. Idk if its hitting me closer on a personal level lol.
i actually have no idea if he’s a gamer canonically (i think he’s into yu-gi-oh! but that’s more of a card game iirc) but i feel like everyone just kinda headcanons him as also being a gamer because it kinda goes along w reading manga/watching anime + his personality?? to the point that it’s just kinda widely accepted that he’s a gamer even if there isn’t necessarily strict canon backing for it 🤔
unfortunately all of the bllk boys except otoya and aiku give me zero bitches vibes 😔💔 according to the egoist bible karasu thought ALL of his valentines from the previous year were given to him as a prank so i’m p sure that man has never known a romantic relationship in his life 😭 otoya though for sure went on a couple of dates with that girl before being like “ok later” when he got bored (which coincided perfectly with his return to bllk) LMAOAOA he and aiku are actually menaces to the female population 😩 i can fix otoya though like trust if he ever met me irl he would be a changed man (mostly because i would probably not even want him until he redeemed himself)
hmm i think for me that trope of leaving someone even though you like them because you think it’s for their own good is always very interesting 🤔 i’ve written it once with the reader’s MOTHER getting left by someone in my yuta fic (that sounds so insane but it makes sense in the story) because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her…honestly i kind of like when it ends in them not getting together in the end because it’s so angsty one that got away vibes and i love angst 🙂‍↕️ honestly given kaneshiro’s immense skill and talent and love for writing female characters (sarcasm intended) we’re probably never seeing marisa in the future (besides the karasu ln whenever that comes out) until like MAYBEEE an epilogue that’s ten years in the future or smth and it’s just mentioned that karasu is married to her out of the blue 😭 i think it’s sweet that he still remembers her so vividly and thinks so highly of her even now though 🥹 like he truly is such a green flag HAHA we love him for that
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