#writing etiquette
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hedgehog-troops · 11 months ago
said this before, will say it again.
making a character christian/muslim/jewish/of any other religion is NOT an excuse to shit on or disrespect the religion. Noe is it an excise to play into stereotypes or to make a mockery out of that religion.
thank you.
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clairethecutepup · 3 months ago
Is it Rude to "Revive" Dead Fics...?
I've far too often seen fanfics go "dead" and never be finished, even if they had an idea I might've been interested in and all. I wonder if it'd be rude to take an abandoned idea by someone else and "finish" it, per se, myself? Case in point, I think some "Corn Kidz 64" fics on A03 are "dead" by now, but I want to see them done-- one way or another.
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furcoveredinblood · 2 years ago
hey if you send fanfiction writers death threats and rape threats and shit for not updating a fanfiction quick enough for you, you are scum and i don't care what you have to say to defend yourself. it's fucking creative writing, you can be patient and wait for updates just like everyone else. grow up.
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astroelles · 1 year ago
the fact some (usually young) people still on wattpad believes its okay behavior to withhold a smut chapter(s) until they get certain amount of reads its horrible etiquette. i'll unfollow on the spot for that sort of thing because i respect my readers.
i would like increased reads on my original fiction as much as the other person. but i rather work on it over a long time and readers genuinely interested to read. its far too easy for authors to get addicted to numbers and stats. when the true gift on sharing a story, is the community and friends you make on the way.
i'm constantly working on having a reliable schedule for future book projects. and to complete them as well. 💛 i hope to see some of you there.
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aikoiya · 10 months ago
On the Kudos thing. I read somewhere that there's a way to game the system in comments & basically Kudos something multiple times, but I forget how.
Alright, to ao3's soon to be arriving Wattpad Refugees, a basic guide to general user culture:
1.) Unlike Wattpads vote system that let's you like each chapter, the ao3 equivalent kudos only allows one per work. Everyone is generally quietly annoyed about this. To engage with each chapter, you're heavily encouraged to comment. Trust me, it makes people's day.
2.) Ao3 has no algorithm. By default it's latest updated work first. You can find things to your taste through searches, filters and tags.
3.) 'No archive warnings apply' and 'user has chosen not to use archive warnings' mean two very different things. No archives warnings means the work is free from any content that could require a warning tag (character death, graphic depictions of violence, non-con, etc). User has chosen not to use archive warnings means it could contain any of the warning content, be it hasn't been explicitly tagged. Treat it like an allergen. No archive warnings apply is allergen free. User has chosen not to use archive warnings, may contain traces or whole chunks of the allergen. If you're likely to have a bad reaction, maybe don't take the risk.
4.) Speaking of warnings, ao3 has very few restrictions on the type of work that's allowed. Whatever your personal thoughts or feelings on that are, thats how the site is. You're likely to run across some dark subject matters and a lot of people are uncomfortable with reading that. You're well within your rights not like these works and have your opinion on whether they should be allowed, but harassing the authors of such works (or any works) is more likely to come back on you than them. Ao3 operates on a strong policy of 'don't like, don't read'. Use the tagging system to your full advantage to only engage with the kind of works you want to see.
We look forward to welcoming you all and seeing the fantastic works you create. Happy writing!
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anxious-m3ss · 1 year ago
“I hope this email finds you well”
First of all the only emails that ever find me well are from AO3
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bunnis-monsters · 8 months ago
“You’re romanticizing it!”
No, actually, I’m sexualizing it. Thanks.
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 1 month ago
personally I think it’s a shame how fandoms “died” too soon these days. I’m not talking in literal sense and I know there are people who stay passionate about their fandoms long after the hype is gone. I’m talking about the “popularity” and how people in general engage with a piece of media they like and how fast they let the hype die down? I don’t know if I’m making any sense, but what I’m trying to say is a fanfic or a fan art of a show that is recently released will get tons of likes, comments, reblogs which is great. but the engagement for fan made content about that same show usually drops drastically — and I mean drastically — once the show is no longer “recent”. and I’m not even talking about when the show is several years old. because you can see the significant drop of engagement a fanfic or fan art about that show receives once the show is like a month old or two. it’s discouraging how most people tend to lose interest and stop engaging with fanfic / fan art once its source material is no longer “new and shiny”.
especially when writing fanfics and creating fan art take time. writers and artists often receive less engagement / appreciation for their works if they take “too long” to create and the source material is no longer “new and shiny” and so people move on to something else that’s new and shiny. it’s heartbreaking to see.
obviously this is in no way to manipulate or guilt trip people into engaging with anything. because yeah you can do whatever you want. this isn’t to force, manipulate or guilt trip anyone into liking or reblogging a fan work or anything. this is just me hoping people will one day take things slower and enjoy things they’re passionate about longer like how we used to in the past.
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the-bar-sinister · 2 years ago
Look, I'm going to be honest, I don't care whether people feeding other fans' fanfiction into AI is "legal" or "illegal".
What it is, is rude, entitled, and disrespectful of your fellow fans.
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cheer-nympho · 1 month ago
Thinking about Eddie driving up to the quarry one night to try and sell to the teenagers that usually hang around here,
But when he gets there only one car is parked and hidden behind the bushes framing the road.
A very familiar BMW with it’s windows steamed up.
‘Of course Harringtons getting some again. Lucky fuck.’ Eddie thinks as he lights a smoke, if only to warm him up a bit in the cold night.
Damn. From the condensation dripping down the BMW windows, they’re having no problem keeping warm.
Even from the distance it takes effort to not startle when the hand slams against the back window, creating a messy handprint on the white glass. Even from here he can see it’s a mans hand. Steve, he assumes. Jesus, whoever he has in that back seat is clearly getting railed practically through the seats.
He should look away, really. Knows that this is a bit fucked up. But…he can’t actually see anything. And really, Harrington shouldn’t have brought her out to the towns most known hangout. And its not like he was straining to hear, they were just SO loud. And…deep?
Eddie’s not exactly a connoisseur in the different noises of women, try as he may, but he’s pretty sure he’s only hearing a man right now. Sure, its still a pretty high pitched and punched out sound but noticeably a dudes- which confuses Eddie for a minute.
Harrington must just be really sensitive and loud. Maybe that’s why he had so many girls falling over him, the noises certainly weren’t turning Eddie OFF the interaction.
He can physically see the change in the cars bouncing when he assumes they’re…’finishing off’
Eddie doesn’t know why he’s still here. He could have- no, he SHOULD have left ages ago. But not long after the bouncing stops, the car door swings over and 2 legs swing out, hands coming down to fix their socks- clearly having hastily thrown his clothes back on.
The only thing is…Eddie doesn’t remember Harringtons legs being so long? The body looks out or place sitting in the open door, not like the familiar and practically famous silhouette of Steve against his vehicle. And it hits Eddie square in the face when the guy stands upright.
Cause Eddie DOES know the guy. He’s just stomach tippinglys aware that it is NOT Harrington.
That’s Johnny. Eddies (admittedly one sided) rival at the hideout. A fucking punk. Not in the way the adults of Hawkins use the term, he’s literally a punk rocker.
And his punk rocker ass is currently stepping out of Steve Harringtons freshly christened back seat. Well that…can’t be right. Harrington must just…rent out his car to couple or something. That must be it. Rich people are weird like that.
His theory is very quickly destroyed as Johnny knocks lightly on the roof of the car, cigarette already in the other hand, and pokes his head into the back. He laughs before a pair of legs flop out of the door. Legs attached to someone clearly too tall for a backseat. Legs attached to someone very male.
He should go. He needs to go. If not because of how his stomach feels like it’s trying to eat itself, then because his best-buddy Johnny just tipped his head non-subtly towards Eddie’s van.
‘Shit shit shit shit-‘ He puts the keys in as fast as he can with shaking hands.
— And he so nearly got away too. So nearly never had to look at that BMW or its occupants again, live his life carefree.
All hope of that was cruelly dashed when he left hellfire to see Steve leaning against his van.
He scanned the area, in hopes someone else had stayed late because he was pretty sure Steve was about to give him the “talk and you’re dead” followed by a beating up. And that would suck.
Nowhere else to go but forward, he clutched his DND bag and hobbled over to Harrington- who hadn’t offered him anything other than a blank stare.
“Pretty late to be lurking around school. People might get the wrong idea.”
“Don’t lecture me on lurking, man. We both know you were at the quarry.”
“I don’t really-“
“Johnny told me, would recognise your beat up ride miles away he said.”
Thankfully Eddie had enough brain power in him to add that to the list of reasons to fucking hate Johnny. In the time he had to scowl at the ground, Harrington had rounded behind him. Eddie span to meet him but was met with a rough hand to the chest.
He was pushed up against his van with a sharp movement, pulling a winded breath from him followed by a large ‘bang’ as Steve’s hand slammed to the side of his head.
“So, Munson. What did you see?”
“I didn’t see-“
“Try again.” A hand crept into his hair, not pulling but clearly threatening it with the way it was clasped.
“I saw…you and Johnny. In your car.”
Steve hummed and looked away from Eddie. “That’s not very specific, Eddie, try again.”
“Wha- I don’t know what you-“ The hand in his hair yanked, pulling his head so that even with their similar heights he was forced to look up at Steve, hands gripping uselessly to the side of his van.
“Try again.”
That’s what he wanted.
“I saw Johnny fucking you.”
He managed to lift his gaze to look at Steve and was met with an almost dopey smirk, his eyes barely focused as they stared down at Eddie half closed. Eddie melted right into the wall of his van because Steve Harrington was looking him like he’d never been hornier in his life.
“Fuck. He was Eddie, he really was and it was so good. You saw it right? Saw the car moving? Shit, man, it’s hard to get it moving like that. He was so rough.” Eddie just stared as Steve started falling further towards him, sinking into the weird little hold they both had.
“But there’s just one problem Munson.” Steve said into the side of Eddie’s neck, making him shiver and use all his willpower to keep his head where Steve’s grip had moved it.
“What- What problem?”
“My car is just too small. We needed more space, I needed more space.”
He brought his free hand up and slammed it to the other side of Eddie’s head. “Do you think you might know anyone with something more…spacious?” And when Eddie clocked exactly what he was implying, what he was begging for- he had never been so thankful for his shitty van.
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fellshish · 5 months ago
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clawsnpetrichor · 11 months ago
Having dealt with people JUST like this? Yeah, don't do it.
It's really fucked up when you treat characters like people and people like characters.
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asexual-fandom-queen · 1 year ago
not to be That Person but when people are like “why isn’t there a big fandom culture anymore?” umm…
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maybe this is why???? That an author can spend hours (if not days or weeks or months) on something, have 1,800 people read it, and only have THREE people willing to take a few extra seconds out of their day to comment. Not even something as simple as “thanks for sharing” or “second kudos” or “❤️”
I’m not the internet police. You decide what you do with your time. Just don’t be surprised if the result is that creators leave your fandoms. I’m not writing to scream into the void. If that’s what I wanted, I wouldn’t bother posting. Fandom is a community. It’s an exchange of enthusiasm over this thing we all love. And who’s gonna keep showing up at your house with a goodie basket if all you do is take the basket, slam the door, and leave them outside to watch through the window while you eat?
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m00neroni · 4 months ago
unpopular opinion but no fan artist or fan writer should have to "apologise" for their absence or "delay" in updates; and nobody should ask them for explanations if they simply stop publishing their content one random morning. for whatever reason
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frownyalfred · 4 months ago
fandom etiquette
my hot take of the week (that absolutely no one asked for) is that there’s a crap ton of ao3 “etiquette” touted on here that’s actually 100% optional.
really. if it’s not in the TOS and it’s not required by the tagging system, there is no right or wrong “etiquette.”
yes, people sometimes use that flexibility to be dicks, but most of the time I see “etiquette” being enforced on authors who 1) used the tagging system correctly and 2) have inadvertently done something that readers don’t “like.”
examples of this I’ve seen: using the “creator chose not to warn” tag and then not tagging MCD, underage, etc. i.e., things that are absolutely allowed to not be tagged under that broader tag.
another example: writing a fic with a sad ending and not tagging the sad ending ahead of time. absolutely permissible, but if you do this people get pissed.
and another example: using archive warnings and zero additional tags.
all of these are examples of 100% valid and compliant usage of the ao3 tag system. and yet, we tend to penalize fics that follow this tagging style. I’ve seen people rate them, rec them with poorly concealed disgust, or even suggest that they should be reported.
“etiquette” is highly subjective and fandom-dependent. if you ask 10 different ao3 users, you’ll get different answers. pressuring newbie writers to follow your etiquette can make the whole process overwhelming when it doesn’t need to be.
now. there’s complying with ao3 TOS, there’s “etiquette,” and there’s marketing. the reason fics that follow general “etiquette” tend to do better is because they’re easier to find, easier to predict, and easier to filter in/out depending on certain tags and events. easier to sell, essentially.
users who choose not to warn, or use auxiliary tags, tend to see a hit in readership. it’s a known risk. but if the author is making that choice knowingly, that’s the end of the discussion.
etiquette is expected or implied conduct, but it is not required. as a writer, you get to weigh the pros and cons of following fandom “etiquette.” some find it beneficial, others stifling. sometimes it changes fic to fic.
I am wary of a lot of anti-shipping and fandom purity that is starting to masquerade as “etiquette” on here. we need to check ourselves, and remember how highly subjective our wants and desires for content can be sometimes.
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ravenelyx · 1 year ago
And somehow I'm both
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