#writerly tag
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the-golden-comet · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionnaire
The very lovely @sableglass , @the-letterbox-archives , @nczaversnick , @drchenquill , @thecomfywriter , @thatuselesshuman , @glasshouses-and-stones , and @theink-stainedfolk , tagged me in this one. (I absolutely relate to your love of escapist romances to read alongside the beach 💖✨)
I’ll answer the best I can. Bear in mind I’m a little bit of a chaos gremlin :)
About Me
When did you first start writing?
About 12 years old. I always took a liking to Disney animated classics, which have inspired me to write and draw similar to the style.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Actually, the two are very similar. What I love to write is what I love to read. I’ve taken more of a fancy to writing romances now as opposed to a decade ago, though :)
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Not that I’m aware of. Everyone has taken a little bit of inspiration from different sources, whether knowingly or unknowingly, so there are probably some authors or writers that I share similarities with. I know for a FACT that a lot of my stories draw heavy inspiration from Disney, which has influenced my art and storytelling styles ✨
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Ahhh, yes. Couch, coffee table, writing laptop, coffee. Soft throw draped across my lap as I get perpetually cold. Thankfully, it’s nice and quiet in this writing space and it allows me to let me do string-of-thought writing for hours. The only thing is sometimes I lose track of time this way, so I have to set an alarm for breaks and meals.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Watching movies, listening in on my friends’ DnD campaigns, or reading stories from friends and mutuals :)
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Not really. I keep my personal life and writing life pretty separate. After all, a great thing about writing fantasy is that it doesn’t HAVE to tie in to the real world, or personal life. It can be whatever I want it to be ✨
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Recurring themes? You bet. I either write a high fantasy BL Romance, or low fantasy slice-of life RomCom. My favorite writing tropes are Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Found Families, Romantic Comedy, Magic in the Mundane, Slice of Life, Call to Action/Prophecy, and Absurdism.
Do they surprise me? Absolutely. I can have a beautiful plot all planned out, and then my characters say, “okay I see the route, but what if we take a sliiiiight detour? :)” and then soon enough I’m on a totally unique and unexplored path in my writing….and that’s exciting. An adventure all on its own ✨
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
I fear if I don’t say Peter here, he’s gonna kill me. In my current WIP, my favorite character is Ali because he’s a lovable goofball genie that wants the best for Noah. Overall currently (side eying) Peter because he’s a chaotic-neutral, anti-establishment, insane pirate captain that makes my life entertaining 😂
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Ali. Hands down. Dude gets along with just about everyone.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Any of the villains I wrote, but going off of main OCs? Gosh that’s tough….probably Tyr because he’s really angry all the time (for good reason, but too much of that is toxic)
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Oh boy. That’s a big one. Let’s see….
Character building kinda happens simultaneously to Plot Planning; it’s a bit hard to describe, as there’s no “right order” to my world building. But usually it’s: “Okay, who is my protagonist? Who is the antagonist? What do they look like? Is the protag a hero, or villain? Is the antag a hero, or villain? What is their ‘general moral alignment?’ What are their characteristics? What are their strengths? What are their flaws? What are their goals and aspirations? Etc.” I do this for each major character. Then, secondary and supporting characters, who get a little less polish but still enough to be human (or relatable) in nature, start getting fleshed out.
Once I get the Core Plots and characters made and planned out, I start piecing the events in chronological order in the story. This becomes my “roadmap” that helps drive the narrative. Then….well, the rest just kinda falls into place. Once I have a “Plan of Events,” all that’s left is writing the story around the plan. And, as I’m writing, new ideas may come, and I get to explore that a little further during the writing phase.
tl;dr: I do the “Tree Approach.” Characters are the foundational trunk. Branches are the Core Plots. Twigs are the Conflicts. Leaves are the little details of each conflict (i.e. how characters react, where the conflict is set, what this means for each character’s aspirations, etc.)
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Yep :)
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How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
Like this:
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My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Personal enjoyment, mainly. And how far I can stretch and challenge my creative mind ✨
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Any story reactions and positive engagement is always appreciated. Just don’t be a dick and you’re good 👍
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I loathe this question. As long as people enjoy my stories, that’s what matters. I’m just one silly little guy writing stories for my own enjoyment. The fact that other people can enjoy my wild ideas as well is a blessing in of itself.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Comedy and Dialogue. And comedic timing.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Same as above. Also have been told that I have wildly entertaining and outlandishly creative ideas portrayed in “insane, chaotic, and ballsy ways.” Coolio 🤙
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I’m proud of it. I’ve successfully written stories that I wanted to read, and reading back through my stories is really entertaining and motivating :)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
I’ve already been writing stories on my own for well over a decade, nearly two. It was my husband and friends who finally pushed me to go public, and I’m very glad I did :)
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I write solely for my entertainment, and my personal opinion is that’s the best way to do it, honestly. If I write stories that I want to read, I enjoy them, I spend more effort on them because I WANT to, not to please anyone other than myself. I don’t inhibit myself or censor myself, allowing me creative freedom to write wherever my heart takes me….which has led to some WILDLY entertaining plots. Even if writing is a career to some, if you find yourself enjoying what you write, you’re gonna motivate yourself beyond your wildest imaginations ✨
Man, that was a lot! Thank you @davycoquette for starting the chain, and thank you again Sable for tagging me!
I will gently and no pressure tag the following people as well as my tag list: @nczaversnick , @lavender-gloom , @cowboybrunch , @noblebs , @words-after-midnight , @saturnine-saturneight , @marlowethelibrarian , @aintgonnatakethis , @coffeexafterxmidnight , @astramachina , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , +open tag! 💛✨
✨👇Tag list for writing tidbits below. DM me if you’d like to be added 👇✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@talesofsorrowandofruin , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @paeliae-occasionally , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild
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ominous-faechild · 8 months ago
Oh, to have the creative freedom to make a woman fall for the demonic entity her abusive father made a deal with and exploited...
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silly-moth-123 · 3 months ago
It's so weird hyperfixating on my own book. Like I am literally in the world's smallest fandom and nobody knows the joy I feel when I think about this book. You don't know what I mean by this but Arrow and Briar are my sillies and I love them..... and like....... they're such a slow burn romance and I'm just staring into Arrow's eyes and screaming that is not platonic in any way and I love those two..... The ways they tease each other..... Adhafhafhfjhhh...... And LYRA....... MY TRAUMATIZED LITTLE BLORBO......... I want to put her in a jar and shake her and listen to her infodump about My Little Pony...... And AVDDHAADHGHHHH RIVER MY SILLY LITTLE GUY. he is so silly. He is also a little bit traumatized but it's ok he Stays Silly...... Also did I mention Briar. I mean mentioned shipping and stuff but like. Briar themself, not in relation to the others. THE POOR CREATURE. SOMEONE GIVE THEM A HUG
yet all of this means nothing to you
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marlowethelibrarian · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionaire tag!
@saturnine-saturneight, @the-golden-comet and @fortunatetragedy all tagged me for this questionaire! Also thanks to @davycoquette for the original meme!
About You
When did you start writing?
I remember writing a story for a first grade assignment when I was 4-5 and really enjoying it. They gave us little booklets that were just like construction paper cut into shapes with lined paper inside to write on. I didn't really start writing as a hobby until I was about 10, writing naruto fanfic.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I tend to write what I like to read! I like nonfiction on occasion which I definitely can write, I just don't do it very often.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
No one has ever compared me to an author ever, lmfao, but there are some writers here on writeblr that I've got an eye on, with prose that fucking slaps. I haven't actually sat down and read their stuff yet for the most part, because my life has been crazy but from the excerpts I see on tumblr I'm like. Yes. That. That's great. How do they do that. shout out to @cowboybrunch, @fortunatetragedy and @davycoquette!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
90% of the time I write in my messy ass bed my fitted sheet refuses to stay on. The other 10% I'm wandering to other places in the house.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Write or die sometimes brute forces it out of me. Otherwise, brainstorming with a sounding board, answering some asks or tag games, or rereading my old stuff can all help me out here.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean. Probably! I definitely do that thing where I'll picture the layout of a building as a building I'm familiar with. I've written a lot of apartments that look suspiciously like my grandparent's old house.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeah almost definitely lmfao. I keep noticing patterns after the fact. I have been circling the idea of dead worlds for one, and what it takes to survive there a couple times now. It's less obvious in project Cannibalism, but it's honestly still there.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
My current obsession is definitely Ravi, who is a dnd character, a larp character, and the main character of my Summer League OCT rounds. They started off as a gnome alchemist who is like just a back alley drug dealer when they got stuck in Barovia in a Curse of Strahd campaign. (Currently the only member of the original party still alive and aiming to keep it that way) I changed them to be a halfling when writing them for the OCT on a whim because it feels like a more grounded fantasy race to draw from without having to explain too much thanks to Lord of the Rings and its enduring cultural legacy. I've been greatly enjoying the process of writing, essentially, an incredibly traumatized character embark on a life or death venture among people who have no idea what the stakes are for them, exploring how badly adapted some of those defense mechanisms are for a regular ass place and how other people would view them, and how they would get there in the first place. I'd put them in my mouth and chew on them
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I can be a pretty sensitive person who prefers straightforward communication and positivity, so every single one of my horrible little prickly assholes is out. And that's a category I really enjoy writing so that's almost all of them lmfaoooo. I'd probably be friends with Wakma though. Wakma's cool.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I wouldn't be able to stand Mala. She's consistently unpleasant and horrible to the people around her and I would not be able to let it roll off or just hit back like Rakani does.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
I like to develop characters in response to aspects I find interesting about the worldbuilding, or around a concept I want to explore. Sometimes they come about because there's a role in a story I need to fill. Wakma, for example, mostly came about because I knew Rakani absolutely needed a friend who didn't come from the Suyan hierarchy, and I already had this really cool idea about nomadic airship traders so I made him a diplomat from that culture, and then developed more of his character as I wrote him and decided what was important to the story.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Traumatized little goblins, people who aren't acceptable victims, who lash out and behave in unacceptable ways.
How do you picture your characters?
I do draw, so I do have pictures of what characters look like sometimes, but sometimes they're just blobs and I decide along the way what they look like. I do try to be deliberate about it though, because diversity in race and body types rarely just happens to me. It's something I work towards and am purposefully deliberate about.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I wanna and no one's stopped me yet.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i love it when someone points at something I did specifically about what about it they vibed with or excited them.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
Just don't look at me and expect my characters please.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Well I think people have cried about my writing a lot, so it's quite emotional. I'm always very pleased when someone says I've hit on a level of some emotional realism.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I have great, creative ideas, but the execution could use a little work. I think my writing is pretty plain and worksmanlike, and that's like fine.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
This does absolutely open up a whole ass can of worms. jamie's right, how am i surviving here, if im subsidence farming I don't think I'd have the time and energy for writing. But like, I don't think I would if I knew I'd never have an audience. Even a small audience of one would be reason enough to write but if it's just me I might not.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I don't care what other people want when I'm writing. I only care when I'm editing lmfao.
i have not kept track of who has answered this or not so I'm just going to leave this open to anyone who wants this!!
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winglesswriter · 8 months ago
Writerly Questionaire
I was tagged by @theink-stainedfolk and @willtheweaver.Thank you, guys, this looks like fun! ❤
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
When I was about 6yo. My mom wrote down my first story about a lonely squirrel :D
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I write the same genres as I enjoy reading
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Not emulate really, but I look up to K. J. Charles, Cat Sebastian, and Ginn Hale
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I'm currently building a new writing nook in a new apartment :D I§m looking forward to having a nice space for my writing because I used to write in my bed which is less than ideal for my back.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Inspiration usually isn't a problem. Give me some music or a picture and ideas will flow. It's much harder when it comes to finding time, energy, or motivation.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Not really.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yes there are and yes they do :D I'm surprised how often my characters have to unlearn things and how many of them struggle with self-worth (even though that shouldn't be so surprising when I'm the one writing them)
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Right now I'm pretty obsessed with Deril Hendersen. Mostly because he's new and I'm developing him, but also because he's the villain that the hero falls for and I've never written anyone like him.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Definitely with Jan Xiaoli because he's loveable and sees the best in people. Maybe with Ikath because I tend to befriend very girly girls and they seem to be attracted by my gender nonconformity.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Lothir because he's everything I hate. I'm afraid we would clash with Shi Saxe and Yarren because we have too much in common (we are all stubborn assholes).
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Half of my MCs started with an image of a real person or were inspired by a different character. The other half I created as their love interests.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Yes, they are all assholes :D I also tend to pair a slutty one with a virgin.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
I imagined them as real people (even though some of them start from real-life inspiration they eventually get their own unique appearance) but I also like to make artwork depicting them.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
Uh... to shut the voices in my head? Or give them a purpose at least. Also, I think there's still not enough stories where queer people go on adventures or save the world. Especially not adult ones.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I love all the comments. But it's especially great when readers pick up on something I thought they wouldn't
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I don't really want people to perceive me, I just want them to enjoy my stories :D But if I must choose I'd say I want them to think of me as a queer person who understands and shares queer joy.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think my greatest strength is dialogue and making characters plausible. And I'm pretty good with pacing.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Telling a lot in a few words, dialogues, strong characters (even the side characters), and interesting worldbuilding.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I know it's not very common so I almost feel ashamed to say it, but I'm proud of my writing. I'm good and I work hard to be better.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes. It would still be a great way to escape reality and entertain myself.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I write purely what I enjoy and hope that someone else will like it too :D
Wow, that was pretty hard but now I'm interested in other people's answers so I'm tagging a lot of you! Please feel free to ignore it.
@pcm-vandermeer, @wolgerrswraith, @vinniehorrible, @sunset-a-story, @words-after-midnight
@oh-no-another-idea,  @lychhiker-writes, @wanderingcas, @tylerjflynn, @sergeantnarwhalwrites,
@buffythevampirelover, @ramwritblr, @druidx, @coffin-hopping, @author-a-holmes
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silkpages · 8 months ago
The Regency, Social Class and Star Crossed Lovers
I have been obsessed with the regency period lately and I guess it's stemmed from watching the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice and kind of spiralled on from there. Because of this though, I've been thinking a lot specifically about the class dynamics and just how prevalent they were in every aspect of life, as well as the strict social norms and how having this image of decency and respectability was so so important, especially for women, whose chances of social ruin were far likelier than a man's. Where I'm going with this is that I can't help thinking the Regency era is already such a great setting for forbidden or star-crossed lovers, but if you zoom in on social class and etiquette, it's especially perfect for pairings with a status imbalance (not quite power imbalance because I don't think that's accurate: the couple itself might be healthy and view each other as equals, but socially they're on completely different wavelengths).
Just imagine falling in love with someone of a lower status than you, let's say an honourable and hardworking young man that occasionally calls on your father alongside his own. You've seen him steadily over the years but it's only recently that you've noticed how his kindness to you has become a mild affection - that you return in full. Soon, his hallway pleasantries become something much more, and you dare to inquire into his family, education and whatever else you can in a way that extends beyond civility. His visits become more frequent and you flush at the thought that he now comes by for you. It's one night whilst you're preparing to sleep that you realise this girlish daydream of yours has transformed into this genuine care for him, and while that realisation would render anyone else happy, it only makes you frown. You know he would be able to make you happy, but he has no estate, works in trade and has certainly not enough money to placate your family. Maybe things would be different if your dowry were bigger and could help support the both of you in a new life. Maybe things would be fine if your family were less concerned with clutching onto gentility and accepted change graciously. But as that's not the case, there is hardly anything you can do but continue your brief conversations on his visits to your father and share a dance at the local assembly. Perhaps two if you wait until enough time passes so that nobody notices. But you wouldn't dream of sharing a third, no. Not if you don't want to ruin yourself and your family socially.
Or perhaps you're a milliner's daughter working one quiet day when suddenly a gentleman approaches from outside. He's new in town, you learn, and he's asking for directions to someplace or another, but before you know it, you've both lost train of the conversation and are laughing about the differences between the city and the country. You don't think much of it when he returns another day, this time to actually purchase a hat, but once again you fall into easy conversation with him. This happens again and again and before you know it, you're both deeply in love. You know there's no chance you can both be together, at least not in any way society approves of, but you delude yourself into thinking it's a light-hearted flirtation that you'll both grow out of soon enough. But your delusion wears off once you realise your talks in the shop, your early morning walks and meetings by the flower field have become the things you most look forward to, and that you cannot bare to go without them, without him.
My thoughts ran away with this idea but the more I think about it, the more perfect I think this era would be for these kind of couples. You could argue any historical era would work for this but imo the Regency is perfect because: 1) it's the Regency era. 2) I think it would be really interesting to explore class and social relations in such a loved period of time especially since it coincided with the Romantic movement. 3) I feel like things were still pretty feudalist in most periods before this time (ofc not all but again it's the Regency, why wouldn't you pick it?) whereas there's more possibility for social mobility growing here and I think this idea of hope and growth versus old ideas about class relations is so so interesting to explore, 4) especially when you can use this landscape of hope and the possibility of your couple getting together to create an excellent tragedy! (I'm joking on the last point ... unless 👀).
But yeahh, I had so much fun with this and I feel like since I'm enjoying getting back into writing fanfic I might just write my own historical AUs for my favourite ships and go crazy over them.
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astramachina · 3 months ago
as someone who puts a kajillion pop culture references into their writing, Bury Your Gays has been really fun.
like yeah yeah mulder and krycek i get it i get it
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moonlitinks · 2 years ago
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thank you to bestie @writingbyricochet for tagging me! CAN WE JUST START OFF WITH THAT LITTLE WRITING SNIPPET (AND THE KISS SCENE) THAT HAD ME SQUEALING??? I AM SO, SO EXCITED FOR PARADISE LIVED AND DIED. for anyone interested in this amazing writer, her answers are linked here!
1) What motivates you to write?
Whenever I sit there and read a good book in one sitting for hours. The magic. The characters. The romance. The ACTION. It just makes me realize that I want to ignite this same feeling to others, and I want to make my book feel like a second home for them to escape to <3
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This is my most recent writing snippet that I'm just SO HAPPY TO WRITE I DON'T KNOW WHY
“Well, I think you’re a selfish—” Rip. The sound of her skirt tearing caused her to pause, and the magpie picked and picked at the edges of her dress. What was it doing? Bari grabbed at the remaining pieces before she exposed herself and got kicked out due to indecency. He stared at her with indifference, scowling like he could not take her at all. “There,” he said. “Now you have no reason to cling to me.” He snatched the magpie from the air and Bari cried out in alarm. Even the bird seemed to sense the dangerous aura that the he emitted, pecking at the space in between them. Altair paused at where the magpie pecked, and his gaze slipped for a second, enough to Bari to snatch her bird back, and the lantern in the other.  She really did need to get rid of the lantern, but it wouldn’t move because, apparently, even an enchanted object believed that she didn’t know what she wanted. “Tell me to take a voice.”
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Altair, because he's so complex. I always love a character that is more mysterious and has a lot of history to unpack behind them because of all the awful things they've done, but a lot of guilt and regret following them, too. Seeing their transformation arc is BEAUTIFUL.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Drafting and creating plot twists! And brainstorming / daydreaming about ideas. If you can't tell, I'm not much of a plotter haha.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Inner dialogue! And I think I really like getting in depth with characters, so you really know them.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I think I love it because we're all honest about the writing process. Writing is really lonely and it actually can really drain you mentally without the right mindset. Personally, I have a lot of anxiety, so seeing people that understand me really makes me feel like I can write and simply enjoy it. It also makes me feel less alone.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Scrivener, my love. I also love watching author interviews like Chloe Gong and Stephanie Garber and just seeing what their drafting and publishing journey has been like, and it inspires me to write! Pinterest is also great for aesthetics, and Spotify is the best for playlists <3
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I love the Enchanted Kingdom (soon to be named...) I've built so far. It's filled with curses that have been unresolved in the first lives that these gods have lived, and now have reappeared to kinda ruin the Kingdom. My world is very fairytale slash studio ghibli esque, so I'm having so fun with the tidbits now!
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Oh, God. DO I KNOW THIS PERSONALLY. I swear my rough patch hasn't ended... writing after nearly not writing for a good two years really does something to you.
Writing is all about mindset. It doesn't matter how much of an oddball idea you have. If you don't believe in it, it'll never get finished. Every time I doubted myself, my anxiety got so bad I shut down immediately. And I was so worried about what other people would think when reading my books, that I stopped myself from writing the books I want to write in the first place. Whether you have people around you discouraging to write, or can't believe in yourself, at the end of the day, it's just you and your book. And what's the point of writing if you're just following a trend? Or slugging yourself to finish a book you can't even connect with? Each book is a piece of yourself, and I think the greatest realization I had is to write the story you want to read. And it doesn't matter if it's about some girl who makes a deal with a god to save her sister, or about some alien on a spaceship, or about carnivals! Writing is so amazing because you can connect with readers who enjoy the same things you do, but it all starts with believing in yourself first.
When you get stuck, don't panic. If you haven't read an article about how Boredom Leads to Creativity, maybe take a quick break about writing that first! Writing isn't about who finishes the book first, but it's about quality and a game of luck. Maybe you need a break away from writing. Maybe you need to reconnect with your characters. Maybe you're just tired of toiling over and over again on this plot line.
There is no set method to returning to your project. But what has helped me is learning why I want to write. It doesn't matter how much I return to my world, or try to force my characters into more trauma if there's no reason why I'm writing this. Like, is it to enjoy it? Is it to have people experience these feelings I've felt months ago, and hold importance to me? Even the simplest reasons are the deepest ones. <3
And finally (sorry this advice is literally a hundred pages long, can you tell I'm procrastinating right now?), writing is meant to be serious, but it's also meant to be fun. The draft is simply just that: a draft. You can get ideas from random lines you wrote, or even take out characters to write a different book about! Don't ruin the one thing you've learned to love. Personally, writing in fun / ugly fonts: Arial, Comic Sans, etc., has really helped me focus on what I want to say instead of whether this book will ever get queried or not. Set a routine. Write everyday, or don't if you're more of a mood writer. The instant you feel the itch to write, JUST FUCKING DO IT, OKAY. THIS IS A SIGN. It doesn't matter if it's a scene in the third act and you're only on chapter 1. It's a sign that the story wants you, and only you to write it.
FINALLY FINALLY, I swear this is my last piece of advice, and the shortest: Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Writing is hard, but rewarding. I believe in you. <3
wowooww that was long, tagging @orphicpoieses @macabremoons @halfbit @leisoree @sleepysuiteheart @the-chaotic-writer @heymacareyna @hallwriteblr @sculpture-in-a-period-drama @pixelw0rds @thetruearchmagos + other mutuals and anyone who wants to participate! i would love to hear your responses, PLEASE.
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tideswept · 2 years ago
Poll Tag Game!
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
Thanks for the tag @dark--whisperings
No pressure tags: Anyone who'd like to give it a go, I think I'm the last one to get on this smh.
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author-a-holmes · 6 months ago
Writerly Questionaire (Tag Game)
@winglesswriter Thank you for the tag! (HERE) I'll leave a blank version of the questions beneath the cut at the end, and tagging forward, with no pressure, to;
@ashen-crest, @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin, @tisiphonewolfe
@talesfromaurea, @withlovelunette, @worldsfromhoney, and anyone else that wants to play, consider this an open tag <3
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
Blimey. I must have been... About seven years old. I'd briefly wanted to be a ballet dancer when I was about five. When I was six, I realised I'd never be able to dance professionally because I'd been born with congential talipes (aka Club feet), so I decided that I wanted to illustrate books. They were always my escape when I was in hospital, or after having an operation and was bed bound.
Eventually, I gave stick figures a bad name. Or maybe I just got old enough to realise that people wrote books, instead of them spawning into existence on the library shelves, but I tried writing my own stories instead, and kind of fell in love. Since then, I've never wanted to do anything else.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Maybe a little. I write what I enjoy reading, so in that sense no, not at all. But I'll also read wider than I'm willing to write. Mainly because I can check out a book I'm not sure of, or that's outside my usual tastes in a day or two.
If I try writing something outside of my favourite things, it's going to take months or my time, or I'm just not going to be invested enough in the themes or the genre, to make the end result good. I respect the craft too much to half-ass a story.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
I've never been compared to another writer, however there are writers I'd love to write more like. Tolkien, is an obvious answer, but I love the subtlety with which he writes his characters.
Another writer I'd love to write more like is @faelanvance. It seems a little trite to say it because she's my best friend, but genuinely, her descriptions and exposition and worldbuilding are so vividly vivacious, and I'm incredibly jealous of her ability to pain a scene with words.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Oh god. In theory, I have a writing desk in my room, but I rarely write in there.
Most of the time, right now, I write on a laptop on the sofa in the living room. Before Covid, I would go out once a week to a local pub, or the local Mcdonalds, grab a table near a power outlet, and write all day, from arounf 10am to 6pm.But the pandemic interrupted that routine, and the price of everything has gone up so much I can't afford to spend all day buying coffee's or a plate of chips to nibble anymore.
Essentially, though, I'll write wherever I'm comfortable.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Music. I have to have music playing while I'm writing. It blocked out all the other distracting sounds, but it also has to be the right music. I prefer music with lyrics, I know many authors don't, but even the lyrics themselves don't really matter because I tune them out. It's something about the rhythm or the pace of the song, that has to be right for the scene.
Or maybe it's the notes. If I writing a sad scene, it has to sound like a sad song, even if the lyrics make it an happy romance genre song. It's a weird thing to try and describe.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
You know, I don't know.
My gut instinct is to say no, mainly because I write fantasy and so I create pretty much everything I write from thin air... but at the same time, life experiances, including where and how you grew up, influence who you are, and who I am influences what and how I create.
So I suppose yes, but I wouldn't say it consciously influences my writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
I don't plan my themes in advance, so when I stumble across them they're always a little. Not surprising, per se, but interesting to me to see what my mind's settles on exploring.
"Finding your place in the world", is a common theme I find myself coming back to. Sometimes that includes found family elements, sometimes it's about accepting who you are and being happy with that. I come at it from different angles, but I think it's an important message to reinforce.
The other recuurring theme seems to be running. I've created two characters now, unintentionally, who deal with their problems by running. This one wasn't intentional, and did surprise me when it was pointed out to me, especially as running is something I'm incapable of doing. But maybe that's why it's a concept I keep coming back to.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
My current favourite character is Stella Korazon from my novel Stolen. She's a thief in the world of Moryann, and a lot of fun to write and explore the world through the eyes of.
She's both naive, and world weary, and I enjoy exploring the duality of her character.
I wrote a post about her last week, if you want to know any more about her, and see some artwork I had comissioned of her and Reilly.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Quite a few of them probably, but the most likely is Andric Roche, for his calmness, and his patience. I'm a bit of an anxious mess, so I think Andric and I would get on well.
To pull me out of my shell though, and push my out of my comfort zone, probably Reilly Mosswolf. He's an extrovert, and outgoing, and I need that in my life.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
That's a tougher one. I rarely write a character I truly dislike. Even my "villians" have their own reasons and motivations. I think Indre Larieth, one of the side characters in Stolen is probably my best bet.
Mainly because I think our personalities would clash. She's naturally abrasive, and I don't handle that well. In addition, many of her motivations are fuelled by jealousy, and I struggle to understand or relate to that in real life. So I don't think we'd have any good starting point for a friendly relationship.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
So, I don't like creating characters who are just there with no purpose. So the first thing I tend to do is look at the story I want to tell, and decide which roles I need filling.
Once I know a character's purpose, I can build out from there. I usually start with their parents, because how they were raised, and where they grew up, will influence the people they end up becoming... but I also know where I need them to end up, so I can craft their beginning to match what I need.
For example. Booker Reed, in the Fey Touched Trilogy, I knew I needed him to be quite good at the word play of the court fey. So even though he's adopted at seven, and raised by Lizzy's mum, Maddy, in the Outskirts, away from the fey court, his parents were diplomats to the fey court, and so for the first seven years of his life, he was immersed in that enviroment. It shaped him.
And he didn't lose those skills, because once he saw the way Lizzy was treated, as an outcast, he began using them to out-talk the fey who wanted to target Lizzy.
So he still has those skills, when I need them, for the plot points in the books. Just a small example, but that's usually how I build out most of my characters.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Not that I've noticed, although I sure there are some similarities. I like rooting for the underdog. I also enjoy morally grey characters, although I haven't truly delved into a TRUE morally grey character just yet.
I find the concept of doing the truly atrocious, for either the right reasons, and a reason that is justifiable to you, to be a wholly fascinating character study.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
I tend to picture them as whole people that I've imagined. I do, however, quite often grab a celebrity face claim. They're never 100% accurate, but they're a good visual reference point, and I sort of think of it as "If someone was going to play this character in a tv adaptation, who would I want to cast?"
So the celebrity face claim may not always be 100% accurate, but they're usually close enough for me to be content.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like without it. It's a balm. It's an escape. It's fun. It's a hobby. It's a business venture. It's a way to explore a world of my own creation. I don't know. I don't know why I write, I only know I can't not write. It's my everything.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
While I don't know why I write, I do know why I share my writing, and it's to take someone on a journey.
I remember being stuck in hospital beds, unable to move, but a book could take me a billion miles away, or to a world that didn't exist, to meet creatures of myth and legend.
I want to give that escape, and that joy of discovery, to other people. So the best comment? Is when I can tell I've done that. It's not a specific set or words, or a particular phrase, but when I can read a comment or review, and tell that the person just enjoyed it, that they were able to escape to something fun, or my writing took them to a place that made them happy, that's everything.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I want to be known as a writer, whose stories can take you on a journey, and return you home safe, and happier, than you were when you opened the cover. That's all I want. To share my worlds, and charaacters, and have people love them.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Characters. Character dynamics, Character development, Character ARC's. I put a lot of time into figuring out what a character might or might not do in a situation. To thinking about what they would notice, and what they wouldn't pay attention to.
Even if I, as the author, think there is a better choice, it comes down to whether it's logical or believeable, for the character to react in that way.
There's many things Lizzy does in Changeling that made me facepalm, but they make sense to her, and that's the most important part, imo.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
I don't get a lot of feedback, if I'm going to be honest. Most of the time, people will give me generalised feedback, that the work is good overall. Which is incredibly flattering, but doesn't help me answer a question like this. :D
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I'm incredibly proud of my writing. I feel like it's constantly improving, and that I'm always learning more about not just the craft, but also my ability to implement the things I've learnt since the last time I picked up a pen, or sat at the keyboard.
It's a journey that never ends, and I wish I could live a hundred lifetimes just to keep writing more, crafting more, creating more.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes. First, and foremost, I write for myself. I think, you have to because if you don't love writing, and you're not enjoying the writing you're creating, then there's no joy being infused into the work. I feel like it would become dry, and lifeless, and let's be honest, if you hate what you're doing, why are you doing it?
It's only when I've finished writing, and I begin to think about the publishing of the work, that I begin to look at it from the perspective of "Would others enjoy this?" because that's the editing stage for me. And if I'm at the end of the world, with no one left, then that stage is never going to come.
The first draft is telling the story to yourself. So of course, I'd still be writing if I was the last person alive. I'd probably be writing more.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I think I inadvertently answered this one in the last question. I write for me first and foremost. It's only when it comes to the second draft that I might begin tweaking things, but overall it's still written to cater to something I would enjoy reading.
There's going to be other people in the world who like what I like. That's a statistical inevitability. But if I try writing something I don't like, to cater to other people, then that boredom, or dislike, of the words I'm putting on paper is going to come through in the writing, and then no one is going to enjoy the finished product.
About Me
When did you first start writing ?
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it's a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
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sodaliteskull · 8 months ago
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Writerly Questionnaire
Thank you for the tag on this, @harmonic-melodii! Check out how she responded to this over here!
Gonna have this one be an open tag for EVERYONE, so if you're looking for the questions, head on over here!
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About You
When did you start writing?
Kindergarten, so when I was either 5 or 6? lol I wanted to write sooner, but I didn't quite grasp the mechanics of how to actually do that, but the second I learned how to read and write, I could not be stopped! I know the first story I wrote was about dinosaurs, because I was OBSESSED with dinosaurs at that age.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I like reading hard sci-fi, but I hate writing it! Trying to make sure everything is as scientifically accurate (or at least plausible) as possible is not where I find my joy in writing. I'm much more of a "technobabble something that sounds reasonable but don't elaborate further" girlie when it comes to my own stuff.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
None that I really want to emulate, or any I get compared to that I can recall. lol not to be trite, but I'm trying to develop my own writing voice, rather than mimic someone else's!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I Mostly write at my desktop computer, and my desk is currently swamped in assorted stationary bits and bobs I haven't had the time or energy to sort through recently! Otherwise it's with my laptop in bed (being absolutely blasted by my fan, because I hate being hot), or hopping around town with my bestie to find cafes where we can get in joint writing sessions.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Thinking about elements (settings, tropes, themes, stuff like that) from pieces of media that I like and breaking them down to get to the core of what sets me off like a boiling tea kettle about them.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I've always lived somewhere with quick access to the forest and the sea, so the both of those tend to crop up in my writing, even when I don't intend them to. lol basically all my stories are like the sci-fi and fantasy shows of the aughts, in that they were "filmed" in the Vancouver/Lower Mainland area!
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Alienation tends to crop up in my writing, as well as people struggling against exploitation. I also tend to write about some kind of rebellion against some form of authority. None of them surprise me in the least!
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Iradurel, one of the protagonists from the Starcrossed Cycle, because she is such a shit disturber! She has no respect for authority and doesn't bother sugarcoating her words, so I use her to vent every nasty little thought I have about behaviours in people I have to bite my tongue about in my day to day. It's always cathartic when I write dialog for her!
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Probably Ryla, the other protagonist of the Starcrossed Cycle. She'd be happiest avoiding drama and just spending her days indulging her curiosities, and that is something I would also like to do. We'd be study buddies!
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Rounding this out with the antagonist of the Starcrossed Cycle, Ransaran, who is a conglomeration of traits that I hate! I literally designed this asshole to encompass everything that I loathe in a person, so we would not get along!
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
I'm usually a plot first kind of writer, with either a beginning or an ending clearly in mind. I then start with really broad stroke archetypes (something like The Witch, or The Ace Pilot) that I think would either get me to the ending I want, or shoot off from my starting point in interesting directions, and use that as a metaphorical armature that I can slap on the equally metaphorical clay that is tropes and traits until I like the shape of the character.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
I've been making them queer since before I realized that I, myself, was queer!
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I rarely imagine real people when coming up with characters (which kinda blows, because using actors to make gifsets of my characters is something I want to do!), and instead tend to visualize them in whatever style of animation (traditional or cgi) I last happened to watch. Been usingvideo game character creators, dollmakers, and picrews for years to help with the visualization process, because my own drawing skills are rather lacking!
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
There's so much noise inside me, and writing is the most efficient way to quiet that!
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I like being able to lay out enough breadcrumbs that readers get an idea of what I'm leading to, so having people correctly guess the broad strokes of what I'm planning is always cool! Incoherent screaming is also a good one.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
I want people to wonder what is wrong with me. lol but for real, being known for mashing up wildly different concepts would be kind of cool.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I'm pretty good at finding connection points to link disparate plot elements together.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
The most common one I hear is that I come up with some interesting turns of phrases.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I'm catering to my own likes when it comes to writing, so I enjoy it quite a lot!
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Well yeah! I write everything for myself as is, so having no readers beyond myself would not hinder me at all!
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
Since I write for myself, I selfishly fill my writing with things I know I'm going to like. Otherwise, if I know a certain person is going to be reading what I wrote, I'll throw in something that (I hope!) would delight them specifically.
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ominous-faechild · 8 months ago
✦ Writerly Questionnaire ✦
Thank you so much for tagging me, @the-golden-comet!! This looks fun, and a lot of these are questions I love answering and wanted to share here eventually, anyway! 😊
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About Me
When did you first start writing?
It depends on how you define that, and then what you consider "writing", haha. 😅😭 I started this one garbage self-insert fic when I was 8, but didn't get far into it, haha. Then I wrote at least 100 pages of a horrible novel in a notebook at age 11. I consider the time I "officially" started writing to be when I started consistently doing so in 2014... when I started roleplaying on Google+. Before long, I'd formed my own stories from ideas I'd come up with in those rps and eventually settled on working on writing with a single writing partner for 5 years. We have since parted ways as of almost 3 years now.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Yes and no? Here's the thing: I absolutely adore my niche genre of "high fantasy and Used To Magic So Barely Questions It, but placed in a world that resembles modern besides a variable lack of technology. Oh, and we focus more on the characters than anything else!" But, uh... at least as far as I've found, that really isn't common. Especially not stories that also play faeries for horror, which is one of my favorite things, haha. I'm very firm and comfy in my writing genre. I've dipped elsewhere, but they're a lot harder for me to write and nowhere near as fulfilling, haha. However! I do love reading other genres, too! I love superhero and superhero-esque stories, I like a good amount of those "video game stuff popped up in real life" things, and yeah! Lots more. So it's less of a thing of "not liking the genre I write" or even "not being able to find it" and more of a "I like writing something very specific, but still enjoy other stuff". 😊
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Ohhh this is kinda a difficult question? Nobody's ever told me specifically whether or not I resemble any other writers, and I only want to "emulate" other writers very loosely? I compare my worldbuilding to Tolkein's because I've been working on it for almost 6 years, have steadily been building out individual cultures and half-creating languages, have literally done weeks' worth of research on Earth Sciences to be able to build out a planet that Works... and then half threw it all out when I came up with the Faewildes and realized I can bullshit it. 😂😅😭 (Note: I still do not fully bullshit it though. Just don't stress as much as I used to.)
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
Confession: I've moved around way too much and been way too poor to have any "solid" writing space that I'd like. I used to like going to cafes, getting some tea, and sitting by a window I could stare outside (and dissociate to) while hallucinating scenes before writing them. But for a long while, I've been too poor to be able to do that. It's actually probably one of the reasons I've struggled a lot to write recently now that I think about it... but oh, well. Since then, I tend to prop myself up in my bed with my stuffed animals and squishmallows forming a throne of sorts as I write. (Helps prevent back/neck pain, or at least push its onset back.)
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Editing my old writing and listening to The Story's Music! It helps me get back into the headspace of the relevant character(s) and it brings my mind back into the "prose writing" state. (Clarification: 99% of the music I listen to is associated with an entire story, one of my characters, a specific scene, or some combination of the above. It's both fun and one of my oldest ways of tricking my AuDHD brain into writing!)
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Ha... the trauma sure did!
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Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Trauma, discrimination, and poverty. No, they do not surprise me, because they've all been a huge part of my life. SaS is a rare exception because (as I was initially creating it for a writing contest) I specifically created it to be very mainstream... but also mixed in a lot of my personal interests to get me through it. However, I think those themes (minus poverty in the MCs) still shine through, they're just a lot more subtle.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Technically, dare I say, a LOT of my characters are "among my favorite characters". However, as I've gone on record saying, it's probably Gene, one of the MCs of the Arcane Rifts, haha. However! Since I already have an Ask in my inbox about him (I'll get to those eventually, I swear 🙏) I'll go elsewhere! I think among my top favorite characters would probably be Carmin, Basil, Caron, Xao (pronounced "How", and yes he never hears the end of it), Tobin, Sammy, and Quinn! Tbh I definitely could've listed more, as I said, I love most of them-- Quinn, though! Is the son of the Existence of Fate, one of the "oldest gods" of my stories. He's forced to see all of time, always. That mistake he made 300 years ago? Almost literally burned into his brain. That mistake you made five seconds ago? Also there. Something happening on the complete other side of the world? Yep. And actions people will commit 500 years from now? You betcha. Except, the "future" events can change, and more drastically so the further they are in the future. Butterfly effect and all. He and his mother, Fate, are constantly doing things in pursuit of... what? Well, they have a plan... but I obviously can't say, haha. Dude's horribly traumatized, though--he's constantly witnessing every single atrocity ever committed and has even watched others that would've been committed played on repeat in his mind until he found a Timeline that prevented it. He's long-since grown used to it, but also consider... his own life is in there. Nothing that happens to him will ever be a surprise. Not except for when he creates a new timeline by changing events that should've otherwise happened. That's why he's constantly telling jokes and being obnoxious to people he doesn't like--to humor himself for the small moments they're new to him. Kid's (he's frozen at a young age because powerful magic + ageless-immortality) depressed af... but it's okay. He's working towards something he believes in. So why are Quinn and Fate actively doing horrible things if they want to make things better? Guess you'll have to find out! In ten-thousand years when I finally write the reveal. (I love Quinn so much istg--)
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Oh, that's hard. Probably Gene! Maybe Freya, but definitely Daleira and Faer! Here, let me just-- Probably: Gene, Mislav, Faer, Liesel, Maritza, Grimnir, Caron Definitely: Daleira, Damaris, Ludmila, Rada, Carmin, Cricket Possibly: Freya, Crow (but I'd possibly find them irritating / overwhelming), Adilzhan, Caspar, Soren, Zarina, Basil (Half of the "probably/possibly"s is because I'm not sure if they'd like me. Especially Zarina. Omfg I love her so much but idk if she'd like me at all.)
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Oh, dear. This is a difficult question. I'll start with characters you guys know--Tazin and Valyarus. Hands down. Tazin because he's way too loud/crude and he would both overstimulate me and piss me off to no end. Valyarus, well... because he's an egotistical, rich prick. Enough said? But actually? Half of the Existentials. Order especially, Fire, and Storm. Perhaps not so coincidentally, all of the "top gods" besides Fate herself...
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
So it depends on the character and why I'm creating them! There's a few different ways one of my characters can come to be, but uh... we'll start with explaining Oska's creation! So, from the beginning, Oska was created to just be the leader of the khonitva (a gang). Originally, he was going to have a rather small role in the story--the khonitva and the reason he was the leader were more important. His main role in the first draft was showing up at a REALLY bad time, capturing the relevant MC(s), and killing another character. So all I worked on was his personality (it related to how/why he was the leader) and his motives. He became an angy man out for vengeance and basically nothing else. Then I expanded on tAR, turning it from a duology to... well it'll be 5 or 6 books now. 😅 The first two books would spend more time in Kavo (the town Gene lives in), and so Oska's character expanded. A MASSIVE part of his character was tied to the death of his brother, so I did a little expanding on his brother, and he had a "sidekick" in Rieka, the khonitva's healer who (even from early drafts) had romantic feelings for him (but at the time they weren't mutual; Oska had too much anger for his brother's death). Oska's character has perpetually been focused on his brother's death and his role as the leader of the khonitva, so I simply expanded it so that--rather than just being the leader--he cared for the khonitva like a family because it was the only bit of "family" he had left. So uh... I guess I focus on the most important part(s) of the characters relative to the story, then expand on them? That's the "role in the story" method I flesh out a character, at least, haha. Otherwise, if I'm just trying to create something with a very VAGUE role/idea, I'll often look at writing prompts, artwork, the literal superpower wiki, and fandoms I'm not part of for something to make me start to think. Y'know, have ideas. I'd get into an example, but this section is already pretty long, haha!
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
COUGH the social Others or socially-othered COUGH impoverished and/or exploited COUGH abused by a parental figure COUGH abused in general COUGH neurodivergent and/or gay COUGH, WHEEZE, HACK-- Ugh, sorry, idk what just happened there. Probably the fact that a lot of them are socially awkward, have anxiety, have a "different" way of communicating, and/or are emotionally withdrawn? And I accidentally give my autism to a lot of them. 😎😭
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
Through Pinterest boards! I have aphantasia and can't really see things in my head very well (if at all), so I'll use Pinterest boards to collect images that have the Vibe™ or characteristics of my individual characters... which is incredibly difficult for my inhuman or even more ordinarily diverse characters. Like, I'd get into a tangent about "why is 90% of art on the internet of white and/or conventionally attractive people" but uh... I don't think I have to here. Anyway! Yeah, a lot of my characters, I'll have vague ideas/impressions of what they look like and seek things out along those lines. Freya, for example, I basically immediately knew to have poofy red hair like Brave's Merida. Some characters are a lot harder, because I think I know a certain thing is a fact... when apparently I saw them as a completely different race without realizing??? (RIP White Rada for example. I was actively TRYING to make a majority of tAR's characters white because they're so xenophobic but no. 😅)
My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I used to space out and "hallucinate" scenes of my writing while going about my day. It was my way of coping with the rest of my life, which really wasn't great. (I mean it still isn't now but, y'know. It's much better!) Since I started working on novels, my goal has shifted. I mean--I still write for myself and my own enjoyment first and foremost. But I don't just want to write for myself--I also want to write for others. Here, let me just share a majority of my bio from Tapas--
I'm an autistic woman who's lived through a variety of experiences and places, and like to include things reflecting that. Diverse characters, cultures, environments, and politics (different within each in-story location!) appear in my writing. I like weaving life lessons--through the experiences of relatable characters--into the stories I tell. Many people see themselves or the people around them reflected in the characters they see in books, so I think it's helpful for people to be able to see those same kinds of people within fiction so they can reflect on the relationships within their own lives.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
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I absolutely love it when people theorize because:
I put oh-so many mysteries and hints toward Truths
it shows they're paying attention
it shows they care enough to try to pick out the pieces and put them together!
I can see how well I'm doing with the seeding of hints if people are noticing them... even/especially if they realize they're important but don't know how/in what way!
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
Oh dear, you're trying to out me as an egotist now, aren't you?
I'd like to think of myself as a writer who does amazing worldbuilding and makes realistic characters, so... obviously it'd be awesome if others thought of me the same way, haha. I mean, otherwise, I'd really just prefer people enjoy my writing in general? Tbh I don't have any other goals besides enjoying it myself and making others happy with it.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I would say realistic and diverse characters. I'm a huge fan of psychology, love learning about other cultures, and listen to the stories of people from a lot of various backgrounds. I like to think those things allow me to write characters with a variety of backgrounds, worldviews, and personalities.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Nobody's necessarily said it's my "greatest" strength, but the most common compliment I receive about my writing is that it's very easy to read and picture what I'm describing!
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
Uhm... this is a difficult question to answer. I like my stories, but I struggle with prose. I overthink a lot and sometimes have a very hard time describing things in good part because of my aphantasia, but it can be very validating to hear when I do a good job with it.
I have a lot more fun creating the ideas and maybe even making outlines than I do actually writing them--but I'm pretty sure that's kinda normal, haha?
My writing today is very different from what it was 3 years ago, back when I was still writing with my old RP partner (we'd planned to publish together). It was a lot more grimdark before, and tbh I never liked that and only came to terms with that after we parted ways. Then, I put my time and effort into working on tAR (solely my own work even then), clearing out a lot of the grimdark-ness, and building it out to what it is today. I'd temporarily abandoned our old projects because I needed to cut her stuff out, but didn't know how to, and it was painful to try.
it was only a handful of months ago that I revisited my old works with her and found that it's no longer painful. So I've finally been bringing together my old worldbuilding with the kind of writing I want to make today--which still requires a lot of changes and updating.
In short: I love writing, though it can be very emotionally-loaded. I have a lot of insecurities relating to the quality thereof, but I'm pretty sure that's universal, haha.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Of course! Though it'd likely be more outlines than actual prose, haha. After all, I primarily write for myself first and foremost.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
Yes and no; so it's a mix of the two. The priority, of course, is what I enjoy writing. However, I do want to become a published author and (hopefully) live primarily off of it one day. That goal means I also have to cater somewhat to what I know other people will like/what makes sense to them.
However, I don't particularly think that's a problem in my case! In application to tAR, I refuse to change it in a lot of its core ways--aka the multiple plots going on at once, the MCs starting as children, the mixture of invented words from their native language, and the fact that it doesn't cleanly fit into any genre--so figuring out how to make it otherwise palatable for others to read is more of a fun challenge for me actually!
SaS is different, however. I purposely made it very mainstream due to initially starting it for a contest (which has since ended), and I think those clichés make it much less enjoyable for me than it otherwise would be. But that can still be changed! I'm working on building out SaS as you read this--that's part of why I focus on it with Asks--so hopefully I'll come to love it half as much as I do tAR!
(And, I mean, to be fair, SaS has been growing on me lately! So it seems to be working at least a little! I think SaS was also very unique for my stories in that I made it to be a story rather than picking out events that I already saw happening in the world I've made, so it's been harder to get into it in general.)
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Looks like I've rambled more than I should again, haha. 😅😭 Hope it was still worth reading and/or that you guys enjoyed it anyway??
Tagging (with no pressure): @honeybewrites @yourpenpaldee @the-letterbox-archives @darkandstormydolls
Divider by @cafekitsune
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ohnoitsthebat · 11 months ago
Stolen from @ocean-of-fiction-blue
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Ian had smiled that beautiful fuckin' sunshine smile that never failed to melt Mickey.
No way I'm tagging 14 people, lol. But anyone who wants to do this can!
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absolutehysteria · 1 year ago
It took me forever but I'm finally doing this! I was tagged by @sergeanthopeless.
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words. [I'm just noticing these instructions. Ain't no way lol]
As she stood there, with his daughter's lifeless body hung limp in her arms, a fiery determination in her eyes and her jaw set, she looked every bit the champion of Eorzea, the Eikon Slayer, the Warrior of Light.
From part 3 of my WoL/Gaius series. Mind the tags if you check it out. The way it's going though, there may be a part 4.
No stress tags: @insomnikat-mused @iusedtohavesixtoes @elcanotorious and anyone else who wants to play. Feel free to tag me if you do!
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alteredphoenix · 2 years ago
Thinking about that one YT video that goes in-depth about liminal spaces in video gaming by sorbino, and how people that view them fall into one of two categories: those that are endowed with nostalgia and the sense that they've been there before (regardless as to whether or not they were born in the era those spaces originated from), and those that feel the looming dread and fear and the hint of otherness, that sensation of wrongness that scrapes along the surface of your brain just looking upon them.
I guess I would fall into the first camp, although not so much with the familiarity and nostalgia; it's more like I can relax and put my guard down when I see them. It reminds me how, as silly and goofy some of these places used to look, they at least had heart to them. Not like today, how you'd look at them from your window out of the car you're in and see the buildings that once were colorful and bombastic are now just redesigned to have the same cold, sterile, corporate aesthetic.
(That's a deeper dive I can get into that sort of goes outside of the bounds of this topic, but I think you get where I'm going with it.)
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astramachina · 8 months ago
OC/WIP ask tag
Stealing @fortunatetragedy's open tag because I've gotten a couple of new followers and I'm hella disorganized when it comes to my projects, so taking this as an opportunity to get a proper list going.
Rules/Premise: Open the floor for questions about your Stories/WIPs/OCs/creative processes, etc.
My askbox is always open! I am neither timely or coherent when it comes to responses but boy howdy do I try. Some of my ongoing hits are:
The Singularity Project: a multi-media webseries. Is it an ARG? Is it Analog Horror? Kind of. While I can't share a lot of LORE bits, I can absolutely talk about the utterly insane process it's been to bring something like this to life. And general story beats, too. Some notable characters that I've talked about before include Cy, Mike, (+the rest of the Mall Rats), and Verne!
The Unbinding of Wicked Things: a gothic horror/dark romance including 21st century ghost hunters and 19th century nobility. And weird monsters. And sentient manors? I'm yet to talk about any of the cast on here so I'm like gunning for the opportunity to do so.
Driving Through Tunnels (With No Light at the End): a FNaF longfic that takes place pre-movie! This is where Ricky Kronbach comes from, my silly little fandom OC who I love to torture very much. I wanted to write a "fnaf book for adults" and this fic ended up being a sort of prototype.
Define Home to Me: a Caribbean folk horror that is part creature feature! (There's so much family drama in this one. The chupacabra is there.)
I'm a writer literally asked me how I go by anything I will ramble on for a kajillion years.
I'm also leaving this as an open tag! If you snatch, please tag me back so that I can see/be reminded of what all you guys have going on! ♡
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