#wrist compass
fisheito · 4 months
So I was looking at waiter Yakumo and noticed that he had wavy hair. His hair straight normally so who was the one who curled his hair? DOES KLEIN EVEN HAVE CURLING IRONS???? Anyways all of this is to say please imagine Eiden helping Yakumo get ready and that involves putting those old timey curlers in Yakumo's hair before he went to bed so he can have curls the next morning
uhdisomFINMF u are making me IMAGINE!!!!!! yakumo about to apply for the job and wondering if he should present himself a certain way eiden going ;))) you look sexy with your hair pushed back ;))) (but before yakumo can stutter out his embarrassment) eiden gives him the very encouraging "but for real i think you look great as you are!! <3" then aster crashes onto the scene and announces that he will not have his servants treasured colleagues looking anything less than PEAK presentable!!!!! *whips out the old timey pink hair curlers*
#aster asking if a uniform is gonna be provided and if it's not up to his standards he will get it TAILORED for yakumo or smth#he'll get the custom made snake brooch ready within a day LOL#aster's generosity of spirit gives Master Eiden more eye candy#and anything that makes Master happier is worth the time and money <3#idk why but i just imaged aster being the only one in the mansion to own hair curlers#'but mr aster!! i... i haven't gotten the job yet!!'#'pishposh this is you we're talking about of course you're gonna get the job NOW STAND UP STRAIGHT n lemme get a look at u'#not like aster needs to actually look at yakumo to get his measurements. that lil vampire has everyone's measurements memorised LOL#after aster establishes yakumo's beauty routine and uniform standards ahahah he leaves it to eiden to enforce#so eiden does indeed end up putting curlers in yakumo's hair every night before work#not for too long though! one time yakumo did it himself but fell asleep reaaally early and the next day he was extra wavy#like.... full on princess curls... how did he accomplish that... how dense is his hair actually......#i imagine blade hustling in during aster's demo and going#OH!!!! you know what!! i got better at drawing maps on people!!! darling got a little lost last time#but for little yakumo i'll make sure to draw the MOST helpful map for you!!!! i've been practising!!!#*draws a compass on yakumo's wrist*#eiden in the background: heaves a silent sigh of relief that blade didn't actually stick-and-poke tattoo yakumo#puzzling invitation#nu carnival yakumo#feesh answer
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liquidstar · 2 years
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i finally finished alternate outfit designs for my ocs :) well these five at least lol
ill put the individual frames under the cut!
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#finn's ocs#i think tumblr sort of made the drawings a bit blurrier so its harder to see some details like saiphs scars or miras stretch marks... sad!#hopefully clicking on it solves that?#anyway i ended up doing the pjs after all bc i figured messy hair would be fun to do#and if i was going to put saiph in underpants anyway it would be funny to do like. the cartoon heart boxers but w fire lol#the formal looks were fun to do though. you can tell al's is like totally inspired by utena's look in aou#there are for sure through lines i wanted to keep w all their outfits like in general#aside from just keeping the same colors and general style#like mira always has like a cold shoulder look and tends to have somekind of asymmetry towards the bottom#except for her formal look for the latter#saiph always wears those wrist things no mater what. also he always has somekinda flame pattern#polaris either has snowflakes stars or compasses ofc. and if she has somekinda skirt the red will be Under it#bella has the same skull design on her bows. except for the pj look where now the skull itself is wearing a bow#and al has the stars on the strings and mismatched shoes#the most similar outfits are the summer/spring and winter/fall ones#those are pretty much default outfits so thats why#and their hairstyles in the winter/fall looks are like just slightly longer versions of their summer/spring styles#they dont really change hairstyles for the beach and pjs aside from the long haired characters pulling them up different#or putting them down for the pjs look. in bellas case#their formal look probably has the most difference in hairstyle. like theyre not just grown out or pulled back#theyre like actually styled different#these arent their final looks btw there are like completely different timeskip designs too but like#id have to use different bases for those probably. there would be changes LOL#but yeah :)#finn's art#forgor that one
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yeonban · 3 months
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OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.
@effigist asked: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature? / for tobias &. elijah again !
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Tobias does! If anything, his sense of personal worth is more inflated than a regular person's should be. Like the majority of the orphans from Wammy's House, he wholeheartedly believes that he is always right and he has complete trust in his own abilities, regardless of whether we're talking about his intellect, attention to details, leadership skills or whatever else. He's confident in everything he has to offer, and he knows exactly what his value is, especially in relation to the underground and Wammy's House. That is partially why he feels comfortable enough to purposefully act rude to some of his caretakers and allies: he's aware that no matter what he might do or say, as long as his usefulness outweighs it on the balancing scale, they won't be able to do without him. It's comical to watch too, how grown adults have to resort to relying on someone as young as him time and again even when he's intentionally getting on their nerves. It definitely serves as an ego boost!
The downside to that, though, is how very much of his self-worth is based on how well he's doing with his schemes. Being wrong once would be a humbling hit to his ego, being wrong twice would be the same as having the sky fall down on him, and being wrong thrice would practically cement that he's no longer an useful asset, which would prompt him to prepare ahead of time for his incoming death. This is one of the many side-effects of having been groomed by Wammy's House into equaling his existence to how successful he is, and Tobias is actually one of the few orphans who takes this news well, since he's always been prepared to die, even long before he arrived at the orphanage. That said, he genuinely doesn't think it's possible for him to ever fail or be wrong, so he's rarely if ever contemplated this. #Ignorance_is_bliss!
As for his opinions on his own nature... Tobias may be certain that he's living up to his full potential and that he'll only get better from here on out, but he is just as confident that he is a "sinful" person down to the core. Not because of what he does for a job nor because of what he does to guarantee his survival, since he doesn't think others in his position are sinful, but rather because of his guardians. He's always thought that by having been born as his parents' son, he will eventually end up like them too, filth teaches filth, and the fact that daily he grows more similar to them really doesn't help the counter cases. His parents literally modeled him after themselves during his formative years, to the point where he grew to enjoy hurting others in spite of the many teachings Wammy's House tried to instill in him which ultimately only helped him select a target (criminals who should be taken down a peg) for his enjoyment rather than eradicating the habit entirely, and were his parents' friends still alive, they would be able to recognize Tobias as the Stratford family's son the second they'd lay their eyes on him; not even by looks, but by his uncanny smile, the way he holds himself and his interests.
Even worse still, his next guardians (Watari, Roger, Wammy House's misc. staff) are people who also couldn't care less about what happens to the orphans they raised as long as they aren't fit to become the next L, and Tobias realizes he's subconsciously adopted many of their beliefs as well. If everyone who raised him was/is a godawful person that the world would be better off without, then it's obvious that he is the same as them. Fortunately though, he can't bring himself to really care about what his overall impact on the world is. Whether he'll leave this world better off or worse off than it was when he was born, it doesn't matter. He'll be satisfied with whichever. All that actually matters to Tobias is getting to live his life however he pleases, by seeking fun as he currently is and by getting to feel alive for a bit rather than feel detached, empty or angry as he's always felt during his childhood and teenagerhood. He never got to enjoy life until he left Wammy's House at 16, so he's going all out on it now while he still can say he'll wake up the next day. He has a... surprisingly positive view on himself and life, all things considered.
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Elijah on the other hand, is much worse off mentally and existentially. Similarly to how Tobias and every other Wammy orphan in existence bases their worth around how perfect (or not) they are at utilizing the skillsets that made them into "official" geniuses worthy of being taken to Wammy's House, so is Elijah, except when he arrived at the orphanage's doors, he already felt like a deeply inadequate person. His mother died when he was very young, several years before he became an orphan, and although he does vaguely remember her kindness and warmth, what he remembers more vividly is his father, who ignored his existence by either not being present at home if possible or by outright acting as though Elijah didn't exist. His father was never fond of children to begin with, but watching his son take on all of his late wife's traits reminded him of his loss and only added salt into his wound, making him eventually dislike even seeing Elijah.
The only times Elijah was ever spared a glance, or rarely, given praise, was when he put up a convincing act in front of his father and/or his father's friends by "becoming" someone he wasn't. He purposefully rid himself of every trait that his father disliked and instead took on a "persona" which would be catered to his specific preferences. Later, he took it up another notch and began changing his appearance as well, to whichever extent he could manage with the resources he could find in the house. Soon enough, his father figured he could use his son's acting and disguise talents to pass it off as having multiple children with varied interests and personalities, which led to him striking numerous (scam) business deals in Elijah's name (as well as "his other sons"' names) for the future. Moreover, he promised others that "each" of his "sons" would marry into certain families down the line based on whichever offers or connections he received right now in return, and thanks to the usefulness he suddenly found in Elijah, his father started paying more attention to him. Except, his father never liked Elijah for who he really was, only for who he could become, and therefore not only did Elijah never like himself either, but he only ever saw a semblance of worth in himself when he wasn't being himself.
Safe to say, after his father died in an accident, Elijah no longer knew who to be. He "was" several boys, each one in front of different people or on different days of the week, and whoever he was would always be picked by his father. Although Elijah did find his way into Wammy's House that same year, he wasn't found by Watari. Rather, he was found by one of the letters of the third generation who then sent him to be "examined" by Watari's staff to check which of Quillish's orphanages he would fit better in, and this examination only helped worsen what Elijah thought to be true. He once again had to prove himself if he wanted others to not abandon him, and so he proved his talents and continued to do so when he was selected for Wammy's House as well.
It was only when he met Tobias, who bluntly disregarded his acting and called him out for having no personality on their first meeting, that Elijah was forced to face the reality that even he himself didn't know who he was or what made him him other than his skills. Ironically enough, with the two of them having arrived at the orphanage only a few days apart, they were selected as roommates for the rest of their stay at Wammy's House. The problem was that Tobias disliked every single one of Elijah's personas, and made it painfully clear. This brought Elijah to quite a conundrum, because even the new ones he tried to create to cater to Tobias' taste incited, at best, a roll of Tobias' eyes. The ongoing hostility from Tobias' end also intimidated him for a while, but the forced proximity of their shared room and the subsequent years of Tobias looking down on him in pure disgust despite his best efforts to accommodate him eventually irritated Elijah enough to start a physical altercation.
Puzzlingly, and although Tobias was at first seriously considering murdering him for daring to jump him, Elijah noticed that Tobias tolerated him more easily when he showed his real feelings and expressed his real thoughts than when he made some up. They were still antagonistic to each other for a while afterwards, but with Tobias respecting Elijah's true self more than his imitations, and with Elijah realizing it and acting accordingly, he eventually formed a personality that felt more authentic to himself. The others, fellow orphans and the staff alike, liked his real self too, and this has helped Elijah let go of some of his preconceived beliefs of his innate unworthiness.
However, he couldn't rid himself of them entirely, because Wammy's House flourishes by working on and perfecting every orphan's particular skillsets in preparation for their future as safeguarding agents. Elijah's talents, whether he liked it or not, were acting and disguises, and thus this was what his individual lessons were focused on, whereas the missions given to him all entailed different identities to take upon himself for espionage work. Although he made a step forward by being able to show his true self outside of studies and work, he couldn't always be himself, and that was enough of an obstacle for Elijah to once again become unsure of which parts of himself were him and which were adopted from others.
This is a dilemma that he continues to experience to this day, feeling alien in his own skin, and especially so since he chose to help Tobias in his grand schemes by doing what he knows best to be helpful, meaning exactly what is causing him an identity crisis to begin with. It's why he struggles to find any value in himself and why he believes his worth comes solely from his skills and the intel or connections he brings back. It has reached a point where Elijah's different personas have sort of muddled into one that he tends to use outside of work, which is a mix of himself and the hundreds of other people he's faked being over the years. The only times you can see his unadulterated self, with no semblance of someone else and childish as it might look, is when he bickers with Tobias, which is amusingly enough also when Tobias shows his unadulterated self. A whole decade of mental development later and they're still the same perpetually beefing dumbasses 💔 Watari is rolling in his grave as we speak
The reasons why Elijah opted to work for Tobias rather than for Wammy's House are actually related to the point above. Tobias, unlike their fellow orphans, still manages to get an accurate read on Elijah even when Elijah himself doesn't quite understand what he's thinking or feeling, so being able to ask Tobias for psychological explanations is rather grounding. On top of that, with Tobias being unsure of how to navigate a "normal" life thanks to his out of the ordinary upbringing, and with this leading to him asking Elijah for help in turn, Elijah gets to feel useful even outside of his missions, as his own person separate from the disguise master and the spy. Though one could argue that Elijah's sense of worth remains mostly tied to his genius, and that his sense of self is nowadays mainly tied to Tobias' understanding of it. At least it's a good thing that Tobias is always right with his judgements.
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#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; meta. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ muse. elijah. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ elijah ; meta. ❫#long post /#child abuse /#Wammy's House don't traumatize one (1) of your dozens of orphans challenge IMPOSSIBLE#You'd think Tobias would be worse off considering his past is traumatizing in a million more aspects than Elijah's but amazingly no??#Tobias' parents traumatizing him in the way they did ended up cutting off his brain links to emotions outside of primal ones (anger)#so although he's The worst person in the world to piss off and definitely not a nice guy to come across... he's alright w Himself!#Meanwhile ELIJAH's mental health is hanging on a thread at all times and the thread's tied to Tobias' wrist of all people 😭😭😭#These 2 are the most ??? duo to ever exist like Tobias is out there acting as Elijah's personal psychologist b4 sending him to work#and Elijah is acting as Tobias' moral compass & personal aid for social interactions that Tobias hasn't had experience with thus far#They should do a comical bit actually bc this is ridiculous enough for one. Elijah calls Tobias to ask what he (<-Elijah) is feeling today#and then after answering /srsly; Tobias asks Elijah what reaction he (<-Tobias) should have instead of punching sb in the face#Every normal person watching the bit (that's not even a bit; it's just a flavor of insanity that the house has gifted its orphans): ......?#I do find it hilarious how Tobias has a track record of calling people who are struggling w themselves out like open books though LMAOOOOO!#Kid him was far worse. NO tact whatsoever because he was always annoyed. NOW however he's at least saying it um... decently!!
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tayloralison · 10 months
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she’s wearing a friendship bracelet 😭🫶🏻
i SAW!!!! I zoomed into a different photo where you could read it and was like who is maddie 😭 she's all ready to film here so I wonder if it'll be in the shot that's soooo🫶
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 5 months
vent post. There are two stories i was told in my teenage years that even before i had a real concept of trans issues made me uninterested in discussing the supposed sacredness and safety of separated sex-based spaces.
First, when i was like 13 or 14 my PE teacher told us about a time she went to a women's public restroom, some guy was hanging out outside the bathrooms, she didn't think anything of it, went to the bathroom, and he walked in after her and like, creeped on her over the top of the stall. She was ok, she wasn't telling us this to scare us, just telling us what to do in situations like that (and iirc she was telling the whole co-ed class this, not just girls, bc it's useful for everyone), but this taught me immediately and forever that there's nothing actually keeping these spaces separate really, that anyone can be a creep in any space, and that establishing a space like that as for women only isn't actually particularly useful for safety.
Second, when i was 16 i was at an anime convention, a friendly acquaintance of mine and i ended up in conversation outside, and he showed me his bare wrist and told me he'd been kicked out. A female friend of his had stepped in dog poop outside, and between that and the stress of the convention she'd had a bit of an emotional breakdown, so being her friend, he started comforting her and ushered her into the women's restroom so they could wash the poop off her shoe together. And because he was a man who went into the women's bathroom, he got kicked out, no matter that he was doing something that was actually beneficial to a woman. Punishing a woman's friend for supporting her was supposed to... protect her somehow? This made it clear to me that a no-exceptions rule separating the sexes like that wasn't actually inherently good for everyone.
And this isn't even getting into me as a child needing to accompany my younger sister to the restroom when we were out with just my dad because she had certain support needs past the age he felt comfortable bringing her into the men's room with him. And what if I'd been born a boy, or she'd been the first born? Who's helping her then?
And of course even putting all this aside, we should always prioritize compassion and support anyway. But i never even needed to meet a trans person to know that "keeping men out of women's bathrooms" is silly nonsense. But trans people also need to pee anyway and as humans they have that right, so leave them the fuck alone. your precious women's restroom is just a fucking room with a door, holy shit give it a fucking rest, if someone is attacking you in the bathroom that's bad and if someone is in there to pee that's good and it doesn't fucking matter what their junk is or was when they were born.
a woman could have done the exact same thing to my PE teacher and it would have also been bad no matter how "supposed" to be in the restroom she was, and no one should ever be punished for helping a crying friend wash their shoe.
Anyway i know I'm speaking to like-minded folks here, i just think about those two stories literally every time bathroom gender shit comes up and it pisses me off.
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yuneu · 6 months
i love being able to draw perfect circles by hand because people always act like i'm some kind of sorceress when they see me do it and that's never not funny
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double-dare-designs · 8 months
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Shriners Watch
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blogjhm · 1 year
Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies Cereal TaleSpin Wrist Compass
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sweet-as-an-angel · 11 months
MW2 Reaction To You Panty-Flashing Them
Warnings: Implied Smut, Mean! MW2, Dominant! MW2, Victim/Reader Blaming, Slut-Shaming, Reader Getting Pimped Out, Mention of a Leash, Allusions to Injury, Mentions of Blood, Petnames, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
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Ghost is a territorial man. So seeing you flash not only him but Johnny as well made something in him simmer.
It wasn’t rage, for this little accident, regardless of how intentional it was, was not your fault. If he had to place it, he’d attribute it to…
As was evident in how he excused himself from the gathering of the 141 and Los Vaqueros in your living room, grabbing you by your arm.
He stowed you away. Dragged you to a desolate laundry room and gripped you by your thighs. You gasped, gripped onto him. Felt something hard rub against you.
Ghost threw you atop the washing machine and gave you a harsh stare as he watched you try to fight the feeling building within from the machine’s buzzing and shuffling.
“Go on then, Doll,” he rasps, eyes hard and the throbbing monster between his legs harder. He palmed himself. Remorse was not in his nature. And neither was mercy.
“Seein’ as you were practically beggin’ the others to fuck you, go and put on a show.”
His voice lowered. He stood between your legs, frame blocking you from any form of help or salvation.
“Just for me.”
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König had been sat on your sofa, an action figure in a house for a doll half his size, and you’d bent over to retrieve something from beneath the TV cabinet.
The fact that you were wearing a pair of König’s shorts was already clouding his moral compass. Seeing your underwear peeking out beneath them was what sent him over the edge.
As you remained bent, cheek pressed to the floor as you reached for what you’d lost, you didn’t hear König approach. Didn’t know he’d even moved from the sofa until something thick and hard was pressed to the back of you, followed by two heavy hands holding you at the waist, and a slow, shuttering breath.
���Don’t move,” König told you. “Stay like this.”
Slowly, he pressed deeper into you. You could feel his restraint unwinding second by second.
It was when he bent over you, had his broad chest pressed to your back, that you knew you weren’t escaping. And you weren’t backing down.
“I’m gonna fuck you ‘til you cum, bleed or pass out.” König’s voice held no humour, but you could feel the franticity building in it.
He reached round, gripped your chin. Made you look at him. His smile was sharp, his features dark.
“Whichever comes first.”
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Johnny pulled the leash tighter around your throat when you tried to protest your innocence. Tried to make him see reason.
“Doesn’t matter that it was ‘just an accident’.” He mimicked you, made you sound weak, whiny. His eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. His knuckles turned white around the leash.
His shadow loomed over you from your position on the bed, on your hands and knees while Johnny presided over you with an iron fist.
Tears obscured his silhouette. Made your eyes glassy.
“Aww, Did I upset you, Bonnie?” Johnny’s tone held a gruffness that didn’t even try to hide the anger running beneath.
He huffed, a mocking laugh.
“How’d’ya think I felt when you were practically spreading your legs for Simon?”
Again, you tried to tell him what really happened. Tried to incur any fragment of mercy Soap would spare you.
He pulled on the leash again. Tighter. You gasped, hands flying up to the leather around your neck, trying to loosen it – to plead for Johnny’s favour – as the air was knocked out of you.
“Oh no, you don’t get to talk.” He said. He stepped to you. The bulge in his jeans became ever more noticeable. Impending.
“M’gonna use you like the whore you are ‘til my cum’s leaking out of every hole in your body.”
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“Do I look like I fucking care, Darling?” Valeria circled you, her belt wrapped around her hand, a glint of darkness in her eye.
Wrists and ankles duct-taped to the chair, you could do little to follow her. To understand her intentions.
“Do you really think whatever little lie you pass off as an excuse can quell the fire you’ve set?”
Before you could attest your innocence, beg for forgiveness, Valeria’s belt came down across your thighs. Crying out, you flinched, tried to withdraw, pushing your chair back in the process.
Valeria lunged forward and gripped the chair by the arms, pressing your skin into the wood, and dragged you back.
Her face twisted into a visceral snarl, the portrait of evil.
“Please, Valeria, I’m begging you–”
“Oh, you’ll beg for me, alright.” Valeria looked down at you, her face to yours. Just shy of your noses touching. With bared teeth, she smiled.
“I won’t stop until you do.”
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“If you wanted attention that badly, you could’ve just asked.”
Price had your arms and legs bound to a hard, wooden chair while a thick ream of cloth had your mouth gagged. He stood over you, arms crossed over his front, a glint in his eye. He sighed, brought his hands to grip your tied forearms. Pressed them into the armrests.
You winced.
“What…possessed you to go and show your arse to Alejandro and the rest of the team?” His voice reflected a tone of ponderment found only in Sarcasm’s extended family tree. And it showed with the faux confusion written in his brow.
“Do I just not cut it for you?” He leaned in. The chair creaked. Your arms hurt. He didn’t let up.
“Am I not enough to keep you from throwing yourself at the nearest soldier?”
He watched you, his stare narrow. You shook your head, eyes wide. You tried speaking through the gag, tried to tell him that he was the only man you loved, but you both knew your efforts were futile.
He withdrew, gripped his belt, adopted his default stance. He heaved a deep breath.
“Come in, lads,” he called behind him, not taking his gaze off you. Your stomach tightened.
A thin smile stretched across Price's lips as he watched your eyes widen, your gaze following Simon, Soap, Gaz, Rudy and Alejandro as they filtered into the room.
Price bowed at the waist, lowered his voice so only you could hear.
“Seeing as you’re so keen to show ‘em what’s under your clothes, I’m gonna let them use you ‘til you’ve learnt your lesson.”
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Hong-Jin popped the top button of his jeans, keeping his gaze trained on you, spearing you with a dark stare.
“Did you enjoy giving König and I a little show, Dear?”
Sarcasm nestled in his tone, a viper in a den. But the excitement running parallel beneath it, just shy of its transparent underbelly, was evident.
Hong-Jin slid the zip of his jeans down. Pulled the denim over his hips.
“It’s only fair that I…” He took your hand, placed it at the hem of his underwear. Dipped beneath the band.
His skin was scorching. Something pulsated beneath your fingers.
The implication sat heavy in his tone. In his eyes.
“Return the favour.”
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“I didn’t know I was dating such an attention-seeking whore.”
Alejandro’s voice was the roll of thunder across a darkened valley, the weight of a downpour of knives settled into his tone.
Hands behind his back, he stood over you, having resigned you to sitting on your knees, the hardwood floor pushing against your joints.
“Luckily for you, I’m not the type to hold grudges.” A smile played at his lips. One you knew not to trust.
“But he is.”
Alejandro looked to the door, where, from beyond its frame, emerged Rudy. His face held a similar, serpentine pallor, his lips drawn up into a thin smile. Venom in his veins.
“Wasn’t expecting to get blue-balled by (Y/N) earlier, Ale,” came Rudy, his usually sugared demeanour having dropped, the veil between what he was and what he showed to the world slipping away. Retreating.
Alejandro gave him a knowing look. He turned back to you.
“Why don’t you be a good little doll and put your face to the floor. Just like we practised.”
The memory of leashes, lashings and tears flooded your memory. You held back a  wanton whimper.
Alejandro’s voice dropped. “And let Rudy see the rest of what you promised him.”
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“I don’t want to have to do this, Cariño. Rudy stood over you, his hands on your shoulders and his face dark. Grim.
His hold on your shoulders tightened.
“But I can’t let your behaviour go…”
He searched your eyes for the right word. His brow furrowed when he found it.
He sighed. Pushed down on your shoulders.
“Come on, Angel. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” He told you, pushing harder until you bent to his will.
Now, on your knees, you could see how desperately he needed you.
One hand came to your jaw, thumb trailing to your lip, pulling your mouth open. The other slid down to his belt, sliding it from the buckle. It hissed, pulled tight against the metal. You swallowed.
Rudy’s breath shuttered, and you could tell from the way his hand clenched, the way he slipped the belt from his jeans like a snake, that he was enjoying this. Much more than he wanted to let on.
“Now remember, mi Amor, no teeth, no biting.” His head tilted. Condescending. “Or I’ll bite you back.”
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He can barely contain himself.
It was only the briefest of flashes. It wasn’t even intentional. But something about your shy smile after the fact once you realised what you’d done sent a vicious little idea to Graves’s head.
He starts stealing all your underwear. Gradually, yet in large enough volumes that he doesn’t have to wait longer than he can handle without his reward.
One day, you come into his office, face warm and tugging an oversized shirt over the top of your thighs.
“Missing something, Darlin’?” Graves drawls. Your eyes narrow at him. You know he’s had something to do with your underwear’s disappearing act.
He puts his papers down, sighs, and rests the back of his head in his hands against the backrest of his chair.
“How about you flash me again. Slowly, now.” His eyes glint with a dark mischief and want.
“Y’don’t wanna know what happens if you don't do it the way I like it.”
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“Oh, Darling, look what you’ve done,” Gaz’s voice carried despite the thickening tension in the room. Neither of you needed to look down to see what he was referring to.
Despite the chastising tone in his voice, his eyes were warm. Kind, almost.
“If you wanted my attention so badly, you only had to ask.”
He stepped towards you, placing a hand under your jaw. He smiled.
“It’s only fair that I reward you for being so creative, isn’t it ?”
His other hand came to your shoulder, pushing the strap of your tank top until it fell, leaving the sweeping juncture between your neck and shoulder exposed.
Has bit back a shuttering breath.
Despite his gentile voice, an angeline choir, the soundtrack of mercy, there lay a hunger in his eyes, in his barely-restrained grip, that suggested a beast lurked beneath his pretty boy exterior.
And you knew from the way he told you to “Get on the bed – be good for me,” that you’d be seeing it tonight.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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crabussy · 2 years
you ask me what the time is and I glance at my wrist but instead of a wristwatch there’s a compass duct taped to my wrist and I immediately turn and walk north never to be seen again
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
This is mainly my self indulgence to kiss or reassure Ford about his bodily scars from Bill and other stuff cuz I love this man and just want to treasure him (he’s old enough to be my grandpa but he’s a silver fox so it’s okay.)
Ford would always wear that thick knitted red sweater even if it was warm out, he didn’t care and was way too stubborn to change into something weather appropriate like a t-shirt. It arose questions within you, but you refrained from asking any of them in the fear that you’d be crossing some boundary you weren’t aware of.
However now and then you’d catch Ford with his sleeves pushed up to his elbows, his forearms bore scars a plenty ranging from all shapes and sizes, some looked deeper then others upon closer inspection from who knows what. You were certain that Ford wasn’t aware of the fact that his forearms were exposed for your eyes to see what was hidden beneath, not until he felt a draft pass by did he realise and become self aware as he hastily pulls his sleeves down.
‘You don’t have to hide them.’ You tell him.
‘Sorry?’ Ford said.
‘You don’t have to feel the need to hide them,’ you echoed before shrugging, ‘I’m not pressuring you to show them to me, I’m just letting you know that you don’t have to hide them from me because it wouldn’t make me admire you any less then I do already.’ You smiled reassuringly before leaving him in his lab to mull the thought over in peace.
It wasn’t until later that evening where you were just about to fall asleep did you hear Ford enter your shared room and sat upon the edge of the bed did you realise that he was wearing a short sleeved shirt, looking sheepish with his forearms filled with scars were once again exposed to your eyes to see.
‘Ford-‘ you began but he stoped you.
‘Please do not assume that I have forced myself to do this because you asked of me to, I did this because I felt that it was time to share apart of me that I’m not most proud of.’ He tells you as you shuffled next to him, placing your hand on his arm and began to gingerly trace as many scars as you could with your thumb, careful not to press any harder as though scared that you’d hurt him.
‘They look beautiful on you.’ You tell him barely above a whisper and you weren’t lying when you said this as you then raised his arm to your lips and pressed a couple of kisses against the scars you traced.
‘You mean it?’ Ford utters softly, feeling a warmth build under his cheeks and the top of his ears as he watched you look upon his scars with love and warmth, completely opposite as to how he saw them, with hatred and shame as the memories that kept him awake at night resurfaced to the front of his mind.
‘I mean it.’ You replied, pressing a kiss to a particularly jagged scar on his inner wrist, particularly on his pulse point, causing breath to catch in Ford’s throat. He couldn’t remember the last time he experienced a tender touch like yours, nor a kindness or compassion that came close to yours and he found himself softening under your touch, his overworked mind finally giving way to rest and it was all thanks to you.
‘Thank you.’ Ford whispered as he pressed his head against the side of yours, closing his eyes as he let you continue to kiss and caress his scars. ‘Thank you for loving me, all of me.’ He repeats somehow even softer as you felt him lean further against you, succumbing to a light slumber.
‘It’ll always be an honour loving you Ford and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.’ You say as you moved your head to kiss his nose, smiling.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do poly!marauders with a clumsy s/o? Thank you!
Thanks for requesting love!
cw: blood
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
“I’m going to purchase one of those leashes for unruly toddlers,” James says, thick lashes nearly touching as he squints down at your hand. “And I’m going to keep it around my wrist at all times.” 
“It won’t be as good at catching me as you are,” you point out. You do your best not to wince as he picks a piece of gravel out of your palm, but his eyes flick up to you anyway, an apology in them. 
“No, but at least I’ll be able to keep you close.” 
You laugh a little. “I trip whether you’re nearby or not.” 
“Beg to differ.” He sounds bitter, but James has always had a terrible poker face and the uptilt of his lips betrays him. He spreads ointment over the cuts on your hand before bandaging it. “If I was with you, this would’ve never happened. Guaranteed.” 
“Yes, it’s all your fault.” Remus comes in from the kitchen, maneuvering carefully so as not to get the hot mug he’s carrying anywhere near James. He sets it next to your thigh on the bathroom counter. “Jamie,” his tone is chiding, a bit tired, “why have you started with her hands? She’s bleeding down to her ankles.” 
“It’s nearly dried anyway,” you say, looking down at your shredded knees. Remus feels too bad for you to give you one of his worse reprimanding looks, but his eyes convey tremendous exasperation nonetheless. 
“Because I knew she’d need her hands to hold her tea,” James replies, bumping Remus’ hip lightly with his. “Ease up, I’ve got it. Did you make yourself some tea too?” 
Remus glances towards the kitchen the way an old captain might gaze at the sea. “I thought about it…” 
“Do that,” James says. He finishes up with your other hand, bandaging it carefully. “Actually, would you mind just putting a kettle on? I’ll have a cup, and Sirius might want one too.” 
You frown at that, but neither of your boyfriends see, Remus going into the kitchen with renewed purpose and James smiling slightly to himself as he finishes wrapping your hand. 
“One of these days,” he whispers, backing up a bit so he can work on your knees, “you’re going to have to sit on the couch and feed Remus chocolates for all you put his heart through. We’ll be lucky if the next time you fall he doesn’t have an attack.” 
“What’s Sirius coming here for?” you ask. 
“Well, he does live here.” 
You give him a look, but he doesn’t glance up from cleaning the blood off your shin. “He’s supposed to be shopping with Marlene.” Accusation and betrayal line your words. “You texted him?” 
James looks up at you now, sympathetic if not quite sorry. “You know I had to. He would’ve murdered me if he’d come home and seen you all bandaged up and nobody had told him.” 
“You could take him,” you grumble. 
He laughs. “I don’t know, sweetheart. He fights dirty.” 
You laugh too, though it’s more a humorous huff. “He can’t come home every time I trip,” you say, twisting the string of your tea bag around your index finger. “It’s not like I need to go to the hospital.” 
James works a larger piece of gravel out of your knee, eyebrows knit together by compassion. “He worries,” he says simply. “He wants to come home every time you hurt yourself, though if you recall, I didn’t tell anyone about you banging your head on the microwave door yesterday, or about when you fell on the stairs last week.” He looks up, grinning when you shrink, abashed. “But when you fall this bad, it’s a bit harder to hide. Sorry, lovie.” 
It’s a double apology, for ratting you out and for the sting of the ointment he smears over your knee. You hiss through your teeth. “Fair enough,” you say. James smooths a large band-aid over the series of shallow cuts, kissing the skin just above it for good measure. “I just don’t like to worry him. Any of you, if I can help it.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t think you can,” he says. You get what he means. Remus is a worrier, Sirius even more so, protective by nature and nurture. And each of your boyfriends cares about you too much to ignore how often you hurt yourself, even if you really think they should be desensitized to it and annoyed with you by now. “But I’m trying to get you cleaned up before he sees you, so hopefully that’ll help.” 
Like James has just issued a summons, the rumble of Sirius’ bike comes from outside. James grimaces as it slows to a stop. 
“I hate that fucking thing,” Remus growls from the kitchen. 
James shoots a sad smile in that direction. You think that you might not single-handedly cause Remus’ heart attack if Sirius gets there first. 
“Where is she?” Sirius calls as soon as he comes in the door. “I assume there’s a blood trail for me to follow?” 
James chuckles. “I told you it wasn’t that grim,” he shouts down the hall, and a second later there are heavy footsteps coming toward you. You brace yourself. 
“Fucking hell.” He halts just in the threshold of the bathroom, then seems to change his mind, striding over to you. His eyes are glued to the bloody mess of your uncovered knee. “Darling, what did you do?” 
You knew what to expect from him, and still your voice comes out smaller than you mean it to. “I missed the curb going out to get the mail,” you say. 
Sirius’ eyes lift to yours, widening. “You fell into the road?” You nod. “You could’ve been hit by a car!”
“There weren’t any cars.” There are almost never any cars on your street, and he knows that. 
“You’re lucky there weren’t,” he says anyway, holding his hand out. You place one of yours in it obediently, palm up. There’s a bit of blood marring the beige bandage, and Sirius makes a terribly soft pitying sound. “Your poor, lovely hands.” He runs a careful finger over the covering. “How bad was it?” he asks James.
“I told you, not horrific,” James says, finishing with getting the debris out of your knee and twisting the cap off the ointment. He looks up to be sure you’re ready before he starts smoothing it on.
“Oh, tons. She’s held together more by thread than skin at this point.” 
You roll your eyes, but Sirius coos, “My poor sweetheart,” and grabs hold of your face to plant a kiss on your lips. You must look as pleasantly surprised as you feel, because he does it again, bending forward to avoid bumping his hip into your knee. 
His thumb sweeps across your cheek as he pulls away, brows furrowed. “Does it hurt?” he asks, and now the mirth has disappeared from his tone. You don’t know how Sirius does that, going from teasing to not in a blink. 
“Not so badly,” you tell him. 
He hums, stroking your face again. “Would you tell me if it did?” 
You feel your lips twitch, and Sirius’ eyes narrow like he knows your answer before you’ve spoken. “Probably not,” you admit, “but it really doesn’t.” 
He stares you down for a minute, murky eyes scanning yours for traces of untruth, his dark brows lowered. You reach up to slot a piece of hair behind his ear, and he cracks, mouth kicking up at the corner. 
“Alright, drink your tea before it gets cold.” 
“I’ve actually made tea for everyone,” Remus calls, not from the kitchen this time but from the living room. “And snacks, so please come eat them.” 
James grins, touch moving up the back of your knee to your thigh as he stands. “Excellent,” he says eagerly. “You’re all fixed up, m’love. Let’s go take care of Rem now.” 
You start to hop down from the counter, but Sirius says, “Wait, wait!” and grabs you by the hips, keeping you in place. “Can you walk?” 
You nod, because duh, your legs are scraped, not broken, but Sirius looks to James, the both of them frowning thoughtfully. 
“Best not to risk reopening them,” James decides, scooping you up off the counter. 
You huff a laugh, rolling your eyes. “Thank you,” you say, rather than this is deeply unnecessary and you’re being ridiculous. James seems to hear both anyway, planting a sloppy, smiley kiss on your cheek. Sirius, satisfied, follows you down the hall. “I didn’t mean to make you my manservant, I swear.” 
“Happy to do it,” he says. “Now drink your tea, it’ll make Rem feel better.”
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onmyyan · 9 days
Romantic DC yan, my time to shine (platonic is cute but I can't find any romantic ones this days T_T)
I bring to you a cliche, a new villain who uses her riches and ruthlesness in her quest to get a magical artifact in order to make her dream come true.
The bats have to stop her! But what is this! SHE’S TOO CHARMING?! (in a villain mean way, like comenting on Nightwing's as while they fight, or kissing Red Hood over the cowl before pushing him off a building)
Dangerous Woman
A/n: fem reader, yandere themes, canon typical violence, ft Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim
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You're new to the villainous scene in Gotham but already kicking up quite the storm, you follow your own rules, killing corrupt men across the city, setting human trafficking rings on fire after freeing the victims, your crimes caught the gaze of Bruce and in turn the rest of the batfamily.
He saw a certain mercy in your actions, a quality of compassion he was certain he could pull out of you if he just got his hands on you.
But you're a slippery one, your teleportation abilities made you incredibly difficult to catch, and you seemed to relish in his growing frustration.
"You ever get tired of losing?" You ask sitting on a bank counter, money both burnt and unburnt scattered the floor around you, he hated to admit it but he was undeniably attracted to you, the way your suit hugged your form like a second skin, those long legs splayed out like a feast, heeled feet swinging as you toyed with a stack of bills.
"(Y/n) (L/n)." He states gruffly, his imposing form blending into the shadows. Of course he knows your name, you laugh to yourself before hopping off the counter and sauntering over, "ooh so scary." You snicker, "Your crimes warrant a trip to Arkham..but I'm willing to offer you something else. Rehabilitation."
Your smirk doesn't falter, "You can't save me." This only fuels his burning desire to do just that, those simple words seal your fate, he would have you under his care wether you liked it or not.
Tim is the second to become aware of your tantalizing presence, Bruce asked him to pull up anything and everything he could find on you, he couldn't help but become intrigued by your mysterious nature, any time you were caught on camera you had this knowing, mischievous grin on your lips, it was addicting, he found himself tracing the outline of your lips as he compiles a file on you.
Jason comes across you on his own, running into you after you successfully rob a museum.
Red Hood stared at you a gun pointed in your direction, "Stand down gorgeous." His voice was altered by the mask he wore, he was the latest of the bats to try and get in your way, to try and stop you from your goals, but he'd fall, just like the rest of them.
"You're not gonna shoot me Red." You speak coyly, hands up in surrender, your black domino mask hiding your pretty (e/c) eyes, your lips, painted red curl into a smirk at the sight of his hand wavering.
"Shooting you in the leg won't kill you." He chimes not lowering the weapon, "Yeah but I get the feeling you're not too trigger happy tonight."
"You've no idea what I'm capable of." He sounds like he's trying to convince himself.
You take a calculated step forward your red bottom heels clicking against the concrete rooftop, "C'mon big boy, you know there are actual bad guys who require your attention out there?" Your voice was like melted butter flowing into his ears and setting a warmth in his belly. "Robbing Gotham museum seems pretty criminal to me." He lowered his gun, holstering the weapon, "Can't you just slap a girl on the wrists?" You ask with a tilt of your head, the stolen goods in a satchel on your hip, "You know I can't just let you walk away." He responds, you close the distance making him take a step back, he wanted to reach out and touch you, claim you, and the closer he got to you the harder it was to resist.
You managed to back him on the edge of the roof, your hands trailing up his toned chest, landing on his shoulders, your claws digging into the leather of his jacket, "Just..stay outta my way." You whisper letting the tension build, pressing your plump lips to his mask you feel him shudder, without wasting another second you push him off the building. He falls for you harder than the garbage can he hit.
Dick is the next to come across you and the next to fall, and fuck does he fall hard.
He's got you corned in a dusty warehouse but damn if you aren't quick, darting around in him in blinks, teasingly touching him as you dance around, teasing him with every brush of your clawed fingers.
He's brought out of his inappropriate thoughts by a whistle from your pretty lips, "You're in that spandex boy!- nice ass." He feels himself flush, freezing on the spot as he sputtered for a response. You use his distracted moment to send a roundhouse kick to his head, one he just barely managed to block, "Don't lose focus now pretty." You chide smacking your teeth. Of course you manage to escape, which only fuels his budding obsession.
The trouble starts for you when they start working together, it's after a meeting Bruce calls one night, your file pulled up on the screen, they all have various reactions but one common thread is shared between the four men, burning desire.
Once they start coordinating it's only a matter of time before you come home, where they can tame you.
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zaephix · 28 days
l'avoir elle, c'est avoir les étoiles / / wriothesley . . .
wriothesley considered himself a pretty selfless man, until it came to you. wouldn’t you indulge him in his selfish desires for a moment of your time?
warnings: inspired by veil (manga), blind!reader, f!reader, ooc wriothesley?, wriothesley’s pov, mentions of smoking, mentions of neuvilette and sigewinne, fluff, domesticity
w/c: 1.25k
authors note:  i reread veil and i need an aleksander to call my own hmu if ur a russian police officer w red hair Plz. art cred: ルル on twt
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“wrio? what’s wrong?”
wriothesley fully opens his half lidded eyes, noting your appearance as you lay on the table before him, not wanting to disturb his contemplation.
the only sound at this time of the night being your voices, the distant echoes of droplets from the pipes in the wall, and the soft jazz playing from his gramophone. you slowly get up and approach him, light steps clicking against the stone floor.
your hands find their way to his face, a light stubble itching against your fingers. he sighs, leaning against you. “...nothin’ to worry your pretty little head about.”
you hum, obviously not believing his lie. you drag your fingers to the back of his head, lightly scratching his scalp. you lean in towards him, the couch dipping ever so slightly. “mhm. is it the fortress again? ‘nother fight?” 
he chuckles, leaning his head back. the one thing he loved about you was your attentiveness. you’d read him like a book, or rather,  feel.
you tilted your head in confusion, your pretty and ever-so-long lashes fluttering while closed against your skin. “what?”
“nothin’ angel. just admiring you.”
“y’know, if you wanted to distract me it’s not working. the way to my heart isn’t just built on flattery. and anyone could see through those big sighs of yours.” and you go again, flashing that cheeky smile as you always did, the same as when you two were younger.
he laughs lightly, “of course 'ts not. i know you better than that.”
“and i know you better than that,” your hands stop, and you look at him with the most serious face you could muster, “tell me.”
he sighs and shakes his head, “it’s a lot more complicated than that sweetheart, don’t wanna bore you to death.”
and with that you relent with your own deep sigh, leaning back into the couch and off of him. he misses your warmth.
“don’t be like that (y/n).” he looks at you through the sides of his eyes, then gently reaches for your hand, caressing it with his thumb. “you got so much to worry ‘bout already, with how many are coming in all roughed up.”
“yes…” you mumble, “but, it’s just us now.”
he can’t see your eyes, as they’re closed, but he was sure they’d be glossy now—he wishes you’d open them once more. wriothesley leans in and plants a small kiss against your forehead, then leans his own against it.
he knows your weakness for touch, for physical contact. 
the way your delicate hands would softly caress every nook and cranny of a trinket he’d get you. the way you’d feel for a lamp when you thought things were too dim for your liking. the way you’d toy with the jewelry hanging on your neck, ears and wrists. it seemed like you couldn’t get enough.
he also knows about your compassion for him. always keeping tabs throughout the day, sending little sweets and snacks for him. you’d handle patients with sigewinne with gentleness, even when they were somewhat undeserving of it. and when you’d have work above ground, you make sure to send letters to sigewinne, keeping up with her updates about him. 
wriothesley knows you miss living up in the city. he knows you long for the soft tunes that would be performed in the dim-lit streets at night, tossing a few mora into their hats lying on the sidewalk. he knows you miss keeping up with the latest fashion trends and splurging your money on tens of dresses. he knows you miss your old life with him.
and so in spite of this, you still stood by him. ever so selfless and caring.
but he couldn’t help himself out of his own selfishness.
wriothesley pulls you into his lap, his rough hands pushing back the few loose strands of hair in front of your face behind your ears. to everyone he’d be known as the fearless duke of meropide, to you, he’d just be plain old wriothesley. your loving, plain, old wriothesley.
you’re reluctant at first, a pout standing firm on your face. your delicate features almost give you away as he slowly snakes his arms around you. he pulls you closer by your waist and you give in just like putty in his palms. 
your eyes are still comfortably closed, hands making their way lazily to his shoulders. you sniff the air around you two, scrunching your nose. “you’ve been smoking, my lord?”
“you’ve got all these rules around the fortress about extending prison time if anybody ever so as brings in a lighter, and yet you’re here, in your office, all cooped up and–”
you squeal as he puts his lips to yours to shut you up. you taste like crepes and jam, courtesy of neuvillette. the soft velvet feel of your lipstick smears against him, some even getting on his teeth. sigewinne was in his office just a day ago asking about what shade of red or pink would suit you. it appears she chose well. he smiles into the kiss, hands digging their way into your hair. he makes a note to thank both for the gifts.
you pull away with a slight gasp before resuming like the sly fox you were. you were always able to catch on quickly, as you’d learn a few things from him yourself. 
you nibble on his lip. he lightly bites yours’ back.
you stifle your giggles at first, but then you laugh, and suddenly, your complexion was glowing — and he swore he’d seen an angel. 
wriothesley looks up at you with a fondness in his eyes, hands now at your waist. he was sure he looked silly, with the reddish pink all over his lips, but he knew you wouldn’t care. really.
“shutting me up with a kiss… how original of you.”
“but you liked it, no?” that earns him a flick against his forehead, ouch.
you sit up straight, wiping the edges of your lips, “if you’ll excuse me, sir, i promised sigewinne i’d help her in stocking the medical cabinet. we’ve just received our shipment of gauze from fontaine.”
he knew you wouldn’t notice it, but he couldn’t help but look at you with longing in his eyes, wanting to shield you away and coop you inside his office, inside his arms.
but he lets you go with a sigh on his lips and a gentle kiss of his thumb on the apple of your cheek. “yes, ma’am,” he pauses before he adds on. “you want me to walk you there?”
you stand up and he gets up synonymously with you, tugging and fixing your clothes without a word. “it’s fine, i can get around the place myself, i’m not a damsel in need of help all the time.”
you turn on your tippy toes and press a chaste kiss to the side of his mouth before quickly grabbing your coat and leaving. “i’ll see you again soon, okay?”
he smiles after you, watching as you leave with your shoes clicking against the stone of the floor. he looks back at his desk with grimace, the piles of paperwork enough to sour his mood.
he grabs a cigarette and reaches for his pockets, trying to find the cool metal of his lighter. instead, it appears, he was met with something else.
he realizes now that you truly were too sly for your own good, as he was met with the very same lipstick gifted to you.
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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Emperor Geta x Concubine!Reader
Summary: The emperor catches you in the library, going against his direct orders, and there is a price to pay for your disobedience.
WC: 1.2k
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), unprotected p in v, degradation, mention of spit, breeding kink if you squint, jealousy, Geta is horrible but we like it.
A/N: "Augustus" is the term that a concubine would use to address the emperor. Thank you to my favorite history nerds, @lokis-army-77 and @offensiunculae, for their help in ensuring accuracy.
Divider credit to @saradika
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“What are you doing in here?”
The sharp voice drew you from your reading. You tried closing the book and hiding it beneath the marble table, but you knew you’d already been caught. There was no safe place to lay your gaze. If you looked at him, he would yell at you for daring to look an emperor in the eyes; if you looked away, he would berate you for your cowardice.
You chose the latter option, heart catching in your throat as Geta’s footsteps drew closer.
“Aren’t you supposed to be preparing for the gala?”
“I–” You steadied yourself, hoping your words didn’t fall apart before they could even leave your tongue. “All of the preparations are finished, Augustus.”
That was the wrong answer. You should have excused yourself and found another task, if only to keep busy. His fingers, free from the calluses that marred the hands of gladiators, gripped your chin with a possessive force.
“Look at me when I speak to you, concubine,” Geta snapped. His dark eyes radiated flames that scorched you with a single look. “You know you are not to be here. Ever. You are to stay in your quarters until you’re summoned.”
You nodded, humiliation heating your body. “My apologies.” 
Geta ignored you and yanked the book from your grasp, turning the pages with careless abandon. He never cared for reading, or for education; why would he, when power was handed to him upon a silver platter? 
“What purpose does this serve you, concubine? Are you so dissatisfied here that you need to lose yourself in other worlds?”
“No, Augustus.” The lie was too fast, and you knew he caught it, in spite of his remarkable ability to only focus on his own needs.
The emperor’s smile was wicked. “After all I’ve provided for you,” he purred, “you can’t even offer me the truth?”
Tears stung in your eyes; a sob lodged in your throat rendering you unable to speak. It was no matter for Geta, who insisted upon capturing your words for you. “It’s her, isn’t it?” A chuckle emanated from his diaphragm. “You had me all to yourself for some time, and now you have to share my affections.” His thumb brushed your chin again; this time, you could have sworn there was an ounce of compassion in his touch.
“Yes, Augustus.”
Geta tossed the book aside. “And so your solution was to directly defy my orders? Is that how you sought my attention?” He leaned in so his forehead pressed against yours. “This library is off-limits for concubines.”
“So I’m meant to sit around and wait for you to summon me?” The retort could have earned you a smack to the face, and you braced yourself for the impact. 
Yet it never came.
Instead, Geta’s smirk deepened, his hand enclosing your wrist. “That is exactly what you are meant to do,” he growled. “You are nothing more than a common whore, and yet you are audacious enough to expect the treatment of a wife.”
“That is not what I–”
“Tell me what you believe you deserve.” His words clipped yours. “To be adored? Revered? Worshiped?” The last suggestion drew a heinous laugh. “You want me whispering in your ear, making remarks of your beauty and the desires you stir within me?”
Honesty mingled with shame as the tears slipped down your cheeks. 
“Say it.”
“Yes!” Embarrassment strangled your confirmation. “I want you to myself. I want us to share a marriage bed. I want you to tell me that you need me.”
One tooth scraped over his lower lip. “That’s what I thought.”
A gasp escaped you as he tugged you closer, nose grazing yours. If you lacked the knowledge of prior experiences, you might have anticipated a kiss. 
“Bend over the table.”
You did as he ordered, bracing your forearms on the cool marble. Geta gripped the hem of your tunic, pushing it above the curve of your ass. His palm hit your flesh with enough force to bruise; though you couldn’t see his face, you knew your yelp brought to it a smile. 
“This is all you’re good for.” He fumbled with his own garments, hissing as his erection made contact with the air. You heard him spit on his cock, rubbing the saliva over the shaft. “And you know it, too. You may fill your head with these inane writings, but you know you simply want to be filled with me.”
His words sent lust rippling through you, amplified only by the head of his cock nudging at your entrance. You felt yourself stretch around him, his wanton moan the only betrayal of his dominance. 
One hand grabbed your waist and the other wrapped around your neck, squeezing as he yanked you closer. 
“Is this what you’ve been brooding over?” He delivered another swift spank when you whimpered your yes. “You’re so pathetic, resigning yourself to an object. My object.”
You clenched around him at the identifier. His object. No matter that he was not yours. You were his, at least in this moment. 
Geta rocked himself with pounding thrusts that sent his pelvis colliding into your rear. “Say that you’re pathetic. That you’re weak for me. That you would do anything for my seed.”
You found your voice in time to comply. “I’m pathetic, Augustus. I’m weak for you. I would do anything for your seed.”
He laughed at this. “I could do anything I wanted and you would let me, so long as I attend to you.”
“Anything you wanted,” you echoed. Your climax was building; just a few more moments until it shrouded you in pure pleasure. “Anything for you.”
“How utterly pitiful.” Grunts punctuated his taunt. “I might be inclined to feel sorry for you if I possessed that capacity.” He withdrew until just his tip was inside you and promptly slammed back in. Empty, so horribly empty, and then deliciously full.
Geta’s groans echoed throughout the library, growing louder as his own orgasm neared. “Take it, take it all, my little whore.”
He spilled into you with harsh, sloppy thrusts. The hand around your throat restricted your airflow to its minimum; you ached to cry out his name, even his title. He only loosened his grip once he was completely spent.
He held you in place as he caught his breath, carefully pulling out so the evidence of his release stayed within you. “Ready yourself for the gala,” he said tersely. “I will send for you when the time arrives.”
“Yes, Augustus.” You moved to leave, but your insecurities hooked their talons into you and drew you back. “Does she also get your seed?” His other concubine. The other woman he kept around to bring him pleasure.
Confusion marred Geta’s smug expression for a second, but he quickly composed himself. “She hasn’t earned it.”
You nodded, trying not to let pride swell your head. She hasn’t earned it, but you have. “Thank you, Augustus.”
His acknowledgment was an unintelligible grumble, but you could have sworn he let his gaze linger for a beat longer than he had before.
Tagging some people who might be interested:
@happilyeverafterforme @daisy-munson @strawbbzombwie @mrsjellymunson @eddiesxangel
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Classy Wrist Watch
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