Loveless Creek
8 posts
A wonderful dating sim where EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP IS DOOMED from the very start. No one is safe here. NOTHING IS SACRED!!! [This is mostly just me screaming at the void about my blorbs]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aintlovingthiscreek · 10 months ago
Charlotte and Mic are toxic besties
Imagining Charlotte and Microwave being toxic as best friends with benefits. Genuinely neither of them have feelings for the other other than friends that bang. The night that Mic offically gets tossed by Crash&Burn he contacts her here's the convo of that.
"Sup fucker. why are you texting me this late? "
"You busy right now?"
"Not particularly why?"
"You wanna smoke and hang out in a bit?"
"Fuck yeah I do but I don't got shit on me so you're gonna have to provide :3"
"Sure, whatever just meet me at my old place"
"What the fuck do you mean YOUR OLD PLACE????"
"Just fucking get there."
"Okay damn bitch I'll be there 🙄 "
The moment she walks though Mic's doors he's all over her. That's just how it's been with the two of them before Mic "committed" to the closed polycule. After a moment Charlotte pushes him back a bit to talk
" Damn dude" She laughs "You wanna talk about it first?" She asks as Mic kisses at her neck hands traveling up her shirt.
"Later." He quickly replies and gets back to the task at hand. "Alright then." Charlotte lets out a laugh and continued what they were doing.
After tiring themselves out they smoked and chatted.
"Holy Shit! they finally dropped your ass??" Charlotte doubles over laughing as Mic inhaled.
"It's not fucking funny man. I really fucked up this time."
"Yeah no shit Sherlock and it serves you right too." She said taking the blunt back from him still laughing . "Did you honestly think they'd continue to take your pathetic ass back after cheating on ALL of them so many times?"
" Honestly? Yeah. It's not any different from the other times I don't understand why they're pitching such a bitch fit now."
"Cause that was the last straw dumbass. Plus that sweet girl Bubbles found you this time. And it didn't help that you were coked outta your mind AND overdosed. They gave up on you. I'm surprised they lasted this long. It's kinda sad to be honest. Full offense."
"What the fuck Charlotte! You're supposed to be on my side."
"Why the fuck would I side with you? You constantly cheat, you lie, you get into meaningless fights, you're an alcoholic and a drug addict. I know I'm a whore and I don't do committed relationships but Jesus Christ man I've never cheated on anyone the way you do. You deserve a metal with how you fumbled man and you fumbled HARD you had 3 bad bitches and you gave that up for some coke and mediocre- your words not mine- head from some random blond twink. I’m gonna be honest with you when I say this man. You didn't deserve the countless chances they kept giving you. You’re sad, pathetic, and need help. "
"Fuck you man." Mic said quietly finishing off the blunt and laid back down.
"You already did. Anyways I'm hungry and you have NOTHING in the shitty ass apartment so you wanna order take out? I think there's a few places that are still open" Charlotte said grabbing her phone from the side table.
"Yeah, sure. I'm kinda feeling Marco's right now."
"Shit taste as always huh. Nah I'm getting tacos."
"Why bother asking"
"I didn't. Asked if you wanted take out. Not what you wanted dipshit :p"
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aintlovingthiscreek · 10 months ago
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Sera and Sapphire sketches
The beginnings
Sapphire and Sera met at an networking event that Sera had to organize for Savon and Sapphire who owns an apothecary that doubles as a flower shop was there to set the arrangements in place last minute since her only two employees were out due to help and some other reason that she couldn’t be bothered to dig too deep into. Sapphire set her eyes on Sera first. The way that she conducted herself and was assertive was what drew her in. But there was nothing she could really do about it since this was a professional matter and there was absolutely no room for flirting with the coordinator of this random event. Sera was a no nonsense kind of woman anyways and in no way would have allowed anything other than business to be talked about. So the first meeting was just that clinical and business focused. However the stars had something else in mind for them. Somehow some way Savon found a way to get himself in trouble with some sponsors and had to send out regular arrangements of flowers and tea as a peace offering. Hence making Seraphina a regular at Sapphire’s apothecary. Sera was a tough nut to crack. Very anal about her job and a get in and get out type of gal. Many attempts of casual conversation usually came off one sided and were cut short. This was not to say that Sera was uninterested. It was quite the opposite actually. She was playing hard to get.
Occasional flirty remarks, the blush that would creep from her cheeks to her ears when Sapphire complimented her. She wouldn’t verbalize it since their relationship was simply that of a coordinator and vendor. Sapphire didn’t mind much and actually was enjoying the chase. Soon enough Sapphire started to make smaller arrangements for Sera to take home for herself. She would make them a little more intricate adding in things that would help her relax a little more. If Sera mentioned an ache that she’s been experiencing passively, Sapphire would make a tea and bath blend to help with the pain at the end of the day. Sera’s not a patient so she stays away from making medical blends but a herbal and floral blend was on the table and much to Sapphire’s surprise she would accept them. It would come off as if it’s a bother to her but her blushing ears gave her away every time. One day Sera came into the shop unexpectedly. There were no orders for them that day but she came in anyways and chatted about the day. Sapphire realized that she was stalling to say something.
“You know Ms. Sera it’s always a delight to speak to you but it’s very unlike you to talk about frivolous things in the day. Is there something on your mind? Are you feeling unwell?” Sapphire asked with a sly smile and a raised eyebrow.
Sera looked shocked realizing that she was caught. She straightened her posture and looked everywhere except at Sapphire.
“Well, you’ve been taking very good care of making adequate arrangements for Savon’s clients.” “and myself.” She added quietly. “And my Savon believes a sufficient thank you should be in place.” She finished finally looking Sapphire in the eyes. Her ears and cheeks burning.
Sapphire who had been leaning on the counter cheek resting on her palm smiled.
“He did, now did he?” She cheekily asked.
“Yes. precisely.” Seraphina quickly answered back looking nervous.
Sapphire chuckled and straightened up her stance. Placing her hands on her hip she nodded her head.
“Alright then. What do you have in mind?”
“Is Italian to your taste?”
“Italian sounds wonderful. There’s an Olive Garden not far from here.”
“OLIVE GARDEN?” Seraphina shouted quickly correcting herself clearing her throat “Olive Garden is not optimal. I know of a more appropriate place. I mean as our best standing vendor you deserve a better thank you dinner.” She stated frantically attempting to cover her tracks.
Sapphire chucked again. “Alright then. Let me see your phone.”
“What for?” Sera asked.
“Well, You only have my work number and I don’t answer that one after the shop closes. This way you can text me the details of the restaurant.”
“Oh, of course that makes sense.” Sera replied, fishing her phone out of her pocket and handing it over to Sapphire.
A moment of silence goes by while Sapphire puts her number into Sera’s phone. When done Sapphire hands the phone back.
“There. all done.” She said with a smile.
Sera looked at the contact. Looking at the phone number and…when did she take this picture of herself? Looking up from her phone she was greeted by a smiling Sapphire looking into her stunned eye.
“Feel free to text me whenever. Even for nonwork related topics. I enjoy our chats,”
Seraphina stumbled over her words a bit before just nodding and briskly walking out of the door.
“See you later Sera~” Sapphire shouted after her. Chuckling seeing her speed walk faster cheeks and ears redder than ever.
[sorry that the formatting is weird]
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aintlovingthiscreek · 11 months ago
Charlotte drabble [Loveless Creek]
Absolutely tearing my hair out rn cause I apparently forgot how to write a continuing story. So drabbles it is
Charlotte is a beautiful woman and she absolutely knows that and uses that to her advantage until you came along. Her charm simply didn't work the way that she expected it to. She's so used to people exchanging things for favors but you didn't want anything in return. Not a kiss or even dinner. You just wanted to help and help is what you did.
She wasn't one to believe in genuine kindness without the want for a reward so one day after you bought her a gift unprompted she broke down and asked you why were you doing this. Why didn't you want anything? Just why. And you looked at her tear stained face and all you could say is "Because I want to. There's no ulterior motive. I just want to bought you nice things and do things for you. That's all. Nothing else." And for the first time in a very long time Charlotte was reminded that she wasn't a prize to be won. That people just want to do things for her and not want anything back.
It was a strange feeling.
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aintlovingthiscreek · 11 months ago
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Simpler days
Characters~ Roma and Savon
This is an older piece I made to explain some of Roma and Savon's past together
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aintlovingthiscreek · 11 months ago
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A quick mock up for what a mobile version might look like for a dating sim.
Characters- Roma and Charlotte
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aintlovingthiscreek · 11 months ago
Loveless creek demos?
Sooo I may have self imposed a challenge onto myself to create an entire demo for one character (Roma) in a month. Being as inactive as I am no one really knows that this exists BUT oh well screaming into the void it is
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aintlovingthiscreek · 2 years ago
Nothing’s gonna be in order
I’m definitely gonna be posting things outta order after the character sheets and somethings might not even related to the main story. But if it’s unrelated I’ll state that.
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aintlovingthiscreek · 2 years ago
Before I start rattling off about any of these disaster men and women and how they never get a break let me go through their names so you’re at least aware of their names before I speak about them.
 NOTE: If I get information on a ethnic background incorrect please correct me. I never want to offend someone due to my ignorance. But please do so in a respectful way. I am always open to constructive criticism but please be kind. 
                                             MEET THE CAST
They will each receive a character introduction on their own but for now here are all 13 names. I’m feeling extra hateful towards myself I might add more but as it is now this is all of them.
~Savon ~
These are their names I have not given them normal names because I simply don’t want to plus little fun fact. Loveless creek used to be about dating what was essentially merfrogs but I scrapped that since no one understood my GIANTIC GENIUS thoughts.
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