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yourpursecoach-blog · 8 years ago
Golden Dreams' DIY kit lets iWatch owners 'paint' their gadget
Golden Dreams' DIY michael kors canada sale kit lets iWatch owners 'paint' their gadget
'Since it's a soft metal, susceptible to nicks and scratches, our metallurgists engineered an entirely new alloy that's up to twice as hard as standard gold,' the firm says.
'This allowed us to achieve the exact hues of yellow and rose gold we envisioned, without compromising on durability.'
'The thin layer of 24K gold from the plating process is as real as solid gold,' the firm says.
'Gold plating has been used in the watch industry for decades.'
'This is not paint the gold becomes a part of the metal on the steel surface.
'The surface has a pure gold top layer like the solid gold in the $10,000 AppleWatch Edition.'
Designer brands gold plate their watches, such as Michael Kors, Versace, Marc Jacobs, Burberry, TAG Heuer, it says.
'The gold plating process is even older than that it was discovered in the early 19th century.
The firm is now raising funds for the kit on Kickstarter.
'The kits are a rewarding project for those of us who like to do things ourselves,' it claims.
It also says should the gold fade, it can be reapplied.
'You will convert your watch into one that looks like the insanely expensive solid gold watch. The plating may eventually show signs of wear.
'Our kits include enough gold for a long lasting thick plated layer.
'Also, you can touch re plate worn areas with the kit.
The firm says the only clue your gold watch is not the real deal are the words stainless steel on the back
'In an analogous process, gold plating converts positively charged gold ions (Au+) dissolved in the premixed solution michael kors handbags clearance in the michael kors handbags outlet online kit into neutral gold atoms (Au) that atomically bond with the steel surface.
The gold plating converts positively charged gold ions (Au+) dissolved in the premixed solution in the kit into neutral gold atoms (Au) that atomically bond with the steel surface.
Elsewhere, Jewellers are offering to transform cheaper Apple Watch models to make them look like the Edition version for as little as $399 (262).
Watch Plate will gold plate any stainless steel Watch in 24 karat gold or rose gold and copper for $399 (262). The cheapest Apple Watch costs $549 in the US and 479 in michael kors outlet online the UK. This takes the total price for getting a gold version to $948, or around 740 a saving of michael kors canada outlet more than$9,000 (5,950) compared to the Edition
HOW TO GET michael kors online outlet THE APPLE WATCH FOR A TENTH OF THE PRICE Watch Plate in California will gold plate any stainless steel model of the watch in either 24 karat gold, or rose gold and copperfor a flat michael kors clearance fee of $399 (262).
The cheapest model of the Apple Watch costs $549 in the US and 479 in the UK. This takes the total price for getting a gold version to $948 and around 740 depending on conversion rates.
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yourpursecoach-blog · 8 years ago
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