#wretched rambles
goblinoid-wretch · 1 year
just went thru 5 hours of the tf2 scout gremlin experience (shortstop-guillotine-wrap) while blasting various songs generally of the fast paced variety and honestly i think my brain has been permanently altered as i achieve annoying scout nirvana
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gingermintpepper · 18 days
I think, perhaps one of the funniest things to come from EPIC popularising the Odyssey is that now a ton of people think Poseidon wanted to kill Odysseus.
In the Odyssey, Poseidon has no intention of killing Odysseus. In fact, part of the whole reason Zeus lets Poseidon do whatever he wants even though he thinks Odysseus is rad and should get to kiss his wife is explicitly because Poseidon had no intentions of killing Odysseus. Poseidon wanted to pay back the suffering/inconvenience blinding Polyphemus would have caused. It's a really abstract thing tbh. How do you pay back someone permanently disabling your son? Poseidon's solution was just to amputate Odysseus from his other half; i.e. Penelope. The end game was never murder, it was always an endurance race.
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(Od. Book 1: Zeus reassuring Athena that he is not, in fact, a part of Odysseus Hater-Nation. Trans. Robert Fagles)
Also, for those wondering if there's any sort of in text reason for why Poseidon wasn't around in God Games - at the time in the Odyssey when Athena petitions Zeus to let Odysseus leave Calypso's island, Poseidon was -checks notes- on vacation in Ethiopia. Yep. He left to Ethiopia for a festival and thusly was very much absent for Athena's whole "please let Ody go? Please? 🥺" request.
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(Od. Book 1: While Odysseus was suffering, Poseidon went to party in the east)
I am begging y'all to read the Odyssey. It's a comedy for everyone except Odysseus and Penelope who are, in fact, suffering 24/7 365.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Words cannot convey the stress of getting through the airport to go home. There has been so many sudden turns and after a flight cancellation, rental drop off shitstorm, and very long lines, I might make it home before midnight.
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qcomicsy · 6 months
I DON'T give a shit, a flying single fuck about how reboots Marvel has for Deadpool, I don't give a flying single damn if his mind is fucked up if memories keep recreating themselves NO origin story for Wade is ever going to hit as harder than losing his mother for cancer and having a militar father, just to him to end up serving the military like his father before him and then right after being expelled he dicovers he has cancer.
Than him being a child that liked "supposedly" girly and feminine things and only feeling comfortable in showing this side of him as a joke.
Do not fucking touch me this is poetic narrative Marvel how the fuck can you fuck something so badly in the name of badly written stories and poorly planed jokes I'm biting your editorial team's emails.
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dougielombax · 1 month
J. K. Rowling and the Curse of the Black Mold.
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demonic-dorito · 5 months
Kirkwall in itself is a story worth thinking about for years. Just the current political landscape and culture and what’s it’s like day to day must be fascinating but then when you consider its history as a MAJOR slave city that was set free only to keep all the iconography, plus how much blood magic was practiced in its hidden halls… that’s a story within a story. And if THAT wasn’t enough to keep Kirkwall rotating like a golden rotisserie chicken in your brain for years, then you get the likelihood that this city is the place wherein mages went to the makers throne and corrupted the Golden City, turning it into the Black City??? Huh??? The parallels that one would naturally make between Kirkwall and the Black City because of it (and ironically between Kirkwall and the Golden City, too)… and then you have the one chantry in the city in Hightown, as if The Maker was too high for poor folk to reach, and Darktown, where everything is dirty and sick and it’s supposed to be every man for himself save a single shining light wherein a cursed apostate, what the chantry tells you to hate and fear, is the only one reaching out to help, and does so without expecting anything in return.
Seriously though, all the damn stairs means that unless you’re able bodied and have hours upon hours to spare (unlikely when you’re desperate for work), you likely can’t make it to the chantry to attend services regularly. I wonder if the people in Lowtown feel as though as surely as he abandoned the Golden City, he abandoned them, too. And THEN you have Kirkwall being turned into what is essentially a police state with Templars, the supposed sword of Andraste, making life worse for a lot of people. Honestly even if Anders never came to Kirkwall, there probably would’ve ended up being a rebellion for something anyways.
The city itself is a living, breathing entity. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a city as… charactered??? as Kirkwall in any other work of fiction. It’s endlessly fascinating.
Please tell me any headcanons or opinions or observations you have on literally any aspect of Kirkwall. Whether you say it on this post or in tags or in my dms or send me an anon message I don’t care.
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etirabys · 3 months
I was totally numb to The Wonders when I was a child; the zoo, old buildings in foreign countries with different architecture, eclipses, museums, dolphins in the water, this weird dangerous swing, all were or would have been wasted on me. I just wanted to be in my room reading, which instantly let me conjure much more interesting wonders in my mind. My parents would point stuff out to me that excited them, and it felt like a huge chore to play along. It was only in my twenties, as my fantasy life faded and shriveled, that these tiny deviations or novelties seemed worth paying attention to.
(Possibly the sole exception is the stars on a clear night sky.)
I won't, uh, deliberately hide the zoo from my kids, since my kids will be sufficiently reshuffled from me that I can't count on this tendency, but I would seriously consider it if I were raising a clone.
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just-prime · 3 months
So yeah...about that Link Click hyperfixation...
I've done my best to map out the entire timeline of Season 1 (or as far as we understand it in s1)
PLEASE let me know if I've missed anything or forgotten any plot points! I made this in like two days so there might be mistakes. :P
If you want to see it with massacred resolution it's below
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olibabart · 2 months
*ahem* I hereby declare Hayloft by Mother Mother the Sylus national anthem
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malaierba · 3 months
Been thinking, there's an issue with how creators and readers often approach the theme of "coming back wrong", since so much of the emphasis ends up being put in the "they came back part". Especially on the readers' side, the idea that someone would do whatever it takes to bring you back is parsed as romantic and devoted, which it can be, but it overlooks a big element of the concept.
Coming back wrong, or even just performing forbidden rituals etc in general, for it to be impactful needs to place a big AND constant focus on the in-universe equivalents of Do Not Resuscitate & bodily autonomy when one can't consent.
It's not just the coming back. It's that you don't know what type of body, what type of mind you're coming back to. It's the dysphoria, if it can exist (and it should), and the expectation that you'll be okay with whatever was done to your inert body when you couldn't decide over it. You're back, you're alive, surely you can get over the circumstances under which it happened, be thankful.
You don't even need to get abstract with "the inherent feeling of wrongness that comes from being brought back from death", most humans can't relate to that, it's vague to the point where it isn't real stakes. It's just a non-issue mentioned to give a fake sense of stakes.
But if you take inspiration on DNR, from people whose lifestyle was changed radically from being saved from a situation where they may have preferred to be allowed to pass on. Like, say:
You come back, and you gotta learn to use your body from zero, and you'll be reliant on others forever. Or you come back and you look so different you feel disconnected from yourself, and every waking moment is uncomfortable. Or you come back, and too much time has passed, you feel like the life you were meant to live got away from you. Or you come back, and what was done to your changes you so fundamentally you end up isolated even if it's no one's intention. Or the ones that brought you back didn't do it selfishly but out of entitlement to your life.
The wrongness needs to be acknowledged often to the point of tediousness, only then would the spectator get a real sense of "okay, I see now why that'd be an issue, and why many would hate it".
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nothing awakens my inner rage quite like scrolling through an online recipe being bombarded with 5 gazillion ads making the site crash every 3 minutes and trying to get through the author's life story and their personal experience when they ate this dish for the first time or whatever the fuck it’s so fun
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sphylor · 10 months
if you want to talk about pcos dew use this as a reason because im very in love with the idea
(this is all based on my own experiences with pcos and follows tried and true methods of helping things feel a little less shitty. also god i wish i had a Rain and Mountain ghoul to do these things for me hdsbjdf)
okay so Mountain and Rain look after Dew the most whenever his pcos is causing issues. Mountain keeps his raspberry plants growing all year round just so they can make tea from the leaves to help with Dew's cramps. they'll both encourage him to sit up from where he's been led in his bed, curled up around his middle with his hands pressed onto his abdomen like heat pads. Mountain will lay him up against his chest and replace Dew's hands with his own. they're warm like stones left out in the sun all day and that combined with gentle massages means they help ease the pain a little. Rain passes him his tea and feeds him the iron rich meals that they both prepared for him. the tea doesn't have any real flavour itself but its loaded with honey from Mountain's bees and Dew loves it.
they encourage him to go on walks when he can manage it, even if it is just a few laps around his room or down the corridor to the ghoul den and back. they let him lean on them whenever he needs to. when his cramps are so bad that he can't move about too much Mountain will carry him around and take him outside for fresh air. Normally Dew's in too much pain to actually pay attention to what Mountain's saying about each of the plants but the sound of his voice and steady heartbeat against his ear help distract him from the pain somewhat.
when Dew needs help getting cleaned up Mountain will change any sheets and put any clothes and other soiled stuff in the wash while Rain helps Dew clean up. sometimes all he can manage/needs is a quick shower where he'll lean up against Rain with his eyes closed and let the water ghoul do the work. other times baths are better especially on the more painful days. they'll sit in the tub together and again Dew will let Rain do all the work while he rests. the warm water soothes his pain and the steam helps if he has a migraine.
when they all lay down to sleep together in Mountain's big bed, Mountain will emit lavender and chamomile scents to help Dew sleep through the discomfort and pain. if he cant get to sleep even with that, though, Rain stays awake with him for as long as he needs (Mountain can't help falling asleep as the sun goes down bur Rain is always staying up late anyway). they talk or watch films or tv shows on Mountain's laptop and Rain does everything he can to help distract Dew from the pain and discomfort for long enough so that he can fall asleep. Dew really appreciates his company. he appreciated both of their efforts so so much. and how the rest of the pack helps too! but Rain and Mountain genuinely do not leave his side the whole time.
(aaa i also have some nsfw thoughts on the matter but maybe those are for another post ;3)
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
Oh god I just saw and old note in my phone, who wants to hear the most unhinged fact a customer has ever shared with me?
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rush-the-stars · 4 months
need to brat so bad for the types that just feed into it….brat enablers……..,ones who just ruin and spoil you..,kaeya. gojo perhaps.. nai in a certain way. sukuna………
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dougielombax · 24 days
Why don’t we ask the black mould on your walls.
See what it thinks?
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gelatinous-globster · 10 days
"Potential, huh? I told mom she was wrong about me..." (Globby, s1e7 'Failure Mode')
"I guess there's one of you in every family." (Nega-Globby to Globby, s3e7a 'The New Nega-Globby')
thinking about these lines makes me so insane. because Globby's bio family is disappointed in him no matter what
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