#wrecking miss amy
missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Fingertips tapping your flower belt buckle on your tummy. Teasing and slowly tickling your royal parts under some silky panties until you ticklegasm. Watching as the taps and teases tickle you silly until you explode, now that's tickle hot 😉
Nmmmhmmmmunnhh~~!!! Okayyyyyy okay okay okay okayyy that's mmmh riiiight thereeeee you can't even you're hacking my body and I don't like I love iiiiit but this isn't the dance I wanted to dooo I'm do do doiiing such ridiculous things when you tap the flower it's like every petal is a dance button seeee that one made my leg wiggle all funnnny and now my arms are doing the wacky tube flailing inflatable tube mannnnunnhhh man oh gosh oh dear my princess part can't take ittt whyyy am I wired like this and whyyy do you have to do this I was teasing everyone so bad and now I'm wreckled because you just hadddd to know how to quite literally push my buttons mmh stupid belt fetissssh it tit tickles that's right it's a new thing the tit tickles when you tickle someone so badly they flutter like a titmouse that's right what were you thinking titties like boobies you're such a naughty tickler getting in the gutter like that you silly goose you meeeeheheheanieee~ I'm not the naughty oneeee I just mmmhh happen to get a little worked up when someone bullies my flower buckle like this and bullies my princess part like that and these silky pantiiiiess aren't helping anything as you can plainly see so let's just split the difference I can gooohhohohounnh back to teasing the silly tickleessss and maybe we can forget about just making me make princess fireworks~~~~? <3333
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myhappylittlesideblog · 6 months
Gotch-yer Back
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Violence, Walker death, other TWD character death (Amy), Daryl being a bit of a jerk and then fixing it, let me know if there's anything else! Basically what seems to be regular TWD fanfic warnings. Also I believe this is only Fem!Reader because he calls Reader "girl."
Summary: A retelling of the night walkers attack at the quarry and how you and Daryl help each other deal with the aftermath.
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You tried to remember the last time you’d eaten fish. It had been a while, a few weeks maybe? A few long weeks forcing yourself to eat squirrel or a rabbit if you were lucky. Or if you were unlucky, even snake. You’d eat whatever was caught if you were hungry enough, or simply to stay alive another day.
Fish was a delicacy these days. The girls- Amy and Andrea had caught a load of them in the quarry. It was white fish which had always been your favorite. It was easy to cook and fell apart in yummy flakes. Hell, you didn’t even need a fork.
It was hot in your mouth and the heat of the meal radiated in your belly. The group chewed and chattered while you were lost in your own thoughts. Your mother used to make a great dish when you lived with her. Cod with a breading on top that was made with Ritz crackers. You missed her. You missed her cooking. You wondered where she was now-
Everyone laughed suddenly and the sound made you jump.
“William Faukner,” Dale said, smiling.
Lori reached over Carl and rested a comforting hand on your arm. Understanding glowed in her eyes in the firelight. Loud noises always made you nervous these days.
By the time you saw the pan of fish that had been passed around, the last filet was being pulled out of it by a stabbing fork.
“Shouldn’t we save some?” you asked Lori. “The guys’ll be back soon.”
“We’ll catch some more tomorrow,” Andrea said to you, catching your attention from a few seats down.
“Yeah,” Amy said. “We’re pros.” 
Despite the light conversation, Lori looked grim. You and her seemed to be the only people worried about the men who’d gone off to find Merle and the bag of guns that was left in the street in Atlanta. She had her arm around Carl as he munched and grinned at Dale. You couldn’t imagine how she was feeling about her husband’s return, nevermind his volunteering to lead the charge back into one of the most dangerous places in this new age. He’d just gotten back. It was written all over her face as she gazed into the flames of the fire.
You weren’t a fan of Merle. In fact, you disliked him thoroughly. The pit in your gut surrounding his abandonment had nothing to do with his safety, or his life, but with Daryl’s. You weren’t even sure if you liked the younger Dixon either. He seemed to follow too closely in his brother’s footsteps to be safe or dependable. Or even nice. But you did respect him. After all, he’d helped to keep you safe and almost single handedly kept the group fed with his hunting and tracking skills. 
Still, no. He wasn’t very nice.
You had a feeling, however, that you had his respect in return. It only took a few crude remarks from Merle for you to fire back at him with enough force to keep him off your back for a few days. Daryl apparently hadn’t been too far away that day and had heard your reply to Merle’s degrading comments. 
“Impressive,” he’d said. “For a quiet girl.”
The next time Merle got colorful with his words towards you, Daryl was the one to take the heat for you. Told his brother to quit it. Since then, your relationship with the older Dixon was extremely minimal and even when it was forced, he left you alone.
Though you wouldn’t have missed Merle one bit, you watched Daryl take the news of his desertion when the cop- Rick- told him what had happened on the supply run. While you of course expected fury from Daryl, you hadn’t expected such emotion to fly out of him. He was a wrecking ball of threats and fists with tears running down his dirty cheeks. It was sad.
He must have seen the pity in your face then. When you called to him, tried to calm him down and move him away from Shane, he’d shoved you. “Get lost, girl.”
Needless to say, the men in this group were difficult. But at least the others were in the group. Daryl was on the outskirts of it and without his brother, it would be too easy for him to get thrust out. While you didn’t want that, you knew it was also vital for the survival of the group for him to stay. You had a feeling he wasn’t as impenetrable as the armor he wore.
You were worried about Daryl. You were also worried about Glenn and T-Dog, and Rick- Lori and Carl included. And as you sat there before the fire, you wondered what the hell would happen if Merle returned.
That was when you heard Amy scream. You didn’t recognize the sound at first, it was so sudden and so loud. It was a cry of anguish and fear. One that begged for help.
After that, it was chaos.
You turned over your shoulder, watching Amy and her assailant, even pondering for a split second who had snuck into the camp. What stranger would go after a girl just trying to go to the bathroom. But of course, it wasn’t a who. It was a what.
“Get behind me!” Shane roared. 
You knew there wasn’t time. Reaching into your pocket, you grabbed the unfamiliar hunting knife you had with you and unsheathed it. You stepped over the log you’d been sitting on, away from the fire, but also further away from Shane and the safety of his gun, towards one of the geeks. It wasn’t just ugly and rank and dead, it was terrifying. The look of it, the smell of it made your stomach sink so far, it felt like it’d fell out of your body.
It snarled and gnashed its mouth at you while its thin, wiry fingers reached for you, but all the while, you focused on its hair. It was the same in death as it was in life- long locks of protein that couldn’t hurt you. Harmless. So you aimed your knife there.
In the brain, in the brain, it has to be in the brain, don’t you know anything-
The thing stopped once your knife sunk into its skull. Its arms dropped to its hollow sides and its lifeless eyes looked at you, long enough to send a shudder through you before it dropped to the ground, taking your one and only weapon with it. 
“Get up here! Come to the RV!” you heard.
There were more screams, the thunk of childhood baseball bats slamming into hard skulls, the echoing sound of gunshots. Closer to you, though, and more urgently, there was deep guttural snarling, groaning and gurgling- the sound of the dead coming for you.
Shane had brought the children to the RV, safe, their backs leaning against the cold metal. Lori and Carol were there, Jim was at the treeline with his bat, Andrea on the ground with- with Amy. Amy’s body. You were alone. In the middle of the chaos, too far from any other living humans to take any aid.
“(Y/N)! Get up here! Jim!” Shane’s voice was hoarse.
You dove for your knife, yanking it out of the walker’s head with a squelch. You could only manage three or four steps up the hill before another undead was upon you. It was too close, its long nails a hair’s breadth away from your bare skin and its decaying teeth lunging closer with every stride. Again, you had to gather all your strength, grip your knife tight and focus- be calm enough to aim for the enemy’s brain. You had one chance, or you’d turn into one of them.
Carl would have to see it, Sophia, Lori. Daryl.
You grunted with the effort and the tip of the knife hit home and sunk into the geek’s head. This time you were able to free your knife before the thing fell to the ground. You scanned the land in front of you, looking for more threats. There were so many bodies on the ground. Bodies of people from your group, people that you’d gotten to know. They were lying still now. Leaking onto the dirt.
Then an arm wrapped around your middle and dragged you uphill. You screamed and thrashed, but whatever had you was strong.
“It’s me,” his voice rasped in your ear. 
It immediately calmed you. You held onto Daryl’s arm as if it were a buoy saving you from drowning in gray, storming waves of a murderous ocean. He led you to the others near the van and deposited you there before letting go of you.
He was back. You saw Rick, T-Dog and Glenn, all in various states of emotional disrepair, but Daryl just looked around, calmly taking in the carnage. 
“Daryl,” you said to him, “you okay?”
“Whaddah you think?” he snarled. “Ya see mah brother anywhere? Huh?”
So the moment was short lived. You ignored whatever he said next, running your hand along the outside of the RV, using it as a crutch as you moved to check on Carol and Sophia, then on Lori. You didn’t have it in you to survey much more than that. You trembled from the inside out and watched Rick hug his little boy as tears streamed down his face. 
At least they were back. 
It was somewhat painstakingly decided that you would all save the cleanup for tomorrow morning. The survivors had vans or tents to escape into. To leave the dead outside. Except for Andrea. One look at her- that was all you could handle- and you knew she wasn’t going to leave her sister any time soon.
You fell to your knees, jeans sinking into the soft dirt and stared into the flames of the campfire that was still burning strong. It was only then you found the hunting knife still in your tight grip, crusted over with brown, lumpy goo. At that point in the night, you couldn’t understand exactly what the remains were and for that, you were grateful. The bit of blade still showing reflected in the light coming from the pit, shades of orange and red glowing between your fingers. 
Shane crouched beside you and though his landing was silent and agile, you jumped.
“S’alright,” he said, taking the weapon out of your scrunched hand. “Lemme clean it.”
“I can clean it,” Daryl grumbled from above, snatching the knife from Shane. “S’mine anyway.”
Shane let it happen, concentrating on you. He carefully set a hand on your shoulder. “Ya did good,” he said.
“You too,” you answered, like a little league pitcher on the losing team. 
He stood and put his hands on his hips. “Try ta get some rest,” he said from the air.
You nodded.
Only when Shane was gone, did Daryl move closer to you. He sat on the ground and leaned back against the log the group had been using as dinner seats less than an hour ago. He sat back for a while, leaving you to watch the flames die down as he worked one of his rags into the crevices of the hunting knife. Slowly, you heard the others of the group- those living- say goodnight to each other and slide into their respective dwellings for what was left of the evening.
Distantly, though he sat just beside you, you heard Daryl speak. “S’right bout one thing.”
“Ya did good. I saw ya when we were runnin’ up the hill. Doin’ what I told ya to do.”
You turned to him, but he wasn’t looking at you. Your feet stung under you, asleep after kneeling on them for so long, as you moved to sit on your bottom next to Daryl. He turned the cleaned knife in his hand before passing it you, handle out.
You shook your head. “It’s yours.”
He plopped it on your lap. “S’yours now. I gave it to ya. You’ll need it.”
You didn’t want to need it. He knew that too. All the same, it was a good thing he’d left it with you when he went to Atlanta. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting next to him right now. Speaking to him. Feeling the heat that didn’t just emit from the fire, but from him by your side as well. 
“Thank you,” you said, sliding the knife back into its sheath and into your pocket, where you hoped it would stay, unneeded for a long time. Or at least for the rest of the night.
You turned to him, but again, he wasn’t looking at you. He rarely did. But you knew he was still there, still with you by the way his head tilted towards you. Like he was watching you out of the corner of his eye. As if you were a deer in the forest, ready to bolt away from him at any moment.
“I’m sorry you didn’t find Merle.”
He shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah right. You hate Merle.”
“Hate is a strong word,” you said.
He chuckled- a grim, gruff sound deep in his chest. 
You watched him, feeling free to do so since he so rarely looked you in the eye. He was biting the inside of his lip over and over and picking at his fingernails. 
You waited.
He peeked at you, inhaling deep. “Didn’ mean ta snap atcha. Earlier.”
When he yelled, you thought. By the RV, after he’d pulled you to safety. 
You nodded. “S’alright. It’s been a tough day all around.”
Humming in agreement, he turned back to the fire. You two were square now. But you also hoped he knew that if he snapped at you like that again, you wouldn’t be so quick to forgive. 
There was a flapping from above that shook the leaves in the trees. It was a soft, peaceful sound of nature, but after this night, in this new world, it startled you to your core.
“Just a bird,” Daryl said.
You sucked in a breath that made your lungs quake in your chest. “I’m sick of being so scared all the damn time,” you mumbled, tipping your head forward, holding your face in your hands. Things had only been like this for two months? Three? And you were already exhausted, tired of it all. How much longer could you take? Or, how much longer would it take for you to just-
Daryl stood. “Come on,” he said. He waved toward his tent. “Gotta getcha away from this damn bloodbath ‘er you’ll never calm down.”
You violently shook your head. “I can’t- I don’t wanna be alone-”
He was already walking toward the tent he shared with Merle. “Yer stayin’ with me. So I know where ya are.”
Your system went from fight or flight to frozen. He- Daryl- wanted you- where? After every shove and snap and swear towards you, now he wanted you to come with him? To be in his space? Overnight?
You stared at him. He tossed his crossbow into his tent, lifting the flap and heading inside when he turned back and saw you still on the ground in front of the fire.
“Or do ya wanna stay out here alone?”
“Then get off yer ass.”
You scrambled to your feet and scurried to the tent’s flap. You felt like a scolded child, like your dignity had been left in the dirt, but you didn’t care. After the walker attack, you couldn’t be alone and you had been trusting Daryl with your life for weeks now, not that you’d ever tell anyone that. You felt the safest when you were with him. Tonight you needed that. Especially tonight. 
“Ya can take that side,” Daryl mumbled, pointing. 
The tent was small. Big enough to stand up in, but not very wide. There were two sleeping bags strewn out close to each other with a lumpy pillow on each. He tossed an extra blanket onto the side he told you to take. It was the one with the crossbow at its foot. And you recognized his cut off flannel shoved into the duffle beside it.
“I can’t take your bed.”
“Ain’t a bed,” he said, spreading the other sleeping bag open flat and sitting on it.
“Well, I can’t take your bag.”
“Would you rather stick your face in Merle’s pillow all night?”
You grimaced, thinking of the monster of a man and what he’d probably done to that innocent pillow.
“Thought not,” Daryl said. He grumbled it, but you heard the smirk in his voice.
“The definition of ‘pick your poison’,” you said, crouching to sit on the soft sleeping bag. 
“Girl-” Daryl said, swatting at you as he rolled over, putting his back to you.
You swung back, smacking his shoulder. “I was kidding.”
In answer, he gave another blind swat, making you giggle. 
You laid back into the double layer of sleeping bag, enjoying the way it was cool to the touch underneath you. The pillow, though thin, felt nice when you situated it under your head the way you liked it. Everything around you smelled like him- gas, grease, cigarettes- yes, but something else too. It wasn’t a bad smell, just a natural one. Just Daryl.
You were laying on your side, facing him. You watched him sink into the darkness as you spun the dial on the lantern until it turned off. Dark, though it was, you could still see his form clearly. Not sleeping yet. 
“Thank you, Daryl,” you said.
He grunted, flopping to lay on his back and folding one of his arms under his head. “Get some sleep.”
It was then you realized how small the tent really was. When he laid on his back, his leg could almost touch your knee as you curled up on your side. He was an enigma, alright, you thought. Couldn’t bear to look you in the eye, saved your life, snapped at you in front of everyone and now slept beside you like it was nothing.
You sighed, following suit and laying on your back too. “Don’t think I’m gonna be able to catch much of that,” you said.
His pillow rustled as he looked toward you. “What the hell happened there?” He took your hand from where it rested over your forehead and studied the angry red scrapes and purple bruising on your knuckles. “This happen tonight?”
“No,” you said, taking your hand from his grasp and tucking it under you, embarrassed. “Happened earlier.”
“How’d you bust it up like that?”
“I, um… I just hurt it. Against Ed’s face.”
Daryl gave a laughing hiss. “I saw his face. You did that?”
“Some of it. Shane did the rest.”
“Fuck yeah.”
“He had it comin’,” you said, barely finishing the last word and regretting saying anything at all. Ed may have deserved a few punches, hell, he deserved jail time. But what happened to him tonight- eaten alive, alone- you weren’t sure anyone deserved that. It made your stomach roll in your gut and you stung with shame.
“Fucking badass, girl,” Daryl said.
It was quiet in the dark for a long moment. 
“M’not, Daryl. I’m just fucking scared.”
There was more rustling beside you as Daryl shimmied around on his sleeping bag. 
“Turn over. That way,” he said.
You did as he told you, laying on your side with your back to him. His body moved up against yours, his heat blooming on your shoulders, bum, and the backs of your legs. A little too forcefully, he lifted your head to slide his arm underneath and cradle you close.
“Ain’t nothin’ gettin’ in this tent tonight. I gotch’yer back. You can handle your front.”
You nodded, feeling tears gather in your eyes. Your cheeks were hot, as though they were on fire as you cried, finally letting out the emotion of the evening. The death, the kills, the fear, and the relief all ran down your face and into your shirt or onto Daryl’s pillow or his arm supporting your head. As your breath caught, he reached around you with his free arm, hugging you close and rubbing his thumb on the skin of your injured hand. You grasped him hard. You needed to.
Before this night, you weren’t sure what you thought of the younger Dixon brother. He was rough and nasty and you wondered just how much he took after Merle. Before this moment, you thought he’d run for the hills if you ever touched him with one single finger, nevermind your whole body- your whole being like you were now. But he was there, still with you and unbothered. Safe.
“Sleep,” he mumbled.
You nodded, squeezing his hand again before letting it go and allowing your body to relax against his. And eventually, in his arms, listening to his steady breath, you slept.
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princessmaybank · 5 months
(This is a playlist made up of songs from all of my playlists that I think JJ would listen to or are simply just JJ coded imo. Songs will be added over time.)
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Judas by Lady Gaga
Animals by Nickelback
Harder To Breathe by Letdown
Middle Finger by Bohnes
Energy by Mike's Dead
Throne by Bring Me The Horizon
Goodbye Agony by Black Veil Brides
In The End by Linkin Park
The Kill by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Dance With The Devil by Breaking Benjamin
True Friends by Bring Me The Horizon
A Love Like War by All Time Low
Empire To Ashes by Sleeping With Sirens
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
You Put A Spell On Me by Austin Giorgio
Stacy's Mom by Fountains of Wayne
I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don't Wanna Die Anymore by Waterparks
Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer
Get Well by Icon For Hire
Agree To Disagree by Sleeping With Sirens
Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings
Prom Queen by Molly Kate Kestner
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
At The Wheel by Colorblind
The Devil Wears Lace by Steven Rodriguez
Another Life by Motionless In White
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin
Addict by Don Louis
Save Your Heart by Mayday Parade
Feel Me Now by If Not For Me
Pretty by The Weeknd
Nasty (Extended Version) by Russ
Broadway Girls by Lil Durk ft. Morgan Wallen
Back To Black by Amy Winehouse
Fvck Somebody by The Wrecks
Rest In Peace by Dorothy
Like You Mean It by Steven Rodriguez
Lost In The Waves from Out Of Our Heads
the other girl by Kelsea Ballerini ft. Halsey
Villains Aren't Born (They're Made) by PEGGY
Heather by Conan Gray
She Knows It Steven Rodriguez
Jeepers Creepers by Slayloverboy
Way Down We Go by KALEO
One Man Army by Sleeping With Sirens
Bulletproof by Godsmack
Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin
Two Shots by Goody Grace ft. gnash
I Was Made For Lovin' You by YUNGBLUD
Virus by Elijah
more songs loading.....
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goosetheluce · 1 year
WAIT OKAY gwen stacy/fem!r smth smth seeing her band and like developing the BIGGEST crush on her from just watching her and bumping into her after the show and her asking u out 🤭🤭
Do I Know You? (Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader)
requested by @meredarling
warnings: mentions of underage drinking and drug use, crowded show, use of y/n, pet names, non-sexual flirting, fem reader
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Wherever the crowd went, you went. The mass of punks and curious outsiders swayed and undulated, creating one hive-minded motion that flowed into you. Your ears were under a constant assault of missed guitar notes and strangled screaming that was probably wrecking the vocalist's throat. You didn't care, though; the point of coming to these shitty basement shows filled with late teens and early 20s was to ignore everything outside.
So you stayed there, taking in the combo of sweat, sour fermentation of beer, and the sharp scent of weed.
Not my favorite.
Truthfully, you didn't care about any of these bands except for the final act.
"The Mary Janes," you read off the poster to your friend, Amy. It had been laying on the concrete sidewalk leading up to the academy. Your brain put together the familiar name. "Wait, like, Mary Jane Watson? From school?"
Amy shrugged. "Guess so. I had no idea she had a band." She sipped her coffee, the chilled air nipping at both of your fingertips. You raised your eyebrows and folded the poster, slipping it into your backpack.
"We gotta see this! Especially you, Ames," you teased, elbowing her gently in the arm. She pulled into herself a bit more.
"I can't tonight, but I think if I saw MJ Watson live, I'd faint and die happily on the ground," she whispered dramatically, a smile creeping across her face. "I wish she'd dump that douchebag guy, I'm literally sending out radio-clear signal that I'm into her."
"Lending her a pen and staring at her when she's not looking isn't radio-clear, but whatever you say," you sighed. Amy was hopeless.
"What? I think it's a great tactic. Anyway, we should get to class. We're gonna be late."
You nodded and zipped up your bag. You were buzzing with excitement when you hopped off the bus later that afternoon. You had a show to catch.
And here you were, taking a swig of your bottled cherry Pepsi, sweat beading on your hairline. Outside, the sky had bled into a deep indigo ink. The music stopped, and the vocalist's thrashed voice cracked into the mic, reiterating the band's name and stumbled off.
The lights dimmed a bit more. The house had been modified to have more resemblance to an actual venue. Impressive, you remarked to yourself.
It was silent for a few moments, the crowd whispering excitedly. You caught MJ's name here and there. You wondered to yourself how you never knew she had a band, because she was clearly popular in the scene. You recognized another name.
"MJ's vocals are great, but I'm telling you, the drummer is fucking amazing. Gwen Stacy or something. She goes to our school, too. I think she's a senior."
"Huh," you muttered out loud.
A line of girls suddenly streamed out from the other room where the bands got ready. MJ's flaming locks of hair bounced over her shoulders and she ran up onto the stage, grabbing the mic and breathing heavily into it. The other girls ran out behind her and settled into their positions. The lights fully dimmed this time.
"Give it up for Glory Grant!" MJ yelled into the microphone, pointing to a dark-skinned girl with locs on keys. She dragged her fingers across the board to produce a bright shriek of notes. The crowd hollered.
"Give it up for Betty Brant!" This time it was a pale brunette on bass. She plucked the thick strings with her pointer and middle fingers with a jazzy melody. You nodded to the beat. The crowd celebrated.
"Give it up for my best friend, Gwen Stacy, on drums!" This time MJ trotted to the back where the drumset was, putting her arm around the blonde.
"Play something, Gwen!" someone in the crowd suggested.
Gwen laughed into her microphone. "Sure, random stranger." You noted her smooth, relaxed voice.
As quick as lightning, she began pounding on the drums, the cymbals crashing deafeningly. The sequence was immaculate, filling the house with energizing ruckus. Her arms moved impossibly fast, and your heart began to beat faster. Was it the tempo, or was it the way Gwen smiled with adoration for her instrument?
The crowd began to jump around, and MJ sprinted back to the mic. "I would give it up for myself, but the band is literally called The Mary Janes."
"So, face it, Tiger, you're not leaving this fuckin' show till we burn the fuckin' place down!" She played a riff on her guitar to match the drums and the show started with a bang.
Amy would have loved the show, and so did you, but your eyes were trained on Gwen the whole time. The way you could tell she was panting and screaming along with the lyrics despite not technically being a backup vocalist; it was powerful. Her bleach-blonde hair danced along with her vigorous movement as her body sang with passion. Your eyes were wide with awe. You pushed your way to the front to watch.
Her eyebrow was pierced and the side of her head was shaved, adding more to her bold presentation. Her nails were cut all the way short, but still painted maroon. Her leather jacket framed her thinner hourglass figure wonderfully, and her somewhat worn turquoise converse stomped on the bass drum. She was a beautiful force of nature.
Disappointment coursed through you when you realized that the long pause at the end of the song actually just the end of the show.
"The place didn't burn down, but I don't have the money to pay for rebuilding anyway. Have a good fuckin' night, Queens, New York!"
The crowd whooped and started talking loudly at each other when the lights came back on. The girls left the stage, yet you felt unfulfilled. You wished desperately that you'd recognize Gwen in school the next Monday as you bought another cherry Pepsi.
As the rest of the concertgoers filtered out of the house, you looked around to find an excuse to stay. Without looking in front of yourself, you took a few steps forward and crashed into someone.
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry-" you quickly apologized only to be cut short.
Holy shit. Gwen motherfucking Stacy is right in front of me.
The drummer smirked. "Careful there. What if I was some drunk asshole? Could've started a fight for yourself, there, babe."
Your cheeks lit on fire. "Yeah, no kidding," you laughed nervously. She's just a person, calm down. "That show was amazing, by the way. I'm (Y/N)."
Gwen tilted her head to the side, crossing her arms and smiling at you.
"Wait, do I know you? You're from school, right? I've seen you in the halls."
"Yup. I'm a senior," you confirmed. "That's actually why I came. Didn't know that Mary Jane had a band, never would have guessed." You took a second to think before making a move. "But I think I found someone even better."
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to your earlobe while whispering.
"You know, if it weren't for 97% of the population being straight or whatever, I think I'd ask you out right now," Gwen rasped into your ear. You felt her lips pull into a grin over your skin. "...(Y/N)," she finished, clearly trying to fluster you. It worked.
You let out a breath of air, pulling back to look at her. She was taller than you by a good half foot, and her fingers would probably be longer than yours by an inch. You found your words.
"Lucky for you, you don't have to worry about that. And definitely not after that performance," you assured charmingly. "So, are you gonna ask me?"
"I have to go help the band get their shit in the van, but..."
Gwen grabbed your palm and flipped it over to the top side. She pulled out a sharpie.
"Will this work, sweetheart?"
You nodded, pulse racing.
She went to work and wrote her number down on your hand. She left a message at the bottom.
call me xx -Gwen
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thanks for reading!
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middlingmay · 22 days
Single dad Gale x Baseball coach Bucky AU Part 2
Read Part 1 here. (Retcon alert! Gale's daughter Amelia is starting Junior High now, instead of High School. She's aged 12.
Amelia gushes about her first day of junior high, oblivious to the fact that her dad has been an emotional wreck all day. Not just because she's growing up far too fast, but because Marge isn't here to see it.
But Amie has reunited with a few friends from her elementary school and made a whole host of new ones. Gale is thankful that she inherited her sociability from her mother.
It's from these new friends that she starts to develop an interest in sports. Her and Gale have never been inactive. They love bike races and climbing trees and seeing who can skip stones the furthest. But Gale has never entertained sports in his life, and he never let Amie sign up for any teams in her last school.
But he doesn't miss the way she starts going on and on about a Coach Egan, and how fun he is in Phys Ed. No one ever gets left out, and rumour has it the only time you'll hear him shout is when he gets the first sniff of bullying in his class.
The school offers baseball, football, soccer and track. Her friends are all talking about try outs and Gale tries not to freak out be he's failing.
He tells Amie, "Mind what I said about those kinds of sports. Bring you nothing but trouble."
But she's stubborn, like both her parents, and she badgers and badgers him until he eventually gives in to let her try out for track. She'll still be able to be on a team like she wants, but she'll run her own race. And most importantly, he can't remember his dad ever betting on a track meet.
Only, Amie is the daughter of Gale Cleven and Marjorie Spencer, who spent their whole lives defying others' expectations and going their own way. And Amie has her heart set on baseball.
Coach Egan saw her run one day and told her she should try out for the team. Which was a big compliment, seeing as he is Coach Egan because he's the coach of the baseball team.
But she needs parental consent. So, she gets her dad to sign the permission slip for the track team, and carefully copies his handwriting onto the slip for the baseball team.
And she makes the team! It's a mixed team - not boys versus girls or any of that nonsense. Her bets friend Bianca DeMarco also makes the cut.
She is so excited when she gets home that she runs and jumps straight into her dad's arms, who catches her and spins her around without asking why. He's just delighted for her to be there now she's getting older and needs him less.
She gets a little carried away and almost gives away her subterfuge like, five times, but she manages to get away with it. Just.
Until Gale says he can't wait to go to her first race and cheer her on. He makes her promise to tell him when it is as soon as she knows, no matter how embarrassing he might be.
In her twelve-year-old mind, it's fine. Because she can't tell him something that's not going to happen.
So she continues to thrive in the baseball team. Coach Egan is tough but fair. One time when she gets frustrated from missing the ball too much, he talks her down and doesn't let her get back to it until he gets a smile out of her.
She tells her dad as much as she can without giving herself away.
Gale doesn't know a thing about track, but he does know a case of hero worship when he sees it, and Amie has it bad for Coach Egan. He sounds like a fair man, teaching the kids about hard work and dedication, and seems to make sure Amie has fun. So he's inclined to think well of him.
He picks Amie up from school one day as a surprise. He wants to take her out for a treat. He's waiting at the school gates when a man, patrolling the grounds in a sports jacket, shorts, long socks and sneakers spots him and walks up.
And Gale has to remind himself that he's at a school, his daughter's school - because that man has thighs. They could crack his head open like a walnut.
His waist is thick and his chest is broad and his shoulders wide. Even his neck has a pleasing girth to it, Christ.
And for the first time in a long time Gale thinks it has been far too long since he's had sex.
The guy is polite, but clearly scoping out why Gale is loitering around the school when he asks, "Y'alright? You need anything?"
It's an odd voice. Part mid-west, part New York. But Gale's charmed by it nonetheless.
"Just waiting for my daughter," he says.
"Mind if I ask who that is?"
"Amelie Cleven."
The man's face brightens now he knows Gale isn't some kind of pervert. He immediately takes Gale's hand, which he hadn't offered, and shakes it vigorously. It's warm and rough and he squeezes with just the right amount of pressure. And Gale has to calm down the thundering in his own ears so he doesn't miss a word of the man's enthusiastic praise for his daughter.
"Amie's a great kid! A lot of speed and determination. Bit hard on herself though."
It clicks, suddenly, who he's talking to. "You're Coach Egan."
Egan looks very pleased that Gale knows who he is. "The one and only."
The school bell rings, startling them both. Students start to pour out the doors and Egan bites his lip like he's deciding whether to stay or go. Gale opens his mouth, willing his brain to come up with anything to make Egan stay a little longer, when a ball of blonde hair bowls into him, and Egan puts several feet of space between them.
Gale tells Amie they're going out for a movie and dinner date as a surprise and she's pulling him to the car for more enthusiastically than he expected, hollering a quick "Bye!" to Coach Egan.
Gale opens her door for her and she climbs in. Before he gets in his own side, he wants to thank Egan properly, because Amie's been having such a good time in track. But he doesn't get more than a few steps closer before Amie's blasting the horn.
He jumps nearly a foot in the air and Gale tells her off with a sharp bark of her name and a threat to take them straight back home if she doesn't mind her manners.
Gale gives Egan a sorry smile and says, "Sorry. Movie and dinner wait for no man, not even her favourite track coach."
He climbs in the truck. Egan looks at him a little queerly, but Gale pretends that it's disappointment. When Egan walks away, he lets an extra car or two pass before he pulls out onto the road, so he can better appreciate the view.
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Spoilers for DnP Incohearent!!!!
I’m having so much fun trying to solve these that I made a list to keep track! Message if you can help me fill in any I’m missing or if I’ve got any wrong!!!
Also lmk if you see any I’ve missed!! I’m going to keep updating this and have it unrebloggable but you can reblog this post to have a link to it!
These are all gathered from this post and this post so check the notes on those first to try to solve them then look here if you need answers!
Sow march cheer ray = so much cherry
Wee nay urn for uke oye yer tub = we’ve never fucked on youtube?
Ta fold in fig = the golden pig
Feed hay hid eho = vday video
Tat he won ape hit morse him he = daddy want a bit more simmy
Watt ken ice hay = what can I say
North key bus teabag king = naughty busty baking
Fool tie enter nit hobo / fall tie mint her nepo moe / fault aye mint earn are ohm owe/ foul thyme inch hermit hole mold = full time internet homo
Cumin mile aid deed or = come in my ladydoor
Hum hay zinc tan = amazingdan
Elven ower fug sedge own = eleven hour fuck session
An berry moth ribeye adam stir = and every month we buy a hamster
March rest array = Manchester eye
Cyst herding yell = sister daniel
Add a ding teps = editing tips
Cop dubai khaki luna = topped by kakuna
Late eat tore = ladydoor
Half tugger etch two eggs cyst = have the courage to exist
Perish she end wink = Parisian twink
Coal ten big/ goal then pick = golden pig
Cyst ordain yell = sister daniel
Train youth inks = try new things
Gay mean moss/ gain ink mass = gamingmas
Soften need = soft and neat
A wools lied = owl slide
Topper bought them hill = top or bottom Phil
Coat fit firenze = golf with friends???
Few ours pig meow fits = viewers pick my outfits
Read less tar = red lester
Eye eight soup igloo = I ate super glue
Insight youth era too walls = inside you there are two wolves
Mine amy stan = my name is Dan
Clap hella = glabella
Hiss teeth rent = hits different
Eel eyes apron kay kiss = Eliza pancakes
See pram haze ink bra jet = super amazing project
Feels lie yawn = phils lion
Fuel ease snot dawn fair = Phil is not on fire
Jaw shush ear son = josh hutcherson
Ball bull him tour food = bauble in your foot?
Sure eck = shrek
High ate dust = hiatus
Add a dink deps = editing tips
Ga hay shoom air age = gay shoe marriage
Pope eat plate aim = poppy playtime
Eat aches stu = it takes two
Goo gal few ed = google feud
Baze ick lee eye meg ay = basically I’m gay
Ko min yout ti ew = coming out to you
Ender knit subvert grew oop = internet support group
Phylis turn yar a sheen yes = PHIL LESTER YOU’RE A GENIUS
With Audi intern yet wean ed brr wood halve mat = without the internet we never would have met
Gum ban yins drool I’ve = companions through life
Reed sons wide answer flail = reasons why dans a fail
Ewan dam ah some are reed = you and Dan are so married
Denver sis fill/ Denver cis full = Dan vs Phil
Or lawn huffing = all or nothing
Dunk rye core raft = don’t cry craft
Mortal jester roam and thick/ Morph adjust row antic = more than just romantic
So wall how debris poll light = swallow to be polite???
Oar hinge art = orange heart
Foray virgo em = forever home
Chai reel loop/ share real oob = cherry lube
Cad boyd anne = cat boy dan
Far turf ill lip = father philip
Tess lit hen ink = the slittening
Forth house indie rolled or touches = four thousand year old tortoises
Hey moth swish roundup floating = a month without uploading
Jam march let pet tea an farms = Je mange les petit enfants
Day lion howl tour = Dalien Howlter
Ima let all kit = I’m a little kit
Feel pearl lays shell ter = Phil plays shelter
Fewer blue key app ending = viewer spooky happenings
Hell low iam tour reel = hello I am Toriel
Laugh tuh gey mile kuh = left to get milk
Villas eek wreck why vuh = Phil’s secret wife
Footy strain gin said dent = ___ strange incident????
Snow core play sum = snokoplasm
Nope puts cereal sleeping mage innit = no but seriously imagine it
Tear rip pulling flu hence = terrible influence
Jeff why eye aisle hike vague liner = fyi I like vagina
Eggs intense all cry cis = existential crisis
List of contributors
@fletthewreck @dandp @deadandphilgames @manchesterau @thephouseplants @awrfhi @jonsaremembers @rachosaurusrex @dapgolf @dan-whoell @dnphobe @dreamingalto @steveandscraggy @phanbeats @danandfuckingjonlmao @pepper-pastry @yonpote @un-interactive-introvert @spaniel-trowel @sisterdanieldyke @queerdnp @morganadelacour @amid-fandoms @spectral-kitkat @goingpheral @angelzonearth @wdapteo @2009phan @dansevilpianotea
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freneticfloetry · 2 months
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last line tracklist tuesday
It's two, two, two tag games in one! First, for Last Line Tuesday, there's this teeny tiny piece of the TiMER AU. (Thanks to @lemonlyman-dotcom @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand and @liminalmemories21 for the tags.
He finds Carlos on the street outside, sitting on the Camaro's back bumper in the mouth of the open trunk and holding a handful of mummified limes. "They were in the wheel well. The bag must've rolled out of the tote when it tipped over."
And I missed Music Monday (but thanks to @tellmegoodbye for the tag!), so I'm taking this opportunity to call this Tracklist Tuesday and bring back my to build a home soundtrack to the Tarlos Breakup Era, when a thing is over.
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And in the name of new music selections… If I had to make this playlist again today, I'd include James Arthur's "Train Wreck" for an extra hurty hit of immediate aftermath.
Underneath this bad blood, we’ve still got a sanctum Home, still a home, still a home here It's not too late to build it back, 'cause a one in a million chance is still a chance, still a chance, and I will take those odds Unbreak the broken, unsay the spoken words Find hope in the hopeless, pull me out the train wreck Unburn the ashes, unchain the reactions I'm not ready to die, not yet, pull me out the train wreck
See the full post and tracklist Listen on Spotify
Tagging in @never-blooms @ambiguouspenny @paperstorm @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @ladytessa74 @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses @herefortarlos and @welcometololaland.
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mersei47 · 2 years
may i request.. an amylex .. I miss them
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how bout post-mh au where everyone survives (alex still get his shit wrecked) and amy become angry at alex's bs (but still cares about him tho)
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Mod's own propaganda under the cut:
Sasha as Red Riding Hood:
During submissions, I became so absolutely excited when I saw this pop up. I don't know who decided to submit it, but they unlocked some childhood memories for me. Back when I was a child, my family visited Pakistan (my parent's country of origin) for the entire summer. One day I, bored, asked for some movies to watched and my parents and uncle brought back some clearly bootlegged DVDs dubbed in Hindi/Urdu, and Bratz Kids Fairy Tales was one of them. I watched it so many times, you have no idea- I think that I might have wrecked the whole DVD with how much I watched it. (A similar thing happened later on when I obtained a clearly bootlegged copy of Bratz Fashion Pixie too but that's another, non-Red Riding Hood related story.) I wasn't surprised that it was eliminated right off the bat, but my childhood nostalgia dictated I put it here, or else I would be betraying the 7-year-old in me.
Shang, Tao, and Paotze:
Another childhood favorite of mine. This picture book has such beautiful art and I remember being very surprised by the story as a child. I found a PDF of it online to reread when the contest started and honestly it still holds up. The three sisters that are the Red Riding Hood in the story I feel are genuinely very clever. And for nothing else, look this one up solely for it's beautiful art which is just breath-taking whether you're a child or an adult!
Not going to lie I never played this game. My good friend who I adore submitted this to the poll and it immediately got eliminated and I just felt bad lol. But it does look cool & I trust their taste so I do think that this game is great. I want to play it but I am really bad at getting myself to play games.
Samurai Jack is a CLASSIC and I dare you to not watch this clip and crack up. Mako was a gift of voice acting and I miss him so much. Also this episode is just pretty amusing.
Amy Lee:
My sister was actually the one to submit this and I will use her own propaganda here: "Evanescence was a voice of a generation." Honestly this song is kind of just okay, there are better Evanescence songs, but got to respect the effort they put into the music video. Who can resist to choose Amy Lee anyway?
The Path sisters:
Like many people who know this game, I know it through Izzzyzzz's two video essays on it. I didn't play the game afterwards, but I did watch some play-throughs since I don't play many games + it seemed mostly like a walking simulator anyway so I felt like I got the same effect. It is AMAZING and has so much story and analysis and I love shit like that... In particular, Scarlet, Ruby, and Rose are my favorites whose stories really resonated with me, even if I haven't exactly gone through their life experiences. Ginger too. And there's some really horrific imagery in Robin's...I would recommend everyone find a way to experience this game-- whether that's playing it, watching Izzzyzzz's videos, or finding a walk-through/analysis of it, it's worth it!
So this manga is sort of obscure but it is also sort of nostalgic to me. Well, nostalgic by proxy. My sister read it when I was younger and told me some details about it and for some reason it stuck with me. Like??? For no reason. It's not even that good lmao. The first chapter right off the bat is pretty edgy & handles sensitive topics very badly. But goddamn if I do not think about random elements of the story for no reason. I don't really remember shit about Lisette but hey this picture of her looks really cool.
If you notice a theme among these being "nostalgia" you would be right, as this was another nostalgic offering from my childhood that I would watch semi-annually. I was also fond of the sequel, though I thought it felt like a different series than the first one. (Which isn't unusual with animated sequels to popular movies, but the fact that the sequel was set-up by the ending of the first one implies it was planned? Weird). But anyway Red is iconic and funny and voiced by Anne Hathaway and also her sad emo song "Red is Blue" sometimes still gets stuck in my head, so take that as you will.
I know absolutely nothing about this series. But it looks very cute so I like it. I love cute magical girls they deserve the world. Also I looked it up and apparently the Studio who did the Akazukin Chacha anime would later do the Yu-Gi-Oh animes from the 2000s and 2010s, so there's the obligatory mention of nostalgia.
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e-vay · 1 year
Here's a new assembly of asks, assorted by topics so you can browse only what interests you:
Anon Asked: Have you ever watched The Nightmare Before Christmas? I was wondering if you watch it during Halloween or Christmas or do you consider it as both for the two seasons?
A: I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I consider it appropriate to watch for the last quarter of the whole year haha.
Anon Asked: Do you sometimes envision you and your husband as Sonic and Amy?
A: I do not, we really aren't anything like them. Ryan is very quiet and humble and shy. And yes I am forward and romantic like Amy, but unlike her, I'm an annoying little gremlin LOL!
Anon Asked: Have you ever watch 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'? You MIGHT like it amd I highly recommend you watching it ( but don't force yourself if you don't want to)
A: I've never actually watched it properly, but I've watched compilations of it and I really enjoyed what I saw! I love the art style of it and I like how all the turtles are unique. Plus Ben Schwartz, c'mon!
Anon Asked: Hi e-vay, have you ever played life is strange?
A: Hi! YES! I loved that game. Nana always said that she was Chloe and I was Max haha. I didn't play the sequel though.
Anon Asked: Here’s some positivity to counter that negative ask you got! What’s your favourite thing about your new style? *grabby hands* Gimme all the details!
A: I appreciate that. Honestly, I didn't purposely "change" the way I draw; art just evolves over time ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Besides, I still think my style is MY style. I feel like the characters are more on-model and expressive and don't look as flat as I used to draw. If people don't like my art anymore that's fine. I like it, so really that's all that matters.
Anon Asked: EVAY I AM DISTRAUGHT, I've been perusing your blog looking at fanfics but I keep coming across some posts that I can't access anymore like ones by kbspeeding :( Do you know of any way to read them?
A: I know, it breaks my heart, too :( To my knowledge, there's no way to access the posts of anybody who has deactivated their accounts. I wish that wasn't the case because I sincerely miss her work, but I have to respect her and others' decisions to remove their content.
Anon Asked: What do u think of the amy rose ballerina hc? I think it’s so beautifully graceful and fits her so well💗🩰?
A: I'm not sure what specific headcanon you're referencing, but I definitely believe she knows ballet! Especially her idle animations in the Boom games. That girl knows how to dance.
Anon Asked: Do you like sonic unleashed or have you ever played it?
A: I never had the chance to play it, but I love the story and I love what I've seen. I am hoping they'll re-release it for the PS4 (or PS5) so I can finally play it!
Anon Asked: If you don’t mind me asking, what do you think of Barry the Quokka, the protagonist from The murder of sonic the hedgehog? If you don’t know anything about them what do you think of their design?
A: Of course I know the trash bin king! I like his design a lot. He's super cute and I love a nervous wreck of a character. I also loved that he was just this totally normal dude who has to spend an afternoon with the most insane group of friends ever.
Anon Asked: If you had to choose, what is your favorite and your least favorite sonic game?
A: I always have a hard time answering this because there are so many styles of games and I think some are better at certain aspects than others. For example, I think Frontiers had the best writing and actor perfomances. I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best gameplay and replay value. And Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is my favorite of the classics because I think it's the most visually perfect and the gameplay is a lot of fun. But if I have to choose, I guess I have to go with SA2 because I never get sick of it. My least favorite is Sonic Spinball haha I suck at it.
@tonyrockstar15 asked: Hey E-Vay, have you thought of making your own Sonic Fan-Cartoon?
A: I kind of already do that with my comics :) I would love to make animations, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to do that kind of thing regularly.
Anon Asked: Do you think sonic does his taxes?
A: He has no income! But if he did make any money, I'm sure Tails would make him do it (and by that I mean, file his taxes for him because he's worried Sonic will do it wrong)
@twistedchaos101 asked: Hey, What is your expectation for the new Sonic Frontiers DLC?
A: Sweet, sweet content! By the time I'm writing this I've already played some of it and I LOVE IT! UGH, Sonic Team has been so good to us in 2023! 😭💙
Anon Asked: Hey E-Vay! Big fan of your art. I was curious to know what’s going to happen with the Hell Hath No Fury comic? Will it be continued or left up to fan interpretation following the Shadow page?
A: Thank you so much! I will finish it. It won't be left up for interpretation. I just have to get to it.
Anon Asked: Is there a possibility that everyone I mean Sonic,Shadow,Amy,Tails, Aurora and so on have some mental illness? I now that Shadow does have PTSD at some point, but does anyone else have some specific mental illness? Btw love your art ✨
A: Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm not a professional so I don't feel right diagnosing anyone with anything, even if they are fictional characters. I personally suffer from anxiety and depression so I can speak to that, but I don't think I am the person to comment on anything else.
Here are some fun questions I received from @pccyouthleader about Aurora that I wanted to share:
Q: What are Aurora’s primary and secondary love languages?
A: I had to take the Love Language quiz as Aurora. I got her primary as Quality Time. Physical Touch and Acts of Service were nearly tied for second.
Q: Does she like practical jokes? I remember you saying at one point that sometimes she acts without considering the reactions.
A: Yes! She loves a good prank, so long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. Sometimes she doesn’t realize that not everybody enjoys a practical joke though.
Q: Is Aurora competitive?
A: She is, because she feels like she’s got a lot to prove. But not to the point where she’s going to hurt a kids feelings just so she can say she won at something. She’s always going to let little ones win.
Q: Do she have a guilty pleasure?
A: She loves reading romance novels and sometimes she writes friend-fictions like Amy does in Sonic Boom or Tina in Bob’s Burgers hahaha
Q: What quality does she most value in Shadow?
A: She loves how he is unapologetically himself, if that makes sense. Despite what he was created for, he is his own man/hedgehog and he’s forged his own path. Even when others try to put him down or break him, he knows who he is and he doesn’t back down and she’s in awe of that.
Q: Pet peeves?
A: Closed-mindedness is the main thing. Whether that’s about something important like accepting somebody for who they are, or something small like not willing to try a type of food for the first time. She doesn’t understand how people can be like that and it irks her. She also hates when people agree to something and then they flake out haha
Q: If she were shopping, what type of store would she choose and what type of item?
A: One of those record stores that has a little bit of everything. You go there for music and movies and books and they always have fun, quirky gifts. Even though the world she lives in is futuristic, she can appreciate classic things and finds them fascinating. Otherwise yeah she’d love a thrift shop because there’s always strange stuff in there. Wherever she shops, she can’t leave any store without getting something silly that she found cute.
Q: What is her most and least favorite chore?
A: Her favorite chore is spring cleaning, where everybody rummages through everything and downsizes stuff. She likes it just because of the things she’ll find that she’s forgotten about or never knew was in the house. Her least favorite chore is laundry. It’s boring and it never ends!
Q: Outside of swimming and singing, what others hobbies does she have?
A: She loves to dance, that’s a big one. I’ve also joked in the past that she’d do really well if Shadow ever brought her to a gun range, so with that in mind she’d find things like laser tag and paintball super fun
Q: I remember you saying she hadn’t traveled a lot, so if Aurora could choose anywhere to visit, what place would she most like to see?
A: She’d love to go to outer space. She’d never been to space before meeting Shadow. But she also gets that it’s a “ridiculous” dream since she hasn’t even explored all of her own planet yet. Honestly she would be happy to travel anywhere, she wants to see the whole world and beyond. She wants to experience the most of life.
Q: What is her favorite fairy tale?
A: Thumbelina. She could see herself in that story a lot: a small lady who is loved but doesn't really fit in anywhere, and gets whisked around by others trying to control what she does with her life. In the end she's rewarded for her kindness and finally finds where she belongs.
@nerdk7 asked: Don’t know if you answered this question, but how did Shadow propose to Aurora? Was it sweet? Chaotic? Or both?
A: I can't reveal that yet! 🥰 I want to keep it a surprise!
@mod-bubamon asked: I have a question about cc...maybe a few im sorry I'm kinda obsessing over how adorable she is tailsxcc for life We know cc can indeed feel,but can she feel pain? Does she know about the ai art and apps? How does she feel about them? I'm sure that in winter mobians fur coats grow thicker. So did cc somehow implement that into her body? Also how much more cuddly would she get when tails fur grows out? Sorry for all the questions out of nowhere, I've been a fan since I've started tumblr a while ago.
A: Please don't ever apologize for questions. I'm happy you're so interested! And especially glad you enjoy CC! When she was in her original "drone-like" form she couldn't feel pain but she could feel fear. When she builds her Mobian body, she engineers it so she does have all kinds of feeling-receptors, including pain. Not that pain is enjoyable to her, but it's important for her to be able to have as much of the Mobian-experience as possible. I wasn't expecting AI Art to pop off the way it has so I never thought to include it in my work. CC is beyond the AI form now though, she's a full on person. Just like Sage became a full person, beyond just her programming. So I think she and Sage have the ability to create their own forms of art from their own minds. I think I've address something similar in the past: CC has the ability to just play music from her body like a speaker, but she preferred to learn how to play an instrument because she wanted to experience the art form properly. CC didn't think to include a winter coat for her Mobian body, but upon snuggling with Tails she'd definitely add that to her list of future modifications! He's the fluffiest of them all in the winter so he'd be so snuggly and warm and lovely. Thank you for following me!
@firerush asked: What does Aurora think of her Werehog form? What does she think of Shadow's or even Sonic's if that's canon?
A: She likes that she's finally tall, but other than that she doesn't like how she looks. She's very self-conscious about her werehog form. But she loves how Shadow and Sonic look as werehogs.
@jhyannarqq768 asked: How would you think if Aurora was the project while shadow was a mortal one? And i just wanted to ask how would you think if there's a another universe that Aurora it's he imortal and shadow it's the mortal?
A: Well, if she was the project she wouldn't be Aurora. She is the creation of Sonic and Amy so without them she wouldn't exist :) As far as her being immortal and Shadow being mortal: If Shadow was engineered in the 50s and he wasn't made immortal then they never would have met. He would have passed away long before she ever came around.
Anon Asked: How good of a fighter is Rory?
A: She is average as far as physical combat. She's better at diversions and dodging, using an opponents' energy against them. If she was playable in a game, I imagine she'd have a lot of QTE actions that allow her to dodge a boss and make them tire themselves out before she uses her light powers to damage them. While she attended the Young Heroes program she learned combat, but Sonic never wants her in harms' way so he instructed her to always try to distance herself from enemies so she can use her long-range light powers. But she won't back down from a fight if it means she can protect someone else.
@jordanjoebanana asked: Can the Shadora kids turn super when they have all the emeralds or is it only just Shadow,Aurora,and Sonic?
A: All the kids can go super except for the third litter (Cinder, Diamond and Boon). Those three aren't able to use chaos emeralds at all. The family does not know why.
@mysticalsuitfury asked: What led you to create a child for sonamy and naming her aurora?
A: I always make fan kids for everything I'm obsessed with. If you knew me from my Naruto days, I had a huge world of Naruto kids. So naturally I wanted to give my favorite couple of all time (Sonic and Amy) a kid! As far as the name, Aurora is my favorite name in the world. Ever since I saw Sleeping Beauty as a child, I've loved that name. So I gave my favorite name to the child of my favorite couple. Also I think it suits her personality: Colorful, cheerful, hopeful.
@twistedchaos101 asked: Aurora speaks how many languages?
A: She only speaks English.
@aurorathehedge6 asked: How old is Ruff and T-Bone since Aurora is now an adult and have kids?
A: Ruff is 8 years younger than Aurora and Tumble is 12 years younger than Aurora. For most of my comics where Aurora is not yet married, she is 20 years old.
@animeartbros asked: Do Aurora Piper and Blitz hang out much?
A: Piper and Blitz are constantly bickering so a girls' day out tends to involve a lot of yelling and picking on each other haha. It involves a lot of Aurora going "Girls, remember, your sister is your best friend for life. You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings! TT_TT Please stop fighting."
Anon Asked: Has shadow ever taught any or all of his kids how to use a gun and if so how did Aurora feel about it? | And another Anon asked: If Shadow tells his children where babies come from, I am sure that he taught them how to 'defend yourself' with a gun at a very young age ... or at least tried haha I see sometimes short comics in which Shadow tries to teach Cream how to use a gun and I can imagine that this mf would totally try to do the same with his children. Would Shadow succeed if he tried this or would Aurora stop him?
A: Gun-wielding is a part of Shadow's identity so I'd never take that aspect away from him. And Aurora actually enjoys shooting too (targets, not people!) so she doesn't feel weird about that topic. However, I believe that they are huge proponents for RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP so they keep all their weapons securely locked up and unloaded at ALL TIMES. And Shadow wouldn't teach the kids how to shoot until they're MUCH older and responsible enough to handle such a dangerous weapon. But you'd better believe he trained them well in marksmanship via laser tag and paintball as kids!
Anon Asked: Hi! I noticed that in your Aurora-comics Sonic grows a mustache as he gets older - what made him come to that decision? And what does Amy think about it???? What about kissing Sonic with a 'stache? I, personally, think he kind of resembles Eggman so, I'm not that big of a fan but that doesn't matter! I'm more interested on their POV. I still love the way you draw them, btw. And it's really sweet to see them together through the passage of time 🥰
A: Hi and thank you so much! Honestly, the reason I gave him a mustache was just to make him appear older haha. I tried multiple ways to age him up but the mustache was the most effective. Originally, I wanted to give him something more distinguished but I ran into two problems: 1 - I didn't want people mistaking him for Uncle Chuck. 2 - I don't see Sonic taking the time to properly sculpt a mustache/beard, so I gave him something rough and simple haha. I have drawn him deciding to grow it out and Amy's reaction to it :) Amy loved it, then didn't like it, then went back to loving it because now she gets the most ticklish, delicious kisses! 🥰 The good thing about hair/fur is that it's not permanent! You can always change it :)
Anon Asked: Omg ur feeding us so WELL with the content I honestly can’t picture actual sonic canon anymore without Aurora like she is completely canon in my mind I love her so much!! Also I have a kinda weird question, if Aurora saw a gay or lesbian couple out in public as a little kid and she was curious about it, how would sonic or amy explain it to her?
A: Aw, thank you! Well the Sonic franchise has been feeding ME well this year so I have the energy to nourish you all hahaha. I'm so happy you accept Aurora 🥰 I like to think that Sonic and Amy are very accepting and loving people and would raise their children to believe that too. Also, Aurora is VERY used to seeing public displays of affection from her parents, so if she saw two people kissing or holding hands in public, no matter their gender, she'd be bouncing up and down "OOH ARE THEY IN LOVE?! ARE THEY IN LOVE??" and Sonic and Amy would be like "That's right, Tiny!"
Anon Asked: What have been going on in Aurora's mind when she was a baby?
A: I'm not sure babies think about much 😉 Just general thoughts of "Mom, Dad, Food, Joy, Sleepy" But hey I could be wrong!
Anon Asked: Out of curiosity, I know that you ship Shadow + Aurora together (and I’m okay with that)… But what if the Time-Travel Adventure never happened?… What if Shadow never went on a Big-Space Adventure and stayed with the Others?… What if he was there to watch Aurora grow up, with the Others?… What would their relationship be like, if that happened?… Would Shadow become like Aurora’s Uncle or be like a Teacher/Mentor to her, in the ways of combat?… Or would they somehow still have a romantic relationship, instead of platonic? 😇?
A: Even if Shadow never left, I don't imagine he'd spend much time with Aurora as a child. He and Sonic are not friends, and though I'm sure he'd consider Amy a friend, I don't think they're close enough for him to want to be actively involved in their kid's life. I don't think he'd even be actively involved in Ruff and Tumble's lives if he was on-world the whole time. It'd be more of a "Oh... hey kids... just here to see your mom... goodbye..." He'd likely be more of an idol to Aurora and she wouldn't mean anything to him. That being said, I do believe in soulmates, and again Shadow is immortal so he does not age. So I believe that once she's grown up, that's when he starts to really see her for who she is and that attraction would come later in life, but that would not happen while she was a child obviously.
Anon Asked: What was the scariest movie that Aurora ever saw and how exactly did it end?
A: Aurora does not like scary movies so she avoids them haha. Sometimes she'll agree to watch a classic horror movie with Shadow because he likes that kind of thing but she still finds it terrifying haha. Aurora can sort of handle movies like Wolfman or Dracula but not anything more intense than that. She couldn't sleep for days after "Night of the Living Dead (1968)"
Anon Asked: i appreciate the effort you went thru compiling all those asks. felt like a free readers digest that was nice to read through! …and now here are more questions 😈 1- how does grandpa sonic feel about shadow’s shadoralets? i wonder if he jokingly calls em faker and lil fakers sometimes haha. 2- whats it like having amassed long time followers of your art stuff? (ive been around since the ol 2009 days)?
A: I'm so happy you enjoyed my last set of asks, Anon. I hope you return and see your question here! Grandpa!Sonic is wayyyy more accepting of his son-in-law at this point and doesn't hold (much) ill-will towards him. However he does revel in the fact that Shadow doesn't know a moment of peace now that he's got a million children haha! But he loves his grandkids to death and so does Grandma!Amy. I did an old comic (having a hard time finding it right now) where Sonic has a dream about his future grandkids and when he wakes up he calls them "Tiny Fakers" but he would never actually call his grandkids that. They're his family! I appreciate that compliment and I can't believe you've been following me for so long! I'm honored (and blown away haha!). Honestly though I don't really think about the concept of having "followers" all that much. I just look at it as I'm here having fun drawing silly things and I've been lucky enough to have other people come and enjoy it with me. I'm very thankful for the support, especially to those who have tagged along for as long as I've been online.
@tatablue2004 asked: Do you like silvaze?
A: I like it enough, but I don't actively seek it out. I'm mostly indifferent to Blaze and to Silver as characters so I'm not that invested. But I do think they're cute.
@chrismantike asked: What’re your thoughts on the shadaria ship? A: 👎
Anon Asked: Sonadow yes or no?
A: Yes! I like them having a bickering, sassy relationship where they still annoy each other but they actually really care about each other.
Anon Asked: How do you feel about Sonic x selly? Would you ever draw them? Maybe for a time travel thing or a space rip or something??
A: I believe you're asking about Sally Acorn. If so, no I do not ship it and I won't draw it. If you're referring to another character, then I'm sorry but I don't know who that is.
Anon Asked: What do u think of amy being sapphic in any shape or form?
A: That's hard to say, since we've only ever seen Amy have eyes for Sonic. I'm not against it, though.
Anon Asked: In your universe, have Sonic and Amy had any suuuper big fight in the marriage? If so, what would it be like for them and how do you think it’d “affect” their relationship??
A: I mostly avoid heavy topics and fights because we get enough of that in other media and I like most of my art to be a safe place people can go to to just get a good boost of feel-good serotonin! So for my main storyline, they get into little arguments and bicker over small things because all couples do, but I try not to ever put them in a giant blow-out fight that will alter their relationship. That being said, the biggest disagreement I ever have them going through is in Aurora's Time Travel adventure (which still hasn't been published yet, sorry!). Sonic adamantly believes Aurora should not risk her life and time travel in that story and Amy disagrees. This will put tension between them for awhile, but ultimately they will be okay.
Thank you all for the questions! There are way more but I don't have the mental capacity to answer any more at this time lol
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
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missamyrisa2 · 3 months
miss amy, how would you tickle edge a transmasc cutie with a hyper sensitive t dick?
Ooooh absolutely with the feather my tough guyyyyyy~ there is noooothing more satisfying that seeing a tough cookie crumble with the humble feather ~ and I love for it to be not like a special tickle feather always at my side or something, but the feather I find on my casual stroll to come tickle you. Because that's justttt how easy it is for me to break you down to those lovely silly squeaky giggles. This soft grey little feather I found as I skipped about with sparkly thoughts of how I'm gonna wreck you today. Ahh yes, open up for Amyyyyy. I'm gonna tickle those thighs with my wiggly fingers and kissy lips until you do. I know I know you're a big strong fighter and I'm gonna gitchy all that fight outta you.
Whattttt you don't like my squeaky tease voice? Sorry grumpy pants, Amy's gotta get you all squirmy and silly mmhmm. Oh and speaking of pants! I'll just be taking these. Nope nope, these are mine now. You won't be needing these. And the boxer shorts, yep, make with the shorts. No? I'll be taking them don't you worry. I have my perfect feather for you and I may be girlyyyyy but I'm not above wrestling a skittish fella like youuuu down with my squeezing spidery fingers. Mmmhmm coochie coooo cutie pie. Yes yes you're a tough snickerdoodle that's why you're squirming so much. Tickles don't bother you huhhhh~ not on your sides not on your little tush~! Yeah roll around then, do your tumble, come on boyyyyy. Anddd nope, you're not going anywhere I've got your hipssss I've got your sides and now I'm gonna get those giggles~!
Mmhm and let's just see I'll hold your shorts like soooo and you can squirm and struggle all you like darling as I tickle your belly belly and thighs~ the more you struggle the more you lose your little cute boyshorts! Ooope ooope! look at thatttt. Ahhh ah ahhhh naughty naughty thing I see youuuuu~! I see your royal button tough guy! Now just relax and cooperate with me. Why, yes. This is gonna tickle. It's gonna tickle tickle so much, for your information. Don't get all dramatic ~ just pay attention to me and what I do to your body. Now we start with the feather tip riiiiight down hereee and upp up uppp we goooooo ~ my myyyy such squeaks! Such squirms! I thought you were a tough guy huh? So tough so rough so beastly huh. Yeah you don't crumble for a sweet lil feather and a squeaky girly girl nooooo. Only the toughest stuff for you, baby. And the feather goes upppp and uppp and oooh what's gonna happen? What's gonna happen huhhhh? Is your cute rod gonna get tickled? Yeahhh?
Are we going into architecture? Did you just change majors? Because I seeeee some erecting going on~! Maybe we're going camping. You really wanna show me how you pitch a tent yeahhh? Look at you buck! Look at you go! It's just a feather. Yeahhh just a feather going upppp and downnn and up and downnn your button. Such sounds for such a tough pumpernickel yeahhh. Are you a giggle loaf? I think sooo I think you liiike being tickled down here with my dainty feather yesss. Just that tickly tip, tickling your tip? My myyyy looook at how hard that's getting~! Yes I know, you're a hard case huhhh. Not so tough are we? Oooh but still so defiant and you knowww what I do with defiant tough guys?
Whyyy I kissss and kisss and kisss until you're nothing but a needy giggly mess of course! We'll get alll those grumpies kissed out and feathered out oh yesss we will yes we will ~ Aww sensitive? A little sensitive? Poor babeh. Poor tough cookie. Sorry babyyyy but your ticklemama's got you and she's not letting you go ~ so you just crumble alll you like and I'll snuggle you to me and you can writhe and fall apart on me while I hold you like so, across your waist and keep this feather feather going up and down your adorable dicky dick while I kissy kissss your neck and get allll those lovely lovely sounds outta youu ~<3
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lucero-is-here · 8 months
A short requested by
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Thank you so much for requesting this!
Sombra had been defeated, and the Bureau was victorious, not without casualties of course.
After wounds were treated and deaths were mourned, Riley Colton, otherwise detective or inspector of the Bureau, invited all her friends to go to Pacific Bay to relax and celebrate this victory. Of course, Riley had more planned out…
While the pacific police department got to know the Bureau, Riley went over to the hacker of the department, Hannah Choi, not without being tackle hugged by Amy first.
“Riley! It’s been so so long! I missed you! I’m so happy you’re visiting!” Amy said as she squeezed Riley tightly. “Y-Yes…Good to see you too Amy..! I need to go- find Hannah for…Something! I need to…do something,” Riley muttered, her cheeks going slightly red. Amy noticed this, giggled a little, before wishing Riley luck.
“Hannah- Can I speak to you for a moment?” Riley asked, pulling on Hannah’s sleeve. “Huh? Sure,” Hannah and Riley walked off to discuss whatever they had to discuss…Jack watched as Riley and Hannah walked off, a bit confused. Meanwhile, Elliot was disappointed that the only other hacker wasn’t there to wreck havoc with him (he’s bored and restless now).
“Okay…I can definitely lend you my speakers for the time being for your confession,”
Hannah told Riley.
“Thanks so much Hannah- I really really appreciate it. This is…A really really big thing to me- and I really want to impress him,” Riley told Hannah.
“Yeah I know. You got this man!”
Hannah gave Riley a big thumbs up and a smile to encourage her friend. Riley gave Hannah a nervous nod, a crooked smile forming as he couldn’t deny the anxiety and slight embarrassment that welled in their stomach at the idea of performing a love confession to their crush. But he bas been practicing her singing and Japanese so long- they could do it! He’d make a performance that Jack was bound to love and remember for the rest of his life!
Later, everyone had gathered at the beach for a beach party! Drinks and food were provided, with alcohol free options being available for anyone who didn’t want to end up hungover the next day, and for Elliot’s sake. Jack and Lars were in the sea, playing beach ball.
“Okay Lars- I think I’m gonna tell Riley how I felt about him! She supported me during our time in the bureau, and I really really want to spend more time with him,”
Jack told Lars as he threw Lars the beach ball. Lars laughed a bit, secretly aware of what Riley was planning later.
“Yeah yeah- Good luck bro. I’m sure they like you back,”
Lars chuckled. That was when Jonah and Elliot swam over and started splashing water all over Lars and Jack- And it soon became a giant water fight. In the background at the beach, Carmen and Hannah were helping Riley get two of the speakers out. Riley was getting insanely anxious, beads of sweat trickling down their face and his hair almost seemed messier than before.
“Chill out Colton! You can do this. Stand straight, deep breaths! You could handle murders, you can definitely do this,”
Carmen said, grabbing Riley by the shoulders and giving her a “get your shit together” speech. Riley nodded.
“Yes- Thanks Carmen,”
Riley nodded, as he grabbed the microphone that Hannah had left on the speakers. Elliot meanwhile was starting to drag Jack back to the beach with Jonah, mumbling cursed and wondering why he agreed to do this, while Jack was yelling and questioning what was happening. After Jack was forcefully brought back to the beach and dried, Hannah handed him a laptop.
“Huh? What’s this for? It better not he to show me embarrassing pictures of myself.”
Jack questioned, while Hannah rolled her eyes.
“Shut up and take it. You got a performance to watch!”
Hannah gave a vague explanation while stepping away while snickering her ass off. Jack was still in doubt, but his heart almost bursted out his chest when he saw Riley standing opposite him, in his swim trunks and cardigan, holding a microphone anxiously and trying to get their shit together.
Come on Riley- You solved countless murders and dealt with obnoxious people you can do it! You can sing a stupid confession to the guy you had a dying crush on for months!
Riley thought to himself, before starting to sing. Their voice cracked at some points, as they held notes they never knew they could held. They never sang much, and they suddenly wished they practiced much more than they did.
Jack had his eyes on both Riley and the laptop’s screen, as a melody of a language Jack was foreign with spilt out of Riley’s mouth, filling his ears as the laptop translated every word that rushed out Riley’s mouth.
Jack and Riley could slowly feel their cheeks starting to burn up as Riley found it harder and harder to choke out that melody of their admiration and desires, their grip tightening over the microphone as they sang out the last lyric with as much passion and emotion they could cram into their voice without cracking from the stress and pressure. Finally, the music died down and Riley was coughing and choking for air after the stunt. They did not have the lung capacity for this. And then Jack tackled them, causing them to crash to the floor as he aggressively hugged them.
Jack yelled as he grabbed Riley’s hands desperately, like it was the last day in the world and he only had once chance to ask this.
Riley yelled as they clung onto Jack as if they had known each other for their entire lives.
“…That has got to be the corniest love confession eve- Ow! Carmen!”
Elliot yelped as Carmen slapped the back of his head.
“Let the love birds have their moment now,”
Carmen laughed, while Hannah was in the background taking incriminating photos to remind Riley of both the best and slightly embarrassing day of their life.
They spent the rest of the night at the beach drinking and eating and getting absolutely wasted. One thing for sure, Riley and Jack never let go of each other’s hands even once during the entire time. Tightly interlocked with one another, they’d never separate from one another (unless necessary of course).
Good evening, good morning and good afternoon to you all. I am your host, Mystery Meat. Pleasure to be posting again. Expect me to vanish for another few months. I apologise for delays, but I will focus on myself for a while and disappear again! Also since I have a lot more studies now and my time is running out.
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phantom-w0lfbane · 1 month
yo? Anyone up for a playlist about me and my AU?
For those who don’t have Amazon:
Therian Wolf [Explicit]
Autumn J.
The Living Tombstone
Ancient Dreams in a Modern land
The Living Tombstone
Wrecking Ball
Mother Mother
She Wolf
Devil Town
Little Dark Age 
Can't Tell A Soul
Autumn J. [feat. Gabe The Wolf]
Sweet Dreams (Sky like dreams)
Ferdinand fka Left Boy
Eyes On You
Oh Geeez Not Again
The Other Side Of Paradise 
Glass Animals
RoseTV [feat. Wülf Boi]
The Red Means I Love You
Madds Buckley
Coyote Blood
Autumn J.
I'm Still Standing
Elton John
woollen mittens [Explicit]
Two Birds
Marina and The Diamonds
Surf Curse
GOSSIP [Explicit]
The Outsider [Explicit]
Marina and The Diamonds
Something Wilder
Oh Geeez Not Again
Autumn J.
Melanie Martinez
Rät [Explicit] 
Penelope Scott
Running Away
VANO 3000
Play [Explicit]
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
The Offspring
The Wolf
HUMANS [Explicit]
Welshly Arms
Wolves Without Teeth
Of Monsters And Men
Royal & the Serpent
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Set It Off
Freak (feat. REI AMI)
Sub Urban
Bring Me The Horizon
Alex G
Animal I Have Become
Three Days Grace
Miracle Musical
Gasoline [Explicit]
Shine a Light (Reprise) [explicit]
Alice Lee & Elle McLemore
Yo Girl [Explicit]
I Can't Fix You 
The Living Tombstone 
Miss You [Explicit] 
Oliver Tree
Ain't No Man
The Avett Brothers
Whitehouse Road
Tyler Childers
Mind brand [Explicit] E
Haunted [Explicit]
Laura Les
Happy pills
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julietsays999 · 5 months
When they kill all the theatre kids in Wreck s2, it's insane how it almost becomes it own mini horror movie, because it hits all the tropes in the short space of time:
Setting: big, fairly empty, isolated house
The first two (Amys) are killed away from the group, and they go missing but no one notices straight away
There is a kill within the house (Haymish), it's dramatic and gory and when he's found it alerts the inhabitants to the presence of the killer
There is a final confrontation, where someone (Bethany Mae) is killed in front of the final girl
The final girl (Sophia) makes it out alive
I just really appreciate Wreck's awareness of the horror genre and how it works within it.
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bblgumgum · 7 months
looking trough my google docs form 2020 and i’m finding so many drabbles oh my god
The clicking from her keyboard was the only thing she could hear over the rhythmic humming from her fan.
It wasn’t often that she was allowed to use her personal computer, usually her days were spent working on trade documents and such, but with the week-long break that she had been granted she was finally allowed to have fun and relax.
She was in the middle of screen sharing her laptop with Sakura, and was playing one of Sakura’s rhythm games on her request.
All was going well but one must remember the fact that
Amelia F.Jones was not a very quiet person, and she was not a very good loser either.
Over her justified rage all that could be heard through her headphones was the sound of Sakura’s soft laughter.
“Come on Saku, don’t laugh at me I tried my best-hey did you just call me a baby? My Japanese is a bit rusty but did you seriously just call me a baby?”
The question only made Sakura laugh even harder.
“Come on Saku, it’s not that funny. Okay then how about you try it.”
A few angry clicks later and now Amelia was watching Sakura absolutely wreck her score.
“Don’t you see Ami, it’s all in the timing.”Amelia could only gape in shock and shame as once again her amazing and beautiful girlfriend one upped her.
“If we were playing guitar hero I’d wreck you.” A small giggle resounded from her headphones.
“I’m sure you would sweetheart.” Amelia couldn’t help but to start sputtering incoherently, yes they had been dating for years but she still wasn’t used to the pet names.
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ghostofthemost141 · 10 months
I'll Be Back
Chapter 1
Ch.2 Ch.3. Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7. Ch.8.
About: Amelia 'Amy' Vargas had everything going for her. Her dream dog, big house, and in the honeymoon phase with her husband Alejandro Vargas. Her worst fear comes true when Alejandro is KIA during a mission. Or so she thinks. He comes back home, seemingly normal and like his usual self, but Rodolfo, who witnessed his death, is very suspicious.
Each chapter will have individual warnings
!Warnings!: Some short NSFW content
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The longer I waited, the harder it was for me to stay awake. So I resorted to doing stuff around the house. There’s always something needing to be done around the place. Alejandro and I recently moved into his parent’s old ranch that had a farmhouse on the property. And while it is perfectly liveable, there’s work that needs to be done to not only the house but the barn as well. As I got up to inspect what could be done, I felt a brush up against my legs, nearly tripping me in the process. 
“Oh Winston! You nearly tripped me!” I exclaimed in a joking manner. 
Winston simply looked up at me and walked over to his food bowl, nonverbally demanding to be fed. 
“That’s all you care about huh?” I say, walking to his food bowl. 
A little snack couldn’t hurt him. Winston was a long haired, dark brown and black colored, brown eyed standard size Dachshund. Alejandro found him in the streets and brought him in, hoping he belonged to someone. No one ever claimed him and he was adjusting very well with Ale and I so we kept him. He has been in our household for a couple of months now and he is the most rotten, sassy yet sweetest dog we have ever had. Even though I mostly take care of him, Alejandro is clearly his favorite. I grabbed a small handful of dog food from the food bin and put it into his bowl, with him happily eating it up. I sighed contently, as if I was watching my own human child eat up their supper. I peered over at the fridge, knowing Alejandro’s dinner was sitting in there. I made some homemade chalupas with some homemade churros as a dessert and it was ready about two hours ago, about when he said he would be home, but he has not arrived yet. Usually that happens, but everytime it does it scares me, that even though he is done with the mission, something could still happen to him on the way home. Car wreck, a hitman mission gone right, all kinds of stuff could happen to him. It’s useless to try and call or message him since there’s hardly any signal from where his base is up here at the ranch. 
“Oh Winston, I hope he is home soon.�� I say. 
“Oh querida..” 
I turned to look and found Alejandro stepping in, shutting the door behind him. 
“Ale!” I breathlessly said as I ran to him and jumped into his arms, Winston barking happily in the background. 
Alejandro chuckled as he held me back tightly. Alejandro then suddenly pulled me back and crashed his lips onto mine, giving me a passionate kiss. I kissed back, feeling his tongue run on my lips. He really did miss me this time. I pulled back, out of breath, and just happy that Alejandro was home. 
“I am so happy you’re home.” I say, holding him tightly. 
“I am so happy to see you, Amelia. My sweet Amelia.” Alejandro said, pecking my lips. 
Winston was whining and jumping on Alejandro’s legs demanding to be held. 
“Little Winston.” Alejandro said as he picked him up and held him, supporting his back. 
Winston immediately leaned up and gave Alejandro some kisses on his nose. 
“Winston!” Alejandro laughed, making me laugh too, “that’s your mama’s job.” 
I laughed as Alejandro sat Winston down, immediately facing me. He smirked at me, looking up and down at me. 
“What’s that look for?” I asked as he stepped closer to me. 
Alejandro pulled my long brown hair out of my ears and let it fall onto my shoulders. 
“I missed you, cariña. So, so much.” 
“I missed you too, cariño.” I said back, feeling Alejandro pull me in close to him. 
I didn’t even realize how much I missed him until he was standing right in front of me in all of his glory. I always miss him when he goes out on missions, but this time around it was much stronger than before. Alejandro held my cheek, staring deep into my eyes. 
“Go take your gear off, guapo.” I told Ale, seeing his eyes wander all over me. 
“Fineee.” Alejandro whined as he turned and started stripping off his gear, hanging it on the special coat hanger he has for it next to the front door. 
“Oh I also made some chalupas and some churros for dinner if you want it now.” I announced, heading into the kitchen with Winston following me. 
“¡Joder, sí!” 
I laughed at Alejandro’s exclamation, knowing that chalupas were indeed a good choice to cook him. 
“Oh let me go change out of these clothes real quick, amar.” Alejandro announced as he made his way to our bedroom. 
“‘Kay.” I say, taking his dinner out of the fridge and putting it in the microwave to heat it back up and same with the churros. 
I intensely watched the chalupas and churros spin around in the microwave, with Winston on my legs begging for some scraps. 
“Oh stop, your Dad will give you some you know.” I say to Winston, as he continues his begging antics. 
The microwave beeps indicating the food as done. 
“Your food is ready, Ale! Better come get it before Winston eats it.” I tease. 
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’, maldito.” 
I giggled hearing Alejandro curse as he came trotting into the kitchen. He wore a black t-shirt that was a little too tight for his broad shoulders and chest and some gray sweatpants. I took his food out of the microwave and handed it to Alejandro. 
“I just know that is going to be better than some of the other shit I ate recently.” Alejandro commented as he sat down on the dining table. 
“How so?” I ask, sitting down next to him. 
“You never had an MRE?” 
“Well,” Alejandro smirked at me, “you’re really lucky you haven’t, cariña.” 
I chuckled as Alejandro dined into his food, seeing a familiar face at his feet. I could see Alejandro shake his head at Winston, but Winston was not giving up. 
“It’s your fault he begs.” I joke, bumping his shoulder. 
Alejandro just rolled his eyes as he finished his plate, eventually giving in and giving Winston a piece of chicken that he happily took into his mouth, ran to his bed, and ate it like a treat while lying down. 
“He’s something.” Alejandro mumbled as he got up but I stopped him. 
“I got it, Ale.” 
Alejandro’s deep brown eyes stared into my blue ones. They said everything they needed to say without him actually saying anything. 
“Okay.” He said with a smile. 
“O-Oh fuck.” I groaned into Alejandro’s neck, feeling the finish line coming close. 
“You feel so nice, querida.” Alejandro moaned into my ear, as he upped his pace, “I’ve missed you.” 
I dug my nails into his back and squeezed tight, feeling the intense warm feeling down in my stomach start to release. 
“S-Shit, Alejandro!”
“Amelia, m-mierda!” 
I felt Alejandro finish at the same time as me, both of us holding each other tight as we both hung onto our highs. Alejandro collapsed on top of me, and held me tight with his big arms and I held right back. 
“I definitely missed that.” 
Alejandro chuckled, giving me peppered kisses on my shoulder and neck. 
“Oh trust me, I did too.” Alejandro leaned up and looked down at me with a playful smirk, rubbing his hand on my cheek. 
“You thought of me during your mission?” I joke. 
“You have no idea, Amy. My hand never compares to the real thing.” Alejandro looked up and down at me when he said that. 
I felt my face turn instantly red as he said that. I never thought Alejandro was that naughty. 
“You naughty man.” I smirk, playfully flicking him in the shoulder. 
“Is it really me being naughty if I just missed you?” 
He’s got a point. Alejandro then smiled at me, placed a kiss on my forehead and cleaned me up, as he always does every time we have sex. He grabbed a warm towel and wiped me clean, and to release any tension down there. He then grabbed me a clean pair of pajamas and helped me into them. 
“You’re so sweet, Alejandro. I am glad to be a Vargas.” 
Alejandro looked up at me as I said that. I could tell I caught him off guard with that comment but he immediately took it in stride. He leaned in and kissed my lips. 
“I am happy you said yes.” 
 I giggled, leaning into his chest, feeling his warmth and muscles. I could just feel him smiling down at me as he always does. 
“Let me get dressed and I will go get Winston and we can cuddle while watching that Christmas movie you love so much.” Alejandro suggested. 
“Home Alone?” 
I giggled as Alejandro guessed it right. He knows me so well. I let Alejandro go as he got dressed into some boxers and some sleep shorts, staying shirtless for my own pleasure, and went and got Winston. For some reason, it was oddly attractive seeing Alejandro walk in with our dog in his arms, with his broad shoulders and perky chest. 
“I love a man who loves animals.” I joke as he sat Winston down, who immediately burrowed under the covers near me. 
Alejandro chuckled as he got into bed next to me, making me move Winston to the left of me so he could lean in close to me. We put the movie on and started watching it, tangled up in each other's arms and legs, happily content with the life we have together. I never want this to end. 
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