#wrapper offline
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radiokbox · 4 months ago
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Sorry guys I downloaded Wrapper Offline and now i am making Crashbox characters on it
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creator-chanproductions · 1 month ago
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terminusestfan · 7 months ago
I can't take this anymore! First, DoraAjayFan 2018 UTTP, and then Billy the Character Elimination Fan, Tyler Klein, Daniel B (formally Unknown), Random name aka Steve, StageDeano, and now DORAAJAYFAN 2022 UTTP!
Look how many bad videos out of Matthew Seldon were there? There were like 9 or 10 of them! (Plus 20 since they did take them down from 1 1/2 to 2 years ago!)
I'll be making bad videos out of real people since they are cyberbullying me 2 years ago from in the CE Community!
My YouTube channel, I was impersonating DoraAjayFan 2018 UTTP for made me in dead meat 5 years ago!
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cnnmairoll · 5 months ago
Step by step.
Step 1. A clean space promotes a clear mind and a calm spirit — atsumu x reader
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"Atsumu, I don't want to get up today," you mutter, voice barely audible from beneath your blanket cocoon.
You hear a soft sigh, and then the bed dips slightly as Atsumu sits down next to you. "I know, but ya can't keep missin' classes, babe."
His words sting a little, not because he's wrong, but because he's right. You've been skipping more and more offline classes, choosing instead to rot in bed as the weight of your depressive episode presses down on you. It feels like you're sinking deeper into the mattress, the world outside your room becoming more distant and unimportant.
Atsumu's hand finds yours under the blanket, warm and reassuring. "Come on, let's start with somethin' small. How about we clean up a bit? I know yer not feelin' it, but trust me, it'll help."
You peek out from under the blanket, eyes meeting his. There's a determination in his gaze, a stubbornness that matches your own. It's both infuriating and endearing how he refuses to let you drown in your own despair.
"I don't know, 'Tsumu… it's such a mess," you mumble, glancing around at the cluttered room. Piles of clothes, empty snack wrappers, and scattered notebooks create a chaotic landscape that mirrors the state of your mind.
"For once, I'll be the neat freak," he grins, standing up and pulling you gently with him. "We'll tackle it together, yeah? One step at a time."
Reluctantly, you let him guide you out of bed. True to his word, Atsumu dives into the mess with surprising enthusiasm. He picks up your clothes, folding them with a care you didn't know he possessed. He throws away the trash, organizes your notebooks, and even dusts off your desk. It's almost comical to see him so focused, considering how notoriously messy he usually is.
You start to help, albeit slowly. The simple act of picking up clothes and putting them away feels monumental, but Atsumu's presence makes it bearable. He chatters away, filling the silence with stories from his day, jokes, and random thoughts. It's a distraction, but a welcome one.
"See? We're gettin' there," he says, nudging you playfully. "Doesn't it feel a bit better already?"
You look around, and to your surprise, the room does look better. It's not perfect, but it's progress. More importantly, the fog in your mind seems to lift just a little, allowing a sliver of light to pierce through.
"Yeah, it does," you admit, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Thanks, 'Tsumu."
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Anytime, babe. Just remember, ya don't have to go through this alone. I'm here, and I ain't goin' anywhere."
a.n haha i really need to clean my room
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cozzzynook · 9 months ago
Hiii cozzzyyyy
What do we think about Rodimus adopting a lil human in secret on the LL, but Drift discovers it and tells Ratchet? And all three o them just look blankly at the human (that doesn't understand what's going on ofc ofc)?
Thank uuu <3
Hi Bee,
Hear me out.
The human he brings aboard the lost light that doesn’t know whats going on is actually cyberronian and a baby.
The found them crying next to their offline creators and couldn’t just leave them there. He was going to tell police officials but when he picked the fresh bitty up and they stopped crying. Reaching out and gripping his chassis and digit whimpering for him, he just couldn’t bare to part with them.
Sooo he snuck them on board and let the ship take off.
Of course he told officials about the bitty’s creators and told Prowl in secret what he’d done and that he wasn’t giving the bitty up. Prowl can honestly say he’s never actually heard Rodimus sound threatening and he admired it before putting official documents in stating Rodimus was the sparklings caregiver now before sending them to him and hanging up.
Rodimus was entirely pleased with himself and more than happy to get started on bathing the dirty bitty that wasn’t old enough to have plating on their exposed protoform. He learned the bitty was a little mecha and so as he had them wrapped in a soft warmer against his chassis he had to figure out a name and get a bitty berth installed.
He wasn’t entirely out of his league here since he used to caretake for orphanages on Nyon. He knew what sparklings needed and their development. So he knew this was a fresh spark that wouldn’t be able to be away from him for a long time since the connection with his creators was severed so early in life.
Of course..in all his plannings he forgot to tell his crew and co captain…who just so happened to walk into his hab with Minimus and stare at the sparkling with open jaws and he immediately had to explain the situation.
“So you weren’t carrying this whole time and popped out a sparkling on a dangerous mission?”
“No I’m not an idiot!”
He looked extremely offended and felt it too which upset the sparkling almost pulling them from recharge if it weren’t for him calming them down.
“I got the paperwork and everything. I got attached…don’t look at me like that Mins! I’m not popping out a sparkling!”
The smug look on the mini turbo fox face plates and his co captains was pissing him off.
Just because he was a carrier mech did not mean he would go following his coding and pop out bitlets.
He was destined for greater things than being a broodmare! He said as much too.
“Rodimus its not meant like that. Carriers just-”
“I don’t wanna hear it,” he was genuinely upset but trying not to take it out on them since they didn’t do anything wrong. He was just sensitive about his coding and frame.
“I’d like some time off from being in public to get a better bond with them and get all the supplies I need. I’ll do all my paperwork here. I’ll keep my comm open as well.”
He ushered them out after letting Minimus hold his sparkling who began to fuss but didn’t cry.
“Lets get you some panel wraps and bottles annndd I’m gonna need to find you a crib…and a name.”
The bitty just kept sucking on their hand and he was off to find such things in the storage rooms while the dead shift was at its quietest time.
He managed to luck out on getting multiple blankets and an abundance of reusable panel wrappers. He’d brought those things back to his hab and set them on a gentle wash in his cleaning closet before heading back out to find a crib and clothes and some bottles.
He was yet again lucky in his search. Finding bottles, clothes and even a few pacifiers along with a stuffed fox that looked suspiciously like Minimus handy work made him smile. He’d have to thank his friend for leaving this here for him.
He was bummed he couldn’t find a crib but he had everything else he needed and he decided to enjoy the win. He’d gotten everything clean and settled when the bitty began to fuss and he knew immediately what time it was.
“I’m gonna fix a bottle. I know, I know. You’re hungry its okay,” he soothed to the upset sparkling.
He felt his chassis growing tight and he groaned looking down at the shifted plating to the still unfinished diluted energon meant for sparklings. He wasn’t about to make his sparkling wait an hour for fuel that wouldn’t be half as good as what his frame decided to make against his wishes.
So with a final groan and a hope for his luck to continue and his sparkling not getting attached to this form of feeding, he unclasped his chassis and let his breast mesh free. They were already filling with milk and he grimaced at how natural it all felt.
He didn’t like being a carrier but he wasn’t going to let that get in the way of feeding his sparkling.
With that line running through his mind, he held his sparkling up to his nozzle and allowed them to turn their helm crying until eventually they smelled him and the energon his frame was building before opening teary optics and latching on.
The first few suckles felt weird but eventually he felt the milk begin to release and his sparkling was greedily suckling blinking the tears from their optics.
Rodimus didn’t want to admit how close and connected he felt to the fresh bitty letting them drink from him.
He’d always had a problem with being a carrier and few mechs knew that he was and all that did knew by accident. It was something he liked pretending he wasn’t but that was extremely hard to do when a bitty was nursing from his mesh.
He sighed and looked to the bottles on the drying rack and figured he might as well try organizing his hab and bitty proofing it.
By the time he was done, the bitty was finished nursing and he was burping them. They’d fallen to recharge immediately and he smiled looking down at them. They were tiny, even for a new sparkling they were tiny. He was going to comm First aid to come to his hab in the morning so he could get them fully examined.
Carrier instincts would’ve alerted him if something was wrong with a sparkling even if they weren’t his own. But he wanted to be completely sure.
He laid the sparkling on his lap and began squeezing the rest of his milk into a bottle.
He’d have to find a crib and milk pump the next time he went to the storage rooms.
He stood and held the sparkling to his breast mesh that was still too tender to close his chassis over. He really hoped his bitty would take a bottle and not his nozzles and that his milk could be turned off when he called First aid.
He laid in his berth, nest fresh courtesy of Ratchet and Drift who were on took an extra, with a servo on the bitty thinking of possible names when he felt his optics almost slip closed until panic gripped him.
“Frag I didn’t tell them I adopted a bitty…”
Recharge was not exactly restful due to his nerves and waking a few hours later to the bitty whimpering wanting milk was something that stole his attention from Drift and Ratchets reactions.
He’d tried getting the bitty to take the sparkling fuel he’d put on earlier but the bitty hollered energon murder and he sighed lowering his helmet trying to suppress tears.
He’d lowered them to his nozzle and they immediately gripped on. He looked to the warm energon bottle and picked it up slipping it into the bitties mouth only for them to spit it out and spit up the milk.
It took over ten minutes to calm them down before deciding never to do that again and just accept he would have to feed from his nozzles.
The bitty gave a little glare at him with blue optics that looked so much like Drift and Ratchets when he did something to endanger himself he smiled a little making the bitty giggle.
It was spark warming and asserted that he made the right decision in keeping them.
“Your gonna be trouble aren’t ya lil mecha,” he cooed, cleaning himself and the bitty while allowing them to drink. He’d put the sparkling energon by the door and thought of how he was going to tell Drift and Ratchet.
He went through the motions of burping the bitty and soothing them to sleep before starting on paperwork. By the time he finished he leaned back in his chair and looked down at his breast mesh and the bitty sleeping on them.
He maneuvered the bitty and tried to put his breasts back into his chassis only to wince and hiss in pain.
‘That won’t work. Damnit. I’ll have to get a new chassis supporter.’
He looked down at the bitty and couldn’t find it in himself to blame them or really be upset. He was still pushing off the mental breakdown at succumbing to his carrier protocols. But looking down at the bitty he found it a tad easier.
Things didn’t feel so bad…until he heard the hab door open.
He stiffened in his seat and slowly turned his helm to see Drift and Ratchet staring at him and their hab.
He tried to smile but it came off wobbly and afraid and the sparkling made a whimpering noise that pulled his attention.
He shushed them gently with a small bounce and they nuzzled into him.
He looked back up to see the spot by the door empty with Drift and Ratchet right in front of Rodimus staring shocked at the fresh bitty in his arms recharging on swollen exposed breast mesh.
“Hehe. Surprise? Funny story here.”
“Roddy were you sparked and didn’t know it?! Did you emerge our sparkling on a mission?!”
Drift was seething with a myraid of emotions but not one was anger. He was thankfully whispering as he did so and was visibly checking him over before getting closer only to stop so Ratchet could begin scanning the sparkling and Rodimus.
“No I wasn’t sparked! And no I didn’t emerge a bitty! They don’t even look like us!”
He whispered venomously before pausing. They all stopped for a moment before Rodimus apologized.
“I’m not getting sparked. Ever,” he spoke, looking them in the optic before motioning for Ratchet to keep working.
The mech gave him a look he didn’t want to see so he turned his helm and let Ratchet work.
“The sparkling is fine,” he stood, looking at the fresh sparkling still sleeping on Rodimus who had an arm covering his nozzles.
He refused to move it because he didn’t want them seeing.
He knew they knew. They had since before they got together. He’d blown up almost saying some really nasty things when they revealed to him they knew by his scent, nest, clingy behavior he thought he shut down and the way he’d act around sparklings. Of course having this revealed made him all but destroy his carrying instincts and reject anything remotely like it.
It hurt. Physically and mentally to do so but he did it anyway and rejected any advice on not doing it. Of course he took it a step further and took preventative pills that kept him from going into heat and added an extra spark baffle. He really hated being a carrier and how it made him look to other mechs and femmes. He was not weak. He was not some birthing machine and he was not going to degrade himself by popping out sparklings and prove them all right. He was more than a carrier mech. He was a living being. He wouldn’t succumb to code.
Of course doing all this and having no heat put him in danger and made him sick but he truly would rather get sick than suffer another heat and possibly get sparked.
It took passing out after throwing up energon for his own medical right to be snatched away. He was taken off heat suppressants and his spark baffles were removed leaving him with just one.
He’d rode out his heat painfully by himself and left the medical center before they could try talking him into something he didn’t want. He ignored his teammates outside of battle planning for a long time. He ignored Ratchet and Drift, at the time Deadlock, for even longer since they just didn’t get it.
As much as he butted helms with Optimus the mech understood but still didn’t want him endangering his life. The only medic he really trusted was First Aid who admitted he didn’t understand but tried to give him the best option instead of getting snippy with him or pushing carrier scrap at him.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts when he feels Ratchet put a servo on his breast mesh and feel around it. He knows he isn’t being a perv but he still hates it. He’d never exposed his breast mesh to them before and hadn’t ever planned to.
He was getting more impatient and uncomfortable by the moment and Ratchet gave him a look that he returned with the beginnings of a snarl that he restrained.
“Milk won’t stop till the kid doesn’t need it anymore. You’ll need a new chassis plating. I’ll get to working on one-”
“I’ll have First aid make me one. Its fine. You both should rest. I’ll explain everything when you wake up.”
He was standing before either could get a word in. Was it fair? Not at all. But he really didn’t want this conversation nor the carrier slag they’d throw his way.
“Kid, get back here. This is a conversation we’re having now.”
He glared but didn’t go any further.
“I didn’t purposely attach the sparkling. It just..happened. I saw them crying near their creators when I went down to the lab. They were already gone and gray.”
“I wasn’t even thinking when I took them and decided to keep them. I’m sorry I didn’t ask first or tell you. You don’t have to care for them, I can do that on my own.”
He’d done it with sparklings at the centers and they’d recovered until they found a proper home during the war. So he knew he could.
“I’m not asking either of you to do anything and if they are a crying sparkling I’m going back to my hab.”
Drift had yelled his name a little too loud to stop him from spiraling and putting distance between them. The mech was holding his arms on both sides and he wasn’t aware he’d been venting hard.
“Stop,” Drift vented hard, looking at him with his finials back and fangs poking out.
“You’re not going to your old hab. You’re staying here with us, where you belong,” Drift told him. “We’re not angry and we don’t blame you for getting attached. We just..”
“We’re surprised kid. Shocked really,” Ratchet came close and he felt crowded. The sparkling was picking up on his emotions and while that made him happy because it meant a bond was in place, he didn’t want them exposed to painful emotions or his cluster of feelings so he vented and bounced them. Keeping his gaze on the sparkling, trying not to notice how their gazes stuck to him and the longing in their optics, he started speaking again.
“I have the papers that say he’s mine already..Megs and Minimus know already because they came by unannounced.”
“Only yours?”
Ratchet was the one to ask and he felt bad that he didn’t think they’d want their names on the papers as well.
“I didn’t think you’d want your names on it. I didn’t think about anything other than your reactions honestly and I wasn’t fair in those thoughts either. I’m sorry.”
He owed it to them to at least get their frustrations out so he looked them in the optics expecting glares only to feel sadness and that was so much worst.
“Roddy…we aren’t..give us the papers.”
He went over to his desk and situated the sparkling while covering his nozzles and pulled the papers out handing them over.
They both signed it.
And he was both relieved and guilt ridden.
Both wanted a sparkling and were even partners with a mech who could carry by tank and yet…
“Why isn’t his name on here?”
“I couldn’t think of one…so I guess..as his sires, you can name him. If you want.”
They looked at him as if he’d revealed the secrets of Cybertron and he might as well have. Naming was a huge deal in their culture and for a carrier to completely allow the sires full handle of it meant a lot.
He looked down at the sparkling and stood beside them, “here, hold him.”
It was Ratchet who gently took the sparkling which made the bitty wake up looking confused. Their optics nor senses were actually developed but they could tell the difference between stranger, carrier and sire. They could smell that he was near but couldn’t feel him. And yet the sparkling didn’t cry which was a good sign. They did sneeze and Ratchet melted at the sight with Drift not far behind and he hadn’t even held the bitty yet.
It made Rodimus smile but the guilt ate away at him.
Truth be told, he really did want sparklings, but he hated the stereotypes, prejudice and weakness being a carrier brought on. He never wanted to be weak or seen as weak and he hated how he would be viewed if he were to get sparked. So he denied and rejected it and in the process, he denied himself and his partners something they all wanted. Its one of the reasons he wasn’t conjunxed with them while the two were. It was usually a guarantee a carrier would get sparked once they conjunxed. His fears greatly outweighed the speak of what if he still felt.
He was also certain they would one day tire of him and leave when they realized they could do better.
‘I sprung a bitty on them that isn’t even ours by emergence and they still want me,’ he let a few tears fall silently. ‘I’ve been unfair to them…’
He watched as Ratchet gave the bitty to Drift and how the mech melted completely with tears in his optics. Their bitty still didn’t cry which was also a very good sign he felt a connection to the two. He quietly bent down and grabbed a blanket to cover his exposed nozzles. He should let Ratchet make him a new chassis cover.
The feelings were overwhelming and he felt less of a warrior and solider and more the code he tried to reject for millions of years.
He..hated the vulnerability still and tried to quietly shift into the other room for a moment to gather himself but the two held him on both sides of his arms.
“What? Is he hungry?”
He didn’t want to make optic contact and tried to play off his sniffle until Ratchet pulled him in. He tried to move back but neither mechs allowed it.
“Kid..for once..don’t fight it..it doesn’t make you any less and it’s not a bad thing. Just for now..let it out..don’t reject it. Don’t reject us.”
The dam burst and he was sobbing with his intake covered by his servos to keep from being too loud. He kept his face plates hidden and felt Drift hug his back with their sparkling secure in his hold. Their arms tightened around him. He felt all the things he never allowed himself.
Safe. Vulnerable. Secure. Open. Tender. Exposed and held together as he mended himself whole with their comfort.
It felt as good as it hurt and by the end of his tears he felt raw and their nest had never felt so good to slip inside. He felt Drift and Ratchet pressed on both sides of him after giving him their sparkling when he whined for him.
Their sparkling nuzzled into him and made cooing noises, trying to fight their sleep but Drift wouldn’t let them. His humming was infectious and it was hard for him to stay awake but the plating that remained on his upper frame left him so uncomfortable. He knew what that meant but he wasn’t sure he could handle accepting it.
“It’s okay, Roddy,” Drift whispered in his audial, slowly taking the locks off his tank and back strut plating with Rstchets help. He felt pure relief at the metal being removed allowing his belly and wide hips room to breathe.
Accepting the sparkling as his own, his frame producing milk and allowing his emotions freedom in the presence of his partners triggered his body to go into a pseudo heat that was brought on from denying his code all these years.
“Let us take care of you,” Ratchet kissed along his neck cables, servos rubbing the chub along his belly, sending butterflies bursting within him at the love and comfort freely given.
Drift rubbed his palms along his hips and bit into his neck, hands making their way up to his sensitive breasts where he tensed and Ratchet cooed at him, reassuring him as he too cupped Rodimus breast. Both slipping the blanket free and wrapping the sparkling inside it.
The bitty inhaled the pheromones in the air and began to fall into recharge. What smelled of heat to adult mechs smelled of sleep pheromones to sparklings.
They placed the bitty on the edge of the nest yet still within close servo and optic contact.
Laid out bare for them to see, Rodimus tried to cover his nozzles but the two stopped him. Both Drift and Ratchet pressed a kiss to his nozzles before licking the dark milk duct and kissing the tender mesh again.
They enjoyed the way they bounced heavily and how his belly followed suit.
“You make an amazing person and carrier, sweet spark,” it was Ratchet who always spoke sweet words while taking them apart in berth. The medic popped his panels open and let his spike free, Drift followed pressing kisses to Rodimus’s belly, servo rubbing the chub as he worshipped it with kisses making Rodimus array snap open and lock.
Drift placed a kiss on his soaking valve before moving to let Ratchet do the same.
“You’ll look even more beautiful growing, swelling full with our sparkling. You already look so beautiful caring for our first one,” Drift soothed into his audial. They both were lining up to meet at the entrance of his valve, both their spike heads bobbing together before slowly slipping inside.
They all groaned together in unison until Drift and Ratchet nipped at his nozzles pulling them. Their servos resting interlocked over his belly as they rubbed the soft flesh stimulating his nerves. Bobbing their throats to a wave beat as they drank from him while fully sheathing their spikes deep inside him.
They left him a silent screaming, back arched mess that could do nothing more than cry and whisper his begging for their soft loving touches that left him exposed emotionally and a soaking, valve squelching mess that tried to cycle and lock down on their raw spikes that were struggling to keep from bursting inside him.
He felt their grip on his belly tighten and they rubbed his flesh as if he were already accepting their loads for a new spark when he felt their chassis open and his spark thrum to life.
Three different hues of blue made the dark room glow. Spike and valve bio lights pulsed and grew vibrant while Drift and Ratchet lifted themselves to hover and look down at Rodimus who looked up at them.
“We aren’t letting you go, Roddy. Not now, not if we never got to conjunx and spark you,” he leaned down, kissing the sobbing mech who gazed up at him before Ratchet leaned down capturing plump lips that quivered at his bite. “But now that we have, no more running and hiding from us. We love you Rodimus and we know you love us too.”
Rodimus sobbed even harder.
Feeling their sparks glow and leave their chambers to meet between them and merge making them all conjunx and completing the connection.
They overloaded together, squeezing each other, Rodimus’s valve clamping down on their spikes that buried within his soft tank lining spilling into him. Their sparks dancing getting lost in each other until none could be distinguished and they all held a large piece of each other once their sparks returned to them.
Rodimus was enternally grateful to have Drift and Ratchets servos in his belly as he felt the flesh stretch and grow heavy at all the transfluid that sloshed and flowed inside him. He felt his valve and cheeks grow hot all over again and he moaned, rocking into them.
“Please,” he cried, feeling them rub his distended belly full of transfluid, valve throbbing hot as his tank wanted more. “Please,” he begged again, seeing the two smirk.
“We’ll give you everything you want and need, sweet spark,” his medic promised.
“We just hope you don’t mind carrying two or three by the time we’re done with you.”
“Although, it’d be nice to see you so round and full of three while feeding our first,” Ratchet chuckled.
“Maybe we aim for three next time?” Drift kissed along Rodimus’s face, nuzzling into his olfactory sensor when the mech needed the reassurance and care.
“We can discuss that later. For now,” Ratchet pulled Rodimus close, washing his em field over the mech who needed their affection they were more than happy to give, “lets focus on mending him. He needs our love first, we can think on that later.”
With a nod from Drift and a quick check on their sleeping sparkling, they made love to their conjunx.
My mind…went elsewhere..anyway if anyone wants to tip me the link to my kofi is on my pinned post.
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minkkumaz · 2 years ago
can u write getting jaehyun a switch for his bday and he stays up all night playing it? ^^ i think it’d be cute
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jaehyun stays up late into the night playing rocket league on the switch you bought him for his birthday. you just want him to come to bed.
PAIRING myung jaehyun x fem!reader WC 0.5k TAGS established relationship. fluff. little smooching. cuddling. i know nothing about rocket league but he likes soccer so. OMI NOTE this is actually something i'd do and i'm the real jaehyun #canon. ty anon wink wink ^_^
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maybe getting jaehyun a nintendo switch for his birthday wasn’t the greatest idea. you wrapped it prettily beforehand, just to watch him tear off the wrapper and stare at the present with shock. seeing him happy was all worth it, but you didn’t think he’d be on it all night
the clock on jaehyun’s nightstand read two am. he had promised you he’d come back to bed in ten minutes. however ten minutes turned into thirty, then thirty turned into an hour, then two hours, and it continued on. you still saw the flashes of light from the tv that ricocheted their way down the hallway; slightly peering underneath the closed door of his bedroom.
you groaned in frustration, unable to sleep without the boy hugging onto you closely. lifting the covers off of your body, you pulled yourself off of his bed and towards the living room. his hushed conversations into a mic got louder the closer you got.
when you appeared behind him, he was furiously moving around the controller in his hand, focused on the action in front of him. the sound of his friends yelling becoming more prominent, making your eye twitch. he barely noticed until you let your hand touch his shoulder.
“hyunnie come to bed please, i can’t sleep.” you whined sleepily letting your chin rest on the top of his head.
“hold on guys–” he moved the mic piece from his headset away from his face and turned to look at you. “baby i said i would come in ten minutes, okay?”
“but that was three hours ago hyunnie–”
“it’s been three hours?” he gaped, quickly grabbing his phone to look at the time. it infact proved his suspicions as the time popped up on his screen, “oh my gosh honey i’m so sorry, i just got so excited to play i didn’t even notice!”
“it’s okay lovey, let’s just go to bed now okay?” you smiled, rubbing his shoulder.
“you’re so cute, i’ll get off right now.” he raised his hand to squeeze your cheeks together, laughing at your lips forming a fish - like pout.
once he returned to his headset, he told his friends goodbye and shut of the game so he could quickly rush back to you. he intertwined his hands with yours and lead you back to his room for some well deserved sleep.
as soon as your body hit the comfortable mattress once again, you almost passed out right there. but not before jaehyun could land right next to you.
“thank you for the present, y/n. i really loved it.” he wrapped his arms around your figure, locking them behind your back. your legs entangled with his, alongside the blankets.
“im glad, just know that rocket league isn’t going to disappear anytime soon.” you mumble leaning in to the crook of his neck.
jaehyun planted soft kisses on your head, holding you close to him and careful not to let you go. “the same goes for you, you’re mine forever.”
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kkartist · 3 months ago
Hello, I am now in deep for Path to Nowhere that I ended up writing a fic. An idea popped up in my head of having Coquelic & L.L interracting. As it won't leave me alone, I wrote it down.
Summary: LL's pet dog, Cabbage, slipped away in the night. So, the Sinner went out to find him. Journeying through the MBCC's hallway, she met someone else alongside the puppy. Little did she know that the encounter would lead to bathing with the Garden's Mentor.
Tags: LL & Coquelic, LL & Thistle, Coquelic & Thistle, Coquelic & Garofano, LL (Loreley), Coquelic, Sumire, Garofano, Cabbage, Bathing, Nudity, SFW, slight angst for LL, LL social training arc, Coquelic being wise, Coquelic being a tease, grandma Coco moment, LL being a disaster, LL going through it, Thistle is good baby, Blink and you miss it Thistle/Christina, mentioned: Luvia Ray, Serpent, Eleven, Shrooma, Cabernet, Chief (gender up to reader)
Word count: 3,804
You can click on this link to read on AO3.
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Baby Steps
Notes: Spoiler to LL’s interrogation. Recommend to read LL’s interrogation/backstory before reading this. Minor spoiler to Flora Unfurl. This is my first fic for Path to Nowhere. The game ticks so many boxes for me that it’s now my favorite gacha.
With careful measured steps, the young woman treaded the hallway. Water dripped from the tips of her long blue hair and the edges of her white dress. Droplets forming onto the floor. Body brought low, head forward, and eyes focused. People would think she was a rookie agent from the 9th Agency.
Cabbage slipped away moments ago. After an instance of panic, LL made a decision. Splashing herself with hopefully enough water, she embarked on a mission to find the dog.
Luckily, the puppy left behind a trail of little paw prints for her to follow. All thanks to her bathroom, which was constantly wet. She prayed he didn't disturb anybody this late at night. Receiving complaints would be dreadful after she promised to take care of him.
She could now hear his steps. Those signature tiny patters and the little clang from the experimental prosthetic. Cabbage was near. She continued her pace in the direction until she saw the little creature with someone.
Anxiety kicked. LL immediately hid behind one of the large pots of red flowers lining the hallway. She peeked, trying to discern the scene. The person was crouching. Cabbage seemed to be reaching for something behind them.
"No, this is not for you. It's for Mentor," a young woman's voice. Cabbage whined.
"Sorry, I can't give this to you. But maybe, this will do?" She took something out from her pocket. Then, with her teeth, rip the wrapper apart.
Recognizing a treat, Cabbage jumped, tongue lolling out. He stopped a moment later and sat, his tail wagging. The change went unnoticed. "You can eat now, little guy," said the young woman, her hand offering him the food. Cabbage let a small yip and ate. His tiny tail continued swishing. "Good boy, someone trained you well huh?" she petted his head.
LL didn't recognize the person.  She’s 3 months in and her social circle didn't expand much. Chief was one of them, but busy schedule and constant kidnapping meant they didn’t hang out as much as she wanted to. Luvia Ray and Serpent made light hearted small talk to her on the few occasions she managed to venture outside. As much as she wanted to talk more, her condition didn’t allow her to be out of the tub for long. So, she had to excuse herself every time. Eleven helped during her offline transition but they didn't continue talking after the social obligation was done. Or it was more that LL didn’t know what to say to the radio personality beyond that.  It was nice of her to lend the device though and LL loves her show, the soothing voice never failed in helping her sleep. There’s Shrooma too. She was most comfortable talking with the little girl as they always met virtually. However, her curfew and school meant limited hours. From their conversations (or Shrooma’s rant), being a kid sounded tough. LL enjoyed listening to her regardless, imagining herself in situations she never got.
Getting to know other Sinners had been a challenge. Her social anxiety and disability were a sure recipe for loneliness. Five in 3 months out of 100+ Sinners currently contained within MBCC was an abysmal achievement. From the five, there’s two she could confidently call her friends. Wait. Scratch that. Maybe just one. With most of her time trapped in a tub, her version of getting to know, was reading Sinners' files from the Bureau's database.
Mentor. Mentor. Which file was-
"How long are you gonna hide there?"
LL jolted. Her head peeked out before diving back behind the flower pot.
"Hey, I know you're there," the voice got closer until it's beside her. "Is this dog yours?" The little dog trailed behind the person's feet.
"Cabbage!" At this, the dog ran towards LL. Picking him up eye level, LL's face fell victim to his licks. She pulled away, staring at him sternly, "Don't run off like that again, Cabbage. It's late and we don't want to disturb our neighbours. Now, say sorry to the nice lady," she placed Cabbage back to the floor then looked up at the young woman.
She wore multiple braids; bangs covering her left eye. The lower half of the hair is pinkish red while the upper stays natural black. Earrings decorated both ears. Her sleeveless crop top was adorned with a red bra. Flower tattoo visible on her hip. The slitted uneven skirt laid bare to the expanse of her right leg, if not for the fishnet stockings providing some kind of cover. The feet protected by a comfortable studded dress shoe. Tough yet elegant were the impression LL thought of.
Cabbage walked towards the black cladded woman. He stopped by her foot, his tiny face pressed against her leg. Then, with all the cuteness he could muster, he looked up with his sad puppy eyes. Her lips curled into a smile.
"No worries. He was very nice and friendly. I wouldn't mind playing with him again!" She glanced at the puppy before shifting her attention towards LL, "Don't think I've seen you before."
"Oh sorry! I'm LL," she offered her hand.
"Thistle," she replied, shaking it.
"Like the flower?" LL asked aloud.
"Yes, like the flower."
LL cringed at herself. Whatever was that?? Why didn't she thank her for Cabbage? Right, thank her. She should thank-
"I should go, Mentor's waiting for me,” their hands separated. “Nice meeting you, LL. Maybe next time, I can bring my dog too! Night!" Waving goodbye, Thistle walked away.
LL saw her leave. Not wanting to miss her chance, she rose and shouted, "Wait!"
But what came was a cry. She felt pain, like someone struck her legs with hot iron. Her muscles seized. She fell to the ground like a stranded fish. No no no no! She screamed in her mind.
Jaw clenched. Eyes hazy with tears. The fire spread through the rest of her body. She couldn't move her limbs. Defenseless and alone, her mind raced to one thing. She was going to die. She was going to die. She was going to-
"Hey hey hey. Stay with me," the friendly voice came back but now laced with worry. "What do you need? Tell me."
LL gathered her strength to open her mouth. "Ba...a...th"
Thistle nodded. LL felt her body being lifted up then moved at a fast speed. They entered a fancily decorated room filled with plants. Passing a large canopy bed covered with flower petals, Thistle beelined to a door.
“Mentor, it's an emergency. A Sinner is in need of the bath, please can you let us in?"
The door opened, a woman with long black hair stood behind it. LL felt heat permeating from within. Thistle wasted no time. She entered and LL felt her body being lowered.
Warm water touched her skin. Slowly, the fire was extinguished. She found her limbs working again, the muscles relaxing. Pain ebbed away, replaced with exhaustion and relief. In between breaths, she croaked a thank you.
Thistle exhaled, "Thank goodness."
"Sorry," LL said weakly.
"Don't be. I'm glad you are alright."
"Yes yes. Crisis averted." A voice interrupted them. 
Thistle froze. She turned her head. LL followed suit.
Two other women were in the room. One sitting on the edge of the pool. She wore a simple white shirt paired with a wine colored long skirt. Her wavy purple hair loosely tied low, cascading down her shoulder. Legs tucked underneath, comb in her hand, she was brushing the silver hair of the woman soaked in the water. Compared to her attendant, the other woman's skin was sickly pale, the veins visible under the light. Like beads of blood on top of snow, her piercing eyes were unnerving. And they were directed at Thistle. LL found herself becoming alert.
"Thistle, where is my present?" The pale woman asked sweetly.
"A-about that Mentor..."
"Can you repeat that?"
"It fell."
"So, go and pick it up."
"It’s... in the water."
A beat. They stared at each other.
"Then pick it up still! I don't want it to seep into the bath!" The Mentor shouted in disbelief.
Thistle dived immediately. Not long after, she climbed out of the water with a box in her hand. Her head bowed deep, pressed to the floor. "I'm so sorry, Mentor! I accept any punishment you deemed fit."
The woman sighed. She lifted her head, "Garofano, see if it needs salvaging." The woman behind her stood up, picked up the crumpled box, then left the room.
LL felt herself shrinking. She rarely received help after her parents left. But every time someone did, it just further reinforce how much of a burden she is. And now, the person that saved her was going to be punished. Why is she always so weak?
"It's my fault," she spoke up. Those reds drifted to her. "Please don't punish her. I... I can buy you a new one. Or I'll leave. Right now. If that's what you want. I'm really sorry."
The woman thought for a moment. "Will you accept the punishment in her stead?"
"I... Yes..." LL felt uneasy. What if she asked Chief to cut her internet time? She would miss that online auction event happening tomorrow! She needed that personal cutlery set belonging to Ms Cabernet. Calm down LL. Deep breath. It was an accident. Maybe she just wanted money.
"Take off your clothes and stay."
LL's mind grinded to a halt, "Sorry?"
"You heard me. It's bad manners to take a bath while dressed," she replied matter of factly.
LL blinked. Okay, this is... unexpected. Embarrassed but wishing to save Thistle from this predicament, she did what was told. The soaked dress now placed behind her.
Satisfied, the Mentor turned to Thistle who was still bowed, "Thistle, take that to dry. Then, go change."
"Yes, Mentor." Thistle stood and followed the set of orders. After that, she sat where Garofano was, continuing the task she left behind.
A knock. "Mentor, it's me."
"What's the matter?"
"A puppy is currently waiting in front of the bathroom door."
"Cabbage!" LL recalled the momentarily forgotten puppy. The Mentor looked at LL. Her eyes squinted just a little before she answered, "Come in, but don't let the dog in my water."
The black-haired woman entered, Cabbage in her arm. After closing the door, she walked towards LL. The long wide sleeves of her lilac sabrina dress cascade on each of her sides, flowing gracefully as she moved. The wide black belt around her waist accentuated her already long legs. Sophisticated and refined, her steps were slow with purpose. She knelt beside LL, head bowed slightly in greeting. Her silky hair curtaining her face, past her ribbon collared neck; its length reaching onto the ground. Then, she placed the puppy by the edge of the pool, near his caretaker.
Cabbage licked LL on her cheek. "Don't worry, lil’ buddy. I'm fine, see? Now keep away from the water, alright?" LL assured him. Cabbage let a small bark.. He turned around, jumped to the other woman's thigh, and laid on top.
"Sumire will take good care of it," the Mentor spoke.
"Oh that’s..." LL looked back. She immediately shifted her gaze, face heating up. Realization struck. The woman was also in a state of undress.
She had seen nudity. The internet was full of that. However, a moving image or virtual reality had a sense of distance. And that’s the scope LL was familiar with. Experiencing it with someone else offline was a different matter entirely. The situation just made her more self-aware where to place her sight. "I... uh... um... thank you," she finished abruptly.
LL kept her head away from the Mentor. From her peripheral vision, she saw those scarlet eyes burning her side. She shifted her arms around, trying to shield herself. Her body submerging bit by bit.
"Relax," a whisper. Sumire was looking at her softly, Cabbage already asleep on her lap. "We have no intention in killing you."
Kill? Where did that come from?
"That's...not what I’m worried about."
"Then why so skittish girl?" The Mentor chimed.
"I...um.... " She stole some glances towards the woman, blushing. ".... inexperienced?"
Laughter burst free from the Mentor. Chest heaving, mouth opened wide. The sound reverberated in the chamber, echoing throughout. It lasted for a minute until it gradually came to a stop. She wiped the corner of her eye with a finger. Her eyelids opened delicately. She looked at LL for a moment, grinning. Then, she stood up.
LL eyes widened. She twisted her head away so fast she heard a crack. Her pulse beat rapidly from the sudden exposure. Things just happened one after another so quickly that her heart felt like it's going to pop.
Suddenly, she felt a caress on the side of her jaw, applying enough force urging her to turn. Her sight immediately landed on the plains of toned stomach, a small scar crowning the navel. The Mentor’s petite body towered over her, arms pillared on each side confining her in. Realizing what had happened, LL gathered all her willpower to instantly shift her focus to the woman’s face.
The silver haired woman smiled knowingly.
"You can look. I know I am irresistible," her red eyes gleamed.
"Who knows, maybe next time…" she licked her upper lip, showing sharp canines.
"I’ll let you touch them," she purred to her prey’s ear.
LL felt her body temperature rose exponentially. She blue screened, her brain overheating by the seductive force inflicted on her by this unearthly beautiful woman. Face flushed to ear tips, mouth agape, she was unresponsive.
"Mentor, please don't tease her," Thistle's voice came from behind.
The Mentor backed away, cackling, "I can't help it, she's so adorable! Reminded me of my little Thistle back then."
"No, I wasn't!" Thistle exclaimed.
The Mentor sank back at her spot.
"Ah yes, all the things in that bath seemed so interesting to you. Eyes darting from one decoration to the next." She put the back of her hand on her forehead, sighing   dramatically, "I felt so lonely waiting for you to start lavishing my skin! If not for Sumire, I would’ve wilted from the lack of attention."
"Meentooor!" Thistle's face went red.
A giggle. LL tried to stop herself but was too late. The sound had slipped after she witnessed the exchange. She shut her mouth immediately, afraid of offending anyone.
"Now, now, don't hold back. Laugh your heart away,” The Mentor gestured towards the room. “After all, flowers grow best around them."
LL studied her surroundings. Flowers of different colors have bloomed beautifully. Red, white, yellow, purple. The walls were covered in them. The petals decorated the surface of the pool when they fell. Ripples expanding from the touch. Combined with the wood panelling surrounding the edges, it’s reminiscent of a framed painting exhibited in an art gallery. 
The warmth of the water. The tranquil undulation of its surface. The breathing of others. They felt alien.
To her, a bath is a necessity. It's a constant reminder of her disability. Her relief and pain. Her cage. Connections rust and break in it.
But here, she uncovered something. Sumire was gently petting the sleeping Cabbage. Her face, serene and calm. Thistle focused at work. Hands deftly handling the silver hair laid out in front of her. The Mentor's eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. The space fell into a comfortable silence. She felt peaceful. Like waves caressing the sand, it alleviates the ache within her heart.
"This is.... nice," LL broke the silence, surprising herself.
"Isn't it?" The Mentor replied. "It's nothing compared to what we had but, it's adequate."
"I just never..." LL’s mind wandered to her apartment. Her parents. The letter. "It’s... been a while since I had company."
The Mentor tilted her head, eyes opening slightly.
"I mean..." she let out a weak laugh. "Who would want to be stuck with me?"
LL's doubt and fear were out. A question compounded by years of trauma and oozing with self-hatred had cracked the atmosphere in the room. She silently cursed herself for ruining it.
"Flowers are beautiful. Many things in nature gathered around them," LL recognized the owner of the voice, she looked across. "Among them, those that seek harm. Parasites, for one," the Mentor glanced sideways, as if recalling something.
"They are dangerous when left be. Consuming life, little by little by little. Until there is nothing left. Then, they move to another. That is why it's important to deal with them quick." Her voice, light and decisive.
"However, there are those that help.” her expression softened. “Who diligently and attentively nurtured the flowers with patience. Rain or shine." She lifted her hand, a red flower, similar to the ones planted along the hallway, sprouted out of the open palm.
She set the blossom on the water. It floated and drifted away, charting the water’s surface, bumping to other petals along the way. She then looked at LL in the eyes, giving full attention, "You are in a richer soil now so choose well. When you see what you want, remember to grab it with your own two hands."
LL took a moment to absorb the words. The Mentor smiled. She stood up again which prompted LL to turn her head away in reflex. She heard a small laugh before the Mentor spoke, "Thistle, Sumire, escort our guest and her pet back." Footsteps, then the sound of an open door, "Pleasure to meet you, little fish."
LL leaned inside her bathtub. Her eyes reading the message she had typed on the terminal. It was only one sentence. A question. Yet, it took her the better part of the day arguing with herself whether the content was good enough or not.
It had been a week since then. Within that week, LL participated in the online auction, wondered if what happened was a fever dream, and then did her research. Finding all the info she needed wasn’t hard. The hard part was reading, compiling, and verifying them. Those were, unfortunately, not covered by her power.
The Garden, an all-women assassination group. Their involvement was extensive. The most notorious happened almost a year ago, that being The FAC serial killings and kidnapping of their director. All the handiwork of one individual. The Garden's current leader: the Mentor, Coquelic.
Fearsome, powerful, intimidating, selfish, hedonistic. These descriptions seemed fitting for the alluring woman. Yet in that bath, she witnessed a contradiction.
Is that why the Garden members followed her still? Why they were willing to feed into her selfishness? A yip snapped LL’s thought. She chuckled, “Okay, Cabbage, I’m doing it.” She needed to finish this task, lest she fell to the reprimand of the little puppy for the second time. It should have been done days ago but she set an important treatment for herself after she was outbid, it's called shopping.
A ritual of self-encouragement later, she checked her terminal for the fifth time. Still the same message. Searching through her contact, she inserted several names intended to be the recipients. Then, she reread the message for the sixth time. All good. LL took a deep breath. And press send.
"That was surprising. What you did the other day, Mentor," Garofano expressed.
"Our Thistle was the one who asked. I couldn't say no, could I?" she replied.
"But you let a stranger stay in the bath."
"I did let strangers stay before."
"Those were marks."
"Yes, seeing their face twisted into horror was so delectable."
"The scrubbing wasn't."
"I did reward all of you for a job well done, didn't I?" Coquelic retort with a faux surprise. Her fingers curled around her cup, eyes narrowed in distaste, "My tea is cold."
"Of course, Mentor." Garofano took the cup, emptying its content to the teapot. She then placed the pot on a mini stove. Coquelic watched, one arm supporting her head.
“Where’s Thistle?” asked Coquelic.
"She mentioned a gathering," Garofano answered, her focus on the thermometer she just inserted.
They were in Coquelic’s room. There was a setup with a round table and 5 chairs surrounding it. Cafeteria exists in the Bureau, but it was a public space and the style was uninspired. Here, Coquelic and her flowers made it to resemble a small replica of the Garden. A perfect place for a gathering of ex-assassins. At the moment, only two chairs were filled.
"Mentor,” the purple haired woman broke the silence. “If you miss her, you should let her know."
"I don't know what you are talking about," came a nonchalant reply.
The thermometer beeped. Garofano watched the numbers increase on the display. When it reached a certain point, she turned the fire off. After preparing the cup to be sufficiently warm, she poured the tea and served it to Coquelic.
Coquelic lifted the cup. The temperature was exactly how she preferred. Garofano did a wonderful job preparing the present Thistle bought for her. The salvaging was surprisingly minimal too. Thistle must’ve requested additional layering inside. 
Fragrant aroma wafted to her nose. She sighed in satisfaction and sipped. The liquid warming her body.
"Yes, Mentor?"
Coquelic set the cup down to its saucer. Face reflected on the surface; she stilled for a moment. "Tell Thistle to come by tomorrow. Her tea brewing still needs work." She paused, "She could even bring that axe wielding barbarian if she wanted."
Garofano smiled, "Of course, Mentor. I'll let her know." 
The bar reached 100%. Photos appeared on the display. LL looked at each of them before stopping on one. She was in a portable pool along with five others.
Thistle was hugging a dog. It’s fur wet, tongue hanging out. Months ago, she found it in the Bureau injured. She was currently taking care of it until the wound fully healed. Serpent had a brown snake around her shoulder. She wanted a brightly colored one but was rejected by administration because their venoms were a danger to others. She relented after some persuasion from the Chief. Shrooma held a terrarium of mushrooms. Her lecture of why they’re considered pets still made LL laugh even now. Luvia Ray and Eleven didn’t own any pets. That is why, Manty was positioned between them so they wouldn’t feel left out when the picture was taken. Then there was her, right in the centre. In her arms, was Cabbage, the little pup that started everything. All of their expressions gave evidence to all the fun they had that day.
Ping! The notification stole LL’s attention. A message appeared in the group chat, a cute sticker accompanying it. Replies bubbled one by one, coalescing into a conversation. LL hovered her fingers over the keys. She smiled. The tub doesn’t feel as small anymore.
End notes:
Thank you so much for reading this fic! The idea of having these two interacting won’t leave my head so I got to do my due diligence. More content of Coquelic is never wrong.
I love Coquelic. She lives rent free in my head. I was analyzing her character like an unpaid researcher until an idea popped up. Coco loves taking a bath and you know who is always in the bath? LL.
LL has an interesting backstory that got revealed in the last chapter of Into the Blue. And, it also got locked away behind interrogation. Which honestly, I think was quite a shame. But it's gacha. I get it.
So, I'm putting the two of them in the same bath. As Coco is THE Mother of all time (or grandma), I thought LL could hear her wisdom so she can experience being guided and/or teased by a maternal figure in a way. The wisdom being related to LL’s situation.
I headcanon LL’s social training arc took longer. Because even though the interrogation did give a line about LL being more outgoing like her online persona, the duration it took wasn’t exactly mentioned. Let’s just say this moment happened after her offline transition was complete. So, talking directly is alright but she still has problems with making friends. Hopefully Coco’s interaction with LL feels believable as it's set up to be a push for LL.
Fun fact! My first impression of Coquelic was: I don't like her, such a fan service character. I read Flora Unfurl fully expecting to like Shalom cos lots of people sang praises for her. But Coquelic stole the show instead. This caused me to roll for her. Then, I read her interrogations. I cried and now, she is my favorite character. So, big round of applause to the writer (Dumpling Duck/Guo Tie Lao Shi). You changed me as a person.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 2 years ago
Like a Gold Medal 18+ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ
something short for a mid week post bc i gave up on being offline im too attached to this account lmfao
phillip graves x implied fem!reader (smut, nsfw below cut, 18+)
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
“You look so pretty like this darlin',” he stood over you as you sat on the edge of the bed. His fingertips lightly rubbed up and down your bare thigh as you toyed with the waistband of his boxers. 
“Please Phillip,” slowly nodding your head as you looked up at him wrapping your arms around his waist pulling him closer. Impatience seeped off of you as you begged him to do something.
He placed a small kiss on your head before stepping away and kicking off his boxers. It was impossible to take your eyes off him as he walked over to the nightstand digging through it before pulling out the shiny gold wrapper.
He walked back over to you, motioning for you to lay back on the bed. As you inched back, Graves began pumping his cock with one hand, the other brought the condom up to his mouth. His teeth gripped the edge of the wrapper freeing the latex from the gold casing. He smiled down at you as you watched him, his eyes full of lust.
Carefully he pulled the condom out, a slight moan escaped his lips as he rolled it onto his cock. He put on the Magnum like a gold medal and was damn proud of it. Graves had taken his time as he enjoyed keeping you on edge.
He finally lined himself up with you as he lightly spread your legs open ready to go for the gold.
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
im ovulating can u tell
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legylou · 3 months ago
(UTAU NEWCOMER/UTAUカバー/VOCAMAID) introducing Chishio Gurokawa!!! (+vb)
k i made a new voicebank.. 1 for a series of them known as "VOCAMAID" (not 2 be confused w/ maidloid) & this took a couple dayz 2 make said vb.. AKA THE 1 & ONLY (cherry tsundere maid) CHISHIO GUROKAWA!! (she is romaji-only so srry hiragana typerz as i mostly use romaji when making vbs & her samples were made w/ a tts voice (named Misaki) in wrapper offline then edited in the vocalshifter editor)
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if ur wondering.. the song was a cover of puru pururin from nhkny & the vpr was convert'd 2 a ustx & edited here (creditz 2 the maker of said vpr obviously):
anywayz heres the vb dl (credit me when using & read the readme in the filez!!):
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creator-chanproductions · 1 year ago
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The 6th episode's thumbnail had a new redesign last month. What do you think?
0 notes
terminusestfan · 2 years ago
Admitting my Wrongdoings
As for everyone in the Character Elimination community, I'll be admitting all of my wrongdoings, once again! This time on Tumblr!
If you want to denied your apology, it's fine. At least if you still don't make me a bad user as part of your opinion. So here it goes:
1. Made an explicit Leona West picture. (With that, I used it one time just for an episode of Troublemaker Girls Elimination 2: Fictional Girls VS Ugly Girls. I will promise not to use that picture ever again. That counts as me being a pedophile. And I might feel really sorry for myself.)
2. Hating "Billy The Character Elimination Fan" for no reason. (I know if he rigs his old Character Elimination series, such as the Loud House characters winning every season and all of the Thomas and Friends characters into the Final 9 in Season 5. And with that, I am not going to hate that user ever again. And I will forgave that user for what I had done. But he gave me the "Deep Deep Trouble" video threat and made me a troublemaker in his Character Elimination series.)
3. Harassing/Cyberbullying Heather Spence. (It happened back in June 2022, if ThatCutieAnimeBoy made a rant on me. I became upset. She thought of me that I made other users to hate her, but she's innocent. And also, I add her in my bio as my Worst Enemy in DeviantArt. And with that, I forgave her for harassing and cyberbullying. I promise not to do that again.)
4. Voting Out "ThatCutieAnimeBoy", even though he is the host. (That is back in the past, if I was upset for him made a rant out of me back in June 2022. And also, that is the bad idea to vote off the innocent user who is the host. I am not doing that ever again.)
5. Made Innocent Users Troublemakers. (Back in October 2022, I had made Heather Spence, ThatCutieAnimeBoy, and DanielTheRobloxFan (formally "Unknown") as troublemakers as part of Tumblr Character Elimination. And now I had posted it again on Tumblr for a week ago by replaced them with my evil clone, Jaoq Joaq, and Kabuto [Naruto] as troublemakers. And with that, I would promise not to make innocent users as troublemakers in my Character Elimination series, ever again. That is part of the rules, and what would happen if I kept doing it, they would make me get much worse like Jaoq Joaq and AMM Trackernardo.
That is all of the wrongdoings I had made so far. And that is why I had already left the Character Elimination community, because of the cyberbullying and lots of drama! Come on guys, I am NOT a bad user anymore! I always trying to be good for now on!
It is Terminus Est Fan (aka MatthewSeldon025), signing off.
0 notes
ktempestbradford · 10 months ago
Wanna say something off this post about people under 20 not knowing how to use computers about wanting apps for things (and don't want to derail that post). While I agree that young people DEFINITELY need to learn how to use the actual internet, I don't think that means wanting an app for AO3 is wrongheaded. Yeah, you can access it through a browser, but apps and websites should do different things.
I remember when many started sliding off LiveJournal I bemoaned the lack of mobile app for it because I wanted things like offline caching and reading of posts, which a browser or website does not offer. Back then RSS readers were so great because they would do just that! Made it super easy to keep up with my favorite blogs.
I feel like I'd want that for AO3 as well, though now there are at least a ton of apps that let you save a web page to read later. Ideally an app would also offer other useful things and not just be a custom browser wrapper (too many apps are just this and don't add value or functionality).
I suppose my main thesis is that apps do have a place in the internet ecosystem and it's not a problem for people to want them in order to have the sites or services they access often convenient for them in mobile form. It's a Yes/And situation, not an Either/Or.
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ueberdemnebelmeerresources · 4 months ago
android apps masterlist
Universal Android Debloater GUI, for non-rooted devices
Fossify: privacy-focused FOSS apps (i.e. gallery, file manager, calendar, contacts, messages)
droid-ify, with material UI
Neo Store
MiXplorer SD, FTP, Lan, Cloud and other storage explorers
Material Files
MANGA/ANIME (tachiyomi forks)
mihon: comic reader
aniyomi: reader + player
[offline] AIMP
[offline] Musicolet
[offline] Auxio
[offline] Symphony ∗ Gramophone (N.B.: clunky queue & playlist management)
[offline] Metro i.e. de-googled RetroMusic
[offline] Oto Music
[streaming, yt music] SimpMusic ∗ rimusic ∗ Musify ∗ Namida
MX Player, plays DVD files too
mpv player
[stream from cloud] Bubbleupnp
Tubular: NewPipe fork implementing SponsorBlock
Grayjay: aggregator via plugins for YT, Peertube, dailymotion, bilibili, twitch, patreon, nebula, soundcloud, apple podcasts
Spowlo: spotify downloader via youtube
YTDLnis: video/audio downloader from more than 1000 websites using yt-dlp for Android 7.0+
Bookcamp: audiobooks for Plex
Symfonium: music player
google maps webview wrapper. blocks access to google trackers (navigation is not available, only turn-by-turn direction list)
osm2gmaps: convert OpenStreetMap-based application links into Google Maps, Apple Maps or other links and viceversa
[OSM-based] OsmAnd ∗ Organic Maps ∗ MapFactor Navigator
[OSM-based] MagicEarth: turn-by-turn navigation, Crowd-Sourced Traffic, Offline maps and Transit
Mapy.cz: maps with elevation profiles for hikers & cyclists, offline
öffi for public transport (coverage here)
[🇯🇵] Japan Travel by NAVITIME ∗ Gourmet Navigator
Pixel Camera mod
[cross-platform alternatives to AirDrop] Xender ∗ LocalSend
Material Notes: offline notes app
Nunti: RSS reader
Shelter: isolate and run multiple instances of apps, depends on the Work Profile feature of the Android system
Quikshort: adds shortcuts to home page
AdAway: ad blocker
aliucord: discord app mod (which is against the Discord ToS) with plugin system, no root needed
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ella-chan-or-evelynp · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
finally using wrapper offline and im trying to make dingo from pikmin but....
he looks way tooo much like sonic help me
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pinkyberet · 2 years ago
Nicky Roth Rants On His Gacha Designs (No Hate)
PLEASE NOTE: This Is A Parody Of (Character) Rants On His/Her Character Designs In Goanimate/Vyond/Wrapper Offline. I Made This For Fun, So If You See Your Design Of Nicky Here, Please Don't Take This As Serious Hate. Enjoy :3
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zeldahime · 1 year ago
First I want to say thank you so, so much for articulating why you want an app. Every time I see a post about an AO3 app go around I dig through the notes trying to figure out why people want one and nobody has ever explained. To me, mobile apps are almost universally pains in the ass that are less intuitive and have fewer features than the same service's website, so I've been completely bewildered by the request for an app for years and years. Your post makes it much easier for me to understand where people are coming from and I want to thank you so much.
That said, this sentence, I'm not sure what you mean and I was wondering if you'd be willing to expand on it?
With apps I can have a tab for search and results, a tab for fics, history, etc, and they would all be accessible directly from the nav bar/side bar.
What do you mean by a "tab" here? It doesn't seem like you mean the same thing as a browser tab? I thought you meant a page, but these are all already accessible from the header, so I'm not sure that's what you mean either.
If I were King Of AO3 there's definitely changes I would make to how navigation and search work, but as it stands, I can get anywhere I want on the site from the homepage within four clicks, which seems a reasonable number, and advanced search, history, and bookmarks are each one click away, which is already my ideal.
Also, about this:
An app can automatically download the chapter I’m reading the moment I open it, and maybe even the whole work. So I can pick it up if I have to go into offline mode later.
....Can they? I've never known any app to automatically download anything for offline use aside from my podcast app and Libby, and I had to go into the settings and turn on like three different levers to make that happen. It's one of the reasons I hate apps so much; I'd rather just interface with the website directly than deal with a wrapper that moved all the buttons and took away some functionalities. If app developers have been able to actually add value all this time and have been electing not to, I'm gonna scream. (On reread this sounds like it might come off combative and I genuinely don't intend it that way! Like I said, I really am quite grateful that you laid out the actual reasons why you want an app. I'm just irritated with other apps that are bad!)
the worst thing that could possibly happen to ao3 is it being put on the app store so please stop asking for it because you don't understand what would happen if that went through. ao3's whole deal is it archives EVERYTHING, while the apple app store's whole deal is keeping everything clean and safe. so if ao3 were to have an app all of the 'bad' stuff, including nsfw in general, would have to be censored at best or would be purged at worse. the google play store is more lax but who fucking knows what GOOGLE would police if they got their hands on the archive. do not ask for an app. do not use third party apps. it's on mobile browser functioning perfectly, just fucking use that before you ruin everything for everyone please.
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