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that last post got me thinking about my own wraiths so I decided to post them. my eldar went through a lot of prototype type schemes before I settled on the yme-loc orange and gray, but the wraiths were technically the first eldar unit I ever completely painted. even tho they were the first, I'm a lot happier with their redone coat of paint
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erwansiannodel · 7 months
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"Come forth, ô ancient ones ! Come forth and walk with us once again !"
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Eldarii Wraithblades, in a slapshoped homebrew craftworld color scheme. Feel free to C&C.
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kevincrafthobby · 3 months
WIP Weekend!
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I managed to get these Wraithblades tabletop ready so that I don't have to proxy with Grey Knight Terminators like I did with my last battle report.
Speaking of which, my second battle report is coming along nicely, as I've finished the battle map animation and the first round of recording myself reading the script. For some reason I find it hard to say "on objective"...
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danielscholes · 1 year
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Mini Painting - Wraithblades
Bodies and bases painted for my Wraithblades. These have been magnetised at the arm and wrist so they can use any loadout in the box; swords, axes, cannons, D-scythes, they can be swapped out whenever.
Unfortunately that does mean I have to paint all those fiddly bits. Eventually.
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fulgrimsrefuse · 8 months
On Marazhai's Brand 2
lol well that'll teach me to do things on an empty stomach
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/fulgrimsrefuse/741442802487099392/on-marazhais-brand?source=share
"Zhai" can also work grammatically as a name, if I understand what the page means by the different moods, and I think it's also the more accurate word to use, seeing as how it means something like "blade", "edge", depending. Way more fitting for a Drukhari than "morning". So the runes that have something to do with that would be...
a LITERAL sword lol
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There's surprisingly few runes that have to do with this idea, considering how many bladed weapons they use. But going along the same twisty turny kanji-esque logic AND excluding the ones in common with my previous assumption of "Mar-" AND choosing to ignore the infinity symbol because that's awfully close to the one meaning Infinity Circuit...
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I'm reaching real hard here lol
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So maybe it could look something like...
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oof, burning those curvy lines into your neck.
If you're playing Dom!RT, then you hit him with the Von Valancius seal, of course. I can't even remember off the top of my head what exactly he brands you with, his given or his family name. But we don't have an extensive enough dictionary to even begin guessing at how to build "Aezyrraesh".
We do have this though:
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Well that's a terribly shrunk down preview, but click on it to read. I think we have enough to know that he could say "iam yass mon-keigh" to refer to us which, lol, yaaaaaaasssssss
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sylvianasart · 1 year
Today I played in an OPR doubles tournament. So much fun. A huge variety of opponents I'd never played before, Guard, Space Marines, more Chaos, Mechanicus, even more chaos, and Tau.
My craftworld, Ra Shelwe, formed a tenuous alliance with a faction of Nurgle followers that had some sympathy toward Eldar due to a shared desire to aid the Eldar god, Isha. (Though perhaps we had different ideas of what that aid would really be). The Guardians of Isha embarked to... Something? I'll come up with a lore mission overall sometime.
We won all 3 of our games, "oddest duo" (lore-wise), and even tied for "best painted", as voted by the other participants.
I had an amazing time, this is a dang good game. <3
More images and short battle reports under the cut.
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First game, we faced off against some guard and butter marines. A pair of sacrificial zones would attack units inside them, and award points based on toughness taken. My farseer performed some psychic rituals to purify the land (secondary objective VP). Wave serpent tried to shoot down a plane, failed. My wraithlord had its debut game! (I haven't shown off the photos of that one yet). Wraithblades escorting my farseer wiped out 2 whole units in a couple of charges.
We took the win, I don't want to face a great unclean one ever.
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Second game saw us fighting for control over 5 points with another chaos faction and the tech-obsessed Mechanicus. My guardians bravely held one of our deployment points. War walker Lorde's over the landscape, picking off medium models here and there. The great old one did not last through the first turn. Knights are scary. I need a wraith knight.
We squeezed out a win, but mostly due to time constraints. If it had gone to the 4th turn, we may have struggled to maintain the lead.
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3rd game and an encroaching storm threatened to wipe the surface clean, while only a single point allowed the opportunity to leave the planet. Our enemies, another chaos faction and some sadly misled tau, sought to hinder our escape. The unclean one again showed its menace in taking out the enemy riptide during the first activation of the game. I'm so glad it's on my side. One broadside put up an impressive fight, surviving 2 charges and a gun volley, before finally being taken down by my wraithblade's charge. The storm forced us all in close and fast, and a target rich environment made it difficult for both sides to prioritise targets. But Ra Shelwe was victorious and escaped. I guess a few of the nurgle marines did too.
We took the win, and most of our models survived to escape. So many points. XD Too many points. It was great.
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Overall, I had a fantastic time. The size of the games were great, 2k per army, for a total 4k per side, or 8k on the table. Losing a full unit in the first couple activations felt fine, cause you have so many remaining.
There were a bunch of people there I didn't get to play, but being able to play against 6 new people in just 3 games, and form new connections with club members. So good. I don't think I can get away with calling myself a newbie anymore. XD
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digital-meat · 4 months
You know Tolkien was literally perfect but he was very dungeon negative in The Lord of the Rings. The fellowship goes by so many dungeons, and doesn't go in them. WTF. They should dive into them more often, the hobbits did one dungeon and them wraithblades carried them through the rest of the mission and they didn't put it together that there were literally no downsides to that escapade except that they almost died.
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hadrians-wall95 · 4 months
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Ila Wraithcloak (not my version Illic Nightspear, because fuck no I'm not spending 100 dollars for an Out of Print Resin Model) and her rangers had been waiting for over 10 hours when the first shot was fired.
In the chaos of the Tyranid invasion of the Loyolis Sector, other Xenos come out to make their moves. Deep in the heart of Death World Zan, an abandoned, top-secret imperium base is uncovered by Ila and the rangers of the Wraithstorm. Normally, this wouldn't mean much. However, not every set of imperial ruins seems to be set up to study an Eldar Webway... And not every ancient Webway hasn Drukari poking around it either. The Rangers called it in, and set up shop.
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Both armies began to draw up battle lines. The light skirmishers of both Eldar and Dark Eldar hid behind the rusted ruins, while larger threats would soon be arriving. The 1500 point battle was set to begin.
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The first Wraithstorm turn proved uninteresting (Because we both deployed very scared of the others dark/bright lances). Some light movements, as the Wraith Walkers attempted to move into position. The left walker succeeds, popping a Tallos! But now, the Eldar were in the sights of their Drukari cousins.
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The Dark Eldar Advance! The Battle Shocked Talos was quickly able to avenge his fallen squad mate, and the Eldar Center of Wraithblades was soon met by the Drukari Flyers and Bikes. In the chaos of the charge, a Dark Eldar Sniper was able to pop off a shot from his raider directly into the Farseer! Who now has one wound and sniper hunting for him. A quiet turn 1 would be met by a thunderous turn 2.
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Turn 2 saw fighting across the bored. The left flank saw the destroyed Wraith Walker replaced by 2 Wraithlords, late to the party but ready to assist. While one charged into melee, the other hung back, to send missiles into the exposed infantry holding Dark Eldar Objectives. With the center (and Webway gate) decidedly in Wraithstorm Hands, the Dark Eldar has no choice but to launch their melee units into a brawl. The bikes charge, and the raider gets ready to drop the Rakks inside.
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As Ghost met Zombie, the two leaders clashed (I used my CP for precision on my staff, his homoculus has em naturally), leaving both with a single HP! The Wraithblades loose a lot of bite without the Spiritseer to guide them.
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To make things worse, turn 3 saw the third, deep striking Raider make it behind Wraithstorm lines. However, the Farseer, with but a single wound, was able to make sure the Brightlance shot was able to go where it needed! The raider was crumpled almost instantly, and the Witches inside were unable to withstand the shurikan catapult fire.
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Meanwhile, the Wraithlords had rolled like gods, allowing them to clean up the left flank with little trouble.
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Turns 3 and 4 were close, but by the end, the Dark Eldar were on the run. Their Raiders and Venoms trashed, their flanks broken, the Drukari had no choice but to abandon their prize. The Eldar of Craftworld Deux Mach would carry the day. Ila Wraithcloak looked over the battlefield, filled with Dark Eldar scrap and corpses. She reloaded Voidbringer. All according the Seers.
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marlonbrandto · 8 months
The death of Aun’Shar spurred the greater Tau fleet into immediate action. Seven separate invasion forces were deployed to different areas on Maynos, with what remains of the May’nar sept sending a desperate spearhead deep into enemy territory, exploring a set of coordinates gained from deep within the vault.
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1. Commander Shadowsun has been woken from cryosleep to lead the vanguard, equipped with her new slave arm system designed by the May’nar septs earth caste. Though the May’nar sept has been whipped into a blind rage from the death of an ethereal, Shadowsuns arrival has caused them to hone and focus that rage into making his death count.
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2. Shas’Vre Steelsong in his XV104 Riptide battlesuit. While Riptide pilots are normally essential to the Tau war machine, Steelsong was grounded for the early portion of the Maynos conflict due to his battlesuit being retrofitted with Votaan technology acquired by the late Aun’Shar. Now equipped with an experimental Shatterpoint vibration system designed to melt incoming ballistics at a molecular level, he has never been more ready to take the field, and to exact vengeance on his foes.
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3. The Hakrak hunting pack makes planetfall in a Tidewall Gunrig. Pivoting from a scouting mission to a full planetary occupation, the fleet has dropped mobile fortifications in key locations. Not yet trusted to be in a proper dropship with firewarriors, the volatile Hakrak tribe strapped themselves to the gunrig before it was dropped. To the indignation of the Earth caste scientists, the Carnivores had consumed the remains of Votaan berserkers that were marked for study, which, to the surprise of the same scientists, had altered the Kroot’s skin to withstand the heat and pressures of planetfall. Thus the hunting pack’s descent had a 0% casualty rate leaving them free to continue their desecration of the dead, causing wild and random evolutions unchecked by a shaper.
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4. The full contingent of Fogbreaker squadron has joined the main force. It was originally Fogbreakers Tetra pilots that activated the vault, which caused the planet to shift and spike in energy at a single point. The remaining members of the squadron now feel obligated to see their mission through to the end, swapping their usual harassment tactics for a more direct approach, joining the vanguard led by Shadowsun.
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5. The shadowy Aun’Vec oversees the assault from the back line. An ethereal from the Sa’cea sept, Aun’Vec is shunned from the council due to using the remains of fire warriors in his experimental weapon development programs. Although another ethereal has taken charge of this theatre of battle from orbit, Aun’Vec insisted on his own deployment to the surface, under the pretense that someone should monitor Shadowsun for signs of cryosickness. In truth the mysterious ethereal has been poring over seismic scans of the planet, looking for the easiest route to Aun’Shar’s last known location for some yet unknown purpose. In lieu of a honor blade, Aun’Vec is armed with an Eldar Ghostsword he claimed from a Wraithblade in combat. It is rumored that it was after this battle that his experiments took a dark turn, where he would attempt to plant Tau souls into drones as a way of resurrection.
Stay tuned to see them in battle in the final chapter of The Maynos Gambit!
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banshee-king · 1 year
Some Index Aeldari Thoughts:
Autarchs are weird. You can only take mandiblasters with the banshee blade and fusion pistol (the old kit wargear). No other combo. You can take all the wargear from the new kit, but not mix it with the old kit. But both the foot version and flying version can take either combo? Like you can take both arms and head from the old flying kit, and put them on the new on-foot model, but you cannot take only one. If you want to switch a single arm on the old kit for a weapon from the new kit, you also have to remove the other arm and head as well. It’s bizarre. Autarchs also cannot take Warp Spider Jump Generators anymore?!
The new rules for characters joining units is also weird. Autarchs can only join Guardian infantry units, or Windrider units if they’re a Skyrunner. But no Aspect Warriors? Not even Shining Spears? Phoenix Lords can join their respective units, that’s fine. But no Autarchs with Aspect Warriors? Really?
Farseers can only join Guardian units too, or a Warlock Conclave. Individual Warlocks can only join Guardians as well, which I guess is how it used to be many editions ago, but I liked buffing Aspect Warrior units with Psykers. Interestingly, Spiritseers can join Wraithguard or Wraithblade unit which you’d expect, BUT they can also join a Wraithlord? Kinda cool.
Yvraine can join Guardians, Corsairs, Harlequins, Kabalites, and Wychs which is cool. What’s weird is that the Visarch can only join the exact same units. Problem? The Visarch can join Wychs but not Incubi? Why?
Harlequins are weird though. Troupes now are 4-11 models plus a mandatory leader which is different to the Troupe Master who is a separate unit/character. Both Masters and Shadowseers can join a Troupe, but Death Jesters cannot?
Aspect Warrior units also have mandatory Exarchs now, which I’m kind of sad about. Not needing unit leaders is what made Craftworlds sort of unique in their own little way.
As for stand out units, well Warp Spiders look cool. Deathspinners used to be like shotguns, now they’re flamethrowers with devastating wounds? Neat. Wraithblades/guard are also super tanky. T7, 3 Wounds, 2+ Save, maybe 4+ Invul as well? Oof, that’s good. Wraithlords are T11, 10 Wounds, 2+ Save. I actually started a Wraith Host army before Eldar got the new range update. I haven’t gotten around to buying the new units, (pile of shame big enough). But since Wraith units look so good, I might be able to play my Eldar regardless. I mean I’d know for sure if I had any damn points costs to see what I can fit in 2000 pts.
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skunts-own-truth · 1 year
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Built some Wraithguard today! I get a lot of mileage out of Wraithblades, so I figured I’d try out their mid-range counterparts. I have a Wave Serpent with their name on it, and the idea of scooting them towards a tank, dropping them out, and watching them light it up sounds like a fantastic time. Most online unit reviews I’ve read said these fellas aren’t too good, but hey, I’ve never been one to put to much stock in a tier list.
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super productive night for me. I stayed up way too late but I'm happy with the work I did. everything above is now up to my tabletop standard, which for me is no primer showing and my 3 main colors represented, as well as having some sort of texture on the base. though I still have a lot of work to do, I'm really proud of what I was able to get done tonight.
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it felt so good finally peeling the tape off those flight stands for my windriders after they've been hidden for all those years. hopefully I'll be playing with them tomorrow, again for the first time in years.
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finally, I was able to finish something tonight: putting the decals on my wraithblades was the last step, and I'm happy to say that all of my wraith units are now 100% complete! I'll get a group photo, but they're the main units that compelled me to play elder all those years ago, so I'm stoked that they're all finished
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What would be a Interesting member of a Corsair Barons personal entourage/body guard squad that would make other Corsair Barons and princesses take note and be the talk of the various fleets?
I see we have a pre-model refresh corsair lore enjoyer. The stars are the limit my friend.
Canon mentions of unique companions are clowns or wraithblades
But how about a mandrake? A renegade space marine from the heresy? Melee tau? Gelatinous cube? Literally a droid from star wars.
(a primarch)
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swordwind · 2 years
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An early WIP for my Aeldari Farseer which I’m converting to have a wraithblade and show the shuriken pistol.
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gamecrag · 1 year
The Aeldari are a race of beings in the Warhammer 40k universe known for their grace, speed, and psychic abilities. They have access to some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy and are feared by many for their fierce combat prowess. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 best Aeldari units in Warhammer 40k. 10) Farseer Datasheet The Farseers are powerful psykers and leaders of the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are capable of seeing into the future, and use their powers to guide their people towards the best possible outcome in the face of impending doom. Farseers are respected and revered among the Eldar, and many have served as advisors to their rulers. They often act as the link between the Eldar and their gods, the ancient beings known as the Aeldari. In battle, Farseers are formidable opponents, wielding powerful psychic abilities to manipulate the battlefield and defeat their enemies. They are also skilled in close combat and can hold their own in a fight. 9) Wave Serpent Datasheet The Wave Serpent is a highly advanced transport vehicle used by the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a heavily armored and armed vehicle that is capable of transporting a squad of Eldar soldiers across the battlefield quickly and safely. The Wave Serpent is a versatile vehicle that can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including shuriken cannons, bright lances, and missile launchers. It is also heavily armored, with a powerful energy shield that can absorb incoming fire and protect the passengers inside. One of the most unique features of the Wave Serpent is its ability to phase out of reality, making it difficult for enemy units to target and destroy. This ability, known as "Holo-Fields," allows the Wave Serpent to disappear from view and reappear in a different location, making it a highly maneuverable and difficult target to hit. 8)Wraithlord Datasheet The Wraithlord is a massive and powerful construct used by the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a towering machine that is heavily armed and armored, capable of taking on even the toughest opponents on the battlefield. Wraithlords are piloted by the spirits of powerful Eldar warriors who have passed on to the afterlife. These spirits are bound to the Wraithlord through powerful psychic rituals, giving the construct a powerful and unyielding will to fight. In battle, the Wraithlord is a formidable opponent. It is heavily armed with a variety of weapons, including a Wraithblade, a Shuriken Catapult, and a heavy weapon such as a bright lance or starcannon. It is also heavily armored, making it a difficult target to destroy. 7)Eldrad Ulthran Datasheet Eldrad Ulthran is one of the most powerful and revered Farseers of the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. He is a master of the psychic arts and a powerful leader, respected and feared by both his allies and enemies. Eldrad is known for his ability to see into the future and predict the outcomes of events. He has guided the Eldar race through some of their darkest hours, using his powers to help his people survive in a universe that is hostile to their existence. In battle, Eldrad is a formidable opponent. He is armed with a powerful witchblade and is a master of psychic powers, able to manipulate the battlefield and destroy his enemies with ease. He is also highly skilled in close combat, capable of taking on even the toughest opponents. 6) Fire Dragons Datasheet Fire Dragons are a specialized unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are highly skilled in close combat and are armed with powerful anti-tank weapons, making them a formidable opponent on the battlefield. The Fire Dragons are known for their expertise in destroying enemy armor. They are armed with a specialized weapon known as a fusion gun, which is capable of quickly and efficiently destroying even the toughest enemy tanks and vehicles.
In battle, Fire Dragons are often used to take out the heaviest enemy armor. They are often transported into battle using specialized transport vehicles such as the Wave Serpent, which allows them to get close to their target and unleash their devastating firepower. 5) Dire Avengers Datasheet Dire Avengers are a core unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are highly skilled in both ranged and melee combat, making them a versatile and effective unit on the battlefield. In terms of equipment, Dire Avengers are typically armed with a shuriken catapult, a versatile and deadly Eldar weapon that fires razor-sharp discs at high speeds. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a power sword or diresword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces. In battle, Dire Avengers are often used as a flexible and mobile unit. They are adept at moving quickly across the battlefield and can engage enemy forces at both short and long ranges. Their shuriken catapults are particularly effective against lightly armored troops, while their melee weapons can be used to take on tougher opponents. 4) Wraithguard Datasheet Wraithguard are a powerful and ancient unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are essentially robotic constructs, created from the souls of dead Eldar warriors that have been transferred into mechanical bodies. Wraithguard are heavily armed and armored, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. They are typically armed with a wraithcannon, a powerful weapon that fires blasts of energy capable of destroying even the toughest enemy armor. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a ghostblade or wraithsword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces. In terms of tactics, Wraithguard are typically used as a slow-moving but incredibly powerful unit. They are often deployed to hold key positions on the battlefield, such as objectives or chokepoints, where their heavy firepower and durability can make them difficult for enemy forces to dislodge. 3) Hemlock Wraithfighter Datasheet The Hemlock Wraithfighter is a unique aircraft used by the Eldar in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a sleek and deadly fighter, armed with powerful psychic weaponry and capable of moving at incredible speeds through the air. The Hemlock Wraithfighter is unique in that it is powered by psychic energy, rather than traditional engines or fuel. This allows it to move quickly and silently through the air, making it difficult for enemy forces to detect or track. In terms of armament, the Hemlock Wraithfighter is typically armed with two heavy D-scythes, which are powerful psychic weapons capable of tearing through even the toughest enemy armor. It also carries a spirit stone, which allows it to absorb the souls of its enemies and use them to power its weapons and systems. 2) Dark Reapers Datasheet Dark Reapers are a specialized unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are expert marksmen and are known for their deadly accuracy with ranged weapons. In terms of equipment, Dark Reapers are typically armed with a reaper launcher, a powerful missile launcher that can fire a variety of different missiles, including anti-tank, anti-infantry, and even anti-aircraft missiles. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a power sword or diresword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces if necessary. In battle, Dark Reapers are often used as a long-range support unit. They are adept at taking out enemy vehicles and heavily armored troops from a distance, using their reaper launchers to deliver devastating blows to enemy forces. They are also effective at taking out large groups of infantry, using their missiles to cause explosive damage and take out multiple targets at once. 1) Shining Spears Datasheet Shining Spears are a fast-moving and highly mobile unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe.
They are mounted on jetbikes, which allow them to move quickly and easily around the battlefield, and are armed with deadly melee weapons, making them a formidable force in close combat. In terms of equipment, Shining Spears are typically armed with a laser lance, a powerful weapon that can cut through even the toughest enemy armor. They also carry a shuriken pistol, which allows them to engage enemy forces at range if necessary. In battle, Shining Spears are often used as a hit-and-run unit. They are able to move quickly around the battlefield, using their speed and mobility to avoid enemy fire and engage in close combat with enemy forces. Their laser lances make them particularly effective against heavily armored targets, such as enemy vehicles or elite infantry units. In summary, the Aeldari have access to a wide variety of powerful units that are highly effective in a variety of roles. Whether you prefer fast and deadly melee units or powerful ranged units, the Aeldari have something for everyone.
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sylvianasart · 1 year
So yeh, you've seen my wraithblades before, so that's not new, but I have now painted up all the gun arms for them. 5 wraith cannons and 5 D-scythes. They're a little rushed, and the colours are not exactly what I wamt, but they did turn out well enough I think. Pictured is only one wraithcannon, but I promise the others are all done too xD
But I have also finally started working on my wraithlord, finally, after I bought the start collecting box 3 years ago. Im very slow with these things xD
Also some bonus progress on wave serpent spikes and some extra wraithlord bits. The head needs some fancy air brushing, so it's not attached yet.
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Can't wait to show more when I get there. I love that aesthetic of the wraith constructs, so eventually I will have many of them. Hopefully. If I can find some.
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