#wowwww he looked so GOOD this episode
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castiel · 2 years ago
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Misha Collins as Harvey Dent in Gotham Knights S1E6
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archivedblog16 · 3 months ago
I know expecting media literacy from people like you is useless, but just some comments on the "Angel / sexual harrassment" post.
1- you know that not *every* position/opinion that a character says should be taken 100% as truth, but analyzed and understood, right? Yeah, I guess you don't know, but let me just explain: Vaggie said Angel was "sexually harrassing" the staff, ah yes, well, wait, what staff? There was no fucking staff at the Hotel. Angel is a hypersexual survivor, and also a sex worker that needs to find clients. Vaggie was raised in a puritist cult, so obviously she still has internalized puritanism that she needs to work on. She interpretated Angel's coping mechanism and sexuality as harrassment, even though it is very questionable if it was or not.
2- Husk was annoyed at Angel. Not afraid, not victimized, not ashamed. He was annoyed. He pushed Angel back, called him out on his bullshit, and guess what? Angel stopped his behaviour. Because he is a well meaning person, also worthy of love and forgiveness. Wowwww, explaining the OBVIOUS for an anti! Yay!
3- the person that originally made the post defending Angel, *WAS VICTIM OF ACTUAL SEXUAL HARRASSMENT FROM REAL LIFE PREDATORS* (aka NOTHING LIKE ANGEL). But oh my god, my bad, I forgot that antis don't give a single FUCK about real life victims, they just care about the poor Ex Overlord who was *not*, in any circunstamce, victimized by Angel (who is, in fact, a victim of multiple abuse and harrassment), and is in fact the person that needs to change since Angel already improved, but Husk is still judgemental and even hypocritical. (Which doesnt meah he hasnt changed or that he isnt worthy of love/forgiveness, it's the opposite actually).
I will, again, pretend that you only make ass takes because of your lack of media literacy and empathy towards real life survivors that love the show, rather than other worse reasons.
1. Yeah, you are totally correct. There are times when a character is an unreliable narrator or speaker but in this case Vaggie is 100% correct regarding the sexual harassment comment. Actually, there is staff at the hotel. Even the Hazbin hotel pilot addresses it. Alastor asked Charlie where is her staff which only had Vaggie, prompting Alastor to summon Husk and Niffty. Husk serving the drinks aka bartending while Niffty cleans the hotel. Alastor also chimes in to help Charlie as well, becoming part of the staff too.
So when Vaggie calls out Angel Dust for sexual harassing the staff, she refers to Husk/Alastor but mainly Husk. Vaggie also tells Angel Dust to stop bothering Husk and let him do his job. Angel Dust can easily find clients outside of the hotel. What’s your point regarding Angel Dust being hypersexual, we all know that but that doesn’t excuse his actions and what did to Husk.
2. Husk wasn’t just annoyed, he was uncomfortable too like any normal person would be. Throughout the 4 episodes Angel Dust consistently would invade Husk’s space, touching him without his permission like his face and wings, making obnoxious sex jokes around him, saying and implying crude gestures and behaviors like how Angel Dust can make those wings of his flap or how the two can look together under the covers or under his bed.
Yes, I already know that Angel Dust stopped after Husk and him have a heart to heart movement, immediately becoming open and chill to the others. Good for him I guess. That’s why in my post I said the first 4 episodes. Aww, thanks Anon for condescendingly explaining this to me like I am a 2 year old! I really appreciate.
3. Yes, I know that user was defending Angel Dust, that is part of the reason I found the post interesting, along with them labeling Angel Dust’s actions as “aggressive flirting.” While, I am on the topic of aggressive flirting, I do wonder when does aggressively flirting cross the line? When does it stop being aggressively flirting? Would people still see it as “aggressively flirting” if Husk was a woman and Angel Dust was a straight male? Would anyone see this as “aggressively flirting” if the roles switched being Angel dust on the receiving end, while Valentino does the same actions as Angel Dust in the prime series.
The comment you made about antis not caring about irl victims is so gross as this the same show that picks and chooses which character we should feel bad for sexual harassment or rape, while the character gets treated as a joke getting put through similar treatment as character A. And there tons of people in the Hazbin anti/critical community who call out Husk for being hypocritical in episode 6 and still call him till this day.
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aroacespacerock · 10 months ago
I just watch Boom! I think my life is forever changed wowwww that was so good
here’s my footnotes as per usual:
spoilers! Read at your own risk!!
the acting in this episode was phenomenal
if you weren’t convinced that ncuti was a great doctor before, this episode will do it for you
in the poem he recites to calm himself there’s a line that goes “don’t you know there’s more to life than the presidents wife and the moon”
the second time that has been referenced in nuwho (first being Missy talking to Clara about the dr)
is this a real canon event?? I need to look into this lmao
ruby Sunday also shone in this episode!! My girl I love her to bits, she’s so so brave and no nonsense.
taking away “the one who runs” ability to run away was a BRILLIANT idea
say what you will about moffat (and I’ll agree) but damnn can he write, under rtd especially
welcome back anti-capitalist messaging in dw!!! Missed you babes
fish fingers and custard reference in 2024??????
also STOP taunting me with the master (“can you write a song with drums?”)
lesbian shoutout 2 episodes in a row??? Let’s actually go lesbians!
Anyway, best episode of the season so far, no notes 10/10 ⭐️
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finallyideletedeverything · 3 months ago
The One With The Christmas Party
‣Pairing : Quinn Hughes & Female reader
‣Summary : You and quinn have been in a relationship for a year now and you love everything about him and everybody close to him except his brother,Jack.And jack also feels the same way about you.(or does he)
‣Warning : None just drama ,fluff and if you're reading , you'll curse two times.
‣Note : wowwww,this is my first time writing a story and I think I did a good job.and anyways just enjoy the story and don't look into the details.and i know , I know it's not Christmas yet but I feel like we need this and also if you feel jack character is kinda mean pls don't be mad it's just for the plot purpose.Enjoy!!!
Story Begin
It's the holiday season.Everybody is in holiday mood and everybody is nice to each other, it's the best.
You and Quinn are dating for a year now . Everything is great 'hope nothing changes' is the mood .
So here you both were in Quinn's apartment watching re-runs Of Friends (Christmas episode to be accurate) in the hall sitting comfortably on the sofa .
You have actually never celebrated Christmas before and when quinn asked you to join him with this year's Christmas at their home you were excited .
As you watched the episode ,You suddenly said "Maybe I should take over Christmas this year"looking at him excitedly
"What's that now" he replied pausing the show .
"I mean think about it , I'll throw a really good Christmas party then , your parents will be so impressed by me."
"Babe, I have said this already my parents like you enough already.we don't have to do this" he said resuming again the episode
"Quinnnn , you wined please pulling his shoulder please come on ,this will be our first Christmas together as a couple"
You pleaded
"Okay fine ,let's do it "he said defeated.
"Yeahhh!! Thank you quinn " You hug him tightly and give a peck on his cheek,you stand on your feet and continue
"Ok , now I'm gonna call your mom and tell the news "
You grabbed your phone from the table and Checked the schedule of other brothers in the family group first.
"Oh , call your brothers and tell them to meet us here tomorrow i checked their schedules they are free "you told him turning around.
"Why my brothers" quinn questioned taking his phone out of his pockets.
"Well,mostly because I don't want them to do something they don't want .Now , just call them please "
"So,this is how it's gonna be ha, you bossing me around"
he questioned pulling you to the sofa
You pinched his cheeks and replied "pretty much,yeah!" nodding your head.
Okay!! quinn replied cutely.
(Guys imagine him saying okay in Chandler's tone)
Next Day
You were folding the laundry and quinn was doing the dishes after the breakfast.
"You know I was surprised when you told me to invite jack "
Quinn spoke
"Hmm,I asked you to invite both of your brothers" you corrected him.
Okay, a little back up .So you wouldn't say you hate jack.
No ,nope hate is a really strong word.
You just didn't like him .Yeah .why if I ask .
Oh I don't know Maybe becuz he always has a smug face which screams I'm definitely better then you or maybe becuz when quinn first introduced you to jack , he laughed and said welcome to the family.and later excused himself and called someone and said " yeah dude I'll give a them a year or two , they'll not last together."
Yup,that's why you don't like him.
Now back to conversation .
"You know what I don't get " he spoke as he dryed his hand after finishing the dishes.
"You both are the same age , so I definitely thought you both would be like bestfriends ,talking about the things that I'm 2 years older to know about."he finished has he sat on sofa.
You just shrugged .
Right after that ,the door bell rang .
"They are here "quinn said excitedly as he went to unlock the front door.
Jack and Luke came inside hugging their brother .
You and jack just shared glance's then
You smiled and opened your arms and hugged Luke
"It's so good to see you ,Luke" you said .Luke tighted the hug "it's good to see you too y/n."
You both smiled .
"Get a room" jack shouted as he sat next to quinn on sofa.
"Jerk" you said under your breath and directed Luke to sit next to his brothers.
"Okay here's the deal boys .This year I'm incharge of the family Christmas party and I want it to be great!!.So, i want you boys to tell me what things you want in the party like what food , what snacks ,what kinda ugly sweater we'll wear during Christmas."
They all groaned in union.
"Oh come on , guys think about the best Christmas you ever had , you can have it once again "you said trying to sound spooky.
"You know, I do like that idea " jack spoke
"so you really gonna give us the best Christmas we had" he continued
"Yup" you said excitedly
"You know , the best Christmas for me was 2 years back when quinn brought his first real girlfriend. Boy , that was a great Christmas"
You just rolled your eyes.
"Ookey , what was so great about it "you questioned
"Everything "
"Everything, What!" you questioned already irritated
"Just the decorations , the food , the atmosphere was good
We even took a family photo and-"
"I-I think that's enough, I get the picture " you stopped him.
"Ohh you should actually see the picture, quinn and karen looked so cute."
Both the other brothers looked at eachother
"Jack,I think that's enough" Quinn said .He didn't want this to extend more.
"What , I have actually never seen you more happy , wait I have that picture" jack said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.
"That's it, you screamed .
"I had enough,I get it you don't like me but atleast have the decency to be staddle about it.And why are you remesing about Quinn's old gf ,you have a ton right.New girl every month , how's that like ." You ranted non- stop.
"That's none of your business" jack said angrily
"I thought we were family,Jack.So it is my business"you replied in a speed of light and you weren't even done.
"So which one will you bring with you this time .oh no,Does the poor girl even know that the relationship will be over before it starts ." You said sarcastically ,still not done
"I mean why do you have the need to do that , aren't you the favourite child" ,you said air quoting the obvious.
"Your so funny and to be honest I don't know why you are working this hard to impress my parents .They don't like you anyways."Jack said.
The room went silent.
Quinn thought they were bricking in a friendly way but this was too far.
"Fuck you " you said to jack,eyes filling up with tears ,you ran to Quinn's room. Running into the bathroom and locking the door .
Quinn was quick to catch up .
"Babe, please don't believe what that jackass tells you"
"Quinn , i just need 5 mins please." You said wiping your tears
"Okay, I'll be here whenever you're ready "
He left the room and went straight to jack
"That was not cool man , how can you say that "quinn asked in a disappointing tone .
"And what about all the things she said about me , you don't seen to mind those things" before quinn could open his mouth jack continued
"It's always about her ."
"She will apologize to you but you have to apologize to her first , you hurt her feelings."
"Fine "Jack get's up from sofa and walks towards bedroom
You were sitting on the bed ,hands on your head
Jack knocks the door and you look up
"I'm sorry y/n , i didn't really mean anything I said "
"Fine whatever " you said
"That's it" jack questioned " you have nothing else to say to me "
"I don't know what you want for me jack and like it or not quinn and I are gonna be together for a long long time"
You replied not knowing why you said that.
You again put your hands on your head.
"I wanted you to hear that phone call" jack blurted
"What" you looked up to him.
"I got jealous , it's was the first time And and I saw how you and Quinn got close .Then, I realised that I shouldn't feel that way towards you . And also you being nice to me , could be worse on me.That's why i bricked."
"Wow,I- I really don't know what to say to that "
You confessed
"You don't have to say anything please , I didn't mean to make it weird and now that I think about it , it's kinda childish" jack confessed
"Kinda" you agreed.
You both looked at each other and laughed.
"Oh, I'll be bring Janet to the party " jack said putting his hands in the pockets.
"wait hold up , aren't you with Amy now"
"I know" jack said grinninly
"Dudeeee, come on" you said disgusted .
"Please , one promblem at a time" jack said smiling
You smiled back
"Wanna hug it out "jack questioned
"Or how about shake our hands on it" you said extending your hand
"Fair enough" he said shaking your arm excitedly
"Oh, Get a room you guys" quinn said coming into room
Jack and you both in union said " ew,Quinn "
"Read the room dude " jack said moving away
Quinn laughs it out.
"So everything settled "Quinn questioned looking both of you side by side .
"I guess "you both said in union
"Okay , that's really good and also While you both girls were figuring out things , Luke and i came up with a list of all the things we want ."
"Wait , are you serious?" You looked at Q feeling a bit betrayed.
"I mean , I knew you both will make up .
Call it an old man intuition" Quinn said.
"Just two years older then us" jack said under his breath.
"So now ,can I say what I want for the party" Quinn asked excited
"Sure , go on "you said.
"Okay so we want 2 bottles of three different soda, ketchup chips,coffee Crip, crunch N munch,lays all of them a 10 packs"
You're eyes widened
"What are you like ,12'
"No,but that was the time I had the best Christmas.so you promised to make it happen ."
Before , you could say this is childish
"Okay thanks love you" he said running out of the room
"Well,that was fun for me"you said.
"You asked for this ,buddy "jack said about to leave the room before turning around and saying " I'm really looking forward for the party" he said happily .
Wow , it felt very sincere
"You won't be disappointed " you said smiling
"I know,Cause you'll be there" saying that he left the room.
What the fuck was that , you thought to yourself.
a/n :- whatttt(in Stewie's voice)
I know I used the writer's privilege.and also sorry about the lack of luke appearance.I could hardly handle two(that's what she said).wow if you have come this far and read it.
Thank You so much 🙏
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months ago
How not to and how to write an asshole protagionist
Honestly I know asshole protagonists are sadly more common now, but I think Rick and Morty did it best (Wowwww shocker, I think Rick and Morty did something better than other tv shows?! Wow it's not like I'm constantly singing Rick and Morty's praises or anything…)
Now, first what exactly is an asshole protagonist? Now, I feel like the title itself is kinda self-explanatory. An asshole protagonist is a protagonist that…is an asshole. They don't portray the usual likable trait most protagionist have, and are usually prone to being assholes, hence the name. Now I assume most tv shows add asshole protagonist(s) are either so they can be unique, make the character feel more human, or for comedic purposes. Sometimes it can just be one, multiple, or all of them.
Now, first let's look at a tv show that did this poorly…sorry to everyone, I know everyone is probably glad to have forgotten this, but I'm gonna bring up Velma. Now Velma, is an asshole protagonist. She's mean, snarky, sarcastic, and is all around just an asshole and an insensitive jerk to her friends and girlfriend.
Ok now, a character who has these faults, can still be likable in a way. Now if a character gets called out on these faults and try to work on them, complex, or at least if they are actually funny when showing a character being an asshole, Velma is neither of these things, none of the jokes are funny, and everyone treats her like she's some great person when she's just a horrible person, she isn't even complex, just annoying.
Now, let's look at Rick, another example of an asshole protagionist, he's cynical, sarcastic, rude, manipulative, abusive, and just an overall asshole, but here is how Rick and Morty does it right, Rick is more than just a mean old man, he is incredibly complex, struggling with the trauma he had when he watched his wife and child blow up TWICE. And there's actually a reason as to why he's an asshole, he feels like if he cares about people, they will either die or leave him, that's obviously no excuse, but it adds reason to his actions (Meanwhile Velma was just always an asshole…)
He also gets called a lot for being an asshole, and even insults himself when he does something especially shitty, like in season 4 episode 10 after he cloned Space Beth and Beth and watched the mindblower where he shuffled them and didn't look because he didn't want to answer Beth's question on whether he wants Beth to stay and be apart of her life or if he wants her to leave, he says, and I quote
"Holy shit I'm a terrible father."
And he couldn't even go out and see them, and just sits down in the garage alone and thinks about how big of an asshole he's been in general, this is not only a powerful emotional momebut…butttt a good segueway into his redemption arc!
Now Rick in the later seasons in genuinely trying to be better, he goes to therapy, is nicer to Jerry, gentler to Morty and insults Morty a lot less, really just is nicer to Morty in general, treating him a lot more like an equal partner, treats Summer with more respect, and learns to control his anger a lot better. Now it doesn't make up for all the shitty things he does, and the show acknowledges that, but it's definitely a start, and he is not the same murderous maniac he was in say, season 4, where he just couldn't resist traumatizing Morty every 2 seconds. Meanwhile in season 7, he actually treats Morty like…gasp a person! And is actually acting like a grandpa, even spoiling Morty which is adorable.
Also…he's just funny y'all! He has a sense of humor and it's genuinely really funny, I mean ik humor is subjective but c'monnnnn
Rick is a good example of an asshole protagonist because he's funny, complex, and wants to be better, Velma is just…nothing.
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icebluecyanide · 11 months ago
Alex Rider S03E08 Reaction
The last episode already!!! *screaming*
Oh Mrs Jones was John’s handler?? No Ash :(( 
Omg Alex finding out about the nanoparticles!! 👀 Love the moment of realisation
“I went in myself, undercover” oh they really don’t like committing to Alex joining Scorpia of his own free (misguided) will huh. Like not to keep comparing to the book but in the book it’s Blunt who lies to say that Alex was working for MI6 all along when Alex is still feeling bad about being with Scorpia and wonders if Blunt will tell the whole Cobra meeting what he did
Why did Jack even think Alex would be safe going back to Scorpia ahsldfhs
Love Alex not telling people he’s going to die, keep those secrets, Alex <33
Lmao they’re not even staging a breakout?
I feel like it really should not be that big a leap to work out that Julia Rothman wants Alex dead
Why does it sound like Alex is just improvising here ashdlfhs did they not come up with a cover story for how he escaped?? Did they not have budget to shoot the car crash ahsldfhs
I think Nile should have stayed to watch Alex get changed like in the books 😔
“We can get him out the moment I get there, get him clear” I mean I love Alex but like… if he’s dying there is also a whole city dying so is this really your top priority?
Alex’s Scorpia uniform lmao
Wowwww Alex is really not good at this undercover thing huh
No Yassen around anywhere :((( 
Lmao that was so easy unplugging that thing
Damn Nile, that’s some good whump
Oh, she’s running :(((( This show did Julia Rothman dirty tbh
To lose another child 👀👀
Ayyyy Nile escape!! Good on you, Nile
Ahsldfhs Julia Rothman’s poor info security leading to all the other Scorpia members
“I think it’s best all round if we put our differences behind us” ahsldfhslh
“That’s your resignation letter” lmaooooo love it
Ahsldfhs is Blunt gonna resign instead and let Mrs Jones lead the department? Because that would be wild 
Omg he did leave?? Ahsldfhds that’s really funny because Blunt was the only one I liked & this was actually the story he came out looking best imo
Awww Alex getting his dad’s medals 🥺🥺
Love the job offer after university 👀👀 Great set up for post-canon fics haha
Omg Yassen saving Alex from being shot!!!!! They’re both alive at the end!!! Yassen nodding at Alex!!!
Some nice emotional beats with Alex learning about how he’s going to die, and I like the parallel with Alex shooting past Nile the way John shot past Yassen. Also I really liked the way they wrapped it all up, love the idea that was set up of Alex working as a spy after university and of course the bit where Yassen saves him. Some really great set up for post-canon fics there and everyone I cared about is alive so loved it!
It’s funny how Alex’s age is glossed over in scenes like the art gallery on Malta, but then the Home Secretary is immediately like ‘how old are you’ because he’s visibly a teenager. In general it was kind of wild how she tried to shut the Department down, although I did enjoy the brief moment where Alex was arrested again. Loved Blunt handing her her letter of resignation letter at the end.
I think this show and I disagree on what’s important for a department like The Department, but I don’t think Blunt should have had to resign at the end there. I guess they wanted a nice resolution there and Blunt stepping aside made it easier, but everyone in the Department aside from Blunt was annoying me by how emotional and attached to Alex they got, so I was sad to see him go lol. Like, I remember there was a line in the book about how the SAS team attacking the church had been told by Blunt that the transmitter was their first priority and their second was Alex Rider and honestly he wasn’t wrong for that?? It was kind of wild with the way the team was talking about getting Alex out safely like they weren’t bursting in trying to stop a whole city from getting killed.
I wish Yassen had been in more of this episode, and I was expecting him to actually be around for Invisible Sword, but I guess he had nothing to do with it. Maybe he even went looking for Alex after all? But I love how he shot Nile at the end there, and I’m glad there was no last minute reveal that he knew about John all along. I love how it ended with him nodding at Alex and walking off (into the sunset) and I can totally imagine them meeting again down the line.
Not a fan of Mrs Jones being the one in charge of the stuff with Alex’s parents when in the books it was Blunt who seemed to have run John (with Ash as the point of contact). In general I guess it plays into the way they made Mrs Jones softer and warmer than in the books. For all that this show had them blackmail Alex, and it seems like a grittier take than the books, they actually lose a lot of the book’s edge, also when it comes to stuff like Alex actually joining Scorpia. Like, with the way Alex mentioned it and Jack mentioned it, I’m starting to think Alex really was just pretending to join Scorpia from the start, which I guess is a nice parallel to John, but it’s also vastly less interesting than him actually being manipulated into joining them.
Speaking of John though, I find it a bit hard to believe that no one went ‘oh okay Scorpia are still out there and they want revenge against the department and also remember that time John and his wife’s plane got blown up? In retrospect maybe that was them like Alex said’ and then they could follow that up with ‘if Julia knows about John and all of this is revenge, maybe she wants to kill Alex’. And even if they don’t know that, it’s still pretty dangerous for him to go back if Scorpia assume he has been turned and is working for MI6 now. Especially given how long he was arrested for. I can’t believe they didn’t even try to fake the escape but just had Alex walk out and call them.
Also Alex’s undercover stuff was so bad?? Like Alex I know you know that Julia Rothman wants to kill you but if you play along you could have had your hands free at least?? Though I suppose in fairness to Alex he was trying to distract her to delay things.
This show did Julia Rothman dirty tbh. They made it all about a personal revenge because she loved/was seduced by John and apparently gave up tons of Scorpia secrets and she had multiple male Scorpia members calling her mad for it, plus she didn’t even get to shoot the guard for trying to run away? I hate to say it but Mrs Rothman and Nile were both more fun in the book, though I do love the Nile casting. I really wanted Scorpia to have more of that ‘oh we’re all friendly but if you betray us we will kill you’ vibe.
Okay so enough complaining, here are some positives: Just about anything John and Yassen was very good, loved the Yassen and Alex scenes, and really that was what I was here for so I’m happy. Really good ending and I’m glad they seemed to know they weren’t going to do another season and actually wrapped the story up well. On the whole this season was so much better than I dared hope for, and I think it probably holds up pretty well if you are less into the book like I am. The show’s clearly not telling the same story and that’s fine, and I think it probably told the story it wanted to tell quite well. And I got my John and Yassen and Alex scenes and John/Yassen flashbacks so I’m happy.
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thefandom-casserole · 1 year ago
Episode 51 Notes-
once made a bill nye song parody for my step dad cause he’s a fire fighter and it was just. Fantastic 
My headphones are not working 😭 
Taylor Teen Fact: Our Taylor Swift would never leave Japan for anybody/any game
Linc Teen Fact: Lincoln only has only one thing on his wall unrelated to soccer “Best son/student award” from Grant and Marco
Scary Teen Fact: Scary doesn’t use an umbrella ever. She looks up at the rain to get the emo mascara smudge 
Normal Teen Fact: The Oak-Garcia families only thing they can agree on is a 60 frames/second motion TV 
Love how much Freddie loves that 
Porn update!!!
Anthony Fact: They’re starting shooting in March!! WILLY STAMPLER AND ANTHONY BURCH IN HIS PORN JESUS CHRIST OMG
This is gonna be good
I’m excited
Lincoln is still trapped :<
Wowwww Taylor and Normal are fighting 
Oh boy
Mercedes my beloved <333
Love how Normal is like “Taylor… Taylor…” like a dog
Taylor and Hero omg….
Hero does Track!!!
I cannot hear the phrase let me cook again after watching Slimecicles one vod omg
Chapperal vs Teen High hehehehe
Track goes through everything fr
Highschool sports are crazy
Hero and Normal the siblings of all time!!!!!
The fucking dank memes
Reminds me of this kid in my class holy shit
Larry sounds so excited there “YES! Yes!”
“A phase you go through”
A phrase- a life style 
Oh god
“You’re a very smart kid Larry”
This is bad for scary holy shit
Circle of death holy shit holy shit holy shit ahhajajahshs 
Ha get Willy’s ass
“You got me!”
Oh dear
Sonic mention!!
Jezz ball!!!! I love Jezz Ball
This whole bit was hilarious
Linc already is playing with a soccer ball!!!
“I love my parents, I love my spouses. But loves not real so I don’t feel anything at allllllll”
Finger puppet if Carol
This is a craft podcast 
Darryl and Linc interaction is giving me life actually
Matt playing so many characters this is lovely 😭 
Freddie has another plan 💀 
Glenn was in prison before!!
Darryl and Glenn…. Holy shit I love them so much
Linc is so funny
There’s no world where it wasn’t a Nat one
Ron!!!!!!!!!!! He’s singing!!!!!! Agajjajajahahsjsh
Ron and Henry!!!
I love the daddies so much
Erin O’Neil!!!!!!!!! My wife!!!!!!!
Operation Black Friday into Heaven
Taylor going through his Anime Villain arc at the end of the season 😭 
Scary and Linc’s soccer thing!!!!!
I missed a bunch
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ceterisparibus116 · 2 years ago
Part 1
So I essentially live-blogged the new She-Hulk episode in one of my discords, and thought some of you might be interested:
I'm so late to this party but I'm finally watching the episode
and first of all, I think she got all of Leapfrog's potential claims correct!
except strict liability and manufacturer's defect might be redundant but I'm not sure bc that's civil law and I hate civil law
oh my gosh oh my gosh
her boss calling her out on being more upset over suing the guy who makes her nice clothes than she was over representing the guy who almost tried to kill her cousin?
"watch the show for Jen," they say, "love Jen," they say, "Jen is a great character," they say
she's funny but wowwww
"I do not make suits that malfunction" - I believe him
is...is Matt late to court
in another person's show
welp yeah he's clearly in good hands, they are clearly keeping him 100% in character ad;lkajdsk;as
also his voice
also Jen not-so-discretely checking him out the second he appears smh
"trouble finding parking" bruh
oh my gosh OH MY GOSH her asking for his entire client list
she's overtly going on a fishing expedition with her discovery request for the whole client list
"a gross invasion of people's privacy based on a very shaky what-if" MATT TELL HER
it's not material to this case whether the malfunction has affected other people? It's not - HOW?
she has the burden of proving that the malfunction occurred in this case. Unless there's some kind of bizarre chain reaction, there's no way that malfunctions in other cases (if they even occurred) would affect whether a malfunction occurred in this case
oh my goshhhhhh Matt demonstrating how the privacy concern is higher here bc of the nature of the work is so perfect, although technically that would...hmmm. That wouldn't actually determine the relevance issue, and he really should make clear that he's not ceding the point of relevance
what the heck WHAT THE HECK. She's bringing up the public figure argument - that's for slander and libel, not for product liability????
anyway, legal issues aside
at a meta level, it is so glorious seeing Matt vehemently defend the importance of anonymity of superheroes
ooh and he's claiming Leapfrog misused the suit? That's a defense to any products liability claim
aaaand he used jet fuel. Okay. Yep
also this is so unrelated but having been on an LOTR kick where the ringwraiths constantly sniff things, my first response to Matt sniffing things was horror
okay so the only issue here is that Leapfrog wasn't under oath when he admitted to using jet fuel
but I can forgive that for the sake of pacing
"am I gonna go to jail" lololol dude
aside from them getting the letter of the law more right than they have so far, I really appreciate that they're also touching on the legal issue of when and to what degree you can actually ever...believe your clients
even if your clients aren't straight-up lying, they might just make dumb decisions, or even if they're not dumb or lying, they might just not mention something that's important bc they don't know it's relevant
and I know pacing is a thing, but like...come on, Jennifer
[discussion from others in the discord about whether it's Jennifer's fault for ending up with a dumb client since she didn't want to take the case in the first place]
it's one thing to say "I don't want this case bc there's a conflict of interest" which doesn't help if the client signs a waiver. It's another thing to say "I don't want this case bc I looked into it and I don't believe my client, either give me more time to investigate or give the case to someone else because I can't ethically pursue a case that I don't believe I can prove"
okay the flirting tho
this flirting is actually good writing?
I like how they both are clearly trying to figure the other out, but they're doing it by asking questions sort of...sideways and not always giving clear answers
like there's a whole layer of conversation beneath what they're actually saying
"as someone who works for 'them' full time, I really don't have any gas in the tank for anything else." See...I feel bad for Jennifer, I do, but like...* sigh * this is what gets me about her character. No one forced her to take the job. Is it bad that I wish she'd somehow been blackmailed into it? Like, literally no choice?
"you can if you choose / be the best of both worlds" - IT'S NOT THAT GROUNDBREAKING OF AN IDEA BUT OKAY DISNEY
"we're all feeling this right, it's not just me" - best fourth wall break in the whole series lol
he's so awkward ad;lkdsak;ads
his laugh 🥺
gosh I LOVE that they introduced him as lawyer!Matt before introducing him as DD
"I'm billing you for the whole hour" - let's go
"I think I'm being attacked!" / "Legally or physically?" why is that so funny to me
"my famous secret lair"
oh is this the first time she wears her suit? The first time she wears her suit is after talking to Matt?
I'm sorry, Jen, Matt is the real hero of this show if you couldn't even -
never mind I've already ranted about that 😆
Matt: * jumps off a building*
I love him
okay the CGI is definitely not as grounded but the whole show isn't as grounded so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she just - threw a car at him
that could kill him???
Matt conceding that her assuming he's a bad guy bc of his costume which he specifically chose to be scary is a fair point is so good
[extended back-and-forth about the fact that we got a tiny hint of whump]
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depressed-teacup-inc · 3 years ago
Ok risk
I’m in pain and I’m not dealing with this for long, let’s review the episode
Everything from Adrien’s part is good and dope, lots of drama, Adrien finally wanting to stand up for himself but clearly unable to because WOWWWW SHOCKER HES SENITMONSTER WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, Gabriel getting a braincell and developing an actually good plan, Felix being Felix (tho he was still demonized and oversimplified by the show) so for the most part this episode was good in that regard!
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(Felix carrying the braincell)
And surprise, I’m not a big fan of the Marinette/Ladybug part of this episodeeeee
So first of all, this is a Lila episode. So as a rule of thumb in Lila episodes everyone but Marinette are dumbed down while Lila says stupid lies and is super evil, and Marinette is either a martyr, or a noble hero meant to save Adrien because he’s poor and helpless and can’t do anything right.
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So not only that happened, but Chloe was demonized and simplified, the entire classroom was again completely changed (which btw? The only reason people are gonna hate the students and the class is because Lila/Gabriel is a bad guy, and that it’s secretly terrible and bad, in any other context, they have every right to call Marinette out on her bullshit)
And I swear to god. Marinette screaming and crying about how Adrien hates being a model and being like “I totally understand your struggle” when he says how he hates his life and how he feels forced to never tell him father shit, BECAUSE SHE COMPARED IT TO HER CRUSH????
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Like, no offense girl, you’re kinda the problem? You may claim you understand Adrien on a deep emotional level, but you actually don’t? You’re like, the primary problem? You glorify him to an insane level, have all your crazy plans and thinks of him as a helpless princess, rather then go “let me help you gain a sense of self”, you have a literal shrine you still haven’t taken down, no one don’t know even half of his struggles, and if anything, you seem to be the one most enjoying the ads and modeling despite the fact Adrien looked unhappy and miserable about it for a while.
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But this is a Lila episode, so no one understands and is so stupid, so Marinette looks extremely smart and profound and tragically not listened to in comparison.
I’m emotionally preparing for all the class salt fics to come pouring in again…
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But hey at least the akuma was dope! A clever plan too!
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(Yes this is still toxic, Ladybug is kissing chat Noir to justify trying him like shit is not good)
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(Yes Rena Furtive’s design still makes me crave death)
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oh-three · 2 years ago
Tales Of The Jedi:
Episode 1: 
Ahsoka really does have a strong resemblance to her mother
I love the kangaroo deer (Kybuck)
Ooh, space sabretooth bear-tiger
Togruta screams are terrifying
I love how Ahsoka tamed the tiger and rode it back home
Also absolutely in love with the use of her theme at the end of the episode
Episode 2:
The way Dooku still felt like a villain with that music playing when he walked in 
Also, he's definitely voiced by Corey Burton (I didn't think he was when I saw the trailer) Lmao 
Definitely have an old-timey medieval vibe from the town atmosphere
I love the senator's son. The way he felt bad for the people and took their side despite their kidnapping him.
The way the people didn't even blame the woman for calling the senator, because she and many are just that hungry
I feel sad for Dooku, seeing his dedication to the people vs who he turned into
Holy shit, the music
The absolute rage in Dooku's eyes - oh, shit. Even Qui-Gon's concerned.
I love the way we see Qui-Gon defy Dooku to save the people (the people on each side), a clear representation of how he'll defy the Council when he is a master himself. Ah, foreshadowing.
The parallels of Dooku and Qui-Gon telling their apprentices that they're wiser than they are 😭
Episode 3:
Seeing Yoda's two apprentices together, getting along? Love it. Dooku and Mace make an interesting pair indeed! The contrasting colors of their robes, though, like Obi-Wan and Anakin...
Raxus is as beautiful as I remember it. she says, as if she can't go back and rewatch TBB whenever she wanted to
Wow, Raxus politics are a mess. Killing one another. And Jedi. I mean, it's always been a mess, but...
Dooku's right, the Jedi Order is a bit corrupt
Oh, that's how Mace got on the Council
Episode 4:
Ooh, we're in the Archives. Never got this close a look at it before.
Wowwww, Dooku. And there goes the data on Kamino.
Oh shit, we're in The Phantom Menace
Jocasta's characterization is great. It feels just like when we saw her in Attack Of The Clones
Yaddle speaks normally???? How did the Jedi mess up raising Yoda to do so???
"You need not worry." Ha, if only you knew you'd die within like a day
Qui-Gon's praise of Obi-Wan is so heartwarming, honestly. Shame Dooku met him under such dire circumstances later on.
Watching Dooku grieve Qui-Gon really was something.
I swear Yaddle was stalking Dooku, I'm not even surprised he chose to attack her (and not just because I already knew he would, thanks trailer) I mean, she also came across him speaking to the Sith Lord, so fair enough
Dooku's killing of Yaddle was his final test of loyalty, such as Anakin's killing Dooku later on. So Palpatine knew for sure that each was fit to fill the role he needed of them. That parallel....
Yaddle's single "No" before the fight is heartbreaking
screams in the music being perfect again
Seriously, though, no wonder Dooku did so well against Yoda later on. Not just experience from training, but from his fight with Yaddle
Holy shit, he crushed her with the door also, how the fuck did that not kill her?
Episode 5:
Nothing is funnier than watching Anakin run through the Temple halls because he's  late- and Obi-Wan's comment was gold
I see you, Caleb
I love the way young Kanan got so excited when he was watching Ahsoka fight the droids
Anakin "good isn't good enough" Skywalker
LMAO Anakin doing the "That's what I meant" to "I thought I was late?" after Obi-Wan did it to him
The clones had to feel so bad repeatedly stunning her like that
"Sorry, Commander!" Love you too, Jesse
Rex standing up for Ahsoka <3
Oh, the cut to everyone in colored phase two armor!!!
Episode 6:
Oh, it would start out with Padme's funeral, my heart- oh, hey, Bail
Bail knowing Ahsoka was there and seeking her out means everything
"She was my friend." Ahsoka has never sounded so broken
The music when it showed Rex!!!
Raada?????! Smaller than I expected. It has to be, right? They're calling her Ashla.
I'm sad that we didn't get Kaeden and her sister. Probably because they're so similar to Trace and Rafa.
Also, I hate that girl's brother. Wow.
Hi, Space Khonshu-
Ahsoka should've let the brother die Lmao
Spacey recognized her??
That was fast. And anti-climatic. The book did it all better.
Oh, yeah- Spacey? You're weak.
I'm offended that the credits just have him listed as "Inquisitor". I can't keep calling him Spacey/Space Khonshu forever. Though I guess he is Six, isn't he? If this truly was Raada.
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notasapleasure · 2 years ago
Marcella S02.E01 (2018)
Aw man, the grimdark procedurals got Anna Friel too? Smh
One episode, for a chap called Nick.
And there's a mummified dead child in the wall, fun!
People really judge you for writing fanfic, while there are dudes writing scripts for police procedurals like this all over the place :/
Ooh here's Nick! He has done something as yet unspecified (affair?) to screw someone over.
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This guy thinks he can blackmail Nick about it, who refuses to give him any money and says his wife already knows (child support is mentioned and it seems that what she 'knows' about is a girl and a baby, which is presumably his).
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Menace, menace, menace. Yes we're all very *sigh* intimidated.
Oh my GODDD they're all fucking awful! Staple of the genre. Moody troubled cops with moody troubled backstories and it's not 'ooh they're complex!' They're just dicks!
Oh hey Victoria Smurfitt! Still smokin' babe 😘 Her boss is having a tough day down at the Cartoonishly Evil CEO factory.
And wowwww I don't think Anna Friel should be at work with the PTSD she's got going on.
Lads I'm starting to think Nick's not really going to have anything else to do here.
Oh, his son is the one drawing murder pictures in school detention and phoning mysterious numbers, yikes!
And looks like his son just got abducted.
And that's the end of the episode.
I am....lost as to what the point of Nick was :( Although his son is later found alive according to episode summaries he’s never in it again.
Dead? Nope
Evil? Well he seems like a nob from his three seconds of screentime, so yeah why not
Affects the plot? I think he’s literally only in the plot to explain why his son was walking home alone and so could get abducted
0/5 waste of my time, sorry love! I refuse to believe I’ve watched all the good stuff already, and I’m really hoping this was the worst.
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anonil88 · 4 years ago
The L Word Gen Q S4 E4
I got into Texas and almost immediately sat down to watch the new episode. I feel a bit like trash but
Oh fuck he really was frauding like they hinted at in the first season wowwww. Dani is about to be broke unless that is what those papers were for.
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At least she is aware she is too good for a man child.
Finley following a passion, I like that.
Not her asking Finley out on a date, even though it could be just as a friend date bot more. I think it even makes Sophie uncomfortable that she even asked that. I get wanting to move on but using a
Shane really heard Alice's mom brought up and said,
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Once a flirt always a flirt.
Bette looks the fuck good.
The only person that can find Dani is Sophie.
Aw there is a common understanding and these two actually get along that's nice. I wonder if this is her actual sister, the actors I mean.
Tess and Shane, sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. Also Tess said you're cute but watch you ruin the projector, so stop.
No Alice, you broke up with Nat and then ran the fuck away without an explanation. With 2 fucking kids who had grown attached to her and that is why people don't introduce new partners to their children.
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Uncle Shane is my favorite thing especially in the bowling jacket.
Shane's dad is an A 1 dickhead and ruined a perfect situation because of his own faults.
Thankyou Shane for asking what it is Angie needed.
Lol I love that they made Angie's highschool issues of your girlfriend being prom queen but that isn't your vibe. Also I'm glad Shane affirmed her urge to go to therapy.
Dani does have avoidant attachment issues, at least they were together for so long that Sophie knows how to side step that.
Ugh seeing Finn so happy is great but is also concerning. I may not like their character much but I would love to see some growth.
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Thankyou Micah for being a voice of reason, Sophie asked for time and she never said it was a date. She just wanted to hangout.
Bette could come hunt for me in my artist den any day, but also I feel like Bette is going to fall for this artist. I really hope not because Gigi is a real winner.
I wish Sophie and Dani could just tru things out again because seeing Sophie melt immediately to Dani's touch is everything.
I hope they get Kehlani's music in season 3.
Sophie wants Dani so bad, but she knows they shouldn't do any of this without talking about intimacy or where they want to go first. AND, Sophie needs to break it to Finn that she is viewing them platonically.
Damn Bette is persistent as hell and nervous. Her voice has been trembling with nerves since the first time she talked to this woman. OMG Bette Porter is star struck.
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Can Sophie stop lying? Please. Not only to others but to herself. I get being honest is hard but, she needs to because it's clear where she wants to be. If that is both places then its both places but she needs to be honest about it.
Ugh Bette's coat is gorgeous and I hope she meets Angie at the middle of this conversation. Also Angie going to see a therapist on her own was a giant step, as is her being the mediator between her moms.
Tom was annoying last episode, but this one he is much much better. I'm glad he is bringing up Dana because it is a sore topic for everyone but especially Alice.
Ugh so this is making me tear up because grief is so so painful and it never ends. Even when you move on it still sits with you some days.
Lmfao he typed that down quick.
Oh okay Micah! Does he have a crush on Sophie's sister? Omg please tell me he does please. Ugh yo just tell her.
Dinner?!?!?!? Um Elizabeth what are you doing? Oh she is pitching her, wonderful, also I really like this complex work environment plot point. Even though I'm waiting for her to get fired.
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Bette using her gift of flirting and gab to get an artist on her side.
Oof they were flirting, but Bette knows she has a girlfriend she can't cheat on. I don't know if Bette is into Gigi like that or maybe she's just so used to being a top in the bedroom and life that she dislikes giving up control.
I like that transition of songs.
Shane is an entire prince charming wrapped up in a bad boy. I love that they really developed her character into a more mature version of who she was when she was young and dumb.
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Aww Tess dementia is awful and it sucks that she has been dealing with this alone.
Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss! Oh fuck no maybe not, did not know that Tess isn't single. 😲
Dani just wanted Sophie to find her passion not to domesticate her. And, Sophie just appreciated Dani for being Dani.
Just be honest even if it hurts. I love how Dani isn't even mad at Sophie, she is like why is Finley such a brat. They need to talk talk about where they are and ask
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Finley annoys me, I'm sorry.
Micah tell Maribel you like her please. Its like M&M candy.
Where is Finley even going? See this is why Finley doesn't need to be in a relationship because she immediately jumps to drinking.
Oh wow the are amicably splitting up or not? These two confuse me.
I am liking next episodes preview though.
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years ago
The Way To Eden (live reaction):
Spock did you just find kindred spirits with a cult again?
Bad day Jim? Oh! I get it, cult mentality is rubbing him the wrong way.
Aw Chekov buddy, old flame?
I think when he seems this cult, Spock thinks of Sybok. And has recognition and curiousity.
Kirk softens up when Spock explains why he’s patient with these guys awww
🎶don’t let the caving get you down Sokka🎶
Pav is just salty she broke up with him lmao! What did you think would happen my dude? Transfer to ships together until you both made Admiral? Lol.
Aww Pav buddy, also more evidence for his little loyalty complex.
Ahhhhhh cult leader dude is an anti-vaxxer? Not fun.
Spock is so patient, I get this poor dude just wants to be happy but man, he’s putting others in danger.
Oh I get it! This cult dude is fake woke! “I’m going to this planet to appropriate this culture because it makes me feel better about myself and unleash a plague on them in the process!”
This is such an interesting episode for Spock! :D Spock is too patient for this world 🖖🏻 fuckin jam session?! Awwwww!! This guitar dude be flirting with Spock lmao
AWW PAV 😂😂 I hope she’s not manipulating him poor guy, awww!
FUCK! She WAS manipulating him!!! 😡 THEY BOTH WERE!
God I’ve met manipulative bigoted hippies just like this guy ☹️ using the rhetoric to serve their interests with no regards for the people they hurt, or the cultures they strip the parts they like regardless of the consequences. Breaks my heart whenever people like this guy get a following like that. My mother and I have skidaddled out of covens like this!
Sulu is VIBING at his console lmfao
No, Scotty stayed inside and built warp coils cuz he’s a dork Jim! YOU were a little shit as a child! We’ve established this!
UGh this is giving me creepy crawly flashbacks to weirdos I’ve met at Faerie Con yuck yuck yuck!! No smelly drum circle man twice my age I am not gonna give you my address!
They reused footage from Spock’s Brain! Lol. Ooooh that’s fucked with the Eden music in the background, I know they’re alive but DAMN that gave me The Stand “Don’t Fear The Reaper” vibes. 😬😬😬
Acidic plants? Subtle! 🙄 aww, poor Adam, we will miss your Spock flirting jam sessions! RIP
Wowwww this dude is not okay!!! He might’ve did that on purpose... oof.
I love Chekov so much 🥰 he’s adorable and I will protect him with my life. He and his old flame were freaking adorable at the end!
Spock is also Good, will protecc
People who don’t like this episode and think it’s just anti-hippie are the same people who don’t like This Side of Paradise. I honestly think this episode is even LESS “anti-hippie” (which This Side of Paradise isn’t but I’ve already done my meta on that) because those people had a choice and their goals were noble, they just had a maniac as their leader. I’ve been a big hippie all my life, and there are some CREEPERS out there that make the whole thing look bad, but I feel like they did a good job of showing that the leader was the bad guy and not the followers. That kind of thing (usually to a bit less deadly degree) happens today all the time!
Again, I really don’t understand what people don’t like about season 3? There’s been way more good, or at least “on brand” than bad episodes. Hm.
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aslibekroglu · 4 years ago
HOW AMAZING WAS THAT EPISODE!!! So many good things but I just want to talk about how much I loved Akgün encouraging Soner to dream. Like he is passing on that same advice that Yağmur gave him and I love it so much. I love that this show actually shows character growths by bringing back moments or conversations that they had. It's not just telling but actually showing as well.
Akgün's dream to be a girls dad was the most sweetest, wholesome thing ever. Here we have this young guy who grew up in the mafia world and has seen and lived horrible things but all he wants is a wife who achieves her dreams and him at home taking care of their daughters. No toxic masculinity ftw!!! And Selim FINALLY accepting Akmur. THANK GOD!!! Could not deal with him interfering again.
Cansel are one of the best "older" couple in a dizi I have ever seen. The way I don't get bored of their scenes ever and am excited for them just like with Akmur. And LMAOO to them eating Akgün's ice cream
Boo Eray!!! Cannot believe he did that
Hats off to the Son yaz team. They delivered an amazing episode even with everything that happened. And yeah fuck the ratings
The episode was soooooo good!!! I’ve watched it like 3 times already! I absolutely adored the scene with Akgün and Soner. Akgün wanting to be a girl dad and him unabashedly being willing to stay with the kids while Yagmur lives her dreams is just everything to me. And Soner genuinely listening, wanting to hear about Akgün’s dream, and taking that advice to heart made me so emotionalllllll. Seeing how they really and truly have become such close friends to the point where they’re sharing their deepest feelings and secrets and opening up and comforting each after everything they’ve been through and their past like wowwww. Similar to what you said, these are two big bad mafia guys who are really learning to forget that toxic environment they were born into and to do away with that toxic and stoic masculinity that was ingrained into them. They’re learning how to be vulnerable and open and I love the show for showing us that.
This is a bit of a tangent but when I was watching that scene with Akgün and Soner, I couldn’t help but think of just how far Akgün has come. Like when he first came to Çeşme he had no one. His mother was dead, his father had been in prison for the last 8 years, he had no friends, the closest person he had was Ahmet and he ended up betraying him in the first episode. Now look at him. He has a father figure out of Selim, a mother figure out of Canan, he has the love of his life Yagmur, and he has Soner who used to be his enemy and is now his best and closest friend. He really has developed this lil family after years of being without one. He’s been on his own since he was a kid (really since his mother died since his dad was terrible to him and constantly on the run), he’s had to fight and fend for himself for so long and now he’s finally found these people that he can depend on, people that will fight for him, people that love him as he is, in spite of his mistakes. And like not to get too deep into a fictional character, but because he found those ppl he finally wants better for his life. It’s almost like he feels loved and nurtured enough to the point where he feels comfortable and secure enough to dream and start planning for a future. I’m gonna start crying in a sec, because it is truly just so beautiful.
Anyway, both akmur and cansel were just beyond adorable. Seeing both couples being happy and going on dates was just so damn satisfying. I had a huge grin on my face for 2hrs straight watching this ep.
You know what’s crazy though, when Gökhan first came I was never really that interested in seeing Akgün and him develop a relationship. I know some ppl were hopeful that Gökhan would end up being a good guy or at least redeemable so that Akgün can have a brother, but I was always kind of indifferent towards the idea. But let me tell you, after that scene where Akgün tells him the rest of the story and they’re crying about their mom, oh my goddddd my heart broke. In that moment, I suddenly wanted them to be the closest of brothers, I wanted them to develop such a strong bond forever and ever. And the fact that they’re not going to be able to once the truth about the crash comes out HURTSSSSSS. And that part where Gökhan wanted Akgün and Yağmur to use his car because he regretted what he did like 😢 (I don’t wanna say that he’s my baby now esp since we don’t know if he’s actually going to be done with Halil Sadi but he might just be my baby now)
Speaking of hurt, next week is going to hurt soooo bad. I’m not prepared to see Akgün freaking out about Yağmur and worrying about if she’s dead or not. Like I’m excited to see him fret and worry about her, to see him stay by her hospital bed holding her hand, but I am NOT ready to see the pain that he’s going to go through. And I’m not ready to everyone, including himself, blame Akgün for what happened. İnşallah, they don’t go down that path and everyone quickly realizes it was a setup for Akgün and Yagmur getting hurt was just an unfortunate accident (but let’s be honest it probably won’t happen that way 😔)
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saintheartwing · 4 years ago
The Promised Neverland, S2, Episode 9
So...the episode begins with Emma confronting Norman about how he clearly isn’t actually into his whole extinction plan. And she absolutely refuses to let him play God. Especially when he obviously doesn’t want to. He’s an arrogant coward, and its time for him to share the burden with his friends. 
Ray calls him out too and says that he’s choosing a path where he suffers alone and Norman says its far too late, but Emma holds out a hand and says “Let’s Grow Up Together”. Norman basically breaks down on the spot and drops his weapon and just starts sobbing into Emma’s shoulder, crying how he wants to live together with them. But he doesn’t have long to live...the drugs he took at Lambda hurt him bad. He hasn’t long to live...
Then we get some action...or at least the promise of it, a mutated demon races at them as Sonju shows up to try and save the kids whilst the old man demon’s still bleeding profusely. Sonju, nonchalantly, cuts his arm off. And wa wowwww, the animation for the demon swallowing that tossed arm is bad. Like...it’s clearly a chop job. Mouth open, mouth shut and a CHOMP sound. Nothing in between. Did they blow all the budget on the shitty demons from the forest? 
But anyway, it works. The mutated demon collapses and ta daaaaa. He’s back to normal. Mujika passes around her blood in a cup to a demon woman, explaining things’ll be fine. Just give it to everyone and you  needn’t worry.
The old man speaks up. Oh! You know the Evil-Blooded Girl, huh? She was alive all this time? And then-
They REUSE shots from the LAST EPISODE to show off the crying demon kids and suffering families. Moving on. We cut to Barbara who’s having...issues. Her expression makes it clear she’s not doing so well. But then she sees a demon girl who’s...holding a demon baby. And the demon girl’s beginning to mutate. Barbara, you might remember...likes to kill and eat demons because turnabout is fair play. 
She’s got her big metal spiked baseball bat raised but then the demon girl curled up triggers a flashback to when SHE was in that exact position and saying the same sort of thing. She can’t do it. She can’t bring herself to kill the demon girl. And that’s when she has a breakdown. She’s having a seizure. Zazie looks like HE’S gonna finish the job, he leaps up to kill the girl but then Norman intervenes. 
He NARROWLY misses impaling the poor kid as the three turn to see Norman and Emma. He apologizes to the three and says that he was wrong. He’s suffering just like them. They’re surprised. They thought he was excluded from the testing. But nope. He lied to them to be the boss they needed and tried to stick to the cold path he’d been on before Emma stopped him for that same reason. He also wanted to develop a cure but...well, the people who might have been able to cure them are all dead at that facility so...they’re fucked, looks like.
Vincent is super furious. He yells angrily...while still having his mask on. Why? Why hasn’t he taken it off? Are they just cutting animation corners? Well, the other three just go along with it, they’re fine as long as the boss is okay with all this as Mujika and Sonju come by to explain they’ve put an end to the mutating. They’re gonna explain to the townsfolk how to keep from mutating anymore and how their blood works and it’ll be fine. 
Then as our heroes are returning back to their base, we find out, evidently, that our gang intercepted a transmission. The kids back at Grace Field like Phil are gonna be shipped out! Uh oh!
Buuuut...it’s not really true. See, Peter Ratri has come up with a plan. He explains to a demon in a private meeting with GRANDMA Isabelle that they figured out the radio from the shelter they raided was missing. The kids have been interceping their transmissions so they put out a fake transmission. They’ll have the kids think that all the kids are being shipped out. NATURALLY they’ll all rush back to save their dear friends...
And the Lambda Project? It’s all about boosting children’s brain power with high level drugs. So much so to the point that mass production farms might not even be really needed save for the common folk. 
We cut back to our pals, who are discussing the whole “being shipped out all at once” thing. Norman brings up the Lambda project, reasoning that they’re shipping the Grace Field kids out early to switch to Lambda. He thought destroying the original facility would have stopped it but evidently not. Naturally, our heroes HAVE to try and save them, even if it IS a trap! But the question is...how to get in? 
Well...Mujika and Sonju have shown up. They want to chip in. The Old Man and his granddaughter have come in too. His name is Vylk. He’s somebody who got her blood AAAGES ago and he survived all this time...and he’s got a gift for Emma.
A part of a pen. Yeah, one of THOSE pens, the special pens that will reveal hidden locations and the like that the kids have used before that show coordinates and all kinds of info. Vylk says he got that piece from a human who had collapsed and was dying in the forest. He was severely injured and soon to die, and he gave the pen piece to the old man demon. Who also ate him and shared the meat with his family. Doing this, however, made the old man feel guilty. It was the first time he had EVER seen a human outside of a jar or being dead and on a stick or the like. Realizing they had a will, they had real feelings like him made him disgusted with himself and with the concept of eating human meat. He was ashamed of himself for his inaction too, but was afraid that if he used the blood he had in him to “cure” the demons around of needing to eat meat, his family would be targeted and tracked down and killed the same way Mujika’s family was. 
Emma puts the pen piece in and...guess what? It’s the blueprint of the farm headquarters. It’s EVERYTHING they would conveniently need! Including where the gate to the human world is! AND on top of that...there’s a spot in the blueprints that shows off drugs...and this means maybe...they might be able to live after all. 
Vylk is about to leave but Norman tries to apologize first before he goes. But it’s Demon Emma who speaks up. She says she knows how horribly demons treated humans. She’s very sorry. Seeing this touches Norman and the others, and then grandpa says it’s time Emma and he be on their way.
“Emma?!” Ray and the others are surprised. Oh, wow, she’s got the same name as the demon kid, huh? Well, ain’t that a coinky-dink. UUGGGH. Not subtle at all. But I already brought this point up last time so...moving on. Off to Grace Field House!
Buuuuut...it isn’t that simple. Somebody’s calling up Grace Field to make a deal. SOMEONE IS A TRAITOR!
And it’s Vincent. 
Soooo yeaaah...not...it’s not good. This season’s really not good. Underwhelming to such a ludicrous degree. VERY Disappointing compared to what the manga gave us. I’m only still watching just to see how it could possibly end.
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bellafarella · 5 years ago
omg so this episode was EVERYTHING
alexis telling moira about doing a premiere in the town and then moira poking fun that its at town hall and david chiming in but then moira mentioning david’s store and his reaction is amazing
stevie driving david and patrick to his dentist appt because patrick’s car still doesn’t work is hilarious
stevie admitting to them that she wants to go back to the motel is great, i’m so happy she realized she needed to go back home
patrick saying how just a couple years ago he thought he would have a wife and kid ....yeah you’ve come so far bb
“can you drive better please?” lol canada’s shit roads i feel it
twyla and jocelyn hyping up the movie making moira actually want a premiere is so cute
“i’m a hungry hungry hippooooo” is never not gonna be funny
david’s fond/soft face when patrick compliments him 
david humouring him saying theyll make a baby later was adorable as he’s trying so hard to put him to bed
“not make a baby, have a baby.” “i want to have like a little baby with you.” “you would be such a good dad.” MY HEART
“i want you to be my dad” ok hi daddy kink much? 
david is s p i r a l l i n g thinking patrick is for real
patrick is just so high and cute and wants david’s babies
patrick pulling david down to sit next to him by his hand, most hand holding we’ve ever gotten
“i got a secret for you.” his little hand motions to come closer. “david.... i’m very hungry” is so fucking cute and funny
“i wanna hold you.” CUDDLES. godddd
johnny wanting to pay stevie out of the business so she can focus on herself and move on with getting out there all while stevie actually wants to come back to the business, yeahh
stevie going back - i love her and johnny moments
stevie not wanting to talk about roland being a 3rd partner because she’s happy in that moment 
she put together a premiere in a few hours and wow!
patrick waking up and david filling him in
patrick realizing how him talking about having a baby with david freaked david out and reassuring him was so sweet
david when discussing having a baby “it’s a little triggering, traumatizing”
david pictured marrying xtina and nothing else matters right now
“david, i’m happy with the life i’ve got” and reassuring that he doesn’t want a baby and just wants david, ...yeahhh 🥺
also patrick watched bridgette jones baby, david really did rub off on him
patrick and david being high on pain killers at the premiere I AM DYING
“where did all these people come from” patrick is so fucked up i cant 
“why are your pupils so dilated” says david with the smallest eyes ever
stevie dressed as a limo driver for moira, i love her
stevie knowing they are both high and saying “wow” is the best
david’s fucked out face clapping and lazily looking back at patrick, i cannnot handle this
ronnie looks amazing!! 
“this is fucked” YA UR RIGHT DAVID
oh no 32,000 times it’s already been seen, shit i wonder what this means for the movie
god this episode was fucking amazing!!!!!
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