#wow um I was certainly not ready for that
codeopod · 5 months
The Hells dispersed into their tent and began dropping all their gear near respective beds and taking shots from the bottles Ashton managed to scavenge. Weariness and heartbreak had begun to give way to a delirious happiness at seeing their old friend return.
“Dorian! There’s someone else you have to meet!” Laudna flourished excitedly, “Oh Pâté!” She called.
Just over her shoulder a creature popped into existence, wobbling and flapping the bat-like wings that barely kept it aloft. “Yes mum watcha’ need?”
Dorian was taken aback. “Oh my god! He’s alive? He’s real? That’s a real-thing?!”
“Oh ‘ello Dory! ’s been a while.” The bird skull turned to address him.
“Dorian. It certainly has, wow, did you get…bigger?”
“He’s a bit bigger, yeah.” Imogen added, dropping her head over Laudnas shoulder.
“Oh an’ these two!” Pâté flapped out to turn and gesture at them. “They finally forked the meat pie-if you know what I mean-“
“Pâté! You crude little pest.”
“-‘ey lock me in ma’ house at night now, gets awful scary with the noises ‘ey-“
Laudna brought her hands together like she was swatting a bug midair and Pâté yelped as his form squisheed and burst into black goo. “That’s quite enough of that.”
“Oh, well-I, congratulations you two, if I am understanding his…way with words…correctly?”
“We’re datin’ yeah.” Imogen couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s wonderful! Honestly I thought you’d been secretly together this whole time.”
“You’re not the first to say that, actually.”
“I also have a wolf in my chest! Would you like to meet him?” Laudna bounced excitedly towards Dorian, who scrambled backwards.
“A what?! I-um sure?”
Dorian watched helplessly as a massive wolf literally burst out of Laudna’s chest. He held his bladder but took several steps back to keep his shoes free of ichor. “Oh, wow-you weren’t kidding, that is a very large dog.”
The thing was half rotten and only really had fur along its head and spine. Ghostly glowing mist drifted around it and seeped from the gapping wounds in its side. It gnashed its teeth as it turned to look at him. It’s eyes glowed a sickly green that was almost hypnotizing, only breaking away when Imogen whistled and it bounded happily over to sit at her heel.
“That’s a good boy.” She cooed and rubbed at his ears.
Laudna echoed his praises. “His name is Caviar, isn’t he gorgeous?”
“He certainly…suits your style!”
Orym joined them then, watching Dorians expressions carefully. “Guys, maybe let’s save some excitement for the morning?”
“Rest does sound nice, though I may not sleep.” Dorian admitted his face darkening, “…not after seeing that!” He tried to spin it as a joke but Orym’s frown deepened.
“You can bunk with me -and Fearne- if you want?”
“…I will admit, I have missed our cuddle piles.” Dorian smiled softly. The two men stared at eachother for an extended moment while Imogen and Laudna looked between them.
Laudna snickered but Imogen’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she pressed into Laudna’s side. “Well then, are you ready for bed, baby?” She purred just loud enough to be overheard. “We can leave the boys to their…cuddlin’.”
Dorian choked out a cough, his cheeks darkening. Laudna melted, twirling her hair around a finger and smiling a dopey grin. “We can have our own cuddle pile.”
“Of course.” Imogen grinned before rocking up on her toes and pulling Laudna into a soft kiss. The hound at their side jumped to his feet and did an excited twirl, tail wagging as his master sighed happily.
“I-uh- we should just-“ Dorian sputtered. Orym resisted an eye roll but smiled fondly at the pair. “Yeah, let’s go find Fearne.”
“I heard we’re kissing?” Fearne popped up behind them with a wine bottle in her hand. “It’s about time!”
Orym groaned into his hands, face heating.
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cringe-but-proud · 8 months
can i please request a wonka x fem!reader (timothee’s version)?
like maybe reader is a worker at the market or something so willy sees her everyday on his way to work and they’re friends and he keeps trying to make the perfect chocolate to give to her but he’s a very awkwardly hilarious at flirting?
thank you!! i love your writing sm
Thanks so much! This one was fun to write 😝😝😝
Willy Wonka x Fem!Store owner!Reader(Wonka 2023)
A/n: Requests are open 🤸🤸🤸🤸
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It was a lovely Friday morning. The sun was shining, the skies were clear, and people were out on the streets, ready to start their days.
One of those people seemed a bit more enthusiastic than everyone else.
The infamous Willy Wonka made his way through the streets holding a box, walking like he was a man on a mission.
And he was on a mission. A mission to win the heart of the prettiest girl he knew, Y/n.
Y/n owned a little shop that he walked by everyday on the way to his factory and she sold the most interesting items! Intricately carved, tiny wooden statues, colorful glass bottles, quilts, jewelry, old dolls, and paintings. You name it, she had it laying around somewhere.
Willy visited her shop everyday. Partly because he liked the things she sold and partly because he'd developed a massive crush on her.
And after careful calculation, a lot of trial and error, and almost chickening out like 8 separate times, he was doing it.
He was shooting his shot.
He took a deep breath before stepping into her shop, acting like this was a normal day for him. "Hey, Y/n!" Willy greeted as he walked to the counter she stood behind.
"Morning, Willy." She gave him that small smile that always made him want to swoon and leaned forward on her elbows. "How's it going?"
"Good. Good. It's going good..." He should probably say something else. "How are you?"
"Good. Glad to see my favorite customer."
He couldn't help but smile at that. "Um... I have something for you."
"Yeah." Willy slid a box across the counter to her.
She picked up the box and admired it. Willy had intentionally chosen to put her gift in a colorful box. She liked things like that.
Y/n opened the box to see a large variety of chocolate, all different shapes and colors, and all delicious looking.
"Oh! These look amazing!" She beamed at him.
"Well, I'd certainly hope so." Willy said with a smile. "I stayed up all night making them.
She paused. "Really?"
"That's- Wow. You didn't have to do that."
"Well, I did." He shrugged. "And I don't regret it."
She chuckled and looked back down at the chocolates. "Is there a reason you're giving these to me?"
Willy thought for a moment. This would probably be a good time to tell her how he felt. A simple "Because I like you" would work. But, his mind and body were suddenly not working, so instead of doing that, he stared at her.
"Yes! Yes. They're because.. I just wanted to show that I appreciate what you do."
"What I do?"
"You spent all night making me chocolate because I run a general store?"
He paused. "... Yes?"
Y/n chuckled. "Well, that's really nice of you." She popped one of the chocolates into her mouth and was visibly satisfied with the taste. "Amazing, as always."
He blushed at the compliment. "Only the best for you." He replied after a split second of hesitation.
Y/n looked away and he swore he saw a light blush dust her cheeks.
That's good, right? Yeah. That's good.
"Um..." She cleared her throat. "That's nice. Thank you. You should probably be off to work now, right?"
"Uh..." He really didn't want to leave yet. "I was thinking I could stay here a little longer. If you're not busy?" He hadn't been this nervous about asking something in a long time. The second it took for her to reply felt like the longest moment of his life.
"I'd like some company." She said with a sweet smile.
Willy ended up staying there the whole morning. She made him coffee and he drank it, despite the fact that he didn't like coffee. But, he was too nervous to make another move.
He began to leave her shop, a bit disheartened by his failed attempt when Y/n stopped him.
"Willy?" She smiled, a slightly nervous smile. "Do you wanna... Like.... Get dinner tonight?"
His cheeks flushed, his eyes widened, and his heart began to race. "Really?"
She nodded.
"Just the two of us?"
"Just the two of us."
He beamed at her. "I would love that."
Looking back on it, Willy was glad she made the first move. Who knows how much longer it would've taken him?
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impala-dreamer · 10 months
Taking Over Me
A Supernatural Story
~Dean's guilty pleasure comes to life and Y/N gets tangled in the mix...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader 
3800 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Monster Fucking. Tentacles. All The Way Through Tentacles. Cum. Poison. Possession. Allll the fucked up things.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Fresh from the shower, she hurried down the long hallway, bare feet slapping against the cool tiles. The towel knotted over her breasts was damp and a little too short, exposing more thigh than she usually would in the common areas.
If she rushed, no one would see her.
No one that wasn’t supposed to, anyway.
Bedroom number eleven popped open with a mere touch and Y/N slipped inside, shutting the door behind her. She spun and pushed herself back against the antique wood, staring across the pristine room at Dean who was lounging on the pillows. He was ready for bed, down to a single layer of a thin cotton tee and shorts. His long legs were bare and stretched out across the mattress, propping up his laptop.
He startled when the door shut, looking up from the screen with the guilt of a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar before dinner.
“Uh- hey-” He distracted her with a beaming smile while shutting his computer.
She was not fooled. “Whatcha doin’?” she asked with the tone of someone who already knew the answer.
Dean laughed awkwardly as his cheeks burned bright pink. “N-nothing. Weather- things.”
Y/N kicked back and pushed away from the door. “Weather things?”
Dean squirmed uncomfortably as she came close and clasped both hands on the computer, unable to move it from his lap. He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. There’s uh… tornados and stuff. Um. Gotta keep an eye on those, ya know.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Tornados, huh?” Clearing the distance between them, Y/N appeared at the side of the bed and looked down at him. The fabric of his shorts was stretched higher than the actual tent they’d pitched when camping a few months ago. She snatched the laptop away and he gasped. “You certainly seem very into weather events. I never knew that was such a passion for you.”
Dean scrambled to cover his lie and his dick.
“Well…” He grinned and clenched his teeth, at a loss. “Ya know… meteorology has always been a… secret, uh, it’s- it’s fun.”
Y/N snuck her finger between the laptop and lifted the screen. Very exaggerated and animated moaning flooded from the speakers and her eyes lit up in awe.
A tiny brunette was being utterly ravaged by what appeared to be all eight legs of a giant blue octopus. The woman screamed in unadulterated pleasure and a wave of cartoon fluids gushed from her extremely swollen and pink holes.
Dean scrunched his eyes shut and then lurched for the computer. “It’s an art form! You can’t shame me for art.”
Y/N pulled the computer out of his reach and kept watching. “I’m not shaming. It’s just…” She tilted her head as two of the tentacles reached around to circle the woman’s tits, squeezing so hard her dark magenta nipples nearly exploded. “Wow. It’s… different.”
With her distracted, Dean managed to snatch the computer and tuck it under the bed.
Dean sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Go on,” he said, “lemme have it.”
Y/N laughed gently and sat on the edge of the bed. “Babe, I’m not gonna tease you for your choice in pornography. I’m not Sam.”
Green eyes rolled and dimples popped above his lip.
“Really,” she assured him, leaning in and laying a hand on his thick upper thigh. “And believe me, if you saw some of my hidden folder things, you’d know I’m not able to judge.”
His brows lifted in interest.
She bit her lip and went on, laying it on thick. “I just… I don’t know, I was surprised you were in here taking care of yourself. I thought maybe tonight we were gonna…” Her fingers curled inward and she brushed her pinky over the base of his cock. “Ya know…”
Dean swallowed hard and his arms sank to his sides. “I wasn’t… doing anything,” he breathed, stomach tensing as her hand slipped inside the slit of his shorts. “Just watching. I was bored- you were in the shower a long time…”
“I was,” she admitted, slowly dragging her warm hand over his erection. He was near to pulsing under her touch and she popped up on her knees, shifting on the bed to get closer. “I was in there a long… long time.”
His lashes fluttered, his lips parted, chest heaved.
“Getting myself all clean and… smooth for you.”
She batted her eyes and Dean’s mouth watered.
Licking her lip, she took his right hand and placed it beneath the towel against her bare sex. Dean moaned as he felt the velvety flesh of her pussy and his heart pounded almost painfully.
He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth but Y/N released it, sucking a kiss over his wet mouth until he snapped and took over. He grabbed at the towel, tearing it away as he nipped at the soft flesh of her throat and below.
Y/N rolled onto her back and he followed, closing in on her like a starved wolf. He growled against her mouth and hissed when she locked her legs around his hips, jerking him forward with a hitched kick on the ass.
“Better than anime?” she whispered, licking at the tender flesh of his ear.
He nudged at her cunt, teasing and threatening all in one rough motion. “Oh, hell yeah…”
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Dean woke up late, his old bones tired from a night of fun. He sat up with a cough and dragged a hand down his stubbled cheek, scratching at the shadow and wondering if he should bother shaving. Y/N might like a beard, he thought, and decided to give it another day at least. Just to test it out.
Y/N was whistling loudly, a familiar tune floating from her lips down through the hallways.
Still groggy, Dean followed the sound, rubbing at his eyes when the walls began to undulate around him. He felt almost drunk, but soon shook it away when Y/N came into view.
“Come sail away… come sail away with me…”
She was bent over, ass pushed out high, digging through the archives in room 7B. Her whistle was intoxicating and Dean felt his blood rushing south. His ears rang with her song and he slipped into the room and slunk up behind her, grabbing her hips.
Y/N yelped and stood, falling back against his firm chest. “Dean!”
He nuzzled into the crook of her neck and took a tiny bite. “Mmm… mornin’.”
She could feel him stiffen against her ass and she pushed back against it, rubbing suggestively. “Morning nothing- it’s almost noon.” Her left hand snuck up and curled around the back of his head, holding his lips to her flesh. “You OK, sleepyhead?”
He breathed her in- dust and sweat and her fruity shampoo. He hummed happily. “Very…”
Her nails scraped along his scalp and ideas flooded his brain.
“Busy?” he asked, already envisioning slamming her up against the metal shelves and sinking so deep into her that he could see it in her eyes.
“Kinda.” She held up a small octagonal box. The brass was dark with age and she rubbed at the inlaid symbol on the top. “This is cool. I don’t know what it is, but the top thingy is pretty.” She rubbed it again and the tarnish moved beneath her fingers, clearing the brass.
Dean eyed it for a second and shrugged. “Never seen it before.” His lips pulled at her ear.
“Probably shouldn’t play with it,” she sighed. “Might have some evil creature trapped inside that could eat us alive.”
His hot breath fluttered into her ear and she shivered. “I could eat you alive,” he growled.
Y/N smiled and turned her head so she could lick at his hungry lips. “I guess I could take a break…”
Dean let out a moan that vibrated through her and Y/N rolled her hips back until they were both throbbing and aching. Reaching around, Dean lifted his left hand to her chest while the right slid between her thighs.
The box fell onto the cement and the ancient lock shattered at their feet.
“Fuck, Dean…”
Her pulse was racing beneath his lips, her pussy already dripping. He could feel her jeans dampen over his palm.
Close to feral, Dean tugged his hands away and grabbed her upper arms, spinning her around to face him. They scuffled over the floor, kicking at the box while they rearranged in each others’ arms.
Lost in a kiss, neither heard the brass lid creak open.
The neon glow that leaked out wasn’t seen as Dean shoved her back against the metal shelves and attacked, crushing her with every ounce of himself. He licked deep into her mouth, scratched down her sides, jerked a knee between her legs.
Y/N grasped at his shoulders, fingers curling into the gray flannel he wore. “God, Dean… need you so bad…” Her voice flowed through him and Dean grunted back, unable to find any words as he fumbled with two zippers at once.
The air in the room shifted. A slowly rising mist poured free from the box, illuminated by streaks of purple neon. The mist floated up around their ankles, but neither noticed.
She bit down into the bend of his neck, marking his shoulder with a tiny red crescent moon and he hissed against her cheek. “Fuck me, Dean…”
He grinned, eyes hazy and staring into her. “I’m tryin’-”
The cloud lifted around their hips and a strange warmth struck them both. Y/N’s exposed middle shivered with goosebumps as the mist touched her and she looked down with wide eyes that let in the fear.
“Dean-” She slapped his chest to get his attention.
“I’m workin’ on it,” he laughed, face buried in her hair as his hands struggled.
“No!” She grabbed his face and turned him downward. “Look!”
The fog was moving faster, climbing higher with every breath. It tickled her jaw and Y/N gasped, looking to Dean for help.
“What the fuck!”
Surprised, he took a step back and the mist enveloped Y/N. It sucked her down into a hazy mess of purple so thick that Dean couldn’t even make out the spot she’d been in.
She screamed and then fell silent. Dean spun on the spot, totally surrounded by the alien fog.
“Y/N!” He yelled for her and the mist crept in, filling his mouth and trickling down his throat. He choked on it, unable to move any air. He clawed at his throat, but there was nothing to move, nothing to break free from. The cloud lifted above his head, expanding to fill the entire room.
Dean’s head hit the cement and green eyes slammed shut.
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He woke with a gasping breath, lungs aching and head throbbing. Tacky warmth was spread on the side of his face and he knew that he’d been bleeding. He tried to reach for the wound, but his hands were stuck, locked tight above his head by the enchanted metal cuffs that hung against the back wall of the dungeon.
Slowly, the room came into view and he shivered. The air was on full blast, pumping in through vents in the ceiling and casting down icy air into the stone lined room. He gave himself a quick shake to shed the dregs of unconsciousness blinked into the dim light.
Vision was not his friend and Dean cringed at the sight before him.
Y/N was lying on the cold floor in the center of the devil’s trap, her naked body displayed as if she were sleeping. Her hands were hung at her sides, her legs perfectly straight. Her eyes were still closed but she was breathing and Dean called to her.
“Y/N!” His voice bounced through the room but she didn’t stir. “Baby, come on. Wake up!”
Her lashes fluttered. Her throat tensed with a cough.
“That’s it, baby,” he urged, “wake up. Come on.”
She struggled to open her eyes, and when she did, panic filled them. She tried to move, but her limbs were numb, unresponsive.
“Dean?” She turned towards his voice, only her head able to move. Her eyes were wide and flooded with horrors he missed while passed out. “Dean! We have to get out of here. Now.”
Her breaths were heavy, pained. She tried to move again, but only managed to twist her left foot a bit to the right.
“Fuck! I can’t move!”
Dean took a breath and looked around. They were alone and the secret entrance closed. Something had put them in here to keep safe.
“We’re OK.” He swallowed hard. “Hey! Look at me, OK? We’re OK. We been in worse situations, right?”
He smiled but she wasn’t buying it. A tear slipped down her cheek and Dean’s heart ached.
“We’re gonna be just fine.”
She nodded. “Yeah. Right. OK.”
They looked into each other’s eyes, finding the will to stay calm within. He exhaled slowly and she mimicked, calming down for a moment.
It was a brief moment that shattered when the door creaked open.
“Dean?” Her heart raced, eyes shooting towards the entrance.
No one entered, but the light from the box glowed bright from between the metal shelves. Dean stared at the neon, trying to decipher his task. If he knew what he was up against, he could fight it. He couldn’t exactly punch the fog.
He grit his teeth and tugged at the chains. “Hello? Who’s there!”
Y/N drew in a scared breath and whimpered. “Dean…”
His eyes followed hers and his jaw dropped in awe.
Slithering through the gap in the portal was a long, slimy tendril. It was firm and thick, the color of an eggplant, and it moved across the floor like an eel.
Dean blinked in wonder as more appendages appeared, sliding through the crack in countless numbers until a swarm of squirming, slithering things darkened the edges of the devil’s trap. They skirted the red paint, looming within inches of Y/N’s paralyzed form.
Her jaw trembled and she grit her teeth to try and stay calm. Years of almost getting herself killed had taught her that panic helped no one.
Quickly, she looked up at Dean but he was as lost as she; there were no plans, no ideas. They were in trouble.
The tentacles breached the sigil and Y/N screamed as two warm, wet things slid across her feet and wrapped themselves around her ankles. Tiny suckers on the underside attached themselves to her flesh, puckering and slurping, kissing her calves and feet.
Y/N’s breath caught. The sensation was almost pleasant, and she let herself relax a little.
Dean watched as the strands of flesh crawled up higher, slipping between and around her thighs.
“Y/N?” His heart was pounding, nerves on edge, and yet- he couldn’t stop watching. He clawed at the cuffs, yanked down hard on the chain, but his eyes never left Y/N. “Baby?”
Her eyes were heavy, lips parted with a deep exhale. “Dean… it’s… it’s OK…”
The arms twisted around her legs jerked suddenly and her knees fell open. A clipped moan left her lips and Dean’s stomach tensed.
“It’s so… warm…” She sighed and bit her bottom lip, keeping in a string of aroused noises. “Dean…”
He pulled hard on the cuffs and a single line of blood dribbled down his forearm. “Y/N… I can’t- It’s-”
Words vanished as a third tendril slinked between her legs and nuzzled at her cunt. Y/N cried out in shock but sank back down into blissful compliance as the suckers closed around her clit.
“Oh my god- Dean- it’s-”
His eyes were locked on her body, unable and unwilling to turn away.
“Oh, fuck!”
Y/N’s eyes rolled and another tentacle slipped in between her thighs, this one sinking without warning into her tight pussy. It jammed itself in deep and then expanded to fill her channel completely.
“Jesus Christ!” Her voice cracked as the invader pulled out just enough to let her juices flow freely before slipping back in. Her body tensed and her hips jerked upwards, moved by the tentacles.
Dean’s mouth watered despite his fear. The sound of the thing fucking into her rang in his ears and his cock twitched hard. The wetness squelched loudly and another slinking eel came around, sliding through the mess to nudge at her tightest hole. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t resist the arousal that zapped through his veins.
Y/N exhaled a shaking laugh as the monster filled her up. She tried to squirm away, to buck her hips to the rhythm of it moving, but she was locked in place, trapped by some magical bondage that she couldn’t explain.
More tendrils appeared, attacking her in ways that Dean couldn’t fathom. They attached themselves to her nipples, sucking with slurping hunger that made Y/N cry out with spasming pleasure. They tangled in her hair, coiled around her arms, her throat. They covered her eyes, blinding her from Dean, pulsed at her ears until she could hear nothing but the wetness and their suctioning kisses.
“Dean?” She tried to turn her face, to look for him, but it was all darkness. “Dean! They’re…”
A gentle buzzing sounded in the back of her mind and Y/N was distracted, listening to it intently.
Dean called to her, but she could no longer respond. The tentacles pushed and pulled at her flesh, twisted her limbs, puppeted each finger.
“They’re… taking over… me…” The buzzing was incessant and distracting. She held her breath as the thick snake in her cunt moved deeper still. She could feel it breaking through, plunging into stomach, fucking everything inside. There was no pain, only a deep, throbbing point of pleasure that radiated outward and blocked everything else out.
Panting and tense with guilty arousal, Dean stared at her stomach as the tentacle bulged in her lower belly. He could see the tip poking through, climbing upwards through her system. It crawled higher and Y/N gagged when it entered the base of her throat.
“Oh, god- Y/N!” His voice was strangled and his cock was stiff. He hated himself for watching, for not closing his eyes to the horror, but it was strangely beautiful and Y/N’s pleasured cries were alluring and intoxicating.
Her head jerked as the tendril passed into her throat and pushed across her tongue.
Dean gaped, eyes wide and staring. The tip slipped from her lips and pumped outwards like some alien tongue. It thrust in and out, pulling and pushing from her cunt to her mouth, flooding her body with its poison slime.
Gagging and suffocating, Y/N felt herself slipping into darkness. The buzzing grew louder and the suckers pulled harder. Her thigh quaked as she came and her muscles squeezed hard around the appendages, coaxing it to fuck her harder.
His voice faded into the background, so far away, so quiet.
The larger tentacle forced itself through her lips again and blue tinged liquid pulsed from the tip. It exploded from her mouth, choking her and covering her face and chest in a thick, oozing cum-like mess.
Dean shuddered, his body shaking as he came in his jeans, untouched and disgusted with himself, terrified for Y/N. He clenched his teeth and roared, using what little strength he had left to yank at the chains.
Y/N’s body twitched as the tentacles retreated. They slithered from her holes and untangled themselves from her limbs, setting her free.
Dean held his breath, watching her chest. She wasn’t moving.
His eyes flooded with wetness and he blinked a single tear that slid down his face, catching in the stubble.
Suddenly, her eyes popped open and she took a breath. Mechanically, she sat up and twisted to look up at Dean.
Her smile was unnatural and terrifying, her lips stretching too far up into her cheeks. Her eyes were wrong, the irises overtaken with neon purple light.
She stood, climbing to her feet with minimal effort. She opened her mouth and an unearthly tongue curled out, licking the cum from her face. She smiled again and cocked her head, regarding Dean.
“Thank you for the female,” she said, voice high-pitched and awkward. “She will be very useful.”
The metal cut into his wrists again and Dean raged, screaming for her as she walked away.
The shelves slid closed behind her and Dean was left alone in the cold darkness, confused and horrified.
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“Dean! Hey!”
She slapped his cheek and he woke, jerking up and away from her. He kicked at the blanket and scrambled for his gun, a strangled cry dying in the back of his throat.
“Whoa!” Y/N pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, her hands raised in surrender, her sleepy face twisted with worry. “Dean! It’s me!”
A deep breath pushed him back into reality. “Holy shit!” He scrubbed a hand down his face and popped his jaw, uncomfortable and still reeling. “That was a dream?”
Y/N blinked at him, confused. “Uh… probably. What the hell happened? You started kicking me and when I woke up you were twisted and screaming.”
The dream played tricks on him, tinting her eyes purple and snaking a tiny eel around her throat, but he pushed it away. He slapped his cheeks and rubbed at his eyes.
“Wow. That was insane.”
Settling, he leaned back against the headboard and opened his arms. Carefully, Y/N slid in next to him.
“Babe, you’re soaked through with sweat…” Y/N lifted the cotton from his chest and cringed. “Gross. You OK?”
He exhaled loudly and nodded, dropping his arm around her shoulder. “Yeah. Just a really… really fucked up dream.”
Y/N snuggled close and slipped her arm around his waist, making him jump.
“Wow, I guess it was.”
He laughed at himself and sighed. “Gotta stop watching all that hentia. It’s doin’ things to me.”
Y/N danced her fingers over his stomach and down. “Not all bad things…” Her hand slipped and she cupped his dick, rubbing gently.
Still on edge, Dean hissed and grabbed her wrist, carefully guiding her away. “Yeah. Not… not now… Bad. Bad things.”
Laughing sweetly, she set her arm back around his chest and cuddled close. “Maybe you should really be looking up tornadoes before bed. Those never gave you nightmares.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He smirked and rubbed a hand down her arm. “Definitely gotta lay off the monster fucking… for a while, anyway…”
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
hiii! may i request chuuya with an s/o that works for the armed detective agency? thank you & have a lovely day!! <3 🕸️
Chuuya with ada s/o
OOOO! I love writing chuuya! I hope this is ok! I wrote mainly before and how you guys got together but If you want more I will happily add to this
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Chuuya was walking around Yokohama one day to see you playing with some kids
He often uses his ability to entertain kids on the street
So too see some one else doing it brought a smile to his face
He walked close to see who it was
“WOW Mr. Fancy hats back!!”
You turn around to see Chuuya an executive at the port Mafia
You would go into a defensive pose ready to strike if needed
“ Calm down doll, no need to fight” he would sit down next to you and also entertain the kids
About an hour had passed and it was getting dark
The kids ran off to their houses and you where left alone with chuuya
“ I guess you aren’t as big of a tough guy as I thought Mr. fancy hat”
“You aren’t to shitty your self”
You ended up exchanging numbers because hey you can be friends
Once a week you both would meet up and have a few drinks together and you both honestly got along amazingly
After a few times drinking with Chuuya you realized you had fallen for him
THIS WAS BAD like being friends with him was bad but having a crush on him was BAD
Both of your guys jobs where important to neither of you would want to lose it
But if any one found out you would certainly lose your job
Lets be real Kunikida would kill you
BUT it may be a curse or a blessing but our beloved Dazai found out
Instead of threatening to tell the others he chose to help you
There was two reasons why Dazai was willing to help
1. you where is friend???
2. his main reason more ways to bully Chuuya
SO Dazai came up with a plan to get you guys together
He joined you on one of your outings with Chuuya but he stayed back making sure Chuuya wouldn't see him
He observed the way Chuuya acted around you and thats when he knew his little dog from the port mafia was in love
When you had left the table you and Chuuya where at to get more drinks
Dazai new it was his chance
He went up to Chuuya "Ya know Chuuya, if you don't go for them quick some one else will come and take them for themselves"
A 'slightly' drunk Chuuya death glared Dazai
"Perfect time S/o! Ta Ta Chuuya"
The next day Chuuya called you over to his pent house apartment
when you arrived he quickly invited you in and Threw roses into your hands
he took one deep breath and just blurted out "I like you"
So dating a some one in the port mafia while being in the ADA is hard but you both make a lot of time for each other
The only time your relationship is really threatened is during the cannibalism arc because you both had to fight for your bosses to live
I think when the other ADA members found out
they would hype you up!
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serpentinesketches · 9 days
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More for my GO Gladiator AU! I started thinking up what I wanted their first meeting to look like, and this scene popped into my head. I imagine the vibes here are much like the drunk "Dolphins!" conversation in S1 canon (you know the one). Very silly and good bonding time for these two :D
I'm not fully done writing it, but here's a snippit of their first meeting scene under the cut to accompany this art:
The woman drags Aziraphale by the hand off into one of the side-rooms, pushes him down onto a small chair, and puts a knee up on the large, circular bed that is the main centerpiece of the room. She fixes him with the same amused look as before as she fiddles with the serpent clasp on her left shoulder, “So, tell me, what is it you really want? You have something specific in mind, I can tell.”
Aziraphale clears his throat, suddenly realizing they were very much not on the same page, “Ah, apologies my dear, I believe you’ve misread my apprehension earlier. I actually, um… Don’t? Want to sleep with you, that is.”
“… Eh?” The woman had seemed ready to accept most feasible answers to her question. This answer was not on the list.
“It’s just…” Aziraphale sighs, a fullbody thing, “It’s dreadfully boring, mingling around, talking about conquests and the like. And I’d much rather curl up with a good book. But I’m not allowed to just leave, there’d be… consequences.” Aziraphale shudders, involuntary, “That lot does not just send rude notes.”
Aziraphale shakes himself and blazes on, “I’ll compensate you handily though! Enough you shouldn’t have to work again tonight,” he pulls out his wallet, “assuming I remember the going rates for these things well enough…” he mumbles the last bit, more to himself.
He extends his hand with the money, offering it up, “All I ask is you stay in this room with me for a couple hours, and if anyone asks, we had a lovely time.”
“… Uh-huh.”
“I’m sure you could use the break, either way.” Aziraphale continues, to fill the silence, “I’ve never met someone of your profession who is not dreadfully overworked.”
Taking the money, she seems to catch up to reality and cracks a smile, “Well, yeah - you won’t hear me complaining!” She flops down on the plush circular mattress, melting into it. He hadn’t realized how precisely she had been holding herself until she finally actually relaxed.
“It’s kinda funny, I thought you’d have no interest in sleeping around when I first saw you. Good to know my instincts aren’t waning on me.” She winks at him - seems flirting is just a default for her, no matter the circumstances.
“Yes well.” Aziraphale wrings his hands, “I know it’s odd of me, but I simply have no interest in sleeping with people I hardly know”
“Certainly unusual, but not bad.” Her head tilts side-to-side as she considers this. She looks down, pauses for a beat.
“Well. Let’s get to know each other then – the name’s Crowley,” she leans up, extending a hand.
“That’s an odd name for a—Wait, no, you don’t have to-“ Aziraphale stutters, several thoughts getting caught in his throat while he attempts to voice them all at once.
Crowley laughs, but not a cruel laugh, more endeared than anything by Aziraphale’s stumbling. “I know, I know, I’m not trying to get in your pants. I just don’t want to wait here in silence, and you seem interesting.”
“Ah, well then,” Aziraphale takes her hand in his, ever so gentle. “It’s a pleasure. I’m Aziraphale.”
“Oh wow, really?” Aziraphale nods, sheepish. “Huh! Never figured I’d get to fake-bed someone of your renown – that’ll be a feather in my cap for sure.” Crowley continues, undeterred.
“Mmm, glad my ‘renown’ will be helpful to one of us” Aziraphale snarks, annoyance seeping through his normally reserved exterior. Crowley looks taken aback at his admission, but not wholly surprised.
There’s a moment of quiet, and Aziraphale remembers his other train of thought, “Oh! If I may, I don’t mean to be rude, but your name - it’s not usually a name for a lady…”
“Ah, clever man!” Crowley waggles his finger at him, “that’d be because I’m not one.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked- I just assumed-“
“Don’t worry about it, seriously.” Crowley interrupts before Aziraphale can apologize himself into a tizzy, “people assume, and I play into it intentionally.”
“Plus, I mean, it’s all made up anyway, the way I see it. Woman, man, whatever else, who cares. We’re all just human at the end of the day.”
If you've read to this point I appreciate you very much, I hope you liked my nonsense! Have a virtual cookie! <3 🍪
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Oh boy, get ready for a long post. There’s a lot to cover.
As Luigi is dragged aboard Bowser’s ship, he is utterly confounded, and is just trying to take in his surroundings. He is not granted even that luxury. Every time he hesitates he is violently forced along. The second to last time he’s yanked forward, it’s so aggressive that his hat falls over his eyes, effectively blindfolding him for the final leg of the journey. The last time he’s tugged forward, he’s so exhausted and disoriented that he falls on his face before Bowser’s throne, and it takes a little while for him to get back up.
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Bowser looks intrigued. At this point, all he knows of either of The Mario Brothers is that there’s a mustachioed human somewhere out there, training with and traveling alongside his love interest. When he first heard of Mario he was thrown into a tizzy, his fragile ego threatened by simply the existence of a human in close proximity to the woman he’s infatuated with... and now who should be dragged to his throne but yet another human, who matches the exact description of the man on his mind.
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Luigi gathers himself and rises to his knees. Looking up, he recoils at the sight of Bowser: a nine foot tall turtle monster, covered in razor sharp spikes, looking down at him with rage in his eyes, like he wants to tear him apart.
“Leave him to me.” Bowser begins to descend his throne. If Luigi wasn’t scared before, he certainly is now. He recoils even further, every cell in his body striving to move as far away as possible; to run, to hide, to disappear, to be anywhere except here!
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 Kamek shows up in a puff of smoke, and after undoing Luigi’s bonds he engulfs him in a magical field that serves only to incapacitate him even more than the ropes did. Luigi yells in terror as he is flung forward, and is placed face-to-face with the menacing King of The Koopas.
You can see Luigi very subtly shake his head as Bowser draws near. Every part of him is screaming, bracing for the worst, but Bowser merely spins Luigi around… almost playfully… and asks for his name.
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“Uh… Luigi.” He answers, letting out a nervous laugh. With nowhere to run, nothing to hide behind, and nobody to protect him, Luigi has one last survival method to lean on: deescalation. Clearly this giant turtle monster thing is mad about something. This has to be a misunderstanding! He thinks that, perhaps, if he is agreeable and does what he’s told, he can escape this situation intact.
Bowser brags about his plans to marry a princess and rule the world while threateningly flicking his claws, so sharp and sturdy they spark like knives against each other. Luigi feigns celebration as Bowser presses one of these razor-sharp claws against his throat, lifting his head. “Wow, heh... Yaaay.” Deescalate. Survive. Tell this guy what he wants to hear.
“But there’s one problem, Luigi. There’s a human traveling with my fiancee… has a mustache, just like you!”
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“...Do you know him?”
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Mmmm, okay. Let’s address the elephant in the room. What’s up with the... behavior? This is what I think: For some time now, Bowser has been seething about Mario. He’s never met him, knows almost nothing about him, and yet he already hates him with the passion of a thousand suns. No matter what Bowser claims, he very much feels threatened by Mario’s proximity to Peach. He wants nothing more than to prove his superiority over him… to grind him under his heel like he has everyone else that has ever gotten in his way. Now he finds someone who fits Mario’s description in his presence– someone who is very likely connected with this newfound enemy– and he’s going to revel in it. Every motion Bowser’s made this far… spinning Luigi around, jabbing at his throat, messing with his hat, lifting his chin, twirling his mustache… is about dominance. It’s to prove to Luigi that he is truly helpless, and that Bowser can do whatever he likes to him without consequence.
Unfortunately, this dynamic is also… um, you know...
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... quite fruity. While I see it more as strictly a power play, there’s a weird intimacy in the chin lifts and the mustache twirl that’s hard to ignore. If Bowser isn’t attracted to Luigi, he certainly has a fascination with him, at least for the moment.
“… N-no…” When responding to Bowser’s question, Luigi’s first “no” sounds genuine, like he’s so scared that his brain isn’t functioning correctly, and he legitimately doesn’t recall. But in a split second the pieces come together, and his eyes widen with realization: Mario. “... No!” The second “no” is a huge mistake; an impulsive reiteration, a lie transparent as glass. Bowser is all the more certain that these two know each other, and steps the interrogation up a notch.
“Ah, tough one I see! Maybe this will get you to talk…” Bowser almost sounds excited to see the defiance. He targets the one descriptor he has for Mario other than his humanity: the mustache. He grabs a hair, and tugs.
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It clearly hurts, but now that Luigi knows his brother is involved he tries to feign ignorance. He doesn’t know what’s happening or why it matters, he just knows he doesn’t want Mario wrapped up in... whatever this is. Unfortunately, Luigi is really, really bad at lying.
“Do you think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with the letter of his first name on it?… because I don’t.” Luigi. My man. My poor dumb green bean, Bowser never mentioned the outfit. Luigi has effectively removed any doubt that he and Mario know each other, and placed a big ole target on his own head.
The confirmation that Luigi is well acquainted with the man stealing his girl has made him infinitely less amusing to Bowser, who is now less interested in toying with Luigi and far more interested in hurting him. He pulls out the mustache hair and snatches Luigi in his fist, squeezing tight. He grabs a larger clump of mustache and yanks hard, repeating the question with a newfound violence. “Do you know him!?”
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“Ah! Stop! Stopstopstop I know him, yes, I know him. He’s my brother Mario, and he’s the best guy in the world!”
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Completely panicked and now in serious pain, Luigi reveals two pieces of information while breaking down into sobs: the “mustachioed human” traveling with the princess is named Mario, and they are brothers. This is two pieces of information that Bowser didn’t know before, but there is one more key detail that he is desperate to know:
B: “Do princesses find him attractive!?” L: “THEY DO IF THEY HAVE GOOD TASTE!” Luigi doesn’t quite realize that his adoration of Mario is making this situation so much worse. He has not figured out... despite all evidence... that the princess is a key point in this, that there is a weird one-sided rivalry between Mario and this draconic tyrant. But, understandably, Luigi is spent. He has 0 braincells left. At this point, he just misses his brother with all his heart. If Luigi had been able to think about anything else, he might’ve know that this was the worst thing he could’ve possibly said (as adorable as it was).
Bowser does not take kindly Luigi’s reply. He rips out the clump of mustache and throws him to the ground in disgust. Whatever interest and amusement he felt before has been completely stamped out. Luigi has validated Bowser’s insecurities, and dared speak Mario’s praises in his presence. “Get him out of my sight! We’ll see how tough this Mario is, when he watches me kill his brother!”
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This interrogation has lead to two developments: 1. Bowser now officially knows Mario’s name. 2. Bowser has a newfound hatred for Luigi too. Obviously, he doesn’t hate him as much as he hates Mario, but by virtue of being dedicated to his brother Luigi has accidentally placed his head directly on the chopping block. Although I am disappointed nothing came of Bowser’s threat, I have my fingers crossed this line will come back to bite us in the future, especially now that Bowser has a better understanding of not just how dedicated Luigi is to Mario, but how much Mario loves Luigi in return.
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paddedlittleparadise · 5 months
The Taming of the Slut (Patreon/Ream Teaser)
This was gonna be one interesting evening!
It had been, what? Four years now since Ron had graduated from college? In that time he'd done what most folks his age did: found an internship, then a job, and then another one. Moved twice. Got a cat. Dated a few folks. But all that time…
Well, he didn't like to sound sappy. But he hadn't yet forgotten her.
He strode up the sidewalk now, heartbeat more than a little elevated. Oh yes, her. Mandy: the heartthrob of his college friend group. The busty, loud-mouthed, shameless history major. The girl who laughingly called herself a hopeless slut. Who had openly bragged about how she'd fucked every single member of the football team – in her sophomore year. And who had held for years now the leading role in Ron's most private fantasies.
Yeah, that was "Randy Mandy," all right. Hard to believe she was actually married now.
He rang the elegant doorbell, glancing wryly around at the immaculately groomed shrubbery of this seriously expensive house. Well, she certainly hadn't made a mistake in finding a guy with money, had she? Investment bankers like this Jacob fellow were in their own class, that was for sure. This place was definitely far more than he ever could have given her – even if she had been serious about him…
The door opened. "Hello and welcome! You must be Ron, is that right? So glad you found us! Come in, come in!" And in Ron dutifully stepped, momentarily taken aback by his host's appearance. Probably more from envy than anything, he'd expected Jacob to be some smarmy little suit-wearing weasel. But this guy… wow. He was tall. Dressed in a suit and tie. Hair neatly trimmed and smoothed, his clean-shaven jaw square and sharp. Heck, he looked ready to head onto to the red carpet… or maybe a gubernatorial debate.
"Thanks for having me," Ron offered, gazing politely about him – ostensibly at the luxurious furnishings, but privately in hopes of catching a first glimpse of the lady of the house. "I was just, you know, passing through. And I thought it would be great to chat, um, with Mandy-"
"Of course, of course! Not many of Mandy's classmates seem to be able to forget her," Jacob chuckled, and now he was gallantly gesturing toward the spacious living room, complete with a piano and a tastefully modern set of furniture. "We were so happy to get your message! I think it's so incredibly important for her to keep up all of those intimate connections she's made over the years. Don't you agree, dear?"
This last sentence was pitched louder, clearly addressed at the as-yet unseen Mandy. Ron eagerly followed Jacob's gaze to the end of the room and the open doorway that presumably led to the kitchen. This was it! His pulse quickened at the thought. Mandy would be here now. She would look so amazing – so sexy – so well-off and elegant-
Or maybe not. Because the red-faced figure that slowly stepped around the corner was probably the furthest from elegant that anyone could imagine.
Gone was her long blonde hair: snipped short and blunt, and done up in two unkempt pigtails. Gone too was her makeup – and her clothes, for the most part. All she now seemed to be wearing, Ron realized with a blast of horrified fascination, was the stuff of a fetish fantasy. A lacy white bib embroidered with a pink cursive "Slut." A pink leather posture collar, snug and wide. Matching pink bondage mitts on each hand, tethered to her collar with formidably strong steel chains. And to crown it all… a puffy, bulging, baby-pink diaper taped tightly around her waist.
What the heck is going on with Mandy?! Check out the rest – and hundreds of other original and commissioned story posts – on my Patreon or Ream!
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 340: A Saturday at Melissa's. p15 (11:18 pm)
I was laying in Melissa’s lap, her hand idly stroking my hair as we were apparently waiting for someone to bring me a cup of milk. She wanted to settle my stomach before bed, and forgive me I was just so enthralled by this gorgeous young woman (and exhausted by my evening) that I didn’t complain at all. Yeah, it was emasculating, embarrassing, even infantilizing, the treatment I was receiving. Certainly it was not the actions and behavior a semi-successful, almost-middle-aged physician should be engaging in around his employees. This whole day - though for some reason I only seemed to  remember  bits and pieces of it, - was full of misbehavior. But,goddamnit, I’d had a tough couple months so I was, uh…allowing myself these indulgences. After my divorce, these young women were becoming my friends, my new, uh, social circle. Melissa was a simple girl, and I thought I should be able to enjoy the simple pleasures she could provide and the, um, benefits of my new friends. That’s, at least, what I was telling myself. In reality the memories of even just the last hour or so in Melissa’s bed made my skin crawl a bit. What had she just done with me?? I knew she was strong but…whoah. 
Since I’d woken she’d cleaned me up, dutifully, using some of the wet wipes she kept in her side table. She’d allowed me to gather some sheets around myself, in a modesty that she would call silly. Someone was on their way up and the last thing they needed to see was their boss naked, right? Melissa was still in her thin white robe, pulled tight over her young, bulging chest.
It was Shanette that came in, finally, with mug of milk in a strangely familiar pink mug. She shut the door behind herself, the latch clicking softly. In a set of pink pajamas, decorated with red hearts, she looked our way and smiled warmly. “Are you guys ready?” she asked, and began to step towards us. 
“Yes!!” Melissa sang, wriggling a bit in her seat against the headboard of her queen-sized bed. She adjusted me on her lap a bit, sitting me up a touch. I brought my hands down to the sheets, making sure I was still covered.
“I brought a nice warm cup of milk for youuuuu…!” Shanette cooed, in a little song herself that already began to indulge my deepest fantasies. Shanette, more than any of the others, embodied a maternal charm that struck some deep chords within  me. They were notes so many women around me were learning to play, but Shanette knew the tune well already, and with her now being more than six feet tall at this point and built nearly as bosomy as Melissa, it made her music hard to ignore. She was, just like Melissa, a dream girl to men of this new generation, who all seemed eager to relax, regress and let mommy take over. What she and her new boyfriend did together? I shudder to think. 
She handed the mug to me. It was warm, as if it had been heated for me and it read, “It’s Not Easy Being Queen” on its side…again something that jogged a memory. But I didn’t have too long to muse on Melissa’s Mom’s coffee mug collection before - one hand behind my head for support, the other under the mug - Melissa urged the milk towards my lips. Laying in her lap like I was, I was sort of in an awkward position to drink but she was here to help. 
Mmmmmm it smelled nice, the warm milk, and once more a sense of deja vu hit me. I felt the sudden, unconscious urge to take a nice big drink opening my mouth wide only to be stymied before I could even get a taste. 
“Little sips until it cools,” Melissa stopped me, hand taking hold of the mug from below. 
“Yes hun don’t burn yourself,” Shanette agreed, looking down at us from the bedside. She and Melissa shared a glance, and it was only when I nodded in understanding that Melissa slowly released her hold on the cup.
More carefully, now, I put lips to rim, tilted the mug up, and took a tentative sip. Mmmmm wow, it tasted great. Like, somehow, just what I needed. A familiar taste, an unusual brand maybe, something with a particular type of sweetness. Immediately I wanted more. I looked up at Melissa. “I-it’s not that hot…” I said.
“Shhh,” Melissa said, her hand once again under the mug to help guide it, “Just be careful.” She let me take a sip, a drink, and then under her and Shanette’s dutiful gaze I braved a small gulp. 
I spilled a bit. 
“Tsk tsk,” came Melissa’s little scold, as she used the hem of her robe to dab my lips and chin. I shrank a bit in embarrassment in her lap as she took the mug in hand again. 
“Do you want to help me feed it to him?” Melissa asked Shanette. 
“Of course!”
“I-I’m okay..” I immediately protested, though Shanette had already begun to climb onto the bed anyway. First with one knee, then the other.  
“Here why don’t we use this…” she suggested, reaching back and taking hold of the plastic straw in the old cup of milk on the nightstand leftover from last night. As she turned, twisting at the waist and causing her pajama top to bunch and tighten around her chest, I was able to appreciate the size of her big breasts. She turned back around, slid the straw into the mug of milk, and Melissa presented it to me again. I looked up at her. 
“That’s right, sweetie,” Melissa urged, “Suck.”
“Suck?” I asked. 
“Suck,” answered Shanette, crawling in closer to us and leaning in now, directing the straw to my lips. The little red hearts of her silken pajamas were right in front of my eyes, stretched tautly over twin swells. She was obviously braless, with the faintest hint of a nipple poking through the thin fabric. Cleavage of chocolate skin peeked out from her neckline, beckoning softly. Her buttons strained to contain her, gaps appearing between each of them with slivers of shadowed, deeper cleavage tempting me further. So much boob, but if I turned to my right I was faced with even more - Melissa’s enormous chest ballooned above me in her white robe. 
And so I sucked, mmmmm, the warm milk through the straw, enjoying its creamy sweetness that tasted like a memory. When had I grown to like milk so much? Something you’ve taught me, I guess. 
Suck, suck, suck. I pulled eagerly at my drink, cheeks collapsing around the straw in suction. With nowhere else to look my eyes drifted naturally from the chests of Shanette to Melissa and back again. Suck, suck, suck. 
“There you go, that’s a good boy for Auntie Shanette,” Melissa would coo, when my eyes went forward to the stretched red hearts.  
“…and for Melissa…” said Shanette, when I looked back and up. 
“…for all of us, for me,” continued Melissa, “for your big mommy-girlfriend.”
At that, my eyes went wide, my mouth parting from around the straw. Shanette giggled, chest jiggling, and reached in to caress my cheek. 
“Tell him, Missy,” she said. 
Melissa giggled herself. “That’s what I want to be,” Melissa purred, fingers lazily caressing my hair, my scalp, the back of my head, “your mommy girlfriend. Do you know what that means? 
“You do, don’t you?” Shanette queried. Yes, it was a common trope these days, one you read about frequently. Just a look at Urban Dictionary will tell you that a mommy-girlfriend is a woman that dates men who love being treated like an incapable child. These men are treated to home cooked meals, their clothes are bought or picked out for them, their rent is paid and food is served to them on a silver platter. When she gets home from work  she uses her seemingly  endless available time to listen to his problems and concerns and makes sure that her boy-man is taken care of. To me, it seemed that more and more women were desperate to find secure love and were happy providing this sort of affection to these immature men. Being fully supported and controlled by a woman can make a man feel safe, and in these weird times it’s probable that they’d never leave.
“I, uh, yeah…” I agreed, shamefacedly. Was this me? Was this her?
They both saw the confusion on my face. “I want to teach you how to accept it,” Melissa offered gently, “Shanette’s here to help.”
“Wh-wh-??” I tried, failing to really comprehend what was going on.
“Shhhh, hun,” Shanette stopped me, moving the straw back to my lips, “Drink up.”
And so, with a bit more anxiety forming on my brow, I set back to sucking. More milk, more warm milk filled my mouth and fed me sweetly. The girls, for their part, cooed and clucked down at me dreamily, surrounding me with their softness and entrancing perfumes. I knew Melissa and Shanette had been roommates in the past. Was this something they’d done before? With other men? Was this some sort of weird, intimate game of theirs?
“You’re getting close to done now, aren’t you sweetie?” Melissa asked, as the mug had grown light. 
“I think he is,” answered Shanette. 
“I think it’s so sexy,” continued Melissa, with a crinkled nose and dimpled smile, “watching you drink breastmilk.”
I sputtered, I goggled, I looked up at Shanette.
“Shhh shhh shh…it’s not hers..!” Melissa laughed. My eyes got even wider and shot up to her with even greater fear.  “Or haha, omigod mine!”  
Jesus!!! Her assurance brought me some thin relief that nonetheless quickly vaporized. What the actual fuck! What…whose…had I been drinking?!?
“It’s Katarina’s,” Melissa explained, voice calm, “And don’t worry, you’ve had some before…”
?!!? Gah what?!?! 
“Don’t you remember?” Shanette giggled.
“N-n-no..!” I sputtered, “I honestly don’t!” But, wait…did I?
“You really liked it…”
“When did-?”
“Earlier tonight, sweetie,” Melissa continued patiently, “when you were a little out of sorts, you took a little taste.”
“From…?!?” Please don’t tell me that I…!
“...from a mug, this same one..!” Melissa laughed, “Don’t worry!”
“Lots of us did haha!” Shanette followed, “The girl makes enough to feed a whole family. We had to try it!”
”But, I have to say,” Melissa smiled, “you seemed the most eager, little man…”
“Oh my god…” What the?!!? What had come over me? Had I been drunk?? Why couldn’t I really recall-
“Maybe somebody took some video…”
“And Kat really liked seeing you drink it,” Shanette said, “All the other girls loved it too.” 
”Especially me!” Melissa sang, joggling me on her lap, up and down, “It gives me so many fun ideas…” She giggled, she wiggled her chest at me.
I realized, laying there, how much I had become the shrunken recipient for all of their heightened maternal impulses, for all of these mommy-urges women were apparently getting everywhere. Yes, yes, this was the trend in the world, the hot new thing, and apparently I was becoming a victim of fashion. What the fuck was I supposed to do? It was, in the end, ridiculous but…jesus…so fucking hot.
Shanette and Melissa urged me to drink more.
“It’ll make you big and strong.”
“Or small and skinny.”
“Haha omigod shorter…”
“…just like we want you!! <giggle!>”
Oh, lord. Yes, they were just joking but goddddd. Suck suck suck. They were joking they were joking they were just joking but my heart beat red in my face.
Finally, I was done. The girls, apparently, were satisfied. Shanette took the mug, turned again to put it on the nightstand.
Melissa stroked my bare chest. ”So,” she asked me, “Bedtime?”
Before I could answer, though, Shanette had leaned in to whisper something to Melissa. Her eyes widened a moment later, and they both looked down at me and giggled. 
What’s going on? “What’s going o-?”
Suddenly, I was forced silent as Melissa raised a finger to her lips and gave me a shushing motion from above, peering down at me in good humor. Good humor that made her eyes sparkle when she saw how easily she’d shushed me.
“Go brush your teeth,” she told me, already moving to help me sit up onto the mattress from her lap, “You can use the one in my bathroom.”
My eyes went wide again. “G-go brush my teeth? With y-your toothbrush?” I responded as I sat, repeating her instructions like a small child struggling with what he was told to do, simple as it was.
A brief laugh came from them then a bigger smile formed on Melissa’s face. “I would brush your teeth myself to make sure they’re cleaned properly,” she said, in her best house-frau voice, “but I’m holding back…for now.” She watched my face. Yes, I’m listening. “But you are to brush, floss and use mouthwash.”
“Ok, but…” I looked at Shanette, I looked down at myself, I looked across the room to where the bathroom lay. Then I looked back at Melissa. “I’m naked.”
The girls both giggled. 
“It’s okay, hun,” Shanette offered, “I’ll close my eyes.” Mischief wrinkling her dimpled cheeks, she lowered her long-lashed lids and put her hands over her eyes. 
“Now go. Scoot,” Melissa directed me, pulling back the sheets and exposing me as she pushed at my lower back from behind, “Go brush your teeth. It’s bedtime.”
Hopping off the mattress - god, my feet don’t even touch the floor - I jogged across the room towards Melissa’s en-suite bathroom, my half-thickened cock slapping awkwardly against my thighs. 
“No peeking!” I heard Melissa scold her friend from behind me, and the two dissolved into frisky giggles.
Once in the bathroom I immediately grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around my waist, and soon I had found her toothbrush, some toothpaste, and I was scrubbing away. It didn’t, strangely, strike me as too odd that I was using someone else’s toothbrush. Normally: yuck, right? But maybe after all I’d been through, this was just a small irregularity. In fact…can I taste you on it? It…it felt nice, using her brush.
Anyway, maybe because I thought they were watching me (they told me not to close the door) I felt extra motivated to do a good job. Brush brush brush, brush brush brush. And then - floss, floss, floss. I never flossed, but tonight I did. And then - garglegarglegargle - mouthwash! Haha, done.
I stepped back out of the bathroom, confident in my newly cleaned oral cavity, and froze. They were both kneeling on the bed, facing me, side by side. Shanette’s top was unbuttoned, Melissa’s robe undone. They were posing, enormous chests presented. I was just in a towel, and fuck I was getting hard again. 
“Come here, baby,” Melissa cooed.
“We need to check…” said Shanette.
“… that you did a good job,” finished Melissa.
Slowly, I stepped towards them. They waited, each unmoving, and looked down at me when I found the mattress’ edge. It was like two impossibly built, statuesque genetic supergoddesses were gazing down from on high. 
“Say ahhh!” Melissa instructed, taking my chin in hand.
I opened. “Ahhhhh….” I said, as wide as I could.
She inspected me, looking carefully into my mouth. “Do you want to see, Shanette?” She turned my head gently towards her friend.
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Shanette nodded, also pleased. “Good job, honey.”
“Yes, good job,” Melissa agreed, “Now, are you ready to get some sleep?”
“I’m…uh…yes, ready.” Is she going to be sleeping with us? 
Shanette's hand went to Melissa’s tit and she pressed her fingers into it, sinking them into soft flesh through the thin white robe. “Don’t worry hun, you’ll have her all to yourself,”  she said, as Melissa giggled, “Your pillow is going to be so soft and so warm. It’ll support you just right.”
“I-I-I, uh…” 
“It’ll help you nod off…”
“…and make sure you have sweet dreams all night,” Melissa continued. My eyes being clearly fixated on her left tit as it made even Shanette’s big hand look small only added to her amusement. But, she was now scootching backwards, and laying down in bed, onto her right side facing me, supporting her head with one hand. Her big breasts still bulged between the open flaps of her robe. “What kind of dreams do you want to have?”
“I bet he’s been having them already,” Shanette offered as she reached down to offer me her hand. I took it, and she helped me climb up into the tall bed. 
“Maybe…” Melissa mused, watching me get settled next to her, as Shanette helped me lay, on my back, aside her. She saw that I had my hands crossed, awkwardly, on my chest, my head on a pillow and dwarfed by the boobs that looked just to my left. . “Do you, sweetie?” she asked, “Do you dream about me?”
Yes of course I do. 
“Want to make those dreams come true?” Shanette said and then - getting a silent nod from Melissa - laid down on my other side, also facing me, also positioning her big soft breasts right next to my head. 
I looked to my left: Melissa. I looked to my right: Shanette. Each way, all I could see was cleavage, bulging boob. Creamy, tanned. Chocolate, milky. Floral, vanilla, coconut perfumes and oils filled the warm air around my face. 
Shanette also had her head supported by her hand, left elbow up on her pillow. “Does the little man need some boobie time?” she cooed. 
“Shanette’s going to help me make your dreams come true,” Melissa said to me, “Just tell us what you want…”
They inched in closer to me. 
Unable, now, to find the courage to do what they obviously wanted -  to just turn to one of them and lose myself between their tits - I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. The lights were gentle.
“You look so shy, so insecure, so vulnerable…” Melissa said. 
“I-I…I’m sorry…” I can’t help it. 
“Shhhhh…” Shanette hushed, “…we love it.”
“We’ll protect you,” Melissa whispered. 
“You’ll be safe between us,” Shanette assured, as she reached over, over my passively upturned face, and peeled Melissa’s robe open, away from her ballooning chest. I’d turned my face a bit to watch, and moaned in a shudder as a big, white left breast came to view. 
“oh my god…” I groaned. It was huge, far larger than my head, skin smooth and taut with a swelling brown nipple and areola the size of my palm. A basketball, maybe? Bigger?
Without a word, Melissa’s arm reached over me in turn, peeling Shanette’s silken top, decorated with hearts, away from her chest. Also huge, also swollen, also bulging towards me with burgeoned softness her breasts were deeper in complexion than Melissa’s but a shade paler than the rest of her skin. Her nipple stood already engorged, the bumps of montgomery glands dimpling her darker areola. 
“There, sweetie,” Melissa purred, as I stared into the chest of her big, tall, high school friend, “Do you feel better?’
I…ugh…I I I I turned to Melissa’s breast. 
“Oh Missy,” Shanette giggled, “he can’t even talk..!”
“Yeah, he gets this way,” Melissa replied, one finger reaching out to run itself from my forehead, down the bridge of my nose. She tapped its end, playfully.  “Boop! Don’t you honey?”
“I-…” I couldn’t say a word. 
“Boys really are helpless when there’s a pair of tits in their face, aren’t they Missy?”
“Or two pairs!” Melissa giggled, pressing her left press down with her shoulder, causing it to squeeze and bulge towards me.
“Have you ever been with two girls with breasts bigger than your head?” Shanette asked, “Hm, Dr. J?”
“I don’t think he has, Shanette.”
“No, hm?”
“How do you like it, sweetie?” Melissa asked, raising herself up a bit on her right elbow and turning her torso more towards me. This brought her massive left breast in to squash into my face and head, along my left side. 
Shanette followed suit, turning her shoulder down into me and mushing her right boob into my face. Instinctively, my body tensed and stiffened, my head sinking back down into the pillow behind me as far as it could. The twin masses of boob just followed, molding around my face, cheeks and ears until nearly all light was blotted out. I was surrounded by pillowy soft, perfumed flesh, firm and warm. Above me I heard the giggles.
 “Look, we can just sandwich you in between them,” Melissa said. 
“I can’t even see him anymore Missy,” laughed Shanette. 
“Oh no!” came another laugh, this time Melissa’s, “my boyfriend’s disappeared!”
“It looks that way, huh?”
“What’s this like, hm sweetie? Like you’re being attacked by two big marshmallow monsters?”
“Smothered between two pillows?”
“Smooshed under two big balloons full of jelly…or eaten by two big marshmallow monsters?”
“You said that one already, silly.”
“<giggle!> oh yeah!”
Around me I felt hips turn towards me too, as the two bountiful young women closed in closer. 
“Do you want me to take this towel off him?”
“Yes please,” answered Melissa. 
I felt the air now on me, and now a thigh over mine. 
“Ooooh Jay, isn’t this cozy?” Melissa asked, her voice coming to me through the flesh of her chest, “Do you feel safe and warm like this, your darling little head between our big breasts?”
“Just relax,” Shanette cooed, her voice also both muffled and amplified by her huge tit, “Feel our big, soft breasts against your face.”
“That’s right, sweetie, relax,” Melissa urged, as her big thigh now came over my left leg, trapping it, “Melt for us.”
The girls now giggled and cooed, squirming and squashing against me, in perfect unison. Their breasts mushed into my face, surrounding it, my mouth and jaw now opening and closing like a starveling guppy. All the air I breathed came from their skin. 
“There’s a certain type of guy, a guy who loves breasts,” I heard Shanette begin saying, musing, “Guys who want to wake up with them as their first sight. Who want to take their first meal from them, spend all day held to them, surrounded by them…”
“Oooo that sounds familiar..!” I heard Melissa laugh, pressing into me playfully, “But aren’t all guys that way?”
“Seems that way these days, huh?” Shanette agreed, “But this one here is yours.”
Above me I heard a deep moan from Melissa turn into a laugh.  “Omigod Shanette this is too much!”
“…And at night they want to fall asleep held to them, between them…” Shanette began to finish.
“…so small and tiny and weak…”
 “…Are you that type of guy, Dr J?” she finally asked. 
Was she…was she actually expecting me to answer? From down here, buried beneath boob? I was not just speechless but unable to speak. 
“You are, aren’t you sweetie?” Melissa laughed, the eager exhilaration in her voice plain as day, “You’re my little boob-monkey, huh?”
That’s what you want isn’t it? Me clinging to you like an infant chimp to its mother. I couldn’t do anything but agree. I didn’t dare argue, or god forbid lie. Under the gentle weight of their breasts I slowly tried to nod. 
“There you go…” Shanette purred, “…good boy. Isn’t it nice to admit how much you need them?”
“It is, right? And, isn’t it so much better when you just let people help you?” Melissa cooed, “Sometimes it’s nice to just lie there and let someone else take care of you. That’s all I want to do baby, take care of you and make you feel good.  Make it nice for you.”
Boob. Boob. Everywhere boob.
“Missy let’s let him out for a minute.”
Slowly, I felt the squeezing press of their tits lifting off me. Shanette’s breast, smelling of coconut oil, pulled away smoothly. But, my skin felt stuck to Melissa’s, cheek-to-tit, whether by her perspiration or mine. The heat and our sweat must have stuck us together…or there's something else happening. My face followed her breast as my head was lifted off the pillow. 
“Oh my god look at that,” Shanette said.  
“Yeah and he’s not trying to pull away,” Melissa commented. “Are you sweetie? Ooo look at you…”
It was true: my face remained plastered, stuck to her breast by the cheek. What was this?
“You really like my breasts, don’t you?” she giggled, “Rubbing your cheek against me like that?” 
Do you think I’m doing this on purpose? Under my own strength?
“I bet it’s been so long since he’s gotten this kind of attention, Missy, and maybe he just doesn’t want to let you go!”
“Is that it, huh?” Melissa cooed down to me. Gently, she began to lower me back down again, the back of my head resting again on the pillow, cheek still stuck to her skin. “Maybe you’ve never had somebody do this for you before? Hm? Poor baby…I’m here for that now.”
The two girls clucked and purred down at me. I felt Shanette’s hand petting my hair. 
“I think it’s time, Missy,” she said. 
“Okay, yeah,” Melissa agreed, and then I felt Shanette’s gentle fingers holding my face and Melissa use her hand to peel her breast from my cheek. Shanette then guided me, turning me more towards Melissa. 
“That’s right Missy, put your nipple right there. That’s good,” Shanette instructed, as I watched and Melissa positioned herself more fully over me. I was face to face with her big nipple. “You just lie there, hun,” she told me, “we got this.”
“Mm hm, we got this,” Melissa echoed, and inched in closer. 
“Now, Missy,” Shanette said, “have him suck.”
Melissa gently worked it in until her nipple was between my lips. I’d opened my mouth already, instinctively, and my world became darker again as Melissa softly dropped to rest her huge breast onto my face. Her right hand no longer supported her head, and had slid underneath mine to cradle me to her. “Here we go, baby,” she whispered, as I closed my mouth around her.
“Just lay there and do as mommy says,” Shanette spoke. 
“Suck, baby, suck,” Melissa purred on cue, “suck suck…”
“There you go baby, that’s right…” Shanette purred. I felt her hand petting me gently, caressing my arm. “This is good practice for you two,” she said.
“Mmmm I like it..!” Melissa giggled, as I had begun, earnestly, to suckle her. Her nipple was big in my mouth.
“It’s called dry-nursing,” Shanette said, “Missy…make sure he has a good latch.”
“Yeah, baby, seal on tight there,” Melissa cooed down to me, using her free left hand to reposition the weight of her breast at my face. I settled my mouth and lips around her more firmly, and continued to suck. I was keeping a slow rhythm, relaxed. My eyes just cleared the mass of her breast, and when I looked up I saw her watching me. I closed my eyes again.
“That looks good, Missy,” Shanette commended, “He’s a natural.”
“It feels nice,” Melissa agreed, gazing down at me. “I’ve been waiting for something like this, something to get us closer, start breaking down barriers.”
“That’s right, that’s good. Just relax, the two of you, bond together,” Shanette purred from behind me, “Dr. J, just let yourself drift off, think about Melissa, know how much she loves you.”
“Yes yes sweetie, I do love you, so much,” she cooed, “just keep sucking…”
<suck suck suck>
I felt Shanette’s lean in, her breasts now squashing into my shoulder as she brought her lips to my right ear. “You tried Katarina’s milk earlier,” she whispered, “You liked that?”
I groaned, purrling and mewling into Melissa’s tit.
‘“Think about it, as you suck here on Missy,” she continued, her voice big and close, making my toes curl, “wouldn’t it be nice…?”
I groaned again, my whole body shivering.
“That’s right, that’s right baby,” Melissa spoke, “Suck on me. Suck on me like a hungry baby that needs milk.”
oh god oh god oh god.
<suck suck suck>
“He’s doing so well, but he’s a little worked up,” Shanette now said to her friend, “A little tense.”
“Oh, sweetie, are you tense?” Melissa cooed, her voice sweet and heavy with honey as I dry-suckled her breast, “You poor thing.”
“I bet a nice orgasm would help him relax so much”, Shanette continued, indulgently, and then I felt her take hold of me. “He’s so hard.”
I stiffened, and my body jerked. There was actually some pain but the direct cause wasn’t her actions. Rather it was due to my exhausted reproductive system still trying to perform. It had never worked this much over such a short time period, and it was exhausted, tender, inside and out. I felt like, yes, I needed relief, release, but getting there might hurt.
“Oh, sweetie, shhh…” Melissa purred down to me, “Shanette…be gentle.”
You can tell, can’t you?
“He needs a mother’s touch,” Shanette cooed, and soon I sensed the scent of coconut oil, and things became slick around me, in her hand. Had Melissa helped out? Squeezed something onto me?
And now, rather than encircling me with her palm and fingers, Shanette pressed my erection against Melissa’s bare midthigh. Oh, yes, that feels nice. <suck suck suck>. She began to rub it gently and slowly against the soft, silky skin of Melissa’s tan, clean-shaven leg, the juice of oil lubricating and slippery.
“That’s nice, isn’t it?” Shanette’s hand was slick up and down my long length, Melissa’s muscular thigh warm and welcoming. I continued to suck, to suck, to suck, slowly, slowly, slowly and felt the pleasure seep into my bones. A mother’s touch. A mother’s touch. A mother’s touch.
“You feel so nice, up against my leg,” Melissa cooed, “And you’re doing such a good job sucking at my nipple.”
“Nice and slow, nice and slow,” Shanette purred, and I began to groan. I was sore, yes, but the climax was building already inside my swollen sac, making my belly tremble. “It’s okay, we’ll go at your pace…nice and gentle.”
And then Shanette began to humm, low and soothing behind me, as she pet me into Melissa’s leg .  A familiar melody began to form. And then she began to sing. Quietly, at first, but there was something about it, something with a palpable magic: 
“When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you…”
“Omigod Shanette…” Melissa praised, seemingly at a loss for words. Her voice, yes, was gorgeous. Shockingly so, in fact. The timbre, the tone, the very essence of her voice was like a casual siren song, and it covered my waking thoughts like a warm blanket. Melissa’s singing voice - she’d sung to me on our first date, in her car - was nice, also, but Shanette’s, here? It struck deep, deep, deep and I felt it close around me and my mind like a gentle hand, embracing me but also opening me up for them. My cock was throbbing now, still being rubbed into Melissa’s thigh by our songstress. She continued softly and slowly with her lullaby: 
“If you wish it in your dreams oh my god if you knew what I wanted how big I want you
No request is too extreme <suck suck suck>
When you wish upon a star can it come true?
We’ll grow for you… wait what?
“Shanette that’s lovely,” Melissa gushed, as the magic of the lullaby faded and I continued to dry-nurse at her massive breast and - oh my god, on hearing that last line - I started finally to rut into Melissa’s leg, “I didn’t know you could sing.”
”I didn’t either…”
I came, in an easy gush, onto Melissa’s leg, all my tension draining away as I nursed myself to sleep…
Thanks again to ResistanceIsFutile for helping me through another big one
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senjuushi · 7 months
Valentine’s Day 2024 Lines — Moderns
Friend Chocolate: Master... I’m happy with Friend Chocolate, but I was hoping for something more special... Is that bad...? 
Dear Chocolate: Master! Is this chocolate special for me, your partner!? Nngh... thank you. Master, I’ll make you happy for the rest of my life...!*
*This comes across as nearly a marriage proposal.
Like Two
Friend Chocolate: Chocolate, huh... well, I guess that’s fine, for today. As thanks, I’ll do some latte art for you. What design do you want?
Dear Chocolate: You’re really... *sigh* And here I’d told myself I wasn’t going to get attached... I guess I gotta admit defeat now, huh?  
Friend Chocolate: Apple pie with chocolate, from me. The chocolate ended up sticking out a bit, but... I think it still tastes good...! 
Dear Chocolate: Getting such a wonderful gift from you... I’m overjoyed. I hope Master is happy too, but... hehe, it looks like I don’t need to worry about that. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, friend chocolate...? *sigh*... Hey, question. Why would receiving chocolate put me in a wretched mood? 
Dear Chocolate: I’ve changed, you know. I can see the precious feelings you put into this chocolate, and how much you care about me— it’s all thanks to you.♥
Friend Chocolate: I believe such courtesy can normally be expressed through words... however, this way is certainly memorable. A sweet treat makes sense. 
Dear Chocolate: In Japan, it seems people give chocolates to communicate their feelings. Go ahead, then, and confess yours. Of course, I’ll do the same. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, you made somethin’ pretty nice. It looks good enough, but... mh!? It tastes just right, too...
Dear Chocolate: Hah!? You made this for me...!? Hey, don’t go spoiling me any more than this... If you’d even want to... 
Friend Chocolate: So this is friend chocolate... You mean, you’re saying we can be friends...? How nice... thank you...! 
Dear Chocolate: It’s delicious...! If this’s got some kinda love potion in it, it... it’s not gonna work. ‘Cause I’m already in love with you... I’m joking. Heheh. 
Friend Chocolate: Is this chocolate eaten by licking at it slowly? Or all in one bite? Arisaka would like to know what Master’s suggestion is.
Dear Chocolate: A cake made by Master...! It’d be a waste to eat it too quickly. How many bites should it take...? And if I go slowly... 
Friend Chocolate: I see. So this is why Hachikyu has been so fidgety as of late? At any rate, what a lovely confectionary this is. I accept it gratefully.♪
Dear Chocolate: Oh my, what skill you have! It looks delicious.♪ You should get a taste as well, Master— say “aah”. Come on, open your mouth. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, um... thanks. (No chance to dodge...!)
Dear Chocolate: I-If I take this, it’s going to start something... right... *distressed yelling*...!? ...okay! I’m ready... I’ll take it! Please! 
Friend Chocolate: Hey, I ate the thing you gave me too fast. Huh? You’ve got more, don’cha!? Gimme those too!
Dear Chocolate: Hm, thanks. *munch munch* ...huh!? This tastes good! Shit, wow! I wanna eat this every day now!! 
Friend Chocolate: Friend chocolate... what is “friend” meant to describe here? You and I are certainly something different. Don’t think about it so much, and thank you normally? ...hm, so that’s how it is. 
Dear Chocolate: Giving a gift that you put such personal effort into... that’s proof that you treasure the recipient, isn’t it? Will something change if I accept it...? 
Friend Chocolate: This sweetness... You chose something exactly to my liking. Thank you, it’s delicious. 
Dear Chocolate: This is, for me...? ......ah, I have an idea. This melody is of a man shot by Cupid’s arrow of love.
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queenofmistresses · 7 months
requested by @theangrypomeranian
Tina Belcher x Zeke
a/n- please let me know what you think!! This is one of my first non-reader stories!
Tina felt completely and utterly defeated. With her and Jimmy Jr well and truly over, all her prom dreams were over. The night she had been writing friend fictions about for years come to a complete halt. She felt so lost. She had the gorgeous dress that looked better on her than she had ever hoped, but no romantic date to sweep her off her feet, to dance with her, to give her his jacket when she inevitably gets cold, none of it. 
But Tina is nothing if not determined. And she might wallow in self pity for a while but at the end of the day she won’t let a boy ruin her night. She’s still a smart, strong, sensual woman after all. 
So, on the day of what she’s hopes will stay the best night of her life, she hauls herself out of bed with a determined look in her eye. Time to get her shit together. 
She has breakfast with her family as usual and they all notice the change in her demeanour, and they’re certainly relieved. She asks her mom to help with her makeup, wanting to feel her most confident, and she asked all her friends which of them would be going solo. 
As she had hoped she wasn’t the only one going alone, Zeke was as well, and he had volunteered to pick her up even though that hadn’t crossed her mind before. She did jump at the offer though.
When she was finally ready, even Louise couldn’t find a way to insult her, and if Tina saw a slight glimmer in her eyes as she walked out the door then she wouldn’t say anything to anyone.
Zeke arrived 5 minutes early, as he does to anything, and waits in the car as Tina asked (despite is objections). She hops in the front of his truck and grins at him, he does look great in his suit. 
“T-Bird!” He grins back, “Wow!!” He exclaims, seemingly taking in her outfit, “You look stunning!” To Tina’s surprise when she looks at him, he seems completely genuine, not just putting on a show for her benefit.
And it catches her by surprise because even in her most romantic friend fictions she’s not been called stunning, especially with that much sincerity in the other persons eyes. She can feel her cheeks heating up in shock and she’s glad she’s sat down. “Really? Thank you Zeke. The suit suits you! Um- no pun intended haha.” Feeling awkward around Zeke for the first time since they met, she looks down at her knees, hoping he doesn’t notice how flustered she seems to be.
To her relief he chuckles and thanks her before starting the truck and driving off, they quickly start talking as they usually do and Tina feels herself relaxing and feeling calm and even glad she’s with Zeke for this. 
She’s very glad he doesn’t bring up the break up, him and Jimmy Jr stayed just as close throughout high school so she figured he must know why she’s on her own for prom, but she’s glad to see that he doesn’t have the same pity in his eyes that everyone else has lately. Zeke’s nothing if not a gentleman.
When they arrive at the venue, Zeke insists on opening the door for her and helping her out the truck, saying that she deserves the gentleman experience even she’s going with a friend. They walk up to the venue and there’s a steady but not busy stream off people arriving at the same time. They can hear the music from inside the venue and Tina starts feeling excited and even grinning. 
Then she hears a familiar voice behind her, Jimmy Jr, and despite praying that nothing would ruin her night, she feels her heart shattering all over again hearing him, seeing him with his date. Reminding her of everything that’s happened. And she freezes. Oh god she freezes and she feels mortified. She wants to run, but she hates herself for being this broken up over a boy on the best night of her teenage life. 
She feels Zeke behind her and feels as he places a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay Tina girl?” He asks, clearly hesitant. She feels herself nod but she knows it’s an obvious lie.
“I’m sorry Zeke, I don’t think I can do this.” She says after watching Jimmy Jr walk into the venue and taking some deep breaths. “I’m going to call my dad and ask him to pick me up.” She looks down at the ground, feeling awful that he had gone through the effort of picking her up, just for her to leave before even walking inside. 
“But- you’ve been waiting for years for this! You’ve been talking about your prom night for years! I know you’re hurting T-bird but it’s your prom!!” He’s walked around to face her, leaning down to her level.
“What am I supposed to do? I thought he loved me! And now I’m on my own all over again. I feel like I’m back in middle school chasing after someone with zero interest in me.” She doesn’t want to cry again, not here, not after all this effort.
“Okay, okay, what were you looking forward to with prom?” He asks, and Tina can tell he’s coming up with ideas in his head. She sighs and decides to see what he comes up with for now.
“I just wanted to dance, with a guy who actually wants me. Who loves me, and wants to be with me.” Tina watches and Zeke’s face fills with understanding.
“What if you could?” Tina gives him a look as if he’s being stupid, “We can hear the music from here can’t we? Why don’t we have a dance here?” 
“Zeke you don’t have to dance with me, it’s your prom too, I don’t want to ruin your night. Besides you don’t exactly fit the description of ‘boy who’s in love with me’. It’s okay, I can just go home.” Tina finds herself looking at the ground again, feeling herself fill with self-pity again, and hating it. 
Then she feels his hand draw close to her face, and he lifts her chin with his thumb and index finger to look at him. She goes wide eyed as it clicks. When she looks in his eyes she sees how much love is in his eyes. And she suddenly realises that that is how he always looks at her. “Oh.” She breaths out, not knowing what to say. He nods a little solemnly and Tina feels guilty, here she was talking about unrequited love when she had been blind to him for years. 
The next slow song begins to start and she feels herself smile. “Well in that case, will you dance with me Zeke?” 
He nods, smiling sadly at her. “Anytime T, I’d do anything if it would make you smile for even a moment.” She feels her whole body flush with warmth, never had anyone been this sweet with her.
She knows she’s not ready for a new relationship now, she doesn’t want Zeke to be a rebound, but she knows that right now the idea of dancing with him at her prom, sounds amazing. 
So they draw even closer together and Tina rests her head on his chest, comfortably swaying to the beat of some song she doesn’t recognise. She feels herself really smiling for the first time in a long time, and she doesn’t let go of him until at least 3 more songs have played, and even then she finds herself holding his hand. 
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soobjvn · 3 months
TULIPS 🌷⁎︎° ✳︎ CHAPTER 27 : “ mission success (pt. 2) ,, ( smau + written )
— cw: none afaik!
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THE GROUP HAD been walking around the park for another two-ish hours after getting off quickcoaster, stopping at every cliche game tent and taking every possible photo op. as the sky turned from light blue to vibrant pinks and oranges, the mood continued to lift. especially between yn and yeonjun.
“what do you mean you’re scared of butterflies? they’re like the least scary things ever.” the two had fallen behind the group, walking so closely any passerby was sure to perceive them as a couple. truthfully, yeonjun had totally done this on purpose. he’d watched a few guys give yn ogling looks, and had to do something to show she was off limits. or, she would be soon; wishful thinking on his part.
“no, no, jun. you’re so wrong. have you ever seen a magnified picture of them? if aliens are real, they’ve already infiltrated our planet, and are flying RIGHT above us.” he laughed at how passionately she spoke about her irrational fear of butterflies, and, as he’d learned, all bugs. “well don’t just stare at me like i’m crazy.” but his gaze was certainly not filled with judgement.
“i dunno, yn, you definitely sound a bit crazy right now. aliens?”
“whatever, you’re scared of roller coasters.”
“okay, that’s just, like, not even comparable in the slightest,” yeonjun scoffed. “the cart could totally fly off the tracks or something. but what’s a butterfly gonna do, huh?” yn was prepared to spit out another sassy response, when yunjin called out to the pair.
“hey, do you guys wanna get some funnel cake?”
“um, duh!” yn ran off to join the rest of the group, leaving yeonjun to smile at her in adoration. taehyun paused to let yeonjun catch up to him.
“you doin’ alright?” taehyun put a hand on his shoulder as they began walking. “well, i know you’re doing more than alright. how bad is it, i guess i should ask.”
“definitely more than alright. and yeah, it is pretty bad, tae.”
“look,” taehyun began, sighing. “i know i act all… i dunno, like i’m uninterested in your guys’ relationship. because, well, listening to your cousin flirt is gross. but i do really care about and want the best for you both, genuinely.” taehyun offered a small smile which yeonjun reciprocated.
“wow, that was beautiful, taehyun, i could cry.” taehyun rolled his eyes when yeonjun wiped a fake tear from his eye.
“but, yn’s my family. if you hurt her i will put instant mashed potatoes in your front lawn.”
“i live in a dorm, but i get the sentiment,” yeonjun said, grinning.
“i think i’m gonna tell her tonight.” he watched taehyun’s eyes widen in shock, but he hummed in affirmation.
“you have my blessing.”
“yn… she likes me too, right?” taehyun grinned at the pleading look in yeonjun’s eyes.
“well there definitely wasn’t another guy, as i tried to tell you, idiot.“
“yeah, yeah, i get that now.”
“but you should tell her. she might feel the same. or not. dunno.”
“i hate you, you know that?” taehyun laughed, and the two walked towards the group when yn impatiently called out their names.
“c’mon, we want funnel cake!” she and beomgyu stared up with childlike excitement at the menu of sugary treats. “ok, i’ll get the regular, gyu, you get the one with chocolate drizzle, aaand,” she turned to face yeonjun, pointing to him commandingly. “you get the strawberry one. then we can all share.”
“yes ma’am,” yeonjun saluted.
“love it.” beomgyu reciprocated her eagerness excitedly. “yeonjun’s paying!”
“hello?” yeonjun crossed his arms, ready to protest, but he stopped when his eyes fell on yn. “um yeah, sure. whatever.”
“thanks, man.” beomgyu held up a hand to high-five yeonjun, but put it down when yeonjun didn’t reciprocate the gesture. “buzzkill. anyways, you and yn can save our spot in line. yn, i’m actually gonna go sit with the others! yeonjun will order mine for me.” he winked as he walked to sit at the picnic bench where the others were seated, where the boys attentively tuned in to whatever gossip yunjin and winter were rambling about.
“thanks for buying, jun!” yn said as yeonjun stood next to her in line. “still a gentleman.” he didn’t have time to reply, though, as it was their turn in line. yeonjun repeated the order yn had recited, handing his card to the cashier.
“you guys are a cute couple,” the cashier said when she handed them their order, a bright smile on her face. “young love. ah, i miss it.”
“oh, we’re not-“
“thanks!” yeonjun cut her off, an innocent grin on his lips. “love to treat my girl.” he gave yn a pat on her head as she looked up at him, confusion painted on her face. the lady was also visibly confused by their conflicting answers.
“seems like you two need to have a conversation…” yeonjun laughed when yn put her head in her hands. “well, have a nice night, sort-of-couple.”
“thank you,” yn quickly said, grabbing the bag of food and escaping the uncomfortable conversation as fast as possible.
“um, what was that about?” yn asked, walking towards the bench their friends had been sitting at.
“just felt like teasing you. you’re cute when you’re all flustered like that.” yeonjun ruffled her hair, leaving yn’s face even redder.
“freak,” she muttered.
“you really aren’t good at whispering, yn.”
“wait, where’d they go?”
“hm?” he turned his attention from yn to the empty bench, which they were both certain their friends had been gathered around only minutes before. “oh. weird… group bathroom trip?” he shrugged.
yn pulled out her phone to send a text to their group chat, but realized it was unnecessary as she read the text yunjin sent her.
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those sneaky bitches.
clearly they’d planned this out well, as all of her friends’ locations were disabled. yeonjun was right: they truly were determined to get them to talk.
yeonjun had seemingly received a similar text, looking up from his phone to yn. “guess we’re on our own for a bit. um… what d’you wanna do?”
yn smirked as she looked at the line for quickcoaster, which was significantly shorter than the first time they rode it.
“oh no. no, no, no. the first time was bad enough yn.”
“shh, i have an idea!”
“oh god.”
“i’ll give you 20 dollars if you don’t scream the whole ride.” she smirked, putting her hands on her hips.
“yup, goodbye.” he turned to walk away, but yn swiftly grabbed his hand and he turned back around.
“you can do it! you already know where all of the drops are and what they feel like. and, i won’t make you pay me if you lose. it’s a win-win situation!”
“uh, what’s the other win?”
“junnie, pleaseeee,” she dragged out, yeonjun’s heart melting at the nickname. “i don’t wanna ride it again on my own.” he sighed in defeat. he truly was incapable of saying no to her.
“yay!” she kept her hand in his, dragging him behind her as they got in the line.
she’s totally gonna be the death of me. quite literally.
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IT WAS AN hour later, and yeonjun and yn sat on a park bench, a seat that gave them a perfect view of the sky as it was placed at the egde of the fair, no attractions present to block the sight. it was well past 9 now, and the sky was dotted with stars.
after riding quickcoaster again (and yn, to her shock, losing 20 dollars), the two had played a number of fair games, took a few pictures at a photo booth, and spent an unnecessary amount of money buying matching bubble guns.
but now, they were completely out of energy. they had sent the group their location and were told they were on the way, so they decided to sit and wait.
yn sat with her legs curled up to her chest, trying her best to keep her eyes open. yeonjun had won a plush for himself at the claw machine — which he named yeonjun junior in “retaliation,” he said, for the time they were at the market and yn had criticized the name — and yn was resting her head on it.
“this was fun, yeonjun,” she said after a moment of comfortable silence. “why are we so stupid?” he laughed, realizing she was talking about the whole tweet miscommunication situation.
“we really are. i can’t believe you were so jealous you ignored me for five days.”
“hey, you were jealous too. you could’ve texted first.” his heartbeat quickened at the use of “too.” he watched her eyes widen as she realized her slip-up. “i mean—“
“oh so you admit it? you were jealous?”
“whatever.” yn turned her head away from him. yeonjun grinned, using his finger to turn her chin, forcing her to face him. she parted her lips slightly, her eyes sparkling with bewilderment. the thoughts going through her head were scattered and indescribable. but in short, she was totally whipped.
“don’t you know?” she swallowed, using any strength she had left in her to form a coherent response.
“d-don’t i know what, jun?”
“that you’re the only one i wa—“
“oh, there they are!” yeonjun dropped his hand and the two turned their heads towards the sound. beomgyu. “mmm, i can smell my funnel cake from here.”
yeonjun was seriously gonna murder this kid.
“hey guys!” kai waved. “sorry, we got a bit lost.” he giggled, and yunjin took a seat next to yn.
“yup. big fair here,” yunjin added, wrapping an arm around yn’s shoulder. she leaned in to her ear.
“i need full details, yn. the second we’re home.” yn couldn’t hide the smile forming, but it quickly faded when she realized what could have happened had she and yeonjun not been interrupted.
“i think we call it quits. not sure what you two did, but i’m exhausted,” soobin said, yawning.
“yup. good idea. beomgyu, let’s go, yeah? i’ll walk with you!” beomgyu stopped stuffing his face, getting the idea this was much more than a friendly stroll. he cleared his throat and closed the box.
“um, yeah, for sure.” yeonjun stood up, walking in the direction of the parking lot with his arm around beomgyu’s shoulder. soobin trailed behind, resembling a tired father. yn laughed thinking about the scolding yeonjun was going to give beomgyu.
“yeah, you definitely had a good night,” jay said, grabbing the car keys from his pocket as the group approached the car.
“i really did.”
“mission success!” kai cheered from the passenger seat.
the cashier lady was definitely right. she and yeonjun desperately needed to have a conversation.
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TAGLIST 🌷@bangchansbae @raehyun-byeoll @yyawnjun @junhuicosmo @n034sy @wintertxt @fanfangying1304 @crystal-jellies @gyuszie @lightprincess-world @hyuneyeon @tocupid @cookiehaos @222brainrot @choi-beomgyulvr @hyehae @yunwonie @you-make-skz-stay @mrsyawnzzn (bold couldn’t be tagged)
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A/N 🌷 are we… actually getting somewhere…
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gabriel-xander · 5 months
Don't Forget
[Sans x Female!Reader]
7: Your Mom Paid Me to be Your Friend (but She Forgot to Pay Me)
You yawn dramatically, stretching your arms above your head but you end up knocking your knuckles harshly on the headboard above you.
That certainly woke you up. You reluctantly pull yourself out of bed, just sitting there for a moment with your eyes closed. You… You don’t feel like doing anything today, if you’re honest. You and Toriel made plans today to go buy groceries to try making a recipe you found in one of her books. Now that you’re actually awake though, you don’t want to do anything. You just want to waste away in bed for today.
You’re sure you’ll have more energy tomorrow-
Knock Knock Knock.
You cover your mouth with your elbow when you yawn again, “Yes?”
Toriel opens the door and enters the room with a smile, “Good morning, my child. Nice to see you are already waking up.”
“My body is getting into the habit of waking up at this time, I guess,” You reply, smiling at her, “Are we going out for breakfast again today?”
“I–Yes,” Toriel’s smile becomes a bit strained at your tone, “Take your time to get dressed as always, alright?”
She leaves the room swiftly and closes the door behind her. Her smile drops to an expression of sadness immediately. Toriel is sure that you didn’t mean to, but your tone was so exhausted, and not the type of exhaustion that came from drowsiness. You’re getting tired of routine already. You need something new.
Toriel takes a deep breath, nods to herself, and hardens her resolve. It’s going to be fine, you’re going to be fine. After all, there’s someone she wants you to meet (again) after breakfast.
You tilt your head to the right.
Napstablook tilts his head (rather, the top part of his body) to the right.
You tilt your head to the left.
Napstablook tilts his head to the left.
You straighten up.
Napstablook also straightens up.
You grin, “Hey, man! You’re that ghost from my second day here, the one who’s really good at fake sleeping!”
The ghost perks up with a little smile, “you remembered me…?”
“Of course I did! You’re one of a kind, you know,”
A red, ghosty blush appears on his cute little face. As you and Toriel returned from breakfast, you were surprised to see Napstablook just waiting outside, lying down and (presumably) feeling like garbage while a song blasted from his headphones. When he noticed you two, he swiftly got up, and his headphones disappeared somehow.
Wow. That was pretty cool. You have no idea how he did that.
“um… i was wondering if… if you would like to hang out…” The ghost asks awkwardly, “but i understand if you don’t want to… no pressure…”
“Wait, really?” You smile wide, “Yeah, that’d be great, dude! Oh, I’m [Y/n] [L/n], by the way. But just [Y/n] is fine.”
Yep! Napstablook already knows, but he nods anyway.
“i am napstablook, but you can call me blook, or blooky…” He looks at Toriel, “if it’s okay, i’ll take [y/n] to my favorite music store here in the ruins…”
You expect your girl-dad to interject and say no, but to your surprise, she’s wearing a happy smile and nodding. “Of course! Though, I must ask you, Napstablook, to please take care of her. As you know, monsters might be eager to fight a human, and I cannot bear knowing she’ll be hurt.”
“of-of course… miss toriel…”
“Just Toriel is fine.”
“right…” Napstablook looks at you with a nod, “if you’re ready now, we can get going…”
You blink, “Oh, right! Uh, wait–my clothes…”
You’re not wearing your striped dress right now. Of course, during your time here, Toriel was more than happy to take you shopping and even made a few things for you as well. She understands you don’t want to be perceived as a child 24/7 so the only other striped clothing item you have are some ugly socks you got. Right now you’re just wearing simple dark leggings with an oversized purple sweatshirt.
If you’re going out with someone who isn’t Toriel, wouldn’t it be safer to switch into your dress? (The whole “it’s a monster’s custom that children wear striped shirts” thing and Toriel believing monsters might not be as aggressive if you’re a kid.)
“I think it should be fine, my child,” Toriel says, knowing your concerns, “After all, I’m sure Napstablook will make sure to take good care of you.” She gives the ghost a deadly glare, “Correct? You will make sure to do your best to protect my dear [Y/n], will you not?”
Poor Napstablook tears up, “yes! yes, i-i-i will…!”
“Hey, hey, hey! No need to be so strict, T!” You laugh nervously, stepping in between her and the ghost, “You’re forgetting that I’m a tough cookie! I’m not gonna hurt anyone, and no one is gonna hurt me. Besides, I think most of the monsters here in the Ruins have seen me with you and will know better than to try anything even if you’re not around.”
She sighs, “Yes, perhaps you are right. But still, both of you, be good, alright?”
“We will,” You’re about to put your arm behind Napstablook to redirect him away, but you remember that you’d phase right through, “Anyway, let’s get going, Blooky.”
He nods frantically, floating by your side as you two begin to leave back to the city. Toriel balls up her fists, trying to suppress her anxiety.
You’re right…You’re right, you are very resilient and you tend to stand your ground even with Toriel. It’s not so much that she’s worried the other monsters will attack you, they’ve all gotten to know your face, and even greet you casually now.
Toriel is just nervous because of that flower monster that almost killed you the first day you arrived here. There still has been no sign of it, and it’s the main reason why Toriel wants you to stay in the house if she’s not out accompanying you instead. Hopefully, Napstablook will take what Toriel asked of him yesterday very seriously.
Toriel was outside, sweeping up the fallen leaves from the tree again. She knows that it’s an endless cycle of the leaves falling, so she focuses on making sure the leaves are neat and don’t look out of place. You had turned in early for the day, and are sleeping peacefully.
“I spent all day trying to do some personal research on souls from your books. Did you know that all human souls contain something called Determination?”
You were telling her yesterday, books scattered around you and the floor with your notebook (that she bought for you) in front of yourself. You were in the lounge area on the floor, scribbling notes while looking through the books. You never liked sitting in the big chair since “that’s Chariel, the beloved living room chair,” so Toriel had put out a rug on the floor to make it a little more comfortable for you.
“I wanna take a nap though. I know it’s annoying, but can you NOT clean this up?” You asked her while getting up, “I wanna pick up where I left off later, and I don’t wanna lose my spot. But I used enough brain power the last hour, I’ve earned a little nap.”
You did not take a little nap, you passed the fuck out. Still, Toriel respected your wishes and left the books on the floor. Since you slept so early, Toriel decided to take this time to tidy up outside.
That’s when a friendly little ghost sauntered up the house. He looked extremely nervous, but Toriel was more focused on her mystery friend finding the right ghost so soon! She straightened up and cleared her throat.
“Welcome, welcome. You must be the ghost from all those weeks ago,” She sets the broom aside against the tree, “I am Toriel, thank you for taking the time to come here.”
“oh… it’s no problem…” Napstablook purposely avoided Toriel’s eyes from anxiety, and if he had hands, he’d nervously be fidgeting with his fingers, “did… did i do something wrong…?”
“Oh, no! Not at all. On the contrary, I’d like to talk to you to ask for a favor.”
“a favor…?”
“As you know, there is a human that is staying with me. Her name is [Y/n] and she has been here for almost a month now.”
“ah, right…” Napstablook nodded, “that human child who believed in my fake sleeping… she was really nice…”
“Yes, about that. She…” Toriel took a deep breath, “[Y/n] is not a child, she is a grown woman. She and I both have our hesitation when it comes to her interacting with the other monsters for this reason. Not only that but there is a particular monster that has it out for her.”
Wait, so you’re not a kid? But what about that striped dress you were wearing? Don’t you know only kids wear striped shirts? Well… Yeah, okay. You’re a human, you wouldn’t know that. Still, it makes sense why Toriel was giving him the stinky eye when he first met you. If monsters have no problem killing a child whenever one falls into the Underground, then of course they might be harsher when it comes to an objectively scarier adult.
“[y/n] isn’t a mean human, is she…?”
“No, she is rather kind. She has her… eccentric moments, for sure. And perhaps her humor can be… not for everyone, but she is a kind human,” Toriel shook her head dejectedly, “Which is why I cannot fathom why there is a particular monster who is after her so violently.”
Napstablook, for some reason, can only think of Sans.
“wha-what do you mean…? what monster?”
“There is some type of flower monster that nearly killed her were it not for me interfering just in time.”
Phew. Oh, okay. So NOT Sans.
That is still concerning, though.
“I can’t be too careful when it comes to her safety, so I made sure to only allow her to leave the house as long as I accompanied her. But… As you may be able to guess, the lack of new companions and staying indoors so often can be rather lonely for a human like her. Not even my companionship can help her.”
Toriel took a deep breath, “So if it’s all the same to you, I would appreciate it if you could spend some time with her out in the city–here in the Ruins. And make sure she stays safe as well. She expressed once or twice that she was interested in getting to know you, so I figured if I were to ask anyone, it would be you.”
Is… Is Toriel basically asking him to be your friend and your bodyguard?? That’s all she wants from him? Sans made him think something super serious was going to go down, or that he’d have to be careful of the human trying to murder his face. Toriel has no reason to lie to him about the human’s nature. And just like he suspected, you’re kind and Toriel agrees to it, too. That thing about a flower monster wanting you dead for no reason though…
Napstablook has some (self) doubt.
“you… you want me to hang out with the human-”
“-Her name is [Y/n].”
Napstablook winced, “right, sorry… but… you want me to hang out with [y/n], and… protect her…?” He looked away, “i don’t know if… if i’m strong enough… i can do my best, though…”
She sighed, “[Y/n] is not so weak that she needs a demanding presence over her shoulder, but there is only so much she can do by herself. I just don't want anything to happen to her, but I cannot have her stay inside all day, either.”
Napstablook nodded slightly, “yeah… i’m not very social myself, but i still go out and talk to other people because i know it’s good for me…”
“Then please, tomorrow once [Y/n] and I have breakfast, come by and take her out to have some fun.”
“yes, miss toriel… i can do that…”
“And Napstablook?”
“ah, yes?”
Toriel looked at him with desperation, “Please… Please don’t share this information about my dear [Y/n]. There’s no telling what might happen if word got out that an adult human is living in the Underground.”
Napstablook smiles at your eagerness, and content as you take a seat on the piano stool. This place is small and doesn’t have a lot of variety in instruments. But you don't seem to mind at all, in fact, you were super excited to go to the different instruments going “Lookie!”
“Not to give myself a congratulatory slap on the ass cheek, buuuut I’m pretty mediocre when it comes to the piano.” You… gloat?
“aw, i’m sure you’re great…”
“Oh, I was just joking, Blooky.”
“oh……. so-”
“-If you apologize one more time, I’m gonna sing your praises passive-aggressively. Want me to do that again?”
Oh, God. 10 minutes ago you had stopped him in the middle of the street and started yelling nice things at him! It caused a scene (only 2 monsters were watching) and your kind words brought him to tears! You said things like: “Oh, look at me! I’m Blooky! Everyone is always so happy to see me, and the room gets brighter when I float in!”
So no, Napstablook is not looking forward to that again.
He frantically shakes his head, “n-no…! no, i’ll stop apologizing…”
“Aaanyway! I can play a few songs on the piano. I only bothered learning when I was in my Theater Kid Arc™.” You tell him, “I think I know just the one, too. Ready to hear my tunes?”
“yeah, let's hear what you got…!”
You make a show of popping your fingers dramatically before playing…
“It’s Raining Somewhere Else.”
Yep. You’re hella corny like that. You know a few Undertale tracks because Undertale was at its fucking peak while you were in high school. And no, the Undertale OST is not the only music you bothered to learn, but how are you not going to play absolute banger?
You never managed to learn “Megalovania,” though. You learned the other variations of it, such as those really sad piano cover versions that people go crazy over. You don't know if you remember it well, though. Ah, but one of your other favorite ones was always “Waterfall” since they were just lovely.
Anyway, short story long, you know how to play piano originally to woo your old love in theater club, and guess what mother fuckers?! It fucking worked so it paid off!
In any case, Napstablook looks like he’s really enjoying it! You guess you could say…
It was…
Resonating with his soul!
Ahh, you’re so funny!
Anyway, it seems some monsters are coming closer to listen in. Oh boy, guess you’ll have a chance to show off those songs too if they think you’re here to perform.
After getting you back to Toriel and agreeing to visit again tomorrow, Napstablook leaves the Ruins with a smile on his face, and a pep to his ghostly… floating? He left in a good mood, and for once, he was looking forward to hanging out with someone again. He’s humming that first song you played on the piano, wondering if you’d appreciate him trying to replicate the tune to make into a remix-
The ghost spins around with fear and tears in his eyes, clutching his invisible pearls close. He sighs heavily in relief and slight irritation when he sees who it is. The skeleton monster is sitting casually by the big bush right outside the Ruins’ doors. Sans’ grin widens slightly while he pushes himself to stand.
“ah, sans… it's… it's just you…” Napstablook wants to cry, “were… were you waiting for me the whole time…?”
“nah, i got here a short while ago and took a nap,” Sans answers honestly with a shrug, “so? what happened? what did the lady want from you?”
Oh, right. Napstablook was supposed to be some kind of double agent. But now that he knows the situation is different, he can’t help but feel bad that he originally had ulterior motives.
“uhm… i’m not sure if it's okay for me to say…” Napstablook looks away.
Sans feels his eye socket twitch. “oh, come on, bud. was it really that bad?”
“it's not that, but i was asked not to tell…”
“it’s a little too late for that, don’tcha think? I already know there’s a human in the ruins.”
The ghost sighs heavily. Well… it should be fine if he just doesn't tell Sans too much, right? He doesn't think Sans is malicious and will abuse this information, but Toriel specifically asked him NOT to share about you.
“well, miss toriel wanted-ah, toriel is that monster lady who asked for me.”
“huh? oh, uh, good to know.”
“all miss toriel wanted was… she just wanted me to hang out with the human…”
“…? and?”
Napstablook shrugs the best he can, “that’s it. we went to the small city in the ruins and hung out at the music store… she’s really good at playing piano, you would’ve liked it, i think…”
“huh…” Sans furrows his brow-bones together, “did toriel say why?”
THIS part Napstablook feels like he really shouldn't share at all. Maybe he can lie by omission.
“uh… just that she’s lonely…”
“…uh huh…”
“this human is really nice, you know…” Napstablook continues to say, feeling as if he should defend your honor, “she said she doesn't wanna leave the ruins any time soon, so i don’t think you have anything to worry about…”
Sans snorts, “i’m not worried about, anything, buddy.”
“but yesterday you said you were worried…”
Curses! He’s been caught!
“meh, things change.” Sans shrugs, “so, what's the human’s name, huh?”
“……………i can't say.”
“sorry, sans,” Napstablook says immediately at the other's deadpan tone, “but miss toriel asked me not to say anything, to begin with…”
The skeleton monster resists the urge to run his hand down his face. He supposes he should’ve expected this. Napstablook is a good egg and willing to help out, but he’s too straight-laced. And the thing is, Sans could easily find a shortcut into the Ruins to see for himself, but he’s sure the other monsters would say something about a mysterious skeleton sighting.
“nah, i get it. thanks anyway, bud,” Sans gives the anxious ghost a friendly wink, “i gotta stay out here anyway, but you’re free to go.”
“oh… okay… see you later, sans…….”
“see ya.”
Napstablook doesn’t think he can handle it any longer, and just straight up fades away to avoid being looked at. Ugh, he was having a good time, but now he wants to go home, lay down and feel like garbage.
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nofearageplay · 2 years
Diaper Discipline at the ABDL Academy Book One: Charlie the Cheater
Oh hey readers, it's been a minute since I've released a new book right? Not anymore! Introducing a new series by Elizabeth Chambers - The ABDL Academy. If you're interested in diaper discipline and forced regression with a twist of college shenanigans, then this is the perfect title for you!
The first book in this series features Charlie - a nervous, soon-to-be-regressed boy who needs diaper discipline after cheating on his exam. Fortunately for him, he attends the best university in the world for regression studies, so he'll be in good hands in this story! Want a taste of what's in store for Charlie? Read a short excerpt below, and find this story and more of my work on Amazon Kindle.
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“Let’s see the damage, Charlie,” she said as my pants dropped to the floor. “Oh my, you did have an accident little guy, my goodness that is a wet diaper!”
            She couldn’t keep her hands off my padding, grasping at the crotch that spread my legs apart.
            “Wow little guy, I can’t believe that little thing made such a big pee pee in your diaper!” she said, pretending to be shocked. “That must feel so nice to let go and use your diaper like a good boy, Charlie – didn’t that feel nice?”
            “I… um… yeah I guess so…” I said, holding my hands against my chin as she checked my diaper.
            “Yeah, it’s good to wet your diapers, isn’t it?” she said. “Okay, that’s enough studying for today I think, we’ll check your work while you’re taking your nap. Let’s get over my knee for your maintenance spanking, mister.”
            I backed away a little, shuffling with my pants around my ankles.
            “W – wait I used my diaper though!” I said. “I thought I was a good boy…”
            “Oh you’re a very good boy Charlie, I think that you’re making very good progress today,” Zoe said. “But that doesn’t mean a pre-nap spanking won’t help you be even better, every little needs regular spankings.”
            That was just so frustrating to hear – I thought that I did everything right!
            I wanted to throw a tantrum, upon hearing that I was getting another spanking. I tried to find a way out of it, another distraction maybe…
            “What about my diaper, nanny?” I asked, making my voice sound as cute as possible. “I had an accident… I’m soggy…”
            “Oh you’re certainly soggy, little guy – but only in the front of your diaper.” Zoe said. “That’s a nighttime diaper – it’s supposed to catch all the little dribbles you were supposed to make all night, but it can certainly take more than one accident.”
            She wasn’t going to change me before naptime? You can’t do that to a baby!
            Of course, I wasn’t a baby, and Zoe was a trained professional. She knew exactly what I needed, even if I didn’t want it.
            “You’ll have to get used to being in wet diapers, Charlie, we don’t change littles every time they have an accident – that would be wasteful!” she said as she patted her lap. “And you’ll also need to get used to maintenance spankings, so why don’t you get over my knee and I’ll get you ready for naptime.”
            I – I… fine.
            Fine. I knew I couldn’t win, and maybe I’d get a clean diaper after my nap at least. As much as I didn’t want a spanking, I knew they could easily make it worse.
            Silently, I approached her and draped my body over her knee voluntarily.
            With my pants already around my knees, Zoe was easily able to begin untapping my diaper but not before taking a moment to point out why I wasn’t getting a change.
            “Feel that Charlie?” she said as she poked at my diaper. “Feel that dry padding on your bum? I need you to soak this diaper up to your backside while you’re taking your nap, and I’ll change you when you wake up.”
            I didn’t respond, wishing that it could all just be over. Zoe peeled back the tapes, let the back of my diaper rest against my thighs, and quickly began to spank me again.
            I couldn’t help myself, I had been infantilized and humiliated, and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours yet. I couldn’t imagine how it was going to get more embarrassing, I just couldn’t take it anymore.
            I broke down and started fussing on Zoe’s lap while she spanked me.
            “NANNY STOP!” I shouted as I teared up from the pain. “DIAPEE OUCHIE!”
            Diapee? Ouchie? What are you saying? Why are you talking like that?
            Zoe didn’t seem bothered by my cries. If anything, she seemed even more encouraged, picking up the intensity of the spanking.
            “I’m not playing around, Charlie - SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! – two maintenance spankings, every day for diapered little boys,” she said. “SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! – this is my nursery, and you will obey my rules.”
            She repeated the rules I was becoming all too familiar with as she continued the spanking.
            “You will use your diapers FULLY!”
            “You will be a good boy when the nanny tells you it’s time for spankings!”
            “And you will never talk back to nanny when she tells you to do something!”
            I was well past my breaking point, feeling the same exhaustion as I did the night before during my first maintenance spanking.
            “AHHHHAHAHAHA!” I cried as the stinging strokes continued. “NAAAANNY!”
            Thankfully, Zoe was satisfied with my remorseful attitude much sooner than she was the previous night. The spanking slowed to a halt after a few minutes, and her hand began rubbing my bottom.
            “Shhhhh, nanny’s got you, Charlie,” Zoe said. “Keep those little tears going baby, they’ll help you feel better after a nice spanking. You’re going to sleep so well tonight, aren’t you little guy?”
            “Sniff… y – yes…” I weakly responded.
Ready for more Diaper Discipline at the ABDL Academy? Read the full, 40k-word novella here on Kindle!
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mrs-avenger3000 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pair: Natasha Romanoff x Reader(fem).
Type: Fluff/Angst/Smut
Word count: 2.7K
Warning: This will contain adult language, mature themes such as violence, mentions of death and torture as well as sexual language and so 18+
Remember me pt4
Natasha sat across from you. She was getting ready for her date and you were getting ready for yours. Steve had decided to make it a double date. Much to your dismay. You certainly didn’t want to watch Bucky fawn all over the woman you may have very intense and confusing emotions towards. “You excited?” She asked, and you glanced at her.
“I- I um have never been on a date before, so I don’t know. I’m more nervous.”
She leans over and places a hand on yours. The warmth of her hand seeped into yours, making you feel all kinds of things. Your eyes accidentally drop to her cleavage, which was on display, gorgeously and you quickly rip your eyes away, your face flushing like mad. Nat smiled slightly. “He’s going to love you in that dress.” She grinned. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“How do you know?”
She went to say something, but she clamped her mouth shut again. “He just will. I know it.” She murmured, her thumb caressing your hand. The warmth from her touch seeped into your hand, even a small touch like this left your skin sizzling with warmth. You smiled at her.
“Bucky is going to fall over when he sees you.”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Please.” She muttered. You scoff.
“That dress is gorgeous in its self but you really pull it off Natalia.” You whisper. Your eyes connect for several intense seconds before she stands up and you follow suit. She hands you something and you look at it. It’s a little necklace, it is a little diamond, and it’s really pretty.
“Will you put this on me?” You nod.
You gently move her hair off her neck so it didn’t get caught on the clasp. You place the necklace around her neck and secured it. You let your hands fall to rest on her shoulders closer to her neck. And your eyes caught hers through the mirror. Her eyes are captivating and you felt the nerves bunch in your stomach.
“Can I ask you something?”
You nod.
“The letter you wrote. Did you mean it?” She asks, a slight vulnerability to her tone. You swallowed, licking your now dry lips.
“I meant everything.” You say and her cheek curved up, but she didn’t smile. She just nodded.
“So the part where you said-”
“Hey ladies. Ready to go?” Bucky said as he walked into the room. His eyes fell over Natasha’s body. He smirked as his eyes stared at her cleavage. He was shameless in his staring. This made you feel… you didn’t know some form of anger, but not quite anger…
Natasha pulled up her dress and hid her cleavage, much to Bucky’s dismay. She smiled tightly and held out her hand. He took it gently, and they walked out. You followed silently, falling back so you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You jumped when you felt an arm link through yours. You glanced to the side and smiled. “Hey Wanda.” You smiled.
“Hey, y/n you look amazing!” She grinned, squealing a little. This caused Natasha to look back. You didn’t notice. She scowled slightly when she noticed your arm around Wanda’s shoulder.
You sigh happily. Steve came into view, and you felt a slight disappointment. He stopped and stared at you for several seconds. “Wow. You look good!” He smiled. You saw Natasha roll her eyes and your brows furrowed in confusion. You smiled at Steve.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“Haha, I bet Steve can’t wait to see you out of that dress, Y/n.” Bucky joked and your eyes widened and your face flushed.
“She’s not like that.” Natasha cut in. Glaring at her date.
“Are you?” He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. You scowled as she smirked at him.
“Play your cards right… and maybe.”
He smirked, squeezing her hip. You glanced away, focusing on Steve. “Ignore him.” He said with a slight eye roll. You smiled. He held out his arm, and you nodded, taking his arms. Wanda smiled.
“Have a good time, you two!” she beamed.
“Thank you Wands.” You grinned.
The four of you walked out of the building and slid into one of the many, many limos that pull up here, per Stark’s request. The seats were heated, ensuring that the sleek, expensive leather wasn’t cold. You sat by the window, Steve settled in next to you, and Natasha and Bucky slipped in opposite us. You secured your seatbelt and smiled at the girl in front of you. She smirked back at you. Her eyes dropped down to your legs and you watched as her smirk widened a fraction. The air seemed to still and you couldn’t focus on anything but the fact that her eyes were on you. You shifted in your seat before crossing your leg over the other one. The action caused your dress to ride up. Her eyes snapped to the newly exposed skin. She swallowed, and then the moment ended as soon as Bucky slipped his hand onto Natasha’s thigh. You clenched your jaw, looking out the window. Hating the fact he was touching her in such a way.
Steve’s arm fell around your shoulders, and you smiled, leaning into him. He was always so comfortable, and he was very sweet and he’d be the perfect boyfriend. That much was obvious, but he wasn’t… her.
“I think we’re here.” He said, leaning down to whisper in my ear. “You really do look beautiful, y/n.” You flushed, smiling down at your feet.
“Thank you.” You whispered back, reaching up and linking your hand with his that was still around your shoulders. He grinned in approval.
Soon enough, the car rolled to a stop, and you felt less anxious now. Everyone got out and Natasha fell into step right beside you. Steve had linked his hand with yours, but you didn't acknowledge it much, you were far more concentrated on the fact that Natasha's hand was softly brushing against yours as you walked. You glanced at her. She was smiling slightly, and you weren't really sure why.
"Can I take your order, or do you need a little more time?" The waiter asked, she looked about 16 and was very nervous waiting on a table full of three Avengers. You smiled at her to which she returned immediately.
"Um, no, I think we're ready." Bucky spoke up and everyone agreed. We ordered our meals and the girl, whose nametag said "Emma" rushed back to the kitchen. Natasha was discussing something with Steve. You tuned out of the conversation to stare at her. Her hair was curled and fell over her shoulders, the ends stopping where her dress started, the perfect spot where her shoulders meet her neck. You kept your eyes on her for a moment longer before looking down at your utensils absentmindedly spinning your knife around in circles.
“So how did you guys meet?” Steve asked glancing between Natasha and you. You looked up your whole body perking up, smiling at the memory.
“Well, I was told I was abandoned by my parents and so I was taken to the red room and well… it was horrible but what they made us do was worse. And I was there both before and after they invented the chemicals that forced us to do their bidding. But Natasha saved me I guess is the only way I can explain it. I had just finished my first mission and was ready to end it all I hated the way I felt afterwards. I hated myself. Um Natalia found me and stoped me. After that we became friends and we’ve been close ever since. She is the only person I had ever loved.” You confessed smiling brightly by the end of your confession. Natasha reached over and squeezed my hand.
“Wow… I guess something like that does bond you.” Bucky said with a gentle smile. “But how did you end up where we found you?”
“HYDRA is always looking for new blood, especially someone who is as disposable as I am. I guess my skills and my past helped them want to choose me… I don’t know I had been out of the red room's influence for a few years and then I was captured by HYDRA and well, you know how that ended.”
“Did you get a chance to live?” Bucky asked with a smile.
You nodded. “Yes. But I haven’t lived it all.” You say with a wistful smile. You realised Natasha’s hand was still in yours.
“We can help with that.” Nat smirked. You grinned.
“I’d love that.”
Her eyes didn’t leave yours until you could no longer hold her gaze. You smiled, looking down at the table. Luckily, there was no awkwardness as the waitress came back with our food and the drinks. She smiled nervously before departing again. You gingerly reached for the glass of wine and smiled at the taste.
“Y/n?” Steve said softly. You glanced at him. “Did you evert try and find out about your parents.” His question wasn’t that of Ill-intention but the dark feelings that emerged from it had you steeling your face so there would be no indication that it had hurt your feelings.
“They left. Isn’t that all that matters?” You said, raising a brow.
“But surely you’d like to know more about them?” Bucky pressed. I fisted my dress, squeezing tightly.
“They aren’t really my parents. They didn’t want me. Why should I feel obliged to want them?”
“She answered your questions. Lay off.” Natasha cut in. You threw her a grateful smile, and the conversation died there. You took a long gulp of your wine and as soon as you put it down, the waiter was back to refill it. There was light conversation at the table, nothing quite so heavy as before to which you were really glad about. Nat and Steve spoke to each other the most. It was all about different missions they had been on or completed in the last few months. Natasha was grinning as she described how crafty she had been in getting information out of a suspect who was planning to sell an earthquake device capable of levelling a whole sub-city in one go to a very dangerous war lord in Iraq, she had been particularly cunning in how she got the information out of him. You smiled at her, loving the way her eyes shined as she talked about the people she saved and how grateful the president had been.
"Where did you go after the red room was disbanded?" Steve asked, turning the conversation to you. You looked up at him, a gentle smile lifting your lips at th memory of your once home.
"A small city called Noto in Italy. It was quiet, peaceful, and it was my comfort place for years. I loved it there."
"Well, maybe you can go back there?" Bucky said. You knew he meant no harm in that statement, but the thought of leaving Natalia again so soon after finding her again, you frowned. That thought making you uneasy. You cast a thoughtful glance towards Bucky. He was staring back softly.
"I- I'd love to but my home there doesn't exist anymore, I don't exist. HYDRA eradicated everyone I had a connection with. Blood ran thick down the streets of my village. MY friends are no longer alive because of me. I couldn't go back." You explain with a slight shrug. Truthfully, you were distraught when you saw what HYDRA had done to those who you loved, those who had loved you.
"I despise that organisation!" Nat spat venomously. You shrugged, trying to act impassive. Natalia cast you a look, and you knew she knew that you cared much more than you were letting on. The men, however, remained unaware. Sitting here staring at the woman you've loved for years, you realised that after tonight you couldn't continue your relationship with Steve. It was best to remain friends. He was a good guy and you didn't want to hurt him by continuing this facade. He would never truly know or understand the darkness that dwelled within you, never truly understand the urges HYDRA burned into you, never truly understand you as a whole. He had this image of you, the doe-eyed victim who needed to be carried out in the arms of a hero instead of saving yourself.
To him, you were someone to protect, to keep safe and shielded from the world's horrors. You knew that you wouldn't be happy being trapped, being constantly protected.
You knew you were destined for more than that.
You picked up your wine glass, determination burning through you. Never again would you be weak. Never again would you need protection. Need shielding. You were going to become more, so much more than the shell you were when The Avengers found you.
You vowed to yourself to become better, stronger.
Dinner passed by quickly and soon enough, you were in the limo ride home. Natalia had been quiet ever since Steve had asked about the years I was free. Though you had caught her staring at you from time to time.
The limo pulled up to the compound, and you all got out. Nat held out a hand for you and you delicately slipped your hands into hers. Her calloused hands gripped yours as she helped you out of the limo. You smiled sweetly at her when both your feet were on the ground. Steve got out last and Bucky took Natasha's hand tugging her towards the building, her eyes didn't leave yours until you looked down at your feet. She sighed softly before she followed an eager looking Bucky inside, no doubt to do all kinds of sordid activities that make your blood boil thinking about it.
Steve's hand brushed your lower back, pulling your thoughts away from the devastatingly beautiful, red-haired assassin. "Can we walk for a moment? I need to talk to you." You said softly, the nights wind ruffling your hair that hung by your shoulders. He smiled nodding.
The pair of you walked through the compound's garden, which is so much more beautiful when it's coloured by the moon. The fountain in the middle of the large garden was on, creating a soft sound of water trickling down from the spout at the top to the pool of azure at the bottom. The two of you had sat down on the edge of the fountain. Steve had a knotting feeling in his stomach as if he knew that this was going to be the last date they went on.
"Steve," You, started looking into his ice-blue eyes. He smiled at you, encouraging you
"I think I know where this is heading, y/n." He said, and you looked down.
"I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't apologise," He said lifting your chin so you were once again looking into his eyes. "It would be very easy to love you, even easier to be your friend." He murmured with a bright grin. You smiled brightly back at him.
"Thank you for understanding." You whisper. He shook his head, waving the thought away. He leaned forward, jumping off the perch of the fountain and held out a hand for you. You gripped his hand and stood. The two of you walked back to the compound arm in arm until you reached your room. He opened the door for you and you smiled, turning to face him. He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you for a wonderful evening, Y/n. Goodnight." He grinned. You smiled in response before bidding him goodnight.
You readied for bed and jumped in snuggling in the warmth of the duvet, happy that Steve had understood and took the ending of things well. You closed your eyes and the image of that body in that dress filled your mind making you blush a little. You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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@blackxwidowsxwife @g-cordelia @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @cristin-rjd @yeetus-thyself @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @upsidedowndanvers @wanda-nats-slut @i1ovewanda @littlewinchester15 @fishlikestuff @gengen64 @procrastinatingsapphictrash @liladoesfanfics @baller2412 @rice-wiife @tomy5girls @srtamercurio @nothingisrealanyway @marvelwomen-simp @darshikaria @ria900 @ic-4u @atlas-nex @xxromanoffxx @kcthewifitheif @fairydxll @strangegardentaco @maxxione @pbeckn26
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becauseimswagman1 · 1 year
What Are We? pt.2
A/N: Let's hop right into it!
You jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around, “When did you get in here?”
“Umm…” Michael didn’t say anything, he just stared at you.
“Michael-” “Are you gonna wear that?”
“No, I was just trying it on. I got it a few months ago.” you turned towards the mirror and smoothed down the fabric on your body.
“You should wear it. It certainly fits the fancy style.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s too much? Too revealing?”
“You look absolutely amazing.” he was staring into your soul through the mirror and it had you a little insecure if you were being honest.
“I don’t know. I think I’m gonna change.” you started to push him out of your room. “Wait in the living room, I’ll be out in a minute.”
He stopped you from pushing him and held your face in his hands, “Wear the dress. You don’t have to listen to me, but I think you should. You look gorgeous.”
The way he looked in your eyes almost brought you to tears. You could see the love in his eyes and you could’ve sworn he was leaning in, but he pulled away and spoke quickly, “Um… wear the dress.. or don’t. I’m sure you’re gonna look beautiful in anything you put on.” And just like that, he was walking out of your room, shutting the door behind him.
Was he really leaning in? Or, was that your imagination?
The next thirty minutes consisted of calming your nerves from the interaction and an awkward car ride to the restaurant.
When arriving at the restaurant, you saw that it was fancier than you thought. You thought you weren’t dressed properly, but Michael’s hand gripping yours over the console helped stop your oncoming anxiety.
His thumb rubbing over your knuckles, “You ready to go in?” “Yeah.”
When you tried to open your door, he stopped you, then got out just to open your door for you and helped you out.
“Thank you, but you know you ain’t have to do that?” “You’re a very special woman so, of course, I had to. But in this case, I wanted to. You mean a lot to me and you deserve princess treatment.”
That made you speechless right up until it was time to order drinks. He insisted that you order your favorite wine. Once the waiter left, it was a moment of silence. Neither of you knowing what to say after what happened in your room. The two of you just looking at the menu.
Does that mean that he classified it as a situation? As a big moment that he regretted? But he was so chill when he got out of the car and opened your door… maybe you were just overthinking, as you tended to do.
“Um, I wanted to talk about what happened in your room.”
Your eyes widened, “Nah, we don’t really have to. I mean… it didn’t mean anything right?... Unless it meant something to you.”
The speed he switched up his facial expressions from hopeful to sad, he thought you didn’t notice but you did.
“Yeah, that’s right. It didn’t mean anything to me. I just wanted to talk about it so things wouldn’t be awkward or weird between us.”
Oh, how you wanted him to just say it meant something.
“Well, we’ve talked about it and would you look at that, our wine is here.”
The waiter really saved you the embarrassment of accidentally blurting out something you couldn’t take back.
After ordering your food and pouring a generous amount of wine into your glasses, the silence was loud once more, but you decided that you weren’t going to let it ruin your night.
“This restaurant is fancier than I thought Michael. What made you pick this one?”
What he wanted to say was, “So this could be our first date,” but he couldn’t. Especially with the way you shut things down mere moments before.
“I wanted our friend-iversary to be special and you once said that you wanted to come here when you were mindlessly rambling on the phone one night. I remembered and decided to make this the night.”
You could’ve cried because you also remember that night and it was over six months ago. You knew how hard it was to get into this place with or without reservations, so for him to have done this was incredible.
“Oh my God, Michael… you really remember that? That was so long ago!” the smile wouldn’t leave your face, he had remembered.
“Duh! Of course, I did. You’re my best friend.”
There’s that title you dreaded so much, but it’s better being that than getting rejected and not being in his life at all.
Taglist: @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @thatone-girly @blackerthings @roguekiki @enigmadivine @novaniskye @ziayamikaelson
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
Weird Little Critter - Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 AO3
It's been a hot minute since I posted, well, any sort of writing, and even longer since I've cross-posted onto AO3. But @elishevart and I have been working on an AU together and I'm so excited to finally share it with y'all! I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Ford finds out the hard way that it's difficult to study magical creatures when you yourself are one. But luckily, an old acquaintance is more than happy to help him with his difficult task.
              Ford picked up the phone.
              “This is Stanford Pines.”
              “Hi, Stanford!” said a voice he vaguely recognized but couldn’t quite place.  “This is Angie McGucket!”
              “Oh, um…”  Ford frowned thoughtfully.  “Fiddleford’s younger sister, right?”
              “Got it in one!” Angie said cheerfully.  Ford recalled meeting his college roommate’s younger sister a few times.  Fiddleford was exceedingly proud of her and Ford found her to be a charming, intelligent young woman, though not without the quirks common to her family.  “So, uh, yer prob’ly wonderin’ why the younger sister of yer college roommate is callin’ ya.”
              “The question did cross my mind, yes.”
              “Well…”  Angie cleared her throat.  “I don’t know if ya ‘member this, but I’m a herpetologist.”
              “Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles, correct?”
              “Got it in one again.  I try to keep in the loop of amphibious news, since amphibians are my specific specialty.  I’ve heard a bit ‘bout some folks spottin’ a weird little critter what looks like an abnormally large axolotl in Gravity Falls, Oregon.  Fidds told me that yer based in Gravity Falls, and also that yer interested in strange, cryptic critters.”
              “Are you referring to cryptids?”
              “…Yes, but I don’t want to use that word,” Angie mumbled.  Ford smiled.
              “It is quite all right.  I know many biologists are doubtful of the existence of cryptids.  So, were you asking my professional opinion?  Whether I’ve seen it?”
              “I wouldn’t mind the answers to those questions, but no, I was actually wonderin’ if I could visit ya fer a bit.  Just so’s I’ve got time to look into it m’self, y’know?”
              “Ah, I see…”
              “If yer not comfortable with that, it’s totally fine!” Angie said quickly.  “I wouldn’t want to impose!  Fidds was actually the one to suggest I reach out to ya.”
              “I assumed he had some hand in this, particularly given that I don’t recall sharing my phone number with you.”
              “Yep, Fidds gave me yer number.”
              “Honestly, Angie, I- I wouldn’t mind the company.”  Ford wasn’t just trying to avoid offending her.  He had only rare interactions with the townsfolk, particularly as of late.
              I can’t remember the last time I spoke to someone in person.  I spoke with Mom on the phone last week, I think?  He absent-mindedly scratched his perpetually itchy red skin.  I haven’t felt comfortable seeing someone since…
              “It’s a yes, then?” Angie asked timidly.  Ford forced a smile, hoping it would show in his voice.
              “Yes.  Most certainly.  I would be more than happy to house you whilst you look into this amphibious cryptid.”
              “Oh, wow, thank you, Stanford!” Angie gushed.  “I promise I won’t be a laze about freeloader.  I’ll help with chores.  I can even cook ya some good homestyle meals.”
              “That sounds excellent.”  It did.  Ford fondly remembered visiting Fiddleford’s family and the incredible spread they laid out for each meal.  Just thinking of some of the casseroles he’d been served was making his mouth water.  “Let me know when you have an idea of when you plan to visit.  I will get things ready.”
              “Thank you, thank you!  Yes, I’ll call ya back once I know!  Thank you!”  Ford couldn’t help but chuckle at Angie’s enthusiasm.
              “It’s no problem.  I look forward to your visit.”
              “So do I!  All right, I’ve got- I’ve got to make some plans ‘n arrangements.  I’ll be in touch!”
              “Bye!” Angie chirped.  She hung up.  Ford hung up the receiver.  Part of him was already regretting that he agreed to the visit.  He knew it wasn’t wise to have a guest over while he was still coming to terms with his condition.  But his isolation was beginning to take its toll on him.  He craved human interaction on a level he never had before.
              She’s likely to be an ideal guest anyways.  From what I remember, she’s very polite and proper, so she won’t snoop.  There’s no chance she’d notice anything amiss about me.  Reassured, Ford took a look at his surroundings.  He grimaced.  I’ll need to start cleaning now if I want this place to be livable by the time she gets here.
              Angie arrived on a rare day free of clouds.  She stood on the front doorstep, beaming, the sun shining behind her.  Ford couldn’t help but smile as well.  Banjolina, or Angie (as she preferred to be called) McGucket had the same cheekbones, large nose, slender frame, and bright blue eyes as her older brother Fiddleford.  However, while Fiddleford was tall, Angie was much shorter than average, standing at barely five feet.  Her hair, cut in a short bob, was also caramel-colored, in contrast to Fiddleford’s sandy blond locks.  She wore a yellow shirt underneath denim overalls, clearly ready to explore the woods as soon as she had dropped off her things.
              “It is very nice to see you again,” Ford said.
              “It’s a right delight to see you, too!” Angie chirped.  She bounced on the balls of her feet.  “Mind if I come in?”
              “Of course.”  Ford stood to the side, allowing Angie to come in.  She walked into the house.  As she examined the living room, she smiled.
              “I get the feelin’ ya might have cleaned fer me.”  She looked over her shoulder at Ford.  “Fidds told me yer half of the room in college was always a heckuva mess.”  Ford closed the door.
              “I may have yet to host any visitors in my home, but my mother raised me right.  I know to clean before guests arrive,” he replied.  Angie chuckled.  “Would you like me to show you to your room?  Once you’ve settled in, we can discuss the reason for your visit.”
              “That would be lovely,” Angie chirped.
              “Follow me, then.”  Ford headed up to the attic, where he had set up the air mattress his mom insisted he have for visitors.  “Make yourself at home.  I will be in the living room.”  Angie gave him a thumbs up.  Ford went back downstairs to wait for her.  He sat at the card table in the corner of the living room.  It was still scattered with various books, despite his attempts to tidy.
              This feels weird already.  But I need to keep an open mind.  After all, Angie is here to look into a cryptid of some sort.  I should encourage other scientists to look into the paranormal and supernatural as a valid field of study.  Also, Fiddleford would be most disappointed if I behaved coldly towards or turned away his sister.  Lost in his thoughts, Ford didn’t realize Angie had returned until she gently poked him.  He startled.  Angie grinned at him and sat in the other chair at the table.
              “Sorry fer spookin’ ya like that.  I recognized that look on yer face, though.  It’s the same one Fidds gets when he’s caught up in makin’ robots ‘n whatnot.”  Ford silently noted with amusement that Angie pronounced the word “robot” the same way Fiddleford did: row-bit.  “When Fidds gets like that, ain’t nothin’ that can distract him ‘cept physical contact.”
              “It is quite all right,” Ford said.  He managed a small but probably awkward smile.  “Now, would you mind sharing with me details about the specific creature that brought you here?  I might be able to help you in your search.  Perhaps I could even join you.”
              “Oh, I would greatly appreciate if ya came with me on the hikes!” Angie said.  “I don’t know m’ way ‘round here.  And I can get lost easy even back home!  I’d be liable to get lost fer months if I went wanderin’ in the woods here.”  Ford’s smile became more genuine at her fervent tone.
              “Then I am more than happy to show you around.”  He cleared his throat.  “So, the creature you’re looking for?”
              “Right!  So’s, like I said on the phone, there have been some reports of sightings of a creature what resembles an axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum.  But this critter ain’t the size axolotls usually are.  It’s ‘bout the size of a dog, apparently.  Not a big one, but not a small one, neither.”
              “That is not a very specific measurement.”
              “All the sightings have taken place at night.”
              “All of them?”
              “Yessir.  And strangely, all have been ‘round the time of the full moon,” Angie said slowly.  Ford raised an eyebrow.
              “The full moon, you say.”
              “I hope you don’t immediately dismiss this suggestion, but could your creature perhaps be akin to a werewolf?” Ford asked.  Angie leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face.
              “I won’t completely close my mind to that possibility,” she said after a moment.  “I know there are magical things in this world.  After all, Pa raised us all to believe in the Fair Folk.”
              “The Fair Folk?”
              “The Good Folk.  The Wee Folk.  Fae.  Fairies.  The McGuckets have called ‘em the Fair Folk fer centuries, long ‘fore my ancestors came here from Ireland.  They passed down tales of their own encounters with the Fair Folk.”
              “Really?!” Ford asked eagerly.  His fingers were itching to grab his journal and a pen.
              I would love to hear these familial tales of interactions with magical beings.  They would be of more interest than the typical folktales that can be found in books.  Angie nodded.
              “Oh, yeah.  In Ireland, the Fair Folk interact with humans reg’lar, so’s that sort of story ain’t unheard of.”  Angie cocked her head with a small smile.  “Though they sometimes interact with humans here, too.  I’ve seen ‘em.”
              “You have?”
              “Yep.  Saw the Dullahan on Samhain when I was a girl.  Came home from trick or treatin’ a bit late and barely got ‘cross the salt circle ‘round the house in time to avoid it seein’ me.”  Angie shuddered.  “Ya don’t want to encounter the Fair Folk without bein’ in complete control of the sit’ation in general.  But an Unseelie death portent?  That’s a recipe fer trouble.”
              “Sorry, you’ll prob’ly know ‘im as the Headless Horseman.  Pa told us the Irish terms fer dif’rent Fair Folk, so’s I instinctively use ‘em over the English ones.”
              “I would love to hear the full story sometime.”
              “Sure!”  Angie shook her head.  “Sorry fer goin’ off on a tangent there.  All that were just to let ya know I ain’t opposed to the critter bein’ magically influenced in some way.  Though I won’t go into this assumin’ that’s the case.  Ya have to have an open mind both ways, y’know?”
              “I personally disagree, but I respect your opinion.”
              “Good.  Respect is important,” Angie said with a nod.
              “So, the creature is showing up during the full moon?”
              “The three or so days the moon is full, yes.”
              “It’s seen three nights in a row during the full moon?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded.  “That does seem to point to a were-creature of some sort.”
              “Well if it is, it ain’t any were-creature from folklore I know of.  I can’t think of any were-axolotls.”
              “Can you share anything else about it?”
              “From what folks say, it seems to be seen near bodies of water.  Which makes sense, given that amphibians such as axolotls need to keep their skin damp.”  Ford felt a sudden sense of dread building in his gut.
              No.  It couldn’t be.
              “Folks also say the critter seems rather disoriented, like it don’t know where it is or can’t see its surroundin’s well.  It also seems to struggle with movement to some extent, which makes me worry it’s hurt in some way.  Physical injury or perhaps a neurological issue.”  Angie shrugged.  “Of course, these are all observations from folks at night, some of ‘em slightly to significantly inebriated.  So who knows how accurate any of it is.”
              “I see,” Ford murmured.
              Maybe it’s a mere coincidence?  One can only hope.  Ford clasped his hands and placed them on the table.  His smile was once again forced.
              “If you’d like, we can go for an exploratory hike in the woods now.”
              “That would be great!  I-”  Angie’s eyes landed on Ford’s hands.  Her brow furrowed.  His blood running cold, Ford quickly moved to hide his hands, but Angie grabbed them before he could.  “What on Earth is goin’ on here?”
              “I’m sure Fiddleford informed you I am a poly-” Ford mumbled.
              “No, I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout that!  How many fingers ya got ain’t my business,” Angie scoffed.  She gestured to the reddened, irritated skin on Ford’s hands.  “This is what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!  How’d yer hands get in this state?  My hands didn’t look half that bad when I was in microbiology labs, wearin’ gloves ‘n washin’ m’ hands a million times.”
              “Ah, my, uh, my skin has just been rather sensitive as of late.”
              “Maybe ya need to change up what lotion ‘n body wash ya use.”
              “I don’t use lotion.”
              “There’s part of yer problem, then.”  Angie gently released her hold on Ford’s hands.  “I can help ya out with findin’ what products work fer ya, if you’d like.”
              “Thank you, but I’m managing just fine on my own,” Ford said.  Angie gave Ford an incredulous look he recognized.  It was the same one Fiddleford gave him when he pulled a particularly risky all-nighter in college.  “You don’t believe me.”  It wasn’t a question, but Angie answered like it was.
              “No, I don’t.”  Angie sighed.  “But at the end of the day, yer an adult.  If ya want to ruin yer skin, so be it.”  She got up from her chair.  “Let’s get goin’.  The woods wait fer no one.”
              Ford sunk down lower in the filled bathtub.  Angie was now washing her hands.  Hopefully, she would be leaving the bathroom without noticing him.  It was the first full moon since Angie had come to visit, so Ford had locked the bathroom door before the moon rose.  But to his surprise, Angie had broken down the door in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
              I didn’t know she was that strong.  Maybe the door needed repairs?  The hinges have been rather wobbly as of late.  Angie dried her hands on the towel.  She looked over at the tub.
              “G’night, weird little critter,” she said.  Her voice was thick with sleep.  She turned around and left the bathroom, stumbling slightly and bumping into the doorjamb.  Ford let out a sigh of relief.
              Even if she remembers seeing me in the morning, she was clearly half-asleep.  She’ll probably assume it was a dream.  Suddenly, Angie rushed back into the bathroom, now much more awake.  She gaped at Ford.
              “It- yer the weird little critter I’ve been lookin’ for!” she gasped.  Ford winced.  Angie frowned.  “But why are ya in the tub?”  She shook her head.  “Oh, listen to me, talkin’ like you’ll talk right back.”
              She thinks I’m a regular animal.  Oh, dear.  Ford knew from experience how eager Angie was to pick up amphibians she found.  I don’t wish to be manhandled and cooed over.  He sighed softly.
              “I can talk,” he said.  He blinked in surprise.  He had never spoken in this form before, so he wasn’t aware of how high-pitched his voice was.  Angie’s jaw dropped.
              “You can talk?!” she shrieked in delight.  She got closer to the tub, looking at Ford intently.  As she approached, Ford could finally make out the pattern on the oversized T-shirt that, along with her athletic shorts, formed her pajamas.  The shirt she wore tonight was apparently from her alma mater, West Coast Tech.  “Stanford’s told me there’s some weird critters ‘round here what can talk, but I ain’t seen ‘em yet.”  She got on her knees and reached out a hand cautiously.  Ford recoiled.  Angie pulled her hand back.  “Say, what kind of critter are ya, exactly?”
              “I’m…not sure.”
              “Oh, does yer species not have a name fer yourselves?” Angie asked eagerly.  Her eyes roamed across Ford, taking in the features that, thanks to Ford’s poor vision, were blurry to him.  “I’ll be.  You got twelve lil fingers!”  Ford remained silent.  “That’s right fascinatin’, that is.  I mean, sure, the earliest amphibians like Acanthostega and Ichthyostega were polydactyls by today’s standards.  But havin’ more ‘n five digits on each extremity went away once us tetrapods adapted to land more properly.”
              “Really?” Ford asked, curious despite himself.  Angie beamed.
              “Why did I not know that?”
              “I reckon ‘cause yer a critter, not a college graduate.”  Angie perked up.  “Oh!  Speakin’ of college graduates, I better go find Stanford!  He’ll be thrilled that I managed to find ya!”  Before Ford could say anything, she jumped up and raced out of the bathroom.  Ford looked at the door, wondering if he might be able to make a break for it before she got back.
              But I can’t move very fast like this.  And I need a body of water to keep my skin moist in this form.  Other than the bathtub, there isn’t anything nearby.  I really should see about Dan Corduroy installing a pond in the backyard.  After a few minutes, Angie returned.
              “Couldn’t find him,” she said with a shrug.  “Maybe he sleepwalks?  I used to do that.  My folks would find me in weird locations in the mornin’.”  She glanced over at the door, which was leaning against the wall after she broke it down.  “Huh?  Why is- oh.  Right.”  Angie grimaced.  “I took down the door since it was locked fer some reason.”  She paused.  A few long moments passed.  Angie looked at Ford.  “Now, how on Earth could a tiny lil thing like you lock the bathroom door behind ya?”  Ford remained silent.  Angie walked up to the tub and kneeled in front of Ford.  “Don’t make fun of me if I’m wrong, okay?”  She sat back on her heels.  “…Stanford?”  It was Ford’s turn to gape.
              “How did you know?” he squeaked in his annoyingly adorable voice.
              “A lot of lil things buildin’ up more ‘n one big thing, really.  Small things I could dismiss on their own, but when taken together, paint a picture.”  Angie began to count things off on her fingers.  “Yer polydactyly even in this form, yer engagement on a rather niche topic of biology, the fact you yourself brought up the possibility the strange critter I was lookin’ fer was akin to a werewolf, yer human shape currently missin’, and the whole locked door thing.  You went in the bathroom and locked the door ‘fore I went to bed.  When I woke up, the door was still locked, and yet human Stanford weren’t in here.  A strange amphibious critter were.”
              “You have excellent deductive reasoning,” Ford mumbled.
              “It’s difficult to get a PhD without that.”
              “Fair enough.”
              “So, yer the critter I’ve been lookin’ fer,” Angie said.  Ford nodded.  Angie adjusted herself so she was sitting cross-legged, rather than on her heels.  “Why didn’t ya tell me that?”
              “To be quite frank, I was unaware of it until after you told me the details of what townsfolk had seen,” Ford confessed.  Angie cocked her head curiously.  “I can’t wear my glasses in this shape, but my eyesight is no better than when I am a human.  Arguably, it is worse.”
              “That makes sense.  Ya look a lot like an axolotl, and axolotls tend to have poor eyesight.  Their native habitat is the bottom of a lake, after all.”
              “Ah.  I was unaware of this.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “To continue answering your question, by the time I realized the creature you were looking for was me, I felt rather…embarrassed.”
              “Embarrassed?  Stanford, this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”
              “You’re very kind.”
              “I’m also no liar, so don’t think I’m just tryin’ to spare yer feelin’s or some such nonsense.”  Angie furrowed her brow.  “Now, how did ya end up like this?”
              “Honestly, I’m not sure,” Ford said.
              “To be a were-critter, that would suggest ya got bitten by a were-axolotl.  But amphibians can’t really break the skin with a bite,” Angie murmured.  She looked closely at Ford.  “And on a basic inspection, ya don’t seem to have the kind of teeth that would draw blood.  Maybe ya got bitten by a were-axolotl when it weren’t in axolotl form?”
              “Were ya bitten or scratched by a wild animal shortly ‘fore ya first transformed?”
              “Oh, yes.  Multiple times,” Ford said.  “I am frequently bitten and scratched during my research.”
              “Oh, Lord,” Angie groaned.  She sighed heavily.  “Please tell me you’ve gotten a rabies vaccine.  No judgement on needin’ one.  Many of my relatives have needed the rabies shot.”
              “Of course I’ve been vaccinated against rabies,” Ford scoffed.  Angie nodded, visibly relieved.  “Did you think I wouldn’t be?”
              “Fidds mentioned ya can be a bit absent-minded.”
              “Funny, because he’s told me the same thing about you.”
              “Great minds, then,” Angie said smoothly.  Ford couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him.  Angie smiled.  “It’s fer the best that I broke down the door ‘n caught ya in this state, I think.  After all, who better to help ya figure out how yer amphibious form works but someone who specializes in ‘em?”
              “I don’t need-” Ford started instinctively.  He paused.
              Angie’s not offering her assistance out of pity.  She’s offering it out of scientific curiosity.  And honestly, what kind of scientist would I be to turn down expert help?
              “That sounds like a good plan,” Ford said after a moment.  Angie’s smile broadened.  “Tomorrow morning, we can discuss my own observations over breakfast.”
              “Lovely.  And I’ll start thinkin’ ‘bout what ya should be switchin’ yer personal care products to.  It might be dif’cult to find some of ‘em in this tiny town, but I’m sure we could find ‘em in Eugene.”
              “What are you referring to?” Ford asked.
              “I noticed the state yer skin is in the day I arrived.  Now I know why it looks so poor.  Since becomin’ part amphibian, yer skin must have become more sensitive to fragrances ‘n harsh chemicals!  Luckily, it should resolve pretty quick once ya get some good soaps.”
              “There’s no need to change the kind of soap I use,” Ford said quickly.  Angie rolled her eyes and stood up.
              “I apologize, Stanford, but I won’t take no fer an answer.  I refuse to let ya ruin yer skin out of stubbornness when there’s an easy solution.”  She headed for the now doorless doorway, pausing before she fully stepped out of the bathroom.  “I’ll fix the door in the mornin’.  Prob’ly best if we both get some sleep.  Tomorrow ‘ll be a full day.”
              “Yes.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “…Thank you.”
              “Yer quite welcome,” Angie said cheerfully.  “Sleep well, Stanford.”
              “You as well,” Ford replied.  Angie walked away.  Ford curled up in the filled bathtub and closed his eyes, a sense of relief washing over him.
              Finally…I might be able to find some answers.
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