#wow carlson twins
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lana-starscream · 1 year ago
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s-s-sob i miss Heidi/Wrecking Ball so so so so much
big dave you fumbled a baddie
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mrfearlessriot · 2 years ago
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Miami Sweet Heat vs. Jennifer Florez & Stephy Slays {WOW Tag Team Championship Match} • WOW Women Of Wrestling, 6/10/23
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brella-boi · 2 years ago
The Saga of Chili and Mint
As promised earlier here is the COMPLETE guide on following the story of our two favourite blorbos.
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Starting off, for anyone new coming in, here is a link to Chili's and Mint's toyhouses if you need their ref or any other informational snippets. This guide focuses on how to follow the story of these two as it has been written over the past 4 years and it has never been compiled including the comics or a timeline of events.
Open the cut to read the guide! And good luck!
(If there are any errors or mistakes in links please let me know if you find any!)
The Timeline
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The official timeline of main events. Majority of it happens during Splatoon 2, and while the new game is out already, we're still not through the current story. We are sat currently about 2 years before Splatoon 3 happens, and 3 years since Splatoon 2 launched.
There is a short story archive here for anything I've written ever, and it is constantly being updated with new links once something new comes out. The first few stories were written when my writing ability was not as good at it is currently, so some of the first few may seem rough around the edges.
But for the sake of this guide I will relink everything in order.
(Splatoon 1)
1- Debt / Where we meet Agent 3 for the first time.
(Splatoon 2)
2- Petrified / The beginning of Octo Expansion and meeting Mint. 3- Tests and Tested / The adventure of OE 4- Homely / Hours after returning from OE 5- Parasitic / Aftermath of OE 6- Journal Marked with a Mint Leaf / Different POV from Parasitic 7- Julie / Meeting Chili's sister 8- Happy Hunting / Realising some parents never change from abuse
Lost Memories (Comic) - Where Mint ventures down back to the metro in search of their lost memories.
9- Saw it off / Immediate consequence for doing so (Content Warning) 10- Check up / Continuing the consequences 11- Phantom Limbs / Chili tries to help Mint through their new disability
Confessions (Comic) Part 1 / Part 2 - In which Chili learns his crush was swept away.
Search of the Wind (Comic) - An introduction to a new character, Tai, who is Mint's twin brother.
12- Eye to Eye / Trying to make peace with the fact the twins are reunited 13- Aftermath / Losing a dear friend 14- Vibes of the Sea / Mint and Chili forgive each other for their recent aggressiveness 15- Yearn 2: Slapparoo / Where Chili is going just a little bit insane 16- Doctor's Home / Tai tries to understand Chili's motives and finds his answers
Secrets Funfair (Comic) Tai is having a very difficult time making peace with this new world, and his constant chase after answers is driving him mad. Mint suffers from it and Chili tries to step in. Act 1 Act 2 17- [Intermission] It's Quiet After a Storm / Chili handles Mint after the events of Act 2. Act 3
The End, is the end, is the end.... / An ode to the final story of Secret's Funfair. A whole script detailing the events of Act 3 to Act 5. An end to the journey. Thank you all for being a part of this <3
You made it to the end of the current story!!! Congrats! If you made it this far I'm very proud of you and also I am so very sorry. This isn't the end. There is also plenty of one shots unfortunately.
BUT IF YOU'RE STILL INTERESTED (which wow I must salute you!) Then here is a SECOND timeline showing where each little one shot is situated along with a tiny summary of what each is about!
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Garden Trip - Trip to a botanical garden with Chili and Mint.
Stressor - The anxiety that comes with taking Julie under custody.
Terrors - Handling psychosis with a little sister around (not very well).
Egg Hunt - Giving Julie a proper Easter holiday.
Ohana - Accidental meeting with Julie's parents that ends in a fight.
Candy Parade - Helping Mint feel better after the events of OE.
Yearning - Chili monolouging after the events of Confessions.
Change - Mint's monolouging about how much their friend has changed.
Carlson - Meeting a hallucination.
Overthinking - Chili helps a friend out in need and overthinks everything as always.
Chestnuts - Chili teaching Julie and Mint a little family tradition.
There are some stray comics here and there hidden around the #comic tag on my blog. Not all of them are canon anymore, but most still should hold up :) If you want some extra dventure.
WOW look at you!! You made it all the way to the end. You're something else entirely!
If you enjoyed this and would like for the stories to continue then your every like, reblog, ask and comment are what drives this forward. Leave a little thought or opinion if you'd like, it will take this a long way forward.
Thank you to everyone who have stuck with me through the journey of this massive storytelling experience as well. Those who are still here and those who are lingering, those who may not be. I appreciate you all so much <3
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shtbgs-blog · 7 years ago
GANGGANG, alright hi it’s tea and this is shitbags central aka your #1 station for all trash, all the time!!! I already have ( 7 ) fucking muses because I’m a whole ass mess of a person and I’m here for legit any plots I even have a plots tag that I started because.... I wanted to ANYWAY let me give you the rundown on my shitheads alright.
jesus fuckin christ this took way longer than anticipated and some have more information than others rn but i’mma make aesthetic posts for them all later tonight ok :///
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DONALD “DON” O'CALLAHAN looks an awful lot like JUSTIN CHATWIN. HE is THIRTY and while they’re FLIRTATIOUS they have a tendency to be pretty UNFAITHFUL. You��ve probably seen them around Kola listening to ALONE by HALSEY FEAT. BIG SEAN & STEFFLON DON.
so... first things first... he’s in the mafia
but he makes it seem like his life is amazing and he’s some big important CEO ( wow am i the only one getting jimmy/steve vibes already? )
That’s probs because he’s heavily inspired by the character but he is not canon.
He’s FUN and EXCITING and literally brand new i don’t know shit about him besides how he’s gonna act
which is nice and sly and secretive and flirty aight
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IMOGEN WARD looks an awful lot like MADELAINE PETSCH. SHE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re REBELLIOUS, they have a tendency to get pretty CLUMSY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to REPERCUSSIONS by BEA MILLER
Imogen was a twin sister but her sister died in a haunted house like technically three days ago but we’re gonna pretend like it wasn’t okay
Honestly, she’s loud and exciting most of the time. She’s kind, compassionate, cuddly, sweet and adventureous. It’s just like, too much though. She wilds the fuck out and is constantly go go going like she doesn’t want to stop
she smokes a lot of pot
and she was technically living in a college dorm with her sister but.... she is now officially a college drop out and living back at home
not that she’s ever there tbqfh
She’s got an ex boyfriend that makes her feel a lot of conflicting emotions and will make her REAL WEARY of active relationships because like, STUFF. IM NOT TALKIN BOUT THIS!!!!!!!!
anyway that’s imogen
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JAMES  WILLIAMS looks an awful lot like MILO VENTIMIGLIA. HE is THIRTY-FIVE and while they’re FLEXIBLE, they have a tendency to get pretty AGGRESSIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to IROBOT by JON BELLION.
He Was Married to his highschool sweet heart but then one of his younger twin brothers (? does that make sense) died of an overdose and he sort of lost his mind
And the other twin is in and out of jail for drug related issues
He an alcoholic but he doesn’t fuck with drugs
and he’s actually a police officer
just your generic ass cop he wants to get a promotion but he doesn’t see it in his future
he’s nice but it’s VERY EASY to piss him off
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MILO SHEPARD looks an awful lot like NICK JONAS. HE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re DISCREET,they have a tendency to get pretty RIGID. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to FLARE GUNS by QUINN XCII FEAT. CHELSEA CUTLER ALL THE KIDS ARE DEPRESSED by JEREMY ZUCKER
He’s a foster care social worker meaning he deals with kids who have real fuckin ruff lives okay
He was inspired to join this life because he himself was in foster care for a majority of his life and his case worker basically adopted him when he was fifteen
He’s dedicated his life to giving back like his adoptive father did for him
He has vague memories of his mother but he doesn’t remember much because last time he saw her he was 6
He is constantly busy with cases / children and there’s a strong chance you’ll find him at an ice cream shop with one of the kids he’s working with
oh and he 100% probably has nights where he just stays at the office and lets the kid sleep on his couch because he couldn’t find a foster home
which... u know, with a life this hectic u think he’s ever had any sort of relationship? ha, NO.
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OPHELIA MONROE looks an awful lot like BILLIE LOURD. SHE is TWENTY-FIVE and while they’re FRIENDLY, they have a tendency to get pretty JUDGEY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to THUNDER by IMAGINE DRAGONS
So originally I was gonna have her still living at home and working in a mom n pop shop
but since she’s twenty give I’m actually gonna progress her a little bit
She’s left home and now lives in a little bus that she transformed into her house
It’s literally one of the short yellow buses but painted white and black
She got a whole ass house in there a bed, a kitchen, a table
and her cat
And she’s in Kola just to kind of get out and see what the world is like maybe get a job and move out of her bus bc she’s been traveling the past two years it’s time to settle
She’s probably been here  maybe a few months
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SHANE FRANCIS looks an awful lot like CARLSON YOUNG. SHE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re ADVENTUROUS, they have a tendency to get pretty DISRUPTIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to BETTER DAYS by HEDLEY
OK SO SHANE comes from old money and like you can tell she wears designer and she’s kinda bratty sometimes
but she’s got a good heart like real life
okay no she doesn’t she can sometimes be real bitchy to strangers but the SECOND you get to really know her you know it’s all just a reflex to people trying to get to know her ig??
She loves to give back to charity / work with those less fortunate than her
Whenever she can, ( which is not a lot ) she breaks away from her parents and lives her life how she wants which means partying but, not always, they sort of have her on a tight leash because she has a reputation to uphold
( aka rich spoiled posh ) but Shane doesn’t like this life she wants her own life
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WESLEY LLOYD looks an awful lot like AARON TAYLOR JOHNSON. HE is TWENTY-FIVE and while they’re HARD WORKING, they have a tendency to get pretty OBLIVIOUS.You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to I’M NOT FAMOUS by AJR.
ALRIGHT so this is, last but not least, Wes Lloyd
At 15 he left home to move in with his grandfather
while there he began rapping with his friends ( hoodie allen vc )
and life was honestly good he was getting good at music and had a girlfriend who he really thought he loved and he was happy
then his girlfriend left him
and his grandfather died
and he was twenty three and miserable
when his grandfather passed he left him a great deal of money and the house he had grown up in. Wes took this time to rebuild the home by hand because that’s what his grandfather would have wanted. 
During this time he still wrote music but it was sad ( front porch step vc )
Now two years later, the house is complete and he is living with his best friend in his big ass house and honestly his music career is taking off, especially with the happier, more up beat music he’s creating ( jon bellion vc )
He’s just here for a good time and he wants to LIVE his BEST LIFE
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vocatharsis · 7 years ago
Cogs’ TS2 Apocalypse Run (XI)
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Out of intense nostalgia, I started revisiting The Sims 2 early this year. I got the online Ultimate Edition with all DLC via Origin -- after making my case to support -- and had a lot of fun with it! After stumbling across a variety of old challenge runs, I decided that I would try out an apocalypse challenge (specifically Phaenoh’s tiered, mod-enforced version on Mod The Sims, check it out, it’s great). On my first attempt, I failed quite badly. But this time, things are going much better. 
I’ve resolved to see this attempt all the way through, and document it in post form. If you like any games from the Sims series, nostalgic videogame reflections and/or challenge run blogging, feel free to read on!
Teenage romcoms are back, baby -- boot camp: fun? -- grow old, stop wearing smart clothes to work -- another tragic fashion victim of the apocalypse.
Welcome! It’s my first one of these in about a month, ‘cos I’ve been on uni holidays and with the advent of the dreaded Steam summer sale this year I’ve been romping my way through a bunch of delicious indie titles (including Frostpunk, A Hat In Time, Subnautica, and now Darkest Dungeon - all great). It occurs to me that I have a bit of an image backlog, so I’ll use this post as an opportunity to refresh my memory as I’ll get back into the Apocalypse once I’ve finished the last little bit of Darkest. 
So, quick recap: Aaron & Forseti, the aspiring law and order twins, have made it to teenhood. Juan, spouse to Panoptica (heir of the household’s second generation), made it to the top of the Architecture career track, which means I’m finally allowed to extend the house beyond its initial 8x8 square and put down John’s military obstacle course. This thing builds Body skill wayyy faster than Yoga, so it’ll be great for Aaron, who needs to work out to top Law Enforcement. 
Oh, and Amanda Carlson -- Forseti’s intended future spouse -- came over to build up the relationship meter, only to get scared by Sake’s ghost and wet herself.
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Sake doesn’t seem to ever spook members of the household... perhaps ghost pets don’t harass Sims they were friends with in life? If this is the case, then I’ll have to be very careful with future generations...
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Aaron’s hitting it off with Tosha Go, a teen townie who walked down the street at some point. They’ve been flirting for a while, so it’s about time for the first ever teen romance of the apocalypse!
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(Odd observation: Whenever another Sim uses the bathroom, everyone always seems to get a thought bubble over their head with a cross superimposed on that person’s portrait. I mean, it’s not like you need those facilities right now?)
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The adults are getting themselves some handy extra aspiration points by grinding Body skill points on the obstacle course (thank you, Knowledge), and I’ve definitely taken way too many pictures of people using it, because it just gives so many good photo opps:
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But while they were doing this, I noticed something unexpected. According to the career rewards panel I accessed this object from, the course doesn’t raise Fun. Which I guess would make sense to me; fallin’ on yer arse trying to climb a wall made of wood doesn’t seem like my idea of a good time. Then... why is Juan’s maxed-out fun meter not going down while he spends hours crawling around in the dirt...?
You know what this means? The obstacle course, for whatever reason, is Fun. This means I can start training Aaron up while he’s still a teen. (Showbiz Pet rules - which I can’t lift for a while - prevent children and teens from skilling with any object that doesn’t increase the Fun need at the same time.) And that means more adorable pictures of People Falling Over.
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John’s getting on in his old age, and wants to max out all of his skills. I figure I might as well oblige; he can’t sleep in anymore now that he’s an Elder, and he needs something to pass his remaining time.
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The two brothers have slightly different attitudes to all the exercise they’re now doing:
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Panoptica and Juan are drawing ever closer to Elderhood, so I took a few romantic pictures of the two of them in their top-rank work uniforms. (There’ll be more romantic diversity, definitely, once adoption becomes a valid method for lifting restrictions - I think Law is the thing for that? So -- next generation, basically.)
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I love this goddamn power couple, just look at them
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Here’s hoping they get decent clothes to die in when their hair turns grey!
Forseti is the first of the two twins to max out the Body skill, no doubt due to his ultra-Active personality...
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He’s not even gonna be using those Body skill points for anything, yet look how triumphant he is. (He mastered the skill almost immediately after I took that image.)
Well, Panoptica and Juan’re gonna grey up, so let’s get Juan to go first. 
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Whatever clothes he gets as an elder, I don’t really think they’ll be better than what he’s currently got. (If he’s lucky, he’ll get something John-tier. But there are many, many outfits in this game.)
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Swoon all you want, girl; this is the last time his thought bubble’s gonna look like that good.
The whole family are here to celebrate. And Jessica Picaso is here, because she followed John home from work
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And now: will Juan’s clothes age gracefully?
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No! They won’t! :)
Looks like boxer shorts and a polo shirt, more or less. I think this is better than poor Kent’s obnoxious orange suspenders, though? (The suspenders which, coupled with those old world blues, drove the poor man to red aspiration levels?)
Now, much as I love Juan, I took way more pictures of Panoptica’s ghost-clothes presentation aging-up ceremony, for the simple reason that Panoptica is all-round awesome.
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(The best picture from this scene is hands-down the one I used as a preview above the cut. She did the little ‘pretend boxing’ animation, and it was just a great last bit of magic.)
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I’m thinking, will she at least get better death clothes than her spouse? 
She does.
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Not bad, not bad!! Certainly more apropos than what Shelmerdine got stuck with.
Juan’s happy with it too, it seems.
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just make your wife’s sixtieth birthday awkward by making raunchy remarks in front of yer two kids, just do it
Buuuut those two are both good now. In fact, since they had their kids pretty early on, we’re actually one day off Aaron & Forseti reaching adulthood. I’m thinking I’ll invite Tosha over, so I can use that ‘select NPCs to age up’ feature. Give them some adulthood sweetheart time while I wait for Forseti to unlock the ability to move Sims out. (That way, I can actually marry off both twins, and have their children count as able to lift restrictions.)
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The twins’ll be aging up within the same 24 hours, so I invited Amanda Carlson as well. 
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Amanda will (ideally) lift Business restrictions, since she starts off as a President (rank 8). Tosha, meanwhile, I’m thinking Journalism (doesn’t lift much, but I can get it out of the way with a married-in character, yeah?)
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Hm! Ok, he was in his athletic outfit when he blew out the candles - I don’t know what his everyday apparel looks like yet.
Everyone’s celebrati-- wait
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What. The hell is that. 
I’m terrified. But intrigued at the same time. I’ll get him to have a shower and thus change into his daywear so I can see the full extent of the damage shortly, but first, we need to age up his girlf...
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(I mean-- since Townies tend to be at green aspiration by default, I did get a notification in the top right-hand corner of her going wow that part of my life was shit to go along with this dashing smile. But I suppose being a Townie means only half-existing, and becoming playable is like being selected to receive a soul, so, comparatively, her adulthood will be infinity times better.)
While I’m getting Forseti set up to blow out his birthday candles, Aaron goes to take a shower. Let us now take a moment to lament how the apocalyse has claimed another helpless fashion victim. 
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A suit made out of what might be fake snakeskin, and a wreath made out of what the remaining restrictions dictate must be some scavenged AstroTurf. Law and order will be returned to the Free State, perhaps, but taste will remain a site of anarchy for some time.
Now for Forseti to make the transition. I have so many awesome shots of everyone posing for this birthday:
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A staple of this Apoc Run is getting excited for new outfits! 
Or, in this case, an alternate palette of the exact same outfit. 
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Still -- here we are! Both twins have made it to adulthood, and are ready to start bringing Law and Enforcement back to society. 
I’ll need to do one more post to get through my current batch of snapshots, but after that, I’m officially back to doing this. If you’ve been reading these updates, thanks for reading this one; hope it was enjoyable! 
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lana-starscream · 2 years ago
Season 2 Premere
omg yippie, the new season starts this weekend! (Sunday for me, David McLane's Bravest Soldier)
Idk why this shit never works for me lol whatever
i have seen this listed (on their youtube i think) as episode 53, as season 9 (when taking all the other WOWs into consideration), and as Season 2 (since the Viacom/CBS deal), but all that shit is for nerds. Here's the real Gospel from WOWE.com:
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WHO ATTACKED THE BEAST?: this shit has been so compelling, but nobody (oddly) has talked about it in a while. hopefully this has been weighing on the guilty parties' mind and keeping them up at night. I would not be shocked if it was traced back to Lana Star. I think she's ultimately the puppet master behind everything, but the Beast was most likely attacked by either Penelope Pink (eager to please Lana as her protege of the season) or Vicky Lynn Mc Coy (typical enforcer stuff)
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even MORE compelling is the return of Adriana Gambino! i am a BIIIIG GambinoHead, so this is very exciting to me. Will we see her reunited with old tag team partner GiGi Gianii? (they both loved fashion, family and being italian!) Gigi is using the music Adriana had originally, and it feels like they have been wanting to use this character since the AXS era, so it will be interesting to see if they actually get into the murder cover up that the website still references. A girl can only dream!!
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come on Dave, i know you have this in you.
Without immediately going off on another tangent, AJ Mendez missing from commentary is going to hurt on this one. She loved BOTH of these women so much.
Anyway, they seem to also be behind Jennifer Florez, and as if they want her in the mold of Stephy Slays. I think the Jen-Z thing is corny, just like Stephy's Millennial Superhero schtick. Following this, she might be one of those generic faces that gets squashed to make the other guy look good. (Adriana does need to come back hot, she did vanish for 30 episodes or so) In fact, I think that might even be the angle. I will toke on my purple doob if theres a video package of her from the previous season working in the murder angle and her not being in WOW)
That all being said, I think this is Adriana Gambino's win here.
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Another bittersweet match- I don't believe the Heavy Metal Sisters are together anymore, so Fury is out on her own. I'm sure she'll do fine, She's beautiful and hi hello Fury if you're reading this i am free anytime baby xoxoxo.
Tormenta has been a fun addition to WOW and any excuse to see Sophia Lopez is always welcome with me.
Having said this, I think Fury is going to win, she has to make a good impression on day 1 too. (That might be an overarching theme here, wild!)
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the now Title-less Carlson twins (in cute new gear tho) vs Crystal Waters & Sandy Shore. Spring Break joined up late in the season (and separately for a minute) and have mostly been fodder for other tag teams so far. Will that trend continue? Maybe Miami has something to prove? Maybe Lana has them in the doghouse? Maybe there will be an extensive video package to belabor every detail of this?
Giving this win to Miami Sweet Heat, but mostly for the sake of keeping Lana Star happy.
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Big WOW welcome to all my fellow ChantillyHeads!!! She rules. She has an absolutely dated gimmick and perfect hair (it looks so good every season), she always makes her opponent look good, and she hits super hard. This is easily going to be a Penelope victory, but fingies crossed Chantilly gets a few good kicks in.
ALRIGHT WOW you know what i want:
More Exile
Exodus singles match
Lana Star mayyyyybe getting another blonde??
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