#wow almost a full decade….
(It's your 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳)
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Ah, that’s nice.
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Oh god, I’m living in the old person’s home at this point.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
When I was working at the sex shop I was pulling poverty wages. I loved my job but I was on food stamps and still barely getting by. When they hired the stores first male employee and he started at my pay rate after I’d been there for three years I quit.
I was initially really nervous when I saw the post for the mattress job. It listed a pay scale that I couldn’t even conceptualize and I appeared qualified. When I got an interview I was over the moon but also petrified. Reactions to my line of work often varied but most people were very embarrassed or skeptical. I worried about how I’d address it in the actual interview.
I lived far to the north of their headquarters and drove almost two hours to get there. When I finally arrived it was in the nicest thrift store clothes I could find, but I shrank inside to see a room full of older white men in nice suits waiting to be interviewed for the same job.
Why did I bother? I was decades younger than anyone else in the room, shabbily dressed, and I suspected I was the only afab person in the entire building. I stewed in my insecurities until I was called in.
The second I met my interviewer I was instantly put at ease. The man had the energy of a therapy dog, he was abound with positive, good natured energy. He was also incredibly beautiful. I grinned back at his welcoming smile as we said our pleasantries. But still. This very beautiful polished man seemed very innocent. How would the sex shop question go?
“I see here you worked at STORE?”
“Yes,” I said hesitantly.
“And that was sales? Or you just rang people up.”
“No, it was sales. I’d help people find products, we were encouraged to upsell, there was sales spiffs, and most importantly we educated customers on products to help them find what they liked best.”
He grinned approvingly and asked, “Can you give me an example of a time you successfully upsold a customer?”
I paused, wringing my hands before I asked, “How vague would you like me to be…?”
“Not at all!” He assured me. “Go for it!”
“Well. A man came in looking for something to make his fingers vibrate so when he was touching his wife it would enhance that sensation. We had cheap $10 cockrings that I showed him first. But we had a rechargeable waterproof one made of nicer material, and after I showed him a demo he bought that one.”
“How much was that one?”
“Wow! You had an upsell of 100% from what he came in looking for! That’s incredible!”
He was so truly genuinely stoked and not at all embarrassed that for the first time I saw a tiny glimmer of a future where I didn’t have ramen and peanut butter tiding me over between paychecks.
He asked me to wait then came back to tell me he liked me so much that he wanted to send me right into another interview, if that was okay. He didn’t want me to have to drive back later, it was terribly considerate and exciting. I beamed and told him it would be lovely.
I then had the second worst interview I’ve ever had. The worst goes to the time I applied to be a store manager for a pet food place years later. The district and store manager interviewing me passed notes and texted while I was speaking. When the district manager called to inform me I didn’t get the job I told him I’d never have accepted anyway because I’d never had such a disrespectful interview.
The new man sitting behind the desk radiated an aura of a brick wall. As someone with anxiety I’m highly keyed into the emotional states of people I’m talking to. To receive no feedback at all was my personal hell. After a perfunctory greeting he asked me with no inflection to sell him a pen.
I gathered the shreds of my courage and attempted the Herculean task he’d set me. Through my whole improvised spiel he resisted all attempts at engaging him, regarding me with a cold apathy as I touted the benefits of my fictitious pen.
Halfway through I broke into a cold sweat. My smile didn’t waver but it grew strained as I projected friendliness and warmth into the black hole of his heart. My thoughts scattered and my sales pitch grew redundant in the face of his nothingness. I finally concluded with a hard close and he simply nodded.
He glanced at my resume and commented, “You didn’t ask me to touch or hold it. Though I suppose I can understand from your previous line of work why you wouldn’t.” I shriveled and died inside knowing that I encouraged people to touch dildos all day long and had been too frazzled to offer him the pen.
He bid me a cool farewell. I made it to my car before I started sobbing. I had never been so rattled. I couldn’t understand what I’d done to make him so unfriendly or if my threadbare clothes were what had made him treat me like dirt. I drove an hour and a half to get home, weeping intermittently.
I was therefore taken by complete surprise to receive a call the next day inviting me on board for their five week training program. The first man who’d interviewed me gushed on the phone about how the second guy had loved me and that I was going to be fantastic.
I was in shock. When I showed up to training the second interviewer was charming my new classmates, beaming and laughing. He was an utterly different person. To my dismay I learned he was the trainer for my district and would be my point of contact if I made it through training.
He joked with me later that his interview facade was just a tactic to see how people held up under pressure and I filed him into a category of my deepest enmity. I never forgave him for how small he made me feel that day, but I never showed him the depths of my fury.
I aced every test and went on to be valedictorian of the eight people who had survived the rigorous training process to earn a sales position. When I got my first paycheck I bought myself new clothes, the first non-thrifted things I’d owned in years.
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omgeto · 1 year
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summary: after being made aware of your long term ex boyfriends plans to 'fix' the world, you knew that you had to try and stop him. but seeing him for the first time in a decade; all the love, the hate, the heartbreak comes right back to you both and you realise you care about him a lot more than you thought.
wc: 4.7k (of pure goodness....)
cw: afab!reader, mdni, angst to fluff (kinda) cult leader ex boyfriend!geto, kinda sorta canon (its the day that geto yk...) he eats you out like its his last meal, half hate fucking, full making love, and a whole lot of geto being culty and cunty. this one has a plot people!!
authors note: guys yk I love a good exes to lovers fic so the argument in this one hits different and the whole idea of you and suguru breaking up just before he runs off to run his cult really gets to me, so I hope you enjoy this one.
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geto suguru hasn’t seen you in years, in almost a decade, and is still reeling harshly from how you left him when he needed you. but somehow he finds himself rushing to meet you when he gets the four word text from your number—which is still saved in his phone under ‘my girl’— saying, ‘we need to talk.’
he knows exactly what you want to speak about, he could easily put together why today of all days you’d want to see —after vanishing him for just over a decade. he figured gojo probably gave word to you, as from when you’ve been young and growing up together, you’ve all known that if gojo couldn’t get through to him, you could.
he opens the door to your apartment, knowing that you wouldn’t have locked it—you always had a habit of leaving it open for him. and there you are, standing in the dimly lit room, waiting for his arrival. the years have etched subtle changes onto your face and in your demeanour, but the essence of who you are remains unchanged. time may have separated you, but in this moment, it feels as though it has never passed.
“you can't do this,” is the first thing you say, your voice steady despite the unexpected surge of emotions upon seeing him again. you didn't think seeing him after all this time would affect you, but it did. his hair is longer, his frame more imposing, but that unmistakable smirk remains, a haunting reminder of the man you once knew.
“wow right to the chase,” he chuckles bitterly, his presence taking up the room as he enters the room further, “i forgot you never really had a thing for beating around the bush.”
you meet his bitter chuckle with a steady gaze, your resolve unwavering. the years of separation have done nothing to diminish the intensity of your connection, the push and pull between you two.
"it's not the time for games, suguru," you reply, your tone serious. "you know why i called you here."
he sighs, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. the weight of his plans, the burden he carries, is evident in the lines etched on his face. "i figured you'd call sooner or later."
the room seems to shrink as the gravity of the situation hangs between you. the man you once knew, the one who could make your heart race with a smile, now stands before you, shrouded in darkness.
"i won't let you go through with this," you say firmly, your eyes never leaving his. "there's another way, suguru. there has to be."
for a moment, his façade cracks, and you catch a glimpse of the person he used to be, the one who believed in a better world. but then the hardness returns to his eyes, and he steps closer, his presence overwhelming.
"you always were too idealistic," he mutters, almost to himself. "but i can't turn back now. the world needs this change."
"what happened to you?" you snap out, your words laced with a bitter edge that hangs heavily in the air. it's a question that carries the weight of your years of frustration, anger, and confusion. but you knew what happened to him; everyone knew.
his reaction is immediate, and the room seems to tremble with his anger. his gaze narrows, and the atmosphere becomes charged with tension. "you don't get to ask that," he spits out, his voice dripping with bitterness. "you left, remember? you abandoned me when i needed you the most."
“it wasn’t like that,” you argue, leaning forward, your body tense. “by the time i left you were already gone, being physically present in a relationship doesn’t mean anything if your mind is fucking checked out all the time. at that point i was just dating a shell of you.” 
“is that how you justify it?" he retorts, his anger unabated. "you think leaving was the solution?”
you clench your fists, your own anger rising to meet his. "i did what i had to do to protect myself, suguru. you were spiralling, consumed by your own darkness. I couldn't save you"
his eyes blaze with a mixture of fury and hurt. "you think i needed saving?
“you still need saving,” you scoff gesturing to him standing right in front of you, “just because you couldn’t save—”
“don’t even go there,” he interrupts, his hand raising to stop you. he knew you were talking about riko, “i’ve made peace with that.”
“oh have you?” you accuse, “since it seems to me, you’ve been on a killing spree, ever since.”
“other people died y’know,” he hisses out, “remember haibara? he was your fucking friend, but you weren’t even there.”
“this isn’t about me,” you say disregarding his comment, regret seeping through you, “you think i haven’t kept tabs on you since i’ve been away. who have you become?”
he glares at you, his anger evident. "i've become what the world needs," he snaps, his voice heavy. "someone willing to do what it takes to change things."
"and is killing a village full of people the way to do that?" you challenge, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow. "killing your..." You pause, overwhelmed by the thoughts and images of what he's done. "was killing your parents worth it?"
his expression hardens, and for a moment, you see a glimmer of regret in his eyes, but it's quickly masked by his resolve. "i had to make sacrifices," he says coldly. "it's a small price to pay for a greater cause."
“you can’t truly think that,” you say, taking a step closer to him, your fists still clenched at your sides. “how did it feel killing them then? to take away the lives of your own parents who were innocent?” you probe, you knew that there was some part of him that must feel bad.”
“you’re about… ten years too late to be trying to have this conversation with me,” he shrugs, the turmoil that geto felt when he first set out on his mission has ceased. the guilt he felt for killing his parents, even the grief he had for something that he caused, wasn’t a factor for him anymore.
your frustration boils over as you press him further. "so, you've become heartless, then?" you challenge. the room seems to tighten around you as you await his response. "a cold-blooded killer who's convinced himself that the ends justify the means?"
geto's gaze narrows, his patience dwindling. "it's not about being heartless. it's about doing what's necessary to achieve our goals."
"your goals," you emphasise, "not mine. and not the goals of the innocent people you've hurt along the way."
he sighs, exasperation creeping into his voice. "you always had a way of making everything so complicated, questioning every choice. you left because you couldn't handle the real world."
you shake your head, unwilling to accept his justifications. "no, i left because i couldn't stand by and watch you become a monster."
“so i’m just a monster, yeah?” he retorts, stepping towards you, his anger evident across his face, you could see your words triggered him, and as he gets closer you could feel your facade faltering. 
your heart races as he approaches, and you raise a hand instinctively, palm out, to signal him to stop. "don't come any closer," you warn, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. there was no rational reason to be scared of him, you’ve known him for years, and despite everything that he’s done —what he’s become— there was still a part of you that believed that he wouldn’t hurt you.
but geto ignores your plea, his determination unwavering. he grabs your hand firmly, his grip surprisingly gentle despite the intensity of the moment. his dark eyes bore into yours, and he speaks in a low, taunting tone, "why? are you scared that with me being this close, you're going to realise that you loved a monster? that you're still in love with him?"
you grit your teeth, refusing to let him get under your skin. "suguru, you don't get to manipulate me with your twisted version of love," you retort, your voice laced with defiance. "i won't let you use my feelings against me.
his words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you're torn between the conflicting emotions swirling inside you. the memories of the love you once shared, the pain of his transformation into something unrecognisable, and the lingering attraction between you all crash together in this charged moment.
you try to pull your hand away, to regain control of the situation, but geto's grip tightens, preventing your escape. his face inches closer to yours, and despite your better judgement, your breath hitches. “manipulation, huh?” geto muses, his mouth so close to yours that you feel his breath faintly brush across your lips. you look up at him through your lowered eyelashes, and in that fleeting pause, so small that it’s almost imperceptible, you find yourself considering the gravity of your actions, if only for a moment.
the feeling of doubt is short lived, as you press your lips against geto’s, his mouth immediately moulding into yours. the kiss is searing, as you push your bodies against each other, he releases your hand from his grip, his hands move to cradle your head, holding it in place as he deepens the kiss, bruising your lips with his.
everything about geto is familiar, the taste of him, the warmth of his mouth, the way he consumes you. his tongue explores yours, wrestling for control as your arms scratch at him trying to tug off his robe. you wanted him to feel you, all of you—your touch, your lips, your hurt, your anger, the love that you still have that you thought was small. but after seeing him, kissing him, you realise is still an overwhelmingly large part of you.
you pull apart to catch your breath, staring hard at each other, but there’s barely a moment wasted before your back on eachother. kissing each other feverishly, as you rip off each other's clothes, he pushes you hard, your back slamming against the nearest piece of furniture as his mouth latches onto your neck. his kisses cascade down your body, stopping at your breasts as he unhooks your bra, tossing it aside.
“i missed these,” he murmurs, as his lips descend onto your tits, his face nuzzling at your chest as he sucks and pulls at your nipples with his teeth. “and i missed this,” he continues to mumble, his hands cupping your clothed pussy, his finger lightly caressing your slit. 
you arch forward into his touch, wanting to feel him more and chuckles saying, “even after all these years, you still respond to my touch just the same.” his fingers plunge into your panties, brushing against your clit and he smirks as your lips part a stifled moan escaping your lips—proving his point.
“s-shut up,” you hiss out, as you slowly start to gyrate against his fingers. although it was obvious from the way you were already soaking your underwear, you didn’t want to admit how good he is actually making you feel—you just couldn’t give him the satisfaction. geto raises his eyebrows at you in amusement, as he watches you bite your lip trying to contain your moans, as his fingers inch into your inviting pussy.
geto’s body moves down yours as he removes his lips from your tits, continues to press kisses down your stomach, as he drops down to his knees —his eyes level with your cunt. he presses a kiss to your covered pussy, before sliding off your panties. his mouth is just about to latch onto you but he pauses looking up at you, his gaze unwavering, “you want this right?” you nod slowly, your anticipation brewing as your eyes lock onto his, “use your words.”
you release an exasperated huff, but he remains steadfast, his raised eyebrow a silent declaration that he won't act until you tell him what he wants to hear. the room seems to pulse with tension, the growing desire between you mounting with each heartbeat.
your hands slide it’s way into his hair, pushing your fingers through his scalp, as you grin, you voice is low and sultry as you say, “i want it.” his mouth envelopes your pussy and you push his head into you deeper, forcing your nose into your arousal. he inhales you, taking in your scent as he presses his face in your cunt. 
“such a pretty pussy,” he mutters lowly, you could feel the vibrations spread through your pussy. his tongue strokes down your slit, before pushing into you, he twists and slurps at you trying to suck out all of your juices. 
geto nibbles at your clit, tugging at it with his teeth before bringing his fingers back to cunt. shoving two fingers in roughly. you pull his hair harshly, the feeling of his mouth sucking on your clit leaving your mind blank. “ah f-fuck,” you cry out, as geto’s strokes grow more intense.
“c’mon let me hear you more,” geto prompts, pulling away slightly from your pussy, his lips plump and coated from your wetness. he grabs one of your legs and hikes it over his shoulder, the angle allowing him to force his fingers into you further, curling them up in your pussy as he goes back to shoving his face in your sobbing cunt.
you grind your pussy in his face, working with him in getting you off. both of your movements were frantic, geto is eating your pussy with such eagerness, hungrily trying to drink all of your cum. “i’m close s-sugu i’m—” you choke out, feeling yourself slipping down the wall you pressed against, but geto holds you upright, his large hand keeping your thigh hooked over his shoulder and roughly pushing you up against the wall.
geto grins against your cunt, your moans and cries is a sound he didn’t realise how much he missed until he heard them now. you laboured breathing, stammered sentences told him that you were reading cum, but he just had to push you further. so he adds one more finger, sending it straight to your spot, twisting and pushing it in your pussy so hard that tears brim your eyes. he was so relentless, you always loved that about him, how he knows your body in and out, he knew exactly where to touch, and just how far he should push to have you becoming a mess for him.
you couldn’t take him anymore, so you cum, hard. your pussy releasing ropes and ropes of cum, all over geto’s fingers and his face, and he laps at it, munching all your cum with excitement. “i know you can give me more than that,” he muses, pressing his thumb down on your clit, rubbing at it aggressively as you cum. your eyes roll back, as he repeatedly flicks at your cum, and before you know it, you're squirting all over his face.
geto’s eyes widen, and he doesn’t stop playing with your pussy, until you bow your head in submission, worn out from all the cum you’ve released over him. your hands slide out of his hair, as you try and catch your breath and geto peppers your cunt and your thighs with kisses finally letting your thigh come off his shoulders. “damn your pussy’s still as sweet as ever.”
“stop with the talking,” you mumble, as you pull him up to his feet, your lips forcing their way back onto him. your hands frantically explore each other's bodies as you drag him to your bedroom, pushing him on your bed. “i can’t fucking stand you,” you mutter to yourself, your denial evident, as you straddle him, pulling his dick out of his boxers.
you pause briefly at the sight, his thick, long dick staring at you. you hear geto chuckle at your reaction, your eyes meet his with a challenging look exchanged between you, he raises his eyebrow at you, a silent dare on whether you’ll actually be able to get the control that you’re aiming to have. 
you hover over his dick, your pussy still dripping, geto bites his lip in anticipation as you tease him, slowly edging yourself down onto him. your pussy greedily, takes in his dick as you force yourself down on him as immediately fills you, stretching out your cunt with one push. you start to ride him, hard and fast, rocking your body forward as you bounce up and down on him, your hand pressing down on his stomach to keep you steady.
geto sits up, stifling a moan as he feels your cunt clench around his dick with everyone of your movements. he tries to thrust up into you, but he just can’t match the relentless rhythm you had, “f-fuck,” he exhales, a moan escaping his mouth, and you smirk —you have him just where you wanted him.
“you alright there suguru?” you mock, the grin spread across your face unmissable as you grind yourself down against him, tightening your pussy around his pole as you slid up and down. the bite on his lip hardens as he pulls it further between his teeth to suppress another moan.
but geto doesn’t submit for long, his hand slaps you across your tits and his fingers pinch your nipples, twisting and tugging them, causing you to arch your back as you wail. “d’you r-really think you run shit here?” he groans, flicking at your nipples with every word, “you’ll never be in control, not with me,” he taunts.
“oh really?” you retort, as you still continue to move your ass, meeting his hips. you can feel him start to pick up his pace, trying to match yours, his hips slightly thrusting upwards, his dick pushing into you deeper.
“yeah,” he says confidently through gritted teeth, one of his hands pulling away from your nipples and onto your ass, harshly grabbing one of your cheeks to steady himself as he drills into you further, “because you’re still my girl.” 
you still at his words, you knew he didn’t mean it but you couldn’t help but react to the name that he always used to refer to you as. geto could see your eyes become vacant, as you think back to the memories when you were truly his girl. you used to revel in that —the feeling of being his. he takes advantage of your pause, your rhythm halted as he takes over, now setting the pace as he charges his dick into you, stuffing you further. 
“suguru f-fuck you’re so—” you sob out, as he breaks down your wall, his strokes hitting your spot perfectly. your body buckles, crumbling at the force that geto was using as he repeatedly thrusts into you, his hand pushing you in further so his dick can get an even better angle in you.
“i’m so what?” he retorts, knowing you wouldn’t be able to string an answer together from the way he is fucking you dumb. geto couldn’t deny that he is getting some joy out seeing you all drunk on his dick, reduced to nothing but moans and incoherent sentences, he liked being the one to break you down. “am i still a monster, someone you can’t stand being around?”
you sloppily nod your head, trying to keep some resolve, but your efforts are pointless since all the insults and accusations you were spouting earlier are now futile, you lost your care in getting him to do the right thing, all you want now is for him to stay like this — inside of you. 
“s-shit i can’t take it a-anymore im gonna cu—” you force out, clenching yourself around little his dick hard as you feel your orgasm building up. but geto’s movements stop for a second as he pulls his dick out of you, flipping you over, your back landing hard on your bed. he leans over you, his focus fixed on you, but at this point, his eyes don’t hold the same heartache, and hurt that they did when he first stepped into your house. the geto that is looking at you now, is the one who’d always look at you everyday, ten years ago —with love and longing.
he strokes his dick down your aching pussy, teasing you with it, but just before he puts it in, his hand caresses your face cupping your chin as he says, “when i said you were still my girl, i meant it y’know?” and your lips part in surprise at his admission. “although it hurt me, when you left me, you just never stopped being my girl.”
“suguru i-i don’t know what to say,” you stammer, and you didn’t realise until he swipes under your eye, that you were crying. there was so much more to your relationship with geto than just some highschool romance, you loved another, and no one could tell you otherwise. 
“tell me that you are,” he prompts, now pressing kisses to your tear stained face, his lips moving down to yours, “tell me that you are still my girl,” he finishes in between kisses. his hopeful eyes still remain on yours, and you could feel him slowly inching his dick into you.
you wrap your legs around his back, your arms hooking around his neck as you pull his head next to yours, your mouth near his ear as you whisper, “i am still yours.” he pushes his dick back into you, his strokes deep and slow. it was different from before, there was no competition or hate between you as you fucked, you didn’t have a point to prove other than the fact that you still loved each other. 
geto’s moans are loud, he has nothing to hold back as he growls lowly in your ear. the way he holds you, and takes his time kisses you and fucking you as if he was accounting for this potentially being his last ever time doing so. “i’ll never get enough of this.”
“then don’t go,” you whine, and your words hold a deeper meaning that you both knew but won’t acknowledge knowing it is pointless to discuss any further. you pull him into you deeper, your thighs clenching around him as your hold tightens. 
the feeling of you pulling him in, has him clenching his eyes as your pussy takes him in, his mouth takes yours in a powerful kiss, before he mumbles “you gonna let me cum in you, leave you with every last bit of me.” you don’t even respond, just deepening the kiss, your head shaking in agreement.
you both cum together, geto spraying your walls as he sinks his face into the crook of your neck, sinking his teeth into your exposed flesh as he continues to shoot ropes of cum inside of you. you claw at his back as you feel all of him enter you, your cum mixing with his as you cry out in full pleasure.
his forehead rests against yours, as the last bits of his cum enter you and neither of you say anything, all that can be heard is just heavy breaths coming from the both of you. you didn’t know what was to happen now, there was still so much left unsaid, unresolved and things have changed now that geto is literally stuffed inside of you.
geto is about to pull out of you finally, but you stop him muttering a faint, “stay,” and he does. he knows he had somewhere to be, things to do that are bigger than the both of you, but he just couldn’t leave when you ask him to stay. he manoeuvres your body so that you now lay atop him, comfortably cockwarming him as he thumb brushes gentle strokes down your arm.
“y’know i’ve got these two girls, who i think would love you,” he muses.
“what? did you manage to become a father whilst i was away?” you tease.
“something like that, yeah,” he mumbles, a small smile forming on his face as thoughts of nanako and mimiko flash through his mind — they’re a bittersweet reminder of the new life he’s built without you, one that you wouldn’t be able to fit in. it wasn’t that long ago that you’d have thoughts about geto fathering your own kids, dreams of somewhat of a domestic life that you’d now never get to have with him.
“well maybe i can meet them,” you say non-committedly.
“yeah maybe…” his voice falters, as you both know that it would never happen.
“do you enjoy it then?” you ask, “this ‘new’ life of yours.” you could tell just by the brief mention of nanako and mimiko and the way he carries himself that he does enjoy his life, but you were hoping that he’d still answer no.
geto hesitates for a moment, his gaze drifting to the ceiling as he contemplates your question, “i…” he begins, his gaze returning to yours, “i won’t lie. it’s different, and there’s moments i find true solace in it, this has been my life for a long time now, so it’s just something i’ve really gotten used to.”
“and you’re happy to go back to it, after this?” your question is loaded, and you feel dumb for even asking but when you did call him over to get him to not go through with his plans, of course your motivations have slightly changed, but your goal is still the same. 
 “i don’t think you should ask me to make a choice, knowing that im not going to choose you,” he grits out, he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but 
“you’re not gonna win you know, satoru wouldn’t let it happen,” you couldn’t help yourself, the rejection he just gave you stung, and you wanted him to feel what you felt.
but geto doesn’t bite, he knows you’re hurting—that he’s the cause of it, so he lets you hurt, his hold tightening comfortably as you sulk in his arms. geto places a kiss on your temple, ignoring your comment as he concludes, “let’s just not, okay?”
geto stays with you until your breathing settles into a steady rhythm, and you don’t notice him slipping out of you. he cleans you up and tucks you into your bedsheets, giving you one final stare as if he’s trying to keep a mental image of how you look when he’s last seen you. his lips meet yours in a final, chaste kiss and he mutters a promise that he didn’t think you’d hear, but you do, stirring awake as his lips leave yours, “i’ll see you again… eventually.”
you wake up to an empty room, the warmth of geto's presence replaced by a stark emptiness. the realisation hits you like a wave of cold water – he's gone, leaving nothing behind but soiled sheets and a hollow ache in your chest. there's no note, no message, no trace of his ever being there, except for the lingering scent of him that clings to the air. you know that someone will eventually inform you of the outcome of the night, but deep down, you already suspect that his last promise to you will end up being broken.
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AN: first like proper proper real juicy fic that ive written in a long time imo and its just like this took me so long since im soooo sensitive about my geto fics and im just like overly critical about my angsty and fluff and plot fics and my smut and JUST EVERYTHING but I managed to get it all done and I think some parts of this really hit hard. the ending is ofc bittersweet since if we go by canon, he goes and yuta beats his fuckinggg ass and he dies wtf but... the true ending is really up to your imagination. (not really) like dont even think about the ending just focus on the fact that they NEVER TELL EACHOTHER THAT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER BECAUSE UR SO IN LOVE THAT YOU ADMITTING THAT UR STILL 'HIS GIRL' IS ALL THE CONFIRMATION HE NEEDS. my finished an are sooo long why because I FUCKING CAN SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY, PLEASE LMK UR THOUGHTS AND SLAY ALL DAY also thank you @kazushawty and @biscuitsngravie for reading and supporting me 🥹🥹
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talaok · 1 year
Like a Virgin
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
summary: It's been a really long time since Joel has felt the feel of anything else besides his own fist, and once you remind him how good the real thing is... let's just say it's hard for him to live up to his full potential.
warnings: smut| unprotected p in v sex, premature ejaculation, very touch-starved Joel, and allusion to oral sex (f receiving)
a/n: I don't know what to say lmao this is a thing for me ok, don't judge (and also you can't tell me this isn't accurate, like this man hasn't gotten laid since the moon landing probably, and you expect him to last? no way babe). Also I'm sorry about the title it's funny to me lol
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Now this wasn't like him.
He hadn't done this in a long time.
The last time he had sex with a woman he'd just met (or any woman to be completely honest) he was 25 years younger and the world hadn't gone to shit yet... so yeah, a long time indeed.
But you were so fucking beautiful, such a pretty face with such pretty eyes, and god but that mouth of yours-
And plus you were new to Jackson, you didn't know yet about all the scary stories folks liked to tell about him, and you were kind and funny, and... did he mention hot already?
Just one night of letting loose, that's what he'd told himself, and then he was gonna go back to his old closed-off self, but for now... for now, he was too busy throwing you on his bed to think about anything else.
You were getting rid of your clothes and he followed your lead more than willingly, almost ripping the buttons off his flannel in the rush.
He bent down to kiss your neck as his hands hurried to your tits.
God, he'd forgotten how good it felt to touch a woman.
And when you let out a little whimper, he swore he had ascended to another universe.
"Joel please"
Fuck him, but he wasn't inside of you yet, and he was already feeling far too close to coming.
Guess fucking his own fist for two decades really does something to a man.
"need something?"
He was acting wayy too smug for someone who was feeling like a virgin all over again.
"Please- I need you inside me, Joel"
fucking damnit- he shouldn't have asked that, his dick was now really suffering the consequences.
He didn't risk saying anything else as he got rid of his boxers, but of course, you just had to come out and say:
"oh wow, you're big" with the sexiest fucking voice he'd ever heard.
"want me to stop?"
For some reason, those words elicited a criminally hot smirk on your lips  
"Definitely not"
You were looking at him like a starving woman and he had to look down to where he was moving his tip to your entrance to get away from you and your dangerous, dangerous gaze
He pushed into you slowly and god fucking damnit but the sounds that you made... those sweet little moans and whines you let out as your warm pussy stretched around him and hugged him better than anything he'd felt in years... he had no words for it- no coherent sounds could make it out of his mouth except for a few groans coming deep from his chest.
"Good christ"
that's the only thing he managed to murmur as he bottomed out and had to take a break to try not to bust his load right there.
"fuck you feel so good" you moaned, as your hands gripped his sheets "please move" you begged, your voice breathy and pleading, and godfuck he should have really thought about it before doing this.
"Joel please-"
"I just need a moment darlin'" he explained, closing his eyes to try and remember how he used to manage to last and coming up completely empty.
He could feel your expectant eyes on him so even if he sure as hell didn't feel ready, he did as you asked and started to move.
The regret reached him extraordinarily fast as he felt your walls tightening around him and as you cried out for him like an angel sent straight from heaven.
"fuck-" you moaned, looking up at him with doe eyes that made him wonder if you really just knew what you were doing, if you actually enjoyed torturing him like this
"god you're so deep"
Yeah, you definitely knew
"and so big-" you cried
He gripped your waist to try and ground himself as he thrusted into your fucking perfect cunt.
"oh my god-yes!" you moaned, your back arching from the bed as his thrust got harsher in the hopes that that would make you talk less.
"just like that Joel- oh-" 
And Joel was tough in a lot of ways and he wasn't one to give up easily, but shit you were making it hard for him.
"Please don't stop- fuckfuckfuck" you begged, shutting your eyes close at the feeling.
And that was it, he couldn't do it anymore
"please stop talking" he breathed, his eyes resuming their tour of your eyes, mouth, and bouncing tits.
"nothing it's just-"
And before he could answer you had grabbed his shoulder and forced him to bend down to meet your mouth with his.
"you just feel too good Joel" 
"fuck." he groaned, not able to stop his hips from moving no matter how much he wanted to "shit"
"what is it?"
"Jesus Christ I-"
"is there something wrong?"
"n-no just- fuck I'm sorry sweetheart"
And that's all he could say as he abruptly pulled out of you, his spend covering your stomach not even a second after as he growled so loud his neighbors probably thought he was getting killed.
"shit" again, he sighed, his forehead falling to your shoulder.
"oh" you couldn't help but smile as everything came together
"I'm sorry darlin'" he breathed, leaning away and standing up as shame filled every inch of him.
"It's just- It's been a long time since I've done... this"
You sat up, your legs still dangling off the bed, as you admired his handy work on your belly.
"And you... you're just real fucking pretty" he huffed a half-laugh "I'm sorry"
You looked up at him then, meeting his mortified expression.
"No hey" you smiled, placing a hand on his torso "It's fine, I understand"
"god this is embarrassing, I feel like a sixteen-year-old all over again" he shook his head
"stop" you cooed, gently caressing his skin, as a mischievous spark lighted in your irides "It's fine, really" you promised, "and besides..." you bit your bottom lip as you slowly spread your legs "you could still make it up to me, y'know?"
He groaned again, falling to his knees between your thighs
"that I can do"
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 month
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The Return of Superman- Mark
(cw: f!reader called “mama”, a child duh)
Mark had spent a good few decades with a lot of his life documented on cameras. There were music videos, behind the scenes vlogs, cameras, talk shows, selfies, you name it- he did it. There was however, one area of his life that wasn't show or documented for the public. That was you, your marriage, and his son.
There had of course been the announcement on SM's end about Mark being in a relationship, then there was SM the announcement five years later about the two of you being married paired with a post from Mark with a wedding picture of the two of you where your face wasn't seen, and then the last announcement 3 years ago announcing the birth of his son.
Mark completely understood and agreed with your apprehension to show aspects of your life to the public, especially regarding your son. There was the occasional post with you and you can recall the uproar it caused across social media when Mark finally posted your full face on his public account. It was complete madness. People had managed to track down your place of work and even found other pictures of you from your friend's account. You had reason to be apprehensive regarding the privacy of you family.
However, as your son got older, you and Mark got more comfortable sharing more and more about your life, still being mindful of your privacy. So when Mark's managers called and mentioned his own episode on The Return of Superman, you had both discussed it and cautiously agreed with a few conditions. Conditions that were met with no argument since Mark was such a big celebrity to lock in.
Mark was sitting in the confessional, the familiar black curtain behind him as he introduced himself to the camera, "uh yeah, hi. My name is Mark Lee, I've been a member of NCT since 2016. My wife and I have been married for almost 9 years and our son is 3 years old."
He pauses as he listens to a producer as a question. He chuckles and shakes his head, "My son and I spend a lot of time together, but loves his mom. I try to take him out for some father and son bonding, but he cries for mom after an hour, when he play together he always involves her. It's great, I obviously love her too, but I think these few days the two of us will be kind of rough."
The scene cuts to the cameras panning over the space of yours and Mark's home as the commentators laugh and predict what they think will happen.
Mark is shown sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly before putting on his glasses and heading for his son's room. You had left the night before for a much needed girl's weekend with friends. You waited until your son was gone, peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses as he slept in his toddler bed before sneaking out of the room and bidding Mark goodbye with his own barrage of kisses and watery eyes. You knew Mark would be fine alone. He was a good dad and his confidence had skyrocketed once his son had grown out of the shaky steps phase.
"Wow, that is such a cool boy room!" One of the commentators marveled as the camera in Mark's son’s room showed the room covered in Spider-man. He had Spider-man sheets, blankets, wall stickers, toys, books- everything.
Mark smiled softly at the sight of his son sprawled across his little bed, still deeply asleep. Mark made his way to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He turned on the rice maker and began cracking eggs into the pan, watching tiredly as they turned from translucent to white.
One commentator cleared her throat, "this is interesting. Isn't it well-known that Mark can't cook eggs? I wonder if he's gotten better or his son likes them?"
The scene shows Mark and his son sitting at the dining table, his son blinking slowly and using both his hands to keep his head up. Mark laughs softly, scooping up a spoonful of rice and fried egg to feed his son. Usually, he'd be able to feed himself but this morning he's just too sleepy and Mark admittedly likes babying him. He is still a baby.
His son tiredly chews, his eyebrows furrowing and his face falling into one of confusion. He opens his eyes fully as he leans away from the next spoonful of food heading for him. "What's that?" his little voice asks as his finger points at the egg.
"It's eggs and rice, bub. Say ah," Mark instructs.
"Mama made it?" his son asks while turning his cheek away from the spoon.
"No, I made it," Mark replies, deciding to instead take the bite of food for himself.
His son scrunches his face up and takes the fried egg from his bowl and places it into Mark's, "yucky, Appa. No thank you!"
Mark tilts his head back with a roll of his eyes as the commentators laugh and compliment his son's good manners despite him calling the egg 'yucky.'
The scene cuts to Mark and his son standing in the entryway of your home, putting on their shoes. As Mark opens the door, his son freezes, "is Mama sick?"
Mark is hesitant to respond, "no, Mama isn't here. Remember it's going to be just me and you until tomorrow night?"
He can hear the familiar catch of his son's breath as he nervously looks up at Mark, "she's ok? She's coming tomorrow?"
Mark feels his heart melt, and the commentators all aww and coo over how cute the 3 year old is. Mark crouches down in front of him, picking him up and hosting him onto his hip, "of course she's coming back. Come on, we're going to go ride bikes at the park and get dinner with uncles later. Does that sound fun?"
His son sniffles and nods, "and ice cream?"
Mark laughs, "yes, and ice cream."
The camera crew follows Mark and his son around the park, watching as Mark teaches the boy to pedal and steer the bike. He eventually gets the hang of it and begins riding around on his own with a big smile. His little laughs and giggles fill the air as he zooms in every direction much faster than Mark or any of the cameramen expected, especially the cameraman tasked with following the boy around with his heavy camera.
It's all going well, no tears, no complaints, not even a mention of you, until the tricycle comes to an abrupt stop and turns when it gets too close to the edge of the grass. Mark sprints over the second he sees the tricycle teeter over and makes it to his son before the tears start.
He keeps calm as he looks his son over for any wounds, finding none and immediately being filled with relief. His son must have just gotten scared from the fall. Nonetheless Mark holds him close and rocks him as he cries into Mark's t-shirt.
"I want Mama," his son cries.
"I know buddy, I'm sorry. Does it hurt anywhere?"
His son continues to cry and shakes his head, his sobs turning into sniffles as he calms down. Mark pushes the hair away from his son's forehead and presses a long kiss to the sweaty skin, "you are being so brave, bub. I know it was scary, huh? I am so proud of you."
"And Mama too?" his son asks with watery eyes.
"Yes, and Mama too. You can tell her all about it when she comes home tomorrow. You can tell her that you heal fast like Spider-man."
His son perks up and his eyes brighten, "like Spider-man?"
Mark nods and stands, with his son in one arm and the tricycle in the other, "Oh yeah, big guy. Just like Spider-man, whenever he gets scared he keeps going, right?"
This sets his son off on his little tangent about Spider-man fighting the Green Goblin, then Doc Oc, and how he uses his webs and how the bad guy loses and Spider-man always wins.
The scene cuts to Mark in the confessional, "I really have enjoyed my time on the show, but I may be worse than my son. If you have me back, can she stay too? Please."
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gejo333 · 9 months
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Artist credit: @chocolate_duckling via Instagram or TikTok. It’s so cute I just really wanted to show this artist’s work. This is only the first drawing to the set. 💕You should check them out.
An Unexpected Match IX
Pt. 1 Pt.10
DBF/DILF Miguel O’Hara x female reader
18+ Warning
Summary: Drama goes down at the holiday party😭😱… and did Miguel keep a secret from you?
Will you be able to enjoy your Christmas and New Years in peace?
Happy New Years Everyone!
Sorry this chapter took longer to get out. It’s my largest chapter yet. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed.
Wc: 10k
"Gabi, this is your mother."
Gabi looked at Sofia before looking back up to Miguel as she shook her head. "No, that's not my mama." Gabi glanced up to you, something you noticed everyone in the close vicinity saw, including your parents.
"No Gabi. I'm your real mom. Not her." Sofia put on a fake smile.
Hearing the tense conversation from the kitchen Stephanie came over as she stood next to you, giving Sofia the, 'make one wrong move and I'll fight you bitch,' gaze.
"Hey Gabi, how about you go with Aunt Steph to the kitchen."
"But I want to stay with you and Papa." Gabi looked up at you with sad eyes breaking your heart.
"Mija, remember the conversation we had earlier in the living room?" Said Miguel followed by a slow nod of Gabi's head. "That conversation is going to happen now. So it can only be grownups at the moment." He added.
"We can decorate cookies in the kitchen Gabi." Said Stephanie as Gabi slowly walked over to her before taking her hand. Stephanie looked at you giving you a small hopeful smile before disappearing into the kitchen.
"I'm guessing you need to tell us something?" Said your father as he crossed his arms looking between you, Miguel and Sofia.
Sofia smirked, "wow, your parents don't know that their daughter has been fucking a man almost two decades older than her for the last few months." She chuckled, knowing full well that she just told your biggest secret the most horrible way possible.
"Sofia." Miguel snapped at her warning her to stop. But it was too late. You looked to your shocked and upset parents before scanning around the nearby people who heard the conversation.
"This was not how you were supposed to find out." You tell them.
"Backyard now." Your Father said. Your eyes widen, shocked from his angry tone. You had never heard you father speak to you like that. Not once.
"You. We're not finish yet." Miguel said to Sofia. You'd never seen Miguel give such a muderous glare to someone before, but that plus his cold tone sent a chill up your spine.
"Wasn't planning on leaving any time soon."
"And if I find out you were near our daughter while we're outside. There will be hell to pay." Miguel pointed at you when he said 'our daughter,' which made your heart melt before coming back into reality from the glare Sofia sends you from Miguel's words and you winced when you heard your mother gasp.
All four of you walked out to the backyard, farthest from the house so people can't hear.
Your parents looked at Miguel before looking back at you both upset. The awkward silence continued until your father spoke up: " you care to explain what's happening between you two?"
Miguel looked to you, noticing your panicked stars making you have a hard time to speak.
"I'm in love with your daughter and we've been together for almost five months."
"Y/n, you can't possibly be in love with a man you met only 6 months ago! How did this thing even start?! Was Tyler right? Did you cheat on him with Miguel?" Your mother said going into a rant.
"First off, I do love him, way more than I ever felt for Tyler. And I can't believe you would think I would cheat on that bastard when he cheated on me. Like I told you earlier, my relationship started after I caught Tyler cheating on me."
"Hold on." Your father said as he began to grow more upset. "The morning I came to your house and asked you where my daughter is, she was with you wasn't she? And you lied to my face when my wife and I were worried sick where she was! She's only 21 Miguel. She's too young for you."
"I'm a grown woman and responsible adult. I'll be with whoever I want to be with." You argued.
"Sam, Sarah. She's been well taken care of these past few months." Added Miguel.
"You live with each other?! Y/n when I asked you where you were living you said with Stephanie."
"I did live with Stephanie. For the first month right after I moved out of the apartment I shared with Tyler."
"So, how did this even hap-" asked your farther before being cut off by your mother, "when did you both actually meet?"
Your eyes widen, as your heart began to beat faster. Your gaze turns to Miguel before looking back at your parents pissed expressions. You knew the next few words were going to make everything way worse.
"We did only meet six months ago. But, the first time we did met was in Miami."
"You mean two years ago in Miami? When you were only 19?!"
"You had sex with my daughter when she was 19?!" Your father grew more livid, as he was about to come after Miguel. Of course Miguel would easily be able to hold his own, however you wouldn't see it happen as you step in front of your father.
"Get out of the way y/n." Your father warned you. When you didn't move a second later he grabbed you harshly by the wrist, making you wince as he nails cut into you as he pulled you away.
On instinct Miguel pushed Sam back as he grabs you by the waist and back to him. He quickly checked your wrist, anger rising on his face when he saw the already forming bruises.
"Dont you dare harm her again. We're leaving." Miguel was about to lead you back inside the house when your mother gently grabbed your non-brushed arm and said with a serious gaze,
"We'll stop paying for school. We won't pay for graduate school either, if you continue this." Said your mother, concerned etched on her face. Your eyes widen, anger coursing through your body.
"You're going to make me chose between my education and the man I love? Please don't make me do that. You know what I'm going to chose." You give Miguel's hand a squeeze knowing it would always be you and Gabi first.
"I'll pay for the rest of her education." Miguel joined in.
"That's insane. Her senior year alone will cost almost 50k for one semester. Plus forget about us helping you with your student loan debt. And that's way more than just 50k and that's just undergrad." Argued your mother, trying to scare him away.
"I can easily afford it. Money doesn't scare me away." Miguel shot back, knowing full well the intention behind her words. You looked to Miguel with a confused look before looking to your father who says, "she's too young to handle a world like that."
"Too young to handle what world? Miguel what's he talking about?"
"Mi amor, I was going to tell you soon."
"Wow, little miss perfect really is clueless." Sofia chuckled as she walked into the backyard.
"Sofia, get out. None of this concerns you." Miguel said before you stepped away from him, walking closer to her.
"Hold on, what am I so clueless about little miss bitch?" You bite back.
"I'll give you that sweetie, just because I'm such a nice person. It's kind of funny how you never thought of looking up your boyfriend. But like come on, who doesn't know about Nueva York's most successful, self-made billionaire Miguel O'Hara. And one of Nueva York's top socialite bachelors." Sofia tried to stifle her laughter when she saw your shocked expression.
Your eyes widen, a hurt expression crossed your eyes as you looked at Miguel who looked back at you with a sad and apologetic look before his gaze returned to a vicious glare back at Sofia.
"How did you even find where I lived, Sofia?"
" I found you from a tabloid Magazine of Mr. Richie rich picking up his doting girlfriend at her college. You can't possibly not have known about his wealth. You must be a really good gold digger to fool him." Sofia's words turned back to you.
"I-" You were having trouble finding words to argue back. Luckily Miguel stepped in to save you.
"You must have been oblivious not that long ago, Sofia. Because I remember our shitty relationship ending because I was too poor. And I bet the reason your back isn't for Gabi but because you also found out I have money."
"How dare you think I'm not here to see Abby."
"It's Gabi." You glare at her with a look of disgust that she couldn't remember her own daughter's name.
"Right. Well I'm not leaving anytime soon. I want time with my daughter."
"Over my dead body. You gave up all your custody rights when you abandoned her at my apartment when she was only a day old!" Miguel's voice grew slightly louder, growing more angry by the thought of Gabi being taken away from her family. You put your hand in Miguel's, your thumb gently caressing his knuckles to help calm him down.
"Maybe we should leave." You say to him, which he looked to you, gaze becoming soft as he nodded, still trying to calm down.
You both walk back into the house ignoring your parents yelling at you from the background, ignoring all the stares, and comments. You head to the kitchen as you see Gabi with Stephanie and Jack decorating cookies.
"Hey, thank you for watching her. We decided we're going to leave. I'll see you in a few days." You give Stephanie a small smile as you wipe Gabi's face off from the green frosting with a wet napkin before you pick her up in your arms. You hear your parents back inside as they call out for you, still upset. But you ignore them as you and Miguel leave.
You head to Miguel's car where everything for Christmas and staying in the city was packed. You buckle Gabi in her car seat, placing a kiss to the top of your head a smile escapes your lips as you see her yawn before you get in on the passenger side.
The entire ride to the city was in silence. You were slightly upset at Miguel for lying to you, maybe more upset since you were heartbroken by your parent's heartless reaction about your relationship with Miguel.
Miguel entered a large driveway to a luxurious apartment complex, where a man in doorman uniform came to the window with a welcoming smile. "Good evening Mr. O'Hara. Would you like the car parked?"
"Yes, thank you. Also could you have the things in the trunk sent up to my apartment?"
"Of course, sir."
You and Miguel got out of the car, you grabbed your purse as Miguel carried a now sleeping Gabi in his arms. He handed the young man a $100 tip before he guided you inside the modern apartment complex. Walking inside you were greeted by someone friendly at the front desk.
"Good evening Mr. O'Hara. Welcome back." To which Miguel nodded and smiled to the person in response.
When you entered the elevator Miguel pressed a fob key to a scanner, before the elevator began to move up. You noticed there were no buttons for levels, which you thought was interesting. Your gaze met his, as you saw that he wanted to say something but decided against it.
After a few minutes the elevator stopped and opened up to a vast and nice entry way. When you stepped outside and turned the corner your eyes widen by the massive penthouse. Your gaze quickly switched from the nice interior decoration to the gorgeous night skyline of Nueva York. Maybe if your heart didn't ache you would have enjoyed seeing this view for the first time.
"Cariño, I put Gabi in her bedroom. I know there's a lot we need to talk about. But first I want to say I'm so sorry that I didn't say anything about who I was I-" you turned to face him with a small smile as you interrupted him.
"Miguel, you don't need to give me an excuse. It's your money. Maybe I was a bit naive, as you do have two properties plus you bought one upstate. But I just thought you did really well at your job at Alchemax. Did I expect you to be a billionaire? No. But that doesn't change anything between us. I guess what maybe it hurt a bit. The reason why you didn't mention it was maybe you didn't fully trust me yet. Like maybe what Sofia said about me being a gold digger, maybe you were waiting to see if I was one or not. Or maybe that's just my insecurities consuming my mind. And I'm not even upset. I'm more upset at myself that for even a minute that I was upset at you for it. But I'm not. I just think with my parents reaction and Gabi's mom coming to the party unexpectedly I just didn't know where to put my emotions and I'm sorry."
You look up at him with tears in your eyes, trying to hold them in. But a second later you couldn't hold them much longer as they poured down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. You felt arms wrap around you, pulling you  against him into a hug, as he brushed the hair out of your face as well as wiping away your tears.
"I hate to see you this way, mi amor. It breaks my heart when you're hurting like this. You don't need to apologize, at all." He lifted your chin lovingly as he added, "I have always trusted you. Since day one I have always thought of you as a kind and loving person. Even with the slight knowledge that I do well, I never thought of you as a gold digger. That's just Sofia, trying to get into your head. She is a gold digger not you. Also, you are Gabi's mom not Sofia. I might have said that at the moment, cause I just was in shock at the party. At the moment the words to explain how she biologically is her mother was not coming to my mind. You are Gabi's mom. Gabi see's you as her mom and I see you as her mom, as well as the love of my life. And I think we should explain it to her tomorrow morning. And I'm sorry that your parents reacted like that. I knew that they might have been a bit upset, but I didn't think they would act so cruel. But they aren't your only family. Gabi and I are your family just as much as they are. And as your family and your boyfriend I will pay for the rest of your education."
"Miguel... no. I can figure it out on my own. It's my responsibility. And I will find a better part time job to help pay for the rest of college and I will set up a payment plan with my loans. Most people do this."
"Cariño, I can't just stand to the side and let you struggle with debt. Please let me help you." You get out of his embrace, looking up at him slightly annoyed that he won't take no for an answer.
"Are we really going to get in an argument over this?"
"We won't because I'll pay for it."
"Miguel, please just let this one go. Please." You look up at him with pleading eyes, to which he let out a sigh, deciding to let it go for now. He pulled you into another embrace leaning in to place a kiss to your lips which you happily returned. After the kiss you stay in each other's arms, trying to forget all of the stress and worries from tonight.
"Mama, Papa."
You and Miguel turned to see Gabi from the hallway in her Pjs and holding her favorite stuffed Bunny in her arms.
"Oh Baby bug, what are you doing up so late? We thought you were asleep." You say and you and Miguel walk over to her as he picks her up in his arms. You brush some of the curls out of her face and behind her ear.
"I couldn't go back to sleep. And I heard you crying mama and I wanted to give you a hug to make you feel better." Said Gabi as she pouted, not liking the thought that you were sad. You took Gabi into your arms as you gave her a big hug and a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'm sorry if I woke you. I'm alright though, but thank you for your hug. It helped a lot." You smiled which made Gabi's pout turn into a grin as she wrapped her arms around your neck, "I love you mama."
"I love you too my baby bug. Now let's get you back to bed."
"Wait, who was that lady at the party? Papa said she was my mama, but you are my mama." You and Miguel look at each other before you both sit on the sofa in the living room. Miguel picked up Gabi and sat her on his lap as you sat right next to him, putting her feet on your lap.
"I'm sorry if I confused you earlier, princesa."
"I asked Auntie Stephanie and Uncle Jackie, but they wouldn't tell me anything. They just kept on giving me cookies to decorate." Gabi pouted slightly. You internally chuckled when you heard Gabi call your brother Uncle Jackie. You were never going to stop teasing him about that.
"Well I'm glad they didn't tell you because it's better that Mama and I explain it to you." Said Miguel as you noticed he try to stifle a laugh from the silly nickname she gave your older brother. Miguel looked back at you, worry in his eyes. You smiled softly and brushed some of his dark curls that have fallen out of place behind his ear. Even though Miguel has been in the parenting game a lot longer than you, you could see that he was still learning too. He smiled at you before taking a deep breath and exhaling.
" Sometimes not all Mama's and Papa's are biologically related to their children. But that doesn't mean they aren't your Mamas and Papas. The woman you met today, she isn't your Mama. I'm sorry that I confused you earlier. Papa wasn't thinking properly. Y/n is your Mama, but the woman you met today, Sofia, she carried and gave birth to you."
"Are you bio-logitally to me Papa?" You and Miguel lightly chuckled as Gabi tried to pronounce such a big word for her age.
"Yes, I am."
"How did you help that lady bring me to life?" Both your and Miguel's eyes widen from her question as your cheeks tinted pink and Miguel coughed from the sudden question.
"That's a question that will be answered when you're old enough to understand." You chuckle as you pick Gabi up and hold her in your arms. "But even though I didn't give birth to you. You'll always be my daughter and my baby bug. And I will always love you."
"I love you too Mama." Gabi wrapped her tiny arms around your neck again giving you another hug.
"Now let's get you to bed."
All exhausted from the hectic events taking place both you and Miguel got undressed and under the covers, falling asleep right away in each others arms.
The next morning you woke up to the beautiful city view skyline, bringing a warm smile to your face happy to finally enjoy the beautiful scenery before you. You sit up to look for your phone, but notice it was on Miguel's side table charging. Another smile came to your face, as you loved how thoughtful Miguel was to you. Knowing that the sun was up, you knew he would be up any minute so to get your phone you decided to straddle him before leaning over to grab your phone.
You turned it back on a frown forming on your lips as you saw the hundreds of texts and miscalls from your parents and siblings. You scrolled through some of them, and rolled your eyes seeing the repetitive cruel things your parents said yesterday now on text. The messages from your brothers were nicer, just trying to be the bridge between the two disputing sides.
Large hands made their way to your waist, as his thumb gently rubbed circles to your sides. You places the phone to the side as your frown is replaced by a warm smile as you looked down at your half-awake boyfriend.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, cariño. Though I'm really enjoying waking up to you straddling me, I didn't think I would see you frowning first thing when I see your beautiful face. What's wrong?"
You leaned down and gave him a good morning kiss, to which Miguel took the advantage of wrapping his arms around you and bringing you down on to his chest, which made you laugh in surprise between his loving kisses. Placing one more kiss to his lips you place your face in the crook of his neck, enjoying the mixture of his shampoo and cologne blending into a welcoming scent of citrus, bamboo, amber, patchouli and musk. With his alluring smell, the gently combing his fingers through your hair, and the rhythm of his beating heart made you almost fall back asleep.
"I checked my phone, thank you for charging it for me. But I saw what feels like a hundred texts and miss calls from my parents. And it's all the same horrible stuff they were saying last night."
"I'm sorry you had to see that. Obviously they'll be calling us both today. I just say we ignore it for now and enjoy the our time in the city." Miguel said after checking his phone to see just as many texts and miss calls from your parents.
"I think that's a good idea. Oh, forgot to say. Merry Christmas Eve." You kiss up his neck to his chin before reaching his plush lips.
"Merry Christmas Eve, mi amor."
After a few more sweet kisses you decided to unstraddle his lap, to Miguel disappointment. But you tease of a person, whispered in his ear, "I'm hoping Santa Claus visits me tonight. But I think I'm on the naughty list." You gently kiss the side of his neck before getting up from the bed and leaving a blushing Miguel as you quickly put on a pair of his sweat pants and one of your bras and tank tops before going to the elevator where all your things from the car were neatly placed by the doorman.
You grabbed the bags of all the gifts you had bought and bring them back to the bedroom. When you entered, Miguel was sitting up in bed looking at his phone, obviously irritated.
You set the bags down, except for one semi-large box. You get back on the bed as you straddle his legs and place the box on his lap.  "Maybe this will let that iconic O'Hara smile show. Is everything ok though?"
Miguel placed the phone on the bed next to him, surprised to see the box on his lap as his smile reappeared.
"I guess out of spite, your mother gave Sofia my new phone number. And now she won't stop texting me. She's being 'nice.'" Miguel air quotes the word nice before he handed you over his phone so you could see. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw the sickly sweet messages from her. However, you smiled when you saw the text he sent her back, obviously irritated and asking her not to text him again.
"Enough about the pains in our side. I got you something. Ok, maybe it's for us. But you don't get to see the other part until tonight." You wink at him, which earned a smirk on his lips as he opens the box. His brows furrowed with a smile on his face as he lifted pieces of soft red and white clothing. You decide to get off the bed as you see him get out of bed, getting a nice glance of only him in his boxers before he put on the suit.
Your eyes widen, grin growing, cheeks growing a shade red as you see him in the final product. He wore a deep red Santa suit with white fluff lining down his chest meeting into a middle right above his waist with a large black belt and followed by deep red pants that shaped him just as well at the top part. And it all matched with black boots.
"How do I look?" Miguel smirked. You walk up to him as you placed your hands on his bare chest.
"Really sexy. Maybe too sexy. I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands of you." You chuckle.
"I like the words coming out of your mouth."
"I bet you'll like what my mouth is going to do." You go on your knees, eyes never leaving his reddish-brown. Settled between his legs as you lower his pants and free his erect cock.
You stroked him a few times before you dragged your tongue up his member before kissing his leaking tip. You open your mouth for him to slide onto your tongue and down your throat your lust-filled gaze not leaving his own as a groan escaped his lips.
"Mi amor, your too good to me. I don't deserve you or your pretty mouth." Miguel moaned out as his hand reached the back of your head. His fingers intertwined into your hair as he gently thrusts into your throat. You hum against his cock in approval, earning another groan from Miguel's lips. Miguel gently thrusts more of himself into your mouth; but as this wasn't the first blow job you've given him, you've gotten quite enough practice to be able to deep throat him now. As he continued his movements you continued to move your tongue along his cock.
"Fuck baby, I can't last much longer." Miguel thrusted his cock as deep as it could go before spilling it into your throat. You happily take him all before removing your mouth and licking his tip clean. You slowly wiped your thumb across your lip, as a bit was left on your lips before you licked it off your finger, while your gaze stayed locked on his.
"My god, mi amor. You make me want to ravage you when you do that."
"Why don't you then." You grin, standing up from your spot on the ground. Miguel grabs you and puts you on the bed, as you get on top of you he raises you shirt kissing your stomach up to your breasts, as he was about to take a nipple into his mouth the doorbell rang from the hallway.
"What was that?"
"Nothing hermosa." Miguel said as he took a nipple in his mouth, before lowering one of his hands into your sweats about to finger fuck you. However, the doorbell rang again. A growl of frustration left Miguel as he kissed your lips before getting off of you. He checked his phone, and sighed. "Ese maldito hermano mío. Gabriel's here early. Again. I'm sorry cariño." (that damn brother of mine.)
"It's ok, Miggy. We can continue later. Plus I still have that second part of the gift to show you tonight." You kiss him one more time before getting off the bed.
"I can't wait for it."
After both getting quickly dressed in proper clothing, Miguel pressed a button on his phone that let the elevator come up to the penthouse.
As the elevator doors open, walked in Gabriel with his usual bright smile as he carried in
two bags filled with gifts.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you again! I'm hoping my brother hasn't been tormenting you too much. Blink twice if you need saving." Gabriel  chuckled as he set down the bags as he gave you a hug which you happily returned.
"Juro por Dios..." Miguel lightly glared as he sent him a 'I'm going to kill you,' smile at his brother as he stood right next to you.
"He's been good. And I'm good too. It's nice to see you again. Feels like it's been a while." You chuckle at Gabriel's silly personality.
"Now where's my little sobrina." (Niece)
"Asleep. She went to bed late, so we're letting her sleep a bit longer." Said Miguel.
"Aw, ok. Is she ok?" Gabriel asked, worry etched in his tone.
"She's fine. A lot happened yesterday. My parents , well the neighborhood knows about our relationship now and..." you looked to Miguel.
"Sofia somehow found out where I lived and came to the holiday party and said to Gabi that she was her mother." Added Miguel.
"Yeah, I would probably have a hard time sleeping too. And I can't believe that damn woman shows up after everything she's done." Gabriel eyes widen before a his brows furrowed and a frown appeared on his face, something rarely that happens, by the mention of Sofia's name.
"We decided though that we are going to live our lives and try to ignore it all as much as we can." You said.
"That sounds like a good plan. Now, let me make you all a proper Christmas Eve breakfast, my brother never can get our mother's recipe quite right." Gabriel heads to the kitchen.
"I swear he wants me to punch him." Miguel grits his teeth as he sends a glare to the back of his brother's head. You chuckle as you caress Miguel's cheek.
"How about you go check on your emails really quick in your office and I'll go help Gabriel in the kitchen." You go on your tip toes as Miguel nods before he leans down the rest of the way to kiss you, giving you a loving smile before heading to his office.
You head to the kitchen wear you see Gabriel cracking eggs into a bowl.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You smile as you wash your hands before drying them.
"Yes, you can. Can you grate some of these cheeses?"
"Sure thing." You smile as you go through the many cabinets trying to find the cheese grater.
"Third bottom cabinet to your right."
"Thank you. It's my first time here, so I don't know where everything is." You go to the right cabinet and take it out before you hoping Gabriel at the kitchen island and started to grate the cheeses for the omelettes.
"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened last night?" Gabriel looked over at you with a small smile before looking back at the task before him. You smile back as you tell him everything that happened last night, from Gabi starting to call you Mom, parents finding out about your relationship with Miguel told by Sofia who appeared out of nowhere and causing trouble herself, and then the part about how you didn't know about Miguel's wealth status, also cruelly told by Sofia.
"Wow, that definitely is a crazy night. I'm happy you also know about Miguel's 'status,' he's been wanting to tell you for a long time, but he just didn't know when to say it. I guess he was worried you might leave. But he never said that, but I can just hear it in his voice. My brother has had girlfriends in the past, but he's never loved someone like he loves you. He's heads over heels for you." Gabriel smiles at you as he moved to pour the eggs into the pan.
"Well, I hope he knows this. But I'm heads over heels for your brother. I can't imagine not having him or Gabi in my life." As if on cue Miguel walked into the kitchen, with a loving smile on his face as his gaze met yours. You cheeks tint pink, wondering if he heard you and Gabriel's conversation. He places his hands on your hips as he pulled you into his embrace from behind, taking your chin and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"I love you." He said. Your cheeks grew a shade darker. Oh he definitely heard your conversation.
"I love you too."
"Ok, you two. Either get a room or help me with cooking." Gabriel chuckled as he connoted to make the omelettes.
You saw Miguel roll his eyes, as he leaned down to kiss your one last time before he gently pushed Gabriel away from the stove, "I'll do it. You're burning them."
"B-burning them? I'm adding a nice crisp! You make them too watery!" Gabriel argued back as he tried to get back to the pan, though tall and fit he was still no where compared to his older brother.
You smile at the two O'Hara brother, leaving them to continue their banter while you head to Gabi's room. Checking the time, you thought it was smart for Gabi to wake up. You gently open the door, as you quietly walk in. You look around to see the adorable light blue room, filled with a few soccer balls, dolls, and legos filled with butterflies and soccer balls decorated around the room. You kneel down by her bedside. Your heart on the verge of bursting for how adorable she was.
"Good morning Baby bug. Merry Christmas Eve. It's time to wake up." you gently brush some of her brown curls, the same has her fathers, covering her face. Big brown eyes reveal themselves to you, and a small smile appears on her face.
"Mama!"Getting a boost of energy, Gabi sits up to hug you. Lifting her out of bed, you stop, before grabbing her stuffed bunny know that she would want to have that with her.
"How did you sleep?" You step out of her room.
"Good!" She smiled after yawning as she rested her head in the crook of your neck.
"Oh guess who's here?"
"Santa!" Gabi's head popped up as she looked at you with excitement, which made you chuckle.
"Not Santa, it's too early for him to visit yet. He comes during the night. Tio Gabi is here."
"That's even better!" Gabi cheered which warmed your heart as you kissed the top of her head before making your way into the kitchen.
"Guess who's awake." You say, having the two O'Hara brothers turn to face you and Gabi.
"Good morning princesa." Miguel smiled at the loving sight of you and Gabi. He was about to walk over to lift her into his arms, but was beat to it by his brother. "Aw my mini Gabi! My favorite sobrina. I've missed you." You handed Gabi over to Gabriel as he gives her a big hug.
"Tio Gabi, I'm your only sobrina." Gabi giggled.
"Who knows Gabi, maybe you'll get a littler brother or sister one day." Chuckled Gabriel, which made Gabi eyes brighten up as her mile widens. "Really?! Mama, Papa! Will I?"
Your cheeks turn a bright red, eyes widen. Your embarrassment grew further as you felt Miguel hand on your lower back.
"N-no princesa. Not at the moment. But maybe one day." Miguel looks down at you, trying to figure out what you thought.
"Yes, definitely one day. But not at the moment sweetheart."
"Aw ok."
You felt Miguel give you a love squeeze to your waist, pulling you into his chest and placing a kiss to your cheek, hinting that he liked your answer before making his way to his brother, "now let me get a hug from my daughter."
"Papa!" Gabi smiled as she practically hopped out of Gabriel's arms and into her father's.
After breakfast was finished being made everyone sat together at the dinning table. Miguel helped cut up Gabi's omelette, which you smiled at the sight, wanting to keep this moment as a mental image in your head.
You recalled how the topic of having more kids has been brought up a few times recently. You know with Miguel being in his late thirties, he probably wants to get married and have a few more children. And you know that one day he will want to talk about it seriously with you.
And of course you're not against the idea of getting married and giving Gabi a few brothers or sisters, but you know you want to have your career start off first. But you're not sure if Miguel will want to wait that long. Sometimes you forget the age difference between the both of you. Yeah, there are many couples with big age gapes, some even bigger, but probably when both people were both out of school and had somewhat of a career. Of course you know exactly what you want to do, you just haven't gotten to start it yet. Maybe you should ask Miguel about how you get noticed by Alchamex.
"Mi amor? Y/n?" Miguel called out your name, concern seen in his eyes.
"Yes, sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts. What were we talking about?" Your cheeks tuned pink, embarrassed from not paying attention to your boyfriend talking to you.
"It's alright, cariño. I was asking if you wanted to go ice skating in Central Park." Miguel chuckled, he thought your slight embarrassment was cute.
"I would love to."
"Then maybe after we could go see Santa at Macys. I heard he's making a quick appearance here in New York before he flies all around the world to give presents." Said Gabriel, which perked Gabi's attention.
"Can we go! Please!"
"Of course, we can!" Said Gabriel. You looked over to Miguel who sighed to himself, only you catching it. You take his hand and give it a small squeeze, to which he smiled.
"Well then let's get all bundle up to go." You say as you stand up.
After getting Gabi ready and let her go hangout with Gabriel in the living room, Miguel joined you in the bedroom. As you pulled the long sleeve sweater over your head, your met with a kiss to your lips. Thought surprised you smile into the kiss before pulling away.
Miguel goes into his walk in closest, getting warmer clothes for outside. You walk and lean on the doorframe of his closet.
"Hey, can I ask a question?"
Miguel looks at you trying to figure out if its series are not. Seeing that it doesn't seem serious he smiles, "Of course." He says as he pulls his shirt off and puts on the new one.
"I need to start looking for jobs and grad schools in Nueva York. I don't know why I feel weird asking you this. Maybe because your my boyfriend, and I'm really acting my
age right now." You nervously chuckle before adding, "And I know you did the grad/internship program at Alchamex, well they asked you to cause you are a certified genius, before going full time there. I was wondering if you knew when they start looking for new grads and interns." You bit your lip, for some reason your nerves were skyrocketing throughout your body. Maybe because you were asking for genius Alchamex Miguel and not your boyfriend.
"Well, first off. You never should have to feel nervous with me. You know I would give you the world if I could. And I remember you were interested in working in my department at Alchamex. I can look at your resume and transcript when we get back, if you'd like?" Miguel smiled as he looped his belt around his pants before buckling it together.
"That would be really sweet of you. I would really like that. Thank you."
"Anything for you, mi amor." Miguel pulled you into his lap, as he sat down on the leather bench, his shoes and socks next to him.
"Hey, I know the topic of children has come up a few times lately." His words began to make your heart race against your chest. "And I-"
"Are you two almost ready to go?" Gabriel yelled from the hallway.
Not ready to have this talk so soon, as your 99.99% sure of what he is goi by to say. You get out of his lap, "yeah, just getting shoes on. Be right there." You say before turning to face to face Miguel, "I'll go check on those two to make sure they aren't getting into any trouble. Specifically Gabriel." You say before walking out of the closest and out of your bedroom.
"Y/n" you heard your name right when you left the bedroom, but you decide to pretend you didn't hear him as you continue your way to the living room.
After getting downstairs and walking over just a block to Central Park from the apartment and adventuring through the beautiful winter scenic view.
You walked by Miguel 's side gloved hand in gloved hand, Gabriel a few steps ahead holding Gabi's hand.
For it being Christmas Eve, you were surprised by the lack of people skating on the ice. Unknown to you Miguel had called ahead and bought for the ice skating to be almost sold out for a few hours today, letting only a few other people to skate, so it didn't look conspicuous.
"Wow, look! It's so pretty!" Gabi said as she jumped up and down in excitement. "Well he there Gabi. Don't worry." Gabriel chuckled as Gabi tried to pull him to move faster.
By the time all four of you made it and got your skates, you sat down on the wooden bench to get yours on. Miguel came over to you, looking even more like a giant as he had his skates on. After you made sure yours were tight, Miguel lent you a hand and helped you up.
You all made it to the ice rink, and despite skating every year during the holidays since you were younger than Gabi you were slightly nervous to get on the ice. But like every year you swallow your nerves and get on the ice, and as soon as you do you feel happy and relaxed.
You get a few feet from the entrance before swiftly turning around as you see Miguel help Gabi on to the ice. Just like you, you could see the  worry in her eyes as Miguel helped her to step on to the ice. Then as he stepped on to the ice behind her, he began to skate over to you, his hand under her arms to help keep her up. The laughter and smiles on both Gabi and Miguel's face made your heart melt from the adorable site. You couldn't resist as you took your phone out of your pocket and took a photo of them, making sure to show it to Miguel later.
"Look Mama! I'm on the ice!"
"I can see that baby bug. You're doing great." You say as Miguel skates her over to you.
"Now Gabi, you can't lock your knees when you skate. Always make sure they are slightly bent. And don't lean back. And it's almost like walking, your feet are just slowly sliding on the ice. Just like when you slide with your furry socks on the hardwood floors. Now Mama is right in front of you. Do you want to try and skate to her?"
"Yeah!" Gabi nods. As she was told she tried to follow her father'a instructions. As soon as she got a foot away from him, you saw her nerves come back as she begin to freeze, before anything could happen you skate the last few feet towards her as you hold both her hands.
"It's ok, baby bug. I got you. But great job on trying. I remember when I was your age, it took me some time on the once before I felt comfortable enough to skate on my own."
"Like Mamita said, you'll get there when you do. But for now you can skate with us." Miguel skilled and skated up next to the both of you as he took her other hand. You and Miguel begin to skate really slow to help Gabi learn how to properly skate, and to gain the confidence to do it on her own.
After skating for a while together, Gabi finally got the confidence to try on her own, of course with you and Miguel right behind her, just in case she fell, which she did.
After a few tears were shed, and a bunch of hugs and kisses were given to make her feel better, plus a hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows made her frown turn back into her beautiful smile.
All four of you decided to take a nice walk through the park.
"Wait! Can I make a snowman?" Asked Gabi as she runs towards the vast amount of snow covering the park.
"Of course!" You say as you follow her into the snowy field. You help Gabi with forming the body of the snowman, however, the little five year old decided to gather up snow into her tiny gloved palms and form a ball.
"Mama, can we throw one at Papa?" Gabi grinned, which made you laugh. "Yes." You mimicked her grin as she passed you the snowball, and made herself another one.
Miguel's back was facing you and Gabi at the moment as he talked to Gabriel. Knowing you wouldn't be able to get close without his crazy good hearing warning you of your presence, you stop just a few feet from him.
"Ok, three, two, one...throw" you whisper yell as both you and Gabi throw the harmless snow at Miguel's back.
Miguel quickly turned around with a surprised face, a smile appearing as he saw both you and Gabi try to hide your laughter. Of course Gabriel couldn't hide his, as he burst out in laughter from his brother's reaction.
"Oh, we want to play like that. Do we know?" Miguel chuckled before he slowly began to walk over to both of you, before jumping into a sprint. You and Gabi ran in the opposite direction, Gabi squealing in delight. Of course you didn't get far before Miguel grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his chest, however you both lost your balance and fell backwards into a large pile of snow, that was luckily there to make the landing soft. Gabi followed right after you by falling on to Miguel as he caught her with the other arm that wasn't around you.
All three of you laughed, as you laid in the pile of snow. "Mis traviesas niñas." Said Miguel before he pulled you both in for a hug.
"Aww, such a cute family! Makes me want to settle and have one." Said Gabriel as he took a photo of the three of you.
"Well maybe you should, so that you'll bother me less." Said Miguel.
"Nah, you would miss me too much."
Gabi got up, followed by you as you lent a hand to   Help Miguel up. But you noticed the mischievous grin on his face a little too late as he pulls you back down into his chest.
"Miguel!" You giggle before they are deal by a kiss.
"Ok, you two love birds. I got a photo for the picture books, now get up. I'm freezing." Said Gabriel after taking a photo of you and Miguel knowing you both would want these sweet moments saved. He handed Miguel's phone back to him which he had stolen to take photos.
After heading back to the apartment, having dinner, and opening the presents Gabriel brought it was time to say goodnight and goodbye.
"I had a great day with all of you. I hope you have a nice Christmas and new years. I'll see you both next year!" Gabriel said as he saluted off before the elevator door closed on him.
You let out a small laugh after you saw Miguel roll his eyes from his brother's words.
You both head to the bedroom to finish wrapping presents from Santa for Gabi.
"Finally done. Now to put them under the tree." Said Miguel as he lays his head on your lap, relaxed by you combing your fingers through his hair.
"There's one more gift left." You grin down at him as he looks up at you confused.
"Where is it?" Miguel sighs softly thinking it's another large present to wrap from Santa.
"It will be here after Santa puts the presents under the tree." You say with hint of lust in your tone before you lean down and kiss him.
"I can't wait to see what it is." Miguel returns the kiss, getting the hint, as he grins and leaves your lap stacking all the presents as he quietly heads to the living room, careful not to wake Gabi.
You quickly get out of your day clothes already wearing it underneath. You had seen the holiday-themed lingerie when you were shopping, and you knew Miguel would love it.
Putting your clothes in the hamper you rushed to the master bathroom, taking your hair out of the low hanging bun, fixing it up a bit. You check yourself in the mirror happy with the final product. You were wearing dark red lingerie, with a bra that tied in to a semi large bow in the front, which once untied reveals your bare chest. To match you wore the same color panties that had a bit of tulle around it, creating a extremely short, really a skirt, skirt. But who cares, it was going to be tossed to the floor in a matter of minutes anyways.
You checked the time on your phone, it's was midnight, officially making it Christmas. When you hear his footsteps coming, you lean against the bed as soon as he opened the door.
When his eyes met yours, they widened before being filled with lust, as he made his way over to you. He grabbed you by the waist as he pulled you against his bare chest.
"Merry Christmas Miggy."
"Merry Christmas in deed, mi hermosa amor." Miguel looks you over, savoring every single detail of you. He too your chin and gently lifted it as he leaned down and kissed you, Persian galore of himself into you. Your core tightened at the feeling of his hard-on against your stomach.
"One more thing. Pull the ribbon." You smiled against his lips. Miguel kissed your lips one more time before doing as you said. In one swift pull, the perfect bow was gone revealing your chest. You could see the lust cloud his eyes more, and in a blink of an eye you were underneath him on the bed, as his lips kiss down from your neck, down to your breasts. "Tan hermosa." His lips latched on to one of your nipples, hitching your breath letting out a moan. His hand swiftly moved your panties to the side inserting a finger into your aching cunt. Another moan escaped your lips.
"Keep singing for me, cariño." Miguel con tied to mark up your breasts as he thrusted a second finger into you, curling his fingers knuckles deep.
"Mhmm please Miguel." You moaned out as you near your breaking point.
"You want to cum mi amor?"
"Yes, please Miggy." You groan as you feel the loss of his fingers. Before you know it, your straddle on top of him, as he slams you down on to his cock.
"Only good girls get to cum, and I thought you said this morning your were naughty. You want to cum? Bounce on my cock until I think you deserve your release." Miguel grinned.
You lightly glare down at him as his grin widens further. However, the need for your release was too much as you begin to move your hips. You rarely fuck in this position, so the feeling of his cock stabbing deeper into you was heavenly. Your clench against him, earning a groan from him.
"Damn baby, your so fucking tight."
At the pace you were going, your hips began to grow tired starting slowly lose your rhythm. However, Miguel being your savior grabbed your hips and began to move you up and down keeping up with your quick and rough pace. You began to feel your core tighten once again.
"Miguel please. Please." You whine out your brain begins to feel foggy only focusing on the feeling of his thick ridged cock thrusting in and out of you.
"Are you a good girl?" Miguel panted from beneath you.
"Y-yes I am. I'm a good girl. Now please Miguel." You whine out.
"Of course, cariño." Miguel chuckled as he flipped you, now in missionary as his pace quickened, pummeling his cock deep inside you as his balls slap against you. His hand lowered to your clit as he began to rub it with the same ferocity as his thrusts. Another moan escaped from your lips, electricity coursing through your entire body. Your eyes roll back as you feel your release.
Miguel continued to slam his cock deep inside you, causing you to feel your overstimulation coming on.
"Fuck, I love this damn pussy. I love you, y/n."
"I love you to Miguel." You breathed out. From your words Miguel let out groan as he released himself deep inside you, now filled full with his warm seed.
After a few more thrusts Miguel pulled out as he lied right next to you. You turned to face him as one of his arms warped around your waist pulling your sweaty naked body against his. He leaned down and captured his lips before saying, " Thank you for the wonderful Christmas present."
You wake up the next morning to Gabi jumping up on you bed, with a wide and happy smile.
"Wake up! It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"
Luckily after your session with Miguel last night you both cleaned up and got into proper pjs before going to sleep, knowing that Gabi would wake up before the both of you and barge into the room.
"Good Morning princesa. How did you sleep?" Miguel said in his deep and rough morning voice as he smile up at his daughter who was jumping for joy on the bed.
"Great! Santa came! He left a bunch of presents! Can we please open them. Please!"
"Alright, Baby bug. We'll get up." You chuckle as you get out of bed and swoop Gabi off her feet to which she giggled. You set her on the ground right next to you.
"Ok, first let's make coffee for me and Papa and then we will open presents."
After getting coffee you and Miguel sit next to each other on the sofa as you watch Gabi open up her many many many presents.
After she opened all of hers she handed you and Miguel one from under the tree.
Miguel opened his which, was a gift Gabi got for him, with you helping her with the funds to get it.
"Aw princesa I love it. I'll use it all the time." Miguel smiled as he held up a coffee tumblr that read, World's Best Papa and Scientist.
"Your turn Mama!"
You smile as you read the name tag, To the love of my life. From your Miggy. You rip off the wrapping paper to see a gorgeous thin red rectangle velvet box with gold stitching. You open the box, as a gasp leaves your lips. Your eyes lock with Miguel's who smiles lovingly at you.
Before you in the box was a simple but gorgeous Cartier gold chain necklace. In the center dangled three beautiful dark red rubies. Your heart melted as the color reminded you of Miguel's eyes. Even though his were brown, you swore in the light they glistened like beautiful dark rubies. You knew you would never take this off, knowing that a part of him was always with you.
"It's beautiful Miguel. I love it." Tears brim the corner of your eyes as you kiss his cheek before giving him a hug. "Can you help me put it on?"
"Of course, mi amor." Miguel smiled bright, happy you loved his gift. You turned your back as you pull your hair to the side as he put the necklace on you. A tiny chill went up your body as you felt the cold necklace lay against your neck. You trim back around as you looked to Gabi with a smile.
"It's beautiful Mama. You look gorgeous!"
"You look stunning." Miguel says.
You enjoyed the rest of the festive holiday cuddle up next to Miguel on the sofa watching holiday movies with Gabi sitting on the ground distracted with playing with her brand new toys.
You couldn't imagine a more perfect Christmas. A Christmas spent with your new family.
The last few days went by in a breeze. When you Miguel and Gabi weren't staying in the comfort of the warm apartment, you adventure out to the various holiday markets around the city, or gaze at the stunning Christmas decorations.
Today was finally December 31st. You and Miguel decided that with the chaos and drama still being thrown at both at you through text messages and voice mails you decide to have it just be you two and Gabi.
You were in the kitchen making dinner, saying you would be happy to make some classic dishes that you've had with your family.
Arms wrapped around your waist, as a smile graced your lips from a kiss placed to your cheek.
"Everything smells very good, cariño."
"Thank you. Do you want to try some?" You say as you held up a spoon with some of the food. He happily took it and smiled. "That tastes amazing."
"Thank you Miggy."
After dinner was served and happily enjoyed by the O'Hara's you all settled on the sofa as you watch the Nueva York New Years commencement.
You look down to see a sleeping Gabi who was sprawled out on your and Miguel's lap.
"I guess it's time she goes to sleep.She's so adorable." You say quietly as you gently brush back some of her curls.
"She is. I'll take her to bed."
"Ok." You smile as you place a goodnight kiss to the top of Gabi's head before Miguel lifted her up and carried her to bed.
After a few minutes Miguel came back as he sat right next to you on the sofa, wrapping an arm around you to pull you against him.
"Did she wake up?"
"Nope still was out like a light. Nothing can wake her up if she's asleep. Reminds me of a very someone." Miguel looks at you as he chuckled.
"What can I say, I love to sleep." You smile as you  rest your head on him as you both continue to watch the tv.
The count down began on the tv as thousands of voices joined together in time square.
10...9...8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2...1!
Happy New year!
You joined in with the voices on the tv as you were standing, excitement etched throughout your body. Miguel pulled you against his chest, a big smile on his face before dipping you slightly and capturing his lips with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you deepened the kiss. A few seconds later, your lips parted, lips both slightly swollen. As the New Year's music plays on in the background from the TV all you could pay attention to was Miguel.
"Happy New Year, Miggy."
"Happy New Year, mi amor. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us." He smiles wide, showing his dimples before leaning down and kissing you again.
Hope you enjoyed it!💕
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whetstonefires · 1 year
I am a bit surprised at your tags saying you like jar jar, I don't really know anybody who's a fan in 2023. What's the appeal there, would you say?
Did people like JarJar more in the past? I remember when the prequels were new, his poor actor almost died from the harassment. Surely the venom against JarJar has only weakened.
But mmmmm...I guess what I enjoy about JarJar is he just. He sucks so bad. Nobody has any use for him. He's not just bad at emergencies and space and knowing you have to pay for food, he's not even good at Gungan-ing.
But he's just kinda allowed to be like that. He's there. The other protagonists are varying levels of Ugh Why but they don't try to solve him. He gets Recognition From His People at the end of TPM and fails his way upward in galactic politics and has good intentions and tries sincerely and fucks up so so bad, and is dumb as hell.
He doesn't get punished by the story for being a loser. He's allowed.
That's what made so many people so mad at him back when, and I do get it because any scene he's in is hard to take seriously, he's walking bathos, he's like Original Swamp Yoda without the redeeming kung fu drama. But also wow yikes no.
Let me sit with this a bit and let me see if I can turn this vibe into words better.
Like @husborth was totally correct in saying the whole Gungan plotline was a waste of screentime, a fun little excuse plot allowed to run riot due to unchecked directorial hubris, and contributed to the prequel films being atrociously paced pieces of cinema. But (somewhat consequently) there's something luxurious about JarJar Binks being allowed to go around existing so much, something I think is prototypical of the whole prequel tone and its contrast to the snappy war-film energy of the original trilogy in a way that...really works to create the atmospheric contrast between life in the Republic and life under the Empire.
The Republic was a bloated ancient mess of a government riddled with corruptions, and badly out-of-whack power balances and decayed support nets that weren't technically corruption but weren't working well either, and inefficiency.
And also what the fascists like to call decadence. You know?
Like one of the consequences of having a tolerant diverse society is that even when poorly run and afflicted with capitalism it is going to be full of fantastically annoying weirdos who don't have anything better to do than embarrass people by talking, and there's nothing to be done about that that morally can be. You can't Force Choke people for annoying and have a free society. We all gotta make our peace with the fact that JarJar Binks has every right to exist.
Not that JarJar Binks is necessary to any specific piece of media. I am not advocating for annoying gag sidekicks in general. But I am saying that JarJar Binks is metaphorically inevitable, whenever people are allowed to just kinda be.
So his presence on some level feels political to me, inasmuch as Star Wars are actually political films at all, which isn't very much. But definitely not none either!
Also I am old enough to have grown less susceptible to secondhand embarrassment so I am able to forgive JarJar his cringe. He can still be a little painful to watch! But I do like that he's there.
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likebreadandwine · 2 months
don't mind me, I'm just daydreaming about summer picnics and ice cream... 🏖️🍦
but really—there's a rhythm to summer days, and I want to plan your meals around it.
sunrise looks like cotton candy: pink skies and wisps of cloud. I convince you to join me for a walk while there's still dew on the grass, and yes, I'm hoping you work up an appetite. I'll reward you with breakfast when we get back: toast and eggs and bacon and fresh fruit, muffins that are practically cake, strawberries and whipped cream.
we're off to the beach next. I pack us a picnic. we claim a spot in the shade. after sunscreen has been applied (forgive my extra squeezes, you're just getting so soft), we are content to lounge and bask in the warmth of the day.
my carefully-packed cooler gets emptier and emptier as things steadily disappear: thick sandwiches and juicy slices of watermelon, cans of cool soda, bags of chips, decadent homemade brownies. by the time I glance up from my book, you're looking beached and more than a little rosy. time to get you in the water. they say not to swim after eating but that's just a myth, and besides, you aren't so much swimming as floating. hot and overstuffed on land, you are cool and buoyant in the water.
alas, all things must end. back out we come. you're heavy, sleepy, and warm, so we pack up and head home for an afternoon nap while the hottest part of the day passes. well, you nap. I'm needed elsewhere; I have plans for dinner.
it's grilling season, after all, so you know what that means: skewers of beef, bell peppers and zucchini; grilled corn, smokey and sweet; barbecue ribs, roasted potatoes, and garlic bread…is it too much? but what better way to spend a lazy, hazy summer evening than with dinner straight from the barbecue and a drink in hand?
there is one thing that could make it better, if you want. before I even tell you what it is, you're nodding at me. yes, please. aren't you full? so full. I want more.
and so, from the depths of the freezer, I retrieve a carton of vanilla bean ice cream. this is the good stuff, the artisan shit that reminds you vanilla is not plain, vanilla has depth; it is floral, earthy, rich, almost like caramel. combined with sugar and cream, chilled and churned and frozen, I might as well be spooning bites of ambrosia into your mouth. you'd think I was, based on the indecent sounds you're making.
in fairness, it's not just the ice cream. it's the ice cream on top of a whole day of eating. once you've finished the carton and my hands are free, they both go straight to your belly, and wow. you are round and stuffed to your limit. no wonder you're squirming, it must ache. you let me get too carried away. I like when you get carried away. the words come out breathy and soft. you did so good.
I like you like this: breathless and big, dazed and contented, the taste of vanilla still on your lips.
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korereapers · 11 months
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I collaborated with the amazing @laxi0v0 for a cute little event we made in the scriddler server. This is Laxi's art about the fic I wrote, and HONESTLY HONESTLY i couldn't have asked for a better and more supportive partner. Her art is way better than I would ever dream on writing and honestly, Laxi, I'm so glad it was you bc we vibe a lot about our tastes w this ship.
The fic will be on ao3 later, but here, for you guys, before anyone else:
Jonathan takes a sip out his mug, nicely decorated with a pumpkin, the recipe of the pumpkin spice coffee perfected by him for decades. It’s warm, it tastes like fall, and it’s the start of what Jonathan considers to be the best time of the year.
It started like a small tradition for him, when he finally left home and started studying to become the psychologist he wanted to be. Halloween was to be celebrated, especially for freaks like him, abhorrent creatures that made great-granny’s skin crawl. He was proud of that, in a way. It was his moment, it still is, after all of these years, because he is still a freak, he belongs to this weather and these colors more than he belongs anywhere else. He belongs between ocher leaves and the smell of fog, the rain starting to fall over Gotham, only to leave when it’s summer again. The start of his kingdom, of the time he rules over.
Or it would be, if Edward wasn’t so adamant about going to freaking Starbucks.
He doesn’t get it, not really. A malnourished child from Georgia, surrounded by overworked kids that serve them with the most forced smile when Edward asks, yet again, for the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte. With ice. Oatmeal milk. Whipped cream.
Jonathan wants to die.
“How is this even supposed to be spooky?”
Edward rolls his eyes, green contact lenses barely moving, as if they were starting to get glued to his irises. Which should be a bad sign, but Jonathan is, yet again, not his boyfriend’s keeper.
“Not everything has to be spooky when this time arrives, Jonathan.”
He kind of dislikes it, when he calls him by his full name. He calls him Jon when they are alone, when they are intimate, when their bodies or their hearts are entwined. He doesn’t like when he calls him Jonathan, because that means that Edward thinks he is being too bitter, complaining too much, a complete prick.
It’s not that he dislikes the stupid PSL, either, but it feels like desecrating one of his oldest traditions, and he feels as if he were betraying himself.
“Don’t you like my recipe, then? Do you dislike it so much we have to come here every single week?”
The cashier smiles at them awkwardly as Edward pays for their order, tipping the young lady generously.
“Do you have to take everything personally? I started getting here when I finally had my own money to spend. Is it that hard to just enjoy it, when I want to share it with you?”
Oh. A tradition. Jonathan distractedly drinks from his thematic glass, but says nothing.
They are really different, Edward and himself. To Edward, spending time and money like this… is almost a love language. It’s a lifestyle that he works hard to keep, having dinner in expensive places, getting coffee every time he can. Sharing it with him, because Jonathan is important to him.
Jonathan may be unable to feel fear, and his brain may be as damaged as Edward’s heart, but guilt still crawls its way into his psyche. It still makes him feel uneasy, because he cares, because he understands the feeling, because he wants to share his recipe with Edward because of the exact same reason.
He touches Edward’s hand when they sit, an apology he doesn’t utter but that can be felt in his irradiated orange eyes.
“I like it when you share time and nourishment with me.”
Edward’s expression softens, a glint of blue under the bright green contact lenses.
“Wow, when did you get emotionally aware?” his mouth says instead, and for a moment, Jonathan understands the Bat and his compulsion to punch him in the mouth.
“I’m a psychologist, Edward.”
“... right,” he mutters, his voice cheeky, still clearly a little mad, his thoughts loud. Jonathan loves that about him, his expression when he is deep in thought, when he is trying to understand something. A puzzle, a new riddle in their lives. “That recipe of yours is really important to you, too, if I’m guessing correctly.”
Jonathan nods, his eyes still on Edward’s, who seems to be feeling a little bit too shy to look at him, knowing that they are having an emotionally vulnerable moment.
“It is. I made it myself and… I want to share it with you.”
Edward does smile a little at that, his voice softer when he speaks.
“Let me try it later. I want to give it the thought and recognition it deserves.”
Jonathan’s thumb caresses Edward’s hand, his smile contagious. Like a well concocted virus.
“I would love to.”
Edward is pretty sure that he is (very unluckily, by the way) dating the man with the poorest taste in the world. Jonathan seems to think that he is hilarious, dressed in his usual costume, even the needles oozing toxin as he sits quietly on the couch.
There is a thing about him that Edward has always loved: how he becomes a different person when the mask is on.
They used to talk about it, back in the day, when they used to share a room in the Asylum. Jonathan felt naked without his mask, his expression dull and almost tense, devoid of what made him himself. Edward, at least, has managed to make those expressions change, the real Jon emerging from behind whatever aloof façade he tries to put on to protect himself, to pretend he is a regular human being and not the freak that makes his heart melt.
He must surely be smiling behind the mask, then. Edward can almost feel him vibrating in excitement, like a small child, and in a way, he kind of is. A reclaimed childhood, the enjoyment of a joy he wasn’t allowed to feel. He can understand that.
Still, the poorest fucking choice of a Halloween costume.
“Really, Jon? The most original idea, I have to say.”
Jonathan looks at him, and he can feel his piercing eyes even behind the mask, the expression of a predator, so dangerous it makes his face flush a little. Birds of a feather, both of them. The Scarecrow sighs, deeply, the sound distorted behind the mask. It’s creepy, he has to admit, which is probably… kind of the point.
“Like you’re one to talk, Herlock Sholmes.”
Edward gasps, indignant. His Poirot costume is nothing to be laughed at.
“Excuse me?!”
He can almost feel the smile behind the mask, because Edward knows him, he knows Jonathan is an avid reader, he knows the difference between Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, for fuck's sake. He is doing this on purpose, to rile him up. He always is.
Edward's mind goes somewhere else, somewhere private. Somewhere where he is indeed riled up, and Jonathan touches his cheek, looking up at his face from behind the mask, Edward sitting on his lap, while long, dangerous hands go up his thigh, eyes hungry-
The doorbell rings. Edward goes back to reality, Jonathan's eyes on him as he moves towards the entrance, the tips of his ears surely blushing.
When he opens the door, he has to look down, because damn, kids sure look tinier these days. He cannot remember to be this short, this innocent, this…
He feels Jonathan's chin on his shoulder, almost jumping in place because the man is silent like a ghost, no matter how eager he is to take part in the holiday.
One of the kids is wearing a Batman costume, and Edward tries his hardest not to roll his eyes, with better or worse success. Another kid is dressed as Harley Quinn, what makes him wonder if these parents are in need of any kind of psychological help. The youngest, a child dressed as Wonder Woman, looks at them with badly hidden mischief, and Edward feels tempted to just close the door.
"Trick or treat!" They ask in unison, and before Edward can answer, Jonathan drops a bag in front of them, full of who knows what, but the kids don't ask.
Such blissful ignorance.
"Thank you Mister Holmes! Mister Scarecrow!" The girl dressed up as Batman says, and the one dressed as Wonder Woman purses her lips in disgust.
"Poirot's moustache isn't like that. You're a fake."
The kid dressed as Harley Quinn laughs in response, taking the bag of candy and running away with Wonder Woman. The one dressed as Batman follows who Edward believes to be her sisters, and he blissfully thanks that they don't have any children.
"Please tell me the bag is full of drugs."
Jonathan chuckles a little, his arms around Edward's waist.
"Hershey's," is everything he says, his sudden lack of malice and evil intent a headache for Edward.
"Oh, Jon. Are you going soft on me?"
Jonathan's smile can be felt in the air, a predator, a killer awaiting their next victim.
"Me? Oh, darlin'..." he whispers against Edward's ear, his distorted voice making him shudder in anticipation. "Never."
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awyeahitssam · 8 months
The force of the magic slammed him through one wall and into another, and Harry could not breathe. It felt like the time Dudley sat on top of his chest, pressing all of the air from his lungs. He gasped and choked to no avail, the sensation of breathlessness more distressing than the stars dancing before his eyes and the ringing of his ears. 
He was dying, dying, dying.
After a too-long moment Harry managed a shuddering inhale, getting a lungful of concrete dust for his troubles. He doubled over, coughing violently. His wand. He needed his wand.
His right arm was screaming in pain, and Harry squinted through hazy eyes to find a bone sticking out of it at a decidedly odd angle, having ripped through his shirt and robes. Harry had a half-hearted thought of relief that Lockhart wasn’t here to vanish all the bones, which was strange because he should be focusing on the fact that he still couldn’t breathe properly. 
He blinked blearily and twitched his left hand with a desperation that had his wand—blessedly whole—slapping into it. Harry wasn’t used to casting with his off hand, but he was still able to twist it enough to cast a bubble-head charm. 
The spell was silent, because he had no breath for words and no time to think that he couldn’t manage. He had to.
Harry gasped again, this time into a clean pocket of air, and the panic receded a little more at the hard-won oxygen. The pulsing of his temples began to ease on his next breath, but the world still looked too-bright and decidedly crooked. 
“My Lord,” came a smooth, even voice, “shall I take his wand?”
Harry’s eyes focused slowly on the two figures in front of him as his fingers tightened almost compulsively around his wand. His.
“Let the child learn his lesson in full first,” said Lord Voldemort generously. 
Harry swallowed around a dry mouth, glad to taste no blood. At least he hadn’t bitten his tongue or gotten any teeth knocked loose. He inhaled deeply again, revelling in his ability to do so, though the motion made him notice an ache in his sternum as well. Bruised ribs, maybe?  
‘Lesson?’ Harry wondered blearily, a few beats too late. 
Though perhaps he said it out loud, because Voldemort replied, “That you are no match for Lord Voldemort.”
Of course he wasn’t. What a stupid point to try and make. He was fifteen. He barely knew any magic at all. Voldemort had been given decades to learn, versus Harry’s five years. Any competent adult—and wasn’t that an oxymoron—could easily outmatch him, nevertheless a Dark Lord. 
“Well,” Voldemort’s voice came dryly, “you have more sense than I expected, having been raised on Dumbledore’s knee.”
Harry let out a vague approximation of a laugh. He hadn’t known Voldemort had a sense of humour. Dumbledore couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as him. They’d spoken—what, six times since he was eleven? Dumbledore hadn’t so much as looked his way the entire year. 
Not that Harry exactly wanted his attention. He was still angry with the Headmaster for that stupidity with the Triwizard Tournament, and his assault after returning from the Graveyard, and the resulting announcement made (on Harry’s behalf, as if he had any right to speak for him) that Voldemort was back. Really, Harry could have avoided a year of carving ‘I must not tell lies,’ into his own hand if it wasn’t for Dumbledore deciding to tell the world about Voldemort’s resurrection. 
Or maybe not, if Umbridge was one of Voldemort’s and he’d told her to torture Harry for revealing his return. Who knew? That would certainly have been a neat, simple solution. The woman was prejudiced enough to be on par with Malfoy, and he was a Death Eater. But if being prejudiced was the only qualifier to being a part of Voldemort’s army, or movement, or whatever the hell it was, then everybody would get an invite. Dudders could be a Death Eater; make his parents proud. 
“He has quite a mouth on him, My Lord.”
Wow, how observant. Snape would love this guy. 
Was Harry concussed? That was weird. Normally if he was concussed he stayed very, very still and quiet until he was able to sleep and his magic saw him to rights. If he got talkative with a head injury, the Durlsey’s would’ve probably dropped him at an orphanage like they always threatened, or maybe just left him in the middle of nowhere in hopes that he’d drop dead.
“What nonsense is he blubbering about?” the voice said again, and the trace of discomfort was slight but obvious to a boy who had been forced to pick up on such subtleties to survive. Did he not like to hear about the fact that some kids did not get coddled?
Did Death Eaters coddle their kids? Like, as a whole? Draco Malfoy had definitely been coddled; he acted just like Dudley, if not as stupid. He’d definitely grown up with a bed and food and people that would say ‘yes’ to his whims. He just had that sense about him.
Not that Harry wished that the boy hadn’t grown up with that stuff. Harry wouldn’t be intentionally cruel enough to hope for that. Just, he didn’t have to rub it in people’s faces so much. Then again, the brat would have to have manners or something not to do that, and with each passing day Harry was becoming increasingly sure that no witch or wizard actually possessed any matter of manners at all. Everyone was so rude, all the time. Well actually Riddle hadn’t been rude at first, but then he sicced a basilisk on Harry, which was not only rude but also attempted murder. 
Wait, where was he again? Oh. Halfway into the wall he had flown into after bursting through the first. Attempted murder again. That made sense.
The only question was, why was Voldemort so bad at actually murdering him? That had to be a little embarrassing. Oh wait, no, ‘lesson’. The man wanted to teach him something. Harry wondered if he wanted to be a good student for the Dark Lord, or if he’d rather just decline the opportunity. So far, he taught like a muggle.
“A muggle?”
Ouch. Harry’s scar hurt more than his arm; how did Voldemort do that? Harry needed to learn so he could hurt the man right back. Fairs fair.
A finger pressed cruelly into Harry’s brow, right over his scar. It hurt it hurt it hurt it hurtithurt!
“Just like a muggle,” Harry gasped out. Physical violence. Just like Vernon. Voldemort. Vernon. Maybe everyone in the world who had a V-name was the worst.
Cold fingers felt surprisingly nice against Harry’s overheated face. The pain of his scar ebbed abruptly, leaving a dizzying confusion in its wake. Harry might throw up sometime soon.
“Would you like non-physical violence, boy?” Voldemort asked.
Harry carded through the options. Isolation and containment. Starvation. Maybe mental violence, the kind that Snape preferred. Verbal violence of Petunia’s ilk seemed a bit below the Dark Lord, but then her words about how much of a worthless, unnatural freak Harry was did circle his head to this day, so there was no doubt that kind of thing was effective. Just, probably it would’ve been effective if Voldemort had started before he could remember like Petunia had. 
“Do you have a non-violent option? Or is there a box I can check to be killed quickly? Is this a survey? I would rate your services as abysmal. Or wait. Uh. Troll. That’s it, right? Yeah. Bad… bad grade. Probably your first. You’ve failed pacifism. A truly bleak thing for a Dark Lord. You have my greatest sympathies. Surely this will hurt your future career options and they’ll have to lower your salary.” 
Are revolutionaries paid? Or does Voldemort take his own payment? What would be a suitable payment for a Dark Lord? The bodies of his opposers? But then, all his opposers are magical, and didn’t Riddle have that Magic is Might thing? Or was that just something he said? The man had ordered the death of Cedric, who had been the most worthy of age wizard at Hogwarts according to the cup. Apparently Cedric’s completely attractive competency hadn’t mattered, because Voldemort hadn’t hesitated to kill one of the brightest of a generation when a stunner and memory charm could’ve worked just as well. 
Then again, he’d wanted to kill a baby, once, and the death toll of the last war had officially been tallied at one-hundred and seven magicals, after Harry’s parents, so obviously he could care less if he was decimating their population, so long as he got to rule the world or whatever. 
“Potter, do shut up.”
Huh? Had Harry been talking?
“Rambling,” the voice of the oddly not simpering sycophant chimed in helpfully. 
Well. That was something. Normally Harry went very quiet when he was concussed and waited for his magic to—oh. His magic. Harry had magic. What had he done last summer, when Sirius was no longer an adequate threat? He could probably just… 
Harry looked down to see his wand in his left hand. He set it down very gently, then stared blankly at said hand for a long, long moment. Then the air around it began to do that cute little vibrating thing that his magic would do when it hadn’t been let out for long enough, because of the stupid Dursley’s, and the stupid rules, (why the fuck weren’t students allowed to use magic at all over the summer? Didn’t it make them feel like they were going to burst apart with all the suppressed energy? It was near painful sometimes unless Harry found some way to use it, which invariably the Dursely’s gave him.) 
A hand grasped over his wrist and held him at bay. “Do not do whatever you are considering, you stupid, reckless child—”
Harry was a child, and he had chosen to be reckless when he had chosen Gryffindor over Slytherin, so he let his wrist spark with electricity that was enough to get the touch away from him. Why did people always feel so entitled to touching him? He shivered in revulsion even as he placed his hand to his head and let his eyes fall shut.
His magic went to work, effective as always. This was only the second time it hadn’t waited until Harry was asleep. That was very nice of it.
“Thank you,” he told it quite seriously, in the middle of its work. It buzzed against his temple, a current of energy, and Harry quieted and let it continue.
When Harry re-opened his eyes, his vision was not blurry, his head not pounding, and the world not an unsteady bouquet of water colours with a diagonal slant. When he opened his eyes, he met the red gaze of the Dark Lord Voldemort, and swallowed.
“Oh. Just… lovely. Hi?”
The man behind the Dark Lord snorted. Harry spared him a glance—no features were visible beneath his cloak and mask. 
Harry’s throat worked around a swallow. “Fancy seeing you here,” Harry offered, and then set his hand on his arms, because why not, and winced when his bone snapped back into place. 
Voldemort’s eyes were gleaming with an odd sort of hunger. “I wonder if you will be so eager to talk now, Harry Potter? Tell me… when was the last time you encountered me treating you politely?”
Voldemort didn’t know about the Chamber?
Harry swallowed. “Okay,” he said.
Voldemort stared. “Just like that.”
 “It’s not like I’m opposed to you knowing. I thought you already knew, but apparently you and Tom Riddle weren’t as connected as he implied. Though, you know, if you want me to spill all, you should at least say please.”
Harry’s scar ached, but his arm didn’t any more. Unlike his ribs. “Pardon?”
“You would actually prefer to use Crucio than say please,” Harry noted. “That says mildly concerning things about you, you know. Common courtesy—Troll.”
“He’s stalling,” the Death Eater noted, when Voldemort moved as if for his wand. 
“Of course I am,” Harry rebutted. “He’s clever; you should keep him around to control your terrible temper.”
Why was Harry doing this? Was he waiting for a rescue that would never come, or an opening that was twice as unlikely given the multitude of people involved. 
The Death Eater laughed, and Harry saw a flash of green light. Heard his mothers scream. 
“Oh,” he said, eyes going a bit wide. “There’s two of you.”
Both figures went unnaturally still. “Why would you say that?” The cloaked Voldemort asked. 
Harry tilted his head. “Your laugh,” he said simply. “Your voice is different, but your laugh is the same. Also, you’re not nearly frightened enough of ‘Your Lord’’.”
The cloaked figure hummed, then lowered his hood. “Clever boy,” he said lightly, eyes just as intent and intense as Voldemort’s own, though they were dark rather than bright. His hair was curly, Harry noticed, longer than Tom had kept it when he was in school, though this man didn’t look very old at all. He still had his nose, though his cheekbones were sharper than they had been as a boy, and unlike Voldemort he had lips as well. Harry catalogued these differences with some interest. The evolution of Voldemort, he thought vaguely.
“Technically,” he adds, as he finishes taking the other Dark Lord in, “I’d be doing the both of you a favour by sharing the story of my Second Year.”
His implication was clear. He wanted two pleases. 
“You’re positively suicidal, aren’t you?” the human Voldemort murmured. “Very well, Harry. Please tell me about the circumstances surrounding your encounter or encounters with Tom Riddle, as well as the encounters themselves.”
Harry watched him thoughtfully. “What are you going by?”
“Marvolo,” the cloaked man answered easily. 
“Marvolo,” he repeated thoughtfully. “Your middle name. Tom wrote it in the air for me—rearranged the letters to spell,” he gestured to Voldemort with his newly healed arm. It didn’t so much as twinge. He was more than a little impressed with his magic. 
“How did you take the revelation?” said Voldemort, something cruel in his voice. 
Harry's lips quirked. "I told him he was nothing special," Harry admitted easily. "I told him Dumbledore was the greatest wizard in the world. Mostly, I just wanted him to shut up. He kept asking questions,” he allowed his gaze to drift over both of them, mouth speaking absently even as calculations flashed through his mind. How was he going to get out of this unscathed? There had to be something… some way… 
“He was desperate to know about the night you lost your body,” he told Voldemort. “He thought I would have the answers, somehow. I told him it was my mum. Muggleborn,” he informed Marvolo, in case he didn’t know. Harry’s lips curled in amusement. “He didn’t like that very much. Went on and on about how alike we are. Then he decided it was luck and chance that had saved me, said I was nothing special, and called the basilisk.”
“Maybe I proved him wrong when I killed it and then shoved a basilisk fang into the diary.”
Rage bloomed in two sets of eyes, but it was Voldemort that hissed, “You what?”
“Well, I was dying too at the time,” he defended. “I’m nothing if not spiteful. If I died, I was going to take him with me.”
“Yet here you are,” Marvolo said with clear menace. “Apparently you did not get close enough to death.”
Harry watched him, unimpressed. “The diary wasn’t the only thing that got stabbed with a basilisk fang.”
“You lie,” hissed Voldemort, redrawing Harry’s gaze as if he’d ever truly lost it. 
Harry’s eyes narrowed. “Who’s the liar, here? My parents died begging you for mercy?”
“Didn’t they? Your father begged for his wife's life, and yours. Your mother for yours alone.”
Harry’s lips pressed tight. “Really fucked yourself, didn’t you? You told my mum ‘very well’, when she begged to trade her life for mine. You agreed. You didn’t think she was powerful enough to form an unbreakable vow without the official bindings? You would think you would be smarter than pureblood rhetoric when you’re hardly pure yourself.”
“That's it?” Marvolo murmured, tilting his head thoughtfully. “You couldn’t tell me that?” He glanced at Voldemort, then straightened. “You didn’t know.”
Harry felt the silent chastisement in the words. ‘How is it that a child realised what you didn’t?’
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ghostlythunderbird · 2 years
The Pack ~ First Impressions
Pairings: Alpha!Konig, Alpha!Simon “Ghost” Riley, Alpha!Keegan P. Russ X Omega!Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors/Ageless Blogs DNI, Omegaverse, Mentions of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence, Extremist views, The UN exists here
Words: 2,784 (wow I wrote all that?!?!)
Author’s Notes: Please do not repost, edit, or translate my work. This blog and all content will be marked 18+ even if there is no NSFW content, if you are underage or have no age I don't want to deal with you. This is my first ever series so it will be updated whenever I can, due to my difficult work schedule. But please sit back and enjoy this series! Special thanks to @l-lend, @kelpiesummer, and @photogirl894 for all the help!
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“Breaking News: Omega populations continue to fall.”
With recent all-time highs of Omega trafficking and high numbers of Domestic Abuse against Omegas worldwide, Omega birth rates are dwindling by the thousands in the last few years. While Omega numbers fall, other secondary gender numbers have begun to rise, with Beta birthrates rising to a staggering 84% over the last 5 years. Are omegas in danger of dying out?~
“The fall of the Omega second gender; A modern extinction?”
Over the last decade, the number of omegas of age has drastically fallen. Omegas were once considered roughly 20% of the world population and contributed to approximately 70% of birthrates worldwide; their current population barely comes to 7% across the globe, and their birthrates are almost non-existent. Could this result from unregulated access to this world bearing second gender? Will the UN seek to restabilize their population, or will omegas be at the mercy of those around them?
What had become of the world before you were born? It was a nearly lawless land, people turning on one another. The fight for breeding rights or access to an omega led Alphas into utter madness, their biology overriding common sense. Your Dam had told you stories of her childhood, how she saw the fall of an entire second gender. How awful the world indeed became, and how it rose from those ashes carrying new hope and protection to those who seek it. She remembered how fearful her Sire and Dam were during those years, but that was before new laws were established. New laws ensured the ability to return Omegas to their higher numbers to provide their protection.
During the years of the Modern Extinction, the UN scrambled to place laws worldwide to protect and nurture omega numbers. However, many early regulations did nothing to buffer the steady decline. It wasn't until an organization was formed: The Global Omega Protection and Population Program (GOPPP) was introduced. The Program had only a few essential purposes, to Pair off omegas to ensure total protection; to free and rehabilitate omegas who were victims of Trafficking and Domestic Violence. And finally, it is a form of Breeding operation to help nurture omega populations to where they were years before. Omegas who had become legal adults would be admitted to the Program to soon be matched with compatible Alphas.
The only downside to this Program was many omegas were often treated as broodmares and were often left emotionally neglected. Reduced to their primary duties of bearing Alpha and Omega children with occasional betas to be their legacy. Omegas were unable to work, much less be able to leave their dens without an Alpha to accompany them. While many Alphas believe it would be better for their mates to be allowed to do certain things without them around, the Program often overlooked their words. Over time, however, newer generations believed these precautions were beyond necessary and soon revised or added new laws to accompany them. Their latest law is; Omegas who are in public must wear protective full-length collars even with their Alphas present.
Those laws were added when you were just a pup and still living simply, unknowing of the world around you. Soon you were forced to acknowledge the dark reality you were born into when you presented; An Omega. Your parents, who were born Betas, cried when your first heat started. They had prayed you would be a Beta or even an Alpha, but it seemed their prayers fell upon deaf ears from the higher power.
Unfortunately, the Program soon discovered your presentation at 16 years old. While you were still too young to be entered into the Program, It didn't stop them from preparing for that day. You remembered those late nights hearing your parents downstairs talking about you, about your soon-to-be future. Your Dam was terrified, talking to your Sire about the stories from other omega parents. For some, they ranged from fairytale endings, but a vast majority were nothing short of horror-made flesh. Omegas were emotionally manipulated and abused by the very alphas they were entrusted to.
As you grew older, your parents decided to wait a few more years for you to enjoy life before you became tied to your future mates. You were incredibly thankful they pushed back against the Program to allow you to enjoy your young adult years. But as your Sire would say, "Whether good or bad, everything must come to an end."
The room was bare as you and your parents waited for the Omega Protection program representative to enter. You wished you were never born as an Omega; you wouldn't have to go through this Program if you weren't. Facing the fact that you would be removed from your parent's home only to be moved in with alphas you've never met before, and said Alphas were already selected for you. These alphas were being forced on you without knowing how they acted towards you or the other alphas; their past, what they looked like, and their personalities were beyond wrong to you. You were slowly being drowned in uncertainty; so many things could go wrong, hell you didn't even know if your alphas were good.
Your Dam grabbed your hand, sensing the rising anxiety in your scent. "It will be ok dear; these alphas will protect you. There is nothing to fear from this." You knew her words were supposed to feel comforting, but you couldn't help but think bitterly, 'well, it isn't you being fed to the wolves.' Before you could say anything, the door began to creak open, causing your Sire and Dam to straighten to greet the person walking in. You, however, just sunk into the couch, begging for it to open and swallow you whole.
As the door opened fully, it revealed two Betas entering, one male and one female. Their scents were almost non-existent as they stepped further into the room before sitting on the couch across from your family. "Good Morning, Mr. and Ms. (L/N); we're delighted you're here. My name is Matthew, and my partner is Hannah." The male beta spoke as he gestured to the woman beside him. "We will handle your daughter's case and pack introduction today." At the brief mention of you, the Betas locked onto your form. Noticing your rising anxiety, the female beta spoke up to clear the air.
"And you must be (y/n); I'm sure this is very overwhelming for you, but rest assured we have made plenty of healthy matches over the years," Her voice was quiet yet soft as the words fluttered from her lips. You could only briefly smile; she wanted you to trust her and her judgment. But even with that, you couldn't help but dread your matches. The fact you had to blindly trust two strangers who picked your lifelong mates was beyond unnerving.
Hannah leaned back into the couch, making herself comfortable. "now, before we introduce you and your parents to your new pack, we have a few things to discuss before we bring them in, ok?" The tension in the air was heavy as Matthew and Hannah shared a look before continuing. "Well, you know our priority is to pair all omegas with a pack of alphas to ensure their safety and increase omega birthrates. That being said, the pack selected for you is not exactly regular by our standards." That wasn't what you expected; you couldn't decide if you were more worried or curious about this confession.
This pack may be more interesting than you had initially thought. The dark-headed male cleared his throat, continuing, "This pack was already together before their application to our Program; these alphas are also active military with clean records. Two originate from Europe while the other is from the US; along with that, one of these alphas just so happens to be an uh...Apex alpha." Upon hearing this, the air in your lungs evaporated in mere seconds as a chill ran down your spine. This pack had seemed almost too good to be true, but with information, it only made you dread your initial meeting. Apexes were often found to be extremely dangerous, unable to control themselves in high emotional and hormonal situations.
Your Sire drew in a breath. "So what does that mean for our daughter? Why in the hell was she assigned to an Apex?" His growl filled the air. Also, being a beta, your father was not at threatening as an alpha could be, but with a protective Sire, anyone would be cautious with their following decisions. Matthew grew stiff. "With all due respect, sir, we've gone through an extensive background check with this apex. The alphas packed with him are his fellow service members who can fully vouch for him." Your eyes widened, a packed apex with people who know how he works; this pack was unusual and rare. 'Well, from what it sounds like so far, they don't seem like bad people. Maybe this is one of those lucky matches.'
He couldn't stand; still, the chairs were far too small for him, and standing in the quiet room only made his nerves light up more than they already were. König paused to look at the door; it was closing to an hour since the three alphas were left in the room. The beta Hannah had told them to wait a few minutes, and they'd bring in their omega and her family. His body responded to the thought; after so many years of rejection letter after another, this felt like some sick prank to the Austrian apex. He was so nervous that he couldn't stay still, pacing back and forth and wiping his palms along his jeans.
His companions couldn't help but tease the anxiety-ridden giant. "König, relax, man. If you keep pacing, you might carve out a path in the floor." The dark-headed alpha joked as he shifted in his chair. While König was the most visibly anxious of the trio, Keegan attempted to keep himself calm, even with the bubbling excitement growing in his gut. Keegan's eyes traveled across the room, glancing between furniture and the small window. 'Not much cover, but at least it would be difficult for a potential sniper.'
"At least he's standin' up, be less of a shock to 'er." Ghost's voice echoed through the small room, breaking his zoned-out stare for a split second. The alpha had taken the only viable spot and backed into the furthest corner facing the doorway. Keegan snorted at the other alpha's remark; he knew it was true. König was massive on a human scale, but more so because he was an apex alpha. Before he could respond to the blonde-haired alpha, he heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the hall. Leaning up in his chair, Keegan sounded a low chuff to gain the other's attention before nodding towards the door.
Ghost made no move to his form; König, however, rushed to fix his messy hair to appear somewhat presentable. Keegan gave König a reassuring nod right before the door opened, and the heavenly scent of an omega swept through the small space. First, the Program's beta entered but then appeared their soon-to-be omega mate. 'Jesus, she's so.....small compared to us.' You ducked your head as the alphas zeroed in on you once you passed the threshold. Looking towards the blonde and black-haired alphas, you couldn't help but think that this wasn't as bad until you turned to look at, by far, the largest alpha you'd ever seen. His size had taken you aback, and the previous thought of being able to handle this pack was thrown entirely out the window.
Hannah gently rested her hand on your shoulder to regain your attention "(Y/N) meet your pack; first, we have Keegan Russ." Pointing to the smallest alpha, his eyes caught your attention first. They were a beautiful grey-blue that seemed to freeze you in place but also held a hidden sadness underneath them. Even with him being the smallest of the three, he knew he had a certain charm. His stature, eyes, and confident yet arrogant attitude had people flocking to him no matter their presentation. "Next, we have Ghost; that is his preferred name for now." The alpha in the corner made no attempt to move as his eyes raked over you before giving a slight nod. While his face was covered by a black medical mask, it didn't take away from his rugged beauty much; a mop of blonde hair with hooded brown eyes that slightly shined. Turning toward the last alpha, you could feel the tension between the betas and him. "Finally, we have the apex, König." She didn't seem too keen about him being here. A wave of well-maintained anger for what he was seemed to drive her not to acknowledge him; you couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt toward him.
Although he had a large size, he seemed to fold in on himself, attempting to appear smaller to not scare you away. Unfortunately, you couldn't see much of him other than his eyes, a blue that reminded you of the ocean. "well, we will leave you all to get acquainted while we finish the paperwork and have her parents gather her things." With a final look over her shoulder, Hannah closed the door behind her leaving you with your new pack. Looking towards the alphas whose gaze tore into you, you could only give a slight grin "u-uh, hi there!"
Before you knew it, they all moved at once; while it wasn't swift, it still caused you to reel back slightly. You knew you couldn't just leave, so you forced yourself to stay still as Ghost reached towards you to grab your wrist in a firm hold. He brought your wrist close to his nose so he could capture your scent adequately, only releasing a deep chuff before slowly letting your wrist fall back to your side. The large apex released his own chuff before drawing in a breath. "H-Hallo omega, or (Y/N) w-which ever you want us to call you. If you even want us to use your name." His stuttering surprised you; how could this large apex even stutter? There was no reason for his nervousness, or so you thought.
Keegan stepped forward, touching the larger alpha's enormous bicep. "Take it easy, König; I doubt she's gonna bite you, right, Doll?" His joking tone helped ease the remaining tension in the room. 'At least these guys could take and make jokes,' You thought as you gave Keegan a toothy smile. "Only if you want me to, big guy." Giving the apex a wink, sending his gaze to the floor in embarrassment, and driving a laugh out of Ghost and Keegan.
The new-found atmosphere dissipated once a knock sounded on the other side of the door. Matthew and Hannah were soon looking in to check in on the four of you. "Well, everything is in order; I'm sure you are ready to head home. So we will allow Ms.(Y/N) to say her goodbyes to her parents before you all leave." Oh, that's right; you had forgotten you were being moved out of your parent's home and into your shared home with these alphas. Looking back at your parents, you caught sight of your Dam trying to clean up her remaining tears. While your Sire attempted to keep a stone face for you. Lunging towards them, your Dam and Sire tangled you up in their arms, whispering, "It will be ok little love; you'll see us again." "Please text us at least so we know your adjusting, ok?"
It broke your heart to leave them, but you all knew this was in your best interest. Drawing back from them, you reached to wipe away a few stray tears on your cheeks. "I love you guys. I'll try and stay in touch, I promise." Your words catch slightly in your throat. Stepping away from your parents, you looked towards the three alphas who stood off to the side, not wanting to rush your goodbye.
Stepping towards them, you stopped when Keegan and König took their places on either side of you. Ghost had left to pull their vehicle around, and as you started walking towards the main entrance, König offered his hand to you. "Don't worry Schatz, we will all die for you as long as it means you are safe." His words send a wave of heat through your body by his bold declaration. With a final look back toward your parents, you offered them a bright grin as you were guided away.
'Everything will be ok."
Tag list: @l-lend, @kelpiesummer, @wintersnnowie, @operatorinvestigatesco, @marytvirgin
Once again this is my first ever series so I apologize if somethings need work, am still a wee babe in the writing world XD
Translations: Schatz (German) - Treasure
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slashers x child!reader who likes to take apart their toys to make little inventions/new toys
*dies* I didn't add Billy and stu because I'm so tired and have no inspiration
Slashers x child! Reader who rips other toys to built new ones.
You probably got old dolls from a few decades ago from Judith's old toys she had when she was a child or his.
Michael didn't care that much that you were destroying the toys until he saw you either only ripped a limb or a head.
He then came and saw you with a toy he never saw before when he recognised some parts and realised you built a new toy out of different toys.
He'll admire it like how he'll admire his "art works" after killing someone. The more weirder and creepier the more he'll like it. although he'll like any kind of invention you make.
When you ran out of toys he broke in a toy shop once and got as many as he could and gave them to you.
You got a whole shelf of your little inventions and he stares at it whenever you're gone and he has nothing to do.
Sinclair brothers
They got you either old toys of theirs (I hv no idea if they had toys as children) or toys around the town.
Bo was like 'why??' when you took apart your toys parts but when he saw you building a new one he thought 'wait that's kinda cool actually' he thinks of it like repairing or building a car so when he actually is repairing a car he'd like it if you were also building something so that you can both look like father and daughter doing similar things. When you finished a piece and showed it to him he probably petted your head and said "good job", what he really wanted to say was 'oh my god, oh my god holy shit it's beautiful you built something in so proud of you'. Got one or two of yours as a gift to him and he keeps it extra safe.
Vincent was ecstatic when you showed him your new toy and told him your little hobby, now you both can make art! He could be painting or wax sculpturing and you could be building with him. He's so proud of you whenever you managed to fully make a toy he howls a bit in delight and gives you two thumbs up and he probably sketches your toys because he thinks they're so interesting. He'll be a bit sad when he sees his childhood toys broken though he thinks your new ones are totally worth it. He sometimes likes you watch you do your thing and helps you if you can't figure out what to make.
Lester was also whying when he saw you taking apart the toys, did you hate it that much? But he went wowing when he saw what you were actually doing and totally watches you make your new toys. He will say so many praises when you finish it, will talk about it to his brothers and bo acts annoyed but he secretly wants to hear all about it too. Wants to learn how to build too, it gets boring having nothing to do driving around all day you know. except when tourists are here but scratch that the twins will sometimes find you both together on Lester's trunk on a challenge to see who can build faster and better, its a tie everytime. Jonesy would be there to watch you two (everyone's watching) if you run out of toys then he'll bring you abandoned cheaper ones.
I think it all started when he brought you expensive nice ones and you took one look at it and then ripped it. He almost choked on air when he saw that.
"y/n.. Why did you do that if you didn't like it you could've just told me..."
When you told him about your intentions he replied with,
"I wish you could've told me that sooner, I could've brought cheaper ones." he pinches the bridge of his nose.
And he did. And he watches with great interest on how your little invention will turn out and smiles and praises you when you show him your art piece. Also like Michael he had shelf/shelves full of your works. Informs Will about this too this is how it goes.
Will, Will look what y/n made.
Hannibal it's 2 am.
He's a happy little cat when you talk to him about your toys and he's just glad he adopted you. Like Vincent you both can do your little art things.
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panlight · 6 months
Bella wanting to be a vampire and loving it when she becomes one isn't inherently a bad narrative choice. It's just weird compared to the tone with which vampirism is portrayed like, literally up until the second Bella wakes up and is like 'wow this is amazing!'
Everyone else is talking about it in terms of being frozen, of fighting dark instincts, in rising above the hand you've been dealt, of loneliness, of stagnation, of longing for things you can no longer have, of the monotony of eternity. Even characters who have the kind of true forever love that Bella has with Edward talk about it at best as "hell's not so bad if you get to keep an angel with you." They talk about the thirst being painful and never fully satiated. SM talks about how the vegetarian vampire diet is almost as hard as starvation would be for a human, and that animal blood only dulls the pain, never really makes it go away (granted this was on the Lexicon not in the actual text. She may have changed her mind at some point, IDK).
So with all of the above, Bella's insistence that this is what she wants, not just because it's the only way to be with Edward but because of the "perks" and how she "wants to be Superman, too" seem like a weird choice. She's hearing from actual vampires that being a vampire kind of sucks, and she's like 'la la la la I'm not listening' and then she's . . . right, somehow?
It's like SM wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. She wanted the brooding vampire, the 'good' vampires who struggle and sacrifice and deny their darker nature. She wanted the tragic vampire, forced to exist as a monster but trying not to behave as one. The endless dark midnight. But then she also wanted a Happily Ever Fairytale and power fantasy where her protagonist realizes her full potential as a vampire while also finding a forever family. Edward's vampirism makes him feel like a monster; Bella's makes her feel like a superhero.
And it's just . . . it's just hard to make these two things work together in my head. Their worldviews seem completely and utterly different, and Bella being happy doesn't change the decades--in some cases centuries--of 'suffering tragic vampire' stuff the other vampires have been through.
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m4dm4yhem · 1 year
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miles morales x black! amab! reader
being spiderman came with responsibilities; responsibilities that miles; a fifteen year old boy; sometimes took lightly, trying his hardest to still be a hero as well as living to what he thought was right; well.. he learned his lesson.. as his face was stained with the dried blood of his now deceased lover; his hands shaking as he stared down at their corpse.. he was frozen; a shaky breath coming out of his lips, a breath he didn’t even know was there.. “ no…” his voice was cracking; as his vision blurred; staring at the person he had grown to love over the years.. all the memories they shared over the years flying through his head. . .
“ miles..” [name] groaned as the boy had asked them to try to do his hair; and by do it..he meant detangle it so he could wash it. “ yes?” he turned his head to look at his partner; a grin toying on his lips; his eyes had a look of love, a look that was quickly met with a look of annoyance; “ turn your damn head back around.. before i hit you in the back of the head so hard with this brush you see next year.” [name] threatened; which made miles shudder and turn back around; so the lover he had could properly detangle his hair; a kiss was laid on top of the product full head of hair he had; “ thank you, my love.”
“-coming!” [name] called out as they grabbed their uniform jacket and readjusted their tie before they ran out of the school; miles had asked them to come to his house.. something about an important matter that had to be discussed with them; they were running down the side of the sidewalk as they spoke to miles over the phone; “ you can’t just…TELL me over the phone..? It’s that important?” They slowed down a bit.. once they realized the bangs of their hair was up; both due to shrinkage and due to the air that was hitting them due to their fast pace.
“ yes! it’s extremely important so..get here!” and with that miles hung up; “ …i know that lil nigga did not just hang up in my face!” [name] yelled to themselves, a look of anger on his face as he stared down at his phone, grumbling to himself as he made his way to his friend’s house; he was quickly greeted with miles sitting on the sidewalk next to his house; chewing on his bottom lip; “ miles! yo..man whats good with you?” [name] spoke; a grin making its way to his face, the anger leaving as quickly as it came once he saw his friend. the guy sat down next to his friend on the sidewalk; “ hey man..I got a question..”
[name] nodded; “ i most likely got an answer..unless it’s about math.. im the english gay not the math one.” he put his hands up; the joke leaving his lips as a giggle was released almost instantly; “ but…I got you man.. c’mon tell me.” he spoke; playfully hitting his friend’s shoulder as he spoke.
“ …how did you know..you liked boys?”
“ …what?”
“…I think I like this boy.. but I don’t know how to know if I just admire him or actually like him.”
[name] raised an eyebrow and then playfully punched his friend; “ so your ass is crushin’ on someone.. and didn’t tell me..? wow.” a playful eye roll was expected but then their expression changed to one of sincerity.
“ i just..i kissed one..and compared it to how I felt with a girl.”
“ but..I never kissed a girl.”
“ you’ve been in love with one though.” [name] spoke softly; “ that girl from another dimension? ..the one with the confusing lore behind her being.”
“ dude..you understand five nights at freddy’s lore..but don’t get the spiderman one?” miles spoke; getting a bit more interested in this conversation than..to tell his best friend.. of nearly a decade he had a crush on him.
“ i…look.. im beating the black men love spiderman allegations! “ [name] spoke and threw his head back in a dramatic fashion.
“ but…we’re getting side tracked.. what is this guy like.how long you knew him?”
“ a long time man…nearly as long as I been aliv-“ almost instantly [name] cut him off
“ okay lil nigga who else you knew besides me that long that you been keeping me in the dark about?” [name] got closer to miles; their faces mere centimeters apart.. and they watched as miles began to start sweating; the slightly taller of the two could’ve sworn he heard miles mutter a ‘ you.’
“ i like you.”
w..what happened to you?
miles took a step closer to his long term boyfriend, his eyes searching over for any signs of life.. he couldn’t even see the other’s chest moving; placing his head on his chest.. his eyes widened when he heard how..quiet it was.
“ why is your heart always beating so loud? that cannot be healthy.” miles shook his head as he laid his head down on his boyfriend’s chest; a blush made its way to the other’s face and they shook their head.
“ it’s cause I love you so much..you make me nervous.” they spoke softly, wrapping their arms around the frame of their partner. “ you make my hands sweaty and shit man.. I don’t know how I’m supposed to calm down when I got this gorgeous man in front of me.” [name] spoke; miles could feel the the sweat on his hands soaking through his shirt; and his eyebrows furrowed; “ jesus I didn’t know someone could sweat this much!” soon as he said that [name] snatched their hands back
“ no! baby I was joking! put them back- dude put them back!”
“ miles…” gwen started as she was in a hurry; the spot was still attacking miles’ dimension, his world was going to collapse if they didn’t stop the villain soon… but a gasp left her mouth when she saw [name].. their clothes torn and bloodied, their eyes wide with terror and mouth slightly gaped open; miles was sobbing over his boyfriend’s body; tears rushing down at a rapid pace.
…not you too.
miles awkwardly cleared his throat as his looked over at his boyfriend, the two of them were at their local burger joint.. and while it was just a hang out spot for them on usual occasions.. this was their first date.
“ so..you come here often?” miles spoke; the awkward tone was dripping from his voice.. it was almost painful
“ yeah.. I do.. I come here all the time with my best friend, miles morales.” [name] said, then they released a laugh so light, it would’ve been considered more of a giggle.
“ ah..? miles morales.. what’s he like.. he tall? handsome even?” this was making the vibe less awkward; miles leaned over the table; a smirk on his face.
“ he’s very handsome..” [name] responded; looking at miles with nothing but love in their eyes. “ he’s the only one who supports the fact that I’m not always a boy.. he listens to me rant about my interests.. and I listen to him rant about his own.. I think.. I’m in love with him.” [name]’s face got hot at that last part.. miles’ did as well.
“ ..oh?” was miles’ only response.
“ …yeah.” yeah the awkward vibe was back, and miles was desperate to return it back to how it was; he placed a hand on top of [name]’s..
“ he’s in love with you too.”
don’t leave me.
miles knew [name] was already gone; but his ear was pressed against his chest anyway; his own heart pounding at the possibility of never hearing their laugh again.. not being able to listen to them rant about lore of things miles didn’t even know the first thing about..
“ [name]… if you don’t go.. I promise.. I’ll play all those dumb scary games with you..five night’s at Freddy’s.. sally face.. those dumb roblox scary games.. please.” his words oozing with pain, he felt gwen tugging on him. they had to go.. they needed to fight the spot.. the team needed them.. there was only so much they could do without the extra eyes.. the extra hands, the extra skills..
..why didn’t he save them in time..why didn’t they stay home? he told [name] the spot was dangerous and that the only people who could defeat him was him and the spider society.. he wasn’t a spider person.. [name] was a normal civilian trying to help the man they loved.
i can’t lose you..
“ [name]! guess what.” miles said with a grin; as he stared at his lover; [name] rolled his eyes playfully “ what is it?”
“ i love you.” miles had a look of love.. contentment and happiness in his eyes as he said that; [name] gave a shy smile “ …i love you too, estúpido.” the last word made miles’ mouth dropped
“ what?!” he shouted; “ where did you learn that?”
“ your mom! “ [name] said with a grin; “ she didn’t call you stupid.. she was just doing that thing..moms do when they rant to themselves and forget people can hear them.” [name] shrugged as he stared at his boyfriend
“ i just wanted to try it out…” the other gave their boyfriend a soft flick to the forehead
“ you’re very smart.. smartest boy I ever met…after me when im feeling the man in me.” [name] said as they opened their legs in that moment, manspreading; turning to miles and grinned. his eyes showing nothing but happiness and love.
“ but..seriously man.. I love you too.. so fucking much.”
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anniebeemine · 2 months
taking matters into our own hands- s.r x fem!reader
Summary: It's impossible to plan a wedding when you work at the BAU. Good thing you have a little connection to Sin City.
Warnings: Wedding planning, stress, etc.
Wedding planning with Spencer had proven to be a challenge, not because of any lack of enthusiasm on either of your parts, but because of the demanding nature of your work. Endless cases and the unpredictable schedule of the BAU meant that finding time to plan even the smallest details was a struggle. Setting a date had become a near-impossible task. Every time you thought you had a weekend free, a new case would come in, pulling you both away from your plans. Showings for potential venues had been rescheduled more times than you could count, and cake tastings, which should have been a fun and delicious part of the process, felt like an unattainable luxury.
One Friday morning, Spencer surprised you, and everyone else, by bringing a large sample plate of twenty different cake flavors and combinations to work. He had taken a detour on his way to the office to pick it up from a bakery that you two visited often. The sheer variety was overwhelming: chocolate ganache, lemon raspberry, vanilla bean, red velvet, salted caramel, and so many more. As soon as he walked into the office with the plate, the delicious aroma of freshly baked cakes filled the air, attracting the attention of your colleagues.
“Wow, what’s this?” Morgan asked, his eyes lighting up as he spotted the array of cakes.
“It’s a sample plate for our wedding cake,” Spencer explained, a hint of pride in his voice. He opened the box, reaching for a stack of napkins and plastic forks from a drawer in a nearby desk. 
Garcia clapped her hands in delight. “Oh my gosh, this is amazing! You two are the cutest.” 
Emily gazed over the samples. “Can we help taste?”
You nodded, smiling at the eager expressions around you. “Of course. We could use the help deciding.”
You and Spencer had gotten a smaller version of samples, unable to make a list shorter than six flavors. The team gathered around in the break room, each taking a small bite of a different flavor. There was laughter and playful banter as everyone shared their opinions. Hotch suggested a classic vanilla bean with white frosting. Sugar crystals gave the slice a subtle shimmer. Rossi leaned towards the rich chocolate ganache, while JJ and Garcia argued over the merits of lemon raspberry versus red velvet.
“This bakery is really the only detail we have planned so far,” you admitted with a chuckle, taking a bite of a delicious salted caramel slice. “Everything else has been so hard to schedule.”
Emily, savoring a piece of vanilla bean, gave you a sympathetic smile. “It’s understandable with our workload. But hey, at least you’ve got the most important part almost figured out—the cake.”
As the morning went on, the team continued to sample the different flavors, offering their insights and preferences. One by one, they began to feel full, each tapping out with satisfied smiles. Morgan, in particular, leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. "I think I've had my fill," he declared, a hint of regret in his voice. He pulled a seltzer tablet from his drawer. 
With the break room finally quiet, Spencer motioned for you to follow him into the hallway. With a conspiratorial grin, he pulled out a small box from the bakery bag. "I got something just for you," he said softly, opening the box to reveal your favorite treat—a decadent chocolate croissant, perfectly flaky and filled with rich, gooey chocolate.
Your eyes lit up with delight as you took the box from him. "You remembered," you said, your heart swelling with affection.
"Of course I did," Spencer replied, his voice warm. "I know how much you love these."
You took a bite, savoring the treat and the secret moment shared between you. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you, a reminder of the thoughtful and caring man you were about to marry.
However, the stress and chaos of wedding planning seemed to rear its ugly head again. It had been a particularly challenging afternoon, the kind where everything seemed to go wrong. You and Spencer had finally managed to set a date for your wedding, the first concrete step in what felt like an endless maze of decisions. But that joy was short-lived.
You had scheduled a call with a venue in a nearby area, one that both of you had fallen in love with during your search. The large acreage behind the property had the perfect backdrop of DC that would make an appearance in photos. At the time you had to call, you’d been in California with the team. Amidst the chaos of the day, you had completely forgotten about the time difference. By the time you remembered and tried to call, the venue office was closed. With the rest of the case left to solve and travel time back to DC, you couldn’t find a spare moment to call again until four days later, only to find out that the venue had been booked for your chosen date. You asked and they were booked for the next seven or so months. Now, as you sat in your shared apartment, the weight of disappointment pressed down on you. You had a trip scheduled to Vegas to visit Spencer’s mother, and you desperately wanted to give her a set wedding date so she could arrange her travel. The stress and frustration of it all had finally caught up to you, and you found yourself sitting on the couch, tears streaming down your face.
Spencer walked in, immediately noticing your distress. He crossed the room quickly, kneeling in front of you and taking your hands in his. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.
You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. Taking a deep breath, you finally managed to explain. “I forgot about the time difference and missed the chance to confirm the venue. By the time I called, it was already booked. Today was the day we were supposed to get married the first time and-”
Spencer squeezed your hands gently, his thumb brushing away your tears. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said softly. “We’ll find another venue, and we’ll set a new date, even if it is the tenth one. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be ours.”
You shook your head, frustration bubbling up again. “But it feels like we’re never going to get this right. Every time we make progress, something goes wrong. I just want to give your mom a set date. She’s excited about this, and I don’t want to let her down.”
Spencer moved to sit beside you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You’re not letting anyone down, least of all my mom. She understands how hectic our lives are. She just wants us to be happy, and she’ll support us no matter what. We’ll figure this out together, okay?”
Leaning into his embrace, you felt some of the tension begin to ease. “I know,” you whispered. “It’s just hard sometimes. I want everything to be perfect for us.”
Spencer pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Perfection is overrated. What matters is that we’re doing this together. We’ll find another venue, set a new date, and make sure it’s everything we’ve ever wanted. And if it takes a little longer, that’s okay. The important thing is that we’ll get there in the end.”
A weekend trip to Vegas had finally arrived, and you both hoped it would bring some much-needed respite from the wedding planning stress. It had been six months since the proposal, two since the first wedding date. Visiting Spencer’s mom, Diana, always brought a mix of emotions, but today, you felt a sense of anticipation. You were eager to share your updated plans and just enjoy some time together.
You and Spencer found Diana in her favorite spot in the care facility’s garden, enjoying the warmth of the sun. She looked up with a bright smile as you approached.
"Mom, it’s so good to see you," Spencer said, bending down to hug her.
"Hi, Diana," you greeted warmly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
"It's wonderful to see both of you," Diana replied, her eyes twinkling with happiness. After a little bit of catching up, she asked the dreaded question. "So, how are the wedding plans coming along?"
Spencer sighed, glancing at you. "It's been... challenging. We thought we had a date and venue, but it fell through. And then again. We're back to square one."
Diana's expression softened with understanding. "I see."
You nodded. "It is. We just want to set a date and make sure you can be there, but it feels like everything is working against us."
Diana smiled knowingly. "You realize what city this is, right?"
You and Spencer exchanged puzzled looks. "Vegas?" he said, still not catching on.
"Yes, Las Vegas," Diana said with a hint of amusement. "The city where people come to gamble and..."
It finally clicked. Spencer's eyes widened, and a slow smile spread across his face. "You mean... we could elope? Here? Now?"
"Why not?" Diana said with a shrug. "I know you wanted a big wedding, but sometimes simplicity is best. You could be married today, with me here to witness it."
Your heart skipped a beat as the idea took root. "Elope... in Vegas?" you repeated, turning the thought over in your mind. The more you thought about it, the more it made sense. "Spencer, what do you think?" 
He looked at you, his expression one of relief and excitement. "I think it's perfect. No more stress, no more delays. Just us, getting married."
A wave of happiness washed over you. "Let's do it."
Spencer hugged his mother tightly. "Thank you, Mom. This means the world to us."
With the setting sun casting a golden glow over the city, you and Spencer stood before an officiant in a quaint little chapel. The warmth of the setting sun bathed the room in a golden light, giving everything a soft, ethereal glow. Diana sat in the front row, her smile radiant as she watched her son and his beloved prepare to exchange vows.
The ceremony was simple and heartfelt, yet it felt somewhat empty as it was rushed through. The officiant, an older gentleman who seemed preoccupied and less enthusiastic than you had hoped, read the vows in a monotone voice. The lack of excitement in his delivery was a stark contrast to the love and anticipation that filled your heart. You stood there in your plain clothes, the casual attire a reminder of how spontaneous and impromptu this moment truly was, having come straight from Diana's facility.
Despite the officiant's lackluster performance, the excitement and love you shared with Spencer made the ceremony perfect. As you looked into his eyes, all the stress and chaos of wedding planning faded away. The hurried nature of the ceremony didn't matter; what mattered was the person standing before you, the man you loved more than anything.
Spencer squeezed your hands gently, his eyes filled with unwavering love and devotion. "I, Spencer, take you, Y/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you repeated your vows, your voice trembling with emotion. "I, Y/N, take you, Spencer, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love you, honor you, and cherish you, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live."
As you exchanged rings, the weight of the moment settled over you. The plain gold bands, simple yet meaningful, were a symbol of your commitment to each other. When the officiant finally pronounced you husband and wife, his words felt rushed, almost an afterthought.
But when Spencer kissed you, sealing your commitment to each other, all the imperfections of the ceremony melted away. His kiss was tender and full of promise, a reminder of the love and dedication that had brought you to this moment. In that instant, the rushed nature of the ceremony and the disinterested officiant no longer mattered. 
Diana clapped softly, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. You turned to her, feeling a surge of gratitude for her presence and support. Despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, having her there made the moment even more special.
As you and Spencer walked out of the chapel, hand in hand, you felt a sense of peace and fulfillment wash over you. The ceremony may not have been the grand, meticulously planned event you had once envisioned, but it was perfect in its own way. The love and excitement you shared with Spencer made it a day you would cherish forever.
"Thank you for this," Spencer whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I know it wasn't what we planned, but it was perfect because it was with you."
You smiled, squeezing his hand. "It was perfect because we're together, and that's all that matters."
After the ceremony, you celebrated with Diana, sharing stories and laughter late into the night. The simplicity of the day had brought a profound sense of contentment. You knew that, while your wedding might not have been the grand event you initially envisioned, it was perfect in its own way.
As you lay in bed that night, Spencer’s arms wrapped around you, you whispered, “This is exactly how it was meant to be.”
He kissed your forehead, pulling you closer. “I couldn’t agree more. Here’s to our beautiful life together.”
Returning to your home after the whirlwind of a weekend in Vegas, you and Spencer were looking forward to some quiet time together. However, as you opened the door, the sound of hushed whispers and bustling activity greeted you. The unmistakable voices of your BAU family echoed from the kitchen. You exchanged a puzzled glance with Spencer as you walked toward the noise. Entering the kitchen, you found JJ, Garcia, Morgan, and Emily busy with various tasks. JJ looked up and offered an apologetic smile.
“Sorry for breaking in, but we have an important task at hand,” JJ said, looking slightly sheepish.
Before you could respond, Rossi appeared from the double French doors leading to the backyard. He gave a nod of approval. “Everything is ready.”
Garcia and Emily swooped in, each taking one of your arms and steering you toward the stairs. “Come on, you two, we have preparations to make,” Garcia said excitedly.
“Wait, what’s going on?” you asked, glancing back at Spencer, who looked just as confused. Derek was leading him to the office. 
“You’ll see!” Emily said with a wink as she led you upstairs.
In the guest room, you found a beautiful white dress laid out on the bed.
“This is your changing room. We were tired of seeing our friends stressed and decided to take matters into our own hands.”
The first bridal shop you visited had an array of beautiful gowns. The dress was tea-length, falling gracefully to just below your knees, allowing for a blend of classic and modern aesthetics. Its simplicity was its charm, crafted from a soft, flowing fabric that moved with you effortlessly.
The bodice was fitted, hugging your curves gently before flaring out into a subtly full skirt that swayed with every step you took. The dress featured a delicate lace overlay, adding a touch of romance and sophistication. The intricate lace patterns were carefully chosen to enhance the design without overwhelming its simplicity. Tiny floral motifs danced across the fabric, creating a beautiful, textured effect.
The neckline was a modest bateau, highlighting your collarbones and framing your face beautifully. The lace overlay continued onto the sleeves, which were three-quarter length, adding to the dress’s vintage-inspired charm. The back of the dress was adorned with a row of small, covered buttons, a subtle yet elegant detail that completed the look.
Complementing the dress was a short veil, which fell softly to just above your shoulders. Made from the same delicate lace as your dress, it added an ethereal quality to your appearance. The veil was attached to a simple comb, which nestled easily into your hair, ensuring it stayed in place throughout the ceremony.
As you stood in front of the mirror, taking in your reflection, you felt a wave of emotion. The dress was everything you had hoped for—elegant, simple, and perfectly suited to your body. The girls lost it when you came out of the dressing room. JJ helped you pick the shoes to go with it. You tried on a few more but in the end, you took the dress home and left it with Emily to send to her seamstress for alterations. 
You laughed, touched by their thoughtfulness. “You can stop this at any time if you’re not ready,” Emily added quickly. “I know you were excited about planning.”
“It’s fine,” you said, feeling a rush of gratitude. “I’m happy and grateful that you’d all do this for us.”
Morgan entered the room, holding some papers. “Got the marriage license right here. Hotch called in a few favors to get it on a Saturday.” Emily’s qualified to officiate, so it’ll all be official and legal.
You smiled at the thoughtfulness of your team. “Has anyone told Spencer?”
“Hotch is filling him in right now,” Garcia assured you. She had been hard at work with your hair, pinning it away from your face and touching up what she needed to. JJ did the buttons on the back of your dress and snapped your necklace into place. 
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. “Can I have a private first look with Spencer before we start?”
Emily nodded. “Of course. We’ll give you some privacy.”
"Are you ready?"
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "As ready as I'll ever be," you replied with a smile. 
Emily gave you a supportive squeeze before slipping out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts for a moment. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, taking in the sight of the simple, elegant dress that now felt like a part of you.
Downstairs, Spencer was waiting, equally nervous and flustered. Hotch had just told him about the surprise wedding the team had planned. As he stood by the window, his hands fidgeting with his tie, his mind raced with thoughts of you and the life you were about to start together.
Morgan, who had been Spencer's unofficial best man, walked over and clapped him on the shoulder. "Relax, pretty boy. She's going to look amazing, and you're about to marry the love of your life."
Spencer took a deep breath and nodded. "I know. I just... I can't believe you’re doing all of this for us." The gesture is single handedly the kindest thing anyone has ever done for him, and all for him and his partner. He began to tear up, laughing as Morgan pulled him into a tight hug. 
"That's what family is for," Morgan said with a grin.
With a final nod, Spencer made his way to the living room, where the team sat around the room. As he stood there, waiting for you, his heart pounded in his chest. The door to the guest room opened, and Penelope came out. She smiled and waved her camera as she descended the stairs. 
“Go on in, Wonder Boy,” she grinned. 
Spencer cleared his throat and climbed the stairs. He turned, his eyes widening as he saw you for the first time. Both of you froze, taking in the sight of each other, flustered and overwhelmed by the moment.
"Y/N," Spencer breathed, his voice filled with awe. "You look... incredible."
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. "Thank you, Spence. You look pretty amazing yourself."
He stepped closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "I can't believe they did all of this. It's perfect."
You nodded, tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. "I know. I can't believe it either."
For a moment, you both stood there, flustered and nervous, unsure of what to say or do next. As you stood there, wrapped in Spencer's arms, you realized that this was exactly how you had always pictured your pre-wedding moment. The Vegas wedding had been perfect in its spontaneity and simplicity, but it wasn't the dream you had envisioned. Standing here now, in the home you shared, surrounded by the people closest to you, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Your friends cared enough to create this moment for you and Spencer, to give you the wedding experience you had always wanted. Their love and effort made this day even more special, and you knew that this was a memory you would cherish forever.Then Spencer reached out and took your hands, his touch grounding you. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice soft and reassuring.
You smiled, feeling the last of your nerves melt away. "Yes, I'm ready."
Spencer chuckled, pulling you into a warm embrace. “Should we tell them that we’re already married?”
You laughed, resting your head against his chest. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
For a moment, you simply held each other, soaking in the joy and love that surrounded you. Finally, you pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a mischievous grin. “What do you think? Should we let them in on our secret?”
Spencer’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “I think they’ll get a kick out of it.”
Hand in hand, you walked back downstairs, ready to share your secret with the team and celebrate your love in the best way possible—together with your chosen family.
As you descended the stairs, you noticed the subtle touches your team had added to make the day special. There were flowers everywhere, a mix of your favorite blooms that you had once mentioned to Penelope in passing. The dining table was adorned with a beautifully arranged bouquet, and you realized that Penelope must have remembered your ideas.
Emily met you at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Okay, quick question: which flavor did you guys decide on for the cake?”
“We loved the lemon and raspberry combo.”
Emily grinned. “Perfect. Just wanted to make sure everything was spot on.” You saw JJ hand Penelope a few bills. 
In the living room, you found the rest of the team waiting, their faces lighting up as they saw you. Hotch stood next to Spencer, giving him a reassuring pat on the back. “Ready?” he asked.
Spencer nodded, and you could see the gratitude in his eyes. “More than ready.”
Just then, Rossi stepped forward, holding a small velvet box. “I believe these belong to you,” he said, opening it to reveal two simple yet elegant wedding bands. The rings glimmered softly in the light, their beauty lying in their understated design. Upon closer inspection, you saw that your initials had been etched into the surface, and inside each band was engraved “The Reids.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Spencer, who was equally moved. “Rossi, these are perfect,” Spencer said, his voice thick with emotion.
Rossi smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with pride and affection. “I thought you might like them. Consider it a little something from the team to commemorate this special day.”
You took one of the rings from the box and held it up, feeling the smooth metal against your fingers. “It’s beautiful,” you whispered, your voice trembling with gratitude.
Spencer took the other ring, his eyes meeting yours with a depth of love and commitment that took your breath away. “Thank you, Rossi. This means so much to us.”
David nodded, stepping back to give you and Spencer the space to exchange the rings. Emily stepped forward, a tearful but joyful smile on her face. “And now, if you’re ready, it’s time to make it official.”
You laughed softly, the sound mingling with the collective joy of your friends around you. As you slid the ring onto Spencer’s finger, you felt the weight of the moment, the significance of this symbol of your love and partnership.
Spencer gently took your hand, sliding your ring onto your finger with the same reverence and care. “With this ring, I promise to love you always,” he said, his voice steady and full of promise.
You smiled through your tears, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment. “And with this ring, I promise to love you forever.”
Emily wiped a tear from her cheek, her voice choked with emotion. “By the power vested in me by the state of Virginia and our incredible team, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Spencer leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate, sealing your vows with a promise of a lifetime of love and happiness. The room erupted in cheers and applause, the sound filling your heart with warmth.
Your eyes met Spencer’s, and you both laughed softly, the joy of the moment enveloping you. As you pulled away, still holding each other close, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Should we tell them now?”
Spencer grinned. “I think we should.”
You turned to face your friends, a wide smile on your face. “So, there’s one more thing.” 
You broke away from Spencer to dig through your bag. Penelope’s jaw dropped. “A baby?” 
Spencer’s eyes met yours for a split second. You pulled your Las Vegas marriage certificate up. “The official copy will come later, but surprise!” 
There was a moment of stunned silence, followed by a chorus of laughter and playful groans. “Of course you did!” Morgan exclaimed, shaking his head in amusement.
Hotch just smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Rossi raised a glass. “To Y/N and Spencer, married twice in one weekend. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!”
As you looked around at the faces of your chosen family, you felt a surge of gratitude and love. This was your real wedding, surrounded by the people who mattered most. And as you stood there, holding Spencer’s hand, you knew that your life together was going to be filled with joy, laughter, and endless adventures. With the formalities over, the rest of the evening was spent celebrating in true BAU fashion. Music played softly in the background as everyone mingled, sharing stories and laughter. 
At one point, Penelope came over to you with a knowing smile. "I knew you guys would end up married in Vegas. I just knew it."
You laughed, hugging her tightly. "You know us too well, Penelope."
She pulled back, her eyes twinkling. "Now, let’s get you some cake. After all, you did say the lemon and raspberry was your favorite."
As the night wore on, you and Spencer found a quiet moment alone. You stepped out onto the back porch, the cool evening air a welcome change from the warmth inside. Spencer wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close.
"Today was perfect," you whispered, leaning into him.
"It really was," he agreed, kissing the top of your head. "I’m so glad we have them in our lives."
You smiled, looking up at the stars. "Me too. I wouldn’t want it any other way."
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formulauno98 · 3 months
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Yacht Girl Summer - Chapter Four / Sunday - George Russell x Reader, Toto Wolff x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Some very light spice and alcohol in this chapter. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of two-timing don't read this.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction. No use of Y/N and minimal descriptions because I want everyone/anyone to be able to enjoy this.
On your third morning at sea, the sound of soft waves lapping against the hull of the yacht gently woke you. It was still early and you could see that the sun had just started to rise, the sky a cool blue, promising yet more glorious weather.
George slept contently beside you, his wavy hair flopping over his forehead and his eyelashes fluttering. Deciding to lay in and snooze, you cosied up, careful not to wake him as you slipped an arm around his waist from behind, wrapping your leg over his.
“Morning big spoon,” he said sleepily, tucking your arm under his.
“Morning,” you replied, kissing his shoulder affectionately. Despite your mixed emotions, you still enjoyed waking up beside George.
The pair of you snoozed contently until your alarm sounded, George grumbling as he leaned over to turn it off.
Lying in bed, you knew what was about to happen and sure enough, like clockwork, George rolled over and positioned himself above you, now wide awake, pushing his hips into yours.
“It’s been three days.” he said, his eyes bright, “How has it been three days?”
“What do you mean?” you asked, not sure what he was getting at.
“Three days since we last had sex. I feel like an old married couple,” said George, leaning down to nuzzle your neck.
“Wow, we’re really slipping,” you lied, knowing full well that nothing had happened for the past three days because you’d made damn sure of it. You’d feigned tiredness, woken up before him and tried to limit your alone time. This morning, however, you decided to roll with it, as if you turned him down, George would know something was up.
Caressing his face gently, you pulled him down for a kiss, still wracked with guilt over your increasing attraction to Toto. You wondered what it would be like to be in this position with Toto, starting to get turned on at the thought of it.
He was older, undoubtedly more experienced, he was tall, broad and those arms had you swooning. There was the old adage that older men can go all night and you felt yourself getting carried away as George continued kissing up and down your neck.
You shook yourself out of it and tried to focus on the man on top of you, not his boss. But as George doubled down on his affection, your mind still kept slipping to the man almost three decades his senior. You were down bad.
– – –
Guilt plaguing you, you got out of bed not long after, much to George’s displeasure.
“Why are you in such a rush? We have all day. We could stay in bed for a bit longer, maybe make it two for two.” he said, winking at you as he lounged in the sheets.
“Hmm, as tempting as that sounds, we can always go two for two tonight?” you said with a smile, bustling around your cabin, deciding what you were going to wear for the day. “I’d like to make the most of the nice weather this morning, it’s due to rain later.”
“Right, I’m holding you to that,” said George, getting up out of bed and wandering over to you. His hands lightly ghosting your hips from behind, he pressed a kiss into your neck, “To be fair, you’re right. I don’t fancy paddle boarding in the rain.”
You sighed, turning to pull him into an embrace, “I’m always right baby.” you said with a wink, cupping his ass and making him laugh.
“You’re ridiculous,” he said, retaliating with his own hands, “You’re so distracting.”
“I know.” you said, teasingly, “At this rate, I’m never going to get dressed.”
‘I don’t mind that.” said George, continuing to hold you close, “I prefer you not dressed.”
“I know you do,” you said, booping him on the nose, “But I’m not sure what your colleagues would say.”
George raised his eyebrows, “True, although I think Toto has a soft spot for you.”
Feigning disgust, you retorted, “Ooh, worried you’ve got competition from the old man?”
“Gravely.” George replied, “I’ll be keeping an eye.”
As you laughed, you felt yet another pang of guilt knowing that he wasn’t far from the truth.
– – –
Having gotten dressed not long after that, you slipping into a swimsuit and George his shorts, the pair of you made your way to the deck where the paddle boards were stored. You’d made the executive decision to skip breakfast and ever eager to please his boss, George had messaged Toto to let him know where you were off to. 
You made quick work of setting your board down on the water and hopping on, George beside you grabbing his own and following suit. The two of you paddled out into more open water in silence for a while, the only sounds the splashing of your paddles and the distant call of seagulls. 
Despite the peaceful surroundings, your mind was anything but calm. The events of the past few days had left you conflicted and being alone with George now only amplified the feelings of guilt and confusion swirling within you.
Your silly little crush on Toto had not helped and you wondered if it wasn’t Toto persay but more the fact that you were in close quarters with a man who wasn’t George. Although if that were true, you’d be entertaining James and John, two men who were most certainly not your type.
"Beautiful morning," George said, breaking the silence. "Just like us, right?" He smiled, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.
You forced a laugh, trying to dispel the awkwardness. "Yeah, it's lovely."
As you paddled further out, the conversation grew more stilted. It was as if you’d run out of things to talk about. In a bid to inject some fun into the morning, you decided to make your jaunt competitive, knowing that nothing thrilled George more than a race.
“I’ll race you,” you said, a twinkle in your eye.
“Where to?” said George, looking out to only open water.
“Good point,” you said, not sure where to suggest.
“I have a better idea,” said George, with a mischievous air, raising his paddle ominously.
“What?” you asked as George suddenly swiped you on the ass with his paddle, bumping you off and into the water, dunking you under.
“Meanie…” you exclaimed, now soaking wet and pulling yourself back up onto your board
“Gladiators.” he said, laughing, “C’mon, stand up, best of three.”
As you messed about with George, batting each other with your paddles, you noticed the sky growing greyer, the clouds building on the horizon.
Having capsized George for a final time, holding out your arm to help him out of the water, you gestured at the sky, "I think we should head back."
“Yeah probably,” said George, “I’ll quit this game while I’m ahead hey?”
– – –
The first few drops of rain were already beginning to fall as you paddled frantically back to the boat. As you made your way nearer, you spotted Toto standing on the deck, his arms folded.
“Having fun out there?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Always,” you said, smiling, as you pulled your board up and back into the storage area, turning around to help George with his before passing him one of the fluffy towels that the crew had kindly left out for you.
“You should have come Toto,” said George, drying himself off.
“I’m not sure if I want to get capsized.” said Toto dryly, “Although it looks like it is going to pour any moment now. You made it back just in time.”
“Indeed,” you said, glancing out to sea, “It was spitting out there, maybe we can go and get changed before lunch?”
“As you wish,” said Toto, his arms still folded as he turned on his heel to return inside, “I’ll see you both shortly. I think we will eat inside as the weather is not so nice.”
“Cool, we’ll be back asap,” promised George, following you towards the door back to your quarters, just in the knick of time as the heavens started to open.
Reaching your cabin, George closed the door behind you and turned to you with a mischievous grin. "Guess we're stuck inside for a while," he said, moving closer. His hands slid around your waist, pulling you towards him.
You smiled weakly, trying to reciprocate, but your mind was elsewhere. As he kissed you, your thoughts drifted once more to Toto, what on earth was wrong with you? You pulled back gently, but he persisted, his hands roaming more insistently. "George, wait," you murmured, but he didn't seem to hear you.
"I love you," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. You closed your eyes, fighting the rising tide of guilt and confusion. You couldn't do this. Not with him. Not right now.
"I know I said we’d go two for two but I’m freezing and I need a shower," you said suddenly, slipping out of his grasp. "I'll be back in a bit."
George looked puzzled but nodded, letting you go. In the bathroom, you turned on the shower and leaned against the wall, the sound of the water masking your quiet sobs. You had to figure out what you wanted and soon.
The rain continued to fall heavily all afternoon, confining everyone inside. You’d played cards, backgammon and having exhausted the games cupboard, turned to a good old fashioned drinking game.
“Has anybody ever played Never have I ever?” asked George, a playful look in his eye knowing that your fellow guests likely were too old to know it.
“Can’t say I have,” said John, turning to his wife for confirmation, “Have we?”
“No,” replied Marion, “What is it George?”
As George explained the rules to the others you chanced a glance at Toto who seemed somewhat distracted as he kept gazing out the window. He seemed preoccupied by the brewing storm, despite the crew's assurances that it would blow over.
Your eyes back on the group who were now filled in on the rules, you rearranged yourselves into a loose circle, drinks at the ready. It was time for the game to begin.
"Alright, I'll start," Marion declared, seemingly already slightly tipsy. Taking a sip of her wine, she boldly announced, "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping."
Laughter erupted as Cara immediately took a drink, followed by Toto, who raised his glass in acknowledgement. You blushed, raising your glass as well, drawing a teasing cheer from the group.
"Oh, you dark horse!" Cara teased, nudging you with an elbow.
You laughed, your eyes darting to Toto, who gave you a knowing look. You felt a shiver, although you weren’t sure if it was from the storm outside or the intensity of his gaze.
"My turn," said James, adjusting his glasses. "Never have I ever built a car engine from scratch."
George and John immediately took a drink, and to everyone's surprise, so did Toto. You watched as George and John fell into an animated discussion about the technicalities of engine building, oblivious to the rest of the group.
"Okay, my turn!" Toto's deep voice commanded. "Never have I ever climbed a mountain."
You hesitated, then took a drink, your mind flashing back to the hikes you'd gone on in various parts of the world. You felt Toto's eyes on you again and this time, he leaned in slightly.
"Which mountain?" he asked, his tone genuinely curious.
"Mount Kilimanjaro," you replied, "Last summer."
"Impressive," Toto murmured, his eyes twinkling.
George, finally noticing the exchange, put a protective arm around your shoulders. "She's quite the adventurer," he said proudly, though there was a hint of possessiveness in his tone.
You smiled weakly, feeling a pang of guilt mixed with frustration. The tension was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder and the yacht rocked slightly.
John, ever the loudmouth, cleared his throat. "Never have I ever kissed someone in the rain!" he bellowed, his eyes flicking to you and George suggestively.
You cringed inwardly, but before you could react, George took a drink. The group erupted in laughter and you forced a smile before taking a sip of your own, trying to push away the unease gnawing at you.
As the game continued, you found yourself stealing glances at Toto more often. He still seemed distracted by the storm raging but every so often would catch your eye.
Finally, it was your turn. You took a deep breath, feeling a surge of boldness. "Never have I ever... done the dirty in a car.” You sipped your wine as George eyed you curiously. If you’d had sex in a car, it hadn’t been with him.
The room went silent for a moment, the only sound the steady drum of rain against the windows. Your heart pounded as you watched James and Cara take a drink, grinning knowingly at each other, and then Toto, with a small smirk, following suit.
“Oof George,” exclaimed John loudly, “You’re letting the side down!”
“Well it sounds like she’s done it without me,” said George, nudging you gently, “Maybe one day.”
You smiled, feeling a mix of relief and excitement that your question had at least made the group laugh. The game went on, the questions getting racier as the group enjoyed more wine.
"Never have I ever accidentally walked in on my boss having sex in the garage." George sipped his drink, looking pointedly at Toto, his question leaving the group speechless.
Cara's jaw dropped, her wine glass nearly slipping from her hand in disbelief. Toto's suave facade cracked and his face grew flushed at this revelation. 
John, ever the joker, let out a nervous chuckle, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Well, that's one way to end the game in time for dinner!" he exclaimed, though his laughter sounded more like a strangled cough.
Meanwhile, George's face turned a brilliant shade of crimson. "I... I can't believe I just said that, sorry Toto, let’s never speak of this again," he stammered, his voice barely above a squeak.
You couldn't help but snicker, trying to stifle your laughter with a hand over your mouth. "Oh Toto," you managed to say between giggles, "There I was thinking you were a gentleman."
Toto cleared his throat, his expression a mix of amusement and embarrassment. "Well, that certainly took an unexpected turn," he remarked, "What can I say, I’m very passionate during a race weekend and my ex-wife was there."
With the room erupting into nervous laughter, the tension eased slightly, though the memory of George's shocking confession would undoubtedly linger in their minds for quite some time.
By dinner time, the rain had intensified into a full-blown storm. The crew was visibly tense, monitoring the weather closely and Toto's normally calm demeanor was replaced with frustration as he directed the crew, his voice sharp.
"This shouldn't have happened," he muttered, glaring outside. "You should have seen this coming and moored for the night in Porto Cervo. It’s not good to be at sea in conditions like this."
His demeanour unsettled you. For the first time, you saw the more unpleasant side of the so-far charming Austrian. Of course, you knew from George’s workplace tales that Toto had a temper but you figured that it was one that only boiled over during race weekends if the team messed up. It served as a good reminder that for all of his faults, George was level-headed and didn’t ever take his anger out on others.
As the storm raged, the yacht began to rock violently, lightning flashing across the sky. The crew worked frantically to secure everything, but it was clear they were struggling. In a bid to ride out the storm, the group decided that the best thing to do would be for you all to retire to your respective quarters for the night.
Having settled into bed while George was in the bathroom, hearing the waves and rain crashing around you, you suddenly remembered that you had left your phone in the living area.
“George,” you called out, “I left my phone in the living area, I’m just going to go and get it.”
“Do you want me to go?” George said, poking his head out of the bathroom, “It’s hard to walk when the boat rocks.”
“It’s fine, it will only take two minutes,” you said, “I’ll be back before you’ve even brushed your teeth.”
“Be careful,” he called out as you made your way down the corridor, holding onto the wooden panelling to stay steady as the yacht lurched from side to side.
Sure enough, you reached the living area quickly and found your phone on the coffee table. Success!
Unfortunately less successful was the walk back to your cabin. You were just crossing the living area when the lights flickered and went out. The sudden darkness was disorienting and you heard a familiar voice swearing from a door to the left.
"Toto, is that you?" you called out.
"Yes," he replied, sounding frustrated. "The electronics are down. I heard glass breaking on the bridge."
Before you could respond, the yacht lurched again, more violently this time. "Get in here," he said, pulling you into the small storage cupboard alongside him. "We need to get low and hold on."
The space was cramped, and you found yourself pressed against him, his body solid and reassuring against yours. Suddenly aware that you were wearing only a thin cotton night dress, the intimacy of the situation wasn't lost on you, especially when you felt him shift awkwardly behind you.
"We'll be okay," he said, his voice a low rumble in your ear as he gently stroked your arm, "This yacht can handle storms."
You nodded, trying to focus on his words rather than the warmth of his body against yours. The boat rocked again, and you instinctively pressed closer to him, shocked to find that he was aroused. The closeness, the heat of his body—it was overwhelming.
Just as you were starting to wonder what might happen next, the lights flickered back on. You pulled away, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. "We should get back," you said, your voice unsteady.
Toto nodded, looking equally flustered, awkwardly rearranging his shorts. Making your way back to your quarters, the tension between you was almost palpable, only broken when you encountered George walking up the corridor.
"Is everything okay?" George asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked from you to Toto.
"Yes," you said quickly. "The lights went off on my way back and then I bumped into Toto."
George's gaze lingered on Toto, suspicion and jealousy clear in his eyes. Bidding Toto goodnight, you retreated to your quarters, eager to drop off to sleep.
As you lay in bed that night, listening to the rain pounding against the windows, you knew you had to make a decision. The events of the past few days had shown you that your feelings for George weren't enough. And as much as it scared you, you couldn't stop thinking about Toto. What the future held, you didn't know, but you couldn't keep living a lie. Something had to change.
Part Five
Taglist: @prettiest-at-the-party @annewithaneofthegreengable @xoscar03 @totowolfffcheco @noooway555 @justzluv @kravitzwhore @bborra @a-beaverhausen
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