kadhal · 3 months
hi u posted about hsmtmts and that invoked osmething ancient in me. i was a rina. runs away!
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elytrafemme · 2 years
ok mare i did my list fir lvjy but i need ur band song recs neoww
TO CLARIFY BY BAND SONG RECS DO U MEAN MÅNESKIN RECS ... bc otherwise im going to go insane w listeing out songs for no reason HAHA
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romqnticstylez · 1 year
hmmmmmmmmmmm um some of this si gomna be the same as urs okay so
irst rhis or that ALEX OR HENRY
thus ir that andrew garfield or leonardo dicaproo
titanic or oror orrrrrr um tfatws
tfatws or pjo series
pjo or hoo
og trio or leo jason piper trio
piper or annabethg
leo or percy HEHEHE EVIL LAUGH
chai or coffe
hindi or wneglish
if u coudk kill soneine and like u woudlnnot have consequences etc u knwo u would qalk free but only ine person who woudl it be
prev wasnot this orthat questib but do i care no
if u were acat wgat breed wouldu wabt DONT SAY ORANFE
umumumumum the idiotsor rge marauders
wolfstar or jegulus
jegulus or flowerppot
flowerpot or marylily
dorlene or marylily
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hMMMM ok idr anything since i never finsiehd the books and all. you know. ubt im gonna say alex bc he reminds me of leo
OK well wlell wel they r both soooooooooooo 👀👀👀👀 however. only one of them is cool. so andrew 😻😻😻babygril
titanic imSORRY a sayr ofrgive me plspslpsl
ok pjo no hesitaiton. forgive me for my sins a. also sary
THATS SO HARD STOPP um ok lers see UHAISJDASKJD BRO FUCK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡 this is so hadr ughhghhklklg pjo is just. PJOOO and we got GORVERROROOR but no lost trio. and hoo has the lost trio..........but no grover...FUckukfc ok okosaodk im imsdun m it has nico and wiwlwllw too bro so muchslad pain and suffering ok im OGING TO SAY hoo..............................................................................because mark of athena and house of hades and the seven and percabeth is togehter ??? BUT PJO NO I CANT CHOOSE OSJSDAKSJLK BRO WY WOULD U ASK ME THIS 😡😡
umuumumum og trio. becuase. tlt forever<3 I SITLL LVOE U PIPER JASON LEO
annabehtj but piper is still my wife its ok
HOW DARE YOU 👊👊👊👊👊🔪🔪🔪🔪 lets see hmmmmmmmmmmmmm leo is Literally Me but percy is also Literally Me..........................i am ocnea garal.....but i am also builindg silly goofy things garal.....................sceience garal...?..................aftermuch thought. i will choose................................................percy. BECAUSE U KLILELD HIM SO MANY TIMES HE DESRESVES TO BE CHOSEN AT LEAST ONCE wait i was gonna say someting else too umm ok fuck i forgot lol oops I WILL BRING LEO BACK WITH THE POWER OF ACATS Its ok
chai i am ANTI COFFEE sometimes. i dontliek
english 1021i3021391% hidni is alwys cHANGING its fcjkcgnin i DONT KNOW so many weird words. english ez. or maybe im biasde why is it so much easier to speak the first language u ever learend
hmmmm ok ok lets see i dont really have beef w anyone except my games teacher but hm. i could kill someone whos actively killig the earth or someting but idk whos doing the most damage hmmm ok ykw im killin g the games teacher SHE MADE MY BEST FRINED CRY and she has been. anti meowing at her for like ayear. so. bye woman
so real of u
ASKDJKASLJD ok o kolets see i dont acutally know the breeds of animasl very weell um exposed but ok anyways im going to take a uquiz hang on ok ok so at first i got norwegian forest cat but it was NOT me tbh butthen !! i got abyssinian and omg. yes. it's me. the desc is so real tbhbtbh ALSO hwen i searched it up the google image cat was orange lol so def fits
ts alwys but laufey so cool
THE IDIOTS we r ebtter no offesne maraudersgaiz
wolfstar bc i lovekjily<3
si flowerpot jily ???/????/? if yes then flowerpot heueh
dorleene bc jily yes and also their fanart is so. yes
okokok GODOBYE mewo mewo
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hinamie · 3 months
31 + 36 for the art ask <33
31. show the oldest piece of art you have on hand
im crying why wouldu do this to me,,, dug out all my old sketchbooks,,,,, PHYSICAL sketchbooks........god some of these r ROUGH but i will b strong and show a couple pieces from different ages :'>
these two are from the oldest sketchbook i have and feature Original Pokemon Created By Me Please Don't Steal >:( I would have been about 6 or 7
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I was SO proud of the left drawing as a kid like i remember this being The Drawing I would show off to friends :') I think she's from one of the fire emblem games?? i couldn't tell u which one but i know i copied the art off the back of a blockbuster rental gfsdhjgdf. I didn't even have the console to play the game I think i took it out Exclusively so I could draw her. I want to say I was around....10????? also from around the same age (tbh maybe a bit younger? idk none of the drawings in this particular sketchbook have dates on them)....obligatory unfinished unnamed generic tokyo mew mew oc......
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around age 14 I had started doing portraits and realism and the one direction/louis tomlinson stan in me was SUPER proud of this one GHSGJ,, and tbh????? it holds up??????? like fr tho why was i kind of goated as an eighth grader
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and finally ... 2015/age 15 i think if u scroll back far enough on my blog u can find a better picture of this one but this was i think . one of the first original tokyo ghoul fanarts I ever posted :') I was *just* starting to make my own stuff instead of just copying other art I liked and for what it is i still think it's a solid piece!!
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36. do you have a shameful art past? (recolour sprite comics, tracing art, etc)
BOLD OF U TO ASK THIS AFTER I JUST SPILLED MY SHAMEFUL ART HISTORY WITH PICTURE EVIDENCE GJHFDSGHJF but in all seriousness Yes, I've been open abt the fact that i copied art when i was younger :'> never to post or claim as my own, i mostly did it bc if i saw something i liked, i wanted to try to . Have it, if that makes sense?? if i had to explain it's like the drawing equivalent of saving a photo to ur camera roll ghfjdsgj little me just wanted to compile all the art she liked,, I don't *condone* it per se but i am pleased with where I ended up because of it!
artist asks !
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milliesfishes · 22 days
Okay, so I had this crazy thought one night when I was trying to go to sleep, and I would love to see what you think/ would do with it! Singledad!president!coryo. It’s really weird I know but I can’t stop thinking about it lol.
Like he was in a forced marriage and they both hated each other since day one, but she blessed him with a beautiful daughter who is the spitting image of him. Coryo never thought that he would love anything, especially a human being. But when he held his little girl for the first time, and her blue eyes looked up at his matching ones for the first time, and her cries and screams died down while she rapped her tiny hand around  his finger, he knew then and there that he loved his daughter and wouldu never let anything happen to her.
Growing up she loved her parents, but mainly her Daddy, because of course she was a total Daddy’s girl. Often times she would be sitting in his lap as he worked, or even sleeping in his arms at galas or sometimes even work meetings.
She always hated to thunder storms, something about the load thunder and the bright lightning always scared her, making her run to find comfort from her Mommy or Daddy. But one night while Coryo was in an important meeting or something and wasn’t home, there was a terrible thunder storm that woke his daughter from her slumbers. She went running to her parents bed room tears streaming down her face. But only more came when she didn’t see her mom and all she saw was a letter. Since she was only about three she couldn’t read it so she grabbed it and asked a maid to read it to her saying something like “I think this will tell me where Mommy is” or something like that. The maid reads it in her head first and pales, making sure someone had the president get there right away.
Coryo was absolutely livid when he heard his wife left, running away to who knows where. All he wanted to do was hurt, kill, and torture all of her friends and family (except his daughter of course.) But when he got back and he saw his baby girl scared to death and sobbing holding the stuffy that he got her when she was born his heart broke. He went to her and wrapped her up in his arms, explaining to her in a very delicate way that her mother wasn’t coming home. It broke his heart to have to tell her and see the way her heart shattered. He let her sleep with him that night and he held her all night as she cried.
After that Coryo made a point every day to always be there and spend time with her. He would cuddle with her every morning before he had to work, he would eat every meal with her, go on afternoon walks with her in the garden everyday, play dolls with her when he gets home, and watches something with her every night before bed, calling it her “night night movie.” He would even take her to work with him if he had to, just to spend time with her.
But one night there was another bad thunder storm, and he woke up to see, his scared and crying baby girl at his bed. He instantly woke up, scooping her into his arms, and holding her tight as she cried into his chest. He tried to calm her down but she was so scared not just about the storm but that he was going to leave her too. He held her even tighter, and explained to her that her Mommy didn’t leave her, he left him. But that he would never leave her.
Sorry that’s very long and kinda odd, but I just thought of it and thought you could do something great with it:)
anon I fear there is nothing left for me to do with it OHHHHH THIS IS SO PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! I fear Coryo would be such a girl dad, his daughter would just be such a daddy's girl, like they ADORE each other AHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Coryo has his issues generally (real) and he is a flawed man but he tries to be better for his daughter because she loves him so much, and she's got a piece of him in her. Seeing how sweet and lovely his daughter is helps him gain some humanity back because how could a true monster produce such a good little girl?
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liveleaker · 7 months
if you could exist only as a sound effect which sound effect wouldu be
womp womp
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vampyrfagg · 1 year
i genuinelydo not understand people who do not want to cover their bodies in tattoos. why wouldu not want that.
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lyriakisser · 1 year
if u retheme hypotheticallywho wouldu retheme to
Mika again because yeah Mika you know but maybe if the drdt is strong enough i may consider that instead
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storgicdealer · 5 months
walks up to you in an alleyway like a shady drug dealer in a PSA. hey. so like. whatup. erm wouldu perhaps be interested in .. hangin out … with some ava mutual pals … over dicsord………. no pressure ofc
JUMPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ALLEWAY. YES!!!!!!! that would be so amazing omg!!!!!!!
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cr1t1cal-darl1ng · 7 months
ifi made a p9blog wouldu all support me .....
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sooniebby · 1 year
awawa! wouldu mind if i reblogged the og post n shared the writin tht way? (,,>﹏<,,)
Sure :)
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ryujnn · 2 years
🍄 here …..
EHY DID YN MOTHER DIE ONGNFFF SHE WAS HER BOGGEST SUPPORT FR WHY WOULDU DO THIS TO ME i cant even beginnto imagine the angst in the upcoming chapters 😵‍💫😵‍💫
it’s allll apart of the plot and you will get it at the end, trust me!! i’m gonna try and not make the chapters tooooo angsty cause i want to focus on y/n’s development and her and gojo’s development :3
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lobinhasolitaria · 2 years
whyyy did a fkn weirdo get on the bus and practically cornered me and my friend where we were sitting when the bus was pretty empty he could have sat anywhere
then he turns around to me almost touching my knees and staring at me
I had to say "Don't look at me." then he moved why wouldu push a sweet girl this far
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mikewheeleronlyfans · 2 years
“___ would be homophobic to will”- that is very weird of u to say.. plz stay 30 feet away from me at all times
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8py8 · 7 years
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
Legit in a perfect ideal world I would own a bunny, I would try to own it for a full 10 or so years. But I doubt my mother would let me have one and insists on me only owning hamsters so I've kinda "settled" on those at this point. To where I feel (and fear) if I'm not asking for that type of pet specifically she'd say no.
Not to say I dislike my hamster, definitely not, but it's frustrating that I'm pretty much restricted to just one type of pet if it's not a dog.
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