#wouldn't be good if it triggers panic attacks
Hello, Matchmaker! I hope your day is going well.
I can't use an emoji for this as you requested (laptop), so I hope you don't mind me introducing myself as Raven. I am a 29 year old female, she/her, romantically interested in men. I tend to find men who are smart, loyal, kind, mature and generally calm/level-headed the most attractive. Overly aggressive, arrogant, manipulative and smoking are deal-breakers for me.
As for myself, I am a calm, easy-going person who has a deep passion for singing, making art (including culinary), and spending time with my cats. I tend to think somewhat literally at times, and I can be fairly logical, clever and I can pick up patterns fairly easily. I am not very strong physically, but I like to think of myself as almost phoenix-like after enduring many years of neglect, abuse and multiple illnesses; I've risen from the ashes again and again.
My hopes for a romantic match are someone who is loyal and protective, understanding and patient, but not overly smothering. Due to my past experiences, I've been told I can come across as aloof or seemingly uninterested, but I think it's more that I'm guarded. Confrontations and serious arguments with a lot of yelling can cause panic attacks for me. Anger is a very rare emotion for me to express.
I hope this information is enough to work with, and not too overwhelming, and I thank you sincerely for your time and consideration.
Hiya Raven! ^^
No worries, no worries, with the emoji ^^ This works just fine
I thought about this for a while, but in the end I match you up on a blind date with...
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Morgen Faust
Morgen Faust is the younger twin brother of (the punk) Nacht Faust, and is not only a kind, protective to the point of self-sacrificing, capable young knight and a noble man. Though his family dabbled in the occult, Morgen was more a "traditional" gentleman, and differed from the rest of his family; the odd one out. So, he'd understand how it can feel, to be so alien to the rest of your family.
He is always trying to help those around him, and does so with a smile on his face, because he wants to bring joy and comfort to those around him. And he values the ties he has made greatly, whether they're formed by blood or by other means in life.
He also had to assume a lot of the noble responsibilities in life due to Nacht being a more of a punk, and a rebel, who didn't care about such formalities. Thus, Morgen had to grow early on, and became very mature for his age, and excelled in his studies.
In the eyes of the public, he was the pride and joy of the House of Faust.
But he is guarded about some things, since he does learn about the heritage of his family; their craft, which he needs to keep secret. Because he doesn't wish ill to those he cares about. So, he's in a state of being caught in between wanting to do good for those around you, while holding a secret about his family.
He's the apple that fell far from the tree, who's just trying to upkeep peace and happiness. He's genuinely a good-doer
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thethingything · 7 months
with a little help from PTSD you too can have 2 panic attacks in an hour, lay down to try and deal with the physical effects of that, accidentally fall asleep, wake up at what should be your bedtime, and then spend an hour and a half feeling like you're about to throw up
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beechicory · 4 months
Oh my Godddddddd, another day, another confirmation that, in terms of parent quality in terms of my young relative it goes:
our cat (look, she thinks she's responsible for us, and she does a good job!)
the other potential parental figures, including their actual biological parents and their legal guardian
Just...fucking absolute ghouls. Levels of selfishness that go beyond comprehension. Sickening cruelty. I want to tar and feather them. Jesus Christ.
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tofixtheshadows · 5 months
You guys really need to stop and consider the ways you're talking about Kabru I am dead fucking serious. Like I know that flattening characters is just what fandom does to a certain extent, but Kabru's actual personality is getting lost to the fandom hivemind insisting that he's aggressive/cruel/sociopathic/hateful, and these are particularly concerning takes to see leveled at the only brown character in the main cast day after day. "My poor sweet golden child Laios needs to be protected from this scary brown man" is not a good look! Like, it's very telling that the bulk of the hate and bad faith readings are reserved for Toshiro and Kabru. Everyone else's flaws get to be discussed and validated and forgiven (or erased), meanwhile people are straight making up things to be mad about with Toshiro and Kabru but patting themselves on the back for being smart.
The worst part is how undeserved it all is. I'm trying to lay off anime-onlys because we're still kind of in the red herring stage of getting to know Kabru, but I would still like to gently suggest that even if you think Kabru is up to something, you don't gave to get in the tags of every fan creator's post and bring up how you hate him or You Can Tell he's totally evil. Sometimes I think Kabru's blue eyes give people license to say things about his appearance that they know would sound completely racist otherwise, but referring to his blue eyes acts as a get-out-of-racism free card. The jokes about the dog with brown contacts are getting old, by the way.
For people who have read the manga, it's disappointing. Kabru is one of the most complex and important characters in the story, and if you base your interpretation of him and all your fandom interactions on shallow first impressions you are completely missing out.
I know part of this is because Dungeon Meshi is a comedy, but the story also wants to be taken seriously. For example, it's admittedly really funny when Chilchuck calls Laios "sick in the head", but that doesn't change the fact that the way Chilchuck casually belittles Laios caused him to hide the fact that he was "hallucinating" from his friends for weeks. Those feelings matter.
Like, this
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is funny.
But this?
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Is not. This is just a very clear example of a brown boy with PTSD. As someone else with PTSD, just looking at this fucking sucks, man.
The only reason why Kabru thinks about killing Laios is because he is in the middle of a flashback. He's struggling through a panic attack. If he truly wanted to kill Laios because he's violent or because he finds Laios inherently annoying, he wouldn't otherwise talk with Laios normally. Notice how he doesn't act this way at any other point in the story- it's just because he's triggered by monsters. Even when he's thinking about his plans to "deal with" Laios later, he's reluctant to actually kill him and only considers it to prevent another tragedy. Despite his deadly skills, Kabru relies far more on "soft" power- insight, persuasion, diplomacy. He's a rare example of a character who absolutely is, or at least can be, manipulative, but seems to use his abilities for good. He's not a pathological liar, he isn't looking down on everyone behind a smile. He's someone who is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he's willing to put aside all his own basic wants and needs to stop the cycle of dungeons devouring humans.
I'm going to cut a potential thesis on his character short and just give some examples of things that fandom should consider about his personality more:
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Racism in fandom isn't just about whitewashing in fan art, or using racial slurs. The insidiousness of bad faith readings, reductions to racist tropes, lack of fan content for characters of color, and dismissal of a character's complexity are far more common. You can believe yourself to be completely neutral or even positive about a character and still churn out low-grade bile about them into fandom's collective unconscious. Fandom reflects real life.
And I have been around fandom long enough to see how these behaviors (mostly from my fellow white fans) affect fans of color, how it makes a fandom feel hostile and unwelcome to them. It's fun to make jokes and memes, I'm absolutely not saying that everything needs to be a deeply nuanced take, but we need to be careful that it doesn't veer into toxicity. Please think about how our contributions to fandom come across, and what sort of vibes they cultivate in this communal space.
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icarusredwings · 14 days
Be warned. I wrote this at midnight. I have no clue what im talking about. Do you get it?
"Why doesn't this wolverine teach history? Other wolverine did"
Well, because THAT Wolverine had a Charles. Let me remind you just how fragile Logan's mental state is and just how quickly his brain can throw him into a temporary amnesia due to shock and / or panic that is triggered by his CPTSD.
The thing is, this Wolverine has a Wade. Not a Charles. Sure, Jean could probably do something to him if things got too crazy but you know just how dangerous of territory that would be. Yes, Charles doesn't have a healing factor but it was his confidence and perfect reassuring words that helped him, plus If something did happen Im pretty sure he wouldn't blame him much anyway. He knows what hes dealing with. This isnt to say that jean doesn't but I can see her panicking too much and Logan would feed off of that fear and panic and become worse.
Wade, on the other hand, is neither calm nor says the right things, BUT he can't die :D Which is a massive YES when it comes to dealing with a panicking 3+ time war veteran with knife hands. And is known to attack first ask later.
Trying to teach the kids about 'Nam, a thing sets him off. He stares off into space for a bit, Backs up and his breath gets heavy. The hairs on his arms are raised up and his pupils dilate, they widden and its as if he doesn't even remember he's a teacher.
When he starts the whole "Who are you? Where am I!?" Thing, a student (probably the oldest or one that's been dubbed most responsible) slowly just gets up and leaves to tell a trusted adult.
"Mrs. Munroe?"
"Mr. Howlett is acting funny again."
"Okay darling. Go fetch Mr. Wilson for me? There's a dear."
She, calm as ever walks into the class room, standing away from the door so not to make him feel trapped, and very clearly shows her hands as she gestures the kids to leave.
Backing himself into a corner, he watches them one by one leave, Gripping at the chalk boards ledge and the windowsil, trying to balance and ground himself.
"Come now children. Quietly and slowly please. Good job. Go next door to Mrs. Summers please." Sending them to the next class room so to leave this one empty.
She stands off to the side of the room. Hands in front of her, smiling softly. "Hello Logan."
"What? Who are you?" He almost hisses but can't help but to feel not so threatened. He always did have a sweet spot for women. Maybe its their scent difference, but like most reactive animals, he's a little calmer for women. A little more trusting.
"Im a dear friend of yours. My name is Ororo. You are in no danger here." She states this practiced sentence with the same whisper of a voice.
"Where the fuck am I. How did I get here!? Did you bring me here!?" At this point he's growling.
"Logan, I assure you that no one forced you here. This is a school. You're a teacher."
"A teacher..?" Just a tad he softens, as if you had just told someone who wanted to be a vet when they grew up that they actually would become a very good vet, except the look in his eyes was as if questioning why they would ever him do that. Be a teacher I mean.
"Yes. If you would like to leave that is okay." She slowly sits in a spare chair, her leg crossing, not knowing how long she will need to play baby sitter but she hoped someone soon would alert the other staff of this. It IS a safety risk after all and Ororo knew that if he hurt anyone at all he'd immediately regret it terribly so when he woke.
"You.. you told her to go get someone. Why? Who are you getting? For what!?" Another snap, as if he thought she was trying to trick him into letting his gaurd down.
She smiles. "Your husband."
"What the fuck do you mean my 'husband'!? What are you sayin' lady!?" The venom in the way he says this makes her giggle a bit. Oh, goodness. He really did lose all of his memories, didn't he? How was the same man who once was so dastardly in love with scott to the point of shredding his heart into a gazillion pieces and is married to the silliest man alive, so internally homophobic? The irony of the thought made her laugh.
"And that kids is how you slice someone into sushi. Rice not included-" His weapons tatics and saftey class is interrupted.
"Mr. Wilson?"
"Oh hey, squirt! You wanna learn how to disconnect someone's joints without even leaving a puncture wound?"
"Maybe later.. uhm...Mr. Howlett's scared again..."
You just see Wade running out on these kids like "I'M COMING WOLVIE!"
"What, you think it's funny!? I ain't got a husband lady! Now, Im leaving! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He goes to walk out the door only to run into said husband, who immediately hugs him.
"Babe!! Hi! They told me- OUCH- okay yeah I deserved that- no tocuhy I forgot."
And is stabbed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Get off me! Freak!"
"D'aawww!! Did you see that? He called me a freak! I hate to tell ya cupcake, but you're married to this freak. Now, what's wrOOW- Mad kitty are we? Woah there tiger! Easy boy!"
Logan looks at him, confused, stabs him again, and is trying to figure out why Wade's not dying. He goes to slash him in the head and wades like "WAITWAITWAIT NOT INFRONT OF THE KIDS-"
Mrs. Munroe, by now, has gotten up and left, closing the door and letting out a big sigh, wondering what shade of red they were going to paint the room this time.
She does a little clicky on her walkie and infroms all the staff about the situation and so for the next half hour or so, Logan's kids get to skip class and said classroom now needs a deep scrub.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why this Logan doesn't teach history anymore.
P.E. is SOOOO much easier on his mental status, and sometimes Wade joins, and he puts the whole class against him to make them work on their team building skills. Plus- it's funny to watch your husband get slapped in the head with 20 dodgeballs.
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sweatyracoon · 12 days
How Skz Reacts to your Anxious Ticks
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A/n: I have a lot of anxious energy, and many ticks, so why not do a Skz react? Should I do more Skz reacts?
Warnings: Lots of anxiety, blood (not a lot), pet names(baby), talk about getting sick, stress eating, implied panic attacks
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Bangchan: Foot tapping
You would be sitting with the guys in the changing room before a concert. Even though you wouldn't be going anywhere near the stage, you were a nervous reck.
Your worries started when Chan slipped on stage, faceplanting right before his verse, triggering something in you. Ever since then, you always worried.
There was a small ambiance, the staff and group members talking, offering a noise buffer, but it wasn't enough.
You didn't realize your foot was tapping until you caught Chan's stare. He looked between you and your foot, motioning for you to calm down.
All you could do was pause your movements until his attention drifted to Hyunjin.
You kept tapping.
It wasn't long before Chan made his way to you, ten minutes before the show.
"Y/n. You're doing it again," He told you with a smile.
"I can't help it, Channie," you responded, looking at him. "What if you fall again?"
He looked surprised. "Y/n, that was two years ago," he said softly, sitting next to you.
"So? It could happen again," You were being stubborn. It wasn't like you.
"How about I promise you that I won't fall," he reached out with his pinky, waiting for you to take it in your own.
"But you don't know that," you whined, making him smile.
"Okay, okay. Fine. How about...I promise to be careful?" Now he was just trying to make you happy.
And it worked.
You nodded, slotting your pinky into his, sealing the deal. He ruffled you hair before saying a quick good luck, and left to the stage.
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Lee Know: Finger nail biting
You hadn't known the boys long, but you all were incredibly close. Bangchan being your brother, he invited you with him everywhere.
You were particularly fond of Lee know, but he seemed indifferent. He cared about you, but he was expressionless all the same.
He had started picking up on random habits you began to aquire, one of them bring fingernail biting.
It wasn't safe, nor was it healthy, so anytime be caught you biting a nail, he was there, a scolding ready.
Or at least, that was his plan. But when he came up next to you, ready to interfere, you would look up at him, pausing your mission, your finger still in your mouth. His heart nearly stopped.
Instead of saying anything, he would gently remove your fingers by grasping your wrist slightly, moving it your side.
He would do this whenever he had to.
Cooking? He would stop everything, washing his hands before and after touching you. Who care about the food?
If he's doing an interview and sees you chewing behind the camera? He'll find a moment he isn't needed just to halt your habit.
If he isn't anywhere near you, but Felix snitched through text? He would call you just to make sure you weren't really biting your nails.
"Are you biting, y/n?"
"I'm checking your nails tomorrow. You better not be lying, jagi,"
Instead of punishing you, however, when he sees your shortened nails, all he does is look at you, your hand still in his.
"You got to stop, jagi," he whispers, massaging your hand.
"I'm sorry, Lee know. It's just hard,"
"I know, baby,"
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Changbin: Stress eating
You were a known eater in the group along side Changbin and Bangchan. The three of you? Eatracha(lol).
But when Changbin noticed you eating twice as much, he assumed it was stress. You looked sad while you ate, which was new.
He took it upon himself to eat with you, the same amount, and he felt sick. But he didn't want you to feel alone.
It was when you started to physically get sick that he decided to intervene.
"Y/n? Maybe you should stop..." he told you, rubbing your shoulders.
In tears, you said, "But I can't, Bin. I've tried. It's like my body needs me to eat, but it can't take that much," you sniffled, leaning into his touch.
"Oh, honey. It's okay. We can just lower your portion slowly. That way, you can get used to eating less, but at a healthy pace, okay? Sound good?" He asked, moving up to your neck.
Feeling the pleasure from his rubs made your head loll back.
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Hyunjin: Finger tapping
He thought it was cute at first. You tapping the table gently, hearing the soft thuds of your dull fingers. You had just cut your nails, so it didn’t seem so bad. In fact, it gave him ideas for music, not that you would notice. Hearing the same beat you had recently tapped yourself, you weren’t focused on it.
A few days went by, and you were still doing it. If your hands weren’t busy, tap. Tap. Tap. Hyunjin wasn’t the only one that noticed. Bangchan and Changbin both noticed as well, and Jeonjin later. They all told you what was going on, but you just played it off as a habit from childhood, despite them knowing you for years and not once had you had this issue.
As your nails grew, so did the tune of the taps. They seemed more aggressive, more painful. You hit the table harder.
One of your nails broke, causing your finger to bleed. You didn’t notice. You kept tapping.
It was just you and Han in the room. He was on his phone, distracted. He became used to the tapping. It didn’t bother him. You stared at the wall, still moving your fingers through the bloody table, while Hyunjin walked in.
A small gasp, and rushed footsteps caught your attention.
“Hyunjin? What’s wrong?” You asked, oblivious.
“Y/n! Your hands!” He was struggling to sit still at the sight of your blood smeared on the table. You finally stopped tapping, at least.
“Oh…” Was all you could say before you heard a scuttling in one of the drawers. It was Han. He had finally noticed, grabbing some bandages. “I didn’t..I wasn’t…”
“What the hell, y/n? Do you not notice what you’re doing?” Hyunjin muttered, grabbing the bandages from Han, moving towards your hand. He gently pulled your hands towards his own, quickly wrapping it to stop the bleeding.
“Han?” Hyunjin said, but Han only nodded. You watched as we went to go get disinfectant and towels to clean up the table. “Y/n? Look at me,”
You did, embarrassed that this happened in front of him. “I’m sorry,” you started tearing up, your shoulders shaking. You were so anxious, but you had no idea why.
His gaze softened, pulling you into a hug.
“I’m here,”
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Han: Hair twirling
You hair want too long, so it didn’t really get in the way. But you liked hair, even your own. After touching Hans for the first time a few months ago, you were hooked. But you knew you couldn’t bother him all the time just to mess with his hair, so you started playing with your own. It wasn’t the same, but it was different, in a good way.
Every day, the boys would eye your hands in your hair, and they never questioned it. They thought it was a girl thing. Right?
Three months later, you were anxious. Immediately, your hands went to your hair. Whenever you were upset? Hair. It was so comforting. Even when you were angry. Scared? Cover your face with your hair, and mess with the dead ends. It cured everything.
Han tripped and fell one day right in front of you, and it scared you. It was so sudden. You knew he was clumsy, but the way he squealed reached your ears at full volume. It was too much.
You jumped back a little, bringing both of your hands to pull your hair in front of your eyes, using your thumb to mess with the tips.
“Jisung? You okay?” You asked from behind your makeshift shield.
“Yeah…? Are you?” You heard him giggle, patting himself down. He shouldn’t be too dirty, we were only in the kitchen, after all.
“Yeah…” you responded. You dropped your curtain, but kept your hand in your hair, twirling it quickly.
Han noticed this and his smile slowly dropped, replaying every moment similar to this one. And one thing was the same in each. Your hair. He was always confused on what started it, but it didn’t seem to harm you, so he was fine with it. But now, he wanted to know.
“Why are your hands always in your hair?” He finally asked, not really meaning to.
“Oh? I just like the way it feels. It’s soothing, I guess,” you responded, shrugging your shoulders.
He got an idea, one that will hopefully change your habit. “Wanna feel mine?” He raised a brow, sending a smile to you.
Your eyes brightened, making his heart flutter. “Really?” You asked, both of your hands now free from the prison that is your hair.
Han nodded.
You both ended up on the couch, his head in your lap as you played with his hair, massaging his scalp.
“I need this to last forever,” Han whispered as you rubbed a sore spot on his lower neck.
“Isn’t forever a long time?” You giggled. However, your heart dropped at his next words.
“Perhaps it isn’t long enough,”
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Felix: Lip biting
It started really quick into the friendship. They wanted you with them for every show, and every event. That’s how close you were. But the random photos from strangers and invading fans were just too much. Your privacy was no longer private, and it worried you. It started to affect your sleeping, your eating, and your patience.
You became extremely anxious, which didn’t go unnoticed by the guys. They were always trying to comfort you with something, but it never seemed to last. But you smiled, not wanting to worry them.
The lip biting started at night. You couldn’t sleep, and was bored. You didn’t touch your phone, not wanting to see what people say about you and your friends. It was an accident at first. You bit your lip, wincing at the sudden pain. But then your teeth grazed them again, catching on dry skin. It was annoying you, so you just bit it. And kept going.
You stopped drinking as much water just so your lips could dry out, wanting to bite them again.
While in the dance room with the boys, you were biting, starting off gently. You didn’t want to bleed in front of the boys. They weren’t dancing, but just hanging out. They had to shoot an m/v later in the day, so they wanted to relax.
Bite. Seungmin was messing with Jeonjin, making him form a fist. Bite. Chan was talking to Lee know about the choreo. Bite. Han, Changbin and Hyunjin were sitting in a circle, playing a game. Bite. Wait…
You felt something warm slide down your chin. Then you smelt it. Blood.
“Y/n? Oh my god!” You were grateful Felix whispered, not catching anyone’s attention.
He stood quickly, grabbing your hand and taking you to the restroom. He walked into the girls bathroom without a care in the world, which would have made you giggle if it weren’t for this situation.
“Are you okay? Is the cut deep? What happened?” He ran the water, grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and brought it to your lip.
“Mm ‘Kay,” you muffled, the towel hindering your speech. You saw the ghost of a smile form on his own, making you feel better.
When he moved the now red towel, the bleeding had slowed, making you lick them every so often. You looked at Felix and his sad expression.
“It was an accident. I promise. It won’t happen again,” you promised.
“You sure?”you nodded.
After seeing his worry, and how he took care of you, you knew you would never bite your lip again.
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Seungmin: Finger popping
Seungmin popped his knuckles, so why did he feel yours was unnecessary and annoying? Were you copying him? Or mocking him? He didn’t know. But when he walked into Hans room, he didn’t expect to see you on the floor, desperately trying to pop your back.
When you felt the need to pop a bone, doesn’t matter which one, you must pop it quickly, or else you start to get anxious. This was one of those moments. You had popped your elbows, your knees, fingers and neck. Lastly was your back, but you couldn’t get this part. It was too low, so turning on the ground wouldn’t work. And neither was pushing your weight down from a higher surface. You were starting to panic.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” You ignored his words, desperately trying to relieve your growing stress.
“Y/n?” He said a bit louder, seeing you glance at him as you started breathing heavier. “Hey! Hey? What the matter?” Now he was starting to worry.
“My back..”
He looked you up and down before asking, “Does it hurt?” He went to place his hand where you were holding, applying soft pressure.
“No. Needs to pop,” You whimpered, making his eyes widen.
“What?” He went to remove his hand, but you stopped him.
“Could you pop it please? I don’t like it,” You pleaded with him.
You two weren’t close, so seeing this side from you shocked him. Still, the sound of your uncomfortable plead was enough to break him.
“Okay. Show me where,” you did, waiting for him to apply pressure. “Ready?” You nodded, and gasped when he pushed down. The loud pop echoed through the room, making him flinch, pulling his arm from you.
Sitting for a moment to feel the relief, you then turned to him. Your eyes shined and you had a soft smile.
“Thanks, Seungmin. I really appreciate it,”
His heart felt like it would burst. He didn’t know what exactly he was feeling, but he knew that if you ever needed him to pop something, he’d be there. So that’s exactly what he said, making you feel the same way.
“Thank you, Minnie,”
“Your welcome, y/n,”
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Jeonjin: Rapid blinking
You were a fan in the audience, not jumping like the rest, but paying the same amount of attention. You were an introvert, no doubt, and didn’t show excitement despite feeling it very much. You had a front row ticket, and was right in front of the eight boys you came to love. Your bias, Jeonjin, was right in front of you, singing his part for ‘I Lose my Breath’, literally making you lose yours.
You started blinking, thinking it was the fog machines effecting you, but it was something else. You didn’t know what until it was too late. The crowd pushing behind you, you felt pressure building inside your chest. No one was touching you, thank god, but you felt the presence of the fans. It was suffocating.
You fell into a blinking fit, unable to keep them open, and unable to keep them closed. This had never happened before, but you weren’t surprised. It was a tic. It would take a while to stop it. So, as to not disturb anyone next to you, you tilted your head, looking at your shoes, or at least, trying to.
You kept blinking, not fighting it, knowing it will make it worse. It started to slow when you felt a tap on your shoulder. It came from in front of you. A security guard? You slowly looked back up, your vision fighting the bright lights. Then you stopped breathing.
He was standing in front of you with a worried expression. On stage, it was now dance break, meaning he didn’t need to sing. He was making sure you were okay.
Since he saw you, he felt a pull from that stage, making him linger near your area. He saw that you didn’t even have your phone out like the rest, not jumping or anything. Just swaying lightly on your feet while smiling every time he looked at you. You were a calm in the storm. He liked that. And when he saw you staring at the floor for fifteen minutes, he got worried. Did you not like the show? Did he do something wrong? Did his pants rip?
But when he got to you, he noticed your eyes were watery. He didn’t know why, and didn’t need to either. He motioned for your phone from your front pocket, and you slowly gave it to him, thinking he was going to take a selfie, instead, he was typing. Why? You didn’t know. He came close to your ear after giving it back, and said,
“After the show. Don’t look until then,” was all he said before winking, and walking back to his members.
You stood there confused, but focused on the rest of the show.
After you made it to your hotel after thee show, you checked your phone, wondering what he could have possibly left you. Everything looked normal. You were confused. But when you opened your messages, you saw his name as one of the contacts. What?
You opened it, seeing he already texted himself. You gasped, not sure what to make of it. You slowly typed out something, but didn’t send it, unsure if this was real. Thirty minutes later, you saw his bubbles. He’s texting you?!
“You going to send it or just let it sit?”
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
NEWT ; the night we met
summary ; newt is new to the glade & you're there when he regains his name
warnings ; language, alcohol, very pre-thomas era (about three or four years)
track ; the night we met ; lord huron
word count ; 1.3k
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Newt, with his arrival to the glade in the box, was a frightened little Greenie. He was merely fourteen years old, about 5"7, with dirty blonde hair just barely hiding his eyes. He seemed awestruck, as usual Greenies were, and obviously scared and confused.
Alby sadly didn't have any answers for him, many, at that. He just had the rundown of the Glade to give him and the rules and to introduce him to the other Gladers out and about. He wouldn't be able to introduce him to you or Minho, seeing as you were both running the maze right now.
The second the poor boy heard the word maze, he nearly had a panic attack. It was like something in the back of his brain had been triggered, reminding him of something he couldn't remember.
But as the cool, green forest faded into an orange-y warm fire, the sun set above, leading you and Minho back to the Glade to join the monthly Greenie bonfire. There was work to be done, tasking you with business before you could join.
The fifteen year old Minho begged you to hurry up, but you had to map out a new section of the maze. There was no fooling around for you at the moment. So, he leaves without you, curiosity stabbing him as he jogs back into the main Glade, away from the Deadheads.
You, finally, were able to join around eleven or so, the moon nearly centered in the dark sky above.
You had a cup of Gally's secret juice in your hand as you rest your back against a tree, a nice view of both the fire and the little fight-circle. You take your time to enjoy the peace and intoxicate yourself, ridding yourself of any worries.
You lay your eyes on the new Greenie, a light, inviting smile as he looks back at you. He was standing all alone, staring at the fire like he was trying to think long and hard about his past. He joins you, seeing that you were also alone, watching the fire and the other boys talk and have fun.
He sits criss-cross next to you, an awkward little hi slipping from his mouth.
"Know your name yet, Greenie?" You ask him, taking a sip from your cup.
He shakes his head, a slight twinge of sadness twinkling in his eyes.
"Don't worry," You pat him on the shoulder, "You'll get it back soon"
He nods, basking the two of you in a calm silence, listening to the fire crackle and the boys cheering and whooping a few yards away. He speaks up after a few minutes, having been conjuring up a question for you.
"How long have you been here?" He asks, question and curiosity dripping off his tongue.
You shrug, "Seven months. Same thing every day, all day. It's nice after a while, I guess."
He nods, watching Gally and Alec tussle and shove each other around the fight circle. He looks down at the mason jar in your hand, seeing you cringe as you feel the sour taste hit your tastebuds.
"What's that?"
You deviously smile, "Gally's secret concoction." You hold out the glass for him, giving him a look to try it.
He looks between you and the glass jar filled with the dark yellow liquid, seeking approval in your eyes. You nod, silently urging him to try it.
"It's good for the nerves"
He's silent for a moment before he takes it in his hand and takes a quick swig of it. He cringes as he hands the jar back, coughing up a fit as he rubs his mouth with his wrist.
You lightly laugh, watching his dramatic reaction.
"Good for nerves?" He repeats, smacking his lips to try and rid the taste from his mouth. "What is that, bloody hell!"
You giggle, setting the jar down in the grass with a little twist so it'd stay. "Dunno, ask Gally"
"Which one is Gally? Good God" He lightly coughs, "It tastes like piss!"
You stand up, a hand out to help Newt up. "I'll show you around, hm?"
He nods, taking your hand as you walk around the bonfire.
"Y'know Alby and Fry, right?"
He nods.
"Cool. Well, that's Minho, my best friend. He's a runner, as am I. He's Keeper of the Runners, though, very down to Earth and stuff. There's Gally and the other builders. They're strong but dumb." You shrug. "Winston is Keeper of the Slicers. He and that whole crew are wonderful. Zart and Jeff are the Med-Jacks. Go to them if you have a splinter or a cold, they'll help you out"
The blonde nods, following your gaze and finger as you look to and point the others out.
"And those are the Track-Hoes. They're gardeners, very sweet, that's Sam, Keeper of the Track-Hoes" You finish, giving him a warm smile as you look back at him.
He goes silent for a moment, looking dazed and zoned out before you snap him back to reality.
"Greenie? Hey, dude?"
"Newt" His lips curl into a smile, eyes twinkling as he looks at you. "Newt. My name is Newt"
You widely smile and chuckle in excitement, both of you with your hands on each other's shoulders as you bounce around, both buzzed off of the alcohol you'd been served.
"Greenie has a name!" You shout, looking to him for him to shout out his name, the whole Glade looking at you two.
"My name is Newt!" He smiles, looking to you for approval.
In your buzzed state, you convince him to jump on your back as you loop around the large fire, the boys chanting his name.
"Welcome to the Glade, Newton!"
"It's gotta stand for something!"
The boys continuously chant and holler his name, a smile painting his freckled face. You had all of him now, his kind, friendly and trustworthy personality, his dirty blonde hair, his freckles, and his dorky name.
He felt his brain take a photo of the scene as he looked slightly down at you, a hand on your scalp, the other formed in a fist which he held in the air. From the crackling fire beside him, to the feeling of the warm air against his face, to the boys in a circle watching as you proudly carry him on your shoulders. The smell of the bitter drink passed around the bonfire haunted his nose, and the way you gripped onto his ankles for safety did as well.
After the bonfire, the drunk boys return to the Homestead one by one, leaving you, Minho, Newt, and most of the builders by the fire. Minho struck up a conversation with Newt by the fire, sitting on a log together while you sit at the log on the right of them, sipping on Gally's secret drink. You weren't shitfaced but you weren't buzzed either, just the right amount of kind of out of it. You wanted to rid your life of any stress tonight, considering your friend and your new friend, Newt, were getting along and no one had tried to kill each other today, a win in your eyes.
Minho, wanting to embarass you, buzzed, brings up how you requested a guitar from the box and actually received it, although you never touched it afterward because you didn't want to be made fun of. Newt found this interesting and began begging you to play, even just for a minute. He never heard any real, genuine music before, and to experience it from you, his first actual friend would've been a memory he'd remember for a lifetime and more.
You eventually comply, striking a deal that if you play, you wouldn't be singing. You walk back and forth from the fire to the Homestead, retrieving the guitar, re-tuning it on your walk back to the two boys. You sit down again with a dramatic sigh and strum on the strings once to make sure it was properly tuned now.
Newt watches with a smile as you strum away, humming along to the rhythm.
The same rhythm that he could decode one certain phrase from underneath the warm, orange light of the fire, which was now dying out.
Take me back to the night we met.
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affectionatecorpse · 4 months
I'm once again getting overly philosophical over horror movies, so here's a study of the death angels from A Quiet Place as observed by a very enthusiastic animal loving veterinarian.
Every time people talk about death angels, it is, understandably, about how violent they are. These creatures are brutal and merciless, and will tear apart anything that makes too much noise. Hence the title of the movie.
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Death angels are frankly terrifying, and show no empathy towards the creatures of the planet they invaded. No living thing is safe from them.
... so here's why they COULD be--
Look. Death angels are simply not suited for our planet. It's a noisy, chaotic place full of noisy, chaotic animals. From humans, to raccoons, to birds, to cats, nearly everything in our world is a potential trigger for a noise sensitive animal such as these.
But that's exactly what they are. Animals. And no one seems to remember that fact. People talk about them as though they themselves are sentient, anthropomorphic monsters, but the way these creatures act mimic many real life animals. Animals that don't belong here, but are trying to survive here. On a noisy planet covered in water, which they despise and cannot swim in.
Death angels are completely blind by nature, as seen in many other creatures such as cavefish, moles, and my personal favourite, the olm. Due to a lack of sight, they very clearly use echolocation in the film, to scan their surroundings and... well, not get dead. But echolocation is far from their only tool, as their ears are the strongest asset they have.
Their ears are INCREDIBLY sensitive. Just the slight ticking of an egg timer when heard from their perspective in the first film, is like a pounding drum in their ear. This is fine in a naturally quiet planet, but if a very subtle tick is that loud, then imagine the rest of the noise. Screaming. Explosions. Crashing. Little toy planes. Holy CRAP, that's gotta hurt.
Sounds that loud would definitely cause extreme hearing problems from pressure over time, and easily result in lifelong illnesses and disabilities such as deafness, infection, and so forth, if not stopped. It's going to be painful. It's literally bursting their ear drums inside their heads, and you can't explain to an animal why it hurts. You cannot rationalise with wildlife about treatment and self care. An injured and scared animal is always going to turn hostile, no matter how docile they may be normally. You can't explain to a lion with a knife in it's belly that you can stop the pain if it just doesn't attack you. You can't explain to a death angel that it needs to go somewhere more isolated instead of just destroying the source of the noise to shut it up.
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Going to backtrack here a sec. Remember how I mentioned echolocation being another asset this creature has? Which means the slightest movement, the tiniest breath, can immediately allow you to be seen by it. With ears that good, too? It can see you from ages away. It knows you're there. Which means they DON'T attack for sport.
'Evil' is a concept rarely seen in nature. Yes, a lot of humans can be evil. And yes, many creatures can be too. Animals hunt for sport as well. Cats, for example! Although even then, I wouldn't describe it as evil. Calling the death angels evil implies they're attacking out of malicious intent, which just isn't true. In moments of panic, they'll destroy. But they are fully aware of humans around them.
Humans need to breathe, and can't stay perfectly still very easily. The death angels would be able to see our main cast at several points, even when they're being quiet. They don't attack whenever they locate a sign of life. For example, the scene in the basement. Being that close, whether the water was running or not, that alien absolutely would've heard Evelyn and the baby's sharp breaths. It didn't care. It was clicking at them almost curiously before it heard the bang of the silo, to which it ditched them to stop the sound.
This scene is a great example of why they don't kill for sport. Injured and young animals are especially easy prey for a creature built so strong and nimble. Evelyn is shown to be terrified of the mere presence of this thing, but it never actually does anything in the scene. It moves about. Ignores her movements in the flooding water. Investigates the baby. Clicks curiously at her while she backs away. It moves slowly and on all fours, when we know while aggressive, they will stand up on their hind legs (unless sprinting) and move very fast.
This implies it was in... well, not a submissive position, but a nonthreatening one. It wasn't baring it's teeth (as best it could), it had it's claws tucked up and unused, and was in no way in a primed-to-attack mentality. Until the silo made a loud bang. And even then, it could've quickly sliced up the two in the basement before running off, but it DIDN'T. It just left, without a moment of hesitation.
Let's also acknowledge the anatomy.
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This is a carnivore. With sharp teeth for ripping apart prey, sharp claws for defence, and thick armour for protection from it's natural climate, as well as strong, long legs for running, this is absolutely a meat eater. The fact it's so well equipped makes me wonder if their natural prey is just as dangerous as them, which is why they have such tough skin. Or if they themselves have something above them in the food chain.
They seem to be pack animals, as usually others aren't far behind when one is about. Such as the trio by the Abbott house, the few at the docks, the ones by Emet's hideout, and even that group sliding down the building in the Day One clip I keep seeing as a gif. With their knack for running included, I wonder if they function like lions? Blending into their environment back home, clicking to hear prey, then the whole pack going on the chase when their target is vulnerable, in a way.
I got distracted. My point was, in a year, all the bodies from past victims vanished. All those people in the town who were swiped left and right just vanished from the town. They couldn't have decomposed in such short time, which means something moved them when it was safe. Something like a carnivore needing food after it felt comfortable in the silent aftermath. The argument that they do it for sport is one I see all the time, and it's just not true.
Everything needs to eat. Carnivores need to eat. Animals need to protect themselves from suspected danger. They never eat on screen because whenever they're on screen, they're surrounded by noise and are DISTRESSED. Have you ever had a sick pet? Most of the time, it won't eat when it's ill because it's too stressed, uncomfortable or in too much pain. When having their ear drums assaulted, a death angel isn't going to sit down with a cup of tea and a grilled cheese. Also, I won't add it because there's blood, but in the scene with the old man screaming in the woods, after it attacks, you can actually see it go back on all fours and sniff about the aftermath, like a hungry predator catching prey to eat. This was probably the first and currently only on screen proof of my claim.
By all means, not all animals are meant to be tamed. Jordan Peele's Nope said that best. Yet I can't help but wonder about the individual. Every animal is completely unique. Some will tolerate more than others. Due to their realistic nature and the similarities to actual animals, in specific circumstances, could they be befriended?
Anyway keep an eye out for A Quiet Place 4 where someone has a pet one that wears doggy ear protectors and accepts meat in exchange for pets-- /j
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
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Isaac Lahey x GN!Reader
Word Count: 800
Teen Wolf Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of the abuse Isaac experienced from his father, mentions of that abuse having a last psychological effect on him (in the form of claustrophobia); Isaac having a panic attack due to his claustrophobia being unexpectedly triggered; this is more of a hurt/comfort fic because the reader helps him calm down. Implications that the reader doesn't know about the existence of werewolves and the supernatural. The reader's gender is not described in any way. Also, I don't know if this is at all sound advice about how to treat someone during a panic attack - not something I am versed in. I think that's it? Not proofread cause I'm on a mental hiatus babey
A/N: I just watched Season 3, Episode 4 (I've been watching two episodes a day and really enjoying the pace of it) and naturally the moment where Isaac gets stuck in the closet called to me like a beacon of whump. So here's this. Also highly recommend pairing this with Claustrophobia by 3OH! 3
"Did it have to be a closet?"
Isaac let out a dry chuckle, a seemingly nervous laugh as he eyed up the space apprehensively before stepping inside, putting some of the supplies on one of the shelves.
The two of you began gathering supplies off the cart and loading them into the janitor's closet, carrying out the punishment you had been given. You had been fifteen minutes late to class that morning, and you had heard that Isaac was in detention for fighting - beating up one of the new kids. You knew that since his father died, he had taken on somewhat of a new persona - more bold, more unafraid to get in trouble. But you had a feeling that violence didn't suit him.
It made you wonder what the other guy did to provoke the fight, or what the truth really was. But you felt that it wasn't your place to ask.
"It's not so bad." You remarked, sensing his general anxiety about this activity, but having no clue why.
He seemed fairly confident in every other area of life - he took down guys on the field in lacrosse without even flinching, he walked tall in the halls with confidence (not that you had noticed, not that you stared at him or anything) - it did make you wonder what was so intimidating to him about a closet full of spray bottles and napkins.
"I'm... not so good with small spaces." He remarked quietly, shyly, grabbing some more of the supplies off the cart and stepping inside beside you to begin organzing everything.
Ah. He was claustrophobic. That made sense.
You had heard rumours floating around the school after his father died - you had even heard whispers between Scott and Stiles when they were trying to be subtle in their conversations but had a poor sense of tact. Isaac's father used to lock him in a freezer as punishment, among other things. It was a horror you couldn't imagine.
You were about to offer for him to leave, offering to finish up the rest of the work by yourself so that he wouldn't have to be burdened by his anxiety, when the closet door swung shut, slamming closed in a strangely violent manner. Isaac rushed to the door, furiously ripping on the handle, trying to get it open.
"It - it won't open-" He gasped, suddenly sounding terribly out of breath.
He was panicking, likely overtaken by horrible memories that you couldn't even imagine.
"It's okay, it's probably just stuck, I can call someone-" You took your phone out of your pocket, trying to reassure him, but his panicked flailing in the small space, now shouldering against the door, trying to ram it down, knocked your phone out of your hand and cracked the screen.
You didn't know if it was still in working order or not, but you knew it would be wiser to calm him down first.
"Something - something is blocking it from the other side!" He said, his breaths becoming more panicked and frantic as he kept trying to charge the door down - how was he not hurting himself?
He was sweating and shaking, and you ached with sympathy for him.
In Isaac's mind, he was right back there. Locked in darkness, clawing against the tiny, enclosed walls, desperate to get out. He was suffocating, he was running out of air, he was gonna die. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't-
Suddenly, your hand moved against his shoulders, a flat, firm palm rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. The pure gentleness of the touch startled his senses back to reality - there had been nobody to comfort him back then. He collapsed against the door, pressing his forehead into the metal, and deeply against his will, he let out a sob.
"Hey, shh, it's okay." You told him, trying to be as soothing as possible. "You're being so brave-"
"I'm not brave." Isaac choked out. "I'm sorry, I-"
"Don't apologize." You told him firmly, fighting back your own tears of empathy had how distraught he was. "Come on, sit down. Let's take a minute to calm down and breathe and then we'll find a way out of here."
You helped him onto the floor - he practically collapsed into a sitting position against one of the shelves, his entire body shuddering and shaking. Though he wasn't the most naturally affectionate person in the world, he didn't deny your touches when you cradled his head onto your shoulder and continued to soothingly rub his back.
After a few minutes of silence, save for his whimpers as his tears died down, he spoke up.
"I'm sorry," He apologized again. "I just - my dad..." He trailed off, barely able to voice it.
"It's okay," You told him, and for once in his life - he actually felt okay, here with you, in your arms. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Thank you." He sighed.
When Scott came and got the two of you out of the closet (after Isaac had apologized a dozen more times for cracking your phone screen) - he could sense something in the way Isaac looked at you now, but he didn't say anything about it. Not yet.
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
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Kiss me where it hurts the most
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : sometimes,things happen and hearts break. Sometimes,everyone need a good cry. But maybe hiding away and crying alone,away from your boyfriend wasnt a good idea.
Warnings : none,just hurt/comfort,reader is having a hard time,break downs and panic attacks,soft zoro,fluff
For anyone who's having a rough time :) hope u get well soon
Leaning against the wooden wall of the storage room,you calmly sit down and try to make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can in the small space behind the stored boxes. You try to be as quiet as possible;not wanting to make any noise and wake someone up.
You didnt want to be found just yet.
You knew what you were doing wasnt actually wrong;after all,its only human nature wanting to hide away and have a little alone time. But for some reason,you felt guilty. Guilty for running away from your friends' help,and your boyfriend's concerned gaze.
It was too much.
Your life wasnt all sunshine and flowers,thats why you chose to join the StrawHats and sail away; hoping that maybe becoming a pirate,may solve your problems. But boy,you were wrong.
Problems seem to sail with you as well. And no matter how hard you tried to bottle everything up,at some point,it was bound to break,and break you as well. So when everything became too much,you skipped dinner,told your boyfriend that you're tired and instead of resting,you found a secret spot in the storage room to calm down.
And when the first tear rolled down your cheek,you knew you were screwed;once your tears start, there's no stopping them.
You hands tightly press against your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut and try to muffle your cries. Everything feels so heavy. Too fucking much. You have no idea what finally triggered your breaking,but whatever it was,it fucked you up good.
You lower your head and rest your forehead against your knees;since when life became so complicated? sure,ever since you remembered,you understood way too much,more than your age. You were always the kid trying to make everyone feel better,helping them and be a shoulder they could lean or cry on. But ironically,no one ever did the same for you.
So when your own boyfriend,Zoro,tried to make you talk,of course you shut him out;not understanding why he would waste his time listening to your nonsense. You were fine,maybe feeling a bit down and suffocating,but you were fine.
You wouldn't want Zoro to leave you after all with your problems-
Zoro would only hate you-
Who we would want someone with so many baggage after all?
Trying desperately to shut up the voices in your head,you wrap your arms around your head to cover your ears;so when a pair of rushes footsteps hurry toward you,of course you dont hear.
You jerk shakily,your eyes snapping open when a pair of hands settle on your shoulder and squeeze with a small amount of pressure;trying to ground you and make you look at him.
Your lips wobble as your eyes lock with Zoro's;and with a sudden rush of panic,you try to push him away.
He doesn't move.
"Y/n," his voice is thick, heavier than always, " whats wrong?"
When you dont answer and choose to bite your lips until they almost bleed,with a sudden move, he's pulling you to his chest
"babe,tell me what the fuck is wrong. I swear I'll fix it."
And thank god your face is buried in Zoro's chest;because as soon as those words leave his mouth, you're breaking down again.
Your sobs are loud and heartbreaking to anyone listening,and you feel Zoro's arms squeezing you tighter. You wrap your own arms around his back,and burry your face more in his shirt;taking in his soothing scent.
Zoro always smelled liked rain,apples and freshly cutted grass.
"baby girl," his voice is soft as he rubs up and down your back;one hand combing through your hair, "dont cry. Tell me whats wrong. Who hurt you? I'll kill them myself."
"just," your throat feels hoarse after crying so much,but you manage to get out few words, "stay. Dont go."
And Zoro never denies you anything.
So you just sit there. Half in Zoro's lap,with your arms wrapped around his neck,and your face buried in his neck. His hands never once stop rubbing your back,and for someone not a fan of talking,he never stops his sweet words and gentle praises.
For you,Zoro is always a different man.
After a long time,when you're finally calmed down and tired from all the crying,Zoro leans his back against the wooden wall and pulls you completely in his lap to cradle you against his chest. Your eyes are heavy when you look up at him
And after a nod from you, your eyes fall shut when his presses his lips to your forehead.
"then sleep. We can talk when you're awake."
With another nod,you close your eyes and fall asleep. And strangely,you dont dream of anything.
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lainiespicewrites · 5 months
Dreamless sleep
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I mentioned in a reblog a few days ago that I sometimes write little oneshots about Henry to comfort myself when shit situations happen. Well I left work today and my car wouldn't start and... I've been struggling with remembering something really difficult that happened to me and I needed a comfort fic. This is that.... I don't normally post them but I wanted to share this one.
Warnings: Mentions of SA possible trigger.
summary: waking up from a nightmare and having a rough day. Henry is always there to help.
I watched the door shake.  The man on the other side determined to break in.  If he got through, he was going to hurt me again. Not that he would ever admit it. My attacker had spent just moments before trying to convince me I had asked for it. Like what he did to me was nothing more than him fulfilling my desires. Bile rose in the back of my throat from the thought. 
“Go away, Luke! I told you I won’t say anything to anyone! Just leave me alone!” But he didn’t stop. I watched the door knob turn as I looked around my childhood bedroom searching for something to barricade the door. Trying to find anything to keep him out. My strength would not hold much longer. One more shove and he would be inside. I wouldn’t be able to escape him. Just like the last time. As I’m reaching for a chair to press against the door, I stumble. I fall to the floor and the door swings open… 
I woke with a start shooting straight up gasping for breath. My heart was racing and I let out a whimper as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I flinched as I felt a gentle hand touch my hip. 
“Darling it’s me, it’s okay.” Henry’s soothing voice broke through my panic. It was a dream. Only, a dream. I swallowed hard and looked out the window. It was storming, the sky was still gray, I looked over at the clock 6:25 my alarm was about to go off, 
“Sorry, go back to sleep baby, it was just a bad dream. I’m okay.” I assured him. Henry sat up. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and placed a soft kiss on my head. 
“You’re sure? He asked, “Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. I hadn’t told him about what happened to me. And as far as I was concerned he didn’t need to know. It was in the past. I was fine. It was rare that I had these dreams. 
“No bear, It was silly, just go back to sleep, I need to get up and get ready,” I told him. He took in a deep breath. He still held me close for a moment before hesitantly letting go of my waist. 
“Alright, love,” When I got out of bed I turned and kissed him softly. He looked so tired. He’d gotten back so late from set. I hate that I’d woken him up. 
“I’ll see you later,” I smiled. He sat up giving me another kiss. 
“Have a good day baby,” He said. I slipped out of my bedroom and took a quick shower. I quickly got dressed for the office and left. I picked up a coffee on the way to work. I splashed some on my shirt leaving a small stain. It wasn’t completely obvious but I knew it was there. This would happen today I hate Mondays. Things were in full swing, actually, busy. When I got there. I sat down and tried to focus on my work. But I couldn’t get anything done. All I could think about was that dream. 
Lunch rolled around and I realized I’d left it at home. I didn’t want to bother Henry. He hadn’t had a day to himself in a while. So I was just going to pick something up. I ran to the little convenience store down the road and got a little snack. It was much but it would hold me over until the end of the day. 
The rest of the day was so busy. So many emails and the work just kept piling up. It was non-stop. I was so ready to get back to my place and spend the evening with Henry. I walked out to my car and put the key in the ignition and… it didn’t start. I tried it again… nothing. How could this happen? It ran perfectly fine on lunch. God, I was just tired and hungry and I want to get home! I’ve spent the whole day reminded of this terrible thing I’d gone through, and now this? Today sucked! I sighed and pulled out my phone. I was going to have to call Henry. I tapped his name and the phone rang. After the second ring, he picked up. 
“Hey, babe, you on you’re way back?” He asked. I sighed again. 
“No,” I said flatly. “My car won’t start I don’t know what’s wrong, the engine won’t even try to turn over.” I rambled. I could hear myself starting to hyperventilate. 
“Slow down, breathe. I’ll be right there.” He promised. In 10 minutes he was pulling up next to my car. We tried to jump it but that did nothing. I sighed and slammed the door. “Whoa, hey, it’s gonna be alright we’ll get it fixed, love,” Henry said grabbing my shoulders gently and making me face him. I felt my lip start to wobble. I didn’t want him to see me cry. In all honesty, we hadn’t been together that long. He hadn’t seen me break down and I wasn’t ready for him to. What if I was too much? What if he didn’t want me anymore?
“I-i’m sorry, today has just been… stressful. I was looking forward to getting home and spending time with you.” I said. 
“And you’re going to, we’ll leave the car here I’ll have it looked at in the morning. Let's get back and relax my love.” Henry drove us home. I shuffled inside, quickly changing into comfy clothes. After spending a while trying to fix the car it had gotten a bit late so we decided to order in. Henry ordered dinner while I got cozy on the couch. We ate our Chinese takeout and binged a new Netflix series. My mind wandered not fully paying attention. Getting lost in the dream from this morning. I was staring blankly at a spot on the wall, I didn’t hear Henry say my name. He shook my shoulder and I yelped. His brow raised and his eyes filled with concern, and something that almost looked like hurt. 
“What’s going on with you today love?” He asked. I snapped. 
“What do you mean? Nothings going on everythings fine!” I said. He sat back looking at me from a sideways glance. 
“You’ve been on edge all day,” He stated. 
“You haven’t even been with me all day,” I rolled my eyes. 
“Is something bothering you?” He asked. I groaned. 
“Fucking hell, would you just drop it Henry? I told you, I’m fine!” I shouted. Henry ran a hand through his hair and groaned in frustration. 
“I’m just trying to help,” He sighed. 
“Yeah, well I didn’t ask, I’m not some helpless damsel you need to save!” I argued. 
“I never said that!” he groaned. “But you’ve been stressed since you woke up this Morning.” He stated. 
“So?” I deflected, clearly agitated.  
So… who’s Luke?” He asked his voice calm. My stomach dropped. How did he know that name?
“I don’t know what your talking about…” I said shifting my eyes to the floor. 
“Alayna, when you were having your nightmare, you… said his name, asking him to stop. Who is he?” He asked again. I swallowed hard. I kept my eyes on the floor hidingn the tears that had started to well up. 
“No one, must’ve just been a name my brain came up with.” I lied. 
“Come on,” he pleaded. “I know you don’t think I’m that stupid.” He said. I looked up at him, eyes meeting his. He was hurt. Hurt that I was shutting him out. 
“I don’t think you’re stupid at all, I just… don’t want you to think I … to think less of me.” I sniffled. Henry brushed my hair out of my face and brushed his thumb across my cheek. 
“Talk to me, I want to understand.” He said. “Whatever is, I just want to help you,” he stated. I nodded. 
“He… is…was a friend of my brothers.” I started. “They were friends since they were kids, I new him since I was a baby.” I explained. Henry nodded. Keeping his hand on my back silently supporting me. I went on. “I thought I could trust him. I was so naive. He always seemed like a good guy. He came to town to celebrate my brothers birthday. And they came back drunk. He woke me up. Because he wanted to say hi. I got up to talk with them and when we went back to bed he… got into my bed. I thought he was joking at first. I thought he was gonna leave.” I looked at Henry. His face was calm, but I knew that he knew what I was going to say. I didn’t miss the anger in his eyes. But he stayed quiet. Letting me get it all out. “He was like a brother to me. I-I don’t know how he could touch me like that. But… I couldn’t do anything. It was wrong, it was so wrong but I was like frozen with fear or shock I don’t know. I know that I told him no. Once. something he wanted to do … I finally was able to find my voice but. It didn’t matter. The next morning he acted like nothing happened. I never said anything. I never pressed charges…nothing. It was years ago. In my dream I confronted him. He told me I couldn’t prove it. He wouldn’t own up to it. I yelled at him. And he tried to convince me I wanted it.. And he…he tried to come after me again.” I cried. Henry quickly wrapped me up in his arms pulling me into him. “That’s when I woke up.” I said.  I cried against Henry’s shoulder while he held me. He gently cooed in my ear as if consoling a baby. But it helped. It was the comfort I needed. The shoulder to cry on I never really had. He was quiet for a while. Letting me have this moment and then. 
“You know, none of that, is your fault.” He said. His voice soft. 
“But I.. let him.” I said. His jaw ticked. Trying to remain calm for me. 
“No, he may not have been violent or mean or angry. But he still forced you. He was bigger than you. You had no choice. But to let him do what he wanted. I can’t imagine the pain you’ve felt carrying this for so long. But I won’t let you do it alone anymore.” He said. 
“You don’t have to,” I sniffed. 
“The bastard is lucky he’s still breathing. He may not live anywhere near you but if he ever comes within a mile of you he’s a dead man.” He growled. 
“I’m sorry, about…” I started staring at the ground. 
“Look at me,” He cupped my face pulling my eyes back to his. “ I don’t care about some little argument. Or a stressful evening. I care about your wellbeing, your safety, and your peace of mind. There may not be much we can do about what happened. But I can help you feel safer, I can help you feel protected. That’s what matters. Let me care for you. Don’t be too proud to let me help you.” he pleaded.  I nodded. I was exhausted. Today had been so hard. I didn’t have the energy to be guarded anymore. 
“Okay,” I said. 
“You need rest love, you look exhausted.” He said softly. I nodded laying my head against his shoulder. Henry carried me to bed and I immediately curled myself around him. He smiled softly. 
“As long as I breathe. He will never, get to you,” He said softly. I nodded my breathing slowly as I listened to his heart beat. Henry softly stroked my hair and I felt my eyes lids get heavy. 
“Get some sleep darling, I’ll be right here,” he promised. My eyes closed and everything faded to black. And for the first time in a long time. I had a dreamless sleep. I was safe. Now. Truly safe. I didn’t have to fight this alone.
I don't feel like this is my best work but it is honest... I'm gonna add my taglist here but you so don't have to read it! if you do thank you! It's just away of me getting all my emotions out. Y'all are like my online emotional support group <3
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fandomxo00 · 14 days
Ok but imagine:
You think that Logan abandoned you
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please read the warnings in the red before reading!
note: hey this is a fic that hits close to home, i felt really abandoned when i started this story and now i'm completing a couple days later. I usually don't do warnings for imagines but please read them, this is def a comfort fic
warnings: ANGSTY, y/n has borderline personality disorder, emotional intensity, feelings of abandonment, suicidal ideation, intrusive thoughts about violence, panic attack, she has powers unspecified, mentions of weed and alcohol, makeout session
you were having a really bad episode. you knew that the past week wasn't the easiest, and you started to lose the ability to use your powers. You still have your powers but when the dissociation starts to happen, the mood swings intensify, you knew that there was chance you could spiral. Though you've been doing really good, you still had intense intrusive thoughts. It was never words or voices in your head when you were in an episode, it was graphic images of you harming yourself.
And there were two different types of hurting yourselves, one was because you needed to feel something or pain, or that you were punishing yourself. The intrusive thoughts happened after you went down one of those tracks. You'd been getting better, but this was still going to happen, you just to remember to use your tools.
As silly as it sounds, healthy distraction helps, watching a movie, writing, painting. But when you couldn't stop crying, it was hard to do those things, so you wanted to seek help. You needed someone you trust to distract you, by talking about anything, or doing anything.
And what triggered this panic attack was the fact that everyone was gone, the kids were gone for the summer, and everyone else went out to celebrate the end of the year. You didn't like parties, you never did. Usually, you would spend this time with Logan, but he left. He said it wasn't anything to do with you, that he just needed time away, but it's been months. His calls grew more and more distance and you'd been struggling from the moment he told he was going to leave. Even though he said he would be back, abandonment sunk into you like a dagger. You didn't want to hold him back, you'd been together for awhile but you'd never even said those three little words.
You knew that Logan knew how you felt. He became your favorite person, someone you attach yourself to, that you have a deep deep care for, sometimes could be obsessional. You weren't sure if your feelings for him were healthy, and sometimes you would let your intense feelings slip. But he never seemed to mind, he just never said anything, but he would sweep you up in a kiss, or a hug. Sometimes the two of you would have sex. Not that your sex life was inactive by any means not with his stamina.
Sometimes you thought you disappointed him, when you would slip into a depression, you couldn't have sex, you could barely be touched. But once you explained what was happening, he started doing everything to help you. Asking you different questions about what you needed and eventually he just knew everything. You didn't have to say anything, and he was there for you. Apart of you wonders if he left because he couldn't do it anymore. It wasn't that it conscious, you don't think he would leave you because he didn't want to help you. He was just unhappy and needed to get away, it just so happened that you were also a lot to deal with.
You didn't want to bother everyone else, but you knew that there was one person who was not at the party. Charles. You knew that he had been using Cerebro, which meant he wouldn't know what was going on with you. But then he was also prepared for this, he could feel you slipping away, he could hear all of those thoughts that swirled through your head. He was the one who pushed you to get the help you needed when you found this place. You were going around life with so much baggage and trauma you were like a zombie and sometimes you were like a chicken with her head cut off.
Charles was kind with you, he even expressed his own mental health challenges. When he was younger, he struggled with all of the voices, those his were amplified by everyone else, he knew that your head was similar but with your own thoughts. He felt you slipping away, he noticed the pattern of dissociation, executive dysfunction and the intense mood swings and then panic. Logan was usually there to help you, he never showed any judgement. Charles knew how deeply he cared about you, even if he couldn't tell you.
Charles knew the reason why Logan had left and it wasn't because he was tired of you. He needed a break from the other mutants, the job, the structure, his feelings for you. Any second all of it could be taken away and he wouldn't know what to do. Logan knew he had to get over himself, but he needed time and then he would come back to you. Whisk you away to live in domestic bliss, tell you how he feels and marrying you. Giving you everything that you yearned for in life.
You always thought that you were scary Logan off when you spoke about your feelings for him or what you wanted for the future. He loved taking care of you, feeling needed and wanted. When you opened up to him about your constant distorted thoughts, he knew where you coming from. But your openness, your willingness to heal, to be outspoken, it was something that he wouldn't ever have the courage to do. With you though? Logan thinks he trusts you enough to open up, but he's scared of what that means for him.
When Charles felt the shift, he instantly reached out to Logan, telling him that you weren't doing well. The break down slipped away from you, knowing that you didn't want to go to the party. But as much as you knew that you didn't want to go it was like your brain wouldn't believe you. You started thinking of other reasons why you actually didn't want to go. Because you felt like a burden, you were a hard person to be around, you were never the type of fun people were looking for. You didn't like the feeling of getting drunk, you'd rather smoke a bowl, just hang around talking and vibing.
It was something Logan did with you before he left.
Logan felt immensely guilty as Charles contacted him about you. As much as his leaving wasn't about you, he'd been gone for a while and the assurance that he usually gave you, was gone. He knew that sometimes you didn't feel his affection, not because he wasn't trying to love you. He drove his motorcycle as quick as he could back the mansion, being only a few hours away from you at all times.
Though he wonders if he would catch you off guard with how he looked, he hadn't been living it up by any means. Logan had been off in the mountains, only adventuring into the nearest town to drink booze. But he dreams about you, about settling down with you, marrying you, how it felt to make love to you. He'd sit at the bar and think about your little quirks, the way you had these little tics or the cheesy repeative jokes that always made you smile at your jokes. Logan thought about how at only 25, you were far smarter and more mature than himself. You came to him if you were hurt by something, wanting to know his side of the story and coming to a middle ground. You weren't going to be passive aggressive and wait for him to guess what the problem was, but he was still going to take care of you.
But he wasn't right now.
Before he left town, he stopped in at the local Love's gas station and managed to take a shower and brush teeth. He was sure he needed more than what a gas station shower could provide him but at least he was slightly presentable, not that you cared. But he cared, he didn't want to show up looking like a mess, you needed him.
He felt the guilt sink in deeper the closer he got the mansion, and he could hear you when he pulled up. Logan wasn't sure where Charles was, surely, he hadn't left you alone. But your sobs came from your chest, he could smell the fear and sadness radiating off of you before he even got to your door. He was quick to throw open the door to see you on the bed, you had your knees tucked to your chest as you curled your body over them. Your hands cradling your stomach as your shoulders shaked from the cries coming out of your mouth.
"Baby." Logan breathed, as he made his way over to the bed. As he reached his hand out you were practically limp, his arms wrapping around your middle and pulling you back against him. You didn't even react, but as you smell his familiar musk you knew it was Logan.
"Logan?" You trembled against his chest, as you curled into him.
"I'm here, I'm sorry, I didn't leave you, god I promise, I left the school.
"Why didn't you take me with you?" You cried, looking up at him. "Why couldn't you just talk to me?"
"Because I'm scared." Logan murmured, his hand coming up to your hair and brushing your hair away from your snot covered face. He reached to the bed side table to grab tissues and dabs at the spots on your face as you kept your eyes closed. You focused on breathing in deeply and back out.
"Of what?" You pressed, as your eyes fluttered back open, your hand landing on his chest.
"Of how much I love you." Logan's voice was deep as his eyes shined lightly with tears as he gazed down at you. You just stared up at him, your hand coming to wipe at your tears.
"I still don't understand, why did you run away? Do you not want me?" Your voice was slightly nasally from all the crying you'd been doing, your voice hoarse. Logan's hand came to your face, cupping your jaw and rubbing his thumb against your cheek, he dipped his chin to look right into your eyes with an intensity that shocked your system.
"Of course I want you, princess. You-you have a piece of my heart, from the moment I met you, you took a piece of me, and you replaced it with your own. I belong with you, gorgeous, I just can't-I can't watch something happened to you."
"That's out of our control, all we can do is love each other right now as hard as we can."
"That shouldn't be too hard."
"You're not going anywhere?" You asked, your hand coming up to his long beard and rubbing your hand against his cheek. He leaned into your touch, his eyes still shining with what you now deemed love, as he pulled you in closer to press his lips against yours in a feather like kiss.
"Not without you." Logan promised against your mouth, as your other hand moved up to his unruly hair, sitting up in his lap as your lips landed on his. His hands splayed on your back as he kissed your back, your body molding his as you melted into each other. Everything that the two of you couldn't say, you showed each other with gentle touches, passionate kisses, and just being completely consumed in each other.
if you ever need help please reach out to: 988 , they are a suicide crisis hotline, I've had to use them before, it's not a bad thing to ask for help, ever. Don't ever stop challenging others, pushing to the get answers and help you deserve.
ps. btw can every fic just be logan telling me he loves me or just like pining after me, cause yes yes yes
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ripdragonbeans · 6 months
Through The Worst // modern!Aemond x Reader
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Summary: You're reminded just how much Aemond loves you.
TRIGGER WARNING!!! Self injury, in depth description of panic attack, talk of physically abusive family
CW: p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, oral f and m receiving
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The starry sky has always been your companion, through the good and the bad. You take a deep breath and smile. You think of all the good in your life, your boyfriend, Aemond. Aemond, the light in your life.
Like him, your family wasn't the most stable place in your life. Fights between your parents were frequent and you had to protect your sister from more than one attempt of violence against her. When it came to you, though? You would gladly endure the pain if it meant your sister was safe.
When your mother left you and your sister with your father it was terrible. If he was angry you and your sister would find another place to spend the night. If you two were caught off guard, you did all you could to prepare yourself for a terrible night. Sometimes it was keeping food away from you, sometimes it was a beating. But it was never too much, or somewhere that could be seen by anyone else. All the hits were strategic, easily being covered by a regular t-shirt.
While your body almost never scarred, as bruises were the only injuries that would mark your skin, scars remained nonetheless. Unfortunately, those were your own doing.
It was never intentional, you would tell yourself. And it was true. Some people would see them and automatically assume that you wanted to die but that wasn't the case. If anything you just wanted to feel something.
Growing up in that household on top of not being at the best school was not a good combination. Classmates were cruel to you, whether you knew it or not. With such a kind heart you gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. Even the guys who dated you as a joke or who just wanted to add you to their body count.
Once you were old enough to get out of the house, you did. You tried to bring your sister with you but she refused. She believed that if she stayed with your father she could help him. You tried everything to convince her not to stay but she wouldn't budge. So you left home without her.
You felt someone lay down next to you in the grass. Immediately you could tell it was Aemond. You gave the sky a small smile before turning over to face him.
“Couldn't sleep?” You asked him.
He shrugged. “I was restless. I know you can't sleep sometimes so I figured I'd check in on you. You weren't in your room so I came out here.”
If you were anywhere else you'd be sharing the same bed but since you were spending the summer with Aemond’s siblings you had your own room. While his mother wasn't around you knew it would be a bit much if she heard her son was sharing a bed with someone, even with them being in college, even with his own girlfriend. So, you stayed in a room, not too far away from Aemond's, but still too far in your own opinion.
You cupped his face with your hand and ran your thumb across his cheek. “You know, I miss you at night sometimes. Even if we've spent the whole day together.”
“I miss you too, my love.” He placed his hand on top of your and kissed your palm.
You closed your eyes, content with his presence. For a while you two just lay there in the grass underneath the night sky until Aemond got up and pulled you up.
“I think it's time for bed. We can sleep in my room tonight,” he whispered.
“Oh, getting rebellious, are we?” You joked.
“No, I just want you to fall asleep in my arms tonight. Is that okay?”
“Of course it's okay.”
A gentle kiss graced the top of your head as the two of you went in for the rest of the night.
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That night you slept peacefully wrapped up in Aemond’s arms. When you fell asleep he was there. When you woke up he was there. His soft snoring brought a sweet smile to your face as you brushed his hair back with your hand. His hair was also so neat, you felt somewhat blessed to see it unkept and so…comfortable.
When you saw his eyelids begin to flutter open you peppered his face with kisses.
“Good morning, my love,” you whispered in his ear.
He chuckled. “Don't do that or we may not get out of bed.”
“Do what?” You asked innocently.
He gave you a knowing look. “You know what your whispers do to me.”
“Well maybe I want that, I'm just trying to get you ready.”
“Congratulations, it worked.”
Aemond captured you in a passionate kiss. His hands ran up your body to capture your tits over your shirt. It was a flimsy shirt, but it was still too much. Aemond circled your breasts with his hands, getting closer and closer to your nippes. You whined against him and arched your back to get closer. He took advantage of that and snuck his tongue in your mouth. The feel of him adding more and more. Your hands went to his hair and you pulled him even closer.
Aemond smiled at your eagerness and gave in, running each thumb over a pebbled nub. He had been teasing you so much you felt yourself clench at his touch.
After torturing you like this a few more times, each one causing louder and louder whines, he finally relented and pulled the shirt over your head. Free from the barrier, Aemond dipped his head down to take a bud in his mouth.
“Fuck, Aemond,” you whispered.
You reached down and felt him hard under his briefs. You palmed him as he lifted his hips to meet your hand. He was just as needy as you.
As he switched from one nipple to the other you tugged down his briefs just enough to free him. Hard and red at the tip, you got excited just looking at it.
Aemond released you with a pop before pulling you into another kiss. He was about to slip off your panties when you stopped him.
“I want to taste you first,” you told him.
You skipped his briefs off all while keeping eye contact. His eye never left yours. They widened as you dipped your head down to lick the head. Just that small touch had him buck into you. You gave his head another tiny lick and he groaned.
“Take my cock, my girl. I want to see your face stuffed.”
You gave him a sly smile before taking as much of him as possible all at once. You've done this enough times to be used to the stretch. Of course, you still need to warm up before taking *all* of him.
His precum was salty on your tongue and you loved it. You swirled your tongue over his head while bobbing your own head up and down. Raising your eyes, you could see Aemond gripped the sheets and tried to keep everything in.
You hummed, causing vibrations to go through him as he flung his head back in ecstacy.
“If you don't stop I'm -”
The words spurred you on. Hallowing your cheeks and bobbing faster, you wanted him to spill himself inside you. You wanted to taste him, all of him.
“Fuck!” He spilled into your mouth and you swallowed each drop. You let him go with a pop and crawled over to him.
Aemond brought his hand to your face and wiped away a dribble of his cum that was left on your lip.
“My turn,” he said before flipping the two of you over.
You landed on your back, sprawled over the bed. Aemond gave you a mischievous grin before settling himself between your legs. He hooked an arm over each thigh to keep you from moving away.
“I don't think that's necessary -” you began to say. “Fuck!”
His head was fully between your thighs and he was languidly lapping at your folds. He was slow and deliberate with each flick of his tongue and it drove you mad. He moved his focus to your clit and sucked on it, making you whimper. You pushed your hips up to meet him in a desperate attempt for more. You could feel Aemond smile against you as he sped up his flicks and licks. You were nearing your peak, you could feel yourself tightening but he wasn't going to let you off that easily. He pushed two fingers in, making you groan in surprise and pleasure. He pumped you with his fingers hard and he felt so damn good. Curling his fingers, he found your sweet spot.
“Aemond - Aemond, please, I'm gonna -”
“It's okay, baby. Let go. I want you to soak my hand.”
At his words the building pressure crescendoed into its peak. Blinding white pleasure was all you could see. Pleasure was all you could feel. Aemond didn't stop, he fucked you with his fingers all the way through your orgasm. He didn't stop until your body had stopped shaking. Gently pulling his finger out, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I can't wait to fuck you,” he whispered.
“Then why are you waiting?” You taunted.
Aemond growled then quickly flipped you over on your stomach.
“You want to be fucked? I'll fuck you.”
He teased you, playing with your entrance with the tip of his cock. You whimpered and tried to press back into him.
“So desperate for my cock. Don't worry, you'll get what you want.”
You could hear his smile but you didn't care. He was so close and you needed him inside you. In a quick motion, Aemond sheathed himself inside you. That glorious stretch shot through your body. As many times as he's fucked you, you know you'll never get completely used to the size of him and you welcome it gladly.
Relentlessly he pounded into you, each thrust hitting that perfect spot. You loved it when he fucked you like this. It felt so perfect.
His hands gripped your hips to move you in time with him. There would be bruises from how tight he was holding you but it was something you loved.
Soon, a hand was brought around to play with your clit. You writhed against him but it was no use. You orgasm was building and building and the extra stimulation only made it rush to the surface even more.
Aemond pulled you up so you back was flat against his chest.
“Does this feel good, my love? My cock slamming into your pussy?”
“Yes, yes - fuck!”
“I need you to come for me. Can you do that?”
You mumbled out an answer.
“Aw, my baby has gone dumb,” he teased. “Let go. Come for me.”
He brought his other hand up to a breast and pinched a nipple. With a scream and the arch of you back you came undone on his cock. Aemond fucked you through it, chasing his own peak. Soon, he emptied himself inside you and the two of you collapsed on the bed.
You heard a soft laugh.
“I will never get used to that,” he whispered.
“Neither will I.”
He pressed a kiss to the back of your head before pulling himself out. You complained at the emptiness but he was quick to placate you with a warm towel to clean up.
Once the two of you were clean, Aemond gathered you into his arms and held you close.
“I love you, all of you.”
Those were the last words you heard before falling back asleep.
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Screaming. All you could hear was screaming. It wasn't anyone around you; it was yourself. You hated this. You absolutely despise yourself when it happens. No control. None.
And you couldn't get it back.
It was nothing, it should've been nothing.
When you woke up you knew something was wrong. Your nightmare shook you and soon you were snowballing into a panic. A panic you couldn't stop.
When you saw that Aemond wasn't asleep next to you, you freaked out at the absence of him. Thoughts poured in from everywhere, being about everything. Maybe you were just a joke to him, just like how all the others used you. Maybe your father showed up to take you back.
You shut your eyes and pulled your knees to your chest. Rocking yourself back and forth, you tried to calm down, but to no avail.
“Aemond,” you whispered, “please come back. Please, please.”
Slowly, you began to dig your fingernails into the sides of your knees. You could feel the indents that were forming and almost wished to break skin and draw blood. Drawing blood was the only way you could feel something. Only then was the pain enough to even feel a hint of something.
You took your nails and drew them back and forth. Soon, you created a groove in your skin. You moved faster. You were desperate. You needed to feel something now or you were going to scream. While you continued to scratch you absentmindedly began to hit the back of your head on the headboard.
Two things now.
You could almost feel two things.
Looking down at your leg you saw that you broke skin. You couldn't help but smile at your achievement, sick as it was, horrible as it was; but you didn't care.
Feel. All you need it to feel.
Your snowballing thoughts soon turned into memories.
A group of girls laughing at you in the hallway.
Your first boyfriend telling you it was all a joke.
Finding another boyfriend making out with someone else.
The first time you slept with someone, thinking they cared but later laughed in your face when you asked what happens next.
Your father getting more and more aggressive as he steps closer to you.
The fear in your sister’s eyes as you take the blame.
Your father’s fist flying into your gut.
Your sister. Choosing your father over you.
It was too much. Your fingernails and the headboard were not enough for you to feel. You needed something more. You hated yourself for thinking this way but it was the only comfort you had then and the comfort you go to now.
Aemond still wasn't back. You tried to hold on for him. You knew he was coming back even if your jumbled mind told you otherwise.
“I'm so sorry,” you whispered as tears fell.
There was nothing you could do to make yourself stop. Instead, you got up, wrapped a blanket around yourself, and began looking for something, anything, that was a little sharp.
Keys. Aemond’s keys. Your eyes widened when you found them and you were quick to grab them off the dresser. Taking them in your hand, you began to scratch yourself back and forth. You were beginning to feel more and it was ecstasy. Tears tumbled down your cheeks as you let out a dry laugh. You were so focused on what you were finally feeling that you didn't hear the door open. Or hear him come behind you.
Aemond placed his hand on top of yours to stop the scratching.
“Take a breath, love.”
You stopped scratching but you were now shaking. You could barely get the words out. “Too much, Aemond. I'm so sorry.”
“There's nothing to be sorry for.”
He opened your hand and got you to drop the keys into his own. You stood there, frozen, as he put it away. He came up to you and put your hands in his.
“What happened?” He was concerned and his head was racing but his face remained soft.
“I…I don't know. I woke up, you weren't here, and I just started spiraling.”
“You had a panic attack because I wasn't next to you when you woke up?”
“No! It's not your fault!” Tears began to well up once again. “It's my head, it's my father, it's all those people in my life. They haunt me, Aemond. I've tried to erase them but whenever I get a little scared it all hits me again.”
You began to pull away from him and he let you, giving you the space to think and breathe. You bring yourself back to the bed and curl up.
“I love you, Aemond. I do. And I'm so, so sorry I'm like this. I hate it. I hate my head. I hate my father. I hate my ex’s. Hell, even to an extent I hate my sister for choosing our father over me. Everything hurts me and I hate it!”
“Please say something,” you whisper.
Aemond sat himself down on the bed. “May I hold your hand?”
You nod and let him take your hand in his.
“No one's ever going to hurt you again. I promise you that on everything I believe in.” He brought your knuckles up to his lips and gently kissed them. “As long as I'm with you, I swear.”
You closed your eyes and finally took a deep breath. “It's so much and I wish it wasn't. I've been working so hard it all crashed.”
“And that's okay, love. No matter what, I will be next to you.”
You pushed yourself closer to Aemond, seeking his warmth. Once you were close enough, he wrapped you in his arms and kissed the top of your head.
“We'll stay in here all day if you want. Just us,” he offered.
“Just us,” you echoed. As blissful as that thought was, you shook it off. “No, we should go out. I think I need to go somewhere else.”
“The park then? Or we can watch a movie?”
You cocked your head in thought. “Let's go for a walk, Aemond. I need to see the world again.”
“My love, I'll give you the world if you ask.” He tilted your head up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. While there was no heat, there was still passion.
Passion, and the promise of undying protection and love.
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citruslullabies · 7 months
a dogday x smiling critters! Reader where the reader helps and comforts dogday while hes having a panic attack? (It could be from like a loud noise or something)
Awh, poor baby :(
Trigger warnings: panic attack
Requested by: anonymous
Romantic/platonic?: platonic
Category: comfort fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x smiling critter!reader
Word count: 422
Ears Ringing
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Dogday was known for his bubbly and cheerful personality, being the leader of the smiling critters! And the leader was supposed to be a role model, fearless and brave. Right?
Well, dogs had very good hearing. And that was a curse and a blessing.. During a sleepover, loud thunder was cracking outside and causing the poor canine to whimper and shake under his blankets. You frowned and gently got out from your sleeping bag, gently placing your paw on his back. “Dogday?” You asked softly, slowly pulling the blanket off his shaking form.
The dog was clutching his ears with all his strength as he had his eyes shut tight, whimpering and breathing raggedly with his tail tucked between his legs from the thunder. He couldn't hear anything besides the loud thumping of his heartbeat and the ringing that the storm had caused, sounding like a dog whistle that just wouldn't stop blowing. The noise was too loud, why couldn't it just stop? All he wanted was for it to stop. That's all he was asking for. He struggled to take a breath in, pitifully releasing it and sniffling as his stomach was sunken in and his chest struggled to come back down after puffing out with every gasp of air he took as his thoughts raced at the same pace of his heart if not faster.
You were shocked by the sight.. poor Dogday. He always acted so brave and fearless for the crew, always so happy no matter what. But everyone had their fears, no one was perfect. Not even the sun could always shine very bright. You carefully pulled him up into a sitting position, prying his hands away from his ears with tenderness. It hurt your heart a bit to hear him wince as soon as they were uncovered. “Hey, hey.. it's okay..” you said softly, gently pulling him against your chest. One ear blocked by your chest, the other by your hand. He was still unable to open his eyes no matter how hard he tried, as if he would see the noise that's haunting him so much.
You caressed his fluffy ear and rubbed his shoulder with your paw, rocking him back and forth with your own body and cooing softly at him. You heard one last shaky whimper from him before feeling his body slowly relax in your touch. “It'll be alright Dogday.. I'm so proud of you, it'll be okay.”
He finally got a moment of peace, drifting to sleep after a long while.
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marsplastic13 · 2 months
'Complicated' (part 6) - Kaz Brekker x Reader
Idea - Kaz Brekker hires a prostitute to overcome his touch aversion, and be a better man for Inej, but things take an unxepected turn. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Prostitute!Reader, (had to use y/n because I'm bad at names) Genre: modern AU, slow burn word count: 4.8k notes: this is one of my favorite parts, let me know if you like it!!
@millercontracting @coldmermaidhologram @syd649
Kaz stepped out of the shower feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. He collapsed onto the bed, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and memories from the evening with y/n. The incessant vibrations of his phone interrupted his attempt to find peace.
With a heavy sigh, he checked the notifications. Fifteen messages from y/n, three from Jesper, and one from Inej wishing him goodnight. Guilt twisted in his gut; he had abruptly left y/n's house, leaving behind a mess of emotions and unanswered questions.
Their attempt at intimacy had started with good intentions. Kaz had tried his best, using his hands to pleasure y/n as they had discussed. He felt her respond, melting under his touch, her moans guiding him in the right direction. y/n's encouragement spurred him on, reinforcing that he was making her feel alive and desired.
But then came the moment when she asked him to go further, to insert a finger. Panic seized Kaz like a vice. The sensations overwhelmed him, dredging up memories he had tried to bury. Wet, sticky, drowning—those feelings crashed over him, triggering a panic attack he hadn't experienced in months.
y/n had tried to reach him, her voice a lifeline in the chaos, but Kaz couldn't hear her. In a haze of fear and confusion, he fled, escaping from the situation and from himself.
Lying on the bed now, thoughts of Inej haunted him. He imagined her peacefully wishing him goodnight, unaware of the turmoil he was facing. They were drifting apart, he realized sadly, their connection strained by his own struggles and insecurities. The thought of their upcoming reunion offered a flicker of hope, a chance to mend what felt broken.
The text from y/n flashed on Kaz's screen like a warning signal. 'I swear I'm coming to your house if you don't answer me' it read. Kaz stared at it, torn between the desire to explain himself and the overwhelming urge to be left alone. He knew y/n was worried, but he couldn't face anyone right now, not even her.
In an attempt to ease her concern without having to engage in conversation, Kaz transferred the money he forgot to give her, hoping it would serve as a reassurance that he was alright and prompt her to drop the matter. But instead of quieting her, his phone immediately lit up with an incoming call from her.
Reluctantly, he answered. "Yeah?"
"Kaz, are you okay?" y/n's voice was laced with genuine worry, cutting through his defenses.
"Yes, I'm better now," he replied softly, hoping to convey that he wasn't in immediate danger.
"You could've answered me," she chided gently, her concern palpable. "I was worried sick."
"You shouldn't have been," Kaz deflected, unable to bear the weight of her concern.
"Are you kidding? You left my house completely out of yourself. I thought you drove straight into a tree," she confessed, her worry turning into frustration.
Kaz winced at the image she painted. Driving in his state had indeed been reckless, a fact he couldn't deny. "Well, I didn't," he murmured, feeling a pang of guilt.
"I want to sleep now," Kaz added hastily, hoping to end the conversation before it delved further into his vulnerabilities.
He heard y/n sigh heavily on the other end. "Go fuck yourself, Kaz," she retorted softly, a mix of exasperation and affection in her voice.
Kaz closed his eyes, feeling the weight of the day bearing down on him.
The tension from the past few days had been building, and now he found himself standing outside y/n's door, late at night, unsure of what to expect. He knocked tentatively, almost hoping she wouldn't answer, but when she did, his heart sank a little.
y/n opened the door, wearing only panties and a crop top, looking tired but still striking. Her casual demeanor contrasted sharply with Kaz's turmoil. "I was about to smoke weed and watch House, what the fuck do you want?" she greeted him bluntly.
Kaz hesitated, then slowly pulled some cash from his pocket and handed it to her. She glanced at it, then back at him. "She's coming tomorrow, right?" she asked, her tone implying she already knew the answer.
It was Kaz's turn to hesitate. "I really like House," he blurted out awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood.
y/n sighed and accepted the money, stepping aside to let him in. The room was almost completely dark. They both understood the unspoken rule—if she didn't take the money, their interaction would mean something entirely different. In the dim light, Kaz undressed and climbed into bed, feeling the unsettling mix of familiarity and detachment.
y/n sat on the desk, rolling a blunt with practiced ease. Kaz observed her silently, struck by how natural she seemed in this setting. She tossed him the tablet. "The first drag is to share or it's ten years of bad sex," she said with a smirk as she lit it.
"You just made that up," Kaz chuckled. y/n inhaled deeply, then leaned in to blow the smoke into his mouth, their lips almost touching. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment before exhaling slowly.
They settled into bed—Kaz on his back with the tablet balanced on his stomach, and y/n nestled beside him, her head on his shoulder and a leg draped over his. He placed a hand on her thigh, the intimacy of the touch not lost on either of them. As she passed the blunt between them, Kaz squeezed her thigh gently each time, a silent acknowledgment of gratitude.
They watched the episode in comfortable silence, interrupted only by Kaz's occasional comments about how the actor didn’t know how to really use a cane. "Should I light another one?" y/n asked when the first blunt was finished. Kaz nodded, watching her move gracefully around the room. He couldn't help but admire how effortlessly sexy she was, even in such mundane actions.
When y/n blew the first drag into his mouth again, Kaz realized he had seen others do it and found it incredibly alluring. Another thing he was experiencing for the first time with her.
They continued sharing the blunt and watching the show until Kaz's thoughts turned impulsive. "I don't know how to put on a condom," he blurted out, his mind clouded by the effects of the weed. y/n seemed unfazed by his confession.
"Do you think you'll have sex?" she asked casually, her eyes still fixed on the tablet.
"No, it's still too soon," Kaz replied quickly.
"Do you want me to teach you?" she offered, her tone matter-of-fact.
"Yes," Kaz admitted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and determination. He wasn't sure if Inej knew how to do it, but he wanted to be prepared, or at least have a plausible excuse for being here.
"Great, but first, kill this," y/n said, passing him the blunt with the last two drags. "It's easier than you think."
Hesitantly, Kaz inhaled, then leaned in to blow the smoke into her mouth, feeling a surge of heat at the intimate gesture.
"So, show me," y/n prompted, her usual playful grin teasing Kaz's nerves. He frowned for a moment, then reluctantly looked down at his lap.
"Where do you put a condom, Kaz?" she asked, her tone teasing yet instructive.
Feeling somewhat foolish, Kaz hesitated. "I... you know I won't do that," he muttered, suddenly aware of his boundaries. Some things should remain between him and Inej, even if he was stoned enough to forget that.
"I know, I was testing my luck," y/n replied nonchalantly, getting up to retrieve a box from a drawer. She tossed vibrators and dildos onto the bed, making Kaz regret his request even more. "Choose one that's most similar," she instructed, pulling out a handful of condoms from another drawer.
Grateful for the darkness that hid his embarrassment, Kaz picked one without much thought. y/n raised an eyebrow. "Come on, baby, I felt it, you're being modest," she teased.
"Why do you always have to make things harder for me?" Kaz sighed, looking up at her with a mixture of exasperation and affection.
"Do you hear yourself? You serve them on a silver platter," she laughed. y/n slipped into teaching mode, and Kaz found himself oddly satisfied with his progress, despite the awkwardness of the situation. "Don't get cocky, darling. You won't be this relaxed when you're about to have sex for the first time, and real skin is much slippery," she warned, stuffing a handful of condoms into the pocket of his jacket. "Try them out at home to find the right fit."
"Damn, weed makes me so horny," she commented, settling back onto the bed beside him. "And so wet, I—"
"y/n, oversharing," Kaz interjected, amused yet also caught off guard by her candidness.
"Right, sorry," she smirked knowingly. "Do you ever touch yourself?"
Surprisingly, Kaz didn't feel as embarrassed as he thought he would, thanks to the weed. "Rarely. Sometimes even my own touch bothers me."
"When was the last time?" y/n inquired, her eyes challenging him with playful curiosity.
"Um, I think that time we kissed for three hours," Kaz admitted with a slight flush creeping into his cheeks.
"Did you think of me?" y/n's question was direct, her eyes searching his for an honest answer.
Kaz's hesitation was enough to let her know the answer. His brain seemed to have memorized every whisper and moan, replaying them with absurd accuracy.
"I thought about you too," y/n confessed with a smile that suggested she found their connection intriguing.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Kaz chuckled softly. "Did you, now?"
"I'm not embarrassed, Kaz. You know that," she laughed softly, moving closer to him.
"Do you think about your clients often?" he asked, half-serious, half-teasing as he pulled her into his lap.
"Some of them," she replied coyly, her face dangerously close to his.
"Kaz, stop looking at me like that. Your girlfriend is coming," y/n whispered, her lips brushing against his teasingly.
"I paid you. I'm just a client," Kaz replied, trying to maintain a distance that felt increasingly fragile.
"Then why are you hesitating?" y/n countered softly, her gaze searching for him.
"I just wanted to look at you," Kaz murmured truthfully, his resolve wavering.
"Kaz, are you about to tell me I'm beautiful?" she teased with a smirk.
"No," Kaz insisted, his voice firm yet tinged with uncertainty, he definitely was. "I want to try it again. I want to..." He paused, sighing deeply as he struggled to articulate his desire. "To get you off."
"Baby, don't ask me things hoping I'll refuse," y/n replied with a playful tap on his nose. "I'm working right now. I can't say no."
"I want to," Kaz reiterated more firmly this time, his resolve clear despite the nerves fluttering in his stomach. He knew this was crossing a line, pushing their arrangement into uncharted territory. Yet, something in him yearned to explore further, to delve into the intimacy they had danced around for so long.
Their eyes met in the dimly lit room, each silently acknowledging the unspoken tension that crackled between them. y/n regarded him with a mix of curiosity and amusement, as if testing his resolve. Kaz held her gaze, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and fear.
"Kaz," she began softly, her tone taking on a more serious note, "you know the rules. This isn't just about you anymore."
He nodded, acknowledging her point. The boundaries were clear—they were here because of an arrangement, a transaction. Yet, the air around them was thick with unspoken desires and uncharted territories.
"But," she continued, her voice lowering to a whisper, "if you're sure..."
"I'm sure," Kaz interrupted, his voice steady now. He reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. "I want to."
y/n hesitated, her eyes searching his face for any hint of doubt. Finding none, she nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Okay," she murmured, almost to herself as if affirming the decision.
Without further hesitation, Kaz closed the distance between their lips, tasting the familiar hint of cherries. This time, his touch was confident, tracing paths along her body with purpose. Her satisfied sounds were like music to him, and he found himself reveling in the moment.
Kaz's fingers moved with increasing determination, feeling her arousal through the fabric of her panties. She grew restless under his touch, prompting Kaz to gather his courage. He slid a finger inside gently, feeling her react with a gratifying gasp. He wished he had a video of how she threw her head back—it would be the only porn he'd willingly watch.
Taking his time to adjust to the sensation, Kaz met y/n's desire with each movement. "Another one, please," she requested breathlessly, her eyes filled with longing.
"Kaz, love, you're driving me crazy," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "Go faster."
Lost in her responsiveness, Kaz kissed her deeply, savoring her moans. y/n interrupted their kiss intermittently, praising him, asking for more. He enjoyed how demanding she was, each demand boosting his confidence.
"I'm so close, love. Just for you," she gasped, her body tensing under his touch. "Come for me, darling," Kaz whispered, the words slipping past his lips with a mix of urgency and tenderness. He watched as y/n's eyes opened in surprise, a fleeting moment of vulnerability passing between them before her body tensed under his touch. She closed her eyes again, surrendering to the sensations he was coaxing from her.
Kaz felt a surge of pride and relief as he felt her body relax against his, the tension melting away in the aftermath of her climax. He pressed his lips gently against her temple, savoring the closeness and the intimacy of the moment they had shared.
Slowly, he withdrew his fingers, mindful of her sensitivity.
Kaz lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling as he processed what had just happened. He felt a mix of exhilaration and unease, realizing how far he had pushed their boundaries tonight. As much as he wanted to convince himself it was just business, he couldn't ignore the undeniable connection they shared.
"You're too sweet for me," she murmured between heavy breaths, trying to steady herself. "I want to ruin you," she added, her fingers tracing his lips with a mischievous smile.
Kaz was surprised, he had no idea what she meant, but she distracted him right after. "Are you hungry?"
Kaz nodded. Smoking had made him really hungry. "I can make noodles if you want," she said. "I'm starving."
"Now?" he frowned, still feeling the remnants of their earlier intimacy.
"Yes, now, come on," she got up and changed into a fresh pair of underwear, keeping the crop top.
"I really need a minute to—"
"No one is around, let's go."
"I'm half naked."
"Me too," she said with a wink, her casualness making him smile despite himself. 
In the kitchen, y/n assured him that she didn't need help and started moving between cupboards and stoves. Kaz leaned back in his chair, watching her with a mix of curiosity and admiration. She moved with ease, her confidence captivating him.
"How hungry are you?" he asked, noticing the large quantity of things she was cutting. She smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
"You'll see."
Kaz felt like his eyes were glued to her, following every movement she made in the kitchen. As y/n moved between the cupboards and stoves, her graceful motions and focused demeanor captivated him. He watched as she effortlessly reached for ingredients.
When y/n tried to reach the upper shelf of the cupboard, Kaz noticed her struggling despite standing on her toes. Instinctively, he got up to help her, feeling a rush of protective instinct.
“Wait, I’ll take it. What do you need?” His voice was softer than usual, a stark contrast to his usual guarded demeanor. He moved behind her, and she gestured toward a red box on the top shelf. Leaning in, Kaz’s chest pressed lightly against her back, and he placed a hand on her waist as he reached for the box.
Their proximity caused a strange flutter in Kaz’s chest. He handed her the box, but instead of moving away immediately, he lingered, studying her reaction. y/n turned to look at him, her expression unreadable, which both intrigued and disarmed him.
"Why do you have to be such a tease?"
"What did I do?" he asked, genuinely confused, as he went back to his chair. y/n shook her head, going back to her pots.
Finally, she placed two plates in front of them, sitting on his lap. "There are three more chairs," he observed half annoyed, but curling an arm around her waist anyway.
“Just wait,” she replied with a playful glint in her eye. “Is it good?”
Kaz couldn't contain a satisfied hum when he started eating. It was really, really good. Or maybe it was just 3 am, and he was stoned and he could still smell the orgasm he made her reach on her skin. Everything felt surreal and intensely vivid.
A few minutes later, they started hearing noises, and her three roommates peeked into the kitchen. Kaz was really grateful that she was sitting on him, covering him up a bit. 
"Did you make noodles?" asked roommate one, with sleepy eyes, already grabbing a plate.
"Yes, but you can have them only if you promise to behave," said y/n amused.
"I promise," repeated the girls all together.
“So, what’s going on with you two?” another roommate asked, her curiosity clear despite her sleepy demeanor.
“Nothing,” y/n shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, like we don’t know your after-sex face,” one of the roommates teased, causing Kaz to nearly choke on his food.
"Nothing happened," she insisted, laughing at the absurdity.
"y/n, it's 3 am, you made noodles that you're actually eating, and you are fucking loud," added roommate three.
"You promised to behave," y/n scolded them, but there was no real anger in her voice.
Kaz hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body against his. The girls kept their playful banter going, and for the first time in a long while, Kaz started to feel weirdly at ease. He couldn't believe he was with four prostitutes, all half naked, himself included, eating and kind of enjoying himself.
"So Kaz," asked roommate one, "is it true that you have a job shadier than ours?"
A small laugh escaped his lips as he leaned back in the chair, dragging y/n back with him. "You could say that," he admitted, making them giggle, "but you know, I heard some strange things staying here, so maybe the shadiness is equal."
"Are you still hungry?" asked y/n softly, looking at his empty plate.
"Maybe," he said, involuntarily gazing at her lips. 
y/n got up to fill his plate again, and the girls started laughing at the face he made. "y/n, you should make him promise to behave too," laughed roommate two.
"Shut up," she retorted, going back to his lap.
Kaz wrapped his arms around her again, feeling a sense of belonging he hadn't expected. The strange, comforting domesticity of the moment made him realize how starved he was for simple human connection, for a feeling of being part of something, even if just for a fleeting night.
As the conversation flowed and the banter between y/n and her roommates continued, Kaz found himself drawn into their playful teasing and laughter.
"Did she tell you about her new boyfriend?" Roommate three smirked mischievously, glancing at y/n with a knowing look.
"No, she didn't," Kaz replied, eyeing y/n curiously and poking her side lightly.
"So, you are embarrassed about him," Roommate one chimed in triumphantly, raising an eyebrow at y/n.
"I'm not!" y/n protested half-heartedly, a playful glint in her eyes.
"He's 50," Roommate two blurted out suddenly, causing Kaz to raise his eyebrows in surprise.
"What?" Kaz turned to y/n, his curiosity piqued.
"He still didn't sleep with her because he's afraid she's going to give him a heart attack," Roommate three added with a chuckle, earning a playful swat from y/n.
"She told him she's a pilates instructor," Roommate one added with a grin.
"Girls, come on," y/n laughed along with them, "he's cute."
"Where did you even find him?" Kaz asked, genuinely curious now, his earlier worries about Inej momentarily forgotten in the midst of their light-hearted banter.
"I'm not telling you," y/n replied coyly, leaning back against Kaz's chest, her demeanor relaxed and carefree. "I'm not telling anyone anything, you bunch of snakes."
The teasing continued into the early hours of the morning, their laughter filling the kitchen and easing the tension that had hung in the air earlier. Kaz found himself caught up in their laughs, enjoying the distraction and the genuine warmth of y/n and her roommates.
They talked and joked until 6 am, their conversation ranging from light-hearted gossip to shared stories and playful teasing. Despite the late hour, Kaz didn’t realize he hadn't once thought about his girlfriend during their time together.
As exhaustion finally caught up with them, Kaz found himself drifting off to sleep in y/n's bed, his head nestled comfortably in the crook of her neck. 
He was jolted awake by the insistent buzzing of his phone two hours later. Inej. Inej would be arriving in a few hours. What the fuck was he doing?
“Turn it off,” whined y/n beside him, her voice thick with sleep.
He glanced at the screen, seeing he had already missed two calls from her. Panic surged through him as he quickly disentangled himself from y/n. 
“Hi, Kaz. Did I wake you?” asked Inej as soon as he answered.
“Yeah, am I late? Are you already here?” he asked, worried.
“No,” she laughed, “I was supposed to arrive in a few hours. Did you forget?” Her laugh was meant to lighten the mood, but Kaz couldn’t shake the feeling of unease.
“Nej, what do you mean ‘supposed to’?”
Inej hesitated. “Something came up. I can’t come this week.”
“Something came up? You promised,” he said, unable to hide his hurt.
“I know, but Kaz, I might have a lead about some slavers. I can’t back out from that.”
Kaz knew she was right, but he couldn’t help feeling a wave of frustration and disappointment. “You could’ve told me sooner,” he said harshly.
“I knew it on my way to the airport,” she admitted.
“You’re always ready to leave me waiting like an idiot,” he snapped before he could stop himself.
“Excuse me? Are you mad at me? You know this is important.”
“Well, for me, it was important seeing you today.”
“I have to go, Kaz. Have a nice day.”
Kaz sighed heavily, staring at the phone in disbelief. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Defeated, he sat back on the bed, feeling a strange sense of relief mingled with guilt.
“She’s not coming?” asked y/n without opening her eyes, her voice still sleepy.
“No, she’s not,” he admitted quietly.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she murmured, reaching out to touch his arm.
“Thanks,” Kaz replied, feeling unsure of what the right thing to do was. “I had the whole day planned,” he chuckled dryly, “I’m a fucking idiot.”
“You’re not. How could you know?”
“And you? Plans?” he asked, shifting the conversation to y/n, perfectly aware of the risks.
“Just going to the gym, cleaning my room, nothing important. I’m off from work. Can you get my birth control pill? It’s in the nightstand.”
Kaz got up and fetched the small pill from the blister pack. y/n stuck out her tongue, and he carefully placed it on it, a small smile forming on his lips at the playful gesture.
“Can we sleep a few more hours?” Kaz asked, exhausted from the sleepless night and the heavy disappointment.
“Of course, love. Come here.”
Kaz crawled back into bed, finding comfort in her warmth. As he settled down, he realized he felt less guilty about his time with y/n. The ache of Inej’s absence still lingered, but in y/n's arms, he found a fleeting solace. He closed his eyes, hoping to escape into sleep and away from the turmoil of his emotions.
They slept until the early hours of the afternoon, the haze of the night lingering as Kaz dropped y/n off at the gym. His mind was a whirl of thoughts as he drove to meet Jesper. He needed to vent about Inej, about everything, and Jesper was always a willing ear.
Jesper was in a good mood, and luckily, he didn't mention y/n. Kaz spent the next hour unloading his frustrations about Inej, feeling abandoned by her constant absence. Inej didn't call, didn't text, too caught up in whatever she was doing. Kaz really wanted to get drunk, but he had to work that night. The boss wanted him to close some deals, and he couldn't afford to mess up.
As he tried to focus on organizing his papers, Kaz's mind kept drifting back to the previous night. How surreal and good it had been. y/n's friends were actually funny, all a bit deranged. He suspected that if he hadn't been there, their conversation would have escalated to something else pretty quickly.
y/n was always in his mind, and he knew that it was wrong, that they were blurring the boundaries of their relationship too much, but Kaz couldn't help but feel less lonely than he had ever been in his entire life. He tried to remind himself that he paid her for that time together, but the connection was undeniable. If she didn't think that they were at least friends, she was an Oscar-deserving actress.
As if y/n read his mind, she sent him a picture. Apparently, she was watching the last episode of their show. His show, he corrected himself, there was no 'them.' Kaz replied with a picture of his messy desk.
‘Poor baby, working late?’ she wrote back.
He wondered if she texted this often even with other clients, but his mind refused to acknowledge the possibility.
‘Luckily I slept all morning,’ he replied.
‘Did you enjoy snoring in my ear?’
‘Very much.’
‘I’ll tape your mouth shut next time.’
Kaz skipped a beat reading ‘next time.’ They were playing with each other, but he was the one who had something to lose. His relationship was at stake, and Inej's constant distance didn't help. He never had a problem with the distance in their relationship until he found out how much he liked having someone close. At the start, he was almost grateful that Inej was never there—fewer occasions to let her see how inadequate he was to fit the boyfriend role. He used to thank Ghezen that she decided to stay with him anyway.
But now that he discovered that he could be more, more present, closer, Kaz was starting to worry about the distance between them. Inej had always been the girl he loved, the only one he had ever fallen for. It had always been them, long before deciding to have an official relationship. y/n was making him discover that he was so much more, that his limits could be pushed further than he thought, and that for doing it, he needed to have someone close.
Kaz felt a surge of guilt as he reflected on this. How could he have allowed things to get so complicated? Inej had been his rock, his constant in a world full of chaos. She was the girl who knew his darkest secrets and still chose to love him. Yet, here he was, entangled with someone else who made him feel alive in ways he never knew were possible.
The realization was unsettling. Kaz prided himself on being in control, on keeping his emotions in check. But with y/n, everything was different. She brought out a side of him that he had buried long ago, a side that craved closeness and connection. He couldn't deny that their time together was more than just a transaction. It was real, and it scared him.
Kaz wondered if Inej sensed the change in him. She was perceptive, often seeing through his facades with ease. The thought of her finding out about y/n sent a chill down his spine. How could he explain that he needed someone else to discover parts of himself he didn't know existed? How could he justify his actions when he couldn't even understand them himself?
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. The stakes were higher than ever, and he was playing a dangerous game. The distance between him and Inej had once been a comfort, a way to keep his vulnerabilities hidden. Now, it was a barrier he desperately wanted to break down. But at what cost?
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spidernuggets · 8 months
Hi! :D
I was wondering if you could do a jason x fem reader where jason just rescued reader from being kidnapped and he has to calm her down from a panic attack?
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warning‼️: threats of rape
Note: I apologise in advance, I don't have much experience of comforting or calming someone down during a panic attack
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You couldn't see. It was dark. You were sitting down on a hard, cold surface. Wherever you were, you were moving. But, you couldn't moce your arms or your legs. Your wrists were bound together behind your back, and your ankles tied together.
You were whimpering and crying, tears rolling down youe face as you heard someone, a man most likely, scoffing at your state.
"This is the girl big, bad Red Hood is hooking up with? I expected someone... Feistier. Definitely wouldn't mind a feisty gal," he grunted and you sniffled at his comment.
So you were kidnapped as bait for Red Hood?
You were scared. This never happened before. You couldn't even remember what happened before you got kidnapped. But you knew your boyfriend was already out on patrol. Yeah. And he checks up on you ever half hour. He'll find you. He'll figure out where you are.
The vehicle came to a stop. The ropes from your ankles were cut. Someone harshly grabbed your arm, forcing you up and shoving you out of the van, almost tripping over when you couldn't watch your step.
"Move it, bitch," a different man said, pushing your back every two seconds, guiding you to a cliche located warehouse.
You were gagged with an itchy rope tight around your face, dribbles of saliva running down, mixed with your salty tears.
"Ugh, fucking disgusting. Did he answer yet?" Asked one of the men.
"No, sir. It's been 17 minutes since our message."
"Tsk." The man who seemed to be the one in control of this situation leaned down by your ear. "Looks like you don't mean as much to him as both of us thought. You know, if he doesn't come, we can still make good use of you," he sneers, grasping a tight hold of your jaw.
You snarled, refusing to take any of this bullshit, anger rising in your chest. You took the close proximity as a chance to kick him as hard as you could in the crotch. You can hear the loads of guns being pointed towards you, but no fire. You assumed their boss refrained them from pulling the triggers.
"Oh, ho, you fucking whore!" He yells, giving you a brutal slap across the face, making you topple over, your head hitting against the cold, concrete floor. Luckily, though, you were still conscious, aware of your surroundings.
The man pulls you back up and grabs you by the throat. "That was your only warning, you little bitch. Make a move like that again, and the next time your little Red Hood fellow sees you, you'd be branded by someone else," he threaten as the other men snickered and laugh at your vunerable state.
But then, there was a sound of a creek of a floorboard in the distance. You can hear the mean aiming their guns to where the sound was coming from, up at the catwalk.
Suddenly, one of the men dropped dead. As some of the men closer inspected the now dead body, they saw a small hole in the middle of the dead man's eyes.
A few seconds before they could react, three more of the men got shot. Unusually, though, there were no gunshot sounds. And you knew Jason was there. Jason once told you that if you were ever kidnapped, he would use a silencer, so you'd be less startled.
You weren't, to say the least, but then one of the men was ordered to grab you and bring you back to the van. You felt the harsh breeze slap your skin, struggling and wriggling in the man's grasp.
"Shut uo, would you-" The boss yelled and was about to throw a punch if his head wasn't then filled with lead a split second after.
You felt the grip the man had on you loosen. You were so shook, you fell to the ground, crying and whimpering, still unable to see or speak.
You felt like you couldn't breathe. Your heels were digging against the dirt and gravel, and your nails pierced cresent shaped dents in your skin.
"Y/n!"A voice called out. But you couldn't register whose voice. "Darling- Hey, princess, I'm here- I'm right here, it's me, don't worry," the voice said frantically.
You were in a state of shock, you kept kicking, and your screams were muffled. You looked like a mess. Snot was running down your nose, your wrists were red and bruised, and some of the skin was peeling off, and foam of saliva filled the corners of your lips.
Jason quickly untied all the bounds. He started with the rope around your face. Once it was released, you wasted no time to beg for you life.
"No- No, please! I'm- I'm sorry, please, please," you wailed, choking on your sobs in the process.
"Wh-what? Darling, it's okay, it's me! It's Jason!" He tried to assure, but to no avail. You were still squirming against him as he tried to take off your blindfold.
But once he did, your eyes were bright red and closed tight.
"Please!" You sobbed. "Please, let me go, I won't tell anyone, just- please." Your breathing began to quicken and became unsteady.
Jason started to panic, cutting the ropes off your wrists as fast as he could. Once your arms were free, you put them in front of you in defence.
"I'm sorry, please! I- I can't-" Your sobs grew loud, your hands grasping at the dirt on the ground, gravel pieces digging into your nails.
Jason carefully places his hand on your knee. "My love, please look at me. It's me. Jason. Look," he took his glove off and held his hand in front of your shut eyes, hoping you'd open them for at least a second. "It's me, your husband. You're safe. I came. I promised you I would always protect you," he continued to assure you.
You peeked and saw the glistening band that rested around his ring finger. You still couldn't pricess that it was Jason who was in front of you, but you called out his name.
"Jay?" You whimpered. Jason nodded, his free hand slowly reaching out to hold your cheek, his rough textured glover softly caressing your face.
The hand on your knees takes your hand, and he puts it against his heart. "Breathe with me, doll. I'm here for you, okay?" He says, taking deep breaths in and out.
Your breath continues to shudder but manages to slowly follow his deep breathing patterns. "That's it, love. You're doing so well."
Finally, you can see the face of the love of your life, kneeling in front of you, eith glassy eyes and a scared and concerned look on his face.
"Jason," you said quietly while sniffling. You weakling reaching your arms out, and Jason immediately understood. He leaned towards you, holding you in a secure embrace, a promise showing you that he'll always save you.
"Did they hurt you?? Did they touch you?" He said, fury sparking in his eyes as you weakly nodded.
Jason clears the damp hair away from your face. "Listen to me, sweetheart. They're dead. They're all dead. Every single one who laid a hand on who, and those who were an accomplice to it. They're dead. And I'll kill anyone else who thinks they have a right to do so," he says.
You were never afraid of Red Hood. Why be afraid of someone who loves you so much that they'd kill someone who put you in danger for you?
And that's why you love him just as much.
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soz this fic is shorter than my usual ones, hope you lile it!! 😭😭
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