#would this be concidered a headcannon?
ghostboy-art · 2 months
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this in relation to Dr. Two Brains but its been plauging my mind.
So, both rats and mice do a thing called boggling. In moments in which they are happy, they grind their teeth together, causing their eyes to bulge out. I think it happens because of the way their muscles are laid out on their face? I'm not an expert on rodent biology.
Anyways, in the show, Dr. Two Brains is shown to do a similar thing multiple times in the show when he gets excited, as shown in these images
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After he is done evil laughing or doing whatever he is doing while his eyes are like that, they return to normal, as shown here.
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I'm just curious if this could actually be construed as boggling? If it was intentional or just a trait that they added in a few times? (though this is a repeated thing..) And if it would even be possible with the way Dr. Two Brains face is constructed??
I have many questions.
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sassysnitch · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland Headcannons:
The Housewardens finding out they have a secret/long lost sibling
Authors note: I was thinking about how in 2012-2017 it was so common for people to make their OCs a long lost sibling of a canon character and that's how I got this idea. Enjoy(?)
🌹Riddle Rosehearts♥️
-If Riddle had a sibling all of the sudden it would either be an younger sibling or half-sibling for this situation to make the most sense.
-In other words: For Riddle to have a sibling and not know of them it would either mean his father was cheating/left his mom for obvius reasons and got with someone else, OR, they'd have to be born before him and have gone somewhere before he was born.
-Now his reaction at first would definitelly be shock. Right after a lot of questions for his mother.
-Would also be really angry and perplexed on why he didn't know he had a sibling sooner
-Despite his anger and confusion he'd most likely see connecting with his sibling as an important responsability
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🐾
-Now for this one, Leonas long lost sibling would need to be older or else it doesn't really work.
-I'd say either said sibling was actually born before him AND Farena but went missing and so the parents had to make another heir and then Leona came after, or, said sibling is actually the second born and went missing so their parents had Leona to try and fill in the void in their hearts from the dissapearance of the missing child.
-Leona would also defenitelly be suprised, as well as in disbelief
-If it turns out the lost sibling is still alive, Leona probably wouldn't really mind them, but also wouldn't really see the need to fully connect.
-(he cares for them a little, don't worry)
🐙Azul Ashengrotto🔮
-Either younger sibling, older sibling or half-sibling could work in this situation, especially considering Azuls dad is kinda out of the picture.
-Would choke on his food/drink when he finds out about them
-I feel like he'd be somewhat eager to get to know them, concidering he was a rather lonely child (He was probably one of those kids who'd ask for a younger sibling as a gift on the Holidays)
-if said sibling is anything like him they're probably gonna become bisness partners (yay~)
✨Kalim Al-Asim🥥
-Considering Kalim has a bunch of siblings this can go either way
-The long lost sibling probably got kidnaped because of their status, survived, and couldn't find their way home until now
-Boi would be devistated to find out that one of his siblings was just, forgotten like that! He'd also feel sorry for what they went through
-But hey, once they go through a DNA test, (to really make sure they're an Al-Asim) all will be good, Kalim will also check up on them here and there, making sure they're adjusting back to their home well
⚗️ Vil Schoenheit 👑
-this one is also kinda easy, since we do know that Vil has a dad, but there's not really any information about his mom
-They've probably just been living with Vils mom their whole lives and that's why he didn't know
-his reaction would be the most dramatic "what" you've ever heard.
-would be very set on meeting them, he'd also most likely be a very caring brother
-(that's it I don't have any more ideas for Vil-)
💙 Idia Shroud 💀
-The sibling would probably have to older than him and Ortho for this scenario to work
-Once he's told about a "long lost sibling" he'd at first think his parents are talking about the original Ortho, is confused and somewhat scared when he's told that the conversation is infact not about Ortho.
-once he's calm he'd call it an "Anime plot twist of the century"
-Said sibling probably didn't want to keep on the STYX family bisness and went out into the world to pursue a diffrent passion and that's why they never met.
-Idia isn't super pumped about meeting this "long lost sibling" of his but is defenitelly curius about them and what they decided to pursue in life
🐉 Malleus Draconia📜
-Also would have to be older than him
-Would not be the only one that's suprised, the whole Diasomnia gang would have questions
-The sibling was most likely abducted as a child and suddenly have turned up now, this one however would probably not need a DNA test as long as they have the classic Draconia horns.
-They'd probably also be autamatically respected by Sebek and Silver, meanwhile Lillia is trying to figure out when exactly they could have been born for this situation to make sense, would be a total dad to them afterwards.
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stuffyflowers · 2 months
So the game is pretty vague about what Cerobas family was like but concidering they aren't in Kanako's life and from the way Ceroba acts I don't think her childhood was great so I'm interested to see if you have any headcannons on what Cerobas family was like?
Yeah thinking bout cerobas childhood is interesting. It’s a lot less clear what her parents were like and what she was like compared to starlo so obviously my take is gonna be different to other peoples. for someone so family oriented, cerobas parents are only ever mentioned once from what I remember, when ceroba recounts her meeting with chujin and how her mother sent her out. I wouldn’t consider this particularly strange until you also consider the fact that she’s pretty close to stars parents, organising picnics and appear to frequently talk even after chujins death.
Cerobas parents def feel to me like the kind that never really saw eye to eye with their daughter, and put a lot of pressure on her to conform to their expectations. It kinda coincides with my hc that ceroba was more of a rebellious kid: she disliked school (the “not by choice” line) and preferred more physical activities like martial arts (she’s extremely strong, even without magic. She still seems to value staying active going off of her gym membership line) and exploring the underground (she’s the one who discovered the garbage dump that star and her would eventually visit frequently, leading to him finding the tapes) (she also seems to enjoy the adventure through the steamworks, perhaps like she’s reliving the wonder of her childhood?). She could always tell her parents didn’t approve of her choices, that they wanted her to be a high achiever, but at this point in her life she didn’t care what they thought.
The pressure from her parents began to affect her choices later in life, though. Eventually, we know that ceroba “grew up,” and she places a lot of value on this fact. She grew out of her more rowdy tendencies (saying the feisty five are too rowdy for her) and started conforming to what her parents expected of her, being more proper.
Coming back to the whole “why did she fall for chujin so fast?” thing I was talking bout way back, I feel like ceroba was expected to rush into adulthood pretty fast, settle down with a husband and have a big family, because of her parents. Chujin embodied a lot of the traits she already was fond of in starlo, who she had considered as a partner prior (his kindness, most notably) with the main difference being that unlike starlo, chujin also wanted to “grow up”, like her.
Despite eventually conforming to her parents’ ideal for her to settle down and make a family, she never kept in touch much with them, and they never made much of an effort to be in her life much, either.
I could prob expand more later but I just woke up shdjdjdhjshd
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6ftslytherin · 3 years
what are some headcannons about sabrula do you have?
Merula was deeply homophobic for many years. Her parents raised her to believe marrying a pureblood man and having children was one of the best ways to give back to wizarding society. When she began to realize her own feelings for girls she got angry. She lashed out at anyone she thought was insinuating she was anything short of heterosexual.
Sabine had many crushes before dating Merula. A girl who's name she doesn't remember that went to the same ice rink as her, some girl she saw at the beach, Skye Parkin, and Yvonne Silverpot. The only one she ever let her feelings slip to was Yvonne who took her first kiss. Sabine has never seen her since. On top of that her family also taught her to continue the bloodline with a heteronormative lifestyle. Though she did end up coming out to her family and close friends before the start of fourth year in a VERY unhealthy way (they worked through it.)
Merula and Sabine both feared their feelings, but couldn't avoid each other. Eventually it boiled over and they went on a (secret) date. A month later Sabine asked if she could concider Merula her girlfriend. She said yes.
Sabine sometimes has intense depressive episodes. When this happens Merula takes her places to take her mind off things (looking for cool rocks, a bonfire, or just snuggling)
Sabine is autistic and like to stim by playing with Merula's hair.
Merula would often make fun of Sabine's pointed ears. Her reasoning being, "I can't stop looking at her ears. They make my stomach hurt. Therefore I must think they're stupid." After dating Sabine for awhile she realized she actually thinks they're cute. Nowadays Merula likes to cup Sabine's face and use her thumbs to play with them.
When Merula finally accepted the fact she is gay she had already put it in her head that she had made fun of other queer people so much that she wouldn't be accepted. Sabine helped her to (slowly) get the courage up to go to the Hogwarts Rainbow Club (queen alliance.) Merula was surprised at how welcoming they were.
Sabine is impossible to shop for. She's rich, so why wouldn't she just go out and buy whatever she wants? Merula hand makes everything she gives her, because nobody can buy a Merula original. Sabine treasures every gift.
Merula was terrified to meet Sabine's parents. She had heard about dads threatening boys their daughter bring home. But her parents were just... normal people? Sabine's dad is a bit uptight but besides that it was a nice time.
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gunpowderdtim · 4 years
please talk to us about your Tim's life headcannons? 🥺
- Tim grows up in foster care for as long as he can remember
- this is fun bc adbandonment issues and a tendency to cling to people he meets that show him kindness and convincing himself that maybe if he's very good and nice people will let him stay longer and maybe like him
- maybe they wont leave him
- he's bounced around place to place with no sence of permanence
- from school to school
- (by school i mean like, boarding schools with houses and prefects. Like ww1 type pay for schools. Corporal punishment and all the shit like that)
- Tim made friends with the expectation that he would lose them in a few months
- got shit grades because he has really bad ADHD and isnt medicated at all and doesn't have things like extra time or teachers giving him notes
- he's trying but gave up at a certain point because he cannot focus well and his auditory processing is very bad and he cannot listen to lectures because he misses every 4th word and can't focus during tests
- Tim as an elementary school student was;;;; very fidgety ADHD wandering around.
- a problem child
- eventully he's like 16 and in a maybe a bit more permanent position
- he and Bertie become fast friends
- Tim is... Very very very clingy
- he's never had a friend he viewed as any sort of permanent and Bertie is so good and he's very much pouring everything he can into keeping Bertie his friend and making Bertie like him
- and Bertie does like Tim and does regard Tim his best friend but at a certain point that becomes a bit much
- they talk about ir probably and Tim does back off a bit but... He's still absolutley desperately clingy
- and he still stakes so much on he and Bertie's relationship
- i need to emphasize here that Tim and Bertie are not romantic to me
- Tim is kind of. Unhealthily clingy because of very valid reasons but that doesnt make it a good thing, their relationship isn't perfect
- I do need emphasise that Bertie loves tim as well. Bertie does solidly view Tim as his best friend and cares about him so much.
- but when Tim says things like "youre the only good thing in my life and id rather die than loose you" or  'i probably would have killed myself if i wasnt friends with you'
- that's. Very not good.
- Bertie loves tim and cares about Tim so much and does take care of him in many ways but Tim has alot of issues he's working through that stress Bertie out alot
- but they are best friends
- Tim is not an easy person to love and not an easy person to take care of
- he's a bad of trauma and issues and that doesn't change the fact that Bertie loves him
- but it does mean Bertie is stressed over Tim alot
- and Tim does not mean to do this at all
- alot of the reason why i am uncomfy with shipping them in my writing is because I view their relationship like this.
- With Tim as desperate and clingy and Bertie as caring and loving and concerned
- and a romantic relationship would be very power imbalanced because Tim already bends over backwards to not upset Bertie
- and already doesn't set boundaries well
- and while Bertie woudlnt hurt Tim intentionally i don't think that Tim would set any boundaries he would need
- and I just don't like the idea of that
- and i find this dynamic alot more interesting than romance tbh
- anyway
- Tim and Bertie are seniors together
- i don't know the British equilivant of that
- upperclassmen???
- final grade of highschool together
- anyway Bertie is 18 and Tim is 17
- on another note Tim is chronically Ill
- chronic fatigue and chronic pain because i say so
- so they're young adults
- they also grew up during like;;; a constant threat of war breaking out
- Tim!Earth post set to come out soon for context on the history but basically
- world war 1 never really stopped, moon colonization happened, litterally most of the world is on the edge of war constantly, Espessially England and there was always a war threat
- with like fire drills there was bomb drills and air strike drills and various other drills
- there was always a feeling of not "will another war happen?" But "when and how soon and where?"
- so anyway
- Tim and Bertie are young adults
- they're poor as shit, rooming together, trying to make ends meet
- Tim can work but bc of his chronic illness's it's hard for him to keep a steady job
- Bertie is doing is best
- but y'know
- its hard
- and Tim has alot of internalized ableism bc not only adhd but he was told he was making up his symptoms/being dramatic alot and just. He isn't great
- then the War rolled around
- now both of them fully believed in alot of propaganda, mostly about england being in the right and the queen being good
- history class was very biased for them
- so they're poor
- and the army gives benefits, free college, free housing, free things that they need. Things that could make their lives so much easier
-  so of course Bertie is like: im going
- and Tim is like: then I will too obviously. We're going together.
- this turns into a fight with Tim's adbandonment issues flaring and the entire "you said you woudlnt leave me alone again"
- and Bertie shooting back that he's trying to make things better for them and that he's sick
- "every man woman and child strong enough to hold a gun" Tim could enlist despite being chronically I'll don't @ me
- and Tim ends up winning more through changing his volume and yelling until Bertie got tired of fighting
- and recruiters song
- God recruiters song
- they believe every word.
- they do think they'll be home by Christmas
- they enlist together
- and the war happens
- alot of why Tim broke so badly at Bertie's death is that Bertie was the first permanent thing he had
- he refused to even concider what not having Bertie would be like
- because Bertie was supposed to be permanent
- was supposed to be with him forever because he was old enough to not be controlled anymore
- and he could do what he wanted
- and stay with whoever he wanted
- and that was bertie
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mother-snake · 4 years
Do you have any login s headcannons 👀
(i got ur message!) logince!
-logan and roman are not sure at first, but after a week they settle into a routine -roman is the most romantic of the both of them, setting up dates for the both of them .-sometimes both can get caught up in their work but they can easily get the other out of their work by the promise of exploring the imagineation -virgil once caught logan and roman having a staring contest, it lasted far longer than what would be concidered normal. logan won - roman begins to teach logan how to sword fight and after he had picked up the basics they now have a weekly sword fighting day -the one time roman and logan got into a fight they didnt speak to one another for a week and they both got so nervous about the other leaving that they then spent two weeks by eachothers side -logan helps to build romans confidance-roman helps logan with his confidance as well -the others find them ormidable apponents when they both agree with somthing .-loagn and roman sometimes get bored and play hide and seek. -patton once found logan hiding under the sofa whilst cleaning and screamed .-the other sides realy see a differance when they comapre the two sides to how they were months ago. -roman is more self confidante and logan dosent let the others speak over him anymore. -they secretly start helping the others get together
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Kandomere and Montehugh Work Headcannons
- Just in general they have little in common but would take a bullet for the other.
- Kandomere writes better reports than Montehugh. If the report is important Kandomere will write it.
- Kandomere holds the rank of Special Agent in Charge, Montehugh is Assistant Special Agent In Charge.
-Though they don't spend much time together outside of work Kandomere has spent a few Christmases with Montehugh and his wife. He's concidered a family friend.
- They are as bad as each other when it comes to overworking. They'll crash in the bunks at work or stay up all night if they're close to closing a case.
- Kandomere thinks Montehugh's Övüsi is terrible. But if he's honest its the best he's heard a human manage to speak it.
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usually-abnormal · 6 years
Timothy Character Bio
(Like with Zethes much of this is headcannon. Unfortunately, Tim only had three major appearances in the show. Then the writers just kind of forgot about him, which totally sucks...)
Name: Timothy Hu
Age: Pre mutation 16, post mutation 18
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Hight: 6’0
Species: Mutant, formally human
Powers: (Post cure) Enhanced strength, acidic touch
Timothy lived a fairly normal life in New York with his mom and older sister, and aside from the usual teenage problems and occasionally having run ins with bullies he was happy. However, he soon began to notice strange occurrences in the city. People going missing, robots, and of course mutants. The cops didn’t do much or didn’t even seem to notice the weird stuff going on. However, one fateful night he would discover what appeared to be men in turtle costumes fighting a man in a robot suit. Actually seeing someone stand up to villains of the city inspired him to become a vigilante called the Pulverizer! Which didn’t go quite as well as he’d planned since he had no combat training what so ever...he figured it would be one of those things he’d learn on the job. How hard could it be to kick butt right?
Unfortunately things would continue to go down hill for him. After meeting the Turtles, (where he discovered they were mutants by the way) training with Donnie, and accidentally messing up a mission they were on, he was determined to continue his training and become good enough to fight by their side! What he didn’t know was the dojo he he started classes at happened to be involved with the Foot Clan, and since they were also fighting the Kraang he was under the impression that they were good guys. Really he probably should have been tipped off when he realized they were using him for cannon fodder. Once he realized he could use his position to help the Turtles, he became a spy for them. Even volunteering to Be mutated himself, thinking he could be stronger that way. But things didn’t go quite as planned...
When he was mutated, he was turned into a blob-like monster and was later frozen by Donatello during a fight when he tried to befriend April and accidentally hurt her. When he was first mutated, Donnie promised he would find a way to cure him. He was the first mutant he promised that to. Yet, for two years he stayed frozen in his lab. Even after finding a cure, even after an alien invasion where they had to flee New York, he was left behind. Forgotten. Abandoned. And when they came back? Nothing. Eventually he would be cured, but he would not be happy with his “Friends”.
Additional information:
Timothy is an amazing artist and wants to illustrate comics one day.
He’s actually pretty good at fixing things, not something as complicated as Donnie or the Kraang would make. More or less stuff like cars and motorcycles.
He actually went to the same school as Casey and April, but he wasn’t friends with them. He shared the same chemistry class with April and had crush on her, but he never said anything. And Casey...well he didn’t get along with him well... he tended to mess around with him a little too much... (Note, I don’t think Casey would ever intentionally bully someone. He’s not like that. But he does seem to be the type who could take a joke a little too far or not concider someone’s feelings sometimes. 2012 Casey anyway.)
After he’s cured, he keeps some of his powers since he was a mutant for so long.
He’s extremely mad at the Turtles after he’s cured, especially Donnie. And he’s a lot more bitter and cynical after he’s cured too.
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insertpoetryhere · 7 years
Trans Izaya/ Shinzaya headcannons bc there isn't enough of it in this world
- When Izaya first met Shinra, he hadn't exactly figured out who he was. He still had long hair, and wore girls uniforms, and all the other works - He was especially shocked when Shinra approached him mainly because the fact that he was a "girl" didn't bother him like it did with the other boys. - Shinra figured out that Izaya was Trans before he did just with the little things he noticed the other boy doing, such as the way he would admire his reflection whenever his hair was tied up so it looked short, or how envious he seemed to be when it came to his male classmates. - One day Shinra finally just handed Izaya a boys uniform and asked him to go try it on. When he did come out and looked at himself in the mirror, it all clicked together and he actually started crying. - Shinra helped him come up with the name to replace his dead name, which was of course Izaya. Part of the reason Izaya likes it so much is because Shinra, the first person to accept him in any form, helped him pick it out. - Izaya didn't develope breasts until high school, and was highly uneducated on the topic of safe binding. He had been using ace bandages to bind until Shinra eventually saw them and had to explain to his boyfriend that he can't do that. After his lecture, Izaya bought a proper binder offline. - To this day, Izaya will describe the week he was waiting for his binder as the worst week of his entire life. -He was super excited when he got it, and he now conciders it his prized possession (aside from him and Shinra's engagement ring). It was a purple galaxy binder that he still sometimes puts on despite the fact that he had top surgery a year ago. - Izaya's gender is one of the few things Shinra will not let people comment on. Call him an asshole? That's fair. Tell him he's a terrible person? Yeah, but he loves him anyway. Tell him that they shouldn't be together? He knows, how could he have scored someone so out of his leauge. Call him over dramatic? Honey, you haven't even seen him when we run out of coffee. But call him a her? A fight will break out then and there. - Shinra doesn't let Izaya use public restrooms alone, mainly because he's scared he will get hurt. So, what restroom he uses depends on who is with him. This is a rule that Shinra makes very clear, since the last thing he wants to see on the news is that his boyfriend was the victim of a hate crime. - Over all, there's just so much love and understanding that I can't even function correctly.
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