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patriwoso · 2 years ago
a betrayal
alexia putellas x reader
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If someone asked from the outside, you'd say Barca was like a family.
Claudia was your sister, a twin. You were double trouble.
Patri was the older sister.
Alexia was the mom. Soccer mom. She made sure you and Claudia kept in line.
You teased Ana and said she was the grandmother, eventually agreeing to be the Aunt though.
Mapi and Ingrid were like Soccer moms too, although sometimes you'd argue Mapi was too childish and she was the baby of the family.
The family was tight. You had your groups within the team and they were close.
When Alexia and Aitana went to the World Cup, you felt betrayed. Confused and upset why they would go against what they'd said the whole time.
You lost some of your family for a few months. You didn't want to talk to them, acknowledge them.
Going to a senior world cup had been yours and Claudia's dream. Mapi and Patri had experienced it before but you were yet to reach that stage of your career.
The first few days were spent crying in Mapi's arms. You felt overwhelmed and upset that this was happening, it wasn't fair.
Alexia had tried to reach out to you but you chose not to reply. Watching the calls on the screen until they rang out. Her messages appearing amongst other notifications.
Hey small stuff. Miss you x
Y/N I'm sorry, I love you ❤️
Please call me. I want to talk to you Y/N/N.
You spent a few weeks with Patri and Pina on holiday in Mallorca, boat trips and tanning on the beach.
The nights were spent cuddled up together watching films, sharing popcorn and toffees.
"Claudi stop wriggling." You'd tug on the blanket, pulling back what she had taken away from you.
"I'm not!"
"That pair of you... your children!" Patri sighs.
And then preseason training started again.
You were with the Barca B team like usual, some of the internationals joining back once their time in Australia and New Zealand had come to an end.
August 20th came around too fast.
You had stayed at Pina's place that night, sharing a bed like you would in the youth age groups on away camps.
"You know whatever happens today we were right for staying home. We stuck by our morals and what we believe P." You tell her, laying in bed.
She didn't reply but let out a giggle when your stomach rumbled loud.
"Let's go out for breakfast."
The next morning wasn't quite the same. You lay in Mapi's arms crying. Ingrid rubbing your back softly.
"It's not fair" You sobbed, rubbing your teary eyes on you sleeve.
"I know, mi amor." She kissed the top of your head.
"She messaged me again yesterday." You whispered, pulling out your phone and showing her.
"Y/N! You haven't replied to her messages since July 2nd!" Mapi slaps your arm.
"And?!" You cry, keeping tucked under her arm, watching as she scrolls through the phone.
"Mi querida, you can't just shut her out completely." Ingrid tells you, tucking some hair behind you ear.
"You have to remember that this was also best for Alexia's rehab and injury... As much as we both hate her being there." Mapi tells you, a bit reluctantly. "Message her."
You snatch you phone back, hovering over the keyboard before typing out 'I love you Alexia. I'm sorry'.
The blue button is hit and you chuck you phone on the end of the sofa, not wanting to do anything more.
"Baby steps I suppose." Mapi sighs.
You stayed off of social media for a while, not replying to anymore of Alexia's messages. You decided the one reply was enough for now.
Seeing Spain win was hard. You knew the preseason tour was coming up so you had something to keep your mind off of it.
You hadn't expected Alexia to come to Mexico with the team, it being just a week after the world cup final.
You’d spoken to Claudia and Patri one night after training. They didn’t know how to act, you all loved Alexia but the betrayal hurt a lot.
“Just smile.” Ingrid’s arm wrapped around you. keeping you close by her side.
Alexia and Mapi had turned up to the preseason tour camp a day after the rest of the team.
“I don’t want to see her, Ingrid.” You drop your head to the side to lean on her, the taller women’s arm pulling you closer into her.
“You can’t avoid her forever. She’s Alexia, and your her favourite on this team. She’ll want to see you.”
“I am not her favourite…”
Ingrid chuckles. “You so are, the favouritism is ridiculous y/n/n. She’s a football mom to you and your her favourite football daughter.”
You keep yourself in Ingrid’s arms, she’s a good hugger and radiates a lot of comfort for you.
“Alexia and María have arrived, they’ll join us in a few moments.” Jona announces to you all as your stood around on the training field.
You start picking at your fingers, a nervous habit of yours.
Your mucking around with Jana and Claudia when you see Alexia and Mapi jogging around the pitch.
The coaching staff split you up into groups of 8, yourself ending up with 6 Barca B players and Marta.
“You alright, grandma?” You smile cheekily and Marta slaps you on the arm.
“Hey Alexia!” You head one of the younger girls say.
You spin around on your heels and see Alexia approach the group.
“Jona said to join you guys.” She smiles, making eye contact with you before you look away.
You look at the floor, the ball bag, anything except Alexia, hoping she’ll leave you alone.
Truth is that you miss her, the 2 and a half months away from her has been a torture as your so used to being with her all the time.
“Hey.” You see her boots appear in front of you.
You turn around and head to the water cooler, getting a bottle out and drinking from it, anything to keep away from Alexia.
You didn’t want to do this, but you didn’t want to face her either.
You’d managed the whole training session without direct conversation, you ignored her stares across the field and worked your way to Claudia and Patri when she approached you.
That evening, you gathered in the hotel lobby. A group of fans asking Alexia for pictures and autographs.
You felt uncomfortable watching it, standing besides Mapi and Ingrid again.
“I miss her.” You sigh, whispering softly under your breath.
“Talk to her.” Ingrid whispers back. “She’ll want you too.”
Alexia works herself away from the fans, trying to get back into the group.
She pushes in between you and Caroline, listening to Jona talk before he dismisses you all.
Before she can say anything, or walk away, you through your arms around her shoulders and bury your head into her neck.
Neither of you say anything, you don’t have to.
She rubs your back softly, holding you tight in her arms as if she was afraid you would run off and ignore her again.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbles.
“I missed you.” A few tears spill from your eyes, soaking her training top a little.
“I missed you too, small stuff. You’ve gotten taller.” She smiles, kissing your forehead and wiping your teary eyes.
“Ale I hate you so much right now” You shake you head, moving back away from her. “But i love you and I’ve missed you and I don’t want you to do that ever again please.” You tear up some more.
She nods, pulling you back into her arms again. “I love you.”
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iheartmapi · 6 months ago
Barça girls and they’re the same but it’s their names as the brat cover so they’re not
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(SMALL PS. Hiii so basically I’m still alive, I was busy and didn’t have the time to write much :(( but I’m posting the teddy bear part two rn, also there will be more Mapi stuff coming soon, requests are open xoxo)
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stargirlsfc · 10 months ago
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face card go crazyyyy
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years ago
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pollitodesplumado · 24 days ago
Señora tómese un tesito de tila y tome una siesta. A la próxima vea el partido con los ojos abiertos. Ona casi se deja la piel en cada duelo.
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"Lucía Bronce"🤭
Alexia es pareja de Olga Carmona??? Ese si es convivir con el enemigo😌
"No es propia del fútbol profesional" se ve que es nueva en el futfem
"te gusta que atisen a tus compañeras" si sabe de lo que va el fútbol no?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Que fuera con todo contra Aitana porque no la soporta" jajajajaja claro porque las defensas deben abrazar a las jugadoras peligrosas dentro de su área
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pernillecfcw · 8 months ago
SK x EH 🐐💙
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prancingpedris · 8 months ago
Btw anyones that surprised Brazil is playing well knows nothing about footie. USWNT midfield is completely gone which is on us but is also bc Brazil is doing an insane job lol. Two things can be true at once.
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katiemccabeswife · 1 year ago
twitter is a dark, horrible place
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morgansohara · 1 year ago
ten lesbians and alex morgan
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 7 months ago
USWNT hiding comments with trans and pride flags on the KA post…
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patriwoso · 2 years ago
always dancing when you’re around
ana-maria crnogorčević x reader
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“You’ve had too much to drink.” Ana giggled as you cling onto her arms, stumbling around with a cheeky grin on your face.
“We just won the best trophy, EVER!” You exaggerate, grabbing Patri’s hand. “MVP MVP MVP.” You began to chant, the rest of the team joining in.
You hiccuped and held onto Ana’s waist to keep you stood up right. She was the sober one, not a fan of drinking, but you had taken this opportunity to drink and oh did you drink…
“Baby, I feel all fizzy.” You held onto her, sliding your arms around her waist to keep you on your feet.
“Fizzy?” She chuckled. “Y/N/N, do you mean dizzy?”
You hummed and giggled, looking up at her. “Kiss me” You bit your lip, you hands rubbing at her sides.
“That I can do.” Your girlfriend smirks, leaning down to break the height barrier and kissing you softly until you pull away for a breath of air.
“You taste like cola” You tell her, dropping your head on her chest.
Later that night you were laying in bed with Ana, you were dead to the world as you were slotted between the taller girls strong thighs, your head on her chest.
She scrolled through her Instagram feed, clicking on Claudia’s story to see a video of Patri and Cata doing shots, what Claudia didn’t realise is that she had also captured yours and Ana’s heated moment in the back of the video which had now been posted for the world to see.
And that’s where the talking started. You and Ana had almost been dating a year when the first idea of you as a couple had popped into the public eye, and the fans went crazy for it.
When the full time whistle blows, you shake hands with the Switzerland team. Your eyes however only looking for one person. Your person.
"Y/N!" You turn around and see Ana calling you over, stood with Mariona and Lia.
"Hey" You smile softly, just wanting to wrap your arms around the taller girl and tell her how sorry you are.
Spain beat Switzerland 5-1 to advance to the quater finals. You were happy for your team but the feeling was bittersweet as you knocked your girlfriend out of the tournament.
"I'm sorry." You smile sadly with a few tears pricking in your eyes, you didn't like to see Ana sad and knowing you scored 2 against her makes it worse.
"Don't be sorry my love." She puts an arm around you and you hug her gently, being careful with your actions as your relationship is well and truly kept out of the public eye.
You tug on the bottom of her jersey as you pull away from each other. "Can we swap?"
"Of course!" She smiles through her tears, pulling her shirt off and swapping with you.
You keep control of yourself to not look at her with the eyes that are kept away from the rest of the world. Mariona nudged you and giggled when she saw you trying hard to look away from Ana's body.
"I wish we didn't have to do that." You frown, looking at her sad eyes. "I just want to hug you so bad right now." You breathe out.
"Me too, but not here, love." Ana looks at you with her loving eyes, the ones filled with adoration saved especially for you. "I'll find you inside." she promises.
You nod as you continue to chat for a while, until Alexia comes over and tells you that the national team staff have asked for everyone to come into the changing room to get ready to head back to the hotel as you had a flight to catch.
Once you'd changed back into your travel wear you put Ana's jersey into your own bag to keep it with you so it wasn't to get lost with the luggage for the kitman.
You waited outside the Swiss changing room with Mariona, turning your head everytime the door opened.
Finally Ana emerged alongside a few of her teammates that you didn't know too well. She told them that they should go off ahead and that she would catch them up, wanted a few minutes with her 'club teammates'.
Mariona turned her back to keep watch for Vilda or any of the other spanish staff that would put an end to the meeting.
"I love you so much." You whispered as Ana held you close, rubbing her hands up your sides as she kissed you softly. "Keep messaging me everyday, even when you go back to Switzerland?" You ask, holding her hands in yours and fiddling with her ring, the ring you have the matching bracelet too.
"I'll message you everyday sweetheart." She kissed your forehead. "Go show the world what a true star you are yeh? I've seen the running for Golden boot. Your in the lead." She smirks. "I want the trophy on the shelf above the bed. Next to the photo of us on the beach."
"I'll try my hardest." You nod, going on tiptoes again to kiss her, melting into each others touch but being broken apart when Mariona coughs, the signal to tell you to split because someone was close by.
Ana presses one more kiss onto your mouth. "I could kiss you forever." She whispers. "I'll see you soon."
On the bus to the airport you sit besides Mariona. You could say you were best friends but she was more like your sister.
"What's the address for the base camp hotel?" You lift your head up from her shoulder.
"Um, it's on my phone somewhere. Sent it to Laia the other day. Why?"
"Ana just asked. Said she wants to send something." You shrug your shoulders a little to say you didn't know much more than that. "Can you send her it from yours?"
She nods.
"Thank you."
You rest your head back onto her shoulder and scroll through social media.
Someone had been keen to spying out the events between you and Ana after the game as photos and videos had made it to Twitter already.
Under a photo of you swapping shirts there were loads of comments saying 'Aww' and 'Barca friends!' but a few fans weren't silly and they knew what they were looking at.
One comment said: 'Reason 1482 to why I think they're dating! Watch Mariona giggling at Y/N when Ana takes off her shirt!🤣'
You smirked to yourself and slipped your phone away, trying to get a bit of sleep before the plane ride.
Why Ana wanted the team hotel address all came clear a few days later when a parcel turned up for you.
"Y/N, a package!" Vilda calls you over after a training session, handing you the brown box.
"Thank you."
You take the box up to your room and put it on the bed. "What did you order?" Mariona asks, laying on her bed in your shared room.
"Nothing" You tell her, using a pen to stabbed at the tape to open it up. "I think it's from Ana."
You open the box to see one of her hoodies, one she took back from you after you'd 'borrowed' it from her in the first place. You smile as you lift it up and put it onto the bed, seeing her Barca shorts from a few seasons back with '18' on the leg of them. She knew you loved to wear her old Barca stuff around the apartment and for bed sometimes.
You find a beaded bracelet with the letter of your name on, another with an A too. A small note telling you that she has the matching ones.
"You two make me sick, your so soppy." Mariona teases, flopping back the bed.
Rummaging through your bag you pull out your phone and try to call her. It goes to answer phone a few times then you realise she must still be travelling home to Switzerland.
Instead, you decide to leave her a message.
I love you Ana. Call me when you land, I miss your voice. ❤️
Spain get knocked out by the Netherlands and your on your flight home when you see the message you’ve been waiting for pop up on your phone.
Ana 👅👅
Flying back to Barca tomorrow morning babygirl, I’ll crash at yours and pick you up from airport xx
You giggle at the name of her contact, remembering when she had changed the name one evening on the bus home from an away game. You hadn’t changed it back.
The day after you arrive back in Spain, Ana packs your bags and takes you out for the day. All secrets. That’s what she told you.
She drives down the main road and you wonder where you are going to, she only told you it was a trip. The beach? A night further down the coast line of Spain?
“The airport.” You look at her, half excited and half very confused.
“I’m taking you away for a trip to my home. For our anniversary.” She smiles, looking very incredibly pleased with herself.
“Switzerland?!” You gasp a little, having wanted to visit Ana’s home country for so long.
The plane ride dragged a little, having only been home for less than 24 hours.
You got through customs and collected your bags, deciding to get a coffee to help keep you awake.
“Here” You pass Ana her coffee, taking a sip of yours before screwing your face up. “Oh my god, that’s fucking rank.” You whisper, keeping your voice down with the language you chose to use.
Ana chuckled, taking your coffee and switching it with hers. “Have this one.”
“Thank you, bebita” You used the spanish pet name she loved so much.
You stared into her eyes a little too long and you were snapped out of it when two teen girls came rushing over.
“Hi! We are big Barcelona fans, could we get a picture?” The tallest girl asks.
“Your my favourite player!” The smaller girl tells you.
You take selfies with them and sign their phone case before they rush off back to wherever they appeared from.
Within minutes your phone was blowing up with mentions and tags on your social medias. Photos of you and Ana sharing coffee and looking at each other with loving eyes had been stuck on the internet. Typical.
- They are defo dating!!!!!
- Y/N is wearing Ana’s jacket!! Look 3 posts ago on her feed - it’s the same one!
“Hmmm, they know.” Ana mumbles into your hair, her chin resting on the top of your head.
“We did well keeping it quiet for so long”
You trip in Switzerland was almost over, one day left before you had to fly back to Barcelona.
“I want to post something.” Ana breaks you out of your thought as you search through the suitcase to find your pyjamas.
“Post what?” You look at her, finding the shorts you were after and getting changed.
“Us.. for today, our anniversary. One year is a big deal Y/N”
You nod, looking at her. “If your okay with that then I’m cool with it too.” You smile.
Ana took her phone out and made an Instagram post with a caption:
One year with my favourite girl❤️‍🩹
In the post she attached a few photos and videos along with it.
1. A photo of you walking up ahead, climbing a mountain in Switzerland.
2. A video of you both dancing in the changing room after the champions league final. Ana had put her arms around you and forced you to dance in the middle of the locker room.
3. A photo of you both with the UWCL trophy on the pitch after the match.
4. A photo of you asleep in bed, a blanket covering you and a sleep mask with false lashes she had stuck on the top to make it look funny.
5. A video of Ana giving you a piggy back on the beach. Keira had taken this video on a double date with her and Lucy.
6. A photo of you in each others jerseys after the world cup match, Mariona and Lia stood at your sides too after they had switched as well.
7. A photo of you asleep on Ana as she tried to read a book, your head nestled into her neck.
8. A photo of you and Ana on the beach. You had your hands over your breasts, as you had stripped from you bikini top, and sunglasses on your head. Ana sat behind you and peering over your shoulder making a silly face.
9. A video of you dancing in the rain outside the stadium in Germany at your game against Bayern.
10. A picture of you both kissing in the club after the UWCL win.
You smiled as the tag came up on your Instagram feed, reposting the post onto your story with the video of you dancing in the rain.
Giggling as you wrote a cheesy caption with
‘Always dancing your around 😘’
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pajorko · 10 months ago
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getting-messi · 2 years ago
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Pretty much sums it up for me.
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alexbkrieger13 · 9 months ago
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broonsbraid · 1 year ago
YALL….. tierna unfollowed korbin too 😭
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pernillecfcw · 10 months ago
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@erincuthbert_ - CHAMP🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆ONS
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