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prancingpedris · 8 months ago
Our incredible backline and stellar front three having this midfield is pissing me off so bad
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caffeinated-rat-bastard · 1 year ago
-Moch doi Wäsch
-Moch Kouyo woida
-Moch doine obdeyts
-Nerv doin Kota
-Schreib a liedal
-Moch a wörk aut
-Lern die Nomen olla 1025 Pokemon auswendig
-Schau a baar Fülmklassika / gute Fülmchen, die dia g'fallen kennten (Sin City, Donny Darko, Watchmen, Old boy, Virgin suicides, No country for old men, Se7en, Sweeny Todd, Hereditary, Clockwork Orange, The Shawshank redemption, The Godfather, One flew over the cukoo's nest, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, 12 angry men, 2001: A space odyssey, Requiem for a dream, Citizen Kane, Inception, Vertigo)
-Spü a baar Brausa Spülchen, wie Cookie Clicker
A List
Mit Dingen, die du tuan konnst, wenn dira longweilig is
Du Huso <3
Bayrisch ist so weird...
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By: Julie Jargon
Published: Dec 16, 2023
Boys are struggling in middle school, stuck in an academic setting that they say rewards them for sitting still and taking notes—in other words, behaving more like girls. 
“It’s really hard sitting still for eight hours a day,” says Tyler Brausa, now 16. When he jumped from elementary school to middle school, the lack of recess and daily gym was a jolt. Tyler often got in trouble for talking out of turn and fidgeting at his desk. After school, he and his friends escaped into videogames—a realm where they have purpose and work together toward a shared goal.
School could compete with gaming if it felt more rewarding to boys, he says.
Some of them are. A number of all-boys middle schools—public, charter and private—have begun opening in recent years to meet boys’ needs. Inside the walls of these schools, boys get lots of hands-on learning, frequent breaks and plenty of movement. Some coed schools are also addressing the problem, dividing up boys and girls for certain classes. And they’re having success.
“Instead of making guys change the way we behave,” Tyler says, “maybe schools should change the way they’re structured.”
‘Bumping into things’
At the private, boys-only Field Middle School in the San Francisco Bay Area, which opened two years ago, students start some days sitting in a circle. The school’s 46 students, in grades six through eight, talk about what they’re grateful for and acknowledge mistakes they’ve made.
On other days, they begin by reviewing assignments, cleaning out backpacks and checking they have supplies such as sharpened pencils. Organization and time management don’t come easily to all adolescent boys, as I covered last week.
“Boys tend to learn by bumping into things,” says Jason Baeten, Field’s head of school. Dance classes held in the courtyard aren’t judged for grace and form. “That’s not always a metaphor—sometimes they’re too big for their bodies.”
At Field, 80% of the teachers are male. Overall numbers of male teachers in K-12 education have been falling nationwide, according to Richard Reeves, president of the nonpartisan nonprofit American Institute for Boys and Men. 
The administrators know how distracting technology can be to kids. Every morning the students turn in their phones and smartwatches to the front office for the day. They use iPads for some assignments in class but they aren’t in constant use.
Giving boys a chance to move around and work with their hands is a big focus at Field and other all-boys schools. The students get a 20-minute morning snack break, a 45-minute lunch period and PE three to five days a week. One classroom has standing desks.
The school has a class in which kids design products to solve problems or help people. One boy developed sugar-free recipes so his diabetic brother could enjoy dessert. The school also offers a build class; last year the boys built go-karts. On Mondays, the students cook lunch for each other and the staff. They regularly vacuum and sweep the classrooms.
‘Motivated by competition’
Field is too new to have high-school graduation success rates. But the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, a public all-boys school for grades six through 12, has proven results. The Dallas school, open since 2011, has a 91% graduation rate; the same percentage of students score proficient on reading, compared with the district average of 52%, according to U.S. News & World Report.
“The biggest reason our students do well is we have a committed staff. The brothers, as we call our students, know we care about them,” says Rashad Jackson, principal of the school, which has 541 boys. “It’s not just about A’s and B’s, we’re invested in their social-emotional well-being.”
The boys at the Obama Academy, as well as the students at Dallas’s two other public all-boys schools, have opportunities to get out their wiggles throughout the day. (The district also has three all-girls’ schools.)
At Dallas’s pre-K through-eighth-grade Solar Preparatory School for Boys, students rotate through a different learning station every 15 minutes because brain science shows boys need frequent movement, says principal Derek Thomas.
Timers buzz to indicate when students need to switch to the next task. 
“When you put a timer on something, it becomes a competition, and boys are motivated by competition,” he says. “If I tell them to work on organizing their binder and I give them two minutes, they’ll do it in one minute 30 seconds.”
‘The boys have voices’
These educators say middle-school boys feel freer to make and learn from mistakes when girls aren’t around.
That’s something administrators at Treasure Valley Classical Academy, a coed charter school in Fruitland, Idaho, also noticed. When middle-school boys and girls are together in PE class, the boys try to impress the girls, and the girls don’t participate as much, says school founder Stephen Lambert
The 580-student school, which serves kindergarten through 10th grade, began separating girls and boys in some PE classes two years ago. The girls became more engaged and competitive and the boys more focused, teachers said.
The school did the same for some music and art classes. When together, girls tend to out-sing the boys, Lambert says. “The boys’ voices are cracking and they’re embarrassed and self-conscious and they won’t sing,” he adds. “When you split them up, you realize the boys have voices and they want to make them heard.”
All students get plenty of time to move, with recess for all kids in kindergarten through eighth grade, and an extended hangout time after lunch for the high-school students.
Leonard Sax is a family doctor who has studied more than 500 schools over the past 20 years, and wrote several books on gender differences. He says that any school could replicate these approaches without being disruptive—or discriminatory.
“Schools can be friendly to boys without being unfriendly to girls,” he says.
Apparently, bludgeoning the maleness out of boys doesn't make them better students. Males and females are inherently different. Imagine that.
A program like this would never fly at many co-ed schools where activists masquerade as teachers. For reference, one of the Grievance Studies papers is called "The Progressive Stack: An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Pedagogy" and described thusly:
This is our most appalling paper, and it’s deeply concerning that how it is being treated at the highly respected journal Hypatia. It forwards that educators should discriminate by identity and calculate their students’ status in terms of privilege, favor the least privileged with more time, attention and positive feedback and penalize the most privileged by declining to hear their contributions, deriding their input, intentionally speaking over them, and making them sit on the floor in chains—framed as educational opportunities we termed “experiential reparations.” [..] The reviewers’ only concerns with these points so far have been that (1) we approach the topic with too much compassion for the students who are being subjected to this, and (2) we risk exploiting underprivileged students by burdening them with an expectation to teach about privilege. To correct for this, the reviewers urged us to make sure we avoid “recentering the needs of the privileged.” They asked us to incorporate Megan Boler’s approach called “pedagogy of discomfort” and Barbara Applebaum’s insistence that the privileged learn from this discomfort rather than being coddled or having their own experiences (suffering) “recentered.”
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When scholarship around pedagogy - how things are taught - is organized around and motivated by cruelty, malevolence and spite, it seems unlikely that activist scolds will be in favor of sparing boys - even black boys - from an intersectional haranguing. If boys are allowed to be boys, what hateful, sexist harridan will get to shame and berate them into understanding that they'll never, ever have to experience being discriminated against based on their sex?
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brausaflooring · 11 months ago
Brausa Flooring | Marble Contractor | Flooring Contractor in Boca Raton FL
Brausa Flooring, operating as a premier Flooring Contractor in Boca Raton FL, offers a wide range of flooring options. Whether you're looking to refresh your home with luxurious hardwood or durable tile, our team ensures your flooring vision comes to life with precision and style. Expanding our expertise into natural stone, Brausa Flooring also stands as a top Marble Contractor in Deerfield Beach FL. Specializing in the selection, installation, and finishing of marble surfaces, we transform spaces into statements of elegance and timeless beauty. From grand entryways to sophisticated kitchen countertops, our dedication to quality ensures that every marble project reflects your unique taste and lifestyle. Call us for a consultation.
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madtimer · 4 years ago
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Tokyo Olympics 2020: Volleyball Preliminary Round Brazil v USA. Random TJ moment. *bonus*
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biacarol · 5 years ago
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Um década se passou, aos meus quinze anos não me via no que me tornei hoje, eu era inocente e sem muitas preocupações. Hoje aos 25 anos, terminei a escola, morei na Nova Zelândia, entrei na faculdade e me formei Enfermeira, morei com a minha mãe, depois com meu pai e agora com meus avós, rotinas, hábitos e costumes diferentes para me adaptar, respeitar e entender, comecei a trabalhar sozinha, vendi suspiro na rua e na faculdade, depois aumentei as vendas com carolina e macarrão caseiro, ao mesmo tempo trabalhei no buffet infantil como monitora e recreadora das crianças, parei só com as vendas das comilanças, fiz cartão de babá e espalhei pela cidade, apareceram muitas oportunidades incríveis, conciliei estudo e trabalho, de manhã, de tarde e de noite, e claro aos fins de semana. Batalhei e conquistei muitos sonhos, foi cansativo, alguns dias eram exaustivos, mas o sorriso e a alegria me acompanharam, Deus me dava força diária para passar por tudo, e aqui estou eu, pronta para viver uma nova fase, de forma um pouco mais leve, sei que as dificuldades estão sempre por perto mas são elas que me tornam um ser humano melhor e mais resiliente. Vou atrás de mais sonhos, em busca de mais histórias incríveis para viver e contar! BC #meus25anosparte8 #BraUSA #festadeaniversario #festaatelogo #amor (em Botucatu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LII9Zpcc4XGtHyUbibow-wHa7TDumephg93c0/?igshid=ug8hipz9aao0
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lisatpirotea · 3 years ago
Can dog drink milk
Can dog drink milk
Can dog drink milk In most animals, dairy milk is consumed but if the dog is allergic to this product some can suffer from lactotoxic intolerant milk allergy. While most dogs are accustomed and willing to drink milk “but our consequence is milk consumption,” says Dr. Heather Brausa a veterinarian for The New York. Many cats never drink milk, said veterinary surgeon Dr. Stephanie Liff owner of…
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bewitchingbooktours · 6 years ago
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She’ll do anything to redeem her honor, including putting herself in enemy hands; he’ll do anything to stop her Dreams of a Fierce Heart Dreamwalkers Book Four Danube Adele Genre: Paranormal/Contemporary/Sci-fi Romance Publisher: Danube Adele Publishing Date of Publication: 9/9/2019 ISBN: 9781733191609 Number of pages: 470 Word Count: 132, 843 Cover Artist: Evernightdesign – Elle Rossi Book Description: Fearless. Some have called me impulsive, and maybe I was, much to my own detriment … at seventeen. A social pariah in my own nation after being found in a fatally compromising position, I tucked tail and ran to Earth for study, work, and to heal my wounded heart. It took seven years for the opportunity at redemption, to earn my way back home, but it means infiltrating dangerous enemy territory. If the Brausa catch me, I might wish for a quick death. My goals? I have two of them. Save my childhood friend, our Sunan leader’s last surviving daughter, and, get away from Nick Dylant. His deathbed promise to my older brother has him bulldozing into my life, making demands regarding my safety. He’s even found a way to force a marriage using some obscure, arcane law of old in order to protect me, but if he thinks he can force his will on me, he can think again. There is no way he’s going to control who I am or what I do in this world. I don’t need his or anyone’s permission to steal away in the middle of the night with a disguise, a rough map, and an even rougher plan of action, because one thing is for certain: I refuse to join with anyone who sees me as a duty, not when I’ve loved Nick since I was a child. Not when I dream about his kisses and crave his touch. Apple - https://ift.tt/34xDo0n B&N - https://ift.tt/2ZWXwp6 Kobo - https://ift.tt/34waNII Amazon - https://amzn.to/2MS1Nra #Scifiromance #PNR #romance #scif — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2LrOwED
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thepitgirl · 9 years ago
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#brausa #carlsongracieteam #rhodeisland #jiujitsu
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prancingpedris · 8 months ago
Btw anyones that surprised Brazil is playing well knows nothing about footie. USWNT midfield is completely gone which is on us but is also bc Brazil is doing an insane job lol. Two things can be true at once.
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prancingpedris · 8 months ago
Not Linds doing time stall tactics like its stoppage time and not only 75 lol
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prancingpedris · 8 months ago
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madtimer · 4 years ago
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Tokyo Olympics 2020: Volleyball Preliminary Round Brazil v USA. USA got a point at set four by Micha’s monster block. *bonus*
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biacarol · 5 years ago
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E eu continuo nas fotos... porque são muitas as pessoas que amo e quero deixar salvo aqui! #meus25anosparte7 #BraUSA #festadeaniversario #festaatelogo #família #amigos #amor (em Botucatu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Kv3DipGfw-7ISM6yllGN8C-Z-RPoTmYk70080/?igshid=1lvpxi7th01du
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biacarol · 5 years ago
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"Parabéns pra você" e "Que o Senhor te abençoe", momento de muita alegria e amor! #meus25anosparte6 #BraUSA #festadeaniversario #festaatelogo #parabens (em Botucatu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EVvVWJk-DkgfRveICbL4LQcC5AWYKlLrJje80/?igshid=1k5jsu4hr60q0
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biacarol · 5 years ago
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Minhas princesas e meus príncipes...na minha festa so podiam virar todos amigos independente das idades!!! #meus25anosparte5 #BraUSA #festadeaniversario #festaatelogo #princesas #principes #minhacrianças #amoresespeciais (em Botucatu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EUsqpJz5D9kVxFbYSTWgCoY1Pxlih9qC--Ag0/?igshid=19zdeen290y5o
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