#worship and devotion
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jupitershadows · 9 months ago
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jupitershadows · 8 months ago
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@my-little-black-heart , this one's yours. It came off the queue on that other place.
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jupitershadows · 10 months ago
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kaionyx · 10 months ago
Why is cockwarming only talked about in the sense that you do it before sex and not after too like it’s not the best way to break a puppy into the perfect cocksleeve?
Finally settling down after rounds of different scenes just to pin them under my weight and hold them like a stuffed animal on my cock, letting them whine and squirm at the fullness in their belly from holding all of the constant loads i’ve rutted back inside until they stop and just accept it. Forcing them feel dazed and bred while going in and out of consciousness to a mixture of soft kisses and sweet words, like how I can’t leave yet because they just feel so good around me and what a precious fuckmutt they’ve been for my cock.
How could their poor mind not rewire itself into thinking how grateful they are to be constantly broken and fixed by someone like me by the time i’m done hmm?
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jupitershadows · 7 months ago
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the-purvashadha · 1 year ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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skively · 9 months ago
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— Aphrodite is iridescence, like the shimmer of pearls and seashells, like glittering jewels in the sea
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rose-by-the-sea · 4 months ago
Aphrodite loves sex workers and victims of sexual assault and intersex people and people who are insecure about their body/self harm and nonwhite people and queer people and fat people btw. pass it on
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ianitos · 2 years ago
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spirits-child · 6 months ago
You can find Aphrodite when you gush over romcoms. You can find Zeus when the rain pours and soaks your hair. You can find Hera when you're loyal to your friends and partners. You can find Ares when you argue with your parents over the causes you believe in. You can find Apollo when the sun caresses your cheek.
The gods are everywhere—you just need to know where to look.
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jupitershadows · 7 months ago
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jupitershadows · 2 months ago
Find a corner to make your own...
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morphic-mythos · 6 months ago
FIVE YEARS WITH THE GODS: what I've learned
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Don't fixate on the notion of being "called" by a particular deity or "claimed" by them. It'll only lead to confusion, misinterpretation, or disappointment. Instead, pay attention to your gut. What feels right? What names, symbols, or spheres of influence resonate with you or intrigue you?
Sometimes, we are presented with or drawn to gods we may not expect. In this case, we often need to look past the superficial aspects of a deity to understand why we feel drawn to them.
You will develop an insatiable appetite for knowledge, but let yourself digest information and experiences before proceeding to something new. Set aside time to reflect on your learning. Journaling is the perfect complement to research.
Make sense of your own perceptions and ideas before digging too deeply into the perceptions of others.
Our paths will inevitably wander into unfamiliar fields. Enjoy the journey. Make room for new modes of belief.
You will feel like a beginner for a long time. This is a good sign; it means you're growing something profound...and staying humble.
You are almost always overthinking things.
Feeling stressed out over your spirituality is not a good sign. Adjust accordingly and convey your thoughts to the gods as you go.
It's okay to release a deity from your practice. This does not make you a failure or a terrible person. Relationships change, and so do you.
You will need breaks from your practice. Spirituality is not a side hustle; let go of your guilt and rest.
Doubt and skepticism will be steadfast companions on your journey. Question everything.
In the end, your path belongs to you alone. No one else has power over what you practice.
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lunarphoria · 2 months ago
⚚ offering for Lord Hermes ⚚
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FINALLY finished this only took me like forever.. but hey I can finally post something again !!
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Lord Hermes is a god that's been really present in my life lately, which I'm extremely grateful for. He's been showing up around me and one of my now best friends has a really deep relationship with him , and I can't help but think he had his hands in it somehow <3 .
So I thought it's only fair to show my gratitude in the only way I can really do, by drawing something for him :3 I hope he likes it , you guys too of course!!
I also used this drawing as an opportunity to study Jean-Jacques Lagrenée 's painting titled " Mercury, Bearer of Abundance on Earth " :3
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( divider made by @/sister-lucifer <3 )
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rose-by-the-sea · 3 months ago
Aphrodite isn't just love and sex and frilly pink bows,
She's passion, the raging fire that burns between the hearts of two friends or lovers when one is under duress,
She's the unbreakable bond of family (found or bio), everlasting, infinite, no matter how close or far they are,
She's the pain of a broken heart, manifest in anger and vindication, the one standing behind you as you confront an abusive partner/friend/family member,
She's salvation for everyone who has ever been or is being hurt,
She is self love for everyone with self esteem issues, looking you in the eye as you stare into the mirror and saying 'You are wonderful just as you are',
She's the comfort when you're in your darkest times, Her hands cradling you as you cry into Her shoulder,
She's the swelling of your heart when you experience new love or when you pick up a child,
She is justice for every queer person of the world just trying to exist peacefully-- transgender/sexual, intersex, aromantic, asexual, non-straight,
And She is the feeling of your smile slowly fading when you didn't realize you were smiling at all.
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childofaphrodite555 · 10 months ago
aphrodite 🐚 offerings / devotional acts
◇ shells ◇ ocean imagery ◇ swan/dove/sparrow/goose imagery ◇ angel/cherub imagery ◇ heart imagery ◇ valentine's day gifts ◇ imagery/paintings of her ◇ roses/rose imagery ◇ rosehips/rose thorns ◇ rose quartz, amethyst, blue lace agate, ruby, moonstone ◇ skincare/hair care/body care ◇ perfume/cologne ◇ hair brush ◇ mirrors ◇ makeup ◇ water (moon/salt/sea water) ◇ honey ◇ wine ◇ hot chocolate/any chocolates ◇ apples ◇ strawberries/raspberries
devotional acts
◇ give compliments to strangers ◇ dedicate a glass of water to her ◇ collect all types of pretty things ◇ plan your outfits, wear things that make you feel like you ◇ wear jewelry that reminds you of her ◇ create a skincare and body care routine ◇ watch romantic movies or read romantic books ◇ listen to music that makes you feel good, dance to it if you are able ◇ give yourself love, forgive yourself for any mistakes ◇ wear perfume/cologne dedicated to her ◇ fall asleep to sounds of ocean waves or birdsong ◇ take a bath devoted to her ◇ spend time with your loved ones ◇ pour your heart out to someone, or pour your heart out in a journal ◇ donate to women's shelters ◇ create a Pinterest board ◇ eat foods that she likes (strawberries, chocolates, apples, & raspberries) ◇ write poetry about her ◇ talk to her ◇ create a playlist dedicated to her ◇ have a chapstick/lip gloss dedicated to her ◇ paint or draw something that reminds you of her
these are just a compilation of a lot of things i have read, as well as some things that work for me :)
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