#worry for the late reply anon
Where do you stand with Albus Dumbledore?? Do you like him or hate him? I personally dont like or hate him, I find him sorta weird especially with the whole building armies with children/late teens and his whole not trusting adults but will keep harry in the loop (or at least more than he did with the adults) I dont hate him, I just feel like he needed more friends his age and needed to let the kids live their lives and STOP DRAGGING THEM INTO WARS!!
Good question!
Do I hate Dumbledore? No. There are far worse characters worthy of my hate. Do I like him though? Also no. I think the thing with Dumbledore is that he is built up like your ideal role model, someone who looks and feels like they'd have all the right answers for everything. But that's not the reality of it, is it? You can specifically feel this sentiment for yourself if you grew up with these books. At first you look at him as a savior! Someone so strong and so powerful who took you into a magical realm that provides comfort and a false sense of safety. But as you go on with the books you'd expect him to give you more tips and tricks to figure out how to deal with the current dilemmas and concerns at hand but he never fully does that, does he? He's always vague in his words of support and guidance and this is where Harry and us the readers alike get introduced to characters like Sirius Black in POA and get easily attached towards the end of the book and in GOF because he was comforting, he was direct and he was PRESENT for Harry both physical and emotional needs, and even if we're not fully conscious about it we start coming into terms that this is what Harry actually needed since book 1, this what the adults around him should've been like, and then you form an idea at the back of your mind that MAYBE Dumbledore isn't as all-knowing as trustworthy as we made him to be in our heads (us the readers and Harry alike) but of course that's a silly notion and we don't fully commit to it because HE IS DUMBLEDORE! If we can't trust him then who can we trust??? Right?? Well, not until Harry's emotional explosion in his office, because much like Harry, we the readers are frustrated! At this point in the books we demand answers from this man! His questionable actions starts to rise to the surface and we are constantly asking ourselves WHY DIDN'T HE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?!!! WHY DIDN'T HE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT?? After all, isn't he one if not the most powerful wizard at the time??? And you carry this rage with you to the next book and now he's dead??? How can he be dead??? He didn't provide the answers he was supposed to provide???? He left us (and Harry) hanging in a critical time where Voldemort is literally out there getting more powerful with each passing second! But the mentality shifts here because the realization sinks in that we (again, and Harry) are almost adults now and we can't forever relay on a now dead man for answers especially since it's a critical time to take action and get the gears in your head working to find a solution and a way to defeat the dark lord. So you do just that! And it works! Congratulations! Voldemort is dead! War is over! Now you finally have the time to rest and reflect on everything that has happened in the past 7 years and this is when you come to the terms with that fact that Dumbledore never really fooled us. We placed him at such a high pedestal because much like Harry, we were kids. Simple as that. He was at the end of the day just a man, a brilliant man and a brilliant wizard...but at the end of the day...he was just a man. Not a hero. Not a savior. He was a mortal man! We expected him to have all the answers and solutions because at the time we were young and naive and wanted those answers and solutions to be spoon-fed to us! We needed guidance and an adult figure who we can go back to at the end of the day and rest our weary heads and get a "there there" but that's not the case, is it? Not in fiction or in real life. And I guess this is the one thing I like about Dumbledore as a character, it's that he makes you come into terms with the fact that people around us are on their own journey, whether be it a parent figure, a teacher, a friend, a sibling...they can't provide all the answers you require to go on with your journey. After all this is their first time in this life much like it's your first time. You need to learn how to take matters into your own hands and make your own decisions and take responsibility for the results of those decisions.
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randomnameless · 1 month
Probably the reason Scarlett is more concerned about her duty to serve Alain than the people of Albion because it's a higher calling. I don't remember whether or not it's literally divinely mandated, but she chose to serve the world and not just Albion.
Didn't Scarlett choose to join the party when we free her, and from her side it's more in the lines of "I'll follow Alain" and none of that saviour thing ?
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Divinely mandated ? Wdym ?
I thought Arant asked her 8 years old self to find and guide the "saviour" but once again, this is only revealed in the Albion exposition dumps. Maybe it's an issue of localised scripts or something, but when Scarlett says to her feathered friends she always thought about them when reuniting in Albion...
That was not the image of her I had in mind when her only scene of importance in Drakengard, aka before reaching Albion, is her shopping, and while I know supports are locked to regions for plot purposes, but her last convo with Alain is locked in Elheim and we have zilch about the "saviour" subplot or even Albion and its people.
Heck that subplot could have been alluded to there :
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Scarlett could have told him why she was sent away at this precise moment but... No.
Fwiw her last Chloe convo treats her past in Albion a bit, but thing is, Scarlett being Arant's daughter and the princess who will come to rule/govern/oversee Albion, its people and the Orthodoxy is completely ignored before reaching, well, Albion.
Hell, the only mentions are in the Alain checking up on her convo where her "princess" status is brought up because she was a brat and complained the random church she was sheltered in was not as magnificent as the palace she was raised up in...
I really wanted to like Scarlett, but damn if her writing makes it hard to do so and doesn't reek of "Quick let's cook some plot reason to make her plot important to make her the main love interest because writing her so far as the ojou type feels kind of flat !"
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lolchat · 3 months
you should totally draw more eunoia x nashatra..............
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i don't think i ever posted this one here Enjoy
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illidan · 2 months
If there's no body he's not dead trust
*looks at that Thing in hallowfall*
oh i trust. i trust alright.
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archivedhellahell · 1 year
((sorry. like I said, I was just wanting to send off something kinda silly and funny to everyone. kept it simple on purpose, repeated so everyone could get a chance to play around. I didn't think it'd be so ill received and upsetting. I'm genuinely sorry for that, and I'll leave ya be.))
//Hey anon! How are you? Hope you are well. Don't need to say sorry to me. I get your point and that's why I responded. Honestly I don't mind receiving your anons or something like that. I even like receiving questions that make my muses interact. And I bet many here like it too. But I think the same question for everyone becomes a bit like a chain. Besides, suspicious. There's been a wave of anon hate lately, so anons like these makes us apprehensive. Then there are people here who don't like chains very much too.
So why don't you send a different question to each blog? This becomes interesting and makes muses respond in different ways. Sorry if Gabriel's response was a bit rude, and please don't take it personally.
I hope this doesn't discourage you from interacting with other rpers blogs. Questions about our muses are always very welcome and if you want to appear again I will answer without any problems. Have a good day!
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her-pale-shadow · 2 years
I'm a bit late to respond but you probably won't have to try very hard to fuck me stupid, my brain already gets so fuzzy when I'm really horny :/
After a certain point I'm just your toy
I do like the thought of a cutie whose brain starts to go fuzzy almost as soon as I touch them. By the time you're really horny, you'l know you're just be an object I own.
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hanjisungz · 6 months
britt! 🩶 back to our conversation, i find it cute how emotionally attached we can be to one group for a long time.. i think you should celebrate your 7 years with them soon. 🥺💞 also what are your favorite 3racha songs?? and i'm honestly sorry your pick didn't get in omg... you must have been so attached ☹️ it's really unfair if he was top 9 the whole time... and omg five languages is a lot!! and it's okay you're taking a break from learning japanese, learning should be enjoyable for you 🥺 for me i’m fine with french and english 😑 i guess i'm lazy to learn another language right now haha... i learned chinese at school for 7 years lmao and i was very good at it but forgot everything?? i can speak my mother tongue too... and i'm glad you got to rest the other day 🩷 sorry for late reply <3 - bun annon
yesss my 7 years w 3racha is on the 26th 🥹🥹🥹 and i know !' it's weird i've spent almost one third of my life with them lol but omgggg it's so hard to pick 😭 i would have to say 'cloud 9', '+', '쉿‘, 'the dreamz', and just bc i love the cringe 'wow' 😭😂 how about you ?? have you listened to 3racha's mixtapes?? do you have faves ??
yea i was ! he was in a group before joining the program so i've supported him for a while before ! but it's all okay now i'm (mostly) over it JFKEKCKDKEK
chinese is so hard omg ! i thought about learning it because it's such a cool language with the inflections and everything but like japanese, i find it So Hard to memorize so much 😭😭 and oh you're mother tongue isn't french ? still 3 languages is amazing !!! all of my friends in the usa only speak english
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strangedisciple · 10 months
🧡 = i want to be friends with you 🤍 = your content worries me
aaaauuuugh sorry to worry u :[[[[ /genuine im ok i promise!!!!
also really?? u can like message me or talk to me whenever btw!! :]]]
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e-nonsense · 18 days
“Gonna fill you up, till you’re round with my baby.”
This prompt for Dick having baby fever with his fem!reader after seeing her taking good care of Damian (giving him praises and cookies for example).
Please and thank you!
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pairing. dick grayson x reader
warning. smut
a/n. here you go anon
prompts used. “gonna fill you up, till you’re round with my baby.”
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seeing you with damian was normal. the young boy saw you and dick as his paternal figures not that he’d admit it. but to see you doting over the boy. he’d ‘ran’ away from home — you’d already called bruce to tell him where damian is — and to your shared apartment.
first it started with the way you worried when he showed up at your door, a bag swung over his shoulder and his scowl set on his face.
“damian?” you stared down at the boy confused, looking around the hall way where all the other flats and the elevator could be seen.
“what’s wrong? are you okay?” your confusion switched to worry almost immediately when the boy hugged you, your arms moving around him to hug him back, gently rubbing his head.
“can i stay with you and grayson?” he mumbled.
“babe? who’s at the door—” dick’s voice trailed off when he saw damian holding onto you for dear life.
“what happened?” dick asks, the worry in his eyes matching yours.
“he needs to stay over tonight,” you murmur, glancing at dick with those puppy eyes of yours that he can’t say no to. he wanted to protest, remind you that tonight is his night off and date night but his heart flutters at the way damian clings to you like a boy would to his mother.
he doesn’t have the heart to say no, merely nodding. “sure baby, he can have the spare room.”
the next time he feels that same flutter of undistinguishable wanting is when you’re making damian late dinner for him, seeing as its midnight and you and dick were planning on a little fun tonight.
the way damian sits at the dining table, finishing his homework — because even if he’s staying here and his school is in gotham he’s still gotta keep up with school — and the way you make something quick that alfred taught you to make before sending damian off to bed.
he’s all over you after that, kissing at your neck, hands slipping under your shirt, you giggle before reminding him that his little brother is in the apartment so fun time is going to have to wait.
so he waits, a week before damian finally leaves, not that dick minds having his little brother around — lies. he does mind, he minds a lot, especially when your attention is being stolen from him.
but even that didn’t stop the way his heart fluttered with every moment you doted over like a mother would, and that’s when it clicked in his mind. he wanted a baby with you.
that’s how you got here. a week later after you’d dropped damian back to the manor, and when you came home you were talking to him about how you were concerned about damian overworking on patrols but he couldn’t hear a word over the hunger buzzing in his ears.
“mhm,” he hummed, head pressed into your neck as you rambled on. “baby, baby shhhh. lets forget about them for minute.”
“dick?” you mutter confused, his hands pressing warmly against your tummy.
“yes baby?” he asks.
“what’re you doing?” you ask.
“touching you, why? am i not allowed to touch my girl?” he replies, moving you towards the bedroom. “my pretty girl, yknow that?”
you hum in response, not sure what had come over him as he gently nudges you back onto the mattress to lay down. “i was thinking, honey. about you and me… and a little someone else.”
you catch the way his eyes drop to your stomach, his pupils blown out so much that his pretty blue eyes look different. “and who’s that?” you ask, urging him on.
“our baby.”
now that does surprise you, you and dick have never talked about having kids together, you’ve barely even talked about marriage but you know enough that he seems to like the idea of both those scenarios.
“our baby?” you question and he nods, a wide smile setting on his lips as he stares down at you hungrily.
“you’d look so pretty, honey. all round and full, full of me, of us. i’d take such good care of you too.”
your cheeks flush at the way he stares at you and the way the compliments leave his lips, like pure honey.
it doesn’t take much longer till you’re both completely bare, with you all spread out under him all fucked out as he ruts against you from behind.
he wasn’t shy with his noises, whining into your ear and groaning too. whispering praises that make you purr. “aw, look at you baby, all fucked and pretty for me to use. you want me to fill you up that bad huh?”
you nod eagerly, stomach fluttering as you spasm around him, face pressed into the pillows to bury your moaning, back arched so prettily it makes him want to never stop.
“good girl, my good girl. you like the sound of being a mommy huh?” he coos, fucking into you with no mercy, mind set of giving you a baby. a part of the two of you to love.
“that’s good ‘cause i’m gonna fill you up, till you’re round with my baby.”
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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gloomwitchwrites · 3 months
Their child calls their emergency line (Dad fluff)
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Anon! This idea is so so cute! Don't mind me, I'm just giggling like an idiot over here. I adore imagining these guys as dads, and this prompt is completely indulging me. Thank you so much for sending this in! I had a lot of fun with this one. Enjoy!!
Presented in four drabbles.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Content & Warnings: brief swearing, mostly fluff
Word Count: 400
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He ignores it. And the phones goes off again.
While Price, Gaz, and Soap all continue their conversation, Simon takes his phone out of his pocket and walks a few paces away.
He glances at the screen and sees his youngest daughter’s name on the screen. It’s their emergency line. Simon answers immediately and brings the phone up to his ear.
“Everything good, baby girl?”
“Can you help me with my math homework?”
Simon sighs. “So there isn’t an emergency?”
“Yes. The emergency is my math homework,” she replies plainly.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters.
John "Soap" MacTavish
Johnny is working late. Really fucking late. He promised Price he’d look at the reports before they’re sent off in the morning. Details are important. Things can’t be overlooked.
His phone buzzes on the desk.
“Hello?” he answers without looking at the name.
Johnny immediately straightens, the reports forgotten. It’s his eldest daughter.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
She pauses. “Can you come pick me up?”
Johnny is already out of his chair and grabbing his coat before his daughter finishes the sentence.
“Where are you?”
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs.
“Don’t worry about it, love. Tell me where you are.”
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
“What is it, baby girl?”
Kyle straightens at the slight tremor in his daughter’s tone. She rarely—if ever—calls him at work. And she knows it’s for emergency purposes only.
“Everything all right?” he asks after a beat.
She sighs. “Could—I—”
“What’s wrong?” he prompts, suddenly nervous.
“Are you leaving work soon?”
Kyle checks his watch. “In about an hour. What do you need?” His daughter mumbles something on the other end. “What’s that, love?”
“Can you grab tampons?” she asks in a rush.
Kyle holds back a laugh. Everything is fine.
“Of course, baby girl.”
John Price
John pinches the bridge of his nose. The file folder before him is just a blur of color.
His phone buzzes in his pocket. John fishes it out. Home, it says.
Frowning, he answers. “Hello?”
It’s his youngest, a boy of only six. “Why are you whispering?”
“I don’t want mum to hear me.”
“I want to surprise her.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“Can you get her a gift?”
“Of course, bud. I’ll grab something on the way home.”
“Thank you!” he shrieks, hanging up abruptly.
John snorts and stares down at the blank screen, shaking his head.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@enarien @saoirse06 @ferns-fics @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett
@ravenpoe67 @tulipsun-flower @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat @ninman82
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
@haven-1307 @voids-universe @itsberrydreemurstuff @spicyspicyliving @keiva1000
@littlemisscriesherselftosleep @statixx-x @umno-yeah @blackhawkfanatic @talooolaaloolla
@sadlonelybagel @kadeeesworld @iloveslasher @sammysinger04 @dakotakazansky
@suhmie @jaggersinclair @jackrabbitem @lxblm @beebeechaos
@no-oneelsebutnsu @kidd3ath @certainlygay @thewulf @lovely-ateez
@taysarchive @gingergirl06 @eternallyvenus @smileykiddie08 @vrb8im
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Rosie darling yes it is your long lost darling anon. I am back. I’m sorry for disappearing for a while. I have missed you. ❤️❤️
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randomnameless · 1 year
Tellius playing with it the most when you have good white/red/black dragons and the latter is the closest to Divine Dragons amongst the lot.
Old ask!
I wouldn't say the Tellius Black Dragons are the closest dragons to the Archanea notion (or even Elibian?) of a Divine Dragon, given how painfully "human" those black dragons are.
Deghinsea and his ostrich policies - respecting the letter of the law instead of its meaning is the only odd duck out, but his children?
As a redshiter might say, Almedha was "controlled by her ovaries" to mate with the worst Beorc Tellius could offer, lost her powers, son, brother and, arguably, part of her mind. When you see her, she's a wreck.
Kurth is the usual "I don't like to fight" dragon kid (even if he seems to be a bit older than the regular dragon kid we play as), but despite everything, he grows to take his Father's role and duties, tries to console his sister, works closely with his sister-in-law and ultimately leads Goldoa (iirc in the ending he opens Goldoa's barriers?).
We don't know much about Rajaion, given how he spent a majority of his screentime as a mount, but he was still the guy who rushed with his friends to save his sister (and nephew) when they were endangered, without Dad's approval - he we all know how he ended.
Even the only "White" dragon, Nasir, is also depicted to operate on painfully "human" principles - in FE9, he betrays Ike because he wants to save Ena, his granddaughter, despite being Deghinsea's loyal advisor (and there is the lol at the end of FE10, where he dotes on his great-grandkid).
Gareth is the only Red dragon the game developed so...
(I think this ask was sent in summer 22 so during a period where some people argued about dragons in FE?)
The Goldoan family, for being tertiary characters in the Tellius saga, is strangely "acceptably" developed, which is kind of surprising, but also refreshing.
Especially compared to a certain game where we also have a family of dragons but they never act as such save for 1 paralogue in a side-game
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r4spb3rr13s · 5 months
holds out my hands
greeting my mcbling angel
maybe i pretty please ask for shoto, iida and denki meeting their own mcbling hottie 🙏🙏🙏
- 🍥 anon
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pro heroes meeting their mcbling gf
♱ todoroki, iida, kaminari
♱ pt.1 here pt.3 here
notes : ur too cute anon 🥰🥰
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Shoto has been stood staring at his options for soba for the past ten minutes. He’s deep in decision, hand on chin, in the middle of the store just before closing.
So deep in thought, he’s completely oblivious to you strutting round the corner to the aisle he stood in.
You’re on your phone, moving by muscle memory. Your favourite noodles are always in the same spot, so your uggs lead you to where the soba is-
But you look up.
Shoto- your favourite pro hero, for reference- is stood like the motherfucking Thinker. In your presence.
You backpedal, but it’s too late- he’s seen you!
Shoto turns you to and his eyes widen. You’re in a neon pink graphic cami, big hoops hiding from beneath (locs/braids/curls/strands) and as his eyes trail down…
His cheeks go as pink as the thong peeking out your pants’ waistband. I mean, Shoto didn’t really have time to register your slack jaw.
There’s so much running through your head at the minute- who wears a black compression shirt to the store? How are his muscles bigger in real life than on billboards? Why does his hair look so soft?
He coughs and it breaks the moment.
“Oh- sorry, can I just-”
“Yeah, I apologise,” He replies. When you lean over to grab your noodles, a waft of sugary, almost sickly, perfume hits his nose. It was intoxicating- not in a bad way.
You’re trying to steady your breathing- he’s just another guy, Y/n, chill! Boys fall left and right for you, just breathe.
“You’re Shoto right?”
“Yes, that’s me.” He smiles slightly, corners of his lips lifting. Every nerve in your body is screaming to swoon - maybe he’d catch your fainting body?
You could look into his gorgeous eyes, and he’d brush the hair from your face-
“Is everything alright?”
You snap out of your daydream and smile awkwardly. “Uh… I’m just a big fan, is all.”
He nods and smiles down at you, softly. You clear your throat and hoist your bag further up your shoulder.
“I like your clothes.”
Your world stops for a minute. How do you breath again? It’s not hard, Y/n, come on-
“Where did you get the inspiration?” He says. Shoto makes no move to leave - you’re not an annoying fan, begging for his autograph.
Plus, you have the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.
You blink owlishly at him - his heart skips a beat, of course - and you just nod dumbly for a second. Then, it registers that he’s actually interested in you?
“Umm… 2000s stuff, American celebrities mainly. What about you?”
Shoto huffs a chuckle, “I don’t really have style.” He glances at his watch, and his smile morphs into a… pout? It’s subtle, but his brows furrow ever-so-slightly, and his bottom lip just out a little bit.
“Oh God, don’t let me keep you,” You hurry. Good lord, your face is burning up aggressively.
He shakes his head, but bites his lip still looking at his watch. “No, I’m on shift soon… it was nice meeting you…?”
“Oh, Y/n!”
Shoto smiles again, glances at his watch with an internal frustrated groan. He needed more time to talk to you, to understand you, to get to the bottom of the neon pink and leopard print-
Oh, right.
“Could I get your number, Y/n?”
Tenya spent his nights going on walks. Why? Because he liked to meet his neighbours’ dogs… did he know that’s why he liked them, however? No. He just thought walking around gave him immense joy for no reason.
And they call him ‘smart’.
His favourite dogs were the least of worries when he walked past the park and heard shouting.
Tenya’s head snapped to, and he was marching through the park gates.
You, a grown woman, were stood on a table, wafting away… chihuahuas. You, in a tiny denim skirt and a babydoll top, were using your small purse to shoo away a trio of stray chihuahuas.
In all fairness, Tenya disliked chihuahuas the most of all the dogs he’d met, but he’s never seen someone in platform sneakers clamber onto a picnic bench to get away from them. Or scream at the top of their lungs at the tiny puppies.
He could not help but let out a laugh at the sight, making you look up at him. You straightened up a bit and stopped screaming, but still sounded shaky.
“You’re that hero right?”
“My name is Ingenium, yes,” he replied. One of the rat-dogs had turned to growl at him now, but Tenya paid no mind to it.
You pointed at the dogs. “Could you… y’know, be a hero and save me?”
He raised a brow without meaning to. He shouldn’t be judging you for your fears - he’s a hero! Here to help everyone!
But still… three tiny dogs?
He sighed and nodded. Suddenly, all three dogs were in his arms, and being carried towards the kid’s sandbox. He paid no mind to them nipping and jumping up- not like they could escape his large forearms.
Large firearms that you were looking at with much interest…
He returned, ignoring the yapping puppies trying to escape the gates, but not being tall enough to get out. “I’ll call animal control, Miss…”
“Oh, just call me Y/n. What should I call you?” You asked, taking his hand and stepping down.
Tenya tried to ignore how small your hand was in his, or how your skirt hitched up your thighs when you stepped down. Instead, he helped you stand upright on your wobbly legs, and pushed down his blush when you thanked him.
“Iida. Tenya Iida.”
You looked him up and down. Tenya Iida was tall, broader than a fridge and had glasses you desperately wanted to push up his nose for him.
“Well, Tenya Iida… can I take you out for a drink to thank you?”
Tenya froze and he couldn’t stop the red that stretched across his face at your question. But he nodded. But it was so unprofessional! A true hero would never use a victim’s position to their advantage, the power imbalance was-
“I’ll need your number then!” You sang out.
Tenya’s internal protests were lost as he passed you his phone, and you type in your digits with your long, zebra print nails.
Now, Denki has met a few of Mina’s friends. They were all… nice. He flirted casually, maybe exchanging numbers with them, but they never ended up getting a call.
So when Mina announced she was bringing ‘fresh meat’ to their group’s monthly reunion, he didn’t really prepare himself for much.
Then, you walked in.
All giggles, sparkly black eyeshadow and lipgloss. Mina was whispering in your ear before strutting you through the doorway, but Denki was more focused on your shiny lips curling up into a grin.
A black tube top held you in, pink bikini straps wrapping around the back of your neck. His eyes travelled down- shamelessly, might I add- to the leggings hugging your curves. ‘PINK’ written on your ass caught his attention like a siren, and your matching hot pink toes from your sandals didn’t help either.
“This is Y/n!”
Katsuki and Eijiro barely looked up, immersed in an aggressive game of … cards, or something - Denki was not paying attention to them. He was, however, paying keen attention to the once-over Hanta gave you.
Mina grabbed your bangled-wrist and tugged you to sit with her between the two boys.
The unmistakeable scent of sugar and apples wafted over his face when you sat down. You shot him a big, toothy grin and Denki thought he was going to short-circuit right there-
He didn’t realise he actually was letting off electricity until he watched your hair stand on end.
“What the…” You tried to pat your hair down, while Mina cackled behind you. The pink woman draped an arm around your shoulder.
“Aww, Denki’s all nervous! Look at him!”
You stopped focusing on your hair and looked at the man next to you. Lean, tan and blushing furiously. He was, in truth, letting sparks fly off him like a faulty wire.
You chuckled, “You alright?”
Denki did not know what to do. You were staring at him with a cheeky smile, eyes wide and soft, and his friends were laughing and pointing at him behind you.
“Yes.” It was the only word the poor boy could get out. You snorted at him and rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone.
He watched with wide eyes as you grabbed his hand but you pulled back for a minute when he shocked you.
“Shit- sorry-”
“Just put your number in my phone, okay?”
You held out the device in your hand with a cocky grin.
Mina had to usher him to another room to calm down before he blew your phone up in his hand by accident….
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note: pls shoto is so OOC IDFK HOW TO WRITE HIM 😭
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lovelookspretty · 19 days
waking up to you
au!rafe cameron x reader
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— in which you wake up in a strange alternate reality that just so happens to be the outer banks universe, and to your disbelief, you’re suddenly in a relationship with the shows most unlikely character, rafe cameron.
warnings: swearing, pretty safe !! lowkey i rushed thru im sorry LMAO
authors note: okay ik im a little late with an update and its kind of shorter but i wanted to get out a part asap. im rewatching the 100 rn and ugh. anyway if u arent part of the tag list yet, feel free to let me know thru replies, anons, or dms !! notifications are always on <3
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you sit at the small table across from rafe, your fork hovering above your plate, but your attention keeps drifting toward the large window facing the street. you can’t help it. john b and jj were out there earlier, just hanging around.
it didn’t seem like they would come in, but you still feel uneasy. your eyes flicker to the entrance every few minutes, waiting for them to either walk in or disappear.
“stop glancin’ at the damn window, y/n, i can . . . feel your worry from here," rafe mutters, his voice low and rough, but there’s a hint of something softer there. he doesn’t even look up from his plate, just keeps cutting into his food like it’s nothing, but his words hit you harder than they should.
you blink a few times, then drop your gaze to your plate, the food suddenly less appetizing. it’s not like you can explain it to him—that you’re afraid of seeing john b or jj or that they might somehow sense that you’re not the same y/n they used to know. you’re not sure they’d even care, but the thought of facing them right now, of fumbling through some conversation, makes your stomach twist.
still, you force yourself to eat, to appear normal, though the tension buzzing between your shoulders doesn’t fade.
when you and rafe finally step out of the cafe, your eyes immediately search the street for the van. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you see that it’s gone. maybe they left. maybe they figured it wasn’t worth it. either way, relief washes over you, but it’s fleeting. you get into the car quickly, a little too quickly, as if you’re still afraid they might show up.
rafe slides in beside you, his movements slower, more casual, and turns the key in the ignition. the engine roars to life, but the radio stays off, just like it was earlier.
the drive home is quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the car as it rolls down the streets. you stare out the window, trying to keep your mind from spiraling, but the silence feels suffocating. eventually, you speak, your voice hesitant, unsure, “remind me why ward and rose hate me again?”
you regret the question the moment it leaves your mouth. you should know why. y/n would know exactly what’s going on between her and rafe’s parents. but you’re not her, and you need answers.
you hold your breath, waiting for his response, and in your peripheral, you see him furrow his brows, his hand on your thigh loosening like he’s pulling back, even just a little.
for a second, you think you’ve blown it, that he’s going to catch on, but then he speaks.
“they don’t hate you,” he says, his tone sharper than before. “they just . . . my dad thinks you’re in it for the money, remember? the cameron wealth. he just doesn’t trust you. and you know how rose is. she just agrees with him as long as she gets her allowance from ward cameron.” there’s a bitterness in his voice when he says his father’s name, like it’s coated in something darker. “seems a bit fucking hypocritical if you ask me.”
in it for the money? the words bounce around your head, disorienting you. you weren’t expecting that. your eyes drop to the dashboard, and you try to wrap your mind around what he’s saying, but it feels wrong. that’s what they think about her. not you. it’s hard to remind yourself of that, to separate yourself from the y/n everyone else knows.
at least, that’s what you think this is. that there was a version of you living in this world, the right version. but something must’ve been two nights ago and there was just . . . you don’t know. you can’t accept that this life is yours. you’ve never lived it.
you hesitate, then whisper, “do you . . . agree with them?”
the question hangs in the air between you, and for a second, you think he’s not going to answer. but then the car comes to a sudden stop as he pulls up in front of the house, slamming on the brakes harder than necessary. he turns toward you, eyes sharp, focused. there’s a pause, a heavy silence.
“no,” he says, shaking his head slowly. “i don’t. you know that.”
you look at him, trying to read his expression, trying to understand why he’s so sure. there’s something there in his eyes, something unspoken that makes your chest tighten. but you don’t push. instead, you just nod, swallowing the lump in your throat.
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you step into the house and the door clicks shut behind you. the echo of your footsteps fades as you make your way upstairs, shoes dangling from your fingers by their backs.
when you reach rafe’s room, you drop the shoes in the closet with a soft thud and let yourself fall back onto the bed. the mattress bounces slightly under your weight, the cool sheets brushing against your skin as you settle in. you fish your phone out of your back pocket, unlocking it with a quick swipe.
a few notifications pop up on the screen—most of them unimportant, just the usual, but two names catch your eye. one from your mother, another two from jj.
your thumb hovers over jj’s messages first, curiosity or maybe just habit pushing you to open them: ‘ hey how u been? ’ followed by another message, ‘ saw u at driftwood lol ’
you grimace. please stop talking to me, you think, and you almost consider typing that out for him, but you just swipe the conversation away. it feels wrong, ignoring him, but it’s safer this way. at least for now.
you tap on your mom’s message, her name flashing up on the screen. it’s a simple ‘ hello? ’ sent after a previous message asking if you wanted to video call tonight. guilt tugs at you for not answering sooner, but you quickly type a response: ‘ i’ll be there ’
you drop the phone onto your chest and close your eyes, the tension slowly leaving your body.
rafe comes into the room just a minute after, dragging his feet as he enters, and flops down on the bed beside you with a heavy sigh. he’s on his back, his arms thrown up to rub his eyes. the weight of the day is already too much, you can tell.
you roll onto your side to face him, watching the rise and fall of his chest for a second. he looks tired—more than tired—and for some reason, you feel this sudden pull to comfort him. maybe it’s because you’re realizing that you’re stuck here for longer than you ever imagined, or maybe it’s because, despite everything, there’s something grounding about feeling him next to you. something real.
you slide your hand over his stomach, feeling the firm muscle under his t-shirt, and trail your fingers up to his neck. his skin is warm, smooth.
he smells like fresh ocean air mixed with something expensive—sandalwood, maybe, and a hint of cedar. it’s clean, masculine, and comforting in its own strange way. your hand rests against the side of his face, and you lean in, pressing your cheek lightly to his shoulder, inhaling deeply as if trying to memorize it. the scent of him feels like an anchor to this new world, even if you don’t fully belong in it.
rafe’s eyes flutter shut, his face softening under your touch, and after a quiet moment, he murmurs, "i love you."
the words catch you off guard. you blink, your heart skipping for a second as reality slams into you. you don’t really know him—at least not this version of him. not like that. and yet, you have to play the part, don’t you?
“i love you,” you mumble back, the words feeling foreign on your tongue, like they don’t belong to you. but even as they leave your lips, your mind is already spinning, thoughts racing faster than you can keep up.
a million things zip through your head at once—what if this is it? what if you never find a way home? what if you’re stuck here forever, living this life that doesn’t belong to you, loving a man who isn’t really yours?
it’s terrifying—the possibility that you might grow attached to this place, that you might actually start to like it. and then what? if you ever do go home, what happens? will you feel crushed by the weight of leaving it all behind? will you go insane, trying to navigate two lives, two versions of reality?
maybe you have nothing to worry about. maybe everything will work itself out.
but maybe you have everything to worry about.
you sit up slowly from the bed, careful not to disturb rafe as he drifts deeper into sleep. you slip away from him quietly, your feet making no sound as you pad across the room to his desk. sitting down, you lean forward, resting your elbows on the cool surface, and run your fingers through your hair. you’re tired—bone-tired—but sleep feels far away, unreachable. you need something, anything, to distract you.
your eyes open lazily, glancing at the surface of the desk. it's clean, organized, too neat, really, for someone like rafe. there’s not much on it aside from a few pieces of mail. you sift through them halfheartedly—most of it is boring stuff, some bank letters, a couple of magazines.
some are even addressed to you. they’re opened already, though, and there’s nothing of importance. not that you expected there to be.
pushing yourself up from the desk, you wander around the room. it’s yours too, right? or at least it feels that way, with how much space you apparently take up.
your fingers trail along the dresser, the faint creaking of the drawer breaking the silence as you pull it open. inside, neatly folded, are your clothes—well, her clothes. the y/n from this universe. it feels strange, surreal, knowing this other version of you needed extra room for her things. maybe she had more stuff and she just wanted more space.
your mind drifts back to what rafe said earlier. that ward and rose didn’t like you. didn’t trust you. they thought you were just after their money, like some kind of gold digger. you snort at the thought—it’s ironic, really. considering how ward and rafe were obsessed with finding literal treasure in the show. maybe everyone in this family, including her, were a little too focused on gold.
closing the drawer, you step toward the closet, opening it just as carefully. it’s split down the middle, half filled with rafe’s clothes, the other half with yours. the dresser must’ve just been for overflow.
you shake your head, closing it softly and moving back toward the bed, your gaze trailing toward your phone. it's sitting on the bed next to rafe, tempting you, but the thought of waking him just to grab it doesn’t feel worth it.
you sit down on the floor instead, crossing your legs and staring blankly at the room around you. bored. that’s all you are—bored and stuck.
your choices are limited. you can’t go downstairs and risk running into ward or rose, can’t hang out with anyone yet, and leaving for a drive without telling rafe seems . . . wrong. maybe this universe’s y/n felt the same way. maybe she felt isolated here, bored out of her mind. maybe she lost it at some point. maybe—
god, stop, you think to yourself, shaking your head.
you stare at the floor for a while, trying to focus on the wood grain beneath your fingers, but your gaze eventually drifts to something under the bed. boxes, mostly, a couple of old board games, but something else catches your attention. something wedged between two boxes.
curious, you lean down and reach for it, your fingers brushing against the cover of what looks like a journal. you pull it out, wiping a thin layer of dust from the top as you grimace. “gross,” you mutter under your breath. guess rafe doesn’t clean under the bed often.
lying down on your stomach, you run your hand along the outside of the journal. it’s worn but intact, the pages thick and sturdy under your fingertips. you never took rafe as the journaling type—he doesn’t seem like someone who would sit down and pour his thoughts onto paper. but here it is, in your hands. something personal. something that might give you a glimpse into his mind, this world, this version of him.
you hesitate for a moment, staring at the journal as your thumb traces the edge of it.
you open it, flipping past the first few pages with a lazy flick of your fingers. the familiar scent of old paper wafts up, and you wrinkle your nose at it. laying your head on your fist, you hold the journal open with one hand, skimming the neat, familiar handwriting.
it’s strange seeing rafe’s thoughts laid out like this—stranger still because you never imagined him as someone who would keep a journal at all.
but he does. and he’s detailed.
each page is filled top to bottom, crammed with his thoughts, feelings, and observations. day after day, entry after entry. it’s more than you expected, almost overwhelming in its depth. he didn’t just write about major events or things that stood out—no, he captured everything. the small details. the mundane moments. he seemed obsessed with recording every second of his life.
as you glance at the dates, your brows furrow. the entries are more recent than you thought they’d be. flipping back to the beginning of the journal, you see that it starts in early may. a sharp contrast to what you remember from your own life—your real life—where you had left in the middle of september. it’s jarring. maybe time works differently here.
and then, something else catches your attention: the handwriting.
it’s familiar. too familiar. not just because it’s rafe’s, but because there’s something about the way the letters curve, the way the words flow across the page.
you sit up a little straighter, squinting as you begin to properly read through the entries. your eyes scan the first entry dated may 12.
‘ 05/12
i don’t know why i’m even bothering to write this down. everyone says journaling is supposed to help or whatever, but all i feel is frustrated. it’s like everyone around me has it together, and i’m the one constantly getting in my own way. or maybe they’re the ones in my way. i don’t know. it’s hard to tell these days.
i’m trying, though. i think? i mean, isn’t this part of trying to get better? to work through my issues instead of ignoring them? i just don’t get why it feels like such a chore. i’ve spent so long pretending everything’s fine, so maybe that’s why this whole “self-reflection” thing is pissing me off. i’m not used to it. i’m not used to being told that i need to change, when i feel like i’ve been doing fine. they’re the ones who need to stop acting like i’m the problem. i’m not perfect, sure, but who is?
whatever. maybe i’m just overthinking it. i know i need to be better, but it’s hard when people keep pushing me into a corner, expecting me to react the same way i always have. i don’t want to be that person anymore, but it’s like, what’s the point of trying to change when no one’s even going to notice? or worse—they’re gonna keep treating me like i’m the same person no matter what i do.
i don’t know. this is stupid. but maybe it’ll help if i keep writing. or maybe not. we’ll see. ’
you blink at the page, your brow furrowing in confusion. why is rafe trying to change? change from what?
you try to shake off the unease and flip through the pages, skipping a few until you reach another entry. this one’s dated august 3rd.
‘ 08/03
i swear, sometimes i feel like no matter how hard i try, people just refuse to see it. today was fucking awful. jj and i got into it again, and i don’t even know how it got so bad so fast. i’ve been trying to be better. i’ve been trying to show up, to listen, to be the kind of friend everyone says i should be. but jj? he just doesn’t get it. he always wants to bring up the past, like i haven’t already said sorry a million times. like i haven’t tried to make up for everything. what more do they want from me?*
and the worst part is, he made me feel like i’m the bad guy. like i’m still the same selfish, narcissistic person from months ago. but i’m not. or at least, i’m trying not to be. but how am i supposed to change when people like him just won’t let me? he said i’ve been a bad friend. me? a bad friend? maybe i haven’t been perfect, but who has? i’m doing the best i can, and it’s not like everyone else is a saint. but no, it’s always me who gets the blame.
honestly, i think jj just made everything worse. i was starting to feel like i was making progress, and now? i don’t know. i feel like i’m back to square one. all i wanted was to fix things, to show i’ve changed, and instead i’m just stuck here, trying to explain myself to someone who clearly doesn’t care.
whatever. i’m done trying to explain myself. if people don’t want to see that i’m trying, then that’s their problem, not mine. ’
your heart races as you read the entry. wait . . . this is familiar. the mention of jj. hold on.
you flip through a smaller chunk of pages, eager to find the last written entry, and stop on september 17.
‘ 09/17
i’ve done everything i can. i’ve changed. i know i’ve changed, but no one else seems to think so. it’s like no matter what i do, i’m still the same person in their eyes. the selfish one, the one who only cares about herself. it’s not fair. i’ve been working so hard to be better, to be different. but every time i walk into a room, it’s like they’re waiting for me to mess up again. waiting for me to be the person they’ve decided i am.
i just wish they’d give me a break. i’m not that person anymore. or at least, i’m trying not to be. it’s exhausting, having to prove myself over and over again. i thought things would be different by now. i thought people would see that i’m not the same. but all i get are those looks. like i’ve done something unforgivable. like i’m still the villain in their story, no matter how hard i’ve tried to rewrite mine.
i don’t know what else to do. i’m tired of fighting for people to see me. maybe i’ll never be enough for them. maybe they’re just waiting for me to screw up again, to prove that i haven’t changed at all. but i have. i have changed. i know it.
god, i just wish i could do something big. something to show them all at once that i’m not who i used to be. i’m better now. i just don’t know how to make them believe it. ’
your blood runs cold as you read the last line. panic surges through you, and you glance around the room as if seeking an escape. you scan the pages, your eyes racing over the words, your heart pounding against your ribcage.
you were absolutely wrong. this isn’t rafe’s journal.
this is hers.
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@v2los @cosmixstar @meeuhsworld @httpsdrewstarkey @lovdrew @lilithblackkk @rovckwells @cherrylooney @iissza @namelesslosers @cocolovey @rafeyswrd @odairtrqsh @gretag13 @vivian-555 @lunaleah @smol-coffee-addict @twinge-vix @behindviolettwrites @avngrssckr @stonerroadbull @cali-888 @coquettajob @simpingcorner @nymphetkoo @pinkpantheris @ilyrafe @romaescapes @cold-soup1223 @inaluvrsworld @rafesweetie @faephoria @solo-pitstop-vibes @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @drewsephrry @sgecorrow @rafesgiirl @ravisinghs-wife @booksntings @tinyfairies @maybankslover @honeyluvsatj @darleneslane @alysaaaa444 @w4nnabeurs @watersquirtpewpewboomm @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account
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7ndipity · 11 months
Every Little Thing
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: When you overhear Yoongi talking about how clingy you’ve been lately, you decide to take a step back from your friendship to give him space. But your sudden absence goes far from unnoticed by him.
Word Count: 2k(wtf?!)
Warnings: angst, swearing, only partially proofread
A/N: Thanks so much to the lovely anon who requested this! This story, I... I don’t know what happened, I went from struggling to get it to work at all to getting waayy too carried away. I kinda had to stop myself at the end before it shifted into something else, but maybe if y’all want a part two, we can pick up from there?
As you got off the elevator, you couldn’t help the faint bounce in your step as you made your way to Yoongi’s studio, your bag slung over one shoulder, a grocery bag of snacks and drinks for the two of you to share.
Ever since you and Yoongi(and in turn, the rest of the members) had become friends, The Genius Lab had become a hideaway of sorts for you. Whenever you were feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you knew you could call Yoongi, and he would tell you to come over, letting you camp out on his couch while he worked, occasionally asking for your thoughts or opinions on a specific song or line.
As you neared his studio door, you noticed it was slightly ajar, allowing the voices from inside to slip out into the hall, quickly recognizing them as Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s.
“You wanna come to lunch with me and Hoseok?” Namjoon asked.
“Agh, I can’t, I told Y/n’s we could hang out today.” You heard Yoongi’s chair creak as he stretched, letting out a groan.
“Again? That’s like the third time this week, people are gonna start thinking you’re a couple or something at this rate.” Joon joked, making your cheeks flush lightly.
“Nah, it’s nothing like that,” Yoongi replied, sounding tired. “They’re just being clingier than usual, you know what they’re like.”
You frowned at his words. What did he mean by that?
“I know it’s just cause they’ve been stressed lately,” Yoongi continued. “But honestly, it’s gotten to the point where it’s weirder for them to not be here.”
Joon chuckled. “I’m surprised you don’t find that annoying.”
“I didn’t say that I don’t,” Yoongi said. “But it’s Y/n, so I let it slide. Anyway, on that track you showed me-”
You stepped back from the door, the sudden tightness in your chest making it slightly difficult to breathe as you quietly made your back down the hall to the elevators. As the metal doors closed, you replayed what you had overheard in your head.
Yoongi had always told you that he didn’t mind you hanging around, but maybe you had started to abuse that privilege, grown too dependent on him. Was that how he really felt about you? Had you become a nuisance? And if so, why hadn’t he said anything?
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you quickly found his number and hit the call icon, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat before he picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, are you almost here?” He answered, sounding much brighter than a few minutes ago.
“Uh, actually, I don’t think I can make it today.” You said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, concerned.
No, one of my best friends hates me. “Yeah, everything’s fine, something just came up, sorry.” You bit your lip, managing to slip out of the building without running into any of the other members and making your way down the street to the bus stop.
“Okay.” He sounded unconvinced. “Is it anything I can help with, or-?”
“No, no it’s-, it’s a work thing.” You said, the words falling flat on your own ears. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Alright.” He said reluctantly. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You hung up, letting out a deep breath.
You could tell he hadn’t believed you, but you didn’t really care at the moment. If he wasn’t going to be honest with you, why should you be any different?
Suddenly presented with the afternoon to yourself, you decided to head to the park, wandering along the river as you thought over everything.
You and Yoongi had come here together not long after you had moved to the city, the last few blooms of the cherry blossom season clinging on stubbornly to their branches. He’d promised to bring you back the next year, so you could see them in their full glory at peak bloom.
Of course, life and work had gotten in the way, as they often did, and before either of you had realized, the season had nearly passed again before he could keep his word. You’d told him at the time that it didn’t matter, you’d just been happy to spend time with him, a recurring theme for you apparently…
Had you been a bother to him back then as well? You didn’t believe so, but the earlier sting of his words had left you questioning everything, even if you knew it might be an over-reaction.
It was dark by the time you made it home, flopping down on the sofa with a tired sigh as you contemplated your options.
So you’d been bugging him lately, that was an easily fixable problem, right? Just leave him alone for a bit, it was as simple as that, wasn’t it?
You weren’t so sure as your phone suddenly buzzed on the cushion next to you, drawing your attention to Yoongi’s name illuminated on the screen. You’d forgotten you said you’d call him.
‘Hadn’t heard from you, just wanted to make sure you’re okay?’ The text read.
Now who’s the clingy one? Was your immediate first thought.
‘I’m fine, just tired. Talk to you tomorrow.’ You typed shortly before turning off your phone and going to bed, with no intention of texting him the next day unless he did so first.
For the next week, you tried to keep up with your new normal; you didn’t go by the studio, you avoided texting him unless he did first, and generally avoided his invites to hangout with vague excuses.
One place you couldn’t avoid him though was dinner with the other members. It was a monthly tradition that you usually looked forward to, but as you stepped through the door of the restaurant, you only felt a wave of nervousness, for what though exactly you didn’t know.
“Y/n!” Tae quickly hopped to his feet to give you a hug, the others all greeting you enthusiastically. You noticed Yoongi didn’t speak, only nodding to you politely, but his eyes never left you for a second, seeming to study your every move.
“Y/n, do you want my seat? I know you usually prefer to sit by Yoongi-hyung.” Jungkook asked, starting to get to his feet, but you quickly waved him to sit.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to move for me, I’m fine over here.” You said, settling in the free seat next to Jimin, which happened to be directly across the table from Yoongi.
Everyone quickly settled into their usual routines and conversations, the mix of voices blurring into an almost comforting buzz, allowing you to zone out for a moment and relax, but a single low voice managed to snap you back to attention.
“I haven’t seen you all week.” Yoongi said quietly, a noticeable heaviness in his voice.
“Yeah, things have just been kinda busy.” You tried to say convincingly, but it was hard to pull off under his gaze. Luckily, Jin asked you about something from the show you’d been watching and gave you an easy out of the conversation.
You managed to get through the evening well enough, talking with the others, even making plans with Jimin for him to help you pick out some new furniture for your apartment. You’d felt Yoongi’s eyes on you all evening, but hadn’t said anything.
It was later that night when you were pulled from sleep by the sound of someone knocking persistently on your front door.
Cautiously, you climbed out of bed and padded to the door.
Who’s there?” You called anxiously, trying to remember where you’d put your old baseball bat, in case you needed to defend yourself.
“It’s Yoongi.”
You froze, staring at the door in surprise for a second before going over and peering out the peephole.
Sure enough, he was standing on your doorstep, causing a brief sense of relief that was quickly replaced with confusion and the same nervousness from earlier.
Not quite knowing what else to do, you cracked the door open slowly, taking in his slightly disheveled state; hair mussed and faint bags under his eyes. He looked the same way as when he would pull all-nighters at the studio.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Why’ve you been avoiding me?” He responded with his own question, staring you down.
“I-, I haven’t-”
“Don’t lie.” He stopped you.
Glancing around quickly, you pulled him inside, not wanting to have this discussion in the hall.
“You’ve been dodging my texts and calls, you wouldn’t sit with me at dinner, you asked Jimin for help with furniture shopping, which you know he’s terrible at.” He continued as you closed the door. “So, tell me please, what has happened to make you start ditching me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that I was annoying you?” You snapped.
He stopped, staring at you in confusion. “What?”
“I heard you and Joon talking last week,” You said, his face falling as the memory came flooding back. “About how clingy I’ve been, and how I’ve been annoying you by hanging around so much.”
“You haven’t been-”
“Don’t.” It was your turn to cut him off. “Don’t try to tell me that it’s not true or you didn’t mean it. What I want to know is why you weren’t just honest with me?” You hated the way your voice started to shake as you spoke. “Why didn’t you just tell me to fuck off or something? Why do you put up with me if I'm such an annoyance?!”
“Because I fucking love you!” He blurted out.
You froze, staring at him in shock. “What?!”
“I-, I love you.” He said quietly.
“You love me?” You repeated, hurt and frustration still churning in your stomach, not letting you take his words to heart. “You love me, but you think I’m annoying?”
“I think everyone’s annoying!” He tossed his hands up in frustration. “The difference is that I like your annoyance!
“I like that you’re loud and weird and make terrible jokes, I like that you nag me to take better care of myself.” He said. “I like that you’re happy holed up in my studio with me. I like that you sing along to every song that you recognize, even without realizing that you’re doing it.”
He took a cautious step closer, pleading with his eyes as he spoke.
“I like every little annoying thing that you do, because they’re what make you you. I’m so sorry that I made you think anything otherwise.”
You hadn’t moved as he spoke, fighting the tremble in your lip as your eyes had misted over with tears.
“Y/n?” He asked anxiously.
You didn’t speak, choosing instead to lunge forward, wrapping your arms tightly around him in a bruising hug. He staggering back slightly at the force of the collision, arms immediately coming up to hold you in an equally tight embrace.
“I missed you.” You sniffled, burying your face in his chest.
“I missed you too.” He replied, holding you tighter, pressing a soft kiss to your head. “I’m also sorry for telling you I loved you in a shitty way.”
“Eh, it’s kinda on brand for us, honestly.” You teased, making him let out a huff of laughter.
“I guess you’re right, fuck.” He shook his head.
“You wanna try again?” You offered.
He pulled back to look at you. “Really?”
You nodded. “If you want to.”
He nodded, pulling away enough to take your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles as he pressed his lips together nervously, eyes shaking slightly as he met your gaze.
“I love you, Y/n.”
He’d barely gotten the last word out before your lips were on his, effectively shutting you both up for the next several minutes.
When you finally pulled back, his eyes were blown wide, lips swollen and red from your assault, his breaths coming out in shaky puffs.
“I love you too, by the way.” You said, grinning at his slightly dazed expression.
“Cool, c’mere.” He said, pulling you back in, making you giggle as he eagerly reconnected your mouths.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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gilverrwrites · 4 days
You want my groupie love
Ft. Dick, Jason, Roy, and Wally 400-500 words each Request: Anon requested any of the above finding out you have a crush on their hero alter-ego. I did all of em cause I've been looking for an excuse to sink my teeth into some fluffy rambling! Warnings: Swearing | Alcohol | Secrets | Non-graphic mentions of violence  
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Dick: Hey Neighbour
Dick could easily see how the new mailman switching up your post so often could get annoying, especially considering his busy schedule. However, he just couldn't bring himself to be upset over anything that gives him an excuse to see you. Admittedly, he's pushing it today, ringing your buzzer so early in the morning but the moment you open the door, revealing the most adorable bedhead and an oversized Nightwing shirt, he can't bring himself to care.
“Nice shirt.” He offers, but he's not certain you understand as you stare at him with squinted eyes and pouty lips.
“You want something?” Your voice is low and slow, thick with sleep but still hot as hell.
He wants you. “Yeah, um, my parcel says delivered but it's not! I just wondered if maybe they left it with you again?”
You continue to stare at him blankly for a moment longer before recognition seems to click in those pretty eyes.
“Oh yeah, sorry,” you murmur as you grab his mail from somewhere behind the door and hand it to him. Together you go through the polite thanks and no problem motions, but when you're done, he can't bring himself to leave. Maybe this is the day he finally asks you out.
“Do you- “
“Are you- “
You talk over each other, and then you dance around it until you finally win out the no you go argument.
“Do…” He’s about to ask when a thought pops into his head. That oversized tee is very oversized. “Is that your boyfriend's top?”
“I don't have a boyfriend.” You confirm, nervously playing with the hem and accidentally revealing a hint of your Nightwing sleep shorts.
“Just a big Nightwing fan, huh?” He's not sure why he's pushing it, something about the notion makes him feel good.
“You could say that.” You reply hesitantly. Your eyes flicker from him, back into your apartment a few times before you open your door. Nothing could have prepared Dick for the sight before him. Your living room was chockful of Nightwing merch; pillowcases, replica wing-dings, figurines, Blüd postcards with his likeness on them to name a few. Some are licensed, but most are not. There's a very real moment in which the blood drains from him, and he's concerned that he should be worried about you and your intention before you explain. “I kind of went on a big dumb rant about how Nightwing was snubbed for The Sexiest Hero Alive award a few years ago, and my friends have never let me forget about it. Now everyone and their dog buys me his merch for my Birthday and whatnot. I just can't bring myself to throw any of it out.”
“Ohhh.” That's a relief. His unease is replaced with twice as much giddiness. Sexiest Hero Alive, huh? He hadn’t cared that much about the award, but he cares that you care. “I’d love to hear more if by any chance you wanna grab breakfast together?
Jason: On the news
Jason is already sat in your usual spot when you arrive at the café, he even went ahead and got your usual order. The $12 was worth it for the look of gratitude and reprieve on your face as you collapse into the chair across from him.
“Thank you for ordering for me! I’ll send you the money.” Once you catch your breath you dive into your drink, moaning aloud at the flavour in a way that has him averting his gaze and shifting in his seat. He prays you don’t notice the heat in his face as he tells you not to worry about it, Bruce can afford it anyway.
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” You continue. “Apparently Red Hood and some of Two-Face’s guys got into some kind of turf war near the bank last night, and police have shut the whole block down.”
“Oh, that sucks.” He grunts, pretending like he doesn’t already know.
“Right! So annoying. Red Hood gets a pass though, 'cause he’s hot.”
Jason actually chokes on his coffee, narrowly missing you with his spray as you lean away from him. Before you can even ask if he’s okay, he’s grilling you.
“He’s hot? How do you know he’s hot? You’ve never met the guy!” It’s an instinctive response, maybe a little paranoid, and though he doesn’t mean to, he’s definitely selling some kind of jealousy angle right now.
“No, but I’ve seen him on the news, and in the papers.” You explain. “He’s got that kind of, cool, mysterious, badass thing going on, you know? With the helmet, and leather, oh and the motorbike! And the voice!”
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked. If he wasn’t flustered before, he definitely is now. Some badass. “B-but you don’t know what he looks like.”
“I know he’s good-looking. ‘An I bet he’s a nice person, under all that tough guy exterior.” You state decidedly. “I feel it in my bones, and my… I’m not gonna finish that sentence.”
You both laugh, yours is more light-hearted. Like music to his heated ears. Jason feels like you reached into his chest and started tweaking at his heartstrings. He might not seem it externally, but he’s thrilled. This is a step in the right direction for your more-than-friends-not-quite-lovers-relationship, he thinks.
“I’m just saying, if the opportunity ever arose; Red Hood could get it.”
He just has to figure out what the next move is.
Roy: Prince Charming
When he’d gotten done saving your life from some back-alley thief a few nights prior, you’d thanked him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Roy had seriously considered never washing that cheek again. But, he’d figured you wouldn’t want to kiss him ever again, hero or no if he stank. So, he’d scrubbed up and trimmed before picking up the pizza and heading to your place for your bi-weekly movie night.
When you open the door there’s a far-off look in your eye and a dreamy smile on your lips that he could certainly get used to.
“You okay?” He asks, making no attempt to hide his amusement as he stands in your kitchen, smothering his fries with ketchup and watching you stare off into space, swaying your hips like a puppy dog who can't control their tail.
“Yeah.” You answer, only half snapping back into the present moment, a sheepish, excited look on your face as you grab your share of the food and head for the couch. “I got mugged.” You call back, like it’s nothing. Playfully baiting a reaction from him that he’ll have to fake because he already knows.
“No- oh shit! Are you okay?” He leans in close as he sits beside you on the couch, pretending to examine you for injuries, but actually using it as an excuse to savour your scent.
“Yeah.” You turn to him so that your noses brush together, and he has to will himself not to blush at the proximity. You’d always had a bit of a flirtationship going, but that didn’t mean you didn’t still get under his skin when you had that tenacious look on your face. “I met the love of my life.”
“The love of your life mugged you?” He teases and you shake your head all cute and determined before leaning away to bite into your dinner.
“C’mon, who’s the lucky guy?” He goads, he has a feeling he knows where this is going, but he's trying not to get his hopes up.
You look at him like you’re thinking it over before confessing around a mouthful of food; “Arsenal.”
That’s fucking hilarious. He bites his lip to keep from laughing in your face.
“Arsenal.” He repeats. Is it hot in here? He feels exceedingly flush. “Huh, crazy.”
“Arsenal.” You say it again, this time like some Disney character swooning over their Prince Charming as you lean into his chest. It makes eating significantly harder, but he doesn’t care, lifting his arm and draping it over your shoulder, urging you closer. He’d starve it meant getting to hold you till he died. “He saved me.”
“No kidding.” You ghost a hand up and down his arm, and he enjoys the sensation too much to notice how your fingertips trace his exposed tattoos. This conversation might be the best thing that’s happened to him in ages. Second best. No, third best. Behind Lian being born and you kissing him. “But, ah, I thought I was the love of your life?”
You chew on his comeback for a minute, and he enjoys immensely how you try not to grin as your eyes dart around while you think up a response. “Guess you’ll have to share me.”
Roy Harper, share you with Arsenal? He could definitely live with that.
Wally: Fuck, marry, kill
“Okayokayokay. Fuck, marry, kill.” His words all string together in an excited jumble. He’s totally buzzing, and not from the booze. It’s never the booze, he metabolises it too fast. No, his excitement is entirely caused by you. You and your proximity, your smiling face, and your hypnotic laugh. “Nightwing, Tempest, and The Flash? Go!”
“Oh, well that entirely depends.” You reply matter-of-factly, and Wally watches admiringly as you take a sip of your drink, licking the rim when a drop spills over. Damn, he wishes you’d put your lips on him like that.
“Depends on what?” He finally asks when he remembers it’s his turn to speak, and you bite your lip for a second as if considering whether you should say what you’re about to say.
Eventually, you commit. “Are we talking Central City Flash, or Keystone?”
You watch him expectantly while he sips his own drink, waiting for his clarification. He’s glad that the difference matters to you but he can’t help challenging you, partly to keep up the clueless civilian shtick, but mostly because he wants to prolong the conversation. He wants to hear you say ‘The Flash’ a million more times. “You’re so sure they’re not the same guy? Could be running back and forth really fast. That’s his whole thing, right?”
“Nah.” You shake your head, a self-assured smile on your face. You don’t even entertain the idea, and he wonders what has you so confident but he doesn’t have to wait long to find out. “Central Flash is cool and all, but I’m in loooooove with Keystone Flash.” You giggle as you declare it.
This is brand new information to Wally, and it takes him a moment to process it. His cheeks must be as red as his suit as he watches you melt into your seat, thinking about him The Flash.
“Have you ever met the guy?” He’s pretty certain he knows the answer already.
“No.” You confess shyly, but it doesn’t stop your next, very bold statement. “He doesn’t know it yet, but we’re gonna get married one day.”
“Really?” He’s grinning from ear to ear, like the cat whose canary landed right in his bowl and started chirping ‘EAT ME! EAT ME!’
The feet of his chair scrape on the floor as he shuffles closer, and even though he’s not ‘your future husband’, you let him close the distance, happily voicing your answer to his original question and his most recent. “Yep. If it’s Keystone, can I say fuck and marry The Flash?”
“Yeah, totally, I’ll accept that answer.” Wally blurts, making no effort to hide his elation as he places his hand atop yours. “You know, I’ve been told that I’m a lot like The Flash.”
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Please remember, do things that make you happy!
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